t se oun, m BJ 4n OF & through at the Comp #_ AXXaAPror is WaAy, ind Pri. THURSDAY, 19% 44, } & | veic magnidcostate: )t of e k Oe *h ho w . A & TES, 0 R GAXN o as under : ie 1 p ; a xnoâ€"® 0 » AN 8, ) Grand h Lo >â€" â€" s un,.._""' arrival ofias, AND J {ELODEONS, L-...:rm’-fl n taoir new Stew Row a, comprising * &t h e * La--..‘.""' Im,. . -~§; . PIANOâ€"FORTES, /m mt ail the leading makers. itfor Couck to Widen ay || .0 waARKEY§)} ‘IPE orGoass, o 4 . *A t »RGANS and MELO : OKONS from the bestfacâ€" " ofe u. C DR _ reriesinthe Unitea state s‘;!‘glhch finish and zhedc\ YERSONEHTE _ was anything ever brom ‘zï¬hm flms ssnrue : Sow is the time for bats purchasers. io ippmmegn.,g â€" _i CAW i â€" gererices now & T ERMS LISERAL â€"@g or Quebee, trains traie ~. @ SOUTH , with the Grand by T &o W h J tke * * "CYâ€"â€"Russell Houss where all informatio Â¥ or k and eal , 18 1, 9. Train Prescott, WVâ€" a a cattie sold. * * * ez , T orr = . .cy oi .sd10€ »Y T88 k â€"onuly, at... ‘~c:’nli Quee Stations, 16 U ... & OÂ¥ MAIJL NEW TOK! ILLZ 4& & W A Â¥+ Weost, at. m’flm BONAVEYXTYIRR OX KEEICK ns m te, Payable ® JO8EPH dabs, sad 38 to*" AT TO® Y. RAlLWay _ CANXADA, 305. t gM waking them a spe '-my.vo'ï¬'ï¬i"’"“rn- to 'noâ€",-r“-Mhl. advanâ€" tages aforded to ors y one are such as oun only be obtained from our Continental merchants, as ::mâ€u.m-:.nmmnm 4 one & : mee to taste our Mï¬&:’m imported Tin Hermeâ€" Uo Out‘ses and Bozes, which will preserve the Rreagth asu Auvour of the above named articles, d will contain 5, 10, 20, 24 tbe snd apwards. Ne will p 7 the carriage on two 10 ib or four & .Mbiow -lu.qh: receipt , O€ car a‘;npm&WA Where ngtrene fnaimees. " Pemalamieg Cian and =.h='nd-ht Ton or -::1.&.. will spesive one ot their own choisse in return at our Cur Toms ani Cofees, after one yoar‘s trial hare been pronounsed by the most reliable men to beof the Anest quality, cheap and free from all -u-'--g-'on.'-m-muc}- It-ul above named articles, a m a spec allty, weo arse in a position 'l-u‘ml TBEA 1 k COFFEER! COFFEEK! COFFEE.! _ Wexbjoin a list of our prices . amasennighass. ... o ue i Tt ul rannmith . dhuua theu Rich Fiausoured, do .. ve too mach, w‘gwmld lï¬h.flmamul boxes. e sond them to one sartiage paid, and mar sach bor plainly, as that each party get their owa Toa. We warrant all the Tea weoe soll to give wmijire satisfaction. Lf they are not sa.isfactory thoygan be returned w our expenge. ~ 1 BLACOK TEA. * ? Boakfast, Broken Loaf, Strong Te ; Fim Finvoured Now Season do,sL.n. Obe ; Vew Best Puil Plarored do, 130 ; Sounc 4 Good, 50c, Â¥ Rinest, T5¢. a@ .‘l.fl“z TE8A. Â¥oung Hyson, 500, 600, 15, V Fins, s8o; Superfine ï¬g’q_ ic u.u'.'z-pu-.-u,u.. Vory Fing do do...... Jupan Good ..1»...... ... Pll!u TUXING.â€"The sa soriber bavring decided to diride his time o qually between xtaws and Ogdessbuaurgh, woald t eg to inform his uie old patroms and others, that he hopes, in future, to attead to their orders for tuning more promptly than heretofore. Shall visit Ottaws once a month. wrders receivad at Mr.â€" Bermingbams Auction Rl“ u at l 'wâ€;m-- «o im ah a sn __ Mexrezss, April, 1868.â€"To the ln:ul Toa g"uwp“um‘u&m ~y-nann=r~um Domin hk "L..."’ l We piemane pan thay ago Pank Eovones 2i hite cat, oust, ts larts rwtup one bowr which, we uatderstaod, was sent out through a mistake. o.-clu:‘r... s h.r‘:-dvm l-“:b’â€- â€.I ,.l M'?mn knd tunnite using our pame, or ofering our foas in smmall packages, YVery Good.. & pa* Novrauke TEA COMPAN . GAS FITTING, ROOFING And all descripthins of . PFhe whole l-hh.-‘“u buy their teas of the THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY pporfine d Very Choice...... l corrks. nun DRES§1IG PARLOR, Wellington Street, omosite Montreal Bank. The gs%o nptify the th Ripromiahe in d meatiiad He is sole of e "Gradual Hair b‘m‘u given sush iniversal satisfac. Ac., is, as usv al, very large. * vow Shest Musicâ€" and Bou ko constantiy arrivâ€" used to the appearance of Taz. Theoy are J:I. nq& and Auvour. They have been chosen tor their .:m‘-l-h :uth. t:-rhl in mind health, w & egree of plessure in drinking thews. adl l‘uz-ab.'puiblo g&“o-flu to the consumer of e to rtu. OQur Teas age putup in 5, 12, 15, W# and 25 ib voxes, and aro warr=ated q :rs and frosfrom peisonous substances. Urders !?n lour 3 }b »oxes, Las }1 ib bozes, or one 20, or 15 th box seat curiage dreate any Rmiway Station in Canads. Tm will u‘ kag J, L. ORMA ‘ & SO0K, Sign of the : Golden Lyre, HH (a No. 8, Sparkeâ€"st., an ‘®t Dnric & Son‘s -I‘I*"l::-nu all ko the best houaser 11 «lleoatamging money, or the monsy can be wilect d-“i’. expressâ€" man, &o thae are ï¬â€˜- sendingoerders below the imount to save grxpense it will be batter b send «wnay with thp ccder. Where a 25|b borwould, | & i. dffe comip “m“il â€"strout dutaws, June 23. g&l. Oy -;0 ..'o.l* italâ€"si., Montroal . "©B Our Teas, after the most severe tests by tho best medieal au@Qrorities and of Toea, havt been n-â€"-‘:rz-&'._.’:g and free from aad .8 VE i-OUflA‘lSXl‘lll.( ani Et ofthe Caths â€" .r.n.wol_l‘lo !-:r'd C‘onservaiory of L ue cures uo‘ Bs Abbucs alwcus s»o a l mr Gook o (ttaws, May 8, ««se000s 0 *##080teece «sseseeq0e « 'I'M'â€"-:_-_ Piano .3' 1 Sin ging. Rideanâ€" *esesesesscssenee se0 an 00000 va0+ e 8000000 vYO LV ~NO,. 1:468. AL ACADEXY. m-w-hmmo.. COREEN 1£A, propptsnscseees 0 237, 0 19, 0 33 * T 6 AUDY & co., Box 201, P. 0., Ottawns, or â€" on hand all knds of f the base perfumes, A £E GEIDRBAY, PIN WORK, yomptly exccuted at JO8SEPH MOONEY, Russoll House Block; sttention of the public to 34RK0, N. BR XEDLICT Vicliew, ESMCONDE‘s3 0 5 @ so 0 15 @ 80 0 40 @ 4 0 55 & 80 0 ts 0 8o 0 60 @ 64 0 65 @ To 0 1s 0 # = 0 35 @ 40 0 56 @ 80 0 50 @ 80 0 15 @85 1 00 @ 08 115y qumpmummnmmamencmmmammm 3 Willinery. in We on ind iedonnnr e ï¬h‘ï¬ku.-l is now prep * hu-:::m": April 6. cencrated Lyo, which respectable vuraggists azd Grosers in town and country. 183y clited the cupidity ot an nccessor to D Millar,) 48 Sparks street, opp. Tmmuzs Office. SKIRTS, wholesale and retail, at Montreal COR SETO, best value in the oity . pi"Skirts, of al sizes and styles, made to order, without extra charge. ‘l\uâ€"n?blo-n.vhflluwm introduction of the selebrated Concentrated Lys into Canadian market, by the subscriber, has exâ€" The property of Captain Glyn, Rife Brigads. A four whoeled double dog cart and sleight, with back seat, both built by G@ingras, Quebes. Also a buffalo robs (lined), and alady‘s saddle. To be seen at tho residencse of the above in Daly To Tovriets. â€"The nr colle¢ M‘MJ. u f n,vnuo. to the public that womapanimetime ie nile t reie ns RUR oY He bas been at the business for twelve years in Ottaws, and mnflm ail descriptions of robes and ladloo‘ furs. . No 26, Sgarka sevst, * iznite _ Ppmmingee Rimers PATENT CONGRESS, SEAL CONGRESS, FINE ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGREsSS, HANDâ€"MADE, and other new styles, would call your special attention to his Splendid ASSORTMENT of PRUNELLA BOOTSâ€"But. toned, Laced and Congress. Signc the Mammoth Boot, 81 Sparksâ€"st., Centre To our Prunella Baimoral, for..................$1.26. BU"° BANKRUPT STOCK. *Ws We have still on hand a portion of Mesers. F G & C A CROSBY‘S stack which is in pertect condiâ€" tion and suitable for the season, which we will actually soll for loss than cost tor cash. ‘ 'lrrhdmmumhw a A J STEPHENS & Co., hercs Aloe Wc .. .ce --.‘un"g,‘;,c é 01‘.’. . ns, and is now prepared to supoly Two or three Apprentices wanted. MRI. SMLTH, Bankâ€"st., 51: inform her stomers and friends that she has received her Dar* L A D I E 8, & To our Pruneila Congress, a Arstâ€"rate artiole for $1. B )JUOTS A N D S H O ES, FPOR SPRING AND SUMMER, a very large and varied assortment of LADLESY, GENT*3, MISSES*‘ & CHILDRENK‘s DRESS & WALEKING BOOTS. We would call the aspecial attention of the the CAPITAL B007t AND sNQ0E STORE, lé!l atRr*4T. | | lml:‘hfor‘: ny u.-tnw‘i‘.‘ in general that now receiting w and h-mr.umlu:l PBeet Wear .-ui lound complete in overy department, ropres ETER&RY DES8SC The stook as asual is chosen with | care, a0d is warranted is give n“t‘l:.:fl at PRICES DEFYIYG COMPETITION, Am-n»o’d Lumbermen‘s Wear always on h e | the Orders taken t«g all sorts of work, Ouly best work men employed, @EoRGE MURPLY. In IPY HOOP SKIRT PACtoRY. BOOTS AND 3HOES! pn®sse soots FOR ALL WEATHERS." CaAUTION To THE PUBL. . ' . uarest ao sest stvyugs THE RED BOO0OT, COLOURED AND COLOURED AND BOLOURED AND THE NEW 3TYLEs BOOTs AND S8H0E3 THE RED BOOT. NEWEST STYLES3 LHLATED LYE, JUST RECEIVED G. LRVTIN, 8 U M M E R, and Boy‘s Wear. @#TEPUENS & CuHVÂ¥, at 18e AT J * . 4 .,- \ f * 4 * $ s P ~ Aica * P e s A \s .‘ h 6 "gl a Â¥g j :‘ '1â€" cva B % ’:‘) im t .I..;&\ .hl"'\‘, » & ts 2 ts id I A~,"‘..'Q-.â€" RIPTION Joggcert varvyanerry, 3 oo MONTREAL _ C _ _ CHANKGE OF. TIM E. The Classes of the Faculty of Medicine ‘will commeace on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1869, inctead ot 2nd NOVEMBE _ as proviously anâ€" . Chevalier Qustare Smith begs to ann aunce to his pupils that the Asademy of Mcsic, Rideaun street, will be re opsned on MONDAY, August w.o.cen.:.mm«mm Teacher of Piane, Voice and Harmony.. Musné Rooms and ld,:no._mr.u â€". aornert of Slaterâ€"st., Cenâ€" tre a. Orders may be Iptt at his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. Matriqulation Examinations will be bold on the Arst Saturday of OCTOBER, and the last Satarâ€" day of MARCH, of the current year. Ewuflox, uie ~ OLASSICAL AND GENERAL -ll.lo'o. o: ::. m&b&;'i‘!m;?lg f Hoead Masterâ€"Reori C P Staszt, M A. 1093. 30 Li31d4 ESTABLISHMENT, 82 SPARKS STREET, nemee uo fhe EO nii o 20 ame ‘Oinkk WHITE WaAas HIN G, done on short notice in a manner, and on the most Mmm can be h-adllx:dnun. A stylish sign can be "A.mllu:rl-udlhh-mh the towns and citlies of Canada and the mmfloâ€â€œhmm and atisfy the waats of all my customers. PlAlO-'OII‘I TUITIOX, an excellent remedy, “;‘mnm"“ ncing '-'aâ€"-ï¬ig"r; markable cures, where k _ Prepared by Du. J. f’«‘:'.'fim_ q‘?:'a. Practical eases, and where other remedics had wholly failed. traveiling through minamiatic locantios, will bo proc e permenants siak of the !b:"ol is an nwll'lnt remedy, ‘mz 3'.'.!.';_.““ Disorders And Liver Complaints, it is â€" lctm- mineral or poisonous su l-l.-.-:ï¬nonwm:‘b:. 7 is '..L.;.' b ““ / .A‘A“ tss assore the public that its quaiitics are fally Ayer‘s Ague Cure, u-‘.ï¬m&'ï¬â€˜-’-‘,‘flfm’i" When nothâ€" toral they subside and ppear. _/ tection from it. Sz imt r muwmw&-m be given for incipient consumption, and mmmmm ag Ottaws, August i7, 1889. dnnfncles Ottawa, August 14, 1869. N. B.â€"No Bensine .Coroal. in â€" -ulézxu nytlhg‘ won oo1 upon conflidence of mank remedy for puimonary complai Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, PRICB, $1.00 PER BOTTILBE. Oitawsa, ‘August 17. 1869, 112835y. and invigorates the system. Hence it is often adâ€" :n'-?“ u-’“n‘-'! and mvw“~m DR J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chomists, â€"';hâ€"'"â€""y-rloqv;nre-d'.---:’m CA00 AHRRUE m.u.-,flo.‘. ravel, Pal tation of the Heart, Pain u: Suck and Loi:,, (hey‘,f o hm in the Hide, y may be taken with safety by anybody. Their m’ reserves them ever fresh and dnfia pimamant to rers, whi bemeg porsiy eegriants body, res complaints, but such cures are known in %‘%w..ï¬womm_m Adapted dlw;bfdwmt;lm; For Diseases of the Throst and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping CADEXY O# MUSIC. Mingte directions are given in the i a.o'.'..t- mrot’lom‘::mw | Cure ;â€"» ' For mâ€"â€"-â€"«mm eas, and Loss Appotite, they LANG Pestoral. 8o complete is its mastery ’lm'loftl.l.nn ndhm lohdhunollla-yidrwh. When nothâ€" HERE A SPECIALITY GEOW CAMPBELL, A M, M D. PATINTING bJect to colds and: cougbs, all ovided with munumhmr'm-. + !'3_'93!".'99'";-: um'hundh- are its virtues known that we need A. W LiXG, Mn on euephy *p 112835y. tres asto qualities and prices. New Season Teas, and well ~rih a trialâ€"for /amilies, boing pur dhased for retail very fine Aavour. AJUOSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" surer; 8 B FOOTE, A THOMSON, T H DUKK. F DRUMMOND, Manager. ‘LI4ltf BTILTON CHEESE in stook, equal to English Cheose, and 10 por 1b cheaper. Incorporated Chapter LXVII of the idated Statutes .of aauaa"f OTTAW A OPFEL P Davuwoxd‘s Exchange ‘et 19 sparks street. $ In the most In every style, "_""’!.fl“.-llh'tlo finest selection of goods in that‘line ever schown in this city. ® s wJ» At Ottawa Music Store. ga <_| _____ . I L QRME & sox. Corl--, Ottawns, June 1, 1869. Pickles, of all kinds, put up t order and warâ€" Ham, Strasbourg Meats, Game and Salmon, ovy Paste, Curric Powders, Impeorial 100 * Jupans, Blagk‘s and Green‘s, in groat varieâ€" And the rate FP1G BKANU, unequaled in quality, at prises unusually low, by the case of dos each, quaris $2.50, pints $1.75.~ Warrantâ€" od by Gai & CUo‘s: certificate. & 100 #Y# 10 HHD3 PORT WINE (i8 years cld) Â¥ 1851, 1858, and 1860.. Uuriralâ€" ed in the Domwmion for quality and prices. For am ily use, try it. * l OTTA DIRECT) IMPCRATATIONS, oA gools Pi.lxiy 425 .K .TGYVHES, JAPANDED & PLA\NIsi1ED TIN WARE OVELTIES I NOVELTIES ; : ERS8, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BATHS,, |JELLY. MQULDS®, PIE Mowlds,| depann~4t ‘Trays, Toiiet Setts, _ FOLbING JBEDSTEAD®pHAT axD UM BEHLLA STASDS, te, &c. Loa & Perrin‘s Worcester Sauce. ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘3 GOODB8 t arrived from Paris, a large assort of 1 M CAL ‘LBU‘S, | Grind Stonps, from 25 1b to 200 ib. Togethor with a complete assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, '_ï¬; rule Sien 05 ru® AsviL, s No. 24, Ridoanâ€"st, Ottawa, GR iss SCYTA#Z of the tollowing makes, vis : Blosd‘s (erman Steel I»0o ~t do HUHUDS BRANXDY, vintage 1865 and 1868 W arranted ne quality. MEDAL BRAND.. Ex Bark| Gazelle from COGNAG. Hay Forks, lwo and three prongs Btraw dof cttralong Hay Rakey, bent and stiaight handles GrainCradgles, muley and tolegraph cy'ruxr, SCY TH®S®8, ~#+CYTHUES, Do ilivor do â€" Higgins Gast â€"do . Wadsworth Cast do + Do wern of the Meadow Plirt‘s Solid Cast Steel, Cradie Bindes * Blood‘s, ins* and Wbitney, Do d MMuver, E X Silver Steel Whiting Gast »teot * Beeohds & ~o‘1". Hot Air rrm-ou, «wNotn‘s" iÂ¥ <tout b-.... Lesters, © Foueteds" Boiigr Parger, _ _. _ # Catoo‘®" Automatie stovas. Woolâ€"i Ex Ship Nereo from Oporto. Ex Chqudiere, from London. DJ MUSICAL BOXES, alro, Paints, )ils,Glass, Patty, CcasEs GUINNEsS a CO‘8 XXX Sitver â€" do ESTSs FINXE FAMILY drocerles KLEGRA PH COMPANY and_Roeasted jon the ‘premiseos, B=LE ACENXT6 PoR * Bodigr RParger, â€" .0 _ . Automatie stores, Woodlâ€"or Cor the place. | TUPS8. BIRK®TT, Bign of the Anvil, A, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, lseo & BRardware. And PATTERSON, _ 26 Rideau st; : No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., ) Tin â€" and 0. 24, Rideauâ€"st. DEAUâ€"8ST., | .. % team Fitters, and GCopper Ro: € TipNn\. s 0n ut has had (having been Manager in the Gentleâ€" -’.'l‘u&. for many years), he hopes to give mmmuwhhumwu o-l'n‘ghtothom and careâ€" ful rule of measurement he has adopted. Numerous city and provincial references ; also from New York and other districts of the Union. His general seale of prices is very moderaie, Genis‘ excellent scaie dmllz‘v‘-xm.uuo. ..uh’oic s@~ FOR CASH ONLY.@a wm'bo'(:.’-ï¬&{ii'o‘d.’ "m m""" id Â¥rom experience ANG HERLAND has had (having been Manager in the Gentleâ€" a Greatly reduced in price during the next seven ays. 2 ROBLNBON & co Fou SALE. ACHAIN CABLE and ANCHOR, ronk «CHICAGO MESS, *XXX and No. 1 FLOUR, WHLITE BEANS OTTawa, â€" 'olm 2 “v'sâ€"_â€"ï¬i-.m 1067.3m . OF GOODS IN THE CITY, Gentlomen of taste and fashion can suit themâ€" elves with all the novelities of the season. All Garments made on the shortest notice, by firstâ€"class workmen, in the latest New York and Fl:llll SALMOXNX NEWEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK P.8,â€"Some of Weasey‘s Celebrated American Cloths now oven for inspection. 10402 No, 98 y $ BUSSEXâ€"S8T., OPPOSIT OLARKNCEST., Is NOW OPEK FOR B EINBSH, ana stooced V , 1 rasros & co., bury and Gladstone Scarfs Cheap. : : From Mr. Lawrence‘s both in the United States and the. in the Cutting Department, he can assure all who n“.hvm him with a call of g‘mhg the most stylish :lcu in the city. tria: is most M Members of Parliament at Ottawa visiting the Chbandiere, and vnnu' anything in his line, would find it to their antage to give him a ""Sies arod '}mmcguflb' wayr ED, as well as :good COAT H:&.b whom the highest wagesâ€"will be paid, None but firstâ€" 'l‘l.?u P FASHION, Having opened a first.dlass TAILORING ~ESTABLISHMENT, in AshGeld‘s Brick w‘f&hï¬:" preâ€" pared to show a select of r, End Cansdien Twoed#s, Wes of Ruotaod Brosd Cloths, Meltons, Cassimeres, and Outftting Goode in general. Aselect lot of Hrosvemor, Canterâ€" McDonald has not been so snccessful with educaâ€" tional questions, as the gréat suosuoxzxs rurpy has been in eradicating the numerous chronic complaints of the hx. Liver and crreuistory organs. For sale by all druggists. cation has not yet been property wettisd by the Lo&hhwn of &rw. Mwhum{-m with the utility of Upporâ€"Cinadsâ€"College in ou! «A. TRASK‘S MAGNETIO OINTMENT* are c Sortiep & Lyire, We castle, C, W., General 0 To J man, ow * ® Agouts fw’tho%u-‘u. Sold in Ottews by all druggists and by medicine dealers every wheie. Dr. A. W. Bruomo, of Knowlesvilie, New York, says ; "I hrive used it in severa‘ cases of Special Irritation and for the worst cases of Piles, and sundry other complaints, and find 1t a superiore article, and well worthy the potice of all ,* _ Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. d N.B.â€"Alterstions and NEW IMPORTATIONS. An oextensive stook _ of ; English, Sootoh and eomplaints.* Das.J. P. Kaexxz1, olchlm-up‘ New York, says : " It has stood thetest trial, and pot teen found wanting: Ité astonishing cures of Infiamâ€" mation ot u:‘aip and Croup and the wonderful success in nluldlnf the tofl-rw.lu ot Rhou â€" matism, and relieving Nervous Affections, entitle matism, and rollovln& Nervous â€" Affections, entitle {tg_n:p}g rank in the list of remedies for these Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cures Croup or Mattles.â€"Dr. Bimonix, of Utica, New \rm k, says: "Ihave used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Cintment in my practi¢e a number of years, and can say with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest discoveries of the ur; for the cure of Infammation of the Lungs, Inflammation of the. Bowels, Inffammatory Rheumatism, and in Cbildâ€" bed Fever, it oionm with perfect suocess. in fln::. of Burns, Bruises, Frosen Limbs, it acts like a charm; ' 4 Das. J. P. Kaxxz»r, of C New York, says : " It has mmum pot teen Bvt Oollee neoe ic tin t t in â€" s1cle "® a tnfourses in the United States. Price 25 cents . oi everywhere. Be sure to call for "MRS a@INSLOW‘S8 S0OOTHING SYRUP." Having the /aoâ€"simile of « & Perkins" on the outside wrappor. Allaï¬munhfluhu mother, and rcliet ard health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all Ja8s0e, and pleasant to th« taste, and is the preâ€" wsription of one oi tne oldest and best female phyâ€" Li0% as s o tRe Smaimp o C gat a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘8 800THING SYRUP. It will reliere the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and gire rest to the disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and=erying with the excraciâ€" ating pain of cutting teath T . Zf so, go at once and ELECT TAILORIEG. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOBWARD(BS * DEAL ERS 1X Received daily by Junel4, 1869. Mrs. 8. A mm%m another € .' “ :""ï¬: t sediment. lthzycï¬ub and aftem a-...l......'L without sediment. lt is very simble and aoften Aradues wonderful venults.. 1is provtcuperiarly and reonmer as a Hair Dressing over high cost Freuch Pomades ; Rllll2 000 allzc 0. ECC EZOPPRiamnum SAOY de used one with the other. SoLp ar 11. Dave Propristors, 8. R. Van Duser & Co., Wholetale Drc 35 Bersiay St. and 40 Pask Place, New Fook. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. PALLING RAlf s imneie ts .L Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. The question of griuts ‘to ¢u edu. lonht;l not &m‘;%w wta:“{'llo islature of Ontarid., Ustil the public is satisfed MRs.'Si'}(.Ki'If,EN’s EC _llfAlR RESTORER BEAUTIFUL HAIR, ~ Nature‘s Crown. l \\ You Must Cultivate it GRAT HAIR | F _ Is acertain indication of decay at the roots. New Style. Important Change. A m-‘.lc:“mmu s &Dlmfl Mothers 1 Motaors } Mothorstâ€"Are you ::tnctr'cly sewed on, Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" I:gj?vin be executed strictly to the time Biutcal 10, AWRENCE T. RAJOTTE. SPECIAL KOTiCES. P. A. & P: J. EKGLESON, : all not anly in this country but i; _ iss forve ind Epbiatermrem Hhaoly se . Soup ar aur Drvueetts. N / > m on en o muiend". ces Soawro t Wh’md’n& as . sgainst glugckfornluh. ~There areâ€" many labâ€" nobody skrieks or g1 nomymhorgrouc, bis hflbï¬.m.ia:%:hmm: to conficate his lost stakes, . Masy years ago I did.see a tall â€" man, with a rep colunins of black and red. One man is sues a kind of daily gazctte of the play and d coup.. Bacon was 7‘@4;; when meuum A-um-G“I, fiityâ€"seven ere he became : â€"COChancelior.‘*W ho mm aunbadiienpeniin s two !l';ma from the: Homburg gamingâ€"table ? atient, obg@rvant creatures, you may see there, painfully markiog with a pin the mere, paimuny ImaFaiog With aâ€" pi fluctuations of the game in aite rouge e nowr tables, it 18 a -ibiity. So soon as the " mg net rake at rouletté, coércing the meu'toohnplnrmd'm into,fokln Fredericks, and backing the red, for a run, like anything. Why not? Do you not recollect Mr. Thackâ€" e'r:g'l story u: Miss Bt‘:vm’:ho husband swept th m . Royal lubug‘bfl:m‘ yet in private society was quite the gentleman ? And the upshot of it is that in August, 1869, Homburg is in all its glory. g:e " oldest wt" eannot recollect a seagon w place was :so thronged «s it is now. ~ The hom ï¬lhdt.oonrfla:i:i,thprivm lodgingâ€" houses are cram You have to fight for a seat at Chevet‘s table d hote at the Kursaalâ€"a bad and dear dirtner. As to obtain‘ng a chair at the roulette or the rouge et noir tables, it is a simple® imposâ€" royally on hot roast veal, ~red‘ cabbage, and bock beer. I should not be in the least surprised to see her later in the evening, attired in skyâ€"blue moire k immed with Cluny . lace, ; and a porkâ€" ie hat with a peacock‘s> feather in ‘it, ::nting through the playâ€"rooms, brandâ€" ishing her rake at rouletté, coercing the money,and the clatter of kreutzers into the tin dish is continuous. Valéetudinarians fling her alms ; they may think that they _ are sacrificing to .Rsculapius. Healthy people toss her / their testers ; they may be as votive offerings to Bygeh.‘ Gamblers tl::: }::’vo lost rolieve her ; the: ink t are propitiating adv’er:qï¬grtan. mon m have adverso lortung.. Aramblers: who> have won are â€" bounteous to her; they are pouring out & Tibation ~to Luck, The police refrain from ‘moving on the tall tin dish is continuous. Valétudinarians | £00wm, or picked up the spill wi fling her alms ; they may _u;hk"an he.had kindled gio cigx:r. A they _ are. sacrificing to Esculapius, | emboldened to think that‘ no Healthy people toss her/ their testers ; | sive snobs‘ will be found to m they may be as votive offerings to H’ieh_' aunoy the:Prince of Wales at V Gamblers who have‘ lost rolieve er ; | A strange sort of notion seems to they may think that they are propitiating | sbout, that Royal personages much less pauperism, in Homburg, I have duorill::d, it is truc, ‘a coup'Fe of hï¬gars, but they are manifestly impostors, and of the craftiest kind." One is a tall old woman, of ‘haughty aspect, :‘ and yery much resembling Queen El:zabeth in rags. She lurks under the lée of one of the walis of the Kurhaus Garden, and ‘by ‘her side, holding a tin dish for alms, crouches ‘a _ whiteâ€"héaded, dumpling. faced urchin of about seven, clad. in a blueâ€"smock. _ If, strolling post the pair, you should chanee .to> wear spectacles, the tall old woman blicoks her eyelids and sitmulates blindness, Should the painfulness of your gait, or theâ€" wideness of your shoes, suggest gout, the cunnin -oodicntw-iw to limp. I believg she can counterfeit any ailment or any dlï¬!nnit&; and that she could sunimon, at will, the spirits of paralysis, sciation, eluhfoot,urhnpbnk. Bhe and â€"the dumplingâ€"faced boy get a great‘ deal of °> beigiorage"‘ to the Prussian Govenment. There does not sgeem to be any poyerty, much less g::perism, in Homburg. I have described, it is truc, ‘s counTe of P on n n l ce hided J 121400 gives largely ; but, following the rule of contraries, his power of giving is ;?eedily to be taken away from him. his gentleman may be regarded as a kind of inverted and perverted Peabody â€"a Man of Ross turned the wrong side out. _ He has done an immensity of good in order that evil might come of it. He has made a serubby desert to smile, and constructed a neat railway where hitherto there was but a bridle path. He has transformed a rubbishing little Hessian village inio a sumptuous inland wateringâ€" place, turned cowâ€"peos into chalets, ‘ploughed ffelds into parterres, and duckâ€" »pon£ iuto ‘Ornamental lakes. He has eclipsed the shabby, tumbledown schloss of the last Landgrave of Hesse Homâ€" burg by the~erection of an cnormous palace, containing not oulyâ€" three huge mbling s2!oons, but a readingâ€"room, [ a g:ll-room, a billiardâ€"room, a cateâ€"restaurâ€" ant, and an mm Opera‘ House, all sumpt uous)} rated and gorgeous} furnibed. t Ho .disburses vast sum’s. annually to the local charities, and pays, it is to be preuunfd, a very handsome M‘antatark M lt n ~ . F_ And Solomon sate, once upon a time, in all his glory, likewise. And Belshazâ€" zar held a great feast, and caro from vessels of gold and vessels o: zj ver, and was druoken with his lords, ‘there came out upon the wall the fingers of a man‘s hands, and wrote certain words ; and we know that the Medes and Persians, horse and foot, marched into the city that very night, and that Belshazzar‘s kingdom was given to another. (On the grayish inner walls of the YÂ¥urhaus at Homburg â€"in the midst of "all the meretricious fripperies of ilding, plate glass, damask draperies, anf too suggestiveâ€" paintings, the mind‘s eye of the spectatorâ€"if, indeed, it be not dazed by :long poring over the pips on the cards at trente et quarante, or the yellow numerals woven into the §reen oloth of the roulette tableâ€"might iscern something of the nature of an Inscription and a Warning, traced in lurid characters above the head of the chef de partie. _ ‘The legend, appropriately enough, in this countingâ€"house of the Devil turned financier, would bear an arithmetical guise. It would simply ran thus : * Eighteon hundred and seventyâ€" two." In the year 1872, unless the Prussian Government change its mind, the Homburg Kurhaus will be, to its chief intent and purpose, disestablished. I will not add disendowed, since the endowment in this case proceeds from M. Blanc‘s queer‘ Temple of Mammon, and is not conferred upon it. M. Blane gives largely ; but, following the rule ‘ HOMBURG IN aLL IFTS GLORY. â€" _"_ * °12 CEOR‘** [ beard, fall down in some kind of fit after mmems f losingapfloofgolduthetrmteugm te, once upon a time, | ante. He was speedily swopt upâ€"picked ewise. And Belshazâ€"| up, I meanâ€"by four stalwart flunkeys, ast, and caro from | and carried away. Then the game went vessels o:s( :%ilver, and | on as usu.l. . Faites le jeu. Messieurs; his lords, there came | lejeu est fait ; rein ne va plus. His game the fingers of a man‘s | Was made, and he came and went no ertain words ; and we | more through Vanity Fair. He had: les and Persians, horse | swallowed a dose of prussic acid, and was into the city that very | dead. _ But he turned out to have Belshazzar‘s kingdom been a Moldoâ€"Wallachian, quite unaccusâ€" her. On the grayish | tomed to the habits of polite society. Yurhaus at Homburg| Prudent men see Homburg, observe it, all the meretricious | cogitate upon it, but do not stay there. z, plate glass, damask | Of course I do not include in this cateâ€" suggestiveâ€" paintings, gory people who honestly go to drink the risk a double «_ And Belshazâ€" | up, | rd caro from | and . lno:E zJ ver, and | on ai ds, there came | lejei gers of a man‘s | Was : words ; and we | more d Persians, horse | swall he city that very dead """ | Within the Whole KRange of tonis ard AT ; | alterstire medicines known, none is entitled to his mare consideration than the Peruvian "yrap. in DOT | all cases of enfeebled and debilitated constitnison BAYS | it is the very remedy needed.: The most positive rep ‘ proof of thiscan be adduced. of of his inward thoughts." a music master, .I::F concealment out of thgn?nmion, ved upon havi the only satisfaction possible, ':ï¬ brought an action against the selfâ€"a‘ leged innocent. At the hearing of the case eleven persons took their oath that the blow had been given. Unheading their # Mv «_1 # Te deatal, an10, as Ahs aote dhtence reter: red the Judges to the evidence of his the vituperative priest, and requested him to proceed. Amid tesrl"gf the ladies and"the :rageâ€" of the gentlemen present the rite was aeoonphoi:l On arriving at home the bride became ill, and the following day was delivered of a dead child. The thing bFot wind, and was discussed in the public press, though of course, those immediately concerned would have preferred to keep:it a secret. Upon this, the â€" pugilistic clergyman at once wrote to a Conservative paper, deâ€" claring the whole story a lie, and not even condescending to explain how it was that suchâ€" an extraordinary invention eould have been tabricated at his At this juncture ‘the young h:m sive snobs" will be found to mob or to aunoy the:Prince of Wales at Wildbad. A strange sort of notion seems to havegot about, that Royal personages have a fondness for solitary confinement, and eannot bear be to looked upon. All the world‘s a show. My belief is that, with very rare exceptions, Princes and Prinâ€" cesses like to see the show, and are not ::llll averse from being a part of it themâ€" ves. Ax Exrraiorptnary Marziaos 11-1 CIDENT.â€"Under date of August 14, the Agok uh all i4 & 10 CCCE wvl-,. Prudent men see Ho';nburg, observe it, cogitate upon it, but do not stay there, Of course I do not include in this cateâ€" gory people who honestly go to drink the After they have drunk them ‘s knowledge intended *~ enjoy the sport provided for them in the mo)s:’oommg:rphoe manper, Here, again, the natural results have folâ€" lowed. The mountains are far more profitable than they erer were before. mudmcbeir i 2 â€" rent d nmdinuclmm which ;m derived fron.ltl.’honin former times, o population at or noue to speak of, hhthMMï¬oM.ï¬o are in co ve w e esdA ever> answor y the question which of these two results ought to be 16â€" garded as a subject of congiatalation terested would assuredly .J;'l," ‘The tion is, and no doubt continue to be, of hardly any value except to the 5,000 inhabitauts, to whom it just yields. a very seanty and wretched livelikood ; and with ‘the aubject #ro shised by with the subj;oct aro raised by two cases 'Nwly‘;:ruwu_m. In Mr. Benior‘s posthumous work ~ubout n\rt of the globs, excepting, perhaps, Natal, which offers such profits for colonâ€" isation by a large company as the © Fertile Belt." ‘This is no new idea, as the sugzâ€" mmuh““l":l? the blue book containing in iser‘s ngon‘ preâ€" sented to mot in 1863.â€"I am, Sir, your obedient servant. I : Wh». FRESTON. Ireland, an nocount is given of a district in the soutbâ€"west of that island which would make an jadmirable deer forest if it could but be froed from the preâ€" sence of some 5,000 people who inhabit the plains of the mountains of which the forest would be goinposed, â€" If the district within narrow limits to point of the more imporrant bearin The season of the year nhnuyuL. a good deal of attention to the moors and their inhabitants, and it can hardly he called unvistural, thougk perhaps it is not very sportsmanlike, to look at‘* the question for a moment from ‘a different point of view. Hardly any subject, inâ€" deed, involves probler is of greater interest than the economics f sporting. Their full solution would require the investigaâ€" tion of the whole| range of ethics and to settle on t(biq mw’y,‘ii'{.i.',;; , if not precede, the construcâ€" tion :tbeynflmd As an investment for eapital, it is doubtful it there is any gentlemen <. position have had under consideration the question whether capiâ€" tal can assist labour to occupy waste land profitably, and a report bearing the duke‘s sign.:ture has just been issued anâ€" lnrilg.mt question in the affirmative. There is a hope, therefore, that the idea :l a Canadian Pacific Rnilr:::., mentioned r correspondent as taking : possesâ€" u{ym the pum: mind in Montroal, may lead to the specdy adoption of a plau for enabling some of the valuable workâ€" ing men who find it difficult to live in to " improve off the face of the earth." The Croe Indians, who are there aro inoffensive â€" Christans (some Roman Catholits asd rome Wesleyans), and few in number, and there are no more wild beasts to ferr than there are in Frange. > F':erydencï¬:m of En Tlish vegetabloptows luxrartantly as well as all the cerea s,and there is abundance of coal, fron, ccuper, and silver, brick earth, and in'fldmg- stone, and timber sufficient for hildiui and fencing, and a very fine river, which may be made navigable at a reasonable outlty. ~For the information om.amm'a"oï¬n' ratives, I may add that tho Duks of Manchester and" other {PRICEKEâ€"3 CKXTsS, Colorado, hnd not impossible ‘to attainâ€" ,mt b‘my'hwthy working man. He says ‘‘ We cannot afford to keep it (the Northâ€"west tertitory) as a hunting ground." In that every seusible man must agree with him. The government has passed an act this session to give the Imperial guarantee fo:r the sum to be paid to the Hudson‘s Bay Company for this territory. Ifour people do not settle it the Amecricans will. This terâ€" ritory, known as the Fertile Belt,. is 15 degrees warmer, than Canada. Praire fires have cleared the land ready for the plough ; the natural <~pasturage is equal to the best Enplish colv)eu foz:'cuwck,eqand now supports all the year round vast herds of buifalo. ‘There are no savages eot in this day‘s paper, ‘writing Montréal, points to a plate superior Lancashire, Coventry, P $ Tn,(’l the Eeast end of London, mixt‘;ns_t as well be in the moon. Your owh correspond â€" eot in this day‘s paper, writing from London, August 19. . LKMIGRATION. To the Editor of the Standard. Sie,â€"What must be the thoughts of thousands of inemployed and struggling artisads who have read your ming article 6f ‘this morning on Colprado ?: MoORS AHD DEER FoRXKsrs. ® â€"burdened and overâ€"peopled island incipal questions connected