CROSSE ClLyg Â¥IÂ¥G @ THEATRE, NG, AaU C e worldâ€"Fenowned Trege * . o â€"â€"<â€"â€" H§ D. Â¥Iss Â¥iRGIY] ‘ x EANXNANRX . Cos NeoN, AT 2 Peroce, a xt.\'l'lm" *3 RYE WHISKEYI.~. ‘"" ODERHA YÂ¥ & WORTSY: â€" F1TTINGy iptions of yed"in the morsing & . ents. Qfll",“ *k “m‘~.~ ‘: Irish PottooBâ€" i Loo aden Rorte® pe and 44 â€" C f t in aif grades . _ PA + ~@ . sAV‘n l > FOCK; *\ e hk k . aT . T * S â€"~ENT BELOW COP" :‘yt’‘h_i:, . o "gni7â€" 100. Avin w EL L 0,%g °. > . © O#X sxicr, &. % Talented Dramatic ""‘“.†2t Dpey Theatres of e w 1. _ Sn Sm »o..’ vil the priacipal w * l t‘sufm b j been received with ~“,{,» and fnlhg.u, sudtey. uced to be AMORZ the u;.adod“'m rst aad LS FAMILY ments, will be Â¥ hm and . ms harl06 5* _asbP 7 the M: :â€"“"..?’...aflé Ts of the â€"PICKLED SALSY® i. HERKINGS, â€"»â€" J‘EDp NS XEW BH> JASHMEXNXT "_% vk,‘â€â€œ the WM‘ 3* t vERY LOW PRL ‘.j MMAR EAU STREET, oTTaWA, Ce" ‘Eveveune o Mr MeKean Miss Virginia a G.ROBIXSON & CO, _ The Tes Pot . * / o 1»' °_ James Commings, drunk and . disordcrly, w _ > % e adjourned till Friday. . Bx.xome ; Rensalt ._ George Thomas, for assault, was fined $5. i other prands ux | > George Hogg, for an assault on a boy who, :*#’ > .;g;l a bar‘keeper, charged him twice for a j ° ext, and then laughed and made faces at ot aB e â€â€˜1: his victim who seiz«d a chair to strike the bar Wn‘ ~ buy but did not do it. The boy, probably, 6 wim" s AND ° got no more than he deserved, but George had ‘art RYCB, pROOF .. *F * / no:witnesses and bad to pay $5. Tacspips will 5* DERHA Mâ€"& jon as to 1208 "“_»“, G+ DERHAW & 10th delay. sell to the trade by AND W Whisker. sole agents for P 0, §rd, 1809° e __ to the 2418 f LN . ground and ."".‘ KDHEE 1 _‘"’ Bellevue Gari. 1'-‘. w a wassh AU Gugyp 11lid 50 0. P. Tus Picâ€"Nic Yastezoar.â€"The Chaudiers Fire Company‘s picâ€"nic, at the Bellervue CGardens, yesterday, was a very creditable atair, and was managed with good taste and juigment. Large numbers of visitors went over in the afteradon and evening. The threatened rain did not descend to mar their enjoyment. Dancing to (the music of Butherland‘s band was kept up with spirit tlll wlate hour.© The games were very satisfac=< tory, and but for the great banquet last night we should have said more abou‘t it. ‘Crasiasxa.â€"Wo perceive by am advertise= . ment in another column that the members of | the Curling Club are requested to meet onl Saturday evening, at eight o‘clock, in the Temperance Hail, Eigin st, for the lmaic-’ tion of important, business. We have seen | skating in the dog days, and it is not imposâ€" | sible that some discovery may have. b«n‘ mads to enable the votaries of curling t’of 5 Quadrille ...... . Albhambra...... . Riviere 8 Faatasia.. The Rominiscerces® of Ireland .. Masor‘s Hic.â€"The band of the Rifls Briâ€" gads will nlay the following. programme of music on the Major‘s Hill this afternoom from four to sixâ€"o‘clock : l 1 Pas . Redguble.....V Aigle..... Bousquit 2 Overture .....,. ... Zampa.. ... .... merold 3 Waitz..... Mario Wilton, ... . Vanmaanen 4 O seratic Selection . . Marino Faliero. . Doniâ€" Asotasn Semioce Accrosnt. â€"We aro sorry to leeâ€"n that Mr.â€" Maingy met with a serious accident on his way home to New Edinburgh, on Tuesday evening, from the raising of the St. Grzozor‘s Picâ€"xic.â€"The committees to make preparations for the St. George‘s Pleâ€"nic, to be beld on the 19th inst., have all been appointed, and «re busily engaged at their "work. They have received the kind permis* tion of Mrs. lcl& to select any part of the estate for the occasion. â€" Theré is gpod reason Tor believing that.this will be a gathering of no ordinary character. . The list of games will b» very full, we hope not too much so . stcamer Queen. The company very consiâ€" derately charged them but a small (are. Captain Bowie was very kind to them on the way and return. The time{was improved by singing, &c., both on the boat and on shore. They spent the day very pleasantly, and all seemed contented and happy. ‘They were accompani«cd by the Rov. Mr. McPhail, Mr. Bolton, and Mr. Morgan, the Superintendeat. 10.3 heveceih v..... 9. ) en Dibim.cb#e en 000 oTTAWA RIVER yAaAÂ¥vIGATION COMPAXT, s Steamer Queen Victoria R paaves her wharf, foot of Sussex it reet, at 6.30 a m Acrives do do: ao 86.00 p m practise their favounrite game ° in summer. We shall see. & 4 _ Millee a . |_* 7 Masorka...,. The Glockchen.., . .Hempel The Rifle Brigadeo Marches . Scsoar Scnuoor Excursion.â€"On Tuesday last the children of the Sunday. School, in cdune:tion with the Baptist Church, with their teachers, patonts and friends, to the number of about two hundred and fifty, went doww the river on an excursion to Mr. Felâ€" lowes‘ greunds, at Butternut Grove, on the . Julia Ring was not drenk, but only came lat; on Tussday night to get lodgitgs at the police station, and being there she coald not BbX ‘liberated without passing tbrguéh the doâ€"k; but she was liberated, there being no tharze sgainst her. Julla, conscious that sh¢ bad done no wrovug, stood on her dignity. John Murray was charged with the larcony of three pairs of socks and two small shaw}s, the propertyâ€"of Hick & Co. * *Menry Hick was sworn agd said ‘prisoner had worked for them about two weeks as porter, He‘believed that the. property proâ€" duced belonged‘ to their firm. 1t had not been Boid to the prisouner. : They had not missed the p{pefly until it was foun‘t on the prisâ€" oner, "but aitâ€"rwards they had examincd the stock{ aud found a parcel opened, the goods exactly the same as those produced, missing. The valug.of the aiticles was 77} cents. _ Constable Gratiam proved the finding the propeity on the prisoner at the station.â€" > Gtages leave for Ayimer every morning at 5.00 a m Steamer Ann Nisson loaves Ayimer at.....8.30 a m q‘n\u ‘TO KIXGSTON. . » Steamer City. of Ottawa _ Leares the Canal Basin Whart every Monday aod Thursday &t................ 1.,00 a m Acvcros Si18.â€"Mr. 'lf.chbeny advertises an extensive sale for Saturday next, in which are i’cludtd a cottage plano, ‘ a velocipede, a skiff, furniture, glassware, cloths, cottons, and a variety of Sther atticles. Poucse Cocar.â€"William Owens was sen ond week to jail under the Vagrant Act. _ Tuat Fiew Bsipyâ€"\ firs boll was to have | been put up in Lower Town, somewhere about | the market. It was promised some six | mouthks ago, but ‘since that time we Mvo% heard nothing of itâ€"â€"except : gn-blhg.; What is the cause |of dlelay ? It ‘is b:dly,! wanted, for on some occasions a fire occurs , inâ€" u'"l Town, when . the value of fity | bells might .be sacrificed for want of it _ â€" | sidewalk, near McLaretf‘s mills. The repairs were leit in an unfinished state, and without a light to show the danger to foot passengers, We have not learned the full extent ‘of Mr, Maingy‘s injury, but we have learned that he is cooafined to his bed. Verily" lite and imb are held cheaply at the capital. * Rvery Weirsalar and Saturday at........7.00 p m «* "e‘syman writing to a friend saye: " My voyage to Ezrope is indefnitely postponed. 1 huve discovered the ‘fountain of health‘ on this wide of the Atlantic.. Three bottles of the Poru. vian Syrup have rescued me fram the fangs of the flouddyspepsta." Dyspeptics should drink from this /o 1ntain, l111%@a Prisoner electâ€"d to bestried suminarily, and was sentenced to be imprisoned for the spacg of six weeks at hard labout. s graphy A clergyman wrising to a friend says: LOCAL_ [ TRKAVELLER*3 GUIDE. LAWRENCE AXD OTTAWA RALWAY AND ARRIVES FROX KINGsToO® xION FORWARDIXG COMPAXT National Anthem. Mr.. Grant Seymour was sworn, and was xamined by Mr. Lewis, P:hlng some fArticles removed to Bis mother‘s residence m, Mrs. Reiffâ€"nstein‘s Witness had seeu tew small articles, that is ty say, a pair of ps, a stâ€"reoscope, and two jor three other mall articles of the value of ten: dollars, but ke bad not partichlarly noticed. They were taken to his rs‘ because Mreâ€" hciflcuu-in raid she was going to have a sale, and did not wish to of those articles. â€" ~ â€" .â€" The Sheriff ot the county of Carleton, yesâ€" terday afternoon, held & court of inquisition under the writ of extent issued against the estate of George C. Reiffenstein,. to enquire as to what goods, money, lands, debts, &¢., are owned within this bailiwick by the said G C. Reiffoustcin, that the Bheriff may seise and hold them for the CrewB: in satisfaction of a debt of $23,000 ewing to:the Crown by Reiflenstein on the 20th of July last. + The court was opened byâ€"the Sheriff in the county Court House, at 3â€"o‘clock, p. m when the tollowing gentlem@n were sworn nock, Goo. May, â€" Jno.‘ Roberts, J. G. Kobâ€" inson, Sam‘l Howe, Thos. Patterson, T. R. Cunning bam. â€" 1. * ' as a jury to investigate %:m «â€"Alex. Workman, James Peacock, Robert Angus, Thos. Kirby, Wm. Hunton,° Wm. Pe _ Juha Bower Lewis, Esq., appeared for the rown, and R. W.; Scott, Ksq., M. L. A., apâ€" arvd for Mrs. Reiffenstein. ~ Charles Reiffeust. in, son of George Chatles Reiffenstein, sworn, ‘ said ha‘kw of no monics put away or secretéed byhis father before the 20th of July, <The money lodged as security for bail by him was handed in by Mr. McPherson, he did not give it to Mr. Bate. Ho was asked to go bail, and he said Mr. McPherson was then recalled, and said the money deposited as uc:ï¬y for sail, was furnished, by bim with exception of $1,1400, which belonged to Mrs. Re in. The money was uot handed to the last witâ€" he would, if accepted, and he was . told that would be made all right. Did not know that any part of the money ever belonged to his Mr. McPherson said here, that if the jur» wished to know all the particulars t the money hbe would tell them if y would question him,. _ [ ~. so_f ts o. father, Mr, Goddard was ‘to have gone bail, but he ailtered bhis mind. S James Bailid, Esq., Deputy Sheif, was worn and examined as to tb}hlm of cer. ain properties presuimed to belong to George . Reiffenstcin, and said that when ho made he scizure he was informed : he did so inder protest, and was ‘shewn certain docuâ€" neuts by virtue of which Mrs. Reiffenstein laimed the property seized as her own. [‘he said documents were produced in court, Evearsmooy Siys So,.â€"That is all who ave nm: used the article thomselves or witnessed its ects when used by others ; all lul.‘:d they are only ft lo'juda:.‘un unanimous in opinion that =Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arabian _ He knew it had been‘logally purchased, but had not been removed at the proper timeé, there would . have been no dAfliculty. â€˜ï¬ would be for the jury to ~say whether they wou d exempt it. His Wouship the Mauyor was then sworn, and azid be purchased the mirror in question on the 10th day of July, and paid foâ€" it, bat the room for which it was iutâ€"nded, was undergo o« repairs, and he bad leit it till the place should be readly. The Court then adjor 3 c p.m . toâ€"day. _ fowrnus i 2 Arieck are the bost in the world for fami{ily use, as they hem, foll, tuck, cord, bind, er and quilt in a manner that defies com They arse the only machines in tho world to which can be apâ€" mt the delicate Buttonâ€"holo Attachment and amental Stitch l-bn!da Cloth Plate. Call and See our NEW TUCK CREASER and GUIDE. Price, $2.00. â€" ad were as ï¬:?ovl, viz, :â€"A marriage conâ€" act, cated in 184g, a will 1853, and a eed of donation, dated 1855. . > Call and examine the Adjustable Hea* "*ovolâ€" ving Presser Foot, and admirably adapt! _ Pres# sure Bar. . Cizreatars and sampios of se sont ' ou application, e mas go* P.. N.B.â€"Sewing done to order, and peedlos, oil and silkâ€"for @11 machines -+.n, on hand. * â€" K A. WALTON, «105 King.â€"st. West, Toronto., and “r;l.fd n'ownlsnwua MAOI(le‘lnm & or tailoring, carri trimujing, boot and narness making, ani no.::rlvlll“ !:.t such K. W. STEPUEXN, wind of horses. As a condition medicine it no equal ; there is nothing in it which can jure a horse whether sick or wollâ€"norâ€" need the tse bo keptfrom working while using it; it is udt the article which all who own borses require, ad which they should have constantly on hand. lemember the name, and seoe that the :gnature of eave Reme4y" is superior to anythin‘g of the ind heretofore or at present in use for coughs, olds, thick wind, and all discases which Jut urd & Co. is on each package. ‘Northrop & Lyâ€" an Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canada. 8E W IN G M AC HINE 3 RELIFFENSTEIYE CAsSE. MEELEKB & WILSQN Sewing Machines, One handsome Rosewood Chickering Grand ano, in perfect order. Bale lsely at ter o‘clock, a,m. T â€"ash in bankable funds. | * AMOS ROWE, ~ nacd es ~â€"yus TH& HIRD ANNUAL REGATTA Will take place ATURDAY, l4rw AUGUST, 1969. /SA rv:jzu F NEXT, the Tth Instant, the wholg of the Houseshold Farnitdre, glassware, The subscriber has received instructions to sell by publip auctiin, at the residence, Rithmond Road, 1 lately opposite Dr. Hill‘s, on | , CHUR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, > CHICOKERING GRAND PIANO, &c. . PRESIDENT. The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Ontario. i | VICEâ€"PRESIDENT. > . Ven. The Archdeacon of Ontario,® All Chi mï¬::: io R 3 Cas W H on, 5 | Secretary. MmITTEE 0! 0 P y "q.u C H Lsq, R H Maysook, Iot & Clar # Sailey V rigne d Ist La This Yohoo!l will (D V), be opened with the above staf of experienced teachers, on SEPTEMâ€" BEK Every effort will boe made to. impart the most â€" gh instruction in all branches of comprising Religion, Knglish, Freach, Italian, | Music, Dnfln&. Dancing, Natural ain and Fancy Needlo Work. . & us, with full informaticn regarding the Terms and Foes for Dl, Pupils aad Boarders, &o, &o, will be ready in a fow days, and -n‘h had by application to MRs R B‘gl'AR'l'. i. brod at: ; or to the Bursar flno tem), the REV T BEDEORD JONES, LL D, Daly street. 1115tf fee, 1 Prissâ€"Sing:io Scull out riggers. Prize, arington medal. Open to residents of urtaw vicinity. _ Entrance $5, T miles, C No. T+ « & ‘s Raceâ€"2 miles. Opento piokies, boats in the lumber trade. Four oars and paddle. â€"Boats must have been in use o season, Prize $20. Entrance $2. | L P No 8. l Soull Club Raceâ€"Boats pulled from the guawalo. 2 miles, Open to m:: of the club ocaly. ze $50. Entrance $5. (')!:u | all con‘:: P ance Tm fide e boats to star Pa entering } of the clfib, Oo-"a mati Ylll be furn Entties may be o‘clock, p m, of 12} Cu! ared Out to all comers. four miles. ’lul :xu $100. Second rize ,‘rlicl will be increased if possible,. 0. NP | No« 10« _ Dou! l’s«n Boatsâ€"Pulled from the ;gunwale. pen to all comers. Distance, 2 miles. Prizeo For ca Jul* 1 * Al1fd ‘lBy A. Rowe, Auctioncer. UCTION SALE OF â€" olo TAWA ROWIXG CLUB, | _ A 869. MMmMITTEE OF MANAGEMXENT. .. . TEacdixe starr. ly Principal............... Mrs Robort Stewart, e bena fide entries to be made in cach case. boats to start or no race. * 1 , August 3, 1869, ared boats, pulleod from the gunwale, Open :n of recognizad ciubs. KFour miles. Prise $10. Second boat sava entrance ort and attendance the travelling put lio this first class house luu:r‘uoa in being situatéd in the centre of tas giucy. over 100 well furnished bedâ€" w#, | 1,50 per day.. Single rooms, wi u : Mnï¬uu must conform to the rules . Coplesofthe same and other inforâ€" ill be furnished by the Secretary: may be made at n; time up to 10 ;-.ofl&h of AUGUST. _ . 1 * :eamt day. : ‘ . PATRONS. b-:i\.uth Governor Goneral, 1 Lord. A Q Russell. â€" h W A [H OF EXGLAND SCHOOL PRES1IDENT. ohn A Macdonald, K C B. moids, Esq, _ Lt Col Beruard, A D C imour, :':g T D Harington, Eeq, R 3 Cassels, Esq. > 4, 1869. < 1 DA HOTEL, h of England Cle: ROGRAMME OF RACKS. & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET, MON TR EA L. Auction â€" Sales. ressusssetensensasercptercetsstarscersenlih Oentnbrt O UNG L ADIE 8, , Keq, Capt Bowie, rs, Lsq, John Black, ll‘i. »Ok, Iot W Horace Lee, Esq, »le Clar loq,ï¬ l‘mnwu«. Esq, Vrighy, Boq. A Atcheron, Eo VICEKâ€"PRESIDEXTS. "'dbrqgl Street..‘ F f â€"_F'-‘ »‘ + 4 I’ATI;Q?-ESS. » â€"â€"_| Lady Young. ~ qed ies YICEâ€"PATRON ESsSEs. Queen‘s Colteg*, London, England ) ffs. ..o e ... c site Aeaket Miss Macdougali. COU~CIL. (10 be formed of ) land Clergyme ‘ul.lbonxho«l. YÂ¥ICTOR LAPORTE, WATERS & CO, | 1071.6m _ Proprietofs, " H A Wicksteod, Miss Lrvine, W H COTTON, (late of Quebec,) ..... Miss Kepdall Auctionser. 11i7ta ilon Seoy. 110@9eodtd PHEK O T "A ‘%A FPIMKS, AUGUEGT 5 Tmn_ CHEAPEST Goobps, THE CHEAPEST GOODS, h THE CUEAPE»ST GOODS, 'l‘lll LARGE®ST 8TOCK, THE LARGEST STOCK, THE LARGEST STOCK, 'l‘“' BEST ASSO}ITEDQ' THE BEST ASSORTED, . THE BEST ASSORTED, | AtTUOS. & w.HUNTON‘S ‘vs would:call spocial attention to our imâ€" mense stock of il0OUSE FULNISHINGS to which we are receiving additions by almos every steamer,consisting of VÂ¥ELYET ~PILE CARPETS, BRUSSELLS do. ~_* TAPESTRY | ao. IMPBRIAL "do â€" KIDDERMINSTER WOOL _ do. scall, and see it they cannot offer you greater inducements than [you can get o‘sewhere in the city. ' £000 IHE XEWEST sTYLES, DUTCH iA _ 1 o. .0._ _‘ YENETIAN < ;9 do. 0 _ MANILLA y l HEMP _ J‘ * RSTAIR CARPETS, HEARTH UGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, ) Purchase your Dry Goods, .. _ | Beady-madei Clotlniqg, _‘ _ Cloths, Tweeds, &6,, ‘JUST GIVER . If you want any Linen or Lustre Coate from $1 upwards, ~ >~ C & $ If you want a good Wool Tweod for 50 conts,‘ 4 ecall it OO MEARA & Co.‘s. PEKINADES, CHINTZES, LACES, CORNICES, ‘ a : COCOA MATTING, &c., &e THOS. & W. HUNTON,â€" ALEX.â€" DVYE. If you want a Suit, Tado to order, for .1, + eall at:O‘ MEARA‘ & Co.‘s. If you want a good suit of Clothes, readyâ€"made, â€" for “. 8 â€" â€" ® If you want any White Dress Shirts, Under Shirts, _ Drawers, Hosiery, &0., w Having one of the largest stocks in the city, we beg to call the attention of those wishing to avail themselves of the above low prices to call and examine our stock. QUICK SALES & LIGHT PROFITS. â€" PRIZE3 to the value of over $1,000 will be given. C * o t y Pool Targets open to all comers with the saiâ€" dor and any rifie, will bo open evrery day. The annual subscription to the An;oéintlm is $2, officors and men of thoA;;\Volunt.m Foree may besome membors on ï¬'iymi;it of $1. Programmes containing full partiqulars, tcâ€" gethor with the Firing Regulations, may be ob« tained from the Asst Secrotary at his office,in Bell‘s block, opposito the Russell Honse.~ â€" °* W H FALLS,® RIFLE 4A S 8 0CTITATIO N. The anou®MPrize Meetin M Ottawa, July $9, 1869, DRY GOODS & HOUSSE FURNISHINXGS, DRY GOODS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS Q:vs, #nd August, 1840, Q MEARA & °C O., RIBEAU‘RIFLE R aAYÂ¥G E, HE GREATEST vairuiety, THE GREATEST YARIETY, THE GREATEST VARIETY, RY GOODS & HOUSE FURNISHINGS OYAaL INSURANXCHâ€"CONPAXY, FIRL.AND LIFE. | ETROPOLITANX E BEST VALUKE, ) THE BEsf vaLUE, THSE BEST VALUE, At THOS. & W. HUXT THE NEWEST STYLES, THE NEWEST STYLES, Aw THOS. & W. HUNTON‘S. At THOS. & W. HUNTON‘S. At THOS & W. HUNTON‘S. At THOS. & W. HUNTON‘8. At THOS. & W. HUNTONS. ry Oflice, Seotts DBuildi, Opposite Russel! House, . . DUOR MATS,: â€" â€" << 0 0 + DAMASKS, REPP3S, OUR MOTTO I%â€" call at Q‘MEARA & Co.‘s. eall at QO‘MEARA & Co.‘s. call at O‘ MEARA! & Co.‘s. Liont and ‘Asst Secretary. UNION Goods. 47 and 49 Sparkeâ€"st. T. M CLARK, Agent.> .. © HHMIB will be beld on :he O‘MBARA & Co. 50 Sparhsâ€"st. do. 1116td f CHIEFS, 40 PCB. WHITE COTTONS, in every desscription of _! _‘ Look at the List of P. 50 PCS. WHITE COTTONS, 50 PCB. HORROCK‘3 CELEBRA 69 PCS. PRINTED MUSLINS 20 PCB FANCY PRINTS, 35 PCS, FAIR QUALITY, 6T PCS. SPLENDID, 175 FANCY SHAWLS, Garliand, Mutchmor &# Co. Will efer uring 291 PCS. GREY COTTONS®, Best Value in Canada, 271 PCS. Beautiful DRESS GC 171 PCS. SCOTCH LAWN H PARASOLS. 41 dozen Assortedâ€"Reduced: to 470 YDS. DIAPER, e\ CHOICE OF ONE HUN: STRAW HATS AND F The foregoing are only a few . bargains that will be offered. . vited to call and examine the Prices. f 172 YDS» TABLE DAMASKE, LADIES VELVETEEN .11 ~ _ Worth 17e 64 for 108 GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & CO., G REAT BA RGAINS LADIESY WHITE AND B | COTTON HOSE.. awa, June 11, 1869) ARGAINS INX pRY Goo TOX, \"* LADIES ALL SILK FASHIQONABLE JACKETS, CHEAPESTâ€"COTT %0 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, Trice to clear offâ€"trom 2s WHOLESALE AND RE] At every priceâ€"all extra THIS ANXD NEXT MONTH Best value in Ottawa, Tic At Less than Cost of Manufact D R Y G 0O 0 D S. Worth 25s for 15s. Worth 10d for 74d 372 DOZEN For 1s each. cITY . Worth 1s 3¢d Only 1s 94 4id to 6d CPG 44¢ 3} #d 34 up. bnED ; ONNETsS ACKETS, per yard. 1. to 744. }ODs, per yard. ubout Cost. TED COTâ€" per yard,. per yard. 1d each. ROWN & per yard. per yard. O N S for 10}4. ANDKERâ€" per yard. {f the many VAH are inâ€" Goods and to 10}1. r yard up. value. Banana, Peach, Blackberry, Raspborry and Strawberry Syrups. 8 RASPBERRY VINEGAR, ° l‘l{Y'S Chocolate and Cocoa, ~ * 4)‘ OTT‘S Cocon Pasto, is NP j I‘IORTON’S Bloater l:uu, ‘ ZBSkirts, of al sizes and styles, made to order, without extra charga. > You can get your Painting, Graining, Glazin Paperâ€"hanging, Kalsomlning' and "_ © £ done on short lmico in a very satisfactory manner, and on the m reasonable terms that can be desired. & / is made of Sign Painting. A stylish sign can be got up vori;vhu.w, A practical experience of sixteen years in the 8B â€"~~__ t 0. LEVIN, (Successor to D Millar,) ~ â€" . & _ 48 Sparks street, & â€" _ opp. Tmrs Office, SEKIRTS, wholesale and rotail, at Montreal prices. , COR SETS, best value in the gity. ts MRS TROTTER begs to state that «ho has a flow comfortable,yairy, antl respectably furnished roorm.‘vacnnhsuitnblo cither for single or marâ€" ried ladies and gentlemen. The situation is at ones central and retired, being near the Governâ€" ment Buildings and principal centres ot business, ‘und yet removed trom the noise and bustle of the city,. An excellent table is kept; and terms® are very moderate. A fow : day boarders can be asâ€" commodated. 11144 And for sale cheap, by tWrocers, Wire and Spirit Merchants, RESH OÂ¥STE®S, _ in Tin, }im:/ssnvzn OYSTERS ao ' F}u:sn HALLBUT do ' gosesq sapmos do goreso acksasn 4 P gonssaropsters > § AREENPEAs °. 0 4o I‘IORTON,'S Bloater g;-u, ‘ j 'l\O.MATO and othor q.szpl, â€" ANCI{OVY Pasto, 1 STRASBU!’.GH Mgnt?, l)orr,np Beof and T@nguu( j l‘)REbERVES and Jeï¬l., yB grgst varmety, 0RAN (:L h_hrmah:u? . T olu‘hSo.\:f TAYLOQR & Coâ€"‘s : C# Bnncipal towns end cities of Ci4nada and the nited States enables me to suit the various tastes and atisfy the wants of all my customers. . i;;â€"mnhxvx‘sc' | ' ~KET T LEKS AND J &A RS,« buse Bapsiu:s-. KEDZIE FILTERS, COOLKRS, BATHS, REFRIGERATORS, Selling choap at . The undersighed â€"moerchants~in Sparks street have agreod to.close their ostablishments, on and after MONDAY, 2nd AUGUST, at SEVEN O‘CLOCK p.m. Saturdays,EIGHT O‘CLOCK, p m s . _ T&W HUNXNTON, y MAGEE & RUSSELL, « $ GARLAND, NUTCHMOR, & CO. . Ottawa, August 2, 1869, 1115a Colebrated Sugar Cured Hams and Breakfast Roli Bacon. 5d l)ICKLEADVS&lmon, [)ICK}‘lSâ€"I;ï¬Mlclgorol, BDICKLED HERRINGS, . _ Zor the relief and cure of Epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, Puerperal Hysteria, &o., &c. This proparâ€" ation is from the recipe of a celebrated Prench Physician, and the very great success which has attonded its use in every care, and where the highâ€" est medica! «kill was otyno avail, has induced the ubscriber to give it every possible publicity. The genuine has Og‘o nubccrich::amc aPn:i address on each bottle. (Price one dolisar. Sole Proprietor J,. A. HARTE, Chomist, $46, Notre Dameâ€"strect Montreat, § * The Stone House now occupied by Thomas McKay, Esq, at the Chaudiere, Victoria Lsland. The ‘lot is 66 x 99, the House aud Stabling of stone. There aro nine rooms, besides summer and winter kitchens, Jargo cellirs and closets throughout: covered verandah and bost of water, The front part of the house has already, and can again, bo used as ofices. Terms of payment liberal. Apply to | days. H V NOEL Cttawa, August 2, 1869. y »l115¢ g»paroop»‘s eruseric ‘CURE, INDIA WAREHLOUSE, Harte‘s Florida Water, equal to anyihlag im orted.. ‘Price 374 cents per bottle. TRivy _ | ht Haddock, § : E\m NAN Haddios, &¢., &¢., : . And a full:stock of Choice Family Grocories. Ottaw a, Nov. 3, "1868. . + NH & TOrTIcE TO THE PUBLIC. UST RECEIVED, Greatly reduced in price during the next soven ITY HOOP SKIRT FACTORY. EMOX, GINGER, ORANGK, In Half Barrols, Batreis and Tiorces, ,RY Codiish, 1‘ ; Received daily by express. OROXTO HOUSE, RESIH SALMON B.â€"No Beuzine Copoal. OUSE FOR SALE. LANG 8PA RKS B T RLEET, w HITE WASHING, . T. BROWNL & CO:, * HERE A SPECIALITY PAINTING (Corner of Bank Street). _ ESTABLISHMENT, 62 SPARKS SIREET. > Wholesale and Retail No. 16, Riogacâ€"st. ) 1 Grocertes,. at RORINXEON & CO., _‘The Tea PI, . W. LaNG, Sparks â€"st, ESMONDE®‘8. Ottawa ; 1 The Annual Generah Méctizg of the Canaus | Contrat: Kailway Compafiy will be held at the : Company‘s Oflice, in the City of Ottawa, on | FRIDAY, the THIRTEENTH day of AUGUST | next, at twelre o‘clock, noon, of Which all persons | interested are hereby required to take notice, s ~ _ WA R WORSLEY, Ham, Tongues, Strasbou:g Meat. C aw=. and Salmon, Anchory Pasté, Currieo Powd« «,In crial Snuces, Reading Sauces and Soyor‘s slish Pickles, of all kinds, put up to ore. end warâ€" 100 CHESTS FINE FAMILY Lo TEAS, « A ‘Japans, Black‘s and Green‘s,in groat varicâ€" ties asto qualities and prices. /New Season Teas, aud well worch a trialâ€"for familics, boing pur chased for retail trado. _ > _ Frosh Ground and Roasted on the premises, veory fine fiavour. Finest Brgndy'ud Wines, of the best brands, imported to order. * BTILTON CHEESE in stock, equal to English 0‘0030, and 10 cents per 1b cheapor. 100 CAsEs GUINNEsS & COs XXxXx t _ sFOUT, . And the celebrated PIG BRA ND, vi.qualed in quality, 8t prices n,nï¬s_unlly low, } ~ tho case of doz each, quarts $2.50, pints $1..>. ~~ rrantâ€" ed by Guinnpess & Co‘s certific q 25 ‘690. (Zâ€"Rates by this Line FIVE perâ€"cent. lower than by . any other Line. Steamer GRENVILLE and Bargoâ€"â€"Captain M. G. Fastonâ€"will leave Montrea. on TUESâ€" DAYS, 6 p.m. _ f Steamer MARY ANNE, and Bargesâ€"Captain 8. T. Eastonâ€"will leave Montrc*! on FRI. Ottawa, June 1, 1869. From . Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and in termediate Ports, , .. > . . YARBIREL: . JS‘LL.. Nests of JELLIE POT3, large PR *KRVE JARS, TOMATO JARS, in great vari> y at the VARIETY HALL. _ . ~BTONE FLOWER POTS, _" HANGING FLOWER i« ; ‘ (something new) and . COMMON FLOWEHâ€" 0~2, Very Cheap at the f 5 A large consignment of. WOODENX BGW 1.8, BUTTER PRINTS, BUTTER K:. VES, )CE PICKS, LEMON SQUEEZERS, and uther novel ties, just received at the â€" < f MASON‘3 PATENXT SELEF SEA JARS, acknowledged to be the be: full directions for using, at.the Cunada Central Btllw’] } VARLE % GALL, ETONE WATER CROCK3, witkh cz" ithout taps, at the VARIETY HALL. + DIRECT IMPORTATiUNS, Ottawa, March 28, 1864. W. H. EASTON & Co., , Little Sussex Street, Canal Basin, L i Office. _ JAMES SWIFT & <â€"., j â€" bt. Lawrence Wharf, Kingston. M. H.EASTON & Co., .â€"_ 15 Colbourné Street, Montroal. K. EASTON, Esq., OoFPEE, UNXNINGHAM & LIXDSAY‘8, ROSSE & BLACKWEKL *s ( JODS, Also, Ex Chaudiere, fro: Lea & Porrin‘s Worcester Sauce PENXED OUT Ex Ship Anglesee from Lirer,. wol. OTFTED MEATS.â€" ABTON®S RIDEAU AND OTTAWA ‘FREIGH T LINE, CHOTICK LOT of CORDED FANCIES, EESOR*S RUIT JARS I FRUIT $AX3!1 DAYS, 6 p.m. * Agents, Ottawa City, ANADA CENXTRAL RALIJLWAY COMPANXNY. LARGE STOCK OF LIQUORS, REPOUSSE‘S, ALEXANDRE‘®, JOSEPLUILNE and JuUVIN KID YLQOVES CMOCICE LOT of TRIMMINXGS a=~ BUTTONS, : CHOICE LOT OF BRILLIANXTS, CHOICE LOT. OF DRESS GQOODS, NOVELTY IN SILKS BEAUTIFUL LOT of#PRING HATS SPLEXDID LOT OF PARASCOLS, For sale by CUNNINGHAM & LIADSAY‘S, bth June, 1869. For ealo at RDry Goeds. THOS. PATTERSO.~S, IN NEW MATERIALS, , THOS. PATTERSON, No. 14, Riogacâ€"st., NOTICE. Rideau, Merrickvil!® VARIETY BRAal%, AXD AT 34 Sussex treet. 26 Rideau st 26 Kideau st. 14R saust. ©‘60. 10902318 i FRUIT use, with 1407ta \~300 i Huu BOWMAN‘S _ Having been \@ppointed by the combin_! their agents for # « (lodey‘s and Frank Leglic‘s Ladies‘® Magasine for August; Bow Bells and London Journal fer July ; World of Wonders for July; and MHarper â€" Bazaar, &o., at 200 NE | â€"~100KS AND INK *._ *Two Sizee), * By which letters, &c., may be copied without the . use of a press, ie ,, â€" The August Monthly Magines, A full supply of five cent music, A 22. Post Oflice News Depot, July 23, 1800 300 l)noor, and they are now prepared to gell im} qria the trade, by the & Gentlemen of taste and fashion can suit themâ€" selves with all the noveities of the season. All Gurments made on the shortest notice, by first.class workmen, in the !atest New York and Paris styles." en n a eA t OO This week‘s Chimney Corner, Ledger, Emeralé4, Eperting Times, Western World, Frans Leslic‘s (with picture), Harper‘s Week!y,Week :y Horal#, Pilot and all other Jrish papers, Lrish Aepublic (pew paper), etec. London rllg-l:dod Nows, (with a splendid picture), Bow Belis, London World o(_t;'oudorl, and all the English = American Fashion: Books, just receiveq,. QOrawa, June 19, 1564 « A situation as Butler, Valct, Messenger or any respectable employment, by a young man lately trom England. Can farnish firét‘class tostimenâ€" ials. Address, _ , Constantly on hank a well assorted stock of choice TEA$ and a general assortment ot GROâ€" CERIES suitable for family use, all 0‘ which will be aold at reduced prices, Also, a ¢hoice 16t of TOBACCO, superior brands, and sold »gur!‘y lov. Goderham® & Wort‘s Mighwines an+s Old constantly on hand and sold at their prices ; Brandy, Irish and reotch 'N:k%. Ponr Sherry Wine directly "mported. whole of which wili be sold at amall proiits, Quick salesis Is NOW OPEN FOR B {INESE, ana stogced with the > £ . KEWEST ANXD BEET ASSORTED STOCK \__OF GOODS IX THE CITY. ' 1027.3m By @ppointment Purveyor to His Exce the Governor Genpneral. Ottawa, June 25 A very nicepClaret at TWoO DOLLARES ANXD A HALEF a case. | PEGPLE'D)’I‘E‘.A 8STORLE, By P. BASKKRVILLE & BROTHER, BUSSEXâ€"ST., OPPOSITE CLARENCEâ€"S Ottawa, Dec.12, 1868 UAL OXL. ’OIIIIOI BAEKWS DEPOT, HOWELL‘S CORNKR, SUSSHXâ€"ST. NLARET, CLAREKT. ONEKS & Ii US8T RECKIVED, Two Doors East of Workman & Oriffin‘s, + Eideay Sirest, ACON, &c. 1103f o®ONGauELA whuiskEys. % Agont for * L EESOR BROS. CHEESE. Agonts for John Campbell‘s ccleprated ALLEKEL OR CAR LOAD, EKMPLE OF FASHION, 1GHWINES ANXTED. For sale by the undersigco Agonts for Hiram & Walker‘s BBLS. THIX MESS PORK. Publications. LOWEST PRICES BELS. MES§S PORK. PA P BASKERVILLE & BROTHER, BELS. STRONXG SUPER FLOU K. HAUSERK‘3 KNEWsS DEPOT, Bparks stroot CGrecerites. COAL OIL, JA8S,. BUCHANAN, Bussex and Wellington * . 10844 (« DLLANXD, Mave on hand ENT . _‘ CPYING C. T. BATE & ©O., P,. A, & P:J. EGLESUN, Merchant Tallors, AT TE®E J ET D, Tiuzs Office,