A xeetize of the Treasury Board, attended _ by the Hon. Receiver General and Hon# y : Minister of Customs, was held yesterday. Mr, Auditor Laxortox, Secretary of the Board, announcement that the Archbishop of Paris has just issued a pastoral letiee on the Koumenical Counncil, maintaining thatathe Freach Concordat is opporsed to any decision on the question otf the infallibinty of the Poss without diasnssion. theories of civil and religious liberty. The eouncil cannot but be looked upon as a forâ€" mal protest against the sprrit of the age, but what weight its uiterances will have against of constituted authority can only be deterâ€" mined by the light of alter experience. A aeignificant circumstance is contained in the Europe, a solemn and almost tragic interest in lent to the expected demouement by the econvocation, after the lapse of 300 years, of an Eeumenical Council, a representative body of the oldest and most impressive ftorm of establisbhed authority in the world, by a Pontif who ascemded the Papai throns, triumph‘ of the principles of consttutional lsm represented by the late statesman, Carou®, and carried out by him so bold|y and unflinchingly that they haye remained as a monument of his genius aiter his active mind had ceased so plot for the integrity and national rank tor his beloved . Iiaily. _ While the political horizon is overcast with gloomy clouds, and the rumbling of a was present. 1t is understood that the Canâ€" ade Loan Fund ‘Act and several questions connecsted with the Dominion Debenwures were under consideration. The Board of Directors of Penitentiaries and Mr. Mors Frzaze, Warden of the Kingâ€" ston Penitentiary, were in consultation yesâ€" terday with the Minister of Justice in referâ€" ence to the discipline aod regulations of the Italy, is dying, and the Red Republicans of the Penineula are as anziously awaiting his demise as the signal for an ou‘burst of revoâ€" lutionary violence, or, as it is put by themâ€" selves, for a united movement to free Italy from the tyranoy of loreign domination, and to plant the trmicolor on the walls of the Bternual City. The party of Mazzz: satrongest Findlayites to be certain to throw an almost unanmmous vote tor Sir Fraxc: is sure of â€"his election by a majority of 78 votes,. It is not to. be forgotten that the Agures which we have given are acknow!â€" lniged to be correct by the Findilayite The Finance Minister will therefore in al} probalnlity be returned by a majority of 150 votes, but cutting it down to the lowest figure Yrereanar‘s despatches contain several ems of more than ordicary interest which, although coming ftrom different quarters of Europe, are linked together by forces not readily overlooked. Rocuzrout, the radicul! We subjoin a summary of the state of the polls up to 12 o‘clock last night : Majority . _« Sir Francis Hincks Findlay H. Â¥ Findlayite ticket, as will be seen, on the first day, and their majority fails short ot the estimated oumber by no less than 50 to 60 e mraging as the most active supporter of Sir Fraxou Hmmoxrs could desire. It apâ€" _ pears that the Fixouar men rushed to the polls in the townships where they could count upon their heaviest support, and put out their whole strength yesterday. We are thus enabled to guage accurately the fuil streagth of the Clear Grits in the couty, and the summing up which we give below shows that Sir Fraxcts Hixcr«s will be reâ€" turned by a triumphant majority. Westâ€" Just Receivedâ€"Hanser. Disâ€"olution <f Partnershipâ€"â€"T. Hunton,Schoolâ€" breo & Co. Elocutionâ€"Prof. J. W. Taverner. Commercial Travellerâ€"Tiuwse Office. A Smart Lad Wantedâ€"â€"H Ross. Gamerons R adingsâ€"Prof. J. W. Taverner. Grecian Boenad Fuund â€" UConner & Waller. Clork Wâ€"ntedâ€"W. H. Smith at Messrs Hope Â¥jp For interesting Keaaing Matter see First Page; for Ottamwa Markets see Fourth ChrO®ttawa Cimes WEDNE3DAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1869. Tus news from Norta Reafrew is as enâ€" should be addressed :n the MANAGJING DIRECTOR, EW aDVkRKTLsEMENTS & o. e e w e me w aue bH#e s nee 4e bassts +s e .nTu-- communmeations to this waean® #aeebe s bebe 4# 6# 0e t 4 8 s Total No. Votes. forgive ~the to mere laymen that advance might be profitably exsayed. â€" We have the utmost diflidence in statiog opiniua upon subjects not purely secular, but Hud.inz the topic alâ€" ready, by clerigal sanctwn, holiing place in our owna CulamB;, veulure respeciluily to submit that it has been nut yet absolutely exhausted. ‘Fo bring people ww church, es pecially on week days, church en teli us that is is necessaury to ofler them a scene of high recreation there. Would it ast be Ligh recreation to hear the lessons of the day well reamdlâ€"the most stmking narratives ut all history allowed the full* emphasis ot their graphic power; the sugest counsels ever given to mankind presented with the life of the writers‘ earnest style! ‘The bovuk trom which these are taken 1# graced with the yress, with which Doctor Buororpâ€"Joxsss supplied us on Mounday morning, is well wortb y of buth lay and clerical attenzuonon. It con taing, it is true, some points scarcely .appliâ€" cable in ourâ€" community, among which, whatever may be the case in Lancashire, there can be little apprehenzsion oi a musical taste being counieu for sin, or the heartiest of laughter taken as evidence. of depravity. Nor need our moralists gird up their lowns lor a cammpaign against either almsâ€"giving or wusicâ€"halls, from acither ot which influences we sullsr too acutely here. But, upon the question of rendering our church services more altracuye than at present, there can be uit an unanimous sense of satisiaction in acknowledge a wunt which the peuple had almost despaired of making them under stamnd, â€" Myow this is best to be effected is the probiem s awaitiog their soluuon. Duewr Cuakks woald seem w rely princiâ€" pally upn snortened services and more music. . Tosuch reforms tew will take excepâ€" uon, but we have, at least, a right todemanad thut the mesic shall be goud, so taut the dompetiion with the cafes chantanisâ€"for this is practically theâ€" suggestionâ€"may nut, tlor impartial listeners, provoke compzansun in the latters‘ favour. : There are some other maiters, however, io which it would appesr ed recriminations. . We were told of the conâ€" sent of contemporaries, and assured of the approbation of friends. And yet, although, as we understand, our contumacy© was indignantly reported to high official quarters, we s¢e no reason toâ€"day to regret its mainâ€" tenauce. And, while we are quite sure that our contemporary also regrets the unhappy contretemps we have noticed, we ask parJion tor calling attention t» it as the readiest and most effectuve means of enforcing our very Hoding cleryymen at leogih begioming to though not unnatural, treazy ; as well as the worldly experience to furetell the inevitable recoil of the weapons proposed to be employed. Or, in any case, here should have interposed ‘ke golden rule with which we startedâ€"that the business of the public journalist lies only whituary of oce of the most brillmant of our honoured and whom the whole land mourns â€"â€"by three columas of fierce personal attack upon the private character and cireumstances of his nearest and dearest relatives. At a mament when an old and respected family is pluoged into affliction by the unumely death of its most distinguished member, we have an offensive and â€" loathsome tittleâ€"tattle Now, what has been the consequence ? Ymtï¬*: contemporary, reaping the Tus extract from the paper read by the Rev. veetor Crarks® at the Lirerpool Conâ€" . It 1s now some months since one who had been himself a pressâ€"man was good enough to include ourselves in his canvass for newsâ€" papers willing to give space to these wretchâ€" the breach of all conventional and professional proprieties by newspapers levoting column upon column to such scandal, where sha‘l we look for palliation ? Here at least should have been calm judgâ€" ment, here the technical instinet that abhors hbel, here the cultivated taste that shrinks irom domestic inquisition. And here too A portion, an 1 we regret to wld a respectâ€" able portion, of the Canadian press has reâ€" cently lent its columas to a lengthy mrilb‘\ nation betwen the Mayor of on# of troatier towns and some family eo-_yid with whum he has digagreed. ‘The mutual charges and counterâ€"charges brought by this unfortunate man on the one side, and by his anfortunate wile anod her unfortunate relaâ€" uves un the other, are of so gross and reâ€" volting a character as woukd properiy exc}udle tweir publication even in a report of judicial evidence. They are such as are impossitle .0 be read without disgust, or without a sense of resentment againss the vehicle through which they are presented. Repulsive through whauatever channsel, they become doubly so when minutely reiterated in the mouths of the wretched pair most nearly concerned. and whose misery is thus made a staple ot coarse gossip and a jeer for ribald tomgues, We may presume that nothing short of the madâ€" deniug sense of cruellest wrong could bare provokel to the abandonment of silent selfâ€" respect, in the parade of their own indignities, these most unhappy suffer ers, whose misery publhcity has intensified, and whose rancour isjudicious friends or insidious enemies have waly too successfully fanned. For eny error of impulse upos their part there is night havre been expected a kindly dispasâ€" Proum journ «lists ar ¢, as a rule, supposed to invite the attention 0/ their readera to eubsjects of public interest aonly ; recogvising as beyond their province the cireumstances of the domestic c.rele. ‘The canon knows occasional exception, as when some peculiar incident in private lite, which bas otherwise acquired potoriety, can be mude to puint a valuable moral, or to iilustrate certain phases of society demanding att:mniron or reformatiun. Or, where the standing uf the parties conâ€" cemed is :o high as to attract general ol servation to their errors or misfortunes, in which case it is customary to disclaim the responsibility of identification by withhol4â€" img names while recounting lacts. Both the principle and the practice are so universally acknowledged and obeyed that a conspicuons disregard of their obligation is at once eurâ€" prising and distasteful, Of its danger, and of the retribution that is sure to follow, we have just had a notable example, and wcl wrust that the instance to which we shall briefly allude may not be -idwuuehll waruing to those responsible for its invocaâ€" statue, and the Queen with an aut expedition to the Polar Sea; distributed $6.585,000 in publiccharities; and gave away $1,500,000among bis friends. We don‘t know how he spent the rest of bis money, Coogress repald him with a medal, London with a The Governor General testifies to his own sur. rige at discovering the proportions which the prosperity of the Dominion has attaided. The iynorauce in this country as to its amount is much more absolute than Bir Joha Yo-x: It is understood here that Canada has apd rivers, and rich a@oi! ; but it is unde«rstood far too little to what use all this natural weaith has been put by British energy and intelligence,. Prince Arthur‘s example will have great results If it make it the fashlon to ucquire some information on this election needs, Whence such suspicions, unâ€" genuous Advertier. Â¥rom a knowledge that Minister are themselves too poor to devote theirown money to such @"gigantic election expenses." What money, instructive friend ? The $30,000 that the Wiiness tells us has gone up from Ottawsa. Theauthority of the Witness, eredulous contemporary 1 The Heraild of the same city, Of the Herald? Its Ottawa conâ€" rapondent. Ofthecorrespondent? Ab, now you press too hard; who knows the wellâ€" springs of correspondence ? Nobody pethap«, bit in this case the correspandént has rstract. ed ; it was $3,000 he telegraphed. Well, $3,â€" sure and excitements which stir suburban villas on the Thares, wmet the traveilers in regions which maps published less than a gâ€"neration ago ‘set down as one vast forest, und, »peaking generally, it is English energy which may vaunt itsslifon having extort d trom the wildernâ€"ss the meaus of supporting this extrumely English existence,. Au expeâ€" dition like Prince Arthor‘s is a~ mere formai veremony if it make EKogland at home butter acquainted with the Transatiantic reflex of ita«lf, Janada has always taken a genuine interest in Englaud, and she did not need tuis Royal visit to revive ber interest, Its chiet s«ignificance to Canada is that it shows her that thore in high places here begin to reciprocate her feeling ; but it will be of more material profit to home«â€"keeping Englishmen i it hd:u- at large to recognize the vastness of the investment of the KEmpire now embarked in North America. 000 even. Yes, but $3,000 even was untrue, and everybody but the ‘Advertiser knows it which to be thankful unfeignediy. Bot inâ€" formation should come from first hand and from a trustworthy source. What we bear from you, who have read it in the Witness, which has copled it from the ZHerald, which hbas given it from its correspondent, who repuâ€" diates its respounsibilityâ€"is neither instructive nor entertaining. Please found no theories in future upon such roundâ€"about taies, Auy country might be proud of having given birth to such a duughter, The vicinity of the United Btutes tends to obscure the pro merits of British North America. But the &,Mhhmdl slower rate than that neighbour, may possibly ‘be in some re spects more sure as well as slower, At all events, ber increase is miraculously fast as compared with the colotiles of other nations. Quebec appears for Canada almost a creation of the middle ages.â€" It prides itself on its hoar antiquity, and the Prince said no more of it than it says itself when he alluded to it as this " most ancient city." That Quâ€"bes should enjoy mayors and corporations and all the minor luxucies of civilization seems on‘iy natural, Yet Quebec itself is scarcely olider than Hanover square. But from * the ancient «&hl'lb rojal pasty jJourneyed on for 640 wiles, and only then reached what is described as the eo.lne.lol the agricuitural ;icbn of Canada. In all this vast com uropean «lvilization is still at bome, A‘}hh-yphâ€".- Asan instance of the speed at which lies will travel, and the proportions which they acquire upon the road, the following casts far into the shade the old time tale of the Three Black Crows. The London Advertiser suss pects that more than twelve employees of the Government have been embezszling the public funds to devots them to Sit Frasom Hmoxa‘ The following is extracted a long editorial of the London Times regardiog Canada and wubsanudon them altogether,. We should be ruxry to go go far, believing the experiment of their revivication worth a previous tmial. _ OL course we huave treated this subject from a purely secular point of view. 1t is in the interests of morality alone that we dare to advocute, or suggest variation in, the Doctug‘s plaas. We should, with him, preâ€" terâ€" seeing people in church, rather than in the tarero, and we wish him .all success in his projects for attractiog them. When we veuture to suggest an improvement in the style of service, we do no more than he has done himself, and we do it a faithfal to his own aim. If what we have proposed be in any way irreligious oreven uncanonical, we are content to accept the rebuke of authority, endi to apologize for having offered such opinions. But as we koow them to be the opinions ofâ€"some few millions of not altoâ€" gether unintelligent people, we are not sorry to test their orthodoxy. And whether they be admissible, or otherwise, we are pleased to honour such men as Dvctor C1aske and Doctor Joxzs,, who, to the full extent of tueir orbit, recognize the influence of the people‘s wunts and craviogs, and set themselves manâ€" fully to supply them as best they dare. with the pure lessons of humility anod charity that should come ever home with a more touching charm. And yet sermons are dull, with but occasional exception. Indeed Doctor Crazke feels this so strongly that he wouli be inclined in despair to l phant cadence, the wild wail of sorow moans pitifully alo g its soblang lines, the ':l-dchru of a jubilant people awelis in its victorions strain. An art, higher than wus ever that of monkish copyist, has been lavished over the sacred page. And yet how is it commonly recited from the I«ctern ? Do its images move withthe dramatic reality of their conception, or are they d:agged listâ€" lessly before the bearers until their action hus become commonplace and feeble? It is wearcely too much to say that between the atudy of*the closet, and the elocutin of the chbarch, there is as wide a difference as beâ€" tween Wirrtam Smar=â€"rsare and Mastiz Farqunar Toresa. . There is no irreverence in the analogy, whaterer there may be in the carelessness that pertutse it to ho‘d good. Topanth of temer* ityâ€"is it too much to ask for the high reâ€" ereaticn of good pulpit cratory ? We are all Forum. Why notthe Temple also? If it be easy to speak effectively anywhere, it is sasy to do so in a sermen. The words fall with admitted authority, the subject 1s one of universal range, the service is the most animating in its lofiy aim, vo interruption is posible, the minis of the listeners are atâ€" tuned by the surroundings to sympathise ereaticn of good p.lpitcr’ioq? We are all easily attracted by eloquence, and, in search of its fascination, frequent the Senate and the Peabodyâ€" paid the expenses of Dr. Kane‘s purest orn unents of postry, with the most exquisite felicity of historic narrative. The fierce trump of battle clangs in i1ts triam THE â€" «# TIMESY VPOK PRIECE ARTMUR®S VISIT. 1HK OT‘TA WA 1TME®. NOYEMBFR 10. Slots o praisiutly play the alpg) postt son Davis:â€"* Mr,. Davis will not and cannot under any nrdhlo circumstances, |be induced to enter into the politics of the day, or accept aoy position in public life. As tg this he is content to be of the past ; as works of material usefulness, be desires to be of the «â€"=â€"A colored woman in I!llinots recoverâ€" ed £200 damages from the Chicago Northâ€" western Rallway tor refusing ber |passage in the ladies‘ car, =â€"A comoroudvnt who seeins to be ©" post. @5," in speaking of the Conges«lo:wjal Library says : >* Not five per cent, ot C en ate readers, in the ardent sense of lovers of fuall scholarship, and . not above twenty . per vent, read anything but novels,. library , «o far as Congress is concerned, is 4 repository wf novels for their wives and daughters." Wo tranalate literally the following exttaâ€" ordinary paragraph from the M of Tuesâ€" «Jlay. Can anybody helpus to a solation of its awfal mystery ? * #There are 23 divorce suits pending vefure _ the Buperior Court of P ; nineâ€" twen of the petitions being widows." «â€"â€"The N. Â¥. Worldis good enough to notice one of our statesmen as follows : "8ir Francis Hincks, the new Canadian Minâ€" ister of Finance, began by editing a newspaâ€" EeCE CCC E PEmHVCE, U° Corune® t I"l'l- per ; but his habits have led u-Tn his pree sent unfortunate position." ' Who will deny nowâ€" our oyhr-tby with American characteristios ? Your guardian ange}s fair,: ; .: | Will find your willing bearts with |work Aud friendly gifts to share: The patriatch of olden times Whose hospitable hand _‘ Fod strangers at his board, once Jguod His guests an angel band. So shall approving conscience make, " With you his cocstant home, 4 And grateful prayers be raised on high For agos yet to come. The noble deeds with quiet grace |. Your generous M‘Mn done Will live when time shall be no njore . And life‘s great battle wou. 44 only observed and lived up to by every caudid and sincere thinking ; and that gooas Domininn Of Canhin, Rare Oreigmaon ve n been found ready to defend the Throne snd Constitution of the country ; and |Orangeism, like everything else that is Bri has had, aod still has, its enemies. Several songk suitable to the occasion, and a t many other toasts followed, and the ings of the evening were conducted throughout with th: utmost harmony. > Great credit is duse to Mrs, Elliott for he{trouble she took, in the a: ments and many thanks were also due to the ladies who so kindly asissted on th¢ auspicions The haunts of ':: the couch of pain, Your gracio‘s influence knows ; Y our aid is seldom asked in vain To soften human woes. *# The Charter toast," was then gixon by Bro. Wallace, * The Glorious Pious and Immortal Memâ€" ory of William the Third, Prince of Orange," was responded to in a very mane net by Bro. John Craig, who gave a synopsis of the narrative of the Gunpowdet Piot, and viz : *The Ladles," which was res to by nearly all the unmarried Brethreq in a satisâ€" jactory manner. * A lengthy and most y speech was d«livered by Bro. Webster on the princi ples of Orangeism, showing its impo:tance, if Oh! noble brotherhood of love, "Strong bands of sterling worth, Well do ye keep the great comma * Good will to man on earth." Faith, Hope, and Charity, thess Your guardian angels fair,: : upon the table; the cloth was ved and the following loyal toasts were {drunk with great applause : ‘The tirst toast was "the Q " proposed by Bro. James ‘Waliace, and resppond«d to in a creditable manner by Bro. Wax Cowan. #Our Volunteers" was propess! by Bro. W m. Cowan, from the Vice Chair, respondâ€" ed to in an eloquent mauner by . Captain Counotty. _ . > T2 Li Oe ma.> i mbyccc:.uamcnk.fl ,Tmum * Opur District Master" was next given by Brother James Gapit, and pliLd â€" to in a brief manzmer, p mromrcpod, © The health o( the Reeve of the Township, Bro. W. Cowan," who replied in a very neat and exâ€" pm.lgudph-nllro a toast which would be received with full honours, done ample justice to the good things place 1 1X XORTH GoOwWkR. To the Editor of THE TLMES. Siz,â€"â€"On the 5th November, in commemoâ€" ’uuo- of the Gunpowder Plot, Brethren and friends in connection with L. 0. Lodge, No 229, of the village of North , sat down to a substantial repast prov by Mrs. Eiliott. The hall in which the ren and friew1s m«t was tastefally decorated with flags, ereigreens, &:, for the At about halfâ€"past six o*clock, the chair was taken by the Worshipful District Master, Bro. James Wallace, and the Vice Chair by Bro, W n. Cowâ€" an, Reeve of the Township. Th¢é chairman theu remarked the great loss feit at the absence of the present County Master Brp. Wm. Elâ€" liott, whom he was very gorry t> s4y was« conâ€" fAned t his bedâ€"room from ill tb, but he hoped that by Divine assisiance he would soon be once more amongst them. After having was elected as aa honorary t:b«, and aiter several new members were pted aad all Lound themselves to us: thiéir best enâ€" deavours in making the coming concert a great succers, the meeting x GUKPOWDER PLOT CELEBNRATIOX {:'um, Bev. William Mootre,| Rev. E. B. per. . wï¬?u&:flâ€"lm Aw 8. Woodburp, “; ';' *8, G, BShouldice, Wim. A. * ham, 8. Rathwell, Wm. Porter, J4s. Egleson, Thos. Sproule. Auditorsâ€"Meesrs, Jas, Cunningham and Jas. Clark., j ~_ Alter the election of officers other genâ€" eral business the society formed in procession and proceedcd to the Wesle Methodist Church, where a very eloquent d was given by the Rev, E.. B. Harper, from the text;, 19th Cbapter of Proverbs, 17th (Verse, " He that hath pity upon the poor lendcth unto the Lord, and that which be given will Hs pay him agair." A C s After service the proceesion and returned to the ball, where lutions of thauks were parsed to the retiring officers. The annual election of officers of the abov6 society took place yesterday mor ing, ths 9 h lust , a large number of the members beiog prsot. The followirg are the oficuss for the casuing year : | Previdentâ€"G: 0. May, E+q. 1st Viceâ€"Pre:â€"idetrt â€" Abraham Fratt, E+d 2ud ‘Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Ubarlcs Mag.e, £§Qâ€" T.easurerâ€"Heors M«Cormick, Ksq. _ . & Recording â€" Becietaryâ€"Arcuiléla _ Bwmirl, â€"The Dean of Carlisle has A8RNUAL MEETISG OP 7 1A1844 PROTESTANT â€" BExkvoLUNT sOc1ETY. «â€"â€"The New Orleans Picayune says of Jefier: Nortu Gowss, 8th November, 1869 " The bealth of our County Master," proâ€" Cormsponding Secretaryâ€" Chaplainsâ€"Rev. J. 8. Lauder, Rev. John Assistant 8: cretaryâ€"Joseph Potts, Esq. Wil» universally _ od as Ayer‘s Pills by all ’ classes, b:'lmud .:uv-. .Cuu-. should as it does, have every security the law can afford ‘it, from counterfait and imisation.â€"Catiac, Acheâ€" the interposition of inw to shield them from imâ€" posture, it is th+ sick and sufering who are unable to protect thomssives A remedy so the int or «â€"â€"A novel experiment in jaudicial practice was recâ€"ntly tnm in New City, Rockland Co., N. Y, ‘One Frenchman who had been accused uf murdâ€"ring another, obstinately de clining to confess, was unexpectediy confront ed with th» ho ai of his victim, severed from its trunk for ‘the purpose. He declin~d the appral to undour,zn was neverthcless hanged warkas 425 yesterday. position in v'huftio_‘{b'sn done and r m!:‘i thom from further like injury to tlo:bll' any ciass of our people more than s needs Th * +nrome Conrt.oll m‘uu‘:d New York har. :> sa a perpetu unction against Eaton and : _sivs fot -auu::h. Averts Cathartia C +290 Pon mm en eoment qoeee â€" Wewselke those lin«s, â€"â€"M. Heori Rochfort, who seems to have every chance ol election to the Corps Legisiaâ€" tit, boasts that ne was present in Paris all through the riots of 10thâ€"13:h June Jlast, without suspicion on the part of the Prefect of Police, although three detectives had been specially detailed to â€"attend to him, This boasted identification with baffiâ€"d rowdyism cud scarcely serve him. The Empire is as powerful to extinguish La Laterne as it was to. set down the linkâ€"bay‘s. toper time the Marquis of Salisbury will be gt::;hl forward as a candidate for the Chanâ€" vellorship of Oxford,. The Marquis was forâ€" merly a Fellow of All Souls College. To which we may add that the Marquis, better known as Lord Craubourne, late President of the India Board and secessionist in 1867 (with Lord Carnarvon and Generai Peel) from Lord Derby‘s administration, is the rising star of the ‘ulhh conservative party, and the most u.tfle as we‘ll as most influential peer within P t WÂ¥ MD uP Intscs Sritsiatrnt diiise MWce casess 1 BrLln'l ‘[Pulmonic Wafers have proved them to be the most effectual remedy for coughs, «ind irritation of the throat, caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs ; public speakers and singers will find them most beneficial. ‘The entire freedom. from all deleterious ingredients tenders Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers, or Courh and YVaina all deleterious ‘ingredients renders Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers, or ~Cough aund VYoice Lozâ€"nges, & safe remedy for the most delicate person, and has euuu{flun to be held in bigh esteem by all who have used them. gold by all medicin« dealers at 25 cents per C%, > s * â€"â€"Mr. John Hecker won‘t go in for Woman‘s Rights. | He says that it is all Evo‘s fault that so much celibacy prevails ©"Had not Eve had a fiirtation with the devil every woman would have had ber husband." * The devil," rays l"!t.‘ Hecfu, "is always represented as a male," and, should there appear a devil of the other sâ€"x, "there is no pandemonium *:: would not be a refuge from the scenes } DAmeless demon would produce." If Mr. Hecker will visit the Revolution office he will probably be very warmly received. «â€"â€"Within six months five abandoned chilâ€" dren hbave been ieft round in the streets of Fulbham, and twelve in those ot Kensington. An lnumï¬ag young po:ol;,. Miss Aonic Cumming supposed ve managed them nl.ll.!'n the l:u_'tuh of a certain " acâ€" accommodated with five years in "u"nTS'.KE For the uninstructed ‘n may stale that the Bishop .of London lives in the Princess of Teck in Kensington, mtm- and Commons remurkably close to Millbank. â€"â€"The Times is authorized to say that at the Faraguay. The war bas cost Brazil at t-h.e rate of £35,000 sterling an4 100 men per diem. It hasâ€"cost the Argentine Republic about £6,000 and twelve men per diem ; and Monâ€" tevideo dbo;lt‘floo and two m daily, which sum up as follows :â€"Brazil, â€"six months, £56,280,000 sterling, 168,000 men; Argentine Repubii¢, fity.two months, £9,360,000, and 18,720 men ; Montevideo, £1,248,000 and 3,12%0 men; making aâ€"total of £66,888,000 sterling uJ 189,840 men as the cost of the war to the aliies. This is uot a mere specue lative calculation, but & return based on most authentic sources, â€"â€"The Buenos Ayres Standard thus states the cost of the four years‘ operations against Un Jus reace ulc ce o2 on s P T e e Secee t New York, November 9.â€"The officers of the steamer Hornet were brought to Brooklyn {oï¬ï¬‚gï¬],_ and were bound over to Marshal Daiton, who held the men in $1,000 each to answer before the United States Circuit Court. wImvisuatt, November 8.â€"â€"The fight beâ€" tween McCoole and Alian is off, owing to the stakehol4ers‘ imoroglio. ‘ The Crew of the ¢ Hornet" Admitted to Mrs. Thravers‘ concert of vocal and instruâ€" mental music will be â€"given at Mechanics‘ Hall on Thursday evening, the 11th instant, uoader the patronage ot Genv. Sir Charles ‘Wyndham, K.C B , and Lady Wyndham. On this occagion she will be assisted by several talent=d | amateurs, and alsop by the band of the P.C.O. Rifle Brigade. As an additional attruction it may be added that H.P, H. Prince Aithur will be present. Wasuisotox, November 8.â€"Senator Morton bad a protracted interview with the President toâ€"Jlay, Mr. Morton denies that he is preparing a speech, advocating Cuban recognition, al~ though he believes it to be the true policy of the administration to extend such moral aid to the struggling insurgents, The McCoole and Allen Fight Off, _ CinCissats;, November 8.â€"The fight beâ€" Saguenay and Oak Lesf loaded with spring wheat from the Western States to the eztent of 28,000 bushela. ‘The frost last night continues this mornâ€" ing, thus making good winter roads. Therâ€" mometer at 7 um. 23 above zero. uumlmg Views on Cuban Inde» since the 1st of November. Heleft his home in usual health, and nothing has beon heard of him since. His family are in great dis. trees, * | & ' The steambout. Trois Rivieres, which was due at this port at midnight on BSunday, was retarded by the snow etorm, and only arrived at the Richelieu Company‘s wharf at 7 o‘clock of 4wo AMERLILCAN NEWs. last night. UOflce! G. P; Orum mond‘s KWxchange Of« Acé. 19 Spasks st:vet. _ Stormâ€"Concert. Spocial to THE TIMXEs, Specie Shipments -I“du'â€"lm of the Thomas McNabb, Assistant Secretary of the Commercial Exchange, has Leen missing . _1 _ MoxtreiL, November 9, 1869. Mr. Wyir is about to proceed to Outario to press forward shipments of silver. KFatest bp Celegtaph. € The storm last night caused the destruction 1 latinn MONTREAL. By People‘s Lins. . The entire freedom. from J 'T"%Mfl“l“ and Amerigqa as m of Elosution May be corsulted at the Russeli. Houss Hhomdbh--'mbolluddm practical value to ladies or genilemen Ottawas, Nov Oth 1899 # As au Elocutionist Mr Taverner is enivent as a teachor of Klocution I consider him preâ€" emin ent," Rev J M GIBSOXNX, THE CANADIANX ILLUSTRATID NEWS Ha Maca ‘"T:: ,.lho, Fronk Lesiic‘s and Godey‘s AT HAUSE®S NEws DEPOT, THEJLONDON JOURNAL, for November T HUNTON SCHOOLBRED & 0o., are now re marking their immense ctock and will offer goods av sieh brices as have never been heard of in W &A The Stock must be clesed carly in Winter, in order to wind up the late Partnorship and also to make room for Spring Goods. T HUNTON BCHOOLBRED & Co., Bparks Street, Ottawa. Nov Oth 1869 ; L501 â€" READINGS From Dickens Shakespeare & Ingolds by Logendsâ€" BY PROZ. J W TAVERNER, _ W 11 bo given at Rowan‘s Hall, On F&ALIDAY Evening next Nov, 12. Bee further anpounsements v} _ The liver, stomach and heart must be in good order, Fellows‘ Coxrouxp Sraur or Hrroruosâ€" PHirEs strong hens all the n‘aul involunâ€" tary muscles, assists digestion, An "'-fl pure blood, and ‘lnuu.:e.“m w convey it to the lungs it :ï¬â€œ;u the "1'50 morvons eystem_must :- lll- good order. Te e ce veat mucasd, poteee, 9 t "{!,%flldl_ouuqnh bday. N7 When the complexion is pale or wax like, denotes poverty of the blood, a set of organ inc â€" peble of supporting the body for a long time .uls“body incapable of performing its duties with vigor. _ + In order for its he and to ui io ies ts ts mralay derunpment Met io -mbom{ymum The lungs must be in good order. Fellows‘ Omwnhm::.mvllm. salutary ac.ion mucuous membrane, mote tonic expectoration, and give hub’z an all a bottle of the ‘ Can#@dian Pain Destroyer,‘ :o-ou‘u it of any medicine dealer for 25 cents er bottle. Puovuion Eusstirurz ror Corrzk®.â€"Get some rye, scald it, dry it and brown it, then mix two parts of it with one of coffee, and you will have as good a eup of coffee as you ever ~drank ; if are marks:â€"*"The singular success which h.. Epps attained byhis h omceopathic preparation of cocom has never been surpassed by any experimentalist. By a thorough knowledge of the natural Jaws which govern the opersâ€" tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine propertiecs of wellâ€"selectd cocom, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately fiavourâ€" ed beverage which may save us many heary doctors‘ bills." Made simply with boiling water or milk. . Sold by the trade wnly in {#1b {lb and 1ib tinâ€"lined psckets, labelledâ€" Jaurs EKrrg & Co., Homceopathic Chemists, London, England. 5 11388 Wém Lou THUNB SCLIPSED.â€"we read there has Mhm r‘mhtvo:'- the New ;ut m": one To o mt Nee ton ces Aarhiattes Nosk General Tom Thumb, and that P. T. Barnum has Mdi:rh‘ï¬-lcchmynnt«mf 000, board ur-u. Is it not a great thing to beâ€" a small man! and is it 20tequally as great to mo-m that can be depended upon for » hmbnhu.m cg-;fdnu.eblh.b.;bnfl at once a sunniv c &eo. ; if so get at once a supply o we " Uanediee Pate Demripars" m ‘he cefouh medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. .â€"â€"The desire for Reciprocity gains ground at Washington., * f Breagkrast.«â€"Eppa‘s ©000a.â€"GRATEPOL AxD Coxrortixg.«â€"â€"The very agreeable character of this preparation bas rendered it a general favourite, The Civit, Bervions Gazetra reâ€" «=â€"Alige Cenclklut survivor of the family of Shelley‘s sad heroine, died the other day at Bologna, C «â€"â€"Mr. Reverdy Jobnson‘s golden wedding comes off next Tuesday, . â€"The funeral of the late Chancellor Vanâ€" koughnet, takes place at Toronto at two o‘clockthis afternoon. â€"â€"A nine year old bay was recently "shipâ€" ped" by express from Sackson, Mich., for Parkersburg; West Virginia, having the usual express direction fastered in a buttonâ€"hole of his coat ; charges, $15, and the cost of board «â€"â€"The Shaster, or Hindoo bible, forbids a woman to sâ€"e dancing, bear music, wear jJewels, blacken ber eyebrows, eat dainty food, sit at a window, or view herself in a mirror, during the absâ€"nce of her husband, and it alâ€" lows him to divorce her if she bas no sons, injures his property, scolds him, quarrels with anotner woman, or presumes to eat beâ€" fore he has finished his meal. Derby : Withdrawing slow from from those he loved _ so well Autumn‘s pl.' -ouhfm him pass away ; Leave them beside th. it gacred dead to pray, Unmaiked of strangers. Calmer memurics L t How notlly Stinley lived. Ko braver name Glows in the gulden roll of all his sires, or nllnt.h,h- peers. 11is was the kLeut that 1e3 + The cluquent tongue, and his the eyo whose O tempora, O mores! The special Jenkins of a New York evening p&aper relates (of course from persunal observation) how Prince Aithur and the lady guests of Lady Young engaged in a ‘l‘ncrimnago" at the Pu:.’bmko Hotl with pillows, sponges and app the male ‘beligerent being dislodged from a barâ€" ricads of furniture and captured by his fair assailants This is undoubtedly a true pic« ture of the customary pursuits of the royailty, nobility and aristocracy in general of Europe, and we beg to be allowed once more to inquire how long the effete despotism of monarchical governments shall be permitted to impede t'l;o advance of modern civilization ?â€"N. . orld, * room, negro in parlor, negro in state room, negio in white bed room, negro in church pews, negro in best car, negro in stage couch, neâ€"gro with white scholar, negro marrying white folks, negro everywhere. > Alone baif quelled bis foe. He siruck for Power § ® . â€" (YAnd power in England is a hero‘s prize), et be vould throw it from him, ‘Those ___ whose eyes & See not for tears, remember in this hour ‘That he was oft trom Homer‘s, page beguiled To frame some " wonder for a huppy child." â€"â€"The Houston (Texas) Tumes sounds its warning against black possibilitles in the folâ€" lowing form : We warn the people not to believe what the | Hamilten papers and leaders tell them of the | proposed constitation. If they vote for that infamous instrument, they open the way for | negro cilizâ€"ns, negro voters, negro judges, | negto lawyers, negro jurars, negro witnesses, | pegrto governors, n=gro legislators, negro State oflic«rs, negro county officers, negro Congressâ€" men, negro on front seats, negro in dress circle, negro in ball room, negro in drawing «â€"â€"Here is PuncA‘s tribute to the lats Earl UST RECTIVED, FÂ¥or anle at OF PARTNERSHIP, CHBEHP SALE ENTIRE STOCK REMARKED. UMOROUS, * RMloa HAUSER‘s XEWS DEPOT, t the " Ounedton Pate Bemrongss other stove ‘to be seen at + _ ENGRAVIKNGS from Carmoci, Prout, Claude, Begs to inform the Ladies of Ottawa that she wili arrive at the Russoll House on the 4z INSTANT with a full assorimen; of BERLLN WOOL and FANCY GOOD3, and solicits their "patronâ€" » The subscribers are instructed by MESSRS D } TORRANCE & CO, to offer at public auction, on FRIDAY, the 19th nat, to close several shipments _ Correggio, Beechy, Poussin, Raphael, Rembrandt, f Balvator Ross, Teniers, Titian, Vandyke, Wilkie, t h. |_ ARCHITECTURAL. WORKS, on Athenpns, o | France, Beigium, ote, eteâ€"Galleries of Beauty, : of Pictures, of Modern Artâ€"Ditto, Pictorial, | Children of Nobilityâ€"Eminent Masters â€"Magaâ€" | sine of Artâ€"Natural Historyâ€"Knight, Animated | â€"Ditto, Galleryâ€"Volcancesâ€"Temple Churchâ€" ‘,liu Cook, Jouraalâ€"Voyages, varsous. Arstic, | Parry, Ross, Portlock, eteâ€"Caseli‘s Englandâ€" : Ditto Robinson Crausoeâ€"Ditto Gulliver‘s Travels. | Crarkshank, Worksâ€"Eoglish Coinsâ€"Barclayâ€" . Distionaryâ€"Artiliery, Atiasses, V ariousâ€"Baines , , History of Warsâ€"Musicâ€"Gwilt, Ornaments, . Furniture, Desigasâ€"English Menumentsâ€"Bible | Brown, Henry and ‘Soottâ€"Josephusâ€"Designos, experience in the Lower and Uppor Ottaws Country desires a situation as commercial tra ‘ Country, Town Houses, Villas, Farm Houses, Builder, Carpentryâ€"Poople‘s Journalâ€"Illustraâ€" _ tod Newsâ€"Bel!, stream of Timeâ€"Freemasonsâ€" : Law, Clergymen‘s, Sherifi‘s, Conveyancing, Chancery, Biackstoneâ€"Medical Jarisprudence, Dilapidations, eteâ€"Dr Reynold‘s W orksâ€"Robort ; son, dittoâ€"Arabian Nightsâ€"Psalier, Marbeok‘s, | Musicâ€"Anglingâ€"Kare® Old Tracts, Curious Collectionâ€"Dictionnaire Francois, Latin, 5 Targe Wu-no. L "ThZâ€" A SITUATIONX AS COMMERCIAL TRA Fiour, Beans, Poas and Grain, Imfl&,’:’.ï¬-m-ï¬m for FOUID. A GRECIAN BEND & WATERâ€"FALL, Near 6t Alban‘s Church, Sandy Hill, on SUNDAY evening last, a benutiful Ladies‘ Panier, with slik) also s Ladios Wateriait [latent style}. The silk ; also a Ladies‘ W [latest style}. The owner or owners can have the same on proving property and paying cost of advertisement by applying at the ofice of * OCONNOR & WALLER, Exchange Brokers, Rideau st. PSâ€"â€"The Watlerfall has a beautiful curl or ringlet of hair hooked or stitched on to the left s1de. The curl is 23j inches long. V Bank streot, Centre Town, BETWEENX SPAREKES & QUEEN STERE £E"] BALE OF ~EAS, . TOBACCUS, WINES, Fruits and General Groceries, &c., £t,; for account of Mesers RIMMER,°GUNN & DOUâ€" GLAS, on ASMART LAD having a knowledgo of the gGrocery business. Must be well recommended. Apply to H ROSS, Grocer, Wellington street. All in matted halif chests; and about 1,250 half chests NATURAL LEAF JaPAX. Catalogues will be prepared. â€" _ Bale at NINE o‘clook, Bunday Reaaingâ€"kKovinson, Scripture Characters â€"â€"Beckman, lnventionsâ€"Heber, Indiaâ€"Maihe. maticsâ€"Indiaâ€"Italy â€" Postry â€" Illuminatingâ€" Medicineâ€"Works of Great Divines, Jer Taylor, Witherspoon, Bickersteth, Portous, Horne, Atter. h"o. Tomline, Cumming, .Hervey, Bridges, ‘Chalmers, Paley, etc, eteâ€"Naryâ€"Gardeningâ€" Farrieryâ€"Railwaysâ€"Classies, Lexicons, Gramâ€" G7?2r _ CATALOGUE SALE OF BOOKs. Herouwm, Pleasant Hours, eto, otc. hlonlo.lduhuhg. Kducational Works, &4¢, ‘i'hhmoflooh is to be sold without seserve, commencing on MONDAY EVENING: NOV 1st, and continuing each evening until the whole catalogue is dis of, Terms dmâ€"Cum‘u&sflofnu. Bale to commence at 7 p m. Ks A. .l:(:WE, Ancuoneorh. â€"â€"Catalogues can ad by applying to Auctioneer. L j * tas Ottawa, Oct 22, 1869, 1185tf English, French, Germin, ltaiian, ~â€" Latin, &c. By John Leeming & Co., Montreal. rginabe _ Works fo Ladies, Youth, Childrenâ€"Fablesâ€" Talesâ€"Allegoriesâ€"Useful Knowledgoâ€"Histories â€"â€"Btories, Domesticâ€" ditto, Tales, Nursery, zpan®esuiackBURN, : COMMISSION, _ FORWARDER, AND GENERAL AGENT, volsâ€"Canadaâ€"Austrica, Winterbotham, Bucanâ€" neers, etsâ€"Milner, History of Churchâ€"Rollin, Ancient Historyâ€"Kdinaburgh Gazetteerâ€"Annuals, Rome, Greoce, eteâ€"Black Book, Peorageâ€"Allen, Uunerceptionable references S ddresi, by Toiers io A D; Tok 5,000 HALFâ€"CHESTS CHINA GREEN TEAS, _ consistirg of s ‘ifteen and halt yarrs experiense in dry goods Apply to W. H. BML Messers & Co Ottawa Nov. 9th 1869 s a.'i.â€m Ottaws, November 1, 186%. 11 Â¥bedâ€"46â€" ko tss 7 COPPER PLATE PRINTER, _ BASE BUgNING STOYE, Is beantifal in design, is a powerful heater, possesses qualifications not to be found in any A gentioman of many years of favourable 119664 _A HTUATION {AY CLERK in a Store RA. DAVIS, E. LUMXLEYS CuNsIGXMEXT, By John Leeming & Co., Montreal. Young Hyson, Wednesday, 17th November. JOHN LEEMXING & CO, By A. Rowe, Auctioueer, SALE OF TEAS. OoF MONXTREAL, JOHN LEEMING & Co , Baxp Powr, ESMONDE.8, 119664 1201.3 Greek, LIIFE DEPARTNMENXT. BECURITY should be the frst consideration in Insurance transaetions, and PARTICULARLY B0 IN LIFE. The tables and the terms of th# Royal offer advantages that cannot be surp448®4 E’&’i‘u«o@ï¬hï¬m e 4 M 11984 Eigin street, opposite 1:51â€" Insures buildings of all kinds,. Insures housenoit forniture and stocks of merchanaize. _ Insure! nedl wod Tamber : und otber property L WORO® rates. On Friday afterncon the Sth inst., between lo'l‘hhrsull-u street, A BODY OF A DRKESS, with Mauve Ribbon, T# hader will be svitably rewarded by leanving it a the Truzs Otnee. Oitawa, Fov, 6th, 1869, 11933 ed by loaving it at with o"t)'l.li'iu.\'aiu\m Cornelian Stome, with design, Rose, Shamrock Thasile. The gilt of .W_â€â€˜M.m'ï¬hm FOI IJIELLY MOUVLDS, &4,4 Terths and conditions: made known at the time and place of sale. Ottawa, November 6, 1882. 11981d Oitewa, Nov. 8th, 1269. J 12002 __ _ And by private arrangement several valuable Lumber and Agricultural Farms in the Townsbips of Hall, Hincks, Wright and Bouchotte, together with that valuable Saw Mill and Improved Mill house. There is zleo a emall tenement on the rear of the lot, it teaads sane, General English and French Grecerie PARTICULARS HEREAFTER > Sale at Halfâ€"past NINE o‘clock. J.G. SBIPWAY & 80oN, BALE OF REAL ESTATE HECTOR McoLEAN, Auctioneer and «Real Estate Agent, kas received instructions from the executor‘s of JAMES â€"COOK, late of Ottawa,to sell by auction, on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 12th NOVEMBER, instant, at 12 o‘cleck, noon, Lot No 17, on the south side of Queen street. in this city, 66 x99 foet, with a good two story plastered house thereon, divided icto two tensâ€" ments each, suitable for a first class boarding WHITR PIN®E LIMITs Foun s Wines and Epirits, Molasses, vT7NOâ€"MSeno# fromthe head of Grang hh;, and extend up tho Pemechango Lake »nd inly to its source, and back on the west side, haif Wway to the White Fish Lake and its discharge, and on thy east side five mies, but not to interfers wih the River du Liovre, «xcepting all lots soid or locateg by the authority of the Commissioner of Crowp Lancs provious to this date, provided that &, conditions of actual settiement whore requireq have been dcly complied with." And the Jean do Terre as follows : "Io commence at a point fire miles back from t third mile tree of the River Jeoan de Teris, n the course south 73 west, magneticaliy, an o ie w ce t ce e n _ Machinery, and Land and Pond, at the mootk ot the Gatinesu, particulars of which will i #zeen on reference to the posters. * Tae Pemechango Limi:s be‘ing d louonq. the back of License ; *# To commence on the Pemechango point three miles fromthe head of € and extend up tho Pemechango Lake Well Worthy the Attontion of the Will be sold by Public Aecticn, at Roums of Heet r MeLean, in this sity DAXYX, MFIFTEENTH‘., l NJ V is «t i8 ga‘ntk naws ut o l 012C at 42 u‘ciock, iM. tw BERLB3, known as the 4o Terre Limitsâ€"sicz=e the G «tizeau, »n4 aboun. Pine Timber, L PM J 0_ CWS Tede extend up along the rear of the limits licensed op the River Jean de Terre, (that is five miles back from it) seven miles and a half, thence westerly on the course south 17 west magaetically, eight nllull.‘ ahalf, more or less, to the easterly outline of G B Hall‘s Tomasene River Lamits thence southerly along it to the rear lize of Corsoran‘s (now G B He‘is‘) Old Woman‘s Creek Limit: thence to its north easterly corner ; thence souther|y thve miles and o’hl,dq its easterly outline, to the rear line of G BR B.im». 0 1 0C °C C M HKEE Limits on the north ride of the River Desert thence along it ons mile, more or less, to the rear line of the Gatineau u-b([olfldlflhnu) and along the same to the point of commenceâ€" ment, not to cross in any point the Serpent Rive:, nor to interfere with prior lisonses existing or to be renewed, and excepting all lots gold or located by the authority of the Commissioner of Crowr Lands, provided that the obnditions of nctual m'bmnqnw have been duly comâ€" plied with, _ On this Limit hardly any lamber bas 3e* been -“o.udm.dmuldldumdw conâ€" struction. Termsâ€"Oneâ€"third eash; balnoce in one and two years, on giving satisfactory sccarity, with nterest at 7 por cent. For further information apply to HECToR MoLEAX, Auctioneer, and FRAXCLS CLExÂ¥OY, st Ottewa; FLEXISG & CuuUurch, Aylmer ; or to M ESSRS GEO WINK3 & GO Montres!, On the 12th inst, a short ALBEXRT CHAIN, Oltaws, October 12, 1869. Oitawa, 20th October, 1869. Lisité ARTER*S LIAK Auction Sates. hememenntemnennt on nipermentzee JALUAELE We know you would like the OLL from ESMONXDE 8 Cream Moulds, or even Candie Moulds, go & yBMOKXDE®H. . OYAL INSURANCE CONMNPANY, FIRE AEKD LITF E. Your stoves won‘t bake! ‘Thentry one of I“ ESMUKNK DES. + P COURSE, By H. McLean, Auctioncer XEKCUToRs O % & TIFFIX BROTHERS, On Thur=J1y 11th November, FIRE DEfARTMEENKT. TOGETHER WITH: AN ASSORTMZE®T OFr nodn Goods, Kew Crop Frulits | .. 4BOuzht the 47 THE STORES WILi, BE OFFERED, CA eRuwe OB IPO LribblaÂ¥kes , amnd4 avounaing wich large wp Â¥YOUXG & RADFORWS, Udry UA NoV iX BER , iwo valuable TiA the Pemech«« go usd 8, at the ‘.qh ® oity, on MQy. JY b M BEa RBext. 18 THE SESL das i SALE Tracge. TiMBap iby; * of W hize dtun (/ Merourep: â€" Ftemached us \â€" doseph Gus | mew chur s § weus working * Seaves a wife Bt. Patrick the cell Arrives 8 o‘clec Cas ab 11977 We €T