B OTTaWA. t, T a. un 106 p. m. UÂ¥ NIC with the 1 trains at the Ticket R_} 40'" 0‘; 'E.' ‘ tain for K ngog Stationt, at.... iÂ¥ ut ... ts ®FTERXu0X BRY DC ®, q KiVYR EROCKVILLE. > OI%a wu& 8 a h‘. Ivoiut at 600 & "~a ig at Brooky m E..‘:ls.-uw F® York ; rgh, Lake PERTH BRANCK . > LEAYVE PERTH.C.__ _ is herobyâ€" given, that 108 E t 00 0b sation with trains on also with the steamer rates can be had Chancer] , hee, Uni® . 15 z. m. and from Ottaws AVYE SMITHW® ZTEK DUPUIS, has the expiration of to the serious loss # KkKt.....«. or & arnd Central. Fmin tor Tiladd Pork k't;tAo Stationg at Pong Care on ait sOUTH TREAUs: a18 rung St * Ottawa & ARRAXNG every & UE*"""" e ors, Conyey anceits #*, " 6. OltK@L.___; J‘J"J I:SJ‘-; sreby wara and for Aul""“"!,'.’_ imA Â¥COCKs A, M,.â€"â€"TRA*S Smith‘s Faile at 8. at Porth at Â¥18 a Cegai Cane. $, 1909 uis IAII."' OF CANXADA, “ ENCE AND :‘ RAILWAY, #.00 p m, arti? ,Q,-'.l_!g GEKMMILLA ebec, lslang . S mek Hy acinthe, sP in A AND Eage, . _ me according w1® &, & have been pronounsed by the most reliable wen to beo: the Gnest quality, choup and free from all subssance, so often used l-\rm trade, importers of the above named articles, and them a speciality, wo are in a to every one perfect satistaction, advanâ€" afforded to every one are such as can only‘ be obtained from our Continentat merchants, as we sell onr goods at a vory small atvrance on cost. In order to give every ons a chance gtuto our Tess and Cofeos, we hare imported Tin Hermeâ€" Ue Catteses and Boxs«, which will preserve the s#treogth and Aavour of The above named articlos, aad will contaip 3, 10, 20, 24 Ibe and upwards. We will pay the carsiage on twoâ€"10 ib or four & lb Cattees, to the newrest Express or Steamboit Respectfully call the attention of the public to: . heir magnificent stock of o 800 ; Very Dest Full Flavored do, 73e ; Sonna &.*;‘"ht Fizvored do, 600 ; Very Fine do, do, T3e;, Japan, Good, 50¢, 35¢, Fine do, 600, Very Fine, 65¢, Finest, T50. meq mnaiy Pik ns oo .“'- 'â€I 65¢, 10e ; ‘htb"!t.' ‘Fine, 83¢ ; lnpu.l.:; :‘quo‘o. l;'h:"u"'dw.“o;ll.l m.._ Aptil, 1868.â€"To the Montreal Toa ®Our Teas ani CoW»es, aftor one yoar‘s trial whw of money, or money can be by hpmï¬w W here -:"ouut.nu ds:::ih'“ -3;::. 'fl goods poer Stageâ€" es form a uflqh:mbt Ten or -'onut!miu. will receive one ot their own cHoice in return at our o subjoin a list of ices : » /+ limem: . lpoen Bs oo oererns Stropg Tea .............. 30 46 2# 50 CERnet “-o...-.mo-c.-cm--oonl.‘-.o-nun Tohale Miinratktiihlhy, U cececooptrecrcrerterprvern Buperfine and Vory Choice.................. Young HysoRn..... ..............f"" ~"4......" Exgeilent Full Fiavoured do............ Fizstâ€"Cuass Riotsg aso Dairixg NMotsxs. 'I\ul TKA !â€" TEA :C COFFEE!. COFFEE! COFFEE! *« OoTTawa LLVERY sike SsALE AND BAIT STABLES C T UNEHNE conerenntbormmnrer ns erctnnenriercaemcns Medical aitendance to regular *boarders (freo of tharge, & Qur Teas, aftor the most severe teats by the best medigal authorities and judges of Tea, have been pronounced to be quite pure, and free from and aitideial colouring or poisonous substances so often wed to improve the appearance of Toa. They are unequaileq for strength aod Aavour. They have en chosen for their intrinsio wouth, keaping in We Me;, Fine Fiavoured Now Season do, 55¢, 60e ' sad 450 ; Vory Bost Full Flavored do, 13¢; Sonna Vetermmnary Infrmary attached for sick and lame "'-.-d-nnqma management of â€" » ) ; nerib. ‘Our Teas are putup in 5, 12, 15, 20 and ‘,’;.. noses, and are 'unuodru and free from substances. Grders for four 5 15 boxes, 9w 3»»â€"'â€"....-:.«:5»»".."“... tree to say Reilway Station in Canada. Toa will BLACK TEA. L h:; Fine Flavoured Now 8e ".;i;ii....v..u. igh de groe of pieasure in dricking them. We sell lm amaile 't';aolflo proits, effecting a saring to the consumer of 15¢ to C WARREX‘S PIPE ORGANS, â€"| ORGANS and MELODEUNS from the best facâ€" tories in the United States, excelling in Anish and tone anything ever brought into this country. waVRICES® LOW & TERMS LIBERAL *Wn Qur stock of Concertinas, Viol\ins, Â¥lutes, &0., to., is, as asual, very large. s NYaw Shooet Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" the «holo Dominion should buy their teas of the Amporters, _ HE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY mm-q..m.‘ _ us vi1 ¢0 money, or the money can be collect d on delivery by . express man, "bon there are expreas ollces.. sending orders below the awount -tauhmxnn will be betterâ€"to sond woney with the . Where a 2# ib box would be u“hh-m-dnbfllg together could sead for four 5 lb boxes, or two 121b boxzes. W e send them o one address carrtiage paid, and mark each bor plainly, so that each party get their own Toa. We warrant all the Toa wo sell to give ontire satisfection.. If they are not sa.isfactory thoy can be returned at our expense. i HOTE â€" <reH "*"sPAlics ‘S'um â€" w. ChaxPx®ss ; leare to inform the public that he will open a « ‘ LLVERY °STABLE Om MONDAY, 5th JULT, where: first class HORSES and BUG@!1K3 will always be on hand, Oftawa, June 29. 1869. â€" WIHE MONTREAL â€" 1 E" asciged to divide his time equally between (y:awa and Ogdesiburgh, would beg to inform his hi« old patrons and others, that he hopes, in future, to attea i to their ordars fortuning more promptly A. 0. F. COLEMAN, V. 8, h- of the Ontario Veterinary College, by m! 8. to the Governorâ€"General ; also, !“ toithe County of Carleton Agricuitural o d CCC m 1 C L T C nerstofore. Shall risit Ottawa once a month. :,',:..,. received at lr.. Bermingham s Austion iodmn and at &. Miles‘ Music Stores + _ AND MELODEON®, ;. . _ . | voRk staget. . a their new Show Room, comprising fi I would inform ‘my custowers and the pablic m P at 1 a now m PIANOâ€"FOBTES,from all the leading makert. | and Gammet Stock of Feet Woat . which wii ve PpIaNOâ€"FOR TES, O RGAN S, Agent for Ottawa, A. 0. AÂ¥DY & CO., : dox 201, P. 0., Ottawa, or. nâ€"st the Post Office. Ottawa, m & IW a~ KSRS. J. L. ORME & s0NX l-.-.--..........u.........“ â€. . â€o roroommeatrmmrccs &T t2l lecrrrmttertirerertcccerscress @ 18y U hy NO TUNING.â€"Th6é subscriber having TEA COM P ANY. RailwWaey Station in Canada. 102 will M’ftrmipï¬o{ the order by YOL. :IV Cor. Ridevs and Ottawaâ€"sts. : J;L ORME 4 SQ9N, . Sign of the Golden Lyre, â€" No. 4, Sparksâ€"st., next Durio & Son‘s CGREEXN 1 E4. CAOPFE E. leations promptly attendgd to, JOBEPH MOONEY, Russell Houss Block: agn. X. BExERgotct W. CHAMPNEsS3, e Maiarxk. NO. I115. 1087.1 _ | _ Received daily by express. 0 75 @ 80 0 40 @ 45 0 55 @ 60 0 75 @ 80 0 50 @ 60 0 65 # 10 0 75 @ 80 0 19, 0 33 0 29, 0 32 0 35 @ 40 0 55 @ 60 0 50 @ 60 0 15 @ sa 1 00 @ 00 | GENTLEMEN‘83 °_ | . |PaATENT CONGRESS, sEAL CONGRESS, FINE ENGLISH BOX TOED CONG2ESS, l HANDâ€"MADE, and other new styles, a The Aunnual GGeneral Meeting of the Canada Central Kallway Company will be held at the Company‘s OMhcd in the City of Ottaws, . on FRIDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of AUVGUST next, at t'flv\o’elqel. noon, of vhngh all persons interested are hereby required to take notiee, LA8ST MANXNY EARs WITHOUT CHANGE, § le Agents, + Y OUNG!| & k ADFORD, Toum uho set ofn::.hon.. rde * . mlvl. MORRLS & CO , Montreal. PM"W se employ no pedlars. can only be obtai PERFEC the dificulty of p have after yoars the erection of produce that which have veen THO8SE CELE . For comfort and attendance the travelling pat lic will And this frst class bhouse l-T-a in Canada, boing situated in the centre of the oruy. and having over 100 well furnished bedâ€"rooms, Teotole etiof THE BLE® MESSRS. L OCCULLl w. M. 1 ‘ PERFEC Sign of the Mammoth Boot, 61 Sparksâ€"st., Centre . Town. would call your special attention to his Splendid ASSORTMENYT of PRUNELLA (BQ0TYâ€"But. toned, Laced and Congress. UNITED su'rj PRINCE E Canada Contral Railway Office, Ottawa City, Ontario, bth June, 1869. Woe‘hare still on hand a portion of Mesers. F G & C A CROSBY‘S stock which is in perlect condiâ€" tion and suitable for the season, which we will attended its use in cv ease, and w here the highâ€" ést medical skill was of no avail, has induced the ubscriber to J‘" it every '{tndblo publicity. The gonuine has the subscriber‘s name and address on JTor the rolief and oure of lpllop?‘&. Vitus Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &¢., #o. This g-pu- ation is from the recipe of a celeobrated French Physician, and the very great success which has Par* LADIES, | "wa © To our Prunella Congress, a Arstâ€"rate artiole for $1. To our Prunells Batmoral, for.....,....s.......$1.28. 66 l'uuo BooTs > * FOG ALL WEATHERS." 8SPRINXG â€" AND sU M M ER, sctually sell for le.s thau cost joe cash, Inspection.of our sitock and prices is respect{ully lnvited. f A J STEPHMENS x Co., - _ x\oall 3 _â€"__ haite F G & C A Crosby, ubscriber to J‘" it every '{udblo publicity. The genuine has the subscriber‘s name and address on each bottle. Price one dollar. Sole Propristor J, A. HARTE, Chemist, 3Â¥6, Notre Dameâ€"street on $1,50 per day. Single rooms, withou, boar .“or‘:: * * 0 uaREAU, WATERS & CO, â€" Manager. â€" _ 1071.6m : Proprietors. COMPHINING a vory ‘args and varied assortment of LADIES®‘, GENT‘3, MISSES‘ & CHILDREX‘s DRESS & WALKING B0O0TS. We would call the especial attention of the Montreali. A largo su of Lambermen‘s Wear always se uiag. "Pe nognt 99 * Orders taken fgy all sorts of work,. Oaly the best work men employed, _GEoRoE MURPHY. ad Su tock of Feet Wear | which will be t:h.“ n.-pl:t: in every m'nyr.:nh‘ e 6 . LATEST AND BEST STYLES In Ladieg‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s â€" and Boy‘s Wear. f The stock 1 is ohgson with great and :s v):n::u':“l: give »lh?um‘n:. ..e‘ar: PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION, CaAPITAL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, Fnuu sALMON ~ " Greatly reduced in price during the next seven & | y* ROBELNSON & co., RHarto‘s Florida® Water, equal to anyth im orted, ‘Price 37 j cents nr.b‘dlo. & Nh!'v c * 1M BJOTS A N D S H 0 ES, BOOTs AND SHOES! ANADA CENXTHRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. ~NOTICKE. A8E AND COMFORT: ARODEE!S EPILEPTIC CURE, ANADA HUOTEL, _ 17 & 19 3T. GABRIEL STREET, MONTR EA L HUEAP GRAND T HERED.â€"B 00 T, BOOTS ~AND SHOES ‘ELESARA1IEv PERrECTEV SPECâ€" TACLES § NEVES â€" TI&ZE THE EYE, 1 ‘8EE THE NXEW STYLES CE EDW ARWU‘S TSLAND, ad DJMINION OF CAXNADA, during#be past nine yeats . ° _ NEWEST STYLES BANKRUPT STOCK. pilt am: hand a nastlam hf * MÂ¥ TH& RED Boor. JUST RECEIVED W. A. LAMB 8TKPHENS & CO‘¥, s V x ib E R, E‘DESIDERATU_M, rfecet Spectucles, § d with unlimited satisfaction wearers in the valuable as PERFECT SIGHT, PEREECT SIGHT ZARUS & MORRIS, TS & OPTICIANS, anufacturers of the celebrated ‘ED SPECTACLES, C ed by: using T SPECTACLES, f experiencse, experiment, and ly -uilnry’, bo'-"c-blod to ccuring which is weus axowy. WM R WOESLEY, AT AND AT 1070t4 MERCHANT TAILOR, 3 | _ ~BELL‘S BLOCK, osite the. Russell House, Ottawa, In returning thaitks to bis triends tor past favors, begs to intorm them and the znblio geperally, that he has reâ€"wpened his establishment at the above stand with an extensive stock of FIKSTâ€"CLASS MATERLAL & FAsHILON ABLE DESIGNS, suited tothe present seas on, and having secured the serviâ€" ces ol a firstâ€"class cutter,who bas had over ten yoars Mr, RomkrtsoN assures 2is friends that nothing -h,lho wanting on 4is part to merit a continuation 0 the patrosage bestowed on him in ll.o.rd. Ottawa, March 23, 1869. 1006 â€"3m experience in leading houses in Ozfordâ€"st., Lonâ€" don, igenabled to supply a want long felt in Ottaws. _ Mx, Ronextso® assures his friends that nothing the highest wages will be paid. None but frstâ€" cln.o’rovlm need ,.ppl’. s _ P.8,â€"Some of Weasey‘s Celebrated American ‘SI&ICT TAILORIXG. * . T. RAJOTTE. ©; © NEW IMPORTATIONS. him with a call of getting the stylish garâ€" :l.: “I.:. the: city. A trian is n respectfully Members of Parliament at Ottaws visiting the Chandiers, and wanting anything in bis line, v:;'ld..l‘:dhl: to Mr'a;vnï¬â€˜..o to give him a C i * bome good DAï¬uxx.‘ullu_ WAKTâ€" KD, as well as good COAT HANVS, to whom Cloths now open for inspection. 10404 Leaving their ordors at the | COMMERCIAL WARENHIOUSE, \ _ , _ No. 60 Spatkeâ€"st, Can get well suited in Garmenis. ~ 1043.3m A.GRAHAM & An extensive stock of ish, Seotch â€"and Canadian Tweeds, W est of and Broad Cloths, Meltons, Cassimere#,Gents‘ Haberdashery, Readyâ€" made Suits and (General Outftting Goode, which will be found very select. _ * KFrom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAND has had (having been Manager in the Gentleâ€" man‘s Trade for many years), he hopes to give N. 1043 $m ptrlo:luualulioq. _ § 2 & . The sucsess utadlnf his fits in pants and conts is nh&!oï¬. carrpot milutary cutting system and care ful rule of measurement he has adopted, Numerous city and provincial references ; also from New York and other districts of the Union. His general seale of prices is vor{ moderate, Genis‘ excellent T'OJSUWJIO. $12, $18, R * No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st,. * j Gentlomen leaving their orders for Garments, ean have them made uander the superintendence of Arst.class work men. . Ottawn, May 1. to show a select stock of English, Scotch m&-uln‘rn“. West of Engiand Broad Cloths, Meltons, Cassimeres, and o-flnu‘ Goods in genoral. A select lot of «rosvenor, Canterâ€" bury and Gladstone Scarfs Cheap. Â¥rom Mr. Lawrence‘s urflun both in the United States and the Dominion, in the Cutting Department, be can assure all who may tavour in Askfeld‘s Brick Building, Dukeâ€"st., is now preâ€" N.B.â€"Alierations and rouh:.sro-bfly attend â€" ed to, All garments well 11 and trimmed. Buttons securely sewed on, Youths‘ suits tameâ€" fully got up. _ OBb 4O #ite 1 lg o ap may now be seen at the COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE, 8 _ gttention given to the purchasing on Commission and Formwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &¢., &0, * lo«s.E- ‘s l:?é% totransact the business of Lite Insurancee ba Canada : * No. 38. The UNION MUTUAL L1FEINSUR ANCE COMPAXN Y, of Maine. â€"_ n-ï¬-u in U. 8. 6s of ‘81â€"$50,000,. B, R, CJRW LN, General Agent, 8t; Jobhn, N.B > }‘t:)r “.N xl.:.".“"l‘ of Finance +504 on ANuTON D. . Auditor. I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" General, Twenty Thousand Doliars in addition to the above Filty Thousand, -olh: Seventy Thou. sand Dollars ($70,000) U. 8. Gold Bonds, 64 of ‘81 The Hon. Col. John H. tray, M.P., has beet appoi Counsel to the Company tor the Domic lon. »Ail legal matters will be referred to him. + B. R. COKWIN, Mesdrs Totu & Garneau, Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. 4 â€"% , James G Ross,‘Esq, General Merchant, Viceâ€" President Quebec Bank, ~% Hon David & Price, M L C, Merchant. f Eugene Chin:s, Keq, Merchant, President L Banque National, Hon Thos McGreery, M L C, Viceâ€"President Union Bank. t 10444 A 'qusnln 8TOUK ur cnw.ornl FOR SUMMER WEAB, In Silk ifixtures, Scotch and Canadian 1 o_ .. . TWEEDS, â€" â€"___|*__ Office of Queen‘s Printer, ‘ An entirely Canadian {astitutionâ€"perfect security to insur: rs, and immediate payment of claims. _ ï¬"ï¬i‘.’“’. h. 100E _ _____ _ _PUHN__ l} K108 mUTUAL LIkK â€" IN8SURANCE COMPANY | QF MALINE, May be obtained CHEAP by calling at the couflErcraAL wWaREROUSE, | No. 60 Bparkeâ€"st., 43 $m A. GRAHAM & CO. Made with NEATNESS sand DESPATCH at OaTs, PANTS and VESTS ELIX CARBRAY, _ COMMISsION MERCHANT |__| ForwarDeRr, BRXEBAL AGENXNT, &c., &c., 4 !,No. 3, 81. Pem--'_,' c_|. _|‘â€"~â€" qUEBEC. EKNXTLEM ENX ENXTLEMEX‘s GARMENTS Â¥ing opened a fArst.class < . _ _. TAILORING ESTABUISHMENXT, m FOR CASII ONLY. m« ROBERTSOX®, rs will be executed strictly to the time COMMERCIAL WAREKHOUSE, No. 60 Sparke=st., , m A. GRAHAM & CO Â¥a, November 7, 1868. DVINCIAL INESURANCEK. MALCOLM CAMERON, w a h e w4 e # 4 #¢ a a eA 6w A WREXCEK A GRAHAM & CO,, * Commercial Warechouse, No. 60 Sparks st. 1043.3m Tailoring. Fisayor Derarntuest, Ottawa, 1%th October, 186%. Agencies. A.GRAHAM & CO. antage to give him a Dessarat‘s Buoce T. RAJOTTE. Manager. The remarkable which has atiended the introduction of mmmod c ated Lye intoCanadian market, by the su , has exâ€" gited the cupidity ot. an unprincipled ‘firm in town (which has already been convicted of borrowing other Eoplï¬ brains) by a squrious imitation ealled Saponifier. To avoid disappointment, pur= chasers should be careful to ask for Harte‘s Conâ€" cencrated Lye, which is sold by: all respectable Druggists azd Grocers in town and country. 7837 FOI 1KDIGESTION=â€"â€"P A lï¬ & C A« TINE oo-rolv olu% the DTukKsTION and AS2"MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fit eaten ut meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" perior to Ptrl.o. L â€" Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 2s, 68d, 6s 64 and 1226d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,3s,5s and10s. N.B.â€"Â¥ancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. Aosstsâ€"Messrsâ€"Â¥. uai 1!1 &)Coi, W. Notwax‘s, MRTOALIl%lruli'. To Tl-n:‘m â€"The w::}lamu in t Ottawsa Bopt.'.'l!’&. ic I “827! has been long known as & most valuable toile article, and a constantly, increasing.demand is a guarantee of its high reputation. f SAVAGI:E URSINA. _ { PURE GREASE or tuz CANADA BEAR, Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatm! . _â€"OTTAWA, 1 â€"â€" End of It is delightfully perfumed, and is eminext for promoting a luzuriant growth of the hair, and permanently maintaining its beauty * Itsâ€"nourishing properties efl'octullx' prevent the hair from falling off or turning gray.! OoTTAW A, «« The smoke causes no nauses. When the right kind, Tchave never known an instamce in which relief was not obtained."â€"General Alexander to Or fermed into Cigars and Cigarettes, Boxes, $s, be, 8a and 158. Pastiles for Inhalation, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 108. «} BAVORY & MOOQRE, 143, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aozxts+â€"Messrs. F. Cundill & Co., Montreal. EVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, proprie tors; and sold by all druggists :Â¥d perfum ers. 3 1028eod. 3m «_ > The CANADA‘ HOUSKE, cix.woxu SPRINGS, will be open for visitbrs on WEDâ€" NESDAY, the 16th inst. . (‘.) diate sale. Prompt returns in all cases. Return tickets will be issued to the Springs at reduced rates, on board <the steamer Queen Vieâ€" Furthor isformation can be had from the Agent at the Springs, * NT «44 . It is hoped that the undertaking will receive that encouragement which ics importance deserves. The annuaal history. which the Editor proposes to publish will be of great value to all interested in the tuture of our country., Shoald the Register be as well received as the Editor hopes he will spare no efort bo justify future: support. All that labour and impartiality can accomplish will be done to ensure the success of his work. He has been .promised assistance‘ by men in different parts ot the Dominion whoso sapacity is undoubleJ. He intenids, with as little delay as possible, to propare the volumes for 1867 and 1868, * & * June 15, 1869. The volume for imium contain 350 pp, R vo, and will be bound in cloth. _ Price two dollars, ‘~â€" _ NMENRY J. MORuaN. «+ Of ?n effcroy in cases of Asthma and Chronic Bronchit‘s. â€"LDublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" 2 An account of the London Colonial Confer: ence of 1866â€"67. . w, y t 3 The Debates in the English Parliament on the Union of the B A Colonies, &¢. 4 The formation of the Local Governm ents 8 The General Election and its Issues, with the namgs of tho successful. and unsuccess(al candidates, and the number of votes polied fo each respectively. Cile a V Journal 0. Remarkable Occurrences. VÂ¥L Promotions, Appointments and Changes in the Public bervice ; University Honours, &¢. Vil Obitaary of C-lgbratod. Persons,. & VLI{ Public Documents and State Papers of Importance. + 3 1 A preliminary sketch of the proceedings.in the B. N. A. Provinces in 1864â€"65 and ‘66 which led to Confederation. 6 A Sketch of the Business of the Dominio Parliament, and of the several Local Le gislatures, with fu‘l and accurate reports df the . principal speeches Udelivered during the SesgioAs of thore bodies. " & ‘ANNUAL REGISTER. ; (The Montreal Pfl'lll"vh and Rublishing Comâ€" * pany, 4b rinters.) % , ( _ Itis belioved by the undersigned ‘that the time has arrived for the publication in Canida of an ANNUAL RECORD OF PUBLIC EvENTS, similar to that which hag been .1101.‘ pablished, and is so well known in Eoglénd. The rapid strides ot the Dominion are attraciing the atten tion of the civilizea world. It will be the aim of the Editor to chronicle cach year the leading events so rapidly succeeding exch other in the tlormation of our national character and national The editor proposes to commence with the birth and infancy of the Canadian Coofederation. : Th first volume of his Registrar will therefore contain the tollowing : & l hss se.u 1 oss.â€"Dr. W. I The Political and Parliamentary History of 1867, including : f f Tul»chaouuï¬ EYVERY DESCRIPTION\, 11 The Financial Affairs of the Dominion. 1I1 The Chureh in Canada. © IV. Retrospect of Literaiure, Art and Science. In Tins, 2s 6d, 5s and 10s. ONCENXTRATED LYKEK. . ’ ce mmmzamcls | CaAUTION To THE PUBL COMMISSION MER s FORW ARDER o 0 _ DEALERS i® NLARGED PORTRAITURFKF ALEDONIA SPRINGS, 1 Ottawa, June 7, 1869. H. KASTON & Co. COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLALN}, DATURA TATUL A, Affords Imnsediate Relief. * A rewedy ‘d_;tut power and W. Parker. Fon u'rnnli, and Chm'.e Bi-o By order, End of Little Sussexâ€"st. on goods conthzned tor Imme. AT EDW 8 ppointm hX farier C fal, Pork, &c. JHANTS, ONDAY, AUG‘UST 2. vl&;p; ‘ y ENING 015.3m RUSSELL in the â€"_We are the on? manufecturers who can furnish the genuine « Leffel Whee}l" in Canada, as will be seen by the following certificate : ' SpamsbÂ¥rev, On1o, Dec. 25th, 1868. We take pleasure in intorming. the public of Canada that we have sold and fuarnisbhed Mr. F. W. guzex, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Formers, Drawings, G , and all other nouur{ inforâ€" mation, to ufl *our celebrated Double Turbine Water Wheel, invented b{ â€"James Leffel, and known as the ©" Leffel Wheel." We have also obâ€" ligated ourselves to turnish the same facilities for mapefacturing to no other parties in ‘Canads. Without the information we have given Mr. Gien, . no one can succesifully build our W1 cels, and we advise parties in Capada to purchase our W heels of no other manufacturer. Mr, Glen‘s facilities are mmu'puug;l and we foel" suro that hke will build a Wheel that will give pertect satisfaction, We,therefore commend him to the public of Cana.â€" da with entire confidence, feeling sure he willâ€" manufacture a Wheel in all respects equal to our own. < * ' Bigned, > JAMES LEFFEL & CO, , WARRANTY. . _ Our W heels are warrantod to work to entire sat. is ‘action, if pn?-orly put up, run, rnad taken care. 0",â€"and then if they do not p »rforus to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, after running them, 60 days, they may return the whoels to vs, and we will pay freight, both ways, and refund al! payâ€" ments made to us thercon, This guarantoe will be strictly adhered to. _ . T4 1. We call espccia‘ attention to our l‘v'oflor Gear ing of all kinds forâ€" wucn|||1I our Wheels, made light, and adapted to the high speed at which the Jhnl: run, We caution purchasers against using beavy skafting and gearing. KA We also muanufaciure ail kinds of Saw and Flour Mill Machinery, including Steam Engiyes and Boil:=~s,‘Engl‘sh and American Cangs, Hard« ectting und Self= setting Clhicular Saweigs, Upr‘zgkt and Osciliating _ Mr‘ay Sawerigsy Gearing, Shafting, Pullles and Hanr~cts, &¢â€", &¢. Also Shingle Machines sud Jointers, Leatherâ€" SJ;llub‘ iluhhm. Knifeâ€" Grivders, Woollen achinery, Washington Hand Printing Presses, Gordon‘s Power Press, Taylot‘s Cylinder Pross, and Blake‘s Patent Steam Pamp. . 3 @ cnuofm contrining {1ll information furnished free to all applicants. . Addressâ€" F, W. GLEN, President, : 959â€"1awim ; QsHAWA, ONT. «lzâ€"esi Chassepot, Berdan, Remington, «â€"â€"â€"aBb «nd other Rifles, _ Also. Cartridges for Ballari, B.“sp.pcot.x and American Henry Repoating 1fies. § The ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made whollyâ€"of matat,â€"are waterproof and imperishable in any climate. : â€" BOXER CARTRIDGES of +450 bore tor Revoiâ€" ving Pistols, used in her Majesty‘s Navy., _ tect and economicat water wheel in use. and for the different‘ systems ot Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had with or without the suitable Bullets and Machines for finishing the Cartridges. COPPER RIM~ FIRE CARTRLIDGES of all sizes, for Smith & WeSson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pockst Revolvers. 1: *PIN CAKTRIDGES for Lefaucheux Revolvers of 12â€"m., yâ€"m, and 7â€"m. bore. _ RIDGES for all sizes and syscoms iof Gans, Rifles, and Revolvers. } Double W aterproof and K. B. C?pe, Patent W ire cmrldmou Gun Waddings for Breoch andâ€" Muzzle L rs, and every description of Sporting and Military Ammunition,. | . _ <_. _ . ELEY BROTHERS, | ~*%; @GRAY‘3 INN ROAD, Lospon. â€" ‘ * * WHOLESALE OXLY. 0 > _ ~ St Alban‘s School for boys (private and select), will open on the lith day AU;::X:T, 1869. Head Masterâ€"Reovd C F 8 r, M A, 1093.3m June 4; 1869. JOSEPII HALL ; MACHINE WORKS, EST&SLISRED 1851, JOSEPH HALL MANUFACTURING CO PROPRIETORS CEO. MavEes, COPPER PLATE PRINTER, ~~~â€" Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. Ciroulars and samples of sewi C on application, ples of sewing sent post free are the best in the world for family uso| as they hem, fell, tuck, cord, bind, gather and quilt in a manuner that defies competition. They are the onl y machines in the world to which can bs apâ€" plisd tha delicatg Buttoncshols Attachment and Ornamental Sutch Embroidery Cloth Piate. Call and See our NEW TUCK CREASER and GULDE. Price, $2.00. N.B.â€"Sewing done to order, and needles, oil and gilk for all machinex constantly on Land. | aG,. aA. wWaLToy®R, | 1UE HOWE SEWIN + MACNIINE3S are best adapted for lailoring, carrtiage: trimming, boot and : a. ress in «king, and are unrivalled for such purposes. Call and examine the Adjustable Head Revolâ€" ving Presser Foot, and admirgbly adapted Presâ€" sure Bar.. M w UHEELEKB & WILSOXNX iperishable in any climate. t "The above curtridke cases (empty) of nll sisss, CENTHAL cFiRE and PIN FIRE CARTâ€" ; DUCATION, ; * CLASSICAL AND GENERAL. Exchange, Bil Heads, Vir‘ =4 6 P oo e cait rend merths SE WING MACHINES 105 l('mé.'l(;'Wosg, ‘*"oronto, and 87 Sparke st., Ottawa. . STEPHEN, rlul(or for Ottawa Office, 0 S HAW A, ONTARIO, Sewing Machines. 4bon*"" *iyâ€" â€"â€" ommnts 13® 1606.1eby W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and ‘Teacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. ==um Rooms and Residence, Q‘Connorâ€"st â€"â€"orner of Slaterâ€"st., Cenâ€" tre Towa. f "J 5 Orders may be lett at his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. > _ CONG@REGATION DE NOTRE . .DaMB, iz s FROM MONTREEAL,. ~> § respectfully inform : the El‘hï¬e that they have opened a branch of their Educational Establishâ€" mentin Oitawa, and are now prepared to receive as boarders and day scholars young ladies desirous of obtaining a finished education. \ ; * Every possible aavantage and facility to acquire the French langnage will be offered. The echolastic year begink on 16th August, For terms and particuiars apply to the iisdy Suâ€" perior, Wellington «â€"reet, oppusite the Pariiament Buildings. â€" RIUBICAL AciaDEMy. * Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH, (Organiat ofthe Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Im(porigal Connrvno‘r‘yh:( Paris. Lessons on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" street, corner of Kingâ€"street. : Ottaw a, June 23, 1858. i 319y The question of grants to superior edu. cation has not yet been rororly settled by the Legislature of Ontario, U‘:m the public is satisfied with the utility of Upper Canada (College in oul educational system, the former question / wilr remain open. ;The Honourable John Sandfield l(el)onllnu not been 8o snccessfual with educa. tional questions, as the great s 10snoxEeks Rewror Fas been in eradicating te numerous chronic complaints of the Lungs, Liver and circhiatory organs. . For sale by -fldru“isu. ACADEMIES OF THE GREY NUNS, *®‘! . * oTTAW A, ‘ The GRZY NUNS beg to inform the public that their new Establishment in Rideaun street, known as NOTRE DAME DUV SACRE DEEUR, will be ready to receive Boarders on the 12th AUGUST, on which day their classes will open. o‘clock. Boarders will be reseived on the evening of the eleventh or the morning of the 12th, as most conâ€" venlent in order that the pupils may attend the opening exercises. : _All the higher branches of education for young ladies will be taught in the Academies under the direction of the Gtey Nuns. * The branch Institution of the Grey Nuns, viz, the Convent Academy, ‘Bolton street; and t Mary‘s A&ldomy, Wellington Street ; â€"will be opened on THURSDAY, 12th AUGUST, at ten For iurther information applisation can be made atthe Convent, Boliton stree‘. 1107¢ __Bold by apothecaries. Price $1.50 per bottle; or 6 for $7.050. $ ~ JAMES I FELLOWS, Chemist, ' * Et John, N B. Aoxxtsâ€"Francis Cundill & Co, 32 Lemoine st, Mo treal. $ » f | ~ J. A, WHIPPLE, Prorr:®ToR of the ocldcst and most eatensive Photographic Estabiisament in the United States, pays especial aitention to cu}, ying, enlargiog and coloring photogtaphs, iike oil pa‘nting, from sir all daguerreotypes, tiniypes and ‘card victures, true to life ; takes Porgelaing, Cards de V isite, Imperâ€" ials, and every variety of photographe, guaranâ€" tecing most perfect satisfaction in every respect. Every one is invited to call and ree his extepsive cullection of inte ‘esting photorraphs at 20â€" ington det., corner of Temple Puoa_.ar‘é Northro;; & Lvnsn, Newcastle, C. W., General Agents for the Canadas, Sold in Ottaws by all druggists and by modicine dealers every where. in the Spring time most personsâ€" are more or leas the llb&dl of disease emanating from a low state of the blood. ‘The causes are vrarious, but it is only necessary to know that in o der for the prompt . purification of that fuid the imtiont should use FELLOWS‘ COM~UUND SYRU®? of HYPOPHOSPHITES with full assur .nege 0° obtaining the desir d results. This syrup will also strengthen tire organs of digestion, rrono‘s healthy assimilation, nowrish the muscles, and renovate the nervous system. \ We are enabled to speak with as much confis cs se in the cure of cases of this character_ «1complicated with org.nic disease, as of the Sprirg rains prompting vegetation, or of the sun‘s rays being followed by light and heat.. Persons then who wilfally avoid tio use of this remedy, aad perish from debility, may be chargeable with /elo de se. A ‘ ooo Eons ol Pant EDiE AOpCORE EWY SVP 6TMe0, COs gundry other compluints, and find 1t a super‘ore article, and well worthy the notice of all *‘ Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. Trask‘s Mnflwï¬c (intmient, and see that the words # A. TRASK‘3 MAGNEIIC QINTMENT" are on the wrapper. Northrop & L WB::.:.“;V Bm.bnm, of Knowlesvilie, NJw York, says ; "I have used it in several cases of Special Irritation and for the worst cases of Piles, and De. J. P. K*xx®orv, of Chittonango, New York, says : " It has stowd theest trial, and has not been found wanting. Its astonishing cures of Infiamâ€" mation ot the &ungs and Croup and the wonderful success in subsiding the toâ€"turing paing ot Rheuâ€" matism, and relieving Nervous A£ctio’m, entitle it to a bigh rank in the list of remedic: for these somplaints." 00 00 .0 0 c . 1 Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cures Croup or Batties.â€"Dr. Bixonax, of Utica, New York, says: "I have used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment in my practice a number 0° years, and can say with pleasure I deem it one of it o greatest discoveries of the age; for the cure of Inflammation of the Lungs, In?lammltiu.x of the Bowels, lnfln%muory Rbeumatisto, and in Childâ€" bed Fever, it bperates with perfect success, in cases of Burns, Bruises, Frozen LAmbe, it acts like a charm, , i Mothers! motners ; Mothers!â€"Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the exctuciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get & bottle of Mrlfl.â€"leNSLOW'S sOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is|not a mother on earth who ba ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate tho bowels, and givo rest to the mother, and relie! and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one‘of the olde:t and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. Bold everywhere. Boe sure to call for ©MRS. WINSLOW‘!S SOoOTIILXG SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of ©Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations A REAL HAIX RESToRER AnD pagsstxe j Combined in One Bottle. . RIRS. So Ao A LIJEN,S eparation for the Hair ; clear and transparent, C'Mfl-t Luldmm"l lt' is :‘:y' simple and often )rodmc wonderful results. Its great superiority and economy as a f/ï¬ Dressing over high cost Freuch Pomades is acknowledged by all not only in this country but im Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. * FALLING HAIR is immmediately checked. Ehrope The Resterer and Zylobalsamum should not be used ont with the other. BOLD BY a1L DrRvGGWTs. Préprietors, 8. R. Van Duzer & Co., Wholesale D ruggists, In the Spring time most personsâ€" are more or _4 __35! srciny St. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. __ March 26. 10v8â€"14y Mrs. 8. A. ALLEN®S ZYLOBALSAMUM, anotkee LIANOâ€"FOLTE TULTION. OaARDINXG SCHOOL HE SISTERS HoTOcRarHs. :m:kdfrd ? ail not only 1 rope. _ The Resterer cn"}yl HATIR RESTORER Educationat. SPECIAL NOTICEKS. OF THE _ GRAT HAIR ~ Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature‘s Crown.® You Must Cultivate it great bargain at 64. yardâ€"at Garland Muchmor & Co.‘s. â€": " _ . The Charlottetown Examiner # ys: ~â€"The Minister of Custons for the Domâ€" ‘inion, the Hon. 8. L. Tflm and th» Reâ€" ceiver Genera‘, the Hon. Kdward Kenty, have been on the Istand for more than a week. These gentlemen have come to us in no official capaci.y. They are not a delegation from Canada, sent to endeaâ€" vour to forward eonfederation. â€" Mr. Tilley is accompanied by his w ife to whom he was, doubtless, anxious © < ow the beauti¢s of our Island. Mf. an «rs. Tilley Jlanded at Bummersid®, and drove to Charlottetown, yesterday mno .â€" ing, for Pictou, Mr. lzenny is pay ag us his annual visit. He has been a« *| tomed to call upon us once a g‘w, at least, for many years, We are happy to see that he is lopking well, anf we isust that, for. many years to come, his > sits may be expected. Upon confeder: ‘on;» neither Mr. Tilley nor Mr. Kersy, » for as we are aware, bave said muc}h.« The Canadian government is authorise, by a: vote of gglrlhmeht, to negotiate with the Island upon the subject : and we presume that, before the year (’:‘lueea, we shall have a . proposal them ; but whether it will be ctotlmnig ited through the ‘~Governor _ General, or whether Sir John A. Macdonal? or some of his collea§uei will come down for the purpose of personally discussing with our local Government, we cannot state. It is, we understand, the inten. tion of the Governor General, Nir John Young, to visit the Island duriog this present month, or early in August. Sir Gceorge Cartier, it is expected, will acâ€" company‘His Excellency. That the Isâ€" land is destined to form part of the Dominion, is the opinion of every inteliiâ€" gent man, who meet beyoid our shores, and thére are indications that, upon the Island, many who were hoatiie to union with Canada upon auy terms are disposâ€" ed to regard confederation as inevitable. Even the Colonial Secretary, Mr. Benâ€" jamin Davies, words his address to his constituents Esignificantly, He does not tell themn that he is opposed to Confdderaâ€" tion upon any terms. . ‘The people on the Island generally are very hostile to union with Canada upon any terms. The reâ€" spousibility of dealing with the qucstion will probably devolve upon Mr. Hayâ€" thorne and his associates in the Execuâ€" tive. We leave it with them, fully satis fied as to the nature of the result. That extravagant terms will be offered to the Island to lure her into union, we do not lsland to lure her into nniOn, we do not bclieve. The Canadian Parliament de sires that the Island #hould form part of the Dominion; but we feel that that body would not to purchase its adâ€" mission at too hm rate, # with a Highland boniot,’, so that his nationality mught prociaim itself ‘as he pazved along\ . At the camp of the Lonâ€" don Scottish, Cameron, true to his temâ€" perance principles,;would not taste a drop even of claret cup, but his supporters, who had carried him without J;Zching from the 1,000 yards range on the opâ€" posite side of the common, were. in a position both to needâ€" and enjoy the draught which he did not permit himself. | It should be mentioned that the score of ‘ seventyâ€"one marks now made by Corporal ; Cameron is the very highest ever record â€" ed for the Queen‘s prize; that of 60 which he himself »obtainetf in 1866, having: preâ€" viously been considerably more than was evergained by any other competitor. Cameron is thus, for the second ‘time. within a very few years, the winner of, her Majesty‘s gift of £250, toz ther with the gold medal and gold baige of the Association. us with a Highland bonnet,» so nationality might prociaim | its sense of ielief was experienced. â€" The procession was reformed, and at every regimental camp which it passed theâ€"horo of ‘the hour was loudly welcomed. Scotchmen, morcover, insisted on reâ€" moviag the white felt hat which Cameron had worn when shooting, and replacing it , _ ~~%. PevVSVes. Upon IHS park was . pecoimâ€" ! inz at the close of each round somethinz ‘)nore than a possibilty, though everybody looked upon the doctrine of chances as decidedly against his winning the priv~ a | second time. The competitor to whuse shooting attention was thus pointes. y | i directed was no other than Angus Cau râ€"| on, * the little Seotch gillie," as no ~s | then called, whose triumph in 15 tâ€" ed such surprise. When he bi;: _ «0 l still to fire he was two behind th{. ng score ; but " Angus may do it &Y w = the hopeful ery of his: fellowâ€"countryme: ; and sure enough Angus did do +, ‘or. when the rest had completed their _ firig:> his score ofseventyâ€"one was faran: ~we, ’ the best, excceding that which was _ arce‘ | to him then by.no léss chan five; int | The movent . the result wes dei «i. , ‘ ascertained a great shout of t~ mpl arose, and Cameron, who ‘s, coâ€"para | tively speaking, the smallest and mides: | ot men, was hoisted on the shoulders o. tw« { giantsâ€"of whom one, Captain Arm: ~~ng, is the pride of the . Irish twentyâ€" and | borne off to make official announcemer:t of the victory. ‘The band of the Victw ‘as, according to the immemorial usage, hoadâ€" ed the p.ocession, â€" playing * See the Conqvering Hero Comes ;‘ in the scar of al? came a throng of eager, excited and gratified volunteers, cheering every now and then to relieve their feclings. So great was the anxiety to congratulate Came 0: and to be present at his reâ€" ception in the Council tent, that the latter was well righ carried away in the rush for entrance. It was an anxious moment when Camecron‘s rifle was handed over to be tested, for light triggers bave been found this year in the most out of the way quarters, and one of the sixty competitors in the second stage of this very competition had been wanting in this respect ; but wlien the rifle was handâ€" ed back again, with an intimation that it was " above par," a great and general A Scene at Wimbledon Camp. The Times says that the competitors in the second stage were known to inâ€" clude several good shots, and all expe ced that the contest would be close an§ «*duâ€" ous, though, in accordance with past expericnce, it was autici{nted that some new man would ultimately work his way to the front. Towards four 0° ~"‘ock, however, it began to be observed, Srst among the bystanders <gencrally, that a former Queen‘s prizeman was shou.‘~g with such remarkable steadibess that câ€" newed success upon his part was becmâ€" The on Mr. Tilley‘s Visitâ€"Confed« § eration, etc. ho 1,523 rarps good fast coroured printsâ€"a PRINCE EDWARD ISLAKD. THE QUEEN‘S CUP. s a s 2* | U Us se crâ€" t $ ine ** & l] & *~ l i bi: . «0 [ 4 Be i _ ng T WOs t ï¬:’rymm i1 f _ {PRICKâ€"3 CENTS The London Star, in referring to the recent emigration statistics, suys that they supply information on an intercsting intâ€"this occupations of the intnigrants, r:lt hatdly #a Beien: information, as the mï¬:tiona'of nearly three fifths of the number are * not «pecified." So far a« they go, however, the figures coarfirm previous impressions as to the people who are most attracted by a country like America, Out of 1,000,000 accocnted for 515,000 _ are Jabourers, 254000 farmgrs, 196,000 ‘mechanies, 71000 miner#, 68,000° servants, 13,000 cl<rks, and the numbers of any other. class, whetber tailors, or shoemakers, or lawâ€" yers, are quite insignificant. There A counterfeit coupon for three dollars purporting to belonz to aone hungred dollar five twenty bond, was reccived toâ€" day at the Treasury Department, which had been sent here from Germany to New York, cashed there and. forwcrded to Washington ~for collection, >The counterfeit© was lithegraphed and when compared with the genuine coupon it could be casily dctected by the most inexperienced persons; as the execuâ€" tion is rough abd inattistic, the paper thin and common, and it is a‘ trifle shortâ€" er than the geuuine coupon. _ It assumed to beloog to the fiveâ€"twenties of 1862, fourth series, and bore the ‘stamp of some German.bouse on the back, but too indistinctly to be ‘deciphered fully, ~ Lodge ~of the order, to meet in New Yorf in March pekt ; and that one ghou< sand copies of the new Constitution were oraered to be printed, then translated inâ€" to Geâ€"man, and 250. additional copmes printed. _ We ‘are informed, moreover, that the Grand Lodge of Ohiqg was orâ€" ganized at Columbus on the . 5th .int: ; that of Wést Virgima at Berkley springs, on the 20th ; that of Kentucky wili be organized this.woek ; and that the preâ€" paratory steps are to be taken for the ‘ organization * in the States of Louisiana and Californja.. The order is represented as increasing very rapidly at present, there being over 33‘)’[»5‘0-, 11 Grand Lodges, a supreme Lodge, and over 100,000 members, But who knows what all this means?â€"Bufualo _Adâ€" 4 .0 ho o PAE CC We are told that a full quorum of 1epro- sentatives of the various Lodges| was present ; that a Constitution was framed for subordinate Lodges ; that a |comâ€" mittee . of five, called. 4the committes of supervision, was.appomted to visit the various Lodges and* give Aaustruction in the working of the: order; tha;y a comâ€" mittee . was appointed to make:| preâ€" l'll-l':!:lfml“fo‘r' the reception of the supreme "7) _ Hoim . country." _ Aficr rdading ' this einphatie statement on a hot day, one feels tempted to fu]] back in his chair, and en.ies ‘the Japdnese their matclhless art in fanning themselves. * The| l nd of England a legitimate luxury, and porâ€" tion of the (l}:l‘ via Ill,l'“-‘(l'l'![l Il.(‘(f, gtï¬d manners and country g.«f;m»- to ‘varnish city wits) " rather, than ‘a ne€essit for the mair tenance of the people""â€"this {appy‘ and inrocer t statement.on the part of a scholer, K‘hilanthrcmin, and â€" millionaire seems to be 6litself a sufficient© defence of Mr. Locke‘s bill. Aud while Mr. Beresford Hope is descanting on the beawies of land as a luxury for the rich, Mr. Goschen is working sixteen houts a day and tearing his hair to provide fupds for a pauperism which is gradually |asâ€" suming the proportiohs of â€" a sepatate kingdom ; and while the Jaw of intestacy is defended as a school of manners, ahoais of shiftless spawn, without | school, Iwaitse, or home, are « easclessly pouring into. that reeking Social llun' to be grtiï¬ll(l -lifli.o gropeulupc for those jofty and maguiâ€" clent gaols. So much for the land laws which make land a legitimate _ luxairy: for the rich, rather than | a â€" mcans of maintenance for thegoor. / M pers that a session of the " Grand pl:odgc of the Kuights of Pythias") was held in that city last week, at which seyâ€" cral things were dowe, though nothinx was said to enlighten an enquiring "-::'ple. We have to confess to a total .rnorâ€" ance of the plabs and purposes of this mysteriors order. . We find accounts of the ogress the . brotherbood 1s mnkin-; in digrent parts, but nothing defisite ‘as to what sort of a brotherhood it iss Whether it is a political, or moral, ‘or social organization,â€"or a burlesque, like the famous order _of the {son® of â€" Malta, â€"we find no information that gives us a clue. We learn ~from the New York T#VVRC RIUZ 3 _ lica} Est'alcv Imcmcj Bill passed the gccond revxding in a Houge of 313 by a majotity of twentyâ€"five vote 4, and iss intloc_‘a 0 at Do d Mss f o j Â¥ i 0_ _ J aye TYOuH %, and its triumph elcered from the Minâ€" isterial be ("}(‘*,j! another, . not among the least, siynificant ‘ymptoms of ‘the healthy and sincere temper of the ‘present House of Commions> t‘nder Lord Pa‘ merston such an eyent would have been impossible.. _ Mr, Beresford Mope let the landowner‘s pet cat out of the bag, and a wilder cat trom lon ; cantinemént was probably never scen on the floor of tne House of Commons. ‘One wonders that half the membersâ€"did not stand , up. on their seats. . The lard of Engluur had become legitimately a luxury to be enâ€" THEK LUXt L . d dn rishate Sn s time: D: vhict joyed by persons. who had ‘ made their monty in trades and professions, _ rather than a‘sec ‘sity for the maintenance of the people. _ It had become a portion of that ars rirendi which we had to gtudy as citizens of a wealthy, imclloctu},"nnd comwercial ‘country," _ After reéading this emphatic statement on a hot daw ana A DANGELROUS COUNTERFEKIT. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA THEK KNIGHTS or P YTHIA8%, heered from the Minâ€" is another, _ not among cant «ymptoms of ‘the ‘re temper of the pregent ms> .@‘nder Lord Pa‘ event would have been "L4CBIOTG llope | 28 at out of the bag, and 1 canfinemént was on the floor of tae ‘One â€" wonders ‘that --(l'l't[l ’a'(‘('t, g.ood fj‘“"‘" to ‘varnish (a ne€essity for LANDOWAING .