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Ottawa Times (1865), 28 Jun 1869, p. 1

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* p m 14 & us "A W A C pm l"; Lboy P m CEO. MAYES, CoPPER PLiTE PRINTEE, Bank Street, Centre Town, & &thputhuonStrn-. ~ =#iaN0oâ€"FORTES, ORGANS, f AND MELODEON3, n their new Show Room, comprising â€" â€" PIANOâ€"FOBTES,/rom all the leading makers, _ _ WwaRrREx‘$ PIPE ORGAXNS, mmnw:uss from the bestfac» -I.h.lll“m excelling in fnish and was anything ever broaght into this country. ’.-uuuâ€"nu-aumm S@rPRicks LOW & TERVS LIBERAL q . | wat____. Sn P....vnal decided to div y u“‘ and % -.â€"mru thas heretofore. 58 , VM h us lhonuklol VOL. IV NO. 1086. Qur stook of Councertinas, ..‘-“m""“: New Shoeet Music and Bo (g...]..hnnov. "v â€" Rimmel‘s New Porfumes, A1NO PUNINXG.â€"The subscriber bhaving P.w to divide his time equally between Ottaws agd Ogdessburgh, would beg to inform his his old and others, that he hopes, in future, .‘ml orders for tuaing more promptly thas beretofore. Shall visit Ottawa onee a moath . urders iecsived at Mr. Bormingham s Aunction Rooms, and at E. Miles® Music Store. GRKO, N. BENRDICT. Silver Top Smelling Bottlio., Sooten Plaid Smolling Bowlos, f WM-O‘ Distributors, &o., & * & ‘*@”n‘flidfdhm .flm.” :\u o order or repalred, Arshitects and others fturnishing their own drawâ€" for any kind of wood work will hare them :..J-ud. Particular attention paid to * GOTHIC & FANCY FURNITURE. FUNERALS & turnished at the shortest notice in the city or tor the remoral of household furmture, &c6. #aggons for lumber and other heary goods. € oft ~memelo & > Ts tiordes harer on lages to every on« be obtained from our Co j.‘-”“.'., ‘L-.nopvo every ont aad Cofeses, we har No Cattess and Boxes, = -.=|uhmdlh N Fackes M the newrest h:luuno:rz there us no Erpreas or 3to: dl*b’.oflnl' P; am ressive one ot their :n‘ ‘0*”!‘0!0-: u., oppesite the marke® CcOFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE ! always on hand. Taide O, Qur>Temas ani Cofeoes, after one year‘s trial hare bean progounced by the most reliable men to beofths Anest quality, cheap and free from all -h-nao:can used in the tea trade, ‘:;on.a-o‘dnnhhl.nd a speciality, wo are io a ition to one perfact satistaction. K‘.‘dvn- lages to every ons are such as can only be obtained from our Continental merchants, as we sell our goods at a very suuall advance on cost. L*.osn every ons a chance to taste our and Cofees, we harse imported Tin Harmeâ€" Us Csttees and Boxes, which will preserve the 1.“!.10-(‘((!0 above named articles, 1nd will contain 5, 10, 20, 24 ibs and apwards, 'o=n~ currtiage on two 10 lb or four & to the newrest Express or Steambont a-w of money, or money can be by Erpess or Steambont Agent. Where there us no Erpress or Steamboat Ludi-‘tn will sead goods per Stage. Partics forming Clubs, and ==n¢‘cbc Ten or more Catties, will ot their own choice in retura at our fHE MEDICAL HMAL®, Superfine and Very Choice...... COPPEE. °U NDE R T A K E R. s dLIDAY PRESEXTS e _ ’nucxr' TEA. e on y (onges Arver en 'r. OTTAWA LIVERY sALB AND BAIT STABLES, Cor. Rideau and Othnoaâ€"sts. Veterinary Infrmary attached for nek and lamée horses, under the direct management of A. 0. F. COLEMAN, VÂ¥.8., Member of the Ontario Veterinary ColRge, by appointment v. 8. to the Governorâ€"General ; als>, V. 8. to the County of Carleton Agricuitural @enuine Drugs and Chomicals, . Druggists® Sundries of all desoriptions. imstâ€"Ciaâ€"s Riomo aso Demvixc Aomsks. Medical attendance to regular boarders free of > * +* __ _ tkk k KHOLC k00 Box 201, P. O"mu Oltaws, May 8. Ino9." , doee, ° Resheige, Di Houds, Furmg sabjpin a list of our prices : WoCebrenienmmennmncrmnmccmee. l k EXPRESS WAGGONS J. L. ORME & s0X FURNXITU RE J. L. ORME & SsON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, ,m.-«tmmaa-'n Weveruaterenicum hn ts t AND OTHER COFFINS and Books constantly arrivâ€" Â¥ . M. MA8SEY, . maae to order or repaired, A¢ TEA l the westend of Wellingtonâ€" Roglish Lavender W ator, nications promptly attended to, to any part of the Dominion. Flutes, &0., ««» 80 45 @ 50 weu. O 85 @ 60 «««, 0 15 @ 30 »s», 0 40 @ 45 »»»« @ 85 @ 80 ».. .. 0 15 @ 0 w»««.. 0 80 @ 60 oua«s 0 65 @ 10 me«.. 0 15 @ 80 sees, 0 35 @ 40 ««ess 0 88 @ 60 as«. 0 $0 @ 62 mss 0 75 @ 85 «... 1 00 #@ 00 CAPITAL BOOT AND #4HOE STORE, I would inform my customers and the in general that I am now receiving my and Summer Stock of Feet Woear , which be tnand complete in overy dopartment, representing the LATEST AND BEST STYLES In Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s and Boy‘s Wear. The stock as usual is chosen with great 0‘!: and anted sstisfaction, and PIIC'B"IY\' lNGbCO‘.‘I':I‘l'fllOX k > A. l:.?t supply of Lambermen‘s Wear always on s Orders taken for all sorts of work,. Oaly the best wotkmen employed, GEORGE MURPHY. SPRING AND SUMMELR, "ComrRristxe 3 a very large and varied assortment of LADIEY‘, GENT3, MISSEY‘ & CHILDREN‘3 DRESS & WALKING BOOTS. We would call the especial attention of the Nt â€" LADIE 8, in 1 To our Prunella Congress, a Arstâ€"rate artiole for $1. Jy"* )L}RU?T sTOCK. ~ *« We have still A hand a portion of Mesers. F G & C A CROS8BY‘3 stock which is in pertect condiâ€" tion and suitable for the season, which we will actually sell far less than cost tor cash. % i:p«l‘w-dm stock and prices is respestfully avited. f A J STEPHEXNS &4 Co., late F G & C A Crosby, Sign.of the Mammoth Boot, 51 Sparksâ€"st., Centre To our Prunells Walmoral, for b6 l’n:u BoOTs | FOit ALL WEATHERS." "HEAP would call your special attention to his Splendid ASSORTMENT of PRUNELLA BOOTSâ€"Batâ€" toned, Laced and Congress. GENTLEMEXN‘8 1 PATENT CONGRESS, sEAL CONGRESS, FINEK ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGRESB8, HANDâ€"MADE, and other new styles, BOUTS AN D 8 HO ES, Purchase your Pry Goodsy / aoall, and see it they cannot offer you greater inducements than [you can get «‘sewhere in the ( “m.'-. '“(l)' MEARA *‘"*"*"A a It If you want a Suit, mwade to order, for $7, ecall at O‘ MEARA & Co.‘s. If you want any Linen or Lustre Conts fron $1 apwards, call at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. If you want any White Dress Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, Hosiery, £0., BOOTS AND SHOLES! call at O‘MEARA & Co.‘s. Having one of the largest stocks in the city, we beg to call the attention of those wishing to avail themselves of the above low prices to call and examine our stock. * &yuvnt.pd suit of Clothes, readyâ€"made, ‘\ for §6, F call at QO‘MEARA & Co.‘s. OUR MOTTO I8s _ QUICK SALES & LIGHT PROFITS. TIII Plain and Decorative House and Sign Painting, WHITE WAaASHINXG, in Kalsomine, French Zinc and Paris White, _ PAPERâ€"HANGING _ _ in the Latest Styles of Ceiling and Wall Panelling, s1IGN PAINTINXG: v“‘;‘l-a Stote k nuwmm Plain, Pleturesque, and Grotesque t 1 Signs in every style. OG*MNE AXGKXk & CQ. PAINTING _ ESTABLISHSMENT, a2 SPARK3 SIRKET. G RAINX INX G in all the woods, with new and clegant improve» ments. f A. W. L&aXG, â€" Ottawa, May 27, 1869. The remarkable success which has atiended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lys into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" cited the cupidity ot an unpd.dplr frm in town (which has already been con of borrowing vther !‘-;lo‘o brains) by a sqpurious imitation ealled Saponifier. Io avoid dlurpls.d.& chasers should be carefulto ask for Harte‘s cencrated Lye, which is sold by all Pragrists ard Grocars in town and . 183y BOOTSs ANXND SHOES THE RED BOOT, ONCEXTRATED LYE. r wonenrmm CAUTION To THUE PUBL. f SEE THEK XEW sSTYLES NEWEST STYLES JUST RECEIVED 8STEPHENS & CO‘Y, LANG YORK W. A. LiaMB SV M M E R, AT IUST GIVE HAYV®E AT TDt â€" Cloths, Tweeds, &e., O‘MEARA & CO. Pnémcul. INSURARCK. MALCOLM . CAMERON, AGHST,........ .. .. ...... Dessarat‘s Buock Office of Queen‘s Printer, An entirely Canadian institutionâ€"perfect security to insarers, and immediate payment of claims. Ottawa, Doc. 8, 1868, ' #&C LIBE IN8URANCE COMPANY OP MAIN E. â€" Fmaxon Deraratuent, No: 104 Ottawas, 12th October, 1864 ‘o: 104. «. The tollowmmg insurance Oo-p.ntlhu-nulvod a lisense to transact the business of Lite Insuranor in Canada : No 3&) The UNION MUTUAL LLFE LINSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. Deposit in Te S da of ‘81â€"$50,000. B. K. CORWIN, General Agent, 8t; John, N.B * For the Minister of Finance JOHN LaNyTON, I have this day, deposited with tno Receirs ve y, w verâ€" General, Twonty Thousand Dollars in addition to the above Fitty Thousand, mlofl Reventy Thou. sand Muq&‘u,m) U. 8. Bonds, 68 of ‘81 The Hon. Jch..n.o::m. I.P...:u b‘:c appointed Counsel to tor the Dom lon. Ail legal matters will bo':’und to him. B. R, CORWLN, Manager, Ottawa, November 7, 1888 avat? F-ux CarRBRAY, £ COMMISSION MERCHANT *FORWARDER, GENERAL AGENT, &o., &c., No. 3, St. Peterâ€"s‘., QqUEBEC. Special attention ;- to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &0. James @ Ross, Esq, General Merchant, Viceâ€" ‘President Quebec Bank. Hon David E.Price, M L C, Merchant. Eugene Chinmc, Ksq, Merchant, President Le Banque National, | MHon Thos McGreery, M L C, Viceâ€"President Union Bank. * 10444 A SPLEXDID STOCK uF CLOTHS * FOR SUMMER WEAB, In Silk mixture», Scotch and Canadian TWEEDS, may now be seen at the COMMERCIAL WAREHROUSE, ‘ No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st. Gentlomen leaving theit orders for Garments, can have them made under the superintendence of Arst.class work men. * Ottawa, May 1. TAILOBING ‘ESTABLISHMEKXT, in Ashfeld‘s Brick Buildirig, Dukeâ€"st., is now preâ€" pared to show a select stock of English, %‘5.5 CVA C n / m i o Wiheos l SIF The a T and Canadian Tweeds, West of tand Broad cuu.u.ufcn-ummo.:fluu. Goods in general. A select lot of Grosvemor, Canterâ€" bury and Gladstone Scarfs Cheap. Â¥From Mr. Lawrenoee‘s arruno both in the United States and the Dominion, in the Cutting Department, he can assure all who -o(hmr e anhg 405 0. am npmaly * _ most reos y solicited. Members of Parliament at Ottawa visiting the Chaudiers, and w-tu' anything in bis line, n-ldl.q*l:blhdt untage to give him a eall, both “W-““.' Some good PANTALOON MAKERS WANTâ€" ED, as well as good COAT HANDS, to whom QCRsEC RAEFEARNCES. Messrs Tetu & Garneau, Wholesale Dry Goods ED, as well as good COAT HLANDS, to whom the highest wages will be paid. None but firstâ€" P.8,.â€"Bome of Weasey‘s Celobrated American Cloths now open for !nspection. NION KUTUAL Leaving their orders at the COMMERCIAL WAREIOUSE, No. 60 Sparksâ€"st., Can get well suited in Garments. _ _ MERCHANT TAILOR, BELL‘S BLOCK, Opposite the Russell House, Ottawa, In on e m nkent in l aradt, orbeat ie To & M!‘!&M&‘n’."“.’.‘ Having opened a frst.class stand with an extensive stook of FIKSTâ€"CLAS8 MATERILAL & FASHLONABLE DESIGNS, suited to the present seas>o, and having secured the sorviâ€" nrorieiee o Feading howeer tw Uxtere se hon. K P 8t , mwm a wantlong felt in Ottawa. Mz, Ronentso® assures his friends that nothing ‘dul.h wanting .*’:tu:‘:k‘:&ml-fiu 0 patronage bestowed on Ottawa, March 23, 1869. l“r: c‘l’fi PANTS and VEATS May be obtained CHEAP by calling at the. COMMERCIAL WAREKHOUSE, $ â€"No. 80 Bparkeâ€"st., 1043 3m K. GRaHAM & Cd made Suilts and @eneral Qutitting Goods, will be found very select. x Â¥rom the experience ANGUS 8SUTHERLAND has had (having been Manager in the Gentleâ€" 1 M‘ d tn&bâ€"n years), he hoperm to give * An extensive stook of F"m The success his fits in pants and coats is tul of measurement he has adopted. Numerous city. and provincial references ; also from New York and other districts of the Union. flug-:nl â€"* m FOR CASH ONLY.®a af 4 M Tafrone Ti tienk ‘ahh fimand. 'fi'&;‘-’im"i Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" fully got ap."vmuwmumnu 1Q43.3m _ MRS, SMITH, Bankâ€"st., "f“ inform her oustomers and friends that she has received her @pring fushilons, and is now prepared to supply N ENXTLEMIEX EKLEOT TAILORI®XG. ;mun CGiarxExTs Made with NEATNESS and DEsSPATCH at @ 4 COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE, No. 60 Sparkseâ€"st., 4* Jm A. GRAHAM & CO. E&M‘m of Bank and AM'-:.'- or three Apprentices wanted. April 6. ons ROBERTSON, of prices | EV â€"MILLIXEKRA Y. NEW IMPORTATIONS. AWRKEKRCK Agencres. =~ T. RAJOTTE. A. GRAHAM & CO,, Commercial Warehouse, No. 60 Sparks st. * 10435.3m W est of England Broad Cloths, moderate, Genis‘ excellent A.GRAHAM & CO. to inform her Mlttubdup. by s D.‘ T. BROWNEK é CO., Wholesale and Retail _ Grocers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, INDILX WAREHOUS E, OTTAWA, MONDAY, JUNE 2s, 1s69. The sabsoriber would called the attention 0 Families and others to his FINE BOTTLED ALE Which is in splendid condition. Also, ° ‘sCoOTOH, IRISH, OLD BYE, And other Mait Whiskles, PORTS, RHtawas, Jan. 20, UST RECcEIYVED, HIS3 EXCELLENCY THE ERNORâ€"GENERAL D ‘ _ COoUNCIL. Whereas by the 12th and 13th sections of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 50, intituled ; " An Act to increase the Exciso duty on spirits, to Impose an Excise duty on reficed Petroleum, and to provide for the inspection thereof," it is amongst other things enacted, that the Governor in Council may permit the jmporâ€" tation, manufacture, sale or storage of Benâ€" zine, and similar products of Petroleum which will not stand the fire test mentioned in the 11th section of that Act, under such regulaâ€" tions as he may deem necessary, and may from time to time, make such regulations respecting the storage of Petroleum, crude or refined, as he may deem necessary to the pubâ€" lic safety, waking special regulations as to Benzine and other similar products of Petroâ€" leum if he sees fit,â€" His Excellency in Council on the recom mendation of the Honourable the acting Minister otf Inland Revenus, and under the authority aforesaid, has been pleased to make the following regulations : 1st. In cities and towns Wwhere there are Municipal Laws or Regulations respecting the storage of Petroleum and the products thereof,â€"Pstroleum, Benzine and all other products of Petroleum,â€"if the duty thereon has been paid, may be stored in any building or place which is is conformity with the Municipal Regulations in that behalf, and when bonded for the duty, they may be stored in such authorized baildings or warehouses as are conformable to the Municipal Regulaâ€" 4ad. In cities and towns where there are no such Municipal Laws or Regulations, and in al! villages and places other cities or towns, Pitroleum, Benszine, _all other products of Petroleum, if in i‘fi! exâ€" OTTLED ALE, W . To ether with a General Assortment of FIRSTâ€"CLASS GROCERICS. OvERNXNMENT HOUSE, oTTAW A, % Tuesday, 15th day of June, 1869. COMMIsSsION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS, 1082 3 No. 18, Rweavâ€"st., Grocerbtes, 47, VTIRIZIALAYy e md-uh-'- 20, 188. s U. EKASTONX & CO,, AT DEAL ERS 1X WX. H. LEE, Clerk Privy Council. Tlll OAlAl')lAl ANNUAL REGISTER. (The Montreal Printing and Publishing Comâ€" pany, lrinters.) Itis believed by the undersigned that the time has arrived for the publication in Canada of an ANNUAL RECORD OF PUBLIC EVENTS, similar to that which has been so long published, \5::‘“ so well known in Eagland. The rapid es ot the Dominion are attracting the atten tion of the civilized world. It will be the aim of: the Editor to chronicle each yoar the leading events so rapidly succeeding each other in the tormation of our national character and national The editor proposes to commence with the birth and infancy of the Canadian Coafederation. Th first volume of his Registrar will thorefore contain the following : 1 A preliminary sketch of the proceedings in the B. N. A. Provinces in 1864â€"65 and ‘66 which led to Confederation. _ I The Pol.l:l}d and Parliamentary History of 1867, including": 4 An account of the London Colonial Conferâ€" ence of 1866â€"67, the Uniono"the B A Colonies, &¢. _ _4 The formation of the Local Governments 4 The Genéral Eilection and its Issues, with the names of the successful and unsuccesstal sandidates, and the number of votes polled fo each respectively. 6 A Sketch of the Business of the Dominio Parliament, and of the several Local Legislatures, with full and accurate reports of the ‘principal spesches delivered during the Sessions of thore bodies. : & AI The Financial Affairs of the Dominion. _ IIL The Church in Canada. t IV Retrospect of Literature, Art and Science. V Journal oc Remarkable Occurrences. VÂ¥I Promotions, Appointments and Changes in the Public bervice ; University Honours, &0. VII Obituary of Celebrated Persons, VIII Public Documents and State Papers of It is hoped that the undertaking will receive that encouragement which its importance deserves. The annual history which the Editor proposes to publish will be of great value to all interested in the tuture of our country., Bhould the Register be as well received as the Editor hopes he will spare no effort to jastify future support. All that labour an4 impartiality can accomplish will b‘! done to ensure the success ‘of his work. He has been promised assistance by men in different parts~of the Dominion whose supacity is undoubted. He intends, with as little delay as possible, to prapare the volumes for 1867 and 1868, The volume for 1867 will contain 350 pp, R vo, and will be bound in cloth. .. Price two dollars, | HENRY J. MORGAN:; ELECOTORS OF sOUTH RENFREW. GENTLEMEN,â€" Your requisition inviting me to be a candidate for the representation of South Renfrew, I have received with gratitud e "Thine own friend and thy father‘s triend forsake not," is clearly writtén on my heart and to many hearts in Renfrew, this is a mutual and M‘obxu-uu.* My first successful meastire in the Parliament of United Canada was the "Culler‘s Bill," but l its history is now forgotten. It was, howâ€" ever, one of thoss mceasures that wiped out oppression and tyranny from the lumber trade, and placed every man engaged in it on an equal footing. I trust,if ever I succeed in anymeasures in the Dominion Parliament, they will be of the same character for the same claesâ€"for the protection, extension and equality of the Ottawa trade and its.Jumbermen, In our present chaotic condition there need scarcely be any line of political division. ‘We, the old Reformers of Canada, wiped out those unjust ‘ pretensions of \superiority,â€"the off=pring of superstition and tyranny that threatened, us, ind that still oppress our brctbhren at home, but which by the light of truth, and exercise of charity, we hope soon to hear of being wiped away for ever under the British flag. We have the principles of freedom secured under our new and feverâ€"begott=n constitu. tion, and if we act wisely, cautiously and prudently we may preveut lawyers and military aspirants flom ‘making Canada the mere nursery for their craits and conceits. Economy in every dopartment, sweeping. and real retrenchments,â€"a firm declaration ‘ ef, and reliance on our fights as men, and a. determination to have peace and reciprocal free trade with the United States and England may preserve us British,. With that system under which my father fougbt, â€" I have grown fat, and hope to die in pace ; we may not only plant a nition, but may sct to the world the: fair example of a country living in universal 3 The Debaterin the English Parliament on pesace and. unity under a treaty of equal rightsâ€"free tradeâ€"and: obligatory engage ments to submit questions of national difficulty and misunderstanding to arbitraâ€" tion ;a tribuna! as applicable to the settle. ment of a boundary linéâ€"violation of treaties, or acts of piracy, as to questions of limits, boom breaking or saw logs. In conclusion, twentyâ€"eight years in Parliament must have given me some kind of character, On that I stand unpledged. If you elect me, my best energies and the devotion of my heart will be givenâ€"to preserve Ottawa, (what I claim to have assisted in making her) the Scat of Government,â€"the early improvement of the Ottawa to Lake BM and an extension of your railroad to the Pacific, with the removal of every burther from our trade. clraicihiin. REQUISITION. Arxrprior, June 4th, 1869, *‘ Messts. Neil, Robertson, Harrington, O‘Mara, Rorrison, Bates, and 200 others, « 1070.24f GLoOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY. Ottawa, June 7, 1869. THE DIRECTORS Of the Ottawa and Gloubester Company hate this day made a further » CALL OF TEX PER CENT. on the additional capital stock of the said comâ€" pany, which tall they require the holders thereof to &cy to the Mfil at the «OFFICE of W. M, MATHESOA, Eeq., in this city, on Tuesday, the Sixth day of July, Next, Dated this 5th day of June, 1869. | | Notice is hereby given that ‘ BUNCH OF KEYS. _ Apply at The Times Offi se. TTAW A UND, in a store on Sparks street, a LARGE Your old fricnd, Orrawa, June 4, 1869. w . H. F. M. CAMERON. 1076( Will Restore Gray Hair toâ€"its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. In the Spring time most persons are more or less the nbgm of disease emanating from a low state of the blood. The gauses areâ€"various, but it is only necessary to know that in order for the prompt purification of that fluid the patient should use FELLOWS‘ COMPOUND SYRUP of BYPOPHOSEHITES with full assurance of obtaining the desired results. This Syrup will also gthen the organs of digestion, rromot. healthy assimilation, nourish &: muscles, and renovate the nervous system. We are enabled to speak with as much confis de in the o:n of cases of this craracter rncomplicated with org.anic disease, as of the Spring rains rlro Apting veretation, or of the sun‘s rays being followed by liiht and heat. Persons then who wilfully avoid the use of this remedy, and sh from debility, may be chlrgub{o with felo de se. F e C It ;ilâ€"luiidfitota lururiant growth. _ FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Mrs, 8. A. ALLEN®S ZYLOBALSAMUM, anotkee preparation for the Hair; clear and transparent ithout sediment, _ It is very simple and often produces results. Its great superiority and cmo-z an a Hair Dressing over high cost French Pomaides ac ledged 6; all not only in this country but in KEurope. The abnrudlyldalum-:‘uldnd be one with the other. BOLD BY aLL DRUGGISTS. etors, 8. R. Van Duzer & Co., Wholesale D ruggists, ***| 35 Barclay 8t. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. Motchers Read Thisiâ€"Hotioway‘s Worm Losenges are a certain and safe remedy for W in Children an d Adults.â€"As it is a wellâ€" known and melancholy fact that one great cause of doeath among children is from Worms alone, it eannot be too deeply impressed upon the minds of p» the necessity of closely watching their children. _ By so doing; and understanding the symptoms and true cause of the disease thousands of children might be saved from early or 6 f Ao Mont graves. Srwurrowus or Worus.â€"The following are a few of the very numerous symptoms and s which are caused by Worms: deranged appetite, emaciated extremities, offensive breath frequent picking at the nose, grinding of the teetb during sleep, hardness of the belly, with frequent slimy stools, and sometimes convulsive fits ; itching ot the arms, pain in the head and stomach, unquiet sleep, faintings, tremblings, coughs, indigestion, low spirits, frightful dreams, and a gradual waist Ing away of fosh. : They are palatable and selfâ€"administered :o th® childâ€"drive out the worms thoroughly without pain and completely cleanse the stomachâ€"thereby doirg away with the necessity of administering Castor Oil or othar unpleasant catharticsâ€"as in the use of other Wirms. JMEach box contains the fiacâ€"simile signature of NortHror & Lyrua®, Newcastle, C.W., who are be sole proprietors. + N. B. Ask for Holloway‘s Worm Losenges $" and take no other. "@R& Bola by all the druggists in Ottawas, and medicine deale. every where, â€". . * #Teow Mothers! motners! Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and March 2s. get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S §00THING BYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at onee that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, opersâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the Uniu:l States. Price 25 cents. Bold everywhere. Boe sure to call for "«MRS. WINSLOW‘S SsO0OTHING SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of "Cartis & Porkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations One of the firm will be at the store of their Agents, MESSRS. YOUNG & RADFORD, + OTTAW A,. FOR TWO DAYS ONLY, Friday and Saturday, June 25 and 26 He attends for the purpose of assisting in Fitting the Eye in Difficult or Unusual «Cases. Those suffering from impaired or diseasedvisionare pity. Our Spectacles and Eyeâ€"glasses are acknowâ€" ledged to be the most pertect assistance to sight ever manafactured, and can always be relied upor as affording perfect ease and w-;m while strength â€" eni g and preserving the eyes most thoroughly. We take occasion to notify the public that we empioy no pedlers, and caution them against those pretending to have our goods tor sale. June 4, 1869. > «e ‘l‘nmoko causes no nausea, When uun?t kind, Fhave never known an instance in which relief was not obtained."â€"General Alczander to Hon. B. Stwart, In Tins, 2s 6d, 5s and 10s. > Or formed into Cigars and cum. Boxes, 38, be, 8s and 15s. [ Paitilles for Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 6d, 5s and 108. SAVORY & MOORE, ._143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aorxtsâ€"Messrs. F. Cundill & Co., Montreal. ':;BFT“ effhicacy Chronic Bronchit s. â€" refainc i. â€"Dr. W. Parker. FOR INDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR X A« TINE oo-gdolv effects the DIGESTION and ASSIMILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fat eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activ‘ty, suâ€" perior to Porohn- s Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 2s, 3s 6d, 6s 64 and 12s6d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,3s,5s and10s. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. â€" Aozsatsâ€"Messrs. F. Cundi l & Co;, Physician, and the very great success which has attended its use in cnr{y case, and where the highâ€" est medica! skill was of no avail, has induced the subscriber to 'gln it every J-oadblo publicity. The genuine has the subscriber‘s name and address on C oo motil zesw AuMtce / als Reanelabkne Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &¢., &o. This ation is from the recipe of a celebrated KT naik rEsToREh Anb pnsssine Combined in One Bottle. RS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® each bottle. Price one dollar. Sole Proprietor, J. A. HARTE, Chomist, 3Â¥6, Notre Dameâ€"street, PECIAL NOTICE. by apothecaries. Price $1.50 per bottle, E$7r.90. . _ â€"â€" . on e ts â€"____ JAMES I FELLOWS, Chemist, § 6t John, N B. :nll-anch_Cundill & Co, 32 Lemoine st, eal. o PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AND EYE GLASSE3; Harte‘s Florids Water, equal to anything im orted, Price :‘aem Ter Suitie. 1?:‘, Tor the relief and ocure of Epilepsy, St. Vitus ATR RESTORER Restore Gray HMair toâ€" its L AZARUS & M O R R I 8‘ CELEBRATED â€" SPECIAL NOTICKS. ARODEE‘S EPILEPTIC CURE, iiItS ing from impaired or diseased ed to avail themselves of this Fon ASTHMA, and Chronic Bronchitis DATURA TATUL A, ‘ Affords Immediate Relief. } â€"a¢ A_rol_n'd} ;-‘rut power and BEAUTIFUL HATR, Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it _ GRAT HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. «â€"â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" 1008â€"14y Asthma A sailor named Geor%e Forbes, who arrived at Detroit recently on board the scow Kate, loaded with wood from Georâ€" gian Bay, gave the reporter of the Free Press the particulars of a perilous advenâ€" ture which occurred to him on Thursday night last while the vessel was beating about in a squall about twenty miles : off Port Huron,. His escape }Yrom death was so trily marvellous, and his sensaâ€" tions while drowning so curious and wellâ€" defined, that the narrative will .be read with interest, $s « When the squall struck the scow," ; says Mr. Forbes, " I was on the lookout ahead ; we have only three men and a boy, and as one was at the wheel, of course two were off watch and below. The gusts set everything to rattling ; it seemed for a noment that every stitch orf canâ€" vas was going : into tlfla . lake. Yelling out to the watch, I had first jumped on the rail to mount the shrouds, when the wheelisman gave her one too much, her | Kead came spinning up into the gale‘s eye, and I had not time to heed his cry of alarm before the jibing boom struck me full in the back. Thge next instant I was going down, down, the surging, chilly waters of the lake swashing and gurgling round my head. I felt gm full nature and exteut of the calamity, and realized, even before I came to the surface, that I should have a swim for life. I have sailed the lakes for eleven years, seen ; a good deal of hard service, and I made up, my mind not to knock under until the last foot of cable had run out. I had on heavy clothes, and a big pair of brogans, and when I popped up among the white: caps I immed'utelg commenced trying to divest myself of the heayy weights. With the waves knocking me right and left, and=the scething waters rolling me over and over, ¢his was no easy task, but at. length I got my shoes and coat off, and then Ifelt more like having a swim,. I had during this time drifted far away to the leeward of the scow, but the excited voices of the memrm on board came over the water to my ears. I knew that I had been missed, and that search would be made ‘for me as soon as the force of the squall had passed away. The water seemed like ice. I had Kard work to keep my arms and limbs in motion. I tried floating, but the ugly white c?s | filled my mouth in spite of all I could do, | and I had to oonlinhee.(l m{o exohmons' to ;| simply keeping m above the jangry | wu?ez I Y:‘:lgoed’severd times, 7bt: reâ€" alizing that the screaming wind drowned my voice, I saved my breath for a swim. Drifting and swimming I went farther into the gloomy blackness to leeward, and the rattling of the cordage and the shouts of the men soon died awayâ€"in the distance. I am a married man, and have a wife and two children at Saugeen, Ont. We sailors look rough, and some of us have a bad habit of swearing and drinki::f; but then we that have a mate apd little ones don‘t entirely forget them, Going into that black darkness, half a mile to leeward, I began to see that Iâ€" was drifting farâ€" ther from help and nearer death. The water was getting thoroughly stirred up, and tho.wafy the caps nppex me bacE ward and forward made me weak,. I thought of Lizzie and the two little girls, and my heart tightened up like a string when I felt that my dead body might floatin? and swashing about among the fieakers or a month before being picked up.. When we came down before and laid at this dock over Sunday, an old gng'-headed man gave me a tract, which~ told something aboutâ€"well, Mister, you‘ve seen‘em, and you know we would all be better to read more of ‘em. â€" Well, every word of that little tract seemed to come right up before my eyes, and went rinzing through my brain. _ i * After a time the wind went down, the sea got a fittle smoother ; and. I felt sure I would soon hear from the scow. I was feeling more courage, and striking out with a will, when a sudden cramp catched me all over, and I could not do another stroke. I felt like a lump of lead. My head began to spin around, a great lump rose up in my throat and choked me, and my eyes closed as if a weight had been hung on the lids. J began to drown â€"I felt it ; then came a feeling somethi like a red hot rod being drawn thronzg my brain, my head felfiik? fire: A humâ€" ming, roaring noise went through my ears, and my body felt as Iig::‘u a feather. The waves carried me about without an effort on my part, and I lnihod-â€"it seemed so curious that I actually R I didn‘t care to be picked upâ€"didn‘t care for Lizzieâ€"only wanted to float and drift forever on the rollers. Thewater came into my face and mouth, but I never tried to keep my head up. I wouldn‘t have moved my finger to have beenaboard the scow.‘ It grew darker and darker; the old ‘fireâ€"feeling came through my head again. : Something clutched me by the leg and : drew me down. I rocked toand fro, felt a noise like the discharge of a cannon and then J dropped to sloes." 1 ‘ l'Porbes had floated all of a mile to leeâ€" ward of the scow, which lowered her Lboat as soon as the squall abated and pulled away, not, however, with the d.i%l\t- est hope of rescuing the lost sailor, The boat‘s crew kept up a continual shouting, pulling hither and thither, until, just on the J)oint of returning, the bow strack the floating bodi‘in the head, and it was â€" discovered and hauled inward. On board the soow the drowned man was rolled on a barrel, given hot whiskey, and the capâ€" tain avers that it was at.least a good half hour before Forbes showed signs of re turning animation. When the latter narrated his adventure to our reporter, on Saturday noon, he was still too weak to do more than crawl about the cabin, and had a set hatred of any kind of food. HOW IT FEELS TO DROWN. â€"The embarrassments of the Duke of Newcastle, the last Entghlish nobleman who has come to grief on the turf, has been overstated. The real facts are these:â€"The Duke owes Mr. Padwick, as stated £89,000, he also owes a Jewish gentleman £123,000. But if, for the next three years, he is content to live at the rate of £10,000 a yearâ€"his wife‘s inoomoâ€"dallfl_ these debts will have been paid off; the estates bm in £70,0'())0 a year. One of his friends testifiecs that ‘he had unfortunately " backed up ‘another bankrupt noble ted meats, jams, jelHMes, preserved fruits m claret, go mu”:: 8:’-, 52 Bparkeâ€"st. For a choice selection of pickles, fa1ces A Sailor‘s Experience. {PRICKâ€"3 CENTS. An imest has been held at Taunton on the body of John C. Crujckshank, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and recently of GCamborne, where he was an assistant to the late Mr. Vincent. On the 25th of last month deceased applied ?the police superintendantqfit Taunton or an order for a night‘s lo@ging in the union on the plea of destigtution, which he obtained. He told the auperintendâ€" ant to put him down as a C(l‘l'k,;’ and that he had been connected with mines. He called himself John Grant, 32 years . of age, and asked the superintendant. if he thought he should do for the foree; But when he was told that good: conduct was indispensable he held down his head. The deceased lodged occasionally at a ublic ‘house in East Street,. and on g‘riday weck last he wont to bed as usual. In the evening a groan was sheard, and deceased was found on his face on the floor,; the master of house remarking that that he(deceased)was very tipsy. .\l%dicd testimony went to show that deceased died of acute inflammation of the brain, at the Taunton and Somerset Hospital, It tranlj)ired during the inquiry that the deceased had sold several articles for susâ€" tenarce, and that a letter written to. Mr. Covernton, surgeon, of Knighton, by Dr. Cornish, a friend of the deceased, had elicited from that gentleman that the deâ€" ceased had been his assistant, and that he was so addicted to drinking that he dared not trust him ; but he believed in sanity to be hereditary in the family. Documents given by the deceased to his landlady showed him to have been surâ€" fwu under Rajah Brooke, and the folâ€" owing memorandum . was found in a pocket book:â€"*" Some men are born vagabonds, some achieve vagabondage, and others have it thrust upaen them. I may characterize myself as one of the last class. â€" It was at Bristol that I had my first experience of vagabondage. I found myselt there weary and sore footed, after having walked 36 miles. I was\ obliged to confess myself a vagabond pure and simple. I had racked my brains \in tryâ€" ing to devise some means® of obtaining food and shelter, but I could n®t. Having come of respectable parents, and > having occupied a fair position in sociecty, my soul revolted xninst applying to the police station, and being confided to the tender mercies of the union as a vagrant or tramp. â€" Shop after Iho§ was shut up. Hideous thoughts of highway robbery took ion‘ of me. I glared at every well s:veuod man with an oswnt.atiguyl watchfulness. To beg I was ashamed." The verdict was in accordance with the medical testimony. c e The Cunard mail steamer kina, from Liverpool June 12, and Queenstown 13th instant, arrived at New York Wednesday evening, with later details of European _ _At the explosion at Ferndale Colliety, Glamorgaushire, there were nearly eighty brought to the bank. A large proportion of those reacueqluc married men hayâ€" ing families, The pit is nearly 490 irds dsep. It is i three districts, d altogether ethbraces an area of nearly 1200 acres, of which less than 100 are w in work. It is sunk through four did seams of coal ; but only oneâ€" fourâ€"foot scamâ€"is worked, and in that the gas fired. This is the most fiery yein in the South Wales field, and everywhere yields an enormous exudaâ€" tion of gas. This is all the greater in Ferndale, as it is the only pit tapping a malden district, Two years ago an accident happened in the same pit when 160 lives were lost. The only district which escaped on that occasion is the scene of the accident. The others have seventyâ€"six. © The London correspondent of a Prusâ€" sian pape: describes how the turf has deâ€" generated in England, as well as the breed of horses. Hesays that not only do Prusâ€" sian coachâ€"horses most successfully comâ€" pete with English ones at Paris, but it has even come to pass that English dealers are in the habit of going thither on purpose to buy up E.bePnu,un coachâ€"horses for. the IEnglish market. He edds that much difficulty is now experienced in mounting: the English eavairy, and that Yorkshire, in particular, is practically almost denuded of. horses, brood mares being exported to Prussia in enormous numbers via Hull and Harâ€" wich. If this account is correct, it would seem that foals born of English motifers in Prus=‘a, and _ becoming naturalized in that country, are sent to Paris to complete their education, and thence return in a higl/y valuable state to the land which gave birth to their parents. ‘The Pall Mall Gazette on this subject says: " Very possibly this statement is correct; the eccentricities which ha‘ve htel{ammrked the conduct of our hansom cab are doubtless due to their Prussian origin and Parisian education. . It would tax all Count Bismarck‘s energies to drive _ them, and the sooner they go back to Prussia the bitter pleased we shall be. Perhaps they will give our kind remembrance to their mothers, and inform them that owing to the degeneration of cabmen and horses we are all taking to velocipedes ; audâ€"the cabs are worse and the streets more unsafe than ever; and what will ultimately become of us is difficult to 19 say. SADEXD OF A SURGEOX. sleeping with one of her daughters in a room underreath, communicating with a garden. Abouat 11 o‘clock Patry heard at a distance the sound of a horn, which mfibhin'l'onnlne, the signal of in case of ‘fire; he~ went to his MAIL DATES TO JUNE 12. 9

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