power upon trial. m the blood, yvield quckly | MESS PORK, PICKLED SALMON, masiemor the Ereags LABR. HERxINGS, as they often do, from and the e N.od.h‘lfl.‘:‘-â€A‘r l .-Immm:umqum dutles to be agreod up®D s to be in regalar m se of the said Rallwags + atoresaid, and the said secth Lands to differ, so fares: 44 mebt of the Dop . ajon of CH® afor an Act to extoend tBt for the completion of thot rize the enactment of 1 B7# to boudhoiders, and restrich of stockholders under cert»® d to authorise the companF such Rallwage it ::o'-hp-ll- said Act of Incorp sszme of the C AN A AnD NAVIGATI scoumber 16, 1869. s Orraw a T :mas Pusntu® Courart, 1t the Oflce, clee sadden!] its presence by -»:«.E visable, even when no without ex it seems to into one or other of its Â¥ree Granis of the WHA may be made to approved I: enemies of our race. tenant of the organie a Reilwsy from the C wrince of Ontario, to Fort non of the country, that t Inhmdb'w _ Scrofulons poison is om Ayer‘s© As a Dinner PUI, -u:da-_uâ€"-lu An cccasional dose howels into healthy ; and -"':.' the 1 of these Pills makes h hoir cleansing and. t‘.:’m * DL J. C. AYER & LOKELL. ttewve, A*'.) w©C@HICAGO WESB8,/ , 1% BXKAXS p»€@ . and from thenes io 4, 18690 , In hereby girens that ap io to the Parliament of the l.d.omhd-.} rporation for a Company as it produces the Desember 3, 12909. should be taken in duce the effect of a the construstion of a ay from Port Garry, 1 rient point on the fr , with power to Build, taken, as tation of the HK Pll?ll" IG@V0RSâ€" . 3. C. AYXES & % L Coonac Buiaxorts; Renault & Co, Henâ€" Practical 6 nesst, Piper‘s and other brands. d OLLANXD G1%3â€" ° LD BY ALL H Be Kuyper‘s and Houtmans, n wood Ottaws, August 7, 1260. â€" hastls ® diceously taken for each ugo-gin.owlho. sanmadice or Gr, Colic and Rilions <€<€ "‘Mu take, w at to take. no barm can arise freim and all know that what it A, â€"that it never â€m-.... Ra c.\nro‘un., W s«ands m:::â€""_ under the control of in sise or NP CABLS and ANORE upon Rivers and ersed by the 12 @ know that it cured wflquma zad No, 1 all agee and pasy w bear favorable comparison with any imnorted _ And arcther and ..,....:.“,.:g';m raized and -mm‘\:;o.“. herei -.;_..'2‘.3’.'3..'......." 40 bor mibrowes iak porter . , satisty those who may favor me With their egere" JiaMEs NASI?,.‘MuJRdd Fickis Merchant, Pork street, Otiaws, or dirsct Bu; No. 1, PostOfice; Ottawa. Pickle Manufactory on the bank of th: Rideau Take Noticeâ€"Empty Pickle boitles coliected .And the highest prices given. 11967 [rroutast ro WOTEL KEEPERS, GROCERS, PROYVL MON STORES AND OTHERS. 1 herohy give notice of my intention to s# PICKLESsS, mixe d or otaerwise, TOM ATO um TOMAtO KEZCHUP, &0, wholesale, The increase of trade during the luu-rynl: having compeiled to enlarge anufactory harve decineg \.-.nho the 'b-o’h:h trade my special purpose. The stock l\mmhm.wlymll:r- in Canada, and the question of quality is ily setiled by making known the fact that I raise my "l"“".“': :'h“‘:uud at any expense m““ ; they will therefore MRS KENDALL, one of the ]“’ ’fl..im “?“ccflhrnubndum..w... as vaesncios for a fow ladies, a, boarders, i2 8 2 Attend the abore establishment. Freush is made the innzuage of the house. Me v¥¥C Sherries o all grades, Ports of fne quality, Burgundy, Souterne and Maderia Wines ummumuw-.x-mmuop. H1GHWINES, OLD RYE, PROOF AND ()“It’ll Thorme‘s and Stewart‘ Whiske; 3‘10... Seetch iskey and Dunville‘s Irish Whiskey. Murphy‘s Old Irish Pottson. Quinness‘ and London Porter, pts and ats. m:nhnn'-b-. THE ‘OLD STOCK, SAYVED FROM FIRE SELLIXG AT TWENTYâ€"FIYVE PERCENXT BELOW COST. New is the time or bar ainzs 1106 OTTAWA OFFICEâ€"G P Devuwoxo‘s Excharnge VMee, 19 Sparks street. DIRECTORS : AJUOSEPH, Chairman; D C THOMSON, Treaâ€" arer; 5 BFOOTE ATHOMSON, T 8 DUXN. DRUMMOND, Manacor. 1M Incorporated under Chapter LXVII of the Consolidated Statutes ’,aw‘d _ e C."..Th the prom ises. Lw;â€" Coounac | nessy, Piper‘s anc U JOLLA®D « 39 RIDEAU STREET, OTFAW A, 1 Â¥ING OPENED NIS XEKW ESTAEâ€" LISBMENT . (nearly opposite the d Stand,) uBers formale at VERY LOW PRICES a large :‘h:.'"u ‘!:::.q.'l'..u":.. ‘0“ Funcey quors, it Boaps, Sauces, Spices, FPickles, Brooms, Brushes, Cundles, Course and Fine Sait. Aiso. . Bordeauz and other Vinegers. ILNEAAâ€" i | WHI8SKEY, _ 0 _ _ I.hp,dll_l’un.u extremely low prices. Rradymade Ciothing ! _ Readymade Clothing ‘ 1869. I would inform my customers and the public in geperal that I am now receiving my Fall and Winter Stock of Feet Wear which will be toand complete in every department, representing the best work men employed CaPITAL #10T AND sHOE STORE, â€"_ LATEST AND BEST STYLES In Ladies‘, Misses, Children‘s, Men‘s The stock as usual is choson with great care, and is warranted to give satisfaction, and at PRICES DEFYING COMPE&TITION. A. large aupply of Lambermen‘s Woear always on hand. _ Orders taken for all sorts of work, Oaly the AND WINTER IMPORTATION®. prY coops: pRY GoOoDs‘ . DRYX GoODs: GEXTLEMEXN‘8 rATENT CONGRESS, sEAL CONGREsSS, FINK ENGLISH BOX TOED CONGREsS8, HANT*MADE, and other new styles, aAt would call your special attention to his Splendid ASSORTMENT of PRUNELLA BOOTSâ€"But. roned, I aced and Congress. in extensive stook of Prvl{â€"4, § and wmdtan Tweeds, W est ut Es gliand lmdll. ltl..(?mlm.flrw'lhbudubory. Readyâ€" do Suits und General Outitting Goois, whick 1 be found rery select. B@° FOR CASH ONLY. <e Oa34. T. RAJQOTTE, No. 34 Sparke street, Central Town, Ottawa SMALL WARE! SMALL WaRE! 0<34. _ T. RAJQOTTE, _ No. 3 ib l' KXIH WHELAX, +HEAP ENGLAND sCHOOL 8 O 0 71 ï¬mâ€sdu‘ reasted daily on Japan, uty hm Congou, LImpeoriel, Young . VOL V. NO. 1255, BOOTSs AND SHOES FOon ALL WEATHERS." YOUNG LaADIEs, 8 TELEGR APH COMP ANXY Boots J Nhoes: REss BooTs T HE RED BOOT, 84K TlHk NEW STYLES THE RED BOOT. and Boy‘s Tailoring. W. A. LA MB TORK STREET. s 1/ M M E R, FAaLL AT AT GEORGE MURPHY. 1869. s H 0 E8 ! . A practicas experience of sizteen years U\.‘o:sd uv-’:-d cities of Canada .:::: nited States enables me to suit the rarious tastes and Mth'mdnll-ym. is made of got u> ver Mll. DUIGNANX*s8, BPARKS B8STREET, OTTAWaA. Afew more gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortabie board and rooms. Gentl@men visiting the Capital will find superior a0dcommoâ€" dation by the day or week at -J:mm.-.. N Bâ€";‘\h bouse is rituated in the immediate 'id.u{ of the Parliament Buildings and the several banks. #19tf wHiTE Was H 1N o, “.mu‘“h. satisfact manner, m“ most reasonable terms that ean be You can get your Painting, Orslni(. Olasing h'..hngh.. Kalsomining and That valuable parce! of land known as the | Egan Lot, opposite the Russell House, will be | leused for a term of yoars hnil‘h.lou.l.vlui a frontage of twonty ieet on &Eparks street. And also that part of tas south half of Lot G, in | Con. C, Nepean, which lies between the Bank #treet | Road and the Concession Line on the West side | of Con. C. About sizxteoen acres, og che westeriy end of this lot, opposite the residence of E Slor-’ weod, E1q, are cleared and fit for l--odm.ul.' tivation ; the remaiming portion is covered with | a beautiful grove of second growth pines, &c, and trom its close proximity to the city it would make a very fine pleasure yround or public garden. 1243aÂ¥! }in to the ton, all in 'lw THE PUBLIC. ie s is 220 C Haet /A Profits. F h('»:l.v Produce bought for cash. GROCERS & COMMISsy1ON MERCHANTS, | suitable for town or country use. Gooderham & Wort‘s H. Wines, Old Rre and :-ml kept constantly on hand, and sold at very TOBACCOS, | LIQLORS of all deseripticos, and a geceral assortiwent of t Wamlience, UConnor.st. «orner of Slaterâ€"st., Conâ€" tre Towa. . Orders may be lettat his residence or at Orme & Son‘s Music Store. Mr. GUSTAVE SMLTH, (Organist ofthe Cathe Cral)a Graduate of the 1-;3.‘1 Conservatory o | 7 T. *k Pormpartq"wthas. s thea Pâ€"ou+ Paris. Lessons on Piano a i Singing. Rideauâ€" stroet, corner of K ingâ€"street N. B.â€"No Bensine Coroal. PlAlo-'olrn TUITIO®. C C W. C. CLARK, Professor of Music and Teacher of Piano, Voice and Harmony . Muse Rooms ant ~â€" PorradIeap ++ dn C to attend to their -.c:.;l.' 'r;:'c"K-'i; _more promptly than heretofore. all vigit Ottawa once a month. fe . Orders received at Mr. Bermingham s Auction LAZARUS, MORRLS Roomes, and at E. Miles‘ Music Store. _ _ 8EKDO, 8. BESEDICT vvep h o Yen Fihay‘c rdiieti in cnt rabatzkes.. * U _ decided to divide his time equally between \ Ottawa and Ogdessbargh, would beg to inform his his old patrons and others, that he hopes, in future, | to attend to their ordars fartmumim_ L026 0 ERUE Purther particulars may be cbtained on appliâ€" ' eation to Mrs Robert Stewart, Wilbrod street. | Otlawa September Â¥th, 1869. 11 i8ef mâ€"“â€" Plllo TUNINXG.â€"The subscriber baving ; duoidad tn diwiie ie aiaus 1000 ns EOOAE with an ascomplished lady toam that her Danciog Classes will Wednesday, the 22nd instant. You can For further information apply to The c‘eared portion would be leasei separately sand Dollars TOVES at Fimaxzor Derartueyxr, Uttawa, ) 2th October, 1868, No: 104. The tollowing Incurance Co-put has reoceives a license to transact the business of Lite Insuranc in Canada ; No. 34. The UNION MUTUAL LLFE INXSUR ANCE COMPAN Y , of Maine. Deposit in U. 8. ds of ‘81â€"$50,000. B. T‘?JR\' LN, General Agont, St. Johs. N n $40,000 worth of goods arriving. DN Remember " out motto"â€"Oui t r@Haow Pad c dB M cii d VOUu+ hh.. Pickled C“‘h!ll:on an d 'J:.c:’:r’ol will ) kept sale at very low prices, lot f_hm.:?zm Conrse SA I.'l'rlu bags apecial attention given to the pnrihuhu on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, . Sait, Iron, Fire Bricks, Fire Clq. &0., &0. Pis y j 108 muroan â€"© & LIbE INSURANC® CoMPA) OF MA/IN L. Mre Robert Stowart having made arrangements FPORWARDER, GE NE R AL AG ENT Agencres. C T ®. meaornes, _â€" â€" Agent for ‘he Beavor, Tororto Matual Fire and Live stoâ€"e Insurance Co, weperal Commi«sion Agent, Impo tere, Menuficture» and Mining Ag +ot Mining claims constaat‘y on han s , Ofice, cor rer Metcafeo and Sparks streets, over Maun Bros Hardware Stora Ot awa, November 7, 1868, ov 13, 1‘691 20 F.l.lx CA..IA\'. COMMIsSsStON . HONX MALCOLM CAMERON has, removed his Ufice to the New Building between the Onâ€" tario Bank rad the Turs Office on Sparks stroct Mr. Waddell wil! act for Mr. Cameron in his atâ€" sence, and is authorized to gront recelpts, MALCOLM CaMERROoX. nw %% scul Bpecial L ANG No. 36 UK R A 11 USICAL aCiDE»v. PEOPLE‘S TEA sSTORE Eâ€"BASKERVILLE & BRo, WHOLESALE AxD RETAIL ANCLINXG AND DErPOR TMENT. SUGARS, ROVINCIAL INSsURAXcc @ announce that they sre receiving a HERE A sPECIALITYT PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 062 SPARKS STREKET G KR OCE IRIE s Educattonat. No. 3, WRTUISTLE & Cco, Cor Sparks and Metcaifo sts. eauâ€"st., and Dukest., Chaudiere, of No. 1 QUEBEC,. . "I Agent, St. Johb, NX.B For the Xinister of Finance JnX LANYTON, A stylish sign can be ESMONDE BRos. « Peterâ€"ar, B. R. CORWIN, F C C Creris .. W. LaXa, ; ing Class is un be accommodated * ;}‘u':' Lre rooms. Genti@men ‘l,’“‘ â€" superior accommoâ€" , noderate terms Book m an d in the immediate | ___. & Buildings and the ‘ROST, 1 x _| [ MERCHANT Quick Sales and commence on on in his ab. | â€" A large and varied ment o West of Kng. ::‘,'P';.“‘ **" | tang Broadeloths, Cassimeres, Seotch and Cg0%â€" AMERONX | dan T weeds, of the Anest qualities for the fall and 1 204tf * | winter "city and country trade." . â€"â€" â€" â€"â€" We hare now on handé a large sapply * o | clothing manufactured under our own supervision 2HANT | expressly for shanty purposesâ€"consisting of ; PANTs, CoOaTS, vEsTS, SsHILRTS, UNDERâ€" SHLRTS. DRAWERS, &c, &0, to which we invite 1 &0C., &0,, | tho attention of the LUMBERLING COMMUN1â€" TY who will fad it to their interest to examine | our stock betore purchasing their winter supplies. T18y | # THt NY Ottawa, 31st * ecember, 1869. Authorized discount on £Lmerican Invoices until further notice : 18 per cent. R. 8, M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs ' FRUITS AaAND Â¥EGETABLES supplied and delivered on shortest notice. Game of all kinds, . BUSS & CO‘8, 21 Rm:av Fnou, enost, rRrost. BUSS & CO‘3 OYsSTERS Are free from frost, and always fresh, ree * _ LOBSTERS AXD FISH always on hand at lowast prices in the city. All descriptions ot 0,000 â€"35,000 The classes will (D Vy reassemble after the Christmas boiidsys, on TBURSDAY, JAN 6th. The Principal is aided by a rtaf of highly asâ€" complished Gcvernesses and sSuperior &uuu. who thm;n-.hly w‘ tlol‘r. work. The French language. a daily study, taught by a Freoch Lo,;, who resides in the school, l‘u affording an exenlient opportunity for the Boardâ€" Ing Pupils to acquire the ianguage. The Draw. ing Class is under the able tuition of M Chabert, _.ï¬â€™hn are several vacancies for Boarding [|GOoLM sILVER SHELL AND S$TERL § °. 1ugton street, MISS A. M. HARMON, Parscirar. Ola Citisen Building, near Little Sussex st. In addition we nave, as usual, a frst class Tailoring and Cutiing Establishment where genâ€"‘ tlemen and youth‘s elothing can be made on the shortest pessible notice in every *ylo and quality, and a good 6t ensured. o ALEX.. DUFF. O‘MEARA & O USTOMS DEPARTNE®T, K Complete Stock of Dress Goods, conâ€" sisting of Merinos, French Reps, Lustres, W inceys, together with a large lot of Faney Filannels, Kerseys, Tickings, Grey and White Cottons, &e, &c. . ounted in Canadian and English manutasture, of and qualities, at prices lower than eve ofered in this ciiy. . PIECKS ETOFFEY and SATLâ€" 1,000 "=~:zyz» from 60¢ to 10¢ per yard. A LARGE SUPPLY of Woolen Socks and Mitts, Deerskin Mitts and Moccassins 1,000 PihRFECTED _ SPECTACLES oUXG LabiE$ INSTITUTE, / A PM"A periect fit nteed. YUU’_O_ & RADFORD, Uctober 6, 1869. oUNG & RADFOR® ‘ M E A R A N EW ASSORTMENX r ses can be obtained at Messrs Durie‘s and at the school. 52 3 EYL UGLASSES, CENTBAL â€" OTTaWA Uave just received a BEAMLESS BAQGs, LINEN $A0G8, very cheap; PAIRS BLAXNKETs, No 35, ASparks treet, Goods. O‘MEARA & CO, Boardigg | °_ ASsK FOI rs Durie‘s m to see tha §2 g » *m * .bo-o ot the _ E.M with a s & Partide gar is 0 [(fa n of ull sizes ever betore Cco OTTAWA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 18;0 BTEADY yeut-urlod man and _ wife Wages, $50 par month with comfortabis. houme, w com e house, and Aring free. Apply to GRO PURVIS, Por. Two €G00D TINSMITHS Wholesale and for Ex the W oreesters ; Crosse u‘m B!:’ol'dlm &o, &o; and by Grocers ‘and Oil.men univerâ€" sally. §2712%36. law and to see that their names are u the wrapper labels, stepper and bottle. E* Lome of the foreign imarkets having been supâ€" fl.ld with a spurious Worcestershire S suge, -nn ::hâ€c and lnabois of which the names of Lea & P nbn.lflu.bndl"inm that they Shave furnished their correspondents n'..h'.: w / ':l.::.dm of "n. s acturers At such, or an other .:;:z- by which their right may d infringed. Ask for LEA & rFERRINS‘ Sauceand see Name on Wrapper, Label, Boitle . and Stopper, ' The success of this most delicioas and unrivalâ€" lod condiment bhaving caused cortain dealers to ap; y the name of =" Worsestershire Sauce " to the.: own inferier compounds, the public is hereby informed that the only way to secure the genuine, is o _ _ y se As a Lotton®â€"Pure or diluted with a little water AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN ITCBINGS DISEASES OF THE SCALP. Guyot‘s tar has been tried with the groatest suocess in the pdul: hospitale of gnu.. Betgiam and Spain. rrotiom has proved it to be the most bygionis drink in hot weather and in time of epidemics. Detailed jastructions aoâ€" company each bottle. f â€" Uno:onl depot in Paris; L FRERE, 19 rue Jaanh: ui wbi4d. the Artstrchudvraait lprinclplu. Guyot‘s tar possesses all the adyrâ€"ntager of ordinary tar water without any of its diawbacks. A glnes of excellent tar water without any disâ€" agresable taste may be instantancously obtained by pouring 1 teaspoonful into a glass of water. _ Any ore can thus prépare his gines of tar water at the moment he requires it, thus economizing time, facilitating carriage, and obriating the disagreeable necessicy ot havdiing tar. Guyot‘s tar replaces ldunu'nau!y several more or lees inactive rluu in treatment of colds, bronchitis, coughs and catarrhs. | vujyot‘s tar is employed with the greatest sucâ€" cess in the following daiseases : | As a DnAuo-r;'A“t;;c-Ea'-lul in aâ€" water, or two tableâ€"spoonfals in a bottle : {vrer» tass J es CcONCENTRATED PROOF LIQUEUR. M Guyot bas succesded in depriving tar of its insupportable sourness and bitterness, and in rendering it very soluble. ProQ.ing by this bappy diman, be prepares a concentrated liqueur of tar, which in + smail volume contains 51".:0 proportion of active principles. MAnuwalls ses ces en 2 â€" EMVE everywhere. Be sure to call for «MRS8 WINSLOW‘S SOOTHING SYRUP." Maving the /acâ€"srimile of " Cartis & Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base imitaâ€" mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magio. It is pertectly safe to use in all amses, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preâ€" seription of one of tne oldest and best female phyâ€" nole** «14 ourses in the United States. Price 25 get a bottle of mMrs. WINSLOW‘S 800THING SYRUP. It will relieve th poor little sufferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. ‘There is not a mother on earth who ba ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it 'flln‘nhuthoboroh.suginnutom h.A Moipmiinnicts, Aiist disturbéd at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth ? If so, go at once and Ds. A. W. Bru1p1=0, of Knowlesvilie, New York, says; " I have used it in severr i cases of Bpecial Irrithtion and tor the worst cases of Piles, and sundry other compluints, and find 1t a superiore article, and well worthy the notice of all ." Purchasers should be sure and ask for Dr. BR. Trask‘s Iniude Vintment, and see that the words «A. TRAsK‘3 MAGNEIIC OINTMENT ‘ are on the wrapper. Northrop & Lyman, Newpbastle, C. W., General Agents for the cnuiu. d in Ottewas by all draggists and by medicine deaiors every wher e. A8SK FOR LEA & PERRINS‘ SAUCER,* ARBON OIL As clear as pure‘water, 60 conts WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, Declared by Connomsours SMART KA & PERRINS» ) @abua Mothers i mowners & Mre. 8. A. ALLEXN®3 ZY LOBALSAMUM, amotker Preparation for the !iair ; clar and transparent, without sediment. /1 is very siniple and uften produces wouderful results. its great superivrity .1 as a Hair Dressing over kigh cost Frenck omade s z acknowledged by all not only‘ in this country but im Kurope. ‘Ih K!'tbn'r and Zylobalsamum tLuU not be used one with the o‘ther. SOLD BY alt Drunansama NWill Hestore Gray il;l: to its Natural Life, Color and Benuty. It is a most delightfur Hair Dressing. It wili promote luxuriant mowth. B FALLING HAR is immediately checked. CcaUTION AGAINST FRAV New Atylec. Important Change. A REAL HAIR uï¬g‘l‘ï¬nl AND DRESsING â€"______ Com in One Bottle. MRS. S. A. ALLEN‘®S BAfAIR RESTORER BRONCRITIS CATARRH OF THE BLADDER coLps OBSTINATE COUGHS _ IRRITATION OF THE CHEST . _‘ HOOPING COUGHK â€" DISEASES OF THE TBROAT PULMONARY CONSUMPTION WEHhE oxuy aoop savcr. W anted at letore. 8. R. Van Doger & Co., holesalea l-)rvu;m 36 Barlsy St. und 45 Park Piace. Newâ€"Yoruk. #4, S8PECLIAL NoTicKs. CELEBRATED TO BB ESMONDE BROS. swonbk Bace. * Soup BT aLt Dxuooists. Mothers iâ€"Are you _ GRAT HAlK 13 a certain indication of desay at the roots. BEAUTIFUL HATR, | Nature‘s Crown. | You Must Caltivate it | Tul‘ll‘ll'.. .l.. “ aVVOâ€"a 4y laudable endesvors to assist in laying the foundation of a native literature in this Apoother l{:l:t of note, Alexander Mclaughin has burned his fingers in Rteader. ‘The St. John (N. B.) Quarterâ€" ly has also published two or three poems by him, one of them _ on the subject of " The Oarsmen of St. John ;" begl.due]s a lengthy review of Heavysege‘s Then again as to Evan McColl. Here is another toiler at the weary oar of perpetual labor in the Customs Depareâ€" ment at Kingston on a salary which any merchant of any note would scorn to pers; and he left that emplofment only to take hold of an almost equally wearâ€" ing occupation to‘one of bis fineâ€"strung organization and poetic temperament. There (in Ottawa) he will probably wear out the best years of his life, on a mere pittance, sad in the most toilsome of all office drudgery. â€"If we had a wholeâ€" souled patriot in the ministry who loved his country half as well as Mr. Sangster has proved he does from the many naâ€" tional strains he has given us, we should soon find bim placed in such a position as would enable him to do justice to the good opinion, in a strictly literary sense, which his many friends and admir. ers entertain for him.. By the death of Mr.: McGee ‘ we lost the very man who would have insisted on the recognition of such literary services as those which Mr. Sangster is capable of rendering to the country. Abf I fear that we. lost in Mr. McGee the only man who would bave taken the trouble to ‘do strict E:tnotie justice in the premises. I fear it, t I !wpebnot.M Yg: are mistaken ;n supposing that Mr. ter has entire deserted the muse. I rgtsnember readin{,{ his ¢ Voltigeurs of Chateauguay," and certain stanzas from thenew (unpublishâ€" ed)‘ edition of his " St Lawrence and Saguenay,‘‘ both being published in one (:,f t‘l'le ear'!y_ vg!um'es. ol{ the Suturday publisher! This is hardly sufficient en courngement totwards his"" possibly preâ€" paring avother volume for publicat.on,‘" as you suggest at the close of your now ce of him. Auod yet I know that Mr. Sanvâ€" ster is quite prepared to continue his literary career, and give us something fir better.than aught we bave had yet from his peo, if time and opportunity permitted‘fe But alas! neither time mor (i’pportunity are likely to cross his| path. For several years previous to his \going to Ottawa he was toiling night and day as a reporter on one of the Kingston paâ€" ««Hesperus and Other Poems" still, I beâ€" lieve, remaining on his hands. L am told that he at one time disposed of 500 copies of this work at twenty cents a copy, so as to make a payment to his You are probably right in saying that Mr. Sangster has done much towards giving us a literature, Considering all the adverse cireumstances under which he has labored, he Aus done a great deal. But he might have done moreâ€" much moreâ€"and done it better, had he met witlhevcn such sale of his works as would fully pay his expenses, which he has not doneâ€"a large residue of his 46° Wasmaviia musd PuL.â€" D.__ 3r.um ti | Youuun%'vo articles on the " Poets { and Poetry of Canada,‘" continue, I perâ€" | ceive, to appear pretty regularly. A | great deal has been written upon this | theme, and not a little spoken at public dinners and elsewhere, but the result is perfectly "nil." ‘The volumes _ of Heavysege, Sangster, McLachlin and others lie like so much rubbish on the shelves of the sellers, and are probably regarded in that light by most of our | * lovers of literature"" and general deâ€" vourers of books. Anything for them but a volumne bearing the name of Canadian. This applies more praaticularâ€" ly to poetry. _ Mr. Heavysege has never gained anything by his great laboursâ€" labours carried on: under _ circumstances which would have completely daunted any but the most persevering of men, working with might and main in the cause of letters ; thereby gaining the high est eulogiums in Europe, while common Justice has been very niggardly meted out to him in Canads, Hés latest edition of " Saul‘‘ brings the work as near to the perfaction aimed at by a great mind as it is possible to do; particularly in Mr. Heavysege‘s case where the inâ€" cessant toil#consequent upon his daily occupation as a reporter leave him so little time to devote himself to literature. And yet the new edition of " Saul" (to the shame of Canadians generally be it said) has found little or no circulation on this side the line 45° ; bat it has left him, on the otherâ€"side, a deBt which it may take him many years to wipe out. There should be a club ‘got up in every city in the Province to help him out of his difficulty. But L am afraid that the writers of poetry in the Dominion, of the present generation, being simply pioncers, after haviu* borne " the burden and heat of the day‘" for their love of ‘ literature, willâ€"(I Xon’t. see that they necessarly must or should)â€"be sacrificed to those , who are to come. . | . From the Peoples Journal. ! {‘_ The following observations we extract | from a letter written by one who is in | | a position to understand what he writes | about, and we commend them to our | readers for their truthfalness. 1 CANAvIAN POETRY AND POETs Oxuy] a Cornp Ler ir Go as ir Caxus.â€" Deceive not yourself with such words,.. In this changeable climate of ours, a cold once copntracted must be expelled instantly,* loose uo time, or health and even life itsel? may be sacrificed to " only a cold." Get Dr. J. Briggs‘â€"Renovator, the great Throat and Lung Healer. So‘d by Druggists and Country Merchants. 1244 a > CBiroropy.â€"If there is one misery "more to be drâ€"aded, or one pain more excrociating than the toothache, itis the pain and misery arising trom corns upon the feet,. Dr. Briggs the celebrated Surgeon Chiropodist, has in~ vented a "Corn and Bunion Curative, and which since its introduction to the people, bas become one of the most popular remedies of the age. We cheeifully 10commend those who are in any degree afflicted with coras or tunions or frosted_feet to give Dr Briggs‘ _ Soâ€"far as his personal interests are eonâ€" cernéed, it may be said that he sacrificed a position of honour and emolument at Otâ€" tawa in the endeavour to carry out the views of his youth, in annexing half a continent in the West to the Canadian Dominion. ‘The object was a patriotie ohe, and it may be said to be & grand one also. Unforeseen circumstances, arising from secret influences which have recent.. ly ‘developed themselres, have thwarted him for the time being ; but we have conâ€" fidence not only that Canada will secure constitutionalâ€" possession of the territory, but that Mr. W. MceDougall will get be Governor of the new State in the Nor‘â€" l W est. 279 o |__Nothinz is more hateful to a sease of justice or of manhood than to condemn a man unheard, or to kick him when he is down. But in this case the opposition do both, exhibting a ferocity . which gleams with malignity, and has not a spark of gencresity to redeem it. No one loving fair play can syimpathise with such cbuduct,but it illustrates how lost mere partizans become when they have a point to gain, or an able opponent to place at a disadvantage. We feel sure howâ€" ever, that this seandalous conduct will fail in the object for which it is intended. The people at larg@will want to know what Mr. McDougall has to say in the matter, for his reputation for shrewdness has never been called in question, though his : political candour and selfâ€"reliant action has gained him enemies in quarters where servility is recognized among the virtues of mankind. When the ï¬tï¬ng‘ opportanity presents it selt, and it will . oceur before long, Mr. McDougall will be able to tell in what his share of the failure consists. _ He will be able to show, as, indeed, all the documents emanating from the insurgents have already indicatâ€" ed, that it has not been against himself, ~but against the Cancgianq Govern= ment, in the absemce of certain guaranâ€" tees, that the armed protest took place. The representations as to his unpopularity are all of a piece with the other stories. \Thoss who came in contact with him are well pleased at the aptitude he displayed when encountering unforeseen difficultics and whether in camping, in buildirig his log house, or putting it in a state of deâ€" fence against anticipated attack, he exâ€" hibited qualities that could not fail to make him popular with the roughâ€"andâ€" ready people of the West. + Co.‘s jurisdiction was first called in question, and the public mind aroused to a proper appreciation of securing that western domain, if Canada was to reâ€" main a nation. Upon going to England it was due to Irfs tact and firmness that the nabobs of the Hudson‘s Bay corâ€" poration were brought to terms, and inâ€" duced (if compelled is too strong a word) to stipulate for a transfer of their ocâ€" cupation for a sum comparatively insigniâ€" ficant.. Upon going up to assume conâ€" trol pending the organization of popular government, he went with the determinaâ€" tion to obtain for that country all ‘the freedom that is claimed by all freemen in | this, and ronder access and settle at once easy and inexpenâ€"ive, There is notâ€", thing that he has done in connection with the Nor‘â€"West that does not redound to his sagacity fnd his credit, and that he bas fallen a temporary victim to cireumâ€" stances beyond his control, cireumstances plotted, as it will appear, not against himself, but againost the rule of Canada, is small reason that he should be scolded «t and abused after the fashion adopted by those to whom he has proved superior in judgment and more usefal in public life. } Governor McDougail is ruoning a far greater danger of being soalped,%y- the Opposition in Canada than ever he did by_‘ the Swamp Indians in the Nor‘â€"West. Inâ€" l ‘deed, the virulence with which he ha been attacked upon his return â€" ba searcely a parallel; and without any knowledge what his instructions , were ; how far he acted up to them ; how far they were modigéd, and to what extent they were opposed by hostile parties, he is held up as the Great Offender. Unfair as the Opposition always is, it is most unfair in this ; but party virus is so stroug with them that it seems impossible! for them to regard a ~calamity such as has occurred except through the degraded medium of violent partizanship. Now, from the first, Mr; McDougall has acted in amanly, straightforward manner in this matter. It was due to his exertions, | through the press and in Parliament, || that the question of the Hudson Bay | FYor o+ Cl q« . T DN men | higher reputation. This song bird, too, | is sileot, or ncarly so. Mr. MeLach.n |â€"wields a most prolific pen, and is quite | capable of greatly euriching our literature. pand would, no doubt, continue to do so | by many ‘a welcome tone were proper Iewouragement meted out to him. He | has fought his way to a third volume, | notwithstanding. . . |_ I write feelingly on this subject when |I ask,is this state of things to continue! Is this apathy on the part of the public ’ and our public men in nearly everything that pertains to Canadian literature to work so unjustly towards authers who ’descrve so well and so much of their fellow compatriots? Iâ€"am glad to see \that you have put your shoulder to the wheel, and done your part towards reâ€" ’moving the scandal from amongst us. Let us nope that your labors will not be ju vain, and that there is really * a good: time coming‘‘ for these men, if they will only have a little more patience, and trustingly and confidingly " wait a little lonuger." _ For certainly they have. all " learned to labor and to wait." NOR‘«+â€"W KSTERN CONSIDERATIONS. country. Some of his lyrics are perfect gems, and woul!ld do credit to men of far immits From the London Free Press. 12442 Even Reddy the Bsacksmith, who lay ill not far from the dying gladiator, might have been shocked by the utter recklessâ€" nd-oftbo'lmbgnofthhl?qofai-e and perversity. His protest of innocence of the E:zwt’l murder might have some weight had he not licd in his previous JAMES LOGAN NO Z who was believed by many to have been the leading actor in this crime, died, as every one knows, yesterday morning in Bellevue Hospital. The circumstance: which led to his death have been laid before the public fully during the week. His end was a fitting counterpart to his life. Whether aris ing from mental or moral madness, his deathâ€"bed was the theater of the wildest and most insensate oaths and curses. He rejected the ministration of a Catholic clergynan with a wicked imprecation, ments. ‘ <~He had been missinzg from his old haunts from the time of the murder, but hearing of the reward, having taken counâ€" sel with his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, he boldly handâ€" ed himself up to the police, a claim being made at the same time for the reward. This claim the M«yor has resisted, and the matter remains still in litigation. Logan No.1, was ua perfect study in the bands of the police. . With a readiness of memory which denoted the utmost deâ€" gree of " wideawakeness‘"‘ he told where he had spent his time during the preâ€" vious month, accounting for each day and even each hour of the day when reâ€" quired, aud inquiry verified lï¬ his state. was the the next object of the attention of Sergeant Lowry. Johnson had heard of the rapid movements of the able Sergeant, and for four days and as many nights foiled all efforts made to capture him‘ At length â€" he fell into the toils while regarding himself at the " St. Bernard," kept by " The" Allen, corner, of Prince | ang Mercer, the tree and easy resort of those who live by their wits. The " Butcher" was gently tapped on the shoulder by Lowry, who was in plain clothes, and thong{ advised to " pop" the " cop,"‘ by the gang within, be quictiy found his way to the daylight with the sergeant, and thence to the Tombs. Johnson was liberated .after some time and has figurod prominentiy before the | blic since in the affray in which he and j ;‘“loreno'e Scaunel were shot, in Donohue‘ s liquor store, twenty.third street, and in which Johnson himself was dangerâ€" ously wounded by a pistolball. From the effects of this wound he is now slowly recovering. Such was the excitement created by this event that Mayor Hall offered.a reâ€" ward of $1,500 for any one who would give such information as would lead to the arrest of James Logan " No. 1." _ has, since his discharge from custody in connection with this murder, been sent to the Penitentiary for siz months, for a burglary. _ _ =~ ¢ was also seeured for the reason above assigned, â€" Since bis discharge from custody he committed a burglary of so desperate a character in the quarter .covâ€" erecrby the Fifteenth Precinect, that he was sent for twenty years to the State Prison. ouvyRLES MUNDAY, one of the hotâ€"house plants forced in the Nine teenth _ st. preserves, was next secured by the police. ‘They had no eviâ€" dence beyond the suspicion of complicity against bim and he too was afterwards discharged. Some time aiter he changed the scene of his operations, and got stabbed in an afray in Pbiladelphia, which reâ€" sulted in his death some six months since. _ . The announcement of the outrage appalled the city, and fell like a redâ€"hot shell among the thieves who prey upon it. ‘The leading criniinals began to set their horses in order, knowing that the police would be on their track. JAMES TALLENT. . The first prisouer taken into custody ‘was James Tallent, an ill, stupid, and malignantâ€"looking thief. â€" e Lad heard the â€"police were looking for him, and hc]‘ anticipated them. Knowing that no crime is committed in the darkness of ] complete secrecy and insolation; and that the leading offenders live in * gangs‘‘ for the purpose of matual aid, the police detained Tallent, but be was afterwards dischorged for want of evidence. Logan,~ New York City," was cireum scribed. * In the pocket of the portion of the cnat retained by Mr. Rogers were found his own watch and chain, which the thief had secreted there, and also a crumpled envelope, on which the address " James GEORGE, ALIAs BUTCHER JOHNB8ON, act l‘l‘AR'l'l.llfl RETRIECTIVE JUsâ€" 't itemeonts Tf":â€'\li pTicu. n inss i11 THE MAYOR‘S REWARD. JAMES GALLAMHBEK, EDWARD MCXDAY, From the N. Y. Dem»rat. S";Iua"f _Itis meceptable to the palste, suitable tor ail ages and all constitutions. Bold by apocuecaries. Pricse $1.50 per boitle iPRICHK 2 _ The estraordina~y ef€ect of this preparation is due to its nower of imparting the vital principle to all constitutions i-p-!r:‘ by wasting or debiita» Arrecriors or suz Oaszer anp Tusoat.«Persons aflicted, huwever siighily, with any wenakness ot the Ube:t aod ‘Throst, involring ‘either the Larynx, Praches, Bronchial Tubes, or the Lungs themselres, shoulid on the first s7ymptom commence with Fetrows‘ Comrou®b oYaUCr Of Brroruose PWITES as by is use wdt’cqm[m Consumpitton in its primary stagol, are specdily cured, and mose alarming symptoms provenied. This we «re enubled uo state mwest positiral â€" The Blood is restored to purity and health ; the Nervres and Muscles are strengthened, wh.le tiuberâ€" culous or consuaptive deposit is retarded _ _ or 6 for $7.b0. Hyaler is a certain and teliable Râ€"medy, Fold bydraggists. L. 12144 Piues!â€"Dr.J. Briggs‘ unrivalied I‘lle Reme dy is mild, soothing and reliable for Internmai External, Blecding and Itching Piles. It af fords immediate relict and rapidly cures the most distressing cuses, «+xcrpt those requiring surgical operation. All such cases ars boue fited by the use of the Kemedy, Thousands upon thonsands have flrf-ed from this dis« treasing disease, in its v forms. All such migâ€"ries can be doue away with by using Dr, J. Brigg»s‘ Pile Remeey., Bold by all Druggists and Country Mervbagte. 1219 a 50 a Basiakrast. â€"EPPE‘s Co001.â€"UaaTk£FCL axp ‘ourortixe.«â€"â€"The very agreeable character of this preparation has rendered it a gemeral tavourite, The Civu Bemvion Gatetra reâ€" marks :â€"â€"* The singuiar success which h.. Epps attain=d by his h »meeopathic preparation oA cocom bas nover been surpassd by any vxperimentalist. By a thorough knowledge of the natoral Jaws which govern the opets~ tions of digâ€"stion and nutdtion, and ty a careful application of the fine propeities of wrilâ€"selccrâ€"d cocom, Mr. Epps has pipvided vur breaktest fables with a Gâ€"licately Aavourâ€" ed bâ€"verage which may save us many beary doctors‘ bJ!s" Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold by the t.ade ouly in {1b jlb and lin tinâ€"lins d packets, labelliecdâ€" Jixes Errs & Co., Homwopathic Cbemist Loodon, Kugiand. 11388 W en ‘Oranges, L,â€"mons, Aimirs Grapes, Apples Cranberries, &¢., &¢., at BUES & 00 %4, 21 Ridgean strect, To Luwzses Mercuaxrsâ€"Another 1st of 1990 pairs heary grey blankets on‘their way from the Cornwall mills, 200 psirs othr grades grey Canadian blankets in stock. 4000 linen bags in stock. 1000 seamless cottom bags expeocted in afew days, Macoues & Rosesis, «»For Coldes,Coughs, Bronckitis, Congumpâ€" tion, andall Discases 1 the I hrow‘, Chest and Lungs, Ur. J. Briggs Tisout and Long Two Bauss Brussels Oarpets now designs, received per 8. 8. Moravian, and opencd toe~ day. Magee & Ruseelli. New Ccar Tartan Gara Plaids, wite, heary make, 2s 6d per yard. Now Veiveteens and Waterprocfs, at Gorland, Mutchmor & Co‘s. » Aworasn lot of Cornwali blankets Jurt rf ceired from the factory at Magee & Luswe‘l‘s and marked very low. _ "Government selected a bad Governor and a bad Council to carry out a bad lyn‘(em. A p -rliu% (he l“fl'.‘ “ hiver have conmi grave efrors, but the Ottawa Government was the fist the first to do wrm;, and ought to be the firs to acknowledge it ard make restiâ€" tution.‘‘ The whole alair, from beginning to end has proved s fiisco, and the best thing the OQitews Government can do is to follow the »dvice of the Globe. It will be a bitter and i amiliating pill for them to swallow, but they had far better â€"submit than do worse. Now that McDovcaum is safe back again, we advise cur neighâ€" bors to take good care of him, and keep him safely at bome. some of the Canadian officials ard editors are inclined to laugh ‘at the yalâ€" 1nt pseu{oeGovernor _ for going on such a wild goose chase, and it is thouzbt that his chagrin will induce him to joinâ€" the Opposition, and expose some of the tricks anTTuisdceda ofâ€" the preseat Ministry. The Toronto Globe, which has from the beginning depreeated the policy of sending out . the J.cDougal expedition, and the arbirary imposition of a lot of Canadian political adventurers upon a distant Q‘;flj.‘.'..'f!.‘: t o e e o o n o OeC nor his companion, Reilly, ha er been , Seen or, heard of by the g‘c'“'r, | and men so thoroughly acquainted with ’? the habits and ways of our Mctropolitan birds of prey as Serg ant Lowry and | Captain Caffray, declare it as their conâ€" | viction that Maher was the murderer of | Mr.Rogers. When the next link in this chain of [ tragedy will be forged, heaÂ¥en alone | knows; but it is evident that the blood | shed in Twelfth street on that December, ; morning, cried to heaven for vengence, | and that the ery was heard. It is aunounced by the Dominion au> thorities at®ttaw», that McDouzall has been recaled in pursuance of a change of | policy on their part. It is alleged that the ;purch-c and transfer of the Red River region from the Hudson Bay Company is uot complete by the terms of the contract until the latter effects an actual and peaceable delivery of the territory. As the Rupert‘s Laud folks, as well as the British Columbians, decline o be" delivâ€" ered, and asked rather to be annered to the United States, the Canadian govâ€" ernment has very prudently called upon the Company to perform its part of the bargaie. _ It declines to pay for the torâ€" ritory and fight for it afterwards. _ Deruin‘s Fur Depot, Lavmes‘ Fuors.â€" Mixck, Boal, Ermine, Perstas Lamb in stt The mission of the would be Governor McDougall and siaff to the led River country, with the confident expectation of taking possessica of and governing a l‘rovincc;'{us come to a very inglorious termination. The party proceeded gaily to the boundary of their intended jurisâ€" diction, where they were unegpectedly confronted with a dem»» tr:tim that they were not wauted »nd would be resisted, This gave theim pause, and after prolonged parley, and ‘an utter failâ€" ure to eonciliate his refractory |subjects, the Goyernor and his suite 'lurch, tail and came back azs.in. paisiugs "detail of cireu usti it is needless to recousnt i. 8 say that from the®am>umef dischaged from the precinet, mAU®KR AaALIAs RojYT op..®,.0 The story @f Everett B D4 mey, which wont so far troword iaiplieviag Maher, is still so wo‘ll reinembercd trom i. ~4qâ€". From the Buffalo Commercial AGvertiser THE REKvV EIVER ThOUBLE, JAMES I FELLOWB, Chemist, #t Joun, K B. in r his own b!a~iy end. 1106 415 i ky