.!‘.n t .m . 0. Coom 2x by morhing tratn OGE, RAlILWay &" or CAKADA, al trains at _ We +7 Congh to Grang Amm "'x.-.flm me tor Conch ty A der, 'm"’". '. ~.*. Grand Pre. Pirst aned, wWway, My train Crand Pre on armi; PERTH so and # A~, "AP0L, a, train, «â€" LrOX Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, &e. been pronounsed by of the Anest qnlhy,i aa so in mss & . every one perfact o’a afforded to every on obtained from our Co .-Il-‘to;:nan order every on ‘.cflc"&..'o har Wl knd Boxes, 1 Ww. BLACK ru‘.‘" * 1 ï¬:; Â¥Fine Flavoured lo-l,oa::’- «.J.,: aad 65¢ 'cr‘l-thnmv-udo.no; Souna Fag ‘né-' i Fapee, Gord 20n 29¢ Pune dnc ies Taty Fine, 850, Eimest, 199. : *4 * | Bu l nlelarnsrinh wo tare sity had sovactod is one box which, wo unerstand, was sent out es 7 o...clnn. l x b‘,'u?."o.:?}'.'f cam Es An stveuiens Miced Ten alvi be renttor ho adoring mat" Tont io Fholl prodagee "fl.“n..; o_ e hragr am ols rlnu TEA!I TEA : iesive one ot their own y 4 1888.â€"To the Montreal Toea m.-.??m‘n Montreal ; Wenotice Tewiided tor Jou to Aifmrent pasly sf the Doely on, and we ’-.: glad to h-ry-:r business so supidly increasing. We presume your teas are _A > 'ons;t,l.‘v ',ru‘. C , Sue, 55¢, cung T0o; Fine do, 15, Ves .....B:;"..,.,... :'C;â€O';Mzw.uqh POFFER! COFFEE! CORFEE! ~amecaber the asddress, Cask advanced on alt money, or the money can be collect eod on delivery k express man, 'Lr- there are offices, l!u-dl-gu«hnhlnth_ xlonn expense it will bo better to send â€" ......""'r!.'.'?"‘m:.a bbta “w" rve could be tow ‘aug a sead for four 5 15 bm.ouwou?lg:.ox‘op.'on.= them to one address carriago in mark enc ber plainty, so that cach putrdpuhlron Toa We warrant all the Toa we sell to give entitre satista stionm. If they are rot sa«isfactory they can bersturned at our expense. _ _ Kesubjoin a list of our prices: s Â¥ I“c‘l: TEA hM th amon Strong Toa........ ......$0 -n-en:u‘"i.. Beason do............ 0 55 @ 60 wellent Full Fisvoured _ do............ 0 75 @ 80 QOur Teas, after the most sovere tests by the best medical sathorities and judges of Tea, have ponounce‘ to be quite pure, zad‘free ‘Mdah-h&:cpb_-u- substances so often ased to im appenrance of Toa. are Mm and Auvour. They been choscna tor their intrinsis woruth, im aiad be .u.oruu-,..-h ugdo‘nool in drinking thoos. We sell for possible . a saving to the consumer of 15¢ to lb Our To# s are puta in 5, 12, 15, 20 and ’z!..-nlm'-n&:mudhnfn- poisccsussubstances. Crders four 6 it boxes, twâ€" 121b boxes, or one 20, or 25 ib bek seant carri free to any Railway Station in Canad«. r..:'.ï¬ bb%h-odluob.?mlptdagndgb; Pulo TUNING.â€"The subscriber having desided to divide his time equailly between Ottawa and Ogdorburgh, would beg to inform his his old patrons ans others, that he hopes, in future, to aiten to their orders for tuning more promptly than heretofore. Bhall risit Ottawn once a month. Ordors ::dnu Mr. Berminghams Auction Rooas, Miles*® Music @KO, ’ BENXEOLICT. COMMIsSION mERCHANTS, â€" FORWARDERS DEAL RES 1% * nolhhb-dd-‘-h-u buy Mhud_m TAE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY Hy°HE MONTREAL Otta aÂ¥ 8. 1 'slno.l;u" GAS FITTING, ROOFING, all desdriptions of f Our stosk of Cousertinas, Vielins, Flutes, &6., Wew Shoet Music: and Books constantly arrivâ€" i# J. L. ORME & SON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, igt No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Duric & Son‘s M 8 advanced goods consigned 1 sale. h.:u-mhlllouu. _ xaUstTays swITH, of the Cathe dral) a Onhd::"ho l-(p‘:!al Conservatory d «ree:, corner fK in 4(!0: Â¥ f Octewa, June 33, fb‘. * tT5Y y PRicks LOW & TERMS LIBERAL @q WaARREXN‘3 PLPE ORGAXN3, © ORGANS and M=~LODEONS from the bestfacâ€" tories in the United States, excelling in fnish and toae anything ever brought into this country. s Now is the time for intending purchasers, â€" Respestfully call the attention of the public to heir magnidoent stock of P IaNOâ€"FORTES, ORGAN $S, AND MELODEON8, _ a their now Mlo-.onm PIANXOâ€"FOBRTES, from alt the leading mukers, ":n.-o-n‘ senmesnnsnsss essesssssee and Very Choice............... H. KASTON & Co., USKICAL ACADEXY, TEA COMPANY. KKSR4. J. L. ORME & s08 mesnensssessness sseseetres reseeseee000 *ntetunennesnsssce0000s e00 000 008 s00000 esnnensnnensennes e n40 0800880004000 00 essessssnseses000s co0e Uy TIN* WORXK, sessetsessseees 0 37, 0 29, 0 33 -u-u.......“:s::::s'::g “’.A.. g 3001 4& CO., & , P. 0,, Ottawa, or nâ€"st., opposite the Post Office. CREEN 141. VOL. IV NQ. 1159, â€" OEEEW ky â€" = > End of Little Sussexâ€"st. senesseseesssssse00s s#â€".00 COPFPFEE. esss0000: cesssssessseseee JOSEPH MOONEY choice in return at our sessesssss csses000 mhm R. M, ERanstog , 0 4@ 45 ~0 55 @ so . 0 15 @ 8o . 0 so @ so 065 @ to , E15 0@ &o 0 35 @ 40 , 0 55 @ so 0 so @ so . 0 15 @ 85 , 1 00 @ 0o 116y STILTON CHEESE in stook, equal to English Cheeose, and 10 cents per ib choaper. Factory Cheose very fine. . _ For saile by (ttawn, June 1, 18069, J.mllul'unthN varieâ€" ties asto qualitios and prices. Now Season Toas, and well _ roh a trialâ€"for familics, boeing par chased for retail trade. Frosh Ground and_Roasted fpromises, very fne Aavour, kess‘ L ESAE PAE CCC 'â€"â€"-â€"’“.l’"“"o A."" bomw peavttrvr covcuse, _ | heln rame farley of c tip proy? *, Covered with different l fln gmdqu.nbtouï¬mz EVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, p s tors; and sold by all druggists and p« 4 ADJTHE VARIETY HALL _ t . 1028e0d.3m Ham, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, Game and Pickles, of all kinds, put up _ order and warâ€" And the celebrate P1G BRAND, unequaled in quality, at priges unusualiy low, by the case of dos each, quarts $2.50, pints $1.75, Warrantâ€" od by Guinpess & Co‘v certificate, PO"-D,m’I-â€" 100 dDIRECT: would call your Sign . the Mammoth Boot, 51 * BANKRUPT i ,,z._:-m-,_, .o':l;nul;:nu. uh‘m Â¥ o notuaily seil foe feow thaw enetifert, onh 0 * *) y se cost Inspection of our stock and is respectfully lnvited. A A J & co., ROSSE & BLACKWELLIS GOODS8 Lea & Porrin‘s Worcester Sance. t wl 2. CA SRnnV i, VH Warranted fine quality. BO O T 8 Ez Bark Gazelle fron C“A’ Exz Chaudiers, from London. FOR ALL WEA T H 1 . . JUST RECEIVED THOS8. PATTERSON, THE NEW 81 CHEsTs PINE FAKILT NEWEST STYLES IMPOR pecial attention to his Splendid of PRUNELLA BOOTSâ€"Bat 8U X M E R, BTEPHENS & CO‘¥, RED BOOT, A N.D â€" sHOKEKS | A ND 86.0E8, AT @EORGE MURPHY TATIONS, COGNAC. 1865 and 1868 PURE GBREASE or tuz CANADA BEAR, has been long known as a most valuable tolls article, and a constantly| incroasing domand is a guarantee of its high reputaiion. * It is delightfully perfumed, and is eminect for promoting a luxuriant growth of the hair, and permanently maintaining its beauty. | .“mcflflunymm hair from falling off or turning gray. * l'lll.lllcllhfl-.l.mu,m tors; and sold by all druggists and perfum MA11j s Ivying im St. Joseph luulnlthorlm.l:"m;mtm â€J m':m- Iu.th'ol:m?' of State. s E PARENT, oc â€" 149 _A e k Under Seo; of State. This water will admit of subdivision into t'ompsvnquultmdm,lom power each run ; see Plan at this office. « Snd; At the Cascades, a water power admitting of groat extension, formed by a mdmflni the rivers Ottawa and 8t Lawrence. This cans may be converted into a race way equal to 10 run power or privileges being, and to be found and Ist. At a. known as the "Split Rock " in mma‘m-u.um«dl:u. above mom.hthl-:’-hyndruhhd in the County of Vaudreuil, Prwh: of a water power equal to 10 run of peess mss Th suitings bib8 1920 Le 10, hne sum 2€.$500 to be pard dows at the prike and ts of e boing t wn\“n::c ¢=&-.u f and improving the M sald water power hmï¬nlhonlopm. u. ment up to the hour of 4p m, of FRIDAY the 15th of OCTOBER next, for the lease and sale of the Ordnance properties, incluâ€" ding water power and priviieges described, as We luc 2 a 3 9 P e AeHT PReumAnmee Has Tancd. * by Dr. J. C. ArER & Co., Practical .‘. i the world and sold .:'%dhmm Wï¬"a %“"&o‘fm 0":. L4 it is Quol.l.on.l ver, the Liver into healthy aetivie ::: Lln&h is an. excellent unod,';?-mmz Por u.-'mnuaumcmuu,nu :.'.'.'....m Where m%†_‘Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATER & Co.. Practical Our Linc, nor .‘I"'*"‘ "l"-‘"‘â€"â€"â€"'v l m-h’h nowise y:u any m:i::t. The number and importance of its cures in the ague disâ€" The Lease for Twentyâ€"one years ofthe Watet AaVAGOERS URSINA. ue y P\ yo magliy P\ ~diow s« A over disorders of the Lun, Throat, that :-zmuhymr»'f When nothâ€" ï¬oeulllm.t.h:n:l:duhcmm- -Ambnmmmmmny “m.""' .h'mm " taking ‘the h’mlynbvi-ommw&:tmnd certificates of them here, or do more nm.‘omuhm&h:'mmny Dueeastuext ortus Seonstarny or Stars Ordnance Lands Branch, *, * Ottawa, 25th August, 1869, l\nnmvmumz Mmu( _ ment up to the hour of 4p m, of FRIDAY murnu' >Â¥ “‘vvï¬'fl._mâ€";mcfl-’h : curable, still great numbers ammam ease seemed settled, have been completely cured. PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Ottaws, August 17; 1869, 112835y. is k k L 7â€"â€"'“1_â€"&?-. “u“ CERRHd® evera e cen oi Afonn are sometimes subject to calds and coughs" 211 remec 777 l"‘ll'pdo-. nd’und... For Diseases of the Throst and 1-,- such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthmas, & and Copsumption. -“o.nnn:::thh.mhn?&gylï¬ndnpg upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for puimonary compiaints. w.lo:’ series of years, and -a most of the races men it has risen higher mwm tion, as h: hn.:’hm‘. Its uniform au%nnmum milder forms of disease and to children u‘: at the same time the most effectual remedy iha; *.‘* Ayer‘s Uherry Pectoral, DKR J. C. ‘TIIOOO-.MM, LOWELL. MASS:;, U. 8. A. Otaws, August 17, 1869. 119835y. s An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the and invigorates lho'-y-u-. mlhï¬ 'TM..“ exists, One bohlohnav&ohl-t&uudm of these Pills makes decidledly better, from tiwe anmanatia .“-~h.' "Ug. . . . WV AF13O ITOm Lhoir use in any quantity, â€" infornal Piscers 2 pasiiy ts bloot and stimclaeent body, restoring their irregular action t" health. and :’u-m'&“um‘:'sz Aurang+ "“I“"E.- ~ are given in the wrapper on Â¥or * or Undigestion, Listless» s ce meg o o {~ l deie ustt ahoisge, aemore Aarbop and Bilions Feverd@they should bo “r-hhumnmhama *For Wny nenpony oo ainewemecanisn use it | Ao%a 1 of apamer® or MH vae ‘."':‘E'_‘!"!'‘fl““'r'*'-l‘“g use _L, m’â€"-my". ® y P vo Ne wl e n hy P ccaca . _ 8o complete is its mastery cures effected in obstinate ‘."-‘:.’&.",3.:1‘““"&' en nsumption, the danâ€" Fon IALE. A CHALN CABLE and ANCHOR, No 2%}, Rideaun: stroot, Ottawa City, In rear of Gethausen & Dupuis Tobaceo Store. Orders for Dyeing and Scouring will be promptâ€" ly filled at the LOWEST CHARGES. _ ; Malu:&:ï¬u paid to the Cleaning of f PIRST PRIZBR + <_NEW DOMINIOXN DY!ING_AND SQOUBING WORKS, appointed Counsel to the Company tor the Dom fon. um-mnuu"r:lomuon-. ¢ B. R. CORWIN, beuisoatiriie. dras oulth Aamacaad k2 s s s No: 104. j The tollowing Insurance Oflpa has received :l Ouul:. ts rwol i No. 33, The UNION MUTUAL LLFEILINSUR S i ui um .._ B. R. CORWIN, General Agent, St: John, N.B Â¥or the Minister of Finance JOHN LANGYTON I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" ve g.cunl. w*‘fllfl Doliars in A«wrc: to bove M-wunu{ ou. n.: Dollars é“",.“_) U.8. Bonds, 6s of ‘81 _ Fhe Hon. Col. John H. Gray, M.P., has beer appointed Counsel to the OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, sSEPpp U wION KUTUAL & FOR CASH ONLY.:@&g > sa o. An en Lo nee Pnz attent Buttons securely sewed on, Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" Ottawa, September 4, 1869, 1141.3m on hï¬ocm;’k-’ ' system and careâ€" M:‘odmdhhmpu.um gity and> provincial references ; also from New York and other districts of the Union. His general scale ofpfb-hvaz'-dtnu. Genls‘ excellent Twood Buits, $10, $12, $18, An extensive stock of Beotch and Canadian Tweeds, W est of F Broad Cloths, Meltons, Cassimeres, Gents‘ Haberdashery, Readyâ€" :“.llo“m and General Outftting Goode, which found very select. . Â¥rom the ANGUS SUTHERLAND has had s been Manager in the Gentleâ€" man‘s for many years), he hopes to give perfect satisfaction. The success his fits in paute and conts is oning to the correct milstury cutting system and careâ€" Ottawa, November 7, 1868. 1060.3m Gentiomen of taste and fashion can suit themâ€" dmmmmumamm All Garments made on thoinm notice, by first.class workmen, in the latest New York and NEWEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK /d wiy 3 BUSSEXâ€"ST., OPPOSIT CLARENCEâ€"ST., Is NOW OPEN FOR B ©INESS,. ana stooce XXX and No. 1 FLOUI W HILTE BEAHS June14, 1869. â€" °* O8KPH BOKE SE, m.. q K0 00 _ ""A CV UTU gr°0l SHOBHONERS RXMEDY has been in eradicating the numerous complaints of mhm-. Liver and ctroutatory organs. For sale by all druggists. Â¥he question ot grants to:&oflorm- Whumz:‘.bmmfly ed ‘i the Izhhhn of rio, the public is fied with the utility of Upper Canada College in oul edceational system, the former 3:3:. wilr remain n The Honourable J Sandfield laDonl?' has not been so snccessful with 03::. tional questions, as the great suosuoxsrs r T -u DERo â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-.'v vwn-;b'l BE 1J lu&np‘lz-u Newsastlo, C. W., General Agents for the Canadas, Sold in Ottewa by all druggists and by medicine dealers everywhere. it to a high rank in the list of remedics for these D. A«w. Brupmo, of Knowlesvilie, New York . Ds. % ow York, says ; "Ihlnuodkllmdouuolspoelfl Irritation and hut:‘o."n::‘n: : Piles, and other com a m’mmnnmnmm«m.""m Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R., Mlnï¬h Ointment, and see that the words "A. TRAYS MAGNETIC OINTMENT" are on the wrannar D2ie Ornfe@:, _ Ite astonishing cares of Infiamâ€" mt&u‘,_qflgl!:..flh_o wonderful um «isC0Overies of the for the cure of lm-llh hq‘,lm'--fl- of the Bowels, Inflammatory Rhoumazism, aud in Childâ€" bad Fores it operates with porfect success, | in ease: of Burns, , Frosen Limbs, it acts like .‘". esns Ds.J. P. Krxxzn7, of Ohittenango, New York, says : " It has stood the test trial, and has not been Dnl.huthlwflnt-ccnm en? or Batiles.â€"Dz. Bwsoniu, of Utics, New York, says : "I have used Dr, A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment in my prastice a number of years, and can say with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest discoveries of the uge; for the cure of mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the oldest and best foemale phyâ€" vicia ns #nd nurses in the United States. â€" Price 25 cents. .c<jeverywhere. Be sure to call for «MRS aINSLOW‘S SOOTHING SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of " Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrappor. All others are base imitations ELECT TAILORIFG. about it. There is not a mother on earth who ba ever used it, who will not tell you st once that it will reguiate the bowels, and give rest to the disturbef > at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the exeruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and get a boitle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S sO0FHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor ‘little sufferer Immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak Mrs. 8. A. ALLEN‘S ZYLOBALSAMUM, anotker Sor the Hair ; clear and transparent, without ‘meent, ltï¬â€â€™d‘w.‘d'm’m mamadenful reanu‘hs. '.M*w-dnux as a Nair Dressing cver high cost Frouth Pomades «lnn&.l(d‘zï¬luugb‘l&m dut in HEurope, The and MALH..( be used ont with the other. SOLD BY aALL DHO@G@G1GT6. uzces L .ws k 2 L 11 io is most delightful Hair Dressing, It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immedistely checked. HAIR RESTORER Will Hestore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘S New Stylc. Important Change. A REAL HAIR RESTOREZ AFD DRESSING s _ 22X ‘__h!hd}! One Bottle, matesa 10, will be executed strictly to the t me ; \_ T. RAJOTTE. OF GOODS IN THE OITY. INSURANCE : COMPANY OP MALIN L. htote 8. R. Yan Dozer & Co., Wholesa}« D 'ml:l“..-‘“MPh-.M-Yal. T. RAJOTTE, Emt ;r;--t-â€"‘l': * Ottawa, October, 1868 IMPORTATIONS. SPEC1AL NoTicEs. P. A. & P: J. EGLESON, BEAUTIFUL HAIR, *_ Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it °_ GRAT HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. Wholesals Druggists, addÂ¥â€"14y _ The Question Settied.â€"Those eminsnt men, Pr. James Clark, Physician to Queen| Victoris, and Dr. Hughes Benneit, say that consumption can be cured. Dr. Wistar know this when he dissovered his now widely known BaLSAX or Wus Cuzery, and experience has proved the eorrectness of his opinion. â€" : â€"An exciting deer hunt is told by the St. Thomas Journal. A few days ago while Messrs. Mowbray & Co.‘s men were on their way for a raft of logs on the lake shore near their mill in ‘Aldboro‘ they ‘saw a deer, some ten rods diatant, come down the bank to quench his thirst. After imbibing freely, and not obssrving any one near, he struck out for a bath. rThe boat immediately gave chase and overhauled him :_bout'inlf a mile from shore, when the sport commenced, With a boat hook in hand and two men at the oars the ‘work of capture began. But this was no little trouble; for it was not tillâ€"a struggle of nearly an hour that they sueceeded in so faï¬ining the animal as to secure him by the horns, ‘cut hbis throat, and brin {im to land. When dressed he 'eicgad 149 pounds, exhibition was in many respect its predccessors, mdym The show of roots and vegctablé-r was exâ€" tremely meagre, with the exception of pohlq‘es, which were exhibited in large quantity. Specimens of the Early Rose were among the best exhibited. {n, the dairy department there were some fine cheeses, varying in weight from small sonical chéeses of ‘five nds | each, to giants of 400 pounds.â€" ‘&nthe whole the The Ohio _ State: <Fair was this year held in Toledo on the four days from the 13th to the 17th of September inclusive, It was well attended, and passed off sucâ€" cessfully in spite of whatever unfavourable weather during a portion of the time, The fair grounds are. very (pleasantly situated in‘a beautiful groveâ€"on a sandy rise of ground ; the buildings are all of a ‘ tkompo?ry g&turmt wp::qdiou,f and ept clean by a nk} of sawâ€" 'durt under t{ot. The'p:)td‘mï¬â€˜mï¬bet of entries was over 4,000, and the number of visitors would average about 25,000 each day. â€"There was a good display of live stock, including 227 entries of horses, 215 of cattle, 197 of sheep, and 112 ‘of hogs ; but the strength of the exhibition was in the implement department, which well filled and extremely creditable. The collection otf. fm{t was un‘slnï¬ï¬‚y fine, ug:ndl of apples, pears and | peaches. ¢ -lwz of gu and yvaretables was erâ€" ing himself in action always at the post of danger ; but to his men in hospital he was as gentle as a woman ; and accordâ€" ing to Sir Brenton Hallibunton, his sobriety and conduct in sri yate and pubâ€" lic life while in command in Halifax were such as to exercise a most whrlesome inâ€" fluence not merely on the garrison, but on the whole community, . In the early part of his career there can be no doubt that the Duke was a severe disciplinarian, and that his German eduâ€" cation made him attach too much imporâ€" tance to parades and drills, but he was one of the first to discover and to do everything in his power to remedy‘ the evils of the system ; and towards the close ‘of his career there was no officer inâ€" the service more beloved by his men. In the West Indies he was brave to a fault, placâ€" in# bimself in nclian sIwuva at Tha‘ haor C m nemo i o on !luJ ECC find they were atleast as froqu?nt and seâ€" yere in every regiment and every Garrison m the service. Deputy Commissary Geneâ€" ral Thompson, who has a distinct recolâ€" lection of both Draper and La Rose, and witnessed the scenes .described by Dr. Anderson, related to us most grap{icdly a horrid scene which he witnessed at Quebec a few years later, under that disâ€" tinguished and popular officer, Sir Isaac Brockâ€"the execution of no less than seven soldiers at one timeâ€"soldiers of the 49th regiment, who had been condemned for mutiny in Upper.Canada, ‘We have been taols by an old friend who served in. garrison in Halifaix during the war . of 1812, that be had no recollection of a single morning during the whole period he was on service there, on which one or more soldiers did not receive from one to two hundred lashes. find anythin L ce clue : tw narian, and extremoly harsh in his ad. ministration of military law ; but ‘ when weâ€"compare him, as is only just, â€"with his contemporaries, he stsnds out finost faâ€" vourably. He was strict in maintaini the rules of the day both in officers 3‘3 the case of La Rose the deserter, and to the exciting one of Draper, the mutineer. Were we to judge of tgz Duke‘s charâ€" acter by the standard of the present day, our verdict would undoubtedly be that he was a most severe and strict discipliâ€" smcs 7 > â€" There perhaps never lived a man whose ‘| character has been so long and so. generâ€" ally misunderstood and misrepresented as this amiable and princely minded man. The very qualities which led to his beâ€" ‘ coning so ganeral a favourite, and to be so highly estimated towards the of his short life, were what led to being looked upon in the early part of his career as not merel{ a martinet, but a military tyrant who bad no sympathy with the | officers and men who were placed under his command. Some years ago the Revd. Erskine Neale published a biography, in which tardy but very inperfect justice was done to his chataéter ; but this work has hitherto been very little known, and we question if more than a" single copy of it is to be found in allâ€"British America. * To chaLMrs " in his lifoiby Dr, An: derson, published by Messrs: Hunter and Rose of Ottawa, bring down the life of his Royal Highness to the period of his departure from Quebec to join Sir C. Grey, when engaged in the teduction of ‘tbe’{*ui&w fndi. Islands in 1794, and we understand‘that they are to be looked upon, though ¢aompl¢tai in thom-’ selves, as a portion of a ful biography which is about to issue from . the same preâ€"s. _ The two chapters contain matter ‘ of much interest, especially to Canadians, | as thz.give the only account yet publishâ€" | | ed of his residence in Quebec. Many | E'l:ni.ng anecdotes have been introduced, | t among them, two of a painful nature, | . which give us some idea of the harsh , military discipline of the time, and of the t{uo chanot'cr of the Duke ; we allude to | ; THE OHIO STATCE FAIR. DUKE OF KEXT. ER 22, 1869 took the marriage yows. . Washington Irving was a warm fric d of Mige Grats, and he knew all about tb‘-ï¬alorode in ber life, W hen: Irving was in urope he told the s«zw Walter Scott, and Beott made it 1 r’flond‘of the novel * Ivanhoe." .‘ The Rebeces â€"of that mmocrwu :l;lnBebeeu Grats, : who ied a few ago at Philadelphis. The bnthw‘li:grmhum-u loved, and so did he, but n -cgi&_:'rd;;imwb’bve;-: But he was a Christian and :she as firm an adherent of the Jewish ‘faith.~ She M t.l' § tb‘. #rs045L ."F-‘T"'f C°°’¢d.fl_'mnm;.;n nates. . Unergarty hal]du that they are ©ounterfeit, vur:,. others maintainâ€"that they : are ‘genuine, Tuesday. = He intends we ‘believe, to make. thorough inspection of the road, and before rotumi.n&:ill visit most of the principal cities on the continent. â€"â€" abs â€"â€"A queer case has been submitted to Gen, S;llnw, United States . Treasurer, for an opinion, It seems that ‘a 1i tion is going on in‘ one . of tbome Courts where the question of consideraâ€"‘ Â¥ e iw. Tw Ts ut * io cbA U President of the Grand: Trunk Rnilvl:y, urmorlrhn h:z“mpmï¬edhl:i: harvest of 2,000 acres of w e mpdp'h:i 50,000 bushels, using ‘fifteen reapert, enp!_o!hg!â€"{zq men, who performed the work in nine days, â€"â€"Mr. Dal farmer, has comp i used as judiciously as °£o.n'bh; but had there been‘ twice as much, had there been a river at command, it is.doubtful if it could have availed to quench the mighty conflagration. se n 4 Es mm e bn! stricectetiiPhe, wirs ce fary;â€"again, a huge, red torrent of fire ascended with a fury as . of burning alcoho!, almost curling into the clouds, The only water on hang/was in a well on the premises, and which was pumped up in buckets by ready hands and soon exâ€" ham‘;tcd. . What there was of it was â€" m 200 2CCVP, VEUuvd, ' Whether from any accident in this chamber, or from accident or carelessness on the part of those employed in the lessâ€"confined departments, the fire arose, could not last night be ascertained. The structure crnmb[ied away by rapid de. grees under the fierse and unchecked heat formed by the wasting chemicals, which leapt from their receptacles in lurid styeams, with heavy surges ‘and ~deadly crash. _Now, the suffocating heat: would fail, and the fire seemed â€" to â€" smonlder, wllxile black, mnsi;e volumes of smoke rolled up, from <the vast ruin, â€" givi token tlfnt the | flames had spenl;gtï¬nzgï¬ Alasuia cume i.4 iz C ones, jJoints‘ock . company of which Messrs. Geo. Macbheth, {V Bowman, J. MeMilâ€" lan and ~Thontas Smallmsn were the active spirits, It has since been employâ€" ::l ;hxoluivelx in I:he lmnufwtnu of uric acid, of which irE fluï¬m ies were turned out yearly. y, an enâ€" ormous impetus was given to the busiâ€" ness by the revival of the oil trade ; large â€" quantities of raw matcrial have been récently imported, and active preâ€" parations were in oonhn‘rktion to extend the works much beyond their oricinal baklllg.a C 0, .0 oVA sSHu Orger| was restored in the city, it being thonflt that a farmer‘s barn might be on fire, but no more, A few, however, among them our reâ€" porter, kept on, and found, after a long walk, that the seat of the fire was the Canada Chemical Works, which, with its: contents, was wrapped in an awfal mass of flame. ~The building, as every Lonâ€" doner knows, was a very large frame one, situated near the Great Western railwayâ€" track, a short distance outâ€" of the city. It was erected some four years ago by a jointâ€"stock company of which Masza~ erent: of the Jewish H&.'z and so did he, but neither hi tC m6 tuak sc 2. & .2 sou_ causcd & loss of about $50,000. The Free Press says:â€"About ten o‘clock the alarm of fire was given in the city, and the engines promptly turned out ; but on proceeding as far as Wellington street the conflagraâ€" tion appeared so distant that they returnâ€" ed to their stations, and order was DESTRUCTIVE FIRE NEKAR LONXDO®X: A fire occurred last Thursday night ar Longdn, which totally destroyed the nada Chemical Works. and caused . a a while the writings of Sir| s very simpl. unulvuhdfigt In :,:;r’m;ap: Grate was a great beauty, | a vile driver and rare acoomplishments ‘mm y known, Bhe was 20â€"] stroke, and t ed, but shenever wedded. | ... 3.211. . , the , Bo mM 3'“ orks, and_caused a M k}hl‘rec Press lock a:; alarm of ity, an the engines ‘but on proceeding treet the conflagra ot that they returnâ€" Of ,-__-._a-â€"-u. 14S0°0 4B POason w, larve â€" an ait,: 0A | believe our soil has porosity corâ€" lim:bmm responding to this process. _ In no other | ' 7 , an. &n« climate ate the waters under the earth e en to the busiâ€" abundant,. They are saved from superâ€" ( the oil trade : Ecis! evagoration by the habitude of ou: Â¥ matoria! havs Estrenims mng underground and disapâ€" and active preâ€" pear from! sight. Evaporation does not rl.uog to extend cease ; Ht instead of being dissipated in their original the atmosphere direct, it passes through | * , | the intervention of the earth, and in its s_been _ put to it moistens all the pores and ;:ml’?d'l‘ ; bâ€™ï¬ mboitne roots in its ascent. In the t ] ' ina vig '3“" longest days and the hottest sunsh s which | 200° rems easonable | 8Y0004. I r nature | this sun po l.tmmabi- decling. â€" A is staged | fogs. The e builg. | OPen are gh 1, or that | Y2por from and " hdw ‘alt z LK \hazrt casd u60 en a very simple and uncouth construction, rlfld’wm%'um‘tpfor *'ï¬r iver, * Its cylinders were five and ‘a filohailih-ot«,hvglï¬indm stroke, and the connecting rods worked Pfldwbleï¬:mh on}l;nï¬onntnh. It .‘M. k r tons. m'. Englishman, : was the engineer.‘ The tender was shflplefnmvithaph; u w mp'mdg mupe?fof fuelâ€"and two eum‘ with similar combustibles, This vehicle also had a passenger box in the rear. ‘Theé cars were patterned after the old stage comches, resembling somewhat the railroad coaches still used in Enpland. .consisted of a cars, â€" The locomotive, named the " John Bull," #od imported from England, was Soe 1eigrett and dividends "ol'“;fi; securities To in thuid-uqu’trade must ‘have beten â€"upwards of : two hundred million dollars to be met by the remittance to this atcount of so much in Government bonds or other forms of indebtedness. ‘The current fiscal year, of© which mor» than: two months hnm;l:g:d, has oonnthc:oed with o; more fayor -lzv exports of domestic Â¥+» !l::.flxufa._redibihdcllmi.:a-..: If wheat continues low,ndeouoam out as exp~ we may preserit a wï¬%m&â€mm, c-dthmao,ls'r:. The figures here gimmnyï¬ig t satisfactory as a representation of our foreign trade. â€"Tne First sttRA Tnnlrml RICA.~â€"In . the Superintendent‘s office at the Providence +Railroad station in this T el han i patice no iog ns , train run from to Schenectady, over the Mohawk lu’l{ Hudson . Railroad, in 1831. . The train 8478 :â€"*~ Married, on Wednesday last, after a vast amount of trials and tribulaâ€" tions, by Squire Duffeld, Col. Robert M. Foster and Mrs. Sarah Hughes, : all of this place," j yominacn fe wase ew York Journal gays the figures of value of the imports Lor the last year was $337,000,000, not adding the cost "of freight and ° dutics which would be 000,000 more, Against this the only exports are $347,. "“Itiloompntodum over dred millions are annually s 200,000, leaving a difference of nerrly $94,000,000 against the United: States. The Journal. of Commerce fuorther says : > same family as that k1 own in E gland as ’dnhldmditiamï¬n-ulbdï¬z-&. bug, and is mnll'é‘flonnduthegoou of enbnge blants, which they groedily desâ€" troy. grubs of this species: do not confine themselves to the roots of cabâ€" b‘s""‘ffl'-- The roots of wheat an ï¬"sflbsmdmofmngm., are sometimes destroyed by them. head is brown, and armed with powerfal horney jaws, the body is nearly white, except at the tail, where it is brown. It is provided with six strong legs, and on turning up the grass it js seen rolled up in the form of a crescent. The insect, we believe, is the grub of a beetle, of the head is brown, â€"Amoogthedeotroyen'of the crops in Prince Edward Island* is a png. called the " devastator," which varies in size from a half inch to one and a half inches in length. ‘The large ones are nearly half an inch in diameter. The £2000CeY “Iqi;'w xw;:bm #vs asCent. in the longest and hottest sunshine, evaporation takes a the ascendin surplus â€"from the ':3:... so fast th;‘t none remqiu to show the fow nfon the ground. (In the latter days of August, this sun power and the length of days declins. August is also our month of fogs. â€" The grainâ€"bearing herbage is dried uporutgmud the pores it kept open are over and | i ious to vr;:r from beveath. Em- ’q;u-u to check the neediess waste of water through the air. And thus it is that our lengthening night time there remairs a surplus to give flow to the surface springs, Blelnslbe Providence for this kind provision, by which, as the lengthening drought threatens destruction, there shootls from depths concealed : in crease of moisture, bringing to the carth resurrection of life and salvation. Ay . .. 3 ~Ho ‘He waters under the earth & | the Mtimicipal Council. delecated by the lbundlnq‘ They are saved from superâ€", Mayor to perform the cli?il marriage, ficial evaporation by the habitude of ou: [t.hc cure of the parish, and two witâ€" streams to sing underground and disap. | nesses..: Knecling dow» by the side of pear from) sight, Evaporation does not | the bid, in an agony of gricf anud su» cease ; but instead of being dissipated in: mse, was a lady who for cighteen years the atm direct, it passes throngb lived with M. Humbert (one of the the intervention of the earth, and in its | wealthiest land owners in the neighbourâ€" mnp iT‘ moistens all the pores and | hood) as his ‘mistress. A young girl, s the /tree roots in its ascent. In the | the issie of the irregular union, was also longest days and the hottest sunshine, | is the room, and the object of the marriage evaporation takes away the ascending | was to confer upon her the status of surplus â€"from the‘ surface so fast that | legitimacy as the French, like the Sootch nonemmï¬utolhou.flu@wn n the | law, allows per subseguens matrimorium. ground. In the latter days oro August, | The marriage was gone through, and two this sun power and the Jlength of days | hours afterward the husband exm. minaimoAngut is also our month of| He left behind him a fortune of 800,000f., grainâ€"beari herbage is dried every sou of which will go to the widow ip or cut ndd:gm it kept | and daughter, if the marriage be held pen are over and i ious to | valid, as in lll‘plvhbflityitwill be. The rapor from beveath. Eiamm:on- disappointed blood relatioas whna had reversed. .. There being no water m electric conduction flï¬s play in drawing it from Meméath. 2 *Thamu* 38 > . .. ...\ I C2 ommb ‘Tede w O the fieclds and tie very roots. In other climates the counterplay of electric forces draws water from the upper air to feed the rooted cpl-nt by downward percola tion. In California this action is simply HVMINAIAKAM TS We ns & uen o lc C TCEL & _ 2 _ _ bIow prematurely moist, and watér flows witï¬ont rain ,whm not a mmm a week before! When we attentively this law of nature, we see a beautiful provision that saves our i Wnn n enc “r- * & __ _ Among the curious phenomena of our climate nome is so incredible and so myâ€" sterious as the rising of the springs in the very time when all thmr{:o.ld prove that our driest time should just setâ€" ting in for a long continuance. Yet, everywhere, ere our long term of drought from dearth of rain has reached within sixty days of its termination, the springs, instead ofgrowing more dry at the end, begin to grow prematurely moist . ani THE RISING OoPr s and. shrubbery from the destructive iccation that befalls the . herhane ".¢ From the San Francisco Alta, Sept. 4 ive, tender and two \/ nd.) Enterprise one hunâ€" WaAaTERSâ€"A | {PRICEâ€"3 CENTs, completed, leaving the original number niuvithlmg:‘gonefmmm as a tenth note. It will be seen that but a :l:ï¬guofron:.t:n,:‘nm: different on every one, & ingenious pasting makes the loss imperceptible to ordinary observers. Large numbers of #bese mutilaged bilis have beencirculated in Ohicago. The rogues who have carâ€" ied out the fraud were cunning in selecting the denomminations they did. Larger ‘ bills would have been more c‘osely serutinized, and small small on â€" q-,-_ll-uhnb.-nm‘ mkc.oduitis;wi&bnuh from 'isht;duowuuchhhg number ove is passed to the residue of number two, from which twoâ€"tenths have been taken ; these twoâ€"tenths are niade to answer the place of the threeâ€" tenths taken from number three, and so on through. Thus nine #5 notes are ingenious trick, ‘by â€" whieh s mag "of 1 '.i‘tfi W i & m uindlmvenmlingm.q by rautiâ€" lating national bank notes of ‘the â€"deâ€" 'mï¬nï¬nofhdoum, has â€"recently been disclosed in Chicago. The dodge . ering a barrel of iron into a boat IMz.hvhmIW“ Mmflnï¬ng_m& "to receive it, whnthlliwdippodol,udth barâ€" rel fell into the boat wedging McDonald boat immediately filled sank to the bom,bcfm‘cl)onld could be res: cued. When recovered from below life was extinot. " S â€"â€"The quarterly communi¢ation of the UWGM‘LodgeomelndApoz. ted Masons was held on the 1st instant »Freemason‘s Hall, London, and was very numerously attended by members of the craft from all parts of the kingdom, there Grand Lodge having the Acting Grand Master that the raok ofnP. G, M. be erred lp: d:: Royal Highness the PRrince of The motion was : by Bro. Prov. District G. Master of hina, and carried. â€"The Cape Breton a foun named HMonnq I â€"Frï¬)em the noor%'scof the Inland Reâ€" venue Department of Canada, it appears that the total quantity of spijits mzllfw- tnisue aod of maalr" Imorincanyy tigne gallons, and of malt liquors nearly ci millions of gallons, yiclding a duty of consciousness to know wliat * he first, as clandestine ; and :eeoncl, bocause M. Humbert was too ncar deatli at the time to be able to give a valid consent. M. Lachand pleaded for the widow and child. The court at once overruled the objection on the ground of clandesâ€" tinizy, holding that the dispensation of the Procureur Imperial was sufficient, but it reserved final judgnrent until after an inquiry as to whether at the moment of marriage M. Humbert had sufficient disappointed blood relations, who had taken it for granted that the inheritance would come to them, have biflm: action to bave the marriage null and void. M. Allou, for them, argued that the marriage was badâ€" nerre,. and was so successfully: active that before daybreak there were assembâ€" led in the death chamber a member of. o on C2t i Etunt tik.. P zun d lqnentm France, and the plot of â€" many novels turns upon them. The validity of a union of the kind at the very last Imoment is now waiting the decision of | the Civil Tribunal of Tonnerre. â€"A fe; months ago the Procureur Imperial ’tb&ttdrnm roused up in the dead of the night by a man on horseback, who inidhohdriddennfullspcdï¬o-th country house of M. Humbert who «was at the point of death ; he desired to be lnrriurm immediately, and besged the Procureur : to allow the civil officer to celebrate the marriage at his bedside without the usual preliminary formaliâ€" ties. ‘The Procureur answered out of his window that he could not do what was asked at the mere instigation of a messenger whom he did not know, but that if a certificate were brought from. the Mayor of the vill in which M. Humbert liv’;diâ€hevolï¬cm the dis Eusation. on ‘udt . zlpa'!ix:f his horse." dn‘ht, woke up the Mayor, returned to Toun: io Mines, Cow A MARRIAGE IX EXTREXIs. in ertremis aro by ~parties in Nexws l teDe-l' ddon were brought from 11 in which M. )lï¬em the dis w“ .“ orse," dnn‘h&, , returned to Tonâ€" , about ten days o wharf wore lowâ€" ons mM/ALrLmonsLm., ne through, and two husband QW, . ort une of 800 ap ill go.to theb. 'im lity it will be. The ‘latioas,. who had hat the inhoritance . â€" have an mattings . dectared mage was badâ€" of New