| TABLE, No. 43, MONDaY, Kov. 3 TH NEW YORK EVEZ LTERNATE TUE at 1 at Porth at 1049 GE oF TimE, _ \y Conch to sction with trains on also with M“‘ INX I CABLE and ANCHOR cHICAGO MBSS,‘ * where all J & M» eseesee008 _ & OTERARwR WAY. son, 1;30 pm, 4:40 p 8 B« train rund through to TL M Ascag to and from & ANKAPOLIS way. OÂ¥ MAL .. by branol above 1rems KRRICK &4 THURSDAT, iamn way will be open for Cabin, Payable h Cars on all RAILWAY. El =" m.m« 4 "'11 Grand Pre on dully at 4.15 at 600 a m ille at 12186 MONDA ait......0 48y < 06 . Pecvnl :-:-nuv:{wwmci.mp 1:00 1 =-.o-u'-dhuun. Also, z Bordeauz and other Vinegars. Edhï¬'-&. pts and qts. M and other Alos.; eusty th may favor me with their orders. ’MW:?M;&& Merchant, Park street, Ottawa, or direct Boz No. 1, PostOffice, Ottawa. * Piskle Manufactory on the bank of th: Ridean Take Noticeâ€"EKmpty Pickle bottles coliected and the highest prices given. 1196y MRS KENDALL, one of the Lady Principais, And Teacher of the French and ltaiian languages las vacuneles for a fow ladies, as boardem, OMATO KETCOHUP, &c, wholesale, hoh-ndinszh.lhuhnu; :uduu' io make the wholesale trade m y .. Nt aad manufectured in Ottawna thereby _'_\_l__l_-_m Soon teh ‘a‘."...".'..‘.‘.'.‘.'...'m THE OLD STOCK, SAVED FROM EIRE * _#0 attend the above estab}ishment. Brench is made the language of the house, Mc at all prices, in wood and bottlé,improved by age. KIGHWINES, OLD RYE, PROOF AND WIIAW A OFFICEâ€"G P Devumox»‘s Exchange > Vilee, 19 Sparks street. L4 _ Goonac Buixous ; Renauit " Yep Bigare audoteer y3 55 AA* * o thigh proofand fixvor, at extremely low prices: . Thorne‘s and Stewart‘ Scotch Whiskey and wer; 8 B FOOTB A THOMSON, T N DUKN. DRUMMOND, Managcer, 1141 Myson, quite fresh and cheap. _ _ â€" _C Frosh Cofeo ground and roasted daily on OTPAW A, HAVYING OPENED u13 Amhg_“_;b C THOMSON, Treaâ€" MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, LABR, HERXINGS, F SELLING AT TWENTY.FIVE PERCENT BELOW CoOST. Now is the time or bar alps. 1105 intisfuction, and at PRicEs barting oduretitfion."" * .‘.?-"" of Lambermen‘s Woear always Orders takem for all sorts of the est work men w-‘_.__ _:..' Galy % k W uk L m P e ie sad Whome Stick o Few Wees rwllem ‘eil be fnand complate in every departmeni, representing _ > LATEST AND BEST STYLES in Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Mon‘s and Boz’. W ear, The stock as usual chosen with great ou: and is warranted to give satisfaction. and I would infornm customers in ceneral (»,( ; pJ ftittomers and the public CAPITAL B300T AND sHOER STORE, NIONX STORES AND OTHE would special attention to his Splendid Am:tll':! of PRUNELLA BOOTSâ€"But waed, Laced and Congress. GENTLEMEXN‘3 â€" PATENT CONGRESS, SEAL CONGRESS, FINE ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGRESS, HANDâ€"MADE, and other now styles, P AÂ¥ 6t nnu sooTs FO@ ALL WEATHERS." PPY HOODPSKIRT PAactonry ENGLAND SCHOOL BOOTS , A ND sHOEKS! PoR 8 1J M M R R, _ . Con C m.‘o-z. gou, Imporial, Young (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) De Kuyper‘s and Houtman‘s, k I have is undoubtediy the , and b:."h- "‘A““‘! in m Ts Ae mnade a n rimink 6 f ox it is the best; they, will | therefore 39 RIDEAU STREET, Sherries o all Ports of fine 'P!rm:mmhvu YOUNG LADIES, THE RED BOoOT, THE NEW STYLEsS Rotice of my intention to TELEGRAPH COMPANY mder Chapter LXYII of the VOL. IV NO. 1220 G. LRVTN, At Tus AND SHORS3 EORGE MURPHY. 43 Sparks street, . opp. Truzs Ofice, AT 1188.%ewif =~ PROVTIâ€" (Cana Basin.) . .:"&an&&whï¬mtb wWORKS AND MACRINERY, of the most spproved kind, are now complete for The wholse of the work will be under the man~ agemen‘ of T W CURRIER, whoso well known experience and ability in the business will be a sufficient guarantee for the manner in which all orders entrusted to them will be executed. mmmcm“um will be forwarded on application; â€" 1167.3m ll.n-l-'h-m in giving inmediâ€" ate Cough stand preâ€"eminent, and trom Emhlflhn.'m.h louo:‘hlh at o-cllo‘ou + I n-fl- whose merits i _‘.“., h.““up-: @â€"COoUGH REMED Y @4 G R OCE RIE s “hh’ncmm TORACCOS, " â€"â€" LIQUORS ofall desoriptions, and a general assortment of GROCERS & COMMITSSION MERCHANTsS, Mrs Robort Stewart having made arrangements with an sccomplished lady teacher, announces that her Dancing Classes will commence on Wednesday, the 22nd instant. Further particulars may be obtained on appiiâ€" eation to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod street. Chevalier Gustave Smith begs o announce to his pupile that the Academy of Mcsic, Ridean street, will be reâ€"opened on MONDAY, Augus I have uu.gm with the Receiverâ€" the ab07 Th P C e eey MM:QE‘,“. U.8. w "%“"‘ The Hon. Ool, ‘Jonp: 3, °is "olH $onds, beof 81. Goodetham & Wort‘s H. W Old R: m‘“ty.)mm aold .'.'.:: .""“_"". an, oey, Noh J Gray, M.P., has bee Inn â€" AibLanat _..3‘_":.?.‘??!'! tor the Domin pr‘owe AND DEPORTMENXT. No. :& ;wleuu UTUAL LLFE INSUR Deposit in Uâ€" 8; de of ‘81â€"$50,000. 8. K. CORWIN, General Am;g.. K.B For the of Finance ~~ _ JOHN LANYUTON, in Canada ; Fmaxzor Derastumyt C m.' __ Ottawa, 12th October, 1868. Oc “""ll-fll'W-p-tb received ...u':.':-'..!'.."“‘“m" .i-lrtu '"A'A TS C j JAAA A, 000 8STEAM â€"PLANING â€" MILLS, Special attention given to the purchasing on o--u.uw:...go... Salt Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &0. â€"â€" +Â¥ LIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OP MAIN 6. Ottawa, August 14, 18 9. PFPORWARDER, GENERAL AGENT No. 3, St. Peterâ€"s1. QUEBEC, Ot awa, November 7, 1888 _5 o Lme6e fransactions, and PARTICULARLY HOIN LIFE. The tables and the terms of the Royal offer advantages that cannot be surpassed by.qycloooiq.du..uu.. 11984 mlh‘fthpuuolnuuflfln. F** carBRAy, COMMISSION MERCHANT noru.“uwhiuéi comrany., â€"â€"~ FIRE ANXD LIPE Capital. . ... ... ... . Two Millions Sterling. â€"_ _ PIRE DEpPARTMEXT. of all kinds, Insures household suneior aldiagrof all kinds. Insures houschold mills and lumber Ottaws September 9th, 1869. _ :118 Agent in Ottawa, $ 000000 CCCOCCRbfreamapomnree The rates being lower than those ot other -lqmpunulyuuuhm .c..‘.'!....u companies whose cundition or terms are unsatisâ€" .« A transfor of assurances to the Canaad. Lite w .‘h many cases, be an immediate annual "'- Awerasss LIFEK ASSURANCE CoM PANY, DIVISION or rï¬;rrs NEXT YEaR, uoy‘ wersoi M lohHT sto net ratuation by ï¬vh‘ohlo proft surplus of $181,790. LIFE DEPARTMXENXT. sRCV "".!.'.?‘.‘..“_"'!!.'fl_t--_-_usyu-t- CaADE®Y o# MmuUsic. No. 36 PEOPLE‘S3 TEA â€"STORE! NION MUTUCAL Alil logal mattors will SUGARS, hmtwuqmmdvb.n AN A DA . BASKERVILLE & BRo,} WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL Ausscssnsnensennees s4 a00+ + seneenee 000000 seee0 Â¥hasa R H HAYcocKk. meane abqnennnn4 +0 .‘ &w'-â€"--unâ€"l’- *enesennnsssssssssse0sse0000 B. R. CORWIE, e neneneenens s es A G RAMSAY, rgporesr sEts & paths, .. Of besutiful and fashlonable designs at JO8. RODGERS & SON‘S CUTLERY AND DIXON & SOoN‘s HOUSE FURNISHING, HARDWARE, STOYES, â€"STOYES, COOKING, PARLOR & BOX STOYES, * In great variety. P . BOX BTOYVES, aad And m.-nz,u"n 'ln-i“ Britannia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" ned Ware of all kinds, English Enâ€" â€" amelled Bird Cages just and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers LAZARUS, â€" MORRIS & STILTON CRRESE in stosk, equal to English Cheese, and 10 conts por 1b choape. h.-yâ€mq-.. For sale by Ottawa, June 1, 1869. Ottawa, November ©3, 1869, Â¥resh Ground and Reasted ; fpromises, very line Anvour. ( o os" chased for retail trade. y oure & napronp Pickles, of all kinds, pa ap . order and warâ€" 100 Mam, Tongues, Strasbourg Meats, tame and mmmmmm AVE COAL, By using a Conal Beive. â€" Price 25 conts, at & ESMONDE®8. And the celebrate P1G BRAND, unequaled in quality, at prises unusualiy low, by the case of dos each;, quarts $2.50, pints $1.175, Warrantâ€" od by Guinvess & Co‘s certifcate, LD SILVEKX, SHELL AND STEEL, PM®A pertact Hit gaarantesd. LYTH & KERER, L 4# vintage 1851, 1858, and 1860." VUarivaiâ€" dhmbo-uluh'r:nu,..‘ prices. For am y use, try it. Hoeater ; and also for Ruton‘s Paent Venâ€" 10 H8»8 fo8at WINE (19 years oid) M.“'- 1858. and 1 | ~ Minsiuat Japans, Biaok‘s and (G@reon‘s,in groat varieâ€" to qualitres and prices. New Season Teas, welil rh a trinlâ€"for famsises, being pur DIRECT imrPOoRTATIONS, Loa & Porrin‘s Worsester Sance. Ex Ship Angleses from Liverpool. HHDS BRANDY, mnrp 1805 and 1868 Warranted fine quailliiy, MEDAL BRAND. NEW A8S8RORTHKEN f lin Chaudiere, from London. Ex Ship Nereq from Oporto. EYLk: GLASSES, ~HOS. CAUERES QGUILINNEXS & O0‘8 XXX OHEsTs PINE PANMKILY Huve jast reseived a 4 North‘s BLACKWELL*® G0OOD8 No38, Sparks treet, PATTERSON, SPECTACLES, KSMONDES. â€" ° Nov 13, 1869. ‘ 12046 26 Ridean st; OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1. ls69. HON MALCOLM CAMERON has removed his Ofice to the Now Building between the Onâ€" tario Bank ond the Tiues Office on Sparks stroct. I&'.&I'flwh‘:nï¬..h&ob- sence, and is authorized to grant receipts, _ _ Planished Iron and Britannia Metal Tea and wlfl.h different sizes and shapes, very P AT THE VARIETY HALL â€" Central Railway Company will apply to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada at its next session for an Act to extend the delay allowed them for the completion of their railway, to authorize the enactment of a Bylaw riving voting power to bondhoiders, and restricting the voting power of stockholders under certan circumstanâ€" ces, and to authorise the company to acquire by purchase, any rallway or portion of raulway available for the purposes of the Canada Central: Londos, Oct 1st, 1869. besgay The HON JOHN ROSE, (late Minister of Â¥inance for the Dominion of Cansda), joins our firm this day, which will be continued under the style ot MORTON, ROSE & co. Office of Morton, Bliss & Co, > . Now York, Oct 2, 1869 MBR WALTER WATSON, (late Agent of the orthe Bank of, British North America, New York), is this day admitted a partner in caur frm. _ 1185es0im â€" â€"â€" MORTON, BLI8S & 00. Fow en u norpfans "e ue Breng o eases its benefcial effects sre felt aiter the first doses. Detailed instructions accompany each maru udhxofl-?. ; Depot in Paris at L FRERE‘3, 19 rue Jaoob. â€" Approved by the Imperial: Academy of Medicint the 27th Dop.bor, 1849. 4 It is .P‘“‘ ‘.hâ€"-ï¬ absorbent proâ€" portics B C AL its l'f‘ï¬..‘!‘::!:.‘!_’[m reppmmented for es, for Bulith & WeZson‘s, ‘Tranter‘s, and other . 3. â€".â€"Mumianmekimine of 12â€"m.., 4â€"m, and 7â€"m. bore. _: . â€" _ Pistols, used in her .l‘ N. for K evel ‘""TOPERE RIMâ€" Fink Sailtnibdss or an partnont, also of 500 for Mitiâ€" _ [3 5 Rifles. r€ i _ _WATERPROOF CENTRALâ€" FIRE METALLIC CARTRID. |43 «9B GKS, with enlarged base for C C l.lll'.ffl.ibr:: by foreign Shassopot, Derdas, Remingion, and other Rifles, _ Also for Ballard the Spencer, and A-yhcm Repeating Indian Branch, Copt of See of State, Ottawa, 26th Nov, 1869. WM SPRAGGE, Tamarac kuee Lineal| measurement per . 1;000 $O0L >s0.+â€"sscevesfrnsarivesssecissrerese«? 1060 Waipole Island (timbet to be cut within 3 years.) About 10,000 ncres. No timber to be out of less diameter than 18 inches at the butt or stump. EC PARENT, l“ anaedssssesseests se0000 Telegraph Poles per 100 Public notice is hereby given that the Canada _ Tonders may specify either a block sum to be paid within two woeks of their scceptance, or a rate or bonus poer square mile additional to one dollar per mile ground rent and dues as follows : Oak Squared Timber per 1,000 cubic feet...$23 00 Do Saw Logs per Wl.ll‘-h-l;' & 00 ld!ho.!ml-.ln‘.t‘ or . Hickory per 1,000 ft cublc ... 16 00 Do â€" do â€" Baw Logs per 1,000 ft Inch White Pine, Cedar and Sprace per 1,000 * su.l or & TIMBER oN INDIAN LANDS. Tenders addressed to the Buperintendent Geneâ€" ral of Indian Affairs will be received unti MONDAY, 13th DECEMBER, for merchantable u-buf on the undermentioned reserve; * Dated at Ottaws, this thirtioth day of Octgber, A D 1889, p or failing a meeting on that day, at the meeting of the. said Council which shail be held next hereafter, to pais a BYâ€"LA W to stop up all that portion of MeTaggart street, in the City of Ottaâ€" wa, which lies between Dalbouse and llduyo streets, in the said city, and to sell and dispose of the same to the 8t Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Company, at such price as the Council thinks intend, at a meeting of the Council to be held ® lh-lllh-t&h mesting of the said Cbuneil, at the City of fttawa, on the 6 3 First Monday in December next, . Is hereby given that the .. > COUNCIL or ruz CORPORATION or THE s O Cily of Ottawa, ERLLOCYS CHARCOAL, PUluc NOTICE RAMPS IN THE STOMACH . dEA rioN 1208 lawtd ACIDITY . DIFFICULT DIGESTIONS8 : D8 I A. GASTRALGIA F1RE. and PLN FIRE CARTâ€" lsizes and syssoms of Guns, Riges, COLICS DARRRCEA DYSENTERY CHOLERINE. WM P LETT, \ o o0 0 =~. â€"~] a charm; * % Auisic To ksb ~Ds. J. P. Keaxzor ,ddhll-ï¬;, New York, says : « It has stood thetest trial, and has not been iss & Co, 4 a-un-n-‘.‘.x:n-uu.m«m.-. rk, Oct 2, 18g9 | mation of the and Croup and the wonderfual mhnmuomwm. a Agent of the | matism, and g Nervous entitle America, Mew | it to a high rank list of remedies for these sor in our firm. | complaints." f U 8 8. Mothers! Mmotners ! Mothers!â€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and erying with the excruciâ€" fl‘mtflghfl! If so, go at once and got a of Mrs. WINSLOW‘8 8O0OTHING SYRUP. It willreliove th poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. : There is not a mother on carth who ha ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasunt to the taste, and is the preâ€" scription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" siclans 4pd nurses in the United States. Price 25 _Da. A. W. Bruotke, of K New York, saft? *L haÂ¥e used it in severst onats of Spedtad senery viker compiaiain: aho Sud 1 s mporince P article, and well worthy the notice of all .‘* Purchasers should be nr:.‘l:.d.mi:.br R. *# A. ‘luu'l' nouï¬o OINTMENT * are "Horuwor & L Newenstle, C. W., General ....:'...‘S?.‘.'x.. Bold in Ottawa by all druggists and by medicine dealers everywhere. Having the facâ€"rimils of ="Cartis & Porkins" on the outside wrapper. All cthers aroe base imitaâ€" bed Fever, it es with perfect success, in m“:.hm.gm Trseds Limbn it aots like & ~â€"Ds. J. P. Keaxzor ,.fom-..:., New York, says : " It has stood theo test trial, has not been found w . Its astonishing cures of Infiamâ€" mmy&w_umm PDr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cares Crors or Ratiles.â€"Dz. Bmonix, of Utica, New York, says: "I have used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetio Ointment‘in my practice a number of years, and can say with pleasure I du-lponocl |Iommdï¬o:’:;fu the cure of dhat bed Fever, it operates with perfect success. in who will not allow a monument be . pu up to a man who lost his life for hi MNre. 8. A. ’A%l‘,' gx.ow another Sihait antle It io wery and often m" rorsm t Hirgaipiie acknow!â€"deed b3 aot only in this country but in Te a T C,a h t 0 in fan arentrp 9t in E-rqc.. Lvr and “b-‘-m wot de used one with the other. Boln »t a11 Drvseerates. bnluie in +4 in ho c Myicl t 4 Authd PBily Anncne . Sur n c onsA Will Itestore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most bllfnhl Mair Dressing. It wil} promote luxuriant growth. 5 PAH.IB% HAIR is immediately checked. New Btyle. Importan:t Change. A REAL HAIR RESTORZEZ AND DRESEING Combined in One Bottle.® MRS. S. A. ALLEN‘® titude of the country. What ~more proper, then, for you than to show your gratitude to Rossa and â€"his companions by paying him~ and them | that _ com:â€" pliment? _ And what | more suitable reply could Ireland give to Gladstone‘s refusal of the prayer of all Ireland, and to crown all, what will help to secure a good Land bill better than to show England‘s statesmen that you are not a people to be used as a steppingâ€" ladder by a hungry Queen‘s Counsellor, butthuyouaudominesto mllmum unflinchingly that proud ‘and manly attiâ€" tudeâ€"that attitude ‘of distrust ’of all| Euglish governments, to which you owe what you have got and what we expect toget. ~Rally, then, men of Tipperary IIOI:IO man, 1orinBo-|, mg place yotln' grand country in a proud and noble ï¬oa'ï¬on before the world. How the hearts of Irishmen all over the world will throb when they shall hear that Rossa has been elected M. P. for Tipperary. ROSSA FOR TIPPERARY. Men of Tipperary! the eyes of Ireâ€" land are upon you ; you mz imminent dangerâ€"of being disgracefully sold. A splendid opporgnni;( is offered : you to save the honor of Tipperary and to pl}oe country in â€"a _ position. To Pn se wo" one the sontenpimied Lang bill? Is it to the speeches of men like Counsellor Heron? Men of Tipperary you know betterthan that ; you know that we owe the Church bill and the promised Land bill to Rossa and his comâ€" panions in prison, and to the manly atâ€" Electors of Ti , you are called x.pont.oplay l‘?;tl,"m‘;’nhhed part toâ€" hi _ < O‘Donovan Rossa is proposed as your representative. : What fitter ‘representaâ€" tive for a country bound in chains, overâ€" whelmed with(on&r':ï¬u and insults, but still indomitable, still lifting up to Heaven trusting eyes and an unconquecrable to Irish Klectors. > _ The Irishman observes with satisfacâ€" tion that " the shadow of war is extremâ€" ly formidable to Britain.‘" It heartily recommends O‘Donovan Rossafor Tipâ€" perary, who has just been elected, and publishes the following ihurd, which was extensively posted in the country ; O‘DONOVAN ROSSA FOR TIPPERARY. The New Member for Fipperaryâ€" ELECTORS OF TIPPERARY. SPRECIAL NOTICOES. . m _: _ BEAUTIFUOL HAIR, pperary N _ OF O‘DONOVvaAN ROSSA. You Must Caltivate it i. GRAT Halk Is a cortain indication of decay at the roots. Be. sure to call for you are called | surroun ished part toâ€" | from th Caragu posed as your August ter ‘representaâ€" | stay the in chains, overâ€" | that his d insults, but | mounta g up tolfeflen the Par 2008â€"14Y 180,000 souls, It was supposed that the country districts of the province will show about 30,000 inhabitants and the other 13 provinces about 700,000, giving a grand total of nearly 1,200,000 souls, or one inhabitant per square mile, The termination of the P yan war had begun to have lfsvo:.rr:gl:.e!ect on the prospects of the country, and so intent were the legislators on constructing a hed toms nenlammany id Pitk af Co.wbeen and tlnloguhhu" m“‘lc)t’tml"!‘l 2 uenos Ayres, and a fierce rivalry. continued ..as to whether the honour . of carrying <out t.lmgv: work should fall to m nd;ti:: or to inte, Congress had authorâ€" ized thlmnt to negotiate a loan for £800,000 sterling to meet the extraorâ€" dinary expenses of the war. This (says Bicstra‘s agreementâ€" with Baring Broâ€" Tus undersigned would respectfally inform the public that they have removed to No. 21 Rideau street, in the premises lately occupied always keep on ‘hand a large and first class stock of t'mu., Vegetables, Oysters, Fish, Eyty J. B. Buss & Co, _ ; f 21 Rideau street, the B:Eb lic on the 15th of September. tsmm in the shuntcy md, sotmiinigeds t ' , and, notwi ing the difficulties that must: necessarily occur in the thinlyâ€"settled territories of the interior, it was anticipated that the result will be MnitdLu'rived at in a couple of months. . ‘The réeturns for the city of Buenos Ayres were already known to give a ‘population of approximately A Atlgth “A.ym theofevt;:t "cof the ortnight was the taking ensus, which was begun simultaneously all over in tents put up for their reception il:dE: outskirts. pn.rg triumvi'm to be constantly quarreling, and it is urged that the:new order : of things in Paraguay ‘will last only so long ‘as the hyonoho{mdnadarnyrmdn there to maintain peace and quiet." m:.:hh'i-flhu shocking state. ds of women and alflgn conâ€" tinue to arrive fromâ€"the interior and are is G5 miles to the North of C‘aracnatahe is 65 miles to the North of Caraguatahy, tonoï¬gmiu ‘his army and intrench himself with the 20 pieces of cannon he still possessed ; and the Comte asks for orders from the Government in: regard to the continuation of this costly war. The Buenos Ayres dtandard . says:â€" «"‘The new provisional Government is endeavouring to clean the city of Paraâ€" T wo thousand head of cattle were got on an estancia of Lopez‘s mother beyond San Jose. According to the last ‘ intelliâ€" gence received by Comte â€"d‘Eu, > Lopes allies had, at a cost of little over â€" 1,000 mescthpigl Atormaged t guayan arm men taken 61 cl{non’, besides 22 unfinished ones at Carcupe. Upwards of 260 Braâ€" zilian prisoners werd rescued, and 88 â€" of {other: Brazilian corps, being misdiâ€" rected, could not get to: Caraguatahy until the 19th. A good many persons had remained in the town. Lopez had arrived there on the 15th, and next ‘day had set jout towards the Nortb.: His escort was variously stated at 1,000 to 6,000 men. General Mitre determined to push on, and on the 19th crossed the Jaguay, two miles from Caraguataby,, â€" m.gn:toppod at the Saladillo, which took gix hours to cross. On the 20th Gen. Mitre reached Nachuâ€"Cue, and wrote for food to be sent him, which the Comte was unablé to do, and thereforo advised him to return. However, Gen. Mitre and Gen, Auto went on. On the 21st their advanced troops caught the rear ï¬utd of Lopez before it could cross the ondo, and killed 300 men, losing 23 killed and wounded. ~Five cannon were taken, and a great many carts, besides many persons of both sexes who were folâ€" lowing Lopez‘s army, and who had been abandoned â€" in â€" the swamps.â€"â€" Some Brazilian horsemen swam . the Hondo, but found themselves before an extensive flooded bottom, ‘beyond which the enemy had posted 2,000 men aud six cannon, It was therefore judged better to give up further pursuit. "Lopez had crossed the Hondo at 1 a. m, on the 20th, 3B ‘hours before the allied advance reached the river, In the course of August the uo _ 10LR Wwencral yictorino‘s _ corps reached Olnpntthg and some hours afterwards General Mitre‘s arrived. The guatay, to o0 the country around ; and tge Comte z'Eu was 2muhï¬ng supplies at Rosario with the purpose of advanciog from that quarter lgninst Santo Estanislao. ‘The report of Comte d‘Eu in regard to the August operations has been published. â€" The allied loss in the maugt of Peribebuy was 52 killed and 446 wounded. Of this, the small Argentine force lost 15 killed and 97 wounded. Many Brazilians were found at Caacupe néer its capture by the allies in a wretched state, and some died after release, in consequence of inâ€" sufficient food _ for months. Several hundred sick were in the bospitals, all exhausted by want of proper sustenance. In the battle of the 16th the Brazilian loss was 45 killed and 386 wounded. The enemy was drivyen over two streams, and lost 2,000 killed, |1,300 prisoners, and 1,000 more who came in after the battle. In General Victorino‘s engageâ€" ment m the 18th 200 Paugnyms were ki and 12 cannon and 400 prisoners ‘were taken.â€" The Brazilian loss was 13 killed and 143 wounded. On the 18th General Victorino‘s corps Santo Estanislao. _ Expeditions had been sent to Villa Rica, Conceicao on the Paraguay, and to the cast of Caraâ€" We have mail news from Buenos Ayres to Septembor 290th : No further operations are reported from the seat of war in Paraguay, but preparations were going on for the camâ€" gui: against the new Xo-mon taken up y Lopez, which is said to be the town of Santo Estanislao, a town on a mountain surrounded by marshes, about 15 mies from the Pnn%:uy aad as much* from Caraguatay, where the allies halted in August. Other accounts say that his stay there was to be temporary, and that his real defence will be in the mountains of Canguazu, 105 miles from the Paraguay, His provisional seat. of ?uvernment is at &ragmti (Santo‘ Izidro), from 30 to 40 miles east of The War in Paraguayâ€"The First Census sOUTH AMERICA. 52 of them . â€" On ‘the 21st | to pa caught the rear bozry‘ could cross the | dwell men, losing 23| sum « ‘ive cannon â€" were | whole y carts, besides | pose o e of the vaults containing $50,000,000 in gold. The fioor of this vault is 30 feet thick. SBides and top are 8 feet stone and two of ironâ€"the space : between the stone and iron is filled with mugket balls. It is both fire and burglar proof. ‘Two doors guard the entrance to this vault, There ate two of these vaults; The two contain at this time, besides an immense amount of paper money, $90,000,000 in visit to the treasuro ‘rooms in the New York Treasury and was taken inside one cduse of the présent distrast and troubles, and professes to have received his inforâ€" mation from a French Canadian who reâ€" cernitly returned to Ottaws from the seat . This amount of coin weighs 180 mfl'umhdh-iamhd for one horse, in ‘removal~ 360 horses would be required to draw it. ibzmï¬santhm?hh:‘i:olh‘- 0oâ€" posed itinerary gave him to uzr- stand that his hair wouldn‘ts be safe if he did n«(r)t.nu‘:. another i:mh-. The great Ononthio consequently proceeded by St. Paul; we ahoh', with what a deplorable result. â€" The correspondent Manitoulin six in number, and.among..the.. most numerous in the country, and that they coolly offered to post. themselves on the roads from Canada and ~massacre every C' # *&‘q .II‘. .I. on mm;,mmmu: of the Indian tribes of the Territory had offered their services to the insurrectionâ€" four are going. . â€"â€"A correspondent â€" recently paid a pr dpiten aimpmmtnteming: â€" MPrernenthratdcie. prmcadii < smresc went to look after her cubs, and the Portuguese escaped. * The destitation prevalent among the factory ives in Blaokburn, Darwen, Chybnm and the surrounding listricts is, if anything, daily intensifying, In Blackburn, in ence of the vast amntofpnpuhu,t‘cï¬b of the Board of Guardians haye had "to obtain extra help. ‘There is, bowever, a beâ€" lief entertained nBlukb-nsmy that the climax has: besn in consequence of a better demand made for loss of nobility from the ~penal code of the North German Confederation. The Gazette ot last du:ight mnonnoesth the issue of deli ering the Deaus and Cm of Wmincm and Bath and Wells to eloct as bishops Dr. Wilberforce and Lord Arthur Charles Hervey respectively. ‘ snl'll‘lhe Duul:lin Evening Mail states tim‘ Sullivan, the Irish Attorneyâ€" as | the ip of the ‘ TR on en ons Mallow is likely to be filled by Mr. Watters, Q.C., a relative of Lord] Chancelior O‘ Hagan. Mr. Peabody has directed his executors :;ry over to the trustees of the Pesâ€" y Donation Fund, for the erection â€" of dwellings for the poor of London, the sum of £150,000, thereby making the whole amount given by him for this purâ€" pose £500,000. mously adgpted a motion requesting the Government to use its ’:lQeavom to. strike out the punishment of death and, At a meeting‘held at Carnarvon yesterâ€" day it was determined to memoralize Mr. Gladstone in favour of appointing a Welsh bishop to the see of St, Asaph, about to sbooomoh vacant by the retirement of Dr. ort. + â€"â€"A Red River correspondent of Le The names of 10 gentlemen who are to be elevated to the peerage have bcen announced. The list includes four preâ€" sent members of the House of Commons and two Roman Catholicsâ€"Lord Edward Howard and Sir J. Actoun. AD xn%nut was helid upon the body of a man who had died from the effects of an attack made upon him at Walworth, South London, the perpetrators of which have not been discovered. _ for the purpose of undergoing a surgical Mr. H. H. Clark, a commoner of Lincoln College, Oxford, died from the effects of chloroform administered to him Salisbury, was enthroned in his cathedral with the usual ceremonies. The health of Count Bismark is said to be very unsatisfactory, and he is forâ€" bidden by his medical advisers to take any active part in public affairs at present. The John Bull hears that the deanery of Ely has been offered: to the Rev. Dr. Bateson, Master of St. John‘s College, Cambridge, and that, like Mr. Dale, he has declined it. * Majorâ€"General Sir Robert Wailpole, K.C.Bâ€", is gazetted colonel of the 65th Foot, in place of the late General Coles. By Mail to the 13th inst; The Prince of Wales completed the 28th year of his age on Tuesday last. The Greek Chamber ot Deputies has passed a vote of confidence in the Govâ€" An inquest was held upon the body of Moberly, the new Bishop. of EUROPEANX NEVS. that Mr. Mc unaniâ€" {PRICEâ€"3 CENTsS, New York Sun gives an amusing account of n interview of the venerable " {ather of the administration " with the editor of the Cincinnati Commercial (Republiâ€" ean), the object of which on the part of the rnal Grant seems to have been * the of the editor for some roâ€" hï¬'qu&l: m&m †66 $# & the war between the two was only a war of and the old man‘s wrath was B before it resulted in any bodily injury to himself or the editor. ‘These are Strange times, when the President‘s~ father goes round with a big© stick to thrash refractory editors into the traces. amusemont, and those who dared, twitted the husband . with having a wife who possessed a very bad memory.â€"Peoria Whttnnfld' the next ten minutes is not known, but suddenly tbhe inmates vmnhr::d by a succession of femals shrieks, rushing to their doors wmmvuï¬-m,n- one saw a‘white robed figure #y from § one door to another. ‘The affair, of course, occasioned much * (Il.) Transcript Nov. 17. m& the old room. The wife: proâ€" to that room, disrobed herself and popped into bod beside her lord as ndtdh,gc’ufwth:mm-. His wife followed half an hour aiterward, but forgot that the change had been made. The landlady had put a young man to. scenes;" but we never heard of a case of this kind in Pooria until one which ocâ€" curred a tew days since. $ _A young couple, who had been marâ€" \lVo hnbgndl;u-beafiui:.:-f newly made brides and bridegrooms &{:flr bed, soon after the nuptia! kn been tied, all of which lead to Canada, and the facilities of sending the many domestic animals to the Atlantic coast from: Europe, it is not easy to depict a case where Bastiat‘s petition to shut out the light of the sun and light ‘.world by gas is more accurately ustrated than by the persistence of in continuing to deprive the reople of the free gift of Providenceâ€" id into the public treasury. * _ _ %vï¬ï¬‚l’&e ebx,pucud inexâ€" haustible m in Mexico, near the coast of California, the enormous and excellent source of supply on the lakds in large portion of the North American continent. The deposits of salt in Canada n?nmp;,:‘:urd,ud cheap source of suppl whole western country ifa’em.yN::}lo-bt,thouvbo are now mOflohlu’ ill always, in certain regions, be to â€"compete with the Canadian ‘ lhn;h.t,.by_&ur partially successâ€" ful competition in Canada, they demonâ€" strate that they have no need of " proâ€" tection" at home; undu!nblic justice clearly demands that, if any farther monopoly of salt is munmnu{ within our own : territory, its profit shall be â€"A Cincinnati correspondent of the immemorial to throw off their people there are compelied to pay for salt under the transparent deoeptio’m of the « iste." Oup'm-tlhovc that while the monopolists have been weepirg and wailing as chronic infants in the manufacâ€" ing condition, and have perpetually mhthpcmhliuï¬uuotp:b he good nature, so that they obtained the enactment of a tariff ranging from 100 to 170 per cent, on their productions, and were thus enabled to extort a high price from their neighbours and fellow citizens, they have been accustomed from time where they competed freely, and to a and the salt made from it 1s one of the whitest and best yet known in commerce. The ease with which the manufacture c:;‘bo carri::eon sndfttll\‘e facilities of shipment to ports of the u great Ink'uindioauthuitmbeoofri-()hi- etgofotltbout!l per barre! in specie, or about the ordinary price which Practically, the Canadian deposit is inexhaustible. The brine is always near the point of saturation ; it improves in coveries, Its area is far greater than that of the famoussalt mines near Cracow which are known to have been worked ever since the beginning of the twelfth century, and extend over a space of about one mile and seven furlongs in length by six and a halt furlongs in Saturday from one of our own oom dents amply proves that the C deposit is one of the . most extensive in the world. It is already known to reach at least forty miles in a direction nearly from north to south, while nothing is known of its breadth . from east to west. It undoubtedly is to be found far beyond the extreme points of the present disâ€" From the New York World. The positive discovery of an enormous bed of rock salt on the Canadian shore ot Lake Huron, puts entirely out of comâ€" bat Senator Sherman‘s recent and charâ€" acteristic assertion that a duty on sali was of no consequence, to the Western states, because no foreign salt could there compete with the * protectéd " arâ€" THE WROSG BED. of a