hnd-'olu»h-bmd%mfo the lowest tenders, in the first at all events, so long as they were known to be competent men and that they offered comâ€" #_ __peteat sureties. The contractors themselves, * .I* seâ€"ms to us, were purely to blame. _ _ CirOitamaCimes Hardware, Hardwareâ€"Thoe. Birkett. Lostâ€"â€"Albert Chain and ‘Key. Oysters, Oystersâ€"L. N. Nye. ofice should be addressed to the MANAGING DIRECTOR, + Tnuss Office, Among those present were his Royal Highâ€" ness Prince Arthur, Col. Eiphinstone, C. B., and Mr. Picard, R. A. V. C., his Excelâ€" lency the Governorâ€"General, Col. MceNiel, N. S8., Mr. Turvilie and Col. Irvine, A. D. C., sir John A. Macdonald, K. C. B., Sir George E. Cartier, Bart,, Mr. Cuvillier, Mrs. Cuvillier, and Miss Symes, Hon. Mr. Tilâ€" ley, Mre. Tilley and Misses Tilley, Hon. Mr, Col. Robertson Ross, Adjutant General and Mrs. Ross, Col. Coffin, Mrs. Coffin, Mrs. Fox and Miss Coffin, Mre. Skead and Miss Skead, Major Futroye, Mrs. Futvore, Miss Parent, Col. Stuart, Col. Bernard, Mrs. and Mre. Spragge, Mr. H. W. Lee and Miss Lee, Dr. Grant, M. P., ami Mrs. Grant, Nr. Grant Powell, Mr. Powell and Miss Powel!, Mr. Hartington, Mrs. H. Cotton, Capt. Cot ton and Lieut. Cotton, Mr. A. Walsh, M. P., Mr. Reynolds, Mr. R. 9. Casseis, Mr. and Mrs, H. O. B= ~tt, Mr. Grassctt and Mrs. Grassett, Mr. Dickinson, Mr. MceMicken, Rw. Mr. Poliard, Mr. Russell and Mre. Ruseell, Mr. Meredith, Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. H. Stewart, Mr. Kimber, Mr. Audy and Mrs. Audy, Mrs. Lemoine, Mrs. Desbarats, Mrs. Col. Donaldson, Mr. Macâ€" dougall and Mr. W. Walsb, of Tas Ortawa â€" H. R. H. Prince Arthur, danced with Laâ€" dy Young, Mrs Earle, Mro. Tilley, Miss King, Miso Macdougall, Mrs. Symes, Mise Lee and Mise Powell. Barpazs, Eeq., are in town. Itis underâ€" stood that the tenders for sections 8 to 12 of the romd will be opened toâ€"morrow by the Tuz Intercolonial Railway Commusmoners, Mr. ‘Waren, M. P., Chairman, Hon. Mr. Cuaxours, Hon. Mr. McLerzrax and C. J. As tus Tenders for sections <rom 8 to 12 of the Intercolonial Railroad will at once occupy the attention of the Commissioners, it may not be amiss to say a lew words in reference to the general tone of public opinâ€" ‘~~ with regard to the present progress of the work. â€" There is not a man 10 the country whio does not beliere that the construction of the “h‘ a way which bids tair to drag out the time of its successful completion lor another ten years. The system of accepting the lowest temder has been tried, arrive here toâ€"might. the‘ country, no lees than the words of the Britisly North America Aoct, dewand that the work should go on continuously and with uninterrupted despatch, and it 1s quite time that: the Commissioners should investiâ€" pbhlbo-dmthaauuleo-phi-h of mismanagement and delay, which are aiready destroying all public confidence in the consiruction of the road. The experiâ€" ence of other countries has conclusively crhhnubuhily that on sections 1 4 the men are not paid, and that the work is goung on at a snail‘s pace, and the same, story . is repeated all along the line aready under contract. The interests of (»All business shown the puy-vin? and poundâ€"foolish policy of aowing mey to cut one another‘s Mhtï¬u‘h?hhmbï¬r; the country is sure to pay for it in the end, and with a toletably heavy percentage, too; and in the megawhile the public is going on now, there seemas only too much reason to believe that the predictions of those who maintain that it will be 1880 before a car runs over the road will be fulfilied to the letter. ‘The press ol the Lower Proâ€" vinees is already beginaing to think that they have been gulled once more about the constructicn of the lntercolonial Railroad, and from the article in Saturday‘s Leader, which we give below, is is clear that the need never have been made. As the work dissatisfaction is general in all parts of the country. . The queston which every thinkâ€" ing man will now put to himsel{ is whether in the construction of the road we are to go on forever in th= same imbecile way, or whether we are toslearn anythiog from the experience which is already staring us in the face, and ingugurate another and wiser polhcy? Our contemporary says: °_# We have anything but encouraging reports M There is hardly a section of the two Arst lettings in which disagreements between the men engaged and the contractors clï¬.‘-lulh o uied 'm*flymlh‘rmm tor bas almady turned Ottawaâ€"ward in the hndldl‘ahhl-c-nphm of his tender, and to secure the release of his surcties, and that others are in pretty much -‘l-‘.hwwb what the result # 1t say will be. Bo far as we can see nobody is to blame ercept the contractors themselves, unless, Indued, as some persons assert, the ky For interesting Reaaing Matier MM;MMwQM.; apecifications were not as full as they ¢ to have been. It is a well hmilotm the prices at which the several sections were let were far belowâ€"in some instances ab~ amdly (ar belowâ€"the Chief Engineer‘s esti TURESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1869. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LabÂ¥y roUNe aT HOXL. Chief Engneer, Moxpoar Erex1=o. work at prices which it must be known are too low. The country cannot afford to run the risks of the chances with‘ which some of the contractors bave beéen playing. 1t the werk be let to competent men at reasonable prices, this is all the country can demand ; and we are satisfied it will prove the best and truest cconomy in the end." It would puzzie m good many of Sir Fraxcis Hixcas‘ opponents to give any S&tisâ€" lactory reason for their hostlity to his return to political lite in Canada. © Reasons drawn from the personal hatred of a few men in Toronto, and from some vamped up old stories of filteen years ago, are plentiful enough in some people‘s mouths; and about the causes of Gzororz Browx‘s opposition there need be hittle question, but for the bulk of people who can lock at things without being led altogether by the nose in everything which the Globe chooses to dictate the reasonus which make good his claim to public confidence and support are so plain that nothing but the most rabid ignorance ean overlook them. The return ot Sir Fraxcis Hisoxs to Parâ€" liament means political extinction~to the Hon. GzorcE Brow%®, and nobody will be surprised therefore to find him fighting tooth WesternReformers are beginning to grow tired of his leadership and impracticable characâ€" ter, and although they may affect to be unwilling to see him laid upon the shelf, we do not think that there is a single man who is not anxious to see something of that headway made which can never be brought about while Gzororz Browx leads the party. The man may be sincere, but domething else is needed besides sincerity, and if even there has been a Canadian politician, who, with the best intentions has never done anything but ait over addled eggs all his life, Gzoros Bzows is the man. Sir Faixcum Hicors is a man of snother stamp; there is not much u&m, about him, he is free:from the botâ€"headed impracticability which has l-d. everything that Gronosz Broww has lom undertaken abortive and incomplete ; and the return of the Finance Minister to Parliament means a thorough and effective organization of the old Reform party of Canada, which has been looking on help= lessly while Groroz â€"Bzowx and his hotâ€" empty party cries without making a step of progress ; and that is the position in which the Retormers of Western Canada have found themaselves ever since they chose Gzoror Bnoww ‘for a leader. What havre they ever iples have been making a headed young disciples chance to make them good, is something more. Gzorcez Bzrows has been leading his party ‘about like a will 0‘ the wisp, and let uny man look at their representation in the ‘House of Commons and ask himself what is the party toâ€"day, and what are the truits of mess of dfl the best principles;of the party. that genileman continues to te recog= nized as the head of the party.. Fidelity to party leaders is something, but fdelity to were needed to show how unsafe the man is, just look at the disciples whom he has bred up in his schoolâ€"the tyros who sit at the feet of: Garmarisu. There is one respectable man among them, McKexzs (we do not speak of Braxs, who has ideas of his own, and is compelled to make the best of his situation in company not much to his taste), but the rest of the mtu,:'::fom and <M1us and Bopwzruinsâ€"the Grzones Browxs in pefloâ€"what is the country to expect from men of that class. . Sir Fraxc:s Hicxs is a Reformer who has always hbad clear aims, and â€"knows the road to success; and his accession to the Ministry will do more to advance liberal Wi-ï¬lm,h@m Browx could he had the formation of the Cabinet in his own hands. The blackguard character of the attacks which have been made upen _ the Finance Ministerâ€"trumped up stories about public and ion fundsâ€"is enough in imuhhnm for decency or m'u\ï¬z\\fl(im Brows has ever been to cling to. Such a kind of opposition might be expected from some of the vile class of newspapers which repre mark, or has been able to educate the mase ofthe Clear Grits ot Ontario down to a level of basemess, which it is not pleasant to Democracy ; but either the managing direcâ€" tor of the Globe has this tme overshot his It is needlessâ€"to say anything about Sir Fraxc:s Eirxoxs‘ capabilties as Finance Miniiter ; he is not a new man at the post, and bis fitness is just as clear as the paucity of other candidates, who could accept the office with any chance of securing North Riding ot Renfrew put up, as well suited to represent their interests, or who will be in a position . to do so more effectually ? Nor does he come among them as astranger ; Rer ‘rew and the whole ralley of the Ottawa are under old obligations to him, nor is he likely to forget how cnee before they stood to his back at a critical time. We have no reason to complain of the preseat represenâ€" latives in the House of Commons of this section of Canadaâ€"they are as much alive to its interests as any wen could beâ€"but unluckily for us they havre always been swamped in the House by the preponderating influeace of the West, and it is quite time that we should have some man in Parkaâ€" ment and in the Cabinet not only willing but able to secure an attentive hearing tor Itho legislative measures and public works which are so much needed by this section of Wirn reference to the Puiser‘s visit to the Parliament House on Saturday last we omitâ€" ted to mention that uis Rovar Hronususs was officially received in the Senate Uhamber by Joun Frxumos Tarmos, Keq., senr., as Clerk of the Benate, P * smnow fell at On the 26th ult, about three inches ot A tew fnkes of snow fell hore yesterday. Snow fell in New York on Wednesday afâ€" or what will they evér be able This is : Desmoines, it partiall s were mull.llhv::& -.J Extest byp Celegraph. By People‘s Line. 7 Office} G. P. Drummond‘s Frchange Of« Acee, 19 Sparks street. Turning First Sod on Special to THE TIMES. * Toroxto, October 18. The first sod of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway was turoed at Cannington, Brook Township, on Saturday, by the Hon. Jotin 8. McDonald. ‘Three thousand were present. A dejeuner was afterwards given. ° Speeches were made by the Hon. J. 8. McDonald, Hon. M. C. Cameron, Mr. Laidiaw, &¢. The Wellington, Grey and Bruceâ€"Railway Company are charged with fraudulently obtaining from the Corporation of Elora debentures for $5,000, on the representation that the road was granted to that village, such not being the case. It is asserted also that the list of subscriptions to stock is " bogus," At a meeting of the Elora Council on Saturday it was resolved to take legal advice as to the status of the company. . â€" The Telegraph contains an exposure of the frauds practiced by the directors in counecâ€" tion with the stock list. Yesterday the Roman Catholics celebrated the transfer to Canada of the relics of 8t. Seeno by a great procession, accompanied by bends of music and a large display of flags and Lanners. © The relics were cartled through the principal streets. Bpeeches were made in English and French,. About 10,000 were in the procession. * A meeting was held on Saturday evening, to get men to settle a new township in Kansas, No conclusion was arrived at by the meeting, and another is to be held this Pacific Railway. killed on Saturday, while the freight train he was on was passing St. Anne‘s bridgo He put out his head to s¢e the track, and it was dashed azainst one of the pillars of the briige. â€" He died almost instantly. C Pu l o. sn <halge e Crknet, Oxtober 16 A Mr. McLaughlin, formerly of this city, and now of MiltorJ, Mass., President of the Intérnational Grand Lodgo of the Order of Knights of 8St. Crispin, is now in this city for the purpose of adjusting the difficulties at present existing between the shoemakers and their employers, Mr. McLaughlin will call toâ€"day on some of the leading shoemakers to explain to them the character of the society ot which he is President. Bome ruffians purporting to be the Select Committee of the F. F.Q. Society of Quebec â€"â€"first families of Quebecâ€"under cover of night posted a disgusting placard, concerning .hlul Regiment now at Levis, and about to leave the Province, The proceeding is The Shocmakers® Strik e eral * Stebbins. Special to THE TIMB3. discountenaced by all respectable citizens. Reports of the marine disasters caused by the late gale are still coming to hand. * The 8.8, &eret reports a deep loaded iron clipper ship of Matane, a bark and brig off Metis, and a brig at Madam Islacd, all bound ‘The threeâ€"masted schooner CAairalitte, of Liverpool, left Gaspe bound up last Friday. ‘The Captain of the ship Angleses says that he encountered a severe westerly gale in the north channel, succeeded by light variable winds and gloomy weather. On the 29th a l-dmlyplo"lumqnlhnh heary sea. One sema breaking on board mmmmnmm{ fAlling the port foreâ€"castle with water, Exâ€" perienced northerly winds in general, as far up as 45 west and moderate westerly winds thence to the gulf, which was entered on the morning of the sixteenth day out. _ It is currently rumoured and believed by many here that the notorious bogus General Stebbins who was wined and teted at the mmnmmt@-mm brated Bis Belleau, of jailâ€"breaking notoriety, mngwaln. P October 17.â€"â€"The opposition deputies bt::&rp will meet toâ€"morrow to ‘wq.-w Rumours continue to mhm to the modification of the . The return of M. Rouber to the ;fluvfll.flhfl programme is spoken mwmducuehmquhg:.- eral. They held a -th’ toâ€"day. proceedings were orderiy. othing has ocâ€" curred since the commencement of the moveâ€" mont to call for the interlerence of the police. CABLE NEWS Meoting of the Opposition of Depulless«= The Btrike of Rerchanta? Clerks. Defeat of the Insurgents in Madrid and Mipam, October 12.â€"The insurgents at Vdmh&l:.flhy“y,'hkhm several surrendered unconditionally. Their leaders have disappeared, but are believed to be secreted in the city or vicinity, The Government forces now occupy the city, ‘The sittings ot the Cortes were suspended without the l'r...â€˜ï¬ nent of a day for reessembling and it is not known vhothnthouduvlll’ Madrid says that Gen. Prim, by telegraph, ordered the general commanding the troops before Valencia to attack the city, and yesterâ€" continue to be made on the cans in Madrid. taw ties of"defence ‘st" San â€" Esteaniaince, new where he has a considerable force of men, and plenty of artillery. ‘The allies were “hmmrh'ï¬‚ï¬ horses and mules, but will resume it as soon as their army is reâ€"organized. Railroad Company» Settle Kansas Townshipsâ€"â€"Fatal Ac= Loxpox, October 17.â€"â€"=The Earl of Shaftesâ€" ry and the Rev. Edward Bouverle, a Lopon forming new Lines of Defence. Advices, from Paraguayan sources, repre= nt that President Lopes has established THE TIMEs. TORONTO. MONTREAL: @GREAT BRITAIX. sOUTH ARERICA. QVEBEC. Moxtasaz, October 17. HMEK UuIra W 4A tiMs3s, OCTOBER 19. Destruction of the Louisiana State Semâ€" AMERICAN NEWS. Inary by Fire. New Orusaxs, October 17.â€"The Louisiana State Seminary was burned on Thursday night. Loss $140,000, 3 New Yorr, October 17.â€"The stcamship City of Antwerp has arrived. > 'i!bo steamship Minnesote, from Liverpool, has also arrived. Navigation Resumed on the Krie Canal. Ausaxy, October 17.â€"â€"Reliable information has been received in this city that the breaks in the Erie canal are repaired, and that water was let into the levels this afternoon. Naviâ€" gation will be resumed toâ€"morrow morning. To the Editor bt THE TIMES. ‘Duan Bim,â€"As some individuals in this town, :dlmy themselves sporismen, go out of town for a fow days in company with ons or more guns and dogs about this season of the year, and on their return spread abroad ‘such wonderful accounts of nhéotlng, some even going so far as to enlighten their friends of their success, through the newspapers, Ithink it but fair to publish a correct account of some of these expeditions. Bome parsies travel deadâ€"head to the shootâ€" ing grounds, carrying enough of ammunition with them to make a load for a moderate freight train,. ‘Once at the ground they put up at some poor farmer‘s house, live on him, rm his family to considerable trouble and nconvenicnce in furnishing a sAake down, get bim, or some ~one . elseo of the locality to accompany the expedition after the game, and as, in 7 cases out of 10, thess wouldâ€"be sportsmen cannot knock a duck or snipe over (unless the bird‘sâ€" head is some iloches down the muzzl«= of the gun), the farmer‘s old shootingâ€"iron brings the game down for them LMu starting back, for home, our wouldâ€" lrfluncn geugrali recompense the farmer for his loss of tlm:, board, &¢., by giving him three thimblesâ€"full of powder, an egg oup three parta full of shot, a few bed capse, also a few wads that won‘t ft any of the guns of the party, and if they tbinve staid over three days (and px anything at all) it is ‘eunl“l‘{ at about the rate of thirty cents cash, the balance in promâ€" ises that are never fulfilled ! : As this sort of mortals are not over apt to present thei friends with much of the game they shoot, and I have taken the . trouble to enquire what is done with the bulk ot what they bring inâ€"I fnd they seli to saloons, tc..glfnn forgetting to remit the farmer any for his trouble in shooting them all.) In fact, so late as this very week, a party sold the picking of his bag tor a very fow paltry shillings! These are the tricks of some of our (l?p.l) gentliemen «portsmen, who in view of the above facts are nothing else than hucksters, who get their game very châ€"ap. Yours truly SANDPIPER. thanks, and, by special desita, those of his loy:l.ï¬hhu- Prince Arthur, to the officers, non commissioned officers and men of the volunteer militia of the Dominion of Canada who have recently turned out within the Hean Quaateas, Ortawa,15th October, 1869, His Excellency the Governorâ€"Geoneral takes the carliest opportunity of conveying his Provinces of Nova Bceotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, with such promptness and good spirit to receive and welcome his Royal Highness Prince Arthur as weltas his The 43rd Battalion baving finished their drill tor the current year, the camp at Bell‘s Corners was broken up on Saturday last at 14 o‘clock noon. The Battalion having been formed into close column the following addrcss was tead by the Adjutant : f Caur 432» Buuuo-,} s Buru‘s Conxuas, October 16, 1869, tx;:hn-ymoml. _The soldierâ€"like appearance of the force, at No. 1. The communding officer in taking leave ot the Batialion caunotallow the opporâ€" tunity to pass without expressing in themost emphatic manner his gratification at the way oflicers and men under his command have conducted.themselves during the short perâ€" flod they have been in camp, and he would beg to return them his thanks for their very creditable and soldierly conduct during that period ; while doing so ho cannot but express his regret that a large number of the officers and nonâ€"commissioned officers are not more thoroughly acquainted with, their duties, beâ€" cause upon them and theimn only depend the success of a company, and no body of men, no matter how superior they may be in bearâ€" hgndrhydquon expect to become first class volunteers unless those in authority class volunteers unless those in authority over them are competentto instruct and set them an example. € No. 2. The Communding Officer wishes the No. 2, The Communding Officer wishes the officers, nonâ€"commi«sioned officers, and men under hbis command, God speed in their re» turn to their howes und he trusts that when they return home they will not put away their arms in their armories to rest, but continue to periect thermse‘ves in their use as recent deâ€" velopments serve to show that it is not at all improbable that their services may be reâ€" quired at ‘short notice to defend their homes and firesides, and to uphold those free instituâ€" tHous under which it is our especial privilege If such unfortunately be the case Major Bearman then called for three cheors for tWB Queen, which were given with right hearty good will. Cheers were given firr Major Be. rman, the staff, and the able and efficient Quartermaster, Liout. Hannabh, whose untiring ex rtlions to provide for all the wants of the batialion deserve especial mention, ‘The battalion broke up having concluded a very pleasant and successful camp. + the Commanding Officer will ask no man to go where he is not prepared to lead him. ~SPORTSMEN alias HUCKSTERS. His Exceliency the Governor General has been pleased to make the following appointâ€" ment, vis : * The Hon, !hl‘nullmv:n’ K.C.M., K.C. B., to be a member otf the Queen‘s Privy Counâ€" cil for Canada. The Hon, Sir Francis Hincks, K.C.M.K.C B., to be Minister of Finance in the room of the Hon. John Rose, resigned., * % Deraztuent or tus Becasraay cr Brarw or miss Loo sou mLISs Jimensy, S Mrs. Robertson Ross, Of the Ministers and other persons of distinction there we noticed the Hon. Sir George E. Cartier, Mh:h. Mr. Keony, Hon. Mr. lm Mr. ndln.mkn:lm the Hon. Mr. Mrs. and Skead, and Mr. and Mrs. Om,mhdmcdml.lufl the Misses Cofin, and Mrs. Robertâ€" sou Ross, Colonel and Mrs. Stuart, Lieutenant Ortaw1i, October 18‘ 1869. At Lady Young‘s " At Home" on Friday places, was most creditable. y command of bhis Excellency MILITIA GENXERAL OROER, e wv-m’ P. Ronunteon t, Ool ce a ols BREAKING UP CAMP. APPOINXT Arrivals. Orrawi, 9th Octol or, 1869, W. . FALLS, The Holman Opera troupe perform in Lonâ€" don this week. P. P* Rev. Mr. Punshon is engaged to preach in Simcoe on the 14th prox. > The Alimonte Fall Fair will be held on Thursday the 28th inst. ® Dr. Ormiston has been reâ€"elected Moderator of the Presbytery of Hamilton. . The Darlington show had 65 entries of horses, 77 cattle, 95 sheep and 12 pigs. Two hundred men left Montreal on Thursâ€" day night for the lumbering district of Peter= A large quantity of bay was lost by the recent rise of the waters ia the vicinity of Lake St. Peter. . Ridgeway, in Welland county, is building a large two story school house, and looks soon for a grammar school. At the regular Quarterly Fair at Saintfield County, Outario, about 150 head of cattle changed hands on the 12th inst. $ Ducks are said to be very abundant on Lake 8t. Peter this year, particularly in the vicinity of the Berthier Islands,. Vicar General Gordon administrates the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton in the absence of Bishop Farrel at Rowme. A trotting match, $500 a side, two miles, on the Lachine Road, near Monteal, to road wagâ€" gons, owners up, is on the tapis. Latest returas show that the tidal wave storm sank or beached 121 vessols on the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick coast. Mr. George Monger, county Wellington, a few days ago lost a fine Durham calf, value $60, by the disease called " black leg." Quinn‘s saw mill, Bald Point, near Lindsar, was destroyed by fire on the 15th inst., together with $15,000 worth ot lumber, brought in to Galt cattle fair, Wednesday, owing to the busy time with the farmers. The water is higher in:the Et. Larencew than it has been for 40 years, .In the vicinity of Lake St. Peter the country is inundated. The Odd Fellows Lodge of Toronto, comâ€" poscgl of coloured members, neld a concert ludx-ll in the 8t. Lawrence Hall last night. The anoual Exhibition of the Agricultural Society of the county of Lennox, held at Napanee, had 1,006 entries, and made $466 at the gate. l:tr. James Smith, of w‘tb“y’, :: thog of his departure from Lon was presented by his Masonic brethren with & handsome jewel and address. L The saw mill of Mr. Wm. McNeil, in Lindâ€" say, was destroyed accidentally by fire on the evening of the 11th inst,. Loss $2,500 ; insurance $1,500. * ds The " Brotherhood of Locomotive Engiâ€" neers, of the United States and Canada," will commence their annual session on the 20th inst., at Baltimore. The 26th Battalion Middlesex Volunteers broke up camp last Thursday, and the men regretted it, as they had just 'bqnn to like tent life, Mrs, B, Denao‘s, at the North York Fall Fair, got the first prize for butterâ€"a gold watch. Mr.C. Hollingshead, for first in fall wheat, recelved a $100 melodeon. The Townsend family are coming to Ottaâ€" The Rose Temple, No. 3, I. 0. G..T., intend holding their first reunion and llhnflz:wb tainment in the Temperance Hall, perâ€" ance street, Toronto, on next ‘Thursday evening, the 21st inst. Mr. John Shepherd, who has. been favourâ€" ably known in connection with the Branch of the Bank of British North America in Hamâ€" iiton, has been removed to a better position in connection with the same bank at Monâ€" The annual fair of the Etobicoke Agriculâ€" tural Association, for the display of agriculâ€" tural, borticultural, dairy and â€" kindred products, takes place in 8t. Andrews toâ€"day. ‘The annual dinner of the Association takes place in the afternoon. Benator McLellan estimates the lo:s to Albert Oonltw ï¬hom storm in New Brunswick at a m of dollars, He says, if the weather keeps favourable, a good deal ofthe hay may be saved, but in an‘injured condition. + The induction of the Rev. James Thomss, pastor of the Canada Presbyterian Church at Enniskillen, took place on the 12th inst. At the conclusion of the services he was presented with a purse containing $300, siz months‘ salary in advance. The congregation of the Bible Chrhm Church, Oshawa, gave their pastor a social an, presentation a few evenings ago. He was plx sented at the close of the entertainment wi Beeves sold for $35 and upwards, the average being about $5 per owt. Milch cows brought $20. All the cattle brought to market were sold;%ipd generally to buyers from a distance. A fearful storm raged on Lake Ontario on Thursday night and ‘Friday morning. The Kingston, Osprey, Her Majesty and The Dom» inion took refuge in Kingston harbour. ‘The Passport had a very hard time on the lake during the night, her decks being completely swept by the heary seas. a magnificent cake, in the !"&lol which was a nest containing nearly filty dolla ‘!\ohllflrholdlnhhnx-onh« Thursday was largely attended. Buyers were numerous, and cattle brought good prices. The Moi of British Columbia has been ladu‘ln,ln ngland on the position and prosâ€" mante af Rritish Amarica â€" Ha said that ha pects of British America He said that he was very sanguine of the good results of Con: federation, and that he did not believe there mfln-on the part of the inhabitants of North America to separate from the On 'l'hnndux the grand jury empanelled at the present. sittings of Assizes brought in a true bill for murder against oae Catherine Breathour alias Catherine Weise, a resident of the township of Georgina. ‘The indictment charges her with having on the 20th of March last past wilfully killed her male child then just born. The trial will come off in the early part of this week. Robert Clyde and John Jackson, the two young men of 8t. Mary‘s, charged with man= slnu:‘hr in consequence of the death of the late Oharles 'f.‘f“" in the affay at Kenâ€" medy‘s hotel, 8t. Mary‘s, last Christmas, reâ€" ceived their trial at the Perth Fall Assises, Stratford, on Wednesday. â€" The jury, after an absence of about an bour, teturned at clgbt oclock at night with a verdict of " Not The Brantiord Ezpositor says:â€"* His Royal Blcnu Prince Arthur omitted to order an ox to be roasted for the Indiansafter his elevation to a Chief‘s position in the Six Nation tribe, until he was reminded of the custom, To make up for hbis seeming indifference, we understaod hbe has m«ul two oxen to be roasted whole. Won‘t the braves danes right merrily in anticipation of a !good square Not more than a dozen head of cattle were other employ« , the switch was allowed to reâ€" -l-lusluwuuol the side tracks, where s locomotive was standing, and as the night freight train approached the depot it ran into the tendâ€"r damaging it considerably ‘and breaking u,, both engines and a second class i «ar, Fortunastely, no was Iajared _ The 1oss of the lompaly will be conside:able, Tv;-n,b'h-_tmh- ness the accident is directly chargeable, were instantly dismissed. f â€"â€"Three barns of Mr. James ®ilis, of Pakenâ€" u.,with;u Mmummd fire on Sunday morning under circumâ€" zlulthtlun but little doubt that the fire originated in wilful incendiarism. â€" There were 500 bushels of whest, 1 bushels of oats and a very I-prfldh'“ .-od,n:’tbolo-h cunlua.'ll“h far from while sacrifice of stock, u.;muflouohud their winter CA N A D A . feed, will greatly enhance this. We underâ€" stand that there was an insurance of $80 on each of the barns, and a smali amount insured on the crop, not over one third of the value, so that Mr. Ellis‘ loss must be very heavy. He has our sincere sympathy, as must every man who is thus made ‘the victim of lawless vengcance, To the Editor Toronto Telegraph. THE INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Sir,â€"I observe an article in your paper of the 24th ult., referring to the progress that is being made upon the sections of the lnter= colonial Railroud, now under contract, to the effect that the contractors are making a rapid and satisfactory progress with the work, so much so, as to receive the Lighest laudation trom the Commissioners, and a recommendaâ€" tion from Mr. Fleming,the Chief Engineer,that . the percentage held as security for the final completion of the work, be reduced from fifteen to ten per cent., thereby leaving the public to infer that the prices for which the work has been let are ample, and Mr. Flemâ€" ming bas acknowledged his error and mistake in his estimate of the cost of the road. .. Now, sir, permit me, as an old contractor, and .one who has spent the last four weeks in comâ€" pany with other contractors (who are prepared to endorse, to the fullest extent, what I say,) in examining the line of road from River du Loup to Truro, to disabuse the â€"pub lic mind, and set it to rights with respect to the matter above referred to. In the first , place the contractors acknowledged (for I have conversed with them) that their prices are far too small, even after all the leniency that can be shown them, and a&ll the advantages that can be giventhem by change of location and grade, amounting on some sections to twenty thousand and on others to one hundred thouâ€" sand dollars. ‘Whether the country will 16â€" ceive the benefit of these changes I am not prepared to say ; but in the face of all these advantages the contractors still complain that gross injustice is being done them. The cause of this complaint is, they say, the mode gn my opinion very properly adopted by Mr. leming) of awarding theâ€"monthly estimates by paying, not according to the schedule of prices made by the contractors, which, in some instances, would far exceed the bulk sum, but a percentaze of the valus of ths work done according to the bulk sum, which mode has received the approval of the commissioners, and is viewed by the contractors as an arâ€" bitrary and unjust way. Mr. Editor, your readers will perceive at a glance when they know the facts that no other mode of paying the monthly estimates would do, for the conâ€" tractors have invariably commenced, and are carrying on the easiest part of â€" the work, the most difficult being as yet ‘untouched, which will cost, at least, one hundred per cent. more than whaf they are doing. My object in giving contradiction to the articles referred ‘to, is that the public at large and contractors may not be misled and deceived by it. The work now in slow progress will cost from twenty to fifty per cent. more than it has been let for. And I would adâ€" vise contractors, before bidding for that porâ€" tion of the road now advertised, to examine it closely for themselves; it is very bad maâ€" teria!, and the gruu{trtn of it from 10 to 20 m(lec from any seitlement, and to which rowds will have to be constructed to bring in supplies and material for masonry and bridges. The latter will have to be brought a long distance. The people and ratepayers of this country should be made ‘intelligent with respect to the probuble cost of the Intercoâ€" lonial Ratlroad, and not be misled, and I believe it would be to their inkm:z in point of economy, that fair and remunerative prices should, in the first placeg be paid for its conâ€" struction, for no individual, however wealthy feels disposed to spend what he has hbouroJ hard to accumulate to build a railroad for public becefit, nor do 1 believe it is their wish or desire that he should do so. a Permit me in conclusion to say that it will be impossible for any contractor to complete the work now advertised within the time specified at any reasonable price. Mr. Editor, the above statements are true, and 1 defy successtul contradiction, Yours, respectfully, ._______ _ CHINA AND GLASSs â€" BIVETING: Mr. Josx Molxtrras Musrzo has returned from his tour through Western Canada where he has been highly successful in the practice of the wonderful art of mending glass and china by means of rivteing.SHe will remain in Ottawa for about a month,ywhere he intends to practice his new ‘system. Orders can be addressed to him at W. Allan‘s China Hall, Rideau street, or at the Russell House for the present. . He calls particular attention to the following testimonials from ladies and gentleâ€" men of undoubted respectability : . Mr. Muxro has repaired China and Glass for me with great neatness, and in a most durable way. I have much pleasure in reâ€" commending him to any one requiring his E. McD. B. CAMERON, The Meadows, April, 1869. Haximrox, Canada West. Mrs. Cartwright Thomas has had several articles of Glass and China beautifully reâ€" paired by Mr. Muxro, and has much pleaâ€" sure in recommending him. & March Field, May 18th, 1869. Mrs, McLean has much pleasure in saying that the repairs done for her by Mrz. Mouxzro are extremely satisfactoryâ€"both in china and glass and china war factory manner, anc recommending him factory manmner, and { have.great pleasure in momnuulln"hln to any one lguulng his Oak Bank, Hamilton, July 30th, 1869. * Mzr. Muxso has mended severa‘: articles of glass and china ware for me in a very satis= of china and glassware for me, in a most perâ€" fect manner, and I have much pleasure in recommending him to the public. * E. B. BROW N. Duxpas, July 19th, 1802, Ms. Jonx Molxtran Moxgo, Hamilton. Dsiar Sir,â€"The large glass dish which I gave you to ng:l‘r for me last week, I am pleased to lay been done to my satisfacâ€" tion, evidenfly chovh:.t:ot as & rivieter and restorer of damaged or china, you Are second to nfone that you . understand your business, and bave great pleasure in recommending you to all in need of your ser=â€" Highfield, June 8th, 1869. I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the great akill Cisplayed by Mr. John Mcâ€" Intyre Munnro in repairing chine, glass, &c., be having repair.d in the most beautiful manâ€" nersome very rare and cholce Japanese and Chinese Vases, &c, Out Glass Decanters, Glass Btanods, tc.,un:‘.\vy and the property of the Hamilton Club. § * i to my satisfaction, and take ure in reâ€" oo.-udhcy hl= to any lg‘“:utd 20 services. » f & MRS. BLICKFORD. iA izA ys"~ HK. HOGBEXN, ., Man. H. C. Hamilton, 10th Oct., 1869. { Cumma axp Guass Reoverixg.â€" wois is a new method of repairing broken china and glass and ornaments of every description, executed golr. J, M. Munro, iate of London, England. coment whatever is used, but fragments are_simply drilled with a diamend pointed instrument, rivets inserted, and the article is restored to its original strength and utility. When fine sets of ching or glass have been broken by the fracturing of one or more pieces, or valuable ornaments would otherwise be invaiuable in cllectinga compléete resteration, M-nd-{m‘-nyummn the least. He bas already executed considerâ€" able work in the city, and fine specimens of his gkill may be seen at the China Bazasar Messrs. P. Frazer & Co., where orders may be Mr. Muxxro has repaired several articles Mr. Munro has repaired some vases quite Kearnsey House, March 9th 1868. coonnnnnln in mmmmieiii oAï¬ o4 oc uable in c MRS. JOHN YOUNG, 23 Yours truly. THOS. HILLINSBURCGH. Doxn. dndudiintuaizis‘ 4 A. P. MACDONALD . JANE MoLEAN, sn.l OoF HMHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BY AUVCTION, ~ HECTOR McLEAN, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, bas been favoured with instructions trom J. A. Stewart, Esq., to sell by public auction at his residence, on Stewart rtreet, (opposite Mar. Eaton‘s), on Satâ€" urday, the 23rd Octovber, Inst, at 1 o‘clock, p m, all his MOUSEROLD FURNITURE, consisting of Drawing room, Dining room, Bed room and Kitchen Farniture, such as is usually found in a completely furnished house. _ Termsâ€"Cash in bankable funds. Ottawa, October 18. Will be sold n.{lblie auction on MONDAY, the 25th OCTOB inst, TWO TIMBER LIMâ€" ITS, Nos. 89 and 90, on the head waters of tie River Peche, containing about sixty equare miles, to'l-::or with about 2600 acres of private timbered lands in the Township of Onsiow, with all Dams, Slides, and imprevements for the desâ€" cent of lumber. These limits and g‘lnu lands have on them a large quantity of Pine Timber, suitable for common lumber, amongst which will be found a good deal of first ?uuity. As the locality was one of the best in the Gatineau sountry for its #uperior quality of timber. The lots in Onslow being patented, a saving of about $150 per 1,000 logs will be effected in puying duties, The Dams and Blides are so situated that the stream can be drove in seasons of the very lowest water, and lumber from that lle can either be drawn into River Quio or Peche River itself to come down the Gatineau. Termsâ€"One haif down, and palance in one year. Sele will take place at the UNION g(')‘l:lsl. at 12 o‘clock, noon, on Monday, 25th R H. McLEAN, will be sold on the SAME DAY and PLACE, and upon the same terms. [License No. 87 of 1868=69, described in Licens® as cammenciog at Poigan Falls, on the Gatineau river, and extends up the river on the East side, five miles, and five miles back on the course 88°© 45‘ Southâ€"East. Lumber on this Limit can be drawn into the Gatineau, and driving trom that point to the Gatineau Boom is a matter of only a * a woll sgatgpes i we u 1 tion with.&h‘pmit. Ottawa, October 15, 1869. AVCTION SALE, & FOR ‘SIZ EVENINGS ONLY. J BERMINGHAM will sell, without reserve, by Public Auction, t McCOMBE‘3 STORES, on Sussex stroet, commencing on TUESDAY EVKNâ€" ING, at 7:30 p m, a large quantity of Gold, Silver and Plated '50. Jeweloery and trinkets of every description, Writing Desks, Paintings, Work Boxes, Wax Flowers under shade, Toys, Ornaments, China and Glassware. as well as a large quantity of other Fancy Goods too numerous to enumerate. . The sale is called in order to make room for a large winter stock,now on way from Europe. As there will be no reserve great bargains may be expected. SÂ¥ i _ RLL . No. 2%4; RIDEAU _ Come rish and poor, come great and;small, Just call and m’-.;'c'tuk in trade, _ Hardware and paints of every grade. A complete astortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, Also a complete stock of MECHANICS®‘ TOOLS ot m improved English and American manuâ€" Then Come and Examine my Stock, A duty pever shirk it, â€" And satisfaction will be In business with T lllï¬ï¬‚. fM"Don‘t forget the place, C â€" frrn The Ladies of St. Patrick‘s an Asylum of Ottawa will, on MONDAY tho;:‘ day ot NO. VEMBER next, hold a BAZAAR, the proceeds of which will be devoted to the building fund. Donâ€" ations to the Refreshment Table will be thank{fully received by Mrs. R. Ryan, Mrs. T. Kavanagh, and Mrs. W: H. Waliee; and for the Lottery Table by Mrs. Caldwell, Donations to the Fancy Tables will be received by Sister Fitzmorris, at the %h-.uhmhd. KATE O‘CGNNCR, Becretary Ladies Association. Ottawa, October 19. 1182d Ottawa, October 4, 1869. _ The subscriber will sell or rent on reasonable terms his property in and about Cobden, conâ€" Has: frereret vitiago lon, Togothar wiis , taree farms, under good cultivation, with barns erected October 19. â€"On the 1%th inst, a short ALBERT CHAIN, with GOLD KEY attached ;. Cornelian Stone, with design, Rose, Shamrock and Thuile. ‘The gift of a deceased parent. Person finding will be rewardâ€" ed by leaving it at ) executed in a superior style, at comfortable board and rooms by applying a MRY DUIGNAN‘3 Sparks street. _ 1139Hf _ Recseived duily by Express, and for sale at the Bign INDIAN CHIEF, 43 Sussex and Sparks BETWEEN SPARES & QUEEN STREETs, ‘ Office: N lu.!lm‘m.-’ C j ; Noa, P P W orks :,z'“'““'- 81G N A few gentlomen can be Ottawa. Oct 7, 1869. . By H. McLean, Auctioneer. UBLIC SALE OF TIMBER LIMITSsâ€" Come old and young. comée short and tail, _ No 24, Ridenu street. P 6â€"All goods delivered free to any part of THE Ottawas, October 12, 1869, 11821 istantly kept on hand at the SIGN 0F THE ANVI’L. ? BIRKETT, consisting in part of * MAYES,; _ > COPPER â€" PLATE PRINTER, By J Bermingham, Auctioneer. REAT 3 By H. McLean, Auctioneer. FURTHER YEBTEZERS, ~OVATERS, OTICEK. ARDWARKLE! HARDWARE : OoST, AZAAR. 1182.3 £KGGO & CO., By H. McLeavn, Auctioneer. THOMAS BIRKETT‘S, Auction Sales. SALE OF LIMIT3 Plans, Book lllnstrations, Show Cards, Commercial ‘work of every description, FARV will be sold in connesâ€" ‘YOUAG & RADFORD‘S, Tron, Paints, all colors, AT J BERMINGHAM, JOBN McLEAN, Auctioneer. Auctioncer. 1171â€"41td Auctioncer. NTXE 118itd L X NYE 118!â€"2m &e. 1182X By A. Rowe, Auctioneer, Pvluc nOTICEK ! Is herecby given that defauilt having been made in payment of thi.r-fl!elp.l money and interest secured by a cert mortgage made by DANLEL BIRAM EASTMAN, in favor of BRACKET HOFORD CLARKE, (‘t':whhl ELIZA ABIGAIL EASTMAN, the wife of the said DA)tZ. IEL nxmdxuruz{..:m made a pu:y‘ for the purpose barring dower c.ip those certain portions of the corth half lot number three, in the seventh concession, from the V.iver Ottawa, in the said township of Gloucester, known and described as tollows: that is to ray, first three roods, twelve and one half mu. comâ€" mencing at the point where the side line between said lot three and lot four strikes the north west gide of rthoo‘rnnt travelled road across said lots, | which is better known as the Russell road j, thence south sixteen degrees east slong said side line fve chains, ffteep and three quarter links to the north bank of Bare Brook ; tL.o_ easterly tollow the windings and s of said munl:gno chains, thirty nvuu:::.&rn varâ€" ter links to the north west side of said travelled road; thence northerly touovh( north wes side of said road to where a post been planted at a point where the saia road turns towards the west ; thence also kuwh&mmm-mu said road two chains, fifty four and a half links to the place of beginning, also two roods, commeneâ€" ing at the point where the south east side of.the heretofore mentioned Russell Road strikes‘ the porth bank of the said Bare Brook ; thence eastâ€" erly along the north side of said Bare Brook, and at an obtuse n'fl:.Wl said Russell Road, two chains, thirty and three quarter ;l::n.i thence portherly un-uusfltl to the said I Road, thirty three three quarter links; thence uacl‘ and paraliel to the north side u‘:: Bare Brook two chain, thirty three and uarter links to the south east side of said Russell lou; thence southerly 111;& south east side of said Russel! Road two ch .tl?thm and three quarter links to the place bo.lnhf. 'Mchuulwdlhrnumdsp'ad sale contained in the sai -ntm, wiil be sold by Public Auctiop,at the Law of MOBGROV EK & TAILLON, in the City of Uttawa, on MONDAY, the TWENTY FIFTH day of OCTOBER nest, A D 1869, at twelve o‘clock, noon. > L Terms to be made known at the time otf sale. Tbhuloboh‘w.:‘po'uolnbmd-‘ in said mortgage, the Bracket Hoford Clarke Will covenant against his own acts only. All searches, abstracts and conveyances to be u(::.u Sist ber, A D 1869 w 3 e * . mPSGROTE & TAILLON, Bolicitors for the said By John Leecming & Co., Auctioneers, Mone A large assortment of WINES, LIQUORS, GROCERIES, &s. T art:oul ars hereal Of; Bare at NINE o‘ciock. ever imported into this country in 6 ib. boxes and upwards, at the j In a‘ll 92 dozen just received direct from %?57-!-3 l::b.:-.::: E :-W-“E twelve years in Quawa, and mm_cl'- 0 all descriptions of robes and ladior‘ furs. e G A SHELDON, > 1135.20360 â€" Oppomie Mages & Ruesseit‘s ¥€ TEA COMPANY, 141 Great St. James Street, Oppo npe® _l'lll_l_l' Good JAPAN TEA in 5 lb. boxes at 45 cents per lb. â€" OO0LONG TEA, in 40 Ib. bozcs, ut 40 cents per Ib., at the f UKION TEA CO., 141 Great St, James Street, Oitawa, Octoberg@th. in 6 1b, boxes and upwards, at the UXIONK TEA CO,. 141 Great Bt, James Btreet, UKION TEA CO,, 141 Great St, James Btroct, 11792 in 6 Ib, bozes at 45 cents per 1b, 5,000 PACKAGES 1@° FRESH â€"TEAS, At the warehouse of BUCHANAN, LECKIER® & C0, N1ION N ENTLEMENX®*8 ¢ Jouvin." 117714 1159.40ta _ Bracket Hoford Clarke, NNUAL HOLICEST IMPORTATIONS OÂ¥ TEAS YELKG. ADIEES! 6 Cicile,"" New, ADIES ¢ Jouvin,‘* Tasselled. ADIES! ¢ Jouvin,* 2 Buttons, Muction Sales, Auclion CHINA ANXD JAPAXK. MAGEE & RUSSELL. JAaAPAN BLACK TEA and aiters ards, © JOHN LEEMING 4 09, Opposite Ottawas Hotel, BALE LOVES. â€" beld in the Wesleyan Mothodi ~< this (Tuesday) even T will be delivered by 3 K. A., and a lar lay aod cleri 3 oceupled by John M ~lay treasurer of th@ society . f mumnï¬ amt M ".‘MMW‘Y“ “dï¬' OTtAWA R./ER NAYVIGA Stecmer Queen | wm,tootofb‘m Keat do do i Arrive! 'n:.xotwAl.nm. leave or ylm.'. _ itFuer Aun Sieson le .ves & orTiWa TO E1 Bteamer City of the ‘Canal Barâ€"n W . Alp ABEVEs FRORM | neary Webr»zant and Sgtur the Indiaa Bmamer ? Wesusrar Missrorary esnt s on ‘~-h.n!‘ XXX “““mod of m‘.' w.' tm _ \'I: we hope they will have a Mixx, Seal, Erminc. Devim‘s Fur Depot. mM | _ .}scoato« mmkflll"“" y Magee & Busecl! bs 0 < + in time for his BRoyal me sketches of the g I trials and vietories, a b ebaracter of a hero. ie Rev. Lachlin Taylor moved a vote of tha; 6 by Hon. Kal:â€"olim Ca h he en FOlk me here. It will be wimble Jn overâ€"conts, , red noses, 61 1, al on smnow storm. Is this W aiareren.â€"Yesierday day. The most un +7# axo His TPraxes.â€"‘ _d-llva-ln_vuy & Amerioa, as well their Arst and only ‘Oapt. Parsons, who efes the Main ; w heve sung their Bs Rosepo: rs.â€"No, 3 compan Carieton _ YVolu: heâ€"city, yosterday, Metcalie, from the bich broke up on 8 Other people, BA day to 0; Abything in a At h_- every TPRAVELLER Lamb in sots LA WRENCE AND clothes wili Praversy‘s old must be cleared * giad to find, about by an i Oy "with Lady members of 4) es yenterday. we and the ma & “m adve etry it containe iL. »â€"The City . adjourned "out Booth‘s mill of their of the mill b repairing . i'fllo‘o € €did no '.w;; ’.W Fowle, Bos as» »0080 was imade, when, ; A. M evening, . 1002 10.356 a Ove of