aul trains at at the Tigket ut Annapolis ut t THURSDay k I teagy . "", N be open time tor Coach t, 0 0 0X wWar, 7. *73 °_ FAIRBANKS‘ STANDARD â€" « Railroad Track Scales, Flour and Grain Scalos, Hay and Coal Scales, Hyson, qJn-' mg CO".Iâ€"- Fresh Co the promises. Ll."llâ€"' Coox10 | LA _ Cooun1o Buixorss; Renahait & MMflï¬k;llll. C* the uou.‘-nmâ€" CA _ Ds Kuyper‘s and Houtman‘s, in wood offers for sale at VERY LOW PRICES a large l'-d‘.:tllu“d stook, comprising Qno’o::; mmu_m hats ot high proofand favor, at extremely low prices: :“n;-m and Steowart‘ lut.f'lhhy and Dusavilie‘s Lrish Whiskey, Murphy‘s Old [rish Potteen. © Quinness‘ and Loadon Porter, pts and qts. “‘b:‘*:lu..' mnï¬m THE OLD STOCK, SAYVED FROM FIRE SELLING AT TWENTYFIVE PERCENT BELOW COST. Now is the time or bar ains.* 1105 BALDWINS ALABRM MONEY DRAWER and the numerous other articles necessary to cor» stitute a complete stock. MHyson, quite fresh and cheap. _ ~ _ L\O"llâ€" K Fresh Coffee ground and roasted daily on FOIOIH“MO“MMQ good as noew, at Ak EB : css =% Send along your order for Stove Piping, or Tin or Iron Work to + * T-Af’l ll‘.‘l.‘ 39 RIDEAU STREET, â€" OPrrAWA, _ HAVING OPENED HIS NEW ESTABâ€" â€"â€" Bordeauz and other Vinegare. _ MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, LABR. HERKINGS, For® s A CHALN CABL S and ANCHOR, Pork « ontoaco MBESS,* XXX and No. 1 FLOUR, wWHILTE BERAXS Mh-; Vapital, to S +<>~ n‘!'d nL' > alloys, and with frstâ€"class balls. There will be kept a nghl: book for the purâ€" Rer‘of potots made ecoh day to 1st nest, and the party who has made the highest anmber of points will recouve from the a rich prise. Parties visiting the will be received with polite attention. The of liquors will be found sonstantly on hand. 10 o 1B | »=" 3 B B LARIVIERE. N Bâ€"â€"A large Bail Room is aitached to | promises, which will be let at a low fgure. B L V. 8. to the County © Carleton Agricuitural Medical aitendance to regular boarders free of A. 0; F. COLEMAN, V. 8., Member of the Ontaricg Veterinary Coliege, by appointment Y . 8. to the Governorâ€"General ; also, 'l\- OTTAWA LVERY Vetermnary [nfrmary attached for sick and lame horses, under the direst management of and medicines sent to uny part of the Domunion. Jarse.. Â¥ooh sesese000umssss0000se00s0000 # .. J."?o..n.‘--mm’.a :g, :: 0 323 C Remember the agdeesg= 0 16 010 426 019 * A. 0. AUDY 4 00., ln-.-:mr-n."'o"hm&o. Ottaws, May 8, N09. Twankay, Common ......... ;lu do pesnnmebrvdbtvconnit : v ailih (ontâ€">**> uperine and Very Choics Rich Flavoured, do .. Very Fine, do do.. Jupan Good ............ VUPY UOOUectrccccrectoens receive one ot their own send goods per Stage. . nldhghrghtk Fine Flavroured New Seas subscance, so often used in the toa %d»-mâ€"um making a spociality, weo mhor'-h give every one perfect satistactior. advar. ages afforded to every one are such as oun only be obtained from our Continental merchaats, 2s we soll onr goods at a very small # 1ra 100 on cost. In order to give every one a sharce to :aste our Piog mpocten, ut Aave Seen pronounced by the most reliable wen to be of the.Anest quality, cheap and free from all Our Teas and Coffees, after}foneIyear‘s _-ngg-,-:f'-, COFFEE! COFFEE! ;COFFEE! TeaDs: 0. here is no Express or CiaLES, SCALES, SCALES BLACK TEA. June14, 1869. OMIXIONX BOWLING ALLEY, The subscriber to in tform his fendetant it (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) Japan, Congou, Imporial, Y Congoun, Strong Tes......... roured New Season do...... VOL. IV NO. CREZEX 181. Corrsks, form his friends that od on MONDAY, : Counter Scales, &¢, &c essscsnsssesssessses etensessce0se s 8STABLES, such information as will secure the apprehension sad conviction of the person or persons who mal: lolously placed 2 poles upright in the cen= tre of the Raillway Trackâ€"bstween the Tiesâ€"in the Culvert at too Curve South of Rossiter‘s Station, on the 27th September instant, thereoby causing serious damage to the 8IGN AND HERALDIC PAINTING, Ontario Carriage Factory, 80 Sparks street. mmurmrn-u or sleighs md.l in frst uh‘:;l.o.m got sou.osbmund ph.m&m ness and care. All work in the atbove done under his own personal supervision. of the public and the servants of the Company. THOS. ‘.YRU"G‘“‘.’ Ottawa, Sept22, . mhike" The Lady members of the Choir of the Chapel of Kase of Sussex street, intend holding a Basaar about the 1st of November, the proceads of which will be devoted to the purchase of an Organ for that edifisce. Donations in aid of the above will be thankfully received | COMMISSION MERCHANT T FORWARDER, GENERAL AGENT, &o., &c.. .__No. 3, St. Peterâ€"s. . QUEBEC. Bpecial attention 5:: to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &o. LIBE INSURANCER COMPANY OP MALINR. AGENT for the above compaay, is prepared to The Prospectus, Forms of Application, and every information, may be obtained at his office. "uz x > " 3 Â¥ BOULTON, F-I-ll CcarRBRAY, 8CoTTIlsHa | PROVIXCIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY.â€"‘ \ _ ESTABLISHED is2s. CAPITAL......£1,000,000 STERLING. INYESTED IN CANADA....£350,000 CANADA HEAD OFFICE : _ MONTREAL. j m;;'um ~â€"A DAVIDSON PARKELR. An entirely Cansdian institutionâ€" perfoct security to insarers, and immediate payment of claim:. Ottawa, Dos. 8, 1943, k ‘l!:*’......w.;“...‘ b1 81 62 genoies throu Dominion, where every &r-u- i h“o.u.b.. obtained, or at the Hoad Ofice A 0 RAM#MY, For the last five years takes place at the ond of this financial year, and assurers entering now are entitled to share therein. & Than charged b other companyâ€"thus rates by ten annual ’z;:z-h for ud'fl{m assured, with profits. Agzo 30â€" Ago 35 _...m. ND wepsssessessessssesssssssssss:â€"#@41 40 $46 T0 Worth B«itish........ Commercial Union Agont in Otta London and Lapcashire Etomw streetâ€"Opposite Main Entrance to Russell House. Fir® Risxs taken as low as the character of the risks warrants, | Lire .D'lrmm.-;‘no advantages which th.; .,‘l' ers cannot surpassed office equal “%:i:’h. as tq-rbz:{lruu. or the adsptability of its tables to the circumâ€" T‘Iokt_bm reward of 8500 will be paid for FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS {3 * RE WARD. % ‘. k. ooi';m'. As Ottawa, November 7, 1868. _ AqHr * Finasce Derazrusst, o: 104. â€" Ottawa, i?th October, 1868 0: The tollowing Insurance Company has recetved NION MUTCAL !\Il DIVIS1IO® OPF THE PROFITS IFE ABKURANoz, CANADA LIFE COMPANY 11624 OoÂ¥ab > INSURANCE COMPAXNY. a me e n ane a t t 4 se n e 6e . â€" Amausements. LOWER PREMIUMS of New York. ............. 456 9T ttiawa R H HAÂ¥0OCK. y received bl the und MR3 SHE®PARD, MISS WILY MISS PARNELL, MI3S ROLT, MIYS WALCOT, MISS THOXPSON, MISS TILLEY, MISS STEELE Office of Queen‘s Printer, Aesseense80s0e 4 soee heememe sessatsn0ense00s ssees000000 esenaes she sen s neee000 0 0 +0 O##mmmssss6sss00 se88 , aud unch"a. lives l.m.fl Company. eesensass ce naeen000 eva00 es essessense CAMERON, )f every one. T M CLARK, JAPANXNED & PLANISHED TIX WABE _ IXPORTERS OP s HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLâ€" FOLDING BEDSTEADS, HAT AND UX BRELLA STANDS, &¢, &c. A'\'w'son BEAUTLIUL CoUCHE3, Covered with Dam: different patter 'lb,s, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BATHS, JELLY MOULDS, PIE NEW DOMILNXTION f HAT .AND FUR â€" STORE, 61 sé;nxs.nnin, oT T awa Opposite the British Tifeq. /: . the propristor, begs to thank his customers for the liberal support given him since commencing business, As the winter is fast approaching, partiqs wanting their ® FURS â€"CLEANED AND ALTERED to the Latest Fashion, and those requiring NEW FURS, Will do well to give him a call. Boing a prac N Bâ€"If you want Tobing of any description in Tin, Brass, Copper, Gaivanized iron, Trough and 0..@“_9*_» order, with neatness and desâ€" oh. All orders from the city or ’“-ryuauuu. “’ 064 6m C P ol Opposite the Bricdsh Lion Hotel, late of Richard Bishop, heq, at present occupied by Weldon Champaess, Eeq. C P DORION,. Ottawa, June 3, 1869. f _ N Bâ€"If you want Tabing of any description in On hand Silk and Felt Hats, Cloth Cape, & alt the late st styles. £" . 11614 FU†1 FUR Greene & Son‘s, of Montreal, for 14 years, he feels confident of giving every satisfaction. makers Lover:oo®s & Co, England, Block Tin Tess :.d Coffee Pots different styles and shapes, C P DORION, Lt + Tsd y es‘ mariacod arooge thorre: the premise; to , give a call to C P DORION, l!ye:"vnln lul:i dc::“-:u'm.d-y np?vl. ve a : C P DORION, £ yc‘-.vmlndmuay size give a call ‘ C P vORION,. If ant Cutlery, Tea Tray», Table Mats, Dish ldm“n{ of all sizes and best materials, give a call to ez C P DORION,. * uie Stever iï¬ aierm ies in Th Domin!on, give a call to l ~ _ _0 P DORION, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Jast give PURCHASE Your CULINARY & DoMESTIC | TINWARE â€" 0. P. DORION, + 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotel, A CALL, 'h h nuone t 5 k e s umt ie epieid 2 o000 i Totte! in bus large And well Also, just received a fine lot of the well known Grind Stones, from 25 Ibto 200 Ib,. Together with a complete assortment of BHELF AND HEAYY HARDWARE, also, Paints, ils Glass, Putty, ?.. & Co‘n" Hot Air Furnaces, « *"l"?,'!a“.!“’_fl-l-dm- # Eaton‘a® Antomatic Stoves, Wood or Con LYTH & KELRER, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, GRASS SCYTHE of the tollowing makes, vis Moulds, Japanned Trays, Toilet Setts Smiths, GrainCradies, muley and telegraph lthh.tvondthmpmp Straw do, extralong â€" . Hay Rakes, beat and straight handles Blood‘s, Higgins‘ and Whitney, p"nu, SCYTHES, SCYTHES, TPESTio®. Do _ Red Rover, E X Silver Steo‘ Whiting Cast Steel Do _ Silver do . MHiggins Cast do Wadsworth Cast do Do _ Qusen of the Meadow Flint‘s Solid Cast Steol, Blood‘s German Steel A great vrariety of COOK 8TOVES, CHARGES â€" MODERATE. Art tur Stox or tu® AxvIL, Stoves & BHardware. 130 210 100 1ENRY HODGES, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, Hangers, Tin and Copper doz 10 quart Mi‘k Pans for yourselves and see if he cannot greater inducements than you can SOLE AGEXTS FOR B 4 V C P DORION, AT THE VARIETY HALL No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"ST., 58 Sparks street, SHign of the ‘Anvil, C P DORIONX P 0. 24, Rideaunâ€"st, !g‘.rthl?ll-.IlCMAmw.“.. rog- BOO % on J. have made artangements with H MEADOWS & CO to these closets in Ottawsa. The vutl:cl will be expiained, and lithoâ€" ggpb 'otlil...‘dn' "'t‘:.n.d.lrfl' setting u hdl':g. house Mmu’ï¬mm c’lflm One of these closets are set up in onr store and all are cordially invited to examine it, especially The Lanca the strongest ble testi has been borné iy the €lheary of the »Diry Karth Eystem " which was in use throughout the camps prisons, hotels or private houses at 35 Su: of Piane, Voice and Harmony. Munc Rooms and mm-‘.mdMM Orders may be loft at his residence or at Orme & Bon‘s Musie Store: Offer to all every beneft possessed by the W ater Closet at far less cost; it po-h..:mhl- munity from | offensive odors, irom ijnfection in disease, and in the saving of festilizers than has ever been accom plished by a single invention ; it is entirely free from those faint donm;n&u« The Medical Times and Gazette says Moule‘s Earth Closet system has succeeded most admi.â€" The dry car Factories, Hos Chevalier Gustave â€"Smith begs to announce to his pupils that the Academy of Music, Ridean street, will be re opened on MONDAY, August CLASSICAL AND GENERAL. sB AmanBmet ioi Apicainat mm &ï¬@â€"u«i OÂ¥ Srazet M‘A. 1098. $m MOULES PATENXT KARTSHS CLOSETS Pl“fl-m n_:wm. Mrs Robort Stewart having made arrangements with an accomplished lady®teacher, announces that her Dancing Classes *will commence on Wednesday, the 22nd instant. Further particulars may be obtsined on appliâ€" eation to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod street. © Ottawa September 9th, 1869. 1148f WOTk#....cccceâ€".«cccce.. & 60 ~ Go or $10 for voth, payable in advance. Application to be made to MRS BUCKLEY, at the residence of her father, Mr Thomas Spencer, Murray street. 1164b MRS P J BUCKLEY desires to inform the pubiic of Ottawa that sre has now opened ‘a class for the teashing of PLANO and BERLIN WOOL FANCY W ORKS. STILTON CHEESE in stook, equalto English Cheose, and 10 cents per 1b cheaper.â€" Â¥Factory Cheose very fine. ‘ For sale by xHOS. PATTERSON, Ottaws, June 1, 1869. Pl ANO TUITION. Frosh Ground and Roasted ;on the {proemises, very fine Aavour. : Japans, Biack‘s and Greon‘«.in great varieâ€" es asto qualitios and prices. New Soason Teas, and well _ rh a trialâ€"for famsises, being "pur chased for retail trade. se i PO‘P‘I‘ID MEATS.â€" Mam, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, Game and Salmon, Anchory Paste. Currie Powders, Impeoria: Pickles, of all kinds, put up _ order and warâ€" 100 f;}5 dos each, quarts $2.50, pints $1.75. Warrant od by Guinvpess & Co‘s certifionte. W. 0. CLARK, Professor of Music and Teacher 100 CasEs GUINNESS & 00OB XXX 8TOUT, And the celebrate FP1LG BRAND, unequaled to quality, at prises unusually low, by the case of Ottawa, August 14, 1869. 1126t . UTTAWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER ed in the Dominion for quality and prices. amily use, try it. lo HHDS PORT WINE . vintage 1851. 185@ a.4 1 TBE EA DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, AaRTH DUCATION, CAaDEMY O# MUSIC. ANCTSG ANXD DEPORTME®NT. ROSSE & > BLACKWELL‘S GOODS Lea & Porrin‘s Worsester Sauce. * Exz Ship Anglesea from Liverpoo!. BuUDs BRANDY, vintage 1865 ‘rnd 1868 Warranted fine quality. IYDAL BRAND. HHDS BRANDY, Ex Bark Gazelle from COGNRC, Ez Ship Nereo from Ex Chaudiere, from London. E4 uud0s PORT wWINE g: years old) vintage 1851, 1858, and 1860." Unprtivalâ€" Piano..................$8 00 per quarter Berlin Wool Fancy }LOSETS 1 RTH CLOSETS ! RTH CLOSET COMPANY oHEsTs PINE FANMNILY H. MEADOWS & 00, *# Capital®" Stove VSpot. for the sowage of Towns, L under C\ LX wrmtd laptcd VII of the OTTAWA OFFLICEâ€"G P Davxawoxn‘s Exchange Office, 19 Sparks street. _ â€" DIRECTORS : \ .‘AJUSEPH, Chairman; D 0 THOMSON, Tréaâ€" surer; 8 BFOOTE A THOMsON, T H DUXXN, DRUMMOND, Manacger. LAuf MBR {SIDORE CHAMPAGNLE has removed to mmm street, ent anca Marra rovorecee iob trenaned o the poblie in general that ha is ready to.reseire boa at * No 2%}, Rideau stroot, Ottawa City, In rear of Gelhausen & Dupuis Tobacco Store. Orders for Dyeing and Scouring will be pronpb Iy filled at the LOWEST CHARGES. | _ Particular attention paid to the Cleaning of PIOPI.I" TELEGRAPH COXP ANY M _ decsided to divide his time equally between Ottawa and Ogdensburgh, would beg to inform his 1o snn to thalr oroary hor biving mare promptiy to or or more than heretofore.© Shall visit Ottawa mm' Orders received at Mr. Bormingham s Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles‘ Music Store. WARREN‘S PLPE ORGANS, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the bestfacâ€" toriesin the United States, excelling in finish and tone anything ever brought into this country. â€" Now is the time for intending purchasers. S&PRICES LOW & TERMS LIBERAL @q Our stock of Concertinas, Violins, Flutes, &6., &0., is, as usual, very large. $ New Shoot Musicjand Books \constantly arrivâ€" img* J, L. ORME & S0N, Bign of the Golden Lyre, * strooet, corner of K ingâ€"stroof: Ottawa, June 23. fsw ~â€"_FIRST PRIZE : NEW DOMINION DYEING ANDSCOURING WORKS, Mr. GUSTAVE SM1TH, (mmc of the Cathe . dral) a Graduate of the Imp Conservatory of Paris.â€" Lessons on Piano a: i1 Singing. Rideanâ€" PI“A". BVARDIXG HOUSK, Mvnon. ACiADEXY. AND MELODEON8, n their new Shew Room, comprising PIANOâ€"FORTES, from all the leading makers. Pulo TUNING.â€"The subscriber having _ decided to divide his time eaually betwean PIANOâ€"FOR TES, O RGA N 8, has: had .gm'-g been Managor in the Gentleâ€" map‘s Tr for many years), he hopes to give pertfect satisfaction. The success atten bis fits in pant and coats is owing to the correct culting system and careâ€" ful ruie of measurement he has adopted. Numerous eity and prov.incial references; miso from New York and other districts of the Union. His general seale of prices is nr;'nodou 0. Genis‘ excellent Eweed Suits, $10, $12, $18, R@~ FOR CASH ONLY. q ad in All §itmente well limed, asd Eimmacd. 'l.g-":nnty sewed on, Youths‘ ni? tasteâ€" o.&':‘.";in be executed strictly to the me t . < T. RAJOTTE. Respoctfully call the attention of the pn*llo to heir magnificent stock of made Suits and ienoral o-uuu.. â€.a..a,*" '“nd’: m ne: which will be found very select. _ Â¥rom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAND An extensive stock of English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, W est of England Broad Cloths, Mdtartirt ETyman, Newesstle, 0. W., Generai ow . W., Gener AM;:"&&. .II&M. Bold in Ottawa by all druggists and by medicine dealers everywhere. found wuflni.‘ Its astunishing cures of Infamâ€" mation of the Lungs and Croup and the wonderful success in subsiding the Mflwflu ot Rhouâ€" matism, and nlhvf-g Nervous Affections, entitle it to a high rank the list of remedies for these esomplaints." Ds. A. W. Brcomo, of Knowlesvilie, New York, says ; "I have used it in severr l cases of Special Immt«:.:u for thlon;:r:t“ cm of Piles, and sundry r complu 1t a superiore article, and well worthy the notice of all * pe article, and well worthy the notice of all .‘ * © ~Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. E.. M'll.-ï¬um Ointment, and see that the words #wA. TRASK‘8 MAGNEIIC OINTMENT" are Dr.: A. Trask‘s Magnotic Ointment Cures On? or BRattles.â€"Dzr. Bixonaxu, of Utica, Now York, says:*«I have used Dr, A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment in my practice a number of years, and can say with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest discoveries of the uge; for the cure of Infammation of the Iam,‘l:smnuln of the Bowels, Inflammatory Rbeumatism, and in Childâ€" bed Fever, it operates with perfect success, in onres of Burns, Bruises, Frosen Limbs, it acts like Da. J. P. Kenxzor ,of Chittenango, New York, says ; " It has stoud thetest trial, and has not been Mothers 1 Mmotners I MothersIâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a Sick, child suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth 1 If so, go at once and get a. bottle <of Mrs. WINSLOW‘8 s0O0THING BSYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not a mothor on earth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and givo rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. ‘It is pertoctly safe to use in all sases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" soription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sa10le "s and nurses iu the United States. Price 25 cents . 0o: i everywhere. Bo sure to call for "MRS wWINSLOW‘S §S00THING SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of "Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrappor. All others are base imitations Mrs. 8. A. }x',, zvmz:%xgu another preparation air ; clear a P without sediment. ‘ 1t is very timple and ofen Products wonderful results. Its great superiority and economy as a I/’.‘m Dressing over high cost French Pomades z acbwrub{s‘dkdlululfi-tï¬:mdz:;tï¬ {xra)f. he Restorer and Zylobalsamum s not Wiill Restore Gray Hair to its NX ataural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightfal Hair Dressing. 1t will %romotc luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. OSEPH BOESE, New Style. Important Change. A REAL HAIR RESTOREA AND DRESSING _ _ Combined in One Bottle. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘S MHAIR RESTORER jELEECT TArLORINa,. 2 T. RAJOTTE. e used «»«e with the other. BOLD BT a11 Drveorsts. Propriâ€"tore. 8. R. Ven Duzer & Co., Wholesal« D raggiste, 35 Barclay St. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. KSSRS. J. L. ORME & s0ON No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Durie & Son‘s SPECIAL NOT: ber 4, 1889. 1141.3m @imics â€" GEO, N. BENEDICT. _ GRAY HAIR Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it avJSâ€"14y T?5y 7, ls6=n. manner . mady, . suppose â€" that crime . is u&eme becomes older, bat this is atso The truth is both illusions spring from the increasod facilities tor communiâ€" Buxstroxz.â€"This accidental infliction, called Wll"m*'p‘!‘dfl.bvndum more frequently as the country is cleared, but not the case. In the same disorder . expelied, which it does surely and ‘quickly? When you haveâ€"taken a cold is it prudent to wait until it n-uu.u.u.._,, when days or weeks or months must be spent in t;ying io cure it, even if it can be cured at all, or 1s it choaper to take Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, costing a fow shillings, and remove the trouble before it is seriouns ? It takes no wisdom to decide. v sabstsies h tusiine» Braxmer Mnasa 4 EUADIUCEO RERED T mmmflumddm dx‘rlnindu- in pure gold. large proportion of this costly suffering might bo*snrudbymbdw.oloulln-,ud nbondl.bytbompu&thflfln-d,h season, Whena 2 cont box of Ayor‘s Pills will avert an ‘attack of illness which it would take several daysto recover from, or a dollar a bottle of Ayer‘s Sersaparilla, will expel a lurking disorder that will briag the sufferer to his back tor weeks or months, does it take any figures to show the good economy of the investment! When Fever and Ague :s rankling in your veins and shaking your life out of you, is it worth the dollar it costs for his Aous Curs to have the villainous Ts Ecoxouy or Hzautu.â€"This basy nation of Americans have 12,000,000 : working people, whose mbu-uyhdn&h‘sï¬shy%‘m Mnnullouby‘ohunncuupolu days in the year. ‘Lhis gives m total loss of $240,000,000, a sum three times as large as the whole cost of the General Governmwent, including the Army, Navy, Post Offices, Logisiators, Forâ€" eign Ministers and all, ‘The amount woighs over being paid ~on â€"a basis ofâ€"Saddle my brown_ horse toâ€"night, James. I am sorry T could not put in that statement, said by a00 thivugh the Gold Exchange said by and thr t xchange Bank, M“tl:'r:u‘g backing out on all sides. My.lawyers said that it would be ruinous to:me to do anything else but stick toâ€"[Uysters, Jim]-ï¬n contract, and I was ‘compelied toâ€"{Mustard]â€" ry the check and bedâ€"â€"d to him.‘" n the mean time, Mr. Martin, who after a night‘s rest seemed in | extraordiâ€" 2L _i @0 ) TERRV‘s BRLIOP0G . TPNVHCL . anu thither in shirt sleeves, and Mr. Bach, the junior member ‘of the firm, stood adâ€" miring the sketches he had drawn and pan:f up near his desk. 7 °4 pay tidt man. i1 â€" ho _will only acts deoent{y. More fried oysters. ‘I Jyo like, to hit a man once in 2 @rhile when he act like a hog. , Give that firm a check in full. That will ease you, old boy. ‘Those injunctions . saved. the ‘street â€" toâ€"day, Sillery, â€" Tom, no sweet wine for â€" me. All the stock transactions of this firm are Later in the day one of our reporters succeeded "in "cornering‘‘ Mr. Smithâ€" «* the brains,‘‘ as he is termed, of the firm ot Smith, Gould, Martin : & Co.,â€"in one of his own lc.:omeu of his ~ office. ,er. Smith was busily engaged in eating fried oysters, and b,etv’veen each mont.hf:f gave orders to clerks,; who came with bits of statements,: pretty ~nearly as folloys : « Pay that by al} meansâ€"wait, let | me cheoz it. ~You see, ‘Mr. G., what I told;jyou on that awful <Friday is true ; we are paying ‘ everybody, and we can‘t se’?‘the bottom yet. [To a clerk.] 1 Another prominent gentleman said : " Do not imagine this emisis is over. It is not. The danger yet overhangs us. Much, I may say everything, depends upon the dl.:gocition ot certain â€" gold houses to do the honourable thing. i“his state of affairs will likely continue for some time. + ; thing â€" in stocks : which seemed more buoyant. : A few days may restore more confidence, _‘This is what is needed." azMr,..J. B. Hodgskin said: "The only way to settle this up is to close the contracts, even if there be some loss. I have orders now to do so in certain cases at thirty, thirtyâ€"one, thirtyâ€"two, thirtyâ€" fire, if necessary. . C § Messrs, Win. Heath & Co., respondâ€" ed in a most polite: way : " We have no statement fg: the press. All that <we say will be done in the Board. We ;lte clearing up matters as rapidly as possible and th?ngklpok; more hopeful.‘" M ’ Mr. Edwin R. ‘Tremain, President of the National Stock Board, said: " It is a difficult thing to answer the question, * where and when will this end? The street will fluctuate up and down with fears and rumors, until these gold affairs were not personaltl{v to be found. A representative said in a surly way, * I suppose the firm will do what‘s right ; at any rate the streets will have a different optoion from what they now entertainâ€" when this blows over." Mr. McKinley, of the firm of William Belden & Co., responded to the request for an interview with courtesy. " Cerâ€" tainly, sir, I will tell you anything you wish," was his response. " Have you made any statement of your condition ?" was asked. " No, sir, it is impossible, for the reason that Mr. Belden is away, and has the accounts in his possession ; I have not seen him in over a week ;. it our principals stand up to their contracts, I am inclined to believe that ‘we can make a fair statement; but I do not know the actual" amount of our contracts, nor of the course to be pursued by our associates."" His mapner impressed one with a most favourable opinion of his good intentions. ~ _ _Messrs. Smith, Gould, Martin & Co.,, were not personally to be found. A of aman who would do justly " should the heavens . fall.‘" Although deeply sensible of the great blow he had received in the commercial Waterloo, ‘ his genial, highâ€"toned nature evineed the guiding motives in his conduct. On retiring the reporter thanked. him for the information furnished. * Youâ€"are perfectly welcome, Kir," he _repli_e('l,-;x-la r;:le;;n:d;‘l‘;:!:d,’ «" But you have not got much!" _ l!!y case, whole manner ot the ;gveal-:g of a man who would do just and Wounded. In the afternoon the Tribune reporter had interviews with a number of promincat gentlemen. With Mr. Le Grand Lockâ€" wood the following conversation tock place: " Will you furnish the Tribune with any statement of the condition ‘of your house, or any word of news that might interest the public ?" _ "Well, really," replied Mr. Lockwood, " I have no statement to make; our affairs are not in a condition to do so ; all our clerks are busy in clearing up accounts, and we hope to have particulars at an early day. It is a peculiar position that I am in. Our creditors express very kindly feelings, and the public generally mani{est a desire that we should resume business again as usual. But. Sir in Talk of a Toâ€"day we have done someâ€" 8TREET WATERLOO. with the Crippled al. But, Sir, in do right!" The It is cheering to have this statement in connexion with the fact that the harâ€" vest has been an abundant one. When one remembers that the actual cost beâ€" tween a good harvest and one somewhat below the average is from eight to ten millions of dollars, it will be readily seen that there is grest cause for thankfulness, that the barvest of this year bas been so abundant. Could Mr, L. have foreâ€" seen this he might have calculat»d upo: a larger revenue, It will be all the mor« welcome that it has not been expected. and we can but hope that the remuininc and we can but hope that the remsining mh“‘hll-rymvfllmdm:oy sources. In the Excise Department alone there is an excess of revenue oi $316,997. as hï¬u usualâ€"some a little more so. Mr. ‘s mru show that, taking all the parts of the Dominion ints the acâ€" count, the importations are. nearly 10 "r‘ermilm of the same period of last year. , ; d;xen Mr, Rose came to make his budget speech last session he was someâ€" :whudharuidoaondioeovering that his receipts for the previous fiscal year were not up tobwht he ::d cal:nhud. It was onl eutting down expenses of the v’m‘{»u departments, and expenâ€" ding no upon new works, what w-.m; unavoidable, m ordinary expenditures were â€" brought within the ordinary receipts. Thus baffied hé was ;z;‘fre.e tocnlc:::temnch any increase this year. a’:.'s ufl‘uw;a H::e that tbe’im- portations wo . \ He assumed that they would be pretty much the same, and on this basis he framed his estimates, Already there is an actual increase, over and above his estimate, 01 $743,453, partly derivable from customs‘ duties, but more largely from other These figures cover a period of less than three monthsâ€"a single quarterâ€" but they are suilicient to indicate that the prognostications of those who were so fearfully troubled about ou@r imporâ€" tations are not likely to be realized. It has been the general belief that, awed, as merchants were likely to be, by the represeritations made on this sint, the import of foreign goods would be largely cut down this fall. ‘The experience ot Toronto disproves this belief. Some few houses have been moving with caution, but the greater number have imported Customs...... .$209,102 or about 9} per cent Excise......... 316,997 do 77}; do Post Office..... 27,235 do 27}; do Public Works,. 88,147 do 32; do Miscellancous.. > 101971 do 59; do Post Office...... 98,822 Public Works.., 270,199 Miscellaueous.., 107,739 Inhill?neeh'nt Montreal the other evening Mr. Rose gave some few figures which indicate a considerable increase in the public receipts, and, of course, a corâ€" respondingly large increase in trade and commerce. Tabulated, the figures of the exâ€"Minister of Finance take this shape :â€"â€" > A J Brtareuzest or Blvuu‘l compaing period fcrom 1st July to 25th Beptcmber, 1868, with corresponding period of 1869 : f *‘ 1868. 1869 Customs .....,. .. $2,176 002 $2,385,105 Excise........ .. 408458 125.450 Post Office...... 98,822 126. 057 Public Works.., 270,109 358,256 Miscellauneous.., 107,739 272,710 There arestill old men about Princeton whowell â€" remember this event. It seems almost marvellous that after a lapse of forty years this affair should have come to light by *a deathbed confession, three thousand miles away from the place of commission. And yet it is even so, Another Proofof the Old Adage ¢ Murâ€" der Will Out." It is now forty years ago or more that l the dead body o’a stranger was found in the woods near the Stomybrook Bridge, about one mile to the east of Pennington, a village of this county. We were a child then, resided near said village, and remember the cireumstance well. It was an incident to make a fgsting imâ€" greuion in a quiet rural neighbourhood. [ears later when we boys used to go into swim in that locality, moreâ€"or less fears were always excited by reference to the cireumstance, for boyhood as well as age is superstitious. Nobody believes in ghosts, and yet almost everybody is afraid of them! The body was fourd in a sitting posture against a beech tree. Théfgce was distorted, the: eyes protruâ€" ding as though the dead man {ud Sicd in go::{. His hat lay a few teet from him. is dress betokened oue in comfortable circumstances. He was a stranger, and no due ever remembered to have seen him. ‘There was. no money upon the corpse. The body, without special exâ€" amination, was buried, we forget where. There were no wounds uru it, and no evidence of violence. At that day pubâ€" Jlic scrutiny was not so acute in reference to the mysterious deed, and no verdict of THE TRADE OP THEK YEAXR. A STRANGE sTORY. $3,124,125 $713,453 do 23} $3,861,578 _ {PRICEâ€"3 CRNTsS ©010, Ip NS Arsl ctage. That which in the ..uu‘ wou!ld {b“ to a wmild remedy,if neg. 3‘.4-... attacks the lungs. * Browp‘s Bronâ€" shial Troches," or Cough Losonges, allay irritaâ€" ummmmcmu “::uboo“-dmm. h!h..n:‘u... lons, be sure ro ostam genusne. dealersin medicines,‘at 25 conts a box, y taunly when taken in the ..a,'ï¬â€˜.*.ca;z. mmmuc-.u 'hfllu-ï¬ Sron hM.â€ ow are aware of the importance of checking a cough, or "som. mon cold," in its first stage. That which in the them out where they stood, and, while their lips met, crowned them ‘with the pale marmageâ€"wreath of death," . Asthmatic afections. revel in the thought that their blood might meet in the veins of the same mosquito, has been quite outdone by & writer in the Lonzm Telegraph, who was inspired as follows by the fate of a young couple struck dead by lightning which happened to mark both their faces: ‘*Wrapped in the discrect darkness of the night, his lips would naturally be so â€" A New Orlcans paper resuves a scene in a court in that city. The mother of the defendant was called and testified : * I am the mothor of Mrsâ€"; she is my only daughter ;‘‘ and then went on to give details. ‘The next â€" witness was anixous to show his legal knowledge, and immediately after being sworn he broke out with, " I adopt, corroborate and reiterate everything ths previous witness has said." He was required to repeat this, ng his erou-c:mmuio-“::;u began. * Do you mean, sir, to sa t you are the m{nhuol‘ the del'c-lnt *" . "Ohi no, no, no," was the reply, and the whole court burst into laughter, . that a‘pair of Jersey lovers ought to â€"The Russian Ministor 6fthe Interior is busy with a revision of the law relating to the press, the tendency of which is to restrict the small amount of liberty which they owe to the Grand Duke Constantine. Questions _ relating ‘to politics _ and theology are only to be discussed subject to censure, and works intended for the perusai of the masses are not to contain the results of cl‘uiquiï¬o and hltcrï¬ researches which are permitted to educated classes, C had «their shooting meeting before daylight one morning, being os,y able to see each other by the light of a fire on the opposite .side of the Missistippi. Half an hour after they popped at each other they were driaking champagne together and laughing over their dispute. â€"Very unsatistactory agcounts have been received of the great August fair of Nijoni Novgorod, in Kuuia. According to the Exchanye Gazette the only gom that have hitherto found & favorable are fashionable wares anmd articles ae luze of foreign: manufal::wrc, while native uce lies on hund, there being r::lu&ely no demand forft. The supply of cotton is defice»t, and the sale_of fars has not yet commenced.. â€" .‘ Baldwin as accessories to the murder, and lodged into jail at Towsontown,: beâ€" ing nl!owo:ol:{v the Sheriff all the necess ary accommodations consistent with their safe keeping until all the fxets .of the murder are ascert.sined. Mr. Burton was a bachelor, ubout sixt years of and was a highly respccux{ citizen ofm Eleventh District. ‘There are various reports of the cause of the quarrel beâ€" tween him and Brown, onéattributing it to a desire on the part of Brown to, get immediate sion of a tract of land valued at 0500, while snother report is that they quarreled in relation to the will of Mr. Burton. â€"â€"There was lately a curions duel in New Orlcans. The parties were so anxious to settle the quarrel that they T o ue e t o d 4 6 C On Friday night about 11 o‘slock a most horrible murder was committed in Baltimore County, the victim being Mr. | Su:ix'uL)Bunon, residinog on the Harford road, about one mile from C Factory on the Gunpowder mm,OPm eleven miles from this city. The alleged murâ€" derer is named William Brown, formerly of Terre Haute, Indiana, who served in the army, and shortly after the war came to this State, marrying a niece of Mr. Burton. _ The accounts reaching this city of the affair represent that lï¬out the time above stated that Brown and Burâ€" tou became engaged in an altercation at the house of the'ialu‘r, when the former knocked Burton | down and dragged him into the yard e then took up an: are with vh{ch he l?mmt eompldcl';' severed the head of Mr. Burton and struck him )Qvenl times on the left side of the body, cuttingâ€"into his heart and lungs, The wite of Brown and her aunt, Mrs. Keziah Chenowith, witoessedâ€" the _ assault, Brown, not cont:nt with what he had done, threatened their lives, and they imâ€" mediately ran of to the woods, where they remained un‘il after daylight the next morning, whn they returned to the :ouse. They fourd4 Brown still there, but soon after he loft, and they immediâ€" ately procecded to the nearest mayistrate to give information of the murder.. An inquest was held by the justice, and yeseâ€" terday morning the body was interred. Intormation of the murder was communiâ€" cated on Saturdasy to the police authoriâ€" ties of this city by direction of Sheriff Baldwin, of the county. Detectives RKichards and Pontier proceeded yesterâ€" day morning to the sceae of the murder, and "with other officers and citizens scoured the country around about for the murderer, who so fir ‘has eluded their vigilance. ~ A number of members of a cavalary company of the county also r_flicipawd in the search, which . is still ept up. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Chenoâ€" with were taken into custody by Sherif® Morrible Murder of a figures Mr. Rose has ‘ & what in the shape of a f" created.â€"Leader. manâ€"His Head severed from His Body. From the Baitimore American, Beptember 27, MURDER axo SELFâ€"MURDER. remedies of.ien act specdily and cerâ€" 4 Co of wourcse of Puiawgaty rosmiet sad lled and testified : _â€"Mrsâ€"; she is my then went on to egal knowledge, n& sworn he broke custody by Sheriff Maryland Gentlie« iven us, someâ€" arthian shot, has