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Ottawa Times (1865), 13 Oct 1869, p. 1

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""m“o 19th as under ; m"“lfl- 30 and i# c o0 k14®@ "Pous at 8.30 p a &, and urrigh 39 RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW A, ~HAVING OPENED HIS NEW EsTABâ€" (mal s ompiots mooe. ::fl. st VERY LOW PRICEY a large ."'- L‘quors, Tobaceo, Laundry and Fancy Bordeauz and other Vinegars. tho promises. ll Cooxac Baiaxoms; Renault & Co, Henâ€" -.Hp-m-duuu;afi. “lu..uou- Ne Wuawnarls asnZk Wiabkmanlx . m u.t HIGHWINES, OLD RYE, PROOF AND k vnm’. f £8P at high proofand flaror, at extremely low prices; Thorae‘s and Stewart‘ Scotch Whiskey and E-:mm‘ M opkets.. : BALDWINB ALARM MONXEY DRAWER For saie by all leading bardware merchants h.lh:v'he.. * «_ FAIRBANKS, BROWN & co, â€" 1161.8w 118 Milk street, Boston. MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, woares, scaces, -unuâ€";-.m..., FAIRBANKS‘ STaANDARD Railroad Track Scales, _ Â¥lour and Grain Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, a ses, under the direct Qanagement of A. 0. F. COLEMAN, V. 8., Member of the Ontario Veterinary Couege, by appointment V . 8. to the Governotâ€"General ; also. d”mbqpfid&u 1 e SE """T"'â€"-".- ll-A‘l-'o Bail n.:.'-“gn-“ to | promises, which will be let at a Agure. B L. 'l‘l OPTAW A LIVERY Sugars and 3yraps, all g Saf es snd Syraps all grades. WE OLD $TOCK, SAVED FROM FIRE SELLING AT TWENTYEIYE® ° aness‘ sad London “'wo aad p Molson‘s and sther Alos. y «ues wu receive from the proprietar a rich prize. â€" Parties visiting the Alley will be with attention. of liquare = found &b-l-l.m.. | be YELLLNG AT TWENTYâ€"EIYE :_ PERCENT sELoW cost. Nowisthe time or bar aing© _ 1108 D puty who has made the will receive from the pro Tw nrvntnitie s sd fize o tm . ugakg To iam _ aperdne and Vory Choice sALB AND. BAIT STABLES, Cor. Rideau and Ottomaâ€"sts. 10FPFEEâ€" & ’__fi:m'-l-l roasted daily on Jave mnmu'u. do Finc, do do.. VeJ MMHccwtrrttarrens hore :s uo Express or Steambont Lan we will e ecronde. n-dn--":-h owna C-I-y in return at our m.nud-pu',. + ' BLACK TEA havo been pronounced by the most reliable men to be of the Anest quality, cheup and free from all i subsiance, so often used in the tea trade, mpmndlhfionfim“d waking them a speciality, we |are .rfl.’ to give every one perfect satistaciion, advanâ€" ages affordod to every one ate such as can only be obtained Trom our Continental mercbants, as we sall onr goods at a very smaill advance on cost. In order to give every one a chance to taste our Tw-&\‘dmnhm"l:.-u‘lhl-.. tis Cattees and Boxes, will preserve the stroogth and Azvour of the named articles, aad will contain 4, 10, 20, 35 Ibes and upwards. We wiill pay the carriage on 10 1b or four & ib Cattees, to the nearest or Steamboat Landing, ca recerpt of money, or money car be Fine Fiavoured New season do.,.......... %'&M rdiacsecincss 1 WOs * CHICAGO MESS, ZXX and No. 1 FLOUR, wHItE BEeays OR SALE, A CHAILN CABLE aad ANCHOR, Send along your order for Stove Piping, or t Iron Work to good as new jipund Oolong........... Junel4, 1869. 'l\.‘l TEA! TEA : COFFEE! COFFEE! ,COFFEE! Exis wWusiiy, Sox 201, P. Ottawa, May 8. 1269." _ OMINION BOWLING AiLLEY. e t o0 oi Beige ts Imprriat, Voung *s R1GHT, (nearlgpopposite the Old Stand,) sensensressese00ss s08 ss000 0400 Do Kuypor‘s and Houtman‘s, LABR. HERKINGS, â€"A second hand 4 foot Box Stove, as enenserecssssates sessssseee wood and bottle, VOL. IV NO. i1m7. a o all grades, Ports of Ane , Souterne and Maderia Wines CREEX 1 CoPrrEE, | Counter Seales, &¢, &c. sesee @ 20, 0 25, 0 29, 0 3% rascess 0%'&0:'. 0 230 * 0. AUDY & 00., ESMON DE BRuS.== $0 33, 0 37, 0 29, 0 33 0 3 & 10 0 55 @ 60 0 so @ sb 015@ ss 1 00 @ oo 0 55 @ 60 0 15 @ so 0 40 @ 15 0 as @ 6o 0 15 @ so 0 so @ so 0 es @ to 0e » he is now hbmm'iuifii-’ii'm RUKR DY lh lol-:‘.:lnhh“.hr twelive yoars i always given 0 ail desoriptions of robes and ladiea‘ furs. ’.g:-ln.ooa. 1135.3m 364 ° _ Opposite Mages & Kassell‘s Toronto, 25th September, 1869 . Notice is hereby given, that the last day for receiving Petitions for Private Bills will be WEDNESDAY, the TWENTYâ€"FOURTH day of NOVEMBER next. ‘ hotore 1t is 24 o0 h4 e Hany your them done at the abore named place with neses and care,. All work in the abovre i done under his own personal supervision. 1167.1atd instant, thereby causing serious damage to the °“F'! % -* » and llolim ¢'l~!-fl--‘2-_-my-¢z ?‘um. Idw’ tre the Railway Track â€"between the Tiesâ€"iIn the Culver!t at tos t urve South of Mossiter®s Station, v« the .:th September such information as wi‘l secure the apprehension m cene tre 3 the Railway Track â€"between the C“‘l‘... SIGN AND EERALDIC PAINTING, Ontario Carriage Factory, 80 Sparks street. fhtnted and varnihed in fiest Te viyte. oan tnt ‘llol-? members of the Choir of the Chapel of Kase of Sussex street, intend a Barasar about the 1st of November, the of which will be devoted to the purchase of an Organ for C PV oY :0 Yiek © hagir wl ar wonnt / o9 o egaalh ts N Tll BT,. LA WRENOE & "OTTAWwWaA HAILWAY CoxPraxy. alifisce. ‘Donations in aid of the above will :".-fl,m by the undersigned ladies : Miss wiky, "** MISS PARN i wss woonss," MISS THOXPSON, Gene ‘al, Twenty Thous» d Dollars in addition to (~+ <bg in :(...1.’. ,I‘l,, .9".‘ .!_“9 of ‘81 sppoinied Goun C Compray t "The I * lon. Ail legal mttors 'm to hi B. R. CoRwWIN, The andersigned begs to notify the public that oa-..z October, 1868 “flo‘b-. Insurance O-p.{ h.o received ; license b'm.. business of Insuranor No. 33. The UNION MUG TUAL LLFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maire. t ie uen 0 L. us The above reward of 8500 will be paid for am0 Irospecius, Forms of Application, and every information, be obtained at hig ofice. ki k ..’Jllool-rol. R uw w -'“ Li W AGERNT for the above compuay, is prepared to FIVE HUNDRED *_â€". REWARD. Fautt cansear, _ COMMISSION MER dttawsa, Das. 8, 12044 ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED i825, â€" CAPITAL..... . £1.60,.000 STPRLING. INYESTED IN CANaDA....£350,000 Ottaws, November 7, 1888 s Office of Queen s Printer, to insurirs, and immediate payment of claims. Livr® Deragrucext.â€"The advantages whisch the Royal off ors eannot be surpassed by any office of q-dunfl-fidfl.u regards its tarmif rates, or the adaptability of its tables to the ciroumâ€" stances Mlmldr:'!-. I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" h-thflflb sold that there is someâ€" ‘M ONDE‘S3 Rook Olle that suits. it and find out. All oil delivered free. Euunun-_-_-m_ld-&Mb Leontrative Assexsiy or Owtano, Fras Riaxs taken as low as the character of the ESTABLISHED i825, â€" PITAL. .. .. £1 600 00 TBR3 YESTED IN CiNaDA....£3 CANADA HEAD OFFICI wE AsRURAKCOER, 11624 INSURANCE COMPANY. MONTREAL. SECRETARY : A DAVIDSON PARKER. BOXES CANADA PLATE3 CHARLES T. GILLMOR, e re ns on saeeee 8CoOoTTISH OP MALIN L. 28, 889. 1165td neral Agent, 8t; John, N.B For t e Xinister of Finance e pof aep e . AF Covered with | diferent patterns, 20 box, hn*'zflw*;h‘mhh ESMONDE BRO8. * .. MAITHE VARLETY HALL d Dollars in addition to ThDt OFFICE = COMPANY 11662 JAPANNXED & PLANISHED TINX WARE FOLDING BEDSTEADS, HAT AND UX BRELLA STANDS, &c, &c. HOUSE FURNISHING ‘HARDWARE REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOL _ EnS, ICE CREAM FREEZZERS, BATHS, JELLY MOULDS, . PIE On hand Silk and Felt Hats, Cloth Cz alt the Intest styles. Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, _ NEW DOMINTON ' HAT AND FUR STORE, 64 SPARKSâ€"E8TREET, OTTAWA * Opposite the British Lion °* the propristor, begs to thank his customers for the liberal support given him since commencing business, As the winter is fast approsching, parties wanting their Wu! do well to give him a call. Being a prac tical furrier, and having been Foreman for Greene & Son‘s, of Montreal, for 14 years, he feels confdent of giving every satisfaction. pprtt« * kens, 0 P DOoRION, * 58 Bparks street, Ompustoai mdns ne t R C P DoBRION. â€" lnâ€"'fr':'-"-'.:c“ihmamwfih 5‘."...3:'.... with m Te patch. All orders from the city or country makers Lovezioo . & Co. England, Block Tin To and cfl. Pot: different styles and shapes ie ":.2“-....“‘":.‘.‘.:‘«-:.-" uoA mevigh ># <4 m, TO & 0.’ 0 P DORIOK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, If you want Cutlery, Tea Table Matr, PDish %MNMVnQ,I- . Bedsteads, of all sizes and best matrrlals, give a callto C P DORION, If you want a fine lot of Chamber Ware, of any pattera, give a call to es o o NodIDE: t):vahluul.-uunfioglnunn â€"â€"â€" smmmateadenmaing whuey 5> > :A C â€"==â€" >~! . It want ?:n.“:’hwdqb C P DORION. If you want a tipâ€"top 4 minute Loo Cream Freezer give a call to 4 C P DORION,. If you want tipâ€"top Bathsâ€"Hip, Spon ‘ o sey the ie aay mmape min > C. P. ;. DORION, . 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotel, A COALL, And examine for yourseives see ifhe cannot ofer you greater l*“.zhfl-_m offer you greater inducements than you can l"ohovlcohh_:phlhhlnp.‘fl Just give CULINARY & DOMESTLIO TINWARE URS CLEANED AND ALTERED to the Latest Fashion, and those requiring Also, just rece! »d a fine lot of the well known * Beecher & Co‘s" Hot Air Furnaces, *« North‘s" Patent Drum Heaters, * Fooster‘s" Boiler Purger, Moulds, Japanned Trays, Poilet Setts Blood‘s, Higgins‘ and Whitney, Soythe Snathes GrainCradles, muley and telegraph Hay Forks, two and throe prongs Straw do, ertralong _ Hay Rakes, bent and straight handles Seythe Stones Grind Stones, from 25 1b to 200 1b. Together with a complete assortment of SHELF AND HEAYY HARDWARE, No. 24, Rideauâ€"st, Ottawa, GRASS SCYTHE of the following makes, vis Blood‘s German Steel A great variety of COOK STOYVES, CHARGES MODERATE. Wadsworth Cast do Do _ Queen of the Meadow Flint‘s Solid Cast Steol, Do Red Rover, E X Bilver Steo‘ Whiting Cast Steol Ar tus Stox or tu® Asvyin, 130 310 100 Stoves & BHardware. #1ENRY HODGES, also, Paints, ‘")ils Glase, Putty, PURS : quart Milk Pans TORELAy l'.0-’0.l“u|-¢. ve a call to C P borkrox. C P DORIOK, Wood or Con SCYTHES, 1614 OTTAWA, WEDN KSDAY, ‘OCTOBER 13 at TEN o‘clock, in the forencon, for the Eection of Directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of the other business apâ€"‘w of the Company, under the Charter and byâ€"laws Te Sippege n m nds hotice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting . he Stockholders will be held at the Olndthom;hlovl“-“u Tuesday, the 12th day of Octobet, 1869, PURE GBEASE or tas CANADA BEAR, has been long known as a most valuable tolle article, and a constantly increasing demand is a guarantes of its high reputarion. It is delightfully perfumed, and is eminoct for promoting a luxuriant growth of the hair, and permanently maintaining its beauty. mu-hh‘m'luluny prevent the hair from falling off or turning gray. lvmnnonaoo..mmm tors; and sold by all druggists and perfem rmrnhm.""vmhuuwu-m the most 'lhnurm:. .“-l- They must commence building provin 'hh-qy-nflb“yolu.:.“h ® They must deposit one year‘s advance, to be torfeited with the lease itself in the ovent that the h:bum c:“:tb not fulfilled ; if h'l:m--mh.;ovq be responsible Tor any hlloum'unu,'muy indemanity be admitted C . This Twoentyâ€"one year Lease to be renewable En We is rom heromes we, set Lonts the increase of like rents on thm Also tor the sale, , of a ploce of land nmmemmwmw By order of the Hon Seorstary of State. Â¥y: .{h‘ul&.dfi“ Kfavhemek.. "Z i C "~‘"% ol great extension, formed ooudnn.uh’ the rivers Ottawa nilcl:’m This cana may be converted into a race way equal to 10 run of stones, and facilities -N!ormldl"f::r -mflnfldudhnmu&o or wa mouth of the Canai, whore deep water umummmum-mm; see Plan at this office. .~'.u.‘.‘-. uP P e ie e right of angmenti water wil admit of subdi into t_'}_‘_fl“" vileges otf 5 run of stones, 10 horse CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY «-Ing{n'th’cus"' y of Vaudreuil, Province of Quebec, a water power equal to 10 r-sa.l war, with the priviiege sp iying, for the "rale ~ower, of $sb to he paly dalt o o PE oi the m of $:00 to be paid down at the place and time of ym mamearay access to the same. e giving By order of the Directors, Ordnance Lands Branck, f Ottawa, 265th August, 1869, 'l\llllll.l received by this Bflt up to the hour of 4 pm, of. F AY the %ooronamummm «l0 of the #ing Ordnande Wo }"":':!lqtmnu privileges as 0 t The Lease for Twentyâ€"one years ofthe watet porer or privileges being, and to be found and sreated T 1st. At a known as the = Rock " in t".:‘:?&;:mts!nyfl:f}‘gsm STILTON CJEESE in stook, equal to English Oh ‘ose, and 10 conts por 1b choaper. _9 ‘Factory Cheese very fine. For sale by ‘HOS. PATTERSON, â€" en o daihuke ol se c 26 Rideau st; Â¥Frosh Ground and Roastod Jpromises very fne Aavour. _ _ ‘-m & 4 g4 Japans, Black‘s and Green‘s, in great varieâ€" es asto qualities and prices. Now Soason Toas, aod well _ ma & trialâ€"for famslses, boing pur chased for retail trade. > & Ham, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, Game and ?h‘l. Altl‘:vy ’_*.OIH'I. Powders, Imperia: Pickles, of all kinds, put up . order and warâ€" And the celebrate PLG BRAND, unequaled hmumâ€"-gllyln.byhmo{ dos cich, quarts $2.50. nints E1 75. W arrant dos eich, quarts $2.50, pints $1.75. Warrantâ€" ed by Guinvess & Co‘s certificate. 100 s3 P”f.b NKEATS.â€" AVAGE)S URSINA. od inthe Dominto n for quality and pr amily u3p, 5n i3 " 1+ ausilty and prices Deraztuext or tus Sgcasrtany or Stats TT AW A l 0 vm li'?ln.?l DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. ROSESE & BLACKWELL‘S GOODS Lea & Porrin‘s Worcester Sauce. f Ez Ship Anglesea from Liverpool. tinot privileges of 5 run of stones, 10 horse -ch':nmfluum-q: } At the Cascades, a water power admitting HUDS BRANDY, vintage 1865 and 1868 Warranted fire quality. MEDAL BRAND. HUDS BRANDY, Ex Bark Gazelle from COGNAC. Ex Ship Nereo from Oporto. Ex Chaudiere, from London. 4003 PORE wWINE (sl:.’"" old) vmi-:qlfs.tj_lg&“pnd 1860. Verivalâ€" CAasEs GUINNKNEsSS & co‘s ROBERT 8SURTEES, FINE FAMKIL Y 1028e0d. 3m â€" For AJUSEPH, Chairman; D 0 THOMSON, Treaâ€" surer; 8 BFOOTE ATHOMSON, T HDUKXN. DRUMMOND, Managot. 11418 in general that he is OTTAWA OFFICEâ€"â€"G P Davumoxo‘s Exchange Office, 19 Sparks street. P.l"" BOARDINXG HOUSK. " MR [SIDORE CHAMPAGNE has removed to Incorporated under Chapter LXVII WW#‘M 4& 340. 7 Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH,, Sfthe Cathe. m. !fln&;‘m‘ at i aw m T tank, Jane 3 Fooe: D*‘ yogl FIRST PRIZR NEW DOMINIOXNX DYEING AND §COURING WORKS, | : No 294, Ridean stroet, Ottawa City, . .. In rear of Gethausen & Dupuit Tébseco Store. Orders for Dyéing and Scouring will be promptâ€" ly flled at the LOWEST CHARGES. WARREN‘8 PLPE ORGAXS, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the bestfacâ€" tories in the United States, excelling in finish and tone anything over brought into this country. Now is the time for intending purchasers, SEaPRICES LOW & TERMS LIBERAL "®@q Our stock of Concertinas, Violins, Flutes, &6., #&0., is, as usual, very large. meges â€" o e e SVH POR Ottawa and Ogdensburgh, would beg to inform his hholdpunun‘dhn,ththh.qhuuo. to attend to their orders for taning more promptly than heretofore. Shall visit Otaws once a month. Orders received at Mr. Berminghams Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles‘ Music Store. § Sign of the Golden ur d44t No. 8, Sparkeâ€"st., next Duric & Son‘s AND MELODEONS, PIANOâ€"FORTES,from all the leading makers. IANO TUNING.â€"The subscriber P decided to divide lhma agnally Lz.-“:-‘ héir magnificont stock of . . . ... . _ _ P I a NOâ€"F OR TES, O R GA N 8, Buttons securely sewed on, Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" 'ill up, 1 m 5m be executed strictly to the me Avmcalil. a Ottawa, September 4, 1889. 1144.3m N.B.â€"Alterations and j m-u ed to, All ‘garments woll linod. and irimined. eurile of meepmremies y neadopied neadintt ws«m.m.;fiou, nMTet: _ @â€" FOR CASH ONLY.@g Â¥rom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAND has “'l:.s."h‘ been‘ Manager in the Gentleâ€" man‘s e for many years), he hopes to give porfect satisfaction. _ . The success uu-dl?)ululnpm and coats is owing to the correct military cuttina system and aara. Canadian Tweeds, W estrof &::: d Broad Cloths, meres, s t made Suits and Geseral Outhiting Gook, rpicn will be found very Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R. Trask‘s lsgcdo Oh-qti And soe that the words # A&.TRAS ‘B MAGNETIC OINTMENT" are on the wr A f Northrop g Ls-u Newsastle, C. W., Goneral Agents for the nolu. Bold in Ottewa by all druggists and by medicine dealers everywhere. Da. A. W. Brupmma, of Knowlesvilie, New York, says ; «" I have used it in severe i cases of Special sund ‘:l:“hmlfl,udlnd: ntcond r compla d a su article, and well worky ihenitite of oh. s it to a u::- of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbs, it acts like a charm; Da. J. P. Kaexxeor ,othlfio-g:.?. New York, says : -Ithunoi:&ouh'd. I‘.l‘-;::on found '-m.* astonishing cures amâ€" mation ot the Lungs and Croup and the wonderfal Croup or BRatiles.â€"Ds. Bmsonix, of Utica, New York, says: «©Ihave used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment in my practice a number of ymuduuvflfi&h:nlm}tuoz the groatest discoveries 3 cure Inflammation of the Lungs, lmn-‘du of the Bowels, Infammatory Rheumatism, and in Ckildâ€" the outside wrapper. All others are base Imitations VNWi® _ ." i everywhere. Be sure to call for "MRS w@INSLOW‘S8 S00THING SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of * Cartis & Perkins" on mother, and relief and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertoctly safe to use in all oases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" soription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicia s #nd nurses in the United States. "Price 25 immediatelyâ€"depend upon it: there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on carth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the get a bottle of Mrs. WENSLOW‘S 800THING SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little sufferer disturbed at‘hight and bF0K8K"of your rest by a sick child suffering and ‘orying with the exoruciâ€" be used c»e with the other. BOLD BY a1L DrvGGISTS, Propriztore. 8. R. Van Duser & Co.. Wholesals D ruggiste, t flnl':niqknd P-rrha.fl"-;at. without sediment. It is very simple and ofien produces Te k Te c It is a most delightful Hair D h it Win promely imarmat poule * MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® HAIR RESTORER Will Restore Gray Hanir to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. FAL New Style. Important Change. A REAL HAIR RESTOREZ AND DRESSING â€"_ _ =~~_ Cambined in One Bottle, "'*‘-"":“'el-n_utl-_cih--co-u ’m‘l-uwnu.. Mothers I -M_L!...@m x_m you ESSRS. J. L, ORME & RoX Mre. 8. A. ALLEN‘Y ZYLOBALSAMUM, another reparation for the Hair ; clear and tWansparent, PLES TELEGRAPH COMPANY T. RAJOTTE, : NEW IMPORTATIONS. ili promote lutruriant growth. â€" LING HAIR is immediately checked. 44 ates with perfect success, in ees, Brujees, Freote Lioke n mt nit 4Â¥% 8SPECIAL KOTicEs. eall the attention of the public to ACiADEXY, °. J. !“ OR!_' ..'.o_.- 8 paid to the Cleaning of GEO, K. BENEDICT. . GRAY HAIR Ts a certain indication of decay at the roots, BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it T. RAJOTTE. If so, go at onee and LXVII of the a408â€"1 49 , 1869, Poutny n the old caston w ar o noone ols inss may be pardoned ‘for ing, that it is, on the whole, a vm pleasant thing. . If one enters it through Purgaâ€" lor;,itilmtbol. a . Paradise at vhcioulni:nnEdmvifiihfiee of knowledge and its tree of life, There a dozen commonplace words, ‘The oldnueofnuux‘ilgou. He knows that every chit in the pursery has found out his secret, and is Inufihq over it. He blushes, mdlbo{:buhisa hot, finfulthiag,wben the sisterly heads d together and he hears them whisperâ€" ing what a fool he is. Yes, he is a foolâ€" that is one thing that he feels quite cerâ€" tain about. There is only one other thing he feels quite certain aboutâ€"that he is in love, and that love has made him % m#Â¥. : :. .. We are not, of course, going to trench o-tbofiddofpoeundsnnfpmbm, or__u;:xpo'und, hk;b&: 3:“' New combe, the philosophy o affections, or to demonstrate 3m. Miss Faithful and Mrs. Fawcett the great office which First Love fulfils in the economy of man. The only remark we have to make is the very obvious one which moral preachers last year when a cheer welcomes the news that Htgrupttholrdmd. The boy‘s life has become muddled and off, and the new comes ly, dtfillyo. It is only by a sort of eo::’uhon that he will own that . he ism&iq all this " fuss‘‘ about a girl. For the moment he rebels against the spell of that one little face, the witchery of that one little revolution, It is in fact the ‘one thing that makes him man. ‘The world of boyâ€" hood is strictly a world of boys. _ Sisters, cousins, aunts, mothers, are mixed up in the general crowd of barbarians that stand without the playground. There are fewâ€" warmer â€"or more poetic affections than . the chivalrous friendship of schoolâ€" fellows; there is no truer or more genuine wonbi; than a boy‘s worship :of the hero of the scrimmage or the cricket field. It is a fine world in itsalf, but it is a wonderfully ~narrow: and restricted world. â€" Not a %i.rl may peep over the to palings. ‘Girls can‘t jump,or fag out, or swarm up a tree ; they Lv-e nothing talk about as boys talk ; they never ‘heared of that glorious swipe of Old Brown‘s, they are awful milksops, they cry . and "* tell mamma,:‘ they n; 'alna O{I:‘ governess, and of a cow. . ‘It is impossible. in ntmtnamentinty yoe, temptible in a boy‘s a~ gi hicmagouuflyz'flnn in some fatal moment comes the revolution. â€" The scious, and may divide by more rigidly marked lines, tlZo hases of her life. But even then, if she Ee a woman at all, she can have no first love. Feeling, with woâ€" man, has no past, as it has no future, Every phase of her life begins with an act of oblivion. Every love is a first love. _ "I never loved any one before," as said, and said truly, to a dozen loving ears in succession, " The first thing I luhoullcia l(iike vt;b’ meet with in Pnndn;ei)'; said ortley Montagu, " woul the river{oethe, the ltm“g“ of Forgetâ€" fulness.‘" _ But woman finds a littleâ€"rivuâ€" let of Lethe at every stage of her heart‘s career. If she remembers the past at all, it is to offer it up as burnt sacrifice to the deity of Eruent. When Cleopatra hlke(} ;{ogt Usesar to Mark Antony, she rod,’ no doubt, her fingers mmuéh her ver‘s hair, and wondered how she could ever have doted on such a baldâ€" pated fellow as the Dictator. Had she succeeded in charming Octavius, she would have wondered equally at her inâ€" fatuation for such a ne‘erâ€"doâ€"well as Antony. . And so it is no wonder that a wofiu‘l;l" 8 fim;ovo, ev::u if she lrenliu; it at all, goes down in this general wree of the past. ~But in man‘s life it is a Sohrd.y Review. 4 It is one of the oddest points of differ= ence â€" between man . and woman that woman has no first love. The long alphabet of her affections is without any distinct end or beginning; she mounts by insensible gradations from dolls and kitâ€" tens and pet brothers to the zenith of passion, to descend by the same insensible fulsti'ons from the zenith of passion through pet ‘brothers to tabby cats. There is no such event as a first kiss forms in a boy‘s life to mark for woman gxe transition from girlhood to the sudâ€" en maturity of passion ; she has becn kissing and purring and fondling and petting from K:r cradle, andishe wfil pet: and fondle and purr nntf kiss to her grave. Loz&in the technical sense of the word, is With her little more than an intensifying of her ordinary life. There is no new picture, but the colours are for the while a little heightened and the tone ‘raised. Presently the vividness of colour will fade again, and the cool greys lower the tone, and the passion of life will have died away. â€" But there will be no definite moment at which one could fairly say that love came: or wont. A girl who is not whispering in a lover‘s ear will always sa Â¥r:nkfy enough that she never knew w{at it was to be in love. There is one obvious deduction which she forgets to draw, that there never can be a time when she can know what it is to be in love. Here and there what it is to be in love. Here and theié, of course, a woman may be colder,â€" or later in development, or more selfâ€"conâ€" lingers on the border of this FIARST LOVE, thirdâ€"class. She is Clydeâ€"built, and can, under heavy Sitsdure, make fifteen knots an hour. e has seven guns, three at ‘each side and a pivot bow gun, a 100â€"pounder ~Parrot of long range. ‘The Hornet wfinblochdomw, and was captured by the \United States war steamship Supply early in 1865,° with a cargo nlu‘:’ ’afi $260,000. She has been confused with the Lillian, also a blockade runner. The latter was convertâ€" ed into a manâ€"ofâ€"war while the ZHornet was sent to League Island, where she hnd"ronuinqd unfil“lnt Jo:l.. Bhe is 820 tons burt & for â€" eight guns. Shim-vmm ranked his commission. | '_ j 3 THE COMMANDER OF THE HoRNET. Capt. Eloy Comache is her commandâ€" poinhdthooonlh coast of Massachuâ€" setts, whereâ€" her armament had been true, and she was unloaded. No arms were found on her. She was released and again takinifd ly â€" of coal» and thirt{ more men she mIIy stcamâ€" ed out of Halifax on the night of the 1-2'th inst., this time bound for an ap. Consul. Meantime she continuedâ€"to take in coal until, on the 5th, one of her crew made.affidavit that she was a Cuban privateer, and arms on board. The Spanish Consul gave $30,000 bonds for damages in case his charges were unâ€" vno Jr0 inst,, ana on the jollowing da was seized on complaint of the Spanish having thus been broken, she was sent to Halifax for o:k where she arrived on the 3rd inst., and on the following day Hornet, the latter steamed up the river. The Miami sent a blank â€"cartridge over her bow, which brought her to. Bhe was taken to the Navy Yard and held Accordingly Marshal Gregory, accomâ€" panied by,,Wrigbt, went on board the. revenue cutter Miami, and gave orders to the Captain to take the Hornet. When the Miami came in view of the THE FIRST RUSE. An American was placed in command, who was to remain in charge until her armament aud compliment of her crew were on board. Sge was cleared for Iiverpool, via Havana, on Fridafi‘,, the 13th ult., and: the Saturday following sbe dropped down the river to a point opposite the city. A small tug also emâ€" KE:’:ld to take | commissary stores on the Hornet was to go into Cuban service. He talked about it until U. 8. "Hnrslu.! Gregory heard the report, and Â¥Fifteen Knots an Hourâ€"Her Armamont and Her Crew. â€" When the Ryan expedition was about ready to leave, fiew ?:rk, several reportâ€" ers ropresenting the leading papers were invites by the Cuban Junta to accomâ€" pany it until it arrived at a safe distance from the coast. These reporters «wore escorted on board a small steamer by a member of the Junta Cuban% who showâ€" ed them every courtesy. They were, however, â€" hardly uuyy from tKo pier, when enterprising reporters who did not go were engaged writing up the expediâ€" tion, which was not safe before morning came, â€" and the whole undertaking was exposed, and in consequence the expediâ€" tion was captured. At about the same time negotiations for the purchase of the Hornet, then lying at League Island, were concluded. 8{‘:5'“ bought by Cubans and Americans without any assistance of the Junta, and preparations were imâ€" mediately made for converting her into a Cuban manâ€"ofâ€"war. She was overâ€" hauled and repaired at Messrs.«â€"Neafle & Levy‘s at Kensington wharf. | little letters deposited in crafty hiding ’plnoeo. There is the carrying out m new ritual of love as loveâ€"novels gi;e it to us, the stealing photographs and the kissing locks of, and the writing loveâ€"poems with a certain weakness in their rhyme, and the watching the light in our mistress‘s window. It is wonderâ€" ful with what a rigorous exactitude, with what a grave seriousness, we carry out our part in the pleasant little comedy. But it is no comedy to ws while we figure in it. It is the revelation of a new world, a world of ligq'h and joy, a world, too, of wonder and enchantment and mysâ€" A HEAVY ARMAMENT ON BoARD. THE STORY OF THE HORNXET. ° SEIZURE OF THE HORN&T. ined to sgize the suspicious vesâ€" The Privateer Safe at Sea. OFF FOR HALIFAXL, 23rd ult., © when she Uis. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurs 4 Co is on each package, signature of Hurs & Co is on each package,; # N. % Northrop & Lymon. Neveastio Ooy, proprietems {PRICKâ€"3 CERNTs, quickly? Waen you have taken a cold is it prudent to wait until it has settled wn the lungs, vhhnumfl-uh-nh”. trying to oure it, even if it can be cured at all, or 1s it cheaper to take Ayor‘s Cherry Pestoral, costing a few shillings, and remove the trouble whose services may be estimated at $2 a day, and their annual loss by sickness at an average of ten days in the year. This gives a total loss of mo-hh.-hq-uh whole cost of the General Government including the Arity, Navy, Post Offices, Legisiators, Forâ€" eign Ministers and all, ‘The amount weighs over six hundred tons in pure gold. * Al&.mafl-fiym“ ‘be averted by attention to dist, cleanliness, and above all, by the proper use of the right remedy in season. Whena 25 cent box of Ayor‘s Pills will avert an attack of illness which it would take several days to recover from, or a dollar a bottle of Ayer‘s Bursapariila, will "expel a lurking disorder that will bring the sufferer to his back tor weeks or months, does it take auy Agures to show the good cconomy of the investment? When Fever and Ague is raokiimng in your velns and shaking your life out of you, is it worth the doliar it costs for his Aovue® Cras to have the villainou terride viplence. Fortunstely, the pisces do nok fly tar, so that no one has ever been hurt by th m, The action is more like ise than powder; but i# mmmammmpq Puszxs.â€"Darly Journal, Lhowell, HYPOPHOSPHITES . _ _ _ through its direct and potent action on the nervous Bold by apothecaries. (Price $1.50 per bottle, or 6 for $1.60, JAMEB L FELLOWS8, Chemist, | serviceable. The mind cannot be oversome while the nervous system is wosak. In many instances the deriding laugh at the unfortunate, or the more temperate appeal to the reason is absoluteâ€" ly injurious, by exciting irritation in the mind of the suferer, who thinks his advisers cither unâ€" feeling or incredulous toward his complaint. Mh.m.uh..mlydm to such treatment. Both the feeling and the reasoning facultios are now successfully treated FELLOWS coxrouKkD srRUP or HYPOPHOSPRITES Is one of the most dificult to treat succesttully of all nervous direases. Reasoning with neivous or ”M“A_A _-l_h!- persors rarely proves e on publication of ~Mr, right‘s judgment at the present moment is most opportune,â€"Spectator, | has large surples funds available for distribution as profit next year, along with what this year may add to i ‘This is highly gratifying to the directors of the company themselves, and must tend very largelyâ€"to increase the confidence of the public at large, With such a comâ€" pavy there can be little risk; ‘on the other hand there is the prospect of great Boston, late Insurance Commissioner for the State of Massachusetts, whose entire independence of the company, and high professional character, would’ give the greatest weight to ‘any opinion he might offer. Mr. Wright, it seems, has niade a careful valuation of every policy and annuity obligation of the company, basing his calculations upon the : net or pure premiums only, entirely disregardâ€" img as a source of income the margin or loading forexpenses. As the result of such a severe examination, he reports a most satisfactory condition ofâ€" things, 'f;n-‘wllioh it I| lboznghu the company | sink them at sea. What the Alabame was to our commerce the Cubs will be | made to theirs. She will escort all exâ€" ‘ peditions into safe bays and guard them | until landed, and afterwards escort the stability and safety. With this "vu'-: «placed the accounts of the ©company :_:‘t,ho hmhuz‘ Mr. Klizsur Wright. of Amidst this uncertainty and distrust, it is a matter of some importance to have a clear idea of the standing and stability of the offices we have nnofi: ourselves. We cannot allow the publi mind to be in doubt when facts are at hand every n‘{ calculated to inspire confidence; and very opportunely at the present moment a report bas come into our hands respecting the Canada Life Aésurance Company, which is highly satisfactory, and to which at least a passing allusion should be made. The directors of this company have apâ€" announcement by the last English mail, thatâ€"another large office in Enogland has failed, having at the time many millions of assurances.â€" The Company thus reâ€" ferred to is the : " European," which many of our readers :hnil. remember as having an agency in thi about eighteen months m retired under the operation of the present law which rbz:fres the payment of a deposit into hands of the Governâ€" ment. â€" â€" The recent failure of one of the 1 PCCIu"Uve vompanies in Engiand has been very gem.r-rl.yl commented upon by the public press. _A sort of distrust has sprung up among the people as to the stability, of Insurance Companies in gener@l, and in some cases the apitation has bordered upon a panic similair to what takes place in our banking instiâ€" tutions when one of the oldest firms un expectedly collapses. This anxiety in vessel carrying them out to sea. CANADA LIFE AaS8URANCE. has Wright, of

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