*, TRALNS will ray 1RRIYE IX Fuzscor; Â¥ TIMER, m 4« eP aw a ‘REDAY, 10# dogy will be open for passen FRA TNE wehll ~Seave at 600 a m and 1.» ad Pro on arrival of pas y morning train to Wind oh to Grand Pro at 12 # olls at 8.30 pm. Leerâ€" m, and arriving at Graas ND OTtiwW, Â¥ atkawes ?! SALP+R A3 REYXOLDe NNAPOLIS Ratl neenmenneneemeneeeetenme e C _ Â¥rs Eio aad published b* KENDALL. one of the Lady Principais, f-â€".â€"râ€"' I 22 Seather of the French and Itaiian languages ; Office, 38, Bpark## . * vesuncsies for a fow ladies, a* boardets, ahanent on n« s enen 4s #4008 CEA unc rraves .! Mirnsens. ie coumeâ€"s= 20930 Te ail Night Trains. Bagâ€" :_leaves Portinnd4 every e200 e000 1«00 000 240408 3 us ‘0 attend the : aws .% * WU attend the abore establishment. * # Fmach is made the language of the house. Mc Ursory‘s Terruce, Stewart stroot, Ottaws. after G@ T Trains are KATNS will leave alls at 10.05 e m and M 10.55 aw and * 214 Â¥o#3, 9 F, NOY. 28, 18e9 .â€"â€".. .00 s m, 1:00 1# 12, 4400 p u. 4t = EVERY aa1°v8p, I RKAILWAY COHâ€" CANADA. YEXNON 8UMITH at......s aw, 440 pa| _ MifatPand Syrups, all grades. |IC!“.. 4.35 0. m.â€" 11.10 ..: @ *WM i. wID lese 413 p m, 7 4 BC p m, 1.10 a+s «000 a0000 m ard 9.55 a m WY p =, akse (146 o '-‘".a.umrx.ow Pl!fll“luht’ , Liquors, Tobaceo, Laundary and Faney . . | borchy 2 MICKLBS sized TOMALO KE z:C The increase of having compeilod have decised to eaok I has ,ht‘-id sweitled by makin from Bs favorable c And ancther as u sundi mmes Id Wister Ctick uf Feer Weer which eill ts pasd tomplete in every department, represenglig LATEST AND BEST STYLES In Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s MITAWAOFFICEâ€"G P Dacumona‘s Exchargs § s WÂ¥ee, 19 Sparks streot. APITAL 300T AND SHOE STORE, THE OLD sTOCK, SAYVED FROM FIBRE b‘iv.nm_a: Factor y nung. :: xt o» / .. M . 4b Sudbas HOTEL EKEEPEES, GROCERS, PROYIâ€" â€" WNOS sToRks ANXD OTHELRSs. I have now is undonbtediy the in Ceaade, und the question of usiity is readi) ~iy-=i:‘.ldm.-ou-|~lnb-; at e is Hoi y wl weners & _And sucther and important fact is that being bll"‘ ' 7..-.:.'. m'p:-’hâ€"b trade -: !.Q.rm To attention to his Tnatuaet a Proxsica 200feâ€"p0. @ENTLENEX‘s " CoOnoREs8, SEAL COxGREsSs, BOX TOED CONGREsS8, T n on vther mow riieg, ues and manuflactured in Ottaws thersby ‘{-muflfl‘:’n::-u'.ru h. # -‘ satisty these who use y'w:muh.-t: JAMED NASH, Wholcsale and Retail Fickle Park urset, Ottawa, or direct Boz m.m . Piskls Manufactory on the bank of th Ridean E.u.._..,. Pickle bottles coliected Sid the bighest prices given. 11987 t high proofand Aaror, at extromely low prices. _ Thorao‘s and Stewart‘ Scotch Whiskey and SELLIYG AT TWENTY.FIVE PERCENXT BELOW COST. Nowlsthe time or bar ainz. 1106 AJOGEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" =_ #RBHOOTS atHOoXso8, t H DUKNX. , Managor. 11448f sOoTs anND sHOoES! , 4 8U MX Â¥ E R, se &Â¥ . THE RED BOOT, .« 30 RIDEAU STREET, â€"~ fwearly opporite the Ad Stand,) t i) Je â€" OFFAWA, WNOS SsTOoREks aND OTHERS ._â€"'f notice of intention to fl-‘con--a'roufo am ALQ KEZ°CHUP, &o. wholesale, ie insrease of trade during the Jast fout yoars eo Mray Mc dy o+ venegrenmes Bordeauz and other Vinegers. ro.u%.mcmn SALMON, LABR. HERxINGS, Ds Kupper‘s and Woutman‘s, n wood Inform wy customers and the public THE NXEW STYLES # und London Porter, pts and and other Alos. . w ie VOL. IV NO. 1236. i0 Buaxoiss; Renaealt & Co, Henâ€" and other brands. viee o all of fine dy: Soatorné 204 Magetia Wines wood and bottle,improved by age. Tor all sorts of work,. Onlyt ______ @EOROE «UrPuY YOUXG LAiDIEs. © 1EVTN, other artinles necessary to conâ€" ground and roasted dally on WEATHERS." Congou, Imperial, Young GR a PH COHMPANY SCHOOL NEW ESTAEâ€" Wear always Agent, Imp H\'m“"':"' vomimission fe EK «nufactures and Mining Agent '-E':.‘E“ puake atmene "os, Oe ntt Muna.:,.†m‘ ovet â€" Maun provisciat insvnasoe. â€"~~~ . HON MALCOLM CAMERON has removed his Oï¬oblhlnldl&._hdn... Orâ€" tario Bank rad the Turs Office on Sparks street. &-'“I'Inuhlt.cmhlhw Mdl“bmm MALCOLM Ccamgrox. C“‘.A LIFE ASSURANUE CcOoOMPANY, DIVISTON OF PROFITS NEXT YEAR At re AP!ILI-A.-'?. the net valuation by HONX ELIZINVR® WRIGUT, ot Boston, showed a w prodt surplus of $181,7v0. - uvf* ~~.â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"- Li d d 1O d No. 38. The UNION MUTUAL LLFE LINSUR "n'»;"r'i?fl -.i:'of!u-uu. 4. ool'.ll.ï¬unu.-n. Bt; John, N.B For the Minister of Finanog JOHRN LANYTON, I have this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" m’:z:v‘_'l‘i--‘kl-nhm-u appoiniad Commaei (a the Gompany or the Dowte lon. Aillegal matters m to him. â€" FPORWVARDER, G EN E R A L AGENT, &o., &0 No. 3, St. Peterâ€"s1. QUEBEC. : Bpecial “;u.oM- Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Sait, Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &o., &0. e The tollowing Insurance be .‘_“.{'!!'.?‘mthmdbh The rates being lower than those ot other office, are peculiariy suited to cases of assurâ€"re in ecompanies whose condition or terms are unsatisâ€" h-x-lt transfer of assurances to the Canaad. Lite will, in many cases, be an immediate annual Purther particulars may be obtained on appilâ€" aation to Mrs Robart btewart, Wilbrod stroot. Ottawa September Pth, 1869. . 14MR .)IAIO TUNING.â€"The subscriber having decsided to divide his time equally between Ottawa and Ogdessburgh, would boeg to inform his to attend to more than heretofore. Shalil risit Ottaws once a month. Orders received at Mr. Bermingham s Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles‘ Music Store. 6KO, X. BENEDICT Agent in Ottaws, ~_W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and Teacher of Pinno, Voice and Harmony. Mume Reoms and tre Towa. s Orders may be lestat his residence or at Orme & Bon‘s Music Store. â€" Cral) a Graduate of the Imporial Conservatory P-h..hâ€"unlh.u 1 Slinaging. Ride: .ul.--dlw _ (tzwns, June 28. 1868. _ _____ Ttz Flux CcaRBRAY, Wednesday, the 22nd instant. GROCERS & COMMIS»sIONX MEECHANXTs, PlAl.-â€l "_'I_“‘l'l‘l » suitable for town or country use. l e + v'â€llm' < LIQUORS of all deseriptsons, #nd a general assortment «t Qoodetham & Wort‘s H. Wines, Old &ye and Proof kept constantly on hand, and sold at very be kept constantly for sale at low prices. AMI&’.-M btbo-.-l"!..rud-. $40,000 worth of goods arriving. ___ _ _ ____ " Shimay Pragate n oupht fit outh. ind i " t e C'm.. DEPARTHXENXT, Ottawa, 3rd December, 1869. Authorized discount on American Invoiow until further notice : 18 per cent. E. 8. Â¥. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs desise 0 anunounce that they are receiving a This MM‘W greatest importance to mill owners. Its superior« ity over the old system in gaining power and B-‘vnru a PATENT SiW MILL MACHINERY spaul, and in reducing the waste of lumber, increasing the capacity of a mill from seventy five to one Aundred per cent, renders it indispensable. Â¥or terms for altering old machinery to new system, and for right of use, apply to or address TALBOT & TOUVSLGNXANT, Mre Robort Stewart having made arrangements ith an ascomplished lady teacher, announces General Agent for the United States, GEO H HOLT, Eeq, No 4, Gold street, New York. 1321d â€" B. R, CORWIN, _ Ot awa, November 7, 1868. ‘w > Mr. GUSTAVE #M11 ‘al) a GOraduate of the MIOW MUTUVAL AMCING AXD DEPORTHKEXT. USICAL ACADEMXY. PEOPLE‘S TEA S8TORE! ov 13, 1869, 18. DOIGNX AK*3, a SPARKS STREET, OTrTaAWs, . R. HiuGixs, SUGOARS, P. BASKERVILLE & BRO," WHOLESALE ANXD AETaLL for the Beaver, Toronto Matoal Fire and t Insurance Co, General Commission & R MAYYOCK. IN8URANCE â€" COMPANY OPF MAIN L. G R O C E R I E8 "cridin mhrmke ind Hhioknee wil #esssescssses seesesee0000 8 **#sedescessssecsse0000 000 MERCHANT A 0 RAMS8AY, /*â€"Quick Sales and Bpecially devoted to the * Sormmwon or Max," bis improvement, by all the mean# indicated by Mâ€"lh‘?u‘lï¬ow;m Location and Natural of the with directions for and them ; and the relations between and nody described. Putsiogxout, with all the © Signs of Character n‘lnbuu.-i"haqnhlm BEruworo0t orthe Natural History of Manâ€" 'l‘- Soth VOLUME : BEruzxorog0r or the lomu'lhurul Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in diferent Tribes and N«tions, will be given. Purasoroort a Axatourâ€"Iue Organization, Structure and Functions ot the Haman Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What w»e should Eat _ Pianished Iron and Britaonis Metal Toa and Coffes Pots, in different sizes and shapes, very Approved by the Imperisl Academy of Medicine the 27th December, 1849. ' rc.nq. uhq'-dnl’ Mï¬r Muck genezal and usetul information ons the leading topics ot hhy‘g-l::. nuucl:: aro sparea to make interesting m.ull:mo Best Pistorial Family Magazine, ever pablished. _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ Mess Pork, Chicago, and No, 1 Flour at Ottaws und Sand Point. 5 fl-'-i--‘-'--mn f ‘ " 'c-a -:r-ï¬ 'p--: wmumdsm y * 8 R WELLS, Publisher, 3# Broadway, New York. POWDER or LOZEN@E3. In the majority of 2.& beneOcial effects are flï¬uï¬ Orst m‘mm accompany, each M:M at L FRERE‘3, 19 rue J «006. Cewra!l Ruilway s pany will apply: to the Parliament ot the Doj, wlon of Caoids at its next session for an Actto extend the delay allowe?d them for the completion of their rallway, to anthorise the enactment of a Bylaw gtring roting power to beadhoiders, and restricting the voting power of stockholders under certwn circumstanâ€" cas, and to suthorise the company to acquire by purchase, any railway or portion of raslway available for the purposes of the Canada Central Bealod tenders â€"will bo receivea by the unâ€" dersigned in behaif of the Corporation of the County of Carleton, until= WRDNESDAY, the #Â¥nd INSTANT, at 13 o‘clock, noon, for.supplies required for the maintenance of the prisoners who may be confned in the County Gaol of this County, in the City of uttawa, during the year 1870, such supplies to be delivered at said @ao! upon requiâ€" aition as may be required, vis ; * Indran Meal per 100 Ibs _ Pot Barley per pound Bread per 100 \bs * Common Sait per pound Ontmeal per 160 Ibs . .. Pepper per pound Molasses per gailon Potatoes per bushel, 60 bs Beef [fresh ] per pound, to be an average quality * ‘of the whole quaster JavaColHee [romsted] fresh and ungrouned per poand Herrings per dos, average weight 5} Ibs Milk per quart Turnips per bush e Onions per bushel « Cstrots per bushel Cabbage cach .« ~ â€" Coal Oll per gallon Tenders will also be received for supplying und couked, sctording to the tables of distary ..lpcnlubt.p‘.n-o'u-lm\o .-.‘wu.o.MM$0lu. where biank forms can be had on application. Each party tendering will require to furnish with their tenders the names ot two good and periormance oi the contract. The said Corporation will not hold themselves bound to accept the lowest, nor in fact any tender. Tenders to be addressed tojhe Warden, and endorsed on the envelope, Tender for Prison THE PICTORIAL . PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, A FIRSTâ€"CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE, < / IRA MORGAYS, W arden, Per WM. COWAN, Actg. Co. Clerk, County Clerk‘s Offce,Ottaws, Use. 15, 1869, 1233.6 always on hand at lowest prices in the city. All descriptions ot } FRUTTS AND VEGETABLES .z.“.n-u- shortest notioe. of all kinds. BUSS & CO‘S, 21 Rozsav Strarst, Ola Citizen Building, sear Little Bussex st. Ottawa, December 3, 1289, LEW SERIES!! XEW FORMYM!! Publie notics is _ reby given that the Canada AROST, BUSS & CO‘s OYsSTERS free from frost, and always fresh, received GASTRALGIA . DY8SPEPSIA PYRUBIS ACLOITY DIFFICULT DiGESTIONS8 CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH CoONsTIPATION â€" CoLICS MARRLRCEA DYSENTERY CHOLERINE. AT THE VARILETY HALL a penalty of $2,000 for the due oTTAWA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1o6". aays ; * I have used it in soverr i cases of Special Irtitation and tor the worst orses of Piles, and sundry other compiaints, nilun‘n superiore article, and well worthy the notice of all .‘ Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. R.® Mï¬lfn“ndm“&-“ # &A. TRASK‘3 MAGNETIC OINTMENT" are on I: a Newsastle, C '- General ....-"""I.‘.'...".'am muoa.' wa by all druggists and by medicine ors every where. Motherst motners Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the exoruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘8 SOoTHING SYRUP. It will reliove th poor little sufferer .« Drs Aam’olngr-(l.t-.lc“ en? or B atiles.â€" Bwouax, ofâ€"Utica, New York, says : -&m uoth.A.‘lnï¬: Magnetio Qintment practite a number Mu‘muyfldï¬u-nl deem it one of tNMMdmmï¬omi Infammation of the Lungs, Inflammation of the immediately~â€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it,. Thereis not a mother on carth whoha aever used it, who will not toll you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and gire rost to the mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" tinglike magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all sases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" soription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" mola s #nd aurses in the United States. Price 25 Mavingthes faoâ€"similé of = Cartis & Porkins" on the cutside wrappar, All others are base imitaâ€" The whele Dominion should buy theu leas of the THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANYX Tn;.o.‘l‘ll‘lor & Our Teas, after the most sovere tests by the best medieal authorities and judges of Tea, bave been pronoupced to be quite pure, and free from and artidrial golouring or poisonogus subst ances so often used to i the a of Toa. are of $10, to save expemre it will be better to send r,-&hï¬:‘u l:n.n“lb box would -.?l.ocl-ulbb.l.mn:b“'ond tree to any Raiiway Station in Canada, Toa w hgva_n_l-?addyg-nodpc(@gu!g Will Mestore Gray Hair to iss Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightfur Hair Dressing. It wfll‘%mn»u laxzuriant growth. FALLINXG HAIR is immediately® checked. Mre. 8. A ALL:'.:’,, zfn_.o‘::-u.:‘m another S don whams i4 vry imibh unt en radnch mind & of) r in drinking thom, We soll for the ruratient pornible :.u.olouh.ouvh. to the consumer of 156 to ‘rlb. Our Toeas are pat up in 6, 12, 18, 20 and 35 i h-&udup'un-bdnnndm.rn- pdn.ut:ubm (nl-;-"bhmll\.-. we bozes, or one euflm bnhmluhq&hm Tea od on delivery by express man, New Style. Tmportant COhange. A REAL HAIR %flDMG MRS. 8. A. ALLEN‘® MHMAIBR RESTORER as & / _ Mowrazst, Aprif, 1968.â€"To the Montreal Toea Company , 6 Hospitalâ€"streot, Montreal ; We notice mm&.lfl;&-ï¬-â€"“db‘&dnhn *orwarded for you to J-.dhlh-h on, and we are glad to yoeer business an Anouiafommried, no hereenly ‘bad ocmmivete return one box which, we understand, was sent but through a mistake. .â€"«â€" ۩,C0HENETY, : °o O me en n en Oe n , without sediment. 1t is very simpie and often produces wouder ful results. Its greoat supcrierit --#Mm Act';dlvï¬":z-doz 0e Nn v t se es 40 ait U thee saur We m.:fl ll:.f‘u we 5 .l:-ur;; satisfaction. If they are not sa.isfactory they can be returned at our expense. BLACK TEA. * o Breakfast, Broken Leaf, mmntler TiewPlanstent thaw Doaben sn placirs 66'[\-- CANabIaA® ILLUSTRATED EW S,! y A WEEKLY JOURNAL of current nc: Interature, Science and Art, Agriculture Mechanics, Fashion and A-.:od. Published e Saturday, Montreal, c..u.'.'?; Geo. E. Desbarats, Bubssription, in Wmimmm.m& tance of $120, will be entitled to Six Coples for one * ‘Remittances by Post Ofice Order ; wutuflzduuhblhbu..w Advertisements recseived, to a limited number at 18 cents per line, payable in advance. 442m » Or any otâ€"them, they: having deserted ‘our | IOTCS "MMON®®*PS " "25, 00 OO jcing employ at different times, and broken their conâ€" most distressing cases, except those requiring wast ofhiting and service entered into with us | *UIEiCal operation. : All such onsen ate bene ie xd prose04t® | unon thonsands have suffered from this, dis~ any and every person hlring or harbouring ADY | tressing disease, in its various forms. All such of the above named. r-lua-hdm-nyvuhuuh‘m. PERLEY & PATTEE. |J. Brigge Pile Remeey. Sold by all Druggists Oitaws, Docogmber 17, 1869, 1942 and Country Merchants, 12319 a50a Juale SBardine, whnowlgdecd by all not only in this country. but im used one with the other. BOLD BY aLL Dkveqists. Propristors. 8. R. Â¥an Duzer & (‘s., Wholesal= D ruggists, 35 Barclay St. and 40 Park Pliace, Newâ€"Â¥ork. â€" The underrigned inform the public that hyn.on now ï¬bmx vrders Tor glaned Lamber, Frawing Timber, &s. o.ns-u:l. htf‘:: of Â¥looring apd Clapâ€" ""‘u.' d.' o .uvghouuu Note the Addressâ€"The Montreal Toa Company Hospitalâ€"st., Montreal. : Agent tor Ottawa, 8 2o hee aaw p. Ten only sold "*"CXH*q & in aroehund ATLeQ ho abold be rent the m-’-::’m"m ruobors uh..::r HAUDIERE 8STEAMâ€"â€"PLANING MILL, Queen street, Lo ‘Breton‘s Flats. K s o We_bereby forbid any person hiring or harâ€" TE A COMP A N VY. sPECOIAL NOTICEKS. GREEN TEA. _our Feas in small packages. a cattie sold. CLUBS : Teas. We presume your 1leas are sly on receipt of the order by c’tbo-.!;.-bnd You Hust Caltivate it _ GRAY HAlk ls a certain indication of desay at the roots. John Kenned3, SEAUTIFUL HAIR, Be sure to ‘call for 18 Sparks stroot. What a scene for a painter! The bold Glackmeyer, ‘like the monster . in it Boaut{ and the Beast," armed with a heavy club, and lying in wait to slay the man who plucked a grape from his vines. And . then as scene second, the bold Glackmeyer presenting a bill as heavy as i_tho club, lng including in it the ‘which," in the first place, he dis not have and which, in the second place, the volunteers did not take. Now we do not often bet, but we are willing to give The notorious Alderman Glackmeyer, of London, continues to be sacrified in the press, as witoess the following trenchant reflections upoo him in the Hamilton Times : â€" Ald. Glackmeyer remarked the other eveniog that for what he had done in conâ€" nection with the Prince‘s visit, he could fAy to heaven that night. If that were true, it is a pity he did not start of imâ€" mediately, for from what has appeared since, we are inclined to think tgat_ the operation would now be accompanied with difficulty. One of his charges was that the volunteers had deposited in their res. pective stomachs some four hundred pounds of his greenhouse grapes. In reâ€" ply to this Captain Dawson, who comâ€" manded the voluntcers on duty at the Glackmogt palace, writes as follows : I doubt if four hundred pounds of grapes have grown there since the place was built. â€" His greenhouse was never enâ€" tered by. a volunteer. in fact, he told 2. himself, on the morning of the first y, that suspecting that some of the men would, have attempted to steal his grapes, he lay all night at the door of his greenhouse, with a big club, intending to brain the first man ‘that laid a foot across the threshold. The wild grapes along the back fence were in an unripe condiâ€" tion, and not fit to eat. ALDERMAN GLACKMEYER AND His °_ GRAPES. oddsâ€"five to one in nickel centsâ€"that the whole thing is a delusion, and that while in a state of sleep walking, Glackâ€" meyer wra the grapes up in his own breZchu agï¬dtho fostpe:togki%gs, and lured them under the kitchen hearth bricks, or in the garden, or deposited them in the bank. Just let him search and see if we are not right. s MHR. ALDERMAN GLACKMEYEKR ANXD HIS MEN IN BUCKRAM. ‘Mr. M. D. Dawson, who commanded the guard of honour which â€"attended Prinee Arthur on his recent visit to Lonâ€" don, has addressed a letter to the London Prototype in which he says 18 reference to Mr. Gllckmycr?s‘ statements : "The men comprising this celebrated guard consisting of thirty menâ€"not two guard consisting of thirty menâ€"not two b!ni.r-d-?“rg all respectable mechanics whose conduct cannot be called in quesâ€" tion. Three of those were all the "time at the Tecumseh House as orderlies of the Governor General ; the remainder o¢â€" ou{l;'d two tents, and Mr, Glackmeyer‘s stable, in rear of the house, and were not allowed to enter his house, or meddle with his sorvants,. Rations were purâ€" Smyth _and others, in a cooked state, for which I hold account to the amount of $40. .It is true they were quartered in his garden, or back yard, but untrue that dnz ransacked his whole place, destroyâ€" ed his apvle trees, and left nothing but ed his trees, and left nothing but btohn.mncba. and took four hunâ€" dred pounds of ‘grapes I doubt if four hundred pounds of grapes have grown there since the place wr bnilt..gmi‘l'is greenhouse was never entered by & volâ€" unteer,‘"‘ If thisof :.tne,' t:en d;ed hundred and sevent two hun men whom Mr(lhnh-y-'hd to feed were men in Buckram, of o‘(hlr Gu:;hill varietyâ€"that is, productions + Glackmeyer‘s imâ€" agination. â€"By way <of illustrating the fitness of‘:llls, no doubt, he regarded these h and seventy imaginary men with four hundred imaginary grapes, supplemented by an indefinite (quantity of nonâ€"existent apples. We .38“. that the illustration will hleno?fdmlta{:;e meyer is compensated with a liberal allow wâ€"A ician boasting that he qured hmmlbhpmm&: "Well, doctor, I would sconer‘be your hnt‘auyourptï¬nt." 5 â€"â€"An editor, in puffing a grocery kept by a woman, says : "‘Her tomato®s are as red as her own cheeks ; her indigo is as biue as her own eyes, and her pepper as hot as her own temper. Jor me io get to the depot. "Run, you dlnodfaof.?"wutbo reply of the glno nosed, accommodating young boy. â€"A Pious old gende::n oongnhl}ted an acquaintance .. is recovery from recent sickness, :s:im inquired who: his w was. _ "Well," replied the conâ€" t, "Dr. J. brought me through., " ""No, no, " said his friend, "God Lbrought you out of your illness, not the ,doctor. *‘ "Well, may be he did, butI am certain the doctor will charge for it. " ©> ; â€"â€"‘Dear me,‘ exclaimed Btiggins, ° that new surgeon gave Squauntum‘s boy a new lip from the child‘s own cheek! What a cl‘xilhl operation it must have been !‘ I‘ve a pair of lipstaken from my cheek more than once,‘ replied Mrs. Stiggins, and it wasn‘t a paintul operation at all.‘ â€".â€"" Look a here, Bub,‘ said a perplexâ€" ed pedestrian, who was loaded down with a‘hat box and a large carpet bag, " Look aâ€" here, sonny, which is the quick est way for me to get to the depot." "Run, / you Oxs case of American canton fiznnel opened at Mageo & Russell‘s. C es jmf Garcazo, Muroumxos & Co. have just re. ceived ex Steamer, one case French Merinoes, all the new colors, splendid quality, only 28. 64. per yard, worth 34. 6d. Etill running this© establishment. â€" It war saved by gteat exertions on the part of the public from destruction. _ The gwlc know, and appreciate the ola « Union House," It is now in full blast again. «~ 1233%â€"3. Piuss|â€"â€"Dr. J. Brigge unrivalled PileRemeâ€" ‘l’xh mild, soothing and reliable for Internale ternal, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It afâ€" fords immediate reliet and rapidly cures th. most distressing cases, except those requiring surgical operation. ~All such cases are bene Tas Ustos Hovesâ€"â€"The Armstrongs are THE COLONTIES AS aA PIELD FOR UX f EMPLOYED LABOUR. })erity of another, and in these cases the acilities should be increased for passing fro%ne eobthe other. l:!‘-m, however, supposing that trade in England is deâ€" pressed â€" altogether, that gc':‘m be no justification for allowing multitudes of ablebodied and hardworking men to be pauperized, to their own and their neighâ€" bours‘ injury, unless England be strangeâ€". ly isolated, and as it were in a state of quarantine in the world. On the con:â€" trary, this country has a dominion so wide and _ subject: to ~such yarious conditions that it is, in ‘fact,. infpossible for a dearth of employment to be in operation throughout the whole at the same time. . It is never disputed that it would be well for a man in one trade in England, when thit trade fails; to seek employment in another trade in England But for him, under the same circumstanâ€" ces, to emigrate to Canada or Australia appears to be thought an essentially difâ€" ferent thing. It is commonly a different thing to himself, _ His course of life may be changed entirely by it, and he : is not likely to return to his old trade. We wou'zi be surprised, however, if it were seriously argued that to be" a carpenter in Melbourne, or even to be a * stockâ€" keeper up the country, was wotse than to beoomlieunedtolyw or two. of a auper‘s life in fBermondsey. England xPueF:nfl'eu no n!ore' by dl:?o’ departure The ratepayers, if tl::{ are not employers of his particular ki of labour, are obviously relieved. Those ~who are employers certainly lose ‘notbing at first. As for the tuture, if the: trade recovers its prosperity, it is abundantly clear that it â€"will soon attract to itself a sufficiency of workmen. Labour so introduced by the operation of the ordinary laws of supply and demand is at least as efficient as that which has been stored up for some years in Unions and Casaal Wards. The éolonies themselves have never been slow to acknowledge that they gain by the transfer of labour from g:gl'and. Had theory alone to ‘be relied upon, the benefit to a‘l goncerned of . renderins the English labour market . conterminous with the British Empire would be apparâ€" ent. _ There is no commodity so valuable as labour.. No policy wonld _ seem The London Times recently common., ting on the numbers of poor receiviag succour in London and the proper wethods of relief, sayse: _ The depression of one branch of trade in Eogland is no reason g::{ the meâ€" chanics engaged in that trade should be thrown upon the Poor Rates until the trade has recovered : itself. In many instances the depression of one branch of trade is, indeed, coincident with the pros in u.:lhf more _ wasteful _ than lto let is recious ion _ lie idle and xul:t in I!ondon workâ€" house while all British North America and Australia are only Waiting hands to bring their treasures to light,. But paroâ€" chial authorities have been sceptical, from their points â€" of view, on the utility of encouraging qmig'rntion in ‘times of ‘Aepressed trado, â€" It does. in faot, â€"need ‘Aepressed trade, â€" 1t does, in fact, â€"need faith in ‘principles <for ‘a London parish, which is open to ‘the <whole population of the kingdom, to advertise a free pas< sage to the colonies on gasy terms of provâ€" ing residence in the parish and . want of employ ment. â€" But the Poplar:â€" Union, we are informed, has tried the experiment, and with remarkgble success. Trade there has been reculinri stagnant, Yet the recipients of. â€" parochial relief have fallen from 7,037 in 1868 to 5,824 in the present year." The only very conspicuous new (genc{“inn operatzon within the locality has a scheme of â€"emigration. Ymmowd by the Board â€" of AGuardians. t is but fair, in the absence of.otber‘ claimants, to credit that with the improveâ€" ment. Itelligence has also been received that the dockyard . workmen who. were sent out to Canada have all ohtained emâ€" ployment. : Both facts are entirely what might hayejbeen exgoud ; aud we hope they may stimulate bor Law officials to qlo{t this method of relieving Rates, and workmen out of employment to embrace . tl;’io method of,tvmdingntbemï¬gndax 0 lnbdlhnj upon © public ty, practical difficulty in schomes i'()r the relief of the Poor‘ Rates by ~means of emigration is how‘ to select emigrants who are +superoumoreries= in the â€" Mother o m’u« en wl{omo:dd f # or would do no wor{ were work . plenty, must be franklyâ€"abandoned. The ,Colâ€" onies, will not consent to be made pauper settlements any more than they viï¬â€˜oon- sent to be made convict settlement. ‘Those men alone should be sent out who have not deserted labour, but whom labour has deserted. Then the Colony to which they are to be consigned reâ€" quires selection ‘as ‘much as the men. Vigorous English workmen will never be at a loss for employment where there are forests to be tilled. :~But the occasional failureâ€"of emigration schemes has generalâ€" ly arisen ‘from a supposition that field labour must be the emigrant‘s natural | voeation.> Field 1abour in Canada is bettersithan starving or loitering besides Uniondoors in the East Knd ; but the British Colonies, :especially . the Austraâ€" lian States, now_ bave a mnd for skilled labour.. If the East workâ€" man changes his. climate,. it is po lgnggr necessary, as it once was, that ‘he , should change his employment._ On all ‘:Lu accounts it 1s expedient that the ‘initia= tive in the matter® of emigration should be left with the parishes, and not be taken by the Government. On such occasions it is best of all when the individual is alâ€" lowed to take charge of his own interests. This however, is impossible in cases© like those we are considering. | ‘Bat the ~next best thing is for:the matter to be interâ€" rupted to a bublic body which has a positive interest of its own:â€"in the .success and Emigration Societies point out the direction the enterpries omld tuke on bl:haelf of the emigrants,â€" ng. ifhdï¬nally, the Government supervises t whole in the interest of all parties, ° including the Colonies, temporary depressions of trade of the attempt, Boards .of Guardians have such an interest. If the Guardians further the cireulation of labour, though it may be only on behalf of their â€" Rates, Colonies, temporary depressions ol Waue in the United Kingdom may come to be regarded as evils equally local and tranâ€" sitory with an ind;aemt English harvest, 'fl;t‘.’t;l-;i.n,'OyM'"""l’&é&, ready every day at 11 a.m, Lunch from 12 o‘clock to}‘dcloe! at the Queen. Iy Corrs® | Corras!! Corres!!!â€" @imtts hair of jet or golden hue, may be silvered in a few hours by the action of tear upon the nerves and brain, The patient was a compositor, hair light, and blue eyes, who was brought to a hospital in Leipsic, suffering with deliriam tremens. He was in great terror fwhen approached by any person, imagining that he‘ was made of thin glass liable to be smasked to atoms by the slightest touch. * Laudanum was administered, and after a sleep of tweive hours‘ duration he was well enough to sit up. Aboutthirty hours after this hic hair and beard began to ~turn gray soâ€" rapid? as to mgsdymioh physiâ€" cians and friends. ~‘The whiteness in this instance did not result from the absence of colouring matter, as it is the case with with old people, but from the presence of minute air bubbles in the hair ; and it was ouly by reflected light that the hair seemed gray ; by transmitted light it seemed as dark as ever. Unscientific eyes would not notice this, and the hair certainly seemed to be permanently white, for it remaivned so at tï¬: patient‘s disâ€" charge two months‘ . later. _ Anotber ismilar case, lately reported to ‘the Royal society by Mr. Erasmus Wilson, showed the same kind of charge in a microscopâ€" ical examination. In this connection we find a report in the Archives de Physiolâ€" ogie for the present year, furnished by by the celebrated French surgeon, Dr. Brown Sequard, of a curiour observation on himself, which may be easily repeated by others. Finding four white hairs on one cheek and seven on the other, in a a dark beard, he carefully plucked them, and two days later he '({mnd two such hairs on one side and three on the uther, all white from end to end. . This was reâ€" peated several times with the same result, and he concludes that there is no doubt of the possibility of a very rapid transforâ€"â€" mation ( probab{y in less than one night) of black hair 1nto white. , â€"The following extract from the Port land Press will} show that some, at least, in Maine, believe that these Provinces have better prospects and chances than the easternly States of the Union : * The nation triumphed over the reâ€" bellion, but: outside nations trinmphed over our commerce, and how now stands the case? Daring the conflict, the re. venue laws of the country were hastily adjusted to the pressing demands of the hour, and the shipâ€"builder, in his attempt to restore the to:rx â€"of the country, found himself fet and burdened from ‘the laying of the keel to the putting in of trucks, And still the disability continues, and:â€"by the copper enactment Of the last ‘sewslon of Congress, is becoming ~mare and more burdensom8, Thus, flflk one haif of our tonnage has been destroyed, and while England, the natural enemy of our commerce, is offering every facility for constructing and sailing ships, our Thomas Marie sufficiently well defined by the historians to be entirely depended upon, but scientific obseryations recently made by Drs. Lendois aud Lohmer, two The question of human hair blanching in a single night from the effects of fear or great trouble has recently been investi« gated by Dr. Austin Flint, an experiencâ€" ed writer on hysi')log{. This gentleâ€" man does not o‘:msider the cases of?e-ry 1V., of France, Marie Antoinette or Sir HAIR BLASCHING FROM FRIGHT. with a crushing weight is this false conâ€" ception falling upon some sections of the country. Upon our own State, sparsely polr.uhted, and with a â€" small yaluation, falls vearly oneâ€"half of all .this burden. Still hoping for some relief, anxious not! to have their business entirely dcotm{od;_ and feeling the necessity of empo ying! and retaining their mznm at home, the shore towns of Maine are operating, their yards to some extent. . And in this effort, during the present year, the citizep gomment. continues to increase these urdens rather than lighten them; as if determined that this . right arm of Maine must pay, out a amillion of dollars . that Mï¬ .. be and might, be retaimed in their own hands if flnyoa. ated under as favourable laws as do subjects of the British Provinces." Empress for â€"StJohn, and. from thence went to Woodstock. The misguided woâ€" e ie wl ie whom, a ter, in flight. Chroniclke. Halifaz.. 1 arose.to announceâ€"the; adjournment, . 4| compl woman from the woods. of . Trempeleau | out ar rushed in and demanded a divorce. | the of Her husband was not on hand to answer | statio for himself, and it was presumed that a | stated ::‘:wl}o oon‘l:‘-‘be ldefuu{:rblin;h Star. r of his pleadiog was e a de. faulter in hirmatnl!‘n‘oonhlp:itï¬oua Let I :: a / A Drvoron ar Laâ€" CrRosse.â€"‘The term of the Cireuit Court at La Orosse has come to a close. Just as the Sheriff rushed in and demanded a divorce. Her husband was not on hand to answer for himself, and it was presumed that a man who could â€" be a defaulter in the order of his pleading was probable a de. fsulter in his matrimonial relations;> Let the Leader finish the story : She was just in time., The court put down his hat; the sheriff was arrested in the midst of his " Hear ye! bear ye! this court is now ‘adjourâ€";‘‘ the clerk uncorked his inkâ€"bottle; the witness came breathless upon thestand ; and less time than it takes a spring lamp to desâ€" cribe a half degree of the circle of which bisandal:z.dngoiltboudiu,)lm Elien M‘Fleek was Mrs, Klien M‘Fleck anyhow. He tould me t‘other day yer lotbhipw-notn!tbllltho.n!t of justice as a jackass !‘ * Ay, ay,‘ exclaimâ€" ed Viscount Kiï¬idhm‘dddl and what did you say ?" _‘ your lord? ship, I said your lordship was.‘ â€"* Please your lordship‘s honour,. and glory,‘ replied Tom, ‘I shot the hare 3 accident.‘ : ‘Ay accident? . remark MW * I was firing. .at a bush, the ran across my,, aim, all of his own accord.‘ * * The gamekeeper tells a different story,‘ replied his lordâ€" ship. *Och,1 “'G{l!fufll in . what that man says, said Tom Ryan, .‘when he never cares about speaking‘ the, truth Axotuer lot of Cornwall blankets just reâ€" ceived from the factory at Magect& Russell‘s, and marked very low. no more. . " Hear ye! hear ye !"‘, .ete.â€" and the lively court, solemn sheriff, the pert clerk, and the woman emancipated from bondage to the tyrant man, went g;rth from the justice, seat "without ’..l a â€" show that a head of {PRICEâ€"3 ORNTS. and casual acquaintances. ‘There® are some men, judging from out of door imanners it would seem that â€" nothing was left to be desired, who are neverthcless, of the ursaâ€"major tribe at ~home ; men who keep their pleasant ways and genial smiles and cheerful.words . for company, and who can only be silent or peevish and exacting with their wives. Have such men any just reason â€"to complain that their homes are not happy ? ‘There is a good deal of undeserved censure passed on women on account of their not muking home more attractive. Muach ot this blame is fairly chargeable to men. With what heart can a women {;strive to make the fireside cheerful, when she knows from bitter experience, ‘thas the companion â€"of her life will come home wfliï¬chehqookeq..“to d::‘;‘a_td her monl to ~«pon 'ou_nm but patient ear fretfal language on account of everything that has gone wrong out of doors! See to it that you do your part to make home happy by cheerful encouragement to your wife. e Tar Bercuer Bigaxy.â€"The \New York Observer (Presbytcrian,) with\ reâ€" ference to the conduct of Brother Beecher at the Astor House weddipng, say : " To us, the whole caseâ€"the seduction, the murder, the sympathy, the ndminal marriageâ€"constitute the most disgusting and demoralizing chapter in the annals of social and domestic life. We read nothing worse in the worst days of London or Paris society. It needed the farce of a pretended m wrriage,solemnâ€" ized by two ministers, to complete the the ghastly drama, The astonishing ceremony, to the horror of the Christian community, was actually performed, and the guilty bridegroom passed from this nuptial tilgedy to his reckoping with Him who has said, ‘Thou shalt not commit adnlw;y,' as well as © Thou shalt not lil.‘ * We would not have believed that there is a Chritian pastdr on the earth who would employ the offices of religion and the words of prayer, to crown with benedictions such a horrid is an l(:rn:abl:ilooï¬ng blonde. She ‘l:u a" ul and sympathetic voice, but h?i"nmï¬on is faulty. â€"Some allowance must be made for the nervousuess insepâ€" arable from so important an occasion. The Revue et Gazetie says that Madlie. Rexai is not an Italian, as her name seems to denote, but a Viennese, the daugbter To make your bhowme happy, see that you make your wife feel that your affeoâ€" tions and tenderness for are in no degrea diminished from the day when you first sought her. Do no let her have, when you can help it, to sit alons and go out alone. You would not have done so once upon a time. . Do not reserve all your blandness and fragrance for utrangers to donoh‘::t a yiennese, the daugbLer of a rich banker. Shebecame a groat mss soe w seoveneeg t spperr wod, was a started for Paris. The.King of Prussica was at the theatre when her absence was discovercd. â€" For this fight the â€" Berlin judges have condemned her to pay a fine of3:£00 francs when she is caught. This sounds very like a sentence of banishment sount of the fires reported in . different parts of the country, only including those parts of the country , onll including those where the loss is over $20,000, except in Aew. York city, where all are recorded, It makes out that the losses so far this cused them of having robbed him on the highway, on the night of the 6th Decemâ€" ber of a pocketâ€"book, mui:z about $330. From the testimony uced it seemed that the men were dancing in a ‘stable,when W ells came in and took them Anto a saloon adjoining, and treated them, exposing his money in so doing." It is alâ€" leged that the officers after treating the complainant in another saloon took him out and robbed him. . For the defence the officers claimed that they were at the stationâ€"house at the time when Mr. Wells stated that they robbed him.â€"New York 000, or over $3,000,000 a .month. Adding the lesses by the numerous fires where the value of property destroyed is less than $20,000, and it is not too much to estimate the annaal loss to the country ?b-‘ at fiftyâ€" millions of . dollars. MJWMIM are the direct result of carelessness on the part of builders, owners, occupants or employees, M_"ï¬ s. The Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron) has cured thousands 'hn(.'cn suflerâ€" ing from this disease. ® A Kxowisnoa Bigo.â€"It : is recorded of an ol:‘wm 2:& he once chuodlo turkey three years, on catching sight of the bird tmoe,aldungi fii;ï¬choogof the female, and go allure the within the range of the rife. Butlet him relate his adventures himselt. "I always hbunted that ar‘ gobbler in the same range till L know‘d bis track and his ‘yelp‘ as well as L do my old dog‘s.: But the critter were so knowin‘ that when L ‘called‘ he would run fromâ€"me, taking the opposite d:reoâ€" ho ig pip tad moat mt varmint pretty m t a 6 at the end of which, where it lost itself in a swamp, was a hollow copress tree. Now, I were determined to have that Bour Oysters by the pint, quart or galion. Try them and save 25 per cent at Buss & Cos, 21 Rideau street. 1208 62 â€"â€"Life has few Charms for the Dysepeptis which is not to be wondered at when we take into the account the amount of bodily and mental suffering that this distressing malady ear, eleven months, have been $36,384,â€" â€"Madile. Sessi, the new prima douna 19 The New York Herald keeps asâ€" MAKE HOMK HAPPY. onde. Bhe has etic voice, but Bome allowance vousuess insepâ€" . ‘an occasion. # that Madlie.