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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Oct 1869, p. 1

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18e sT0YT%% .V..‘y. 19th "I "H 5o open for WAYC+ ‘ABLE, No. 241, _ & ©, and by morning train ;, git" _ ce tw n w nc hn en 6 00® BLE STOYES, OPFAYV 1 â€" (mearly opposite the Old Stand,) ofters for sale at VERY LOW PRIC a large * and #= Candles, Coarse and Fine Sait. Aiso, * $ MESS POXK, PICKLED SALMON, . LaABR. HERKINGS, and the numerous other articles to conâ€" stitute a complete stock. mant 411GLWINES, OLD RYE, PROOF AND WHISKEY, ot high proof and favor, at extromely low prices; F‘-.“â€"Alu-‘hul;ul-lw\- “. “'.u 4 _ Japan, Congou -,-...-.-".‘.‘.'r..., + Imporial, Young s: *';:m’-uu reasted daily: on KA _ Coonso Brixo:s; Renault & Co, Henâ€" -"-"""uudhnin*' UFOLLA®XD oryâ€" Thorne‘ M"‘O Sootch a‘.h. wl Dunavilio‘s Irish 'bloy. Marphy‘s Old [rish Potteen. THE OLD STOCK, SAYVED FROM FIRE SELLING at TWENTYâ€"FIYE PERCENT BELOW cost. Now is the time orbar alns 1105 .'I-A'l"l RIGgut, quality, BSurgundy, Souterne and Maderia Wines M e n o BALDWIN$ ALARM YONEY DBAWER For saie by all leading hardware aerchants in the Provinces. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & co 1164.6¢@ niu Hhiltk strect‘ Boston HKAVING OPEXED uts FAIRBANKS‘ STANDARD Railroad Track Scal+s, Hay and Coal Scales, ; Platiorm Scales, wz rty who has wade the highest anmber o points ':gumfinhwovum Parties visiting the Alley will be received with ’dh“:.‘.hoh.dlh.n'flhu constantly on ’ B B LARIVIERE. N Bâ€"â€"A large Bail Room is sitached to he p-nwbhlflhlun.bvl-’..]. ibzonty and uie ag o conte P43 and ate. Safes sad Syraps, all grades. Twankay, Young Hy#so8..................« Fimt . BE xcyelecercrrcens uperiine and Very Choice.. MOONI »ssseennemessecsccercccccccs 90 328, 0 37, 0 19, 0 33 TUTD .ccssseercccssennccccccscccces U 20, 0 2%5, 0 29, 0 33 m.........:......... 0 18, 0 22, 0 26, 0 23# the address, ’.'A‘..g.suwaoo.. Â¥ * nm. Elginâ€"st., the Post Oflse. Q-n.lnl.ur * Jare hoere Cxpress or Steamboat Landing, wo wil} sending in an order for Taen or m&lhn. wihil reseive ons of their own choicse in return at our co*ohd-'duoa BLACK TEA Rich Flavoured, T P, be Teas and Codees, wo hare imported Tin Hermeâ€" tis Cattess and Bozes, which will preserve the strength and Amvour of the above named articies, sad will contain 3, 10, 20, 24 lbs and upwards. We wiil pay the carriage on two i0 ib or four & Ib Cattees, to the newrest Express or Steamboat ® hentursemmend Qur Teas and Cofees, afterjons year‘s trial have seen pronounced by the most reliable men to be of the Anest quality, cheap and free from all suve anco, so often used in the toa trade, mmd& and making them a speciality, we mborl- to give every one perfect mfi advanâ€" ages afordea to overy one are as can only be obtained from our Continental merchants, as we sell onr goods at a very smal! aavance on cost. In order to give every one a chanee to taste our CALES, SCALES, SSALES Send along your order for Stove Piping, or or Inon Work to i aovatmentr _____ _ 1 â€"â€" CcOoOFFEE! COFFEE _ COFFEE! XXX and No. 1 # wWHILIE BEANS A CHAIN CABLE and ANCHOR, 1GqvoRnsâ€" Junel4, 1869, 1150.3m £BXIS WUKELAN, IPFY HOOP SKIRT FPAcToRy OMINIONX BOWLING ALLEY. 39 RIDEAU STREET, ofrFrAWA, _ Do Kuyper‘s and Houtman‘s, n YOL IV â€"NCO.,1B4.> . «* JOPFFPLEE. vene entrss®snsnens ons esssess0000 veneuns duene000008444 s ree000000002 G' LlV'N.l CREEX 141. 0 all grades, Ports of fne form his friends that ad on MONDAYX, t BOWLILNXG ALLEY, 'l\hhc..:l.ouht: Capital, equal to Americs. It u‘h:L alloys, and with frstâ€"class balls. ‘There will be kopt a register book for the parâ€" Counter Scales, &¢, &c. 18 Milk street, Boston, 43 Sparks street, be< â€"parlbeâ€" 0 35 @ 40 0 55 @ 60 0 50 @ 6e 0 15 @ sa 1 00 # 08 wishing to ceep a horse will fnd it to their adâ€" vantage to call. For particnlars address this Pllo TUNING.â€"The subscriber having decided to divide his time equally between Ottawa and Ogdorsburgh, would beg to inform his his old patrons and others, that he hopes, in future, to attend to their orders for tuning more promptly than heretofore. Shall visit Ottawa once a month. Orders received at Mr. Berminghams Aunction Rooms, and at E. Miles* Music Store. l -uh‘.c-hm'“i: oluss board reasonable terms, within Hé4dAtt No. 8, Sparksâ€"st., next Durie & Son‘s neas acavexr. _ Mr. GOUSTAVE SMLTH, (Organist of the Cathe . PIANOâ€"FORTES, from all the leading makers, WARREN‘8 PIPE ORGAXN8, ORGANS and MELODEONS from the best asâ€" topies in the United States, excelling in fnish . and tone anything ever brought into this country. Now is the time for intending purchasers, S@"PRICES LOW & TERMS LIBERAL W@q Our stock of Concertinas, Violins, Fiutes, &6., #&5., 1s, as usual, vory large, Now Shoot Music and Books constantly arrivâ€" U M Sm mtmaiee fes Ts heg virtiant sat £435 per annum. Apply m the promises, or PIAaNOâ€"FORTES, ORGAN 8, owing to the correct milstary cutting system and careâ€"‘. Numerous eity and provincial references; also from New York and other districts of the Union. His general l-hdph-hv:amc. Genis® excellent Tweed Suits, $10, ; $18, K FOR CASH ONLY. m« “li:â€":.m-cm“. Buttons securely sewed on,. Youths‘ suits tasteâ€" ”&’:‘.’.'m be executed strictly to‘the me An extensive stook of Canadiano Tweeds, W est of M-uu J. L. ORME & s0N Respoctfully call the attention of the public to hoir magnifcont stock of posit in U. 8. 6s of ‘81â€"$50,000, > l.=_ CIRWLN, General Agent, St: John, N.B I have “h‘-m with the Receiverâ€" General, Twonty Dollars in addition to a their new Show Room, comprising Oftawa, September 15, 1869, 11763$m Otrtawa, June 23, No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFELNSUR ANCE COMPANY, of Maine. PFPORWARDER, GENERAL AGENT, &o., &c., No. 3, St. Peterâ€"st. QUERBEC, Special --u-;:n-.m-ud.- oâ€"uâ€"um«uun Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &6., &0. in Canada : lh'flnql-..o..,.. tlHMh“‘ F-.u CarRBRAY, COMMISSION MERCHANT Offlce of Queen s Printer, n-mo-u..w.-pum to insan rs, and immediate paymont of claims. Kita®s ++ %, 1444 #18rF 12 oce, "cf‘anility of its tables to the circumâ€" Aances and req uirements of every one. + 8CoTTI1SH PROVINCLILAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. | ESTABLISHED 1825. CAPITAL......£1,000,000 SPERLING. INVESTED IN CANADA....£350,000 CANADA HEAD: OFFICE: _ : MONTREAL m'n-r_uta â€" A DAVIDSON PARKER. . Plovucun. INSURAACK. lA!,COL)l CAME RON, ELECT TAILORI®G. N108 MUTUAL IFE AaSsURAaXcZ, 11684 oYÂ¥ aAL NEW IMPORTATION3. IN°SURANCE COMPANY. pevs s anee se ae »«+«.. Dessanat‘s Buock IN8URANCE COMPANY OPF XMXALIN R. T. RAJOTTE, J, L. ORME & 80ON, Sign of the Golden Lyre, Department Public Works. â€"Opposite Main Entrance to Ottawa, 12th OQctober, 1868 iness of Lhmm T M CLARK, A great variety of COOK SToYEs, JAPANNED & PLANISHED TIN WARE REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOL En#, ICE CREAYX FREEZERS, BATHS, JELLY MOULDS, PIE Moulds, Japanned Trays, Toilet Setis FOLDING BEDSTEADS, HAT AXD UX BRELLA STANDS, &c, &c. 'Blo"l- & P“' HOUSE FURNISHING HARDVWARL \ NEW DOMINIONX HAT AND FUR STORE, â€" 61 SPABRKSâ€"8TREET, OTTAWA Opposite the British Lion. HENRY HODGES, the proprietor, begs to thank ‘his customers for the liberal support given him since commencing CHARGES MODERATE. P g * sA + * ~ vigga ons Ananemaints + & PP business, As the winter is fast approaching, parties wanting their _~ No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"S8T., > Plumbers, Gas Fitters Steam Fitters, Bell Mangers Tin â€"and Conner to the Latest Fashion, and those requiring NEW FURS, Will do well to give him a call. Being a prac teal furrier, and having been Foreman for Greene & SBon‘s, of Montreal, for 14 years, he feols confident of giving every satisfaction. Opposite the British Lion Hotel, late of Richard Bishop, l-sg‘vu--t gcoupied by Weldon Siiik ki s 0 P DORION, Ottawa, June 3, 1869. _ _. N Bâ€"If you want Tubing of any description in o-a-u-._ m-u."u’-u-. -:u.u. tness and: desâ€" orders from or coun %‘n‘du n y _ 1064 6m ___ 0P DoRION. Tin Brams o pyon Gairantand Irm, Frofgh and » pper, Conductor -u.': order, with neatness and desâ€" Abql:m.ho lot of the weil known makers & Co, Engliand, Block Tin Tea and Coffeo Pots different styles and shapes. Resiamkes s 0 P DORION. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, the premiso. to order, give s call to _ { “:PNW ‘ . If yeu want a fine lot of Chamber Ware, of any size or pattera, a sall to ""****0‘ P poriox. f’:‘flwlfldqhfln.o‘ C P vORION, Lt 'dfluy Tea Table “fidfldfin-‘“m give a ® j C P DORION. If you want Cooking &toves of size, UP â€" fih';râ€"-:â€"â€"-â€"--v"-'â€" If m poot J dirtor Retrigerater ot aay atne C P DORION. it % ’:v'o.:u.u‘t."“hhm C P DORION. If you want tipâ€"top Bathsâ€"Hip, Sponge, Shower, ofGer you greater inducements than you can Just give C. P. DORION, 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotel, & CAXALL ~ C And examine for yourseives and see if he cannot % PURCHASE Yorr CULINARY & DOMESTLIC | TINWARE _ DUMB STOVES, Various patterns, and everything aining to mmurmmumwh’& uwmmmwuymm. ted up to order. Dry Earth Closetsâ€"Orders still received for these celebrated articles, and full instructions given in regard to them. Parties cootemplating getting these closets had better send in their orâ€" ders before the winter arrives. N. B.â€"â€"Parties indebted to the subscribers are reminded that the love ot money is the root of all evil, and if they cannot h‘.u’nw“ bnnvmhblmu-wly H, MEADOWS & Co,, HOTEL ~8TOVES, Mammoth size and weight. COaL sToOVEs. lnrynlhblorhn kept in stock, such as the Dominien, Aif Heater, vamu. &o., &0. * ubstantial aod Ch cap, BOX STOVES, Every size made. that cannot be surpassed tor good baking qualiâ€" :m:m-. Wood or Coa Elevated and Low Oven # Fooster‘s " Boiler Dominion, give a call to Boocher & * Hot Air North‘s® Potent Drom Hentere, "" 6 «€garrran» srove saror. H. MEADOWS & CO. Our Fall and Winter Stock is now Complete. 0 PARLOUR COOK STOVES, Atoves & Hardware. . DOUBLE STOVES, PARLOUR â€" STOVES, PURS : sous ageyts ror # Co‘s" Hot Air P C P DORION, 10 quart Milk Pans AND ALTERED 35 Bussexâ€"st., Ottawa. 58 Sparks street, Wednesday, the 3rd day of November the undersigned Assignes will act upon said deed ctcomposition sand diucharge according to the Notice is hereby given that the Insolvent has Sled in my office a doed of comporition and disâ€" charge, axecuted by the proportion of his crediâ€" tors as reqaired by law, and that if no opposition is made to said deed of composition and dis. charge within six jeridieal days after the last publication of this notice, said six days expiring Montreal, October 13, 1869, 1179td AJUVSEPH, Chairmana; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" surer; 8 BFOOTE A THOMSON, T H DUKN. DRUMMOND, Manacger. 1141 _ MR ISIDORE CHAMPAGNE has removed to &Mhn.mmm mnumu:::‘ in general that he is ready to receive boarders, at OTTAWA OFFICEâ€"G P Devumox»‘s Exchange . _ Office, 19 Sparks streot. _ â€" «€Aannraoks,> _ s § BIGN AKD HERALDIC PAINTING, Ontario Carriage Factory, 80 Sparks street. Parties to theoir carri aerarieninenine io aptiis mrtnrnermalthe em dong at the 2 bove named fim'flm ness and care, All work in the atkove “'.‘,_‘,‘.{"_“33'3 personal supervision. lmt'm ACT OF 1864. .___ No#%4, Ridean stroot, Ottawa City, In rear of Gelhausen & Dupuis Tobaeco &n Orders for Dyeing and Scouring will be promptâ€" ly filled at the LOWEST CHARGES. : Particular attention peid to the Cleaning of Gentlemen‘s Clothing. .‘ PA Chinty Curtains Cleaned and Giazod. Ottawa, September 4, 1869. _ 1144.3m prort»‘s reusonarn coxr anr Incorporated under Chapter LXVII of the hg FIRST PRIZE NEW D O MINION DYEING AND'SCOURING WORKS, -;\oh:’ members of the Choir of ‘the Chapel of Kase of Sussex s‘reet, intend a Basaar about the 1st of November hmd'fld wili be devoted to the purchase of an Organ for :‘ edifice _ Donations 'i;-i" of the above will .M '“'“ w h“: MRsS sn'.:um M itins. MI3S ROLT, MISS w ALCOT, MISS THOXPSON, MISS TILLEY v â€"0 _ . MISS 8TEELE. Vitawa, June 1, 1. }9. ~BTILTONCHEESE in stock, equal to English M-uun.nnm Factory Cheere very fine. & , Â¥or sale by % _ 2HO8. PATTERSON, JOSEPH ALFRED LEVIS, Of the W? of St. Andre Ave County of Ottawa, > Fresh Ground and Roasted the Jfprem very fine farour. h# > chased for retail trade. OTTAWA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21 Ham, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, Yame an6 Salmon, Anchory Paste, Currie Powders, Imperia, Pickles,.of all kinds, pu up | order and warâ€" 100 CasEs GUINNEsS & 008B xxx sTOUT, ~â€". i And the celebrate FP1G BRAND, unequaled in quality, at prises un@agally low, by the case of dok each, quarts $2.50, pints $1.75. Warrant od by Guinpess & Co‘s certificate. 7 P”‘l'll) MEATS.â€" #ud3 PORE wINEB (ul.l years old) MA vintego 1851, 1858, and 1%60. Vprivalâ€" ed in the Dowminion for quality and prices. For am iy use, try it. s HHDS BRANDY, vintege 1865 ard 1f @P Waerranted fine quality lfiDAL BRAND . Liktewise, 10 OSEPH BOESE, DIRECT ImPORTATIONs, AZAAR. Japans, Black‘s and Greon‘s, in great varieâ€" to qualities and prices. New Season Teas, well . mh a trialâ€"for familses, being pur ‘IOOII & BLACKWELL*‘S GOODS Lea & Porrin‘s Worsester Sauce. Ex Bark Gazelle from COGNAG Ex Ship Nereo from Oporto. Ee Chaudiere, from London. PE BYOARDING .IOUlI' Ship Anglesea from IN THE MATTER*OF HHDS PORT wINER CHESTS PFINE PAKILY Groceries AN INSOGLYENT. T. SAUVAGEAU, 26 Ridean st; 1165td s of hi w Znctsind Io~ <arfnain t Ssd ons e en al cases of Buras, Draiees, Prosde Limbe, it aots like Â¥ ovapteg TT T n i PA y . says : * it to a high rank D. A. W. Bz en? or Battles.â€"Ds. Bwouix, of Uticsa, New c: : "I have used Dr, A.‘rr::; moz‘ in my practice a number of ...'-“........"‘m'?-'.. ns e the one id Inflammation of the Lungs, Inflammation of the reproach from the opponents of the Govâ€" ernment as to enbanee the obligation on the part of those in whosa favour they are made. 1 feel assured, therefore, that Mr. Rankin will be raised in your estimation by the sacrifice which he has made in order to support the Government. Hoping very soon to have an opportunity of addressing you in person, ~ _ I bhave the honour to be, Gentliemen, Your obedient servant, Pn eigey Y vat sls in fhis ceamay dat m de used one with the other. BOLD Dt 111 DHve@rsts, necessary that the responsiple Ministers of the Crown should be largely represented in the House of Commons. . They have been freâ€" quently made in England, and are far from uncommon in this country, though here MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® HAIR RESTORER Will MHestore Gray Hair to its Nm Life, Color and Beauty. It will luxuriant growth. _ PAH’.IMI is immediately checked. Nre. 6. A. ALLEN®S ZYLOBALSAANMUM, anmai A REAL HAIR RESTOREZ AFD DRZRMING Combined in One Bottle. ; his Government, and as I should have conâ€" Government, bad I entered Parliament with~ out office; I felt that lmldaot-pmpefly refuse him my bumble aid, in the position where he required it. § As I purpose visiting the Riding with as little delay as possible, T shall merely observe further that your late member, Mr. Rankin has, by vacating his seat on this occasion I was unemployed, and with no certainty, though with a fair M“Mployment in the Imperial service. I considered, howâ€" ever, that if my adopted country desired my services, it had the strongest claim on me, and as I cordially approyed of the manner in which Sir Jobn A. Macdonald had constructed Proprictore, 8. R. Van Duser & Co., Wholesale Draggiste, 35 hurde} Is. mad 16 Fak Fhow. Sm faike sonal sacrifice, Whummpo.gdt?-m by Sir John A, Macdonsid to join his Gorernâ€" ment, I had to consider the offer on public to have forfeited by his acceptance of such high trust the confidence of his countrymen. The important office which I have now the honour to hold was neither directly nor indiâ€" mu:wuhtbtby-o,udthouuoqndnted with the facts must be wollamflntlnno; cepting it, 1 have made a considerable petâ€" Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cures I rely with confidence that you will in my case establish as a principle, that a Canadian statesman who may be selected by our Sovâ€" ereign for honourable employment in other portions of Her Dominions, shall not be held ‘ member, and to that Governâ€" ment I"gave a cordial support during the remainder of the session. SBoon after its terâ€" mination I was very unexpectedly offered an‘ important Government in the West Indies, on the express ground of the distinction which Ihad attained as a Canadian statesman, and from that Government I was. transferred to another of still greater importance, where the responsibility for managing the finances, as nllnothe:gnfliofln,d.nlud upon meo, 4 é <af I have the gratification of knowing that in the performance of the duties confided to me by her Majesty, I gave satisfaction both to my. official superiors, and ‘to the people of â€"Welmimure it became my duty to resign office, owing to the state of political partiss in Western Canada, although Ihad the support of a greater number of members than any other leader in that section of the Province could claim, Tbo,my result of such a state of parties was the formation of a Coaliâ€" Premier of the Dominion Government was a ‘ng8,~â€"!! you should be pleased so to do,â€" my rocent appointment as Finance Minister ot the Dominion. h‘"menmb«, with gratâ€" itude, that at a most important crisis in my political career the electors of the county of Ren{frew returned me to the Legislative Asâ€" sembly of Canada by a large â€" majority, and without any solicitation on my part. ‘Then, as now, I had\ few personal acqusintances among you, butâ€"I enjoyed the advantage of having been recommended to you by my laâ€" your suffreges for the seat in the House of Commons which your late representative has most generously vacated, in order to. afford you an opportunity of ratifying at the bustâ€" TO THE ELECTORs OFP THE SouTH RI1DING OÂ¥ TH& counTtyr or REx.â€" T N}O-ola mysel{ as a F. HINCKS. , 1869, vest,. We may well, therefore, follow the example of d;leln-'iud States in obâ€" serving. a ‘day of: general.: thar Burely other churches than the ; this country has enjoyed numerâ€" %Mfi%w ie ho Sous aade reogpe o on ie e the ean Bishops of *Foronto m«’i Montreal. We hope some national recognition of the same gracious source will be made also. ment, .Borders have been lightened ; means increased. Civil and religious liberty are secured to inhabitant of the land whose soil is :;? by none bit freemzan. It becomes me thus faâ€" vored to make acknowledgmant to the Bupreme Author, from whom such blesâ€" sings flow, of their gratitude and their d,-de;:: t'h to nnd;;snuo and thanksâ€" 1 same, and devoutly to imâ€" 5-“:‘. continuance of God‘s nuuzi-.',' Abundant ¢rops reward the labors of the husbandman: Commerce and manufacâ€" tures have successfully ‘prosecuted their Ewefu.l paths. ‘The mines and forests ve yielded liberally. The nation . has increased: in wealth and strength. Peace has prevailed and its blessings have adâ€" vanced every interest in the people in every part o; the Union. Harmony and fraternal intercourse are obliterating the marks of the past conflict and estrange â€"President Grant, in calling upon his pation to render thanks to Providence for the blessings it has enjoyed during the closing year, thus appropriately .and sug: gestively attempts to enumerate them : * The year which is drawing to a close has been. free from pestilence. Health George‘s fishery, and some thirtyâ€"five or forty pessels remain in the Grand© Westâ€" ern Bank fibeU, and are meeting with fair success, Upto the present time, this seasou, there has been landed by the seyvâ€" eral vessols composing the salem fishing fleet, 1,539,800 .hE:nnd.oodfi-b, and 499,â€" 690 poudds Halibut.â€"Boston Journal. suit of mackerel this season but the numâ€" ber remaining in this branch of the fishâ€" eries will not probably reach that number. A large number of vessels have remained in the bank fisheries throughout the seaâ€" son, and others have resumed it after making a trip or two after mackerel. About fifty vessels are employed in the The fisheries generally are in a flour.. ishing condition. â€" The Gloucester fleet, so far arrived from the Bay of St. Lawâ€" rence, have averaged a catch of about two hundred and ninety. barrels each. Besides the mackerelmen, there hgs been large fieet of vessels employed at Ca North and the vicinity of the Bay ofJ: Lawrence in the cod andâ€"Halibut fishery. 'l'veut{-&-: vesse!s have returned from trips of this kind, and some seven or eight yessels arrive. The business has not yet been a profitable one. â€"The shore mackerel fleet 1s also meeting â€"with the dm‘slm of the institution." A _ man named Wheeler, and another of the name of Bo;m were next visited in the Blackâ€" smith‘s shop. * They were informed that now would be a fitting time to make known their grievances, if they had any to eomplain of," ." They had no comâ€" mint to make;" but niftlut. under the management were sometimes tréated ~a little ‘:’nu, «* Colonel Lynch and, O‘Niell were foundâ€" in a fid fiqqfl + state 1«:‘ health. 'l'lusylll r; testimony * to the comparative civility 0 the 0‘021 in charge, f:l.ue not aware ‘that undue severity, has been practiced towards them. 'I‘Ly had no more to complain of than others of their fellowâ€" convicts wh; conducted themselves with propriety and conformed to the regulations of the p{inn." Thomas Madden, who was wounded in the engagement, expressâ€" ed the belief that if he were allowed a few hours each day in the yard it would help to alleviate his pain ; " and the visitors mhpgtohm the Deputy Warden say that Madden would, next day, and as loog afterwards as was deemed necess ary, be allowed suitable, exercise in the prison yard. ~He spoke in favourable terms of theâ€"conduct of guards and keepâ€" ers, and had nothing to complain of that . could be fairly chargeable to them." Otl,lenfl:fth convicts were vilih:ld, who made the same rports, even to denyin stories which were published in some of the Irish and American newspapers. i Patrick Boyle and F. B. McNamee Visit the Penitentiaryâ€"What They Saw and Heard. â€" From time to time some rabid newsâ€" ;paper in the United States concocts a story of exceeding great cruclity practiced toâ€" wards themgenian Prilonm now incarce rated in th6 nenitantiary at Kina_i.. irom lreland accompanied with threats alike inflated and harmless. The editor of the Jrish Canadian in Toronto, who has himself had some prison experience, lately visited the penitentiary in company with Mr. McNamee, President of the Montreal St. Patrick‘s. Society, â€"and through the courtesy of the Warden was allowed to visit all "the Fenian convicts, and ask them, without reserve, any ques tions that might occur to them. Mr. Boyle gives a three column report of his visit in his paper ; and it shows concluâ€" sively that the incarcerated Fenians instead of being harshly dealt with, are treate@ with a leniency which, though characteristic of Britidrprinonw and ement, is hardly the fitting desert for &e unpardonable conduct of the';e men. + Ted he first prisoper visited was wig, who belongs to Memphis, ‘Tennessee. " He had no complaint to make against rated in thé penitentiary at Kingston. Journalists nearer home take up the reâ€" frain and pass it along. In this way we ::ve h;d lllm'p remonstrances all the way °. S U NCyVE TUIHUONSIEARCCS All Lbi THK FENLANS INX PRISON. a is deemed neécess. | , * "* ‘ArM0N IN CANAaDa.â€"The New | land, Me., were the first ies, who, ias mas 460004260688 | York Citizen and Round Table contains | through J. K. Ward, of Three Ri itable ex..ew;e in the | an article on * salmon fishing,‘"‘ from| commenced in 1865, to export ..V:J ‘”t.k’ in _ favourable which it appears that the salmon fisheries | pine Jlumber direct to South America. A ot 0 gm.rdl.ndoth»- of the British provinces have improved | young man, born in the city of Montreal, "S“ml’l‘“ “‘,f mdtfutlL'nlmfln last five years, | and still one of you, was the next to emâ€" Ne Roonl‘ Wh Tho| |awing to the , careful and wise manege | batk in the Smoe butizcss and mage is Nors were visited, _ Who | ment of those who have been entrusted | first shipment in 1807. Theo Flint & Hall, "Oaqipegt, sony Of | with the enforcement of the laws for the | and Barnes & Co., followed suit in 1868 published in some protection of. the fisheries Streams‘ and 1869. Aâ€" Bremen house, through ‘rican .newspapers. which were utterly run down and exhaustâ€" their agents at Quebec, commenced shippâ€" i vaueanarceentiacks ed have been replenished ; good rivers | ing sawed pine lumber from Three Rivâ€" ISHERILES. . hvei-’nmd;cmvh-.&o’um ers to Peru in 1866 ; so that Quebec and m s more abundant," all this is owing to| Montreal has entered on this business, nerally are in a flour, |J98t laws and their prompt execution:â€"| before your boasted Vermonters had The Gioucester fleet, | " Not many years ago the fisberies of Canâ€" | shippod a load, . These are faots, which the Bay of St. Law. uhm‘lmgdnmdoum, the records of the Custom tbiouse can C J and rushing towards annihilation ata | establishâ€"Star t ces Soke ht Un | broskâ€"weck â€" rate. â€" Immense ponds, sufiee ( nome .he‘y k41 M 2 o cmmmmmnrrrâ€"inineiiii N:A Altmmmmmsmcess «css :lne;l; ;:;m:?éneu ::"":; ::':":Ed”ml deep :."f" l ‘:ln WRECKSs O8 THE ENGLISH COAST: m wnecizi nity of the Ba of‘&: ing over the channelâ€"way ; smaller nets From the annual of the British 4 snd Halibut fx,c¢,° | were extended across the apper portions | .. **O# the annual report of the Britis (kfcrdm&nm sfide-_-'â€" in Boston, *# Oxfords come over next !zdgw'h_Wu their own e e in ds We aol o O ht e hael woveeit ; country points in t giving the whole a twisting action on its own axis, thus forcing 1 blood out. That explains the beat of the lower point of the heart against the ribs. It is hteralâ€" and ventricle, each one winds round, as it winds round, as it descends beyond the "gfl.wtlnt each represents a corkscrew. hen the ventricle is filled to its utmost capacity with blood, those threads are reâ€" lety we br. they spenentimaly seuureds But that whichâ€"is most curious, and chanical inventors, its immense forcing pov:. Awi:ado‘f.u, appaâ€" ren sim: construction, a careâ€" fnl's-d';zftbo' 'fl'., .u;.* the ventricles â€"the contracting which is the pelling engine, id built up of clasic udobyu{e,of_vhehntvom of the to making up expeditions armed with all improper devices for the destruction of those of Canadsa. ~It is some tenâ€" or ff wick the 1059 arfestaiin db iing a mo a mon. At that time the effort to put .1‘ stop to such ruthless m“m being inaugurated, and the streams oftlnrivc.‘ another ; iid-eme-(i vflg:i;-"diii head waters, and even on spawning beds. Not a day of rest was given to the fish. There was no weekly or anâ€" nual close time, and for not a single hour was the road left open for the gravid of the river, or set so far out that those from the opposite sides lapped beyond one mdnrfutll.vflhinth last five years, owing to careful and wise manage ment of those who have been entrusted with the enforcement of the laws for the protection of the fisheries Streams which were utterly run down and exhaustâ€" ed have been ‘replenished ; md“nm hni-pond;vn'h‘ ; are more abundant," all this is owing to _ T‘us Sarmox n Canapa.â€"The New York Citizen and Round Table contains an article on * salmon fishing,‘"" from which it appears that the salmon fisheries old:eh’_BElmh provinces have improved oomploudtfiumoming ;'nd.’ with very large shows of oSn:t d\e)unl depth in that territoryâ€"about 475 feet from the surface. A sale of the Lady Fair well by Mr. Prince to Messrs. McKenzic & McDouâ€" gall was effected last week. The price crude oil. The Alabama well has been finished, but we are sorry to say bids fair to be a dry hole. It ilo'nos by Mr. W B. Clements, of this place. > first attempt, and we si may realize his most s ters.. So says the Boston Heraid. _ â€"The French scientific weather proâ€" Petrolin Cor. of the Wyoming News Letter. The principal objects of interest this week are the new wells lately being sunk, five of which were completed and the greater number â€" tested, ~They are the Lawson & Vivian wells, situated almost north from the Carbon Oil Company‘s mammoth still. This well was started on the Tthinst., and up to the present time has averaged about twentyâ€"five T coats of husks, and the birds are g earlier than usual. WEEKLY OIL LKEPORT. PHE HEART. untwisting millions of McGarvey well was . AIPRICKâ€"3 OKRNTsS, pleasure; will go in a direction contrary to the wind and will not need a balloon to give it buoyancy.â€"Paducah Kentuc upou the course, and the balance is reserved with the intention of applying it towards the purchase of a prize for blf,l #4» I & #, H a to . do&gm Cnfl po over â€"â€"The ards of the Athletic Meeting dlumflhfi is a Union Club, after their late sports find themselves with a surplus of $173 39, out of which they donate $120 to the General Ho# pital. + Twenty dollars has been set apart to reimburse the loss suffered by a competitor in having all his clothes fi1’ worked in a satisfactory manner. The inventor is now engaged in ascerâ€" taining, by actual experiment, the exact lifting power of his machine. ‘Those to whom hbe had exhibited it are unanimous in their opinion that be will achieve the 'mtfutofnnkiuglmwhin“ will y ; will be elovated or depressed at machine yet ‘ The steam was put on last izund-y in the presence of N org mmpotent merotinaly d araty. * * beautiful wings are attached. ‘These xufihdntirqt about the same as the wings of a bird do, and operate more like screw propel‘ers t an â€"â€"A member of one of the oldest and most successtul business establishments in this city has been for several. years erperimenting with a flying machine that he has invented and is now sanguine ue Semiges moln. of anohg com CB the diféculties of keeping the mashine was 2,182, and 531 only partially) vessels between fifty and sixty old, 28 from sixty to “T:.‘,' -:'D-.fiv- seventy to ninety. grearest number of disasters occurred on the Kast coast, being 823. Thn-betoflinnlfl the wreck of the above number of for 1868 was 824. WRECKS OS THE ESGLISH COAa8st, From the annual report of the British Board of Trade of the wrecks on the EKnâ€" recent article on the above subject :â€" The " Burlington House" refer to is not the organizer of thzutndo. The Merssrs. A. & 8. E.Bpring, of Portâ€" land, Me., were thi'utrmfa, who, through J. K. Ward, of Rivers, Their primary ends were minks and muskrats, and not law and order ; and, if the primary ends received primary attenâ€" tion, while justice stood in abeyance, it was nothing more than was to be looked for from a company of fur traders." ments. . With the exception of a bridge of boats built over the Assiniboine this summer, and a few paltry crossings and imperfect fascines, not a vestige of public improvement is to be seen throughout the entire settlement. The meetings of council are held with closed doors, n:lr no rep is permitted to take notes ¢ thomm, oreven to profane the chamber. ‘Take it all in all and perhaps the Red River settlement has been as well â€"served as under the circumstances :2!” b: expected. The sole deponit:or, of authority was the company and it wasn‘t to be expected that tzq could serve God and Mammon simultaneously. counciliors are also office holders, and some of them magistrates, and are the nominees of the company here, the appointments being made by the commitâ€" tee at home. Meetings are held according to exigencies of public business, and the ers of the Council are absolute there mglo restraint through any code of their own, or throu‘;h the interference of a superior body* Their income is derived solely from an impost of four per cent upon imports and from tavern . aud distillery licenses. There is no tax whatever upon lands, and the inhabitants of Red River may truthfully boast of being the most lightly taxed community of civilized men in the world. Good vernment is an ive luxury, and sothen are mnyvmu pnf:’l bad but cheap system to a perfect but costly one. ~‘The nett results of the former system is Red River are made noteworthy by the conspicuous absence of improveâ€" Mr. Charles Mair writes to the Montreal Gazette that " the Council of Assiniboia consisted, in 13168, of twelve members, of whom, ably, an average of seven attended treoblell{t’nt These PAST GOVERNXNMENXT OF LED RIVEE. THE SOUTH AMEKRICAS LUMBERL TBHADK, . t " 8t. Maurice" writes us relative to a . ® 7

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