C .. thimkee * ave .o"'n“ s @0lÂ¥e wWEsr, or Ogdensburg. Gg % 90, RAILWAY, y theé Ottawa & Presc AYE OrTaWa. e83, 7 a. u. CA 2l n Train for C bi‘l‘r.h for ‘* Â¥ine 4 °C . A U secriute ‘noen, 1;30 pm, 4 TIME 1Â¥0 oÂ¥ J: BRYDaRE M o May l?‘%&n.i PETER pUPUIS, .31! ins at ~all tra #} the Ticket 4 to and from Ottews stations on Grand Tre ckots to Prescott, K on NÂ¥ op **Lw n with the N@sOUTH ayp ontreal tss, 1.38 p.m. 41 ol.tlcu‘n.“ nnection with trains on st, also with the steamer p ®, 9.0):& -.’.D: an< LEAYVE SA 1, 1.9¢ p. m. Â¥E PRASCOTE 4, T. 18 a. m 110@ mte. W est, st. KFREXNCE LE®AYVE BEOCKYILLEZ. ing Cars on an & through, . _ > Tok ue ponid burgh, Lake Ca4,00008 B & W % a 108 5t Jomee ad through at r ('.rag.â€" "Ahay "E_'.uug-"': ~ W B» RUXIq « aormMIiLl» Smith‘s Falls at 410# EKAYE SMITH®S Â¥. s Ye Â¥.â€"â€"TH A NXA Bwith‘s Falle at 8. no at Porth at 9.30 # 1 for NVILILE & OTTAWA " '. HA Y hh-:b’;"_ traim Tixin tor Istang $§8B "t' Stations ~ the expitation of th# to the serious loss 184 rates can be had PERTH PForth at 1. am alo, $, 1809. gbove rrame all LEAYE Uai k and *, We subjoin a list of our prices : 0-? Congou, :n:?"io:“' ....$0 45 @ 56 ~ evsrcrcces $ Fine Flavoured New Season do............ 0 55 # 60 Excollent Full Fiavoured _ do............ 0 75@ #0 Thrnll PM c cevrnaniorennareer sessessessssces O 40 @ 45 Righ FlnÂ¥0G°00, 40 .........«««.s...ucc....... 0 35 W 60 Very Fine, @0 : CO.â€"reeeerrecmccccn... ... .. 0 75 @ 80 d CBOUE secroverryrerccccrenctrtrmrtencavictce U MKM O TNE K rerrcceprecrmentiencrrermmiaccmcccccese Hik O T0 (itinhic «e cocbenterrerencomaranmonrentrrmetanczerins U Tp M S 1 __,"__ WUAEEN 164. Twankay, Commeon ‘......... «qreeses ;!a- d;-’ CrCEicrrentenmreidprententrny Ee BJ Peliccuee s166CFHAAErAr t ane Fine NC «orentepunthubtevisnnnnie Buperfine and Vory Choice......... ‘we COFFEE. > MOONE »»rnremnumcessscsece..»...«.. 90 22, @ 27, 0 19, 0 33 é"‘ Sunnennerrsessenseczerstercese @ 20, @ 20, 0 29, 0 32 U NOM:»<srrevercessstresrccrccce: O 184 0 22, 0 26, @UP ‘-.5. & i ‘““f":o. AUDY & co., % u dox 201, P. ‘(:...:‘u;n:;or #¢ .,â€" 0 $ ()“ _ Ottawa, u.':';. L\u',.'“' J + * P :‘-.::- ant Ooh:;.l:!hr one year‘s trial id pronounced e most reliable men to beof the fAnest quality, cheav and free from ail :â€"--hvnn.u often used in thetesa trade, . lmportors of the above nuamed articles, and making theour a speciality, wo ars in .‘cm“ to give every one perfoct satistastion, advanâ€" afordod to every cas are such as cun only m from our Continental: merchants, as we wil onr goods at a very smail advance on cost. onl in voirmwene bnrt hegornd Pig ies we ve ermeâ€" tit Caftems :Ln.'. which . wilt -..:.â€":,L.. ho Caftess Boxes, which will preserve the Kroogth and Emw of the above named articles, aind wabl 3, 10, 20, 2% ibe and upwards. We wilipag tt.nrrhpn twoâ€" 10 1b or four 3 lb Cattess, to newrest Express or Steambont hl‘n.o.::oxpt of money, or money ca~be collected by Express or mb‘l.rl. W here ‘:d‘:;h tn':a..- .&“ ::‘d' i Partige be, :‘:“}thrth;- l‘nu'::obauun will pae orrawa uvenry SALE AND BAIP & > ('M.MMM w5 T ww # + Fimstâ€"Cia«s Ruorxe ax»o Detvrso forsxs. Medical attendance to regular boarders free of tharge.. t f Vï¬!n-yl-hmmumkqml.‘hfl “"-. under the am‘w of i |* receirve one of their Ipense. u..u...n' indersighed will be happy to reccive apâ€" ' trom persons of â€"a!} from 18 to 60. All m M“l’ ow ':“h.‘.“t. . THOMAS WADDELL, .. as. [.° L /+ } ~) â€" _ AMPHOL, OltkKk | JOLEMAN, V. S., *_. . & t( F. 0:1‘;;;:‘:9 Prog hn is ""‘“":l: 8. to the Ochnot-flounl} Â¥. & to * h., ‘ c'm'.. Bociety. 8 CaPIT AL, . ts PA x..‘if““g; nager Canad press s Teas not mentioned in this cireular ::{n, -l; Toa only sold by this Company, We .-‘Ai:‘uoolhu H"u:d‘l‘u n‘dhfdt‘: ; very good for commen purposes, n.:'l«-nol pediars and runners usinkg our or offering our Teas in small pac Fothing less than a cattio sold. !umm?hlwndrum, % !W-‘;-Modnd. T:ibe: <â€" Q. ~@no8g, 40¢; Rich Flavored do, Orders or communi¢ationa prompt!y attended to, and medicines sent to any part of the Domunion. N l._â€"t\u... moderate. * A 2T8a nmre issuRaxc®E counrant gpee‘} teA! reas COFFER! COFFEE! COFFEE! T , Ot T :.:"‘.“.. Rowe‘s Auï¬: ï¬-,'::u dJuly 30th, 18969. f 11194 The whole Dominios shoul¢ uy their tea«s «f the " Scâ€"â€".._ c"_. _5‘ * _ ; UOiiutk .___ c 5. :. uad 6be ; V. Full Flavored do,, 75¢ ; Sounq ““.:.'lh'rlhvmd da l‘n‘:&Qr..i. aat .. * nedical asuthorities and jpadges of Tea, havo been | ponounssced to be quite pure, and free fiom ull atifeiatcolouring or poisonous subst ances so viten wed to iwprove llonppou?oool Tox. They are l enequalle. for strangth and davour. They have | been ghosen . tor theit intrinsic wouth, keeping in i mind beaith, ccoromy,and a high degree of pieasure j in drinking thew.‘ We sell for the smailest possidle pm a savirg to the consumer of 15¢ to i perib. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12, 15, 20 and t ib boxes, as d are 'mwnn and free from poisonous subtances. Grders four 5 1b boxes, iwo 12 lb bozes, or one 20, or 23 ib box sont carriage tree to anvy Raniway Station in Canada. Tea :ï¬l be {orwaraedimmed{ately on receipt of the order by tnail contmining money, or the monsy can be collect 4 N"‘“-V- & £2 48 . o «l $10, to save expemwe it will be better to send og i math herfeadiion dubbleg wgether rould be too oln , sead for four 5 lb b-m.ummbouo.'n-d u-pm nt rack purgk pot ::.du-".mt.: so own 'o-am-.ll‘l the hp‘:o,n.:lo‘ho entire satisfactiom. not they ind ““i:oym u.htuuq m s BLACK TEA. i ed on delivery by express man, where there are w‘mzmmwmow Agent for Ottawa, ‘ ORGAN3 and MELODEUNS from the bestfac. tortes in the vunuung. excelling in fnish and toud anything over brought into this country. f ANO TVXING.â€"The subscriber baving i’. ty divide his time equally bet ween CtbeWa m Ogdemburgh, would bog to inform his his old patrons and othors, thht he hopes, in future, to atten i to their orders for tuning more promptly tha0 beretofore. Shail risit Ottawn once a month., ...ҠM"; wluh Store. * Reomna es i. onl o AEKEDICT Now is the time for intonding purchasers, WrRIcks LOW & TELIMS LIDERAL C Our mt dof Concertinas, Viciins, Flutes, &0., Lo., is, as very large. _ © ‘ Oar Teas, aftor the most sqvere tests by the best n their now Show Room, comprising t PIANOâ€"FOBRTES, from all the leading makers, LIHK MONXT & EAuL New Sheot Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" TE &A COMP ANY. VOL, IV NO., :i118. WARREX‘s PIPE ORGANS, â€" J, L. ORME & SON,: # ‘ Sign of the Golden Lyre, : :‘o. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Durie & Son‘s sesssensd «onessshsesssseee owns choice in return at our .'“"‘o BAIT STABLES, Teas... * quee 00 00 +o 00 e 0000 se en JOSEPH MOONEY, Russell Housa Block: Herensen messecenseee v<«......Over $12,000,000 seessensenssesssee 0 35 @ 19 0 55 & 60 0 50 i# so 015 @ s 1 0Q # 00 N.B.â€"Alterations and repairs ty attendâ€" | **** ed to, All garments weoil irsed and trimmed. | â€"â€"â€"â€" Buttonsâ€"securely sewed on,. Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" | g$AL fully got up. _ _ > © "Â¥F ; | . â€" """" lGC3 From the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAN D | has bad .S:nin. been Manager in the Gerntleâ€" man‘s Trade for many years), he hopes to give | pertect satisfaction. F The success attonding his fits in pant» and coats is owing to the correct mi/luary cutting system and careâ€" ' ful ruile of measarement he has adopted, Numerouas city and provw acial references ; ‘also from Neow ; York and other districts of the. Union. His general | seale of prices is “'i nmwlorate, Genis‘ excellent . Tweod Suits, $10, $12, $18, | MRS. SMLTH, Bankâ€"st., to Inform her mu-o'u :u friends that omâ€â€œv: her 8 ashions, and is now pa pply .ru orders. Lorner of lm and Albertâ€"sis. Two or three Apprentices wanted. > An extensive stock of sh, Scotch and m. Tweeds, W est of and Broad Cloths, Cassimerea,Genta‘ Haberdashory, Readyâ€" made Suits and General Out§uing Goode, which will be found very seloct. 1043 3m MERCHANT TAILOR, BELL‘S BLOCK, * Opposite the Russell Howse, Ottawa, In returning thanks to bis triends tor past favors. begs to intorm them and the publ\c generally, that he has reâ€"opened his establiâ€"hment at the above stand with an extenmivg stock of FIRSTâ€"CLAS$S MATERILAL & D‘A.illl‘.\-abbl DESIGN3, swired to the present season, and having secured the ser viâ€" ceg ot a firstâ€"class onutter, who has had over ton yoars experience in leading houses in Oxfordâ€"st., Lonâ€" don, isenabled to supply a want long (elt in Ottawa. M#. assures his friends that nothing ahall be wantin§ on is part to merit a continuation 0 the patronage bestowed on him lntb.uut. Ottawa, March 23, 1804. 1006 â€"3m 1043 3m would ind it to their advantage to give Rim & dall, both for Mr- and “ï¬â€œâ€˜ Some good PANTALOUN MAKERS WANTâ€" EKD, as well as good COAT HANDS, to whom the highest wages will be paid. None but class workmen need apply. | P.8,â€"Some of Weasey‘s Colobrated A.mhu Cloths now open for inspection. 1 Legving their orders at the ~ _ F _ _ COMMERCIAL WAREHOUSE, â€" _: No, 60 Sparkaâ€"st., : Can get well suited in Garments. "~ 1043.3m ‘A. GRAHAM & N. __ TDht may now be seen at the ol COUHER_CIAL WAREHOUSE, o. 60 8|;ub-d. w-hmu ardets. for Garments, o:.-nv_c them : under the superintendence A *rrexoin srock or cLoTus FoRr sUmnxEs wEal, ' In Silk I;lixtnrea, Scut"cb nd"Cu‘n’d.ial â€" TWEEDS, â€" _ R-Mchhg.l.q, Merchant, President La ; Union Bank. Made with NEATNESS and DEsPATCH at Bpecial attention given to the purchasing on | ;l‘ Commission and Forwarding of M.MP“' the P Tronm, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &¢., &¢. | _ vÂ¥I ®_0+ _" _ qrrare mersazsces. *: vi Messts Tetu & Gatneau, Wholesale Dry Goods , I=p‘ Merchants. 3> 1td James G Ross, £sq, General Merchant, Viceâ€" N* President Quebecâ€"Bank, â€" s m: Hon Divid E Price; M L C, Merchant. ~ pubi: May be obtained CHEAP by calling at the COMMERCIAL warEfoUusE®E, ~ _ No. 60 Sparkeâ€"st., ® 43 3m A. GRAHAM & §O, portt® cansarary, § _ c COmMISsION â€" MERCHANT ~ _ FORWaRDER, GENERAL AGENT, ‘«&C., f No. 3, St. Peterâ€"st., x * . QUEBEC. â€" â€" ~~ #, i. CJRW LNX, Gegeral Agent, 8t. John, NB For the Minister of Finance JOHN LAXNuTON, 4 Revelys I bave this day, deposited with thé ivorâ€" General, Twenty Thousand Dollars in. addit.on to the above Fitty Tuousaad, making Seventy Thou. sand Dollar# ($70,0005 U. 8. Gold Bonads, 6# of "Si .1he Hon, Coi. John H. Grayg)tP., has beet Counsel to the &-pnx tor the Domic n Ail legal majpters will be reforred to him. I 4 « .c ‘- Wl'-lfl. * Fimaxce Derantueyt, l No: 104 Ottawas, 12th October, 186% 0. 104. « â€"| The tollowing Insurance Campany has received | a license to transact the business of Lite Insurance f in Canada :; No, 34.. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR | ANCE CO‘Il;yAS Â¥ a‘ of ‘â€.;iu. I mâ€l. # U. 8. 1 ,000, & B, 6. CORW LN, ueakrat Agthty 5: Jobs, B | LIBE INSURANCE, COMPANY OF MALXN E. ELECT TAILORINa. T. RAJOTTE OaTs, PANTS and VESTS EKXTLEXEX‘S GARMEXTS Ottawa, Notember 7,1868, KNTLE MEX * FOR CASH ONLY. m rs will be COMMERCIAL WARENOUSE, | at the & No. 60 Sparkzaâ€"st;, .« Ae m A. GRAHAYX & Co. l ~ N10ON MUTVAL ROBEKRTSO®, NEW IMPORTATIONS. Millinery. McGreery, M L C, Viceâ€"Prosident Tailoring. executed stristly to the time, ~â€" The @ANADA HOUSE, CALEDONIA +/E SPRINGS, mill be open for visitors on WEDâ€" . RaJO f ‘® __â€" |) n aasorme . umu.i“'...;..‘ Agencres. x WWe ~adh / ic resgdli Rocad anerie N edcres m Acsasd ie Dominion, in the |pmm assure all who may t r ine Powder, getting the most stylish garâ€" 1 Pancreatine A‘ trizm. is most J | X.B. ne Y taking Liver Oil. ament at Ottawa visiting the| Ao essre. F. . anting anything in his line, wï¬ e _ i irâ€" advantage to give Bima|\__»> |1. nastam A.GRAHAM & cO. n Uhion. His general| â€" * properties effectually prevent the :ol.mrl.;ng'“u‘::l::: | Bair fi ling off orturning gray. f | _ EY ERCER & CO., Montrea!, proprie ONLY. q | tors; anit polid by all druggists and perfam t attong. tares / 1028eod.3m ttes prompiiyattong: Sree_ _ | |______ _ _ PHeokie _ _ ng | _ Furthet h,or-dlon can be had from the Agent THH MORNING AND EVENING || ‘LEADER, . Is sold by J. R. BATTLE, at the RUSSELL HQVsHE, : at ONE cont per copy. June 13, Return tickets will be issuod to the Springs st reduced zatgs, on board the steamer Queen Vicâ€" The able success which has ationded the of the celebrated Concentrated Lye euotnetenimenett M ndrterer tnn Mn t otf an rm in (which has already been oavu.:d of borrowing o::‘ ‘"bnl;o) by a squrious l.:n.miu â€" To a eancre choknt be serointie usn is Hactey boo QAVAL:I’- URSINA. _ ~ tm | w . PURE GREASE or nz CANADA BEAR, has been Jong known as a most valuable toile article, 'M' â€"<constantly increasing Jemand is a | ine Powder, bottles, 25, 3s 6d, 6s 64 I . Pancreatine Wine, ,38,5s and10s. N.B. ne Wine is the vehicle for taking Liver Oil. . Ao esste. F. ail 11 & Co:, DoT-.! Tow â€"The | 1 n ou.: E'c. 1. ‘iw Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeat, Pork, &¢. p » OTTVA, | .i' : â€"__~ End of Little Sussexâ€"st. e anced on goods consigned tor Lameâ€" ‘ia:.uld. Pr.q‘t.ll-hnnm.' VW . ence of 1866â€"67. ‘ § | 3 (Tne Debates in the English/Parliament on ‘ tho Unian of the B A Colonies, &o. | | 4 formation of uuqbg : 5 General Kilection and Ill' the of the successful and and the numbér of votes|polied fo | each Aively. ~_ s R o i 6 :Bhu of the Business of the Dominio Parljag ent,and of the spgreral Local Le ree, with fu‘l and accurate reports of principal ! apeeches delive: ad ‘ during â€" the of thore ; AL The Financiat Afairs of the l F II1 The Church in Canada. , , IV etrospect of Literature, Art and Scignce. V Jqgurnal o Remarkable Occu i the B. N. similar to that which bas been so long published, ! C / (ct EA- i . and 32 so well known in Eagiand. The rapid | :ZouY NUNS beg to inforim.the publis atrides of the Domiaion are attracting the atten , ‘B4t/heir now Establishxent in Rideau street, tion of the civilized world. It will be the aim a,l as NOTREâ€"DAME DU SACRE DEEUR, the Kditor to chronicle each year the leading |!Wil!l be ready to receive Boarders on the‘l2th eventy so rapidly succeeding each other in the. AUVGUST, on whi h day their c‘sros will open. t lon of our national character and national ’, The branch Institation 1f the Grey Nuns, viz, . the Convert Academy, Bolton street; and 8t & Thd editor p 0 coms with u.‘m.'} Mary‘s Audcnnyg/Wollia:m Street; will be and infancy of the Canadian Coafederation. Th ; °P%%®4 0P THURSDAY, l2th AUGUST, at ten first volume of his Registrar will therefore contain ; o‘clock. x . the following : . i d londu: will be reseived on the evening of.the I The Political and Parlinmentary History of | eleventh or the morning of the 12th, as most conâ€" 1867, including : s / | verient in order that the pupils may attend the 1|A prelimizary sketch of the procecdings in : OP®®!N& exercises. _ _ _ _ . _ _ > ols Howmiy EVERY DESCRIPTION | _ ANNUAL: REGISTER. c| ; | NT__â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" (Th¢ Montreal Printing and PublisAing Com« :_BOAIDI’G scHuoorn pany, lrigters.) pug sc y .‘ AÂ¥D It i# belioved by mmm{ufl that the time . A ADEMIES OF TH \Al:j{ï¬nl for the publication in Canada of an ; ° ANNUAL RECORD OR PUBLIC EÂ¥ENTs, oxCo COMMISsSION MERCHANTS, |___ FORWARDER3 _ * DEAL KRS 18 P ME CANADLIANX #â€"Mossrs, F. Cundill & DOXIA sPRINXG®, 18969, 6 oo-g-lolv effects E *MILATION of COD at meals, &6. In digest! N. A. Provinees in 1864â€"65 and /86 which on{federation. f a in account of the London Colonial Conferâ€" H. EKASTONX & CO., NT :« ATED LYE. AUTION To TUE PUBL. yeo, which is sold by all respectable rd Grocers in town and country. 183y 1XDIGESTION~â€"P its high" reputation. & tfully perfumed, and is eminext for fuxuriant growth of the hair, and maintaining its beauty. By order, EDW 3COTT, a 64, 5s and 108. MOORE, ve activity, suâ€" » _ DIGEKSTION VER OIL, the 0., Montreal. A NCR 3 A=â€" 1075.3m (.uuuru containing full information furnished free to all applicants. Addressâ€" f isâ€"2ction; if pnfotly put up, run, and taken care of,â€"and then if they do not perform to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, after running them 60 days, they may return the wheels to us, and we will pay freight, both ways, and refund all payâ€" mr made to us ‘thmolf ‘ This mtu’:{u of no other manufacturer.. Mr, (Glen‘s facilities are nugund. and we féol sure that ke will build a W heel that will ï¬o perioct satisfaction, We therefore commend him to the public of Canaâ€" da with entire confidence, feeling sare he will manufacture a Wheel in all respects equal to our own. Eigned, __JAMES LEFFEL & 00. . _"Our Wheels are warranted to work to entire satâ€" > Sramorizin, On1o, Dec. 25th, 1868. W e uto.rluun in ll!fl.ll’ the public of Canada that â€"we hare sold and farnished Mr. F. Praminges Pregsh sot 20 whtt metary tiy, gs, Ga and all other l.oo-u; inforâ€" mation, to hmr celebrated Double Turbine Water Wheel, invented b[ James Leffel, and known as the " Leffel Wheel." We have also obâ€" ligated ourselves toturnish the same facilities for mapefacturing to ‘l,o other parties in Canada. Without the information we have gv‘on Mr. Glen, no one can successfully build our Whéels, and we advise parties in Canada to purchase our Wheels OTTAWA, THURSDAY, AUGUST we are the only manufecturers who can furnish the genuine ~ Lefel Whee!" in Canada, ag will tect and cconomecat water wheel in use, be seen by the following certificate : Manutaciate® Leffel‘s Celebrated "American Donble Turbine Water Wheels, the most poâ€" JQ Mr. GUSTAVE SMLTH, ( nist of the Cathe . Cral) a Graduate of the l-m Conservatory of Paris. . Lessops on Piano ar i Singing.> Rideanâ€" nrtaistrissh Th commint. 2A sadich is A . S B â€" street, corner of K ingâ€"streot Ouaws.,lno}s..f&ia. _ W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and Teacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Mume Rooms and Iu_ird-oo, O‘Connorâ€"st . sorner of Slaterâ€"st., Conâ€" tre Town. ‘ Orders may be lott at his residence or at Orme & Hon‘s Music Store. £veory possible advantage and facility to acquire mgo wlll?o olmdm’ eÂ¥ 4 > year begins on 16th August, For terms and particutars apply to the Lady Suâ€" nrllor. Wellington street, oppusite the Parliament ldaings. . s derirous oT obtaining a fnished education. _ _ Byory possible advantage and facility to acquire JE _ or ts ‘ x CONGREGATION DE NOTRE 1. DAMB, > > FROM MONTREAL, _ opened ai’nuh of t.::r E:E:& :..{bi.i:h': ment in Ottawa, and are now prepared to receive ment in Uttawa, and are now prepared to receive «e boatdets abd day inholars youls â€" ladite WOrk#.................. 6 00 _ do © or $10 for both, payable in advance. Application to be made to MRS BUCKLEY, at the residence of her father, lir Thomas Spenâ€" ecer, Muarray streot. a 11072a) Tnl’: lll’l‘lll‘ MRS P J BUCKLEY desires to inform the pâ€"olic of OtL awa that sho has now opened a class for the teaching of PLANO and BERLIN WOOL FANCY WoRKs. Termsâ€"For RiMDOpâ€"s»»sse+0++++â€"»..96 00 por cuarter dot _ do Berlin Wool Fancy es peserfaAwA& 2 PROTESTANT LADPIES‘ SCHOOL Conducted by an accomplished and competen staff of teachers, will be open on ns THE 1sr SEPTEMBER; 1869, in the lug.i_ and commodious house lately o0 pied by the Rideau Club, on Wellington street. The course of instruction will include all the branches usually taught in tb-t sohools. â€" The school will be vundey control of a manâ€" aging committoe of the following genâ€" tlomen ;â€"Ror J 8 , Obairman ; Mesers p DSlater, W Spragge, J B Lewis, J Cochrane, G P Baker, J A 1iorrance, H Bate, A C .Kelt3, Areasurer ; Rey H Poliard, Secretary: Bt Alban‘s School for boys (private and seloct), w»il open op the lith u'l; AUVuUST, 1889, Rrad Masterâ€"Rer 1 C F Steeetr, M A. 14~%.3i¢ We are the only manufecturers who cian furnish Boarders will be reseived on the evening of.the eleventh or the moruing of the 12th, as most conâ€" venient in order that the pupils may attecd the opening exercises. 4 /. 5 All the higher branches cf education for young ladies will 6e Trught in the Academiss under the direction of the Grey Nun:. For further information application cain made a: the Convent, Boiton street. 11070 ACADENIES OF THE GREY NUX3S, //’ * OTTAWA. 4 "The GREY NUNS beg to inforim.the publis thatAheir now Establisbaxent in Rideau street, k as NOTREâ€"DAME DU BSACRE DEEUR, will be ready to receive Boarders on the‘l2th AUGUST, on whi h day their c‘seros will open. The branch Institation 1f the Grey Nuns, viz, the Convert Academy, Bolton street; and St __ â€"F. W. GLEN, President, 959â€"12rim f OsHAWA, ONT. OSEPH HALL 3 MACHINE. WORKS, ¢ ESTABLISRED 1851, SEPH HALL MANUFACTURING Co. PROPRIETORS i CLASSICAL AND GENERAL. IANO«FORTE TUITION. USICAL ACADEXY. IANO TUITION. 0 8 HAW A, .ONTARIO, information will be supplied by the Educationat. TINWARE OF ALL KINDS, [X STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER, : \ WHOoLBSALE AND RETAIL The ‘argest and best assortment of . . COOKING STOVES $ * IN CENTRAL CANADA. MILL LAMP3, different sizos, to erder at the ~_ _ 4CAPITAL® STOVYE DEPOT, â€" © 35 Susserâ€"st.,< .‘ _ . f â€"_ H.MEADOWS & Co; REFRIGERATORS ! â€" : REFRIGERATOR | â€" REFRIGEI@ s FlVi DIFFERENT Sli Suitable for the smallest family, 0 All ot our own manufacture. __ A greatâ€"variety of COOK STOVES, JAPANNED & PLANISHED TIN WARE P.3.â€"Remember the place. .. l THOS. BHK®EH, Pnnuln FOR HOT V F Water Filters, + . _ERS, ICE CREAM FRE BATHS, YELLY MOV Moulds, Japanned Trays, FOLDING BEDSTEADS, HA | BRELLA STANDS, &c +. 5s IMPORTERS OFP .; HOUSE FURNISHING H REFRIGERATORS, W A T 58 Sparks st, it Al.% Opposite the British Lion Hotel, late of Richard Bishop, Esq, at present occupied by Weldon Champness, Esq« & P DORION. Oltawa, June 3, 1869, a| N Bâ€"If you want Tubing of l* description in Tin, Brass, Copper, Gslunlud_{m, Trough and Oondu::; :.‘do to ‘:ouorihwlth ueatnors and despatch. ers from the city or country promptly attended . â€" â€" Plumbers, Etraw do, extra long | Hay Rakes, bent and etraight handlcs Boythe Stones ©â€"| Grind Stones, from 25 1b to 200 16. | Together with a complete assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWA Also, just received a line lot of the well known makers Lovekzines & Co, England, Block Tin Toa and Coffeo Pots, different styles and shanes. GRASS SCYTHE of the tollowing 1 Blood‘s German Steel & .‘ Do Cast ~do TO, WHOM IT MAY If you want Cooking Etoves of a w Btoves from different : inion, give a call to If you want a fine lot of Chamber Ware, of any size or pattern, give a call to : * C P DORION. . . C.P DORION, _ u,'-vm.up-uplmuuuxucm-rm' give a call to * *# | â€" C P DORION. If you wasf tipâ€"top Bathsâ€"Hip, smg â€"of any size or an shape, manu the premiso; to or&t, give a call to And examine for yourseiveés and see if he cannot â€" ‘ofer you greater inducements, than you can got olse where in the capital, in h1s large and well ase=rted stock, vis ; o d en 02 If you want a ti Re give a c.il “'p-wp Juast give :C. P. DORION, ; 58 'Sp.rkl-lt,'.oppu.ito British Lion Mote! , A CALL,| CULINARY & Do TINWARE }(!Yl'll'l!. SCYTHES, SCYTHES, Higgins Cast do. ue Wadsworth Cast do ® 7 Do _ ‘Queen of the Meadow _ | Flint‘s Solid Cast Steel. â€" * | Cradie Blades A i4 Blood‘s, Higgins‘ and Whitney, all lengths Sey.he Snathes . Grain Cradles, muley and m.;râ€ph Hay Forks, two and three prongs| â€" . Do â€" Red Rover, E X Silver 8 Whiting Cast Steol | At TBE Srox or tu® No, 24, Rideau * Beecher & Co‘s" Hot Air Flu{ ** North‘s " Pat ent Drum Heater *~Fooster‘s" Boiter Purger, _ ** Eaton‘s" Automatic Stoves. 1 LNTH & KERR, give a call to Smiths, TTEXTION, also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Put Atoves & Har C.P.. D 0O RI O N, Water Coolers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, Hangers, Tin and Copper SOLE AGENTS FOR of all sizes and PURCHASE YoUr No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., ALSO, gn of the Anvil, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. Baths, C P DORION. styles and. shapes. C P DORION. ER COOLâ€" ZERS, %DS, PIE et Setts, AND UM. LRDW/A RE sizo, os any Eu;m' in the i pOoRION. FONCERN Pane LaATORS ! Â¥ood or Cor it of JWARE, ATHER. r the largest iware. M ES TI vORLI DORION. Toilet Setis, Ottawa. 58, 1s69, of nay size, Cimts â€" The Creditors of the Insolvent are hereby notifed that he has made an assignment of his qstate and effecis under the above Act, to me, the undersigned assignee, and they are required to furnish me, within two months from this date, with their claims, specifying the security th;y ho!d, if any, and the value of it, if none, stating the fact, the whole atterted under oaih with the vouchers in support of such claime«, f \‘g 4 T SAUVAGEAU, C v,. sc | | Official Assignec. In the matter of _ _ j JOSEPH ALFRED LEVIS, Trader, of the Village Et. Andre Avelin, County of Ottawa, AN IXNSOLVEXNT. June 4, 1889. CENTKAL F1IRE andâ€"PIN FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for all sizes and syscoms of Gune, Rifi»s, and kevolvers. Double W aterproof and E. B. Caps, Patent Wire Cinrida‘. Fe‘lt Gun Waddings for Breech and Muszle Loaders, and every description of Sporting and Military Ammunition. S f ELEY BROTHERS, " GRay‘3 INN ROAD, LONDoON. WHOLESALE OXLY. > COPPER RIM FIRE CARTRIVGES of all sizes, for Emith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pockst Revolvers. > f PiN CAKkTRIDGES for Lefaucheux Revolvers of 12â€"m., yâ€"m, a£nd 7â€"m. bore. . 2zg} _ WATERPROOF CENTRALâ€" |23 5 2i s s} PIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" [do 2E u«9B GES, with enlarged base for l 0 5& <] small bores, IGOIIM by foreign / 9 w# governments for converted (â€" + Chassepot, Berdan, Remington, nd other Rifles, ‘Also Cartridges for Ballard, e Epencer, and American Henry Repoating Rifles. + The « ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and imperishable in any climate. imperishable in ly climate. s ® Ro above cartridge cases (empty) ofâ€" all sizes, and fo: the diferont systems ot Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be bad with or without the suitable Bullets and Machines for finisbing the Cartridges. EOXER CARTRIDGES of â€"450 bore for Revolâ€" ving Pistols, usedin her Majesty‘s Navy, _ _ â€"_ _ GCGEC. MAYES, COPPER PLATE PRIATER, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. The question of grants to superior edu. cation has not yet been prororly settied by the Lagis ature of Ontario, Untilthe public is satisfied with the utility of Uppert Canada College in ou! educational system, the former question wilr remain open. . The Honourable J::lhn Sandfield Kol)onllï¬u not been 80 srccessfal with educaâ€" tional questions, as the great sHosHongrs RemrDY b.s been in eradicating the numerous chronic conplsllu: of tl‘no Lungs,. Liver and circuiatory Avmamwa lonke e ar eR e 1y e s organs, For sale by all druggists. ntout it. There is not a mother on earth who ba ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the oldest and Best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. Be sure to call for "MRS. WINSLOW‘s ,‘SOOTBII‘V G SYRUP." Maving the /acâ€"simile of ©Cartis &/Porkins" on the outside wupp‘r. All others are basoe imitations " Ezchange, Bil Heads, Vir=ng a{g, Printed on wï¬u notics, Mothers! motners !"Mothers Iâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cuiting.teeth.? ‘ 16 o, go at once.and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S s0O0OTHING SYRUP. â€" It will relieve tho;poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"â€"depend upon it : there is no mistak Purchisers should be sure and ask for Dr. K. Tra »k‘s I\hgm.ic Ointment, and see that the words #A. TRASK‘3 MAGNETIC OINTMENT" are on the wrapper. # : No:throp & Lvman, Newcastle, C. W., General Agents for the Canadas. Sold it Ottawa by all druggists and by medi¢ine dealers every where. Da. A. V. FE euor«c of Kpowlesville, New York, says; "I} ave uâ€"ed it in several cs sos of Special Irritation and for the worst cases of Piles, and sund y other complaints, and find it a superiore ntiolo,lnd weli worthy the notice of all *‘ 6t Racrament Street, No 18, _ Montreal, Ju‘y 28, 1859. Dr. A. Trask‘s Maguetic Ointment Cures Cro-}). or â€"Batties.â€"Dzx. Bixonx, of Utica, New York, says: ©I have used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment in my practice a numbe â€" o‘ years, and can say with pleasure I deem it 0‘ 2 of the greaiest discoveries of the age ; for t e cure of Infamwation of the Lungs, Inflainmation of the Bowels, Inflammatory Rheumatisr and in Childâ€" be 1 Fever, it operates with perfect succes,. in orses of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Liin bs, it acts like a charm; : o ‘Des. J. P. Kexxtny, of Chittenango, New York, says : " 1t has stoud the fest trial, and has not been found wsnflnï¬l Its astonishing cures of Infiamâ€" mation ot the Langs and Croup and the wonderful suzoess in subsiding the torturlng‘plinl bt Rheu â€" v utism, and relievict Nervous A ections, entitle it to a high rank in the list of renâ€"edies for these eomplaints." & + mo‘d by apothocaries. Price $1.50 per bottle, or 6 for $7.60. * JAMES I FELLOWS, Chemist, ; 5t John, N B. AcoeExtsâ€"Francis Cundill & Co, 32 Lemoine st, Montreal. * in ine Spring time mostpersons are more or less the llbf.ct‘ of discase mnuhg from a low p{uo of the blood. The causes are yarious, but it is only necessary to know that in order foé the yromst purification of that fluid the: patient :ul use,. FELLOWS‘ COMPOUND SYb;l:r of IYPOPHOSPHITES with _ fall assurancé : of " 2 208 iDe desired results. This Ssyrup will :lnottmgtben the organs of dliemon, rroï¬wto ealthy assimilation, nourish the muscles, and rer ovate the nervous system ‘ We are enubled to spoak with as much confis dence in the cure: of cases of this character »ncowpli ated with organic digcase, as of the Epring rains prompting vegzetation, or of the sun‘s rays bein'g foilowed by light and heat, Pergons then who‘wilfally avoid tio use of this remedy, “dn. porish from debility, n ay be chargeab‘le wIWH £ufs ofe as NSOLVENXT ACT OF 18¢4. EEECT ET PW E20E M ET Obtaining the desired results. This syri :hottmgthen the organs of dlieltion, r: ealthy assimilation, nourish the muscle rer ovate the nervous system priparation for the Hair; clear and transparent, without sediment, _ It is tery simple and often produces Mé;ï¬d results. Its greal superiority dnd economy as a Hair Dressing over high cost French Pomades is acknowledged by all not only in this country but in Kurope ?A{ R’alcm and Zylobalsamum :Lu.’d not dbe used one with the other. BOLD BY 111L DrvoGists. ho’rl:‘to-n. 8. R. Van Duzer & Co., Whoiesale D ruggists, Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote laxuriant growth. FALLING HAJR is immediately checked. A EEAL HAIR rE§TORE® an? bhEpIne Combined in One Bottle. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® LEY‘8 AMMUNXITIUS®. In the Spring time mostpersons are more or he L2 cukih. 1 cce ay > L C _ ,_ 35 Barciay 8t. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. _ March 25. 1008â€"14y Mrs. 8. A. ALLENB ZYLOBALSAMUM, anotker THUE BOXER CARTRIDGES for Sniderâ€"Enfeld of +577 bore, and for the Henry, and Martiniâ€" Henry Rifles of 460 bore, adopt. ed by Her Majesty‘s War De. mrmont, also of 500 for Miliâ€" y Rifles, _ & MHATIR RESTORER SPECIAL NOTICEKS. ©â€" GRAT HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. Nature‘s Crown.* â€" YTou Must Cultivate it BEAUTIFUL HAIR, 1606.1eby 1113b The Alabama mmwm allowed to disturb too the citizens e two great Angloâ€"Saxzon m';:'m-. The carelossness otf one set of statesmen, the indifference of, another set, and the cupidity. of another clags," have comâ€" bined to kelop t.!‘ul M‘:ihm uaklini‘&h the great political sysiem, consumption in the human frame, which spreads so rwy until checked ndcxpdb«l.hl{ the HOXKEES Rexzeoy. Forsale by ï¬!J: debility and discase. The usualremedy istotake some st!mulant, the effect of which is the same as giving a tired horse the whip instead of onts. ;The true way is to fortify the systen with a permaâ€" pent tonic l_lkLo Ago Pcr.n:iuéslynz (._ protoxide offron», which gives strength and vigor to the whole system, 8 to ns _ The Hon. Wim. H.. Seward arrived at Victoria, Vancouver Island, on the 20 h instant, and received an enthusiasi.c reâ€" ception. _ He was escorted <to th= 8St. George Hotel, where the principal c:*‘zens, headed by the Mayor, called on him and presented him with an ‘address of welâ€" come. Mr. Seward visited the acting Governor and was received in a becoming manner. _ He was serenaded in the evening, and returned his thanks in 2 speech, closing with an expression: of friendship for Great Britain. _ After visiting the ports in Puget Sound he will proceed to Alaska, and will return here in three weeks. New Frenih grey, drab, ana mauve alâ€" paccas and : lustres, at Garland, Muchmor & .â€"A San Francisco despatch daic‘ © 28th says :â€" _ â€" We regret to learn Mr. Augustin Hibbard, brother of Wm. R.. Ashley Hibbard, of this city, was | murdered at San Juan Island, British Colam‘ â€" on the 16th‘ult.. Definite intelligence _ the fact reached the family here this _ cek. The deceased gentleman was weh ; »10wa and grcatl{ estcemed in Victoria, \ aâ€" couver‘s Island, and his numersus friends in St. Hyacinthe and the Eastern Townships will receive this sad inforâ€" mation with sorrow.â€"Montreal (â€" zt‘«. Any observations transmitted for the purpose of comparison and reduction will be duly acknowledged by Dr. Small wood, by addressing them to the Observatory. â€"â€"Montreal Gazette. On t‘he line of totality many facts of intense interest are presented, especially in reference to those luminous proâ€" minences which have for years beer the source. of discussion among astronomers named Buily‘s> Beads, but which the Spectroscope has shown to be mostly composed of incandesent Hydrogen C as in a spiral form which would . indies‘s a rotary motion in these immense masses of igncous matter which compose the outer ' covering of the Sun. : _ Persons possessing telescopes can emâ€" ploy them, being careful to preserve the eyc from the direct rays of the sun by either a smoked piece ‘of glass. or the dark glass usually furnished with the Mr. Notman, we believe, has kindly consented, as on a former occasion (in 1860) to take photographs at certain fixed times during the eclipse, and â€"we have no doubt but that his work, as formerly, will bear comE-rison with any specimen of the art eithc on _ this conâ€" tinent or elsewhere, and thus transmit to the future: any particular appearances presented. servedâ€" during and after the eclipse ; the sdirectionâ€" also .of wind and clouds should be noted. a â€".. Those persons who possess.polariscopes instrument., pared with the time of such exposure will also be interesting as bedring on the art of photography, thus furnishing a photometric scale. *4 or spectroscopes will findâ€"some interesting facts for observation in the solar spectrum, and in sky polarization, the exposure of sensitive paper to the ’_suni rays comâ€" Notice should be taken ~whether aniâ€" mals or birds manifest any" uncasiness during the eclipse, or whether vegetation is in any way affected, such as the closâ€" ing of !{owers, drooping of leaves, or such like. OvERâ€"EXERTIOX, either of body or mind, pioduces The difference between thereadi.._s of these two last named thermometers will by reduction give the gazeous pr. ure of the atmosphere, the dew point, the elastic force of Aqueous vapour, the amount of vapour in a cubic foot of air and the degrec of Humidity. ‘The observations should commence half an hour before and terminate half an hour after the cclipse, The barometer should be ob. iyce * occasionally, the black bulb therm .. : exposed to the sun‘s rays and the v~t a1d dry bulbs in the shade every five minâ€" utes. } _ Observations on the Biack salb Thermometer are for the purpose of showâ€" the variation of intensity in the Sun‘s rays. .00 _ f The celipse being only> pamial . :t Montreal many of the most intcâ€"estiag facts will not be able to be notice Th more interesting phenomenon m vâ€" be comprised in the following brief su. aary. There will be 9% digits of . t Eclipsed_(that is the Sun‘s . being divided into 12 parts.) will be an obscuration of 93 of th or digits. $ â€" ‘The first contact will occur 84 degrees towards the West. | The middle of the Eclipse will be 160 dqf:ees towards the .West. _ _ * _ ‘Auc<t contact 118 «legrees towards whe East. The Eclipse will be on the South of the sun. | Begipning of Eclipse. .. Middle of Eclipse...... End of Eclipse...... ... D SEUHLEUOLane a 1128 sink s a s BAK, ++ : +rrisares +nak Moon‘s true Semiâ€"diameter. Sun‘s true Smiâ€"diameter.... Sun‘s bourly *motion in Right Asâ€" Cougioh . :8 + ++ ++.rs 1 r22+s% 2s +s Moon‘s hourly motion . in Decliâ€" nation South......, ........ @, Sun‘s hourly‘ motion in Decliâ€" nation SOULN: ... +s »+++Â¥s 1« +++s Moon‘s Equatorial Horizontal Parâ€" BRX :..;rarrirreis 1{ 624223 +. éun'_u Equatorial Horizontal Parâ€" Aughst Ith 1859........1........4. 51. 48 Sun‘sand Moon‘s Right Ascension..4. 17. 02 : deg. m. sec Moon‘s declination North.,......17. 31; 22 Sun‘s declination North.,.......16. 18. 37 Mcon‘s hourly motion in Right Asâ€" Montrceal mean time of conjunction in right ascension. â€" 18s69, The state of the sky should also be obâ€" Approximate Elements of the Solar Sclipse of Saturday, the 7th August, PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE sUX. 6L APRICKâ€"3 CENTS arry, Pve : ide ‘re rts in FG 4 42 16 29 49. 24 es omcc P CCC en YJ se failure of the Rasco, Shortly after this the Vermont Centeral Railway Company exâ€" tended their line to Montreal, and Mr. Daley was appointed their agent here, a position which he filled for several years to the satisfaction of the company and 5» pubâ€" lic. He resigned his commission with the Vermont Central to take charge of the Donegana Hotel. In this capacity he ’nud'e many friends and became a favorite with the travelling public, As the manâ€" ager of a firstâ€"class hotel, he was perhaps without a> superior ‘in Canada. _ And many of the improvements in bote â€"keepâ€" ing o’we their inlt’rr:;uct.ion into this counâ€" try to his efforts, _ At the time of the Prince of Wales‘ visit to this country, he was appointed by the government to acâ€" company his Royal Highnoess and suite Canada the Prince expressed his satisfacâ€" tion at the manner in which Mr. Daley Mr, Daley was a man whose uniform kindness awd generosity won him many* friends." HMe commenced life for I:ina& in 1838‘ as proprietor of the British American Hotel in Kingston. . He was then a young man of about 20, butz his urbanity and business‘ tact he his hotel a favorite resort for travelers and tourists, and accumulated a respectâ€" able fortune. He took a prominent part in all questions affecting the interest of Kin , and was several© times elected mmt‘ro-of the City Council. HMis busiâ€" . ness prospered well and in the year 1845 he was worth about â€"£12,000. In that year he came to this city, and took charge of the Rasco, at that time one. of the chief hotels of the city. About that time the "New Donegana‘" was started by Mr. Donegana, and a keen competition arose between these two. leading hotels, which led, after a couple of years, to the It is With deep regret that we have to announce the death at 1:30 this morning of Mr. Joseph H. Daley, ‘of this city. This annoucement will &ing sorrow to néfany hearts through the Dominion, for best," there is no saying but that. they may eyentually _ _ 2 3 *« Make the face of heaven so fine ‘L hat @ll the world will be in : love > with , Landor sings in his sweet, high . way about Robert Browning, that i “'l::rn is delight in singing, though none Besides the singer." 4 < l And this is doubtless true. But such delight is necessarily barren, so far â€"â€"New York W THE LATE MR. JO%EPH °. DAaLEY, the Democratic sofaâ€"bedstead." IHowâ€" ever, we shall get used to it, are dare say, in time. Iit will be inconvenient in many ways, perhaps, at first. But every. thing has itsâ€"compensations. * Fat men and such as sleep o‘ nights," will be disâ€" couraged and discontenanced, and intendâ€" ing Cmsars so be kept in awe by Cocfrm of lean and hungry Caskipses. And if the women keep the fair, promise of their apostles, and really " do their " To sit all night till broad daylight, And go home with the girls in the morpâ€" ing." \> Rtrange _ forms ~ of â€" parliaimentary h, too, will comée . then upon ‘us. m Mrs. Norton and> Miss (Anthony seem to insist upon it that the recumbent attitude which the. Romans considered most favourable to digestion is necessary to the full development of the jeminine powers of persuason. It will be odd, at first, to hear the honourabie Senautor from Massachusetts flinging scurvy parts® of speech at the honourable Senatrix * on _ It will be a wonderful thing for our Congressmen and Senators (the male sex will, we hope, be allowed a fair share ‘of representative offices) to find the ~due discharge of their fuanctions constrain =â€"This thing is important, and should be thoroughly settled. If Mr. Norton and Miss AntZOny are right," it is clear that one of the consequences of the success of the women‘s m:t movement will beâ€" the conversion, forall political rposes, of day into night, &mhen wo:l:n take human affairs publicly in hand,. we shail, of course, insist upon their ‘ doing their very best; as Miss Anthony and Mrs, Norton so ‘golemnly declare, ~after sunâ€" down, jour legislative ‘assembliecs must follow the bad example of the British Parliament. _ * + . . im ulaictr o matantony Mipatrmictctceces Ds Mh . â€"â€" A as touches the wide, wide world. And a lady whose mission is to clevate men to a level with woman (that contemptible organ of the .hidebound past, the Triâ€" bure, puts it the other wayâ€"more‘s the shame!) should find her highest sphere, not in the evancscent cjaculations of an unfruitful soliloquy, but in the communiâ€" tation to her felllowa of thoughts that breathe and words that burn. Possibly they‘ may be mor to herself, but ‘ that. carries guarantee of their potency minds and hearts. M 2 P 0756 Anihony knowâ€" anything ’positiwly on the â€" amlject ? â€" Mrs. Norâ€" ton, having an audienee, even though it be no better audience than a man, and aâ€" ’hnsbaml at that, may possibly feel asâ€" sured of her own powers by " the cffect she 'roduou upon .another. But Miss Anthony has made public profession that she not only practises nocturnal isolatio asa habit, but believes in it as a holy and hygienic duty. How, then, can she asâ€" sert with such confidence that hber lonely, efforts, made. I * When none but night And hber still candle see," ; really do transcend her public performance$ on the platform ? . â€" *=c * Miss Anthony and Mrs. No ton. vnal sisters in the struggle for wo aen‘s ra:t’., "seem to have made simultancously one grand discovery â€" which we shouid ‘be sor?' to â€"have to believe in, and which really is no dincnvery‘ at all, be it correct or incorrect. ‘Miss Anthony avers that she " makes her best upeccine. on her pillow," and Mrs. Norton that che . is never " so happy in her expressions as when she lies awake < at night."‘ ‘_As . an alleged matter of fact, we say this is no discovery at all. â€" Mrz Caudic claimed to havemade it years ago, and her hapleas spouse never disputed the claim, ~ Hisâ€" tory is full, too, of examples which may be twisted to prove it true. According to > Aristophanes, it was by a deadlock in miduight sessions that the aucient female reformers of Athons finally car: ried their‘points. And it is certainy significant that Mincrya, the â€"recognized goddess of female wisdom, should have selected the ow as her emblem. Bcet how can Miss Anthony know anything positively on the ambject ? â€" Mrs. Nor VYOICES OF THE ®1cuT interesting no certain constrain 1 } i