* aAayy \"'. ‘m tWW k. Orand Pro op Conch to U &# m, and a tor Conch to 48 under ; TORK Mos»ay, WAY. 36 inches, from * ie oc( y ... T wl be open fop at 5.30 tea®) | offers for said at VERY LOW PRICES # large '?‘u.!"u_"“_'!"..‘ï¬.“.!z comprising Groceries, ‘._~ proof and Aavor,‘ 3 prui‘s aod Stowart‘ Seotoch Whiskey and 7. Hac~n Murphy‘s Old Trish Potioce, indtnmn M insy Porot ptnaed qo sad Syrups, all grades. mnhu'm THE OLD SFOCK, S1YED FROM FiRE SELLING at Twextyrâ€"rivE PERCENT BELOW coST. [ Now is the time or bar ains. 1105§ and the numerous cther articles necessary to conâ€" Stitute a complete stock. * 390 RIDEAU STREET, $ OTTAW4, HAVING ong_l_n HIS NEW EsSTABâ€" "ulpapians / :; vobaceo, Laundry and Faney "c-"-i'-.o-:":h..un. Also, omm Bordeauz and other Vinegars. MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, LABR. HERKINGS, Loie. Burgandy, Souterne and Maderia Wines # % + “‘ S ult privan, wood and bottle,improved by age. HIGHWINES, OoLD, RYE, PROOF AXD ‘FAIRBANKs3, BROWN & P 164.6w : uiu Milk umct?hn-. 1 fipwn, quite frosh and cheap. ‘ *‘ _ * the Frosh Cofeo groun«4 and roasted daily on l‘l!llouâ€" Coowao Buaxores ; Renault & Henâ€" **#t, Piper‘s and other brands. &® n-.ul-ou_ TL _ De Kuyper‘s and Houtman‘s, n wood BALDWIN‘8 ALARM Â¥ONEY DBAWER For saie by all lcading bardware merchants in the Provinces. FAIRBANK3‘ STANDARD Railroad Track Scales, & Flour and Grain Scates, a Hay and Coal Scates, fl*uhm pu.tdl'lo-b-d-l Fizerâ€"Curass Rromo ax» Y. & to the County _ Carleton _A 0. . COLEMAN, V. 3., Member of the Ontario Veterinary Coliege, by appointmens v . 8. to the Governorâ€"General : alss. powses, which will be lot at a low Agure. B L. Vetemmary [nfirmary attached for sick and lame horses, ander the dirsct management of attention. â€" The best of liquors will be found is e# uuu'vmh AViERE. _NBâ€"â€"A large Ball Room is wtached to he BOWLING ALLEY, Ihsimeteant n is America, hc-“ alloys, and with Orstâ€"class balls There will be kept a register book for the pur= =¢m the auim~ dsd&-s,o“m to las July nest, and the "ï¬-h--d.-'.o m:&upfl recerve from & "eties rarmieg the Tiny +i bo oo un SALE AND BAIT STABLES, Cor. Ridean and Ottawaâ€"sis. ; l'â€" m'm -mn; ,fl- Th ~ deceetecormertwontren OURKEG HEJHONK «e cancececces Fine CBK «xcercersrrccrcrs uperine and Very Choice. lnu attenduance to regular boarders free of CALES, SCALES, SCALES Mooha Jare .. T nnmmigiiniohiie aibelirerss Rich Flargured, do ......... Vory Fine, ds do........ {w‘“‘ seenessesceessesse00 Vofy BHOM.cccccrsrarcers 1 tX *# CHICAGO MES3, XXX and No. 1 FLOU wHILTE B&ANS t Send along your order for Stove Piping, or ®t Iron Work to ESMONDE BRO8. \~â€"_â€"_â€"___‘â€"â€"_â€" OR $15â€"A second hand 4 foot Box Stove, as good as new, A CHALN CABLE and ANCHOR, tio Catteos Boxes, which will pr the ioi n n ies :ï¬'m'q.o m‘m 10 Ib or four & !b Cattees, to the nearest ‘Express or Steambost L&&,- resceipt of money, or ear be sol by Express or Steambont A Where Imwl)m-m@flï¬l mmdignt Psn Frvat ow Seamer aid GO*.m_deI us BLACK TEA Â¥ine Fiavoured New Season do...... ’h,:lh,‘AM Flavoured _ de....... Junel4, 1869, b have beea pronounced by the most reliable wen to be of the Anest quality, cheap,and free from all ) -uuo.nuï¬uudhthhoum importers of the above named articles, them a speciality, wo “h.lr- to give overy one perfact satistaction, advan ages affordeq to every one are such as cun only be obtained from our Continental merchants, as we sell onr goods at a vory small aayange on cost. In order to give every one a chance to taste our Teas and Cofees, we hare imported Tin Hermeâ€" EXIS Waucuiy, Tul TKA !I TEA : CcorFEE! COFFEE â€" COFFEE! TaiDB At"s muour, Ottawa, May 8. OMINION BOWLING ALLEY. Jur Teas ao4 Cofses, afterijone year‘s trial J a , Â¥ a i0 en i oieF» Cangou, Imporia, Young (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) es sessessssssesses OPTAWA LYERY demsineceessence csnssssees sesssesse000 dox 201, P. 0,, Ottaws, or Kiginâ€"st., the Post OMce. lavll.vr VOL IV NO, WHIEKEY, ecsssnnesssecasce000 600 iuesnctsersreue8 0 HH, 0 29, 0o 33 ,....,........_?'a‘i.' ::: :3. on * *A 0. AUDYT & 0o., dox 201, P. 0., Ottaws, or eevenene phesanses se nen0s sese00004 0 all grades, Ports of fine CREEN 1 EA. aeeececessatrese0\ es sesese000 COorFEE, form his friends that od on MONDAY, 1 Counter Scales, &e, &o. at extromely low prices; ESMONDE BRuS. weâ€"â€"$0 48 @ 50 wsss. @55 @ 60 cise, 0 75 @ 80 eres, 040 @ 45 ... 0 85 @ 60 bed ~Aputbe t 0 35 0 40 0 58 @ 60 0 580 @ 60 0 15 @ 8 1 00 @ 00 015 o #o 44LE No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Durie & Son‘s Tou'l.bwllmlcnm ...s'& per ansum. .I“allo“‘ lses, or xa ) bapiw * t Department Public Works. PIANOâ€"FORTES,from all the leading makers. WARRZN‘S PIPE ORGANS, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the best acâ€" tories in the United States, excelling in finish and tone anything ever brought into this country. Now is the time for intending purchasers, WW°PRICES LOW & TERMS LIBERAL q Jur stosk of Concertinas, Vielins, Flntes, &e., &o., 1s, as usual, rery large. > Now Shoet Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" haw» J. L. ORME & SON, _ _ Sign of the Golden Lyre, N _ decided to divide his time equally between Ottawa and Ogdeasburgh, would beg to inform his lh“m.ï¬&.&h‘b“hu’:; to attend to their orders tuning more prom than heretofore. Shall risit Ottawns once a month. Orders received at Mr. Bermingham s Auction Rooms, and at K. Miles® Music Store. RIVATE BOARDING.â€"A fow P--u.-.u..â€"um-m class board upon reasonable terws, within toa minutes walk of the Post Ofice. A-wn- wishing to «seep a horse will find it to ad. w FOR CASH ONLY. @a« m;-n-wm-. Youths* suits taste~ _mz.s'mummmyum me P I a NOâ€"FOR TES, ORGAN 8, & “ '_*-'â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"-';--â€"v- .Y‘zl um-m. U:hs His goneral sealo of prices is moders‘e, Genis‘ excellent Eweed Suits, $10, .ll'll, dul ruie of measurement he has M.“.l- J. L. ORME & soN Respectfully call the attention of the public to heir magnidoeont stook of An extensive stock of Canadian Tweeds, W est of made Suits and General OQutfiting Goode, which Â¥rom the experience ANGUS SUTHERLAND lleax ts (haring been Manager in the Gentleâ€" .."I for many years), he hopes to give _The success attending his fits in pants and coats is a their new Shew Room, comprising L shee sans aat L d sand Dollars 30000 U. 8. Gold Bonds, 6# of ‘81 The Hon. John .. Gray, M.P., has beer Wmumhmhp-h lon. Aillegal matters will be to him. B. R. CORWIS, the above The tollowing Insurance has received ;u--mmmï¬m MC No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ‘!aqo_.?m.dldn Ottawa, September 15, 1869, 11763m No: 104. Bpesial attention given to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig l..‘..'..."f.._"“"_"â€â€œâ€˜!;“-“ p F® oanssear, COMMISSION AwEN 1 lor the above ay, is prepared to Mnmhm“."l’ propared to The Forms of Application, and every information, may be obtained at his office. VYEA d.22 J'ml‘ro.,’ Ottawa, November 7, 1863 'IOB'ARDIR, +E NE R A L AGBENT, No. 3, St. Peterâ€"st. B, K. CORWLN, General . I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" nCB COMPANY, of Maine. _ Deposit in U. 3. ds of"815â€"$50,000. . ASSURANCE COMPANY. ~ ESTABLISHED 1s35, CAPITAL. . . ...£1,000,000 SPERLING. INVESTED IN CANADA....£350,000 CANADA HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL SEORETARY; j A DAVIDSON PaARKER ELECT TAILORI®G. SORNTy» +« «++ «+ ++ ...... Dassarat‘s Brocs Mdhchflm nmmmmm uhlu-gnlm’.mddd-. Rtawa. Oss. 8, t4%4 1 te# Â¥Fine Hiscs takon as low as the character of the riaks warrante, Lire Drraatucyt.â€"The advantages which the Royalo@ers cannot be surpassâ€"d by any office of flull‘udmonlu- wu tarif rates, ""“::r‘ lity of its to the cireamâ€" stances req rroments of every one. . 4 % dn 4 '.“‘“O Puvucun. INSURARCE. MALCOLM CAMIBON, Euows oetarcrâ€" K1ION KUTUVAL NEW IMPORTATIONS. IFPE Aassvnhax®on, 1184%4 oYÂ¥ AL IN@URANCE COMPANY. TV N T. RAJOTTE, _ Ottawa, 13th October, 1868 8CoTTIsH OP MALN R. «â€"â€"Opposite Main Entrance to Russell â€" House. neral Agent, 8t; John, N.B FÂ¥or the Minister of Finance C@EO, X. BENEDICT COMPANY: .__ A great variesty of COOK stovEs, JAPANNED & PLANISHED TIN WaARE yrPontens or . HOUSE FURNISHING HARDVLZL REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOL En§, ICE CBREAM FREEZERS, BATHS, JELLY MOULDS, PIE * Moulds, Japanned Trays, Toilet Setts FOLDING BEDSTEADS, HAT AND UX BBELLA 8STANDS, #o, &c, CHARGES MODERATKE. 04 ce e oo t U btt hake, Cloth Dage, & HAT AND FUR STORE, 64 SPARES.â€"8TREET, OTTAWA : Opposite the British Lion. «1ENRY â€" HODGES, the propristor, begs to thank his customers for business, As the winter is fast appromching, parties wanting their FURS CLEANED AND ALTERED to the Latest Fashion, and those requiring NEW FURS, * Will do well to give him a call. Being a prac tical furrier, and having been Foroeman for Greene & SBon‘s, of Montreal, for 14 years, he feols confdent of giving every satisfaction. h. All orders from th ":.m‘m‘_ A Opposite the British Lion Hotel, late of Richard Mbgg‘mmby"h mnoae 0 P DORION. w Be P Tie whnt Pubing of sav deseription in n.. » Also, recaived a fine lot of the kpown > C P DORION, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCOERN, it you want Catlery, Tesa Tray»s, Table Mats, Dish $ aci give a callte , C P DORION, It ant Coo Etoves of size, If you want * P50 ty the & oi Rpoage ho t â€"of any size or shape, on hu-huhar. eall to e ©C Â¥ bortox. If yoeu want a fne Tot ol%ht"mdm size or pattern, a sall to ied C P DORION. (y:vullndlsugq Vï¬u;lnlul‘ C P vORION, C. P. DORION, , 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotel, A CALL, And examine for yourseives and see if he cannot get strewhere in the eapleal in is oige 20 56t Jast give oULINARY & DpoxEstic * TINWARE BOLE AGENTS FPoR * Beecher & Co‘ " Hot Air Furnaces, :lm'_ruéu-l-nu. ** Eaton‘s» A_mv-.'ui PR «i+ ~A * nppee decominanne iniprovements, i. l' k Dry Earth Closetsâ€"Orders still received for these celebrated articles, and full instructions given in regard to them. Partios contemplating getting these closets had better send in their orâ€" ders before the winter arrives. N. B.â€"Parties indebted to the subscribers are l-hduulbobnd-.qh the root of all :'I:.su"llll.q cannot fnd W“ we take a contract to H. luDO“SlOO., 35 Bussexâ€"st., Ottawa,; Various patterns, and everyth the Stove and .__ HOTEL 8TOVYES, Mammoth size and weight. COAL _ sTOVEs. [ reliable in stock, such as the neds ie Plom P tm mt o the LYTH & KERR, Beautiful designs. PARLOUR COOK BSTOVES Elegant and commod‘ous, _ & BOX STOVES,~ Every size made, PARLOUR STOYVES CO0OK sTOoVEs ::.unut be surpassed tor good baking quali. °_ DPOUBLE STOVES, â€" ubstantial and Ch cap, Dominion, give a call to EKlevated and Low Oven TTEXTION, » Cunru.» stovs pErot. H. MEADOWs & Cco. Our Fall and fi:m Btock is now . Complete, $10 do Stoves & Hardware, | NEW DOMINXION DUMB STOYES, C P DORION, 10 quart Milk Pans No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"8ST., Btoves, Wood or Con 58 Sparks street, C P C P DORION. 1 614 T T T T “ ‘ KE C 'aâ€".-m."“ in gemenel tone t is e en n es ie bat pubile OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER mwmvm““m“ ctcomposition and ducharge sccording to the & * T. SAUVAGEAr, T Official Assignee, Montreal, October 13, 1869, », 1179t4 Notice is hereby given that the Insolvent has filed in my office a deed of composition and disâ€" charge, axzecuted by the proportion of his crediâ€" tors as reqaired by law, and that if no opposition is made to said deed of composition and dis. charge within six jeridical days after the last publication of this notice, said six days erpiring Wodnesday, the 3rd ‘day of November OTTAWA OFFICEâ€"G P Devaworo‘s Exchange Office, 19 Sparks streot. o AJUSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Troaâ€" surer; 8 BFOOTE A THOMSON, T H DUXKN. DRUMXMOND, Manager. 11414 them done at t‘ie abore named place with ress and caro. All work in the atbove | done under hi : own personal supervision. ll.o&'l" ACT OF 1861. Plon.m TELEGRAPH COXP ANY Incorporated under Chapter LXYII of the 3 FIRST PRIZB ‘NEW D OMINXION DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, No 2%}, Ridean stroot, Oitawa City, In rear of Gethausen & Dupuis Tobscco Store. Orders hbych.nl__lmh‘vmhm Iy flled at the LOWEST CHARGES,. Particular u,u. paid to the Cleaning of ©rinrsauess, , SIGNâ€" AXD HERALDIC PAINTING, Ontario Carriage Factory, 80 Sparks street. Parties wishing t> oir on ‘sleighs painted and wnho‘: : lt;‘:::.‘:g'h..n wak The Lady members of the Choir of the of Kase of Sussex street, intend holding a about the 1st of November, the 0 will be devoted to the purchase of an Or, tully received hy the undersigned ladies : NMllm-i?d Y rlwm lies : MISS WILY, _ _ MISS PARNELL, SHATONCHEESE in stook, equalto English M“â€â€œâ€ï¬m 6 sc Ottawa, September 4, 1839, 1144.3m Fresh Ground and Roasted Jon the Jfpromises, m~‘"c 4 P «it MS Rxttor Hsfeat Ottawn, September 18, | 889. Ham, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, Game and Salmon, Anchovy Paste, Currie Powdets, Imperiai S.uces, cading .baucesâ€" and Soyor‘s Helish Pickles, of all kinds, pa ap ‘order and warâ€" 100 Pt'ntn MEATS,â€" IN THE MATTERZOPR | â€" _ JOSEPH ALFRED LEVIS, f the Village of St. Andre Avelin, dos each, quarts $2.50, piah Ol.fl: "A} od by Guinpess & Co‘s certificate; ~*** ‘.00 g!’o'u.l" GUINNEsS & 00‘s xxx Aund the celebrate F1G BRAND, unequaled in quality, at prises unusually low, by the case of 10 HHDS PoRT wixg (!8 years old) vintage 1851, 185®, and 1860. VUorivalâ€" dhtbolba'lh.(orqntu!yl.‘ prices. Por amily use, try it, AZAAR. Japans, Black‘s and Green‘s, in great varieâ€" to qualities and prices. <Now Season Teas, DIRECT IMPORTATIONI, ROS§E & BLACKWELL‘s GOODS Tick & Portin‘s Worcester Sauce. Ez Bhip Anglesea from Liverpool, HUD3 BRaiXDy, viniage 1865 and 1868 Warranted fine quality. MEDAL BRAND, ATE BOARDING Housu, Block, Bussex street, entrance Ez Bark Gaselle from COGNAG. Novie dgainalon Ahi~ seailh ) ul urrmenam â€" on * 26 Ridean stsâ€" * WA stt Antwsements. !933’1’!' has removed to CHEsTs PINE PANXKILYT in first rate style, can get AN INSCOLYENT, PATTERSON, in aid of the above will ALEX MITOEEKLL an Organ fo: PP C .4 1165t4 Northrop & Is N C. W., General Agents for the cwecks ’u..m Ottawa by all 410MEA uHa Iof the worst cases -"'!M-t-u-l-‘-uu article, and well worthy the notice o _ De. A. W. Bauptvg, of Knowlesvilis, New York, says ; *# I have used it in severr 1 cases of Special . ht epiniine © 1 AndneiBhagim uo ~ ts d dn Prudnas ic 4 Now York, says: .«Ihave used Dr. A. Trask‘s u..--o:"u. in my prastice a number of years, and sanâ€"sayâ€"with pleasure I deeth it one of the groatest discoveries of the uge ; for the curs of quntly made in England, and are far from uscommon in this country, though. here alene they subject MM to. such reproach from: the opponents of the Gov. erament as to enbanese the oblwion‘ on the part of those in whose favour they conferted an obligation not merely on m‘ personaily, but on the entire party which supâ€" ports the present ‘Government, Such sactiâ€" fices must occasionally be made under our where he required it. As D purpose visiting the Riding with as little delay as possible, I shall merely observe further that your late member, Mr. Rankin has, by vacating his seat on this occasion It is a most It will prom Combined in One Bottle. . . .â€" MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® _ HAIR RESTORER Will I was unemployed,: and with no certainty, ‘though witha fair prospect, of reâ€"employment in the Imperial service. I considered, bowâ€" }m..fluut_nggom country desired my meevices, it hadâ€"thoâ€"strongest claim on ‘me, and as I cordially approved of the manner in which Sir John A: Macdonald had coustructed his Government, and as I should bave conâ€" sidered it my duty to hare supported that Government, had I entered Parliament with~ out ‘office ; I felt that I could not ; properiy refuse him my humble aid, in the position mole, und well worthy the notice of all." " _ Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. F.. rask‘s Magnetic Qintment, and see that the words ment,‘ Ihad to considér‘ the offéer on C F as w TL CC ~ im 4 uis i Fl- sonal sacrifice, When it was proppsed to me by Birâ€"John A. Macdonald to join his Governâ€" to have forfeited by his acceptance of such high trust the confidence of his countrymen. The important office whith I Kave ow the honour to hold was neither directly ‘nor indiâ€" ncï¬ynu\thcby.o,udth’oo‘oqoqplhhd with the facts must be well aware that in acâ€" cepting it, l have made a considerable perâ€" mg.mnmq-u-w-.. roup or Batiles»â€"â€"Ds. Bwouix, of Utica. ltwullty-iorm the finances, as \""" other public affafrs, devolved upon _ I have the gratification of knowing that in the performance of the duties confided to me by ‘her Majesty, I gave satisfaction both to Yay official superiors, and to the people of I rely with confidence that you will in my case establish as &# principle, that a Canadian statesman who may be selected by our Sovâ€" ereign for honourable employment in other portions of Her Dominions, shall not be held %o hare forfeited bÂ¥ his Anrantamas af a..1 could claim, ‘The necessary result of such a ’mu of parties Wwas the formation of a Coaliâ€" _ fon Government, of which the present Premier of the Dominion Government was a ’dhthnhlnd member, and to that Governâ€" ment I gave a cordial support during the remainder of the session. Soon after its terâ€" Mlmvamlyoï¬md an important Government in the West Indies, gnthamnunddmm\vlkh I had sttained as a Canadian statesmau, and from that Government I was transferred to another of still greater importance, where the among you, but J enjoyed the advantage of having been recommended to you by my laâ€" mented frilend and countryman, the late Mr. Egan, who was well aware otf the deep interest which 1 felt in the prosperity of the Valley of the Ottawa, * In the _ ensuing session . of the Legisiature it became my duty to resign office, owing to the state of political parties in ‘Western Oanads, although I had the support ofa greater number of members than any other leader in that section of the Province I beg to offer myself as m candidate for your suffrages, for the seat in the House of Commons which your late representative has most generously vacated, in order to afford you an opportunity of ratifying at the hustâ€" "mâ€"" you should be pleased so to do,â€" wy recent appointment as Finance Minister ot the Dominion, 1 have hever ceased to remember, with gratâ€" itude, that at a most important crisis in my political career the electors of the county of Renfrew returned me to the Legislative Asâ€" sembly of Camads by & large majority, and without any solicitation on my part. ‘Then, as now, { had few personal acquaintances TO THE ELECTORSs OF THE SORTH RIDING OÂ¥ THE& COUNTY OF REXâ€" F. HINCKS, 1t 8 superiore 20, 1s69, neight, and gets aâ€" salary of 10,000 â€"An old lady in Ohio, who didn‘t mï¬:tthohul{guoffu‘ion, kept _ a fall suit of graveâ€"cloths on hand for fifty Mlldfludngo to use them only last week, ‘ daughter of a &ei:i;i;erm, â€"Laura Guignette is the champion cancanist in the Mabille: She is the 'l-Tcheubsdmlopd the last hidiouine-intbov;yof.mm, It is Zoolohippozonomadon. f â€"â€" «â€"=Carlotta Patti wears mourning outâ€" side the concert room, but has brought over with her:a â€"dozen new and gorgeous evening dresses in coral, maize and crim‘ «â€"â€"A French chemist proposes to emear the street numbers of houses with phosâ€" way home the world. He started ..".",u" is ago and h-_l]moot got there. Eid acquired a reputation for 124 years age by. talking judiciously. about / revolution. tying, banjo ng, aud the rest of the g’ame: mjallpggiivegd’ from msifuhï¬g g: a litg: manusl dexterity, falling" l iohy af oh. h “5}' mi'f.“‘:f...d 10 enititan! mcomig as thimble rigging is to Hmld,llt:.m S oys M + o 05 We o " 110 O regeeg KE troduced as a " born medium," from ‘the land of humbug, Connecticut, he deemed hardly worth his notice, as he was but a clumsy imitator of the Davenports, and the tricks of the latter covered his alâ€" together. ‘The doctor Admitted _ havine -:m mdlmm“li“th‘ W;:f them all. recent] tmdncedun“mmnc.._’ S d §L.0 â€"s oon »atk .. 5 O ok Apke ualism, but sadly spoiled 6f late years by "’Lâ€â€œâ€˜ml’hyfl investigators." He did all the leading Davenport: tricks, and o P eainit most obtuse sense the aundience that i valgar turn of the wrist was at m of feather in the church of o8 einpainrrcAutig i Prerat tradre c css i. l of rev against the father, and now npplr::s; gloat over the wrong they h:i" d;:ne.h Were Roy to turn. up, beâ€" sides the the c already. made against him, he would :::Ebly be â€"also in.gi‘clt:d for rape* : The evidence shows some most revolting details. e s »Dppeared upon the scene, Roy had Jleft for Mn&own.bn Alc‘t:‘om‘{l Vallieres was discharged, but ame Roy was bound over to st’.and her trial at zynext Court of Queen‘s Bench. The law is not severe enough to reach these fiends in Ihuman‘shape. > ThAC LavA nhBrnat t .1l PBRX Anflaeliatdvieds.s.dh . Mitk ... . 2 ~ ,wu made up between this girl and a young lad by the name of Dauphin. â€" On Bunday nigl{t, 3rd inst., in the midst of a severe storm, they managed to induce the girl to leave her . father‘s house ~tor the Roy‘s where she met Dauphin and passed the night: with him. The next day the search for â€"the girl became so warm that the Roys did not dare to keep her, and so they passed her on to another neighbour who was jn the secret, For two or three days the girl led a nomadic sort of life, hiaing about, and sleeping in a barn, nn]til Roy finding it impossible to get the girl away.from the hbourhood, pretended to h"o., ï¬mnd'dfer in the woods. Papers were at once made out for Roy and his wife and a â€"man by the names of V.allieres, but, when the 'oï¬oer1 appeared upon the scene. Rov had laft â€"â€"San Francisco has precocious bad â€"An old lady in Mississippi wours of ueen s Bench. ‘The law is not evere enough to reach these fiends in human‘sbape. ‘They have entra this foung and foolish‘girl, ‘ranied pï¬:‘; ‘for i{b for the gratification of their feelinos hbean in Tip g 7‘ "V,AC miDrméed, has been in jail. for stealing before. _ He sought his revenge by striking at the the virtue of a member of his familyâ€" the girl to whom we have alludedâ€"a oung, simpleâ€"minded, thoughtless girl. {to ‘s wife pretended to be a great friend of gorl, nmr filled her cars with all sorts of tales until she had gained complete influence over the l£)oung girl. . Thmgl] tlnnel‘ï¬l‘of'!b‘e ys a sort of a mateh f A Strange Story, _ The Waterloo Advertiser Bays ;â€" A remarkable trial came off before the magistrates here, on Monday and Tuesâ€" day last, in which developments of an extraordinary character of crime were brought out. Most of the evidence is of wo‘zï¬xcene a character to see the light, of day, but â€"divested of this, it appears that in the 6th Range of South Btukely there resides a respectable family of French Canadians by tnonnme of Lanetot, comprising in their household a girl of about fourteen years of age. A feud of some sort existed between the family of Lanctot and a neighbour by the name of Roy, and the later set ngont seeking his revenge. Roy, we are informed. has ... + 00 $y 4 & ROMAXCE axp CRIME INX TEE sast. KRX TOWNSHIPS. 4504 s PHE GOBLINS GOBBLED. so that ple :eintbom' the y 0_ _ . ~ Feâ€"â€"Z wVPC â€" Teoc o8 tuo HHL _ V" * Cais with all sorts &‘h“hmw his W, st:1 d gained complete and, accompanied by his gillie (an imâ€"| ; ing girl.. Through postor: picked up in Glasgow), be | an i‘ a sort of a 208685 I Sommenced & labourious and "scientific|j,; n this girl and a stalk. Presently he got within . short boi me of Dauphin. On range of the unconscious Bodyach, covered | p, t., in the mi{b; * |him and fired. Bodyach alumbereddon ea malnqodt.oulm but a tame deer | e father‘s house tor | ""°HUI * »0 deer but a very ta * in lying in a tub of diluted sulphuric acid tmitndmahitbdgbt. There is hudlyapoudofhm matter is the °hi,?l;"fl‘,“&l' '&wh'of gréw _ thbe men have tm oo onl ho then 1000 es already, and have not touched tom., "’Forty flm-nt’l.:(ï¬i was | the resulit of two men‘sâ€"work in two days. The owners of the claim are William "A. Farish & Co." dols. in coin. â€" I saw ‘"it a few minutes ma_gude-ï¬ifly‘ say that I never Baw its equal, ‘and never expect to see it again. Thenugget is about twenty inches long, ten inches in thickness, and Mi“:‘»u fnches "broad * Tf was from which the owner took ‘a‘ wheclbar :'fo load of gold in afew days. His streak of luck‘ was against him, however, #or he went mad, and died. in an insane the * chispa‘ now weighs onoly 106 lbs. It is of mmsmal:gd gold, 925.000 fine, and worth, as it now stands, 24,000 ies 9% wiltinge tw se twecs > & +A which was got out weighed 140 lbs. f::ir_dupoil_ ; but in prying it up with was ‘M' as a quartz claim Di)}"; men, 'bprooaededto run :ni!cl;?dpwnï¬:::’vein. At the depth of thirty came upon an immense deposit of r«v-ugnu like daya in its formation. The first mass or nugâ€" uickly taken was discovered in the %mulny Mine on Wolf Creck in the City of Grass Valley, and another from which 5,000 dols. wrs realized was found near the surface, on the opposite side of creek, where the qu'.:; mine now known as the Garden City Mine is located, below the ‘ Sierra Buttes Quartz Mine,‘ in Bierra Counz,l:rom the surface dirt of which 5,000 dols. was washed out, . and was l‘nb-ndc;ud, Recently the ground o'o-‘:ï¬ied quarts, but are seldom so rich as has opened. Many have been found near Grass Valley, Nevada County, udonowdisoovem{nfew years since on ‘the summit of a hill near the Catholic sohool in the City of Grass Valley, frus l _ Loo k 1Â¥ . eeenieedla ie n . & it ;. Soxatarnxg }ï¬xg‘ ? )x.s,m,,._ A “'wfl% E rom San Franâ€" aisco on the 26th ult., says :â€"* Seyeral days ago, quite a little excitement was em:mogm uartz miners by the dinovcyof.‘po&u’ of unusual richâ€" ness in a few 3um mining claims in Sierra County, California, near the Srerra Buttes. Such pockets are not unfrequentâ€" ly fompdlnw the _snrfaoo in partially deâ€" enings and slaughter. â€" Still the breechâ€" loader vomitod?orth' balls, and at length one took effect on poor Bodyach‘s neck. With the blo>d streaming down him, the poor brute kept still advancing till he was close upon the © l'r’ï¬n“l." The gillie handa!zisnuier e knife, with the which to consummate the g{‘mt deed the rifle had begun ; but as J dyach drew nigh, the heart of the degrâ€"slsyer became as water, and he turned and fied, Just as the J::- reached the firingâ€"point, he gave a mhn e t ie y! rlie‘s, * th PB L T9 ut spmirhntccie d TAE o the lodge for a fresh supply, while the lesse of the hill remained glued to the position he had won with so muck tt:dnd skill. In the course of an hmlxr e gillie returned with an a su of munitions for further 'uf::'eumiya master Mze recommenced firing, W away at the shapless Bodyach as t as he could ram the cartridges into big breechâ€"loader. ‘The peiting of the bulletâ€"hail sround him arousing Bodyach ; be rose and looked around, and catching sight of the enemy,, who in his excitement had jumped to his feet, instead of boltâ€" ing off, as any but a tame deer would have done, he trotted confidently toward the man who was breathing out threatâ€" ted up to the brow of a knoll, where he lay down, and went to sleep. The man, knowing that Bodyach '::rd either sleep there until he came back or would reâ€" turn cannily to Inverary, went on his way contentedly, The hill on which Bodyach lay afumbcring was let to a -Coe{ney deerstalker, who, in dudgeon at the lack of deer, was stopping indoors grumbling in the shooting lodge. But a shepherd saw Bodyach on the hill, and, full of the expectation of half.a crown. ran off hotâ€"foot with the welcome intelliâ€" ‘ium that there were " deer on the hill." he stalker to his breechâ€"loader, and, soconpu::fl by his gillieâ€" (an imâ€" postor: picked up in Glasgow), he commenced a labourious and scientific stalk. Presentiy he got within . short range of the unconscious Bodyach, covered him and fired. Bodyach slumbered on sweetly as no deer but a very tame deer | would have done. Another and another shot, and |the lromm:n'l «mmunition was run out, while Bodyach was still gl:hrmedm.nnd indeed _ ungwakencd. The A comical â€" story about decerstalking comes to us from Argyleshire. The Duke of Argyle had a tame red deer ; Bod{:;h was on the best of terms with every y in Tnv ; would follow for a little dm:ï¬e a dog, and never showed any inclination for betaking himself to the h.idc, The other day he followed one of the men about the castle who was ing over to Lochawe side. When Bodï¬;nch | had gone the length which seemed unto h‘iam good, l:e left the pathway and trotâ€" + ie Pm i i n t i n ol s n e ce F § A COMICAL DEER sTouy. 18 _ g 5 xz [ . 3 __",°" 0 4uu | many respocts the most erful vessel o ‘inches" broad. ‘ It was of'{rydbnilt at u&h’:'oflheloyd f diluted sulphuric acid | dockyards. Her armourâ€"platin along make it bright. ‘There is hchm“duinl!inchin&hb-, | of m'ltho'ubdto.mkh&ingofmbks, is 1i a backlosd of| with theusual inner or skin plating: s lump." The ~"men have Kch.bondorbeigbtoutoltbem, less than 70,000 dollars| is only two fect, ts being ve not ‘touched botâ€" | niade to sink her to that ï¬: by the iipï¬(l_“ was the|admission of waterâ€"ballast when she is «10 off to from going into action. She will have but oze turret, in which will be mounted two of *2270, 30 OPGor Inat she may be “*.‘ ud_rudyï¬rudoeking&rin‘&.u coming year. The Glatton is the first ve.deomohdb,dnï¬vvm.- the true Monitor principle, and she is in moy}mth-on. powerful vessel iaige "my * e on e td armourâ€" i alon umuumm worked to a teak backing of 20 inches with the usual inner or skin plating. a:nlwa:‘h“ t out of the water, is ‘two % being miade to sink her to that m by tha {PRICKâ€"3 CENTsS. employed at Catham Dockyard, is; being rapidly pushed forward in her construcâ€" tion, in order that she may be comnletad construction. The Glatton is the first vessel mdag:d with iron m.1= Glattm, 2, doublescrew _ armourâ€" Mhmtâ€"ship,onwhichmh, dred mechanics and shipwrights . am. â€"The American inyention of the Moniâ€" tor principle has been adopted and imâ€" wuod, * 1068 iL piease you, to the honour 'andglaryoflboudivm Trinity, the Flfll‘l’,ib‘flflll‘tb.fld,“ to the increase and augmentation of the Ntbndtbechï¬sï¬ureligio., to the extermination of heresy, the peace and unity of the church, the improvement of the clergy and the Christian people, to the suppression and extinetion of the enemies of the Christian nime, to resolve and&odoc&ugthntthoueildom °/ i% Pillp, 4uG vKo Assombly . dimperâ€" ses, And what nest? Profound mystery shrouds the proceedings. mence andâ€" have commenced?" The Placet having been given, the next meetâ€" ing being fixed, the Ambrosian hymwn praise is sung, and the assembly disperâ€" High mase, and in the prayers the Gbl%:tvillbolpecinlly l’:v.ohl. ’l‘onoz present a full remission of their sins will nmbennonlood,mdbhui.,'iu be invoked both on <the Pope and the assembly will walk in solemn M. i to St, P’:w’. where, on this occasion &b%&mwfllhw at the end transept, and the altar ~of the Council in the centre, the stalls for the fathers being grouped around it. The Pope or hilieg-te will then celebrate â€"The Russian <s#sovernment cannot suppress the Sko%i. Only a few weeks since a party of 400 of these fanatics left the town of Balatschow, and proceeded to a neighbourin wood to prtay. A madâ€" man named Jdol dachredyflm he was the Son of God, and,~ after choosing twelve apostles from the party, called for oo nloch.d,“.pl:;" e bs“: at once on a nuwm waggons which had baslyid upfor the purpose, and burned dlive. A woman â€"Not long ago two Polish ladies of rank were uvï¬y whipped by the Warâ€" saw police, under the direction of that dear friend and pet of the American ‘peoâ€" ple, Alennktler E., for having in their possession letters written by Langiewies, the leader of the imurrect{on ‘1:8‘ 1863. It does not appear that they were guilty of any other crime, or that the letters conâ€" tained anything of a suspicious character, but the ladies were flogged as a warning against correspondénce with rebels. Neither of the victims of brutality utterâ€" ed a ery while receiving the beating, but one of them, the Countess Drynateka, fainted at the thirtiecth stroke. fboihr,uu.phg&bddor,.â€":uphp French furnace with twelve retorts, each large enough to contain 890 pounds ‘of the manganates, The retorts are now E:’fm" oxygen at the rate of 25,000 a day. o 00 P C NONCTY VEFNN® _ B A KK k has already been used ‘for llgbh%(h Court of Tuileries, the Hotel de iile, the Theater Gaieties and the Alcazar. lu‘zmancy is ten to fifteen times greater than that of ordinary gas. ‘The works of the Con;nny, in W.tiofly-&d street, near (Eleventhâ€"svenue, cover eight lots of and consist of brick and corrugate] iron buildings, powerfal L lb c 1e & L blowing and The power of oxygen to produce a brilliant illumination while used as an agent of combustion has often suggested its employment for lighting purposes, The New York Oxygen Gas &nfuy have taken a step towards this en by adopting the new French process of manufacturing the gas from the manganaâ€" tes of Soda. The pecularities of this method are, that the manganates may be repeatedly decomposed without diminution of their +power, and t:n{ sufficient force to drive the air through the retorts, and heat enough to generâ€" ate steam for the oo‘;poniï¬ud the manganates constitute main expense of the manutacture, ‘The,light is white, approaching sunlight ; no current of air can blow it out, and it does not rob the atmosphere of the oxygen. In Paris it a day, upon â€" by the THE NEW LiGut, empressing engine sca without any power, and that the air thm.‘h nough to generâ€" nposition of the 0 main expense nc,light'.wbiu, 0 current of air ces not rob the M b:?-i.'l for lighting the Hotel de Vule: 1 the Alcazar. L yas. :Z'fmy-&u