Tads. * IME. N o. KbaY, ocz LNE UOCEKYILLE® FRAINS w TRAIX® 8 p m a Â¥ m, 1108 & k & 2% 1. 20 49 CR AC , 2 . 1:30 pm, 440 p m, $ p ‘ ld-"r-ta::., is : rans through to Pr Flour and Grain Scales, PrE ANDB Ligk S Hay and Coal Scales, e after @F BRANCH, ’Mï¬ Goid. NDPOTINT,. <â€"_ m a un w n w w in § AAAOAA® TB TUEsDATE AJUSEPUH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" _...-..‘:‘- wnt; 8 B FPOOTE . A THOMSON,T H DUXXN. Payable im s100 DRUMMOND, Manaceor. 11418 mail .. TRAUYNS woy .!.-l:.‘.“..l... & OeX aAw a teain, amd reaching | * at 10.45 a Brockville at "~#, AHG ..’ of be open 1Â¥ passenâ€" 1A&MDOT....«2«»« at 4.00 1091 m. _ Molson‘s .;‘.‘-’G'Z:n'.l." ( n s m m:â€".r.\...' * Uly 1889, a, 440 p a .. THE OLD S$TOCK, SAYVED FROM FIRE k SELLING AT TWENTY.FIYVE ° , PEBRCENT BELOW COST. â€"â€"â€" Wow is the time or bar ains. 1105 ‘_ _ FAIRBANKY‘ STANDARD * 39 RIDEAU 8STREET, s OPFAW 4, HAVING OPEXED HIS NEW EsTABâ€" LISHMENXT (mearly opposite the Old Stand,) -ï¬gfl at VERY LOW PRICES a large Wines, Liquors, Tobaceo, Laundry and Fancy an@-?:rh-_-uAm uks AKSS Pozx, PICKLED SALMON, BR. HERxLINGS, :“ï¬.â€"â€"-a-uumnu- ~z§ AND SH & OEs prortws tsuconairna coxeasy Incorporated under Chapter LXYII of the HOTEL KEEPERS, GROCERS, PROYVLI â€" SION STORES AND OTHERS. â€"I notice of my intention to E"fl&.nâ€"-‘.‘.’.mnmsm 1O KEICHUP,*%c, wholesale, &md:::o hfh.t:; Jast tnrycu; =:-" to make the whblesale trade 4A Â¥hestook I have now is undoubtedly the ! in Canada, and the question of qumyunm; saitled by making knaown the {act that L raise my regatables from seed procured at any expense prrplding it is the best; they will therefore favorable comparison with any imported. And ancther and important fact is that being taised â€"and manufactured in Ottawa theroby #8, 1 am nenece ® OTTAWA OFFICEâ€"G P Devuwor»‘s Exchange Office, 19 Sparks streot. 12080 M’ I think, eannot fail to !l-v.-.-u-.yf.m-mmum JiME»s :un. Whotesole and Retail Pic‘b: .ï¬ ark street, Ottawa, or direct "'& ostOflice, Ottawa. .t lAkle Manufactory on the bank of the Rideau BALDWIN‘S ALARM vONEY DRAWER For sate by all leading hardware merchants in the Provinces. FAIRBANKS, BROWN &.co 1164.0@# "iu}u} street, Bostop. nllll WHELA®X, and Summer Stook of Feet Wear which wil} be frand completeâ€" in every department, representing LATEST AND BEST STYLEs In Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s and Bvl'n Wear. > .!.h.“ as -;l chosen with Nnd“'a PRICES DEFYI®NG oo'hhr'nl‘nou. -A.zmd Lumbermen‘s Wear always -’â€"un'f.;' now receiving Summer Stock of Feet 'c:r ‘- CAPMITAL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, would call your special attention to his Splendid A38ORTMENT of PRUNELLA B00TYâ€"But woned, Laced and Congress. PATENT CONGRESS, sEAL CONGRESS, FINE EXGLISH BOX TOED COXOI“, HANDâ€"YMADE, and other now styles, AÂ¥ KPORTANT To :tufl.hrnl-holwt. Oaly the UTY HOOP SKIRT Piacton y Iwould inform my customers and the BO0OTS AND sHOEKS Poa 8 U M M E R, FOn ALL WEATHUERS." Bordeauz and other Vinegars. THE RED B00T, THE NEW STYLESs YVYOL. IV NO. 1201. â€"Empty Pickle bottles coliected prices given, * 11987 . LEVTIN, to sell full 49 per centlower Aat tus Counter Scales, &¢c, &c¢. AP 43 Sparks street, _ opp. Trurs OfMice, SCALES. kept constantly for sale at low prices, “A..lrmhul&v-.dh::’u:{hhp " Eie ine Taminriminice PÂ¥ Remember " our motts"â€"Quaick Sales and 'ï¬nmmnu. suitable for town or country use. of all deseriptions, and a general acsortment of fith, Piekied Coddab, Saimon and Afacherei win Chevalier Gustare Smith begs o announce to his pupils that the Asademy of Mcsic, Ridean street, will be reâ€"opened on MONDAY, Augus A groat variety of COOK STOYES, JAPANNED & PLANISHED TIK WARE GROCERS & COMMISsION MERCHANXTs, nuunll. 6 FOR TwE PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE! P. BASKERVILLE & BRO, WHOLESALE ANXD RETAIL * San d Pece e o precaand+ making Beventy Thes. sand Nh%,“) U. :.Oa..;:â€"g’: The Hon. * J“ï¬.‘ll. UGray, ‘::h:“ beer lon.. Ail legal matters 'm'n to him. * B. K. CORWIS, Ot awa, November 7, 1868. .'m""" with an ascomplished lady teacher, announces that her Dancing Classes will commence on Wednesday, the 22nd instant. Purther partionlars may be obtained on appliâ€" eation to Mrs Robert Etewart, Wilbrod street. REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOL EbS, ICE CREAM PREEZERS; HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. Fmmaxos Derarntusut, No: 104. Ottawa. 12th October, 1864 @: hflllw-clmw has received s.lhn-bmdo business of Insurance Canada :; No. 33. The UNION MUTUAL LLFEINSUR ANCE Wfl,ï¬!&dï¬l‘l&. c B. . CORWIN, General Agont, $¢: John, .B Moulds, Japanned Trays, Toilet Setts FOLDINXG BED8TEADS, HAT AND UX BRELLA STANDS, &0, &o. =© > Fnu CakBRAY, _ * COMMISSION MERCHANT FORWARDER, (333‘!‘1. A4A0ENT, &o., &c.. No, 3, St. Peterâ€"s. _ quEBEc. Special sitention given to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Pig Iron, Fir§ Bricks, Fire Clay, &c., &0. LIBE ‘INSURANCE COMPANY OP MALN h. The -‘l'lm having been appointed AGKENT for the above compaay, is prepared to Gooderham & Wort‘s H. Wines, Old R&vye and fl}o_l_‘bnumuly-hud.umunq whose condition is unsatisfacto ‘. the #Canada Life," will b:m terms as are reazonable and fair. Agent in Ortawa, p-l-mmuuug-u-uw L y L1 s PCY NCP Ceveroor ut k its policy and ity obligati an actuar nuuumauu.-d-u-,m of the Company‘s position to an eminent and independent actuary of the Hon. Euutcr W mony‘s well known high character and slill, will add t (bet Piolic satistuction and ecntduace w " Canada “‘Pl"fllm of Mr Wright‘s report may be had at the ..gi'._'"‘:“ ‘:! ““'A:-lqllum Ottawa, August 14, 1869. of two of the largest ENGLISH AssURANCE OFPICE‘S‘ m’h ilm:.n-..-‘wd the CANADA LLFRE â€" " have published a report and net valuation of all Tlll ARECEXT ®Palntnss lllvp“ll' Ottawna September $th, 1869. 1g8¢ Persons who may be assured in the com panies "".:""""'"’3-'*'--': desiring to Join *# Beecher & Co‘s" Hot Air Furnaces, *# North‘s" Patent Drum Heaters, *# Foostert‘s" Bolier Purger, # Baeton‘s" Aatom atie Stoves, W cor Co X10N8 MHUTUAL CAaDEXY O# muUsSIC. ANCLNG AND DEÂ¥ORTMENXT. No. 36 1PE AaASiaURANUE, 8UGARS, to announce that they are receiving a A DAVIDPSON PARKER x & H MHAYJOCK. G R OCE RIE 8 aation, may be obtained at his offce. l J Â¥# BOULTOX®X, hq‘ deposited with the Receiverâ€" $ thoumad, metiso Ananh ts t sOLE AGEXTS FOR 8COoOTTLS B MON TREAL, SECREIARY ; Agencies. ToRACCOS, neral Agent, St; John, N.B For the lhl.u‘:t Finance dealt with upon such & faie. A 0 RAMSAY, LIQUORS 1198t . C‘Aâ€? or fl: _# QUEEN YFICTORIA® -l-nu:nut at T a. m. with mails and 7 ® ; R. W. BHEPHERD. Ottawa, October 16, 1809. 11806 AJso a complete stock of MECHANICS‘ TOOLS ot the most improved English and American manuâ€" Then Come and Examine my Stock, > nu--nnnfln. Pm Don‘t forget the place, ______ _ Come old and young, come short and tall, Ou-ml-lpc.o.om:flnsfl. Just call and see my stock in Vardware and paints of every grade. A complete assd paints of 8SHELF AXD HEAVY HARDWABE, nmn?u- hand at the SIGN F7 THE BLIRKLE&TT, consisting in part of Opposite the Bricish Lion Hotel, late of Richard m&;:‘m eccupied by Weldon ARAlt C P DORION. llâ€"'llhv:l&',:"hm c(nyd-ipl.h Brass, s Trough and nlnnien manly ie mt mith meaimem and jus patch. All orders from the city or eqguniry the -:L.m call to gugere C P DORION. umm.:‘n:.ucmflh Ware, of any ze or y & C P DORION, !yc;mlnul..dqï¬.gln-un C P vORION. Lt n-uqm Table Mats, Dish ’.&n-.“o' mln'no.lm bh:daldnn‘hnmhh. give a » C P DORION. it vant Etoves of size, you rant Cooking Etoves of sny size. oc any ie C P DORION. TO WHOM IT MAY CONOERN mmm.uudumm makers & Co, Engiand, Block Tin Tesa and Coffes Pots different styles and shapes. If you want a tipâ€"top Refrigerator ot any size ‘ give a call to ‘C P DORION. nm::cqcmumm C P DORION. U want Bathsâ€"Hi Shower, ; paahr readiy! tre Achmapnaey (lhe Jn Seccved old +.; ;~.. A. | PORLOB, 58 Sparks u,mmmnu,u, AOAlf'L, â€" UULINARY & DOMESTLC _TINWARE given in regard to getting these closet PARLOUR COOK STOVES, _ | withou: satiment. 1t is very simpie and often Elegant and commodious. » I -.I/:Mmur z wz all not on b“ï¬ï¬a HOTEL lTOVKS, **//%4 Srmacd ~:uw«k:.~lgouu Duve Mammoth . R. Van r d--:.-m en lh-vfl:-u R. Yan Doser & C3 o Dr DOUBLE STOVE® abstantial and Ch eap, * BOX STOVES3, ERvery size made, PARLOUR â€" STOYES, :“hwh good baking qualiâ€" On and safter MONDAY, the 18th instant, the P 8â€"All goods delivered free to any part of EKlovated and Low Oven fittoars Dominion, give a call to p mt STOVE pEror. H. MEADOWS & Co. Qur Fall and Winter Stock is now ARDRARE! HARDWARE : THOMAS~â€" BIRKETT‘S, Stoves & Mardiware. 130 dos 10 quart Milk Pans 410 do 8 do do 100 do 3 _ do River Navigation Company‘s Mail Steamers. COALâ€" STOVEs3. * PURCBHASE Yotrr C P DORION, 58 Sparks street, C P DORION. U OTTAWA, WEDNI &o. stroot, corner ofKingâ€"street: * |* _ â€" Ottaw a, June n.hfu 115y Pulo TUNING.â€"The having and Ow:r::m beg to inform his Ottawa his old patrons and others, that he in future, to attend to their orders for tuning promptly than heretofore. Shall visit Otawa a month. Orders m at Mr, a Auction GEO, 4. BENEDICT. Frosh Groand and lm;narm very fine Aavour, _ . t BTILTON CHEES3 £ in stook, oqu Cheese, and 10 cents per 1b choape*. h-?.y Cheese vary fine. _ Vor sale by Ottara, June 1, 1869. MU.!OAL ACADEXY., " Mr. GUSTAVE SMUTH, (0r * to qualities and prices. New Teas, and well rch a trialâ€"for familses, being pur chased for retail trade. Pickles, of all kinds, pu â€"ap _ order and warâ€" Ham, Tongues, Strasbourg tame and Salmon, Auchorvy Paste, Curric Powders, Impeoria: And the celebrate PLG BRAND, unequaled hm,uwkgomuyb'. y the case of dos each, quarts $2.50, pints $1.76. Warrantâ€" od by Guinpess & Co‘s -m ,._“___,___' ECERT hekuscsd 4 EPC .. W., Mc 'z:.n..':'““......"&..‘r::'u draggists and byv medigine doalers where,. 5 HHDS BRANDY, vintsge Wartanted fine quality. MEL _ Purshasers should be "-J:::&? Trask‘s see| * A. Trask‘s MaaxErto ofMT Poflln NEATS.â€" 10 HHDS PORT WINE (1B years cid) vintage 1851, 1858, and 18§0. VUorivalâ€" od laih- Do:mn‘&n for quality and |prices. For am ily use, try it. Da. J. P. Kexxzor of Ob New Y 'm:-'lnuu?ubouw. ‘.‘“m found 'M.t u..‘.’“h' ou A mation ot the ngs and Om'.“ i .‘| ‘.n P success in subsiding the tortu ot Rheou . matism, and nlbvf-&.lnnu , entitle it to a bigh rank Hist of Ts thete ' , * De. A. W . Br1or80, of Know! New York says; @#L have used it in severr i .(M 100 S# ML. . . {Aforyuwbors. Be: to call for #"MRS . wWINBLOW‘S8 S0O0THL SYRUP." Maving the facâ€"simile of = Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrappor. All others are imitations about it. There is not a mother on earth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you sgt once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is perfectly to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, is the preâ€" seription of one of the oldest and begt female phyâ€" sicla "s #nd nurses in the United Price 25 disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a slick child suffering and orying the exoructâ€" ating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, at once and gat a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘$§ 800THING BSYRUP. It will reliove th little*suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : is no mistak DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, It will 5m te luxuriant growth. â€" _ FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. Wre. 8. A Augt"iz_vtphu MUM, another wonuder reswlts. m‘ $ Dressing K us a Hair Dressing over high cost Fryuch Pomades is New Style. Important Change. A REAL HAIR RESTOREZ DRESSING Combined in One MRS. S. A. ALLEN‘® HAIR RESTORER Will Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is & most delightfal Hair ige, > Dro A« Trask‘s Magnetic Olntment Cares Japans, Black‘s and Green‘s, in groat varieâ€" Ex Ship Anglesea from ROSSE & BLACKWELL‘s GOODS Lea & Porrin‘s 'MIIUI GUusSTaAVE SMLTH, int a Graduate of the Imporial Cor Ex Bark"Gazelle from COGNAC. Ex Ship Nereo from Lessons on Piano ar 1 Singinge. Rideaunâ€" on and tor the worst cates pf P1 other complaints, and u}v‘- s and well worthy the notice of all .‘ Ex Chaudiere, from xHOS. PATTE CHESTSs PINE FANMNILY Groceries motners I MWustc. GUINNEs@ & CO‘8 XXX lair K * t gi0 diately checked. :ll::'u MUM, amother mfle .a_-?""‘"-a.".'.". ont kntuch Lomaars j tm thousd net LD BY aLL Duveorsre. },- '&m and in Ohil SDAY. NOVEMBER 10, I«a9. 2000â€"1 4y iâ€"Are you portions of Her Dominions, shall not be held to have forfeited by his acceptance of such high trust the confidence of his countrymen. The important office which { have now the honour to hold was neither directly nor indiâ€" rectly sought for by me, and those acquainted with the facts must be well aware that in acâ€" cepting it, 1 have made a considerable perâ€" ‘sonal sacrifice, ‘When it was proposed to me by Sir Jcha A, Macdonald to join his Govern ment, I had to consider the offer on public slone they subject individuals to such reproach from the opronents of the Gov ernament as to embhance the obligation on the part of those in whose favour they are made. 1 feel assured, therefore, that Mr. KRankin will be raised in your estimation by the sacrifice which he has made in order to support the Government. wmp to have an opportunity of ag you in person, f 1: have the honour to be, Gentlemen, As I purpose visiting the Riding with as little delay as possible, I shall merely observe further that your late member, Mr. Rankin has, by vacating his seat on this occasion conferred an obligation not merely on me personally, but on the entire party which sup» ports the present Government, Such sacriâ€" fices must occasionally be made under our system which it trnfh mrmmationthomtatl Crown should be largely represented in the House of Commons, hy have been freâ€" I was unemployed, and with no certainty, though witha fair prospect, of reâ€"employment in the Imperial service, . I considered, how. ever, that if my adopted country desired my services, it had the strongest claim on me, and as I cordially approved of the manner in which Sir Jobhn A. Macdonald had ennstructed his Government, and as I should have conâ€" sidered it my duty to have supported that Government, bad I entered Parliament with~ out uffi¢e; I felt that I could not ; properly refase him my bumble aid, in the position where he required it. s Renfrew returned me to the Legislative Asâ€" sembly of Canada by a large majority, and without any solicitation on my part. ‘Then, as now, £ had â€"fow qpersonal acquaintances among you, but I enjoyed the advantage ot baving been recommended to you by my laâ€" of a greater number of members than any other‘ leader in that section of the Province could claim,. The necessary result of such a state of parti.os‘was the formation of a Coaliâ€" distinguished member, and to that Governâ€" ment I gave & cordial support during the remainder of the session. ~Boon after its terâ€" mination I wa» very unexpectedly offered an important Government in the West Indies, on the express ground of the distinction which I had attained as a Canadian statesman, and from that Governmen I was transferred to another of still greater importance, where the responsibility for nianeging the finances, as well ag other public affairs, devolved upon me, I have the gratification of knowing that in the performance of the duties confided to me by her Majesty, I gave satisfaction both to my official superiors, and:to the people o1 the Colonies. I rely with confidence that you will in my case establish as a principle, that a Canadian statesman who may be selected by our Sovâ€" mlnl‘t bonourable employment in other mented filend and countryman, the late Mr.â€"Egan, who was well aware of the deep interest which 1 felt in the prosperity of the Valley of the Ottawa. Gax tuexex,â€" I beg to offer myself as m candidate for your suffrages, for the seat in the House of Commons which your late representative has most generously vacated, in order to afford you an opportunity of ratifying at the bustâ€" ings,â€"if you should be pleased so to do,â€" my recent appointment as Finance Minister ot the Dominion. 1 have never ceased to remember, with gratâ€" itude, that at a most important crisis in my political career the electors of the county of «_ in . the â€" ensuing â€" session â€" of the Legislature it became my duty to resign office, owing to the state of political paities in Western Canada, although I had the snpport ion Government, of which the present Premier of the Dominion Government was a Izox 1« tHx Broopâ€"When the blood is well supplied with its fron element we feel vigorous and full of animation. It is an insufficiency of this vital el&m% that makes n:. h;’l weak :;l lowâ€"spirited ; in fu‘u:h ;uu, t eruvian # protozide of iron) can supply this M‘é{ and its use will inâ€" vigorate us wonder( fy. * â€"â€"A North Carolina widow, before moving to the Ked River country, took out a marriage license in bla:i, and secured a husband before she got half way. ettx.. As this is the first convention of the kind which has been held in the South, its proc¢eedings are of more than ordinary interest. years‘ â€" iumptrisomment. . Ja 36 counties schools were reported, tle highest nuw# ber . in any being 11, with 1500 scholars. In 13 countriesâ€"there were but two schools, and in 10 others but one each. The day wages reported ranged from 25 to 75 cents, and monthly wages from $5 to $10. Yearly was averaged © $50. In nearly every county great complaint is made of employers failing to falfil their contracts, avd that the lagbouren have been cheated out of their share of the _ The Goorgia negrocs have been holdâ€" img a convention at Macon It numberâ€" 'ed 236 delegotes and resulted in the formation of an organization to be called the " State Mechanics‘ and Laborers‘ Association,"‘ _ and provided for local Workingmen‘s Unions. They: also recommended the formation of auxiliary Workingmen‘s Associations. A series of strong resolutions favouring emigration, declaring that there is no numism between them and any foreign ur, and offering a. welcome "to . the Chinese, passed unamimously. Reports were made from the several ‘counties represent ed, showing that in fourâ€"fifths of them a frigotful state of disorder prevails. Thirty murders, five of them women, were re= ; ported as having occurred during the last:six months. Most of the assassins were known, and are yet at large. In only two â€" instances, have . arrests beenâ€" made. _ Only @ne man has been convictâ€" ed, and he was only ~sentenced to tin TO THE EKLECTORS OFP THE NOnTH In RIDING OÂ¥ THE COUNXNTY OF REXâ€" FAREW. . Your obedient servant, DoOWK soOUTH. and provided for local | 9 Tsigey, They _ also | f he formation of auxiliary | * vouring emigration, | P® there is no antagonism v‘ breast ~high, overhangs the whole structure, from ~which can be seen the surrounding oonn'.rn anvnd from its giddy keight a stone can be thrown into the river, 100 feet below, ; The excellent state of preservation of the wood and materials used in these caves is due to their shcltered position, add the dry, hot climate of the oou'-r{ Were it not for this, nothing would have been known â€" of thefe pe:sle, as everything perishable which had been used in the construction of these ‘houses ‘has decayed whenever it has been exâ€" posed to gnpdnt. y j many made as to the builders ; but it is all specula tion, as no one knows who they were. A volume might be written on this subject and still leave it unfinished. and mesquit beans, pi of broken oilas in which t.hoyooobmr food, : piece s of pottery, painted and glazed, are found everywhere, It seems as: if every inhabitâ€" able place teemed with life, and that this country was once as densely populated as any of the Kastern States of the Union mdwhiehhw vation, is in a cave on about one mile and & half from Verde. It i-in;&arpendiuhr wall of rock, between and 300 feet in height ; the lower entrance is over 100 feet above the valley below. Jt is four stories in height, and, like all the others, has its interior lines of defence., The live in. Someof them are up almost perpendicular walls of rock to a .conâ€" siderable height. And under extreme difficulties, with an incredible amount of labour, they have carried great . rotks, immense timbers and other building material, where it is almost impossible now for a man to go. Stonc, metals upon which they ground their corn, acorns and mesquit beans, pieces of broken ollas The openings are built up with maâ€" soury, tbroung'h which are let’t) small enâ€" trances and loopholes for protection. Thke walls overhead are blackened with the smoke of their fires, now so old that it will not rub off. ‘The plastered walls show the prints of their hands as plainly as if they were made . but yesterday. Corncobs, pieces of gourds, mescal and seeds, are found in the plaster, which is a conclusive proof that they were an agricultural peopleâ€"and, for a similar reason, it is believed they were a manufacturing people, as a â€" good article of cloth and picces of common twine have been found in these caves, and which were preserved in the same manner. All ground the well in the high walls were caves, which, too, had once been ocâ€" eupied, and, â€" from their â€" sheltered sition, all remain nearly as perfect toâ€" s:;l as they were when abandoned, ’)robably hundreds ~ot years ago. ‘The openings are built un with ma. . The object of the expedition was to explore the caves and ruins by which the place is surrounded, and ascertain if posâ€" sible the depth of water in the well. (\'e took with us a rubber bag, which was inâ€" flated and huachgd. Drl.fW.dH. SI;litl!, post surgeon, and myself undertook to make ï¬mdings, which we did in a satisfactory manner, but with a great deal of labour and at imminent peril, owing to a thick growth of water plants which floated upon the surface, and extended somne tnnt{ feet from shore, and through which it was next to an impossiâ€" bility to swim ; by great exertion the difficulties were overcome and the soundâ€" ings made, which in the deepest place was 11 fathoms. > _ The whole country between the Sierra Orieta and the Moyalion ranges of mounâ€" tains is a limestone formation, and full of caverns, some of which are quite extenâ€" sive, as was shown by the result of the day‘s explorations. All along the bluffs of the KRio Verde and Beaver Creek, wherever these caves exist, they are found to have been the dwelling places of a race of people which have long since passed away, and about which not even mythology tells a tale ; but it is generally supposed that they are of a very ancient character, probably older than the Aztecs of Mexico. A correspondent of the Cleveland 'Hcrald writes trom Arizona, under‘date ’ of September 20th, an interesting account of the recent cave discoveries in that ‘mritory femcakcl . io _ On Saturday, September 18th, & small vrty from the military post at Cnmd) erde visited the Montesuma Well, situated on Beaver creek, eight miles disâ€" tant. Theâ€"well is about 100 yards back from the stréam,>upon a high isolated mesa, and is about 125 yards in width and about 100 feet down to the water, which is surrounded: by perpendicular walls of rock, ‘The water 4s very clear, of a light green or blueish colour, and is very strongly impregnated with lime, sulphur, oogu, iron and other materials. It iu no visible inlet, but the outlet is by a small point néarest Beaver creek, into which it empties a . large volume of water. f Singular Cavesâ€"Traces of old Civiliza= INTERESTING â€" DISCOVERIES 1N â€" ARIZORA. who, in Washington many years agyo, | SCitnce, suggests the opening of a passage succeeded in captivating ,za’ou Lf,:’ for the 'lteuofthe(}nlfa Bt. Lawrence General Eaton, widow of President | into the Bay of Fundy, as therchy the Jackson‘s favottrite, and who, after having | £r¢4t and dangerous tides of the Bay married that lady, and, through . ber would be equalized. His idea is that as inflaence having . obtained lucrative “ilbifl.':‘““‘*‘fl" shore three bhcmyloyneu,xw her affection | hours it is high water in the Bay g;dmngm& her grandâ€"daughter and ofl'u‘g,:fmo.wlw.udlu*&n mmï¬;“"†M'po::phiedfmzz married her voungr rival wife, '57;."" arried that lady, through . ber i:laeneb lnving’ MM “m‘llghmm'n public employment, repaid her affection factured by the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company,; to be submerged between Falmouth and Maita, where it will be connected with the existâ€" ing cable from Malts to Alexandria, thus mx the , connection between and India. report of yesterday mentions as having lbacondej from hi‘: creditors in .ontluf will be remembered as the dancing master who, in Washington many years ago, succeeded in captivating poor old lfu. General Eaton, widow of President Jackson‘s favottrite, and who, after having Wildfire, who has had u;uc'ahchqrof tbev)::'elon the several occasions of her arriving at and leaving the Medway. SBhe is expected to be absent from Eogâ€" land for three or four months, and imâ€" mediately on her return she will comâ€" married her youngâ€"rival. The Great Eastern, with upwards of 2,000 miles of the Indian cable on board her Tom ‘the Meovey po eparture from way on Baturday last, about noon utalore the top of the ‘tide. Aooor{ldlsg to the latest . arrangements she will proceed under u:a:eam to the Portlandâ€"roads, ] whence, receiving on board the reâ€" mainder of . her stock of coals, she will steam direct to the | Red Sea, .;:aw.l 0 ope, to aommence laying the sable which 32 to comnect Bues witk Bombay. The Great Eastern will be navigated from the Medway to Weyâ€" mouth : by Nnviguiï¬-Linwnut G. !i_rpc_kman,_ of her _Majesty‘s steamer: mouiare!y on ner return she will comâ€" mence the shipment of the cable manuâ€" It is now certain that the Evangelicals will not join the High Church in opposing Mr. Temple. Lord Shnary writes under date of yesterday that he is not a member of the ca-mu‘ from which itd must be inferred that hi exâ€" pressed determination to " over the matter confirmed him hdl:n? original resolution. Dean Close is indignant that it should ever have been upmoad that he was capable of uniting with Dr. Pusey. He dislikes Dr. Temple as much as anyâ€" body can do, but (he says), * I cannot see the wisdom or consistency of joining with the chief representatives of one class of error in order to put down another." Elizabeth Barry, the nurse who ran away with Colonel Hickie‘s child, was committed tor. trial yesterday by the Maidenhead magistrares. Colonel Hickie stated that the child‘s curls had been cut off and her clothing altered. In defence and commence dressmaki Bhe was grieved to leaye m:l':'ilkd“ï¬m.a she Wi:lo, and did ~not think of the ief of 1ts parents, or she would not g:l:: taken it away. She had sought the assistance of a priest with a view to return the child, but he declined to inâ€" terfere. On Sunday last she wrote to Mrs. Hickie, telling her where the child was, and was about to take the letter to the m-oflce when the detective called She was very sorry for what she had â€"â€" Our Dublin correspondent te hs : â€"Mr. Wim. OfBriol::o,n & hndl:.lu:s" !l:ur . Mobill, County Leitrim, has been brutally murdered. 'I:hil erime is considered ;fm'ian. The Evening Mail states that r. O‘Brien had been missing since Wednesday. His body was found yesâ€" terday in a grass field within a few perches of the road, and near his own house and the police barracks. His head and face wore shockingly mangled: He had also been shot behind the ear. Archbishop Manning has caused a letter to be (printed in which he says that all statements hitherto published in respect to the intentions of the Catholic bishops in England with regard to the proceedings at the Roman Counecil, are entirely destitute of foundation. It is added :â€"*"* As the preparations for the odded':â€"“Asthepr?cnu'onl for the council hitherto, and its procecdings hereafter, until published by authorit;, are and will be under the highest obâ€" ligation ofsilence, no s@ch statements lnrn.mtcn hate any authentic warâ€" The Dean " sincerely regrets that even for a good and common pu " any union of High and Low Ehnrchm should have been effected. The Rev. Daniel Wilson also writes to say that he has inclined to join the committee. the prisoner said that Mrs. Hickie had told her that she was notâ€" fit for service, and she therefore resolved not to go into another situation, but to take a parlour The gale on Sunday last caused great loss of life and destruction of* property onâ€"the coast. A large vessel !'ounx;od off Ramsgate, and eight of ~her crew The late master of the ship Old $Engâ€" land has been examined, and remanded on a charge of wilfally scuttling his vesâ€" sel, with intent to defraud the underâ€" writers. ' In the Prussian Chamber of Deputies a strong opposition to the Government measures is offered, and a motion has been proposed to reduce the military exâ€" penditure. â€" Several men have been fined various »sums ranging from 1007. to 267., for keeping betting offices at Liverpool. A monument, the result of a public nhenfion, has been erected over the grave of Leigh Hunt, in Kensalâ€"green We learn with regret that Earl Granâ€" ville is ill at Walmer Castle, from acold caught while watching for the Iug tides recently expected all round the English By the inundation of a coal mine in Belgium, near Chatelineau, 13 colliers woere drowned, and nearly 20 others are missing. 3 An explosion occurred at some gunâ€" Ezwder works near Ulverston, on the rders of Cumbserland, and three men éemetry. ‘Two men were killed by the explosion of a steam boilet at a foundry near Accerington, The Swiss Federal Council have sancâ€" tioned the concessions of the St. Gotâ€" hard and Splugen lines of railway. â€" _ By Mail to the 23rd uit. The following items are extracted from our English exchanges :â€" â€"â€"Buchignani, whom our nee dressmaki She was as if it were in contact with an cave mm she mhï¬wy A glass bottle may be and did nmot think of the | 4804 in lieu of a comb, but it is not so P.m““mmumwdldqtdutb.prpm Much it away. She had sought | *musement ma be derived from this ce of a priest with a view to mdyclloexmt. and some hild. but he declined to in.| J Our numerous young readers . will RUROPELAN SEWSs. {IPRICEâ€"3 ORNTS, entire if from any cause the adjoining ones should be destroyed. Theâ€"arches have also been designed to resist the effects of any portion of the span being loaded, as above stated, with any other portion of the same span entirely unloaded. It will be seen, therefore, that the bridge has been de-ï¬od to sustain a greater load than will be ever placed upou it. No oceasion can possi mlfl it to be densely with beings on the upper toadway, and at the same time have its railways covered with locomotives below., 3 experiencs in nuutical and engineering of the present age in this country is the Missinibpi River â€" at fikis "eng. â€" This at eity, i enterprise is now well commenced and the work mn“. as . rapidly as possible.. A1 present are employed nthdilemd:rnn-u about 430 men, so divided that a w- force are m(..ll;tvorkdsy n'ï¬v.h th¢e public are already ad the means of connecting Iilincisand Missouri is to be what is known as an urch bridge of three spans, divided as follows: One of 515 fe t and two each of 497 feet. . ‘The ultimate strength of the material of which they are composed will be capable of sustaining 28, 922 tons, the piers and abutments having been designed with a view to sustainiog either span when thus loaded, even if the others were entirely it, rub it briskly through your hair, and draw the tecth parallel to the insulated wperson‘s hand. The result will be a around her, she ï¬wu with her :zï¬l she put her out of the window, and the child fell to the ground.. After _ h::sm * moment or two a the * wi dqgsï¬x' she dropped down mf, a distance of nearly 16 feet. When she rose from the fround she said, ‘I am done, mother ; but I have saved my brother and sister from being burat up.‘ With much difficulty and personal risk, Mr. Crowley was all this time . endeavouring to save his aged father and son. ‘The > night was extremely cold, and none of * them had saved a particle of clething. The muther, with her burot children, then walked a distance cf nearly half a mile, and I was soon sent for. In about three hours after the fire 1 was attending to the wants of the suffering children." I saw there was no hope ot saving the dear girl, for, from her foreâ€" head "to the bottom of her feet she was one mass of bursot flssh.‘ This, with the fearful shock of jumping so far, and walking such a distance in the cold, ecaused her to sink rapidly, and at six in the morning she died, aged 11 years and 8 months, a martyr to the love of her brother and sister. 1 never before saw so much courage and:firmness in one so & young, and while dressing her brais2d and burnt iimbs she uttered no complaint. Her sister died in the evening, and the uncle suffered fearfully from the effects of jumping out of the window. ‘The rest, I hope, will all recover. It was a sad sight to see the parents, brokenâ€"hearted, â€" board upon them, and have a persou lh-din"’?ponit This person is now completely insulated, the glass being a connection and spoils the experiment. Place them on the floor in a square, about one feot apart, and place a small we clip the following interesting and instructive experi-enfin electricity :â€" * Procure four glass tumblers cr comâ€" mon glazed teacups, and, having wiped them as dry as possible, hold them over the fire to evaporate any moisture which may still adhere to their surface, for if there is the least moisture it makes a 1 knuckles to the person‘s Exo oc mone (being earefal oot 15 mow any portion of your body to come in sonâ€" nepud deipine niiie reretiie snap w very If a cat be heid so that the charget person can place his knuckles in proximity to the animal‘s nose, it will suddenly as if it were in contact with an mebdury. A glass bottle may be used in lieua of a comb, but it is not so well adapted â€"to the purpose. Much amusement may be derived from this qtn-dydlloexpuinut. and some wound a piece of silk around one end hasten to try for themselyes. ‘T‘ur St. Lovu!s Buipur.â€"The $t. Louis Republican of Oct. 26, says that without question the greatest undertaking eturning through the smoke and beat, md up her sleeping brother, * nine years old, and carried him to the} * â€" window, from which he contrived to get _â€" .. down. Again she returnedâ€"the fames # > havi ctrated the room; this timeâ€" lnmhp:: up her sister 7 old, she wï¬dlnnhotodicwind{::'ndbm. eays the Rev. Edwin Clay, M D., "the dear gir} had more than she could do, fo_thraister,inhuï¬iflt,ï¬n.‘toh thrown ont, and with. the flames coming _ On Friday of last week afamily nam»d Crowley, living at Pugwash, N. 8. was nrouodyfrom -gbep.-bout 11 p. m., by the crackling koand of fhie. Mr Crovlq rusbed to the barn, where two of his sons slept to arouse them. On returning he foafid it impossible to get up stairs, where five of the family were ing, or ::d h’uï¬ï¬;lt‘hc'n room, 'Ln an man son were slecping %‘m But at last the cries of Mrs. rowley awakened the cldest daughter, who, by mto the window was told to throw own. â€" The noble child said, " No, my brother and sister must be saved." ay . HEROLISM OF A GiBRu. 01LÂ¥ ELEVEK YEAR® OLD, « Axotues Prossor.â€"A geail:man of From the Boston Journal of Chemistry INTERE#TING