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Ottawa Times (1865), 25 Nov 1869, p. 2

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. €ChrOttemeCints be mady when the house is open for guests,â€" Brick Pomeroy of course. ,"'".L,.......:.‘ma....u.u'." 10 fot a remission of $10 of the rent of Ontario Uall during the late exhibition in the city. Sut: Be* L.+ tâ€"â€"11m4g Office. K «â€"â€"t u}â€"snuuus &A w JGay. 6t Auore«"« Day B. Bitling», Jz. Auwcil h ®] â€"â€"H. MeL o un. * B.ovkv.le & Oite«a Rasiwayâ€"â€"H Abboit. Auwutbon tuhâ€"â€"1 b. Tâ€"chkaberny, desires to makse the A practical Chicago woman advertises llo'mb'd..h-lm“a: The seport that Adclina Pattl is enciente, is denled by ber se‘utiven â€"£Ezchangse. That‘s Uhe worst way to apell ancient we over maw. Of coutrse she len‘t old enough to be called ancient, snd ber r#latives know itâ€"henoe the denial, Lo: us have peace. In bis sermon, on Sunday, the Rev. Henry Ward Beichâ€"r made the following handsome admisslon : * I believe that God is fully as wise as I am." As Mtr. Boecher bas someâ€" LUimes been accused of boljing the opposite eopinion, it is gratitving to have this explicit We quots the Leader this morning. The Globe in in the econfidence of * the Presâ€" P tnoip rrca uers ts hogis Boston Journal that lost the lonian ld--od:’....nmd Sir John Young. . .“l\:“d w-"c;ohhflntz Buckingham and Chands» to responai Tor the secent heraidic fusce. Royal Higtuess Prince Arthur being about to rexide for some time in this Province, L thought i. my duty to <«Ser bhim, in yoar name, the bospitality of the Province during his « journ in tbnc'ty,udl-:::nb see that the people «vtywhere with the suthoritiâ€"s in affording bim procfs of the respect and affrction which they bear towards his anguast mother, and all the wembers of the Royal Family.* s So that every glass of sherry that poor Kule Parscne Aurur®e was condemneal to a«wallow thom the cellar o# Burmsar was ftoreed down in the name of the constitation ! Royalty ouns its penaltics as well as its beâ€" may have mesnt the ceclaration as a satire ujpon dbrnpbv!mwn.- soirves wieer than ; In which case, if the eilipsis were supplied, it woulâ€"4 read : * These mm themselrvcs wiser than God ; lIn as wise as 1 am ; a / ortiori, then, he is wiser than these people * ”_‘."..wr_l B Tachaberry. Toronto is a poor place. Captains and Nfiohcfi.- to what they call "His Kxcoelliencr," write autograph letters to editors explaining that they can‘t aford to take the charged for their luncheons, and even subâ€" sequently dragged into a **speech from the will retire as soon as bis‘six month» leave of abssence run ont, Poor Aouie LockRhart died in Salt Lake City on Saturday. Lady Young will remember her very well, and be sorry tor her too, Arhdeacon Freeman . hates newspapers, and thinks that if they had existed in 8t, Paut‘s time that apostle would have hated them also. Oculus epis¢copt ! Grant is the philanthropist who offered to wil his fum near 8t. Louis, to be used for a county poor farmw, for $75,000, It is said to be worth nearly $20,000. * Â¥Findlay is now engaged in abusing Murray per Pembroke Observer. Insatiate termagent ! The late Cornelia has been outâ€"done. Cuban ladies sell their jewels to keep up the insurrection. That pooe Mrs. Viceâ€"President Colfaxs is uncomiortable at home, and goes back to her Mr. Bustrawn, who has been thirtean years in the service, will probably succeed Mr. Cluff as deputy postmaster, 'a:."-.h-ct lo'jhdl;g.‘;m tury document gives that a* Latin. _ , But, setting aside such coarse flunkeyiem, it is pretiy well worth while considering the raison d stre of aGowernmens that amuses iteelt with such puerilitics. The Raworn of nobody ever thought so rount the Ship or Trafaigar, and, after all, M. Qcazsteazams in perhaps as good an Eaglishman as His Quebes Honourâ€"falsely styled his Excelâ€" Westminster Abbey and tk.ree o‘cliock in the afteruoon | â€" Impar Congresmis Achilli. Beatty will please translate. is there any other civilized Government on in ho airetitrramemest j sac pracâ€" tically abandon ail supervision over their Laid on too talle.â€"Kingston News. Tus specch of Sir Nancises Bernsag to his Quebes Legislature is mainly remarkâ€" able for the following touching expression of Greenwich Park is aot in any sense a repreâ€" lemoy. Anod it is abeolutely a frightful waruing to other youngsters of military ewletship and of good family to know that they can‘t venture up the St. Lawrence In view of the home for fallen -..,uumu!:-.. ., quite a omberek antimare enprartin * fiing 4s y For interesting Reaging Matter see First Page; for Ottawo@ Markets see Fourth to the @code of honor" as a pastime, we 1nink it considerable fun to snap a triggeron t1*% The Globe maktches itselt with the World. A hmigo number of citizens ‘of Memphis # Our Oracious Sovereign hbaving been sased to divect that one ol her sons should in the army stationed in Canada, and his Tus Frearus Bautr,â€"Ch :cn MHyacinths is only trtyâ€"two years Chicago is to be Lediathomsenized for the THURSVAY, NOVEMBER 235, q-.â€"--rv‘-â€"-'â€"'â€" 6 Le that Chisi Justice Richards .2::.-*‘: month» leeve of CURIOMUTIES OFP YHE PRLESA. B. Wood in the House of Commons a fo@ '.,- months since; and as the Hon. Stephen @n Aacy rr:._ Richards, on the foor of the Local . Legisiaâ€" C ce / > <m‘-od,bm _ P VL') b â€"L.;5} _ | unmeasured terms, t action of the Comâ€" m i "pâ€"AmeAnr it ~* _+‘ ; | mons, while Bandfield voted for the bill * * sâ€"«â€"â€"â€" | condemned by both Wood and Richards, a mentenemammmmmemietatmentemminninmmmentmmmmmantmemeineper®=® \ _ . . o( 4 . xplaalite hes felt both in amd 00t sEwW aDVERTISEMENTS abd be aduress@l | MaNAGIN DT whuresses 1 the # with a view to a ton of ntionsiy opposed I WPORARTIR®E . _ % UAbe Gâ€"wite, dealing with the good tanste «+1 the Q+ b e witnlnlâ€"tsaton, sarse that the Uorernm: ut at Qip bee is w« buoâ€"y the Queen‘s reguistions by «calling 3ir vigss Bellesa * His Exc louey" t+ beed what tit! a oib rs way «claim. Nove 8 o4« awvt Newâ€" B usswivk have the goucl tnoto to call their Li ut: nant Governors taek H Amonre, # the Que o dlbe ts Jt is only in Outs is anud Qu. bee that m n &e g84080 4 to induw 5 in false pretences, and awagger in countericit Py na : f pragticul intur=«=t awsit the agâ€" ton of the Honm«, «mt anâ€" atis guisher shuuld b ~put Opon talkaitve tid is. Ks L‘ An*Indiana paper calls upon grand jmiss Brecher Stowv‘? = furthooming. Althy ‘ book," Beec * on the Byron baginess There is considerâ€" able common s mmse in the suggestion. The Telegreph irnâ€"ts that much tim« . #ili m« be «a bd4 over Blabw‘s se« jatlions The Hamilton Times says of Mrâ€"Blak«‘s resolutions that they express WLM same views as were uttered by the Hon. E. B. Wood in the House of Commons a fo# months since; and as the Hon. Stephen Richards, on the Aoor of the Local lqhb-*-cd-‘-«‘,b-“ unmeasured terms, the action of the Comâ€" mons, while Bandfield voted for the bill condemned by both Wood and Richards, a .nlddde-hd.hmznha‘ou of the House of Assembly awe how the Uovernment will vote on Mr. Blake‘s motion. Mall Gazette mukes a shatp analysis of an editorial article which lately appear.d in the London Daily Telegraph : * It is obvicusiy the work of only on« man ; It is no longer than such treatises usually. :‘o; and yet ltouhfu‘nbnmbu. latnnd Cuat de Tome, Popsy ead ct ppran, has so small an opinion of the Previncial Legisinture that it does n»t intend to report the proceedings. There is no doubt that if the press galleries were empty from day to day public business might be despatched more l-lw-o-mbwfihfl the sake of baving their speechbes reported, 9P '--,, _ M _ ____ 414 M .A s ... S s s ad Li mhh true, we ».ay seod up forces safâ€" to put down any disaffection that may exiat ; but in the meantime, it will have siz months to gather strength, and as our own military affairs have been mabaged, we look in vain for the forces to be sent. Aud even if a force should be sent up, it must be strong enough to subdue hostilities and return in a tow weeks, or it must bold itwposition and be maintained at enormous expense through the winter of 1871â€"712. This in the position we have been placed in by the peraistent cry of * on to the Northwest," without taking into consideration the question of how we should get there, or bow we shonld maintain ourâ€" selves when there. We must bupe to. the in ivDomtaice st whaterer cont; and not of at whatever cost ; not only that, but take steps at once to establish aline of communication with Fort Garry of some kind through our territory at all seasons of the year. of the suffâ€"re: almost as much pain as the sufferer bimsel!, and should receive immediâ€" :o alteation. .fi..'i.’ohh. ‘m :L\:-lt.'fl:rl ulhvou: has effected a perfoct cure. m®*" The Chronicle says, regarding the Red River unpleasantness, that the feeling Of satâ€" istaction with which the Dakotabh and Minâ€" nesota reporters speak of the trouble, and its southern border have been at work bn the minds of the hallf civilized and excitable inâ€" habitants of the Red River country,. The whole afair furnishes a striking proof of the tolly of leaving such an important post as the future Capital of the North West denuded d.mhplafll‘oh-ou.rion of such importance dn the hbistory of British Â¥Yoitaire, Pontius Pliate, Leibaits, Cuniâ€" m,l-â€"u‘wm‘ Constantine, John Milton, Abdul!, Ca«ar, H«zthsusen, Napoleon (@ppmeatly, we atmit War it in a‘matter cof appas , weo a wmatter f,p-b-)bnmm following asâ€"umypâ€" tionâ€"â€"that, on ber own soli, in 1870, Rusela will not derogate from the industrial celebrity she has alrcady attained, but will continue to sbow the nations that sbe produces something more than tallow, hemp, and bides," B o e oooninaa=ss0© | the Attorney General and Mr. Blake, the meiiy mss en n i 1J | Rlnia e inp ie ractaties with l -“hl.“â€"c.nhm"lo ":o_"“""‘"“'m""'“'" with the many dificult questions that artss mores®,. for discussion and solution. We have such a SECOXD READING OF BILLS. man in the Commons, and can now secure| The Registration of Co Partnerships Act, :l-.o b.t'.-ln.l-hlh pm:‘:: 1869. Mr. Boyd. .. Degcon. ..-" doubtless a BERLANX :.':uu-umllt:du; h&&umocm" .mm;’l‘hâ€" W'”’"m.'w“ ment. He would, if elected, command no anmmtmnmemmnpenmmmmmmemmnammmmmmmrmmmmmemen inf@uence in the House, and could not see that manes um-nuwmmi FREE ORANTS IX OonTARIO. desorves. f wemne 4 Seummaii¢rtmeeme The following are coples of t‘ o orders and > rhe Klignton oo sys that the, P!eT of | cepuiations made qurteg the pese tase; prc active attention to a-:u-u':t’m:‘vbdybm Bud day of November of that to Canada is made apparent year (being the first day of the present session E-wufl-:‘huww-&:*:'m»wnm.ynum Ireland and Scotland. * Mr. -.,:.."::'M the Licutenant Governor in Council, under at the scene of his labours in Ireland,and | * The Public Lands Act of 1860" and reports are to the effect that his pres/nce is | =The Free Grants and Homestead Act of :-rh- of its i-‘. h.â€"'p.-hn aware, We have all trusted too much, ao doubt, to what could be. doas in Downing=st., lnstead of meusuring with the necessary care, what amount of work, in the form of negotlation, ‘had likewise to be done at Red River. Is it now too late ? ‘That in the question which fected ‘erritory baving formed .mfiwnww pendent of us. + The Prototype considetrs the Winnipeg war a gravity, and difficalt to ceal with. In 1 " II, Count Algarotti Hook, Peter &.‘m'::.‘hmwr-q Bir Isaae the Czar Nicholas, the Czar Alexander, ratus, Jobn Evelyn, Pan!, Saimasins, M‘me m&o , and the late Mr. ies on en arnet tagonets, th» Stuarts, the Tallianum, the Tubleri+s, the Gemoniad stepr, the Sues Canal, Tsarskoe Celo, Sayes Court, the Chausâ€" see d‘Antin, Roum, Hyde Puk, Smolensk, South Kensiogton, and variouns other persons and places. Also, to Mohammedaniam, the Mast«r of the Mint, Palais Royal dinuers, P laton, Justites the reception of. toetr wairs. tives with cautlon, and also the on::: What the Telegraph desites with segard to the Red River question is to see the public -iuol-zbmlb the importance of treating question of annexation of halt .odâ€"-?â€" not as an every.Jay affair which may be settled with a tfow strokes of the penâ€"â€"but as one of the most momentous tesues which could b» entrusted to any Gorâ€" ernment for seMtlâ€"ment. It is to boe foared that there has been more trifiingx with the great exhibitions, pickied cucumbers, the Peage of Poris, salavery, Leferme cigatettes, Lancastrian schools, and many other things North America. ‘This folly cannot be conâ€" %b“hifl- apparent by :: .&l;hlbb'voi’lm':: appointment of emigration agents Ireland and Scotland. Mr. Moylan is already at the scene of his labours in Ireland, and Huygzhâ€"ns, Carlyle, Catherine of Russia, Hipâ€" m...’-hn ll::-lyl. Pan!, Saimasine, I‘: that when he arrives st hbis dâ€"stination in North Britailn greak interest will also be fâ€"lt in that part of the moth«r country in the information he will have it in his power to has paved the way, and roused an u:fidb“dbm. impart. Mr. Thomas White, h'&xu Commissioner from the Province of Ontario, A Dutassmso Cocon The Leader mys tThat the Montsreal press The Pembroke Obsereer considers that it is LDTERATURE ALD ART, | omramnto Legisiatuns. ' : + +~», MGenpar, Norâ€"mber 33. EXrCUToRs 1Â¥p ADX(yi>TRATORS. Nr. CLALKEK chitm GQuwoet a Bitl t amend the law mep oring the poworsmut Ex.cators and Admwintstrators. The Bill was read a 6. & timeâ€"sâ€"<hod read. ing on Touraday next. 5 oamaoias werrturs. y â€" The PRONINULAL SEKCRE LARY gquosent*> «d a return, in compliance with a motion made a short time since by Mr. Lauder, with refâ€"rence to the Canadian Institate, Toronto. a retwn s«howing the ap; Doatiâ€"n of MUr. W. J Nicholls tur ertiin l=a is ja alflon U‘strct, the same baving beck MOred tot by ‘l. .o‘slh. * “mm.\‘ & €. The PROVINCIAL SECRETARY also presented a return to the address for coples of all correspondence between the oBice of the Chief Superintendent of Eduration and the HURON ANXD OÂ¥TARIO SWIP CiKAL. tnnits Agpo@takte dnguire 140. the provwnt position of the Huyron and Onutario Ship Uaual, and also into the practicability and advantages of the proposed work. Mr. BLAKE introduced a Bill to amend the Independence of Parliament Act. Read a Arst time and ordered for a second reading on this day week. rÂ¥4 of scres, not in the wHolt, 200 neren, so‘ad to maie 100 Reres of rach farining land ; and the male bead of a family I‘m or to be Jocated, under said Act, stnzse the 23rd day of January,1869, baving children under 18 years of ago residiog with hiw, may be locatud® for, in all, 200 acres. befeg the "male head of a famiy as aftreent) a a* abail be allowed bmnm 100 actes at 50 cents per acts cash, at the any land so locate.J or sold, and the right of access to, and free use of all streams an i lnkes therefore used, or that may bo necessary Mr. MeKELLAR motice of a Bil} to amend see. 1, cap. “.':: Vic., relating to line fences aod water courses. Also,â€"That he would move the House resoive itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider the following resolution :â€"That the share of the expense of any water course chargeable against unoccupled and nonâ€"resi= dent innods shail not exceed the sum of ch.pu\nd. After a long of views between wniuaverent fatremants it dhemp artrem debate on the latter‘s resolations with refai~ ence to the Nova Scotia Subsidy was set down fur to mortow, All piae trees growing or belog any m’u‘, .3‘:...., at the time of such sale, or previously, was Incluited in any timber licâ€"nse, shall be conâ€" sidered as reserved trom such sale ; and such land shall be sgubject to any timber license, covering or inclusing such land, in force at the time of such sale, or granted within three years from the date of such sale ; and such ttees way be cut and removed from such land, under the authority of any such timber license while lawfully in force ; but the purâ€" chasor at such sale, or those claiming under him or her, may cut and use such trees as may be necessary for the purpose of building, iwncing and fuel on the land norrchnn, and may also cut and dispose all trees required to be removed in actually clearing dlb.d':.ullvlfl-,idnpboh.: except necessary building, fencing fuel as aforesaid, shall be cut beyond the limit of such actual before Ahe tssuing of the patent for such and all pine trees so cut and of (excopt for the mhfi‘ and tuel as aloresaid), shall be to payment of the same dues as are at the time payable by tl:;‘hlllludlhn-b eut timber or saw All trees remaining on the land at the time the patent lssues, shall pass to the patentee. Provided, however, that this order shall not apply to any land to be sold as mining land, -w-mo.u-muwauu.--u to land to be sold to any CGrant locatee, under the regulations or Order in Council, bearing date this day. Orders and Regulations made under "The Free @ruots and Homestead Act of 1864,"* and 'h'flol‘nfldw of his Honour the â€" Lisutenant in Council, dated 27th May, 1869 ;â€" 1. The quantity of land to be located to any person as a Free Graot, under " The Free quent! &ol‘dfi:“d‘“.' sball y to , 1869, ul““;whh;flHh-& to appear to the satishaction of the Commisâ€" poss®. tho quantity, leceted to sach Pâ€"rave time of such location, su>jâ€"ct to the rame reâ€" mance ol the same settivwment dutiâ€"s as are provided in respect of Â¥Free Grant locations by the O9th and 10th sectlons of the said Act, excep t that actual residence and building on the land purchased will not be required. 3. Bquaiters upon land situate within sny township, or part of a towoship, appropriated by order in Council for: free grants, and who had scttlied or improved upon lands befor='mflmhtd,ohll be to purchase said lands (not exâ€" ceeding in quanatity Mu-uba:r.-) at 50 cects an acre cash, such to be subject to the same conditions and reservaâ€" u-a‘mnwuzu 10th sections reapect free grant locations. 4. The right is mservred to the Crown to construct, on any land located under sai mymum:’mm The Peoria (Ill.) Review has been " ratted." ance for roud ; also the right to wmke from â€" There is an editor in South Caroliny who reason of swamp, 100 that can to made atailible tor Auming such land any wood, gravel, or other matâ€"â€" ; writes his editorials on perfumed note paper, &n“bho&um-fnfihflbm“b Mam..’ ment of any such road, without making any | rchives of the fawily. c-n-l:llr the h"“; cuenpnntnmenmenammnnmmmteemmmmmmmmmmemmemes taken, or occasioned m.l-’-:’:-";.c“k Tun great cleatance sale at T. Hontn, may be exercised â€"by the Commissioner of | Bboolbred & Co.‘s, commences this day. Crown Lands, or anyone authorized by him annnpeeemameqeecmmemmememtcememmmmae * *‘s. Holders of i ‘ C eree is io 6. of timber licenses, their servant , mss and ageuts, are to have the right to hau!| The Pope bas written to the Grand Duchess Mu.huo;rnulh_urlmu porâ€" zflluhtbhkndovlufiohh tion or any land located as a fr=e grast, e | ‘f of the Catholies of Russia. as before provided, and to mak« m&_’v_‘lunyh'm_.yu located or to be located as aforesald, has lof reaucn of hook, Tnkel, or swainp, 100 dores Commissioner of Crown inat purpose, doing no unnueccs=ary damag», and to use all slides, portager, m.: qh‘ .lo.t’ulc sold, and the tright of 1868 *. vus x CuouLLe Caga. Th PROYIXCIAL TREA*URER prosent 6 The resolution was agreed to without a PRublic Lands Ast of 1869," by order of his u.&l May, 1869;â€" O# PARLIAMNE®T. THE OTTAW L JIMES. NOVEMBEx 25. Mowrsaar, November 24. The snow shoe clubs arse organizing. ~The Montreal Cluab went across the mountsaila on anpow shoes this evening. The Witness defends the Recorder from the attack of the Daily News. _ ‘A smail fre occurred in Omeét‘s fur store last night, Not much damage dones>" ‘The Home of Industry BasiAt 1# & grand success, aÂ¥ Two of the men who brutrlly assauilted Constable Glader were sent to jail toâ€"day for Beaudry, commonly known as Lo Chien, for false arrest and imprisonment, and the. reâ€" covery of $25,000 damages, arising out of the arrest of Mr, J imes under a capias issued at toe instance of Mr. Boeandry upon the allegaâ€" tion that Mr. James was secreting his goods, and about to leave the country with the object of defrauding the detainer out of the pay mebnt of $426 in some large transaction. * The Gazetis mys an action has been taken by Mr. W. D. B. Jamen agninst Mr. Â¥. X. Tonuxto, November 24. In Parliamect, yesterday, Mr. Blak«‘s resoâ€" lutions, thirteen in number, condemning the additional subsidy to Nova Bcotia, acd to the effect that petitions be presented to the Throne, praying for disallowance of the Act granting the subsidy, came up. Mr. Blake mored their adoption in a logical and forâ€" eible speech, contending that any distaurbâ€" ance of the original Anancial basis of Confed eration was wrong in principle, and would prepare the way for fuither violation of the The House adjourned shortly <after 12 o‘clock. This vote was probably the most important of the session, and excited great Interest. ‘The galleries were crowded. Particulars of the Capture of Fort Garry: seMartial Law Prociaimed» ts The Globe has the follo ving trom 8t. Pau! : Br, Paor, Misz., November 23.â€"The surâ€" prise of Fort Garrty was effected by 60 men going into the inclosurs on November 22, rising at a signal, Martial law bas : been prociaimed. â€"Private letters mention a strong organization which await negoti‘ations beâ€" tween Macdougall and. the, insugents, A few persons known to business men in St, Paul are connected with the Ansurrection, as if the Hudeon Bay cfficials support I.:: dougal!, the affsir will probably be adjuasted The Leader having denled ‘the report that Hit F. Hincks undertook a mission to Sherâ€" brooke to offer the Finance Ministership to Mr. Gait, the Olobe and Felegraph state that the offer was made, and that the Leade/s dAenial is merely as to the place of iaterview. Tus great clemrance sale at T. Hunton, Bhoolbred & Co‘s, commences tiis day, Mr. Cameron said the House had not power to deal .with the question, and that Mr. Biake‘s resolations were entirely out of place. He moved siz months‘ hoist. Mr., Coumberland said that Mr, Blake had failed to impress his views upon,.the Ottawa Parliament, and would fail here. He justified the subsidy as a necessity in order to pacify Novea S.otia, and prevent~ rebellion, and charged the Opposition with going out of their legitimate sphere to seek for grievances. Mr, Clarke said the passage of the resoluâ€" tions would break up the: harmony between the Provinacial and General Governments, and that the subsidy was merely an act of justice to Nova Scotia. Mr. Boyd said the arrangements made at the time of Confederation should have been final. He did not believe injustice had been dune to Xova Scotin by that anmangement. Mr. Ferguson said the subsidy was neces sary, and opposed the resolution. Mr. Fraser thought the House had the Bpecial to THE TLIMB1. The Finance Minister‘s Mission to Sherâ€" The Pope bas wiitten to the Grand Duchess Oign askizg her to int«rcede with the Czar in beba‘f of the Catholics of Russia. The Universalists of Central New YTork will hold a mase centennary meeting in Auburn will hold a mase centennary meeting in Aubarn on Thursday, Norember 25th, morning, afterâ€" noon and ovening. Oflce: Q. P. Drummend‘s Rxchange Of» Oficet 0. P. Drumasndit Axchange Mr. Blake summed up, and the resolutions wers put seriatim. Mr. Cameron‘s amendment ot «iz months‘ hoist was carrled in regard to the firit twelve resolutions by a yote of 40 to 32. ‘The thirtsenth resolution was then put as follows: That in the opinion of this Houre the interests of the country requirs such legisiation as may remove all colour from the assumption by the Parliament of Canada of power to disturb the fnancial relations established by the Union Act, as between Canada and the several provinces, Tus great clearance sale at ‘T. Hunton Shoolbred & Co.‘s, commences this day, privilege of petitions.‘ ( Mr, Wood said Confederation was not a mere question of dollars and cents,; it was cheaper to pacify Nova Scotia by tw6 million dolia:s than to put down rebell force of which was lost. Yeas, 31 ; nays, 46. The thirteenth resolution was carried by a vote of 64 to 1%. The Premler and his colleagues voting for it to save a defiat. thinter lhense in £ 1c« at the ti ne ot +uwh ‘o ation or »+al;, or granted: within fivâ€" years subâ€"cquâ€"ntly t‘ouoo, ani roay, t any tiwe Wwichâ€" the lsâ€"ns of Â¥h patent for »ach Jn b > . ut and rmmoved und r NOIIWJ any such â€" tubur Jicouse whileâ€"Jawiully in vrdir g rexwiations, u.-' -‘‘ Wt .tu ;l 'ln'o‘r lhense in £ 1e« at the u'(:oul Jpatest bp @clepraph. under the sald Act, or sold an‘er the preâ€" Rércrafenerasena |CABLE NE W S. Great preparations are being made here for râ€"+mbr 13, i MONTREAL. JOURHALISTIC, TORONTO. By People‘s Line. _ 8. BICHAROS, _ _ Commi=â€"h per. Ceows Laxps; Purosto, No: 11, 189 ~ t of T welve of as*» The This o ‘.:p::n- Mflllf;..d drl‘uflnlr con~ & been good. ies of provisions and buflalo robes seot ::m to meet the Governor, were ailowed to pass the lines in s Wm-nr. Nov. 23.â€"The President has announced bhimselif within the last three days to a prominent Senator, as absolutely opposed to the contempiated B«c:z:dty Treaty with Canada. Bo firm and decided is his opposition that he declined to have any consultation on the subject with Mr. Rose, and has again and again refused to consider the subjsct. This statement is deemed neceseary on account of the reassertions to the contrary in numerous Tus great clearance sale at T. Hunton, Bhoolbred & Co‘s, commences this day. snfety , obtain possession of one George Washington Nutt, who is said to be m:'u"..m D ig Complete Saccess of the lnaunguration. Parms, Nowemb. r 23 â€"ihe Journas Oficia hie t â€"dgwred the tilowing from Post 6« : @The Lopaial yacbt Aule, with the K : pes on buard, ags the ontite feâ€" t left Buâ€" s y: st r day, and r ached the M.siiiter:anean toâ€" d1 The sacce«s of tue innogxwation :s complâ€"t: The EKoupsor of Ausuia Ift Cairs ou Thoreday on bis way to Kur: pe. the Hague. Wasuizoron, November 23.â€"The question of establishing a cable telegraph between New York sud the Hague, recently submitted to the Government, has already received conâ€" sideration, and at th« proper time due ac. knowledgment will be made to the Netherâ€" lands Government for the friendly motives which promptedâ€" the concession to an Amerâ€" ican citizen, Reciprocity, especially as to termini, is doubtless tlho‘plo which will ern future official proceedings, and it is buld the Precident Will &t an carly day call the particular attention of Congress to the subject. The Government favours an American comâ€" ”. # w t salcty, and the rights of private property are right .h.u-’g"f'm the regret with ’m:: ncrease ith w their indefensible conduct is viewed by the well disposed. â€" __By the most reliable accounts yet received Mr. Macdougall must now be drawing near Pembins. What course he~will pursue on reaching that place we have no idea." â€" His attorney ~general and: various other assistants are reported as advanciog towards the in different parties. .q\ayvlll all be by the lnurgent-iud meanâ€" while no Canadian official will, I believe, be Shoolbred & Co‘s, commences this day. General Tom Thumb, and that P. T. Barnum has Mhm&k&hno"-nhw “O.Uudnl-r-u. Is it a great thing to be a sm :‘! man}| and is it 20tequailly as great to have a medicine that can be depended upon for euring colds, rheumatism, burns, bruises, sammer complaints, cholic, &e. ; if so get at once a supply of the " Canadian Pain Destroyer," at he nearest medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. The Winnipeg War. The Hraid is well informed upon this allâ€" absorbing topic, and is also supplied with the following correspondence, under date Red River 30th October : The past week has been one of great popuâ€" lar excitement at Red River. You may re, member that one week ago I advised you of a movement t':.-au the Pn.c‘; half.breed population avowed o which was to pretent the entrance dmteun't Goverâ€" nor Macdougall into the Colony. The scheme appeared to my mind so childish and objec‘~ less, that I felt considerable reluctance about entering into any d«tailed account of it. It : however,now assumed serious proportions will, I doubt not, loat to a good deal of writing and talking, if not to much more serious â€"results, _ Oun the 221ud instant it became gâ€"nerailly known in the Settiement that, after considerâ€" able premeditation, the ieader of the revolu. tionary movement had decided on collecting a‘camp of their compatriots at a point on the Pembina road named La Riviere Sale, about seven or eight miles from Foit Garry,. At this point a fence was erected across the bighway,and a permanent guard was organized to prevent the passage of any one personaily unknown, without a pass from their leaders. A meeting of the Council of Assinibois was convened on Monday last, at which along with some of his most intelligent assistants, the leader of the French balf breed population attended., _ His name is Riel; be bas been educated in Lower Canada, and is bighly resâ€" pected among his own people nere. e atâ€" tended before the Council at a conference which lasted for amt bours or more, but although -m argument was exâ€" bhansted to him to abandon his project, be remained stâ€"adfast to his purpose. ‘The secrecy with which the debates of our local Counncil are surrounded has of course prevented any reliable report of what occurred being published, but with regard to Mr. Riel‘s own :,hhufiq-ny bs inferred from the tenor f a speech made by him on Sunday last to He is reliably reported to have told his countrymen that if they were as he could wish to see them, he should propose that by all meavs Mr. Macdougall should be mf-lttad to enter and comfortably establish himself in the Bettiement. But he was aware that‘in tThat case his hearers vonlq'gqu with their Recustomed occupstions without regarding fiplmalm and the only means he imagine as likely : to rouse them was to force them to some such : ection as contem. p ated,. Once roused he had little fear of m,mmuw should any one fall, a bhandkerchief be dipped in his blood and used in all future engagements as their uational flag,. He said their opposition to That body tried: to through the m«mrmmuma its board, an opposition movement which turned out <a .complete failore. Ricl‘s men hbave steadily increased in number throughout ‘the week, and now amount to several hundreds. ‘Fheir campis mlso kept well nmb‘ with food, Parties comiog from the tepresent ‘the road as being with scouts all the way from Po-blu:‘ the arrangements are said to be such wi a very fow â€" after the Governor‘s artival at the Jhiter place, intelligence of the evint will be received at LiRiriere l.fl’ :io been married seventyâ€"two years s fAftyâ€"four greatâ€"grandchildrena anc 3ove Brows bomensad, in Ratts) tes bove has mu hnty.i‘ m m m now for the benefit of the family of the old man whose * soul is marching on." * Tou Tuous »OUirs#Db.â€"â€"we read there has beeu a race between the New York showmen to Loxpon, November 23.â€"The Aogloâ€"Amerâ€" icanâ€" Telegraph Company have leased one of the nmu’:d' on of the Charch of Bonlface as after !%‘lfl. He is Â¥ reported impendiog changes must begin somewhere, p:luhz:nod“:hdh eo--o:oa 1t by opposing the entrance of ‘the future Gov» ernor. Itis reported that he professed the T .« preoat clharance sale at T. Hanton § â€" bred & Co‘s,~ecommences this day., The Telegraph Line from Kew York to pao: \with \whom Cnogrclatione e this, ona ln'lo-‘ been ag. ‘The term of the lc ase is for fve years. AMERICAN NEWS. Tus great clearancs sale at ‘T. Hoanton, rmitted to leave this place to meet them. e are in fact isolated from them., Jolbn Iussell and wife, of West Concord Leaze of amne of the Atlantic Cables. THE 84 :Z CANAL. GREAT HRICAIS. ion of the Roman Catbholic Bonlface as it was sepmating "th December. A poor Iabouring man, in Hamilton, reâ€" cently found a parcel of bank cheques, â€" genting $550, in the streets, and after m search found the owner, a weaithy merchant, who generounsly offâ€"red him five cents as a reâ€" ward., We would like to publish the name of the merchant. . The re‘resment rooms on the line of the Great Western Railway, between suspension Bridge and ‘Windsor, ‘and ‘on the ‘Toronto branch, were let by tender on Tuesday, to the following parties respectively : Toronto, Frank Maguire ; Suspension Bridge, James Bamfyde ; Chlth-i Mr. Patchbio ; Windsor Smdonm Union), Mr. Fowler ; Ramiiton and ® A. correspondent of the Chatham Plane speaks thus of a child born in some part of Kent recently: : The only mark of humanity about a small protuberance, whith would in & regularly formed child bhave been a head, The Governor offers money recklessiy, but don’&“&dluy%o-. * .,' Mr. and Mrs, Koch, septuagenarians of New Jersey, naturally ~attempted suicide last Bunday. .A beartices miscreant arrived per Camden and Amboy and prevented them. They feel bad. , ww } #10v 4 Citizens of Washingtou bave alreridy raised npn«lolluoo,ooo Godd’hmqlngr:.m projected f ce in ll'l’l, MW pochm‘L’v‘oMmb}bt inâ€" creasing the subscription to half a million, Cuartis L. Nortb, an insurance agent of Brooklyn, gate! bis! beloved/ fititot a raw potato other evening. _ The beloved r«om the potato . and found a $500 I1 inside. This variety ot m‘oh more valuable oven than the Early s A New Orleans man, who was arrested in a house of 11!â€"fame, was offered a release by tho Judge, if" the victim would go homs and tell his wife where he had been. »~H» said he would confess to murder, or any other crime but that, as his wite would just kill him outright. He was sent up. ; _ Governor Holden, of North Caroline, in bis message to the Legisiature presents a most Tae Quebec City Council has accepted the tender of Messrs, Piton & Co., for the paving in stone of St. Pcterâ€"st. The price of the tnder is $5,000 exclusive of the l&:ce withâ€" in the railway track, and $2,200 for the porâ€" tion within the same. . Bherif Thompson, of Perth, has received the writ for South Lanark, ana has.issued his prociamation for the élection. ‘The nominaâ€" tion is to take place at â€"Perth, on Monday, the 29th inst., and the pollings on the 6th and ging in the jatl; of five men,. Those Yankees mld:'t‘m Full returns of the New York State clecâ€" tions show the Democratic majority to have been 20,566. ~The total vote was 208,554 less than it was last year.â€" Â¥Florida bas $50,000 worth> of murderers runniog at large, and wants to call them in. way communication between Brampton and Port Credit, taking on tue route Meadowvale aud Streetsville. ‘The line, by this scheme, would be some twenty miles in length, Last Saturasy the Pontizc on her upward trip, beavily laden, in passing through the * narrows" at the Petewawa, struck a rock and sprung a leak, which Increased s rapidly that the Captain was compelled to beach her, which he successfully accomplished, and the Pontiac now lies below the Pet:swawa wharf with over four feet of water in the hold. ‘The Pembroke, which had been put in widtâ€"r quarters, was refitted, and is now ruoning in the place of the Pontiac. ' was u large car on the left.side, which comâ€" municated uninterruptedly with the lungs through the eustachian tube,, larynx and traches. A probe inserted to a tube. passed readily into the lungs, Tlnflh the above medium respiration contin: for several minutes . During the gale Wednesday. n 19th inst., the water rose in the KMM at the rate of two feâ€"t pâ€"r hour till the gale reached its hcight. ‘The new suspension bridge was severely tried. Some of the guys were broken, and the structure swayed to and t e a reed, and it was regarded by many as uly doomed to immediate destruction. It wittrcic sed against the public, but if it had not b«en no one would have ventured upon it while the gale lasted. â€" The railroad suspenâ€" sion â€"bridge. was not affected in the least. Those who examined it closely say they saw again unfavourable account of the State finances, The total bonded debt is Cflw to which must be added bonds not $4,280,000, making a total of $34,095,045 The interest on $12,600.000 . of th:â€"se bonds has been paid. The rapid fiucrease of the army pension listâ€" is forcibly shown ija lhon‘m of Treasurer Bpinner, just completed. following ars the actual payments for the past seven fiscal years : 1863, $936,886.29;. 1864, $4,.902 65si.â€" 10 ; 1865, $919,187.02; 18s6, :13_,4:3,005.10 ; 1867, $19,445,088 69; 1868, $23,987,469.14 ; 1869, $28,623,650.41. A wellâ€"dressed man went into a Milwaukee bank, a few days since, and coolly drew a 2t the last meeting of the Clinton Gramâ€" maur School ‘Trustces it was resolved to preâ€" seut the present successful head master, Mr. James Turnbull, with $50 over his reâ€"gular no movement whatever. woing "¢ . JITW ung® muvys, T705 COs urew check for $10,000,000, signing the name of C. Vanderbilt. He said be had bought the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad. Before counting out the money the teller, as is the custom there, made some inquiries, and found Mr. V. was a lunatic. ‘The money was withheld on that account. # Tue wist 1 changs of time on the Brockâ€" ville aud UbtoWwa HAl‘Qu vommences uL doudtas, Nov.muer 28 h. Mr. ‘Thowmas Rutléige, Warden of the couuty uf M.ddles x, bus ueciicd 10 rctire uin WUBi.ipal Lf. at the close ut fue pr.seut Lr. Munro hes b:en elected President of the Fergus 8t. Andrew‘s Society ; and Dr. Finlayson President ofthe KioraSt. Andrew‘s A Christmas fatreattle fair will be held at Conestogo, on the 13th December next. It is said that there ars 500 head of cattie in the stables of feeders in that neighbourhood. The Giobe says that during the past year buildings to the valus of $924,000 have been erected iu Toronto. Of these $100,000 is for rail way and other public buildings. |:ist Moud â€"y, by being cboucd with a putsto oatty w Wdigust, : 1A # MWVs McGuire, the Hartford wife. murderer, is making ;t:l‘-om:.haeqlltu?m ground neanity . is dancing in cell, and making other insane demonstrations. We mistake the people of Hartford if a jury can be found which wiil be fooled in that way.‘ â€" It must be made unpleasant for thoss wbo indulge in the amusement of killing Dr. F. W . S‘range, of Aurorsa, has been apâ€" U D/OJd ARsetuid.c utubct J0f tuo Couuty uf Partrigge are relling tor $1.00 a pair in la wl on, John Fo«t r, of Mono, came to his desth What mFall is this, my countrymen, A projo.t is under way to establish a railâ€" Devun‘s Far Depot, Laptes‘ Fons, Mixuzx, Seal, Ermine. PBssiias Lamb in sets. UNJTED STATES. MaARRIED: j Auctiton Sales. In this city on Tue«day,the 243rd ifost, by the . __________________________ Rer. Mr Rbos, Ttomas Galiaghor E+q , to Mre. By A. Rowe, Aucti Mary Street, both of this city.. ANo:Curds. _ .. wpone, rntnmmmmmentness e 0O ovvrrrrenrmmmmmm | t will take placa in the evening, in Her:Majesty‘ Theatre. some of the most talented amateurs of the city have promised Aheir assistance, both in voeal and instrumental music. Addresses are expected by Sir Jobn A Macâ€" donald, K. C. B., Lov Jcseph Howe, Hon Malcoim Cameron and others. By the kind permission of Col Ficlden, the Band of the 60th Rifles will be in attendance under the direction of Signor G Raineri. Doors open at Seven, â€" Concsert begins at cight. Ticketsâ€"Gallory, 25 cents ; Pargette, 50 cents ; Admitting a lady and gentlioman, 75 cents. Can be had at E MoGiliivray‘s and Daiglish & Ruâ€" sell‘s, Upper Town ; Orme & Son‘s and J Durie & Bon‘s, Centre Town ; Curtis‘ Hairdressing Saloon, and James Peacock‘s, Rideau street ; A Mowat & Bon‘s, bussex street, Lower Town, ard from memâ€" bers of the committee. CoOURT HOUSE, DALY STREET, at nige o‘clock, a m, . BGJ*On Tuesday, KNovember 30th, 1869,"@a To walk in procesmuon to St Andrew‘s Church, in which piace the v sermon will be preached by the KEV D :comon.n D. A collection, in aid of the charitable funds of the society, will be taken up after the service. N Bâ€"â€"Members are expected to wear appro.â€" priate badges on the cccasien. â€"â€" â€" A GRAND CONCERT s DIKED. rriiigot 4rigairt +o Pravaiiantbrtarizat C‘r 23rd inst., at the residence of ber con in law, | ?-::'ez- M.xu:‘ l; :’; " ::a’.-: O't::::.. (“':..: Th «. D . Stewart street, Rosannah, relet | fug ot Goblets, Tuwblere, Wines, sc.. in .:...:: of the late E. Smith, of Sabrsereus, P.Q , 8g64 71 | Cf tour pie erâ€"=orry whceâ€"â€"ot anficrem an hy 26 years. ; patterns. _ Ajerge qusawity of U:L":::lut.a:.?.‘, The funeral will take place on Thursdar, the | !*!# *® pitfc u. 2‘th inst., at 9 a.m. Friends snd acquaintances | h;rt:'r.o‘: :-‘:’:;:f::’ .::4‘::’ ?'..""'u'”' k are respoctfully invite 1 to attend @ithout further ! private Sale to close Cuns yuuâ€"eat. *4 +beed ty notice. A. RO # E. The Tenth Annual Gatherirg ot SCOTCHMEN and dessondants of Scotchmen, under the auspices of the 6t Andrew‘s Society of Ottawa, will take place at the Two span of matche4 Horses, 6 years old ; tour mu&;amm Ooit rising 2 years, one Colt rusing 1 yoar, sizx Cows, two Heifers and one Ball rising 2 years, forty four Sheep, one double Baggey, one double W agzon, one box Cart, thres articles. ‘Tae finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. 1815 3 To HKADS OPF k EDUCATIONAL Esetablishmests and to Mons. AVUG. OA!,I.A..:JM do YUniâ€" mb‘o?ubnud ll"l: in Canada, is _ _ M. A. G@ is also prepared to teach Voes order, Fellows‘ Courousxo Srave or Hrroruosâ€" ruires streng‘hens all the volunsary and involunâ€" tary muscles, assists digestion, aids in forming pure blood, and gives strength to the organs which convey it to the lungs where it undergo»s thke money, the‘ belance to be as follows, viz: “dmhoduh.t‘.&hl.ovnh 10 days after the snle, mm-*u.wu and conditsons of sale made ‘A at the time thereot, c t on . HBOROEK 4 ODOHEATY. c T. R. HIGGIZS, a Afibhim.mmnid Live Insurance Co, General Commission Aaniat Tramastans W amuf, sbmase amiMiinime k .1l denotes poverty uf the blood, a se of 0:gans incâ€"peble of supporting the body for a long time, Tlm ANSIVERSARY. w n $ tels, vic: double Sleighs, -hflo'" Bleigh, twosirgle Cut ters, two gzt ‘ arness, ote -f:uble and s body incupable of performing its duties '",'"' 4 pable ‘ of performing n order for its healthy development, and to keep in healthy condition any organ, the blood must be properiy constituted.. _ â€" _ The l-g-nn be iA good order. Feliows‘ m'n RUP or Hreornogruites will cause a ot wu.h- ot the u:..““a' membrane, pl':- e e &D Â¥e tone to the expectora g The liver, stomach and heart must be in good ciple to the brain which is being expended by | :Ef‘u' we Prige $P08 ‘per bottte | â€"â€" + ce Py / * omm m cg ®n â€" JAMES L FELLOW8, Chemist, P u_ issc .. . QAicke NB | A Te pNCREEECE» Â¥> The farm is situated: on the main road leading from Otawa to Proscott, and is within 11 miles of I B TACKABERRY, Auctioneer. _ ________ Bouth «wloucester, Nov 24, 1869. 1215 4914 Pork, Fiour, Fish, Bait, Boans, Poas and Grain, Bags, Blankets, 40., &0., on consigament and for The subscriber will offer for sale on Lot No 28, on the d&th Con, & F, Glousester, (South) near the & C Stone Charch, the following goods and chatâ€" Carriage Harness, two set Harness, one set Cart Harness, um%ocuflo lm’.':.“.‘ob Cultrrator, cu’ldu m.i one Lady $ ‘orks, Rakes, and gouuuomuul'r'un. besides several other articles too numerous to mention. Bale to commense at 9 a m. All purchases to the amount of $20 and under Cash, over that amount nins mouths créedit on c AUCIION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL f PROPERTY, ‘ COMMISSION, FORWARDER, AND GENERAL AGENT, On Thursday, 23rd December, 1869, Ottawa, November 1, 1868. 1194bedâ€"4 For "'"’“'13" at the Tiuzs Ofice, Ottawa, Nor, 11, h 1209f O.Qowg. Nov 25, 1869. Whenthe complexionis prte or wâ€"x like, it . _ Wha Daur Meddie Wi Mi." â€" 8T. ANDRE W‘S D A VY. Lost on Taesda; AMES BLACKBUREK, By L. B. Tackaberry, Auctioneer. ARMERS ATTENTIOX, ~ By order;, latms constantly on hand. Ofice, corner _-_l“!’-h m:l. over Masn Bros vous system mus:t be in good order. Tompound Syrup of Hypophosphites God Save the Queou. B. BILLINXGS, Js,, larness, ote set double * ooo Pivegan tnp scoole Recording Secretery. 1215td 1165.41b ever b:ought to the Ci‘y of Ottawa, can now be seen at A. ROWE‘3 Aunstion Rooms, Kast eng Bappers‘ Bridze; being a direct Consignmen from the Manufacturers in the West, consisting of a number of different styles both Walout aung Maple â€"Parlor Chairs, Rockers, both Arm ang Nurse of different designs. These Chairs will be sold cheap for Cash, to cloye Consignment. We invite inspestion. ‘ Remember the place No. 1, EAST END SAPPERS BRIDGE, At A. Rowe‘s Auction Room:, J BERMINGHAM will soil by public auction on THURSDAY, the 25th INST, at 2 o‘clock, p m, on the vacant lot at the entrancse to Major‘s Hill, near Sappers‘ Bridge, several very handâ€" some family .sleighs, (one in partionlar worth $175), Bome Carter‘s Hloighs, several second hand Sicighs and Catters, and some good Robes. The above are consignments from Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa and elsowhere, and will be sold Flll GUARDS, Fire Lrons, Fenders, Coal Soutties, etc, at 10:085 itA in‘ $ Smith‘s Falls at 10.06 a = and 436 p m, arriving at Porth at 1045 a m and ".25 pw. All trains on Main Line connect at Bmith‘s Falls with trains to and from Perth. No 1 leaves Brockville after GT Erains art due trom the cast and wess, No 2 is doe in Brockville in time to connect with @ T Trains for the east and west. H, ABBOTT, PJ. B. BUSS &00....‘ *# . .NO..IZI, mw : f‘- This firm will supply Fresh Caraquet and Bel . | â€" timore Shell Oysters, during the season, by th $« wnh.d-b.:u:uumuu-. C »# ufizam ; Oyster Pilanters, Packers, and Denlers in Cen x« Keg, Bulk, and Shell Oymers, No 21 %“3 _â€"_â€" BUFFALO ROBES, I. B. TACKABERRY has been favoured wik large u-.i:td from Montreal of Buefale aotu.‘n 500 pairs of Shanty and Rorse Blui‘.vbbh:o.h.mnuuun lower than can be obtained in Ottawa. All wanâ€" hxl:la:mhu better call roon as thare w another such opportunity. Ottawa, Norv, 22, 1889. 113 LEAYE PERTH 5‘35!2&1 &;(; and 94 an, arriving at Bmith‘s Falle at m ard 9465 12 LEAYVE SMWITH#s ‘AL]‘. # SLEIGHS, CUTTERS & BUFFALO KOBES. THE PIRST OF THE SEASON. Luv-‘.-euun will Leave P. 5 Brockville daily at 4.156 p m, 146 :4-?!'!!* at Bandpoint at Il.“'p m, 150 p®. 6:002.7=z im mgnz: $ at 6.00 and 14# pm®, -flflqm at l.trl' m, 840 The subsmber has received instructions to "* C olotf;;‘ lunx: House zm i next, -..r..u our yoar Gelding 4 a by St. Lawrence, of besutiful netion, free from > gay, on (the vice, and quict in single or double earners. w. I1 Alsoa Quebes Sleigh, and Bear skin Robes. 5 A Bale at cleven o‘clock sharp. « 8e i-‘ Termsâ€"Cash in Bankable fands. gMke* f * H MeLEAÂ¥, J q 4194 .. A r Auctioncser. * . Uormed t bt 1 Otiaws, Kov. 25th, 1869. 1216 t4 . i HZ Wb msesfessoosifrrqres ts AuiifefiemerreBgrentfenenres enfi iyrnrenirmrremeemigrron uy * _«â€" been in‘ ; â€" By L. B. Tackaberry. â€"â€" Wut this < | 1 J BERMINGHAM, "‘?'" " Auctionser and Real Estate Agent, 2 * ( JpPersons having Robes and ‘Cutters to disâ€" . ~y+¢ $ pose of will do well by sending them in time to ,j',, $ , the City Auction Ma#t, York street. _ 1214% . 33z & IXG, &¢. ‘clock, Nov, 27th, the follqwing Consi m';.' :r:- Montreal, to be nl?l:&m 1 â€"Or reserve, _A large stock of Oversonis, Beaver, Piâ€" lot and Whitney Cloths, Woolen Shirts, Drawers and Soarts, Gentlieman‘s Satchels, Kid Mittens and numerous kinds of dry goods. Also 18 Cooking and Box Etoves and two 1 Piatform Eeales. Eievyen chests of Oolong mopa‘l'u'mto.uuthn-u.g I B TACKABEREY, Auctioneer & Real Estate Agent . Ottawa, Novâ€" 24th, 1869. 121b & To those who relish a cup of really fne Coffeo TR Y BUCHAXAN‘8 UNRIVALLED MNIXTURE of Mocha, Java, Jamaisa and Coyhon COofees fer Breakfast, along with a pliece of nice Beof, Ham, ur one of mceEwan‘s celebrated Finnan Haddio . L@Nothing can beat it ! en MB : | Finnan Depot, C 1 .. Resser and Welilington strocts. Ottawa, Norv 21, 1889. _ By L. B. Tackaberry. se Al!c‘l'll)l SALE, ‘f Fresh Consignment just received, and to be sold by Auction on SATURDAY evening at 7 TIME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOY. 28, 1862 PURVEYOR .PO HIB EXCOELLEKCY Ottawa, Coptember 10. Ottawa, Nov 10th, A. RO #@ E, Auctioneer, No. 1, Ride «u Street. Ottawa, Nov iith, 869. 1 23 By L. B. Tackaverry, Auctioneer MMEKSE SALE OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL. sOFFEX, COPFEE, _ $® By J. Bermingham, Auctioneer. AaALE OF a TO HOUSFKEEPERE and others a larg, nfi‘ v of HL.aA_xMM AML fn.s serwbecs 22 . THE LARGEST STOCK OF CANXE CHAIRs Of a Bpleadid FOUR YEAR OLD GELD. By A. Rowe, Auctionecr oTICEK. Â¥Y APPOIN OCHAKNGE OF TIMKE, PERTH BRANCH, cCO FFE E. _ & OTTFAWA T AY, A. ROW£, + yof P §s» §3 us one ( _ «$ Tare We are ## ou

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