h â€""C ECC For the sale of these ccleirated Pimabagers ‘ * H. & A. BAUNDERS, Bole Wholesale in the Dominion for @ sale of J Semwilt‘s ’....." - fl'â€-ln.l‘nnh‘ with loss risk of *... ¥» * R.. EATON, Store and Office, Elginâ€"st., Opposite the Russelil Jvn RECEIYVED, Direct from Havana, a very choise lot of Rest quaiity, $0c petf gallon. Pnd do, _ KEDZIR FILITERS y Ka* The Champions of the World. @a Buths, Brushes, Tinware, &0. W.â€"Mmd.om:lmu cautioned against being m‘b, any of the preparations of Peruvian Bark, or Bark and Tron which may be ofered them. Every bottle ot z.-nuhl“' faction of the most fasâ€" CEILINGS and WALLS WHITENED and COLOURED in = superior style, on the most m“uurm* OOMC _ Bell‘s Block, opposite Russell House. Everybody duys they are a grand success. Lears your orders early. « HER MAJEST ( QU% VICTORILA‘3 ROYA, 1 & Prise Medalist of the Great International Exhilit tHon of London, 1 and of the Uniâ€" se ._":"!!“"“2""'-1.' (erime RMPOrders fot Sashew Doors, Huinds, Moaldâ€" ings, Looking tHlasses and Picture h::-'-.olm aateed, and at prices -l’cl will mgb- mm-.uua-nnwuuu supplied on equaily terms. Come and see, .= ï¬-fl-udyhuuflh.‘ ean be A d und carried with less risk of brsakage amses should make application to F. MARTIN, Huall in the summer season, us the best time to cure all such diseases. _ Parties desirous to be o--nl:w offer to the public. more orders than we can readily All for ~HE, POLAR REFRIGERATOR. Are arpected in the week, and will be on rtiterie; reranged e rempler atoraing maly R. MD? to say that his selection comâ€" m'.uu lBN%I sad GREATER vaâ€" than ever betore brought to this city. "â€".’-.fll.lflhl'n.:,ï¬.“ ox part and experienced workmen, ROUSE PAINTING, HANGING PAPER, the streots, roads or fields, without the slightest N-:bbh--. All sccomplished in one day. O-o::.nrwmu a cheap rate, without hul-'m'-:-th-tcbu They -hnd.nonhnhovhuwnqb.. Cure for lame beck dissases: Rhoumatist of u-u--':‘-:chh-n.“ without taking any medicine inside. Cures persons troubled with the Gravel. Cure tor Bunions. % :::.OMM The worsaindot Dowe 4 The worst kind »wel Complaints can be cured at any time in less than twonty hours, Also, by a common herb. Parties who are inflicted with any such dis numes slraul c k o cce CC ol â€" mE ennout OP DECORATING ROOMSs, Which will enable him to execute all orders with which gam not be equalled by any other, for making several kinds of Soft without cither Iyo or greaso. Hara Soap, and some of them of a The wildest and ugliest hors»s can be made to obey his mester, and even to walk after him in Are axpected in the HASH, BLINXD, DOOR MOULDINXG AXD PICTURE FRAME MANUFAGTORY, * HU L L, ae® s °§'.'=.'-.... zod Pail: ru-,".flm:b blic for their veryâ€"liberal patronage for the past year, and now would lq.d:fli’ announce to his numerous natrons that ha is fill & Autbaemnic . + _ WASHINXG to his numerous patrons that he is filly determinâ€" ed, in consequence of the increased demand in the slow shilling," thereby defying competition in All sorts of tinware at Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. Boo adver ement 887.6¢m â€"â€"Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. See adâ€" Takes this method o returning his thanks tothe Compiled expressiy for the Ormava Trym.} Bomething Now and Elegant in the style of HORSE TRAINING INFORMATION. Ottaws May 20. SEWILL, LIVERPOOL, PILL THEY COMXE.» Mouse Decorating. has Porurian 8yr : ( _ Perurian Bark) WATCHES, OTTAWA MARKETS. ATON*8 COURT OF sPAIX HONORABLE THE LORDS COM NERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, ches in his to adopt the *# A. h&mm&ns w0 Mrcuctors ) KeHiatcs . ussccl, uen al uo * Times Oflice, Otawa, June 24, 1869. PAPER3, DECORATIONS, FLOCK ° BORDERS, WINDOW SHADES, &e., #0., ESMONDE BROS. BATE & CO,, 824 Bpartks st! 'l‘l' SPICK nox.‘, AT THE VARIZEIY Hauu Their classes will begin on the 15th OCTOBER. For partioulars and terms apply to the * _â€"_ PROMH MHONTREAL, respectfully inform the ublic that they will .......'3..., they will open To let, for the summer months, a house in the vicinity of Daly st, containing nine rooms and a kitchen. Completely furnished, with use of Piano. Smail garden attached. Rent moderate. Posâ€" swssion given the Arst week in June,. Apply at W. 0. CLARK, Professor of Music and Teacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Muse Rooms and %M‘.mdm,u tre Towan. Orders may be lett at his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. Fvnmnnn HOoUSE To LET. M“IOAI. ACADEMY. * Mr. GUSTAVE SMLTH, ( of the Cathe . dral) a GQraduate of the Im Conservatory of Paris. Lessons on Piano as 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" street, corner of K hf“ Ottawa, June 23, 1808, T18Â¥ THE REV. GEO. NOEL HIGGINSON, M. A., Inoumbent of Now ; the 'kh'.:rohl sanction of the Bishop ot the ves a !l-hod.l'l-htcnhn-clm.o moreâ€" 'l‘-l IATERE J AT NEW EDINBURGH, A BRICK DWELLING of Kight Rooma and Kitchen, with good yard and stabling. Rent low. Possession immediate. Apply to 3 R. BLACKBURN, New Edinbuargh, April 26. 1036f _ SANDWICH| EAST, MATIDSTONE :AND | ROCHESTER, and from their proximity to the Detroit river,are Wbmn‘u to make a Printed circulars, full particalars of odnh& are the different lots, can be had by ."lmm paid, to 1. 0. Holbrook, Esq., Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, adgapted Ior ine breeding.and raising of stock ; the of the climate21so permiting ol the ouitivetion of the kinds of fruie Considerable atteniion is now devoted to the of Grapes, which have arrived at great mh the neighbourhood. There are exâ€" cellent well travelled roads tm&m ship, and the distance from is only 12 miles, where the highest price has bonpdl’!n M*dflmhm The projected Railway +will‘ run through a portion of the Harwich property. PlAlo-â€l" TULTIOX. A VILLAGE LOT with TWO COTTAGES thereon, in the Village ot Manotick, Long lsland the said cottages now under lease to tenants, lease expiring lst day of May, 1870; For and particulars apply \y. letter to SAMUEL LEMLREUX, Plantagenet Mills, A handsomely situated COTTAGE, containing six rooms and kitchen, on Gloncesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" burnham Hill. There is a handsome .o"o:“u4 garden ; outhouses and &l= _m“Aâ€l’ bm. BULLEN, on tho promâ€" and their situations as regards naâ€" ';‘m....a.hm&, of scil and climate, eannot be surpassed Province. Of the above, 54 farms lis in the Township of Harwich, contiguous to the shore of Lake Lrie, one of the finest Agricuitural Sections of Canada, capable of producing all descriptions of grain and root crops, and from their southeriy exposure FOI. SALEK.=â€"=The Wosterly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 27, in First Concession, Ottawa Front, Ne pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the same conâ€" session, at present in the cccupation of Wm. 1. 1"":?“._1"-'.1"9“- l'-v-- -.‘..l:'?fl.: C-oxo- FARMING LANDS FOR SALE The subscriber has been instcusted to ofer by mhah. in the Town of Chatham, early in ie, the lands situated in the above Counties, %Jo& Robertson, Rsquire, Inâ€" "*The. lots is the County of Kent, consist of 62 farms, and 2,500 sacres Wild or Unimproved Lands. mmw&nuum‘ acres, are situated in the pe of lALRIOanflLBUBY EA8ST, CAMDEXN, HAXWICH AND DOVER, ANXD TOWXN f oF CHATHAM, All of which are most eligibly agapted for farmâ€" 'l\o LET. trees and denge shrubbery, spring, and abunâ€" dunce ot soft water. Aculu-:-:mh-m. as much so as if in the midst of the country, cerâ€" taimly one of the prettiest s in the city, Rent $160. Also, a house e.u.fl:u rooms, garden, &se. ; and for sale Lot No. 15, south Stewartâ€"st. RODERICK RosS, Ottawa, April 15, 1869. S 1034f N THE COUNTIES or KENT, ESSEX AND LAMBTON. A Comtortable DWELLLNG, on Metoaifoâ€"st., ut present occupied by M.J. MAY, Ksy. Rent LA sted COTTAGE, on b'z'a.;'smiuu St. Alban‘s m-nh.l.tho of the underâ€" signed, containing 10 rooms, Summer Cook Room und offices, with two lots of land sloping down to Bessererâ€"st., laid out in walkes and terraces, fruit citor, Otrawa. To REYT OR SELL, that baautiftally site sted COTTAGE, on Dakyâ€"st., 3 doors east o Ottaws makes the wocd of greater value. These lands are well watered, of excellont soil, and would make a fine dairy farm. f'&;lynthho- pristor, C. SPARROW, or to D +~CONNOR, Soliâ€" Front, 200 acres, about 80 cleared and under culâ€" tivation, with comfortable Dweiling and good mmmuum.n,hmm.m very vraluable trom its 3&00«--&“«5 Lot 20, in 3rd Concession, Gloucester, Ottaws Â¥Front, containing 200 acres, 20 acres cleared. The remainder of this lot is besvily wooded with hard and soft wood. These farms will be sold t or together as may be deâ€" swred. mm« only 3 wiles from Mlfl.lflpmfl and a garden. Apply to W. H. SMITH, 1065 at JAÂ¥E3 HOPE & 0O.8, Stationers Congarzcario® oz Notam: Daxz, i;w a on application. Educational Establishment in Ottawa. Ottaws, April 26. April 15, 1869. April Tth, 1869. .‘U.u':.“ BL PIII(D:.(.aooou CS, covered damask _ _ _ sT THE TARIETY HALL. DVCATIONâ€"â€"CLASICAL AND GEXN»â€" USE of seven rooms, eligibly ‘situated, five minutes‘ walk of tha Parliament Build~ reat ; and several houses and vacant lots city for sale, on part time. Apply to o n hu o ks D LET OR SELL. ALUABLE FARM3 FOR SALE.â€"Lot 31 OUsE TO LET KFor Kale or to Let. AGK TO RENT. Corner of ‘Connor aad Mariaâ€"sts. Educattionatl. nd terms to the m_v_p_ï¬w‘mm or to ‘ JAMES CRAWFORD, 8. CHRISTIE, Com. Merchant. , Ottawa, 10334 + ; Ottawa Tiby A well assorted stock of Groceri®es, Wixzs, Liqco®s, Provimoxs, “u-u:uulnl. consisting of a large assortâ€" Teas, Sugars, Spices, Sauces, &c., Wines, mr’m and Scotch _ _ NI' STORE OPEXED Br PATK. BASKERVILLE, No. ‘,‘. Ridean st. 5 WHOLESALE® AND RETA N“ DOMINXIONX CEMXENXNT. _ i 'dohm.lho'cldh article of superior for mend‘ m.: Leathor, nd.cmt.q.e.l‘-.c:f-.nl.., P:::;l:. Full directions with each bottle. Price, 2 10. 26 tents. Wflm % Local travelling agents wanted in every town and county theâ€"Dominion. uiy-i;l s “:a nd'“ sent resas ';.l."l‘.:AVAY&OO.. Sole proprietors and manufacturers, 153 Great St. Am‘mmunhddu:twm CANADIAX PAIN DESTROYER ! s oetnec antoornafain e Reverh . o-‘:n-.n-:..h.. MM.“ * Ist. Bread or Cakes made with it are more wholesome than if made with Yeast or any other process. # Ind. Its purity is such that it will stand the tast of the most perfect analysis. 3rd. After having been extensively used for the last 14 years in not one instance has it failed to give entire satistaction. 5 s A,. M. F. GIANELLI, Bole Manufacturer and Proprictor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"Thess celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitautions. They are gently stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion, > -'-â€"'--i-m-ibzo Oftawsa Hotel, Montreal. A. 0. AUDY & CO., Agents, the Post April 28, 1869. his <~ *« ~> es &-. Families that haverused it pronounce it the best, and will use no other, Nl‘..‘lloqu‘d-uaht.“lfl does it im« ‘I(ulvo e those where sâ€o:'nunmdnl imm‘:' 6th. It never gives to Bread or Cakes an unâ€" pleasant Alkaline or mawÂ¥ish tasto. Tth. Ihe ingredients tAat form its composition woll, Revurs k wemnt Gmeee ToV VElk “l.-' rdm'd'l.m. _.:. It is all that it s represented to be, nameâ€" ir the aigestive ke those where | THE PAIN KILL] s':.d'nununndnl lmmfl TERNALLY 6th. li;:sl.imh hl'..‘ ot Cakes ans unâ€" pleasant ne or maw taste. When Taken Interna Tth. Ihe form its composition in instantly, Sth : w .-.b)uuon eat hot Bread or | stomach, Rhoumatic Rolls made with it mhnltbdhnn. part of the system, : UÂ¥th. Every Packet contains its full weight ; | a soversign remedy. ROYAI.ITA“AI BITTERS. Prepared by special permission from the original recipe of r f F. P. VERRI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. * Kept by all the principal Druggists and Grocers in * form his friends that he ed on MONDAY, tlo.m OCTOBER, his BOWLING ALLEY. . | This is one of the best in t: Capital, and equal to ) Amp:riu. It n.uh:L alleys, and with frstâ€"class balls. There will be kept a register book for the parâ€" f of Iul.lx.i the nuw. r:t‘ol sohn e each day i oo saate S wuo sas made the b num of pol ";l:odn&um'mu. rich prise., Parties visiting the will be received with polte attention. ‘The best of liquors will be found constantly on hand. Y B. B. LARIVIERE. N.B.â€"A 1 Ball Room is attached to the promises, vmfln be let at a low Agure. _ OcunlAm: C. W Bo!ld by Geo. Mortimer, John W M. Im. H. 'o .&m. J. SM. and J. Brown, in â€" aiwaâ€" DO.II’IOI BOWLING ALLEY. m\h mu:fl“ t * form ed on MONDAY, tlo.m OCTOBER, his BOWLING ALLEY. . | This l:lno of the best in t: Capit .t“.q‘dlo | Al::ric.. It n-uh:L alleys, and with frstâ€"class balls. There will be kept a register book for the parâ€" f of markirg the nuw. r:t‘ol sohn -Jooul day *" to lst July next, and the 1 mr-ï¬u\wsfl.\o 'h;‘:';‘.n.o for :lmlpm*mhdfl-n‘ ie The Trade supplied at the M Ottawa, December 10, 1868, Unrivalled for Purity and Cheapness. wa« '.or:.\o-uaogago.. For directions see label round the neck of each l023tf FISE‘3 METALLIC COFFINS. NANADLIANX PAINX DESTROYER : CHIEF UNDERTAKER, SPARKYâ€"8 T. CcoOFFINS, HEARSES § CARRLAGES, nq/:-mmn-u. below the market. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEK. Price twentyâ€"(ve cents per bottle. NoRTHNOP & LvmaN, _ Newezstle, C. W., TEN REKEASONS Way it Should be Used in Prejerence to all BAKING POWDER. ho ustt on Bifsedlse ds â€" u_, p-u“' and Eggs, &c. P BASKERVILLE, Ridean st, 2 doors cast of Workman & A.M. F GIANELLL RETALL, B. B. L. THE OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 24. BP § se on on Ar Ap m camie HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT » AUBSEIAâ€"SAT. h mfl“nmm 'l\-. VYARIETY HALL rgn* tnuonoven srro nonrsk "ROCKET®* 0 \ WINNER OF THEQUEEN‘S PLATEj <â€" _ IN 1863, Height 154 hands. Sired by " Bob " and out of a «* Hector Ed&l:ua‘j. '.l‘nm for mares for the season Ma. HARRIS, VETERINARY SURGEON, IOBTXIVIB'B 'm Toilet inegar, Rose Denti : Mn.: the Tesoth and Gums, Also constantly on hand Perfuames ot all kinds, and foilet Requiâ€" sites usually kept in a firstâ€"class establi No. 41 Susserâ€"st.. Otta A grand specific for derangement of the Digestive Organs, for obstructions and torpid action of lbhv..::lm " We cnodldl,y nï¬ the Pain lnb.'&m‘r.' # ltls the most efectual remedy know otf ).V. .d’u. pailns, fesh wounds, &¢."â€"$St. John‘s ao;g;h.umb-nyd;-“lmn effectual and speedy a Pain Killer."â€"Aniea«, X. S., Gaaate. * Our own experience is a bottle of Pain Killer is the best Physician a travelier oan have."â€" THE PAIN KILLER Is USED BOTR INâ€" TERNALLY & EXTERNALLY, When Taken Internallyâ€"It relieves the most acute pain instantly, affording relief and comfort to the patient suffbring from Cramp and Pain in the TRADE M enE Pm °V l( 40 dctelaiislath tds 24 wcrv,w, The remedy that exists, bining deâ€" Ihh-’bh‘?:fl u-fln‘“m. e bottle I bmï¬vï¬huhflbmgfl two ladies round from ded chelera; ene on board the boat, and the other in Berlin, United States. Both commenced with diarrhces, then with dysentery, and then vomiting. ~The one at BerJin was very Mï¬l.m?m‘md:: Cholera l‘r‘a‘x- ture, which stopped the vomiting. The mhylhmmflflnmm She was gratetul. Ihare now only a left." %mollod mixture, which should be in oy.tjh-ny.h-ly ® ~ TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENT3 A BOTTLE. CANADIAN COUGH EMULSICN. This valuable medicine has the extraordinary foarsences, Difieaity If, Breathing, Tightooss in Chest, &o., &6. munbydhnlvh.thu- eoveee ies Goeeeoneny se oo oo t mteation, and as Bold in Bottles at 11. 34. and 21. 6d: Rach. stomach, Rheumatic or x;';.:fu’m.;i:.‘;,' part of the system, and in Complaints it is snn-dgm. Waen Externallyâ€"It is equally offcacious n‘bmuuuuu-n-mn’m. It is eminently a househoid medicine. could make a good little fortune with them. The The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is ki:ly y t'om:: from the letter of & ve e now residing qs oin ns aumen in ts #* out are » and if not, .nupmoduu lot‘r- have a box of the bottles of CHOLERA MIXTURE, I FOR FEVER AND AGUE, § niuovs FEVER, PAINS IN THE BACK AND LIMBS, M“,. remedy yet discovered that has been more successful in curing these complaints than CHOLERA, _ DIARRECEA, and PERRY DAVIS‘ PAIN KILLER. For a Sudden Cold, it is almost a Specific. o ommï¬ to Nmnfo Airs andt m eminently a FAMILY MEDICINE, and by being kept ready for immediate resort in cases of aceident or sudden attack of disease will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in u:'.b:.t‘ullll.:::;h. 2""“"‘.‘ I.I:‘ M:tl. :Ato-:-edhho in t‘: like: untbni hsn w I have given Porry Davia‘ Pain Killer in many cases of colic, cramp and dysentery in horses, and pever knew it fail to cure in a single instanse., I look upon it as a certain remedy. _ P -lxu.nh |D‘Jouh1:‘0 beast ALW man or unhmm.“:lo"m It a single hour. _ Bold by all druggtsts und medicine dealers at A LEWIS A PHILLIPS. Read the following letter received from Dr. z“l.tor‘ruwmo.o.vhoh.vm&m T uce Hiren Porty Devia‘ Paln Klller in maay Farmers Read This. hvhtmnlp,’lhovu.u.ll.'ru-u follows : Messrs. Perry Davis & Sonâ€"Gents: I have for many years used your valuable medicine, the Pmlu:-..-ym u‘t-’nlmuh Onupz‘.'-o:hd-. Rheumatism, s-.m.?-. Colic, &o., &o. I have had over forty horses constant use, in the omnibus busipess, and have never known itto fail in any case where I have t diseases,â€"which it has repeatedly cured,â€" I.t.a-.-h pu'novudl.t.h milder and more common forms of these complaints. R Tus Pars Kiurs®e :s Eqcarrr GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. + _ FOR SUMMER COII,?-AINT, or any other form of bowel disease in children or than any other known remedy, or even the most skillful physician. In India, Atrica and Chins, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevaient, the PAIN KILLER is considered by the natives, as well as European residents in those The promptness and certainty with which it aocts Inrelieving all kinds of pain, make it eminently worthy its name, Pars Kiuutr,â€"a name easily understood, and , not easily forgotten. As, in curing Cholora, it shows itself master of all the minor forms of that disease, such as Cholera Morbas, Dysentery, Summer Compiaint, Diarrhoes, &e. ; so in adults; it is ‘:‘M umul::.mh; without doubt more successful in curing various kinds of MORTIMER‘8S COMPOUNXD ANTIBILIOUS # A medicine no family should be withont."â€" ORTIMZLR*s FAMILY APERIEXT PILLS, INFALLIBLE REMEDY rPKLK KILLE L. NONE OTHER GEXUINXE at cost to close the consignment _ Af THE YARIETY Rarsg a per botile. rfln DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Montreal, P.Q. CH 0O LE R A, egetable Worm BOWEL COMPLAINTS. 0. 41 Bussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. , bear the Market. and other maligâ€" pmM~Public and Private Buildings, Conservatoâ€" ries, Vineries, Manufactories, &c., warmed by Bteam, Hot W ater, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles, $ Ah::mhd-ahndfloflhtbm branches d.fldflon_nnnly-hnd. beg to inform their friends and the public in gonâ€" eraltha they have now REKâ€"OPENED in those new buildings erected by Mr. H. Easton, of Merâ€" rickville, and where will be kept constantly on hand a large stock of Thousands can testify that you can purchase Buigders‘ and House Farnishing Hardware, Paints of all colours, Glass, Oils, Putty, &0., &c¢., at Birâ€" kett‘s Hardware Store, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st., cheaper M“W“flmhmm.;‘ A call is respectfully solicited. . ~ PWÂ¥ Remember the place, :â€"\ No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin FLOURâ€"Superior Extrs.. * Extra Superfine. STOVES, all pmm:luc,lotood and wood in on Potarnt h troms im iorr niture, &0., the cheapest to be had in town. * PAINTS, OILS, NeTMRALssevseve ecevertercinrts extirsversricercercs Â¥elHp 180,000 Extra SHINGLES..................... 2.50 100,000 No. 1 +« sescrsssusesseeres es RuRH® 80,000 No. 2 * usessessessessesscsses 1+50 80,000 Fancy . â€" remernvremnernmeng o 0‘ 300 cords Birch and Maple CORDâ€" _ WOOD, dry, 4 feet long, delivered..... 4.00 All Flour, Oatmeal, and Shingles kept in stock, are manufactured. by H. Easton, of Merrickville, :-‘-:n- tThe _ ns ais u14 ‘.“.Ln_â€h.'!h..l.“ B’-"l’fl 4& nll, THOS. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE TOWN PLOUGRS, CUVLTIV A T ORS, se iron, Coar, SHELF & HEAYVY HARDWARE . Nans, Rors, CBars, . DD.l & 03 S nCms s, wil No medad Un ‘A‘Ill'uu. ..?.'.L‘.':..‘.:.'g'.‘.u or exchanged. To y hieh hy miniudee quebes Bark. ons 4 *Â¥ & wa. Robor 10000 T2q" an t > utbee Bank, A smart young man wanted to act as travelling agont reyâ€"~esenting several firms. An0 Fianos, as woll as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold either by private sale or auction. He would also announce that he is prepared to teceive instructions from persons having bousehold masa af and _112 %."A. M “._.‘" ‘0 ,dQ'. C Vihenr e iiieree ie Ar ic acmadins A strict attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as well as by .:to-:-t settliements immediately after, to merit a share of public p&tron’p. nl.;li.um“h his ol::'!;m in the nonh;g unti e evening, w e can see parties who wish to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attention. Cash advances, when required. will be mada on of, and pledges himself that nothing will be r‘?‘:‘.“‘“ by him to give satisfaction lnnï¬aehug- ing the trust genfided to him. He hopes that by Aney arg successors to the late John C. Fox, of Klum-..h -:rd the makers of u;.uo.um PiPn:.. From long experience in Germany, Pa and New York, they are universally admitted to bort:: m Piano ln:‘l::lm- this oo-m high reputation instruments m 7 them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new Dominion, prove their very superior quality, and universally acknowâ€" ladoad marit W.H. EASTON. _ 982f . R. M. EASTON. The subscriber would also intimate that he is the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the =hollbp|‘n, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand anmag . Hoges, Laxp axo Gextriar AOII(I!Y, OFFICE AND SaLE RO OM S8, Ingus‘ New Bumomes, Svsszkcâ€"s1., OTTAW A. The subscriber announces to the nâ€" habitants ot (')cnmwm’ country that atthe request of many friends he has decided. on rh‘nmln and well regulated Auction art in this city; ade witk f h From arrangements. m some o e Furniture Manufactories of Western Ontario, a w.onumnnlomuooxnlmhnihn'm Noo-u;uuyuhnd. * Public Sales will be held from u..mxf.. of which cue notice will be given, and at whi> parâ€" ties requiring to furnish will have an mï¬nuy dpï¬uh‘lt unusually low rates. Mart is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as COMMISSION sALE ROOMS, well as | for sale. EQOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. i o o t e e o ngpe W.M.uï¬ohvdefl’rhuuhbu' n the Ottawa market. 8 T q Y E 8 1 Hall, Fancy, Parlour and Cook Stoves, in great uk for Eaton‘s Patent Autoniatic, Selfâ€"Venâ€" fl-‘:wu.uoum Also Beecher & P. 8.â€"All goods delirered free to.any part of the 30,000 BRICKS AT $7.00. ‘h, following is our price list of goods menâ€" W. Strange, Esq, M P P, !.;".E.D;g_-l-q.lr 1i!" Lordship the Bishop of Ki lon.slrJognA.la:z-ud. Ral.l.l..!npvhcl!,, Hon. Alex. Campbeil, P M G, R. W. Soott, Esq, M P P, Waliter Shanly, Req, M P Bales at cheapest rates and for casle TOVES8! STOVES : FLQUR, . PORK, CORDWOOD AND SHINGLES, CHEAP FOR CASBE ALso EK«OPENING OÂ¥ BUSINXESS. 15.7 At tnu® Sroax or tuE® Aj No. 24, Rideauâ€"st, ARDWARE! HARDWARE : OMILNION AUCTI0O® MART, ARDW ARE : Stoves & Hardware. HOT AIR FURNACES. n with a stock of new Furniture, as r Pintow, Aiaraiimiume, oo ho ppinigued W, B. EASTON & co. perfine No. 1 __J, BERMIN â€"-éBAI, Auctsoncer and Commusion Merchant House, Land and General Agent. the Bishop of Kingston, eesennne n nen se ee0 00000808 00 40 + 4088000 W. H. EASTON & co., ; Little Sussex â€"st.. W eessssees snsessesssesesess AT eesemnesessssesssse 008 006 sesseasne008 se se8 8000000 No. Bell 'Eaug. , PUTEY, Wll!lmiptloauflub;nlm-.h" "‘r“- Mr. Desbarats teols gratefal for the sympathy md-usnddu. and hopes to see his patrons and friends in his new office. GEORGE E. DESBARATS. Ottawa, January 21, 1869, Obatr may be sent, and will be punctually attended to PRINTING, BINDING, OR BTATIONERY Where all orders for the . 0. C,. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and scoucheur, Ottaws. Day office o)rauc the Tours Office, Sparksâ€"stroet, Centre Town. Night office at his residence, llfll-lM'Ml: Town. . Caxcrers Cortn, without the use of th knife, by a new, bunt. ':mln, speedy, and almost painless process, rences given to vut‘lu ue eessfully treated, it required. & 17w1007y us WPL e gy CCC _ " hks EAOUEY Orricz: No. 5, Bparks Sureet, near House, Ottawa city, C. W. L m .. a_ C mpAA§IE BCXEOOL KF® opposite the Post Office. RerErexcors.â€"â€"H ASime, I?‘,‘tzehlha, Philaâ€" dolgll ; Thos Fuller, Rsq, itect, Alh-z 3 Dr AT 6&&,-. P., Otawa ; Thos Reyrolds, q lllll“fl‘ Virector 0. & St. L. R. R. 140t OLIVIR C& ANKABLE facturers of *Bodsteads, diere Island, Ottawa, C. W, wormcâ€" ; j : * The undersigned begs to state that he has * OPENED AN OFFICE OVER A. MCORMICKS STORE 224E CECCT TDR l'-m. bâ€"SiboRer near Ottaws." Survey: uf every desâ€" oflmn executed with accuracy. Communications oaie e d Ottam® City, (postâ€"paid), or left at the Sn iii 8 » *m. &o., Oitawa, will receive m-p{ a‘tention o 3 to 5 p.m. l is *livâ€" newmnidindti .cs .4. 2 -\_ l B. TACKAB © â€" No. 36, Rideau t Btore. The sal o:‘:{vuo sale promj ments received and i; tro’ld.‘ Bales attended e ie ooo earronted ow n inh ie i R,. *®2ArxKs, ; R SPARK®, Provincial Land @ _ Draughtsm Burveyor, Uppor and Lower Canada.) â€"Oflco and iesigente Pss sero FICATIO®s, «c., m 20 ; E02 ACAACHOTE 10. w‘"- ments received and immediate attention will be E‘t Bales attended in any of the city or counâ€" THE STEPHENSON HOUSEANXND BATHS The "QUZEEN»® comprises all the requisitesfer a firstâ€"class Kestau ant. The House l:qhnnm and ref. Ttnished un‘ro#tolt. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir Wines and Ligqu ws, and every of the seasa wiil be found on thetable. The Wfl‘ best efforts will be directed to he comâ€" of h:nm and patrons, * | in connection with the original celebrated artesian well of saline mineral water, so justly renowned throughout the Westorn Homl;g:n.wlu be open for the m:&donot visitors on sday, the 20th of May, 1869. 1 7 HUEHBRILY i7 PV i & tinirew‘ A 0 ite the Court House and Public OG ST. OK?.HABIN £8, Ont. yso 4 K. HOUGHTON, Pro?rldor, Late of tloughton‘s Dining Faloon:) pPH&*A Ipusiou sampleâ€"ruom for commercial travellers. ' @LO.. Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"streets Pembroke, Ontario, a:fï¬" in connection with the steamers Jason , Pembroke and Pontiac. Particular attention paid to the oonfortoffluau. Good rooms for commercial travellers. Horses and vehicles always on hand. # Tnu'l'!-l & Coâ€", Land Burveyors, Land Agents, Draughtsmen, &c. Office, :rpodu the Ontario Bank, flxbl’kl'l‘-, Ottawa,. â€" Valuators for Trnst ama x nas AQ ;'ii'éi'olil{ilrï¬gq‘:ifi.g E. B. Eddy‘s Match m’l «d » * *A URE AND UFFICEâ€"Elginâ€"st., opposite the lf:onm:i be ® The nume patrons of this coumodious firrtâ€" class hotel wriolr‘ï¬nd that the house has been thorâ€" oughly repaired, and partly refurnished ; the grounds have been tastefully and dog-dy 1aid ut and planted, admirably adapted for ero%uuot and other games ; a new bowling alley and bilâ€" liard room have been erected, and every care has been taken to secure comfort and amusement tor the invalid or tourist. Parties desirous of engagâ€" ing apartments, or transacting any other business with the establishment, will please address the proprietor, BEVERLEY TUCKER, 10604 Bt. Catharines, Ontzrio, Canada. for Trust and Loan Co. W. &. Tarstuz®. i <ourcft avererian Prosndiccs s i o B io former botel in Desbarats‘ block, viz., the " Toâ€" ronto House.Â¥ ‘The premises have been refitted and handsomely furnizhed with new furniture, and made in every n:root fit for the reception of memâ€" bers of Parliament and other gentlemen who desire the accommodatiois of & first class private botel. Ottama, March 29, 1869, 1009â€"3m HALIFAX, NOVA suOTIA, Established 1851. Permavent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every nwenticglhpnld to their comfort; 969y JOHN RUOMANS, Proprietor. Tonos'ro HOUSE. MRS. TROTTER begs to annrounce that she has leased a commodious building at the corner of Banks and Sparksâ€"sts., which she has opened as panks and Sparksâ€"sts., which she ha a PRIVATE HOThHL, retaining the Prepared for biildings of fild BIDNEY g ® Pombroke, Aug. 1, 1868 i. M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcalfe and Wellingtonâ€"streets, o #ite the main entrance to the Government B-ils: wa . BP" Oysters,Game eto..daily m en e wC no Ales 1HE R. C. LEKGGO, Phygaian, Surgeon and _Accouchour, Officeâ€"] ‘s Block, Sparksâ€" R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Sparksâ€"streot, Contral Ottawa. BA4utf R. GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. _ Officeâ€"Sparkeâ€"street, opposite Mageo & TTAWA HOoUSE, HK IE'I'ROPOL!'I'AI AUMOND‘$ BLocK, 2PE P. O‘MEARA, PBmorriztor. \ CANADA GAZETTE CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant , CATHARINES, ONTARIO, CANADA. CKWICK HOUSE, vate sale promptly attended to. *# n L C t Aliscellancous. BILLINGS AVERLY HOUSE, Aotcls anb Saloons. 66 IJEE.' 99 qQUVEEXN Y RESTAUrANT, Maical Carbs. 'ls':chnnnnw, Au% M“.m below re. The sale of Reak Estate BARRINGTONâ€"8TREET, Corner James and Kingâ€"sts. . Fhompgy s‘ «Puv wer " 3 sIre» Architect,Elgin stroot NABLE, Wholesale Manuâ€" .%“w’d" Chlll'l, “-p Chauâ€" ) * * JOHN OLIVER, WILLIAM ANNABLE. â€"street, below Whyte‘s Staâ€" le of Real Estate uâ€Auï¬u hvlngbonn“oiopu. #COPELAND, ~, Ottawa, will '; &cu “".’,‘ 7 Wellingtonâ€"st. commercial 859y 57 e of her 1009â€"3m Bt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer s, N.F., by branch steame Liverpool or M........_..........Jlfl 00 HEAIMIEE vithervenrscrcerressttrccereeseÂ¥rdscsransteneny HBOADD al Mail Line :Swwbdm Daily Royal Ma ando a May 7, 1869. First Cabin, Payable in Gold; _ _ _ Liverpool or Qnuflï¬wl sntitertieecerics d PP U s h-‘" .flh.c-'q. # Liverpool or Queenstown......................... 35 00 PASSAGE BY THE TUESDAY STEANER VI KALIFAX. First Cabin, Payable in Gold. "On and after MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, the new and magnificent Iron Steamers Quebes and Monâ€" treal, will leave Richeliou Pier (opposite Jacque Cartier rlace) as follows,â€" C Suegues The rteamer Quebec, Captain J B Labelie, will leave every Moxpar, Tuveasvar and Frmviar at seven o‘clock, p m. The Steamer Montreal, c?mn Robert Nelson, will leave every Tur:soar, Tevrsoar and Sarceâ€" paY at seven o‘clock, p m. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, SAILINQ FROMX NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY AND ALTERNATE TUESDAYs. * RATES OF PASSAGE BY THE SATURDAY STEANER! STEAMERS " ALLIANCE," «"JASON GOULD" & " PEMBROKE," C T % ioctcen cce DEDDDRC ) corsarveespaprent sres es eÂ¥ bhH T Exubcbbcr abut Passage tickets will be sold at the office on the Wharf. Stateâ€"rooms can be secured by taking tickets at this office only. * This company will not be accountablé for specie or valuables, unless Bills of Lading, bhaving the value expressed, are signed therefor. f J B LAMERE, l it mcX .. General Manager, FOI LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOW N Office of the Richelieu Co, 203 Commissioner street, Montreal, June 11, 1869. AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a FOR ‘mh UPPER OTTAWA, 1869. 'l.‘lll oTTAWA RIVER € NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL S TE A ME RS. UTTAWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, -(svn"' ExosrrTEDp ) > The splendid new and fast sailing Steamers Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at L‘Orignal. Pareel Express daily from the Office on the wharf to Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, from the office of Herrick & Crombie, Rideau st, W 8 Boyd, at the hotel and office, Ruseell House Block: The market steamer Fairy, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p m for intermediate lliï¬inp. moderate rates. Particular attention paid to Towage of timber and sawlogs. A connection is made with the Brockville and Otawa Railway at Arnprior on the up and down trips of the steamer Alliance. For further 8;:““"" ;p'ply at the offine of the Oo:ï¬u.u wa or Ayimer, orto MESSRS g ICK & CROMBIE, No. 3, Rideau street, ttawa. T LCl ~~~~* * .B CABBELS, Progtbent. Ottawa, May 21, 1869. Tnl oT‘AW A KIVER NAVIGATION COMPANXY‘3 RATES OFP PASZAGE. Dabin (Supper & Stateâ€"room berth included)$3.00 The steamer Queen Victorik leaves her whart foot of Sussex st, at 6:30 a m, (Montreal time), arriving in Montreal at.4;45 p m. The comfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through one of the most picturesque districts in Canads, and is the most fashionable for tourists. Parties desirous of a pleasant tripcan obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at Ann Sisson..............................Captain Findlay FUD "Uevesssssssessssssssesssssnsssssses oW san CoOwiey Jason Gould............................ »Captain Bolton TOKO.»»»sseseesscesecee» ««........ Captain Duggan Enow Bird................. ................Captain Boattio morning at 9130 a.m., touching at Gould‘s Wharf, Farrel!‘s Wharf, i-u‘hn Point, Brisâ€" tol, Sand Point and Arnprior, and arriving at head of nflvm 12145, and Mll‘ with Ann Sisson at ao. Passengers reach Ayimer at 4 pome Freight of any description torwarded with desâ€" patch to all points on the Upper Ottawsa at Alli2n00................s.................Captain Murphy Emerald...................... .........Captuin Couvrette Oregon. Until further notie: the steamer Ann Swson -‘m leare Aylmer every day (Sundays excepted) for the Upper Ottawa, at mfl-., touching at. March and Quio, and connecting with the Alliance‘ at head of Railway at 12130, touching at Arnâ€" rior, Sand Point, Bristol, Bonpechere, Farrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Y harf and Portage do Fort. suï¬: will le«re Gould‘s Wharf immediately after arrival of the steamer Alliance, for Cobâ€" den, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. The steamer Pembroke leaves Pembroke daily at T o‘clock, a.m., for Des Jo‘.:ht-t and diate ports, same * i The J-m?:é:-"†lunor ‘-bnko 1 aily at 5 0‘ mem. Passengers arrive Ayimer at 4 o‘clock, pamâ€" 1 The Alliance leaves Portage du Fort ‘ every 1869. .John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer........ i Tickets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, eContinent, at moderate rates *«Q@QUEEN VICTORIA," ; Cart. Bowis, "*PRINCE OF WALES, Ottawa, May 29, COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIP3 Canvisting of the following steamers : ICHELIEU COMPANY. NIONX FORWARDING & RALILWAY COMPANY. Uxtox Forwarom®G axp Ramwiar Coxr‘r, OTTAWA AND MONTREAL. * 15 Broadway, N o _ B RRICK, BRURBH & eebess enssssssde00 . cecsessssecssesssess000sere UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE. "A NN 8188 0N‘ DES JOACHIMS. s R. 8. CASSELS, THE COoXNECTING WwITH Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. R. W. SHEPRERD, R W SHEPHERD. 1062%f at the Company‘s .Captain Cowley 1869. 1869. DWARD T. DARTNELLE® *"" ut Esdhu«,m.fllfl'ï¬z «mmucmtmc;,_uu Counties of Prescott and Russell. ssm ‘Court House, L‘Orighal. _ _aezaeemth Trains now leave as follows : 1869.] SUMMER ARRANXGEMEXTs Day Express for 0; ’!»rockvil!o. K. Public, and Pstent Right Solicitor. VBF uy T w . ___ _ _ * eR Mdlpfln'm-&....... “.- Figkt _ do . ~sdo â€"â€"ifdo _ ds ‘.,"’. Accommodation Train for. Coruwaly fpinin it in hk t 2 609 9 u Accommodation Train for on and [m«-uuu Stations, at...,. s 1l in Trains for Lachine at ..........5:00 4 =, T80 12 # a m, 12 noon, 1:30 P=,4;40 p m, $p ®, and 6:30 pm. _ â€" * The 1:30 pm train runs through +. n__ street. Office, Uni Buildings, OUSY* *reine oo Iecome at ___...0:0mm, es 48 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 pm, 4; y **t and 6:30 p m. t “’.'".‘ The 1:30 pm train runs throm Line. £ +s vevings GOING SOUTH AND Easy. Accommodation Train tor Island Pond and Intermediate Stations Mees»>s»»» 104 hm{:jmv Th 0d K o 10 ag press ewÂ¥ or _. â€"via Vermont Central. Sher»â€" 430 pp j c Ruils..4 .., * 1Cl Burlington & Rutland at..... ; Express for Island Pond, at........_ *4# pra otr Aainttinat s uin Nesnss 4 -k““":i: Night Express for Quebec, Island _ Agent for MARRIAGE LICENCES for the oity of Ottawa, by commission from His Rxeelisney OFFICEâ€"St Lawrence Hotel, Ridenasâ€"A. Ottawa, April 0, 1869. 1019â€" bt. Hilsaire, St. Hyacintbe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrook W aterville * tMCouSeookc‘::ly. u:l'lN 1010 t »6~ flu:hg rs on Traing g-gehoeko thro:gh. e ‘ e steamer Carlota leaves Portiang SATULVAY AFTERNQON svery train from Montreal on M.(m arrival o fax, N.3., retur _ For further information and time departure of all trains at terminal :?: tions, apply at the Ticket Office, .m‘ tion: C.:J: BRYDGES, Managing Montreal, May 17, 1869. Directce, thrlâ€" Lo €1 ie [ Nncnox.u SPARKS, Barrister and Aftotâ€" neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Bolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conte$~ 12y L‘-hS.. l"\:'llxlln‘ 00 [‘.‘.y. ° M aeny neee Bhe has excellent &ccommodation a 2 iemians . nternational Company‘s in conneclion with unPa:;u Trunk Pinblng leave Portliand every MONDAayÂ¥ and m DAY at 5 p‘m, for St.John, N.B., &e. stations. lâ€!l'm' furthe ocllection "’.’imu:“*'" photographs at 29 Wask ington st., corner ‘Temple Place, Bosem eoxomg‘phm‘rz., like oit p!:fl; from small d:fnfndy j and eard true to life ; m"r’mflm« &.z Every one is invited to call and cee his extentitt Prorr:wror of the cldest and most extenive, Photographic Establishment in the United Btates, pays especial attention to copying, enlarging ant lm M‘ NRETUSET ePR AEATE T y -‘.'m" as follows : C LEAYVE Ortiawa. ARRTVE I~ rarsoon Express, 7 a. m. 9.3 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. 4.15p. m... Mail, 10.00 pm, 1.00 a m. LkAYE PRESCOTH. AREIVE 1Â¥ Oftame. Mixed, 7. 15 a,. m. 10.35a.m. m-.l-u pm. 4.15 p. m. 6.00 p.m. 9.00p. m. The time of these Trains has been ummvï¬'&uu‘ m: Grand Trunk, east and also with the steamâ€" ers of the Boynl Mail Line. llg?no and from Ofttewa chocked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway Return tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Ot». wa uuheodnbcuhhdmm tions on the line. T. S&Dm& , THOMAS REYKOLDS, N.‘.â€"ru above ?rame dh-‘h- Ottawa, May 14, 1869 ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTiWi % RAILWAF, .. (formeriy the Ottawa l Prescott Relderry.) EVCA OT CE vC MUAXDA hary “} Y;t 5 z:.“fo'r s;r.{lohn. N.l..';:- fl ickets through at Ow il stations. the Pring ON Toronto,Guel Toronto:Guelph, London, Brantforg, erich, Detroit and l.!lnd-m.'k.'- troit, Chienge, EES & GEMMILL, Aterstth Bolicitors, WW :nr Lers. dSutt Joun J, GBHES _ Gorham and Portiand, : tween Montreal and 1si ress for New York and Boston via Platts Lake R:rlin.n:.:‘::.n-_a M Selicintr~ NNO W e :.g’--r:"m:' ue GAR YEILDING, HANXGE OF HOTOGR A PHS. ;larruge LM H. HAYCOCK, TET TETREAU, Notery Public for the Prcâ€" J, A. WHIPPLE, oi on ies 1. ) re BONâ€"AVl!fl'Uu STatiq GoINo wEsr :’-â€"---â€"'â€".V| 6. a. CExxtor, 1. i. COs TUESDAY, NMAY 20 p » vOL. IV NO. 1 4 VA stfully call the attention of the .wwmkd p I a NO PlAflO-l‘OBTI‘-S.flofl ali the leading * w ARREN‘S PIPE ORGAXNS, oRGANS and MELODEONS from the sories in the United Statés, excelling in 6 tone anything ©Y@" brought into this coun °* Now is the time for intending perchase wayâ€"rRIcEs LOW & TERMS LIBEE peemeaguaane ns 00 IANO TUNING.â€"The subscriver .P decided to divide his time equally | Ottawas and gdessbargh, would beg to in! his old patrons and others, that he hopes, it to attend to their orders fortuning more p than beretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once & Urders n“lv.:- :n:f..mm. Roomé, at * Music Store. and GEN. K. BENE! 1 their new Show R Toilet Boxes in vamety, Rimme!‘s New Porfumes, Hilver Top .-’uhg‘ldh-. T ‘““upmn‘lm Patent Medicines, o.-um““"“"'i_ | Sundries of all m'.'--l“'o ot every desoription, m4ge to order Of andjobbing attended to. _ Architects and others turnishing their ings for any kind of woéd work will h cvurrestly executed. Particular attention paid to GoOTHIC & FANCY FURNIT FUNERALS ~ furnished at the shortest notice in tor the remoral of household furmiture, «aggons for lumber and other hearyâ€"g: N.8B.â€"Residence at the westoend of 1 a., oppesite the marke® Our stook of Concertinas, VL CR u'unfld-"q large. " _ onast Music and Books always on hand. New Sheet Music CcOFFEE! COFFEE! CO CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHOLS TeiDEs O, Our Toas ani Cofees, after one have been pronounced by the most re beof the fnest quality, cheap and 1 :â€"-M so often used in wa&u-uuâ€"m THE MEDIOAL 4A give every one perfoct satistaction. * hfluzhmmm-‘u be obtained froin our Continental mei we sell our goods at a veory emall.advar hu:u.-nouq:uo“; Toas OQoffees, we mw tis Cnttees and Boxes, which will pf streagth and favour of the above nam ?v"ï¬â€œ"‘i'. :um.-'“' C .w‘:‘l:-l‘l ¢ on i menactcor on receipt of money, or mot Erpiess or Steambost :o--b‘p"-c.’uddlz 'flqhn’:‘mhhcm receive one ot their own choice in re .‘ u'lfllh.hd-pha: w * «i BLACK TEA. METALLIC AND OTHER Buperfine and Very Oboice.......... @â€"U ND E R T A KE R. FURNLTURE . 'l\ll OTTAWA LLVERY OLILDA Y Veterimary Infirmary attached for horses, under the direct managemet A. 0. F. COLEMAN, Member of the Ontario VY appointment V . 6. to the Governor V. 8. to the County of Carieton flwâ€"ubqp-nd Kil TEA! TEA !I CCCE . - Medical attendance to regular CEO. may CoPrPER PLiTE P Bank Street, Centre Between Sparks & Que« Nun.lul.u-o;'.' Bils of Reachange, Bi M’a. h-u: OGEKR®, °* No. 8, Eparksâ€"st., â€"F OR TES, O RG EXPRESS WAGGONS AND MELODEONS, 3. L. ORNME « 2o# Cor. PRESEXTE L ORME & SON, Bign of the Golden _ _ uL. ANDK Box 201, P. O., Ott: AT COoPFEE. Eaglish Ler all the leading , we are in a 0 18, 0