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Ottawa Times (1865), 10 Nov 1869, p. 4

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* Times Office. Otawa, } Nov 10, \869, â€"w-.â€"--' B " O ouup opai style last mosth, and month the citiâ€" sens of the mdnafl.bnm the birth or sawir new and rising existence; but m‘h'“flflurm would be too short io celebrate the virtues ot that celebrated Lndian Medicine, the great 3xoâ€" mowes«s Kexusor, now on sale by the respectable ..-_hynflu.lfl- mâ€"muugdd“nld by the Frenon coup de soleil, b-rdbcuu more (requently as the < y in‘ clats . but '.'â€"_'"-‘â€"â€"' L C s stt ecrenn en cintment," curing burns, outs, sealds, ains, womaiia.. shilibl «ins. chapped hands, £o. PR es â€"â€"'&‘ remaed . ' “ H"l.l mflmmw'uw ~~'-“noh-d“.l‘n. «queens Burtscay we*s kopt in the usual on the increase as the country becomes older, bat this is also deception. The wuth is both illasions ..rh.hntoh“dh‘uhl. tor communtâ€" cation, which, like the great Snomnoxees Rexror tor consumption, fowoll in the wake of cirilization cation has not been horr wet t Te m-lc-l.d&'h. mubh&d the utility of Uppor Csnada in our educational system, the former 3 "'“'" D-J‘ m a Mo‘l'flm tional questions, as the great sHoSHONEKS azkIDT has been in eradicating the numerous chronic complaints Tfi‘f"."fi Liver and ccrouiatory organs. . For rale by all druggists. * Accioayt â€"There was an c::-:- in D::. Toollonnt in the ieinity.‘ ‘Ayers Pille are en ;q:""'i-n‘m«u-uu uu.u.:n WALLS wmllz and CODLOURED in a superior style, on most reasonable -ld‘::‘ul‘u Varnisb mm“ f:"‘“’ i do,, ubssured Piate, Smethinck 18 and 11 ounse, Diamond Star and Othsr Brands in Boxzes, or Cut to order of any size required. &. EA‘TON, Bell‘s Blook, onposite Russel! House. | DECORATING ROOMS, Which will enable him to execute all orders with hi.‘u-:m-um-n Frames, of the induith despaioh," the qual -momgn- anteed, and at prices .mm necessari‘y inâ€" duce custom. DA _sashes Primed and Glazsed tor shipâ€" ment, and Blinds Painted and for Hangâ€" ing, will be supplied on equally terms. Come and see,. wmucmu-nu- of 16 to 160 dos and upwards supplied at toss (has manufacturer‘s prices. JAMES CORLSTINE & Co, _â€"_.__ 491,473, 478, 477 Bt Pan! street, The undersigned begs to notify the public that oll':nnr of BUR DYXEING. _Mebas been at the business fo twoive yoars in Ottawa, and hbas always given universal satisfaction. Particuiar attention paid o ail descriptions of robes and ladien‘ furs. '.0‘?OIII.DOI. ki kn364 â€"â€" Opricip Mieger & Risictt‘s P .mh‘-d and lased can be \%‘i‘ with less risk of breakage han '.\h-. R. EATON, Store and OfMlice, Elginâ€"st., Opposite the Russell »PPaWw:a. @14€64604. MOCCASSINS8 AND MITTsS. > *~RUCELL, ie the Suspension Bridge, and ‘Match and Pall Factory of 8. 7‘ ubot," ATON‘8 DOOk MOULDINXG ANXD MANUFAUTORY, â€"Dostor‘s Wils are | For KLatl‘s or to Lot. __ A amail housse of fourg situated on the corner of Bank and mus Also a threeâ€"st.lled stable, with hay loft and carriage l o en A 10USB of seven rooms, cligibly situated, within dve minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Buildâ€" ings, to reat ; anad soveral houses and vacant lots in the city for sale, on part time. j Awwwltull. containing six rooms and on (lousesterâ€"st., Ashâ€" burnham Uill Thers iss handsome Aower and m"f"‘."“ outhouses and well atâ€" poly to W . H. BULLEN, on the promâ€" Ottaws, May 1. gporrass ro LEX _ The subssriber will sell or rent on reasonable terms bis in and about Cobden, conâ€" Mool:cnl lot ...oz‘m three E #, farms, under good suitivation, with barus erected thereca. For further partioulars apply to Joux and Wu. Tnowusox, Nepean, and Lawis & Puxust, Barvisters, Ottawa. Jeiâ€"141â€"tf ched. Apply to W. H. BULLKN, on the promâ€" :' 10331( l P e o i T will recerve from the proprietar a rich prize. Parties visiting the Alley will be received with polite attention. The best of liquo:s will be found constantly on hand. B B LARNVIERE. N Bâ€"A m. Ball Room is attached to he promses, w will be let at a low Agure. B L * The REFLECTOR Stove does xor require nut coal, Any kind can be burntinit. It is the most beautiful stove ever manutactured, and is most effective. It is cheap, Buy none until you Orders for Dyeing and Scouring will be prompt=| _ _ _ _ g ty flled at the LOWEST CHARGES. you oLp 1%p Youne rroris. Particular attention paid to the Cleaning of| â€" 801**Gtatfot Gentlemen‘s Clothing. FIBE‘S METALLITC CoFRI®8, ° m Chints Curtains Cleaned and Glazsed. Rusrpexonâ€"Yorkâ€"st., frst Brick House Ottawa, Goptember 4, 1869. 1144.3m below the market. * 6 Ottawa, 29th Octobéer, 1869. Authorized discount on American Invoices until further notice : 22 per cent. E. 8. Â¥. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. NEW DOMINIO N DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, No 2%4, Kidean stroot, Ottawa City, In rear of Gelhausen & Dupuis Tobacco Store. USTOMS DEPARTHKENXT, _ Ma. J, BAINE, | _ _ _ _ Department Public Works. LEWIY & PLNXUEY, RIRSTP PRIZK mednprgm prrpropt m the promises, or MBR Asoraies at Law, Solisitors in C » m;h'..ohwh:od.m and Quebec. OMcseâ€"Post OMse Bulldings, Elgin stroot, Avocures Kearsea. | Rexe Rowaeo Kixaes. J P. M10OPEERSON, G. KBEXEDT, 1. J. Cuniatu®. 1W neyâ€"stâ€" Law, Solle! «nser, &o. OMoesâ€"Lat oppesite the Post Office, “0lAOI LAPIERRE, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Lar, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chansery, Conveyancer and Noâ€" tary Public, Corner ot Bussex and York streets, uS ® 1M \-m'y‘.wvv.-&.::. N e[.‘.lll .:'-..-ll-lq Il!l““l. Am of the Poace and County , for the United C auntiee of Proient ahle mamblh" Siiieâ€"in the 1. As MARA, Architact. Ofliceâ€"Aumond‘s A% Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9027 EEFERL 4& KIXBER, Ba , Astornies at Law, Sohsitors in , 8s and ';" k “}.. tilles -::.:?"o:.“h-lo‘bb.fl . 08. t > :*/a~23 FOI 1KDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR Z A« TINE am effects the DTGKSTION and ASS*MILA of COD LIVER OIL, the fit enten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" taking Cod Liver Oil. and 1%s6d. Pancreatine O8GRONVE & TAILLON, Barriustors, CHOLAS 8P ARK®, Burrister and Attorâ€" DWARD T. DARTNELL, Barrister .. .fl.â€"_ n-l‘. Barristers, &0., CHIEF UNDERTAKE»X, j APARKSâ€"»T. COFPINS, HEARSES § CARR1AGES, rOR OLD xD ToUXg rBorL®. M HAYOOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soilâ€" :‘W. \-f“,: 1i1fy _ House, Land and General Agest s0o8,KENNXEDOY 4 CURISTIE, e Wine,bottles,3s,5s and Wine is the‘:hld'l:.t %s, 3s 64, 62 64 Mclfl.“'l â€" CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, and & BOWEL COMI every family, is only . â€" TWENTYâ€"FIYVE CENTB 4 m:&Au‘ F CANADIAN COUGH EMULSIGN. m of immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, Dificulity of m.-l Chest, &0., &6. mud ““n: goaled ox ap w&hhhhuh. SBold in Bottles at 11. 34. 21. 6d., Bach. the Liver and Bowels. T efempahiie stafontions and ferprd aolual of eeraip i a f g deâ€" MORTIMER t Rose Denti : frice, for the Testh and Gams,| Also on hand Perfames ot all kinds, and Loilet + Mortimer‘s â€"Vegetable Worm Destroyer, usually in a frstâ€"class ment. Toilet Boxes in variety, Rimmel‘s New Porfames, Silver Top Smelling Bottle., Bootch P:aid Smolling A complete stock just received ¢f Tollet Articles, This valuable medicine has MORTIMER‘S COMPOUNXD ANTIBILIOUS I}s you require stoves and THE MEDIOAL HALL, 2,000 CELEBRATEDPD Q K READ Pipes, a good supply at.s low rate, and a full Cheap tor cash. 200 STOVES, 5,000 STOVEPILP 1,600 $TOVEPIPE RLBOW , PATENT PIPE > 300 IMPROVED EBOWS8, INFALLIBLE â€" REM OLILDAY FAMILY ere shall_we go?t NoNE OTHER GENX Cc. P. Do RIO N, mW A k. m OTTAwWaA TIMES, NOVEMBEN 10. And fformuelun. i‘ ~RE GREASE or ras CANADA BEAR, , has been long known as a most valuable toile | t .| article, and a constantly increasing demand is a DO;LBIOR, l'unuudbiqhml-. 4 _ It is delightfully perfumed, and is eminect for ~.+" | promoting a luxuriant growth of the hair, and + & ]mflhflr ho t . SMowenstle, C. W e gere® YÂ¥ HX. , |J. Skinper, and J Lovender Water, EDY from ton cents up BOTTLE. Gfteen cents up, _ Agent for MARRIAGE LICZNCES for the city fOltawas, by commission from His Exoeliency . Bole issuer for the City of Ottaws. GFFICEâ€"StL Lawrence Hotel, Rideaun=st. Ottawa, July 14, 1869. 1110â€"30â€"3m °_ |a 1YÂ¥VAGOE!S URSINA. ""rhoy opsrass by watr powerral influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into M&ymâ€"w:‘&%nl&f&l‘ t liver. 6 body, r@fl% ""%':"g‘ To "fi-':..d by correcting, wherever exist, such ments as £re the first origin of disease. _ . _ _ Jaundiceo or Creen Bickneoss, WHITIONS Colic and Biltous Fevers, they should be juâ€" diciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. Â¥For Dysentery or Diarrhcosa, but one mild Ayer‘s tive remedy for pulmonary upon the !-an:yc'-m-' (ratmng, G1: tors; and sold by all M_‘ld_‘m done on short notice in satisfactory manner, .l:h.“numuntmoah' hair from falling off or turning gr87â€" EVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, proprie h-&duflp‘. _A atylish sign can be ::t.é”bm towns and cities of Canada and the Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal, Pork, &e. j oTTAWA, + â€" ~ ‘Rud of Little Sussexâ€"st. United States enables me to and atisfy the wants of all Cash advanced on eonsigned tor imme. diate sale. Pn-pnmhmm For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. °> Probably never before in the whole history of Its nourishing properties effectually prevent the N B.â€"No bepsine Coroal. s , *fi £ 904. .. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FORWARDERS WAITE WASHIN G, HERE A SPECIALITY La) l ADIALOALPLIZAY A q C282 SPARKS STREET. 5; magkind; a2 this 6x y complaints. Through 11 so deeply excellent D"®:,: e Amko® l;hk:wu. 8.1:. Accoucheur, 0 m, Bretont Piate, OttaWas. * 111t1.0m i C mmersial Warehouse," directly apposite {llr.hh Lion uflml. late Tmurs Oof & ksâ€"st., Ottawa s ou“-..-.'ml a;'.::'u'w tats dn + +c +A R.J. A RECKETT Dentist, l_)n-m RHooms over A.’ m & Co.‘s R. O.C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and ” Accoucheur, Ottawa. Day ofice o?.b the T.uzs Office, Sparkeâ€"stroet, Coentre ‘Town. Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxogrs Curkp,withou the use of the koife, by a new, but certain, spe¢dy, and almost painiess process, References given to ‘utlu suce sessfully treated, it required. 17w100y EDWABD g: MALLOCH, M. D., M. R. C. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Flats. Oflice hours from 8:20 to 10;30 a. m., and 3 to 5 RZ OBliceâ€"Spurksâ€"strect, opposite M & Aeercil‘s. _ _ _._. 5169. will find this first class house unsurpassed in Cansaa, being situated in the centre ot tas cicy, and having over 100 well furnished bedâ€"rooms, Charges $1.00 per day, Bingle rooms, withou; boara, 60¢ per duy. a aarEaU, _‘ HALIFAX, NOVA 8Sc0OTIA, Established 1851. Permauent and mm?' :o-::odt _ a0eY _ _ TGRH RusANG: Eroprinter. Gornet U Mstonihs x‘c"‘".u‘u.w..di'i;m.'?.' o > â€" e an q:'huio main entrance to the Gonmcdnd:d’: he« QUZEEN® comprises allthe requisitesfer a Arstâ€"class hostau ant." TYhe House has beenrefiited and ref. trnished inroughout. The BAR contains the choicust Brandsir W ines and Liqu wrs, and every delicacy cfthe seana wiil be found on thetable. The m-mammuw to he comâ€" guests ano patrons. BPM" Oysters,Game eto.. duily Opposite the Court House and Public Offices, 8ST. OKFBARINB Ont. & ®. ROVGHRTON, Proptietor, (Late of soughton‘s Dining Saloon.) _ pmA spacious sampleâ€"rvom for commercial travellers. and vehicles always on hand. Corner of Main and Prince of Walesâ€"streots Pembroke, Ontario. af:l?" in connection with the steamers Jason , Pembroke and Pontiac. Part.cuiar attention paid to the comfort c(g-h. Good rooms for commercial travellers. Horses 1107 . atd ol.mnc Alllll.l‘ olesale Manu fecturers of Bedstoads, Charâ€" diere Island, Ottawa, 0. W. __ _____ *t+ | _ Toronto, 25th September, 1869. â€" Notice is hereby given, ‘f?’ the last day for receiving Potitions for Private Bills will be WEDNESDAY, the TWENTXâ€"ROURTH day o NOVEMBER pnext. â€" _ * â€" â€"OCHARLES,T. GILLMOR, GOLDf BILVEK, SHELL AND ml& PBA perfect fit gaaranteed. _* _ LAZARUS, |PMORRISI@§& â€" CO‘S 17 & 19 ST. GABRIEL STREET, MONTREAL. _ >_ For comfort and attendance the travelling put e NANADA HuTEL, Plnll'lo l@fifllm“ Kteg e in it o Peiee e t Pembroke, Aug. 1, 1868. R. C. LEKGGO Ph{uhn Surgeon and Accoucheur. Ofliceâ€" unton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" R. OLIVER hAB'l'll, Dentist. Officeâ€" Bpurkeâ€"stroet, Central Otawa. _ S4utf _ \HK 6 QUKEKN * RESTAUrKANT, Manager. | 1071.6m Proprictors. PLRFECTED SPECTACLES, ICKWICK HOVSE, TTAWA HOUSE HEK METROPOLITAN ie AUMOND‘S BLOCK, es + _ Midens Strest Ottawa, AVERLY HOUSE, Ajotcls and Saloons. Moual Cans. Lretrarivs Asssusur or Oxtazr1o, fEEW As8ORTMEN r GEORMRGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. & ltvo just received a EYL â€" GLASSES, Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., â€"___ No 35, Sparks J. COPELAND, Unon FORWARDING & RAILWAY COMPANY. UPPER OTTAWA ROUTE. _ Consisting of the following first class steamere : 1869 notice), Ti (Senaare movpoa). Tor the Uppar Unane k wa at 7 a m, connecting 'l& the steamer Alliance at head of railroad, at 11 a m,touching at Arpprior, Sand Bristol, Bonechere, Zarrell‘s Wharf, Odzh;huhuwa Fort. ESteages will 1 leavre Gould‘s Whart immediately after arrival of | steamer Alliance tor Cobden, conmecting with steamer Jason Gould, and urriving at Pembroke same evening, | : The steamers Pontiac or Pembroke loave Powâ€" broke daily at 1 p m, for Des Joashim, calling at a!l intermediate ports. lctnniz. leaving at 6 a m, connecting at Pembroke with steamer Jason Gould which leaves Pembroke Landirg at 2 p m, and arrives at Portage du Fort same evening. _ The steamer Ailiance leaves Portage du Fort efy! morning at 7 [Sundsys excepted|, touchâ€" :? dud..l?dn n{ All”l.’..’; and arriving at r{dcl. head of railroad at 1i n-.ud'nuuu-‘ with steamer Ann Sizson at Pontinec at noon. Passengers reach Ottawa at 4 p m. A connection is made daily with the Brockville and Ottawa Railway at Arpprior on the up and F tfnnlcpu&-hn ply at the Com * or y‘s otfines at Ottawa sulzlau.' .’ c ar MAGGITE Dessidant Cl D. _.[_. _ K. 8. CASSELS, President. Ottewa City, Aug 29, 1869. |\ _ DAYB.6¢om. \Steamer MARY ANNE, andâ€" Bargesâ€"Captain \ ~ . B. T. Bastonâ€"will oare Montreal on FRL I DAYT8,6 p.m. s On and after lar SEPTEMBER, (until further On and atter MONDAY, the 3rd MAY, the now & wfl- Ircn Steamer; Quebsc and Monâ€" treal, will leave Richelion Pier (opposite Jacques Cartior r‘lace) as follows,â€" The steamer Quebec, Captain J B Labelie, will leave every Moxpar, Tevzespar and Froiar at seven o‘clock, pm. The Steamer}obfllm will leave every Tuzspar, x and Bagurâ€" paÂ¥y at seven o‘clock, p m. RICIIIIJIU COMPANY» + Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers between RATES OP PASSAGE, Passage tickets will be sold at the office on the M.gnb-nm ean be secured by taking tickets at this office only. n?nluhho.ul:-ul.:h‘:l Lading, h'.v‘; the or vduwflowmn___“ Office of the Richeliou Co, (â€")>Rates by this Line FIVE per cent, lower than by any other Lane. BTEAMERS " ALLIANCE," "JASONGOULD" & " PRMBROKE," rg‘us oTrAwa RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY MAIL 8 TEA ME RS. UTTaWA CITY TO MONTREAL DAILY, (Byxpays Exospr=p.) Thieplendid now sinf fast walling Stenmers * 4 UEEN YÂ¥ICTORI A," _ _FREIGH T LINE, . From Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston and in E“m RIDREAU AND OTTAWA Carpr. R. W. Busrasan. The steamer Queen Victoria leaves her whari foot of Sussex st, at 7 a m, (Montreal time), arriving in Montreal at 4;45 p m. The comfort and economy of this line is uusur passed, while the route passes through one of the most picturesque districts in Canada, and is the most fashiongble for tourists. f Parties desirous of a pleasant trip can obtain Return Tickets to Grenville, valid for one day at AYLMER DAILY at 8:30 o‘clock, a.m., FPOR THE UPPER OTTAWA, May 1, 1 69. â€" Passengers for the selebrated CaledoniaSprings will be landed at L‘Crignal. Parcel Express daily from the Ofice on the wharfto Montreal and intermediate landings. Tickets can be procured at the offfice on the wharf, from the ofice of Herrick & Crombie, ideaun st, W 5 Boyd, at the hotel and office, Russell House Block, The market steamer Fuiry, Captain Nichol, leaves Ottawa on Mondays and Saturdays at 4 'l- OTrAW aA EHIVER NAYVIGATION COMPANY‘s *PRINCE OF WALES8," â€"~â€"_Â¥. H. KASTON & Go., Little Russex Street, Canal Basin, Hoad Ofice. ; JAMES BWIFT & Co., â€" 8t. Lawrence Wharf, Kingston. a M. H. EKASTON & Co., /Â¥ I‘WM COMMENCED THEIR REGULAR TRIPS M. G. Rastonâ€"will leave Montreal on TUESâ€" Uxto® WoRWARDING AXD ALWAYT oX T, Ottawa, May 5th, 1869. treal, June 11, 1869. °> HERRIK & CROMBIE, Agents, Otewa. OTTAWA AXD MONTBRBEAL. "A NN 8156860 N octve ond Munires, DES JOACHIMS. ‘_~__ £. 6. CASBSELS, K. EABTON, Beq., J B LAMERE, 1869 1869. TIME TABLE, No. 22, Commencing on MONDAY, OCT. 11, 1889 LEAYE BROCKVIIL LE. 4:00%.:st8a"s wll’l.'. *Ke PX Brockville daily at 4.00 pm, § 5 m, 1.%5 p m and 12.52 a m. a d 1 LEAY® SAXDPOINT. A. M.â€"«â€"TRAINS will i czOOSndpoint at 6.00 a m u‘.:_‘“. pm, 2.20 a m, arriving at Brockville at 12y p x, 8.30 p m and 9.3¢ a m. *ke «P XPF Brockvilie dnilg.‘t * P m, €.6; a m, .0.35 P -.‘nrri‘v’in‘ at Bandpoint at 945 p se C a m am 1% C P. M.«â€"â€"TRAINS will iea 5:1590115 at £.15 p m and 9.00 ‘.: arriving at Emith‘s Falls at 6.05 p m and 9.55 an LEAVE SMITHS £ALLR. A.M.~â€"THAINGS will lean l0’05 Bmwith‘s Falls at 10,.05 r m an 6,20 p m, arriving at Perth at 10.55 a m and 11 ®. f All trains on Main Line connect at Falle with trains to and from Perth. No 1 leaves Brockville after G T /R Espres Trains are due from the cat. No 3 is due in Brockville in time to connectwith G T R Express Trains for the east and west. hP E. AFBOTT, THE TIMES “'l&.‘ aad publ Tas Ortawa Prawrine axp we Coxrany, at the Office, 38, B On and after THURSDAY, 19th doy of | AUGUbT, this railway will be open for paÂ¥senâ€" 1 ger and goods trafic as under : a Trains will leave Grand Pre on arrival of pasâ€" | sengers from Halitex by morning train to Wind. sor, and forward | y Coach to Grand Fre at 12. 20, noon, arriving at Annapolis at 5.30 pm. Learâ€" $ ing Anpapolis at 8.30 a m, and arriving at Grand Pre at 1.45, in timetor Conch to Wirdsor, son: |â€" Opening for Traflic Bt. John‘ Return tickets to ptville and C FneQioduott aies can be had at los prinsipal tions on the line. I.L'.Dm . THOMAS m'- I.‘:n- above 2rams all run ‘â€" Ottawas, June 28, 1869, ga3o04 flfifi’bfio&dquh‘lfl necting with after: Halifax at 7.10 p m. By order, Liverpool or Queenstown................. ..« Pirst Oabin, P ayable in Gold. Liverpool or Queenstown...................... to ensure connection with trains on Grand east and west, also with the steamers of the Baggage to and from Ottawa chocoked thr h-n‘uud-qm‘hfilflz Return tickets to Presoott, Kemptville and INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMERS, 6 FPROM NEW YORK EVERY 8A1 AND ALTERNATE TUEsSDAYs. AATES OF PAS&AGE BY THE SaTUzRDiY an ___ _ _ First Oabin, Payable in Goid. Liverpool 0Or QueCDStOWR.......»=»»«»»»»»»s+««» Liverpool Or QUOGDELOWRL.»»»»«»«»»#»»»eszez0000 1869.] SUMMKER ARRANGEMENTs. 186 | W _ Trains now leave BONAVENXTURE BTAT! as follows : Day Express for Nigh _ do : do _ do do _ do T;3 p Accommodation Train for Corowall and Intermediate Stations at........ :10 p Accommodation Train for Kingston and _ _ Intermedicte Stations, at.... ....... T1b 4 hl.-htlsdh. u,..i........b“.-. m: % a m, noon, 1; m, 4;40 p m, 1 and 6:30 p m. P P Â¥ _ The 1.30 pm train runs through to Provin Express for NewÂ¥ork and Bostonat...... 4:30 visa Vermont Central. -p:: for New Â¥ork and Boston __â€" Burlington & Rutland at......0 a m, 440 Express for Island Pond, st................ 200 $ Night Express for Quebec, Island Pond. t Och'::l m.m be â€" Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville _and Conticook only, at......... ....__10;10 F _i Cars on all Night Trains. mm steamer Carlatia leaves Portliand SATUT VAY AFTERNOON (after the ar train from Montreal on Friday night), fo fax, N.s., returning on Tuesday. .:O h'L:‘-ul-d sccommodation for pass The hummw r in connection with the Grand Trunk L M en ie n my, * . ‘Pickets fesued through at the Company‘s; Express for BoStOD Bt.»+»»».»=»»»»»»»#»»»»»» _ For further information and time of arrival departure of all trains at terminal and way tions, apply at the Ticket Oflice, Bonaventure : C.J; BRYDGES, Managing Directa Montreal. MaÂ¥ 17, 1869, hawva Aorxcrâ€"Russel! House Block ”:M,M all information may _â€"John‘s, N.F., by branch steamer.......â€" _5 B8T. LAWRENCE AND OTTAWY RAILWAY, (formerly the Ottawa & Prescott Ralleay.) PASKAGE BY THE TUESDAY STRAMER Â¥I Bigned, _ VERKNON SMITL, Kentville, Aug 1869. ____ 14807 . LEAVE OTTiW. AREIVE IN rRRSOO® huu,'la.‘-f 9.85 a. m. _ Mixed, 1.90 p. m. 416p. m â€" > LAhAYE PRRSCorT, ARRIYVE 18 Ml.‘&s.-. l:“u.t.l- Ta. p. m. ON and AFTER MONDAY, 26r8 !,_.}-‘Wldn.m PORK ©#CHICAGO MES8,* *XXX and No. 1 FLOUR,_~~* w HITE BEANS A CHAIN CABLE and ANCHOR, and all poiDts WORt, Bto »+»»»»»»»»»»»» and Intermediate Stations at......... INDEOR & ANNAPOL RAllL\ WAY. A' ' _ WPne _ Rtecrage, Puyable in Ourrenty, GoING sOUTH AND EAST dation Train tor Island Pond PERTH BRANCH LEAYVE PERTH MAIN â€" LINE 16 B KREICK 4 C GOING WEST, T rand Pn JOEEPH MOOKEY, ##eces0se5ee000000: ree00008 train, and Managying Lnrector 6 CHBRISTL. Ottawa, Annapolia would call your special AT ING Co for all ALL PIC AU ; D my

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