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Ottawa Times (1865), 3 Sep 1869, p. 4

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Th# markets hare for some time past been plentifully supplied with the usual articles of everyâ€"day consumption, and at prices in most cases moderately low. There was yesterday a good supply of new oats, the preveiling price of which was 40 cents Hay was $$ to $0, and straw plontitul‘ at last quotations. Peas in moderate sup ply at 20 cents to 90 cents. Some small lots of fresh porkâ€" have been brought in and sold at $10.50. Buiter ‘s more liberaily supplied at prices a shade higher than our last quotations. Potatocs, in plenty, are selling at 30 cents to 40 Porkâ€" Messâ€"por barrel.........?.2# 00 i 00 00 Prime Mess per do....... none; A Worbes rosx tus wosudswor.â€"Everr meâ€" chanic should have ready at hand a box of graces Colebrated Saive, as it is a tready remedy for accrâ€" dents, such as cuts, bruises, contused wounds l-n.“."do-lolhn‘mmcn. a the factory, dyeâ€"house or printin Wfl“.bfi. ® C wyE®â€"EXERTION, either of body or mind, puoduses debility and discase. Tlo“r-dytbme some stimulant, the effect of which is the same > s gg.dfin‘m&o:.hpnun'd:o‘.'u w ®) to fortify aystea & 8. fbe .-auzb like the Peruvian lym(.p!‘o.flxido of trony, which gives strength vigor to the wholo system. # yusen & was kept in the uso.! uyuu’hhm and next month the cit â€" sens of the Pominion of Canada will celebra » the bisth or uneir new and rising existence ; \ + wumunwm.‘puunlm, would be too short to celehrate all the virtues otf wudhfl-m&omm ai us Raexusor, now on saie by the respectabl; druaggists in your locality. & 3 The Alabama claims were allowed to disturb on the increase as the country becomes older, but this is also deception. The truth is both illusions spring from the increased facilities for commaniâ€" cation, which, like the great Snosnowne®s Rewror for consumption, follow in the wake of cirilization, bined to keep this questio sexate rank h-..‘ l::gvuolm so rapidly until Rexzor. lcubbyu{dnx e‘:'-m Now Y'ut.n..b obtain possession of one ashington Nutt, who is said to be m;.':‘o.m than General Tom Thamb, and that ?. T. Baroum has -.o‘di:rfi.hlinomhm- 009, board -'.-. Is it not a great thing have a matithes that o4h 4o dnfonent when for have a can upon u&.m&m“ cholic, &e. ; if so get at once aâ€"supply of the # Canadian Pain Destroyer," at he nearest medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. & and Jenkins for counterfeiting Ayer‘s Cathartic PMis, ll-n-:hh for the cruel w-h ‘a' done and trom injury to msu.. any class of our people more than needs r-q, in a".::; suffering ce i t ®» who are usable to | protect A. remedy so universaily emplogyed as b‘ Pills by all classes, bothto cure and prevent dissass, should as it does, have every security the law can afford it, from couatorfeit aad imitation. â€"Cabiac, Scaeâ€" rad the i-llx' «4 another olass, have comâ€" ;h.dbl.. questio serate tankling it Suxstzoxzâ€"This accidental infliction, called by the French coup de soccil, is supposed to cccur more frequently as the country is cleared, bu‘ PM®Orders for Bashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldâ€" ings, Looking Wliasses and Picture Frames, of the and most modern styles, receired and exeouâ€" ted despatch, the of the work anteed, and at prices will no-nng in~ piM_Dashes Primed and Glazsod tor ship« ment, and Blinds Painted and for Hangâ€" ing, will be supplied on equally terms. Come and see. s lt un en hn t ind t t maune w un giues Inboxes,. â€" * _ _ _=â€" Takes this method o returning his thanks tothe ublic for their very liberal patronage for the r”u.nlu' would respectfully announce his numerous patrons that he is fully determinâ€" :'d‘:-b-l-h.‘&n' to h‘: mauxim that *A uhbmmmo Opgoeite ht Respeosion Pridg®s and A Factory of l.m. Aro erpected in the week, and will be on -NNA:'. in samples, afording rea)y l.:lm to that his selection comâ€" !fil and GREATELR VaAaâ€" than ever before brought to this city. P.l.â€" oxâ€" nulTI.-d'.ha. OUsSE PAINTING, HANGING PAPER, AND * DECORATINXG ROOMS, s Which will enable him to execute all orders with despatch, and to the satisfaction of the most fas CELLING3 aad WALLS ‘WHITENED 1. OLOURED in a superior style, on the most easonable terms, and at the shortest notice, t oTTiawWA MARKETS. Compiled expressiy for the Ottawva Trum.| | ean not be equalled by any other, for several kinds of Soft Soap, without cithor Iys or grease. Hara Soap, and some of them of a =om TRAININXG INXFORMATION. Khe wildest and ugliest horss can be made to obey his master, and even to walk after him in ‘ the streets, roads or Aelds, without the slightest injury to the horse. Alluoo-plhhdh.odny., Sure cure for CORNS at a choap rate, without | -hnhtb'r:fl- Cure for W ARTS on your hands or face. They ean be cured in a short time without injury to the * Gure for « mvflm.&-’wmmhm‘ at any time in less than twenty hours, Also, by a sommen herb. a Purties who are infllcted with any such disâ€" eae~. should make application to F. MARTIN, Huil, in the summer season, us the best time to 'uodln“t..a‘. Partios desirous to can make a lon, as he has masy rvmum Her to the gublic _ person in the slightest. us Cure for lame sack diseases; Rheamatism of the worst kinds can be cured intess than a woek withoat taking any kind of wmedicine in the inside. Cures persons troubled with the Gravel. Cure tor Bunions. s Cure for Piles. * Cure for the Heart Disease, NT l _ _ s ArOH, 107M . Bell‘s Blook, ooposite Russell House. yey * __ _ R. EATON, H, ;#xn, DOOR MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFAUCTORY, KCIPE WASHING COMPOUND, MHouse. Ottaws. H U L L _ Times se k tm | ef â€"mrl.n now cccupled by Fhomas McKay, Esq, at the Chaudiore, Victoria Island. The lot is 66 x 99, the House and Stabling of stone, There are nine rooms, besides sommer and winter kitchens, large cellars and closets throughout : covered verandah and best of water. The front part ot the house has alzeady, and can again, be used as ofices. Terms of payment liberal. â€"Apply to _A ROUSE of seven rooms, eligibly ‘situated, within fve minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildâ€" ings, to reat ; and several houses and vacant lots in the city for sale, on part time. * ype Avr on kR Ottaws, May 1. d \nlvcmin} A. AT NEW EDINBURGH, A BRICK DWELLING of Eight Rooma and Kitchen, with gool yard and stabling. Rent low. «& \ (PURNISHED or UNFPURNISHED,) \ . TILL Ist MAY NEXT l A STONE COTTAGE in Victoria Terrace, Richâ€" mer1 Road, containing cight rooms, with kitchen, rartry and.cellar, good outhouses, and water »aght into the house,. \pply on the premises, or at the " Truss‘ 4. . 4 11353t¢ _ FOII.ALIâ€"-TN'M“M‘ Lot No, 37, in First Ottaws Front,Neâ€" pean, and* Lots Nos. 26 and 23, in the same conâ€" session, at present in the occu o Wa.1. ‘-lq‘.‘b‘ For w;..&:%‘ apply u: « ~UW x. Tuousox, Nepean, Lawis Jx<uzr, Barristers, Ottawa. Jelâ€"141â€"tf Ottawa, August 3, 1869. This important improvement in saw mills, paâ€" tented inCanada and in the United States, conâ€" sist especially in a new method of hanging and operating gang saws for manatacturing lumber, without the useof the ordinary gate. The gang of sawe are attached at cach ond to cross heads, sapported by a‘ bifurosted pitman, and are the oenly weight to be sapported. The saws and crossâ€" heads being vrery light, the speedof t :o saws is smw The now system opeâ€" rates well, and wood can never be more properiy sawn, and in larger quantities. With the use of this improvement, mill propriect rs and lamber dealors can realise profts much larger with he use of any other operating system. Lumber merchants, saw mill p founâ€" ders and business won in geaerai, desirous |to obâ€" tainthe rights and royaity of the 1m» provement, should promptly address to TALBOT & TOUSIGNANT, 20 8t Aune clydmmm'l-ny mation can be had, and where an oper moâ€" del can be seen. | * : Royaity can be obtained for Canadsa and the United Statos, or for districts only. Quebes, August 18, 1869, 1184 L _ Qiving pertios their tabies @" partor nisely furmised mt w b &0 THE VARIETY EJ Onll and See our NEW TUCK CREASER and GUIDE, Price, $2.00. THE I&WI SEWING nong:l m: udl-u.-alu..ldmmlnlh-l‘:lul Call and examine the Adjustable Hesa . ovalâ€" ving Pressor Foot, and admirably adapt?‘" Presâ€" MASON‘} PATENT FRUIT JAR is one hunâ€" dred percent better than any other in use. To are the best in the world family use, as they hem, fell, tuck, cord, bind, and quilt in a manner that defies com They are the only machines in the world to which can be apâ€" w the delicate Buttonâ€"hole Attachment and Btitch Embroidery Cloth Plate, awre Bar, E. W. STEPHEN, Manager for Ottawa Ofice, | it >~*~~ _ Ciroulars and of sowing sent post free A samples of sewing post 212d silk for all machines constantly on hand. NK s 5 . Two frst class workmen. Apply immediately, by letter to f * ESMONDE BROS. I\O !- LET, ASIDRNOR â€"â€" I OFR~8%., below the ma rket. CHIEF UNDERTAEKER, SPARKSsT. COFFINS, HEARSES & CARRIAGES, Sizes 24, 30 and 36 inches, from the best wkotts AT THE VARIETY HALL Also two mout boys. Sole agent for * FISK‘3 METALLICG COFRINS8, KAUDR Â¥*8 NEW SERIES OF 81 Wi FOR SALE. . se W. 4. SMITH, at JAWVE3 UOPE & CO.3, Atationers 0. A. WALTON, 105 West, Tordnto, and FOE OLD AXD TOUNG PROPLE. Kale or to Let. JARS! FRUIT JARS : THE VARIETY LCALL H V NOEL, LEWIS & PINREY. H115d4 Wiuriax Mosorore, _ 366 _ Gromos Tamnso® LAPII_II. & MHAYCOCK, Attorniesâ€" at+â€" Law, Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chaneery, Convey ancers and Notaries Public, Corner of Sussex sg_ln!otl- :\ D84 MMe citorâ€"inâ€"Uhancery, COuveZanool, ANOIBS Public, and Patent Right Solicitor. â€" Offceâ€"Po LII. & GEMMELL, Sarristors, Attorn Solicitors, Conveyancers, &0. OMceâ€"In Court House, Ottews, _ _ â€" _ _ 0 â€" ED'AID C. DARTNXELL, Barrister Solicitor, Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk of the Pesce and County Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Oficeâ€"In the Court House, L‘Orignal. 34â€"6m l“ A. MARA, Architect. Oficeâ€"Aumond‘s 4e Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9027 PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. | A. M. F. GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Proprictor for the Dominâ€" ton of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"â€"These celobrated Bitters are carefully propared with/the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. ‘They are gontly stimalant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion, Â¥or directions see label round the neok of each York street, near the Market. ‘The subscriber respectivily announces that he um::-m:'!nmm;m known as ameâ€" oY moton Seram: "He tmher this cppertuaity of than the people ot Ottawa and vicinity for Ihlibmpmwd.u well as the confic¢ence piaced in him since his arrival in this alty. Hehbolids SALES KYVELY DAY, (when not otherwise engaged), sither at his rooms or on the market. low conddence to all who have eatrusted id effects or real estate to him for sale to certify that he has given full snatisfaction as regards the prices obtained, as fium and immediate settlement after 4s is ready to receire instructions from persons haring mm,m.ew.« real sstate to dispose of, and pledges h that nothing will be isft aundone by him to give autis= faction in discharge of the trust confded to him. Consignments from a distance will meet with imâ€" mediate and careful attention.. CUash advances made on furniture or other property sent in for sale, @ / Addressed to the undersigned at this Departmont, will be received until noon, on j « None are genuine unless bearing thesignature of SATURDAY, 4ru: SEPTEMBER next, umm n of the following . AT BALSAM RIVER, BETWEENX BALSA Â¥ structed at the rl\o contnracrons. _ sEALED TENDERS and at the office on the grounds, Printed forms of tender can be had on appliâ€" eation to the Do.m-d at m:“:un- mentioned places, re are bited. lohzflllh mnmv:.l"flulltuuuu ..h T n.l‘u-h.u hu.-nâ€"m‘suhfinoumhm . C . Tharthin, Algust 16th, 1000 $ nana‘ ante COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, OsGROYVE & TAILLON, Barristers, Solicitors, &o, OMceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, EES & GEMMEHLL, Barrustors, % Saliaitars. Convevancers. &o. Ofliceâ€"Inâ€" Planos constentiy cihand for hir T‘h‘omuho;:uhtm.:.ludphu mwflmiuop' of Kingston, ==1.. K. C B, and Sect‘y of State, lu.Alo:..&.:':%Pfifl. MA ‘c'o*‘ n. ’ & Euin bog t s , , '. # Â¥ m-:k!i!;.n-_._ MUSKOKA DISTRICT. For deepening the channels of Muskoka and mome seouritice fot the due fultiment ofthe von . ‘l'.\'.byd_q any tender, will not necessarily _ Me HAYXCOCK, Attorney*atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" )° citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Netary ITY AUVCTIONX MART, TETREAU, Notary Public for the Pro ca = _ _ _ J. BERMINGHAM, Queen‘s Auctionser, _ â€" 11177 House, Land and General Agent O°CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" a Cuancery, Vouvejano0t, a0., DHsnue Ofice, Unin Buildings, Ottawa. b5y isston Merchants. ean be seen at this 43utf _ Jous J. GeaxmL. JOHN CARLING, A,. M. F GIANELLL Conveyâ€" Elginâ€"st., *» CHOLERA, DIARREGEA, and Hiodly permaings io pebluby is fhag the reifer of i to , is t etter a relative of Dr. Wo‘;o. of this city, now residing ‘" AFind out if the Express ch high, «* out e e<charges are too hig! and if not, arrange with Mortimer to let {on have a box of the bottles of CHOLERA MLXTURE, I cor‘d make a {:od little fortune with t em. The bottle I brought with me here brought two ladies round from decided cholera; one on board the boat, and the othe : in Berlin, United States, Both commenced with diarrhcea, then with dysentery, and then vomiting. The one at Berlin was very bad. 1 {\u her three doses of the Cholera Mizâ€" ture, the bird of vy_lo! stopped the vomiting. The next d: y she was all right, or -“flflu”' Bho was Â¥ 1. I bhave now only a little left." ym. excellent mixture, which should be in every family, is only & TRADE MARKT SE REGISTERED CANADIAN CoUGII EMULSIGN. operty of immediately r’ouovinf co“n-, Colds, fluruuu. Dificulty of Breathing, Tightness in Chest, &o., &o. It operates by dissolving the conâ€" A grand specific tor derangement of the Digestive 01’:’:.. .-’3« obstructions â€" and torpid action of the Liver and Bowels. Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, The only suse remedy that exists, combining deâ€" licious taste and amazing power. &» LA O A 8 10 1 AS . Col , Pomades, Toilet Vinegar, Rose Denti: rrho.’: the Teeth and (hm‘ Also constantly on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and FLoilet Requiâ€" sites usually kept in a firstâ€"class establishment. t Toilet Boxes in variety, . e Rimmel‘s New Perfunes, sommended, and its success in subduing thetorturiag parins of . and in re leving Nervous A,‘oeuom.ouifl it to a highr ank in «he list of Remedies for those .rlglnb. Deslers are coming in from Medicine ere in all parts of the sountry for terther sunpli¢s, and each testifying um&v:tul a it gives nax The Man Pain or neveor fails to give mmediate rolie{. All Mpdisine Dealors Iml :id.filucdfluldm .‘ and no family out it after onse try e 1\ . Silver Top Smelling Bottle», Bootch Plaid Smolling Botsles, The Canadian Pain royer has now been before the public for & longth of time, and whenever used is well .umtulflhl single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we bhave nevor known a single cage of dissatiafaction w‘ the directious are proâ€" stlylol:.'od; buton ::unx‘.ll&uw with n the w‘hm- effects. W e speak from lence in this matter, havin TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. A complete stook just rece:ived of Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, â€" mbup-ldcto-dh:llll. IoHH W . M, MASSEY, i â€" Family and Dispensing Chemist. This valuable meodicine. has the extraordinary The Most Useful and Reliable * "ONIC AND BITTERS IN USE. _1Iu es are tonis, stomuchic, and aimalast®"" nA io Its qualities are not disguised, taste it, test it, CA.'Anu'l PAIN DESTROYER : Among the dn:::nwml CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER | “&-“u-;.xuw Cholera Morbus, | Dysentery, Bowel . For Indigestion, Fever, Ague, lieadache, loss of appotite, ‘owness of afllflu. nervousness, and for generkl debilits, it will bo found invaluable. Its properties are tonis, stomuchic, and gently MORTIMER‘8s COMPOUXD ANTIBILIOUS Observe the trade mark ?o. the label, and also every botile being sealed, with trade mark 1t is put up in quart wine bottles. Pdo”-‘O-'ohan. J GARDNER, Chemist, 4 .‘"du Bole Proprietor and Menufacturer, JBH" The above Bitters are claimed to be suâ€" perior to any yet ofered to the public. Tlll EPILEPTIC CURE, Prepared by J Gardner from the formula of a physician ol’hrb. The woncerful edect the _ The undersigned degires to inform the public that he has repaired decorated his nlndl. and is no# prepared to furnish HEARSES and HORSES on short notice, and at very moderate Bold in Bottles at 11. 3d. and 21. 6d. Each. OoRTIM ZR*s THE MEDICAL HALL, . _ 38 Sparkeâ€"st., Ottaws. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been (Each Ounée Contains one Grain of Quanine). INFALLIBLE . REMKEKDY OLIDAY PRESEXTE ARDNER*S QUININE WINE .BJTTERS s# 2 GEâ€"pm OTICE To THE PUBLIC. FAMILY APERIENT _PILLS, WKONE OTHER GENUINE. of immediately relievi: , &o. It o‘murtu by dho'dl::;" lh:.:u- egm, causing free expectoration, and an molstness to the skin. Cambridge Boaquot, ._ Oxrford Bouguet, [a.. Euglish Lavender W ater, BOWEL COMPLAINTS. No, 41 Sussorâ€"st., Ottawa City. MORTIMERS KORT VYICTOR LAPORTE, AT ionl'ASnuiv' for C. W Jo_h__ berts, 'l‘l_‘ OP & LYMAN, Newcastle, C. W., . Agent for MARRIAGE LICENCES for the city of Ottawa, by commission from His Excellency he Governorâ€"General. Bole issuer for the City of Ottawa. OFFICEâ€"St. Lawrence Hotel, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, July 14, 1869. 1110â€"30â€"3m __ _ Notice is hereby given, that whereas my Fereman, PETER DUPUIS, has left my employ. ment before the expiration of the, term ‘ot his engagement to the serious loss and injury of my business, * herehy warn and forbid any persou hiring him; Any person doing so after this notice will be prosccuted by me according to law. E E L&VZON. Avimer, June 5, 1869. 1075tf Ayimer, June 5, 1869. Fiestâ€"Crass Ripmo asp Daiyixg Hossks Medical attendance to regular boarders free of charge. _Veterimary Infirmary attached for sick and lame horses, under the direct management of A. 0. F. COLEMAN, V. S., Member of the Ontario Voterinary College, by appointment V. 8. to the Governorâ€"General ; als>, V. 8. to the County Carleton Agricultural Orders or communications promptly attended to? and niedicines sent to any part of the Dominion. â€" EMPIRE ‘GIET COMPANY. CasH# GIFTS To THE AMOUNT OF This lar gift compacy, after making extenâ€" sive Mm& toftln l..-‘op::ok of rich and v‘.lublo articles, has commenced its fourth annual distriâ€" bution. Unlike many of its imitators, it has invariably given universal satisfaction and has always secured the .'Kprob-tion and support of the loro;ih‘ press of the country. See what they say of it : l\fll oTTAaAWA LIVERY saALE _ AND BAIT STABLES, Cor. Rideau and Ottawaâ€"sts. ° _ #The firm is reliable and deserves their sucoess,"â€" Weekly Tribine, Oct. 8. «* We know them to be a fair dealing firm."â€" New York Herald, Oct. 28. R «* A friend of oars drew a $5.030 prize, which was |;ro-p0y received. ‘â€"Daily News, Dec, 3, Ralerence is also made to the following persons, who have drawn prizes and kindly allowed the use of their names <or publication: Andrew J Burns, Chicago, $10,000; Miss Clara 8 Walker, Baltimore, Piano, $:00; James M Mathews, A chance to draw any of the <bove prizes tor 25 cents. â€" ‘Fickets des wil ing prizes seaied in envelâ€" opes, and w..ll mi ed. Oa recgipt of 25 cents a sealed ticket is drawn wilooui cnofoo. and sent by mail to any address. Tte prze named upon it *will be delivered to the holder on payment of one dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or relara mail. â€" â€"â€" & DDODDTG WV,NUCZ, CCET I_ ANUTOWs, Dpavannan, %5,000; Miss Agnes Simmons, Chirleston, Piano, $600. We publish no names without permission. 10 do 0O . |sscesinsersssessserssssrigews 10,;000 20 â€" do O sspersrrsscssssesscssecetbsees©‘ ©,000 40 _ ao OQ) sevrsrserreterectsressrcsbects * 2,000 2C0 _ do 0O | csvsrvesressessttsrccrermerses â€"â€" 800 300 do BQ) serrmermeressssndecieressesers 100 50 Eleilnt Rosew w Pianos, each...$300 to $700 16 o do Meiodeons do... 75 to 100 350 Sewing Machires, or t............... 60 to ;;,5 500 Gold W atches 00 ....cccrrecrccsese TD to 800 Cash Prizer, Silverware, otc, valued at..$1,000,000 aduress by express or relara mail. â€" â€"â€" Â¥.. : You will know what your prize is before you pay foflt. Any prize exchanged for another ¢f same Bend for circular. Liberalinducements to agents. Sa.isfaction guaranceeu. Every package of sealed envelopes contains oxz CasH GIPT. Six tickets for $1; 13 tor $2 ; 85 fo. %5 ; 110 for $15. All letters shouls a addressed to peone BTEWART, AALL & Co, * . 1104.34m 193 and 195 Broadway, N Y. z F U RN [ ‘f U RE ' ot avery deseri . m 0 order or aired, and jobbing wP:?ou w.m e ®®p Architects and others fturnishingtheir own drawâ€" ings for any kind of wood work will have them correstly executed. j % Particular atéontion paid to GOTHIC & FANCY FURNITURE. andjobbing attendeu to. FUNERALSâ€" _ furnished at the shortest notice in the city or METALLIC AND OTAHER COFFINS always on hand. ‘ for the removal of household furniture, &6. Also waggons for lumber and other heavy goois. N.B.â€"Residence at the wost end of Wellingtonâ€" st., opposite the market GaR YEILDING, Where all orders for the OVER A. MCORMICEKES STORE, PRINTING, BINDING, OR STATIONERY, may be sent, and will be punctually attended to as usual, arrangements having been made to pre. vent any interruptioa to the business. Mra,Desbarats tools grateful for the sympathy tendered aim on all sides, and hopes to see his patmns and friends in his new office. . Notice is hereby given to the Etockholders of "The Ottawa Gas Company" that ior one month from date a STOCKâ€"BOOK will be open to them solely, at the office of the Company in this city, GEORGE E. DESBARATS. Ott awa, January 21, 1869, Q54tf L):o of markirg the numâ€" o of golmntdo each day R r» lst Jaly next, and the par:y wao ans maâ€"et‘ e highest number of points will receive ..o a t!.e proprietor a rich prize. & Parties visiting the Alley will be received with polite attention. ‘The best of liquors wili be found constantly on hand. solely, at the office of the Company in for subscriprion for Preferential Stock. oTICEK. EVERY TICEKEET DRAWS A PRIZE. Terms, conditions and advantages made k on application at the office ot the Company. Ottawa, 24th August, A D 1869. L12L. "m.--. may v varin a 66 O'I"I'AWA Gas comPrany. *# PREFERENTIAL STOCK." s. RVC*** , CABINETâ€"MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, AND 1@ U N DE R T A KE R. @ms 5 CHBD GihbB, OMOMer++ssessesessssrsarerseessss0m No blanks. Marriage Licences. The undersigned begs to state that he has OPENED AN OFFICE oNTINUATION SALE J > B. B. LARIVIERE. R.B.-â€"Alsl:r Ball Room is attached to the emises, which will be let at a low figure. _ , SEPTEMBER 3. 1135d OMINION BOWLING ALLEY. CANADA GAZETTE, $5,000; John °L Androws, Savannah, EXPRESS WAGGONS Or THE The subscriber Ingl forur his friends that ed on MONDAY, the OCTOBER, his _ _ BOWLING ALLEY. This is one of the best in the U pital, and equal to u{ in America, It containg four allevs, and with firstâ€"class b‘‘ls, There will be kept a register book for the purâ€" The subscriber begs to inâ€" E McGILLIVRAY. can depend on fair .$20,000 . 10,000 . 5,000 Breton‘s Flats, Ottawa. DR- 0. C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ottawa. Day ofice o?lyuil. the Tixzs Office, Sparksâ€"street, Centre Town . Night offics at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxorrs Cur®o,without the use of the kaife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless process, References given to yuflu suc» sessfully treated, it required. 17?w100y DR. J. A. BECKETT, Surgeon Dentist, Dental Rooms over A. Graham & Co.‘s «Commercial Warchouse," directly opposite the British Lion Hotel, late Tixrs Printing Office, Lang‘s Block, No. 60, #parksâ€"st., Ottawa City, Ottawa, April 12, 1869. 1021â€"167 D RJ Oficeâ€"Spurksâ€"street, opposite Mageo & Russell‘s. 516y For comfort and attendance the travelling put lic will find this first clasa house nuurrund in Canada, being situated in the centre of tae cicy. and baving over 100 well furnished bedâ€"rooms, Charges $1.50 per day. Single rooms, withou; board, 50¢ YI“ day. ' G GaAREAU, WATERS & CO, Manager. 1071.6m _ Proprietors. _ The CANADA HOUSE,; CALEDONIA SPRINGS, will be open for visitors on WEDâ€" NESDAY, the 16th inst. M Return tickets will be issued to the Springs at reduced rates, on board the steamer Queen Vicâ€" Juno 1 Further information can be had from the Agent at the Springs. 4 MRS TROTTER begs to state that she has a tow comfortable, airy, and respectably furnished rooms, vacant, suitable either for single or marâ€" ried ladies and gentlemen. The situation is at once central and retired, being near the Governâ€" ment Buisdings and principal centres of business, and yet removed trom the noise and bustle. of the city. Anexcellent table is kept, and terms are very moderate. Afew day boarders can be asâ€" commodated. _ 11144 Q‘DWARD C. MALLOCH, M. D., M. R. C. 8. _4 Dukeâ€"st, LeBreton‘s Flate. Office hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and 3 to 5 MRS. TROTTER begs to announce that she has leased a commodious building at the corner of Banks and Sparks â€"sts., which she has o'jmud as a PRIVATE HOTEL, retaining the title of her former hotel in Desbarats‘ block, viz., the " Toâ€" ronto House." The premises have been refitted and handsomely furnished with new furniture, and made in every respect fit for the reception of memâ€" bers ot Parliament and gentlemen who desire the accommodations of a first class private hotel. Ottawa, March 29, 1869, e 1009â€"3m ted, and every MWM to their comfort: _ 969y J0 ROMANS, Proprietor. Tlll 6 QUEEN * RESTAUXANXT, M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, os- q:u the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" he ©QUEEN" comprises allthe requisitesfcr a firstâ€"class hostau ant. P'T:‘.ho House l':aqbounlm and ref. Tnished mw The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir and Liqu ws, and every delicacy of the seas a wiil be found on thetable. The ??nm.ucmvmuw to he comâ€" ort of his guests and patrons. K ~ Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., Oprih the Court House and Public Ofices, ST. CATHARILNES, Ont. E. HOVGHTON, Pro‘)rldor‘, FT ata af itanahtan!s Winina Galnan 1 pP°A spacious travellers. es o'm-AwA HO Corner of Main Posnbroko‘. Ontario. n connec Omcnbroh an WAVERLY HOUSE, j BARRINGTONâ€"STREET, os‘t”a in connection with the steamers Jason Gould, Pembroke and Pontiac. > Part.cuiar attention paid to the comfort of guests. Good rooms for commercial travellers. slorlu and vehicles always on hand. J. OOPRLIA,ND. Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. 809y am. ARUDUs, DDGCRMAENUCHES CUCe Li the Ontario Bank, 585rh-¢t.. Ottawa, for Trust and Loan Co. Tuu'n.l & Cos, Land Surveyors, Agents, Draughtsmen, &c. Office, 01 R E ATON, Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes, e Blinds, Mouldings, Looking Glasses, T aomem, Fepe Heagloge An, o. â€" Sarbes & b.. aper 6. Primed and Giated; and Blinds" Painted and Prepared for Hanging. . | PFAOTOI?‘;Iâ€"& oining E. B. Kddy‘s Match 4 14 BTORE AND UFFLCEâ€"Elginâ€"st., opposite the Russell House. W. R&. Taistus. ork ork executed with accuracy. Cc “sdman.“ Ottawa City, m‘m. olfkhce of N. Brnh, Bo , &o., receive prompt a‘tention S CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and © General Agent. Bole agont for. Read‘s Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Alos and Porter. Pork, “lo-r, &c., for sale. Orricez: No. 5, Sparks Sireet, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W . â€" deiphia; Lhos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Aibany ; 0?5 A (}u-t, M P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, ‘q' Managing Virector 0. & St. L. R.R. T40t OLIVIR & ANKSABLE, olesale Manu: facturersof Bedsteads, Chairs, &6., Chauâ€" diere Island, Ottawa, C. W. . L JOHN OLIVER, 506 WILLIAM ANNABLE. Constantly on hand a well assorted stock of choice TEAS and a ?noul assortment of GROâ€" CERILES suitable for family use, all of which will be sold at reduced prices. A‘so, s choice lot of TOBACCO, ncrlw brands, and sold equally low. Goderham & Wort‘s Highwines and Old Rye, constantly on hand and sold at their prices ; Gin, constantly on hand and sold at their prices ; Gin, Brandy, I1ish and Scotch mk%‘ Port and Sherry Wine directly imported. whole of which wili be sold at small profits, Quick salesis R. A. Pâ€"IOI;LI’G ?'IA l'roll.- i4 Br P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHER, _Two Doors East of Workman & Grifin‘s, CA e * Rideau street. prayt. Leecirtcaf198§, &0 Prepared for _ biildings of description, b BIDNEY B. FRLPP, Amfia.' 2 Tt W eliingtonâ€"st. HALIFAX, NOVA 80OTIA, Established 1851. Pormanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" rt of his guests and patrons. $M" Oysters,Game eto..dally ANADA HuTEL, )'I"I‘AWA HOUSKEK. Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"stroots R. C. LEGGO, Physician, Surgeon and Accouchour. Ofioo-â€"l:{nnwn’l Block, Sparksâ€" R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Eparkeâ€"street, Cential Ottawa. 3&15(__ R. GEOMHGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. ALEDONIA SPRINGS, 1869. B BILLINGS, Jr., Architect,Elgin street © opposite the Post Office. i Rxrrzrzxors.â€"â€"H ASims, Esq, A«chitect, Philaâ€" ORoxTO HOUSE, 17 & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET, ‘ MONTREAL. ORONTO HOUSE. ICKWICK HOUSE, HE METROPOLITAN AUMOND‘s BLOCK, Rideau Stree Ottawa; 203E _ P. O‘MEARA, Proraistos. 15 8PA RK S 8 T R E ET, SPARKS, Provincial Land Surveyor, @ Dnnghunua &o., Soonnhclond for er and Lower Canada.) . and residence, Sjoicls anb Saloons. rERENOES.â€"~â€"H ASims, hz;:m Philaâ€" ia ; Thos Fuller, Esq, itect, Albany ; A Grant, M P., Oitaws ; Thos Reyrolds, Heq Moial Cans. A« A. PHILION, Physician, Surâ€" and Accoucheur, Duke strest, Leâ€" _ (Late of itoughton‘s Dining Saloon.) spacious sampleâ€"reom for commercial (Zorner of Bank Street). , near Ottawa. Burvey: vuf overy desâ€" P BASKERVILLE & BROTHEL. By order, EDW SCOTT, Becretary: 1075.3m 1111.6m , or left at the Consisting of the following first class stem Ann Si880ND....«........................Captain Fi BHH DIBDOM.ccem eccsrrererernscresssenes AM DLE JA M Alli&DCO.....2200 seeeessceeessses«0....... O#ptain M EORIG ..::ssseerirsesesrsstressssss e CRRLEID . CGOH Alli&DCO.....s2ee 0»essecee.sâ€"..».........O@&ptain Murphy â€" Emerald ....ClJtnn Jourette OTOGOND.......... . .sccccecesersirsseereee .# né»tnin wley Jason Gould............................. «Captain Boiton Poutiu.-...................................gapuin Bjondin Pembroke.................... ..........Gaptain Doggan Bnow Bird................. ... .........Captain Beattie On and after ist SEPTEMBER, (until further notice), the steamer Ann Sisson will leave Aylmer daily (Sundays excoptofi. for the Upper Ottawa 2t 7 a m, connecting with the steamer Al/iance at head of railroad, at 11 a m,touching at Arnprior, Sandpoint, Bristol, Bonechere, Zarrell‘s W harf, Gould‘s W harf and Portage du Fort. Etages will leave Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival of L steamer Alliance tor Cobden, conmecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke | same evening. |_ _ is _ 1869. The steamers Pontiac or Pembroke leaveâ€"Pemwâ€" broke daily at 1 p m, for Des Joachim, calling at all intermediate ports. Returning, leaving at 6 a m. connecting at Peimbroke with steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landirg at 2 p m, and arrives at Portage du Fort same evening. The steamer Al/iance leaves Portage du Fort every morning at 7:20 [Sundays excepted], touchâ€" ing at Gocld‘s Wharf, Farreil‘s W harf, Bonnechere, Bristol, Sandpoint and Arnprior, and arriving t head of railroad at 1i a m, and connecting with steamer Ann Sisson at Pontiacat noon,. Passengers reach Ottawa at 4 p m. _ _ _ e _ _A connection is made daily withthe Brockville and Ottawa Railway at Arnprior on the up and down trips. _ _ _ n ) .000 0_ o 0; For further particulars apply at the Compuny‘s otfices at Ottawa and Aylâ€"mer. A K. 5. CASSELS, Prosident. Nttawa City, Aug 29, 1869.;â€" On and after MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, the new & dlnvniflnmoom Iron Steamer; Quebec and Monâ€" treal, leave Richelion Pier (opposite Jacques Cartier r‘lace) as follows,â€" .« _ _ _â€" _ _ _ _ Daily Royal Mail Line . Passage tickets will be sold at the office on the Wharf. Stateâ€"rooms can be secured by taking tickets at this office only. s This company will not be accountable for specie or valuables, unless Bills of Lading, having the value expressod, are signed therefor. f â€" J B LAMERE, _ The rteamer Quebec, Captain J B Labelie, will leave every Moxnay, Tuvssvar and Frwary at seven o‘ciock, p m. l e c t The Steamer Montreal, Cn’Fuln Robert Nelson, will leave every Torsoay,. Tsvesoay and Satkâ€" pay at seven o‘clock, p m. pay atseven o‘clock, p m. RAiTES OF PASSAGE. . Cabin (Supper & Stateâ€"room berth included)$3.00 SEGOFIMGO syere cveerersonbers sropressssoescersectsssesn cons : Eol Office of the Richelieun Co, 203 Commissioner street, Montreal, June 11, 1869. 1869. rl\mn oTrawA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL 8 TE A ME RS. UTTaAwWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, The splendid new and fast sailing Steamers The steamer Queen Victorsa leaves her whart foot of Sussex st, at 6:30 a m, (Montreal time), arriving in Montreal at 4;45 p m. The comfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through one of the most picturesque districts in.Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists. Parties desirous of & pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at single fares. NION FORWARDING & RAILY COMPANY. Passengers for the cclebrated Calodonia Springs will be landed at L‘Crignal. Parcel Express daily from the ‘Office on the wharfto Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, from the office of Herrick & Crombie, Rideau st, W 8 Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Block; The market steamer Fairy, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Mondays and Saturdays at 4 p m for intermediate landings. _ May 7, 1869. Steamer GRENVILLE and Bargesâ€"Captain M. G. Rastonâ€"will leave Montreal on TUESâ€" DAY8, 6 p.m. Bteamer MARY ANNE, and Bargesâ€"Captain 8. T. Eastonâ€"will loears Montreal on FRI. DAY8,6 p.m. esn A E“'I'OI’I RIDEAU All? oTTAW A F REIGH T LINE, From Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and in termediate Ports. s (â€"â€"Rates by this Line FIVE per cent. lower than by any other Line. i; HLVER NAVIGATION COMPANYV‘8 AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FOR THE UPPER OTT4WA, BTEAMERS " ALLIANCE," «J ASONGOULD‘ & *" PEMBROKE." " PRINCE OF W ALES," COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS ICHELIEUV COMPANY. W. H. EASTON & Co., Little Sussex Street, Canal Basin, Head Office. JAMES SWIFT & Co., Bt. Lawrence Wharf, Kingston. M. H. EASTON & Co., 15 Colbourne Street, Montreal. «q UEEN VICTORIA" UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE HERRLIK & CROMBIE, Agents, Ottawa. awa, May 29, Uxio® ForRWaRDIEG AXD AILWAY OMPT,, E OTTAWA OTTAWA AND MONTREAL. "«A NN SIS8GN (Suxpays Excsertep.) DES JOACHIMS. R. 8. CASSELS, .__ "Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. THE STEAMER COoKNECTING WITH Carr. Bowi®, Line of Stean and A[(,;ttreal. H. EASTON, Beqâ€", R. W. SHEPRERD, General Manager. R W SHEPHERD. © 1062tf 1869. Opcning for Troflic from Amnapolis Grand Ire. On and after THURSDAY, 19ih day AUGUST, this railway will be open for pass ger and goods traffic as under : Trains will leave Grand Pre on arrival ot pas. sengers from Halitax by morning train to Wind. sor, and forward l y Coach to Grand Pro at 12. 20, nood, Arriving at Annapolis at 5.30 p m. â€" Leayâ€" ing Annapolis at 8.30 a m, and arriving at Grand Pre at 1.45, in timetor Coach to Wirdror, oon. necting wi‘h afternoon train, and reaching Halifaz at 7.10 p m. By order, _ ° p Trains now leavys BONAVEXTURE $21«Tioa as follows : 1869.] SUMMER.ARRANGEMENTs®S. 1869 ' apIxG wEsT, Day Express for Ogdensburg, Ottawa, Brockville, ~Kingston, Beovilie, Toronto,Guelph, London, Brantford Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, and all points West, at. ............... 8:30 Night do do do do do 7;30 Accommodation Train for Cornwaill ___ and Internrediate Stations at....... 5:10 p m Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at.:.. .......7;15 a m Trains for Lachine st ...........5:00 a m, 7:00 <a m 9 a m, 12 ‘noon, 1;:30 p m, 4;40 p =» ip m, and 6:30 p m. The 1.30 pm train runs through to Province GoIna soUTH AXD FEast Accommodation Train tor Island Pond ndflnm;modhto Stations at.... Express for Boston at.......;............ Express for New Y ork and Boston at _ via Vermont Cent; al. tss K i 7 » Express for New York and Boston f T E & C 0 M I 'l'l. ll‘lamtu?;;‘l;n:(d Champlain, / % w urlington and at......o a m, 4.40 p m Â¥hewhole Dominion should bu Express for Island Pond, at................. 2:00 E uc lmporter®s, C Night Expréess for Quebec, Island Pond, i ONTREAL TEA Gorkam and Portland, stopping beâ€" â€" MOo oalâ€"si .. Mont tween Montreal and Island Pond at x ##> pa°$ Mospical #â€", bt. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Acton, » * P «> Richmond, â€"Sherbrooke, Waterville o ufter the most sever «* udgouiio:okconly. harsivsess vmcwe10;1# pPI a : e ‘:‘.’;:f:'.' ‘RB~ Sleeping Carsion all Night Trains. B ' tohe al § lm chooked through, € he > or poisonous & [he steamer Carlotta leaves Portland evers appeSrance SATULVAY AFTERNQON (after the arrival o ; and Ant train from Montreal on Friday pight), for Haliâ€" their intrinsic fax, N.3., returning on Tuesday. and a high She has excelent accommodativ.. for passeng ert well for the and freight. wing +o the 1 The InternationalC .mpany‘s Steamers. unning | are putup i in conneclion with the Grand Trunk Railway are warraated p leave Portland every MONDAY and THULS. Grders is DAY at 5 p m,for St Join, N. 3., &6. or one 20, or 25 1b pal stations. _ For furtherinformation and time of arrival and departure of all trains ai terminal and way sts tions, apply at the Ticket Offlice, Bonaventure Sta tion: f C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal. May 17. 1869. Ortawa Aocexcorâ€"Russell House Block, Spark Streel, Ottawa, where all information may be ob &x and AFTER MONDAY, 28« JUNA4, 1869, and until further notice, TRAINS will rus as follows: aboâ€" .'I-‘;A:’ ?,H‘A'A. Alll'oll;. PRFZOOTT f a. m. 25 a. m. i _ Mixed, 1.90 p. m. 4.16 p. w LRAVE PRESCOTT. ABBEIVE )8 Ortawa. Mired, 7. 15 a, m. 10 % a. m. s Expres¢, 1.35 p u. 4.15 p. m. The time of these E‘nuu has been so arrs n{u- to ensure connection with trains on Grand Truck ggeq'm,abom the steamers of the Koys! Return mumx-&m and Otte. wa at reduced rates can be had at the principalstsâ€" tions on the line. | T. 8. DETLOR, TUOMAS REYNXOLD®, THE TIMES is | All having claims qdflflEOl‘l PB‘LLIE. late of tl.o‘ Township of Nepean, i8 the County af Carleton, Gardener, will nlease kend them in to she andersigned for settlement, and all persons indebted to the eard GEORAK PHILLLIPB are requested to muke payment to the underâ€" signed without delay, * C BILLIXGS, HUGB T MAsSON, TIME TABLE, No. 21, Coxurxcizo ox Moxpay, Juxs: 21, 1869. Cemremennics ~ MAIN LINE. LKAYVE E 10CKVILLE, 42 M.â€"=â€"TRAINS wl leart 639‘0 B.;o'o.kofl e daily at 6.09; -.e:.fl « mM , m, u'ri at Band zt-l't.“ npl. t”‘,:nd uz“:‘-. dnc LEAVE SANDPOiN1, A. M.â€"â€"TRAINS «13 1 G:OOBlldpo'l.n.! at 6.00 a :n Bou FeXT @IZ Sandpoint at 6.00 a m a.« 2.14 p », 2.20 a m, ui‘:'hs #t Brockville st 10.00 a x,9.15 o m and 9.30 a m and 6.10 a m. Billings‘ Bridge P O, August 3rd, 1869. St. John‘s, N. "., by branch stear o........ p m. arriving at . orth at 9.25 a mars 7 45 po H. AfBOTT, TINMAN LINE OF MAIL ETEAMERS, BAJLIWN + _ FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATCEDAT ‘AND ALTERNATE TUEDAYs®s. RiTEs or rissior Br TE® 8aTCROAY ATEAMEE First Cabin, p...b‘. in Goid. LAverpool or Queenstown...... ................ $100 # ** Rteerage, Poyable in Ourrency, _â€"__ _ Liverpool O QUOGDEUOWNâ€"»»»»».+0â€"»»»+2sez000» LEAYVE PERTH A. M.eâ€" TRALINS will Jeave T 138B Ortan‘al T50 a n and ho pa. arriving at Smith‘s Falisat 8.20 a m and 6.40 pm. LEAYVE SMITHB FALL®. A A, M.â€"=â€"THAINS we1l! leayrs 8835 Smith‘s Falls at 8.35 2 o and 64 Steerage, Payable in Ourrency, i Li OF QOOCOUE J B.rscrsttssssezctncumames O M gi??‘“.:.“ rtamesssenes | sessrstrensennssenpsatutens . 36 08 _John‘s, N.F., by branch stear or........ 30 W Tickets sold to ard from En land, Ireland, and eContipent, at modérate rates» For fetther information, mumc-puy'- Cices, JOHN G, DALE, Agent, ‘ 15 Proadway JKNew York or EKEEICK & CROMBLE â€" Jitaws. FOI LIVERPOOL & QUKEKKKSTOWK Ax at 0 En.‘l’or Bt.Joun, N. 3,, &e." Tickets i through at the Company‘s princi 8ST. LAWRENCE AND OTTAW A 5 RATILWAY, RANXND TRUNKâ€" RAILWAY coy. PANY OF CANXADA. Ottawa, June 28, 1869. (formerly the Ottawas & Prescott Rail«ay.) PASBAGE BY THE TUKBSDAY STRAMER VI HALIFAL First Cabin, P ayable in Gold. urrw' t. _ ____ Managing Director N. B.â€"The above r2rams all run by Mortreni XECUTORE! XOTHICK. E TIMES is Irhu aod published 9® 'l‘ncgzavn m-Mmo..' %fi-" 11@ Aaxr, at the 38, Centre: TO':I_, Ottawa, Jaues Corro® 9.15 p m and 9.30 « m and 6.10 a m Railroabs. Kigned, VEKNON SM1ITL u _ 1 Oy PERTH BRANCH. JOSEPH MOONEY, Agent. Managing Aperecor 1 Oy . â€" ggrrnicks LOW * TKE 4 4 ur stock of Gonsectinass Y Ba., | rofensr w .11 Jeave 8;40 a $106 O _ 30 M to 35 U + ut %.16 ll!*‘” kooe, 000 p1ANOâ€"FORTES, Jro= «* ! 'm PIPE * tories i the United States, "*" e ything ever brought in! 0C 4 astrons ©BG. OLBCT®, Lh al :..‘ .“:‘derls for tuni * retofore. all risit Ott tb88 88 Sa o st o Mr. Bero! !,‘.“ @USINXG decided to divide pIa NO we are glad to noreasing. We KOXTREAL TIN wo 5 Frompily qughe Ahe orde;, Where a h, four families clubbit r 5 Ib bozes, ortwo 12 in mt 'nn the Toa weo s« ~If they are aot ea.l at our expense. ; BLACK TEA montioned in this aal Cofsos, after: after the most sever horities and judges . to be quite pure, & 'fl:r poisonous & arande tp”“‘ dar their intrinsic and a high e «ell for the OO0FFEK 1 VOL.. No. , Sparks#4, USINXG.â€"Tha . pdivide his time deasburgh, wou!l« «ad othere, that i A. 0. aAU 3.' P. on‘ ACiDEXY. F oR TE xD MELOD 1 TEA : Miles® Music _â€" GE9, zey, or the mos expressâ€" man, sending orders es. Grdese i one 20, or 25 1 w Station in € we have only Periorm all #e, in first 0 »»nensnsn5se0ve0s for own of the above ue Jubar Piano at 4 | 188. 1868.â€"To Teas. be :; JO8SEPH N â€" TE &E Tea in

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