2r% \Qur market of Wednesday was a good average ene for the season. The leading articles were in moderately good supply at slightly altered Mu-fl&.“mtdm kind which we have been blessed with thereis not the remotest fear of searsity. Sunamrore rom Correz.â€"Get some rye, soald %, dry it and browa it, thea mix two parts of 1t with one of coffes, and you will have as good a cup of coffee as you ever duliu" are troubled wih cold>, rteamatiow, u.:'. ferrousness or -.-to-;l:ll:-.tn -.Ishdoao-o.-.da Destroyer,‘ !-!pldquï¬nmtnam ~ w # '-.wh the usual Qx.hh.-x and nex: montls the citl= seus of the Domimon of Canada will colebrate te birth or vaw.r now and rizing existence; but recoverad iarslids auuuu.,.uun‘un would be too short io celebrate all the virtues of that celebrated Lnodian Medicine, the great SuOâ€" «gowess Kewsor, now on sale by the respectable Sraggists in your localitre. _ , The Alabama claims wore allowed to disturb too long the citizens of the two great Angloâ€"Saxon * £000 CELEBRATED Q K READ _ PATENT PIPE 800 IMPROVED EBOWS, Batin and Plain Paper Hangings, Gilt, Flook m.-‘-n-nh-a:-mv’umy. Call and Examine for Yoursalots. Eâ€"dnm¢~-flh& n’&%u.:‘ WALLS vmâ€".l: and RED in a superior style, on most reasonabie terms, and at the shortest notice, Wy:-hdanal at prices l#d‘dy Putiy, Gi:ss, Suaineg do. in All golouts, Enamealied do., ubssured Plate, Amethinck 16 and 21 ounce, Diamond Star and Othor Brands in Boxes, or Cut to order ot any size requared. _ _ _ &‘duph.“:k 'li‘:.-l';h- A_$sszves Primed and Glazsed tor shipâ€" niprari ouioe, on omm nalieformaie heae: annu. [ * mmmu can be 1 d and e with less risk of breakage han glass ‘n boxes. € : R. EKATON, .. Store and O Mce, Elginâ€"st., Opposite the Ruassell Ings, Looking lasses and Picture Frames, of the â€"orrawa «isCer4. §,000° STOYVEPIPE3, °_ â€" _ . 1,600 STOYEPIPE ELBOW , Pï¬â€"ï¬iï¬ï¬zqu most exâ€" irt and experienced work men, CGallows Dumb Stoves; Damper Pipes, T E!:*Esm.-- low rate, and a fall * ~Râ€"D O K I O H,~ 808 Sparks st, ®auieacn ns inst. tret at the Stove * The above named Stoves are as follows: Cookâ€" HUis stook, comprising an clegant assortment of Â¥ALL PAP ERS REMOVED to the Stone Building, m 7 i TaK," ‘" " _ the Suspension Bridge, and Match -uu_mdl.n.' nn‘.. ~ * â€" *‘ T. EKTON, Bell‘s Block, oppositeo Russell House. m W A L. m R EATON‘S. . â€" CALL EARLY ~ And see for yourselocs. DOOR MOULDINXG. AXD _n-uo-.oun.: Oct. 23, 1869 S sizeg, at received and exeeuâ€" from ten ce ats up Afteon cents up, two story STONE oonnl.om luo:'ï¬lh. containing a large ‘v and sitting roows, lhobn.nd six t::â€" Terms moderate. A"Iytomounrn-t womilnutes‘® walk from the premisos _ 1185â€"8 "l\o LET, _ From the ist November, A COTTAGE on Wellington street, containing toen rooms and kitchen. # . Rent to lst May nest $30. Apply at this offas. 11844 POSSESSIONX MAY BE HAD FROM 1sr f KOV., 1869. The Cottage, on Wilbrod street, ;lul ecoemied tor severel yours past by 3. BOVEN i'i't'.'"â€"ud-"_" ing eight rooms and kitchen. Address " Le Canada " offise, York street. now nearly Anished, in Eigia Toerracs, ,O‘Connor street, with all modorn improvements, includiag pamp in kitchen, with necessary sheds and outâ€" buildings. Rent moderate, Possession lst Nov. LET, the Cottage, U Market A MOUSE of seven rooms,. oligibly situated, within fve minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildâ€" ings, to reat ; and soveral houses aad vacant lots in the city for saile, on part time. Ottaws, May 1. ’l\omcfl '..l..: L "*~"hr aew socnsuren, A BRICK DWELLLING of Eight Room« and Kitchen, with good yard and stabling, Rentlow. New Edinbureh, Avoril 26, _ 1038Â¥ session, at present in the ecospation of Wm.1. Aylen, mn m':"-m s";. to gl'll Enuousos, hepean, and Lewis & , Barristers, Ottaw a. JeZâ€"141â€"4f > Fou.Mwmumd Lot No. 37, in First Concession, Ottawsa Front,Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the s.mo conâ€" TILL lsr MAY NEXT A BTONE COTTAGE in Vistoria Terrace, Richâ€" mon4 Road, containing eight rooms, with kitchen, pantry anad cellar, good outhouses, and watert brought into the house. « Aoply on the promises, or at the " Tss‘ 'l‘)'lm. Wm ‘L& WILAONX which can not be equailled b other, for mmuduu.’,."-“ch- iyso or grease. Hara Soap, and some of them of a superior article. HORSE TRAINING TINFORMATION. u*ds& horss can be made to obey his master, and oven to walk after him in 3 and examine the Hea , evolâ€" .ï¬rmmmw‘ Presâ€" sure Bar. Clroalars and of sent free e u-l- u-': p:_fl ¥€ "akee Bm tm mies uns saiee s fe WALIEON, _ _ _ : * _*" 105 King.st. West, Toronto, and kess L. W. STEPHEN, for Ottawsa Ofice. (FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED,) Cure for Thn‘doret amed of @orrt! Compiainte oan be eured at any time in less than twenty hours, Alsd, by s emmon herb. Parties who are infloted with any such disâ€" te«â€"s Should make application to Â¥. MARTIN, the Te on fhik ~ _ TasSHTNG COMPOUND Â¥our comfortable frst class drick Dwollings, SE WINXG MACHINES Square, containing nine rooms add kitchen. .i> par ansum. Apply on the premises, or Parties visiting the Alley will be . For Sate or to Let. Apply to OMIXIONX BOWLING ALLEY. LET, Sewing Machines. mloll Room is aitached to | will be let at a low fAgure. B L LEWI3 & PLINXHEY, n. Apply on the premises, or xa‘d, Banta, Department Public Works. form his friends that This is one of the best in the Vapi® J, and equal to any in ROD. RO38. 10381 Eigin street, To Wataier Tour 1183 5 W. W. W ARLT ooue | is Poial a oanl oms. House, Eiginâ€"st. "Tresâ€"8 es ~â€"â€"~~z~ _ KII'II & Ki Am‘-:. l-': Conveyancers, TAGE on | 8x 2o onse ome and | Otawa. Kll'll & KIMBER, Barristers and Attornies at Law, Sohoitors in cnm Conveyancers, &o, for the Provinces of U and Quebes. OMfliceâ€"Post OMse Buildings, Elgin stroet, Ottawa. a Avorares Keewes, Raxe Fowarn Krunte. A C .ï¬ul-uv. “lâ€"'.ll‘vll-.-"q. i:.v-'{.. opposite the Post Office, 3:.-.. 4“)_ m» ® in Uanucory, CoOuvejsno0t, a0., SunsDn stroet, OMce, Unin Buildings, ¢tawa. b3y ho nnaiiesinigingaet ie t madih on amamct ol 4 Ausictcatatiesâ€"Jry‘vies Seies en t tary Public, Corner ot Sussex and York streets, MBoe sitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convreyancer, Notar Public, and Patent Right Soliciior. O®ceâ€"Po Office Building, Elginâ€"stroot, Ottaws. _ 4Jutf LI‘ .Olnlflqlflhlhm Court House, Ottaws. Rossxt Lazs. 43utt _ Jou®s J. GuauL.. N TETREAUV, N Public for the Pro Novhn of @:m‘". near the Pos! HNSNHAR‘ $ PARTAEE‘S SAvcus NN hre e fegiam C ounties of Profoct and framnchi.‘ Ofteeâ€"in the Court House, L‘Orignal. . 34â€"6m A.M. F. GIANELLI, Sole ManuCacturer and Proprietor for the Dominâ€" on of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions, They are gontly stimalant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion,; For directions see Iabel round the noeek of cach bottle{ * None are gonuine unloss bearing the signature of the proprietor, 1032# A. K. Â¥ GIANXELLL eot +t reacrl® _ SteÂ¥kRs. Prepared by special permission from the original Profeasor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY,. P Keopt by all the prinoipal Prugguts and Grocers in P As MARA, Architect. Ofceoâ€"Aumond‘s * 4e Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottaws. _ Â¥0927y Cm AUVCTION MiRT, â€-&-.u.&-nmn. and careful attention. COas‘h advances ‘mude on furnitare or other .l?*l‘hh-b. .anos constantiv on hand far bira . COMMERCIAL SALE I° TINE completely effects the DTGESTION and mmw CcoD LIVER (.)Fl{. the fat eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" im in Nee i tA e n eA C and 1216d. Pancreatine Wine,boitles,38,52 and 10s. N.B.â€"Pansreatine Wine is the best vehicle for taking Cod Liver Oll. _ s 1CHOLAS SPARK®, Barrister and Attorâ€" ENT ENELNY tuoh mx, oones > % H A M . ACPHERSON,KLENNEDY & CURISTIE, . Barristers, &o., Lang‘s Block, Eiginâ€"st., W« W. W ARD, of the late firm of Lowis, OsGROVE & TAILLON, Barruters, Solicitors, &o. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, ORACE LA PIERRE, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Lar, e in Chancery, Bole agent for FISE‘3 METALLIC COFHIXS, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLHK. CHIEF UNDERTAEKER, SPARKSâ€"ST. COPFINS, HEARBEB § CARRIAGES, I» HAYCOCK, Aitorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Boliâ€" O*CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, York street, n:o» the Market, 1SDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR & Aâ€" hand for hire. :'3:1"....4 hand,planos gon auasrtans, ton Merchants. has removed his Chancery ‘hambers, opposite Russell 380t° _ @Gzonar Tawnox and Bect‘y of State, r., THE OTTAWA TIMES, OCTOBER $23, CHOLERA, . DIARRHGEA, and M a relative of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now residin C dnï¬ haves marpacer in ts ** e are too and if not, arran m«uuum have a box of the Nla of CHOLERA llx‘m-ll. I could make a little fortune with them. The bottle I b t with me here brought two ladies round from obolonbma board the boat, and the other in Berlin, United States, Both commenced with diarrhcoa, then with dysentery, and then vomiting. The one at Berlin was very bad, . 1 gave her three doses of the Cholera Mixâ€" bad, . 1 gave her three doses of the ture, the third of which stopped the next day she warall right, or so. She t 4 lb‘nmod.mhlofl."m ymm mixture, which should be in every family, is only > e TWENTYâ€"FTYVE CENTS® A BOTTLE. TRADER MA CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. Chest, &o., &0. It or by dissciving the conâ€" goaled cxhu pectoration, and h pmeved cgchcriinnny n 2 pak s m eevnrniareten ic ant Bold in Bottles at 11. 3d. and 21. 8d. Bac)h. A grand specific for derangement of the Digestive action ar..nl.uStMnlhqu ot Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, that exists, ‘doeâ€" The only nr:.‘ remody # combining Ooluï¬.l’-u-. Toillet Vinegar, Rose Denti frice, for the Testh and Gums, Also constant! on hand Porfumes ot all kinds, and Mu::d sites usually kept in a firstâ€"class No, 41 Bussexâ€"st., Ottaws City. 28 Bparksâ€"st., Ottawa. Tollet Boxes in variety, whenever. used "is woll liked, nover w in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we hare noever known a single case of dissatisfaction where the direct‘ons are proâ€" Sliver Top Smelling Bottle», â€" Bootch Plaid Bmolling Bowlos, Improved Perfamed Distributors, Cu‘n DIAXK PAIX DESTROYER! A A-ug the -ca,m-dd n:‘m Medical Dis CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER | Back ana iToad, Couphs, Bore Throot “'b,.-..., Bumt-p hm Complainte: Burne,oalds, Bites, &0., ko. % The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever. used "is well liked, never failing in a peorly followed od with its ope and speak i nthe highes w«mm-m"um ; 'or-lhâ€"quhooh&hlwc.m tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are suffering from any of ths comp <ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" A complete stook just recesved of Tollet Articles, .T-iii'mmn.:‘nh all parts of the to the universal cmn.lm diths * The Cansajian Pain Dest:royer never fails to give The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is ndly permiited to publish, is from the letter of relative of Dr. _'5-. of this city, now residing MORTIMER‘3 COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS andersigned to notify the public that 'h‘rï¬.rc&cd'?mol manner of FUR DYEIN He has bsen at the business fo twolire years in Otawa, and has alw given niversal satisfaction: P.:l:nllu A.-z'-,.u Astdmertt """0 A SHELDON,â€" r-â€"' L “ # ce tabier io ‘patint nitsly Ioinltindi tb o tow Is one ot the most reliable TONLOS and BIT.â€" m.il-ln. It is pet up in quart Wine bottles. packets, 250. ) and 6 1b. packots for $1.25. gpuâ€" EPILEPTIC CURE, taking ofit luli‘“ entiag the fits, should in ho::lluWh pllcp;i‘huoln In bottles price, $1,° Askfor GARDNER‘3 EPILEPTIC K REMEDY," Is put in up bottles at 250. and 806. each. The above valuable articles can be procured from Grocers, and General Dealers in all parts of the ; J 0 Chemist,® mlmbnolmu.l-t-:i Iï¬m Manufacturer. Wholesale orders Price Cards forâ€" wardoed on application. 11135.33.6n â€" THE MEDIOAL HALL, Unrivalled for purity and excelience. In three ince packets, T. ; $ ounce packats, 10¢.; 1 Ib. P J Gardner from the formule of a rilian of Patle Phe ‘wonderis! okect Ths OLIDAY PRESENTS INFALLIBLE â€"REMEKDY QUININE WINE BITTERS ARDNXERS BAKING POWDER, FAMKILY Rimmel‘s New Porfumes, ARDNERS 1 DOMESTIC COVGH KONE OTHER GEXUINXE. Dragging, Sedries of ait desoriptions. W, M. MABSEY, ®® Family and Dispensing Chemist. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMER‘3 NOR‘ No 26, THE VARIETY HALL English Lavender Water, ints, Dealers are _ Agent for MARRIAGE LICOENCES for the city efOttawa, by commission from His Exoollency Bole issuer for the City of Ottawa. OFFICEâ€"St. Lawronce Hotol, Rideauâ€"st. Oittawa, July 14, 1869. 1110â€"30â€"3m Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it ‘clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the â€"hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevert balduess. Free Oltaws, August 17, 1869. from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a > HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil. nor dye, it does Ayer‘s not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustro and a grateful perfume. Pracricar axp Axacrticar Curaxists, LOWELL,â€"MASS. * Aeanannmannny" ]'5;.‘;.@' Atamination “"'f“ they were affiicting, have been radical gzndfh‘:h. nw un.b:n' ll:lo almost :nr.y.aoé n 0 country scarcely n be informed of its % et':u-. o Bcrofulous poison is one of the most destructive and the various Ufeserowus alleciions of the muscuâ€" lar and nervous systems. 7 * _ Syphilis or Fenereal and Merourial Diseascs are cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate mlhdlumnny medicine. But long continued use of this e will cure the complaint. Leucorrhaa or Waites, Uterine l'lm&ouq, and Female Diseases, are comâ€" monly soon relieved and ultimately cured It;( its mï¬gh: and invigorating effect. Minute Direeâ€" enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without ex w of its presence. Again it seems to ::::?out the body, and then, on some favorable on, npid&;d_cvdop into one or other of its mu forms, ei on the surface or among the . ‘In the latter, tuberâ€" cles may be n&knly deposited in the lnn&l or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eru on the skin, or foul ulcerâ€" ations on some of the body. Hence the occaâ€" slonal use of a of this l;n-'-lbh adâ€" visable, even when no active gmptom of disease 'f.m.’ generally fnd ln'iodi:a. f:lllld ggon.n; : m an Teukih. clire. br ‘o use of this AA4RA14FPARILâ€" Cash advanced consigned diate sale. h-:ghnllnn&. . 8. Raeercea; B 4 EMPIRE GIFT COMPAxy. CaASH GIFTS TO THE AMOUNT OF Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, &c. oTTAWA, : End of Little Sussexâ€"st. 14. in ‘duthongts Pive, Hrece aF & e or Tetter, Sait Rhoum, Seald Head, sive additions to its large stock of rich and valuable articles, has commenced its fourth annual distriâ€" bution.‘ Unlike many of its imitators, it has invariably given universal satisfaction and has always secured the approbation and support of the leading press of the country. Bee what theyâ€" ou will know what your prise is before you ‘wl::‘ Any prize -d’-':f-:r another Of'::" va(we, No blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair deali l-:ffc ciroular. Liberal inducements to agonts. Batisfaction guaranteed., lmypuk.:‘pdud: envelop» onE CaSsH oIrT. tickets $17 12 3 $2 35 for 96 ) 110 tor 15. All tstters hould be addressed to ~â€" say of it : who have drawn prises and kindly allowed the use of their names for publication: Andrew J * The frm is roliable and deserves their success,"â€"Weekly Tribune, Oct. 8, â€" _ " We know them to be a fair dealing firm."â€" Nes York Herald, Oct. 28. # A friend of ours drew> a $5,000 prise, which Burns, Chicago, $10,000; Miss Clara 8 Walker, nm-m‘,:«; James M Mathows, Detroit, $5,000; J Andrews, Savannab, $5,000 ~Miss Agnes Simmons, Chirleston, Piano, $600. We publish no names without permission. Oz.o .do l.:u;;;JJJ;Q;JJï¬;;;.';;;“ ‘;z ie c oo 1f . moa-'mm oo ks Thte 500 Cash Bilverware, etc, valued at..$1,000,000 A chance to draw any of the «bove prizes tor 25 Cents. 'Ihkchd-‘flb{n prises sealed in envelâ€" opes, and well mixed. 8nroednolu cents a , and well mixed. On receipt of 26 cent &Mh_‘_fln'ï¬w@o& and sent -,dlh:zulmi. The prise named upon it will be delivered to the ticket holder on payment of one dollar. Prises are immediately sent to any address by express or return mail. _ . $ .,,Y.?"?Kh'v'w.!-'ri.-“bflm’e-m PREPARED B Y Pr. 3. C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mans, _ _Practical and Analyteoal Chemists. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE, Ottawa, August 17. 1869. 112835y. Â¥OB PUBRIFYINXG THE BLGOO@D. n 3 , * *ta»rox a co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, \~ Gaian YEILDIXG, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., v Cash Gifte, each 10 do do 20 ~ do do 40 _ ao : do ONTINUATION SALE 11043m _ 193 General. is also made to the Ayetr‘s FORWARDERS DEAL ERS 18 assesscseses se ns 000 ecessstessessesssssscascess we eessssecessressesses see ceae en 8 sessesssecssess sess enscncs o +8 A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectus} for preserving | the hair. â€" Faded or grey hair is soon restorcd Rose or Krysipelas, BR M. Bipres p AVCHPRIYIE 4 of the muscuâ€" # 7 K Y. P Dental Rooms over A. Graham & Co.‘s «* Commercial Warehouse," directly_ opposite the MP Accouchour, Ottawas.. Day office opposite the Tiuts Office, ESparksâ€"stroct, Centre 13:. Night of ce at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxozrs COur®p,without the use of the knife, by a new, but certain, ’“;r-ody" dy, and almost painless ptomad. References given to yutlu suc» cossfully treated, it required. 17w100y / EYVERY DE&SC0RIPTION HD "oniceâ€"Bporksâ€"strect, °“"?é."u.§.."‘°“"“. arksâ€" 0 Russell‘s. i pes* __ 676y For comfort and attendance the travelling puk lic will find this first class house unsurpassed in Canaaa, being situated in the centre of tas eicy. and having over 100 well furnished bedâ€"rooms, Ch $1.60 per day. Single rooms, withou; bomoe per day. G GaAREAU, â€". . _ WATERS 4 C0, e YOIJIG & RADFORD ; W. Norwan‘s, Meroaurestretr, To Tourtsrs.â€"The .,-0 collection in the M‘bn.‘l. 8027 HALIFAX,, N OYA BUOTIA, Established 1851. s Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" tod, and overy wsm to their comfort; ~96097 JO0 BOIANL Proprietor. J Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., o";um the Court House and Public Ofices, 8T. Ca H.AMEB. Ont. ~ moVGHTON, Pro"-rhtor, (Late of toughton‘s Dining Saloon.) _ PmA spacious sampleâ€"rvom for commercial travellers. °OV CSEAAA _/ AEB IaVE aAn Es Pss t Sxmath Seg Mednpte ie : & , op* qï¬u the main entrance to the Government n-uï¬- 8. C *# ‘The ®QUEEN®" comprises allthe requisites for a Arstâ€"class kestau ant. The House h:‘bonuma and ref Tnished throughout The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir W inosand Liqu ws, and evory delioney ofthe seas. a will be found on the table. The mbuto.ï¬ruvï¬lbogkmd to he comâ€" PAH* Oysters,Game “o..ciwy : and vehicles always on hand. GoLD SILVEX, SHELL AND STEEL, RFAN®A periect fit guaratitbed. .‘ _ "‘_TOUNG & RADFORD, . No 35, Sparks treet, WAVIIlLY HOUSE, Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"strects Pembroke, Ontario, m in connection with the steamers Jason , Pembroke and Pontiac. Particular attention paid to the oonlmtclru. Good rooms for commercial travellers. Horses ’l‘lll 6 QUKEEX » REKSTAUnrANT 8. _ __â€"â€" M KAVANAGH, Proprid §e "General .Agont.. Sole agont Tor Reat‘s % or ‘s mfllfl andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Porter. Pck.‘!qh..lhulo. Orrica: No. 5, Sparks Street, near the Russoil House, Ottawa city, C. W . UP facturers of Bedsteads, Chairs, &0., Chauâ€" Ti .. ol mtavih o. . 506 _ _ W ILLAN ANRkABuE. ]\nn METROPOLITAXN AUmoxD‘s BLock, »A Rideau iStrea Ottawa, 202M â€" P. OMEARA, Proramror. the Ontario Bank, Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa, V for Trust and Loan Co. 6 W. &. Tareris. ® LAZARUS, â€" ~MORRIBS & CO‘S U wuoester, near Ottawa,. Burvey: uf every desâ€" ofls:‘!o- executed with accuracy. Communications ad Ottawa cmp.u ), or left at the oiice of N. Bparks, &o., Ottewa, will receive prompt a‘tention b5 v Tml'l'l.l 4&, Co+â€", Land SBurveyors, Land J Agents, Draughtsmen, &s. Ofice, opposite Dr Pmlg SPECIFICATIONS, &c., MRQ _ Draughtsman, &c., (commissioned for Upper and Lower Canada. Oéoo and reside G.Pm. near Otuwn.) Hurver® af avary ::.-.' NATON, Manufactarer of Doors, Sashos, .!l‘l.f‘.. Blinds, Mouldings, Looking â€" Glusses, ADWARD C. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R. C. 8. 4s Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats. Ofice hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and 3 to 5 py, RELLODOE) OSEA Atchiteot Bigin streot Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868, Prepared for buildings of * DMRYC g Y R. O.C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and PERFECTED SPECTACLES, ANADA HUTEL, IR. C. LEGGO, Physician, Surgeon and Acsouchour, Olooâ€"llum'n Block, Sparksâ€" R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Bparksâ€"stroct, Central Ottawa. BA4utf NLARGED PORTRAITUR® ICKâ€"WICK HOUSE, TTAWA HOUVSE LIVER & ANSABLE, _ olesale Manu:â€" 17 & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET, MONTREA L. SPARKS, Provincis @ _ Draughtsman, &o., Motcls andb Saloons. Moial Cans. NEW A8B80ORTMEIN C COLOURED AND PLAIN, ©OLOURED AND PLALIN, COLOURED AND PLALIN, Xliscellancous, a1¢ #YE â€"GLASSES, Have just resoived a 1071.6m c TECED. Atonlecy * J. COPELAND, +4 ~d Ottawa City. 1021â€"167 R. Liaxe, Office 55 7y A CIBDEUORULereccscessscesseces sensecscens® Snow Bird................. ... _ .........Captain Beattio On and after 1st SEPTEMBER, (until further notice), the steame;r Ann Sisson will leare Ayimer daily (Sandays exoopud&. for the Upper Ottawa at 7 a m, connecting with the steamer Alliance at head of railroad, at 11 a m,touching at Ampdor, Sandpoint, B:;’ltol, Bonechere, Zarrell‘s W harf, Gould‘s Wharf and Portage du Fort. EStages will leave Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival of steamer Alliance tor Cobden, conmecting. with steamer Jason Gould, and arriving at Pembroke same evenirtg. The steamers Pontiae or Pembroke leave Powâ€" broke daily at 1 p m, for Des Joachim, calling at all intermediate ports. Returning, leaving at 6 a m. connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landirg at 2 p m, ',ng_ arrives at Portage du Fort same evening. reach Ottawa at 4 Steamer GRENVILLE and Bargesâ€"Oaptain "M. G. Rastonâ€"will leave Montreal on TUESâ€" ‘ DAY8, 6 p.m. # Steamer MARY ANNE, and Bargesâ€"Oaptain 8. T. Eastonâ€"will eavre Montreal on FRL. ~DAY8,6 p.m. ‘{)>Rates by this Line FIVE pér cent. lower On and atter HOND&&&. 3rd MAY, the new & '-'-lflnlloont Ircn mer; Quebec and Monâ€" treal, will leave Richelion Pier (opposite Jacques o.'no tu-c:.q'ulm J B Labelie, will & » leave overy Moxpay, Tg:â€â€˜huur and Fawiar at seven o‘clock, pm. . The Steamer Montreal, o.ml..â€w Nelson, will leave every Tuzssoat, ax and Barom pay at seven o‘clock, p m. Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers between _ Quebec and flfu‘treal. "On and after MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, the new 'FBEIGH'T LIN E , From Montreal, Oftawa, Kingston and in RATES OP PASSAGE, Cabin (Supper & Stateâ€"room berth included)$3.00 tickets at this office only. This company will not be accountable for specie or valuables, uniless Bills of Lading, having the value expressed, are signed therefor. 5. i\ Aasrows RIDEAU ASD OPTTAWA STEAMERS " ALLIANCE," "JASONGOULD‘" & " PREMBROKE," AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FOR THE UPPER OTTAWA, gpu® oTerawaA _ ‘ ELVER NAVIGATION COMPAKY‘8 1869. foot of Sussez st, at 6:80 a m,â€"(Montreal time), arriving in Montreal at 4:45 pm. The comfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through one of the most picturesquo districts in Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists. Partios desirous of & pleasant trip can obtain Retutn Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day‘ at May 7, 1 69. es otrawa Hivesk NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL 8 T E A M ER 8. UTTAWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, (SE;DAn ;Em.) The splerdid new a.nâ€"d_ fast sailing Steamers "qUEEN VICTORILA," single fares. . Lassengers for the celebrated CaledoniaSprings will be landed at L‘Orignal. Parcel Expressdaily from the Office on the wharfto Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the office on the whar{, from the ofice of Hérrick & Crombie, Rideau st, W 8 Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Block; The markot steamer Fuairy, Captain: Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Mondays and Saturdays at 4 p m for intermediate landings. The steamer Ailiance leaves Portage du Fort "* P RINC E Passagetickets will be sold at the office on the COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS * w.H. EASTON £06,, Little Bussex ‘Street, Canal Basin, Hoad Office, Jussswm&o... § St, Lawrence Wharf, Kingston. I;H.WQGQ. Uxiox WorWARDING AXD AILWAY oN Y,, g Ottawa, May 6th, 1869. awa M OTTAWA ANXD MONTREAL, "A NN SIS 8 0 N tesesscecccscsessse Sesmencee than by any ot] uiss DES JOACHIMS. R. 8. CASSELS, rooms can be secured by taking F â€"~W AL E8," & W SHEPHERD On and after THURSDAY, 19th day . AUGUST, this railway will be Op@n for paegep. f ger and goods trafic as under : * Trains will leave Grand Pro on arrival of pas. sengers from Halitax by morningtrain to Wing. + |* sor, and forward y Conch to Grand Fre at 13. %, noo@, arriving atâ€"Annspolis at 5.30 p m. Leay. ing Annapolis at 8.30 a m, and arriving at Grang . 4. Pre at 1.45, in fime tor Coach to Windsor, con. necting wi‘th afternoon train, acnd reaching necting with after Halifax at 7.10 p m,. By order, 1869.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTsS. f186o Trains now leave BONAVENXTURE STATIOA as follows : wiaé o e mes _ GOING wWEST, Day Express for THE TIMES.is printed and published be with low and clevated ovens, guaranteed to the purchaser, and at mmum ATTHE V HALL . Al-l. PEASONXS Having stoves, nishing goods to sell Bt. John‘s, Nâ€"Â¥., by branch steamer......... 'd‘v‘ uds â€"â€"--'â€";;.-.::-u.---u waoe e via Platts Lake Champlain, Burl: & Rutland at......o a m, 440 p m Rennass Fav T m J _4 _ as _______â€" Firs Oabin, Payable in Goid. _ _ Of QUOGDEIOWIR...»»#:#s»2»+0++»»+»+»++»+» 100C eP Seearages Arapabiarin Crcramayy" . * *‘ mvlo_"uvA. nm:l;‘w Express, 7 a. m. .25 a. m. Mixed, 1.90 p. m. 4.15 p. m » LRAYVE PREBCOTE ARKLIVE 1N Ortawa. Mixed, 1. 15 a. m. 10.35 a, m. * Express, 1.36 !.-. 4.15 p. m. The time of these muuuosm.rdu to ensure connection with trains on Grand Trunk east and west, also with the steamers of the Royal to and from Ottawa checked through m’-'m.uuummwn Return MhMltnï¬:flh ulom. wa at reduced rates can be had at prineipalats. tlons on the line. INMAN LINE OÂ¥ MAIL STEAMERS, SAILINQ FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY â€"â€"_â€" AND ALTEERNATE TUESDAYs. _ LATES OF PASBAGE BY THE AATURDAY STRAXER! Night Express for Tickets through a foms, _|â€" Mfintone tions, apply u,hnï¬m C:J: BRYDOES Montreal. l*v 17. 186 departure of al} trains at terminal and way stc C:J:; BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal. May 17. 1869. * 1869, and until further notice, TRAINS will ror as follows: 2+ 12.40 a h. 9.20 LkA 6:00.. arriving at Smith‘s Falls at 8.20 &*m and 6.40 p m . * LEAYVE SBMITHWB FALLS, 8 35 A. M.â€"â€"TRAINS will leave $ Smith‘s Falls at 8.36 e m and 6.%4 Aâ€" M.â€"â€"TRAINB wIill fony 6'00% : 8.00 a m m?x 2.20 a m, Brockville at 10. !:'.o.u, m and 9.30 a to and 6,10 a m. m, arriving at Porth at 9.25 a m and T 45 p w xk 6. ARBBOTT, LEAYVE PERTH A+ M.=â€"â€"TRAINS will lea T rO8dOrra‘n To a w ht boo P s Fo.l-l‘ * TIME TABLE, No. 21, Comxusxomo ox Moxpay, Joxe 21, 1869 f LEAVE BROCKYVILLE, 6 00.. M.=â€"â€"TRAINS wi#llâ€" leay U Brockville daily at 6.060 a m. 5.2 Orrawa AGENCYâ€"Russell House Biock 6 street, Ottawe, where all information may bm ST. LAWRENCE AND QGTTAW/ o s 3 LWY KNWEW COOKINXG SToOoV E8, .l_).w vemame e o e DOUBLE STOVES, Bizes 24, 30 and 36 inches, from the best AT TBE VARIETY HALL _ Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and eContinent, at moderate rates® Â¥or fctther information, apply at the Company‘s PASRAGE EY THE TUESDAY STEARERY! HALIFPAX. ON and AFTER MONDAY, 28ru JUN& «John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Railway.) RAKD TRUXK RAILWAY com. PANY OF CANADA. Tas Orraw a T mzxs Pamtwo axo Posuusâ€" meConpaxt, at the Office, 38, Sparkeâ€"st Centre Town, Cttawa. Jaues Corro® bt. mm:é* Bt. Hyscinthe, Acton, Richmond, S‘lu;zoko, 'mm and Coaticook only, at......... ......... E«1tville, Av ROCKYVILLE & OTTAWA Aail» | "'n " h F ..'7"â€"' ie l en ol mss Ts Bm po ) p m, Arnring at Sendpoint LEAVE BANDPOIN®T. se pg, * / PW*U p® 3p m 5!"‘;‘!! runs through to Provinte GoING@ soOUTH AXD EAast. PFirst Oabin, P ayable in Gold. Autlronbs. PERTH® BRAXKCH. stoves, furniture, or any house furâ€" mu ean do so by #1 Ths VARLETH HaLL, 34 Bussex street. J BOYDEN, ; _ . Jo{.l' G, DALE, A’it'n KRRICK & OROIIIH )ttawa. . Payable in Ourrency, JOBEPH MOONEY, Agent. nessenstssssssscessse css O3 THOMAS REYNXOLDF®, L & QUEENSTOW N. VEXRKNOX SMITH _ 30y and time of arrival and sestertescestenses{fR00 90 sessenss segenne s Pond at aseetesesse00 10:10 pu 200 p u 16 00 To Tour ts grve every ons order every ons Mfl&“ hare Een U cae ul Bhoxes, wl We here 1s no * P'-'m and Very Choice. enennns te o he n n 04 nas M D : carsmame RIDEAU es A. O â€" _ Bor 201, P TAILORL VOL. ©EA$ TK 1 COFF a list of ofr GREERK 1 IMPO BLACK AT West of CcoFFE