RVU ®3¢ B ARRAXGEYEIyq re BONAYENTORR @Ome wesr k. ho.du.hr.. Ottawa, _ Kingstom, ‘-H-\ ""h.lnltm g:"’;h #t. Ti 1e * y .& NYILLE & OTTAWA LA . _ WAE * "a TIME ajlo-l. & * on Mowxoar, Jexs 21, 1 AFTERXvOy ntreal on Frigq rning on Tuesq I“.:l““h-. AFTER â€"MONDAY York ang b & Bu land . and Pood, at... fot Quabec. Ia, Smith‘s Fallsat A130# EAVE SMITHS F. TR EAU+ , KBAE fop Islang Pong _ adiate Stationg at. ï¬ fomadt ... : . binatecs. T Suerbrookss Watereilly . vok \m". u.."... ;t Cats on .g,. .fl- brough, * . MAINX m- « < ammmked +140 * _LEAVE BROCKVILLE. is bereby given, BSY KTER DUPUIS, has loft » the -fl. of the i to the serious leas and } “,MU_Q“‘ m,.“._...l-hfl é &E! FRENCE +AND _ RAILWAY, the Ottawas & Prescott 1 OTTiAWA. & PRASCOTT. T. 15 a. m. )R, M A Â¥ 1 OFA aBI Bogton % Ouxnl."‘ -‘. LA ,. Seficitbrsâ€"1 l io ot John, NB 45 " +0k & !arwn ‘~‘ :-iom.u.u‘ s 1 (rmz_' at -‘~N~. the Ticket Oflse D. # ate to Prescott, Kem rates can be had at Hate Sta: rain for P Brockville at 6.00 a m,£9.0bp .ï¬. «t n , 4. 30 p m and 122 p m. > L. F a VX sANDPOINT. â€" os8X0OR+ nancery ; is. Uni® Prescow and BH""" /s Publi P sandpoint at 600 a m ant My ::nvh a% Brockville at mâ€" and fl..l%s m and 610 4% f | in (paraare _ ®very MoxXn. T# Post Ofice, BRYDG kcvines, .. ~ AEEk â€" St. Hy ahe"'o:::_‘-.'..h_ PERTH BRANCE.‘_ A8 8P Pstont ARA+ #12 tuns Swith‘s Pallest % at Porth at 130 4 above tromms all rum h ww 4 e & W &A Yict ts # 9b LEAYVE of is . printed Land, h at 738 18 â€" ,.....".__3:. T 3 ome, «u.,“l TH . for l‘nl“.?‘-u dals, #{lOfns *.‘ 5 T Kingston ans ®: tp â€" us and > TIN E. THOMAS CaAxaian,, thiew «B .i< l s ; V;;“ .-‘un--o:::..........; Pikstâ€"Class Bm;:n- Daivixo Horsx®s. “"‘-I u-«i:.mb.]'m boarders free of Vetermary Infirmary -nulul_m mok and lame h"\-ilftlo direct management of Kich Fiavoured, do ............ Torp Pilty C . FU.«cccccoere:. ’%'m «e venavingeinenen ie Young Hyson... T GmUCn i & A. Common Congou, Strong Tox........,.. Fine Fiavoured New season do........ Exooilent Full Flavoured â€" do......_. WE RERHERTaAY | € mA ï¬d,y.u- in brvanchl uedipnebtreoonerns NyECE s1nurserv. & W . "Our Teas ant CoFsos, after one year‘s trial have been pronounced by the most reliable wento be of the finest quality, cheavn and from «all :-nuwnoo,num- used in the teoa trade, g importers .nu,-umu-.‘ammo:. and making them a speciality, wo are in ition to give ewery one p::f‘:el satistaction, m}d'l& tages aforded to every one are such as can only be obtainsd from our Continentai merchants, as we sell onr at a very small advance on cost. In order to give ry oue a chance to taste our Teas and Codoos, hare imported Tin Hermseâ€" UJ Cattees and Box®s, which will preserve the sreogth aad Aavour of the above named articles, aud will contzin 5, 10, 20, 2% Ibe and apwards, We wil pay the csrriage on two 10 ib or four 5 1b Cattess, to the nearest Express or Steamboat mnmp of money, or money ‘cur ‘be \ by Etproess or Steambout A.ru. W hare hore 1s no Express or Steambort Landi we will send goods per Stage. hrn mtï¬un‘ sending in an order for Teb or more es, will v::mn-n-lï¬d: own choice in return at our © 4. , x 0. F; COLEMAN, V. 8., bef of the Ontario Veterinary College, by ;.n;.h-.v.a.uu.. Governorâ€"General ; also, > io the County of Carleton Agricuitural Mb.l-;uuh- a ) prompt!y a:tended .;:":-uuuua’pmdmoanl‘:' P IaNOâ€"FOR TEQ, O R.G A N 8, ANDV Â¥EKLODEQNS, â€" â€" _ wiheir new Show Room, comprising ~ t PIANXOâ€"FORTER from all the leading makers. 4. wWARREXN‘S PIPE ORGAXN3S, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the best facâ€" C tories in the United states, excelling in finish and ~_ tone anything ever brought into this country. _ SALE AND: BAIT STABLES, giving satisfaction, as out of the mmma. we have only had acen amouat forwarded, we have only had eccasion to Tteturn one box -::u.nmu.,-.. sent out th raege C mc '“0‘..(?8!!". Teas not mentioned this circular :qnlly 0‘~ FPesonly sold W# this Company, 4’;â€â€œâ€œ Tea mu’bo'ntfu bio . and 100 ; very good to 500 S -lo:md podlnï¬p.‘_d. mn::a uin_ our Trape COFFER! COFFEE! COFFEE! mwixe, or ofering our [Bas in small packages, Nothing luo"‘..t.ha a cattle sold., Prognger Note the Addressâ€" The‘ Monireal Toa Company Our Teas, after the most severs tests by the bost medical authcrities and judges of Toa, have been need to be quité pure, and free from and mdoduflu or poisonous auâ€"tances so often wed to paprove the appearsnce of {ea. They are -qu&-nw strongth and Aavour. They haveé bees chosen tor their intrinsic woith, keeping in misd health, cconsomp,aru a Mmghgm of pleasure in drinking them. We seli for smallest possible r.‘oedl‘ asaving to the consumer of 13¢ to Ib. Our Teas are put up in 5, 12, 15, 20 and blriflfl. ar € sro warranted pure and free from poisonoussubstances. (Grders tor four 5.1b boxes, two 12 ib boxes, or one 20, or 251b box sent carriage free ty Raitway Station i:ï¬nsds. Tea m be tor ':‘"A edimmediately on raceipt of the order by mail cortaining money, or the w oney can be collect od on delivery by express man, where there are express o€ices, In sénding orders below the amount of $10, to save expemse it will be ‘better to send money with the order. Where a 25 )b box would be too mack, four families elubblng together could sead for four 5 ib boxes, ortwo 121b boxes. We send thein to one address cartiage paid, and mark each box ’ha so that cach party got their own Tos. We warrant all the Toa wo well to give entire satisfaction. .u they are not sa.isfactory thoy can be returned at our * Our stock of Co: Violins, Flutes, &0., ao., is, as usual, vory k m lon.:%%., and e The whole Don'nh-;.oluu buy theorr toas of the mporters, THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY _ PMC6 Hospitaiâ€"si., Montreni. "©B, Agont tor Ottawa, P;so flml.va"-'no subscriber having decided to divide Hw time equally between Ottawa and Ogdessburgh, would beg to inform his h« old patrons and others, that he hopes, in future, to attendi to their orders for tuning more promptly ihan heretofore.. Shall risit Ottawa once a month. #lare received at Mr. Borminghams Auction " We has m â€"'" _ TyP* . 13 ks T 8, 1869.< ] "‘. % HK OTTtawa LLvERY . Now is the time for intending purchasers. parrRICEs LOW & TERMS LIBERA"®@q Rooms, and at E. Miles® Music Store ‘lu‘.‘- J. L. ORME & B0X .â€". _ Respestfully call the attention of the public to beir magnifcont stook of ;‘m.““.m‘ 3 «o0 _ 0_ ~ BLACK TEA EA!I TEA!I TEA :; New Sheet Music an * eddnessssessessensees WE MONXTR E A L _coru:.â€. 0 27, 0 29, 0 33 ettrmnetcemmmccocy 06 #20, & 20, # 2% '!a.“...~ 0 18, 0 22, 0 26, 0 29 * WTo, AUDY & co., 1t Sdox 201, P. 0., Ottawa, or _ Elginâ€"st., épposite the Post Office. TE % COMP ANYC. ESSRS. J. L. ORME & #0X% . Cor. Ridean and Ottawaâ€"sts, V()IJ. l\f NU. 1119. «MWillinery. Peesanescanssanihseese000ss sese000 pemy _ J, L ORME & SON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, No. 8, Sparisâ€"st., next Durio & Son‘s CGREEXN 1£4A, «sea0gee000 Teas. JOSEPH MOONEY, . Russel! Housea Block: anden 000600 + «ene00g.« eeeseen40 es es 2000 ssscssssscses090 46 @ 50 setessesese0 s#sssssse00 #essesse000 +ss4000ee . BENEDICT constantly arrivâ€" 0 55 @ so 0 Ts @ so 0 40 @ 15 0 55 @ ao 0 15 @ 8o 0 so @ so 0 65 # to 0 15 @ 80 0 35 @ 40 0 55 @ 60 0 15 @ #5 1 00 @ 00 ol e Mark, "Poreriber in girentivery ponaisly paotiaty: The geonuine has mum-. .':‘ m J A. HARTE, Chemnc, d::u‘.umg:h Dameâ€"street -nll'h'l. Floride Water, equal) to ml#‘ im orted, Price 37} coents per buttle. _ [R1y _ D.hlbonlhllin; ‘cure of l,lbp?‘lt. YVitus ation is from the zcdln d‘:â€:ohnh‘m Physician, and the very great sucsess 'm has attended its use in every case, and where the highâ€" eat medical sinl! was of no avail, has Induced the : W. A. LA MB would call your special attention to ASSORTMENT of PRUNELLA toned, Laced and Congress. ® ~ GENTLEMEXN‘3â€" PATENT CONGRESS, SEAL CONGRESS, FINEK. ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGREsS, HANDâ€"MADE, and other unew styles, |;© PA.ODII" KPILEPTIC CURE, Sign of the Mammoth Boot, 51 Sparksâ€"st., Centre § % â€um BoOTs FORr ALL WEATHERS." °__B@F"_ BANKRUPT STOCK. "@z We have atill on hand a portion of Mesers.. F G &.C A CROSBY‘3 stock which‘is in pertect condiâ€" tion and shitable for the season, which we will actually sell for less than cost tor cash. ht:.p:.alo‘dm stock and prices is respectfully A J STEPHENS & Co., on " bectâ€" â€"> w y us '“...'.u..c‘cl"." @° ; LADIES, â€" "m To our Prunella Congress, a firstâ€"rate article for $1. To our Prunella Balmoral, for a very large and variod assortment of LADIES®, GENT*S, MISSES‘ & CHILDREN‘3 DRESS & WALKING BOOTS. We would call ‘the especial attention of the BJOTS AN D S H O ES, hok \ SPRING AND â€"SUMMER, The stook as al is chosen with great care, ndhvm-urb give sstisfaction, and at PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. A l.fl. supply of Lumbermen‘s Wear always on h . f Orders takenm for all sorts of work. Qaly the best work men employed., * 2i# hi GEORGE MURPHY. the â€"_ ; _ . _ LATEST in qoporal that I Summer S !E“ com plete CAPITAL BOOT AND S$HOE STORE, Eugene Chime, Esq, Merchan Banque National. $ Hon Thoés McGreery, M L C, Union Bank. Messts Totu & Garneau, Wholesale Dry Goods Merchants. «¥ James @ Ross, Esq, General Merchant, Viceâ€" President Quebec Bank. a â€" Hon David E Prige, M L C, Merchant. Special attention given to the purchasing on Commission and PForwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &0. ut cAansaay, se _ COMMISSION MERCHA»\ | FORWARDER, GENERAL AGENT, &c. BOOTSs AND S$HOES! OR SALE,. A CHALN OABLE and ANCHOR, I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" General; Twenty Thousand Dollars in addition "tg the above Fitty Thousand, maki Beventy Thouâ€" sand Dollars ($70,000) U. 8. Oozm..dul'il The Hon. Col. John H. Cray, M.P., has beet appointed Counsel ‘omc"':f tor the Domic lon. Ail legal matters will be referred to him. â€" PORK «CHICAGO MESS,* XXX and No. 1 FLOUR, WHLTE BEAN3 Junel4, 1869, LIBE AN8URANCE COMPANY s * OP MXALINE. « Anp,.....:............D-qaut’l Brocz Officé of Queen‘s Printet, An entirely Canadian institutionâ€"perfect security to insan rs, and immediate payment of claims. _ Oftawa, Doo. 8, t868, P18tf . Ottawa, November 7, 1868. YORK STREET. I would inform my customers and the The undersigned will be ha y to reseive apâ€" plications trom persons of all -':-. from 18 to 60. All policies strictly non mï¬&‘u‘.’ s THOMAS WADDELL, . + A , Ottawa.â€" _ Offficeâ€"Amos Rowe‘s Auction ï¬-. Rideau Lproviscras tnsurance«. MALCOLM CAMERON CAPITAL. .. THE RED BO0O0OT, July 30th, 1869. HEAP N108 MUOTUAL ETNA LIFRISSURANOE conraxy THE NEW STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES3 Boots K Shoes. THE RED BOOT. NEWEST sTYLES Chine, Esq, I’orihnt. President La JUST RECEIVED 8V M M E R, No.‘3, St. Peterâ€"st., QUEBEC. . 8TEPHENS & Co*v, c of Weet ‘Wear . which will be every department, representing ND BEST STYLES isses, Children‘s, Men‘s Boy‘s Wear. Agencrues. Over $12,000,000 w w resegess Sbgrrsene AT AT AT B. R. CORWIN, 8 CHRISTLL. TDt 11134 gze Fo. A8STHMA, cer, Mur & 53 and Chroni eâ€"=â€"+ A e Fre 3 o Bronchitis k amkzg |Ppatura tTarULa, 'ICO\ J Cz s > jÂ¥ fl\\ * ‘P Affords Immediate Relief. . f P # A remedy ot groat power and $ Un in one m s ons o on o «4 B e -. “. 4 4 rojjg, | Chromic Bronchit‘s. â€"Dublin Journal Medical Seiâ€" | pbou (p ( «* The smoke causes no nausea.. When the right | 4* ,:":' â€"| kind, I have never known an instance in whf:h «es 4 relief was not obtained."â€"General Alecander to | ,, " CX public | Aon. 8. SMuart, * the Fren rï¬.‘ In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 104. The sc -Yus. . Or formed into Cigars and Cigarottes, Boxes. 31. _L{r_l!_l_’; THE MORNING AND EYENING fa LEADER, > Is sold by J. R. BATTLE, at the RUSSELL HOUSE, daily at ONE cont per copy, ° June 15, 1869. . _ The CANADA HOUSE, CALEDONIA SPRINGS, will be, open for visitors on WED, NEsSDAY, the 16th inst. s Return tickets will be issged to the Springs at reduced rates, on board the steamer Queen Vicâ€" Further information can be had from the Agent at the Springs, f % *» has been long known as a most valuable/toile article, and a constantly increasing demand is a guarantee of its high reputation.. It is delightfully perfumed,. and is eminent for promoting a luxuriant growth dt the bair, and permanently maintaining its beauty. Its nourishing propertios effectually prevent the hair from falling off or turning gray. j EVANS, MERCER & CO.,;Montreal, proprie tors; and ‘sold by all druggists and perfum The remarkable sucoess which has atiended the introduction of the celebrated Concentrated Lys :::‘c&:um market, by the nb‘eflm ‘l.u oxâ€" cupidity ot an unprinciplea town (which has already been uavu:d of borrowing other le‘s brains) b.g“l,lplflou _ Amitation nlloin‘:dlor. To ar dblrpom-m. E: chasers should be careful to ask for Harte‘s Con cencrated Lyo, which is sold by all respectable Druggists azrd Grocers in town and country. 183y SAVAQ:Q URSINA.~ 0 C § PURE GREASE or taz CANADA BEAR, COIOI“IA'I'ID LYE, CAUTION TO THE PUBL. D}:hlr-ï¬ hcbma-m :,ctudlu ‘m’h t8* Ottaws Sept. 7. *83y Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeai, Pork, &¢. â€"_â€" OTTawa, diate salé. Prompt returns in all cases. E_ TINE oo-guolv effects the DIGESTION and AS@!"MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fat eaten at meals, &o. ; In digestive activity, suâ€" P anereatioy Powk ' P: Powder, bottles, 2s, 3s 64, 6e 64 and 1226d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,3a,5s and10s. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the bost vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oil. Aar=tsâ€"Mesars. Â¥. uit 11 & Co#, . _ Or formed into Cigars and Cigarottes, Boxes, 3s, “'r:u.n.o‘o‘r“'mum l:eu-.u“.uudul â€""***_** "IAVORY & MOORKE, _ â€"_** 4 143, Now lo.%«o(.. London. Aoryxtsâ€"Mossts, F. Cundill & Co., Montreal. perior to P Pmflcx‘:m«. bottles, 2 and 1226d. Pancreatine Wine,bott N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the aking Cod Liver Oil. Aars=tsâ€"Mesars. Â¥. uii i1 & C w H. KASTON & Cco., 4 â€" 11LEDoxtaA sPpRrIirÂ¥os, 18098, + encÂ¥ i ie en ons the Public Service ; University Honours, &0: VII Obituary of Celebrated Persons, VIII Public Documents and State Papers of Importance. It is hoped that the undertaking will receive that encoutragement which iss importance deserves. The annual history which the Editor proposes to publish will be of great yalue to ail interested in the tuture of our country, © A Should the Register be as well received as the Editor hopes he will spare no effort to Juastify future support. All that labour and impartiality" can accomplish will be done to ensure the success of his work,. He has been promised assistance by men in different parts ot the Dominion whose seupacity is undoubted. He intends, with as little delay as possible, to prepare the Â¥olumes for 1867 and 1868, . > : s The volume for 1867 will contain 350 Pp, R vo, and will be bound in cloth. Pricetwodollars sgofuine~s.â€" Jr, W, Parkers . _ _ Of great efficacy in cases of Asthma EYVERY DESCRIPTION 3 The Debates in the English Parliament on the Union of the B A Colonies, &c. . 4 The formation of the Local Governm onts 8 The General Eiection and its Issues, ,with the names of the successfal and unsucossstul ecandidates, and the number of votes pouoil fo each respoctively. \ 6 A Sketch of the Business of the Dominio . Parliament, and of the several Local Legislatures, with fu‘l and sccurate upgh of the: principal epeeches delivered during the Sessions of thore bodies. 2 An account of the London Colonial Conferâ€" ence of 1866â€"67. HE LEADER. T A preliminary sketch of the proceedings in the B. N. A. Provinces in 1864â€"65 and ‘66 which led to Confederation. i e k) the Editor to . chronicle each year the leading events so rapidly succeeding each other in the tormpation of our ‘national character and national greatness. o 6 The editor proposes to commence with the birth and infancy of the Canadian Conafederation. Th first volume of his Registrar will therefore contain the following : â€" ‘I The Political and Parlismentary History of } ANNUAL REGISTER. (The Montreal Printing and Publishing Comâ€" pany, Lvinters.) R Itis believed by the undersigned that the time has arrived for the publication in Canada of an ANNUAL RECORD OF â€" PUELIC EVENTS, similar to that which has been so long published, and is so well known in Eoglaad. The rapid strides ot the Dominion are attracting the aften tion or‘the civilited world. It will be the aim of Tll. CANADIAN . Notmax‘s, Meroaureâ€"starer. NLARGED PORTRAITURKE 1L The Financial Afairs of the Dominion. II1 The Church in Canada. IV Retrospect of Literature, Art and Science. V Journal o« Remarkable Occurrences. â€" VL Promotions, Appointments and Changes in COMMISSION MERCIIAN TS, FORWARDERY, ’ DEAL ERS 1N ‘ OR 18§DIGESTIONâ€"â€"P a NCR S Aâ€" Ottawa, Juné 7, 1869. * * By order, ©OLOURED AND PLAIN, COLOURED AND PLALN, UuLOURED AND PLALIN, . W, Parker, )Fon A8STHMA, and Chronic Bronchitis DATURA TATUL A, Affords Immediate Relief. _ y A remedy ot groat power and _ End of Little Sussexâ€"st. on goods ~mnnd tor imme.â€" pt returns in all cases. / will contain 350 pp, R vo, loth. _ _Price two dollars, HENRY J. MORGAN. EDW sCOTT, 1028eod.3m 1075.3m Sflitflng Machines, Knifoâ€" Gru achinery, Washington Hand P; Gordon‘s Power Press, Taylor‘s and Blake‘s Patent Steam Pump. Catal containing fall inform mm.'fl applicants. Addressâ€" F. W. GLEN, 1 959.â€"1awim OsH isfaction, if pr?orly rt up, run, and taken care of,â€"and then if they do not perform to the entire satisfaction of the purchaser, after running them 80 days, t::{ may return the wheels to us, and we will pay ght, both ways, and retund all payâ€" ments made to us thereon, This guarantee will be strictly adhered to. 5 We call especial attention to our ?‘flot Gear ing of all kinds for, attaching our® Wheels, made lmz. and adapted to the M:n speédd at which the l: run, l:'. nut;u purchasers against asi eary skafting and gearing. }Wo also manufacture ail kinds of Saw and Flopr Mill Machinery, including Steam Engines and Boiters, English and American Gangs, Hand=sctting and Seife setting Circular Sawerigs, Upright and Oscillating _ Mulay Sawerigs, Gearing, Shafting, Pullics and Hangers, &eo, &c. Also Shingle Machines and Jointers, Leatherâ€" 8 limnguhlchlnn. Knifoâ€" Grinders, . Woolien Juhinwy. Washington Hand Printing Presses, Gordon‘s Po!or Press, Taylor‘s Cylinder Pross, and Blake‘s Pmnt‘ ::..:? IP;;:P; Sab P S en Catal couta ‘a free to all applicants. Mimm. furnisbed ®F. W. GLEN, Pmident' 959.fawim . OsHAWA, ONT. advise gflu in Canada to ï¬rehno our Wheels of no r manufacturer. Mr, (Hen‘s facilities are u-wuud. ana we feel sure that ke will build a Wheel that will give pertect satisfaction, We therefore commend him to the public of Canaâ€" da with entire confidence, feeling sure he will manufacture a Wheel in all respects equal to our W. gukx, of Oshawa, Ontario, Patterns, Formers, Drawings, Gn-:u. nod all other necessary inforâ€" mation, to build our celebrated ,Doublo"“nrblu Water Wheel!, invented i{ James Leffel, and known as the " Leffel Wheel." We have also obâ€" ligated ourselves to turnish the same facilities for mapufacturing to ho other parties in‘ Canads. Without the information we have &nn Mr. Glen, no one can successfully build our Wheels, and we w Bramortz10, Onr1o, Dec. 25th, 1868. o take rbunn in intormi the blio of Canada that we have sold ngnfurnhh.q?ur. ) A We are the only manafecturers who can furnish the genuine = l.olol Whee!" in Canada, as will be seen by the following certificate : fect and ccomomecat water wheel in use., Manutaccure* ladm Celebrated "American Double Turbine Water Wheels, the most paorâ€" ESTABLISAED 1851, | f JOSEPH HALL MANUFACTURING CO. . _ PROPRIETORS Joum HALL MACHINE â€"WORKS, W. C, CLARK, Professor of Music and Teacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony. Music Rooms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"stâ€". sorner of Slaterâ€"st., Conâ€" tre Town. Orders may be lott at his residence or at Orme & SBon‘s Music Store. Mr. GUSTAVE SMLTH, (O:fnllt of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the: Imperial Conservatory of Paris. Louon: on Piano ar 1 Singing. Rideauâ€" \ Bigned, _ JAMES LEFFEL & CO* , WARRANTY. . Our W heels are warranted to work to entire sat.â€" CONGREGATION DE NOTRE DAME, * s â€"__FROM MONTREAL, respectfully inform the public that they bhave opened a b’nm of their E‘lueuloaul Bn{blioh- ment in Ottawa, and kre now prepared to receive &8 %don and day scholars young ladies desi of obtaining a finished education. Every possible .dvut-?.nd facility to acquire the French langnage will be ofered. The scholastic year bogins on 16th August. _Forterms and particulars apply to the Lady Suâ€" do . do ‘ Berlin Wool Fancy 3 Works.................. 5 00 ~ do _ _or $10 for both, payable in advance. Application to be made to MRS BUCKLEY, at the regidence of her father, Jir Thomas Spenâ€" cer, Murray streoet. * 1107a .. THI IIITIRI‘ MRS P J BUCKLEY desirss to inform the public of Ottawa that she has now opened a class for the teaching of PLANO and BERLIN: WOOL FANCY WORKS. se * Termsâ€"For Piano,..................$6 00 per quarter The course of instruction will include all the branches usually.taught in the best schools. The school will be under the control of a imnanâ€" aging ¢ommittee composed of :the following genâ€" tlemen):â€"Rer J 8 Lauder, Chairman ; Mesers p DSlater, W Spragge, J B Lewis, J Cochrane, G P Baker, J A sorrance, ‘H Bate, A C*Kelty, Treasurer ; Rev I Pollard, Secrotary. Further information will be suppliéd by the Secretary, A? 1094 |THE 1sr SEPTEMBER, 1869, in the large and commodious‘ house lately o pied by‘the Rideau Club, on Wellington street Conducted by an mccomplished and competen staff of teachers, will be open on * bl% Kingâ€"str hov hool m wb ie por 8t Alban‘s School for boys (private and select), will open on the lith day AUGUST. 1889, Head Muurâ€"nev{ C F Strket, M A. 1098. 34@ Kor turther information nbplicigmu can. be made at the Convent, Bolton street. L107e â€" Boarders will be reoeived on the e éleventh,or the morning of the 12th venient in order that the pupils m opening exercises. NeX All the higher branches of euu:at.i"on for young ladies will be taught in the Acpdoniu under tho direction of the Grey Nuns. _ £ The GREY NUNS beg to inform the public that thsir new Establisbhwent in‘ Ridean street, known as NOTRE DAME DU SACRE DEEUR, will be ready to receive Boarders on the 12h AUGUST, on which day their oh:;u will op’n. The branch Institution of the.Gr y Nune, viz, the Convont'Aendemy. Bolton street; and St Mary‘s Academy, Wollington Strpet; will be opened on THURsDAY, lith AUGUST, at ton o‘cloock. _ f ACADEMIES OF THE GrR IANOâ€"FORTE TULTION. ;DUCA’I'ION, CLASSICAL AND GENERAL USICAL ACADEXY. IANO TUITIOX®. OTTAWA, F 0 8 HAW A, ONTARIO, , Wellington street, opposite the Patliament PROTESTANY LAD!ES‘ SCHOOL HE OTTA WA OarDIxo scHoor Educattonat OTTAW aA. oPr THR AND rening of the as most conâ€" y attend the RIDAY, AUGUsST °¥ NUNS, T1by TINWARE OF ALL KINDS, IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER, WHOLESALE AND â€" RETAIL The largest and best assortment of | P.S.â€"Remember the place, > * THO8. BIRK®ETT, | j © Bign of the Anvil, & No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. All ot our own manufacture. Suitable for the smaliest fnmily,- m'j .lho largest BEFBIGEBATORS 1 ~ _ REFRIGERATORS mds . § s At tHus Sioxn or TtHE Arnvit, j No. 24, Rideauâ€"st, Ottawa. GRASS SCYÂ¥THE of the tollowing makes, vis : Blood‘s German Steel § 6 Do Cast _ do [ / Do Silver do + Do _ Red Rover, E X filver Stee! Whiting Cast Steel | Do _ Bilver do . * : Higgins Cast do > ; Wadsworth Cast do ° Do _ Queen of the Meadew Flint‘s Solid Cast Steel, Cradlie Blades _‘ ~ Blood‘s, Higgins‘ and Whitney, allâ€"longths Bcythe Snathes 2 : Grain Cradles, muley and telegraph Hay Forks, two and three prongs Straw :do, extra long Hay Rakes, bent and straight handles Beytho Stones i Grind Stones, from 25 15 to 200. 1b. Togother with x complete assortment of BHELF AND BEAVY HARDWARE, also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patty, y | 9 ¢ !c’) ‘." | A great variety of COOK STOVES, JAPANNED‘ & PLANISHED TIN WARE ._ERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BATHS, JELLY MOULDS, PIE Moulds, Japanned Trays, Toilet Setts, FOLDING BEDSTEï¬DS, HAT AND UM. . _ BRELLA STANDS, &c, &c. HOUSE: FURNISHING IIARDWARE. REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLâ€" COOKING sTOVE3 us IN CENTRAL CANADA. MILL LAIPS, different sizes, to ord;t _ui the _ ©CAPITAL® STOYE DEPor, ; 35 Sussexâ€"st., ‘ o . H. MEADOWS & CO; _ ___ _ No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, $ lzdl lHaagen, Tin and. Copper & 58 Sparks st, Opposite the British Lion Hotel, late of Richard Bishop, Esq, at present occupied: by Weldon Champness, Ksq. . C y DORION. Ottawa, June 3, 1869, . N Bâ€"If you want Tubing of any description in Tin, Brass, Copper, Galvanized {mn’, Trough and Conductor. made to order, with neatness and despatch. All orders from the city or country promptly attended ; C Câ€"P DORION. makers Loverino® & Co. England, Block Tin Tea and Coffee Pots, different styles and shapes. Remember, t 4 If you want Cutlery, Tea Tray»s, Table Mats, Dish Covers, Coffee Pot Stands, Hollow W are, Iron Bedsteads, of ‘all sizes and best materials, give a call to < . C P DORION. If you want !;hl.d Boxes of any size, give a call to »18 * i C P ORION. If you want a fine lot of Chamber W are, of any size or pattern, give a call to e ° C P DORION. CYTHES, SCYTHES, SCYTHES, If you want tipâ€"top Bathsâ€"Hip, Spon‘p, â€"»â€"of any size or an shape, manufact the premise; to ord’or, give a call to If you want a tipâ€"top 4 n;lnute Ice Cream Freezer . give a call toâ€"= F C P DORION. = And examine for yourselves and ok'a if he cannot ofter you greater indueemontq?bnn you can got elsewhere in the capital, in his large and well R&bArtad staal alo . I If you want a ti give a callto C. P. DORI q 58 Sparks st, opposite Britishi A CALL, | Jast give CULINARY & DOMESTL (~ + TINWARR )= _ * Beecher & Co‘s" Hot Air Furnaces, * North‘s" Pat ent Droum Heaters, * Fooster‘s" Boiler Purger, ** Enton‘s‘‘ Automatic Stoves, Wood or Cea LYTH & KERR, Smiths, Filters, asrorted: stock, viz : TTENTION. FIVE DIFFERENT SIZES Aloves & Marda 150 st received a fine lot of the well known Water Coolers, doz 10 quart do :6\ â€" do do . 4 ~ do do 3 do : do & do Chantior Basins do Plates. BOLE AGEXTS FOR & 4 U IMPORTERS OF tipâ€"top Refrigerator ot oy size, e :: 3 s â€" /C P DORION. .. D 0 RION, PURCHASE YOUR REFRIGERATORS ! Baths, P DORION. Toilet Setts, ware. Lion Hotel, , Shower F:c!ured op 1869, The Creditors of the Insolvent are hereby notified that he has made an assignment of his estate and effects under the above Act, to me, the undersigned assignee, and they are required to furnish me, within two months from this date, with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it, if none, statipg the fact, the whole attested under oath with the rouchers in support of such claims, _ _ TBaUVAGEAU, on a S, _ _ UOfficial Assignee. tÂ¥ In the matter of JOSEPH ALFRED LEVIS, Trader, of the Village Bt. Andre Avelin, County of Ottaws, . ANâ€"INSOLYENTP. C June 4, 1869. CENTRKAL FiRE and PIN PFIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for all gizes and syscoms of Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers. * * f ‘Double Waterproof ard E. B. Caps, Patent Wire Clflfldï¬l. Felt Gun Waddings for Breech and Muzzle Loaders, and every description of Sporting and Military Ammunition. | ELEY BROTHERS, s GRAY‘S INN ROAD, LONDON.* | WHOLESALE ONLY. CEO. MAYEZES, COuPPER PLATE PRINXTERE, Bank Street, Centre Town, Between Sparks & Queen Streets. The above cartridge cases (empty) of all sizes, and for the different systems of Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had with or without the suitable Bullets and Machines for finishing the Cartridges. BOXER CARTRIDGES of 450 bore tor Revolâ€" ving Pistols, used in her M#jesty‘s Navry. COPPER RIM FIRE CARTRLVGES of all sizes, for Smith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pockst Revolvers. ~ PIN CAsTEIDGES for Lefaucherx Revolvers of :2â€"m., y.m, and 7â€"m. bore. «râ€"wsf, Chassepot, Berdan, Remington, «â€"â€"aaisb nd other Rifles, _ Also Cartridges for Ballard, R.fl Spencer, and American ï¬:nry Repeating ifles. The * ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholiy of metal, are waterproof and imperishable in any climate. Bills of Exchange, Bil Heads, Vir"ing “i. Printed on the shortest noties. The question. of grants. to superior edu. ortion has not yet been orly setiled by the Leogislature of Ontario, Um public is satisfied with the utility of Upper Canada College in oul oduoï¬onnl system, the former question wilr remain open. The Honourable J&m Sandfield Me Donslf;u not been so snccessfal with educaâ€" tio ral questions, as the groat sHosRONEES E®MEDY has been in eradicating the numerous chronic complaints of the Lungs, Liver and c;rcuiatory organg. For sale by all druggists. : Et Eacrament Street, No 18, Montreal, Juiy 28, 1869. "MRS. WINSLOW‘8 SOOTBHING . SYREP.!' Maving the /acâ€"simile of "Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others &re base imitations Mothers i Motners i MothersIâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sufforing and orying with the excraciâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of mirs. WINSLOW‘S sO0THING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it :there is no mistak â€" about it. ‘There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used 1t, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfoctly safe to use in all carses, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicians and nurses in the United States. Price 25 cents. Sold everywhere. Be sure to call for Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. Track‘s Mlgeflo Nintment, and see that the words # A. TRASK‘S MAGNETIC OINTMENT" are on the wrapper. . Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, C. W., General Agents for the Canadas, Sold in Ottawa by all druggists and by medicine dealers every where. m :ion of the Lungs and Croup and the wonderful success in subsiding the to turing pains ot Rher matism, and relieving Nervous Affestions, entitle it to a high rank in the list of remedies for these complaints.‘": . Dr. A. W. Bru»ING. of Knowlesville, New York, says ; "I have usod it in several cases of Special Irritation and for the worst cases of Piles, and sundry other complsints, and find it a superiore article, and well warthy the notice of all * | , a_17 09/ NAtOry hbeun atiam and in Chilaâ€" b: i Fever, it operates with perfect success,. in c ses of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbr, it actsâ€"like a charm; 4 4 Da. J. P. Kerxzpr, of Chittenango, New York, #.y8 : * It has stoud thetest trial, and has not been found vnntmi;‘l Its astonish‘ng cures of Infiamâ€" mm ‘Jon of the Lunes and Croun and tha wan 42. 5.4 SKOLVENXT ACT OF 18¢4. Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cures Croup or Rattlessâ€"Dr. Bixon 1, of Utica, New York say*: "Ihave u ed Dr. A. Track‘s Magretic Ointment in my piactice a numbea o. years, anu can gay with pleasure L deem it one o‘ the graatest discoveries of the age ; for the cuse of Iniammation of the Lungs, .nflamuatioa atlo Bowels, Inflam natory Rbeun atiam an1d in ilaâ€" t v enc e : . We are ensbled to speak with as much confis dence in the cure of cases of this character «uicomplicated with organic disease, as of the Spring rains prompting vegetation, or of the sun‘s rays being followed by light and heat, Persons then who wilfully avoid 1{0 use of this remedy, and nerish from debility, may be chargeable with /elo de se. ; . Sold by apothecaries. Price $1.50 por bottle, or 6 for $7.50, . j ; â€"_ _ JAMES I FELLOWS8, Chemist, ‘__St John, N B. _ Ao®EXT8Sâ€"Francis Cundill & Co, 32 Lemoine at, Montreal. Mothers I â€"mMmotners I preparation for the Hair ; clear knowledged by :urm gï¬?' -cmu'mxg_rd ? au mol only in this w“‘Zuh‘ im KEurope he Resterer and Zylobalsamum should not be used one with the other. BOLD BY allL D®vGsists. Preprietors, 8. R. Van Duzer & Co., Wholesale D ruggists, Will Restore Gray Hair tb its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. a A€A7 walk aestoren an» pagssnce Combined in One Bottle, _ __~ MRS. S. A. ALLEN‘s LEY!8 AMMUNITIUS®. In the SPflng time most porsons are more he tha ud PDog M aOge . c 7 1P _,__35 Barclay 8t. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. Marc . 26. LNE Mres. 8. A. ALLEN®S ZYLOBALSAMUM, another : THE BOXER CARTRIDGES for Sniderâ€"Enfield of 577 bore, and for the Henry, and Martiniâ€" HMenry Rifles of 450 bore, nltgut- ed by.Her Majesty‘s War Deâ€" {mnment, also of ‘500 for Miliâ€" ary Rifles. s WATERPROOF CENTRALâ€" FIRE METALLILC CARTRIDâ€" GKS, with enlarged base for small bores, ldorhd by foreign governments _ for converted. HAIR RESTORER F SPECIAL NOTICES. ‘ _ GRAT HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature‘s Crown.*> YTou Must Cultivate it 1606.1eby 1113.b 10080â€" 4i# â€"The Viceroy of Egypt has taken his sons away from England in a huff, â€"A Bosy Ting In .Kext.â€"Never harte the farmers of the County of Kent had a finer crop to cut down and save than they have this season, and the great question with them, says the Plont, is how to do it Hay cutting was hardiy half over before the fall wheat was ready for the reaper, followed immédiatley . by the barley crop, so that in such a preâ€" dienmen;&onpled with the wet season and the gefieral scarcity of harvest hands, they are put to their wit‘s end. bow to â€" ASprextxo Wirreo ror rus QuEex. â€"An Irish spinning wheel has been made to order (through F. H.~ Lewis, Esq., mayor) for her Most* Gracious Majesty, by Mr. James M‘Creery, a wood turner in Conn‘s Water Mill. â€"The wheel is composed of. mahogariy and Irisk alder,‘and has been handâ€"polished in a : superb manner. (On the " stock" â€"the lower edge of which is trimmed with silverâ€"is a tiara of shamrocks +in ‘bog | oak, while the " rock" cholds a " streak "of fine. Irish flax from the work of the Northern Spinning Company. We may addthat it is selected out of a quantity of flax whichcost 218. per stone. On Thursday thfo’ Royal wheel will be forwarded to Buckingham Palace. â€"Northern Whig. dressed in male costume for years, traye}â€" ling all over Europe andâ€" this country, She says:it would have been impossible to have seen and known as much of lifé in woman‘s attire, and to have felt the, independence and «ecurity she did, had her sex been proclaimed before all Isracl and the sun. There are many good reasons for adopting male ~costume: First, it is‘ the most convenient dress that can be invenied ; second, in it woman could â€"secure equal wages with man nm the same nwork; third, a conceal of sex would protect our young girls from those terrible outrages from â€" brutal men. reported in all our daily papers. " The true idea is for the sexes to dress as nearly alike : as possible. We‘ have seen several ladies dressed preeiscly like gentlemen, who appeared fartmore clegant and graceful than any real man weâ€" ever saw. . A young lady in <Fifth Avenue â€"Mrs. Eliulieth Cady Stanton is out flatlooted in ï¬gg)ur of women «wearing men‘s dress. She says :â€" You‘re dismissed . on your own reâ€" cognizance," said the Magistrate, "until T(Eursday next at three o‘clock, At that timé a decision will be rendered." "Certainly, there‘s is no use in stcalâ€" ing, Mr. Gracchus," replied the Alderâ€" man. â€"It is violatory, of one of the cardinal points |of the Decalogue. But you know that the obligations of matriâ€" mony are very| sacred: Don‘t you reâ€" member the xh madeâ€" to you in the ceremony by tbérï¬lgï¬tnw who performâ€" ed it ?" | ~ * â€" ‘I do, sah; it was free dollars." _ > "I don‘t mean that, sir ; I mean the counsel that he gave you." _ f "He did‘nt give me any counsel, sah," "That‘s strange." . > . ‘Yes, sah ; de only counsel I got was from der constable." ""And what did he say ?" a "Why, I only had two dollars and a half, and he tole me if I did‘nt bring theâ€"other half dollar in de mornin‘ he‘d bust my head.". «Well, Gracchus, your case is certainâ€" ly a hard one, but you know what the good book says: ‘Whom. the Lord has joined let no man put asunder."" was a thiet, that he had married her in good faith, and that she had just came from a two years‘ .incarceration in the county prison. In the meantime he had wedded Rose. | After listening to the facts of the case, Justice Kerr looked yery grave. $ ~ "This is a serious business, Crackers." «"Not Crackers, sir, Gracchus," was the impatient remark of the puzzled obâ€" ject of so much female affection. . _ ©‘Well, sir, den why didn‘t de woman behabe civil. Whar‘s the use 0‘ stealin‘ â€"whar‘s the uge?" "Of course, certainly; go on, Mr. Gracchus." c â€"At this point the woman, Cynthia, losing all patience, thrust a crumpled marriage certificate under the face of the Justice, with a request for its immediâ€" ate and. critical examination. It was a certificate of the .marriage of Gracchus Johnson to Cynthia Brown. Gracchus admitted that the certificate was genuine, but claimedâ€"and‘ provedâ€"that Cynthia was a thief, that he had married her in 1 C w > EOS TT .uv, sir ?" £, j «"Why," was the reply of this very respectable looking African, "de case is jes dis : Dis yer gal Cynthia says I‘se her husband. | I says , (looking â€" fondly over what nose he had) dat I belongs to Rose, de odder gal dar. We ‘greed to come to you to decide de question.‘" <"This is a singular proceeding Crackâ€" ers."‘ | "Gracchus, sahâ€"not ‘Crackers. T told yer that afore," interrupted the postulant. quree fher. chidren her jewels" (with dignity.) â€" / "Ah ! yes," said the justice, blandly, "black giamqnds, I â€"suppose. Are you fromâ€"the Lehigh or Schuylkil region, Mr. Johnson ?" _ l «"Needer, sah ; I was raised in one of the very fustest families in Wirginyah" (a little indignant). . B â€" "And what do you want with me, uAh! 08,†Slid "black ({iamqnds, fromâ€"â€"the Lehigh Mr.; Johnson ?" The Philadelphia North Ancrican is responsible for the following : Aimongâ€" the recent visitors at the Central Poli¢e Station to his Honor | Justice Kerr, was &stalwart colored man, accompanied / by a couple: of female Americans of "African descent. The male was as solemn in manner. and as dark in the ¢uticle as a prize hearse. The trio arranged : themselves in front of the justice‘s desk, and the man asked an official audiente, The genial and gentle Justice took a fresh dip of ink, and openâ€" ed a conversation tgus; | "What is your name ?" | «"‘Gracchus Johnson, sah."" «Crackersâ€"Johnson, did you say ?" «‘No, sah; my father, sah, was not aj baker, sah. My name is Gracchus, sah ; { my mudder, sah, called me her © jewel,‘ sazx. De reason dat my fader called me ‘ Gracchus . was ‘cause Mrs. Gracchus called her children her jewels" (with dignity.)â€" / _ The trio then departed uitvl;cy came LE ROMAKCE. iPRICKâ€"3 CENTsS A Max CnuoreDo ay a Pisce or Beerstzirâ€" â€"| Yexsterd «y aft, imoon while a man named Robert Young, arâ€"sident ot Richmond Hill, who was on a visit t> a boarder at Mrs. Clarke‘s, boursing=bouse, 176 Adelaileâ€"st., opposite to the roar of tho Upper Canade | College, was eating dinun«r, be attâ€"mpted to boit a large piâ€"ce of beefsteak, and was chok â€"d,. ~H« l1 down from Lis chair in conâ€" vulsions, toâ€" the groat: conâ€"ternatiâ€"n ol all at the table. Mesical atteadance was imme«. diatâ€"ly drspatcbed for, and shortly after arâ€" rived in the person of Dr, Ogdch, but Jlife wasextinct bfore that gentl man‘s arival. The Dr. extricated the piece ‘of meat from the thorax of the dc'ceu.vd. which, f'ha_'n disâ€" closed to view, presented an almo«t‘completeâ€" ly unmasticated app, aranc~, and was of proâ€" portions somâ€"thing «larming for ®any _person to tackle, Coroner Bachan«a, on being inâ€" formed ofth« circumstaunces, issued his war. rant for an inquest to be heid last evening, at the bhous where the oc urrâ€"nce took place; but on consult ng with Dr. Ogden and hâ€"ar.‘ ing the facts of the case, be cousider=d it unâ€" necessary to proceed. with any â€" judicial inâ€" ' quiry into the cause of deceased‘s d.ath, and accordingly cancelled the warrant. The de. ceased was a man about 45 years of age, and has no blood relatious of any king in this country. He bas a on in Ayrshirâ€", Bcotian4, who is either about to visit this country, or is now on his way hithâ€"r, He was in the city «n business, and so called to see a friend stayâ€" ing at the boarding house named,when the acâ€" cident happened. An intimation of his death was sent to his employer at Richmond Hill last cvening.= Toronto Tlegraph, * New Freuth groy, drav, ana msuve alâ€" paccas and lustres, at Garland, Muchmor & sountry."â€"Pall Mall GazÂ¥tc, [July 16 A cerrespondent at Cracow, writing on the 9th inst., says:â€"*" The remains of the Polish King Casimir the Great, which were accidentâ€" . ally discovered here the other day, during the performance of rome repairs to his Lb, were reinterred with great solemnity on theâ€" > "th inst. The whole city went into moutning for the occasion,and was crowded with visitors from uwll parts of Poland. â€" Among the | dis. tinguished Poles who took part in the wereâ€" mouy*were Prince Leon _ Hapicha, ~GCount Audrew Zamoyski, Count Adam Potocki, Prince Lubomwirski, the Polish deputies in the Parliaments of Vienua aod Berlin, | and several artists and literary men,. The | pes= _ sants and Jews also assewmbled in great numâ€" bers to do homage to the Polish hero, wHo! â€" was théir most powerful champion, When *â€" the skull, which gives evidence of great intellectual development, was taken out Zof > the box where it had been placed, the pemâ€" ~ sants who ‘were present begged permission to touch ites a sacred rélic. The bones aré unusually large and well forméd, and #how that the king must have been more than «ix feet bigh. They were placed together with the sceptre and other ornaments, in a copper ’coflin with the following iuscription,â€" Casimiri Magnui Ossa, Lusignia Regia Oroaâ€" tusque Reliquiz in refi ijâ€"ndo hoe Repulcro _ fâ€"liciter invents, pic conlects, A D MDCCCL XIX,, Nonis Juliis hac Arce condita, jagent. KRILPJ The coftin was then carried © in procession to the cathed4ral by Prine> Snpicha and reprekentatives of all classes ‘of Polish society, and a grand funeral serrice â€" was peiformed in the chape] of the Vasa dynasty , where the coffina was tinally deposit «d‘ Notâ€" withstanding th« immeâ€"nse ctowd, and the tutal sbsence of th« polics, the greatest order prevailed daring the whol : of the proceedings, * No political «peâ€"ch@s were detivered, nor was any political feeling manifested in â€" other ways, though this assemblage of nobles and peasants in _ their â€" chatacteristic _ Polish costumes, Jews, mount«ineur® from â€" the Carpathian«, _ Ruthâ€"nians from â€" Kastern Gullia, and Mazovians ¢from Posn, to do bonour to the memory of a Poisn King, sbowed far more strikingly than any merely political demonstration cou!d do the etreugth utthe patriotiâ€"m which still buris tagether the Poles in all parts of thféir partitioned ,â€"The Army and Navy Gazette sa that Lord John HMay, M.P., declined l{: honour of naval aidâ€"deâ€"camp to the (Queen en the ground that hbe thought. others had higherâ€"claims to the post than he possessed. ' â€"Jehial Slab says :â€"l{elumu*s of the George Francis Train kind are very much like kangaroos. They make long jumps, but you can scarcely ever tell to what purpose. » nsl ts a â€"Berlin sarants, who have : the . soâ€"called posthumons â€"p Alexander von â€" Humboldt, ; them worthless and unfit for pul â€"The Times, in in article on the Central Aisa question, says it has no fear of the rosult. > Ii will be a benefit to the world that Russia should alsorb the peity ‘Usbe# ‘States, where . Mussalâ€" man ~fanaticisia takes its most odious form. The fear of Russia will be disâ€" sipared in a fow years by the moral and material progres: ef India, by its closer connection‘ with Europe, and by the inâ€" crease of social _ regard Between the Englishman and the native races. > â€"Gottschalk hag lutely givc..i,. very successful concert/at Rio de | Janeiro, which was attended by Don 1fdroe ‘and the Imperial family, _ **The Russian war in lhis‘ccutury introduced the pestilence with, the army everywhere; in the year 1813 in some neighbourhoods of Gormany nearly all the animals died. _ The modern devastaâ€" tions of this pest are well known. Austria is seldom free from it, and it is idle to hope that the pestilence will disâ€" appear from her soi ~while Russia is. constantly _ exporting : discased cattle thither." _ â€" * The: Z. itschriftâ€" fur; Iroussen, in speaking on the subject, says the discase, in its devastation, is traced back fourteen hundred years ; it was the fegular comâ€" pavion of yreat armies in their campaigns, and went with thein in all countries." In the years 1809â€"17 Europe is estimated to have lost mo Jess than 1,500,000 head of# eattle by it. In the middle of the last> century ilt‘m‘crod England; in the «hbird year of the pestilence 20,000 head ° were killed ; Tn the fourth year a still ter aamber. In the year 1917 the‘ fl%fll " ‘countrics of Nottingham, Leicester and Cheshire lost upwards of 70,000 animals, In the thirty years during which time the pestilenceâ€"raged in Europe, upwards of 3,000,000,000 animals must have falâ€" len,. In 1770 England had 375,000 animals destroyed, and lost â€" the greater part Lher cattle. # o THE RINDERPEsST AGAIIL meat from ‘when disâ€" tâ€"complete= ‘ws o(. pro=â€" «hy person s uin‘ '.. d his war. ‘ nce Flication. xamined ipers â€" of t]