___ Mmate are “‘mmmw.: “d-:â€"-d. often ast speedily and corâ€" racaly. taken in the -ny::'""“"‘ W“‘..“ to * Brown‘s w.'w Fow are aware of the importance of sheoking a cough, or * comâ€" mon sold," in its first stage. That which in the beresran dn e n rgentaint «6 _ » chial Troches," or Cough Losonges, allay irritaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a Di2ZO7 in Guence on the affected parts. .As there are imitaâ€" lons, be surero ontam® the genuene. Sold by all Compiled expressly fot the Ortawa Truzs.) . | / oi n OE " mp ovrien h prwe a WOnpes P08 (M4 w ususmur, â€"E me ver y .....-um-mnnun-um Cslebrated Saive, us \h is a Tondy remedy far aco:> “m&.‘t"‘"“"m“"" ons factory, dyeâ€"house or printing 3... o-lyflc-ob-,.’ ..,.. :nmâ€"m;'-%-r- 1 :r. man‘s pookes, many of ï¬.whwi’mm"‘“"':' in the eunbourd. It is the «* p.ectous pot of mm“““ in Ampdn ==,.'u.'. husbands‘ hard earned mâ€'-m.budmbm Suasmrure rou Corres.â€"Get some rye, seald it, dry it and brown it, then m‘s two parts of it with one of coffce, and you will have as good a cup of coffee as you ever drauk ;if you ate my it TW 16â€" shanmatlzm. toth :ache, nAFFoA of sammer coum .(.u.aod.l.l’o + Canadian m u!phiqu&homï¬'“' & #Qusens Birtosay W*# kept in ths usual opal style last stoath, and next mouth the citiâ€" sous of the Nominon of Canade will colobrate the birth of saeir new and rising existonce; but Wh'“d“““:‘rh.&nll, would be too short to celebrate all the virthes of that colebrated Indian Medicine, the lioâ€" swoxess Keusor, now on ssle by the e .....-,.-u.nn. . The Alabama ciaims were allowed to distarb a~ T k LC ECS Amota Sowan too long the citizens of the two Do you require stores and stovepipes, se e oX G OE C TTE Sss -*d-'.“““h- w is ih» sick anad suffering who are to protect themsolves. A remeiy so universaily ‘employed as Ayer‘s Pills by all classes, boru to cure and proveat dissase, should as ut d>0s, have every security the iaw can afford it, from counterfeis and imisation. â€" tacoly when taken in the carl; case, “““U .-z':-au.'-l--o- of the importance of checking mon sold," in its #age. _ iesd en ied Pa, e chial Troches," or Cough Lozse tion which induces coughing, b werlk o Ee i in C 0 ue ud obiain possession of one W «shington N who is said to be ..-::'Lu-m ll.: General Tom Thumb, and that P. T. Baronum has messeded in getting him for three years tot $30,â€" beeu s race between the New York showmen to obtain possession of one Guorge W «shington Nutt, dealors in medicines, at 25 conts a box. é STRANGERS ! Where shall wo got . QOheap tor cash. C 0 > > ~ essorted from different makers, ©000 STOVERIPES, . . . . 1,600 STOYVEPIPE ELBOW , 2000 CELEBRATED] Q K , PATENT PIPE 300 IMPROVED KEBOW 8,‘. Gallo#s Stoves, Damper 4 ioi mt aone tC Tor Taln aid‘s fuk &Mhum market. Fire tost, 120. A very superior article {family use. ~ Now lamps just arrived. _ OTTaWa 4A4€6804. Co'u. OLL and #TOVESs As asual, at Eies Oflee:O4aM® { | " Pour com@itable Arst class Srick Dirslling#» mA SmRe 1. Hdit 3. now nearly fnished, in Eigin Toerrace, O‘Connor l wa iescs tvere enb . i = 5 pamp in kitchen, with necessary sheds and outâ€" & L 1 S t o s N nds opposite B L Hotel, an “lml:'l.ul‘doA & W AJX. ~@a en T s _ "auclle for counterfeiting Ayer‘s Cathartic '.â€""t:““ for the cruel imâ€" .-1. dons and reswaining ither injury to the public. 1t C. P. DO RION, l'bv.h-.! @«* LOOKEJ HERE_! Th Is it not a greal thing and is it 20tequally as grout to that can be depended apon for umatism, burns, bruises, suintwer CALL EARLY; . And see for yourselves. of the two grea .::-dmoud ; if so got at once a supply , Destrover," at he nearest me soate of New York i.‘ . _ Aftoon conts up, 1174 * Shacht * W. 4. SMITH, L065 â€"â€" at JAÂ¥E3I HOPE & 90.‘8, Stationers FOI.ALLâ€"W'MM‘“ No. 37, in First Concession, Ottaws Froat,Neâ€" poan, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the sameconâ€" session, at present in the o Wa.1. Aylon, htl- further apply to Jous and Wu. Tnwowsox, Nepesq,and Lewvis & RPusuet, Barristers, Ottawa. Jelâ€"141â€"tf TILL lst MAY NEXT 8 A STONE COTTAGE in Vistoria Terrace, Rich. mondt Road, containing eight rooms, with kitchen, pantry aad cellar, good outhouses, and water brought into the house. Apply on the promises, or at the. * Ts‘ r 8E LET, (FPURNISHED or UNFURNISHED,) which can not be equalled anay tor mmu«u&'p.-uï¬..h- iye or greaso. Hara Soap, and some of them of a superior article. HORSE TRAINING INXFORMATION. The wildest and ugliest horss can be made to obey his master, and oven to walk after him in the streets, roads or felds, without the slightest injury to the horse. _ All accomplished in one day. Sure cure for CORNS at a cheap rate, without Whmrâ€"- Cure for WARTS on your hands or face. They ““h“m.:x:u““'“*’..' '.n-.' 3 at he worst kinds can be cured in less than a week without taking #ny kind of medicine in the inside. Cures persons troubled with the Gravel. Cure tor Bunions. * Cure for Piles. Cure for the Hoeart Disease, at any time in less than twenty hours, Also, by 8 emmon herb, Purties who are infloted with any such disâ€" aw~. should muake appliication to F. MARTIN, Huil, in the summer season, as the best time to ie A~ desirous :o be make ‘ Parties to be agents can l'u.uhlumc.nnhuhnm oc t " <blio C Giuriag private or public parties can" have tasir }&_b»c:z'_p_tflor d:ly furnaished at "a low reatal by applying q HO“I TO LET ¢ Containing nine large rooms and a Uitaws, April 26. _MASON‘$ PATENT FRUIT JAR is one hanâ€" dred sor cent better than any other in use. To Is one ot the most reliable TONLCS and BITâ€" TERS in use, It is put up in quart Wine bottles. Faokolnr 150. and 6 the paotots for $1.36. P-uoll & ..‘ Giriag prirate GLOUCESTER ROAD COMPANY. The worst kind of Howel Com: pany, which call they require the holders of such !:l to pay to -o“’-mdu the OFFICK ‘of W. M. MATHESOS, Heq., in this city, on ~Friday, the First day of Next. Dated this th as day of August, 1869, Â¥ . 84. FAL have this day made a further CaLL OF TEX PER CENXT. ot the additional eapital stock of the said comâ€" Of the Ottaws and Gloucester Hoad Company Unrivalled for purity and excellence. In three inee packets, To. ; $ ounsce packets, 100.; 1 !b. 1141t4 To 'la.‘-ll»-fb T eollection in the mm’.m 383y RUPC JARS! FRUIT JARSs: Notice is hereby given that THE DIBRECTORS QUININE WINE BITTERS ARDNERS BAKING POWDER, EYVER&Y DESCRLPTION) NNLARGED PORTRAITURE CC A W A WASHING COMPOUND LEWIS & PLINUEY, AT THE VARILETY HALL. THE VARLETY HALL Possession lst Nov, s '“â€"'“ m . : None are gon the propristor, 1023tf be cured | ==â€"===â€"â€"=â€"â€"â€"â€" Iso, DJ 8 | _ Cips8208) Mscmwl,nun DY & CURISTIE, Barristers, &0., Lang‘s Biock, Eiginâ€"st., 3 P. MA10PEERSON, Llll & GKMMILL, Sarristers, A.-ug Solicitors, Conveyancers, &0. Oficeâ€"In uk Hhoam, Oe _= . 0. . .0 _( Public, and Prtent Rignt Solicitor. OfMlceâ€"Po m&-flâ€".h. Ottawa. _ 4Â¥utf E.'AID T. DAI'I'IILI?.N]: Holicitor, Attorney and Nutary of the Poeace and County Attorney, for the | Counties of Prescott and Russell. OMceoâ€" Court House, L‘Orgnal. 34 6 notu. TTALIAX BLTTERS. Prepared by special permission from the original Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the principai Vragguts and (Grocers in 3 A. M. F. GIANELLLI, Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celobrated Bitters are carefully propared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especsially wiapted and tecomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitations. They are gently stimalant, and will be tound infallible aids to digestion, Â¥or directions see label round the neek of each bottle; â€" None are gonuine unless bearing the signature of ihe propristor, 10238 A. K. F GLIANELLL t aporma mint, York street, near the Market, The subsoriber respeciiul y announces that he has moved from sussex to York strooet, and is now sccupying the promises formerly koown as Chamâ€" ber‘s Auction Rooms. Het«kes this opportunity ofthaaxing the people ot Ottawa and ricinity for the liberai romsge extended, as well as the mmhu-mm-nmhuu sity. Hehold, SALEs EKVYELY DAY, (when not otherwise engaged), cither at his rooms or on the market. l-mn conl ience to all who have eatruâ€"zed | effects or real estate to him for sale to certify that he has given fall satisfaction as the prices obt.ined, as well as prompt mlh:l-mm after He is ready to receire instructions from persons having hous«l old furniture, horses, carriages, or real estate to dispose of, and ple iges himseif that nothing will be ioï¬ undane by him to giys satisâ€" factio 1 in discharge .u.u.....;&- hic. Consignments from a distance wili meet with imâ€" COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, HER MAJEST £ QU::Z;'VXGTOHA'I ROYA . # Prize Medalist of the Greoat International Exbibl T tion of London, 1862, and ot the Uniâ€" versal Exhibition of Puris, 1867, â€"=_â€"â€"__â€"__. liz, JOHN LESLIE, the rato of thite ithivanee oo Freadagery _‘ vey H. & A. SAUNDERS, Bole Wholesale in sale of J. Sewsll‘s !m e in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o., Bussexâ€" t. Ofice, Unizn Buildings, Pttawa. b5y mm omain me do * l.v.u-"-;w;mm-m webort kyome . BERMINGHAM, moe. '&-ï¬â€˜â€œ-m mmml kind, I have never: known an instance in relief was not obtained."â€"General Alewander to MKou. B. Muart, | In Tins, 2064, 5e and 108. * * o;wu.-nlwl-ls M.Mbï¬ï¬‚.hlfllï¬. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLH. E* ue "'â€"gâ€"lv"'f ivy effects the DIGKSTION and A8S@"MILATION of COD LIVER ou..'. fit oaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" "}'mrm'_ '_"m":';ru u:a:.: ï¬u.“"zs taking Cod Liver Oil. wE HEREBYT ArroINT H. HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Bollâ€" citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Netary l11ty M‘ .. '.'w ‘ “.‘m‘ ntreal ddutf _ Joux J. GaxaL. Fon ASTHM A, aad Chronico Bronchitis DATUR A TATUL A, Affords Immediate Reliet. _= A temedy of great power and oy in cases of Asthms and «â€"Qublin Journal Medical Jotâ€" i & 4 U 108â€"â€"P &A NCR E A~ A, J. OHRISTIE. YALFAMILt TAE â€" OTTAWA TIME 1433 The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is kindly to is from the letter of .qm;m&.mm ‘* Tind ons it me Uxpress chargus are too Nigh: se are a oo of the britles of onon.m'm"iï¬'n.gz L-u-n:‘l.rfllloh-n with them. bottle I brought with me heare brought two ladios bottle I brought with me here brought two ladios rounu from wmbm on board the boat, and the other in Beriin, United Btates, Both commenced with diarthcos, then with dysentery, CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. Exrvenlie mtstrinass to e in 0 ** Sold in Bottles at 11. 34. and 21. 6d, Kach. A epecific for derangement Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, remedy exists, combining deâ€" mu.-:m. # as, Tollet Vinegar, ie i ht tnd Ganee "Aise sonstentl on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and fLollet aiten mmaniky out In i fikbaiee en emen‘s HMA' PREIENTS Tollet Bozes in variety, Rimmel‘s New Porfumes, A complete stock just receired of Toilet Articles, MORTLIMER‘S COMPOUNXD ANTIBILIOUS MOULES PATENT KARTBHS CLOSETS Offer® to all every benefit the W Closet at h:::o’au; hwm‘:m l-:: munity from ofensive odors, from infection in dhu-.nllnunvh: of fertilisers than has mbmnaï¬d y a single invention ; it is entirely free those faint m.&ifl o:.nhmbb'u.doub.nwo.nluc ’.‘l\o Medical Times and Gazssts says Moule‘s Earth Closet system has sugcseeded most admiâ€" The Lanest & We B erde t Ad: wige in pneh arwigey : warg cree 4 The dry earth system for the sowage of Towns Pactories, Hospitals, Prisons, Hotols â€"and Privaié prisons, ghotels or private houses at 35 Sussex H. MEADOWS & CO, _ _ Cu'ntu'l PAIN DESTROYER ! Among the -_nn-:fll u::n Medical Dis OANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER | THE MEDIOAL HALL, od with its ope and i nthe highes ndhm-nd::(‘“ 'or.lh-q-huoh&hm.luh tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ary eaffering from any of the comp a<ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" INFALLIBLE REMEDY _The aston! effcacy of the Canadian Pain m:-h:%mz«n:huu‘: m-w.-_mhnm Nervous Affections, extitle it to a high rank in whe E’J*Mâ€"fï¬n-w"†mplaints, Dealers are m:t‘“h -‘.I:.nllp-ndm ‘Wwithe universal n&k’u The Cans fian Pain Destroyer never fails to give without it after onee try ARTH CLOSETS : EARTH OLOSETS!: Sold by Geo, Huttact, Jotn Toteu, . J. FAUMIL*t Rusrounonâ€"Yorkâ€"st, Arst Brick, Houss Pbuav Ae mata ' * Genuine and Chemicals, uamddlm W . M. MABSEY, > Family and Dispensing Chemist. FIsES METALLIGC COPFINS, HEARAES & CARR]IAGZES, " which was in use throughout the camps BOWEL COMPLAINTS. 28 Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa. usei;; and no family erpectoration, and an VT & Lk MLMRETp Heweastle, C. W * Stove Dopot. for C. W _ Ageont for MARRIAGE LICZENCEE for the city fOttaws, by commission from His Exceliency Bole issuer for the City of Ottawa. OFFICEâ€"St. Lawrence Hotol, Rideauâ€"=st. Ottawa, July 14, 1869. _ 1110â€"30â€"3m Hair Vigor, for restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. ; bM 1 WUM = hair is soon restored )iAAA = (o its original color ts Siaf \ 9 with the gloss and e e freshness of .youth. BmR CZ* ‘Thin hbair is thickâ€" ened, falling hair checked, and baldâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing .can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent balduess, Freo from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dnngrous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wauted merely for a â€"~HAIR DRESSING, Oltaws, August 17, 1869. 113835y. nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing peither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt _ tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, v.gnt m & s otu-m“w A; in, D it nl-nm m: moboay"mi Ayetr‘s Practicar axp Axaryricar Cumasts, LOWELL, MASS. ‘:'rlolodtnd cured by it. fulous affections and doordco,wflehwmg: E:.nhd by the scro: n.‘.’"‘"““â€â€˜l‘."u‘" they were affiicting, havre been radi cured in n’&%nmhfl!th«yd tion_of the country, that the public searcely.meed to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive GanR YEILDIEG, MHeart Dissass, RVS,, ) h ApighardAurdd and the various Mm‘wm::nucu- lar and nervous Syphilis or Fenereal and Mereurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is required for uhduhc&mob“'mzuymodkho. But long continued use of this ine will cure the complaint. Leucorrhea or Whites, Uterine , T oY praniy, COmpeneeene N CE C ...z: of the Léiver, nnf Jaundice, when arising, as they often do, from the mkn’zdnu in the blood. This SAR8APARILL a great reâ€" storer for the strength and vigo‘r“oftln system. Tnose who are Igfll and less, Desponâ€" dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap~ went, Depress, io EEqmnmet mAE prehensions or Fears, or n:{nof the affections symptomatic of '“mcl find immediate relief and convincing of its restorative power upon trial, EMPIRE GIFT COMPANY. CaSH ‘GIFTS To THE AMOUNT OF PREPARED BY Pr. J. C. AYER & C€O0.,, Lowell, Manm., BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERTWHTRE Ottawa, August 17. 1869, 113835y. This company, after making extenâ€" sive umm.mmmu and valusble articles, has commenced its fourth annaal distriâ€" bution. Unlike many of its imitators, it has invariably given universal satisfaction and has always secured the l‘nwob-don and .support of the leading press of the country. #ee what they who have drawn prises and kindly allowed the use of their names for publication: Andrew J n-u.cuomu.m; Miss Claras 8 Walker, Baitimore, $:00; James M Mathews, Detroit, $5,000; John * Andrews, Savannab, $5.000 Miss i Simmons, Charleston. Piano, $600. We no names without permission. 0 Onth Gift#, OBOR..»»ssee0sse2sseseeecce00000+»â€"020,000 10 do CC pecrtiitesrizterttrsterscrs ws. (AU;ODU 15 _ do do _ Melodeons do... 75 to 100 850 Bewing Machines, each............... 80 to 175 500 Gold Watches do .................. T0 to 300 Cash Prizes, Silverware, oto, valued at..$1,000,000 A chance to draw of the «bove prizes tor 25 cents. mn«flg prises sealed in envelâ€" opes, and well mixzed. -â€:Oc:“ cents a sealed tickat is drawn without and sent b{ ldln:.l'y address. The prise named upon it wili be delivered to the ticket holder on payment of one dollar. Prises are immediately sent to any sldn.':‘uyn-umn-ul. You know what your prize is before you pay forit, Any prize -d.’:“f: another of same d:l.tn:.-h' Our patrons can depend on fair Ren4 for cireular. Liberalinducements to agents. Satisfaction guaranteed, Erery package of sealed contains onnx cass ormt. Sixz tickets for $1; 13 tor $3 ; 35 for $5 ; 110 for $15. Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmea!, Pork, &e. OTTaAwWaA, _ 0 _ advanced on consigned 1for imme. mu Mgh-fln. W., -o_, se Hasrogs EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. ONTINXUATION SALE luu-‘ru;uuu;' 110 for $14 lotters should be addressed to V. H. KASTON & CO, . COMMISSION nxcnnm, FORWARDERS BTEWART, RALL £00, 1104 3m 193 and 196 Broadway, N Y. Ayer‘s BQ ©| cerctrpntiventarectsectcrrecss â€"â€" _ IOD Rosewood Pianos, cach...$300 to $700 A dressing which is at once agreeable, healithy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray secsessessssess seseress sns a00 6 sesssssssssscscesecs ons es e000 o gn constantly on hand and sold at their prices; Gin, tle Busse®â€"#t â€" | SiShd‘ whne alreedy imvorted. . The whole of a&ll-o. mu...uumum‘ Quick salesis R. M, Hasvrog P BASKERVILLE & BROTHUEE, Dl. 0. C,. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and the Touts Ofloo.'m c.mâ€f"‘" own . Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painless process, References given to partios sucâ€" sessfully treated, it required. n lgwlm For comfort andâ€"attendance the travelling gut lis will find this first class house unsyrpassed in Cansaa, being situated in the centre of tae cicy. and having woor 100 d:ou furnished bedâ€"rooms, Charges $1.0 r day, Bingle rooms,‘withou; boara, 406 per dz; tex @ GarEAU, °_ WATERS & CO, ~. Manager. 1071.6m Proprietors. HALIFAX, NOVA ScOTIAÂ¥, Established 1851. Permanent and transient boarders accomm ted, and every attention paid to their comfort,; w;vnn’nr HOUSE, ED'ARD ©C. MALLOCH, M. D., M. R. C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats. Office hours from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., and 3 to 5 0 te the Court House and Public Offices, BT. e P ht had Publ travellers. and vehicles always on hand. "l\lll 6 QUEEN * Rll‘l‘AUnAl'!‘, | . M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metcalfeo and Weliingtonâ€"streets, opâ€" %mmmmum Government Buildâ€" he "QUEEN" comprises allthe requisites fcr a firstâ€"class hestau ant. mumh:qmm and ref. rnished inroughout. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir Wines and Ligu rs, and overy delioncy of the seas.a wiil be found on the tabie. The mfl‘u"“. ‘s best efforts will be directed to he comâ€" 18 guests ano patrons. p$M" Oysters,Game eto., daily w O'I‘I'AWA HOUVSE j Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"stroots Pembroke, Ontario. m« in connection with the steamers Jason , Pembroke and Pontiac. Part.cular attention paid to the comfort olinuu. "~ Good rooms for commercial traveliers. Horses JA Agonts, Draughtsmen, &o. Ofice, opposite the Ontarie Bank, sparksâ€"st., Ottawa,. Valustors for Trust anda Loan Vo. â€" ANADA HuTEL, W. &. Luistux. R SPARKS, Provincial Land Hurveyor, © _ Draughteman, &c., ioon-lnhod for Upper and Lower Canada.) and resigence, arm, near Ottawa. burvey. of overy des «mmmm. Communications ad Ottawa City, (postâ€"vaid>. or left at the P kJoe General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Te d aod Fariet Pork, Frous: ‘&e., for sale. Orrior: No. 5, Sparks Sureet, near the Russell House, Ottawa city, C. W . 0I;IVIB .d".‘ BLE, “:r lc;:l' diere Island, Ottawa, C. W. C JOHN OLIVER, 506 WILLILAM ANNABLE. BILLLNGE, Jr., Architect,Elgin stroot “o opposite the Post Office. Rereszxoss.~â€" B ASims, , A«chitect, Philaâ€" “lshh & Thos Fuller, Esgq, huut. Albany ; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Otawa ; ’l'ho-lloyulu,g.q Managing Virector O. & 6t. L. R. R. T40t =____ K. BOVGHTON, Proprietor, (Late of vwoughton‘s Dining Bolooa.{ pmA spacious sampleâ€"rvom for commercia Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. PLAII.)PIGII’IOA'PIOII, Lo Prepared for biildings of description, b \e ___ _ _ SIDNEY g. r%gpz::.' 7 LAZARUS, _ MORRIS &%, COS K. C, LEGGO, sician, Surgeon and AAooouhm, Mummm’a' Block, Sparksâ€" R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Bparksâ€"st: eet, Cont: al Ottawa. Bq4utt _ R. GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. GoLD," sILYEKH, SHELL AND / STEEL, ehoice TEAS and a rul assortment of QROâ€" CERIES suitable for family use, all of which will be sold at reduced prices. Also, a choice lot of TOBACCO, -;d' brands, and sold equallylow. Goderham & Wort‘s Highwipes <and Old Rye, paoes®*r8k trokk; Br P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHER, Two Doors Bast of Workmar & Griffin‘s, ICKWICK HOUSE, NHISTLE & Co+â€", Land Surreyors, Land 17 & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET, MON TK EA L HE METROPOLITAN, AUMOND‘S BLOCK, : Kideau Stree Ottama, 203f P. OMEARKA, Proraicton. Officeâ€"Spurksâ€"street, opposite Mageo & ‘s. 516y ounted in Constantly on hand a well assorted stock of PLRFECTED SPECTACLES, Apotcls andb Saloons. OUNG & RADFORD Moial Carbs. / $A periect fit gunranteed. ts vouï¬; & RADFORD, No 35, Bparks trect, CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and N,EW ASSORTHKEN P & Have just reseived a + EYE GLASSES, KMiscellancous, N:Npsid to their comfort,; JOUHN ROMANS, Proprietor Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., J. COPELAND, Ts R. Lixe. 198 UllOl FORWARDINXG & RAILWAY ©OMPANY. UPPER OTTAWA ®f ROUTE. _ Consisting of the following first class steamers : 1869. Jason. Gould ESnow Bird ..... not‘i|eo;. thdms-n Ann Sizson ;.Iu{’un ‘O{t‘:“ daily (Sundays exce , for ppet @ & "u?a-.mmu-gmm.umrmu Fead of railroad, at 11 a m,touching at Arot. Sandpoint, Bristol, Bonechere, Tarrell‘s Wharf, @Gould‘s Wharf and Portage du Fort. Etages will leave Gould‘s W hart immediately after arrival of 1 steamer Alliance tor Cobden, connecting with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pambroke same evening. The steâ€"mers Pontiac or Pembroke leave Pewâ€" broke daily at 1 p m, for Des Joachim, calling «t a‘!l intermediate ports. Returning, leaving at 6 a m, connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landirg at 2 p m, and arrives at Portage du Fort same evening. The steamer Alliance loaves Portage gu Fort _ A connection is made daily with the Brockvillie and Ottawa Railway at Arnprior on the up and down trips. _ _ _ _ _ oo es ak . _ For further particulars apply at the Company‘s otfines at 0&:3- and Aylapo': ‘ p*® f K. 5. CASSELS, President. Nttawa City, Aug 29, 1869. treal, will leave Richeliou Pier (opposite Jacques Cartier r‘lace) as follows,â€" The steamer Quebec, Captain J B Labelie, will "leave every Mox»ar, Tuvzespar and Fmwar at seven o‘clock, p m. s The Steamer Montreal, Oornh Robert Nelson, will leave every Tozrspar, Tuvursoar and Sarveâ€" L paÂ¥ at seven o‘clock, p m. & ln‘fnlla-u Ircn Steamer; Quebec and Monâ€" treal, will leave Richeliou Pier (onnosite Jacaues On and after ist SEPTEMBER, (until turther RICIIILIIU CcoOnPANY. Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers between . RATES OFP PASRAGE, Cabin (Supper & Stateâ€"room berth included)$3.00 Puuwm will be sold at the office on the Whart. rooms can be secured by taking tickets at this office only, This company will not be accountable for specie or valuables, unless Bills of Lading, having the value expreséod, are signed therefor. Office of the Richelieun Co, _ 203 Commissioner street, Montreal, June 11, 1869. 1869. 'l‘!l oOTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL 8 TEA ME RS. f UTTAW4A CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, Carr.R. W. Susreasan. â€" Ths steamer Queen Victoria leaves her whart foot of Sussex st, at 6:30 a m, (Montreal tume), arriving in Montreal at 4;45 p m. The comfott lhd qconomy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through one of the most picturesque districts in Canada, and 1s the most fashionable for tourists. Parties desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at single fares. fassengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at L‘Crignal. " On and after MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, the new Parcel Express daily from the Office on the wharfto Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, from the oféise of Herrick & Crombie, Ridean st, W 8 Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Block, o The market steamer Fairy, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Mondays and Saturdays at 4 p m for intermediate landings. Tu. oTeaAW a â€"‘â€" aik UHLVER NAVIGATIONX COMPANXY‘8 May 7, 1 69. & STEAMERS " ALLIANCKE," 4 JASONGOULD" & " PEMBROKE, AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FOR THE UPPER OTTAWi, Passage tickets will be sold at the office on the "*PRINCE OF WALES," . .. . _BPRKERIGK® LLN EB ,â€"~© From Montreal, Ottawa,: Kingston and in Steamer MARY ANWE, and Bargesâ€"Captsin fpRates by this Line FIVE per cent. lower than by any other Line. Steamer cuxv.n.u-:c Bargesâ€"Captain M. G. Rastonâ€"will loayve Montreal on TUESâ€" DAYS,4p.m. E“‘I'OI’I RIDEAU AKD OTTAW A aecsssssesssesssnece 000800 s00e 8000 .# COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS * Uxio® FoRWARDING AXD AILWAY oK"T, Ottaws, May 5th, 1869. _ YÂ¥A EASTON &4 00, â€" â€" Little Gussex Street, Canal Basin, Hoad Office. JAMES BWIFT & Co., HERRLK & CROMBIE, Agents, Otawa. B. T. Eastonâ€"will save Montreal on FRL DAYS,6 pm. esem ecsessessesses se ces en00s sesenessesscessenss se OTTAWA ANXD MONTREAL, "«A NN 818 8 0 N DES JOACHIMS. R 8. CASSELS, sessessee00® R. W. SHEPRERD, Captain Murphy R W SHEPHER&RD. Captain Beattie 1869. Opening for Troflic fron. Annapolis F GM&«. * On and after THURSDAY, 19th dsy y AUGUbST, this railway will be open for pasep. ger and goods traffic as under : Trains will leave Grand Pre on arrival of pas. sengers from Halitex by morning train to Wing. sor, and forward 1 y Cgach to Grand Fre at 12. 20, noon, arriving at Annapolis at 5.30 p m. Leay. ing Annapolis at 8.30 a m, and arriving at Grang Pre at 1.45, in time for Coach to Wirdsor, con. necting with after Halifax at 7.10 p m. By order, 1869.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTs®. f1869 Trains now leave BONAVENTURE STATIO® as follows : i k ~ GOING WEST, Express for Ogdensburg, Otta _ Teacatiie, boatn ‘oronto, p , Bra: Goderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, ___ _ sand all points West, #t. ............... )Pu®â€" Aewre seatedicamas sass 4 .: Intermediate Stations, at.... wâ€"»»«â€" T;b an Trains for Lachine at vw»««»»«..0:00 a m, 7;:00 am # a m, 12 noon, 1;30 pm, 4:40 p m, 6 p m, and 6:30 p m. The 1.30 pm train runs througrh to Provins» Kent ville, Au and Intermediate Stations at......... 7:00 e m:w :m-'-nk.“‘.... B:40 & m d Rxpressior NewY or Bostonat...... 4:30 pm via Vermont Central. '; Express for New Â¥ork and Boston «14 via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, 4 Borlington & Rutland at...... am,440 pm [ _ Express for h?.d.?‘....“...i;......up- C m‘%-u-' and m......':." 6 . O ie fteamer Carilotta Tleaves Portiand ever; SATULVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival of train from Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" fu.l.!..nml':u Tuesday. Bhe has accommodation for passengers and freight, The International Company‘s Steamers, in counsetion with the Grand Tronk Astinay leave Portland every MONDAY and TllUll- Dg at 6 p m, for 8t John, N.B., &6. DAXi at 6 pm,for St John, N.B,, &6. : _ mfluwnmco-m-.m m'mï¬im and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonaventure Sta C.J;: BRYDGES, Managing Director, Montreal. May 17. 1869. * Orrawa Acrncrâ€"Russell House Block Spark street, Ottawa, where all information may be cb 1869, and until farther notice, TRAINS will rw as follows : "~ _ LEKAYVE OTtawa. ARRIVEIN PRESCOTY Express, 7 a. m. 9.%5 a. m. » Mixed, 1.9¢ p. m 4.16 p. m * LhAYE PRRSCOOTT. ARBWVE 18 Omawia. Mixed, 7. 16 a. m. > 10.3 a, m. Express, 1.3% p m. 4.156 p. m. mn-od“;n.lubununfl to ensure conmection with trains on Grand east and west, also with the steamers of the Royal to and from Ottaws checked trom 269 to Rations an Orakd Tredk Repeay * Return tickets to Prescott, K vfllon?“- vodwmmbmmw tions on the jine. T. lé.l’ml. s rlom. REYNKOLDE, n-l;lâ€"m above iroms all ruy f,m Ottawn, June 28, 1869. * TIME TABLE, No. 21, Comusxcome ox Moxpar, Juxs 21, 186 6 00&- M.â€"â€"®RAINS will lear $ Sandpeint mt 6.00 s m and 314 p..!.â€.-.mvh‘umvflhu 100 a £,9.15 p m and 9.30 a m and 6.19 am. 7 30 A» M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leart $ Peorth at 7.30 a m and 6.50 p m arriving at Smith‘s Falls at 8.20 a m and 6.40 pm LEAYE BSMITHWB FALLA, 8:35 A M.â€"=â€"TMAINS will len Bmith‘s lul::‘ 836 e -'.:: 6A p m. arriving at Porth at a w and p e E. ARBOTT, 8T. LAWRENCE AXND OTTAW A RAILW A Y, (formerly the Ottewa & Prescott Rallway.) Liverpool or Quld’nl.....;.rm;...flflt IHVGEPOOH OF PHNBNMOMcrtsmemmiinrens. Bb d PM"-I!-A!M'!IAHIAL s First Oabin, Payable in Gold. , THEK TIMEB is printed and published INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, SAILI FROX KEW YORK EVERY SATURDA AND ALTERNATE TUEsDAYs. RATES OF FASSAGE BY THE SATURDAY ATRAXEE Mo“.flouomo.m essessessesses â€. sesses s000 .o“l..'-!..b’m_“-’... ‘ l‘\on LIVERPOOL & QUKENSTO w NandiGhe Ibiecd sB t Sn "tm s Liverpool or Queenstown.............»«».+.»«» with low and clevated ovens, guaranteed to purchaser, and at prices that cannot be exce E:Kcâ€":;y..-:ï¬m... wvessecess 8 0; 10 ‘: stores, furniture, bouse it it es onl Pepaary uece calling AT T :.o‘: Grneral Agent INDEOR & ANNAPOLIS Raiu, W AY. ON and AFTER MONDAY, 2%8r8 JUKA «John‘s, N:F., by branch steamer......... * For ferther M«m& the Compast® o 15 l-'-a-n'..-“ ya ___Of ____._ EKBERICK & CROMBIE ottews . nnd Intermediate Stations at........ ommodation Train for Kingston and M. ds vcnn e is c on cus 5C Hiikire: B6 Hracintte,‘ Acton, + C, y lh_h_lo’. BSherbrooke, Waterville and Coaticook only, at......... ..........10:10 LÂ¥ DOUBLE STOV £8, Bizes 24, 30 and 36 inches, from t KNEW COOKINXG 8ToV E§ RUOCKVILLEK & OTTAWA LRA ‘ WA Â¥. Taus Orrawa Tizzs Pusxtize axo we Courary, at the Office, 38, B OUBLE STOYVES, 00A. M.â€"â€"®RAINSR will l8Â¥ Brockville daily at 6.00 a m, 5Â¥ 1.15 p m, 9.00 p m, -rl’v~ at Bandpoin! 40 a m, 9.20 p m and 1,32 p m. pm train runs through to Province IOING SOUTH AXD EAsT. â€" mtfon Prags aor l M Steerage, Payable in Ourrency, LKAYVE BROCKYILLE, Bigned, VEKNONSMITH u 11307 , Â¥.20 p m and 1,32 p m. LI‘-A’I HANDPOHNT.: PERTH BRANCH, LEAVE PERTH °_ AT THE VARIETY HALL AT THE VARIETY HALL JOBEPH MOONEY, Agent * sessesbpsessensenstbebenees Comwall Managing 1nretor. ) atlhe principalsts» 8 REYNOLDE, n t T Hoenty do T;30 p a reaching 5:10 p n a â€" _ L * Qur Tess and i wis te of the finest quality Aoisonous #406:4000, 60 (nearly opposite SNers for sale at VERY and ind .t‘:t-u-m will be found very __'.C'IIâ€"T-I; m FOR ensesesssse0008s 000 : and Revor, a »ad Stowart‘ STOCK, aseessee08 80000 and Grain doâ€". &0 .... sest980z00 0000 ALARM m list of order for i, do ... GRE