a, 4; a PS. (186. OTAT:iOA p uo, 1.44 p m, 1.50 106 18, "A W a and 2.30 P n, 430 pas e | l is _ _ 39 RIDEAU STBEET, ~»**a 3 orBrAYA, | k .n h : LISBAMENT ... > >, 1 _y-:‘-:mum! 12_' PRICES a large + Sbwerime Wines, Liquors, Tobaceo, Launary sanad Fancy 4 5> thattes, Conter and Pine Satt. _ Sune, * ie ~sx f Bordeauz and other Vinegors. A# , m 200 p a a t# ® and and 1.3% Wa . [ Reguitomsigeie 0 0 ue _ THE OLD STOCK, SAYED FROMIFIRE â€" M SELLING AT TWENTY.FIVE ILINJ PERCENT BELOW COST. EDA Y N â€"â€".~*Kow in the time or bar ainz 1106 class id _\ gesmsy, Piper‘s and other brands. lsh P PA aagar‘s aee no C fiek / â€"* »p ®L .z P The stock I have now is undoubtediy the larges & hc.‘-.uflhâ€d-drybmuy * T namatar mmude sn moans providing it is the best; they ':.""" ya l.j\n.‘,â€"uuan.u extremely low prices. Sta ___ Thorme‘s and Stewart‘ Scotch Whiskey and l French is made the language of the honse, Greevy‘s Terrace, Stowart stroot, Ottaws. _‘ AJUSEPH, Chairmas; D C THOMSON, Tres _ _ wmr; sB FOOTE A THOMSON, T K DUSN: ~â€" BRUMMONXD, Manacer. aw > ;,cb.ï¬.-.!dï¬o-:duh d:‘yrmu mï¬ i# is the best; they will therefore favorable comparison with .zmd. And arcther and important fact is that being ao treiies Pusee sminerets nowind m ‘rei R no.l-n:“"m' t!nn‘.l:l“p-“m.ll “‘l.o adv I think, cannot fail to . Puess sdvantages. T think, cansot fail to UMXPORTANT TO would call your special attention to his 1canRTMENT of PRUNELLA B0o0 waed, Laced and Congress. GENTLEMEXN‘S PATENT CONGRESS, SEAL CONGREsS, FINX ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGRESS, HANTâ€"MADE, and other new styles, ITAWA OFFICEâ€"G P Devumoun‘s Bxchange on = _ . ¥¥ee, 19 Sparks street. _ â€"__ The increase of trade during the last four yoars . having compeiled me to enlarge my manufactory I ~have deciged b-.ab the '-h’ll-bilb-, CAPITAL 300T AND SHOE STORE, m“:uxl .:r': W ear vL.’-lII.: trand somplete in every department, representing the s _MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, y LABBK. HERx1NGS3, Hhices barvine couraTiTion. sQ00Ts AaAND SHOES! > Fo® 3C M M E R, "."â€":.'mâ€" y of Lambermen‘s Wear always Orders taken for all sortw of work. Ouly the Iwould inform my customers and the pablic VOL.) IV bear favorable comparison with any imported. And arncther and iimportant “.z that being raised -:.iw in Otews .-oy‘\ avroiding % ana ot her no.l-u -.un' iz::lhh'l‘:’na.m*“‘ porter . | ..“'h.o advantages, I think, cannot t satisty thore who gncâ€"vhuh‘::t: JAiAMESs NABH, bbdndo.iw}nbb Merchant, Park street, Ottawa, or dirsct Doz No. 1, PostOffice, Ottawa. ;'.MIM on the bank of th: Ridean Take Noticeâ€"â€"Empty Pickle bottes coliected and the highest prices given. 11967 4. »1#¢ 16 , FOm ALL WEATHERS." MRS KKNDALL, one of the Lady Principals, and Teacher of the Freach and ltaiiandanguages has vacatncies for a few ladies, as boarders, the namerous other articles necessary to conâ€" **8OoTs Aax> SXHOES3 j and Bot':'-.i 6A THE RED BOO0OT, MONX STORES AXD THE NXNEW STYLES HURUCH ;T“u'u-l.l roasted dulily on Coonac Brasxomms; Renaait & Co, Henâ€" J:uoamm'fl ENGLAND 8CHOOL Old [rish Potteen. and Lonadon Porter, pts and qts. €. LEVTN, all ‘grades, Portwaf fne ::l.u.n. and Maderia Wines wood and bottile, i mproved by ago. YOUKXG LADIE®. AT &AÂ¥ BR APH COMP AXY Spoarks street, z‘r-m ‘a, Men‘s HONX MALCOLM CAMERON has remored his Office to the New Building between the Onâ€" tario Bank end the Trurs Office on Sparks street. Mt: Waddell will act for Mr. Cameron in his at= sence, and is authorizsed to grant receipts, Agent for the Beaver, Toronto Mutoal Fire and Live stock Insurance Co, weneral Commission Agent, lm\oo. Manufactures and Mining Agont -ï¬. ims constant‘y on hand. Offlce, corner =:tn.lo ln..‘ Epacks streets, oygr Maun Bros ediwrnee Shazl Puvuou:._uiunnuol. divisable profit surplus of $181,740. At 30Or# APRIL LA®T, the net valuation by ‘fl(_)‘.‘“!kllli! WRIGHT, ot Boston, showed a Agent in Ottawa, CA.A.I * LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY DIVISION OF PROFITS NEXT YEAR. Fets oansear, e COMMISSION MERCHANT & FORWARDER, GENER A L AGENT, &c., &co,, No. 3, St. Peterâ€"st. QUEBEC, Bpecial attention ;v_- to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &0., &0. s P Fmancs Deraztusut, + _ ' Ottawa, 13th October, 1864 .g‘%"ul-u has received ..lh.hlnâ€"dmmlol[.bl“ Canada : C No. 33. UNI UTVAL LLFE LNSUR ARCE CoOMPANY, of mane. 4* B Tc\')'nuwx:%::'u Bt; Joh», N.B 3 o hmdm ; JOUN LANYTON, : * Auditor. _ Fhave this day, deposited with the Receiverâ€" t ,mo- EUÂ¥PvaL appointed Counsel to the Company tor the Domiz lon. Alllegal matters will u"-.l-na to him. * B. R. CORWIN, . with an acscomplished lady teacher, announces that her Dancing Classes will commence on Wednesday, the 22nd instant. ' Further particulars may bea ocbtained on appliâ€" aation to Mre Robert Stewart, Wilbrod stroet. Ottawa Beptember O$th, 1869. 1148f _ W. 0.CLARK,Arofessor of Music and Teashet .of Pinno, Voice and Harmony. Musie Roeoms and Residence, O‘Connorâ€"st.. corner of Slaterâ€"st., Conâ€" .‘W":"mwwo'â€"; "Whe thtes being lower than those of any other Ottaws and Ogdessburgh, would beg to inform his his old patrons and othera,that he hopes, in future, to attend to their orders for tuning more promptly than heretofore. Shall risit Ottawas once a month. Orders recseired at Mr. Bera Rooms, and at B. Miles‘® Music 1 hi ie aadk 2 te woalt» toeaumd U desided to divide his time equally between PIA.O-TI";UI'IQ’. _ Mr. GUSTAYE SM1TH, (Or td).“gd.o& Paris. L-:a:lmu 1 street, corner ofK ing street: Mvmn. Acm."o Mr. GUSTAYE SMITH, (Organist ofthe Cathe . ind Dollars Eo,om U. 8. Gold Bonds, 6s of ‘81 %the Hon, John Ji. Gray, M.P., has beer Mrs Robort Stewart having made arrangeoments GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, se PTOBACCOS, IAQUORS of all deseriptichs, and a general assortment «f G ROOE R I E8 P saitable for town or country use. Goodertham & Wort‘s H. Wines, Old Rye and Proof kept constantly on hand, and sold at very A + drire Pribirct Gorliin feratn and Afaoker s witn ho kept constantly for sale at very low "I m ;..:Z.’:.'.‘.."c'.'.':’uu’...u. Ahhb'...lnh erder. > .‘“oâ€"ri::um Fame and Profits, n egarey Produte heught No css J C’vmn DEPARTMEIXT, Ottawa, 17th December, 1869. Authorized discount on American Invoices until further notice‘: 18 per cent. R.:8. M. BOUCHETTE, Compmisstoner of Customs Mnu. DULGKXAX*S, °_ PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE! A fow more gentloemen can be Thiking thr Capitat wilt tnd soporcer aloome mwuycm-x 'lâ€"‘ m.uuunu + :::fu..- * 8 ru‘l BMUQII'I * | PATENT AAW MILL MACHINERY. This improvement is incontestably. of the greatest importance to mill owners. Its superiorâ€" ty over the old system in gaining power and speed, and in reducing the waste of lumber, ,Mhmitflflbâ€"-â€"wï¬- to one hundred per cent, renders it indispensable. } Â¥or terms for Mounn-umh-' system, and for right of use, apply to or address TALBOT & TOVSLGNXANT, or 13, 18 69. 2 i oge on en Pepes e on Emect are peculiarly suited to cases of assurers in mies whese condition or terms are unsatisâ€" K.‘ transfor of assurances io the Canaad. rl}h-uy.ouu.hulmu-ul ; of expense, A G RAMSAY, Bm Akacll um‘ ANCLIEG ANXD DEPORTMENT. General Agent for the United States, GEO H OLT, Bea, No 4, Gold stroot, Now York, 12214 No. 36 ***808â€"e00000" R H HAYCOCK. SPARKS STREET, OTTAaWA. o afinounce that they are recéiving a . BASKERVILLE & BRO," WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL â€"~ QPF MXALIN L. MALCOLM CAMERON. evestevessee0essece000s eevenessetr®sessssssssese000 £ for the Vnited States, azo x | BUSS . &. CO‘8, 21 Ro#rav Yrkas 4, Gold stroot, New York, 12214 Qla Citison Building, near Little Susgex st. his residence or at Ogme & COMPANY £988,141 T-.l 50th YOLUKE : * THE PICTORIAL= © PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, A FIEsTâ€"CLASS _ ~> , _ FAMILY | MAGAZIN®E, Specially devoted to the: @ Bomwor br Wan," b Specially devoted to the: @# Borewor or Mix,"* his f’-““pnv-cy.ty all ths~ meags w‘ by Prasgosoorâ€"the Brain the penpe ie e en ons them ; and the M-‘& bet ween and nody dessribed. : _ _ _ 22e Muck genezal and i on the bul\ub,ladh?_ï¬ n, and no efforte ent octare, and k. mbond have been: made. x:um“ M*:' during mm’yunlluhnpllhl‘:.n‘m “-onm.-flm Tuaxsâ€" .uu.amr.hm Singie numbers, 30 cents. of ten or more, "q n'n“:l“mï¬oâ€b?’n-l 6 luldolhnhf:‘.u:,l.: :‘r,vu‘:: Pictoria) Poster M ...'l“ list of y "lims «* 48 iLLO Publikeh .. . | *‘ 50th VOLU ME, and with January Number, 1899, s NEW u:!.ilu commenced. ‘The form has _ _ Planished Britannia Motal Toa and mmhm sizses and m,..“m Mess Pork, Chicago, and No, 1 Flour at Ottawa and Sand Point. i 4 are spared to make this the most interesting and netructive, as well as the Best Pistorial Family Approved by the Imperisl Avademy of Medicine the 27th December, 1849. taken before or after sach meal. in the form of POWDER or LOZCEN@ES. In the majority of cases its benedcial effects are folt atter the first doses. Detailed W“"‘m each mdrhlflï¬l "OT Devot in Parl at L FRERE‘©, 19 rue J «oob. -M"'â€" any rallway | or portion of .rail muhmdm%mfl Railway. Ottawas, December 3, 1869, dersigned in behalf wf‘ the : Oorporation of the County . of Oarletony ubdl WRDNESDAY, the %ad INSTANT; at 12 ¢‘look, néon, for suppifes required for the maintensace of the prisézcts who may be confised ts the Obanty Gaol of this Gounty, in the City of Oftawsé, during the year :1870, such supplies to be delivered at said Gaol upon requi aitlion as may be required, vis ; > Indian Meal per 100 lIbs _ Pot Barley per Bread per 100 Ibs Common Salt per pound Oatmeal per 100 lbs Pepper per pound EHEW SERIES »!~ NEW FORM !! Molasses per gallon . Potaioss per bushel, 60 lIbe C _ Beef [fresb] per pound, to be an average quality of the whole quarter o +3 JavaCoffee‘ froasted) fresh and ungrouned per | W! Herrings per déz, average weight 5j lbs L Milk per quart «* Rrurnips per bush 4 | 5; Onlons per bushel Cerrots per bushal Cabbage each Goat Oll ger gaiien(l .. Tenders will also be received far <supplying daily rations for said prisoners, properly prepared and couked, according to the tables of.distary and general rules respecting same which may be soen and examined at the (County Olerk‘s Ofice, where blank forms can be had on application, â€" Rach party tendering will require to furnish with their tenders the names ot tworgood and pertormance ot the contract. ‘ bound to accept the lowest, ner in {act any tend er. Tenders to be addressed to the Wardon, and endorsed ‘on the envelope, Tender for Prisen always on hand at lowest prices in the city. _ FRUITS A8D YERGETABLES .. ° suppiied and delivered on shortest notics. | . . ‘ Public notice is _ reby givein that the Canada KELLOC)N CHARCOAL, ARO8ST, «u5 inper AT THE VARIBTYT HALL DYXARBNTRERY . .â€"<soa in , a penalty of $2,000 for 339 Broadway, New York. OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22, ts, and can say with pleasure L deem it one of discoveries of the uge ; for the cure of tl_-â€"-- i.-_-u- TLeage, Inflaintiation of the S en aatan nian io in nt uo tiirnctin 4 imee; * DE ho W. Biksta6.t Koowteariite, says; "I nnnnlu?l‘o:::nlouuldâ€.:' Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cares cn‘r or Batiles.â€"Dz. Bixoxam, of Utica, New York, says: @"Ihave‘used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnatic Vintment in my> practice a number of years, and can say with pleasure L deem it one of A REAL HAIBR RESTORLE AXDâ€" l-r- Infammatory Rheumatism, aud in Chilaâ€" en ob Pavks Teiivvs, Preclabhone a nth whe isto a nigo raul; : the list of remeodies for these sundry other complyints, and find it a superiore mrigk, ho well Yorshy tns notice or lt 4 P * **** * unl-bn-“» â€":nd-‘ .‘..t“:.m.n. ® ‘“u 0 OINTMENT*" are on the wrapper. . _ K Newoesstle, C. W., General .....2!.5%:‘.‘1. Bold in Ottaws by all druggists and by medi¢ine doaiars everywhore. * Mothers! Morners Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and erying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of ontting teoth ? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW‘8 s00THING SYRUP. It will relieve th J little sufferer MRsS. 8. 4. 4bLLEXns immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on earth who he ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and rest to the mother, and reliet and health to tho child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly to use in all eagses, and pleasant to the taste, is the preâ€" seription of one of the oldest and best female phyâ€" molse ns 4nd aqurses in the United States. Price25 ents _ ~â€" everywhere. Be sure to call for "MRS .hd}lfl-O"l .IOCL‘!I.I!‘O_-;IEI(!_!.' HALR RESTOREE WIHIL Mestore Gray Mair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightfu) ‘Hair Dressing. It will promote luxuriani gipwth. FPALLING HAIR is immediately checked. * as a Nair Dressing over high cost Frouch Pomade+ is i‘....."‘b:“ % Rectorer and Zristatzanem should nat be used one with the other. BOLD BY a1lL Drkveaists. :n. 8. A ;x'.x.&x-" ‘z;wau:‘uul another withort sed Tt i wery simeple dud often m"" rful resuits Its great superiority and 011 as a bNair Dressing over khigh cost Fronch Pomade+ t "MRS , «~INBLOW‘8 ts whike vreppoe,‘ ‘MIGC'GO".I.VMD\.M&('...MDIW. «: TEA COMP ANY. The viiihe Berinitt snourd bity "thi? toae of ie TAE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY > > f#RMRPG Mospitalâ€"si., Montreal. "Wik, § onm..'mmmnmm?mu medical authorities and judges of Toa, have been pronounced to be quite send for four 5 1b boxes, ortwo 121b boxes. W esend Mhfl“wmw um,.:a\uoulputys own Tosa. We warrant all the: Tea we to give ontire satisfaction. If they sre not sacisfactory they can uuâ€"dumm. f BLACK TEA. return one box which, we through a mistake. hog are . aw%b mflm z:' 'OIhnd .,I:T’.“ m.d('l-p- {,"’*'820-! '~"_ '-_ "‘,I\,', 43 ‘Jounsro® P Auteidd t Remittances by Post O isterpd w;nuflzohh r-'s'uf_f-:.."m WM;&:-. limited, number at 15 cents per line, pa in advance. “h_;_ Cpulim‘-_.q « â€"8TEAM â€"PLANINGâ€" MILL, t Queen street, Lo Breton‘s Flats, ;:' aroe‘. now / ri!‘ï¬â€ "..":.'.';.."_‘:.'.'“{‘..: oo drslt og ect 1~ ~BERLEY &â€"PAFTEE > | and appreciate the oi0 ‘ > . Oterre, Degember 17, 1809 . 124 now in full blast again. Oz any ot them, they having deserted our, employ at different times, and broken their conâ€" #rauct of hiring and service entered‘ into with s. #ract of hiring and service entered‘ into with s. soy and every person hiring or harbouring aly‘ of the above mamed.s :. _0 = c on oo c _ '.zaa«mmm.un- noe ef $120, wilt be entitled to Siz Oupies for one MONTR BA L sPECIAL NOTICES. 1mporters, qV ABRing â€"DAaRV Es of «Cartis & Porkips" on All others are base umitaâ€" a.okENET, is no mistak | r on earth who he you at once that it a rest to the to tho child, operaâ€" y to use in all avV@â€"124Y iesterday morning, between iwWcive and one o‘clock, a collision occurred off ,Pladda between the incoming s. s. Camâ€" bria (Captain Craig), one of the Anchor Line of steamers trading between Glas. gow and New York, and the outgoing s. CoLLIsIONX BETWEEXN THE CANMâ€" BRIA 86. 4. AND LOXDONDERRY STEAMCKHR ROSE. * pamnï¬eu. ‘The might was beautiful and clear, and there was a moderate breesze, When abrest of Pladda, about a mile from the shore, the two steamers were observed to be in the track of each other, and a collision being then maniâ€" festly inevitable, the engines were reversâ€" od.: The two veascls, however, came into viclent contact, the Cambria‘s stem on board the Cambriaâ€"namely, the cn;;t;:nter,'the eoo!,h a fireman, the man at the wheel, and three steerage = gers. Both vessels were Broqua stand still as soon as possible; but those on board the Rose finding that the water was flowing into the fore compartment through the injured part, set on > the engines and ran her bow in upon the into viclent contact, the Cambria‘s stem striking the Rose on the port bow, while the Cambria had her figurehead knocked away.. While the vessels were in conâ€" tact seven men from the Rose scrambled passeogers and a‘kmited cargo. The Cambria had 40 eabin and 90 stecrage rocks immediately below the light, and as the after compartments were uninjured the vessel was thusâ€"kept affoat. Immeâ€" diately after the collision tookâ€" place two :? steamers, which happened to be lying in the track of incoming vessels, arrivâ€" ed at the sceme of the casualty, and were able to render any ~requisite mssistance. One of the Canbria‘s boats was lowered, and went alongside of the Rose, under charge of the first officer, who made inâ€" quiries at the captain as to what service Pnd aaiee en on camtenes soh um . taken off the passengers and crew ; Suininie posgedst oo bicoay: . and, , on her way, and, after, lying some time at the Tn{' of the Bank, went on to Glasgow, which she reached between six and seven o‘clock last evening. _ In t.l;e ::‘nru of the fored- noon, thirtyâ€"eight 0 ngers an one of the crew, were fo?::dedby a tug to Lamlash, from which they were 2:.;;’)? to érdrdut;m byflkx? ;{;tmer 61," M lph!n & wa kin Â¥â€"= mdo-u free passage, and uung'fem v ‘transfered to the 2:15 p. m. train, oonny 2o 200E mt C i c 000 I C portions of the vesgel n;rihcz them where they lay, and several by the noise and confusion which_ ensued overberd as â€"soon as the nature of the occurence was sately ‘ by wh by which went on to Glasgow. b’Wlm' th†sollision ‘tookoâ€hoo many of the passengers, a . few ‘of ; whom were the passengers, & , IOW ol ; wnom . wo o mvnnï¬up.udmankmd. some by the noise of the brash, others by disclosed. An: the ~midst of: the alarm, when nelrl{ every one was mainly conâ€" cerned for his personal ufetI, the majority were probably. not in a condition to note particularly what . was going on‘n-g'und KE;;"; â€"hl“ :)nn;:awmd" with a statement by‘ one of t engers, as follows :â€"LI was r;o of a ng:'bor cgm:;- age passengers who wene gol apada ndw-ï¬dn. tos &mem by steamer .» Between:a quarter and half past twelve 12 o‘clook I heard the steam whiktle. I was then below and came on deek. : ‘The.night was quite calm and clear.v lâ€"Arstimanr something like the satl of w ship, sn# the‘ next minute the !«Bo~may hare gone . on in the CathBrid. mmp-ngcuvero' Muphon‘d&k khortly after . the collision, _ Most of them were on.l.yï¬pctly dressed. . Many of them lost all their luggage. : Shortly after we struck a boat put off from the Cambria, : but whether utobkolnmm or not I eaunnot tell. ca aino!'tbenwni:z Gem No, 1 saw the oocurence. He perceived hefore the boats came in conâ€" tact that a collision was incvitable, and had made an exclamation to that effect. He came alongside of us, ind the Campria ::l left and. went on mbo?nflmbo G?A:l' pu-':ndpnmton t and waited their till about 8 a. m, Before this the captain of the Rose had run her as nearly ashore :;E-ible, and succeeded so far that her decks were never below water. ‘The exfll and crew remained on board the Rose,:and the tug .continued to make efforts to get the PRose in a position in which she could Jie safely. We remained on board ‘the Gem, and fm_flnï¬vlo-‘" st €he passeagers could not get out. ‘T:t? mï¬w lhfze*l:ow ;ha passengers got up from / 'W‘f ut think flny'“-upt havre come np ; the Yesterday morning, between twelve think they> must have come np DY hC hole made by the bollision. : Several of the f--nsm teceived slight bruises, but I did not hesr of any being seridusly burt. : When I came. on deck there was :go. and Ebaw wothing ‘of him Blee the tocidedt. * hi‘ ‘brother,"who came wifh me to Lamlash, was inqutri for chim, but could. hear M“‘m gontinued there till another passenger proposed that we should § and see what the captain intended to do with us. He finally arrsaged to . sead us to Lamlash m‘hqu?th“P‘lifl!f'm was to arrange with, Lioyd‘s agent about _ our being sent t‘obg::?o'. At Lamlash we were put on the Iad{hlary and taken to Ardrossan. We there‘ got a in at once, and proceeded %GGW'- y,; as has been stated, no, lives ‘were lo S,thi collision, although a few rum-m believed to have been slightly injured. Had the Rose been struck furâ€" zw,uhmmmm would hayve certainly goné at once. It is thought ]. 'l .l â€o « but if a. sea sets in, she may be driven to picces on the ‘rooks. Yesterday, two tugs, with the underwriters representative, do., on d to 3..":2.-« of alongside of the Rose, under hé-':‘;le«.vhemi.n- rsaistance of the damaged Allan Pinkerton is the proprietor of perhaps the largest detective establishâ€" ment of this kind in the country. Witi headquarters at Chicago it has extensive ramifications throughout the country, and is efficiently represented in the larges t cities. â€" In‘ lzev York, Mr. H. Wâ€" Davis superintends the Eastern branch. It was this gentlieman who earned the sobriquet of the " Spanish Spy,"â€" alludâ€" ed to in connection with the capture of the Horrnet He acted simply in his the Hornet He ‘acted simply in his professional capacity and conducted his work without the coufusion of any perâ€" soval feeling. It is Allan Pinkerton . who has the credit of having frustrated the atrocious conspiracy to assassinate the lamented Lincoln, on his departure to. Washingtou, prior to his inauguration. This is a matter of history. f GIFT ENTERPRISE DETECTIVE. | They are a set of fellows who can be seen lounging about the corners, who ; are well dressed, if flashy garments can make them so, and yet have no ostensible. occupation. ~ You see them in the same ‘ place, with the same lazy air and swagâ€" ger, day after day. But though lounging apparently, they are like suakes in the sunshine, heen{y on the watch. Preâ€" sently a person passes of an unmistabable verdant tingeâ€"for these fellows are per= fect Lavaters in their interpretation of physiognomics. . One o:' themiwill hand greeny a card setting forth in %o'l.g terms chances of fortune making by ioâ€" vesting in a gift enterprise. .Alother! offers to show him the place; he is called a " steerer." Our friend from the counâ€" try, charmed with their courtesy tollows, and is victimized. ‘Leaving the place : in disgust, and swearing vengeance against his plunderers, he is accosted by one with an air of authority. ‘The new actor asks him if he has been/swiudied in that gift concern? â€" The reply that he was swinâ€" dled, of ‘course. l’bo countryman . is then informed that the speaker is a detective (open his coat and show. a shield)â€"that be has long been watching his establishment for the purpose of haulâ€" ing them up |to justice. . He next invites the conuntrymay to go to his officeâ€"a small room with a desk and a â€" couple of chairsâ€"and once there, he, apparently after reflection, advises :3: poor victim that the law‘s delays vexatious and expensive he recommends that he be permitted to.compromise with the gift enterprise peaple, :; returning oneâ€"half of his loss. Greeny consents and the detectives goes in lgr share of the spoils. â€" THE BOGUS DETECTIVEZ* The “;:Eu detective," arms himself with@ shield, and practices upon emiâ€" grants in a variety of ways. A favourite game of this class of scamps is to conduct an emigrant to I‘O?II exchange office to exchange his foreign piéces for curâ€" rency. éounter&itpmonel, cither of government papér or specie is given him, and the emigrant, farlu'pl. ignorant of our langaage as well as customs, is helpâ€" less and remidiléss. This class of bogus doteotib ve iï¬ovher on "the I:otout l!’orc "job.‘‘ Nothing escapes his vigliance fo{ he avails hinielf of weakness and vice, ;. Some make a practice of placing theméelvesin the vicinage of haunts of infamy â€" and observing the visitors. Sometimes it happens that a husband, or person of high nociuutu‘m:r even a member of a church, has n tempted to enter its portals. â€" Our bogus detective ;t:eh him to his ho"ae and on the next despatches a note demanding a sum of {lo'ney, or on refusal thmtong an exâ€" posure. This is not an unfrequent " sCALLAWAGS AND COUNTERFEIT CoP= ~+Bhere are a class who have no office but their pookets and no furniture‘ but a card upon which is incribed ®" Mr. Blank, private detective, Post Office box blank number.‘" â€" When the newspapers announce a robbery as having occured, Mx‘-i. Blaouk, waits g‘-upam h?bbe‘ and presenting card, states t has aclue to the robbers, and offers to work up the case. [The person then tells him, probably, ;h:kjfllm he :eoo‘;;nhdn perty, he will .simply~ reward . him. E’. Sg;ilpwag refuses t.o, work in that manner, as he will be 'n?ected to great expense, but he will work the case on pqmqn& of :el:o!uefl cï¬uhll',i';l and .:aben the ro 1$ C make: a 5555" ci::g ‘Tn ‘the “'incidenul:'!' which meabs‘cash right along. Is alâ€" lowed, which it often is, why that is the ‘last of the cash and no renI{n. OLERKS As DETECTIYVES.â€" C : Aunother : form in which: rascals asâ€" sume the : temporary :â€"part of : detectives is in: the. oase of mercantile houses who have been in, the habit; of uflnz or oo Anrempmanie n ted mss employ having access.to, books and papers assures himszoi all the facts and Plun- the employment, at the same timg purâ€" loining pgcrs containing the evidence of fraud. He then notifies them thatunless a certain sum be furnished he will ~make the facts : known~to the authorities. Unfortunately this is not a rare manâ€" DPETECTIVEKIX NEW YORK. Allan Pinkerton‘s Eetablishment. ceuvre, as there are not a few firms who lay themselves open thus to be opgrated TPE CHARGES FOR WOREING CASEBS® » â€" The ebarges made by detective buréaux fro working cases, vary with ciroumstancés but the average charge is $10 per diem u;;l iuciiem.al:rl;I the latter embraces ;l: the expenses that are necessary to made, and: -ou‘lub\ly ntywith';.inln- stances. | They do business in sa nianuer as mercantile mwui: are done, If the person g:mA for their services represents a ; fL ‘,zp.ï¬ standing, ot-buk,hLï¬v.m. it, if they are not of bd.-iilgu ‘are ubon.lb:{mWï¬â€™p in advance. The kind of busingss, §¢¢ ulï¬::mc wide range, . - the ing ‘out of a â€" stupendoss : : mwnuhintlmâ€"fm'tbdu- try, who upt-l to by his pareots be too gay.â€"N. 7. Telegram R 1869. Paltoka. . He told his wife he was going down cellar.to commtt sueide, and dldz down : stairs‘and fire a broadside into pock parel . Jaw "wine Vept »right ie Ehi s te Inik C an en got any feeling. and matked very low. ir * mCs a ï¬.xfpa-n oi Eo ,"'"“‘“P'm +. B BVA 4 .â€" that the hon. WemDst 0. ?%ot-buk.&-l:bvm.fl e ts in on ‘brfode a" Sever Sngen, | nok nbould mak » auch thi if they are not of bd‘â€"u;vr fl-rmdummwm. long tinfaes | 2t seen the building. > unknown, they are requested 4o pa in 'u‘;-â€wm of performing its duties | Charges himeel{, and . had vance. The kind of busings, A¢¢ n order for its beaithy developmient, and to m::::law lfl:,«w- wide , range, . keep in condition say orga®,Ahe biged | and that the porvy : ferreting ‘out of a â€" stupendogs . a TD aes? maust be in §ood order. «Beiioes‘| commended by himself. 'lmtlmâ€"fm’bdu- Conproox» rmu“. had.. himself gomne over | , »whio l‘rlb by his : pareots |. tbe mussons membrang, pro. | foreman, and was perfecti; too gay.â€"N. Â¥. Telegram -&“w and give tome to the wm,u:hum y #~* ... mows *â€"2" : The liver, stomach and heart must be in good gu-'n...“,'.ur: .Einu â€"The madest man in Indians lives at @mnitSs se lot of Cornwail blankets just reâ€" om the factory at Magee: & Russell‘s, e w h Iaeradly ‘ feroamoie . nhs t favon: s be Thermopylse and the Leander (another of and n‘dbxï¬n:h.:" and â€" . the â€"â€" next again, refused ‘to disappear quite out of sight astern. At leagth,on the night of the 7th,â€"there came a snoring southerly gale and the Thermopylse at last samk.the trueck . of . the £emder Atter this (on the 16th A“E:::e) she came across the Ajar (s), ward bound, bud, with the assistance of a strong breeze, ke haeoï¬m for two days, In the (&nnel l{ako the Forward Ho} which had‘ left Shanghai three days before her. The greatest run in any one day shown by her. log is 318 The in of the Thermopy!®, from Fooâ€" Chowâ€"l‘0>, the Aberdeen clipper which this year «as won the reguiar homeward race from Jhiva, narrates several eggiting episodes. The pijot left her at "'hite Dogs at 5. 30 on t.h::lt’hof July, at which time her vo: act 01«»d On the 27th of w} she passed the Achilles in the Straite Gf, and sighted her l?in off the Cape of Good Hog:chon the 2ist of Aug, a ciroumstance which shows the tea a{pten) had a quiet sailing match together, which must have lightened the monotony of the voyage. On the 2nd. of August the former sighted the latter ahead two points on the lee bow. Next morning the Lender was abead one point out he weather bow. By one o‘ clock that bhow little steam has day the two shipg were right abreast. Next day the Leander had been dropâ€" knots, beh%int strong southâ€"east: trade wind. ‘On her voyage out to Melbourne, however, which sho accomplished in 61 days, being the quickest ever made by a sailing vessel she ran 336 knots in 24 hours, and for 28 days at a stretched â€"When a ckild is trying to coax . its mamma into doing anything, what French author does he name ?â€"Do, ma ! (N. B. â€"â€"ALEXANDREE.) â€""Ma," said a little urchin, ing from beneath the bed clothes. B?pn eold ; I want ‘ some more cover on the ‘bed." "Lie still my dear," said the IKCIDENT* OF THE TEA CLIPPERAS trom church : she has got the. comforter for a bustle." * muother, â€"A "Mother of a family‘"‘ writes to the papers suggesting that boxes be put mp at convenient places in New York and other cities, "so that every one who disâ€" approves of the 'hiyev:lzng of vice will have a chance to contribute a penny toward defraying the expenses of Mr. Me Fadad§ miat®" " 00000 ; â€"â€"A clergyman was once endeavour» in;togotn .subscription in aid of some charitable object out of a closeâ€"fisted ï¬mh_ ioner, who attempted to excuse imself on the ground that he M owed a great deal of money. **Bat," said the minister, "you owe God a _ lurger than you do any one else ." *"*That Lis parson ; but then he ain‘t pushing me like the balance of my creditors," o 1e â€"The drinking usages of Americus, Ga., are peculiar. A party of friends were last week seated in fr ont of a groâ€" cery in that lively town, â€"when one of the number named Doolittle arose, drew his pistol, and said, "Hide out, I‘m going to shoot !" and began a promiscuous firing. The put{ scattered in different directions; when he called to one, telling him to stop or he would shoot him, Whereupon Mr.: Ironmonger arose and insisted that he should stop, 4s he burt some one, when Dookttle turned upon himâ€"the ball | piercing the : heart.and killing him instantlyâ€"remarking ag. the deceased fell, "Are you hurt, Joe?" ceived ex Steamer, one case French Merinoes, all the new colors, splendid, quality, oply 2s. 64. per yard, worth 33. 64. _ * _ _â€"â€"Life has few Charms for the Dyspeptic whiich is not to be wondered at when wetake into the account the amount of bodily and Pneniee The Fanivine Sying (e ievsosae * eruy yrup (a e of iron) has cured thousands no(mm- lug from this dissase.. t Piuss{+â€"Dr.J. Brigge‘ unrivalled File Remeâ€" dy is mild, soothing and reliable for Internale External, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It afâ€" fords immediate réliet wud rapidly ~cures thâ€" most distressing cases, except those requiring surgical operation. All such cases are bene fited by the use of the Remedy. ‘Thousands upon thonsands buve suffered from this dis» tressing disease, in its various forma. Allâ€"such miseries can be done Q“&llh by using Dr. J. Brigge‘ Pile Remeey. by all Druggists and Country Merchants. . â€" 18192502 Hark! What sound is‘it that strikes such a chill to the heart? â€"A deep hollow cough. In awe we listen tofluw;ad we know oommwon' the 4 has -Irkd‘ another for its own, but science has given to the world a reliable powerful ally, able to cope with the formidable fos. To all, each and onryoulmlduy,m-utdumhduph. but hasten : to procure Dr.J:: Briges Renoveâ€" w.(hvaTM“ Lung Healerâ€"and conquer. ° heretofore conquéring deagly malady. â€" Sold by lr-qimaleoulrynm- chants generallys Dr. J. Briggs & ©06. No.=6 Im_mma"-flomd this preoparation bas rendered it a general favourite. The Civi Servion Gazetrs reâ€" marks:â€"*The singular: success which h.. ?pumbyhhhmoa-ï¬hmm cocoms has never been surpassed by any exï¬:l-aohllu. By a thorough knowledge of the natural Jaws whirh govern the operaâ€" tions of digestion and nutrition, and ty a careful application of the fine properties of wellâ€"selectwd cocom, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfest tables with a delicately favour»â€" ed beverage which may ‘save us many hearvy doctors‘ bills." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold by the trade only in $1b jb and 1ib tinâ€"lined packets, labelledâ€" Jaxues Kers & Co., Homeopathic Oheniist London, England., 113885 Wem © When the is or wak it pnflmydth m’*o .uo(l-.'m z-pllodumuobdyho long tintes w‘.u‘l.flmm of performing its dutics In o‘r:t Tor its héalthy developmsent, and to keep in healthy condition any organ, the biged Gartixo, Mov roumor & Co. have just Wâ€"ww' + nmnn-i heart must be so._l tary muscles, assists digestion, aids in forming convey it h1 w'z!.rmfl nscessary oridation. ‘The nervous system must : in good order, m- the nerves and dfl the vital "".:""3&""""“" 'g‘.'.'.'.l“""‘"‘ Pripe $1.05 per noute * s 59/ ues r yEBLLORI ' the mucuous membrane, proâ€" wrélion, and give tome to the nest. day came J M+." Ns {PRICFTâ€"3 CENTS. [ O Tuvasoay, D cemi»r 16. L The SPMKE, took the Chair at 3:10, n‘WD said it was <xpected that about that amoglt would ‘be spent. ‘The building w be finished about next. November, when it would accommodats about §00 inâ€" Mr. BLAKE said that the intention of the Government. statec¢ Ao the Honse was to LUNATIC a8Â¥iUMs. On the item «4 $109,205 â€" Nr. BLAKE a«krd if wa« intended that the whule amount should be +xpended. Attorneyâ€"General MACDONALD eaid that the gentlemen opporite nm have raized a noise if the amounts paid exceeded the appropriation made w House, but in this case there was i» to complain of. He had himself gome to Belleville and to Ee M m SA C C po-ll.\xe ut the choapest rates They had purchased the farm of Mr. Hay, of London a thoroughâ€"going Grit. They had been asked $100 an acr«, from the proprietor of the 100 acres adjoining, but whea he saw the asylum in coutrse uf erection, and that there ‘was no chance of his getting the price he asked, he offered it at sso-ntcrLA better bargain was thus made in OctoDer than would have becn made in April It was hoped the estabâ€" lishment vou!ld be made a selfâ€"sustaining one, but even ii the Government succeeded in London with the Commissfoner of Public Works, and they had selected the best gites e t hy NO CAE C n eR ds F cheaper, Thâ€"y were themsclves surprised bee at the.cheap price at which they bad beon doing this they would get no approba~ tion from the gentiemen opposite, They would, of « ceitainty, be accused of conâ€" mection with some job. . The estimates brought down last year had been comâ€" piled by Mr. Tully, based upon the mode in which these asylums were built in other countiics. The Government found, however, that they could ‘ build the asylum - L. C mclons ce â€"enenrtand oadloins d dud oV Pn PC P byilt, â€" The Co.amissioner of Public Works in in all cases insisted upon the lowest prices from those who worked for bim. Mr. CUMBERLAND said that the opposi= tion of the bon. member for ?rpog was most OonTARIO LCCISLATURE. factious. Tout gentiâ€"man bhad not said that the building w«s an expensive ORe, Of that the appropriation had been eretr exceeded. He had such a capacious maw for legislation that he forgot what were the dutics of jthe House in these matters, 1f be had the plans and specifications and estimates and every» thing else before him, he 'nu&-hbly know as much about them as he about Hindoo stock.: (Hear, hear.) . Was it not suffictent thas the dniu_tqoo.udow_nvuh want, and to supply it in a partiqular manner, und to ask the Hous» to give them a supply ? ‘The House had the power of holding the ministry responsible to tuldl their promise. The Government did not say that they had exceeded their eatimatesâ€"that they had on mcoount of wrobg information to ask the House for an additional voteâ€"on the contrary, they came to confirm and justify their first expressed opinions. Buch queralous objecâ€" tions mas those taken by the member for Bruce were enough to dispirit any. public men, . The prevailing custow of governments matter, All the hon. gentlieman: had to say ‘was that drains had to be cnt:in such a place to drain some springy land. Mis only inten» tion seemed to be to endeavour to throw some cloud over the administration, not to effect was to come down and ask for increased votes in such cases. . How ungenerous, unjost and depressing it was for the member for Bmoowoo-ocndnln“rï¬lw about ‘the strength of a wall or some such any goed purpose. "‘Mr. BLAKE #aid that the faot was that the Govérnment last year asked for $100,0080, and Mr. WOOD said that it was disuinctiy understood to the House that the building mz.ugu was to have accowmoAated 600 Mtr. BLAKE said that he understood from a letter that the beilding was not being proâ€" perty erected. » » Mr. WOOD, in all his experience in Parlia« men had Hever heard of a tnember ow such .u,.'lum_ making so: grave a charge. '!tm‘du‘n*â€-"- hoa. mem â€" ©" * Sus sadts soiMiMicccce: Snfmcnalit how they asked for $190 009. "I‘rue, they stated ‘that the proposed amount to be ex= pended was $250,000. ber, without secing the buildings Limsell, without employing a compotent person to examine them, without knowing smything, eaceeaeies e o MAE o c enta tAï¬ t s we 4 to fact, of the matter, ‘to ‘cast «@uch a slur of the Government and wpon the contracâ€" tors, and all concerned. (FHear, hear). The hon. member ‘was bound *to be â€"â€"dizsatisfied. Nothing would satisfy Wim. .1( the Govern» :;lt pald for the* :‘mm“u the ‘bufldtog". gave it to the country, : 'dm We dissatisfied. â€" He mu,.;;upu-nmhâ€"w-d the (Governiment lived on breadâ€"and cheese, and went and carried bods on the work, ahd daily eramined the masonry, . he wou‘l "* !""*" pleased He would like to know if there was g.,mmmu-uw.\ nï¬ tAr Ammocnbiitly "o1. mntking ihe o statement hw the work. He would: not give the same oT bis informaut. He was a, gentlieman who did not live in .lzdo-.h‘;fl“.wl:: reogns (Biake‘s) request. ter, which condemnid everything about the buildieng» ie Atty â€"Gen. MACDONALD . said the hon. miember was ‘bound, after stating his belief in what ‘had : bren stated in the letter, to tor a Committse to examine the bullding. If this had ben done, the result would have branded the wiiter as aA was looked apo» as one of the highest and driest farms in the neighbourhood. He, howeve:, thouzht that a high pricehad been paid. He had ~eard from disinterested conâ€" tractors that the work was well done. He had himself «en the stoue, and considered it generaily good. The sand hbe had seen carted to the snot was anything but of the proper sort. He"did not know if it was heed "The sit was ont of the best in the fortable bouse on one ol them, Wws ® s orchard. «Hear, hear.) ‘The item was then passed. , g“,,,mp“nmm-w for Bruce had stated ‘whether or not the per« “‘“M“W“.w person, or was he a politician, NMr. BLAKE said be thought every person in the Province was a politician, Mr, WOODâ€"Yes. But on what side is your Hon. Mr. CALLING thought it vw‘nldr that the hon. member for Bruce and sex should -‘o“d’g-"“mu lnt 2oum the RiollLeInt had beard such m pndad ut h s 00 tm wl o dnngay 4s B aI PC charges himeel{, and . had seut Mr. Tully to exemine the material used, and be had report« ud that the mateiiels wenoflhcllor s and that the sand used was of the kind reâ€" nc Pn semante ind +. tm ntiits P NPOC V W foreman, and was perfectly saiished. He beâ€" Meyed the farms had been purchssed at ® Te ‘quï¬o..l‘hï¬ woald M“w u-u-ug.pï¬vugq_euhï¬u st the Mr. EYANS said that the ="Kay" Farm Hr. BLAKE did not answer. Hear, hear.) Thers would get no -rw;: ntJemen opposite. Y inty, be accused of conâ€" ne job. . The estimates t year had been comâ€" ully, based upon the ese asylums woere built in The Government found, supply an the beginning of the session i#er, ‘to ‘cast wuch a slur it and wpon the contracâ€" erned, (Hear, hear). The ; bound "to be â€"dizsatisfed. trafy Wim. 1( the Governâ€" the» conttrauction: ofâ€" the m «and â€" gave it to the We â€" dissatisfed. > He over the ) Thers was a come of them, with a foe He (Mr, Carling)