â€"* w}wrhmm _ Ottaws May 20. 7 Which will enable him to execute all orders with ~ . @espatch, and to the satisfaction of the most fasâ€" * _ CEILINGS asd WALLS WHITENED and COLOURED in a superior style, on the most rnvaouhtle terms and ut e abtcinct notices 00ME _ Bell‘s Blook, opposite Russell House. bt. sobn‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... PASBAGOE Â¥Y THE TUESDAY STRANER VT LALIPAXL, j , Pirxt Cabin, Payable in Goid. l_.:‘v‘:!_-dn Queenstown.........................$100 00 Liyerpool or M.....‘.................. Liverpool or Queenstown........................$100 00 INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, gAILINq FROM NEW YORK EVERY sAturpairy AND ALTERNATE TUBEsDAYs. Kates 0#f rPAdAAGE BY THE BATUOROAY TRAXEE®! UER MAJEST { QU::H'YVIO'IOI!A'I ROY A, s © . Prize Medalist of the Great Internationa 1 Exhilit tion of London, 1862%, and of the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Paris, 18¢7, WE HERKZKEY ArroiIX?T % l-.JOIIl-u'sl. n ue en tiiths c For the sale of these celchrated Timekeepers HU. & A. BAUNDERS, . Manufacturer to HER MAJESTY T:‘&F-“In. YALFAMILY AND ux e t t sn 1 RDS com MIBSBIONERS OF THUE ADMIRALTY, < en pan e t d 148y Fio® uyzaroor & quczxsrows. Cee Een oo eR eeerrrererreeria iess L4 d id «Jobhn‘s, N.£., by branch steametr...,..... ‘ 30 00 Tickets sold to and from Engiand, Ireland, and eContinent, at moderate rates> MHull, in the summer season, as the best time to n;o‘.l-dhuu‘. ek “““ can e tion, as he Nwrmm offer io the public. â€" P at any. time in less than twenty hours, *"ii-'-i-cim.-u made to obey his master, and to walk after him in :.i-yh.ohlu..n .|.. '4., â€" All accomplished in one day. sure cure for CORNS at a cheap rate, without bhyb.on- Cure for W ARTS on your hands or face. They mbh-:‘-nuhovhhjqbï¬. Cure for lame back diseases: Rhenmatism of mv‘lh.mnmdhl.&novnt without taking any kind of medicine in the inside., Mmmmmm.m. : Cure tor Bunions, Cure for Piles. RIETY than ever before brought to this city. _ r-?&-‘hhh&?h“g «. It and experienced workmen, ~OUSE â€"Pa!NTING, HANGI®G PAPERB, â€" _ WASHING COMPOUND, which can u;.q;;:l by any other, for Iyo or grease. l-non,.-:?-'-.dm.d. ""I ...* thereby defying competition in Bomething Now m Klegant in the style of Â¥ PAPE DECORATIO® wink ano Thook " staband Wikhow year, and now Mw ectfuily " announce r-&-mupdn- that he is fully determinâ€" od, in consequence of the increased demand in the various branches in his departments, to adont the PM®Orders for Saushes, Doots, Bli Mould. ings, Looking lasses and Picture h.:u.dm best and most modern styles, receired and exeouâ€" hdvll:‘q:d. ll.qldkycl&onlr »der ceemataaeinntned Oitont mt serpaar ing, will be supplied on satisfactory terms. qpautioned against being deceived by any of the 'nprd-uclhnvin’lul.n:!rl.ulm whick may be offered them. Every bottle ot genuine has Peruvian Syt _( Peruvrian Bark) blows in the glass. Exa no . boitle before @ Quoen‘s Birthday" was kept in the usus loyal style last month, and next month the citiâ€" zens of the Dominion of Canada will celebrate the birih of their new and rising existence; but mhmu-unum-rnu»u., Nllhho“bdfltml the virtues of u-mua-u?u the great Snoâ€" «nox®®s Rewror, on sale by the respectable draggis‘s in your locality. k protected solution of the The worst kind of Bowel Complaintscan be cured nareicinm,...: . _â€" _ _ T TE R. â€"EATON, Store and Office, Elginâ€"st‘, Opposite the Russell Tukes this mothod o returning his thanks tothe white tor thait rary hharet pnpoaage 4e ht HORSE TRAINING NFORMATION. Try Gardner‘s Baking Powder. See adver ement 887.¢m «â€"â€"Try Gardner‘a Baking Powder. Sooe adâ€" o _ p.rzick, Bavsh ic OoTTAWA MARKETS, Campiled lqa-mh Omava Tiuxs.) Times Ofice, Otaws, WEWILL, LIVERPOOL, eassssss ces ennes es n40s 0000 00 0 H, BLIND, DOOR MOULDINXG aND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, <â€"AKAUCLL, fl“lfl’dl_"_*’dll.lflbl. Nme in iess than twenty hours, Also, by a n herb, lee who are inflicted with any such digâ€" should make application to F. MARTIN, WATCHES, First Cabin, Payable in Goid.; Mouse Decordtin‘kg. DECORATING ROOMS, House, Ottawa. ATON*% ATONX * uhintls depracs it batiet thaw o BHADES, &c., £&¢;, Payable in Dr-'ut.-d will be on ‘hu-.l..mm that his selection comâ€" '3';'3’-..4 GREATER VAaâ€" snn e on maman nne‘s n# + 30 ae ne n sessssensess0s s00e000000 of the Peruvian Syrup (a sessesssssssssee0s d Glased can be risk of breakage Iron) are 15 00 Timnx-, k umvmu Coxarzcarion oz Norer Daxz, f FROM MONTREAL, Mr. GUSTAVE xxflll. '(:r-m of the Cathe . Soal) a Craduate of the Imperial Conservatory of s t m Cl _ " Teemeee on ‘UK Paris. h-unhmu"l'mql-.. RKideanâ€" M-ndlhf“ _ Ottawa, June 23, 1368, 115v T-I 18TERSs THE REV: GEO. NOEL HIGGINsoX, 1. As Incumbent of New Edinburgh, the 'll.l'.:rovu sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese, ves a !l-lud-‘n_-hudlhn-dpuh-uu-m- Orders may be lett at his residence or at Orme & Bon‘s Music Store. ‘w.c.cl‘;::x;:‘u-;«m and 'rm:: ‘““"“-M%fcno‘rol Slaterâ€"st., Conâ€" tre Town. 10744 PI ANOâ€"FORTK TUITION. m EstablisAment in Ottawa. ' " LaDY subaht _ 868 _ Corner of O‘Connor and Metizâ€"sts. Prormiwron of the oldest and most ertensive Mrm &mn in the ‘::lm:l Su:o:‘, â€â€™. o8 “. OOâ€II‘, Ar “ coloring mz-. like oil pain from smal} Wh and card fhtuu. "true ; hln?.nlm,cnbdo isite. Imperâ€" teaing mon parioet snlistachon 10 avary Somiane, pe a Every one is invitedto call and see his extensive cullection of interesting photocraphs at 29 Washâ€" ington st., cormer of â€" Templo Pluoi':m The lands in the County of Essex are situated in the Townships ot 8SANDWICKH EAST, MAID3STONE *AND flh“mnocuzvrn,m' enc iss to the tiver, eannot be surpassed in the Province. ESE Of the above, 54 farms lis in the Township of MHarwich, contiguous to the shore of Lake Lrie, ene of the finest Agricultaral Sections of Canads, eapable of producing all descriptions of grain and root erops, and from their southerly exposure nloek : the gebiatity af the oimete ates prrmtaiine } ate a m of the -m the various kinds ounu‘. Considerable attention is now being devoted to the d.rr. which have arrived at great in neighbourhood. There ars exâ€" cellent well traveilod roads lhmurut the townâ€" ship, and the distance from Chatham is only 12 miles, where the highest price has been paid for Lands. ‘nohl-o.vuyl?hdnfmfl'um seres, are situated in the Townships of RALEIGH, TILBURY EAast, CAMDEN, HAXWICH AND DOVER, AND TOWXN o# CHATHAM, All of whick are most eligibly adapted for farmâ€" ing and their situations as regards naâ€" -nrq‘zn‘-.ï¬â€˜lflflfy: scil and climate, farm"produce of any market in Ontario. _ _ _ The m%l Railway <~will ran w.’-u.dmlmm. Residenceâ€"Dalhousicâ€"st., Ottawa. Terms made known on application. R140tf Pmllfll: citor, Ottawa, Â¥ in the 3rd Concession, Gloucester, Ottawsa Front, 200 acres, about 80 cleared and under culâ€" tivation, with comfortable Dweiling, and good Barn. The bush land is principally hardwood, and very valuable trom its pml-rt{to()tu'.. Also, Lot 20, in 3rd Concession, Gloucester, Ottawsa Â¥Front, containing 200 acres, 20 gores cleared. The of . this lot | is . beaxily '“lt r M.“I.l‘ soft wood. M:l"-. wil y or together as may &â€" ared. mdu&n«oot only 3 miles from Ottawa.makes the wocd of greater value. These lands are well watereg, of excellent soil, and would make a fne dairy (arm, esai‘tothho- pristor, C. 8BPARROW, or to D «wCONNOR, Soliâ€" FOIIAl.l.-m Westerly oneâ€"third of Lot No. 37, in First Concession, Ottawa Front,. Nesâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 apd 28, in the same conâ€" cession, at preseni in the occu of Wa.1. Aylen, bt For m;us:\:n apply to Joux and Wu. Tnowusox, Nepean, and Lawis & Piewet, Barristers, Ottaws. Jeiâ€"141â€"tf IN THE COUXTIES or KENT, ESSEX AND LAMBTON. m Apply l\; m tac A handsomely situated COTTAGE, containing aix rooms and kitchen, on Gloucesterâ€"st, Ashâ€" burnham Hill There is a handsome f@ower and * ~%. W. H. SMITH, 1065tt at JAVE3 HOPE & CO/3, Stationers L. AT NEW EDINBURGH, A BRICK DWELLING of EKight Room« and Kitchen, with good yard and stabling. Rent‘low. Possession immediate . f c-oncl FARMING LANDS FOR SALE New Edinburgh, April 26. VAI.UA-LI FARMY FOR SALE.â€"Lot 21 in the 3rd Concession,. Gloncester. Ottawa A ROUSKE of seven rooms, eligibly ‘sitnated, within Ave minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildâ€" ings, to rent ; and several houses and vacant luts in the city for saie, on part time. â€"To let, for the summer month«, a house in the vicinity of Daly st, containing nino reoms and a kitchen. Completely furnished, with use of Fiaco. Smail garden attacheds. ~Rent moderate. Posâ€" session given the first week In June, Apply at NUMBER of 8 HEL. soverad with A.-?L‘.‘.E’!.?‘o--’ A VILLAGE LOT with TWO COTTAGES thereos, in the Village ot Manotick, Long Island Mills, the said mln'glov under loase to tonants, said loase expiring day of May, 1870. For terms and particulars apply | y letter to * BAMUEL LEMIEUX, >A Plantagenet Milis, 1043f Ontario. The subscriber has been instructed to offer by tivate sale, in the ‘Town of C early in une, the lands situated in the a Counties, WM mauu,b. mh the County of Kent, consist of 62 irms, and 2500 scres Wild or Unimproved DUCA'I'IOI-O-I...AA’_'CICAI. AND GEN= UST RECEKIVED, Containing nine large rooms and a gardon. Apply to S e e t o Ottaws, April 26. Direct from Havana, a very choice lot of CIGARS. . UBICAL ACADEXy, April Tth, 1869 to URNISHED HOUSE To L®ZT. OUSE TO LET KFor Kale or 16 Let. Apply to W . | AGOE TO REXT, Educationat. J, A. WHIPPLE, Apply to JAMES CRAWFORD, BATE & CO,, 582 Sparks st! R. BLACK BURN, 1036f Agent, Montreal. ROD. RO8S. 1058tf Ti8y 1033( A well assorted stock of . * Groceni®s, Wiygs, Liqroms, Prorimons, ensatantly on hand, consisting of a large assortâ€" "Tacs io. in ma Slook N-w STORE OPEXED Br PATK, BASKERVILLE, No. 36, Ridean st. WHOLESALE | AND â€"â€" Brevra (Copyright secured. WM'“M. Local travelling agents wanted in every town and county throughout the Dominion. Hm to a:.nh. :.-plo bottles = K. F. MoAVAY & C0., Sole rietors and manufacturers, 153 Great St. f,‘-:z-d_hwnhgt‘h Ottaws Hotel, Montreal. auperior merit for mend‘ing Furniture, Leatheor, '?l:. Crockery, Glass, c:f-.. lmcruhh. Marble, Rubber, Meerschaum, Ivory, &c., &o. Full directions with each bottle. Price, 25 cents. * A,. M. F. GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"Thess celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of SHerry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. They are gently stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion, For directions see label round the neck of each bottle: * None are genuine unless bearing the signature of the proprietor, . 1022( A. M ® GTANETLTLT Â¥. P. VKRRAI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the principal Druggists and Grocers in the Dominion, > PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLK. recipe of Prepared by spectal permission from the original Bolo agent for M orcss FISK‘3 METAL LIGQ â€" COFFINS, 10 0 e TTR lkg below the market. W e speak from experience in this matter, havin t.todlr::mghly.ud therefore those who are suffering from any of the comp <ints for which it is .ecommended may bp.dupfl* being a Soveâ€" ‘R. effsncy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in diseases for which it 11 reâ€" commended, and its wonderful success in subduing 0.0IMHIHâ€I'“ Rhoumatism. and in re ieving Nervous Affections, eutitle it to a high rank in whe Ibullo-dhfloflbcnm::na. Dealers are soming in from Medivine in all parts of the country for tarther -’pliu. and each testifying to the universal action it gives l'\ocmflahhw.fl-fdhumo mmediate rolief. All Medicine Dealers .=5| Physiciaas orderand use i; and no family April 28, 1869, CAIA’IA‘I PAIX DESTROYER : A of modern WMW e Medical Dis CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER ! Bide, Back Adead, Courhs, Colds, Sore Throat Bpnlu.“t‘uhu. Cramps in the Stor vach, Cholorsa Morbus, Dysentery, bowel Oa-#:‘hu. Burns ,Pcalds, t Bites, &0., &o. The Canadian Painp Destroyer has wow been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used l:.wollllhd.nn:l:.nll&h“: lh.“ instance ."‘ permanen w timely used, and we have: never known a single icly folowed 1 ‘but on the soatrery alf ere aoithe with i ru_.' and speal, i n“m :_!-cfl:‘ ‘mndughs.oï¬el:.m CHIEF UNDERTAKER, | _ SPARKSsT. COFFINS, HEARSES $ CARRILAGES, ulw DoMItxIO® oEx®krTt. We challenge the ; to produce an article of 8th: Dyspeptio subjects can eat hot Broad wl.u«-uu:.u)rdnbuoubflm-o.' Â¥th. Every Packet contains its full weight ; one pound packets weigh 16 ounces. 10. It is all that it is represonted to be, nameâ€" ly: C L'amnl"_A led for Purity and Cheaphess. ith. Families that have used it pronounce it the bost, and will use no other, : Ist. Bread or Cukes made with it are more wholosome than if made with Yeast or any other process. | & 2nd. Ita purity is such that it %ill stand the teat of the most perfect analysis. Sth,. 1t contains no Saleratus, nor does it imâ€" pair the digestive organs like those powders where Soda or an excess of Alkati prodominates, _ Tth, The ingredients that form its composition mmbon.:xddllnuhnln. % 3rd," After having been extensively used for the last 1 4 yoars in not one instance has it failed to give entire satistaction. Oth. It never gives to Broad or Cakes an unâ€" »leasant Alkaline or mawkish taste. In And | 1 Ib, P aok o t a for 25 6 Pack ots for cents. _ $1.15. : ~$% â€" J. #. ROBINSON & Co., F l‘hol'oo?d. The . Trade sgupplied at the Manufacturer‘s oana.buo.hul..l... 886â€"6m Bole Agents for Ottawa, OYAL ITALIANK BITTERS. ALDE®IEKR s Way it Should be Used in Preterence to all BAKING POWDER. POR OLD AND ToUXG reorLEs. ‘As 0: abor a co., and Eggs, &c. A doors oast of Workman & -.izznï¬.".u.'..; . AUDY & CO,, TEN REASONS A, M. Â¥ GIANELLL RETALIL. 88E X â€"8 T. _ JMPublic and Private Buildings, Conservato. r...,“ 'â€â€" ,...,.,!m.vuu.lm &o., warmed by "l:' ““m Staam . Hot Watar. or Warm Alr an tha Intast and HOUBSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENXT T.I VARIETY HALL g&mflihaom 'l\ll THOROVGH BRED Hons® "R 0 C KE T," WINNER OF THE QUEEX‘s PLATE] IN 1803, Height 154 hands. § «s 9# of Heotor LTIPM l's’n.j':llm h:.:n:: for .h: season a the stables of Ma. HARRIY, VETERINARY SURGEOX, sites usually kept in uuhbq;‘. colonges, Pomadées, Toilet Vinegar, frice, for the Testh and Gams,. A on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and A ho anhe it 0-.-:0‘ of the Digestive Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, Fvem , combining deâ€" -lw“n-(y tntmu:. com bining s es c ees dE _ C e eA elqene To Chest, &o., &o. It by dissolving the conâ€" genled phisgm, cnusing free expectorntion, and an r vallavint Peumks ruril Roarseness, Ditealty® of" Brestniag: Tigrineos ut CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. every family, is only 114 _ _ OTAge ANO"ONC at Doriin was very bad., 1 her three doses of the Cholersa Mixâ€" ""-....ï¬"m‘ i of which stopped.the vomiting. The next day showas all right, or nearly so. She was 'é’w have now o-lmo left." "This excellent mixture, which should be in bottle I brought with me here brought two ladies round from decided cholera; one on board the boat, and the other in Berlin, United States., Both eommenced with diarrhcos, then with dysentery, and then vomiting. The one at Borlin was very We Pibdnet if e Eepress chargee are too high, «* out ch are too » and if not, arrange Mortimer to let _Iou have a box of the bottles of CHOLERA MIX URE, I could make a good little fortune with them. The CBOLBRA, j / â€" DIARRHGEA, and . BOWEL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMER‘S COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS look upon it as a F Pm dn oi in Aroainalh Arirics umm Ratvnl Ame ol{nuï¬m: lo: given Porry Dnv‘lo' Pain Killer in many cases of colie, and dysentery in horses, and vever ho:!‘;l%l{ a single instapse., I This valuable medicine has the extraordinary inmarte af Immadiakal, LMâ€"30 0 molck L CC than any other known remedy, or cven the most skillful pbysician. In Indis, Africs and China, where this dreadful disease is over more or less prevalent, the PAIN KILLER is considered by uonunl.u'dluhnpu residents in those The and certainty with which it acts muim.."-m-m of pain, :.n it eminently worthy its name, Pars Kitzizss,â€"a name easily understood, and not easily forgotten. As, in euring Cholera, it shows itself master of all the minor forms cltl:dlnue. :o‘l“s;"flihn Morbus, , Summer Compia arrhoen, h.;ummrofln. and other maligâ€" nant diseases,â€"which it has repeatedly cured,â€" 1t assorts its power over all the milder and more common forms of these complaints. Tus Pars Kiure® is Eqvaruy 'GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. | PFarmers Read This. \ . _ _Lowis A Phillips, of Providence, R I, writes as M: Messrs. Perry Davis & Sonâ€"Gents: I have for many years used your valuable medicine, tln‘ Pulln.un.uul-nt and can testify to its Oun'-,h'uk 5&&. n:'m Dh:ï¬'ll?‘" Colie,‘ &o., &o. I have had over forty lwnm constant use, in the omnibus business, and have muk.non it to fail in any ease where I have LEWIS A PHILLIPS. . Read the following letter received from Dr. gon.mm..o.mu.vm-uy&m Bold in Bottles at 11. 34. and 2s. 6d. Each. THE PAIN KILLER Is UsSED BoOTH IX. TERNALLY & EXTERNALLY, pxle rel es nenele io painens the most neute % comfort to wd suffering‘ from Cramp and Pain in the . Rheumatic or No-nl.re Pains in any part of the system, and in Bowel Complaints it is 'mwu-â€"a,.' It is equally efficacious hnd is the best liniment in the world. it is eminently a household medicine. * Our own experience is a bottle of Pain Killer l‘o‘_il:!cg h,nldn & travellor can have."â€" FOR FEVER AND AGUE, BILIOUS FEVER, PAINS IN THE BACK \A;m LIMBS, There is no remedy yet discovered that has been more successful in curing these complaints than VA © Rhoumatic and lm.fb\;Alodlm give way to it when all other rem Wn failed. It is eminently a FAMILY MEDICLNE, and by being kept ready for immediate resort in cases of sccident or u:‘a':' attack "w'â€'"" will uv‘: an houg an a dollar â€".’ln.;‘nu ni.f.‘.’.‘;‘: l...’ ble c © & e comâ€" pound, and while 1t is a -uâ€?‘hn"‘“n.-ody for pain, it is a perfectly safe medicine even in the PERRYâ€" DAVIS‘" PAIN KILLER. or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults; it is an almost certain cure, and has without donbt been more successful in curing the various kinds of # We advise that every family should have so clo’-&s‘l. and speedy a Pain Killer."â€"Amkerst, . «We can confidently recommend the Pain Kilior.‘"â€" Toronto l:ru.- «* Itis the most effectual remedy we know ot for aches, â€I?.lul wounds, &0."â€"St. JoAn‘s News. P.0. Por a Sudden Cold, it is almost a Specific. *# Aâ€"medicine no family should be without."â€" FAMILY APERIENXT PILLS, ORTIMZLR*s 00oD wWoORDs INFALLIBLE REMKDY NONE OTHER GENXUINE. FOR SUMMER COMPLAINT, r&INâ€"KILLE L. OTTAWA TIMES, «â€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. is equally for man or beast 'lic:hbo 'f::t It a single hour, ‘HW medicine dealers at nrl + PERRY DAVIS & SON, : Proprietors, Montreal, P.Q. MORTIMER‘8S o fnd it « Wolife, of this city, now in a firstâ€"class ostablis 0. 41 Bussexâ€"st., Otta: CH O LE R 4, t., naar the Market. MWedicat. DR JOHN R DEAL. which Mr. is from the letter of Bteam, Hot W ater, or Warm Air, on the latest and most approved principles, P s § 5T O V E 8 1 _ H«!l, Fanoy, Parlout and Cook Stoves, in great variety . A for Eaton‘s Patent Automatic, Selfâ€"Â¥onâ€" un.afl:w«uucoum Also Beecher & Co.‘s celebrated &A 1 Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangâ€" city, Thousands can testify that you can purchase Bailders‘ and House Furnishing Hardware, Paints of all colours, Glass, Oils, Putty, &c., &o., at Birâ€" kett‘s Hardware Store, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st., cheâ€"por uuunym’luohmcfln A call is respectfulty solicited. BA Romember the place, HOT AIR FURNACES. $AF~Public and Private Buildings, Conservato. I B-unt E:) 8E FI â€" â€" @ V 65, all patterns and sizes, tor coal and wood from the Presoott, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal Foundries, with drums, pipes, furâ€" niture, &0., the sheapest to be had in town. PAINTS, OILS, STOVES, all and a general w‘ of Houseâ€"furnishings Cornices, &0., at the lowest cash prices to be foun n the Ottawa market. SHELF & THOS. ISAAC‘8, CENTRE TOWN PLOUGRS, CULTIV ATORs, IRON, COAL, | They are successors to the late John C. Fox, of Kingston, and the makers of his excellent Pianos, : From their long experience in Germany, Paris, and New York, they are universally admitted to be the best Piano Manufacturers on this continent, The high reputation of the instruments made by them for the past ten years, and the increasing demand for them in the new bonhlon.pron their very umr quality, and universally acknowâ€" *c Pianos, as well as the Purniture in the establishment, will be sold either by private sale h >y<~A al that he is prepared to e wou so announce that he prep feceive instructions from porsons having household furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate, to disâ€" rouof.ndplm Mmmuw be eft undone by N-dt:‘gin satisfaction in dischargâ€" ing the trust conti to him. He hopes that by strict attention to the sales entrusted to his care, as well as by tronpt settloments immediately after, to merit a share of public patronage. He will be in his office from 7 in the morning n‘:ihl T in the evening, when he can see parties who w to arrange about their sales. Consignments trom a distance will have immediate attention. Cash advances, when required, will be made on consi ents for immediate saie. Alf:l:d. ol turniture bought, sold or exchanged. His Lordship th .B.i'h :luth, e Bis Hon, Sir dogn A. lu:znl.ld. Hon. H. L. Langevin, C B, Hon. Alex. Campbeil, P M a, R. W. Scott, , M P P, Waliter Shanly, Eeq, M P Max. W. Str. ; M P P, Francis H. n:ï¬. l?, M P %."v";lgamu"lu-rh' c’q-»..nuk. Otta * » » W&. W Lymhq. i es to travelling smart man wanted to act as J. BERMINGHAM * # T5.y House, Land General A gent. W1 * THOS. BIRKETT, â€" § Bign of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. P. 8.â€"All goods delivered free to any partol the TOVES8! STOVES : 4 200 ® OORCCCH CC mA UOCIucq on ing anextensive and well regulated Auction n;rt in this city: + ith i t rom ments, m w some o e hniun"rl.::fmflu ::,Wmm Ontario, a large and well selected stock of new furniture wili be constantly on hand. T Public Sales will be held from time to time, of which due notice will be given, and at which parâ€" ties rmldl.w furnish will have an opmmnuy of purchasing at unusually low rates. Mart is now open with a large stock of new Furniture, as ;:ll .l. nm. Harmoniums, &¢., &o., consigned sale, * The subscriber would also intimate that he is the Sole Agent for Ottawa and territory for the ;uih of Rappe, Webber & Co.‘s celebrated grand anos. COMMISSION sALE ROOMS, Hous®, Laxo axo Gaexerir Aasxor, oFFICE AND SALE RO OM S, Ixous‘ New Bumomes, Svsszcâ€"e1., OoTTAW A. The subscriber .mpo;:uy announces to the nâ€" habitants of Ottawa and surrounding country that atthe request of many friends he has decided on FLOURâ€"Superior Extro., * Extra Suporfine. OATMEAL:»+ssssee sessserssrsrere ersesssrsrrsssecse: 7e0OQ 180,000 Extra SHINGLES..................... 250 100,000 No. 1 sessersatrrossseesces ReXHHp 80,000 No, 3 ** vessessssssssessccees 1+50 80,000 Fancy # vessessessesssssssses 1+285 300 cords Birch and Maple CORDâ€" WOOD, dry, 4 feet lang, deliversd..... 4.00 All Flour, Oatmeal, and Bhingles kept in stock, are manufactured by H. Easton, of Merrickville, and warranted." y Bales at cheapest rates and for cash. W. H. EASTON & co., s Little Sussexâ€"st., _‘ 6+ Canal Basin, !._ll. EASTON. Y82f +R. M. EKASTON. beg to inform their friends and the public in genâ€" eral tha they have now RVâ€"0PENED in those new buildings erected by Mr. H. Easton, of Merâ€" rickville, and where will be kept constantly on fand a large stock of LYTH & KERER, _â€" #6, #6, At tus Srox or TtH® Axvim, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa. ARDWVW ARKE :1 HARDWARE : 30,000 ~BRICKS AT $7.00. The following is our price list of goods menâ€" 8E FURNISHING HARDWARE. ARDWARE ; stook of materials for the above branches es constantly on hand. FLOUR, PORK, CORDWOOD AND sw .‘ CHEAP FOR CASB Al oMINION avcrTioxn MART, E«OPENING oF BUSINERSE. & HEAVY HARDWARE Buperfine No. 1 Superfine o, eenessene npmen nn n ne n ean e ne en 6 408 +0 20000 & Hardware. No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., . EASTON & co. AT Wepeenns sesessssesseneeee eesesseee se nenee n nenne n e en n 0e a0 o + Merchants. enseeaenneee se ne 08000000 SHINGLES, , PUTTY, Aee00 000008000000 5.25 4.15 asusual, atrangements having been made to pre.. vent any interruptioa to the business. â€" Mr. Desbarats teels grateful for the sympath y tendered aim on all sides, and hopes to see i is patrons and friends in his new office. | $ GEORGE E. DESBARATS, PRINTING, BINDING, OR surlom'r. & .+ may be sent, and will be puuctually attended: to Where all orders for the Noncn’. : The undersigned begs to state that he has OPENED AN OFFICE OVER A. McCORMICKS STORE OLIVIR & ANNA BLE, Wholesale Mar facturers of Bedstoads, Chairs, &¢., Ch: diere Island, Ottawa, C. W JOHN OI.IVIBk 506y WILLIAM ANNABLE, D. B0 C,,°0" "ANL LO0L V, Niske .I.O, ohfu Ales and Porter. Pork{“lour, 1 Orrice: No. 5, Sparks Sireet, near House, Ottawa city, C. W . PLAII. _IPICI"IOA“OII. &eo., Prepared for biildings of desori Ti BJIDNEYX g '_KB;‘; Amlm 7. ;. Yecrum orpiion 510 lont Ottawa." Survey: uf every dosâ€" ‘or:xg:n executed with a&ccuracy. Communications ad *ed Ottawa City, frou-pnld), or left at the oftce of N, Bparks, So| citor, &o., Ottawa, will receive prompi a‘tention 65 y nhis : Thas Ralt.. ga" _ "**@ Archileot, Philaâ€" delphis; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany ; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, &q Managing Dirsctor 0. & Bt. L. R. R. T40t ays y . NCA l Agont. SBole agent for Read‘s Bl‘ghwluo lndProofflhkoy also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter,. Pork, f'lour, &o., for sale. Orrite+ Wa Eo Bullllm o o#C _ BFAREKS®,») Provincial Land Su ; RQ Draughtsman, “MOOIIII-M":’;:; gppor And Lower Canada.) Office and residence, . moester, near Ottawa, Burvey: of every deosâ€" Or.ption executed with .. ._._____""ox V every d o P PP Zm VC S DURS uonog Store. ‘The sale of Real Estate :t, Auction or private sale promptly attended to. Consignâ€" ments received and immediate attention will be ?sld. Bales attended inuvo{thooity or counâ€" ry B. TACKABE RY, Auction Rooms lo No. 36, mau-&g below Whyte‘s Staâ€" tronery Store. ‘The sale of Rasl m..li. 79 4 8 Pt#â€" â€" Maliar _ _ _ > _ _ S CCee, DEsHOs, ARe R4 Blinds, Mouldings, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, &o., &ko. Dealer in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, P:)per Hangings,; &o., &0. Sashes ;rimod n?d‘nllud ; and Blinds Painted and repared for Hanging. FKC‘I‘OBYâ€"Aq?oi:ing E. B. Eddy‘s Match Factory, Hall, Q. BTURE AND UFFLCEâ€"Elginâ€"st., opposite the Russell House, » S s C n1 0 O9 onE warnre JB Agents, Draughtsmen, &o. Oï¬ the Ontario Bank, B&rh-lt.. Ottawa, for Trust ana Loan Co. : W. R. Tristux®. ~ CANADA GAZETTE, T Por Pol oA h m isl n & 4 4 P M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, o mxiu the main entrance to the Government Bnils: 8. * i‘ho *QUXEN" comprises all the requisites for a frstâ€"class Kestau ant. Pl‘.’li‘::o House hr:lqboon refitted and ref. Tnished mwm The BAR contains the choicust Brands ip nesand Ligu ws, and every delicacy ofthe seasca will be found on thetable. The rietor‘s best efforts will bedirected to he comâ€" fmf his guests ano patrons. s PM" Oysters,Game oto., daily _.A___9 â€"__~@* TEBme et0, HK 4 QUEENX * [ EN* RESTAUANT Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"streets Pbmbmhr, Ontario,. 87.. in connection‘with the steamers Jason Gould, Pequbc and Pontiac, Particular attention paid to the comfort olfllutl. Good rooms for commercial travellers. orseq and vehicles always on hand. J. COPELAND, MZâ€"~ Oflicoâ€"Spurksâ€"street, opposite Magee & l‘s. 516y travellers. Opposite the Court u«...""’""’.'.'u‘.'?'.ï¬'if Kh&:,"'ér fitd . OK?HABIN ES, Ont, 3 E. HOUGHTON, Proprietor, HALIFAX, NOVA ScOTIA, Established 1851, Permanent an‘d transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every attertion paid to their comfort: MRS. TROTTER begs to announce that she has leased a commodious building at the corner of Banks and ipuh â€"sts., which she has o‘rnod as a PRIVATE HOTEL, retaining Up title of her former bhotel in Desbarats‘ block, viz., the " Toâ€" ronto House." The premises have been refitted and handsomely furnished with new furniture, and made in every respect fit for the reception of mem. bers ot Parliament and other gentlemen who desire the accommodations of a first class private botel. Ottamay March 29,‘ 1869, 1009â€"3m EDWARD C. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats, “om“i“ the '.“.';†Oflice hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and 3 to 5 p.m. THE STEPHENSON HOUSE AND BATHS T Ee e ETe unnuu, in connection with the original celebrated artesian well of raline mineral water, so Jjustly renowned throughout the Western Homlflboro, will be ozpon for the ro%?tion ot visitors on Thursday, the 20th May, 1869. o‘m’nwom patrons of this commodious firrtâ€" class hotel will find that the house has been thor. oughly repaired, and partly refurnished ; the grounds have been tastefully and oloflmly laid out and planted, admirably adapted for croquet and other games ; a new bowling alley ndoxil- liard room have been erected, and every care has been taken to secure comfort and amusement for the invalid or tourist. Parties desirons of engagâ€" ing apartments, or transacting any other business with the establishment, will please address the meanelatas DR. 0. C,. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ottaws. Day office ox;potiu the T.urs Office, Sparksâ€"streot, Centro ‘Town. Night office at bis residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxcrrs Cor®n, without the use of the knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless process. References given to ;»prtiu sug= sessfully treated, it required. _ = 17w100y « Commersial Warchouse," directly osponiu the British Lion Hotel, late Tixzs Printing Office, Lang‘s Biock, No. 60, #parksâ€"st., Ottawa City, Ottawa, April 12, 1869. 1021.â€"16y TOROS’I’O HoUSE. proprietor, Pombroke, Aug. 1, e ‘PP"'i“gloA,I'ostbflee. netEigin rERENOES.â€"â€"H ASims, Esq, Architect, Philaâ€" T. CA THARINES, ONTARIO, * CANADA. HISTLE & CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and HEK lITROPOLl'l'A’ .. ____ AUMOND‘S BLooK, Rideau Street Ottawa, 20 P. O‘MEARA, Prorrizton. nemensrmmmmnnmmmninpmmesmmmmenmmemsens.......___ n on TTAWA HoUsSE, ICKWICK HOUSE, SPARKS R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" ESparksâ€"street, Contial Ottawa. SAutf K. J. A. BECKETT, Surgeon Dentist, Dental Rooms over A. Graham % Co.‘s R. C. LEGGO, Physician, Surgeon and Accouchour, Ofloo-l.{nnwn’l Block, Sparksâ€" AVERLY HOUSE, Aotcls andb Saloons, â€" An'll‘oy, Hgl_l_{ultn; of Doors . Atliscellancous. Liio'o'ï¬:l;:g'l;é;v;g‘wlnh" Saloon. 'P‘é‘““ sampleâ€"room for oommoreh)l GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. Meial Carbs. BARRINCTONâ€"STREET, BEVERLEY TUCKER, Bt. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. ntion ;}»id to their comfort;: _ JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. 2 ___, i#VMAN3, Proprie! Coâ€", Land Surveyors, Land Corner James and K Office, fantion AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, FOR THE UPPER OTTAWA, May 7, 1869. ’.l‘-'- oTerawa RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANYV$s ‘_ On and after MONDAY, 5th JULY, the above @tnu will leave Major‘s Wharf, at 5 a m, arrivâ€" ing at Ottawa at 10 30 a m, leaving same days, Mondays and Saturdays, at 4 p m, calling at all intermediate 7 """é" n w SHEPHERD, J ASON Ottawa, May 21, 1869. Towege of â€" The steamer Pembroke leaves Pembroke daily &t T o‘clock, a.m., for Des Jo.ehm“ and intermeâ€" diate ports, retu same * The Jason G':hnf leaves {embroko landing daily at 5 o‘clock, mem. Passengers arrive at Aylimer at 4 o‘clock, pm. * The Alliance leaves Portage du Fort every morning at 9130 a.m., touching at Gould‘s _ Until t.:‘.ei;;';.;i;".'l'd;â€.;;:‘.;;:;'i.:."é;:.";}ï¬ leave Aylmer every day (Sundays exce or the Upper Otutu., n’ smo-{-., tonpe‘:ggu March and Quio, Ind connecting with the Alliance at head of Railw gnt 12;30, touching at Arnâ€" rior, Sand Point, Bristol, Bonpechere, Farrell‘s Ghuf. Gould‘s Â¥ harf and Portage du Fort. Bum will lowve ‘Gould‘sâ€" Wharf immediately after the arrival oil' utllm steamer Alliance, for Cobâ€" den, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and srgvinguhfnk@k‘.l'sn_o evening. _ _ ', 11 ENN U Urenssseseresssescses ssessectense COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS Thiihe BIHBUDN:s+rrerresryerarcersinesesor d TUUCC O Aneesesens cessensenenes sneeese ce MARKET STEAMER " FAIRY," CAPT. R. G. NICHOLS. Parcel Express daily from the Office on the wharf to Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, from the office of Herrick & Crombie, Rideaun st, W 8 Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Blosck:; The market steamer Fairy, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4 p m for intermediate landings, s Ottawa, June 25! The comfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the routé passes through one of the most picturesque districts in Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists. Parties desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at single faros. s Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at L‘Orignal. . Daily Royal Mail Line ï¬f Steamers between 335 Quebec and Montreal. On and aiter MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, tho new and magnificent Jron Steamers (Quebec and Monâ€" treal, will leave Richeliou Pier (opposite Jacques Cartier r‘lace) as follows,â€" The rteamer Quebec, Captain J B Labelle, will leave every Moxpay, Teusrspay and Frivay at seven o‘clock, p m. The Steamer Montreal, Cslpuin Robert Nelson, will leave every Tursoay, Tnurspay and Satcrâ€" pay at seven o‘clock, p m. The steamer Queen Victoria leaves her whart foot of SBussex st, at 6:30 a in, (Montreal tiime), l.n:ivln‘ in Montreal at 4;45 p m. (Buxpays Exoerrten.) The splendid new snT fast sailing Steamers *qUEEN YICTORIA," etr Carr. Bowik, "*PRINCE OF WALES," . * _ Carr. R. W. Surraeap. Passage tickets will be sold at the office on the Wharf. Stateâ€"rooms can be secured by taking tickets at this office only. : â€" l This company will not be accountable for specie or valuables, unless Bills of Lading, having the value expressed, are signed therefor. J B LAMERE, § General Manager. Aan uo cbar o wme s 4s t ow o C l‘fll oOTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL S8TEA ME RS. UTTAWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, Bteerag Office of the Richelieu Co, 203 Commissioner street, Montreal, June 11, 1869. 1869. 1869. â€" STEAMERS " ALLIANCE," ASONGOULD" & * PEMBROKE," UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE Consisting of the following steamers : _ Ottawa, May 29, Uxtox Forwaromo ax» Rattwar CourP‘r,, & Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. HANGE OF TIME. NION FORWARDING & RAILWAY C©OMPANY. oTTAWA AND MONTREAL. ICHELIEU COMPAXy. "A NN SI1S8ON" sevem eoees s e ecanane aennn e 600 0 n 0 a00 DES JOACHIMS. : R. 8. CAB| COXNECTING WITH l..."..0.00".."!'0..-“ RATES OP PASSAGE Mteamers. sessesss:secss«»...... «Oaptain Bolton R. W. SHEPBRERD, R. 8. CABSELS, R W SHEPHERD. 1062f .......Captain Blopdin ......Captain Duggan ........Oaptain Beattie 1043f 1869. 1869. THE TIMES is Tas Orrawa i6 CoxPAXT, EDWLID Ts PMR Ustahtic, CIeTK Solicitor, Attorney and Notary Public, ! i1ed of the Peace and County Attorney, for the 'f"u Counties of Prescott and Russell. Oficeâ€"‘" Court House, L‘Or is Lnnl & GEMMILL, Barristers, Attorney® Bolicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Officeâ€"In the R H« HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, & citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, N Public, and Patent Right Solicitor. Officeâ€" Office Building, Elginâ€"street, Oitaws. ____ 4 MZ e in Chancery, Conveyancer, &¢. street. Office, Uni Buildings, Oitawkâ€" streets, Ottawa. RA atâ€"Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convey®® and Notaries Public, Corner of Sussex and Y O8sGROVE 4& TAILLON, Bam®®n, gl Bolickon(.)::. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, deauâ€"street, N & Wiuurax Mosorove. _ 366 Groros Tulo®. Nlcnox.n SPARKS, Barrister and Attorâ€" uawm.‘wmnï¬dlrflio Convey~ ancer coâ€" ngs, 5‘;‘- o’puiu the Post Ofl:‘&vs _ Agent for MARRIAGE LLCZENCEs for the city of Ottawa, by commission from His Excellency he Governorâ€"General. s OFFICEâ€"St. Lawrence Hotel, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, April 9, 1869 S 35 A. M.«â€"«â€"TRAINS will leave 3 Bmith‘s Falls at 8.35 a m and 64 p m, arriving at Perth at 9.%5 a m and 745 pm. â€"~ H, ABBOTT, w ; 5C }; ".~ LRArK® will mas $ Perth at 7.30 a m and 5.50 pm, arriving at Smith‘s Falle at 8.20 a m and 6.40 pm. LEAVE SMITHS FALLS. 6 00‘. M.«â€"TRAINS will leave : Btn:‘polnt at 6.00 a m and 2.)4 p m, 2.20 a m, arriving at Brockville at 10.00 a x,9.15 p m and 0.3‘. m and 6.10 a m, 6'00" M.=â€"TRAINS will leave o' 15 Br’o:kvfllo daily at 6,00 a m, 5.20 m, 7. m, 9.00 p.m, arri at Sandpoint l.’t 1’3.“ u&, 9.20; nl: and I.ufl:‘-. e LEAYVE SANDPOINT. p As MARA, Architect. Office 4@ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. TIME TABLE, No. 21, CommuEexcrme ow Moxpar, Juxes 21, 1869 B to and from Ottaws checked M.g:‘t}i:rï¬ouou(}rudx‘l‘mkm? Return tickets to Prescott, Kemptville and Ottrâ€" v.unduoodmuouhhldmm TV ‘DETDOR, THOMAS REYNOLDS t. s. Buperintendert; l‘.‘% _N.;..â€"Tu above frams all run by Montem LRAVE PRESCOTT, ARRIVE 1Â¥ ormawy. Mixed, 7. 15 a, m, 10.35 a, m. Express, 1.35 p.m, 4.15 p. m. Mail, 6.00 p.m. #.00 p. m, The time of these Trains has been so s to ensure connection with night and «m. Grand Trunk, east and west, also with the steamâ€" ers of the Royal Mail Line. C Td W 6 Day Express for ()';tlensbnrg. Brockville, Kihgeton, 3 & Toronm,()uelph, London, B Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, and a‘l points West, at. .. Might :: do ado ! do ' Accommodation Train for «C and Intermediate Stations Accommodation Train for King Intermediate Stations, a&t, Trains for Lachine at ssterstenirinnd 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 p»®, and 6:30 p m. Trains now leave as follows : 1869.] SUMMER Aanrpr GoING soUtH axp EAST, > Accommodation Train tor Island Pong and Immodmo.smmu......... 100 Express for New Y ork and Bosto, workes C prv.i.n VormoNnt Ceptral, â€" _ "***~ 430 Pm ess for New York and nxP'\’i.:Phtulmrgll. Lake Chl:;l‘.: Burlington & Rutland at...., > a m, 4£.40; Express for Island Pond, at.............. 200 1 ® Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond, Pm Gorham and Pmusnd,-wm.i., be. * tween Montrealand 1s!land Pond at bt. Hilaire, Et. Hyacinthe, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Wm"ub and Conrticook only, at......... (......_u-h & J° Sleeping Cars on all N Traing ‘? ehookos through, F “h ‘ ho. steamer ~Cariotta ©aves Portlang SATUTDAY AFTERNOON (after the ied train from Montreal on Friday nighy, for Hak fax, N.3., reurlllain‘ on Tuesday, * She has excellent &ccommodation for Passenge and {relight. fonslG * The International Com: y‘s in connection with the P(::nnd Trunk en leave Portland every MONDAy and * DAY at 6p‘n,forh§s:ohn, N.B., &e. Tickets issued t gh at the C°-P.!'l a pal scations, prizci For further information and time Of arrivel ang departure of all trains at terminal ~~. tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonavertare g, tion: ON and AFTER TUESDAY, MAY 18n, 1800, and until farther notice, TRAINS will ns as follows: a DWARD T. DARTXELLAs APIERERE & HAYCOCK, Attomis CHA!GI oF â€" TImE, ST. ‘LAWRENCE AXD oTTAWA RAZILW AY, (formerly the Ottawas & Prescott Railway.) Ottawa, May 14, 1869, The 1:30 p m train C;:J: BRYDGES, Mn“‘ Montreal, May 17, 1869, y ‘ GaAR YEILDING, Marriage Licentces: O*CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, TE TETREAU, Notary Public for the Proâ€" LEAYVE orrawa. ARRIVE I® rERsoor Expresm:s, 7 a. m. 9.25 a. m. Mixed, 1.00 p. m. 4.15 p. m. Mail, 10.00 pam, 1.00 a.m. . LRAVE PRESCOTT, ARERIVE TY ormawe. Mixed, 7. 1 5 a, m, 10.35 a, m. MAIN LINE. LEAVE BROCKVILLE _PERTH BRANCH. Kttgal Cads. LEAVE PERTH n 100 printed aod published b# T mss Prixtuwe AND P"‘: ltlhï¬OM_â€pP‘_ n___.‘l Ratlroabs, d4Gutf â€" Joun J. GmxH4 _ b ABRRANGEMEy e BONSAVEXTURE GOING wesy enebnrg. 0{:."' gston, BeDevilie, “’“dW.Br:nua,‘. hut ‘a+ for Kingst x n *# pq lor Klnzg(m and UnS, h.... wniinne ,:u "e .......-....5200 & .' 7~ .. runs through to p 0 " t ® for com'.n ations at........ r Kingston ang Jau»s Corro® LE SrAn“ Ts 830 a q 7;!0“ goli â€eso.ron T ES, O RGAN # AND MELODEONS, s their pew Shew Room, comprising f PIKNO-l'OB'l‘I‘.s,fm all the leading mak w ARREN‘S PIPE ORGANS, mm..‘“ulwnlols from the best! w_..u.blm excelling in finish . ".flfl-fuwwm yigrpBices LOW & TERMS LIBERAL ur stook of Concertinas, Violins, Flutes, . for the removal of housebold furniture, &e. #2ggoos for lumber and other heary goods. â€" N.B.â€"Residence at the westend of Welli u., oppesite the market o.,.t "*"ad Ogdensburgh, would beg to inform old m others, that s.'ï¬....i. fute :o“d.“ to their orders fm"nntu more prom than heretofore. Bhall visit Ottawa onee a mot Qrders received ..!“zl’..BOfE‘ncl.- s Auct * Music Stores « Rooms, and at E. Miles" 960 1909 "jog eoypon 45. is, as usual, very large. New Bhoot Music and .Books constantly ar ing* J. L. ORME & 8ON, = BSign of the Golden Lyre, came _ No. 8yBparkeâ€"st., next Durie & 8 wmhm’o Rimme!‘s New Perfumes, ‘8ilver Top Smelling Bottlde, Bootch Plaid Smolling Boules, FUNERALS furnished at the shortest notice in the A complete stook just recerved of J F U RNIT U RE ot order ot every desoription,, muae to order or Architects and others turnishing their own 4 :hqb‘d wood work will have executed. Partioular attention paid to * GoOTHIC & FANCY FURNITUV always on hand. 8. R COFEFEE! CDFFEE! COF K e ’hlb and Very Choise..... Our Teas and Ooffees, after one yei have been pronounced by the most reliak be of the finest quality, cheap and free substance, so often used in the ru-dm.bnn-duï¬ mak a speciality, we are in a p tages aflorded to every one are such as ¢ be obtained from our Continental merch we sell our goods at a very small advance &-*uw every one a chance to t and ees, we hare imported Tin tit Oatteses and Boxes, which will pres 1!‘“4&0%..-“‘ and will contain 6, 10, 20, 25 ibs and CEOo. mavyes, OoPrPrPRR PLATE PRIR \____ Bonk Street, Centre Tow + Between Sparks & Queen St MKETALLIC AND OTHER CO THE MEDICOAL HALI ""-rn-uuq-&uuau M*m“wd A. 0; F. COLEMAXN, V. Member of the Ontario Veterinary ( ;":lh-v.s.umomu _1 _i the County of Carieton A “-â€"â€"“m “_?‘huhqma& »@°â€" U N D E R T A K E R. PBille mm “L.hw":". VOL. IV W m and M‘edl. Druggists‘ Sundries of al\ d ,,,,,‘l:‘,’.' 3%«.-.."‘“ Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Post Ditawa, May 8, 1569. 1 TEA! TEA : AY PRESENTE EXPRESS WAGGONS Cambridge Boogquet, WP«&," MAKER, UPHOLBT call the attention of the public W . M. MABSEY, ORNE & son COFFEE. AT EKnglish Lavender W 0 20, 0 26, 0 0 18, 0 22, a