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Ottawa Times (1865), 25 Nov 1869, p. 1

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EAYE PERTH . M.oâ€" TR A 4 : 18.5%2 a m. B TABLE. No 31. _ m .O’DA'. m. J ;fi-“i-m‘ .â€"‘"' ATN 1n, _ C eHe mith‘s Fails at Porth at ‘?P._:_ as unday ; will be open for BRANCH at 6.00 a ai 1. » MRS KENDALL. one of the Lady Principais, " Teb | â€" ~~ id Teacher of the Fronch andltaiianlanguages . has vacancies for a fow ladies, as boarders, i f * so altend the above establishment. * umss . __â€"_ French is made the language of the houge, Mc " «ootghen @reorp‘s Tetrace, Stowart street, Ottaws. _ t * weo s thatk a k â€"stne parcrecregye wt %% "p SELLINO AT TWENXTY.â€"FIVE 33 PERCENT BELOW COST. _CAPITAL B00T AND SHOE sTORE, 39 RIDEAU STREET, oTTAW A, ‘ HAYING OPENED HIB NEW ESTABâ€" (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) *n:“ %MV PRLICES a large g‘ Liquors, Tobaceo, huayll and Fancy edbess Geermabnd predete Man 6n aratkt Bordeauz and other Vinegars. OTTAWAOFPLICOEâ€"G » Devumoss‘s Excharcge P YÂ¥kee, 19 Sparks streot. s wmlltu ConPr axyt THE OLD STOCK, SAYVED FROM FIRE AJUVSEPH, Chairman; D 0 TAOMSON, Treaâ€" urme; 8 BFPOOITBER ATHOMsSON, 1 8 DUKNX. DBUMMOND, Manager. 11Muef C e d Smd se Sn k ter Mook I have now is undoubtediy the 1 noaate on in =n-¢u is um;":;y':’mm And arcther -dlmm faot is that being Ierimg fmvight packings daty ant wiher vipart ,_L-Q‘:lod m 40 ...........'1.'.*. LRA _ Coonad Ruixows; Renaulit & Co, Henâ€" um.-.l.â€" KR . De Kagyper‘s and WHoutman‘s, un wood HOTEL KLEEPERS, anocxn‘ PROVYEIL MION STORES AXD OTHE J notics of intention to Hm:h”dnm'zmlltosm TOMATO KE?CHUP, &c, wholesale, increase of trade during the Jast four years cvmpelied me to enlarge my manufastory I HIGUWIXES, OLD RYE, PROOF HESS PORK]! Park street, Otawa, or dirvect Boz ic pdnnt‘s, .".'ll- on the bank of th. Ridean and the higheost prices given. 11967 Thess advantages, I think; cannot fail to fihmu‘fmâ€"'flhhum _ JAMED KASH, Wholesole and Retail Z ickle PATENT CONGRESS, SEAL CoNGRESS, PINE ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGRESs, HAXDâ€"MADE,and other new styles, and Winter Stock of Feet Wear which wil} be r*hmwm LATEST AND BEST sSTYLES Orders taken fir all sorts of work, unh--m-___ t high proof and Auror, at extremely low prices. _ Thorne‘s and Stewart‘ Scotch Whiskey and Pmices Sapifadofuoififice** * " I would inform my customers in general that T am now rece In Now is the time or bar aina 1106 would call your special aitention to his Spiendid A380ORTMENT of PRUNELLA B90T8â€"Bue soned, Laced and Congress. % MPORTANXT To ‘W _ Sherries o all p:.d‘u. Mol': ?fi..:m'dnlm.l-mn* A large supply of Lambermen‘s Wear always 1 Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s and hz'l Wear. .__ C LRVIN, PPÂ¥ HOOP SKIRT PAacCtoR Y BOOTs AND sHOES: nm â€" .S U M N E R, Emfln‘ reasted daily on * *TUK NEW S8TYLES yanet uorts FO ALL WEATHERS." THE RED BOOT, ‘OBKiPIOKLBD 84 LABR, HERXAINGS8, YOL, IV NO. 12156. Congou, Iniperial, Young ==’ cahoap. ¢ # r Chapter® Standis of cunalld * At THs AND Porter, ptes and qts. AP 1188.,f awtf Uw-i u.i-'n Ea“‘w’ ;:\:'lu&‘!va The whole of the work will be under the manâ€" agement of T W COURRIER, whose well known experienco and ability in the bu«iness will be a suficient guarantese for the manner in which all * (Canal Basin.) . e > W CURRIER & CO respectiully inform the wOBKS AXNDâ€" MACAINERY, se maa apgaeegh Mst, ats e stagjas iee poOoks, sasH BLINDS, MoULbi®Gs Is whose merits immediâ€" *.lsuo&‘“p-m-flu- ite pleasant taste and harmiess composition, the :Mlh.lhn: ~h.“~:l“.i= one of the best 4 &4 COUCGH REMEDIES EXTANT, nlllnclo-phd':-uflulwno‘ul. dealors in ’ol;ooo:-.sbnl lfi.. £ 28¢T Notre Dame Btrset, Montreal, _ _ onA'A j * STEAM PLANING â€" MILLS, orders ontrusted to them will he executed. Wholesale Price List of Doors, &o, for ship ment, will be forwarded on application, 1167.3m Chevalier Gustare Smith begs o announce to his pupile that the Academy‘of Mcsio, Ridean streoet, will be twâ€"opened on MONDAY, Augus G ROCERIE s suitable for town or country use. : R & Wort‘s H. Wines, Old R&ye and ;_&M-Mn‘ sold at very DOMESTIC sa~COUG H REME D Y <a with an ascomplished lady teacker, aunounces that ‘her> Dansing Olasses will ceonmence on And Cocking Stoves, new and second hand, AT THE VARIETY HALL. GROCERS & COMMISsIONX MERCHANTsS, ... No. 36. Rideawst., and Dukest., . â€"PORACCOS, ‘A : . LIQUORS of all desoriptions, and a general assortment of W ednesday, the #Ind Instant. s&"m By using a Coal Seive. Price 25 conts, at Auditor. I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" M'l'-‘v.‘h--nhl-’-lrmh sand Dollars 000) U. 8. Bonads, 6s of ‘81 The Hon. Col. John H. Gray, M.P., has beer - W tR o e P e e Secdd. e UNION MUTUAL LUFE InsUR ANCE COMPANY , of Maine. » No: 104. it es a roage o# O â€" hohhn.l-ohqnx has reovived a license totransactthe business of Insuraner Special sitention given to the parchasing on u--ih'n“dhh.lnmflc Iron, Fite Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &o. . _ _ G ENE RA L ,‘9‘.!1', No. 3, St. Paeterâ€"st. Ottawa, August 14, i8 9. BROURLTY should be the lmim. an BOIN LIFE. Tuse tables i .”N*M“1 by any cfies of equal stand: | mandl Jys y _ _ _ _ . 77 ACeeeammarne, _ IDSGTSS mills and lumber and other property at reason: ablo rates. | Dbmantaind CcarBaay, COMMIS3SION Deposit in U\ 8. ds ar Â¥1.330,000. CORW LN,«General 8t * Tor ie wikien CaDbExy o# music. Of beautiful and fashionable designs at PEOPLE‘3 TEA STORE:: OÂ¥ AL ll'll!.uu- W"T'Oâ€"- _ FLBE 4AXD LIPE . ital. .......... Two Millions Sterling. FIRE DEARTAEST. SUGARS, to announce that they are P. BASKERVILLE & BRO,,; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL alldings of all kinds. Insures household and stocks of merchandito. Insores imould be the Erst in sactions, and PAMY The tables and the terms of the ?-.--lm:n h M Pmanzos Deraaturnt, Ottawa, 12th Ostober, 1864 OF MALN L. BX STOVES, I Agent, 8t; Jobon, N.B hn Sikieter of Pnd ESMONXDE‘8. Richmond, Nov 6th, 1869. 100143 47 3 COMPANY NDE EK desided to divide his time equally between O:tawa and Ogdensbargh, would beg to inform his *‘dp&--lm:ubmufi’:,. to attend to their orders for tuning more it Remetnss Snoll vnle Dnataveme amaite, Orders received at Mr. Berminghams Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles‘® Muble Store. . _ _ _ __ efered to the Canadian public. We have testiâ€" monlals similar to the above from ministers, trustees and sextous of churches in various parts cl:olh--ho. “ fhe ohting o are prepared to take orders churches, school houses, stores and dvwechings. Our work will be guaranteed to give satisfaction. * some .n:umm,,mdmb Orders may be left at his residence or at Orme & Gon‘s Music Store, ; f 14 fae The Reovd John N'qn Minister at London, Ont, says: vfi in a church during the winter of 1 beated by the L Warper‘s improved metbod of heating 1 am prepared to say that during the =M':Mmdmupbhdu-:l:f" was always delightfuily venâ€" tiated. . T am ...u....f..‘."-‘&‘.. most butvictercmamathand Htua ment for heatin effered to the ( near the ceiling. “ 'V ‘.-“ # a All goods delivered free to n.-’ part P Sâ€" is delive e the ciry. < PIAIO PUNLNG.â€"The subscriber having decided to divide his time equally between 'l\o COMNMON sCnooL 'I'IAOI-II. AND ‘ALL OTHERsS WHOXM IT MXaY Notice is hereby: giren that =the Richmond Cireuit Board of Public Instruction, in the County ot Carleton," will (D V) meet in the Town Hall Richmend, on TUESDAY, the Tth day of DEâ€" CEMBER next, at the hour of 12 o‘slock, noon, for Also, received a fine lot of the well known -u-g--co..wuunm and ColHfee Pots diferent styles and shapes, *‘ Gorete, Ciles Eol Standa, Hation W are, Iren * .hla of all sizes and best matetials, give a 3 * m; a4g e# , C P DORION. $ im ds«‘ # * fi IÂ¥ you wmun. of any d-.‘c.m mu.,.m..nn | e / m» C P DORION. | TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, "‘ ue ot patira, gives aelte sn * f C P DORION, !,:-.l.unlndl.lulmhg!nnnn Câ€"P vORION, C I ' ' "h" melnt enomendionie, Airecn d "'_" It y:nv:d“a:ru' Refrigerator otf any size & A C P DORION. If Cream ):;?&th.h.flu Freerer C P DORION. t Bathsâ€"Hip, Shower, Jast give «~Q°Pr~DORIOoN, .| / 58 Sparks st, opposite British Lion Hotel, : A COALL, . And examine for yourseives and see if he caunot ofler you groater inducements «. cher tou areater Induéements than you ean JP Don‘t foeget the CULINARY & ‘DboM®sTLIC _ TMINWARE t ck of E"':.#“ n:‘nncmud T esy Pomk Ant Reamint myrSteck, WAaARM=~CHURBCHES. ~ We have bought the right to use the REVD L ARDBRBAULEK I HMHARDWARE : ;o‘u.&t :3',-‘7';._.,_;1._.___ In THOMAS â€"BIRKETT‘3, SKtoves & Hardware. 130 dos 10 quart Milk Pans UOâ€" do~~# ~ do _ do system the air in building is at’mio:.unb 0 P DoRIO®, _ Iron, _ Pulats.all colors, H MEADOWS & Co, # 35 Bussex atroct. AT &4Â¥ GEKO, N. BENEDILCT C B PETTIT, 58 Sparks street, OTTAWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, ls6». _._ Public notice is heroby given that the Canada Contral â€"Rallway Company will apply to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada at‘its next session for an Astto extend the delay allowe? themfor the completion of their railway, to authorise the enactment of a Bylaw giving voting power to bondholders, and restricting the voting power of stockholders u‘q'tm.hq-h- ces, and to authorise the company to seduire by purchase, any railway or portion of rarilway available for the parposes of the Canada Central Londoe, Oct let, 1869. The HON JOHN ROSK, (late .Minister of Finance for the Domimon of Canade), joins our Arm this day, which will be continued under the style ot MORTON, ROSE & Co. Office of Morton, Bliss & Co, New York, Oct 2, 1869 MBR WALTER WAT3ON, (late Agent of the or the Bank of© British North America, Neow York), is this day adwitted a partnor inour Arm. 1185e0odm : â€" MORTON, BLI3SS & CO. â€" (Of St. Catherine‘s College, Cambridge,) is to give lessons to a limited number fimmmm-‘ Phoâ€" Terms: Fifty cents per lesson. _ â€" > _ ng Pistols, used in her Majosty‘s Navy. _â€"_ . _ "aw:'n XiM CÂ¥IRE m‘mn sizes, Bmith w'o Tranter‘s, an P Pookst Revolvers. * PIN CAKTRIDGES for Lefauchoux Revolvers of i2â€"2.,yâ€"m, and Tâ€"m. bore. . w. T, B. Jones, L. L. D.,8t. h& Erq , M. A., Rector ot Gramâ€" mar 9 Apply at the Grammar School or at this OS : 1109032 “fi.”-nmlom"h:z thm.:.‘r rhg-?d‘o':},cd“ ‘J:........:fl'....... (empty) of all sizns. Frosh Groand and Roasted on the fpremisos, very fing Bavour. n and other Ridles, Also Ca s for Ballard Japans, Black‘s and Green‘s, in great varieâ€" . to qualitses and prices. New Season Teas, apd wel! ..rmh a trialâ€"for famsises, being ipur chased for retail trade.; _ ; ; the Variety Hall, iÂ¥ now in stock, comprising :‘lltbhnm BTILTON CHERESE in stook, equalto English Cheese, and 10 cents per 1b choape, k Factory Cheese very fine. % % Â¥or sale by ~HO8. PATTERSON, > i «ysif Je a Ti Hilsinct A splend:d Table Goblet for two dollars per dosen AT THE VARIETY HALL. _â€" _ PManished Eron and Britannia Metal Toa and Cofee Pois, in different sizes and shapes, vory __ Mam, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, tiame and Saimon, Anchory Paste, CurriePowdeis, Imporia: P“!.D MEATS.â€" 100 ;# * And the celebrate P1G BRANU, unequaled in quality, at prises unugsually low, by the case of dos each, quarts $2.50, pints $1.75. Warrantâ€" od by Guinpess & Co‘s: certificate, 1003‘;0.0-‘!.. aUINNESs a»00s8 XXX 5 HUDS.BRAXDY, ‘h“i. 1885 :and 1668 @P W arranted fue quality MEDAL BRAND. am y use;, try it. ! / [Mk Bark‘ Gazelle from COGNAC. DIRECT ImPORTATIONS K. W. CARTER, Lea & Porrin‘s Woresester Sauce. Ee Ship Anglesea from Liverpootl. 44 ‘l“‘p v“ fn. Oports hflcadha,jn.ladu. HOTEL KEEPERS. CHESTS FINE FAKILY WHOLESALE OKLY, AT THE VARIETY HALL : BLACKWELL‘Ss GOODS HOUSE, BAXK, wu‘y o % â€"4%% years old) found '-..L Its astonishing cures of Infiamâ€" mation of the mgfinpnfihmdnm mh-m hnuh‘.paiuo'm- matism, and .ilorvou‘ ections, entitle it to a hign rank e list of remedies for these wc? og: Battles.â€"Das. Bixoniau, of Utica, New YÂ¥ork, says: @"I have used Dr. A. Trask‘s Ointment in my practice a number of and can say with pleasure I deem it one of Intemastion of the Lenge, Infammation of the Inflammation of the Lungs, on of the Bowels, Infammatory Rheamatism, and in Chilaâ€" bed Fever, n?‘h‘ with perfect success, in cases of Burns, Bruises, Frozen Limbs, it acts like a charm; * Da.J..P. Kuxzpt ,of Chittenango, New York, says : * It has stoud thetest trial, and has not been somplaints,"" _ > M he4 Dea. A. W. Bruptso, of Knowlesvilie, New York, says; * I have used it in severr i cases of Special sundry .&““u"" ud”l: e hclre other com: -l-ul it a superiore article, and welt worthy the notice of all * > Trask‘s Magnotic m-ui“ P und Pey that the words see wor #A. TRASK‘3 MAGNEIIC OINTMENT" are Mothers!; mMotnaers i Mothers Iâ€"Are you disturbed at night and.brokenâ€"of your rest by a slck child suffering and erying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting tosth ?¢ If #6, go at once and get a~bottle of hirs:=WINSLOW*8 S00THING BSYRUP. <It will reliove th poor little sufferar .:'-tu."" at, Newssetio, is, 0. W., General Afrat tor ts Ushnadat, "Bofé is onans by ait druggists and hy medicine dealers everywhere. immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak 1 about it. â€" There is not a mother on carth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magie. It is pertectly ‘safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the tasto, and is the preâ€". seription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" sicle ns 4nd nurses in‘the United States.. Price 25 ents _ ~‘3 everywhere, Boâ€"sure to call for as it does, have every security the law can afford ktmmmmâ€"wm&h .Coughs and Colds.â€"Sudden‘ changes olimate are. sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Bronshial Truches,"" or Losenger. Few atre aware dhw of chocking a cough, or "com. mon cold," in its first stage. That which in the w‘w‘ s mild remedy,if nog. soon *the lungs, «*Browp‘s Bronâ€" chial Troches," or Cough . Lozenges, allay irritaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a pizzCT in Auence on the affected parts. * As there are imitaâ€" lons, be sure o OBTAIN the genuene. Sold by al} dealers in medicines, at 25 conts a box. Emt ;mw-‘-:vlâ€"-" -l-:l'o-“ the outside wrapper, All others are base imitaâ€" Mrs. 8. A. .Afi'l&‘tul',’g m:-d. Jt is wer Asthmatie affections. Experience having proved that simple remeaies often act speedily shd cer. Tndeh Hentrer Td Arntaizmcemt should nit univers«lly * amplored as Arc ‘Pi'l.l:.:’ ai versal 4 tairen Sork to Siid and ‘Frovam dheine, moould tainly when in the early stages of the disâ€" guo.:u]_n:tu at onde Nm.“n:ovn'l Mlront ndnaret. * it a wark sufis andviften o sediment. 172"-2‘&4&-44:% de used one with the other.â€" BOLD BY au1. Drve@iste. hww.v-bcuh(‘-..wbm 35 St. and 40 Park Place, Newâ€"York. position in what thl&.‘sn done and restraining. them from further injury to the public. 1t any class of our people more than another neods the interposition of iaw to shield them from imâ€" posture, it is &o‘d_ok and suffering who are HAIR RESTORER Will Hestore Gray: Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is mflm.ll‘m Dressing. It will giowth. PAH.llmm is immediately checked. York, will send, free, a phamphblet cf 32 pn..’,oo.hl.h. a* fall account of this reâ€" markable medicine, to any one sending bim heiraddress . j s $ & The Supreme Uoart of the otaid ul nnlx;::‘x ave issued a m unction ainst '.'3""'.-."1'1--5“-' Ayore ‘Uathatie New Stylc. Tmportant Change,. A REAL HAIR RESTORZLA AND DRESSING _ Coembined in One Bottle, MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® epring from the increased facilities for communiâ€" cation, which, like the zou Buou?- Rexror for consumption, fowoll in the wake of civrilization using the Peruvian Syrup. â€" It gives me new vigor, m;-mum, elasticity of mus, cles." J. P. Dinsmore,. 36 Dey Street,; New the birth of their new and and rising existence ; but recovered hvdlz ldl.f feel thr:‘:‘p‘blle::l.s- that a:::u‘u:p roiie, tingrcs . Sug great , Suoâ€" sxoxeus ReuzsoY, tow on sale by the respectable: drugglists in your locality. _ bunsruockmâ€"â€"This accidental infrction, called | _ The question of beards for the arm 'Im‘reoeotly »gain . been . brought undg ! notice, and the repeal of military shaving | orders has Leen ssked jor, .on the tripie I 3rou£q of ecpnomy, appearance, and ‘bu a sort of mutilation;> only because he wears a red eoat, and has sworn to deâ€" fend his country.â€"ZLancet known and highly instructive ; and they must certainly be, to some extent, uséful as reapirators. . The grgqmentbe fm:: appearance brings the question on the reach ol'dinen-ion?bnt it mnzt be coneeded dll‘, at present, tbe nationâ€" al taste is in favour of the beard. ‘ And it seems hard to compel a man to undergo Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Caures can fully.replace. . The immunity from cuinsy ‘of those who wear them is well manity, . ‘1 he best argument in support oT this deinagd "may "be Tound in the Eunj prineiple that the life of a soldier time of peace should be such as to prepare him fot war, and in the fact that war s shaving orders away. Sir George wasâ€" the reputed author of a com ‘assertion that might have been> borrowed from:the Ozford pluck pap>ase, Hle said,; "*Where "there was hair there was dirt, and where there was dirt there was diséase.‘" â€" He ‘had thereâ€" fore somethimg that passed with him for a reason why shaving should be enforced, but yet h!ihd to enforce it. Razors were lost, and beards grew, in spite of him, £ There, can be no reuoubkddo:bc e wasaltogether and thatâ€" wl . Cummun y ~rgaitenm m-u-:-u bie for the eruel imâ€" m they have done and restraining BHKARDS ALBD THELIR Usks. SPECIAL NOTICES. irtthday was kept in the usual ast mooth, and next ‘month the Nominion of Canads will celebrate BEAUTIFUOL HAIR, Nature‘s Crown. . You Must Caltivate it ~ ~GRAY HAIk Ia a certain indication of de.iy at the roots. *T bave been avddâ€"14y m Â¥â€"91s & * | and the latter three times the seconds| m .j;._1J interfered, thinking that. matters had on Springs bmflficdfuuommthnm The Scene . was satisfied. ~This,â€" ; WBS â€" BOt | summer, the opinion of Captain Clemencon, Who,| the path h 'hhns the affair out of the hands , 0t his | pathe in « seconds, declared that, the . duel: MUSt | whicn are ‘| proceed till. one combataat fell mortally sulphur, w wounded. ‘The consequence was, that ing scream swords werengain crossed and the © comâ€" ing rooms. bat continued. After a fow pastes the| & n ... rare occurrence, but when a meeting takes place it is always a serious affair. There is nothing in French law to preâ€" g:nto.finulfim fighting, and, . under the_ circumstances, it is . exceedingly éreditable to the service that bullies are an extinct race. "The only â€" formality ':“hichuofioorol tb;ml;moh service to go through previously to on ‘ tbegronndintoobhinthomm of bis colonel, and it is needless to add: that few colonels would : refuse an insulted officer leave to ~avenge â€"his honour or shelter an officer from the consequences of ptov.oklnsh: quarrel. A duel beâ€" tween two o Cnu‘n:,‘h:. uhk?nmplm quartered at hasjust What the cause of the meeting was is as yet a secret.. Sufficient to @my that Captains Clemencon and. B*o{ went out the other morning. â€"After fighting for about twenty minutes, and when the former officer had been wounded twice and the latter three times the seconds interfered, thinking that matters had been carried farâ€"enough, and that honour was satisfied. ‘This, however, was â€" not the opinion of Captain Clemencon, who, uhn%‘ the affair out of the hands , ot his seconds, declared that the duel must proceed till one combatant fell mortally wounded.. The consequence was, that swords were again crossed and the © comâ€" bat continued. After a faw pastes the bat continued. ‘After a fow pastes the officer who had refused to consider the duel terminated,when the seconds of both parties interfered was run through the A Distrrssrxe Coven.â€"causes the friends of the sufferer almost as much pain‘as the sufferer himself, and should receive fppmediâ€" ato . attention, Dr. Wistar‘s Balsaam of Wild sore thronat, &e. <It will always relieve conâ€" sumption, and in many well attested cases it has ‘effected a perfect cure. M this preparation hbas : favourite, <The. Civic Servics Gazerrs reâ€" matks:â€""The singular success which .. ;{pp.utdud byhis h »maosopathic preparation ies of the natural laws which govern the operaâ€" exporting over $17,000, and a number of other townsswell the amount to $25,â€" 000 per week. â€" These sums â€" are tendered on the nd-\ut:%t:l:: other cities: and important towns will also join inhtz scheme, so as to bring the liip- ments up to $40,000, or, if necessary, to $50,000 ~per : week. These shipments u;tobo continued for rh weeks," Ih: visiting various parts of the cou found a" very marked mcnuon:’ the ato attention, Dr. Wistar‘s Balsam of Wild â€"In a letter to the Hamilton Times, dated on the 18th inst., Mr. Weir declares that the amount of silver coin :xororhd since the movement began is (includi the Government shipment of $1 ,000,00%? upwards o{f 31,830:220‘";(! that the beneficial effects of thi fiporuuu of a depreciated currency are felt all over the country. ~He further states that ** Montreal, Quebec and London are now tions of n and put and by a cammia applicmtion o) the Mns propertiar of wellâ€"selected cocon, Mr. Epps has provided Tbnmpmd ; asad mark me, Byron I‘ve a soul proudas yourown; Soft to lore, but hard as iron doctors‘ bills." Made simply with boiling water or milk, Sold by the trade wnly in }1b ‘When despite on me is thrown. â€" > But farewell ; I‘ll not upbraid thee ; Never, never, wish thee il1, Wretched though thy crimes have made me, If thou .canst, be happy still. : Short the span which time hath given To complete thy love‘s. decay, By unhaliowed passions driven, Boon thy heart was taught to stray. Lived for me that feeling tender, . ~_Which so well thy verse can show ? From my arms "] didst thou wander? My endearments why forego ? Wrapt in dreams ofjoy abiding, On my breast thy kead hath lain : In thy love and truth confiding, Bliss L ne‘er can know again. When thy heart by me "glanced over" ‘First displayed the guilty stain, Would those eyes had cloged forever, Ne‘er to weep thy crime nniln. But, by heaven‘s recording spirit, May that wish forgotten be, . Life, though now a load, 1‘d bear it .. For the babe I‘ve borae to thee. ," In whose lovely features, let me All my weakness here confess, Whilst the struggling tears permit me, * All her father‘s 1 can trace. His whose image never leaves me, Whose remembrance yet I prize ; Who the bitterest feelings gives me, Still to love where I despise. With regret and sorrow rather, When our child‘s first accents flow, Itshall teach her,to say "father" . ut his guile she ne‘er shall know. Whilst to morrew and toâ€"morrow, Wake me to a widox ¢d bod, In another‘s arms, 10 s rrow â€" Wilt thou feel, no tears wilt shed. For the world‘s applause I sought not, When I tore myself from thee ; $ Of its praise or blame I thought notâ€" What is praiseor blame to me ? Hein whom my soul delighted, â€" From his Mmylmpdrovo’; | With contempt my trath requited, ‘ And preferred a wanton‘s love. ~ rater or milk, Sold by the trade «nl lb and 1b u»nmu axuzs Kers & Co., C ondon, England. 1138 * Unforgiving" thou hast called me : Didst thou ever say " forgive ?" For the wretch whose wiles enthralled Thou didst seem alone to live. â€"Thou lhynellh_u fixed our doom ? Bade ‘hop.‘s sweetest blossoms wither, Nevet more for me to bloom. The following verses, written by Lady Byron in reply to Byron‘s " Farewell," are copied from an bid mwagazine, and will be soad with peculiar intcrest at this Yes, farewel}, farewell, forever! LADK BYAVDS FAREWELL TO HEA HUSBaND. , â€"Duels between French officers are of ORTING.~â€"â€"Lhbe very agreeable character of preparation hbas rendered.; it a general and, of course, expired m:hntl} n Tt crowned heads, :'l:.d.ol::: accommodated rted | banqueting pla (iming ::fyl:hi-sm‘: ol 0) | Pooingtine aed A Youre Liaor Taces a Sucrnor Barnâ€"Unexrpecrep Erexrcrs.â€"Sharâ€" on Springs, N. Y., is said to have been the scene of a very amusing: affair this summer. . OUne fine morning, the quiet of ibhthhou-.whnvz«" repair to h:be in the hot water of the springs, ‘which are powerfully impregnated with sgulphur, was disturbed by the most pi ing screams issuing from one oflhm e 0 1 h“ shall I "O; ! what do 'â€"help’. wuczurm:o? save me!oh, I‘m all changed !" depth. : It is possible, indeed, that the uu}mLhVQbme twentyâ€" six feet, aifn.flnbduthum now y eighteen feet, ?n- to a serious danger for the canal. ‘The change in â€"depth can only arise from one of two causesâ€"vither the surfaco drift is far greater than was calculated upon, or the sand at the bottom has thnndncy, well known to all chiliren who have dag holés in the sand at Ramsgate, to fill up by itselfâ€"that is, to find its level, as a fluid would do, upon becoming saturated With water. tance â€" of this point, bn“:omo‘ou can exist which can justify the engineers hmfinmtodoohn(o the world that the canal was completed to its full ** There was a hurrying to and fro," and a rush in the direction from which the screams came, and the door of the apartâ€" -entbuwinbython'iofdlycrw ed to see a woman boiling to death from inability to shut off the %m by fidet 3° ing reiphmaree vipor of the onl midst of the vapor stood one of the belles of the season her with one hand, in the other a hand mirm,h'‘evupfiq horrorâ€" stricken at apparition of her fue,,%n-. which had assumed a â€"rich mulatto tint, and were rapidly assuming that of a Nubian cireumstances it scems to be a pity that a few more months have not, been allowed to elapse tb:orng before for trafic. Six months hnldflcultodce& it to the promised depth of twenty six feet, whereas when traffic commences it will be most difficult for the dredgers to work, We â€"can.understand that: there may be reasons which may override the imporâ€" in shere yesterday afternoon, having uh-mdmpthufbn the: â€" whole h&of the canal. I hearâ€"that the sin rumors were well founded, and that the Khedive‘s yacht, which draws, when light, 18 feet, and which is to start from Port Said for Bues for a: trip on the 8th of next month, will ‘have great difficulty in getting thr and will indeed not be ableto go through at all without some of the shallow in blackness. lll'fl",tbuyh.d. few days before been enameled, and the action of the sulphur bath upon tke chemicals used in the besutifying process Mmfiillllfli_q“ofm. are there any preparations whatever visible for the reception of the the at ceremony. At [mlh, party of Arabs are engaged in leveling some uneven ground near the lnh*vhm the encampment will be placed. ‘The inâ€" augural ceremony is only three weeks disâ€" that many hundreds of persoas, including crowned gud_l, with their suites, will be banqueting places will : be d,; and everything ready fortheir reception, where now is nothing but bare sand. ‘The Peningular and Oriental steamâ€"tug came wonders can be worked with an unlimi ted supply of labour, it is a marvel to refle ot be a conspicuous object for many leagues out at gea.‘ Neither here bor ta Ismailia visible for the reception of the the at ceremony. At[mnh,ud.'{‘:‘:mg party of Arabs are engaged in leveling some uneven ground near the llh%'hu the encampment will be placed. ‘The inâ€" augural ceremony is only three weeks disâ€" tant and, although one knows what seemingly interthinable straight . reach, with the _ sur blazing .. fiercely mallowodtouopfionwo_rkfio‘crbm their‘ devotions, the piety of men mppdlpnduuulgztu might be imagined, greatly above the average. Upon the whole, the voyage up the canal is extremely monotonous, The banks of the canal li'etooh"ghto be overâ€"looked from the deck of the little steamer. and Port Said, like Ismaila, is but little changed since my last visit.© ‘The streets are as sandy and the houses as mean and from the deck of the little steamer, and the passage hour after hour along the groups of men who, their shovels© thrown down, were gravely going through . their prayers and gennlections. Ordinarily a Mussulman who says his prayers once a day only is considered to be of a lax morality ; be . who prostrates himself twice has a fair claim to respect ; but the maximum â€"quantity of piety is shown or so the scene. was most â€"amusivg. Thousands of Arabs were ladling the sand with long shovels into boxes slung upon eithcr side of kneeling camels or into baskets upon donkeys. : There were many hundreds ff camels and tboo;:nsh of donkeys ; the latter struggling pui ntly up the z:ep sand of the ngm’ng, the miuso nim® fyivls Horke s ht mc ; M former, as usual, grumbling and prot« ing vehemently .g‘:.:u the whole n}:: Here and there, isolated in the midst those at work between Ismailia and Soe& where the work isâ€"most behi dâ€" han in the great cutting of El Gnilwg-tlz-«neh sign of lfi'n and bustle; then, for a distance of two nules manual labour. . Here and there, indeed, the great dredgers pour a stream of sand and water into the steam barges alongâ€" side of them, or empty it into the long troughs, from the further end of which it falls in alittle cascade beyond the bank of the canal. â€" Here and there the eleyaâ€" tors seize the great tanks from the barges and ran them up bodily, tipping them over the side of the bank where the height was too great for the mud to run through the troughs. But all these were in point of number as nothing to those at work two years since, or indeed to The lgpunnoe of the canal is greatly changed by the immense amount of labour which has been bestowed upon it. during the last two years. Ex indeed, in the great cntfingof,Elm, close to Lake Timsah, there is now no. work whatever going on, thatis to say, n> analâ€"Phousev=ds of Arabs, Don« keyr,ane < amels at Work â€"acenes at Port raid. & * THE CANAL {PRICEâ€" 3 CRNTS, During 1869 there were uniaden in those wholly or partially consumed kingdom were of the ‘beaver 60,000, chinchills 85,000, bear 9,500, I{:: 55,â€" 000, marten 150,000, mink 000 , muasquash 1,000,000, squirre) 3,000,000, und s on ?l‘&- exported, after being docked warehoused, were racâ€" coons 525.500, otter 17,500, wolf (all variâ€" eties) 15,000, wolrerine 12,000, skunk m‘;‘:‘m dtter 400. ,Of“.u‘â€"-: val fursâ€"such, e, g. § â€" i sable, of which h-th-‘zfl,ooofl-m «nnually collected, and the dark varieties cl-h::flll& fldcgtnouiâ€" very few reach T‘i udson Bay sable nearly all ; the stone marten, pil'gxuna,bglu, (tail fur used for -'h-:.’r-’h),nd the ermine, . hardly one The flu-p‘a goes to Polandâ€"first docked, and combâ€" ed in Englandâ€"to ornament with its whthcr‘,dn polecat to Peru; the hamster, short and coars~, to G vece, who o it is uscd to line cka;s; the wolverine, for the same purpose, to Germany ; the sea otter to C:ina ; and the stone marten to France, from whence it reappears as "French sable." â€" The fuar business is, in fact, not only_qur_eni-m; but it is one .‘kmblo ;:tuhoa. Fm’m are li«ble to be eaten through by the of a bectle. Tlnalm &b’h.’: vice in a skin. erubswrow to the eties) 15,000, wolverine 12,000, skunk = val fursâ€"such, e, g. a%â€" 1 & sablé, of which less than 20,000 akiusare > «nnually collected, and the dark varieties > of which will ferch: £10 or £12 cachâ€" â€" / defy alike both heat and water. ~~ Coftnmect s TA P caf 0M Te . eReeiidy z ;! and not himself to dangers ;which & * * The Bovereign of Kashgar, Yaâ€" * â€"_ koub Bey, also maintains a hostilé. attiâ€" > tude towards us and prevents: the | establishment _ of peaceful ~commercial : | m.:‘u his country." â€" The l;‘ r valide "“h to t 75 ? u-a-m.u."'x'hv_ had â€" assembled f at a place called Daukars, 100 versts T , ait 200 raaintram Abe Risefimin: versts from =Darin, thing but continued . beating, roasting, _ and ing will save whatever t mm N* " housewirves will save their husbands‘ hard â€"ea: nod money by purchasing a box of this saire. Wfifim'g-aér;ai‘. Khirgis tribes from> plunder." â€" It exâ€" plains this significant announcement ‘ by stating for the last #ix months Khiva ( s en e dank, in UssI& the Khirgiz subjects, and that Khiva and are noy the utates i ns pavike Rege on in n peace with the Russians."‘ A despateh, it too long for ...“'l p;q, bat m.‘:t # poor many them may be avoided by keeping Guaor‘s in the eupbeard. I.'b.--m :‘u“: 1x Rs C1 z2 _OC_ {TFnneEbe . . J66 T o 0d plains this significant announcement Mhmummniz * . 'fi.'h:.mpu,..." o piunduring the i [ ussia m Khirgiz subjects, and that Khiva and ; i m yaredl » ..‘ B $ flt,\-h--ubth:fic:f ~ AL nin“d-‘u:bi-umnhbh i i if to ish _ j td cce Pae __ .Lm,,d.‘mf Y? + % arrived ;.t‘;l ':ivingmu will In;; Siricts netirighys ‘snd wilt have proved The Invalide KRusse, organ of the > Russianâ€"Warâ€"Oflice,â€"announces in its : nulnroflbc.z&;i‘nh, that a d-w:; * ment, consisting two companies & , & sotnia of and two & * m’glu.hcba- mtm bank of / the 8yrâ€"Daria, * in order to prevent any by actual© observation "that: Ptolmey, séventeen centuries ago, really placed the sources of the Nile in about :t true latitude, a view which has of late years Findlay, «* I am, sir, your obedient servant, "RODERICK 1. MURCHISON. * P. 8.â€"â€"In consequence of the ‘good will and lettors of the Buitan of Zanzibar, & trested by the Arab traders of the interior, of whom he writes in the most grateful terms." ;bo_n_w by Boke, Arrowsmith, and of Like Tm;l:, where he expected * to find some information from home, of â€", which he had been entirely ‘deprived for °* two years, as well as to receive provisions « and assistance, #. " As Dr. Kirk adds, * You knew jlong .* ago of his sate arrival at Ujiji, we may infor that before this time he will have _ satusfied himself whether any of the ! South African waters fiow into the =~ equatorial Albert . Nyansa of aker, of ; the existenceâ€"of which. great lake we > now learp that Dr. Livingstone was coguiâ€" ./ zant..> If this deter mination has been ~ arrived at, I_.ivugmu wilt have " Dr. Livingstone had traced a chain of lakes, conneted by rivers, from the tracts south of the Lake Tq*a;ih to south latitude 10 Iv,h 2 degrees, and he conjectures that these numerous connected lakes and rivers are the Cultiâ€" mate mmmm of â€" the Nile. When he was ‘ mbout to travel northwards to Ujiji, on the ¢astern shore €ir Roderick Murcisou has publishâ€" ed the following interesting cvummunvicaâ€" tion :« * Although a full communication will be made to the Royal Geagrapbical Society on Monday next, concerniug the last letter of Livingstone, dated the 7th July, 1868, I may at once satisfy public anxiety respecting the great traveller by telegram from Bombay was correct. « In a letter to myself from, Zanzibar, dated the 10th of September, Dr. Kirk has given me sufficient extracts from Livingstone‘s letter to him to enable me to givea very brief outline of the reâ€" stating that, as far as it went, the recent THESISEWS FAOM D‘L. LIVINGSTONXE. KHIVA ROBESERS I8S RUSSIA. THEK LOSDONX FUR THKADKE. Fw’“‘ scalds, sprains, ! Frâ€" ¢

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