* wyâ€" W A§yX. s _ ; es im 5,000 STOVEPLPES, heir to â€" . Tae Peravian lfl'z-' P o. .ï¬:-nh of iron, is a iioine mc P o mt ucmd essing com $ -â€".ï¬--â€"uâ€"mm « wyuaâ€"®xeztos, either of body or mind, produces debility and disease. _ The usual remedy is to take some stimulant, the effect of which is the same as wo“whm“dm The way is to fortify the aystem with a permaâ€" nent tonio like the Peruvian 9!3("“‘"’“ of wony, which gives strength and vigor to the a Wonpes ros tas wosksuor.â€"Emevery chanic should have ready at hand a box of Graces UOvichrated Saive, as it in‘a ready remody for acor deits, such as outs, bruises, contused wounds .fl-’hlhhfl-th:;‘r.:m printing I+ or ;L Qnly 25 cents a box. Buasmrure romx Correz.â€"Get some rye, scald it, dry it ani brown it, then mix two parts of it with one of coffee, and you will have as good a eup of cofee as yor over draak ; if you are . EC Ti s Coalt o Bc cdfron AAmath : salee opal style last month, and next month the cill« sens of the Nominion of Canade will colebrate the birth ot ine.r new and rising existence; but racovered lavalids still feol that a public holiday would be too short to celebrate all the virtues ot that celebrated Indian Medicine, the great Sxoâ€" sgowsus Reuzsor, now on sale by the respectable druggists in your localitv. o alk houke oftt * EEOEIAS Leaiot for 26 couts Y-_un_.utdq.o“omlnum arcans. . Kor sale by all draggists. ergans. . Sor sale by all druggists. The Supreme Coart of tne State of New York have issaed a perpetaal injunction against Kator .‘Jflh counterfeiting Aver‘s Cathartic Pills, hoiding them respousibie for the cruel imâ€" 2 ie CC P C e CR O in wasat have dmu‘vfldfl? m-mm:ahm:â€- £ any class of our people than needs ;.u-rh of iaw to shisld them from imâ€" pxture, it is the sick and sufering who are unable to protect themseives. A remoiy so universally ‘employed as Ayor‘s Pills by all classes, bothto cure and prevenat disease, should as it does, have every secarity the law can afford h.b_.“nl?mâ€"w.h“' D you require stores aud stovepipes, m e e®@ P C . hk Hhies . from waicn nearly all the ills the bhauman Aosh is heir to xo en y vige Pm y Apel > ....‘..'.’.'r:'-. protoxide of fron, :.l'fl‘ have a medicine that can be â€˜ï¬ upon for E‘fl}:.h“fl .’.:.‘: supply -ï¬bwhl“ e ® STRANGERS ! Where shall:we got . > Cheap tor cash. ~LOOKJ HERE i PMESTCEY M > â€"»= 2000 CELEBRATED: PATENT PIPE 300 IMPROVED EBOW 8,} Gallo#s Pips, Dumb Stoves, Pipes, T Pipes, .m -"iy..u. ::"x.uu CALL EARLY 1,600 STOYVEPIPE ELBOW , #«Queens Hirtocay w*s kept in C.~P. Do R I O N, £ 50 Sparks H, Opposite British Lion Hotel, and 62 Clarence ‘*b“q:-â€mhllnlfl at the Stove The above named Stoves are as followa: Cookâ€" OTTaWA MARKET3. CGompiled expressly for the OmÂ¥ Tuw.] .;:‘-.,Mh.om market. Fire test, 120. A very superior article family use, 1 Neow lamps just arrived. _ ~ _ ‘?u. MIL and #TOYVES Ap ammal, at s ..ooommnttien ie spce. ~Cay B Uydra Headed Monsier W.g;‘.nn s «lt the hnman fash is ># Canadian Pain Destroyer," at he nearest e Shathee tor 25 qonte." * Owurzus or Honazs.â€"It is a well attesteod monfiemad hy the experiense of thousands mber 20th, 1849 opposite B L Hotel, un opposite Lower Town Market, gouivin mmz S TNLAPPEpPOAEC / try first :'d.z + Canadian ifl: Destroyer,‘ cyP DORION, and next monuth the citiâ€" bimest +5 4 ~gl all sizes, at prices to from ton conts up Aftoon cents up, Â¥our com(ortable frst class drick Dwellings, now nearly Auushed, in Elgia Terrace, O‘Conner street, with all modern improvements, including pamp in‘kitchen, with necessary sheds and outâ€" buildings. Renat moderate, Possoession lst Nov, ngpe uit on salt= ~A HOUSE of seven rooms, eligibly situated, within five minates® walk of the Partisment Buildâ€" ings, to rent ; and several houses and vacant lots in the city for saile, on part time. FOllLl.l.-â€"‘nowmw&ld No. 37, in First Concession, Ottawas Front,Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in thesameconâ€" session, at present in the cccupation of Wmu.1. 2 â€" At ®EW EDISBURGH, A BRICK DWELLING of Eight Roome and Kitchen, with good yard and stabling. Rent low. New ERdinburch, April 26. TILL lst MAY NEXT ASTONE COTTAGE in Victorin Tertace, Richâ€" mon‘l Road, containing cight rooms, with kitehon, pantry aad cellar, good outhouses, and water brought into the house. s Aoply on the promises, or at the *TEmes* nou-- TO LET ‘ Containing nine large rooms and a garden. Apply to W. H. SMITH, 1065 at JAYÂ¥E3 HOPE & CO.‘8, Stationers which can not be equalled by any other, for making several kinds of Soft Soap, without cither Iyso or grease. Hara Soap, and some of them of a Pusurt, Barristers, Ottawa. HORSE TRAINING INFORMXATION. The wildest and ugliest hors» can be made ::hylhm.niu.b'nl.:hh -Inc:mbc felds, without slightest injury to the horse. _ All accomplished in one day. YSure cure for CORNS at 4 cheap rate, without q-qblhn- Cure for W ARTS on your hands or f2ce. They mhmusuhmmbï¬ mcnnhtlau sack diseases; Rhoumatism of he worst kinds can be cured in lessthan a woek without taking s#ny kind of medicine in the inside, Cures persons troubled with the Gravel. Cure tor Bunions. Cure for Piles. ult omapam. â€"~ mmomwu-u at any time in less than twenty hours. â€" Also, by a ommon herb. Parties who are infilcted with any such disâ€" as~. should make application to Â¥. MARTIN, Huil, in the summer season, as the best time to * Te desirous to be agents uiomn Partios to can l‘oa, as ho :::hm other valuable to ot t * pe * L®t & (FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED,) L_â€" Giving private or public parties can®h t&drjx:lm .."‘.:.;.".E., Tumnished at a low rent 4 * 5o uB VARLETY HALL ‘To Toowars. â€"The eollecstion in the | vmintnippescenfhe ofGenctinndengat _MASON‘3 PATBNT FAUIT JAR is one hanâ€" drod percent better than any other in use. To Is one ot the most reliable TONLCS and BUTâ€" TERS in use, It is put up in quart Wine bottles. Price $1. irmnuu;,-runm“.x.-rg ounce cunce m pâ€"-t'z'u.-;':hu.,uua.m' Is put in up botties at 250. and 500. each. Ti yeele oE e Solete d oA id S all parts of the J GARDNER, Chemist, 457 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Mare sotfaiteds "‘Price Cards Tor® Wholesale orders Price Cards forâ€" warded on application. 1113.33.6m o‘4lsas F‘Ifl' JARSI PRUUT JiRs : GLOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY. Of the Ottawa and Gloucester KHoad have this day made a further CALL OF TEX PEB CENT. i eamina h aspre , w sool io. nay oo the eeasagnet ns mme on Friday, the First day of October Next. Dated this th day of August, 1869, imins W, U. FALLS,: 114it4 ched. Apply to W. H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" 68. Ottawa, April 26. 1033( Notice is horeby given that _ TH EB DIRECTORSs EKVER&RY DESCRLPTION Apply to ARDNERS BAKING POWDER, QUININE WINE BITTERS TTAW A For Sale or to Let. LET, WASHING COMPO Notwiax‘s, Mxroar co D PLAIN, socovaes 189 Fhaik AT THE VARIETY HALL LEWIY & PLINUEY, R. BLACKBURN, ROD. m a " mo said somâ€" i imam parur is city, on Affords of October # & bitlked B@Q, u“g '“-; ALLB, mos. Wuiiix Mosaxors, â€" 3064( QGzozenr Tamuo® UH soticitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer and No tary Public, Corner ot Sussex and Yotl._ognu. D O#CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" e# in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Bussexâ€" street. Ofice, Unin Buildings, Ottawa. 857 Court House, Ottaws. . â€" Rosust Lezs. _ 43utf _ Jou® J. GaxmL. B Solchtot, Atieroey and Nutary Pubtic, Clerk vtary of the Peace and County for the United Counties of Prescott se Rasset? Oficeâ€"in the Court House, L‘Orignal. 34â€"6m Ottaw a. A. M. F. GIANELLLI, Bole Manulacturer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States, â€" N.B.â€"These celobrated Bitters are carefually prepared with the very bost quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially sadzapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitautions. They are gontly stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion: ‘ For directions see lIabel round the neok of cach bottle! & ‘ None are genuine unless bearing the signature of the proprietor. 1032tf . A. M..F GIANELLL L:;I .-é-.. TPRTREAV, N Public fo N e vince of m:h::“z-ll. near M HAYCOOCK, Attornoyâ€"atâ€"Law, Ro- altorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer,. N ROI’AI- ITALIANX BITTERS. Prepared by spesial permission from the original Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. Kept by all the principal Vruggusts and (Grocers in Cm AUCTIONX MART, Ycrb‘-drnt,-mthlm The subsoriber respectful‘y announces that he mud-::-lomuh:;umny ofllmllop-'ltdm.nflmh the age extended, as woll as the mdinmnetarey repofmin as h » €w m otherwise dlhrnllunnswnm market, ~Be with conflence to all who have effects or real estate to him for sale to cuuq:.u “h:u'.'::.m satisfaction as as well as prompt Mm; after lohndybmdhmm-m having houschold furniture, horses, carri , Or nddn.bm:-lpbdpun:l‘hu nothing will be loft a by him to give satis= ‘Cousignmeniz frime adibince till mont with ho. adistance will meet with imâ€" mediate and careful attention. ~Cash, advances made on furniture or other ber‘s Auction Koomse. He takes this opportunity dnmmpquuounmnmh the age extended, as well as the eity. Heholds -u';vux'x'::\'(fl m;-.m. + , (w not otherwise dllcalluunscu-m market, ‘BRe with conf@ilence to all who have effects or real estate to him for sale to certify that he has given full o“-uautho ces obtained, as '-II as prompt !-n-:ml....c after p A, MARA, Archite 4e Buildings, Rideauâ€"st. THB RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS 0o MISSLIONERS OPF THE ADMIRALTY, l HER MAJESTC W::lv 'vxo'rom-n ROYA 3 Prise Medalist of the Great International Exhibi ten of London, 1863, and ot the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Paris, 1867, w# EERESY Arrot®r â€" _ Ma, JOHN LESLI®R, aeaita Agent for o.n.'uwy tal H. & A. SAUNDERS, * _‘ ~ Bole Wholesale APh snaleof J, Sawill‘s W atohes. COMMERCIAL SALE and Chronic Bronchitis . DATURA TATUL A, Affordsa Immediate Relie‘. ..':':g in c ‘:.:-u.. w C cases #ROs. relief was not obtained."â€"@eneral Alazander to Mon. B. Auart, mE oimmibitinin °.i 0 . ~ hy-whm The price paild for secood hand planos uw 1 _ _ ) °s THECTs U U 3‘-0"":«’-2&-; gor Quebes Bank, Ottawa. EES bdl“ln-.lnï¬dnn.nhruc Solicitors., Convevancers, &o. Oficeâ€"~â€"Ia In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. O8GROVE & TAILLON, Barruters, Solicitors, &eo, OfMiceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLHE. OBRACE LA PIERRE, Attornoy â€"atâ€" Law, i% 111y Ottaws May 20. As M A! TRTEREAUV, Notary Public for the Pro CoURT OF sPAIX €, qhh&h“ e and10s. Wine is the best rehicle for _ NA 006 , Ottawa. _ 9027 T487 THE â€" OTTAW A a relative of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now o es d niin Esgren rearmrenes tor mant «« out are too “llï¬.mzrw.".u Nm have a box of the of CHOLERA MIX % could make a little fortune with them. bottle I bi with me here brought two ladies round from sholera; one on board the round from decided cholera; one on board the mmn.muwu-&i‘x_mmm commenced with diarrhos, n with dysentery, and then vomiting. The one at Beriinwas very bad, . 1 {sn her three doses of the Cholera Mizâ€" un.zo .h'lzdol':lh;&qum vo-ki::..‘no next was or so. was yery .r{blnl. I have now o.l.;.::‘doh&' every family, is only 2 ros un TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS8 A BOTTLE. TRADE M A CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION, A grand specific for derangoment of &w fo ot Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm | 'l'boc-lyu:omu“ m licious taste and amaszing power; f IOITIIVIB’B lno m.o.!:'boM and Gums. Also constantly on hand Porfumes ot all kinds, and Lolilet Requiâ€" mm’:rn’-acunm- us kept a Erstâ€"class uy n{'um-. 28 Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa. Toilet Boxes in variety, Silver Top Smelling Bottlie, Sootch Piaid Smolling Bow.les, OKer to all every beneGt possessed by the W Closet at fnloo?na; it promises -.’oh:_‘w munity from ofensive odou}.go- infoction in disease, aod in the saving of fertilisers than l“ ever been accomplished by a single inventiog ; i; is entirely free from those faint dmo‘d co-d-u.:uotublo water closets, night stools or ard pri % % * ‘The Medical Tumes and Gazcte says Moule‘s la‘r:l Closet system has succeeded most admiâ€" rably. s * The Lanea sys mmprunu has been borne to the effisacy of the -m Byste n" which was in use throughout the 6â€"mps: have made arrangements with H . OO to introduce these closets in -uu:-uu-vm be explained, and lithoâ€" phod working draw with tull directions guflhg up and privies and house alosets are sent with each set of fxtures. One of these closets are set up in our store and One of these closets are set up in our store and all are cordially invited to examine it, especially medical men. for l4 onl ns Lo s Hopled Srplals Cn‘u»u‘n PALIN DESTROYER A mong the mert iepooteqeal ty t Metent P CANADIAN: PAIN DESTROYXER "erintonitiegs riagle Insizmcs Morgive Pocmnsent reual ynes Meily prinandoetapre Arot haves a oagh i.: mas N & m‘ 3 h . . ind o t MORTIMERS COMPOUNXD ANTIBILIOUS Bold in DBottles at 11. 34. and 21. 6d. Bach. THE MEDIOAL HALL, Sole agont for ‘ FISE‘3 METALLLG OOFFINS, _ Restomponâ€"Yorkâ€"st., Arst (Brisk House CHIEF UNDERTAKER, SAPARKSâ€"ST. ' COFPINS, HEARSES & CARRLAGES, THE EARTH CLO3ET COMPANXYT 3 OLIDAY PRESENTS FAMILY Boxes in variety, Rimmel‘s New Porfumes, KOoNE OTHER GENUINE. excellent mixture, which should be in o, 41 Susserâ€"st., Ottawa City. H. MEADOWS & 00, *# Cspital" Stove Depot. Lavender W ater, TIMES, OCTOBER 19, _ Agent for MARRITAGE LICENCES for the city ef Otawa, by commission from His Exoeliency Ottawa, July 14, 1869. VHair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Its natural: Vitality: and Color. tA A dressing which is at once: agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving > the e hair. _ Faded or gray 6. hair is soon restored * k reshness bf h. “ ;{'hin hair is mk- ened, falling hair checked, and baldâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the g’luads atrophied and deécayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefuiness b{ this application. . Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty® sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently rnnnt balduess. Free from those deleterious substances which 6 PRE PA R ED B Y Pr. 3. C. AYERB & CO., Lowell, Man., | _ _Practical and Analytea! Chemists. |.BOLD BY ALL DRUGCGISTS EVvERTWHERE, | _ .Oitewa, August 17; 1869. |_ :. ... â€"\112536yâ€" _ f1o=TIXUATIONX SALE make some preparations dnneerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a ‘ HAIR DRESSING, Ayer‘s ing, have been radically ieianaioeambemnd m tion of the + pu scarctely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. _ _ l RMPIRE ~GIFT® CO_MPANY. oasH GIFTsS TO THE AMOUNT OF long be informed of its virtues or uses. __ _ _ _ _ Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive run"bo fengal . seig t "or Wine diredtly <imported. ‘The whole of Cash advanced -la-rlhmlmvmunuuuwm Quicok salesis W, . Basees R. M. Bagreg P BASKERVILLE ABROTHER Bole issuer for the City of Otawsa. relief and convinecing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. s A dressing which C } is at ounce: agreeable, iX » healthy, and effectual :/ | for preserving > the f hair. _ Faded or gray ‘ N hair is soon restored Jn ; to its original color (hik Y B with the gloss and KV iss freshness of youth. s saseos ‘Thin hair is thickâ€" Cents. mm&smuï¬c in envelâ€" ‘flha'-lts.o?:li W.psnt of one dollar. Prises are immediately sent to any Mimal infpvit Pinrtnal vanee yeu yap Worit; ‘Any priss -Aqm.idc of same *# A friend of ours t.-omnzfld Wlnah-“fle& ing persons, who have drawn prises and . kindly the use of their names for publication: Andrew J m,c\umlm; Missâ€" Olara 8 Walker, Baltimore, Plano, $800; James M Mathows, Marriage Licences. Ayer‘sâ€" ies enchanged ‘for another of same OQur. patrons can depend on fair Euen i in renry, nmm ‘until 1110â€"30â€"3m â€-. se is FECKETT, Surgeon Doutuf. «« Commercial 'M""" :mg‘r’ ‘i“c:.h: British Lion gm.l'. ls“' Tiurs &:um;; totloo Lang‘s Biook, No. 60, parksâ€"st awa City. pttawa, April 12, 1869, * _ 1021â€"167 D®".!, 1. + Emiioy, Poricin 0 Bmg Flate, Ottawa, _ _ _‘ 1111 R. 0. C. WOOD, sician, Surgeon and D Accoucheur, 'Oï¬uv:.’ Day office op;alb the Tiuts Office, Bparksâ€"street, Centre Town. Nigtt office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxcrrs Corto, without the use of the knife, by a new, ‘but certain, speedy, and almost painiess process. References given to parties suo= cessfully treated, it required. $ lfilfly e2000° AACRC O CL, LOBDICIONS FIMLS. Office hours from 8:30 to 10;30 am., and 3 to 5 pm. > Dlo. GIORG: llU'l'cllllO!,lDflld? Russel!‘s. PS or b?g;. Tlll 66 QUKEN " RESTAUzANT, M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcaife and W ellingtonâ€"streets, 9s~ posite the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" ‘.i"io"QUlll"mpflna all the requisites for a Arstâ€"class estau ant." Yhe House Ilr:cqbunroflud and ref. tnished mo?ï¬cm. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir W incs and Liqu "rs, and every delicacy of the seas a will be found on thetable. The wfofl ‘l'::a(mvfllbodhmd to he comâ€" i8 and patrons. PH"* Oysters,Game eto..daily For comfort and attendance the travelling public will find. this first class house unsurpassed in Canaaa, being situated in the centre 3’ tae cucy. mfln: ;v.« wodw.u mnlshl ed bod-r:)onu, A ay. Bingle rooms, witho board, 606 per dl:;t ie * G GAREAJ, WATERS & CO, Manager. 1071.6m Proprietors. GOLD,: SILYEK, SHELL AND STEEL. PM*A periect fit guarantoed. " YOUE!& RADFORD. _ Ottawa. PIOPI.I’. TEA STORE, Br P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHER, Two Doors Bast of Workman J Griffin‘s, travellers. Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"strocts Pembroke, Ontario, ‘:flu in connection with the steamers Jason , Pembroke and Pontiac. Particular attention paid to the comfort of guests. Good rooms for commercial travellers. goruo and vehicles always on hand. * J. COPELAND, AIC General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s ;lllfhvhu andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" ine Ales and Porter. _ Pork, Flour, &0c.. for sale. ohine Alos ;-d .Pauc Pork, nur.'&&,. for sale. Orrion: No. 5, Sparks Street, near Russell House, Ottaws city, C. W . diere Island, Ottawa, C. W. _ "JORN OLr ~~,3M0G WILLIAM Omv-n & ANMABLE, ‘oum. Manu: P focturers of Bedsteads, &e., Chanâ€" LAZARUS, MORRIS del Ahos Fuller, Architect, Albany Dr J A Grant, P., Otawe ; Thos Rq:oldl% Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. 1 Plafl 8, SPECIFICATIONS, &c., Pcmbrokp, Aug. i1, 1868, ‘ z. PS “s'xknr g.os PLRFECTED SPECTACLES, R. J. DW ARD C. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. ANADA HOTEL, R+ C. LKEGGO, Physician, Surgeon and "Aooouhou. Ofloo-m’l' Block, Sparksâ€" TTAWA HOUSE ICKWICK HOUSE, OUNG & RADFORD R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Wut, Cential Otaws. BAutf 17 & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET MON TREA L AVERLY HOUSE, ‘,_.!u‘l'}'o ‘Commission Merchant and Apotcls andb Saloons. FKEW A8SS0ORTM EN P Moial Cans. A+ RECKETT, Su on hand a well assorted stock of and a eral assortment otf GRO. »ble for use, all of which will uced priges. : Also, a choice lot of iperior brands, and sold equaillylow, EYE GLASSES, Have just reseived a Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., (G & RADFORD, No 35, Sparks treet, 859y TBBOD DOUNE..++srrrresencessrersivencrs} as Snow Bird. On and after lst SEPTEMBER, (until further notice), the steamer Ann Sisson will leare Aylmer daily (Sundays onopud&, for the Upper Ottawa at 7 a m, connecting with the steamer Alliance at !ud_ of.rsu:_ol_d. at 11 a m,touching at Arnprior, 1869. Sndzoht. Bristol, Bonechere, Zarrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Wharf and Portage du Fort. Stages will leave Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival of steamer Aiiance tor Cobdon, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evening. 3 The steamers Pontiac or Penitroke leave Pemwâ€" broke daily ati p m, for Des Joachim, calling at &ll intermediate ports.. Returning, leaving at 6 & m, connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Lapdirg at 2 p m, and arrives at Portage du Fort same evening. (â€"3â€"Rates by this Line FIVE per cent. lower than by any other Line. Steamer . GRENVILLE and. Bargesâ€"Captain M. G. Rastonâ€"will leave Montreal on TVUES DAYS, 6 v».m. The steamer All;";m'li"oï¬ Portage du Fort every morning at Sundays.excepted|, touchâ€" l;g at Gonld‘t&hnf, fnmll'- \;lcrf, Bomjnchero, ristol, Sandpoint and Arn and arri at head ofullmn 1 a m.psn 'comueti."h:ia steamer Ann Sisson at Portiacat noon. Passengers reach Ottawa at 4 pm. _ _ O| _ . = C _ A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway at Arpprior on the up and down trips. _ _ dole . n â€" For further particulars apply at the Company‘s otfices at Ottawa and Aylâ€"ner. K. i. CASSELS, President. Ottawa Ci‘y, Aug 29, 1869. FREIGH T LINE, â€" From Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and in Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers beiween Quebec and Montreal. STEAMERS " ALLIANCE," "JASONGOULD‘" & " PEMBROKE, EL"O'I’I RIDEAU AXD OTTAWA Passage tickets will be sold at the office on the Wharf. Stateâ€"rooms can be secured by taking tickets at this office only. This company will not be accountable for specie or unlublu. unless l:‘uln ol‘ mh‘, having the value expressed; aro signed or. ® J B LAMERE, RATEs OFP PABSAGE, Office of the Richelieu Co, AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FOR THE UPPER OTTAWA, 1869. May 7, 1 69. NAVIGATION i COMPANY MAIL § B TEA ME RS. OTTAWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, (Svxparys Excertzp.) The eplendid new anT M sailing Steamers " ] UE EN VICET'Oâ€"B I A," Convisting of the following first class ste: ~The comfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through one of the most picturesque districts in Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists. Parties desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at The steamer Queen Victoria loaves her whart foot of Sussex st, at 6:30 a m, (Montreal time), ll!_hhglalutuslulzupn. Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed.at L‘Orignal. â€" Parcel Express daily from the Office on the wharfto Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, from the ofice of Herrick & Crombie, Rideau st, W 8 Boyd, at the hote! and office, Russell House Block, The market steamer Fairy, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Mondays and Saturdays at 4 p m for intermediate landings. 'l\- OTraAw a BIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY‘8 "*PRINCE OF W. H. EASTON & Co., Little Bussex Street, Canal Basin, Head Office, JAMES EBW IFT & Co., St. Lawrence Wharf, Kingston. . _ M. H. EASTON & Co., 203 Commissioner street, Montreal, June 11, 1869. NION FORWARDINXG & RAILWAY COMPANY. COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS B. T. Eastonâ€"will eare Montreal on FRLI. DAYS,6 p.m. 1HE OTTAWA RIVER ICHELIKU COMPANY. UxION FoRWARDING AXD AILWAY OM Y, Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE. HERRLK & CROMBIE, Agents, Otewa. OTTAWA AND MONTREAL, s(#a .. R. W. SHEPREKD, "A NN S158 8 O N sesnestesscencssnce ecsetsscssscssennssssssnccense eeeatone nb 086 660 6 00 sene n e ane e 06 N/ TS PPCERRTS â€" B2 e i 2 revispserstensess ooe â€" sesssesostfeptintt Bonttic DES JOACHIMS. R 8. CASSELS, Mteamers. ANNE, and Bargesâ€"Captain l...l......'lm'.‘ first class steamers : ......gopuln ï¬:dlu .....Captain Murph ...Captain Convroui R W SHEPHERD. | W A LE 8," Captain Blondin Captain Duggan min Cowley 1869. THE TIMES is mn and published be Tes OfTAwa o ‘hm.... Posuusrâ€" 116 CoxrAXY m' w Centre Town, Oftawa, ‘Jawks Corros WIIDIOB & ANNAPOLIS RaiL, WAY. low and elevated ovens, guaranteed to the ;m,uddmm cannot be excelled AT THE VARILETY HALL. On and after THURSDAY, 19th d8y of AUGUST, this railway wil! be open for Passen. ger and goods trafic as under : Trains will leave Grand Pre on arrival of pas. sengers from Halitax by morningtrain to Wind. sor, and forward 1y Coach to Grand Fre at 12. go, poo@, arriving at Annapolis at 5.30 p m. Leay. ing Annapolis at 8.30 a m, and arriving at Grang Pre at 1.45, in time tor Coach to Wirdsor, con. necting with afternoon train, and © reaching Halifaz at 7.10 p m. 4R _ Haviag stoves, furniture, or any house furâ€" nishing goods to nnum"..’. o 10 ty calling °_ AT THE V HALL, 34 street. 3 soypeq t "t* 1869.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. [1869 Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATIOA as follows : _ 0 | _ come wEst. Express for Ogdensburg, Ottawa, D.’Brookvin., ville, TMO;Q.I;U, Brantford Goderich, alo, Detroit, Chicago and all points West, at. ............... Night do _ do _ do do _ do Accommodation Train for Cornwall Mlm.{li-:: fut&om Mseesrese Accommodation Train for ingst on and Intermediate Stations, at.... ... _ 6t. Jobn‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... 46 0# * &_-:!o, Payable in Ourrency, m ol Trains for x.uu“ ui'i'c"_;.â€".’...'. 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 p : and 6:30 p m. P _ The 1:30 pm train runs â€" LA4Â¥@rpoOl OF QUOGNBIOWRMâ€"»»»##+»=»»»»»»»»+»»â€"s0»â€" â€" 6 PASBAGE BY THE TUESDAY STRANMER VI EALIYAL _f . First Oabin, Payable in Gold. LEAVE PERTH 7 30 Ar M.eâ€" TRALINS will feave 8 Perth at 7.30 a m and 5.50 p m, arriving at Bmith‘s Falls at 8.20 a m and 6.40 p m. LEAYVE BMITHWBS FALLS, S 35 A. M.â€"â€"THAINS will Leave Aneen e iess h o e Pal oo e & ® p=® ® E. ARBOTT, INMAN LINEOF MAIL 8TEAMERS, SAILINQ FROM NEW YORK EVEEY SATURDAYT AND ALTERNATE TUREsDAYs. LATES OF PASRAGE BY THE SATURDAY STRANER First Cabin, Payable im Goid. _ LAverpool or Queenstown......................« $100 00 o ‘.‘_'""- Payable in Ourrency, h in conneclion with the Grand Trunk Railway leave Portland every MORDAY and ‘l‘lila'll- DAY at 6 p m, for St. John, N.B., &6. mz-“tlm‘hum&-m’lm ons, For Mt:‘um and time of arrival and departure at terminal and way stoâ€" tjc:,."ly u&ow(’lu.lmmgsu Fon LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWE. 6:00im»m zns aadth & T » P 24 430 a In, Attiving at Brownih at" l SATULVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival train from Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fax, l..!..;nhnh‘ on Tuesday. A M.=â€"â€"TRAINS wi#ll bea*t 689‘0):3'111. daily at 6.00 a m, 6X m Tay TM, !'l“:h‘ at W s iz.oo.'-.o.u’:u 1.32 p m. â€" _ LEAVE SANDPOINT. I-IAVI?'!'!A'A. um:x;n.om km «o HD. «20 &. Mi. Mixed, 1.90 p. m. 4.16 p. m LAAYVE PRESCOOTT. ARRIVE JX Onawa. Mixed, 7. 15 a. m. 10.35 a, m. "“!\:;n o moaire The time of these has been so aa to ensure connestion with trains on Omdï¬.i east and west, also with the steamers of the Royal Baggage to and from Ottaws checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railway wa at reduced rates can be had at tions on the line, . 6:00%, TIME TABLE, No. 21, Commuexome ox Moxuas, Juxk 21, 1664 Orrawa AGENCYâ€"Russell House Block Spark street, Ottawa, where all information may be ob 1eod: ond until further notice, TRALNS will ru as follows: NEW COOKINKG 8ToVY®Es, Kent ville, Au For ferther information, BT. LAWRENCE AND ‘OTTAW RAILW AY, (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Raileay.) mueealk& 9 _ON and AFTER MOKDAY, 28rs JUKE _____ C:J; BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal. May 17. l“.“/ N. B.â€"The above r2roums all run me. Ottawa, June 28, 1869; OUBLE and Coaticook only, at......... 9.15 p m and 9.30 a m and 6.10 a m. DOUBLE STOV £6, #44, 30 and 36 inches, from the be# GOING SOUTH AXD £ast. ua.r_uu for Island Pond for Trofic from Annapolis 1», OMPn. 7 By order, LKAYVE BROCKYILLE. tional Company‘s Signed, _ VEKNON EMITH u , ,“â€â€™ AT THE VARIETY HALL _ o t Ampmmamess ssmc 1020 DL Te Dn:ol all Night Trains. ‘.- A § ibMramney s m T Ll LEeR JOBEPH MOONEY, Agent. 1008, At..... ........ T:15 a@p t ...........0:00 & m, 7;:00 am 1;30 pm,4;40 p m, 6 p m, _ & OTTAWA RAall» way. P THOMAS REYKOLDE, BRANCH. eeathenentbaeen08 2008000 sebee 00000 00000 a08 0000 sn s000 ees000 000# 00 * principalsta» 10:10 1;30 pu .$100 00 15 0 ced by Exprcss We ib C 7Â¥ 16 B > . large Ball Room is a which will be let at a low Ooftiwa uvEeny ~AND BAT 8 Cor. Rideau and Ottawaâ€" Â¥. 8. to the Governor. as order for Ten or in wot their owh choice i sent to uny part of the CK Sirep p, _ AT Twexry. E'? BELOW 2o let July Nery Ohoise......... vyOL. 1 ‘, OOLE M aA N , LARM MONEY leading hardware a CREEN 1EA. I' rek dBw a.. O bar sins, ist of our prices : BLACOK TEA QOFFEE, at a Â¥ery «4* PR nperentans ons aneie e s en nn he ne n n dn hand 4 foot irg rArigahs« ##»20048 COFFEE â€" BOWLIN: This is one of buils. srum> i4 68) A. 0; AUD asrers 99 22, *SBTAN 8ST TEA 1 oue a oh. so “... small