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Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Dec 1869, p. 4

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Mol fiw.‘.v wl with educns Snss S ose .'C‘."gg‘&-film-m .u“’ecn ."m':' them from \mâ€" mu pun:l“ A "to tm mrorn ho in t as it doos, have overy seeuny .. k mon $old4," in uo uTS ne .u.n"-'-':“ - o.".}.:-:-. .n.,:':..""‘ ,A u.-:-ou‘:- Coughs and4 shanges Anninidantnes m.é t shesrasaly mouret pafe t en t sn mm hn‘ M reet ht M stooms Antr ts ns atege afann Baion an uns l-n-.n.:'d‘.w' As there are \mitaâ€" lons, be sure 1o the genuine, Boid by all desiors in medicines, ot 16 sents a box., + vasvsoot Bits md”n s who hat ither used the article or witnessed its effects when used by sthers; all such, and they ts actintecs m ul presect in use tfe conghs or solds, thick wind, and all disonses 'fl‘m .th:.-htduu.. |A: 4 c.?.i: “‘: no equal; there is nothing which can jure .m:h‘un or weilâ€"anor need the horse be kept from working while using it; it in Hurd and Co. is on each and which they should have constan Remember the name, and see that the W“W assortme nt of the Latest and xh Gold, oo EO P esd .hun:‘mbmznllnmye“ Callcnimiw Yourselves. P.8.â€"â€"Mr. Eaton has in 1:00-.00:- H308R PAINTIXO, HKANGING PAPEB, DECORATING â€"ROOMS, Which will enable him to exeocute all orders : ::pfl.-lto the satisfaction of the most ious. CEILINGS and WALLS WHITENED COLOURED in a superior style, on the 1 teasonable terms, and at the shortest notice, . Putty, Glass, Stained do. in all colours, Enamellod do., Ubssured Piate, Smethinck 36 and 31 ounce, Diamond Star and Other Brands in Boxes, or Cut to order of any size required. R. EATON, Bel\‘s Block, opposite Russell House. SsaAsH, BLIND, DOOR MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, AUVLL, Buspension Bridge, and the Hfeee duren the Pon Pemiget 2. o. aDD%, $A Orders for Doors, Blinds, Mouldâ€" MMMM'. Frames, of the uudmm;:vh-.m:v:-dmfl- ted with despatch, work anteed, and at prices wmm mflu- duce custom. % M"Bashes Primed and Glased4 for ship~ ment, and Blinds Painted and for Hangâ€" Ing, witl be supplied on equally terms. Come and see, B momamer PURE GREASE or rus CANADA BEAR, has been long known as a most valuable toile artivle, and a constantly increasing demand is a gusrantee of its high reputation. It is delightfully perfamed, and is eminent for promoting a luxuriant growth ot the hair, and Its nourishing properties effectually preventthe hair from falling off or turning gray. KEVANS, MERCER & CO., Montreal, proprie ;ore; and sold by all druggists and perfum _ M Bashes Primed and Glazsd be nipped and carried with iess fisk of breakage han glass * bozes, â€"'.m Honse, Ottawa. _ O â€" MMENSEK LEDVCTIONX IX PRIOHBS OF W ALL PAPERS aAVAGORS URSINXA. R EATON S. n cach package. Northrop & Ont.. propristors for Canada. PDes 14, 1888. SX IK t n and at prices that defy ¢ pdew A pleassntly situated house on Bank street, about five minutes walk from Sparks street, con. taining six rooms and a itchen, well laid out with hail, Also a good wood shed adjoining kitchen; Rent £35 a year and taxes. Possesson given frst December, mak zA&uLuo COoOMPOUND e to let July nest, und the arty who has made the sumber ot points will recerve from the a rich prise. â€" Parties visiting the will be received with polite attention. The best of liquors will be found B B LARIVIERE. N Bâ€"A latge Ball Room is aitached to he promises, which will be let at a low Agure. B L Epecially manufactured for the Ottaws Lamâ€" ber Trade ; a arge assortmentbn hand. )n of §0 to 100 ds and upwards suppiled at less mapatacturer‘s prices. , JAMES CORISTINE & 0O, _ > _ ___ 491,473, 4F5, 477 St Paul streot, nmm “_-'_l:l.. ‘”" HARD WOOD, Consistirg of Rock Maple, 100 cords of sach wood to be dry, and the remainder, 100 green, 80 cords of the dry delivered not later than the middle of January nert, and the balance during the present TENDERS Will be received at the office of the Clerk of the County of Carleton, until noon, TUE3DAY, the #lst LINST, for contracts to supply and deliver in the yard of the Gaol, of the County of Cariston, 200 CORDS OF GOOD MERCHANTABLE Tenders to state the price per cord of 128 cubic foat, as also the names of two good and suftsiont sureties, ander a penalty of $1,00C for the due performance of contract. ' Tenders to be addreased to the undersigned, and endorsed on the envelope * Tender for Wood." IRA MORGAX, County Clerk‘s Ofice, P allg _ Ottaws, Dee 9,1869. _ 1997 341 % No‘nct. balow the market QHIEF UNDERTAKER, â€" SPARKSST. COFFINS, HEARSES 4 CARRIAGES, oR OLD AXD YoUNG PEOPLE. Bole agent for MOCCASSINS AND MITTS. Fire Lrons, Fendors, Coal Souttles, oto, at For Satlet or to Le1. METALLILC COFFRINS, _ BLOWLING ALLEY, This is one .o.l mh::b i: nlice, u'::n-‘- An_iahi...‘uhu register book for Per W CQOwWAN, . Annrhamentary Practice and Patents for Invenâ€" 1VR Burristers, Advocstes, &o. 08008, J â€" mer, Q., (Main Street), and Ottaws, (Elgin Profwsor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kopt by ail the prinsipail Uruggiuste and wrocors in A. M, Â¥, QJIANELLI, Sote Manalacturer and Propristor for the Dowminâ€" lon of Ganade and the United Htates, MB â€"These solobrsed Ditiors are carstully propared with the vory ‘u qualilty of Wherry Wine, and are cepesially‘ adepind and resomâ€" mended to persons ol deileate sonstitutions, They are gouily stimulant, and will be tound infalliviec alds to digestion, FYor divections see iavel round the noeek of oush eccupying the formerly known as Chamâ€" Mlqd.u,.l.hh-fib’mlty M&M”d%-.a‘vmh the 1i extonded, as well as the confidence in him since his arrival in this olty. Heholds SALES KYVEKY DAY, (when not otherwise ongaged), cither at his rooms or on the market. Re with confdence to all who him for sale baflbul’:'hz."n-h: Â¥ M&m'b the obtained, as well as prompt I-â€"l-:‘.a‘“ after The subscriber respectfully announces that be has moved from Sussex to York streot, and is now Cm AVCTIONX MART, Nov 11, 1869. He is ready to receive instractions from persods Wmmm.m.u real estate to dispose of, and pledges that nothing will be loft undone by him to give #atisâ€" faction in discharge of the trust to him; Consignments from a distance will meet with imâ€" mediate and careful attention. Oash . advances made on furnitare orâ€"othor ’m-.h-' nuhfin. constantly on &wmmum hand pianos FOI INDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P & NX CR &E A« TINE -gdv effects the DIGKSTION and ASSTMILATION of OOD LIVER OIL, the Tat onaton at moals, ko. (In digestive activity, suâ€" Chronic Bronchitis. â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" «* The amoke caunses nd nauses, 'hnb'r:fn filhmmhnl instance in ob mum'â€"&u Alezander to Mon. B. Ruart, In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. Io:; nu:.‘. wal 16 for 2s 84, 5e and 1 0s. nstilles W ; #s. Aountsâ€"Messres. F. Cundill & Co., Montreal. taking Cod Liver Oil. _ Puancreatine Powder, boitles, %s, 3s 6d, 61 64 and 1126d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles, 3s,5s and 1 0s. COMMERCIAL SALE ROOM#, None are gounine unioss bearing the signatare of H.V. Noet, Esq, Manager Quebes Sank, Nttawa. R. W . Boott, "lr’;“’ wun-.n:.\-gi at Francis it. Barioa, Res, t p James O‘Rielly, Eaq, QO, _ > Hon. H. L. Langevin, C B, and Sect‘y of State, PRIOH $1,00 PEHB BOTILH, OVaAL IPALIAX BTTERL. ared by spesial permission from theworiginal L11fYy _ House, Land and General Agent Â¥,. ?P., VHRAI, M. D., York street, near the Market. Wine is the best vehicle for &A, L. P GLIANMKLLL Merchants, L â€"LAWLOR, THE OTTAWA TIMKS, DECEMBER 15. CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, and enrma*®s"* INFALLIBLE â€" REMEDY The following t:tnd. 'l:c.ll:.r. .I:I-uz nd.’finolnr. '&d&hm. now residing a relative of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now residing ..l.& Illho' charges tooe high, «« out %- are * vot of the Susies .uk‘“" a box of of COHOLERA MIX! llhi could make a little fartune with them. bottle I with me here brought two ladies nu‘m. hmbmnhflb wmm-u dysontery, and then vomiting. The one at Beriin was very bad. lrnlumuhnuflhomlb- ture, the ma-wbwmu&m -.w.omulflfl.nuulu:. was very gratetul. 1 have now only a little loft." _ TLADR MARK CANADLIAN COVGH ERMVULBIGN, Oof tosobt P shitrhouobe ane lerpla adlie t Me i marelipthet ohHo, cmonil io _ Double W aterproof and K. B. P hespage hie Pranth tnt Musslie L s, and every description of Sporting Pistols, used in her Ma, Nary. %rru RIM FIRE m- of all sizes, for Bmith & WeTson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pookst Revolvaers. rflonruuuum Revolvers of i v.m, and 7â€"m. bore. CENTEAL FIRE and PIN PIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for all sizes and syscoms of Guns, Riges, To Messts. vuauntaram & S1118, Conway P 0, County of Lennox, Ontario, Canadsa: _ luoo.omydluth& This is to Sofiily inst goring the winter of To I wastaken with a weakness of the ancles, which The " ELEX BOAEK® Mm the carâ€" Seing made wholly Of Retal, ate i m: gradually, du: the -phqdl.fd-hdu y hnc’.'nlfl:l‘np to my h %ul fi became so weak that I could not walk, was confned to my chair. !c.bodm.n.u.vfihfil'-kt ness was coming on me, afterwards, I sough medical M%u different times three doctors, asd m of different ‘kinds prescribed by triends, but of no avail, I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of cures in a pamphiet, ; At this time I had begun to teol th'uh-hnlluln hfmlwuflm almost heipiess .: I have taken two bottles of ?ab-ncl:-u,u.‘c.muuic(m)flhn‘ am entirely restored to health. expected ww.m-hpl mmmu- of forlorn h&’&n‘dmm a private one, but knowa -’-?»‘1 and friends ; and to any one afficted as I was, have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy ; X believe it will cure you. . e Bworn to before m at Mades, County af Bastings, w ore me his ninth day olhbrurx, 1869; F WOOD, J P, &0. I hereby ceortify that L have ho'nlr:irnq mbu’{tyunhlodlm’nn; is a mhr{::“’“‘m 1 have known her before, and since, hor. iliness.., L believe mmmuumohmm.. 1 know that while i!1 her case was hope, less ; and I know that she has, since her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees Remedy. “Wm may . be &ohm Emc{. 10ine, one thing is certain, at in her case it has acted almost like the performance of a miracle. Warden of the County of fiuu.p,r '°°¥:.‘.£‘.. of Outario, Dominion of Canada. ltlu.'nn be had or without the suitable mmmfuw-:\:.‘mo.mtm BOXER CARTRIDGES of +450 bore tor R eval Pold in Pottles at 11. 34. and 91. 04. Rach, MORTIMHRE COMBROUND ANTILBILIOUVE TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS AaA BOTTLL, LEY!S AMKXCXITIO®. FAMILY APMAIRN‘T PIL1A, KONE OTHELR GENUINE, exsellent misture, WHQLESLLE OXLY. BOWEL COMPLAILNTS. which should be in Sole lesuer for the City of Ottawa. OFFLIOEBâ€"St. Lawrence Hotel, Rideaunâ€"=st. Ottawa, July 14, 1869, 1110â€"30â€"3m _ Agent for MARRIAGE LLCTNSES tor o City of Ottawa, by commission from :« Fxzcellency _ The REBFLECTOR Stove does wor require mut â€"oal, Any kind can be burntinit. It is the wo < beautiful stove over manufactured, and is 1: ioffective, It is cheap. Buy none until you «€(£tt9*;: asiiamoe" ‘This hair is (hickâ€" ened, falliog hair checked, and baldâ€" pess ofien, though not always, cured by its use. Notllh‘::‘“m restore the hair where the . foll are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed, But such as remain can be saved for usefulnose b{.thlo application, Instead of fouling the hair with a .xu\y sed{i« ment, it will keep‘it clean a vlrrom. Its occnsional use will prevent the hair from surning gray or failing of, nud + DEAL ERS 18 N Wheat, Corn, Flour, Oatmeal; Pork, &4. i OTTaAwWaA, « Ohel kdvencet ts go00) tiamigene To ie diate sale. Prompt AAigras Th all vaves. consequently gn;ou baldness, _ Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations duuvmn and Injurious to the hair, the lpor can only benefit but not harra it. 1t wauted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, Omee: NJ, 10, Place d‘Armes, Works: No. u:.' Bt. Antoine Street, z""““" wm,m lllustrations, Show Cards, exsouted in a superior nlo.‘u' P priveduthonty & up low prices. P'n‘m.s- 7 For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. got up vory nofloln‘] elso can be found so desirable, Containing neither oll nor ?o. it doen Ned on iht pain ghing 1 tioh givny luatre and 4 .m'om pertume. Prepared by Dr, J; C. Ayor & Co., , ESTABLISEMENT, . on san got Your Patnttse, drkigiig, ; Aiasing Aoes e anane enties bt a mery eeliafiecbtry mc pats Uiiteh Btaies enables me te ralt tot snd atisty the wants of ail my sast Chromo and I‘nacrioat, anp Axanveroamn Cnaners, Ottawa, December 10,1809. w51â€"3m Office: NJ. 10, N. B.â€"No pepsine Coroal. y * Artor k the COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, NsZ FORW ARDERS UryTSs READ THIS! EGGO & Co., LANG HERE A SPECIALITY «â€"=~ â€"~*~» 10 WBLL, MABR, PAINTING ; E8T 08 SPARKS | ir Vigor, Ay er‘s A dressing whilch is at agreeable, mmm effectual for . preserving the hair, _ Faded or gray hair is soon réstored to its original color with the gloss and Freainett . If * youth, ESMONDE BROS. A wfil‘l‘lofih $E tia o suit tastes Ih"m.‘ m .‘ W. LANG, iL Bparks st, R. 4. â€" Eun eases of chlorosis, an s in maalont e m ous example, with VALLET‘B PLLLS, the rapidity of its astion CVE MR EPn Oe Cew s A GFGmen C204 Pule MRP peon, Special attontion given to the treat ment of all Diseases of the EYE and EAR. RQeneral practice attended to also. _ O #ee bhours trom 9 a.m., un‘il 4 pm. Office & . First class Medal, ALF LABARBAQUE & co. f QUINIUM | LABARRAQUE, Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine. The QULNIU M r.nAmw is an eminentâ€" ly tonio azd tebrifuge wine, noed to replace .n#: ..".‘,':'m unllyoo{- in medicine are prepared from barks 'ih:zq“ considerably tesizence on the south side of Murr:i second house from corner of Daihousic Ottawa, Nov. 5, 1869. R:J. A) BECKETT, Surgeon Dentut, DD"lluu over A.'Qsmtco.'a « Commercial Warehouse," the N eags Fiomic in th. Speriraks on.;l I‘J"{:"'“ & 0, 60, WB * Ottawa, April 12, 1869. â€" * * 1081â€"167 Sheriff‘s Office, Ottaws, ~â€"smiomme ; _ October l1ith, A D 1869, ..â€". . < 43td the Tares Offce,‘ Bparksâ€"street, .Contre Town . N oflce at his Mariaâ€"stroot, m ro‘?‘n. Canorame Ocm the use of the kaife, by a now, but mmm ol::_t ”numu'c'-:‘“m'. it required. l':'“un Eow.nn ©, MALLOCH,M.D., M. R. 0. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Vints. the Toxes Offce, Sparksâ€"street, .Contre ‘Town. Night oflce at his W Centre Town, Caxommse COoame, the use of the phiatoly progete. . Ruioreuass ghren te parisns yoe feasfully treated, it required. m Eow.un C, MALLOCH,M.D., M. R. 0. 8. Dukeâ€"st., LeBreton‘s Fiats. Ofice hours from 8:30 to 10;30 a. m., and 3 to 5 House, in the City of Oitawa, on MONDAY, the umuxu'iw of u'v'wA}Y. A D, 1870, at woh::;ohck.t;o:. all the ofl? 'fi?’ title, named delendant, in m-: half of fot numberâ€" four, in the ‘fifth concession ‘(Ruioau the suit of PRT IOWARD CHURCH, L have uumu-:fx‘&u-; ‘and will offer for sale at Public Auction;‘st my ofice, in the Court House, in the City of Oitawa, on MONDAY, the County of p.m. Dfiol.- &s &se PHILION, Physician, Surâ€" and Accouch Duke street, Leâ€" Breton‘ts Flats: Otawe. * **‘ it See andFroof v/ hiskoy; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" mu‘w. !ck.‘lcu.b.,fuidt. Orricn: No. §, Sparka Streoot, near the Russell L. yuse, Ottawsa city, C. W. Pu"o '”W?Aflflll, Seosp .. ., Prepared for hfl&gdm'm’n riwe s PAE 4: Wellingtonâ€"st. â€" really marvelions,, . â€"...,, _ °_ _ m °_ ~= General Depa t Pals P¢ FRERE, 19, rue AVE coan, ~ ' & 4 By using a Coal Seire. Price 25 colitB, at Immedinately opposite the Grand Trunk Depot, M A TROTEEH, HERIPP‘S SALR OF LAKV. T. JAMES! HOTBL, yonk aATRREP, romox ro, NIVERSAL EXHIBITION OP 1855, L. 0.C0. WOOD, Motcls anb Salcons. HALIVAX, NOVA @u0OTIA, Ratablished 1881 , Avi@kLy novi®, ROBILLARD, Physician end Sur. . Spesial mn&u given to the trea Physician, Surgeon and :&:i'mk: flce opposite aft," 91.y o par dozsen splem id Table Goblet for two dollars ; 4 en AT THE VARTETY HALL * #Â¥toves & Hardware. ah h Vern) Rasl, hn new in ntook, compriving n y opirarads f G REAT EXCITEMENT. Do you require gores and tor »spipes, near the ceiling. m“&dupfiodufif‘vw 800 always delightfolly warm and * tilated 1 am sofédent ‘thar it is the most economical, safe, simple complete arrangeâ€" ment for and ventilating buildings ‘mdhmllu public. We have h’dâ€"’ monials similsr to the above from ministers, trustoos and sextoas of churches in various parts d:o.-hhn. ts Tee tag e are prepared tc take orders heat churches, school houses, stores and dweliings. Ouwkmlhgun-uod&;‘z!n satisfaction. Orders from a distance likewise promptly ’ynu.-'u.-u. ir in any building is at a about the same temperature u’m fioor as it is Cheapftor cash. 200 STOV ES, flolfl‘hhxua'dqn At London, Ont, . says : nv% in a church during the winter of 1 heated by the Rer L Warner‘s improved method of heating buildings, I am prepared to say that during the 5,000 STOVEPIPES, w We la'rmzhflgfl:-flhnfl)l. and other buildings, dmtflm the 2,000 CELEBRATKED Q K READ Also a compicte stock of MECHANTCS‘ TOOLS of the most improved English and American manu. Then Come and Examine my Stock, . 1+ » S trtiatenden mik he o !Bmvkt!lfl.flfl. *t forget the placse, ______ 1,600 BTOVEPIPE _ELBOW , the city. Remavhe ® 800 IMPROVED EBOW 8, _ No 14, Ridenua street. P E6â€"All goods delivered free to any part of ore shall . we go? o hnngk Doobh, liek T1 sivn t prigis is her information to o bRiok aensert, 309.¢m â€" _ Ridean Hotel, Ottawn City, oLD CHURCHES, PATERNT PJPE HOTEL KEEPERS. an :opposite Lower Town Market, C. T P, Do N 1O NJ WARM CHURCHES. STRANGERS ! Dumb Btoves, Vamper P\ T mippiy MA Tow This, and s hoi COALL BARwa | And sen for yourselves, assorted from diferont makers, ‘H MEADOWS & 00, 35 Bussex strect. 08 Aparks af, Lion Hote!, and 88 Q1 y qmm'b'w:l ‘ly'l%.o'v.m C P DORIORN, HUERE | Sparks street, opposite B L Hotel, all 'mu.'“nt:u to § Aftson conts up, from ten cents up June14, 1869. uy ~VNG LADIES cuunnmnuemenmenaniegenesmuns aunanntai c ce cutcamem auacnnant qsmm mm ccmacmmemmmete . Wtc THE TIMES is aad published b¢ «ns of the TnOnAum‘_u_-u'!Qm l m‘i'ili:ii"h-‘w"“:w"tx Â¥% W LAÂ¥erpOOL Of QUCOERBEGHIL..»»,.c0ecrccrmeanl,, WUH __ Rewage, Payable in Ourrenty, _ uvupdnm.....-..........,..... 3 ® PASRAGE BYT THE TUORSDAY @TREANER T\ RALIPAL First Oabin, Payable in Gold. > ap ) > Mcraancdianiinir in t AOFHLIOEâ€"G P Do in conpection with the Grand Trunk Rail * Nee, 19 Sparks leave Portland every MONDAY and tllm ‘ M.' DAY at 6 c:..:clt..hh. Â¥.B., &4. pal stations gh at th» Dompany‘s print ©BF00T8 a ¢ ns o For further information and time ofarriva) asd A THox departure of all trains at terminal and way &3 iz & * * tions, apply at the Ticket Oflice, Bonerenture 8ts 1 P .. First Oabin, Payable Laverpool or Queenstown...... ..;..;..“:- Ortiwa AGEXCTâ€"Russell House Block Spaerr street, Ottawa, where all information may be ob INMAN LINE OF MA!L STEANMERS, SAILINXQ FROX NEW TORK EVERT SATURDA! AND AL‘TERNaTE TUESDAYs. RATES OF PABSAGE BY.THX AATUROAY OYBANEE: atil furthar natine . pp , 3 j.0 *ABEEK, 1869, and until further notice, TRAIN® will vug as follows: w . LEAYE Ortawa. ARRIYE I® p Exprem, 8 a. m. 10.45 ...:?"' Mized, 1.15 p. . ‘.u’_. LRkiYE PRE8SCOTY, ABRLIVE 18 OFr.a@., hm‘ ’.“ ’v.. 4.55 D. m. Mixzed, 1.45 a, m, H.104.m. ~ Crosstxe Brtatiorsâ€"NXo, ; and 4 eross 1; Kemptviile. No# 2 and 3 cross at Kemptrili,, Nots 1â€"â€"Nos 3 and 4 will have Pight of track over all other traine, Note 2â€"Trains going south must approca. S s oo bag ie ce 222 N 2t T SATULVAY AFTERNYQON (after the ui;;q train from Montreal on Friday night), for Haliâ€" goos uvyearoik#& @UEEKSTOWEK: i the iEeiontaph OB mhame o% & ® Co of !!'.'_'g!.:;tgnl-. resmuve to 1 Night Express um so “"â€"'E.‘: rwéng nnmadk pery vive / oâ€" + mt IImRAEE.«.+« conrrenseesies _rexarvencentennstionnamnes ; _ h B on rn h ough hrhe ic rho~ . cvaatecgmandintit and Intermediate Btations at......... T:00 1n Express {Or BORLOR Bt.â€"»»»sscsusccsscccrcsc».. #i48 & M Expreas for NewYÂ¥ ork and Bostonat...... 430 pua viz Vermont Central. Express for New York and Boston | EB M.e@FR A! 4. 16 Imi'v.lfio datl a m, arriving at Bandpoin; 8T. LAWRENCE AND OTTAW a RAIL W AY, (formeriy the Ottaws & Prescott Railray,) VILLE_ & OTraw, l‘IOCI way. WA Ram. tremmece TIME TABLR, No, $4, Commencing on MONDAY, Hoy sn imnns 1097 F usn? t MR C § Accommoduion ‘Train for Cornwali and Intermediate Stations sat....... 6:10 # Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stations, at..... ....... T:Ib 1 Trains for Lachine at ..........5:00 a m, 7:00 s# x 9 a m, 12 noon, 1;30 pm,4;40 p m, 5; and 6:20 p m. The 1:30 pm train runs through to Provies$ . . GOoLING BOUTH AND RAST. Accommodation Train tor Island Pond To 6:00¢;,Mzet" p w, artiving at ‘:‘mivm ({n+a»», Taviak naiuwary con. PAWY OÂ¥ CALABA: 1809.] BUMMEKE ARKANORMENTsS, 180 Trains now leare BONAVENTURE rnflT as Sollows : abane _ aoixgo wEst. On and after TPHURSDAY, 19th doy $â€" AUGUbT, this railway will be open for passer M _ ger and goods trafle as under : Traing will loave Grand Pro on arrival of pos M . songers from Hallias by morning train to Wind sot, and forward 1y Conch to Grand Pre at 11 w _ noon, arriving at Annapolis at $.30 p m, Lear ing Annapolis at #.30 a m, and arriving at Oreas I o Pro at 14b, in timeator Conch to Windsor, aon nesting with afternoon train, and soachin: Malifar at 1.10 p m, LEKAYE PEATH Bd dn in o en * 3 UaATE ba Eie p y ind 144 +0 101085 tss 8t t y 4.00 p m, arriving at Porth at 10.05 & w and * %6 No 1 leaves Brookvilie afier O T Trains are dus trom the onst and wen., No 1 is due in Brookvilie in time to connect with 0@ T Trains for the oast and wost. â€" "" â€" _ uism it * All traine on Maio Line conneot at nitth s 3 alle with trains to and from Porth, ON and AFTER TUESDAY oo hn opvotient S C;J: BRYDGES, Managing Directer Montreal. May 17. 1869 WllDOOI # ANNAPOLIE nmari WAY. Opening for Trafiie from Annapolias : Ottawa, December 7, 1869, PORK «* CHICAGO ps XXX and No. 1 FLOUR, '-\v"lulrm i 800 a m and % m m, artiving at Brockville at 1114 p w, # as t li‘Dl"{bOl.m TIOIA: I"'Ohfil fl.‘:-flc above Irawms @ll Pun by Montrs . WHILTE BEANS Tas Ortawa T:mmas Parstiwe aAxo Posuis weCoxurarr, at the Office, 38, Bparksâ€"#! COentre Town, O:tmena, Jium Corr® bt. Hilsire, Bt. Hyacinths, Acton, Richmond, Sherbrooke, Waterville and Conticook only, at......... ...__.10;10 IP* Bleoping Cars on all Night Trains. MAIN LINR, LKAYE HROOKYVILL®, ‘ Wroakville exliy at «7Â¥ w"4"3 ng mt Sandpolai‘ M 10 00 p m, 1 8 LEAYE #aNDPoTNT, PERTH n»RHaANON JOSEPH MOONET, Agent u. aAuDoTT, at......0 am, 440 p AYNS wilt tonse , T » ite DBECEXMBER, ) BOY, 98, 109 at the Company ! Annapolis i 200 pe $100 4# 410 H b6 l)llll OO L B ; rOR ALL WEA ,nflb HQOT AND ® would call your special attentio ASSORTMENT of PRUNELI woned, Laced and Congress, OENTLEMLE! riTyaX CONGREER, K. FINK EKNGLISH BOX TO HANDâ€"MADKE, and other no s AÂ¥ BORMDEAU sTRKE Ywa * "**~ OPTAW 4A, WIWH NR ‘ Mihaikn s 4* (neurly apposite the Old ': lur anle at YKRY LOW Â¥Yourg B O 0 T S w give antista ‘Dary i8 o oftir. iÂ¥ baupply of Lumbermen‘s kwhen Putr all sorlts of w kmen om plop oc . Cb W b4 00 48 H“nn I‘A(“ PLELB ANpy bfi Rotice of ; lc....-‘ T g HUP, &¢, wholes; me to enlarge my WHELA®N, to sel} M“?-.-‘u‘ } known the jact sed procured : the best; they uand Hine THE RED B 28 Bussesai. AT TWEXTYy & fow ladies, l‘l'llw'c: Of bar ains. T AND BEAT ; Misson, Child and BHoy‘s Wear HLESS BOoOTsS llodin‘ BEE THE NXEW & 0 LERVIN®N, 43 & man; DC THO A THoXsox . II fuil 40 per ce _I think, favor me with t0K uf Feel W in every depar on the bank and wthar , Â¥i VOL. 1 PICOKLED YORK Atazey, SAVELD ® sBCH my customery Congou, 8 U MX M E in at Tus RKLD AND 8 *A AÂ¥

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