pooitnt of "\ Ya Â¥A8£4403. ce Compiled expressiy for the Oreawa Tiuns. ) s s + ow Times Ofice. Ottawva k Oct. 27, 1869, t Our market of Wodnesday was a good average ane ‘~r theseason. The leading artioles were in mode ately go>i supply at slightly altered pric«s, asad with the abundant harvest of every kind whis~ w« have been blessed with thereis not the retmwotestfear of soaroity. . ~ _ Bussmrure rom Corrsuâ€"Oat some rye, soald U,. dj;y it aaud? nrowd it, thea mix two parts of it, with one of sofes, and you will have as good a cup of cofee as you ever drank;if you are ...@ousness or any summer ..-m-n-. wy Arst ...n.m:f'i.oom Destroyer,‘ You can got it of any moedicine deater for 235 cents per bott!s. @©Qusome Hirtbosy w~s kept in the usual oyal style last m».th, an~1 noext month the citi« was of the Dwnaimon of Canadas will celebrate reret ooralets sitt foot thak public n)u: m u & would be too short io selebrate the virtues ot that celobrated [ndian Medicine, the great Buoâ€" tosuts Reusor, now on sale by the reapectable druggists in yoar localite. ho,rq&o“d.om'luA:h“ sommunities. The carslessmess of one set of statesmen, the indMerence of another sot, bined to veacia To Fhont poileatrprions, fike consuapiien 16 me do., Obssured | Smethinck 26 and 21 ounce, nmund thepand Yiaat Brenda ts Bramk, or Out to order of any size required. _ ___ _ Do you require ihe. Lampt ana hest Improvea Sifle ie @ouk en ont Pn Fore Mant ntt on t ies Call and Examingé f Yourselves. P.3.â€"â€"Mr. Raton has in -z"qllo-d- pert ard experienced workmen, HOUSE PAINTING, HMANGING PAPEZR, T ikee. Tuilineg ol avaiine, Which will enable him to execute all orders with despatch, and to the satisfaction of the most fasâ€" Where shall we got ud RP B NP C wr h % 5,000 STOYEPLPES, _ 2000 CELEBRATED Q K READ PATENT PIPE 300 IMPROVED EBOWS, Â¥igew a SS sepply A s Tor valee anld o fo 1,600 STOVEPIPE ELBOW , l 58 Sparks s, 1 * n e * â€" U wmï¬umuo Clarence ‘.‘I opposite Lower Town Market !h.o.:::'kmuflm: Cookâ€" Ing, Parlour, Double, Box, all sizes, at prices to Store and Offce, Elginâ€"st., Opposite the Russell ~ RICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, s MBAE _ _‘ _ _ IW PRICEHS oFf YÂ¥ ALL â€"PBAP ER 8 eopposite B L Hotel, * epposite Lower Town Market, P % Clarence street, W m W A L. m STRANGERS ! R£ EATONS. P. Do RION, DOOk MOULDING AXD C P DORION®, And see for yourseloes. from ten cents up Aftoon cents up, e Sewing Machines. ARHR FoR WA&HLNG COM‘I:OUIH‘)‘. FF which can equallod say i lys or grease. g::u:?.od.-d. ""HuRSE TRAINING INFORMATION. The wildest nlr horss can be made to obey his mastor, even to walk after him in lah .3.':-‘-'." Alnl-pldd.l.lmh gfl_gflnlu a cheap rate, 'lh& hn it W kikEG IN NEW EDINBURGH, A BTONE DWELLING HOUSE of two teneâ€" ments containing eight rooms and kitchen. Rach on moderate terms. A ROUSH of seven rooms, eligibly â€" situated, “hufldhwm ings, to renat ; and several houses and vacant lots in the city for saie, on part time. A hand. situated COTTAGE, containing Ilu-omuh-. on Glonsesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" burnkam HilL There isa handsome fower and m‘rh;r‘ outhouses and well aiâ€" pply to W . H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" now nearly Anished, in Eigia Terrace, .O‘*Conner street, with all modern improvements, including pump in kitchen, with necessary sheds and outâ€" buildings. Rent moderate, Possession lst Nor. 'l\omonu_u_.: cession, at present | .-vlu'†& for several yoears ; M. DUN NA .%fl.m-':.fl'l’lfl-. Address " Le * office, York streot. taw a, Oct 19, 1809, 1188 .4 O â€.'â€â€˜ pean, Afd Tiots Nos. 26 and 20, in the snme conâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 20 and 28, in thesame conâ€" nd-.-lp.:h &E.d ";t T mol ho Pumanytnpiamint Lotke 4 es Fhuaiank _ Qure tor WARTS on your hands or taee. They mhflh.“h‘“qubï¬ I Cure forlame onck dissases; Rhoumatism of he worst kinds onui:‘c:?d hh-:::o'nl 'gâ€..qn&l':.'m @ taking kind of Cure tor Bunions. hhr Cure for the Heart Disease, Cure for Consumption, _ k two story STONE COTTAGE, ra :E" Brome «y -'3*"35;-3 Puzunt, Barristers, Ottawna. _ Jo#â€"141â€"H TILL lsr MAY NEXT . ASTONE COTTAOGE ia Vistoria Terrace, Richâ€" mont Road, containing cight rooms, with kitehen, pantry aad cellar, good outhouses, and water brought into the house. Apply on the promises, or at the Tiuus‘ office. 11358 Ottawa, May 1. N.B.â€"Sewing done to order, and needlies, oil and silk for all machines constantly on hand. ' 0, A. WALTUN, _ -- Iâ€" K. W. STEPHEN, Manager for Ottaws Ofice, 'l\om, From the 1st November, A COTTAGE on Wellington street, containing on rooms and LKT, the U Town Market T Suting ionictning Tine Home aod" Aitoham Cmâ€. TO 2’- r BB LET, . * (FPURNISHED or UNFURNISHED,) rPossESSION MATYT BE HAUV FROM isr NOV., 1869. vn- CUoitage, on Wilbrod Rill, i on streot, scoupled for several years past by mn The worst kind of Bowel Complaintsean be cured ak time in less than twonty hours, Also, by a :nhb. Parties who are inflloted with any such disâ€" aw~. should make application to F. MARTIN, Huil, in the summer season, as the best time to "?.:-u- to be agents can make + t_u.Aub)g_-’*vduhbum asict Soe 4y 4 B B LARIVIERE. l&-AmM Room is aitached to hbe promises, w will be let at a low Agure. B L 2& Apply to W . H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" Ottaws, April 26. 105346 Clroulars and samples of sowing sent post free Rent to Ast May nest $80. Apply s on TT ** * _ JAMES ALLEN. New Edinburgh, 21st October, 1869. _ 1186tf 11704 OUSEK TO LET, KFor Sale or to Let. ble Orst class drick Dwellings, BOWLING ALLEY. LEWIS & PLINUEY, ue baua i o ed on MONDAY, This is one of the best in the 4 aed Unapital, nquno1= _'I;I‘.“. to Odlf! about promises. 185â€"8 Ahe "‘mm-o Conveyancer, Notary satfefun4i0g °s "2e00mde) B0 *L t NXt given full _'-lé-n-: a04 Immedials sefiement shar is ready to receire instructions from “Mhmtu'w'mï¬ mt aanan oo m oo menled true. h&-ï¬-.“m“'uh. mediate and careful attention. Cash advances made on furniture or other "mw:.:dhh * _ The highest price paid for second hand;pianos street. OMce, Unimn Buildings, Ottawn. _ 857 KA Solleitor, ; and Nutary Public, Clerk of the Peace and , for the United Counties of M‘-a;flmm Oficeâ€"In the h-ww’â€" announces that he has moved from Sussex to York street, and is now eccupying the formerly kno har? Augtion Heant: e man ths Avocates Keawmn. _ Ra bone Koun, HODAOI LAPIERRE, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"LaÂ¥w, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer and Noâ€" tary Public, Corner of Sussex and York streets, ROYALHAHAI BTTERS. Mwwm from the original on of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"â€"These celobrated Bitters are carefully propared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adupted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. They are geontly stimaulant, and will be tound infallible aids to digestion, Bor directions see label round the neok of each l-.-o.hn-h-huh.‘odp.hnd the proprietor, * 1033%f A, Â¥, Fâ€"GOLIANELLL Nlo..IOV; & I'A:IJ-B!. ::nm Solicitors, Oficeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Rideauâ€"streot, Ottawa. Wuruiix Mosgzove, _ 386 _ Grzomor Taimnsos, Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. Kept by all the princoipal Vruggists and (Grocers in the Dominion, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEK. and ASS"MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the fit enaten at meals, &0. In digestive activity, suâ€" e uninnnion of and ASSTMILATION of : * Pancreatine Powder, bottles, 3s, 3s 6d, 6s 64 and 12s6d. Pancroatine Wine,bottles,31,5s and 1 0s. l.h.â€"h-n-ho Wine is the best vehicle for COMMERCIAL SALE ~RC York street, near the Market, Ronunt Lazs. _ 43uÂ¥f _ Jour J. Guamns. p As MARA, Architect. OMceeâ€"Aumond‘s 40 Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawsa. _ 9037 MHon. H. L. belew the naskor Bole agent for FIBE‘8 METALLILO OOFRINS, CHIEF UNDERTAEKER, SPARKSâ€"ST. > COPPINS, HEARSES 4 CARRIAGE®, IPY avotio®s MiarRrt, DWARD T. DARTNXELL, Barrister nfrmv,l-ux.:-‘mhmm e vince of Quebes, near the Pos lilly _ House, Land and General Agent O*CONNOR , Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" «in Chancery, CUoureyahest, Ao, Susate. ‘ing the formerly known as Chamâ€" _.I:'mmuqu Hhmumumu extended, as well as the ace in him since hisartival in this He holds 8ALES EV En Y DAY, (when not ise eirher at his rooms or on the k. He with conddence to all who ted | old effects or real estate to H. HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Sollâ€" R astnhuaxa, F.ul Chrohid Bronchitis A. M. F. GIANELLI, and Propristor for the Dominâ€" 10NKâ€"â€"P A NCR E A« effects the DTIGESTION BSALE ~ROOMS, 1 The effcney of the Canadian Pain o-.m«m for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful successin subduing the pains ot EZhoumatism. and in re ieving Nervous entitle it to a high rank in the lfldlâ€".‘hflumnd&. Dealers are sounig for tertner supplion, and vach testitying * to the universal &hg’m The Cana lian Pain Destroyer never fails to give The Cunadian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used I:.'ou Mmlw'h“: Y uly cenforend whhere hever Ruowh‘s tinghs mdh“:-.':omdmmp o'm__h cp"-, and mx lnmm‘ '"w“.rk' k from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are saffering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .eccommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" terms of its uummwï¬l«-&uu have a box of the of CHOLERA m‘RJ.llhi sould make a little fortune with them. bottle I with me here brought two ladios round from desaided cholora; one on board the round from mmbm on board the uu.-uma-hlcu-&-um Both commenced with diarrhos, with dysentery, and then vomiting. The one at Berlin was very bad. lrnhflhudmoflhocholcalu- ture, the m«mm&o%ho next day she was all right, or nearly so. was lnvou'ulyol{nuua“ %m.nm.muh every family, is only. _ . _ _ _ _ TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE geaied : pmoud mg in Avwrs »â€" eC = oottahtiioniranrh Boild in Bottles at 11. 34. and 21. 6d. Bach. N-:.P-n“m'm. Rose Denti: frice, for the Teoth and Gums. Also constantly on hand Porfumes ot all kinds, and follet Requi~ “Myflh.ï¬mmm“ o, 41 Bussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. nnbsctine -""...“‘.‘,'.':"i;'."‘ ho fuaily will Price twentyâ€"five bottle. loulaP & l.rxal‘ Cl ces ~Ceneral Agents for C, W FI" UVP JARS! FPRUIT JAns: â€" m!‘flkm'lnhmlu- mqw any other in use. To AC SHB VARIBTY HALL * Find out if the charges are too i.l"l.. q"%mm‘“bflm w qroperty of immediately reliering Coughs, Colds, Chere ow ho. 1t -z«-"".â€iym*mfl““.-.x A grand specific for derangement of hngw for &r.p-.-& obstructions and torpid a of Mortimer‘s â€" Vegetable Worm Destroyer, liok s deâ€" Cnnnui PAIX DESTROYER : Among the -,rdn::n Medical Dis UANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER | ; «iX _ vate or public parties CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. hWiflbWï¬op&.M hlnnm-l to undertake . all mannér® of PUK DY To lcl-t.::tub':udn-:b tweolve yoars in Ottawa, a ven aniversal satisfaction. Particatar -.-:gg'pou 0 all descriptions of robes and ladio®=‘ furs. l“Gâ€AIIII.DOI. 1135.2m 364 mon!pamr- CHOLERA, Sold Geo. Masiey, M F. Met v-ulbr-nki-qm Silver Top Smelling Boitle, Bootch Plaid Smolling Bowles, Is the reljable TONLOCS and BITâ€" ‘l‘é_i:-o. nï¬q in :-out Wine bottles. 138 Sparksâ€"st., Ottawa. Toilet Boxes in variety, A complete stock just recerved of Tollet Articles, . Gmm’l BAKING POWDER, U-lnldhtp‘bï¬m'“htlh?‘o ounce ounce packats, K pum -:l. Ib, packets for 'l.u.‘ Gm. w# DOMESTIC COVGH REMEDY,"*" Is put in up bottles at 250. and 500. each. The above valuable articles can ‘be procured MMWM Dealers in all parts of the y 457 Notre Dame Streot, Montreal, W bholesale orders Price Cards forâ€" warded on application. 1113.33.¢m rl- EPILEPTIC CURE, y P Gardner from the fyaiiine "uf Pailh The woendetin, nhen "fot MORTIMER‘S COMPOUNXD ANTIBILIOUS ndly permitted to publish, is from the letter of . b~ $ nance e moeen old : sw ruldine *# Find out if the Express chargesars tam hich. This valuable medicine has the extraordinary THE MEDIOAL HALL, QUININE WINE BITTERS OLIDAY PRESEXTS eeitgen llkgs : ~~â€"* x «/ oml Rimmei‘s New Porfumes, FAMILY ofit has in NONE OTHER GENXUINE aine Drugs and Chemicals, m'.ul.rlucl.ll.hndpthu- Family and Dispensing Chemist. to to use it; In bottles 'z‘ll m‘ll’fl mu"m Improved Porfamed Distributors, OTTaAWaAa TV BOWEL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMERS THE VARLETY EALL. English Levender Water, Ottawa City. Wheat, Corn, Flour, Ostmeal, Pork, &e. OTPAWA, 0 o0 ~> Send for circular. Liberalinducements to agents. Satisfaction guaranteod. Every package of sealed envelopes contains oxn Casu# GIrT,. Six tickets for $1; 18 tor $2 35 for $5; 110 for $15. Agent for MARRIAGE LICENCES for the city of Ottawa, by commission from His Exoellency Bole issuer for the City of Ottawa. OFFLCEâ€"St. Lawrence Hotel, Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, July 14, 1869, 1110â€"30â€"3m A chance to draw dmm.fl-mu cents. mhâ€":fl-&pfl. in envel. opes, and well mixed. of 26 cents a sealed ticka is drawn without -dudb‘ mail to address. <The prise named upon : wmbo‘E!v-nluhm .HLI-¢ of one dollar. â€" Prises are sent to any “m'nmnu.n“l. You know what your before you pay forit, . Any prize for another of same _ No blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair articles, has commenced its fourth annaal distriâ€" bution. Unlike many of its imitators, it has invariably given universal satisfaction and has always secured the approbation and support of secured the approbation and support of the leading ;a-dz.‘y. umm‘; say of it : mss Sm manes da‘k fe ie o We reow tifs o bn% Tols desiing tem."â€" Nes York Herald, Oct. 28. "Atnc.ld-l:“.ï¬w a $5,000 'Dh:'o.:u‘ wwnul *«â€"â€"Datily News, 3. who ha d:*. .:l..lhlly the ve wa m ws of theit Samie fer publicatiny:" Andrew J EMPIRE GIFT COMPANY. CASH GIFTS TO THE AMOUNT OF Burns, Chicago, $10,000 ; â€" Belunory, Thane oo y '“ 4::1‘“†of youth. in hair is thickâ€" ened, falling hair checked, and baidâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles, are destroyed, SEERIN TITCOIC CHC IUGIICIUCS, HHPC uwtgv]w, or the glanads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. â€" Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which fefwrives ts 10e haky the %2'1' we only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, Hair Vigor For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. nothing elso can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Ayer‘s ton or the comntry, that the public searcely need to 0 s be informed of its virtues ot'_I.gu. 8 , be informed of its virtues or uses, ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scrofulous poison is one of the most destractive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt vnhouuxuofhm ‘ph :-.u‘:o-ohnuhb %ï¬v’o‘l:g into one or other of its hideous forms, on the surface or on# the vitals. In the latter, tuber. cles may be suddeniy deposited in the Jungs or Pracrticar axp Axarrricar Camnasts, its presence -â€"â€"f&r-'- uptions on the skin, or foul ulcerâ€" ations on n-ob’ of b:. s H-"eo the occaâ€" sional use of a t dt_fllzw,hul- linfth“cir.byh .uoolllh uu." d P A Pt Y L & + flw ,mpm bm: Aore b&:’."" Kers, and “:F-o; visible ; of Serefulous disease. so in the EVERY TICEKET DRAWS A PRIZE. UOMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS Giank YEILDING, 1104 3m ONTINUATION SALBR T H. KASTONX & ©O., Ayer‘s Miss Clara 8 Walker, James M Mathows, GoLD SILVE#X, SHELL AND STEEL, OQuyEs * Axaance, olesale Manu: diere Island, Ottawa, 0. W,. â€"_ _ _ _ _ _ s CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and © â€"General Agent. Bole agent for Read‘s R'h. mï¬hhy‘ also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Orrion : ;:l.lpu'hm m'.‘?-â€."i....n House, Ottawa city, C. W. Corner of Metcaife and Wellingtonâ€"streots, 0 %mmmmum Government nunK: «"*QUXEN" comprises allthe requisitesfor a l!d-oh-ql'ulnau. ho“h:\unnlm and ref tnished throughout. The BAR contains k KLRL ce cA CCC . 100 DBADB COLLAINS the choicust Brands ir wulldldq' ws, and every delicacy ofthe seam.a wiil be found on the table. The Roriot hn guests ue parreug o 00 * * B4 099 M Orysters,Game eto.. daily Pmlg SPECIFICATIONS, &c¢., R. 0.C,. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon D Aooouhu.ous;a. Day office op ‘g e ap ie Aime oo io ce s ntre E:;;-.bm:om&nn.wmm the u; :{ the e, by a now certain, s and almost painiess pmu'. References g!nn {; guï¬u suc= cessfully treated, it required. 17w1007y m" in connection with the steamers Jaseon Pembroke and Pontiac. : Puï¬mu&:mupfldtommtmdm Good rooms commercial travellers. and vehicles always on hand: _ YOUIG & RADFORD ~_ HALIFAX, NOVA 8vOoTIA, Established 1851. i Permauent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every attention paid to their comfort; PIOIWIOI HOUSE, the Oo€ Corner .J.‘.-u ndlh‘-n.s,r o;'gnnmn.ou. hnd Tuplic Oflat BE ‘__ K. HOVGKHTON, Pnrhtor, ag,, , _ __ _ (Late of Houghton‘s Dining Saloon.) JA Agents, Draughtsmen, &c. the Ontario Bank, Sparksâ€"st., 0 11 & 19 8T. GABRIEL STBRBEET, MONTREAL _ _ l'oron!ottnd the travel blic will find this I:;“.â€oh- house -usouodu.Ԡin Canada, being situated in the centre of the cicy. and having over 100 well furnished bedâ€"rooms, Charges $1.50 per day. Bingle rooms. withous '.I\'ll'l'lol & Co+â€", Land Land @ GAREA IZF Officeâ€"Sp W'â€â€"'w""'"' agco & Russell‘s. ns; * WAVIILY HOUSE, EKVERT DESCRIPTIOM PLRFECTED SPECTACLES, Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. ED'AI.D C. MALLOCH, M.D., M. R.C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats. glooloun from 8:30 to 10;30 a.m., and 3 to 5 )"A". HOUSE Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"stroets NLARGED PORTRAITUR® J A perfect fit ***""<50Ru a RADFORD;, HE NMNETROPOLITAN f AUMOND‘S BLOCK, Rideau Street Ottawa, 2g3 P. O‘MEARA, Prorrzmron, ANADA HUTEL, K. C. LKGao , Surgeon and Accoucheur, on%nmx,sm R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Offficeâ€" Bparksâ€"stroct, Contral Otawa. BAutf EK ¢QUEEN * RESTAUXANT, NEW A8SSORTMEN T Sotcls ands Sxloons. COLOURED ANKD PLAIN, vOLOURED AND PLALN, COLOURED AND PLALN, Moial Carns, GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. £ZEFE GLASSEE, Have just reseived a M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, JOHN 0 WATERS & CO, 1071.6m Proprie!t No35, Aparks troct, Bicamer GRENVILLE and Bargesâ€"Captain - M. G. Rastonâ€"will leave Montreal on TUESâ€" DAYS, ¢p.m. Steamer MARY ANNE, and Bargesâ€"Oaptain 8. T. Kastonâ€"will eave Montreal on FRL ‘ DAYS,6 p.m. } i J Rates by this mâ€"o_m per cent. lower FREIGHT LINE, From Montreal, Oftawa, Kingston and inâ€" Eu'rovl RIDEAU Lin OTTAWA BSTEAMERS " ALLIANCE," "JASONGOULD" & " PEMBROKE," AYLHI? DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FOR THE UPPER OTTAWA, May 1, 1 69. motice), m)(.s:h.odmrlubicf»- u.v:l'lgun Aylmer ays excepted), for r Ottawa at T a m, connecting vl&'tho m.m?&'u.'.ee at head of railroad, at 11 a m,touching at Arnprior, Bfllrht. Bristol, Bonechere, Zarrell‘s Wharf, Gould‘s Wharf and Portage du Fort. Stages will leave Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival of steamer. Alliance tor Cobden, connecting with steamer Ja.oon Gould, and arriving at Pembroke Bristol, and Arnprior, and arri at head otwuumu 11 a n.Pnd Mh"h:m steamer Ann Sisson at Pontiacat noon. Passengers reach Ottaws at 4 p m. : A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway at Arnprior on the up and Tot fariker partiouts papy‘ or further r8 & at the Com & offices at Om:t and Aylz‘;':!’ The comfort and economy of this line is unsur passed, while the route passes through one of the thost picturesque districts in Canada, and is the most fashionable for tourists. Parties ‘desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at single fares. Passengers for the celebrated Caledonia Springs will be landed at L‘Orignal. % Parcel Express daily from the Office on the Mnxunuummw Tickets can be procured at the office on the wharf, ‘from the office of Herrick & Crombie, Rideau st, W S Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Block: The market steamer Fuiry, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Mondays and Saturdays at 4 p m for intermediate landings. Tn OTgaw a BIVERE NAVIGATION COMPAXY$S The steamers Pontiae or Pembroke leavo Pewâ€" broke daily at 1 p m, for Des Joachim, calling at all intermediate ports. Returning, leaving at 6 a m. connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould which loaves Pembroke Landirg at 2 p m, and arrives at Portage du Fort same evening. On and atter MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, the new B -'A‘ï¬numt Ircon Steamer; Quebec and Monâ€" treal, leave Richelion Pier (opposite Jacques N Heubrona+ c osole, Depinin J B Lebotlo will ateamer s leave every Moxpar, n;m‘:: and Frwair at seven o‘clock, pm. The Steamer Montreal, o.rm Robert Noelson, will leave every Tursoar, Teursoay and Satroreâ€" par at seven o‘clock; p m. The steamer Au;;m leaves Po'x':sfd;lo: every morning at Sundays exce; , touc! ing ltm:l&blrf, P_Lmfl'lrbel.rf,rBonilucM. offices at Ottawa and Agl:aor. o R. 6. CASSELS, President. Ottawa City, Aug 29, 1869. Carr. R. W. Suseazan. mm Queen Victoria leaves her whart foot of Sussex st, at 6:30 a m, (Montreal time), arriving in Montreal at 4;45 p m. . Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers between x Qubccudï¬fm. * RATES OP PASSAGE. > Cabin (Supper & Stateâ€"room berth included)$3.00 Office of the Richelieu 1869. "qUEEN YICTORIA," rgin® ortrawa rrvER NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL 8 T ! A ME RS. \ OTTAWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY Ofice of the Richelieu Co, [ 4 203 Commissioner street, ; y ~~Montreal, June 11, 1869. ‘___] HERRIK & CROMBIE, Agents, Ottawa. On and after 1st SEPTEMBER, (until further "*PRINCE OF W ALES," COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS USlo® WorWAiRDING AXD ALwAY oNrr., Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. ICHELIEU COMPANY. % 15 OolbourneStroot, Montreal. H. EASTON, Beg., OTTAWA AND MONTBREAL. * R. W..SHEPRBERD, "A NN S1S 8O N t9p DES JOACHIMS. > R. 8. CASSELS, ees esvesses R W SHEPHERD. 1869. THEK TIMES is w acd published be Tus Orraw a Tias Paixemwe ano Posuuse» um.n-bc::lhm&uuu- ar Siw To¢ fornah dpwards sappiied at tewe then with low and elevated ovens, guaranteed to th m.fldmuwhc:dh: 4. """"':?""'"""""" house forâ€" suahing weed io rellor pvemetiny uis e ++ 7 * 34 Bussex street, J BOYDEN, =~_ ! LL PEARONS Having stoves, nishing goods to sell AUGUST, this railway will be open for Passenâ€" ger and goods traffic as under : Trains will leave Grand Pre on arrival of pas. sengers from Halitax by morning train to Wind. sor, and forward y Coach to Grand Fre at 12. 20, noo@, arriving at Annapolis at 5.30 p m. Leay. ing Annapolis at 8.30 a m, and arriving at Grang Pre at 1.45, in time tor Coach to Windsor, con. necting with afternoon traip, and reaching Halifax at 7.10 p m,. * Fevâ€" +oob anmmntiiemmstmemsmensmatiome.. ++ +A Bt. John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer......... o 0 INMXAN LINEOF XAL STEAMERS, GAILINY FROM NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY AND ALTERNATE TUESDAYs. D.U.l-' mv:gb Fo. uy.:m:. & QUEENXSTOWX. PURE GREASE or m CANADA BEAR, has been long known as a most valuable toile article, and a constantly increasing demand is a guarantee of its high reputation. It is delightfully perfumed, and is eminent for promoting a luxuriant growth of the hair, and permanently maintaining its beauty. Its nourishing properties effectually preventthe hair from falling off or turning gray, EVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, proprie tors; and sold by all druggists and perfem 1869.] SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. [1869 ‘Trains now leave‘ BONAVENTURE BTATIOA as follows : Da MCOI!G wxsg‘.“ ut ies o Gogerich, Bullaio, Deonie Chisege ___ and all points West, at. ... .. _‘ EBE VivePâ€"ren Adstilsasinr.steie h s w 3 Intermediate Stations, at.... ........ T:l6 an Trains for Lachine at â€"»»«»»»««.9:00 a m, 7;00 a m 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 pm, 4;40 p m, $p n, and 6:30 p m. The 1:30 pm train runs through to Province GOoING SOUTH AND Rast. mn:ruv;. All":l:‘m .IF-, &. . â€"20 &, M Mixed, 1.90 p. m. 4.15 p. m 4 LRAYVE PRESCOTT aRRIVE i8 orawaA Mixed, ‘l.l }zt. m. l:l:!b a. m. m. p. m. mmmmthmhum.otma d as to ensure connection with trains on Om“snk nll-‘l.:ut.dum the steamers of the Royal Baggage to and from Ottawn checked through from and to stations on Grand Trunk Railw Return uhMlnTvflhdom- wa at reduced rates can be had at principal staâ€" tions on the line. !"il age k M ’obtn'-w 'J.-n.am‘u--‘umzm Ottawa, June 28, 1869; 2 _ 2C C PCOE Poue and Intermediate Btations at......... 7:00 a m Eapremsfor NewTorkand Bosows : §i40 A m or MiBarsers via Vermont Central. ‘ * Express for New York and Boston via Plattsburgh, Lake Champlain, %.:.W.“. a m, 440 p m Night Express forQuebec, Island Pond, “.Ochn and Mfl‘. stopping be. tween Montreal and lsland Pond at ~ _ Bt. Hilaire, St. Hyacinthe, Actorn, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Conticook only, at......... .......... . 1 be, steamer Carlotta leaves Portiand ever; SATULVAY AFTERNGON (after the arrival oi hu:'hnï¬;- Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" .3,, returning on Tuesday. Bbe ll: excellent uu-ou’u. for massens er: DAY at 5 a-,t«’é&'.ui‘-','xi’fi.'ai" e mmm through at the Company‘s princiâ€" ’.}c further information and time of arrival and departure of all trains at terminal and way staâ€" tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Banaventure Sta C;J: BRYDGES, Managing Director Montreal. Mar 17. 1869. Orrawa AGEXCYâ€"Russell House Block Spark momm,wm.nm may be ob 1869, and until further notice, TRAINS will ros as follows: KNEW COOEKEINKG 8sToYVY E8, Bizes 24, 30 and 36 inches, from the West F . AT THE VARIETYBALL 1 _ To s0d t and Trow Bepiand, Irslund, and eContinent, at moderate rates: wg Â¥For fetther information, apply at the Company‘s PASSAGE BY THE TUESDAY STREANERY! EALIPAX. Pirst Oabin, Payable in Gold. BT. LAWRENCKE AND OTTAWA ; RAZILW AY, (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Railany.) BRATES OF PASRAGE BY THE SATUROAY OTKANEE! MOCCASSINS AND MITTS. ze CoxrAÂ¥t, at the Office, 38, mfl:m J':'-uOnnl ON and AFTER MONDAY, 28ru JUNC 16 Broadway {Kew York or _____ ERRICK & CROMBIE use AVAGE!S URSINA. and Intermediate Stations at........ 5:10 p m ‘Mâ€".‘l.a?t-..!!ng? ‘w u e Bigned, â€" VEKNON sSMITH & o tville. Av j 1130y Bteerage, Payable in Ourrency, First Oabin, Payable in Gold. By order, JAMES CORISTINE & 00, 471, 473, 475, 477 Bt Paul street, ) TRUNK n‘:n.WAY com. PANY OF CANADA. Aatlroabs. AT THE VARILETY HALL Cars on all Night Trains. Bag Payable in Ourrency, JOSEPH MOONEY, Agent. BLE ETOVES, ; dation for passeng ers ***esess00000 w««».$100 00 10:10 pu 2:00 p x ;30 p m to «",%"ij% P & we sell our goods at a In order to €iv6 Te “.d ees, we M _ NOre His, and Very meseesenrsebiee se Mire*E»»*8+00 0000 *e8000»00000800 do «9t a list of AT 14, BLA 4, 3