eap of really T & Y E RIVALLED ) V of (RtSHS, 088 w Austion Reoes: S uig ofhar meneg . int divect from the awt wi 1 be solg lllh; YÂ¥ hus been fuvrou: trous Montreal of FFE E. TOCK O# Caxe M will soil by public anction th IXNST, at 2 oolock, p at the entrance to Major‘s iridge, several very hand» «one in puertrenlar worth i Meughs, several second ors, and some good Robes. :‘“.I ‘shell O7M®® ’5 USS & CO,, Porth at 1045 a# » H. ABBOTT, P THE SEASON. SAPPERY No. 1, Rido«a .:‘“«‘ ville after O T better call soom as 0 ROBES, and Real Estate Agent. Robes and Cutters to disâ€" : snding them in time to Vork street. _ 1214% a plece of mt it 1 Packers We#s. n the W est, ville in time to t and week. _ TACK ABeRat, HIS â€" EXC. f .{’l,t $ YO% GENERAL.~ & _ Aim Aactl muer, ‘at the lowest cash 14406« BRANCH. daily at 4.14 p ®+ . oint â€" at 1406 p & 35 p m 45 « ¢npm eP\ Arims..... RS & BUVH s 600 a a ® ie st 121W#P OTTAW A and will be soid S Suerous, Cortenrs, aso Burrazo Roses.â€"Mrâ€" Besmingbam ‘l,flunottwo‘cloch,l-.â€' day, on the wacant lot at the entrance to Major‘s Hill, near the Sappers‘ Bridge, a num" ber of al: ighe, cutters and buffalo robes. Resaptso axp Soctas Pautr.â€"â€"We Icarn that the managers of the reading hnd social parties at the M. E. Church, Dalbousic st., have teâ€" solved on opening their season in the charch achool room on Tuecsday evening next. . Asmmare ar tum Rosesus Hoves Testenoay. â€"Géo. Purvis, Portege do Fort ; W. Camerop, Montreal; A. Motta, Paris, France ; K. N. Coare, James Jackson, Eogland; W. MeD. Dewson, Three Hivers ; 8. Bell, @. A. Green, Montr.al ; C. 8. Crigler, Morrisburg ; J. Mcâ€" Mullen, Brockville ; W a,. Compton, Halifas, N.%. , J, A. Cameron, Lancaster, A Gazsar Vooarmst Comme.â€"We are inâ€" Tormed that the great vocalist Mr. Philips has been lnvitd by a number of the, clergymen ot this city, to come here next week to give us one of Wis rare treate of saoted songs. wales, stoves, a quantity of tea, &c. Bevr. W. Stevamsoxs, or Tosoxto.â€"We are pleased to lâ€"arn that the Wesleyan Methodist Ohurch in this city has invited the above~ named cloquent and popular divine as sucâ€" eâ€"ssor to their present: pastor, and that the reverend gentleman has accepted© the lnvitaâ€" tion, subject to the approval of conference. We are sure that hbe will receive from our citizens generally a most cordial welcome. Tesatraicas«â€"â€"We learn that there is a well koown dramatic company ("“"‘)"""“° the city next weuk. It appears that they would bave opeffed at the theatre on the 30th lust., for which they bad taken the house, but agreed to defer their opening to accommodate the St. Andrew‘s Society, who require it that day for their patron saint‘s anuiveriary. Sxow Snor Cavnâ€"â€"A number of young geatiomen, interested in snow shocing, have eswlved on getting â€"seady for the coming Tus Orrnaxe‘ Bazaaz.â€"â€"The friends of the St. Patrick‘s orphans should remember that the bezaar in aid of .heir maintenance is still Ozen and flourishing. There are remaining great variectiessof those beautiful and useful articles wo bave already spoken of, and the râ€"freshmeut tables are still gromfing beneath th» weight of those choice vignds which the In y attendants are waiting to dispense. Go aad pay your respects to them. Draniss, 10., you 1870.â€"â€"We perceive that ‘Messrs. Durle & Son, mindiul of the approach of Christmas and the New Year, have already secured such of the goods in their line as could with propiiâ€"ty be jssued before the arâ€" rival of the time, and will continue to receive constant accessions to their holiday* goods, adld amongsé those will be found a Ane assortâ€" ment of diaries, stationery, books, &¢, cautpaizn, anud invite old members and thers to join them and organize a stronger club than tthat of last year, The leading apirits of the sport will probably call a meetâ€" * ____ ‘gaps rouwakDping Cuxrast Sagesion® 1« 4y lmer cvery meraing at 5.00 a m w“.ï¬-nlonvu Ayimer at.....0.30 a m L OE 0 um seb reomaik the official arbitrators, arrived at the Russell House, last evening, from Halifas. The vther members of the board are expected hore this morning. ‘The board meets this after= coon, at 2 Welock, when Mr. Robt. McGreeâ€" n;’oun-illi,fhh,qnp.h aÂ¥o agaivEs Puoi K1xG8TON Wegâ€"»â€"«dav and Saturday at........1.00 pm '.-t“, or any intermation, may be :M atthe General Tisket QMee, Russell House Block, gparks streei. S J08 MOONEY, ing some time next week. Try them and save 25 pe¢ cent at Boss & Cos, 21 Rideau street. 1208.6¢m 8t. Parmic®‘s Haru.â€"The readings at the above hall last night were very successful, -Mhhuuuulmcnvcz.'rh--ld portion was well sustained by Smith and Miss Heys, Mr.Codd and Master Mahon, all Bocuas Asssnuzzry â€"A social assembly of the members of the Ottawa Fleld Battery will be beid this eveciog in Gowan‘s Hall. The priws competed for at the lateo Riflo Match wilt be distributed to the several winners, Dancing will commence at haifâ€"past cight. This is a good arrangement, because it is presumed that they will break up casiy enough to allow the dancers some time for aleep, that they may be refreshed for toâ€"mor» tow‘s business, O whowm r:ceivnnd well morited encores, ‘The following gentlemen were the reac« ts, viz : Mesers. Roger, Waller, ami J â€"P. Robertsoo, Mr. Codd gave an cxcellent recitation. The readings closed at an carly hour, so as to give everyons an opportunity of going to the ‘Tus badersigned would respectiully inform wnhmgm u.g\:to No. 21, street, € y occupled r- Ottawa m~~ they will always keep on hand a large and first class stock of PRruits, Vegetables, Oysters, Fish, Scuxart Tuizâ€"Michast Gleamsy, Abe brutal tellow who made a murderous assmult on his wife on Tuesday morniog, will be up for twial to.day betore Judge Armstrong, the prisoner having elected to be tried under the new law without the interventioh of a jury. In our report of the examination we stated that the magistrate remembered Gleasy harâ€" log been sent for three years to the Penitenâ€" tary for stabbing a man at Petawawsa. Slince then we bave learned that be had previousiy served a term of Aro yours for a simillar Cvonusina,â€"The Ottaws Skating and Curâ€" Mog Clatb annognce in â€"our advertising eolumns the opening of a book for subscrip= tons for preferential stock. ‘They are now dn Boux Oysters by the pint, quart or oFaWa TQO K1.Gâ€"~tuB8, Srgwmet U-? &Â¥ w@s res the Cooaal basin *%" “.’ w04 Pnursd.â€"y «4. ... we LX ‘AL NEWS. J. B. Boss & Co, 41 Rideau street. N# ... 100 am world a reformed youth,it wiltâ€"=have done more than we Lavs ever given that, or any slmilar institation, credit for being able to do. We believe, it fact, that the period is far t10 short to be productive of lasting good, nd that the work will hav a to be done over shewing uamitakable signs of emrrget c bile to the is early prep nations for the winter eampalsn, but this is charactwriatic UP the "«vutk on «1 the ronring game. The clanb a expending about $250 in 6:ting op thâ€" irt‘ok, and ligh ting it with gas, and ar» detâ€"r+minewt Athat it slail steniab a+ ofall the A 1 ruke of th= Domminion. A strrg .uï¬i;- recruits stand ready io jiin the club at th ir tbeat m «ting. Fou Passraxoctâ€"utss â€"Sherif Powe!!, with an oill +r, l:aves the city this moruivg t* «ouvey youunoy Ryan to hbils Weâ€"tern mioomaâ€" tory Lome, wlirs be i. to +peni the u xt three jyours. If that institution succred in that space of time curing him of b#s vicious propensities, and scnding him back to the not give her a permanent home? She is past all hope of reformation. It was bot the day before that she got out of jail, She bat not been out many minutes before she sucâ€" ceeded in getting a glass or two, and then she went on geiting more, until the evening, when she was taken to the police station, so dead drunk as to be unable to make her as~ customed nolse, or to sing those ribald4 songs with which she generally mekes night in the eells so hideqousâ€"as to prevent her follow prisoners from sleeping. ‘That night, howâ€" ever, she fortunately had no fellow prisouers, and but for her the Magistrate would havre Postos Cocert.â€"Jalia .lhq was brought up uader the old charge of drunkenness, and usual, visit the ofice in the â€"evening, and knew nothing of the matter conveyed to the public till noon nest day,. Mr. Findlag, bowever, having seen Mr. Spaight in the matâ€" tor,und baving reccived all the information which that geutleman colld give Lim under the clroumstances, rushbed i youd the maâ€" terials he bad within his knowledge, and» with cither a foolish or mischlevous design, associated my name in his characteristic manâ€" ner with the report. The report may be Arue or false ; it mutters little whether .l‘ Findlay or Mr. Deacon oppose Mr. Marmgj, but the circumetance jully illustrates a cbarâ€" acteristic in Mr. Findlay which renders him undt for a seat Ih ‘any Hall of Legis+ bis imagination ic this line through motives of mischiefâ€"which I bope notâ€"or whether, as is more probable, to gratify a not yet fall grown vanity, it 1s bard to say, One thing is :t:.h, however, during his entire canvase Riding, whose good ment PÂ¥ &ahh.-‘bm’:t‘l.nnhm faith woutant} Winsell to gross perssvantie coun to gross and the platitudes of an overâ€"reaching inexperiecuced . young man whose peblic life must, to judge by his conduct, have been confined to declamations over municipal disputes, The statement that I cireulated is equally as prodent on hbis part, as the many ot a like nature which at last disgusted the voters oi the North Riding of Renfrew during his late canvass,. In a conversation with J. L. McDougail, Esq., and others while ridiog over the Cobdem road, I heard the obâ€" :nd-ï¬-:r gentieman, and I hlbv; memory will serreo him in the matter, required. I really would not feel surprised if Mr. Findlay, after such a signal deteat, should in the bitterness of his feel‘ags snap and bite a little ; but my anticipations bave reached the “hb-.-‘-ne-ï¬-mwflu on principles anything but gentlemaniy in thus Anding him so absurdly vindictive, that his barmless foaming calls forth pity rather than cecnsure. + & ours, &¢. JibMEs coTrox. the report that Mr. Blake was ex to speak in the interest of Mr. l‘m Bir,â€"â€"Your issue of Friday last contains a letter from Mr. James Findlay, in which he makes reference to a patagraph published in the ‘Twss, in which was stated thas Mr. Deaâ€" con had decliced to run against Mr. Murray in North Renfrew as a: cancidate f0P a aat in the Ontario Assembly. Mr, Findlay,.with an experience of life only equalled by his courâ€" tesy, alludes to me> in counection "with the paragraph in a manner pessonally abusive, The facts gre these>.Bng unwe‘:l the day before that of the lssue of the Truss to which weleronce has. been made, L did not, as Spencer, that she will uext year pay a visit of -.wgl-:‘» psas It in 1 election of the Marâ€". qubdmu’aoflhlhlm sity of Orford in place of the late Karl of Desby will be unopposed. * : A new practice in relation to the law of evidence went into operation on the 3od iost., hho-u‘ in the Divorce Const, under the 33 and 33 Vic., chap. 63..â€"At is os follows :« * The paities in any proceeding institated in consequence of adultery, and the husbands or wives of such parties, shall he : competent to give evidence in such procéedings. P.oâ€" The famous Mitart convent case is to come up again in Eogland. vided that no witnesses in any proceeding, whether a to the sult or not, shall be liable to hmd.uw to answer, any question tending to show that he or she has been guilty of aduitery, unless such wiilnesses have already given evidunce in the same proâ€" ceeding in disproof ‘of ‘bis or her alleged had no case of crtime or misdemeanour to deâ€" To the Editor of thke Citizen. England has bhad more coal mine disasters this year than tor the preceding three years, The Queen has intimated, through h: Spencer, that she will uext year pay a visit A thorsanda Chinamen, who ulv(r't-h‘ an independent Government near Cienago, Cubs, bave been arrested by the Bpanish troops, History repents itself stupidly. Send some Bpanish troops to McTavish. In relation to the advantages which Rus» uis expects from the opening of the Sues maritime canal, it may be mentioned that the have been built in England. â€" They are on estate of Lord Vernon, at Sudbury, neat Dertby.. Each cottage contains a fiving room, three bedâ€"sooms, entrance poreh, scullery, pantry, fuel store, piggery, privy, cesspit and asbpit, KEach isâ€"provided with a washing copper, sink, and a fireâ€"clay baking oven fAtted up in the seullery. ‘The living rcoms completion of the new railroad between 8t Petersburg and Odessa Hzlh capital within sixtyâ€"sizx bours of Black See, allowing eight hours hnopmullu the crossing of the Dnieper at hoblhï¬gw is given of the application of term Valide to @‘d‘ï¬t mhd&&- Vaiide 10 OnG < Huiltanas. ‘The wile who Arst Turkish Sultanas. no-u--um birtb to a son is prociaimedâ€"Grand or Mw.nud-b.b-dymu‘ flcl...llrfl enriched with preâ€" clous stones, If the prince thus born ascends the throne, then bis mother takes the title of Orriaw1, November 23, 1869. CORRESPONDENCEâ€" GREAT BRITAIN. FORXIGN. vith to supply New Orleansâ€"with a line of street railway cars, to be propelied by air. The machinery is all constructed, and is said to stails to c 1,000 bead ot cattle, and proâ€" Mbma‘:ï¬_‘. Lt MW,“ preciaied in valu : wilhlo the last J MonLDSs, not less than $5,000,000. yhe . York Central Railroad Compan; 'U‘d,go commence the work of laying l second track on the Rochester and Niagarsa Falls division of their toad. A ship is beiog fitted in Eogland, with stails to carry 1,000 hbead ot cattie, and proâ€" work experimentaily like a charm. Messrs, Armstrong & MceCres, of Guelph, sent some of the products of their woolen manufactory to the Wh&lbifloo lately held at Buffalo, and. have received the second medal}, the highest award in the group blusted out.‘ "The rock ‘Is cighty feet thick. The convoy at the opening ceremonies on the 17th will consist of eighty lhlm. The Lonâ€" don underwriters mostly: dee to insure vessels bouand through the canal, cAlAllm +1*% LIFE â€" ASSURANCE COMPANY. DIVISION OF PROFiT» KEXT YEiR. A‘ S0rg APMIL EAST, the met valustion by HONX & JR WRIGHT, ot Boston, showed a listener to dull sermons"may "bave a comâ€" fortable sleep when exhausted nature refuses will open a market for western cattle. _ A Yankee has invented a headâ€"rest attach= to listen any more. Tue Biptist Charches of thâ€"se" Prowsinâ€"es Atv & qi et d by too Youvrenwot» meos 0n . Mortdn, P of the Railway g-ny,vm“ntmwb,-o( meoetâ€" ing the friends of the road to celebrate the Inauguration of one. of, if not t:-«::.tl:-. public operations connected w mdï¬dn?oflhpnbm And Mr., Macdonald‘will be there to give usurnu‘ If that were really u-um‘mmm-n be a Arst cless one ; and the plers, and uther works counected with it, are to bo equal to meet the most liberal demands of all foture conl trafic.â€"Cupe Breton News. The Han Francisco Acet caught 1,084,000 codiish during the present season. ‘The San Krancisco Bulletin says the "sbrink= age*" in the value of mining stocks in ninety "~ igti: " SERGEANT MAJOR STEWART Fhupuar, D¢. 3, frx * Humsdistivo auy ‘nw'fl.‘.' * * mw Tug Guamt Jury of 8t. Jâ€"hn, 5. B, baâ€" wturuâ€"d a truw bill aqto t Muor: t+tr the witnaer Of Marpte t V 4+ and net €Lbbld. Tue ul in Axsed ( r th: 30 B bust. ‘The mining stocks preciated in valu > wit HON ELIZUR WRIGHT, ot Bost divisable proft surplus of $181,790. _ Pbe Novs Sooutis P ovincial L giâ€"laure t ude protogu d to th 2400 of Uguewixr. Work has tgâ€"u cummeguel on the conteimâ€" pbt 0 mhiw y b.t#an 8,do y and B 11yoâ€" wâ€"* C B â€" ‘ The mwer of a Luo uvo g abooner w« laoewy Aoâ€"«d $10 in too Uactimâ€"Aute poli c W LE IDF Usbtoy imessdr a Uod.s the steawi_ra alze in seliing potatocs. Bunk of New Brunswick $1 and $2 notes are in circulation aitered to $5, Baok of Montreal $5 notes are alterod by cuiting a amall purtion out of four notes and muking a The St. John Moerning News states that the Eastern Exteasion Railway has passed out of the hands of the English Company into those of the Dominion, The latter wasclosed on Saturday last by the agent of the Company reculving an order for $547,500, upon the Dowinion Paymaster at St. John,. The whole amount of the Company‘s claim was $1,044,â€" 000, of which they had recelved $352,500, and the balance of $144,000 is to be held back subject. to the report <of the Intercolonial Railway Commissioners upon the state and conditions of the road, We bave much pheasure in announcing that work on the Railroad from Sydney to Bridgeâ€" port, which was commenced by the contractor on the 10thâ€" ult., is going on well and as fast as practicable. Large contracts for materiais for the road and plers were closed on Monday lnst. Alr. Macdonald will bs able now to leate for a fow weeks to go to Canada where his presence is necessary, Mr. Rogers, 8uâ€" perintundent, will remain in cbarge of the work. It has been determined to mark the event in railway operations here, by a plain, unostientations demonstration, at noon toâ€"day, on the grounds in the neighbourhood of the Byduney termigus. Cards of invitation to a luncheon at the @«MacKensio House," have been issued for the afternoon, in commemora~ tion of the day‘s proceedings, and at which Agent in â€" CGTTAWA â€"FIELDâ€" BATTERY WIl be beld in . mrGoOwaAaN‘8 HALL, @a On Thursday Evening, November 25th 'h-l'-‘rhb .Qd‘:lmlu at "the late Rife Doors open at hall past seven. T-. BAZAAR THE ST. PATRIUK‘S ORPHANX ASYLUM The andersigned to notify the public that hh-nw,m‘w':.-ud #UK DYEILN He has been at the business o tweire years in Ottaws, and has always given wtversal satisfaction. ° Partiouniar attention pald all desoriptions of robes and ladion‘ furs. .O‘Aillml. L MM 1135. 31364 Opposite Magee & Rassell‘s Tae Royalist and Vertal are the war vessels in Haliias, Several ships are daily expected from the West Indies. The appointment of Commander Beymour Curtis to the Royal Alfred is gazetted. â€" . The Halifax Citizen is informed that Capt. Williams, an American gentleman, who was wWill in . the lntely occuâ€" r by = A P“Ilm l_:l,'“t. on g:DA! muh‘oulmu â€â€˜bmml W. Donations to the m{-m table will be bankfully received b‘ln. l..zu. Mrs. T. m."l aller ; tor the lotâ€" tery by Mrs. Caldwoll. Articles for the fancy tables will be received by Suster Fits Mauâ€" rice, at the Asylum Church street. KATE OCONNOR, lw m"“ Ottawa, Nov, 16th I= 110714 agent of a mining company at Wine Harbour, J‘:Inoll in his office at that place last week. Pecunlary dificulties are said to bave afl«cted his mind, and he had not been considered entl.ely saue for some time frate salary. Af by loHer: pess prld, Addesss _ Becond Olass Male Teacher wanted or Arst elass Female Teacher for Hchool Section No 2, 'l\.‘“-l 'Al:_lv. Tt is stated that the TRAaADE ALD MANUFACTURE. MARITIME PRuVIiNCEs3 | _ | CC _â€" > Beoâ€"Treas 88 No 2, Fitsroy, 1011 1 4# 3 u‘“ YEILNXG. B0OC1IAL A8SEXIBLY . A aransfer of assurances to tho Canaad. I1, in many cases, be an immediate annual. W M HRavvoor, to the prise list arecordially oke of Califorcia havs de. N t)a the hat > months, * will be A G ‘A’!.‘_!: CC HH Y 4e e WIG wKRAKBGX EXBFrR 35. â€" company is about u.f:'.'..c street £$0988,141 in the rie‘ io wind bp ht HitPuatnataitp aas mos Jder to v Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin .and Gopper Smiths, Bell Hangers, HUNTONX, SHOOLBAED & Co., Nov 9th, 1869. ® * is ., husak. zl O _ 0C Eomm TEnnOremmiley , u* made Suits and General Outftting Goods, which will be found very select. AND â€"WINTER IMPORTATIONS. .DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! Readymade Clothing ! Readymade Clothing ! : SMALL WARE! SMALL WARE! No.34. T. RAJOTTE, â€" No. 34. Sparks street, Central Town, Ottawa s ' and . As sxtennive soot o meatich, Sonn, sod AND DIXON & SON‘8 â€" KarPrateo / Waiasrs, "*@A »~ Britan®ia Metal, Block Tin and ‘;’w ned Ware of all kinds, & % ;:‘.‘u..’.o.;lflm "- ¢ % J08. RODGERS & SON‘8 CUTLERY K men orladies can be accommodated with first class board upon reasonable terms, within ten minutes walk of the Post OMee. Anw wishing.to zeep a horse will Aad it to adâ€" vantage to call. For partionlars address this MRY CAHLLL begs to inform her friends ond the public lh:.‘d.'mdll -rlu on ï¬o'“ -u&-t. keep it supplied best Liquors and Cigars, and Game of all kinds in season. * -‘Mm(al’mchw boarders _ . _Phe undersignod has opened a FARRISR SHOP at r.c.uuy'-mm.« York and Dalhousie streets, where he will be prepared to * _ CaNADIAX.Flangels, ; ; _ **~ CANADIAN Tweeds and Ktoffem, /: s 9 €° + _ wbed) . CANADIAN Safinets, , P CANADIAN Drawers and U ndershirts, â€"._CANADIAN Suookings >| |/ / > CANADIAN Searts and Cloudas, ~| CANADIAN Bags, °" * ©"C . CANADIAN Blunke s in White and _â€"_â€"Grey, from the Coruwall and . St. Lmawrence Mills,. â€" All of which will be offered Retail at a small advance on cost, and wholesale at mill t mt COPPER ~PLATE PRINTER, lisher of this paper. H NNR NEW 8STYLE. â€" H.ve regeived iron: the best manalacturerâ€" râ€"large lots of A A good large dwelling house, with stable and grounds, in a healthy locality. Address the pubâ€" A Cook and a Housemaid in a house wnere there are no children. Good referencesrequired. Amyuh‘rm-o.n. September 3, 1869. 1143 BETWEEN SPARKS & QUEENK STEHEZLT Fu‘l CLASS HOUSE WANTED. Wart®e» INMEDIATELY. 1869. ~~ 1869, T HUNTON SHOOLBRED & Co. are now reâ€" arking their immense stock and will offer goods N XCoOU0nR 108 Ottawa, November ©3, 1869. Morses bought and sold on commission. T. TOZIBE, V. 4 Ortawa, November 15. _ 13( l‘-- SHADES, Corner of George and William streets. OF PAKTNERSHIP, CUEAP BALE LNYTH & KERR, ENTIRE STOCK RE MARKED. 1880LUTION â€" MAGEE & Nov. 2, 1869. »a~ FOR CASH ONLY. mc fe., &t. HCME °MANUPF3CTURE: MAGEE â€" & RUSSELL i "Sore is the ES SINGED AND OLIPPED IN A No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"8T,, on hand and for 1154 a #4 NEW PATTERNSâ€"SPLENDID VALU ~! 84, 60, T4d, 90 ailt Td peryard. White Cottons, 440,:64, :74 and 9d per yard, Gmm&mw-ï¬d“mm 3 [ New W hiripool Seals Bilk, Sgtin and Velvet. . In all the new shades, including Capucin New Muslin Embrordery New Honiton Lace. New Frilled Collars > New Lace Sets Bright Glacie Silke, $7.50 t ll:v&‘GmGr-’,‘fll,-.l. "“Th-mthohl'ai'u in the city. JA C m uie ftorsar thentt it B aperts Gloves, Ties, Wool Boarts, Pellerines, Col slare ttes, Mmï¬wm CARPETINGS3 AND HOUSE FUR Garland, Mutchimer & Co ouly.2s and 2s 64 per yard, _ _ New Lancashire and Welsh Flannels y New Fancy Flannele ie i Alk New Frenack Twill Fiahoels, equally cheap. New Vestinge > | New Canadian Tweeds | New Faull Cloths and Setinettes New Undershirts asd Pants, Buperior Dress and Flannel Shirts made to measure and sure to pleage. Aswell as the most styllsh goods at moder O:tawn, Sept 8, 1839. S.lk Velvets, Velveteens, NEW STYLE WATERâ€"PROO®F CLOAK At the same time, they ‘will shew a f gesortment in all their various departmen ot NEW CHOICE GOODS. q _ §irBest value in Ottawa.â€"fJ BRITISH, CANADIAN AND AMERICA : Bave received large sdditiors to theiriesteuns nock, and are no# showing a full ssso:stmuch all their various deopartments of LARGEST 5TOCK AND RICHEST ‘«~« â€"@00D8 INâ€"QTTAW 4, <~â€" Ygwe HsWw CHOLCE Go0Ds, mz MILLINERY~ AND â€"MANTLE They invite special attention to their lar stock of NEW DRESS GOODS, comprmein GARLAND,; MUTCHMCR & co. S@EXTRAORDINARY [GARLAND, uurcmiora co. CLOAKINGS. Silk Mantle Velvets Bilk binished Velveteeons New Palarian Cloths New French Merinoes and4 Delaines New Coburgs and Baratheas. LACE GOODs, CLOTHS AKD TWEEDS. ~ NEW SATIN CLOTHS, LA TEST FasHIONs BONNETS, HATS, JInte and Hemp Carpete anod Lace, Black®and l' Faney Feunérq e dress, .50, $15, $17.50 YALUE. q liks ito be found Rags and Mate CLOTHS, a t% PÂ¥ ' l.l!lfllulllx. 1213a â€" Austionser and Commission Mere Good value in BICH MANTLE YELYETS, |_ BACK & COLOURED BONNET VELVETS, FEENCH MERINOES. f | BROCHE REPP DRESSES, PLAIN & FANCY REPPS, » PLAIN & FANOY WINOIES, | TARTAN DHESS GOODb, cx.ot,ms.;‘cxosa OVERs, . |° BREAKFAST SHAWLS, : CHAIR COYVERS AND SCARBFS, â€" woQL HOOD8 AND MINERYES, NEW MILLINERY, AT CUNNINGHAM & LINDSAYV‘S Go‘n.n.nn % DIAMOND DUST AND SILYER POWDER | Ladies can purshase the above, or have their heir dreorsed and powdered at ; seen in Ottawa. He been b; uelt 'h‘tc appuinted by the combination Notice to Heads of Educational Establishments and private persons they thetrade, by the ts o !** A new house in Centre Town. 10 rooms. ‘Good 300 firk ****** ABLE GLASSW ARE, T of every deseription, 4 AT THE VARIETY HALL TOLLSB on this road for from fArsi )1 a deceased parent, Person finding will be row: .,.:.e‘%“.m..‘aï¬.’:.um.“.al:..,,.,mm““""' Do;:ic.ll.- ce | * ‘ YOUAG & RADFPORD‘8, f . 3) R PINHET, * * . Bparks strew Ottawa, Nov, 17th, 1869, _ 1310â€"3 _ Ottaws, October 12, 1869. 1182 e se ... BAOO.. &eâ€" «~D/MfQBBLs. tuits u#gss PoRrk. qy res» wares auarps, And all kinds of hair work manufactured with =3â€"Ampm;.ummm. « & Up stairs. : A splendid stock of ‘Bwitches, not mobair, but ded C. T. BATE & do,, f â€"~UOnnal Ottawa, Dac.12 ©%, Apply to D oz CURTISS HAIR DRESSING SALOON, Under the ‘Mirchid patronage of Sir J cDonnld, K C B, theloading members of the ROAD COMPANXY. tmuul?m AS on this road for one yoar from ArsiJanaâ€" EESOR BROS.CHEESE. Agonts for John Campbell‘s celebrated ARREL OR CAR LOAD, YTOWX ANXD NEPRAX OÂ¥NONGAHELA WIHISKEYS! I% ET now prepared to sell i _gu:j1i For sale by the andersigrte. A,d Agonts cor Hiram & Walker‘s LOWEST BBLS. Mss â€llo No. 14, Rideau street. 44 COoAL OIL, near Ottaws inâ€" AY, of Ottaws. sUPEA A large and varied * ment of West of Engâ€" land Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Beotch and Sanaâ€" dian Tweeds, of the finest qualities for the fail and winter @ city and country trade." We have now on hand a large supply o clothing manufactured under our own supervision Cznadian and English manpufacture, of all sizes and qualities, at prices lower then ever betore offered in this city. PANTS, COATS, VESTS, BHIRTS, UXDERâ€" BHLRTS, DRAWERS, £c. &6, to which we invite the attention of the: L UMBERING COMMUNL TY who will find it to their interest t« examine our stock betore purchasing their wixter sup plies. NEW DEESS GOODS NEW FRENCH MERINOS NEW CLAN TARTANS + AT CUNXNINGHAM & LINDSAY$, CHEAP WHITE & GREY CcoOTTONXS8 CHEAP WINCEYS AT CUNNINGHAK & LINXDSAY$. CANADIAN BLANKET3 y CANADIAN FLANNELS CANADIANX TWEEDY © _ AT CUKXIKGHAM & LINXDSAY‘S. Without exception the best Spirits manufactured in Canada. 5, Bole Agents forf Ottawa, ‘ JAS. G. ROBINSON & CO. The trade supplied, duty paid, orin Bond, by the car load, or in smaller quantities. _ â€" A LARGE SUPPLY of Woolen Books and Mitts, Deerskin Mitts and Moceassins. 5,000 1,000 A Complete Stock of Dress Goods, conâ€" sisting of Merinos, French Reps,Lustres, W inceys, together with a large lot of Fancy Flannols, Kerseys, Tickings, Grey and White Cottons, _On the 1%h 1 short ALBERT CHAINX witt aBLD e T siteobed r Corpaltantcoms with design, Rose, Shamrock and Thatle. ‘The gift of .mm.‘rmhï¬"lb“ * ""e6 5 M uU so & nADFORD‘S, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY P NEW STYLES IN HATS XEW STYLES IN JACKETS AT CUXNINGHANM & LINDSAY$. No. 14. Ridean street. Oltaws, Sept 22, 1869. Tailoring and Cutting Establishment where genâ€" tikmen and youth‘s clothing can be made on the shortest possible notice in every style and quality, and a good fit ensured. _ Now open for Sale and Inspection at 0O ‘MEARA & CO‘8., CELEBRATED OLD £YE WHISKEY In addition we have, as usual, a first class 200 CATTIRS SOLACE TOBAOCO 100 700 50 0. 14, LIDEAU STREET, % October 6, 1869. OODERKHAM & WORTS OoDERHAM & WORTsS O0DERHAM & WORTS, FAMILY PROOF WHISKEY. from 50e to %0¢ per yard. CENTBAL OTTAWA. : PURE HIGHWINKE3. 0 ATS VERY SUPERILOR TWANEAY TEA, ) CHTS UNCOLWD JAPAN TEA EFINED SUGAR. BRLS GOLDEN SYRUL JAB, G.ROBINSON £00., Wholesale Grocers, Ottawa. BRLS SPLIT FLEURYS BRL& GREEN COD FISH. FOR BRLS REDPATHS YELLOW PLECXS ETOYFES and SATLIâ€" PAIRS BLAKLKETS, LINEN $AGB, very cheap. °_ This week‘sChimney Corner, Ledger, Emerald | Sporting Times, Westers World. Rromk posnt WiLLLAM BBOULBRED, in this city, under the nume and firm of THOB & W HUNTON, wasthis _ day dissolved by mutual consent, William Hunton retiring therefrom. All debts due to or by the fate frm will be seitled by the remaining partners, > Ottawa, Nov 5, 1869, hohd-flll.ilMBw-hh,"; * same premises by the undersigned, under the name of T HUNTON, SHOOLBRED & Co. THOMAS RUNTOX, . WILLIAMBHOOLBRED _ 1200tf _ Â¥F H HYKTOX, Have now rewived all their lish Megaâ€" sines tor Nouvemter e Demorest s ane Gudey‘s for Decâ€"mber, London Al, imreted News ac. &o â€" * * Alro, n few c pics of Cord and Creose, the Pactory Aiâ€"4, Bâ€"ckwoods‘ Life U#y ven story â€" a Cenect o Xuas i 1e 1 g@ 6 by‘s Logena, & :. h‘tulnom..a:-o. u«t »1ed Aunan=e, Kout» _ &# & ‘l.-- PC F Tllflullllol.. L mitall ames as 0 O C6 mm HEmikg CC o main in this city till the first of J , 197 ‘J.I;l-nhu.hmw. the numerous Ledies who ated b -fllluh-qon-bywï¬.m, PnLÂ¥ VALUABLE GOO0D8 RErAIRED, Oltkia, Nov. 23rd, 1869. 1213 P hP Bs Soasosts.wtres s & :s led.0 + Aonaal, Bu# Bc# > Almwarâ€"0 Put Uffice B ver, Nov. 2.tn i8ay. UK _ of all kinds rented for ste or public pabties at reasonable rates. A':. % TO THE Y ARIETY HaALL. CAIADIAI His gourse ot 6 lesscns will be found of great practical valse to ladies or genilemen Oltawas, Nov 9th 1899 =As an Klocutionist Mr Taverner is eminent, u.tu.dcd Kiooution L consider him preâ€" or failing a mesting on that day, at the meeting of the said Council which shail be beld next hereafter, to pass a BYâ€"LAW to.stop up all that portion of MeTaggart street, in the City of Ottaâ€" wa, which Hes between Dalbousse and Metoaife st.oots, in the said city, and to sell and dispose of the same to the St Lawrente and Ottews Railway Company, at such price as the Council thinks reasonabie. o Dated at Ottaws, this thirtioth day of October, A ©1869, T . e wX P LETT, nnmnuum T# _ A eelif feeding Coal Stove suitable for a hall or stores, at k. We _ dJelly Moulds, or anything else for the kitchen can be found at o â€"‘_d. M TAVERXER, Pronounced in & and4 Ameripa as a teacher of Klocution May be corsulted at the Russel! House THE 5 cent BAaLLAD »at8Gk&H _ TBE CaNA:!IAN ILLUsTRAiED NEWS e auwt Fraxk Ladi¢‘s and Godey voo! Piluderovestamas Godey‘s Nov 17, 1869. Other Folke Lives, by Smediey, â€" Lhe Art Photograph Album,at Megazine, H Weekly, Weekly Heraild, Pil: and clfmrl‘ e rlM’Mh- &'" s.rf).do. h‘um\.‘ Nows, New ork Clipper, Bow Belis, New York Weekly, and all yapers due on each day, just recerved. Un and after the twentyâ€"Afth instant the above Company will be prepared to furnith in any quantities Sulpburic Acid [Oil of Vitro!] of any desired density. Buch Acia is equal to any made umumuuwcm For turther information Intefhd, at a weeting of the Council to be held a the usual hour"of the meeting ofthe said Council, at the City of Ottawa, on the Fedrace f 4. tus toe Ame omtery " **«* * «t Ottawe, 00(. 20th, 1869 1194â€"4s Anuual for 1870; AT HAUSERS FEws DEPOT, THE LONDUKN JdOUKNAAL, Sur November Loaned to a triend on the of the E4 Chase on the. feld, &A SILVER PBRCLIL Cabk: Is hereby given that the COUNCIL or tuz CORPORATION PUIIJO NoTICE Is hand to arrange and do up Felt and ht::'l-hhcbmm t 1186 Mr. GUSTAVE SMITH, . ofthe Caths . n sumate uo. Copprinstmntene u-::n-u.c Binging. Rideanâ€" «+ ntare, Juse 14. They: $16y ... _ YORK SBTREET, TOROKTO. Immediately opposits the Grand Trunk Depot. lunor-. Manager. _’HuthmM&duâ€" )0'!.!0. NUEWS DEPOT, AOWELL‘S CORNER, SUSSEXâ€"ST. First Monday in T. JAMXES! HOTEL, UPT RECEKIVLD, O8Ks & HOLLAsD Put up and ovanantaa» to give satisfaction. For sale at ETT DIARIES, 18t0, AGAZINEs UEBECO CHENICAL WORKS. Segaur e io i: â€" W BE or 1870 ; l.'-‘:;' Bow Belis ana Good Words, â€" â€" ecem ber, at DUkKIE & son‘s. Publé¢ ations. BANK STREET, HAUSER‘S NEWS DEPOT,â€" City of Ottawa, ‘P" c w P A SHAW, Agent, €5. MM'-&. i St Andreir‘s Wharf, Quebes ? DIARIES, 1870. Rer J XÂ¥ at DURIE 4 sON‘$: . DURIE & SOX®8, 0 Bpark stre at DURBLE & son‘s.