bflnap,.- areie hâ€â€œl& IJMQN" 'Awhfllnu 830 a m, and atricm . 6r &â€"ANNa way, ""P0L0 p TRURsDAy ox. Mospar, AT THE VAR tor Conch to s se °Pet for 2t undaep ; °~ "‘ THB V es : cmd i oge Wl Vetermary Infirmary attached for sick and lame _ OTFA , horses, under the diroct management of t A. 0. F. COLEMAN, V. 8., C en d lfldd.o“b'*huym . . . in * U *% -n-u-v.l.uu'm.lm: W A Â¥+ ffl.-n.“‘u articles necessary to conâ€" -O-u':m at VERY LoW mo::. "floll-ls-n r-u:: u-m"u 3 at high proofand flaror, at extremely low prices: a‘“",:"“'""" Beotch Whiskey and Murphy‘s Old I[rish Potteon. * . Guinness‘ and Loadon Porter, pts and ats. Ryson, quite frosh and cheap. * * _ Freosh 9 mm-‘ roasted daily on [‘lu‘ouâ€" Cooxao Brixorm: Renanlt & finâ€" Han. THE OLD STOOK, 89 RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW A, a HAVING OPENED HIS NEW EsTABâ€" LISBMENT hb .,‘ (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) * }P.ll-‘lufl'a.‘l“l-h- 1 Meeke ew, ut ‘«ESMONDE BRO8. LA â€"_ Cooxao Braxotes; Renault & Co, Henâ€" nessy, Piper‘s and other brands. ‘hi“y‘n;duâ€"hl'n Piping, or Tin or Tron Work to * ggorlks, W W , 5 Dhowlos o all grades, Ports of fine quality, Surgundy, Souterne and Maderia Winss Pp SALE, â€" A CHAIN CABLE and ANCHOR, m-mcuo MESS,, XXX and No. 1 FLOU WHITE BEaR3 __ _ _‘ BALDWIN‘S ALARM MXONEY DRAWER For sale by all leading hardware merchants h-hrghe.. FAIRBANK3S, BROWN & co 11646r _ â€" ‘sium Mh.... “m'- â€"m-v;â€" e m';: monmn, OLD RYE, PROOF AND OLLAXD GLK~â€" _n“ ml'-lm-r'- and Houtman‘s, n wood 'l“!'l niouT. FAIRBANKS‘ STANDARD Railroad Track Scales, Flour and Grain Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, Bordeauz and other Vinegars, MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, Fizerâ€"Crass Ruomo aso Detriwmo Honsus. ‘Medical aitendance to regular boarders free of ’.lbï¬&q Carleton -l-.lï¬-mbq’-'tdt'h'ni;‘ N. B.â€"Charges moderate. promises, which will be let at a low Agure. B L 'l‘- OPTAWA LIVERY ‘mhh:#nd‘â€. polite atzention: " 2ize Sost of Hiquore witl be found k B B LARIVIERE. N Bâ€"A Wllllo-’b aitached to he "S VLD STOCK, SAYVED FROM FIRE SELLING at TWENTYâ€"FIVE PERCENT BELOW CoStT. Now is the time or bar ainsz.* 1105 MEOOIKK .«ccccovwmcrvtrerrcrrrcemc i Th H, U TP, B PUTK . ceecreaccsnrcareceserertercens :a : :.. : :.. :g Ramember the address, ~ A. 0. AUDY & 00., Box 201, P. 0., o:-. or . Oftaws, May 8. w Jare sALE AND BAIT STABLES, Ee CC C W d e 20 ve every one perfoct satistaction, The advanâ€" .:p-l-dnhmm are such as can only be obtained from our Continental merchants, as we sell onur gooils at a very small advance on cost. in order to give every one a chance to taste our 1.....405â€".'. havre imported Tin Hermeâ€" tic Cattees and Boxes, which will preserve the stropgth and favour of the above named articles, and will contain 5, 10, 20, 25 Ibs and upwards. lowm’qhmnmulbnhul !b Cattees, to the nearest Express ‘or Steambont .".T.“'..h""“"""'""" ‘Where Erpess or Steambont Where :o-n or Steamboat 'og *h:od'ï¬ h-':::h‘fll receive ons ot their own cholice in return at our ‘o*.lfldmm: s BLAOK TEA . ~ Common Congou, Strong Tos......... .....80 4 @ 50 Fine Fizvoured New Season do............ 0 58 @ 60 Excellent Full Finvoured do............ 0 75 @ 80 100%d OOUODG...»ssuuess»scsenescesccsenccsescess 0 4# @ 45 Rich P1n900700, 0O ..»â€"ssss0000esesesemesees @88 B 80 Young Hyson..... uperiine and Veory Qur Tess ani Cofoos, aftdr‘tone year‘s trial mn-pâ€" be of the fnest quality, cheap and free from all rw“ used in the tea trade, importers af the above named articles, and CcOFFEE! COFFEE! ;COFFEE! Juns14, 1869, BXIS WUsLi®, OMINION BOWLING ALLEY. :z:-&d:’ Congou, Imporial, Young } TEA!I TEA : VOL. IV NO. Ii79. UREEN A KA. CGOPFPEE, buils. Therewill be kept a register book for the parâ€" The sabscriber htb in form his friends that od on MONDAY, ~'= This is one of the best in the Counter Scales, &¢, &¢. , we are in a position to of markicg the numâ€" 'o..†and qts. and with Arstâ€"class 0 55 @ 60 0 50 @ 60 0 15 @ 8 1 60 @ 00 0 15 @ &0 twelye years in Ottawa, and has wiversal satisfaction. Particular 0 alil dessriptions of robes and ladi essiter‘s Station, on Beptember mst: snt, thereby mma-q;‘um Cow pany‘s property, ul%-‘ lives of U 10 publis and the servants of the Company. _â€"_ For sale at $3.50 Hurry orders before it is all gone, "':__M-, o hâ€"thm. sold that there is someâ€" ll‘-".ilu DES Reck Olls that suits. Try it and find out. All oil delivered free, icion undersigned bogs to notify blie that !’.?!!M?:u-h::â€"- of Toronto, 25th September, 1869. Notice is hereby given, that the last day for receiring Poritions for Private Bills will be will be T- K 8T. LA WRENCR & ofTawa RHRAILWAY COXKXPAXY. y®ar ay1vent, BIGN AND HERALDIQ PAINTING, Ontaria Carriage Factory, 80 Sparks street. m-umurmm-up on qo e oo ceeuacens Io Arth tate sirle, can gret sand Dolls rs (§70,000) U. S. Gold Bonds, 68 of 81 mu.k’ï¬â€˜?‘-’.’m Gray, ll:i'n:" beer 1 haved this duy, deposited with the Roeceiverâ€" General, 1 “‘uâ€"umh addition to the abors, Fut Thomsand, meking Sereaty Thor in Canade ; noi-l.'-.l-..&-q has received a license to »transact the business of Insuranot No: 104. Ottawa, 12th Dotober, 1868. Bpecial aitention given to the purchasing on MdMCM“Q nlm KUTUAL ; FORWARDER, GE NE R AL AGENT, No. 3, St. Peterâ€"st. AGENT for .he above compaay ,Tm""""; m#lfllâ€".hm The Prspectus, Forms of Application, and every infor:mation, may be obtained at his office. wone! . J # BOULTON, _ Foo carnsear, COMMI3SION The : above reward of $500 will be paid for Office of Queen s Printer, An entirely Canadian institutionâ€"perfect security to insarers, and immediate payment of claims. Ottaws, Doss. 8, 1848 Q18ef FI VE HUNDRED â€"_â€" REWARD. ( Rtawa, Sept28, Wmcn COMPANY. ‘ *" _ ESTABLISHED 1825. CAPITAL. . ....£1,000,000 SPERLING. INYVESTED IN CaNADA....£350,000 _ CANADA HEAD OFFICE:, MONTREAL. BECREIARY; Ottaws, November 7, 1868 g»rovisou. insuranck. Lipg Deriatuext.â€"The adrantages which the lonlolmnuuhom'y, any office of equal either as rmhnhnlnbo. """zh of its to the eircumâ€" stances reqrirements of ania. rhks r:'au; B, K. C: JRWIN, General . Erors staretâ€"Opposite Main Entranze to Rovu i ‘ x3 IN@URANCE COMPANY. 1135.2m 364 Â¥Fian Kisus taken as low as the character of the AZL .AR. Leemnarvs Assawusor o# Ontano, IFPE A8ssU0RANoE, 3. ‘The UNION MUTUAL LLFE LINXSUR CO MPANY, of Maine. sit in U. 9. ds of ‘81â€"$50,000. pe ues n en d a e ae # +8 4*# A DAYIDSON PARKEL. BOXESs CANADA PLATES CHARLES T. GILLMORB, , the TWENTYâ€"ROURIH day of 8CoTTIsSH Hoehas been at the business for OP MALIN B. 28, 1 869. neral Agent, 8t John, N.B COMPANY: HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLâ€" EhS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BATHS, JELLY MOULDS, PIE Moulds, Japanned Trays, Toilet Setts FOLDING BEDSTEADS, HAT AXD UX BRELLA STANDS, &c, &c. â€" _ A groat rariety of COOK STOYES, JAPANNED & PLANISHED TIN WARE . A'.’ohn BEAUTLIPIUE covonns, ns Sent Shnaper thastte (he had slzednre in the *4 E- (ATJTUHE VARLBTY HBALG ; CHARGES MODERATE 1000 ol 5) an e Puls Bate, Oicth Cipe: / the proprietor, begs to thank his customers for the liberal support given him since commencing business, As the winter is fast approaching, partios wanting their PURS CLEANED AND ALTERED to the Latest Fashion, and those requiring: W1l do well to give him a call. Being ‘a prac tieal furrier, and having been Foreman for Greene & Son‘s, of Montreal, Tor 14 years, he feols confdent of giving every satisfaction. HAT AND FUR STORE, 64 SPARKSY.â€"8TREET, OTTAWA Opposite the British Lion. patch. All orders from the city Fuul PuRs: runs: Opposite the Bricish Lion Hotel, late of Richard m.g:‘pnodn-'flby'dl. reen k 0 P DORION. l)â€"uy-"ml.:r“w‘.‘.ym. Tin, Brass, + Iron, Also, received a fine lot of the weill known Eflg?“tg-l-flflmh Toa makers Loverinas & Co, England, Block Tin Toa and Coffee Pots diferent styles and shapes. If you want Tea Table Mats, Dish om..o.c..m"hm""'hhw N-oa of all sizes and best -.-:'ul:. give a to C P DORION, *‘ Taeu,Biire tw Agemom maven‘ n h are 0 P DORIONK. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, f _ C P DORION,. If you want a fine lot of Chamber Ware, of any size or pattern, a call to ""****< P DoRION. r,:-uml-d-yhpn.un s C P PORION, CULINARY & â€" DOMESTLIC TINWARE Jast give If you want 0. P. DORILON, 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotel, A CALL, And examine for yourselves and see if he cannot . _ . mortod stooky Witer:s :0 _s ./ 0C ~~0~)) ~ If ):nv:u.a:rh’mdaqb + C P DORION. If t °C P DORION. offer you greater inducements than you can 5 S en oo Lo rternie dhke yoe ce * Beecher & Co‘s" # North‘s® Patent Drom Hesters,"" * Fooster‘s" Boiler Purger, * Eaton‘s" Grain Cradlies, muley and telograph Iqhh.m-‘&mm Straw do, extra long Hay Rakes, bent and straight handles Boythe Etones = Grind Stones, from 25 1b to 200 1b, ‘Together with a complete assortment of SHELF AND HEAYVY HARDWARE, also, Paints, {ils Glass, Putty, LYTH & KERR, No, 24, Rideau‘st, Ottawa, GRASS SCYTHE of the following makes, ris Blood‘s German Steel Bell Ha ms proiees is o ooo niileet TTEXTION. Wadsworth Cast do Do _ Queen of the Meadew Flint# Solid Cast Steol, Blood‘s, Higgins‘ and Whitney, Ar tuxr Siox or tazs Anvu, Stoves & Hardware. H1ENRY HODGES, soLus agexts rorm C P DORION, No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"S8T., 58 Sparks street, Sign of the Anvil, C P DORION. 0. $4, Rideanâ€"st. Wood or Con % Ottawa, Soptember 15, 1889, 11763m * Ottawa,. ind October, 1869. Authorized discount on American Invoices until further notice : 24 per cent. R. 8. M. BOUCHETTE, permanently maintaining its beauty. M Its nourishing properties effectually prevent the hair from falling off or turning gray. M EVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, proprie tors; and sold by all druggists and perfam (usvous ozrarr=ent, PURE GREASE or rus CANADA BEAR, has been long ‘known as a most valuable tolle article, and a constantly increasing demand is a gasranteso of its high reputation. ;“&“fl&mn:’_t ‘y m.:nhlcu but the year rent to be increased in the increase of like rents on the Also tor ‘ at the Vilinge of the . 3 oiz wator power will admit of subdivision into two distinet privi otf 5 run of stones, 10 horse power each Tun ; see Plan at this office. _ _ ‘:fl‘;&,%â€.w £ the rivers Ottawa and 8t Lewrence. ‘This sane i 186. At known as the "Split Rock " in &mo:d‘:.mqh:cudm.cnm &Mhhh’dï¬yu‘bflï¬d llmhlbocldy Vaudreuil, Province of a water power equal to 10 run of reene vite Tet phttinet ME 100 ie 10 rocm 518500 to be pasd down ar the proge aad timn of hlqï¬huunuthu m.(“um No 4, contiguous to the said and giring access to the same. amranteo of its high reputation. Jt is delightfully perfamed, and: is eminent for romoting a luxuriant growth of the hair, and ermanently maintaining its beauty. R very fine Aavour. STILTON CHEESE in stook,equal to English Cheose, and 10 conts per 1b cheaper. Ottaws, June 1, 1869 chased for retail frac RI-O“ Ham, Tongues, 5 Sa)mon, Anchory Pa Pickles, of all kind: KA T & sSTOUT, And the celeobra in quality, at prices | dos each; quarts | od by Guinvess® & OTTAWA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 amily use, try it. S NXF vintage 185 ed in the Dominion 10 #Z»s }< Ist. At a place known as the " AVAGR‘8 URAIN A. Factory Cheese ver For sale by DIRECT IHPORTATIONS. Â¥resh Ground ar sVssE & BLACKWELL‘S GOODS Les & Porrin‘s Worcester Sauce. belght t Apip Ancnd HHDS BRANX W arranted fine Ex Bark Ga to qualities an oll _ rch a tril Ez Ship Nereo from Oporto. Ez Chaudiere, from London. CASES GUINNESS & co‘s xx% te P1G BRAND, unequaled unusually low, by the case of $2.50, pints $1.75. Warrantâ€" Mï¬-nlou‘-. Game and DY, vintage 1865 and 1868 quality, MEDAL BRAND, RT WINE (18 years old 1, 1858, and l(au.’ u.d..lf for quality and prices. For telle from COGNAC, and Green‘s, in great varieâ€" i prices. New Season Teas, 1â€"for famelres, being pur i Roasted fon the {[premises, e Sec of State. a Pataeit, Under Bec; of State. put up _ order and warâ€" PATTERSON, 26 Rideau st; FINE FAMXILY «ult e } DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, w ’.mc“ MM“,. In rear of Gethausen & Dupuis Tobaeco Store. . Orders for Dycing and Scouring will be promptâ€" 1y flled at the LOWEST CHARGES. ‘r._nifllll‘â€h paid to the Cleaning of Pll"A‘ll BYOARDIXG HOUSK. â€" llm% ,&nuqn has removed to Mâ€"-muwm-lpmm OTTAW 4 OFFICEâ€"G P Dawmworx»‘s Exchange Office, 19 Sparks stroot. ts y DIBECTORS: AJOSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Tresâ€" surer; 8 BFOOTE : A THOMSON, T H DUKN. street,and announces to his friends and to the pabli n grimal that ty it renly i reveire poardigs 46 Plofl-l.-l TELEGRAPH COMPANY Incorporated under Chapier LXVII of the WARREN‘8 PIPE ORGANS, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the best acâ€" tories in the United States, excelling in finish and tone anything ever brought into this country. Now is the time for intending purchasers, B@PRICES LOW & TEBMS LIBERBAL @q Our stock of Concertinas, Violins, Flutes, &c., &o., is, as usual, very large, & . _New Shoot Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" to attend to their orders for tuning more promptly than heretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once .-ï¬â€™:’. Orders received at Mr. Bermingham s Aunction Puno TUNLNG.â€"The s dG ‘.“‘.3‘ to divide his time . W Whr“. would his old patrons and others, that h Orders received at Mr, Vmi m ‘.-'â€"" â€"Auncti Rooms, and at E. Miles‘ Music Btare. _‘ ***" f , GEO. N. BENEDIOCT. PIANOâ€"FORTES,from all the leading makers. DRUMMOND, Manager: 1M P I a NOâ€"F OR TES, 0O RGAN 8, Mluu:.x..on-alol Respectfully call the attention of the public to heir magnificent stock of Ottawa, September 4, 1869, 1144.3m An extensive stock of Canadian 2weedn West of Haglal n their new Shew Room, comprising will be found very select. Â¥rom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAND has had (having been Manager in the Gentleâ€" man‘s ‘l‘n&c.m.'h many years), he hopes to give ltio;l :&' : pank â€" . the list of remedies for these com: Dzs. A. W. B of New York, says; «I hnnm'Mhmm.tmd &pflh‘ er com it a su article, and well worthy the notice of all .‘ Purchasers should be -;:.dnd n&k“iormnrwn. Trask‘s l&flh Ointment, and see w -~4‘.‘.ru ‘B MAGNETIC OINTMENT" are “ ® x â€" Northrop : Newonstle, C. W., General Agents for the Canadas, Bold in Otlaws by ‘all lnuln:nl by medicine dealers everywhere. Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH, (Organist ofthe Cathe . aly a Uraduate of the Lmporial Gomepratory of mother, and relief and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the tasto, and is the preâ€" soription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" mum-mhmuusuu. Price 25 cents . .oi‘ieverywhere. Be sure to call for "MRS w/INSLOW‘S8 S00THING SYRUP." Having the facâ€"simile of "Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitations the groatest discoveries of the uge; for the cure of or-? or Rattles.â€"Ds. Bmmonix, of Utica, New fll-olmz "!ihn used Dr. A. r::ko; Magnetic Ointment practice a num years, and can say with pleagure I deem it one of SYRUP. It will reliove the poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. ‘There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will reguliate the bowels, and give rost to the Mothers 4 Motners i Mothers I1â€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘S S0O0THING It is a most 'delilghtm Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Mre. 8. A. }'u.::“w,’ gmmm another urfiont sadirarnt. . 4t is very simple and ofien produces i radnncks -.-b,y‘-l results. Its great superiority “"'z as a Hair Deessing over high cost French Pomades ui. Tit farlnyr mt Arbtahanmens rhould ms be used one with the other. BOLD BY ALL DRUG@ISTA, Proom e oo on t o "ld on pre o o Meernle Drvaaints, HAIR: RESTORER Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural ure. Color and Beauty. A REAL HAIR RESTORER AND : _ _ . __ _ Combined in One Bottle. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cures KELECT TAILORING. New Style. I T. RAJOTTE. NEW IMPORTATIONS. MIRST PRIZER ‘ NEW DOMINXIONX J. L. ORME & sOoX, Bign of the Golden Lyre, No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Duric & Son‘s ACADEXY. NOTICES. BEAUTIFUL HAIR, Nature‘s Crown. You Must Cultivate it _ GRAY HAIR > Is a certain indication of decay at the roots. he hopes, in future, bog to inform his 1008â€"147 ;j 1660. tives. The General S 'ald:o?: asked to express an opin{:d,-w are clergyimen of -mm« al r tatives are to be elected by tbermn Synods, Every ten clergyâ€" men infeach diocese, wha have been five years in priests‘ orders will elect one repxu?ahtive, and one additional repreâ€" sentative .is to be allowed for any. excess larger, than five beyond the exact multiâ€" fl-“ of tem. . The : Provost and Fellows of rinity College and the Professors of. the University of Dablin, or such of them as cérned, to a" lgod, cof only two dayt ‘dehperationg. some twenty theatresâ€"mostly German, i eeanie pekiest houses ’vithoug:n:mbu. There is fot a place on the oo::tinent zï¬m liomo;iom is so prevalent among all sorts pcople as there. ~The numerous divorces which to the good that is within Chicago as a city it has 2,261 licensed saloons, or places where liquor is sold at retail, at least 800 houses of prostitution, and, allowing for different utinuluu. 5,000 street women, of London. in this city. Mr. Rose has been one of the most eminent Finance Ministers Canada has ever had, and has succeeded in deservedly rising the credit of the New Dominion to a high and wellâ€"meritâ€" ed position in the eyes of London financiâ€" al men. It is gratifying to us to be able to record the honzn:g career of our countrymen, and they could not, in our opinion, have joined ‘a more estimable house than that of Morton, Bliss & Co. | Mr, Morton has for many ;years held a banker of known houor and probity and the high and honourable foli.t.ion as a accesâ€" sion to the firm last January of a gentleâ€" man of the wealth and uoll':’ilty of‘" Mr. George Bliss has still further added to the high reputation of his house, ‘Now that twoâ€"of our fellow ‘countrymen, m the confidence of business men and in Canada, have also joined the firm we can safely predict. a pros and honourable career to Morton, m Co., o£ yeijork, and Morton, Rose & Co., highly and respectable and ':rmodthy house f ::Fhlorton, Bliss & Co., as partner. â€" This house has also been fortunate enon%h to secure the services of the Hon. John Rose as partner, who joins the London office: of the firm, where the business will be continued under the style of Morton, Rose & Co. _ It is gratifying to us to be able to state that both o({hue gentlemen are Scotchmen (Mr. Watson being a native of Edinbnrgb‘mmd Mr. Rose of Aberdeen,) and that both have been sucâ€" cessful in theirérespective spheres. Mr. Watson is a banker by profession, having learned the rudiments of that business in the Bank of Scotland, of which Mr. Davidson, at one time manager of the Bank of British North America, Montreâ€" al, 1s now the chief, Mr. Watson was for some years manager of the Bank of British North America in London, Canada, and for the past five years has successâ€" fully conducted the business of that bank if he can well supply his place. LONDON AED NEW YOGRK BANKING Mre Walter Watson and Hon. John Rose» From theSootish American. On the 1st inst. Mr. Walter W atson, at present agent for the Bank of British ‘Ijo'x:t‘h America in this city, entered the against him, alleging * irregularities," and great unnecessary expenditures in the course of his administration. M. Thiers was particularly violent, and used his best efforts to render him unpopular; but when the time came to vote upon the loan desired, it was ganted with only fortyâ€"four opposing voices, and he‘ reâ€" mained in power. In personal appearâ€" order was no sooner given to effect a grent public improvement than houses like. thagic, and in their places boulevards, parks, or whatever else it was designed to effect, appeared almost instantancously. It was not long since that an attempt was made by tie Opâ€" remove Haussmann from his position, and various charges were made * 1 ___ ‘‘=VDoIuaun was & manâ€" who had become famous during the last few years as the right hand man of the Emperor in carryin through the stupenâ€" dous works in ;’rzrisg'which are calcnlrteo:l to beautify the city and to hand down to posterity the name of Napoleon IIL. For the last fifteen years he has been engaged in those works, and during that time has created a debt of 465,000,000f. something like $400,000,000 in gold ; but as the result of this expenditure Paris toâ€" dahy is the most beautiful city in the world. The _ great â€" characteristics of Baron Haussman‘s operations was the celerity and rapidity with which he had accomâ€" plished all" that he undertaok _ Tha Daron Haussmann, Prefect of [the Seine, died suddenly on Oct. 8, at Borâ€" deaux, of a stroke of apoplexy. . . ' _ Baron Haussmann was a man who A WastrEarx Parapissz.â€"â€"As an offset DEATH OF BARON HAUSSMANXN. two ed: which save ts man y-h-'"wyâ€" wate? br milk. Bold by the trade only in i41b, 3!' and llb.mwu_ auss Kprs Chemiste, London, England. 11383W Em marks:â€"*"The singuisr successâ€"which K. this pnnu’-lt- ‘bas zendered it a general favourite, ‘The Cimvic Sunvics GA:nnv. which will soon have â€"it in operation on pels them to change the iton on which the seats revolve, which is accomplished at very slight trouble and expense. comfortable as upon a couch, An invenâ€" i to. 8. 3. Bhot at Taw Coaed w’buquih confident that he has full in that respect. The chairs are of the Mï¬npbmd'niquorduingiubl‘, ennbiningthobmofut,hu,,nd b«lu:o-uo. Although a.very recent in , it has already been ndm by the New Orleans, Jackson and Northern, Louisville and â€" Nashville, ui-i.wi Central, Kansas Pacific, and Hannibal and 8t. Joseph Roads, all of and it was evident ‘that he had clutched, with his hands covered ‘with blood, an overhanging branch as he fell into the â€"The body of Mr. Patton, Lord Justice Clerk of Scotland, was found in :'podnndorvhu is known as the spout Bcnc!mnt{I The pool is about twenty feet deep. Mr. Patton‘s throat was out, fumiery, vhur e fags dove win on . w & with un oonndlzudsnd tearful eyes, evinced tboirngntstthuï¬mdydu& of the poor young creature,â€"Liverpool Post. CUCMOE . TWO, _ JABC gICBLCSL _ CXCitement rvn.iled in the village until midnight. n!h'l'ki:’ contrast was the scene at the funeral of the unfortunate victim, Elien Whime.'z:md-y. A long | line of mourners followed her remains to the hatred of the poor wretth by dashing down upon ï¬epooooï¬n clodl’o( earth, stones, &o_ The greatest excitement hatred of the poor the coffin, pitched it into the graveâ€"a depth of nine feetâ€"as if it contained a dog, and many of the crowd then fan wVp, anu many OfI LBC Crowa then ran forward, and showed their contempt and and an attempt was made by a few of the n}?bl; hu;d Hbc:n the coffin il:_to the grave whic pared oriumoghoo' in the free porl’.mnd’we o:huthe Chure ':: E d nd, but this was 5;&:“ s“:flpolioowbo had mud& tli.ledpi::ho protection of the corpse. A:A'dltui-‘c:‘:"nmhi-::;n," and 66 on * w â€h id yolls, Ahs Detrers having ‘ploorened In pursuance of the coroner‘s warrant, the body of the suicide and murderer, Henry {Vbittlev, was interred without the usual Christian rites in the oemeterz at West Houghton, about halfâ€"past 1 o‘clock on Tuesday night. Four men having placed the coffin on a bier;, bore it to the cemetery, followed by several hundred persons bearing lanterns, torchâ€" lights, &c., whoâ€" expressed their indignaâ€" tion at the crime of the murderer by the most fearful oaths and execrations. Arâ€" rived at the cemetery, some little delay rivedutbeu:etery,lomzflitg: dela took place in the untying oordi wh@nlffmdtbo coffin to the bier Eninfnl feeling throughout the northern ingdom. ‘The tempo â€"aberration which led him to oommi?ge sad act was due to tormienting troubles which sprang from public as well as private causes. The recent death of a grother preyed upon his mind, and the depression &m caused was increased by unpleasant reâ€" velations concerning the election in Bridgeâ€" water, for which borough Mr. Patton sat when Lord Derby came into power and appointed him Lord Advocate of Scotland and afterwards Lord Justiceâ€"Clerk. The elections which took place three years ago in the borough were exceedingly corrupt, but no one believed that Mr. Patton was personally implicated. Still the fact that he was summoned as a witness weighâ€" ed heavily upon his sensitive, nervous and retiring nature; and the dread that the jndici:feflnino might be sullied in his mon became so great that reason at last lost its sway and he sought reliefin a selfâ€"inflicted death. * Buch a fate," says the London News,‘" commands our pitg; though it is perlnp almost better to the sensitive and highâ€"minded man whom the mere contact with corruption tortures into madness, than the obtuse and vulgar nature which boasts of its evil doings and glories in its shame." EXTRAORDINARY SCENE AT FUNERAL OF®A MURDERKA 4 ENGLAND. There remains no reason to doubt that the late Lord Justiceâ€"Clerk of Scotland n;et death by his own hand amc not % of an assassin, as was at first supposed. the circumstances counected with the finding of his body point to this melanâ€" chpl! conclusion, which has eaused much geacon Lee‘s proproal that questions of doctrines and discipline should be decidâ€" ed only by the clergy, and thatâ€"only comâ€" municants should be eligible as lay repreâ€" sentatives. ‘The Lay Conference is to be held in October. mode of electing the lay representatives, declined, and expressly negatived Archâ€" deacon L“’a Dmnml thet Amactinne af LORD JUSTICEâ€"CLERK PATTON. â€"The very agreeable character of s CO0oa_â€"â€"GuATBEFUL AKD of Chatham and the township of Portâ€" land, in Frontenac. ‘The town â€" ot Woodstock will apply for an Act to Leeb | permit the County Council of Oxford . to j _; | use the free fair grounds, ‘originally out ted by the Crown, for other purposes h 1j fl:«.mu,ud.m. D. A. Macdonald, un . | Of Glengarry, desires to be allowed to exâ€" {PRICKâ€"3 CENTs, _ Boid by apothscaries. Price $150 per bottle or 6 for $7.50. « JAMESI FELLOWS, Chemist, Bt John, N B. _ Acosursâ€"Francis Oundil! & Co, Wholssale serviceable. The mind cannot be oversonis while the nervous system is wosak. In many instances the deriding laugh at the unfortunste, or the more temperate appeal tothe reason is absoluteâ€" Iy injurions, by exciting irritation in the mind of the sufferer, who thinks his advisers either un« feeling or incredulous toward his complaint. There is, however, no longer necessity of resorting Is one ot the most dificult to trest successfully of all nervous diseases, . Reasoning with nervous of hypochondrical and insane persors rarely proves country, and if he was more of a political m?.rnmw,un the fault of his age. He was powertal in controversy, but not contentious ; unâ€" sensitive and utterly indifferent to censure, however bitter, he excited more respect laborious ; devoted to the institutions _he served ; much feared by lax clergy ; adroit, skilful, and generous To sum him up in a word, he was a powerf‘ul and successfulâ€" " hardshell" _ Churchman, reared in an when "*hardness" was noccnly“c::ud":‘yu‘-dl-! of Christ, but itually ~cultivated in themselves by the recruits of the Church Militant. nowever bicter, he exoited more respect laborious ; devoted to the institutions he served ; much feared by lax clergy ; adroit, skilful, and generous To sum him up in a word, he was a powerf‘ul and successfulâ€" " hardshell" _ Churchman, reared in an when "*hardness" was not.cnly“c::ud" true soldiers of l euey, Aut Mibtenty "sattivaled . o patient attention to detail and sympathy with individual character which are essential to successful administration of a diocese. He was not a controversialist for controversy‘s sake, for he always Tas Bisnor or Exeranâ€"The Bishop of Exeter died in his 1st after a tenure of his vast diocese J 38 years. A great deal has been written a‘“i';‘..‘:"r"“?:m“““"u....,“‘ wi to speak of considerable men who are no more ; but the only really wise, just, and " States,"â€"â€"Leader 64 â€"The constantly advancing wealth of Canada is exem Inxed in the steady inâ€" crease of individ‘:ul savings, The i... treal Trade MW“M the deposits in the vings‘ Bnkeplt;:‘vo reached the large sum : of m,l%â€"amdnhgï¬c.gï¬ Sovinly es uirrang offered by security and advantages + tracting its at expense b:nh # Img‘l‘l_noomu evident," the « of the country are increasing, and that, * too, much more rapidly than could “mmh&n‘ at all possible, : A > deproct *« the resources of the Dominion by those banks, "* It thus becomes evident," the Raue‘: says, "the aggregate savings 6 ~P 4 sn e t e t o) c en make " such other im'proveme?u As may be necessary for the purpose of obtaining by such means a supply of from Loch (or Lake) Garry in township d'Kenyon,fo:themofdnAMz mills, in the township.of Lochiel, in county of Glengarry." ‘These are among the private measures which will come before the Ontario Legislature at the Buffalo. ‘The Hrie and Niagara Extenâ€" gion Railway Company intend to usk the Legislature to amend their charter, so that they may make their road to the Bt. Clair River, u:) dnl‘{'l‘otonb and Nipissing, and the Port , Lindsgay &nr Beaverton Companies, :I'l: also solictt e in the Acts in ing them, Ehl:;i:el Thomas Emommmm::'to apply for an Act authorizing {is call to the bar of Ontario. Several churches appear to require legislation, ‘The trustets of ther%edeym Church, Warwick, ask for Pn m es n mt oe an Churceh, of t Finch{“::k also for similar powers; and also the Hawmilton McNab Street Wesleyâ€" an Church. ‘The township of Marysâ€" burg, county of Prince Edward, asks to boucfividod into mlnieitl:ll."?, and certain townships in Northum d and Simeoe desire to be set apart as new counties. Acts to confirm certain surveys of lands will be submitted on behalf of the town of Chatham and the township of Portâ€" land, in Frontenac. The town â€" ot Woodstock will apply for an Act to permit theCounty Council of Oxford . to use the frée fair grounds, originally mt:.dby the Crown, for other purposes ides fairs, and Mr. D. A. Macdonald, of G , desires to be allowed to exâ€" cavate canais, ditches, build dams, and mulen Hmudh athas Inn_LEL ectiragcct e o The Legislature of the Province of Ontario is to be called together for the despatch of business on the 3rd of Noâ€" vember next. We observe that quite a numbeér of private bills are to be asked fc‘))ti,emdsomeofthemofvery considerâ€" able importance. Acts of ingorporation are to be applied for by the Ontario Peat Company, the Mississippi Mining and Navigation Company, tl'::‘ Toronto House Building Association, the Beugog Land Drainage Company, the Primitive Methodist Conference of Ontario, the Toronto Wharf and Wlnbo-ing Comâ€" pany, and the Nazary Institute at Chatham. ~One railway company will ask for a charter to construct a line from "some point on the St. Clair River beâ€" tween the village of Mooretown and Baby‘s Point, passing through or near the townâ€"of St. Thomas, to some point on the Niagara River, between Fort Krie n‘l':u.l‘" the fo:dothmd I.hbl,d." is line, it is said, is promoted & number of wealthy Americans, who desire another line between Detroit and whoddrodopnlyumï¬v;h*w about its annexation to t.b’ukudv THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. , HYPOPHOSPRITES 1 in &:M“i:- avings, The = ont Qitice ‘Bavinge* m # the large sum : of e during the month 659â€"the superior