## do., Ubssured Piate, Smethinck 16 and #t ounce, râ€"d‘w-:mmu Boxes, or Cut order of any required. &, EATONX, Bell‘s Blook, opposite Russel! House. e oo k e mn.'" i, and to the satisfaction of the most fasâ€" couddnty ia‘s mpame mahe i e mm 4 on _ easonable terms, and at the shortest notice. _ _ ®© Constantly on hand, and at prices that defy Which will cnable him to execute all orders. with aniversaily @apluyed se Apor‘s Pills by â€"ail tlass#s, 30 alo ourst and pp@Â¥oean iissase, should U# # Joos Ma¥®#every secu.ity the in« cun «Gurd L fro a oâ€". .tertfoum and uni.atiut â€"Uubiact, Sokeâ€" KJUSE PAINTIXG, HANGING PAPER, duue-â€"dm'ona.--n-. mon cold," in its Orst stage. That which in the w‘. C avks the h x Dreg soom the tungs. "Browvs‘s Bronâ€" tion -&ln;:u“w DIRSCT in & Quence on the afeoted parts. . As there are imitaâ€" lons, be sure to «Btai® the genuene. Sold by ali deaiors in medicines. a+ 39 cents a boxz. The qupreme Vourl oJ the Maevt NO# York harys ussugu a porpe@ual injaoction «gainst Katon sad Joakiss tor vanitriquileg Ayert‘s Cathartic Pus, notding thew reâ€"pon ibi «â€" for the cruel imâ€" posision is wase they b .¢eo dons and resuraining tnowm. omm fu:tees «ue iqpury to* the puoire _ [: LBy class of out pouple more than anvther mreods ume vnterpusltion 0. «a# to shisid thow trom imâ€" unsture, it is (t si*~@ sad suffering who are §+sâ€"atmwDt +ats +, â€"Fhatm all @no hat wther ased the article Ureawse:sTR® ut Wikeossed it»â€" affects whes asou by Abers, «llsuch, and they m‘;‘. are unamimuus in che 5 "tat * ;Hm Poeder: .ms ?“M u##kÂ¥e Kemosy*® is superior to suything .1 the tind neretorotre Of st present «0; use luf wolds, thick @#wod, «nd all disouses «hich on the wind of norses. As a conduion MOilsine it .‘...‘..o;mh“hnnflmmw jure « hurs. woether sick or weilâ€" nor sees the uu-.-mu- working oh=« as ug it; it is jpuar the -.him'umb---oux: and waich taey should bhare co.stantry m h....:hmcdnoï¬uuoumsl Hurd 1a > «n each pacsage Northrup a Lyâ€" man, Yewenstle. dFot.. orâ€"ptrmotor» for Canada w ®Qusens Birubday was Zept in (he usual loyai style last mooth, and nest month the culsens of the Nominmon of Canada will celebrate the birth of their new and and rising existence ; but recovered invalids still feel that a public holiâ€" would be too short to celebrate all th virtues of Cougns and Colds.â€"Suddon changes elimate are sources of Puimenary :.n::hln“ that simple remedies often aot speedily and cerâ€" ::.'....,......mh-.- at once a supply of tne = Canadan Pain Destroyer," at he nearest medicine dealer‘s for 25 cents. swoxnes Rauzsor, now on sale by the respectable druggists in your locality. ::,--u- â€":â€"“o-\' L.:lho'-l-: one e who is said to be several ‘mwhes shorter than sacceeded in :::‘.'ur)m tox ~wi fl.mrï¬â€˜r-- bl.‘tspdm hbo.-ll-:hl“m,.fl“": have a medicine can upon in the cupboard. It is the «* precious pot of ointment," curing buras, cuts, scalds, znb. mwmm&m.n. udent bousewives will save husbands‘ hardâ€"carned money by purchasing a box of this saive. by the Freach coup de soleil, is supposed to ogcur more irquenatly '_L"'_"!?‘;!L‘“J.“-"“ on the increase as the country becomes older, but this is also decegption. Tne truth is both illusions spring from the increased facilities for communiâ€" cation, which, like the great Snosuoxzes Rawurot }â€" » seagumption, towoll in the wake of cirilisation lngs, Looking Wlasses and Picture Frames, of th despatch, mlli, work guarâ€" anteod, sad at prices :.‘ wilt m’;u- Come and see. m~panid W.fl.m with h:.‘lhl of e Ao han glass * bozes. mt &. KATON, Store and OMcee, Elginâ€"st, Opposite the Russel! nll{u'r-m OF _ BSECRETARY oF © BTATE FOR THE ProÂ¥VInczs. Ottawn, 8th December, 1889. Notice is heroby given that His Excellency the Governor Q@enerai in Council, has this day appornted tae Secretary ( State for the Provineél * Superintendent General of Indian Affairs" with the maenagement of all matters connected with the Indian Tribes. Bupt. Gonl; Indian Afairs. Otiava, Dosvntber 9 1900. ©"1900, 4121 The Poor -gnï¬vmâ€"bn:c"- Nlhu:' oo long tor a t man‘s pooket, many them may bo arsrdbd bf kerping ‘duaoe‘s Sakve Sndtan Affaire are, in fature, to be addressed to ‘M the Seerstary of State for r.l'-'-i-;'ln;uhiufymm-, rt and experienced work men, JOBBPHE HOWYE, Doerstary of State for the Provinees. VC e l..‘b.h;aflfl at on stouse DbetourtGitnk> â€" IX PRICES OF W A LL P AP E R 8 hen taken in the: carly :,.. of the diusâ€" ourse should at once be to * Brown‘s ul Troches," or Losonges. Now are aware COmMERC| AL. +R ZEATON‘S. , DOOR MOULDING AND PFRAME MANUFAUTORT, tho.ageives _ A Sheorif‘s Ofice, Ottawa, December 22nd, A D 1863. S2td }u--nuo: OP ONXTanio, ). . wu‘d.cdldu. z 2 \ o 4 it. By virtue ot a Writ of Fwieri '@fl.“ out of ther Maj» 7‘s Court of Common Pleas, at Toronto, to me directed and delivered, against the Inods ana tecements which were of MICHAEL OUOPE®, deseased, at the timeof his death in the hands â€"f MÂ¥ ARY CO~P3, execatric of the inst will and teâ€"tameat of the said MICHAEL COPP3, decsased, to be administ. red, at the suit of JOHN CUÂ¥P», I have seized and taken in execution, and wilt offer ts sale at Public Auction, at my odice, in the Court House, in the City of Otaws, on MONDaY, the TWENTYâ€"NINXTH day o MARUH, A D +870, at tweive o‘siock, noou, all the estate, right. title, interest and equity of redempâ€" tion which were of MICHAEL COPPS, decsased, at the time of his death in the hands of the said MAKY CJPPS, executrix as atoresard, of, in, to and out of, all and singuiar that parcel of land being composed of the east twoâ€"thirds of lot nuaiâ€" ber twentyâ€"two, in the cleventh consession of the Township of Fitzroy, in the County of Carleton, containing one hyndred and thirty three and oneâ€" third acres, be the same more or loss. . . WM P POWELL, Sherif, . Br JAY BAILLFF, Depury Sherif. exâ€"lusive privileges, or coafe. corperate or for doing anything tending to ol.ollï¬ or property of other parties, are heroby no ifed Hened ir full in the Canade Gasste), to give TWo MON.«.uS#‘ <«ITICH ot the :m:un- (clearly and di= Bo ‘y specifâ€"ing its and N“D--W_“‘.‘H"“‘!"A:: ne +spaper publi u d in the w ty or Union of # L O-m--lc.o'd. sending coples of the first and tast of such notiees to the Private Bil! CMice. Countres affecoed, of the frst and last of such nmmm* Bilt Cfice. All Petition» for P.tvate Bills must b~ presented «i. hin the first tA oe weeks» of the ~ession. aLFakod T Du, Ch â€" Clerk Committoss a~d Private Bills, that they are required by the 5ist and following Todies waine rare io Duagzer (ukve s pay Parties intending to make q:oul-b Parliament for Mvu‘o Bills, either for granting 'l‘-. s0th VOLUME: * EW SERIES!! NEW PORM!! ° THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, ’ &A FIBSTâ€"CLASS | FAMILY MAGAZINE, Spocialty yevieed to the + Sutewor vr Man," his Puaszoroorâ€"The Brain and its Functions ; the Location and Natural of the with directions for eultiv and them ; and the relations between and nody deseribed. _ P a‘1 â€" Putsiooxout, with all the ©Signs of Character and How to Read them,"â€"is a special feature. Eruzoroor or the Natural lhtr‘dl..â€" O-n-.l-?!-nllduduh different Tribes and Na«tions, will be given. _ NT the many years it has been published, and was m-’nml';nh-um. Tmnusâ€"Me , &t $3 a yoar, in advrance. Ningieo numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten or more, +/ ‘< py to Ceno aromnaniecist, â€'o -l:.:ll:h. the -flm proemiums. Inclose 1% cents for a sample number, with new Pictoria) Poster and Prospectus, and.â€"a complete _ Altres "" B WHLLO, Publtsher 349 Broadway, New York. _ Portraits, Shetches, u‘l-g-'lcn ot the leading Men and Women ot the World in departâ€" ments of life are special features. * .« Ranguts ano TRaCusasâ€"As a in educating and training Children, this »e has no superior, as it mnuou all the peouliarities of Charneter and Disposition, and renders govern uvnddn-lhuh-uulmo-l-ua Muct genezal and usetui on leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts are spareda to make this the most interesting and natructive, as well as the Best Pictorial Family Magasine, over pablished. kprasimuzpâ€"The Journal has seached its 50th VULU MK, and wich January Number 1870, a NEW SERIES s commenced. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and many improvements have been made. lth*{l‘w.p‘hy. during Of St. Catherine‘s Col Camn ts nrepamed to give frooved it o haginy wolaber wynh.m.mmm Proâ€" Abaintsanthe ht LeF, 1rB. Jones, L L Dâ€"â€"6¢ mibans; J. Thorburn Req., M. A., Reotor of Gramâ€" helow the market CHIEF UNDERTAKER, SPARKSâ€"ST. COFFINS, HEARSES ; CARR1I1GES, roR OLD AXD ToUXG PBOPLE. Sole agent for HERLFPPR*S SALK OF LA XD3. Ottaws, lith Dec, 1864. K. W. CARTER, KFoer Hale or to Let. the @rammar, Sohool or at this METALLIC COFERINS, of Commons (whish are pubâ€" the Canada J“')- ":" ogp t & touse of Commeons B . 1231ta9 Kept by allthe principal Vruggists and (irocers in A. M. F. GIANELLI, Sorte Manufactarer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" ton of Canada and the United States. . N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters ars carefully propared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" men@ed to persons ot delicate constitutions. They are gently stimulant, and will be toond jnfallible alds to digestion. & Â¥or directions see tabel round the neck of each York street, near the Market. ‘The subscriber respectful‘y amnounces that he sevapting the arvatees fermerly Keowe as Yhate: ecea now amâ€" mu:\qwlomub:p;:n-uy %Mâ€do&.omm{u the age extended, as well as the M’Ehhl:duolhomulhuu eity. Heholds SALES EV ELY DAY, (when not ctherwiso engaged), cither at bis rooms or an the market. lo.d‘:ah cenddence to all who have entrusted effects or real estate to him for sale to certify that he has given full satisfaction as mwï¬ the prices obtained, as well as prompt immediate settlement after lolnuï¬bnnlnmun-po&. rett aikete in duapors of. and pieages ntmesh that real to dispose of, and pledges h that nothing will be loft andone by him to give satusâ€" M-hm-l.om'“orlbdt‘nï¬h::. mh distance meoet w = ‘ Ms‘n.-o .do furnigure other un Ti ancinily en in n . on _The highest price paid for second hand pianos Rovn. ITALIAS BITTERE 0 > Prepared by special permiasion from the original recipe of P. P. VERRIL, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in u; University of PADUA, ITaLY. â€" “Gl-“.. WRIGHNT 4& LAWLONR, 4 Barristers, Advocates, &o. OGees, Ay!â€" mer, Q , (Main Street), and Ottawsa, (Elgin Puh-.hq Practics and Patents for laven : ton, &0., especially aitended to in Ottaw i. Â¥. McLeon, W. McK Wareuert, R. 8. Lawuos. ED'AID Â¥. DARTNXELL, Barrister ‘..M...A‘m and laq'h':l.k.um M M ‘m. Or Counties of Pressott and Russell. OMoeoâ€"In the Court House, L‘Orignal. _ 34â€"6m _ & TIHNE .-guv effects the DIGESTION and ASS"MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the huu:u.-h.“‘hwuflvny,.g. h-mnh. bottles, 2s, 3s 64, 6s 64 and 12264. Pancreatine Wine,bottles,3s,5s and10s. & ®@ u‘-:o-u-. Soiloitorâ€"inâ€"CBancery, CoOurey~ «ncer, Oficeâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, Elginâ€"st., oppesite the Post Office, Ottawa. 189y ngpases sLassU ab E. KII'.. & KIMBEH, Barristers and Artornies at Law, Sobhsiters in Caancery, Conveyancers, &o, for the Provinces of Untario and Quebes. OMceâ€"Post OMes Ruildings, Elgin (stroet, Ottawa Aporargs Kneres, ___:__ _ Rens Epyaro Kyuore. Chronic Bronchitis. â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" smce. £ j «* The smoke causes no nauses. 'lutlorm kind, I have never known an instance in w relief was not obtained."â€"General Alezander to .n.l.-a' gn-:ms::.':'mmu l%. and 15s, # . natilles for Inhaintion, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 10s. MVOI:.&‘:OOII. * 143, New ., London. _ Asonnrsâ€"Messrs. Â¥. Cundill & Co., Montreal. COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS, * A. MARA, Architeot. OMceâ€"Aumond‘s * . @‘Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottaws. _ 9037 None are gonuine uniess bearing the signature of Ottawa, Desember 4. 1889. * _ 1213â€"06n Ebilillvfï¬"; P. MILL, Attorney at Law, solicitor in Mg. Conveyancer, &¢. mmlâ€"hn OMes Bauildings, Eigin street, .: N Bâ€"Money advanced en landed s e curity. James O‘Rielly, Req, Q C, _ !.V. lm"l-.-v':bom Bank, ou.n s Te Lordthip the Diskep of K ingston, . H. L. Langervin, C B, and Seot‘y of i i..l.l..hqwh.(;l-." a..r,: gc.u., W . Soott, , M P P, + â€" _.'_'-‘*L.-b, ..\q.llr i.'.."iv"""-m e, Beq, M P !_l!._O'._'Il!l’ -__-Q?Ov., * ETY AVCTION XART, 'o'o'll.gdtlnlthhdh'h. o!fl:'ud.lnmm Chancery se to Beli‘s Law Chambers, opposite Kussel! PRICE $1.00 PEKR BOTTLE. A:lmlptuu.dnd. o ly 235 cents h + ESNMONDE‘3. 11177 _ House,. Land and General Agopt 1CHOLAS 8P ARKS, Barrister and Attorâ€" OSsGROVE & TAILLO®N, Barrusters, Solicitors. &o, Ofceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buillings, 18DIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR & aâ€" Seqal Carbs. of every deseription, AÂ¥ UKHB VARBIBITT HALLâ€" Wine is the best vrehicle for A&A. K. F GIANELLL K P P OTTAWA ‘TIMES, JANUARY 25, 1870. y followed ; buu;hoecunrl sumdolx' ::d'ln its mâ€". and spealk i nthe hi termes of its u‘n‘hddoeu. * 'u‘r‘l from experience in this matter, havin tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ar suffering from any of the comp sints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" Remedy. Ro uodw eflcacy of the Canadian FPair Destroyer, in ng disoases for which it 11 reâ€" sommended, and its wonderfu) successin subduing sommendea, and its wonderiu) successin subduing lumr‘a pains of Eneamatismnu. and in re ieving Nervous Affections, egtitle it to a highrank in «h» list of Remedies for tlmï¬shu. Dealers are soming in ‘rotm Medicine re in all part» of the country loflv\hornz les, and each to: to the universal s i it gives sentliyiek The Cans tian Pain Destroyer never fails to gire ammediate rolief. Als Meticine Denlers keep | Chysicians order and use i ‘ ulnh-u::lrl d‘dlunuoonn,q_ M Pricetwentyâ€"five couts per bottle. * lonnï¬; & LYVMAN, ‘ . Newesnstle, C. W., _ The Canadian Pain Destrcyer has sow been before the public for a length of time, and «henever used is well liked, never lnll-’ in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely ased, and wehave asver kuown a single sase ogtuumfuda vpn the directions are proâ€" CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, and C s, Pemades, Toilet V r, Rose Denti: rrm the Teeth and 0-:..‘"4& constantly on hand Peérfumes ot all kinds, and* FLollet Requiâ€" altes us=~ally kept in a firstâ€"class establisament. Cank'nu'l PALIN DESTROYER : ) Dis Amoug the -u:.u'mwdn::n Medical CANADIANX PAIN DESTROYER Yide, Back ana iload, Couphs, Sore Throat ___ Sprains, Eruises, Cramps h?l:..ï¬::"\:'ï¬l. hw‘*. Burns ,Foalds, 'n‘. “-. ‘f. © The following extract, which Mr. Mortimer is hulymuu‘s-hlul. is from the letter of a relat ve of Dr. Wolfe, of this city, now residing in the United States : u'hduulmt:rw.n too high, and if not, arrange with Mortimer u let you have A grand specific for derangement of the Digestive Orfm, up‘:?ot obstructions and torpid action of the Liver and Bowels. price one doll wr. _ _ .. _. ; . . Ganpare‘s {)u-vlo Wlxmr v;:l save many a sleopleis n bottles 25 cents ’.Swmmu. om.«hmm â€"â€"1t is pleasant to the taste and harmless in 1ts The only sure remedy that exists, combining deâ€" licious taste and amazing power. â€" VE and if not, arrange with Mortimer u lot{o- have + box of the bottles of CHOLERA MLX Ulli 1 could make a little foftune with them. The bottle 1 t with me here brought two ladies round from decided cholera; one on board the boat, and the other in Berlin, United States, Both every family, is only â€" + TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE ch«:a &o., &o. It omoï¬l:o. by dissolving lh.o.:- al Eu- caus expectoration, aD r‘nu 6 -';.m tothe skin, w2 t Bola in Bottles at 11. 3d. and 21. 6d. Bach. Invaluable to invalids and of im + digestion ; an excelient TQNIO f*m':' C digestion ; lienat TQNIU for perso! e oondu"r:: :I:.m."h?nlo Il.;!mb:t:h ; commences with diarrhcea, then with dysentery, and tnen yomiting The one at Berlin was very bad. 1 gave ber three duses of the Choléra Mix ture, the third of which stopped the vomiting. â€"The next day she was all right, or mn‘uw. Bhoe was very «rateiul. 1 have now only a little beft." _ «ratelul. i have now oniy a littie r@Il. * '% This exeâ€"lent misture, which saould be in CANADIAN COUGH EMULSIGN. Mortimer‘s Vegetable Worm Destroyer, Queen street, Lo Breton‘s Flats. _ ‘ The undersigned beg to inform the public that bey are now to exssute orders for 3laned u-w.'ngu. Frawing Timber, &c. _ On hand a large stook of Flooring and Clapâ€" ____ Winted, a good Tinsmith, to whom good wages and steady -mlvi'l“ Ilhl rm.“. TKADE MARK nature. For sale and goneral dealâ€" mhmmdzm | Garouze‘s Fimst Paise Baciso Powots, unâ€" rivalleq for purity and excellence. For sale by mwus-pfluuml&- m “ w’“ 9 :u‘.sl.u. â€" ‘huvu you vm'&obutut GARDNER‘8 and take no other, GAnuDNERS3 EPILEPTIC CURE. Price $1 per boit‘e ; six bottles for $5. J GARDNER, Chemist, 457 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Bole Proprietor and Manufacturer, vl'\o'ti!nurn.' _ The " ELEY BOXER" are the mm- tridges known, carrying their own on, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and l-;:':hhblo in any climate. _ above ouï¬â€˜. eases (empty) of all sizes, and for the dlï¬vod'xmu ot Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had or without the suitable Bullets and Machines for finishing the Cartridges M'!‘:::.A:‘T‘:I&Gls of +450 ::u tor R evol ‘*s Navy.° %nn RIM namlmugn of all sizes, for Bmith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Poskst Revolvers. â€" o PLN CAXTRIDGES for Lefaucheoax Revolvers of :2m.,yâ€"m. and 7â€"m. bore. CENTRAL FiRE and PIN FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for all sises andsyscoms of Guns Rifes, * "Double W Merproof asd K. D. Cape, Patent Wire atent cutrumz:(!u Waddings ::Brmh and Mussle L« s, and every description of Sporting and Militar This valuable medicine has the extraordinary roperty of immediately relieving Coughs, Colds, . WOWURBNTG, U?l '3 ' § OFr * Solt by 0o6 Hortodt: Jaks Trane, w. MORTIMER‘S COMPOUNXD ANTIBILIOUS roperty of immediately relievi a, Colds, oarseness, Difficuity of Breu.:f.‘g. htness in host, &o., &o. It operates by dissolving the conâ€" HAUDIERE ARDXER S STEAM PLANING MILL, OoRTIXZR‘*s seyâ€" WINE| BITTERS, w @RaAY‘83 INN ROAD, LOSDON. INFALLIBLE â€"REMEDY FAMILY APERIENT NoNE OTHER GENXUINE WHOLERILE OXLY. No, $1 Sussexâ€"st., Ottawa City. BOWKL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMERS LAW & JOHNSTON County of Lennox, Ontario, Canada : â€" M1avoc, County of Hastings, z Province of Ontario, Feb. 9th, 1869 This is to certify that during the winter of 1886 I was taken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hi%nd I became so weak that I could not walk, was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this woakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, ewploying, at different times ciane »nd ru-h ornalways rely. _ _ _ T e QUINIUM LABAR‘AQ[’WH wi !: eat success for persons of constitu. uh' ~r for those dfllfldzvmmofluz sauses or sickuoss ; ouths bys too npu:g‘m' for yu:s ‘Irl:“;nn development es ;luo with dificulty ; for women in chil i ; and for aged persons enfeobled by years or iliness. It is the best preâ€" mwn?(nlnb'v_m. L fu cases of chlorosis, anemia, or fnouldu.,' tll:vhrhopo'ahl suziliary of the ferrugin. three doctors, and medicines of different kinds prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced to try the great Sho shonees Remedy by reading the cures performed in a pamphlet. Atthis time I had begun to teel the woakness in -{ hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpliess have taken two bottles of the Shoshonees Remedy ard two boxes of the pills and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected_ to get better, b_unl-pllttrlod the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. is case ot mine was not & private one, but known to all my ulfhbonrl and friends ; and to any one affiicted as I was, I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy ; I believe it will cure you. _ _______ _ _________ hm Depot 1 M' L'nnl.' x ID_ B U +. Sueeb: < 181 hwkn; _The QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, approved b the Aado.y mdu. mmm. on ul contrary, a medi determ composition, rich in active principles, and on which the phyiâ€" woman :.(srob_lty and truth. 1 have known ber before, mg, and since her illness. I believe her.dertificate to be true in every Jumlolln. 1 know that while ill her case was declared hope, less ; and I know that she has, since her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees Remwedy. Whatever may be the peculiar Emn{- of this medicine, one thing is certain, at in her case it has acted almost like the performance of a miracle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & A F WOOD, J P. Warden of the County of Hastings~ Provineo of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. The QUINIUV M LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" ly tonie asd tebrifuge wine, destined to replace all the other preparations of Peruvian bark. The bark wines usually mloyod in medicine are propared from *arks w vary considerably hm&uu to which they possers the desired propertes. Berides, owirg to the manne econtain _ scarce‘y more than the traces of active principles and these always in rariable _ MARY ANN DoOUGHTY Sworn to before me at Madoc, County of Hastings, his ninth day of Pobrnnx. 1869. «â€" . _ & F WOOD, J P, &6. I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary mDo:’My tor the last fifteen years ; she is a woman of probity and truth. 1 have known ber U.llvnuu. KXHIBITION OF 1855, As its name implies, it does Cure, and does not fail. Conhlnmelflm Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any mmineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise h?nres any patient. The number Wnce of its cures in the ague disâ€" tricts, are l{ bo{::d account, and we believe Oo+ pride is gralited uy the Athuonfarizements we r acknowledgments we receive of the radical c{n'u effected in obstinate caï¬n. and where other remedies had wholly failed. nacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling throurxe miasmatic localities, will be proâ€" tected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. ~_ QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, _ Approved by _ kmperial Academy of Medicine. settled Consum is thought inâ€" outable, £0)1 grost numtbers of casce where the als , have been com&l:ltgy cured, and the gï¬nz restored to sound by the Chrz ectoral. So complete is its mastery over disorders of the Lnna- and ‘Throat, that mdno:nldmc:&m u’n‘:ila m*cm llI'm. r ecâ€" bzl they ln.b‘lldo and dfuppcar. ngers and Public Speakers find great proâ€" tection from it. P Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitie is McuMbyukhgtho Cherry Pectoral and frequent doses. Bo mnflym its virtues known that we need not pu the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully 4 n aft +s freshness o0 uth. . es This hair is Whick ened, falling hair checked, and baldâ€" ness often, though not always, cured by its use. ‘Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, femedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a lon nflu’oryun. and nnï¬ most of the races of men it has risen higher higher in their estimaâ€" tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform chu.tutln:l.sow to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a reâ€" nothing else can be found so‘desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. | Hair Vigor, Consumption. Pmbablwvc before in the whole history of medicine, anything won so widely andâ€"so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which »i 23 3 w is at once agreeable, P *Ct hcalthy, and effectual Py § for preserving the / 3 hair. â€" Faded or gray ‘Q N hair is soon restored ‘o, f MÂ¥ _ to its original color ‘Cal ETV with the gloss‘. and Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, Practicat aAxp Axarrricar Curausts, 0o Messts. uuauntsram & Smuus, Conway P O, t / ¢, \Q,}".. . <gqamsoe Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Â¥For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Uttawas, August 7, 1869. â€" First class Meda., ALF LABARRAQUE & CO. Ayer‘s PILLS, the rapidity of its n wuse, Otewa city, C. W. “ BILLINGS, Jre, Architect, Officeâ€" @ Bell‘s Block, Sappors‘ lm «hermnines s0 helne mt Artnent Paie © Dr A&uu.l P.,O'nnv.; Thos Reyrolds, i Managing Virector 0. & St. L. R. R. 1“‘ vl\n ONTARIO FARM ER. . j BECOND YEAK OF PUBY,IOA‘I'IOI. \ This ably conducted popular and invaluable rural Journal, will, on and after January ist, 1870, be issued from the city of Hamilton, Ont. Moestrs. T. & R. ?mu‘ having ‘a‘uluod a proâ€" prictory interest in it, become nublishers. in year, payable in advauce. lhcon?‘nlut!m d‘.“lm“l:d for ; pmum: ms of Agricultur igence, &c., ma addressed to o P * o wWFCLARKE, | &rlowr{ interest in it, become its publishers, in e belief that this region of sountry, second to no part of Canada in agricuitural and horticulâ€" tural resources and progress, needs and will ably sustain, a periodical devoted specially to the interests of the farm and garden. The Oxtario Faruzr will contipue to be edited by Rev. W. F. Clarke, who is universally acknowledgedto be the ablest agricultural writer early advertisements. o _ _ t.:fl{nfl[’flfl Prics, free of Postage, $1.00 a The attention â€" of farm implement makers. seeds men, nursery men, dairy men, and others, is invited to the Ont.rro FarurR, as a first class ,uluï¬hi-fl mediam. Termsâ€"10 cents rot line, with liberaldiscount for quarterly, halt yearly yoar, able in advaunce. â€" ‘236 Largo Uctavo Pages for One Dollar. lp.da;c:-b Offerâ€"Furnished to Agriculturâ€" al and Ho:â€"tivuitural Socicties, in Clubs of any number, at Seventyâ€"Five Cents each, free . of in the Dominion, and whose name, from its long onnnection with the rural press, has become "familiar as a household word" among the tarmâ€" ers of Cadada During the past year, Reverend Prepared for Hanging. _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ___ _ "flcrolfllfqmï¬.g E. B. Eddy‘s Match all, % nm’_l. AND UFFLCEâ€"Elginâ€"st., opposite the l)lalll. SPECIFICATIONS, &câ€", Prepared for biildings of every d * o o INET 5. Paior angle LBe BJ Blinds, Mouldings, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, &0., &o. Dealer in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, P:ï¬" ln‘lq;. &o., &o. Sashe Primed and Glazsed; and Blinds Painted and : BR _ Agents, D_aughtsmen, &c. Ofice, the Ontario I'hu. ststh-'n.. Ottaws, '1 for Trust and Loan Co. W. &. Tamrus. P 1 ihe "jUZLN * commprises allthe uisitesicr & frstâ€"class hestan ant. Yhe House h':a%onnm and ref. Trnished mum:t. The BAR contains the choicust Brands ir and Liqu rs, and every delicacy cfthe seas. a wiil be found on the table. The Opgxiu the Court House and Public Offices, ST. CaATHARINES, Ont. K. HOUVGHTON, Pro‘nridor. 1 Late of «toughton‘s Dining Ralcon.) PMA spacious sampleâ€"reom for commercial traveliers. MA 8509v BETWEEN SPARES & QUEEN 8TLEET fWHISTLE & Co+â€", Land Surveyors, Land HALIFAX, NOVA 8ScoTIA, _ Established 1851. ( 4 * Permanent and transiont boarders accommodaâ€" tod, and every mwwfld to their comfort; __ 9697 JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. â€" § ..'., mm â€,m. l,lCKW ICK HOUVSE, Corner Ja roprieter‘s best efforts will be directed to he comâ€" ort of his guests ano patrons. _$M" Oysters, Game eto..daily . Â¥ B CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and © Goneral Agent. SBoloe agent for Road‘s ne Ales and Porter. Pork, Viour, &0., for sale. Orricn: No. 5, Sparks Streot, near the Russell DR. 0. C. WOOD, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Ottaws. Day office o?oam the Tiuzs Office, Sparksâ€"street, Centre Town . Night office at his residence, Mariaâ€"street, Centre Town. Caxorrs Curso,without the use of the knife, by a new, but certain, speedy, and almost painiess process, â€"References given to ;muu sueâ€" sessfully treated, it required. 17w1007y EYVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, CORNER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS. e TTA W A. EVERY DELICACY OF THESEASON. ‘pfl 4. A. RECKETT, Surgeon Dentist Dâ€"ntal Mroms over A. Graham & Co.‘s ««Commercial Warehouse," directly opposite the British Lion Hotel, late Tixgs Printing Office Lang‘s Biock, No. 60, sparksâ€"st., Ottawa City. Ottawa, April 12, 1869. 1021â€"167 ESCVE GBLmin * mEmTOY, Cueip Orders and Remiitances will be sent to . T & RWITE, Publishers Ontaric Farmer, Russell‘s. DR. ROBILLARD, Pbysician and Sur.. geon. Spescial attention given to the treat ment of all Diseases ot the EYE and ,EAR. General practice attended to also. * Office hours froin 9 a.m., unil 4&.m.., Office & Residence on the south side of uru& Btroot seoond house from corter of Dalhousic Street. Cttawa, Nov. 5, 1869. 1197.y IINHE UNION HOUSE, . Ciub of 10 _« _ ................. 8 00 Club of 30 a sovcssccsccscee.. 16 00 And all over 20, at 75 cents per. copy, free of [1] ip{T. JAMES! HOTEL, l\nu s QUEEN * llll'l'AUuAl"l'o M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corper of Meteaifo and Wellingtonâ€"streets, PS‘ rite the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" y »Ay®s, COPPER â€" PLATE Immediately opposite the Grand Trunk Depot. Tt MUIK METROPOLITAN, s ; AUMOND‘S BLOCK, . Rideau Street Ottawa. 203( P. O‘MEARA, Proramros. he " QUZEN " comprises all the 1 GENERALCLUB RATES FOR 1870. ‘lub of 6 Subscribers.................$ 5 00 Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler. R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Officeâ€" Sparksâ€"stteet, Cont: al Ottawa. BAutf R.â€" GKOMGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. Ofliceâ€"Sparksâ€"street, opposite M & oll‘s. P t 675] Ime &As A. A, PHILION, Physician, Surâ€" geou and Accoucheur, Duke streot, Leâ€" HOIGEST LIQUORS, AVERLY HOUSK, YORK STREET,â€" TOROXTO. The Bar always supplied with the Apotcls and Saloons. Â¥iate, Ottawa. ATON, Manafacturer of oors, Sashes, Bank street, Centre Town, Miebical arbs. And the table sproad with *tlisccllancous. Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., M A TROTTER, [PRINTER, 1111.6m u"..a.uflsrm‘. A stylish sign can be 5A practical experionce of sizteen years in the md towns sand cities of Canada and the Btates enables me to suit the various tastes and atisfy the wants of all my oustomers. By this system the air in any building is at mnout the same temperature at the floor as it is near the seiling. * H MEADOWS £C0, 35 Sussex street Wflifl'l W is H I N G , duonuhï¬uï¬uhothm.unm and on the most reasonable terms that ean be We have bought the right to use the REVD L WARNER‘8 improved system of churches and other buildings, and also for the same. â€" . The Reva John N Lake, Wesleyan Minister at London, Ont, says: Ihvi-$ in a church during the winter of 18€ {um by the E:a“l. Ws’mt'a improved metbod of heating ' ngs, J am prepared to say that du the coldest weather the church capable of nm':.‘mr 800 was always delightfally warm and n!fm tilated.~ I am confident that 1t is the most economical, safe, simple and complete arrange ment for heating and ventilating buildings yet offered tothe Canadian public. We have testiâ€" monials similar to the avbove from ministers, trustees and sertoas of churches in various parts of the Dominion. We are prepared itc take orders for heating churches, school houses, stores and dwel:iings. Our work will be guaranteed to give satisfaction. Orders from a distance likewise promptly attended to. eE e § PAINTING R ESTABLISRMENT, + _ _ 68 SPARKS STREET. & s Glar ’.YP:.en get yi-r Pdm ?:‘m;, asing the ciry. Alsoâ€"a complete stock of MECHANICS‘ TOOLS of ?omhml-flltcd American manuâ€" Then Come and Examine my Stook, Am,mdï¬khh And satisfaction will In buho.m'lnï¬ï¬‚. $A Don‘t forget the place, _______ _ Come old and young, come short and tall, Come rish and poor, come great and small Terines andpmaitle sferity grage. > 4A Sothpiets ased paints of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWABE,~ constantly kept on Mand at the SIGN OF THE mt'n.. ?l[ll?!“l.m in part of No. “' RIDEAU COOKING, PARLOR & BUX STOVES, f in great variety. Sdc' Agenis for "Nortkhs" Patin‘ed Drum ‘ Heater; and also for Eaton‘s*Paent Venâ€" | tilating Stoves. : _ uN KHAND, . JOS. RODGERS & SON‘S CUTLERY AND DIXON & SON‘S »arâ€" Frateo Warse, W Britannia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" â€" ued Ware of all kinds, English Enâ€" ' amelled Bird Cages just received, Ottawa, November .3, 1869. â€" INPORTERS OP â€" HOUSE FURNISHING â€" HARDWARE RTOVES, STOVES, C. P. D O RIO NJ _ © 58 Sparks st, Opposite British Lion Hotel, and 62 ‘Clarence streot, directly opposite Lower Town Merket at the Stove gvpd. . The above named Stoves are as follows : Cookâ€" ::g. Parlour, Double, Box . all sizes, at rricu to purchasers. : ‘ 1144.6m N. B.â€"Moe Bensine Coroal. Galloas Pipe, Dumb Stoves, Damper Pipes, T Pipes, a good supply at a low rate, and a full upply of Lumbermen‘s requisites. . Remermb»r 2,000 CELEBRATED Q K READ No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"8ST., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin =® and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers é‘C., dc., ~ Vo 4 v u re qu ire Stur 0s aj m d tos +p ipe 3 . T1 i 5,000 STOVEPIPES, Cheap for ca«b. 200 STOVES, b 1 G N 1,600 STOVEPIPE ELBOW , © _ No 24, Rideau stroot. P_?â€"Au goods delivered free to any part of 300 IMPROVED EBOW, * LANG THE OLD CHURCHES, ere shall we go? LYTH & KERR, ARDWAirE! HARDWARE : REAT EXCITEMEXT. Ntoves & Hardware. THOMAS â€" BIRKETT‘S, PATENT PIPE. HERE A SPECIALITY WARM CHURCHES. an _opposite Lower Town Market, â€" Clarepce street, LOOK â€" HERE ! STRANGERS‘! CALL EARu: assorted from different makers, YERSUS Iron, Paints,all colors, Stoves, Glase, C P DORION, And see for yourselves. ar Sparks strcet, opposite B L Hotel, from ten cents up fifteer sents up, _ Junel4, 1869 sc Fos SALE Mess Pork, Ohicago, and M*" and Sand Point. ; Ottawa, D“Ql“‘"l"‘ TBE TIMES is priste * ‘rnOfuvAfl": mOo.gh ‘;. Railway. ______ _ Fo. SsALEK, Act, only in sise or quantity $r00 the aforesaid mortgaged 1498 The said Act of Incorporsti®®® in the name onhecfl"‘“ wAY AnD NAVIG ATI®OW Railway from Fort Garry, . ME sonvenient point on the States, wich power to Build, navigate Steamers and «th#t 1# AL River Saskatchewan and it taries, and upon Rivers as4 put up a tricts to bo _ ersed by i# 37 a onctaff Compant to heat Ohurcl hgeg" m c can refer to severa! bo%uod in “‘“ =“ fer us suvera the ing of mortgages 08 t .'é.l W tions as the #fl“ “M" h:'-“. . . ."OI -t.'. Mn“-:rhflhfl‘ H ME N“ ative Settiors on their apth :u':-uu to be agreed ; cn-ï¬uuhul""'; ï¬ollnouh‘.‘wu.“ Lands atorccaid, lt t Grant Lanés todifier, so 14 M Seitlement, on the Red Kin lately under the control fths pany, and from thenceto t Columbia. Is heroby ziven that 1 made to the Pariiament of 4 nade, at the next Session th Incorporation for a Company of a Eailwoy from the OM Province »f Ontario, to Fart 0 NO'I'ICI P R E PARED Pr. J. C. AYER & 08, LA: Bt. Anthontf‘s A OFFLICRâ€"G P Davsuz I w | WEF: reng * NKce, 19 Sparks str visible forms d&- raqpmemned uho:':meuhl-n’ nn DIRECTORS : fld.:'m P «betuim . '..m"cfl .a'w1 BFOOTE A TRHOMSO m‘wl mb’or“-,w s .o.oc m. Bot lone contmoed o aeeamifibuTant To CT , and Femai Ba .. KEKPERB, GROC mo-‘l{ ooo.n.d P . bane Tor paeh case are fominet MEDN STORES AKD 07 &und by accumulati , y give notice of in in the blood, ‘}eld q ..I s, amimze d cd.&ll Complaints, uy Curillko KETCHUP, &0. whol of the Liver, and. ces ‘-*. during t as they often do, from the mt . meto blood. _This l£=' RIL anlarge m mlarer for Thi wigor e 4 to make the wh Oe n o € Those who uiffl rpose. & dent, Sleepiess, and wouded ) have now is undon prehensions Fears, Ot .l.‘h‘.d.. W of Weakness, / of « Annd continding . making known the ja vower upon trial. 45 : _from seedt procured sOLD BY ALL DERUC _ _ Ot 2 . Augus! 1, Ayer‘s For the construstion of # _ composition. We he 2# ition, We h. l, ?:nï¬?'ffmrum Of their fullnwug‘grgm : "‘“, ry n rhood dapred 1o 21 se hi e neabyet the bo», for the ï¬;llo; Pills rapidly cure :â€" For ‘-pym a "They operate by their paoltie D BEST B ;'?.?;l'::mw:fy t::r‘,...:!i u‘!‘E.STuA.!' Chil into hoalthy artion ~reanttients Ladies‘, d Boy‘s We ::,‘,',’n;?'?!. lzo‘wclnp-l‘lv..‘ -- an Baz es body, restoring their mï¬ Â® k as .â€": «hosen by correcting, 'hqw. they .~ "ag "Tven "himn oc dechage PrFiiRr Conrian the“ ::)u“.“fdr the followin?‘****."*tbes suppt For Rysapepsia ness, Oor > n anyoar and W.:; in 5 .0 5. J GEOR For Rheumatism, 6 @ tation of ':.:-’M% Back ard Loins, they sy *! taken, as required, to changey ® I:‘o one :'t other d‘%ï¬ ;‘::wn‘:ï¬ : lt-l'_'fl Back ard Loins, the unati ... "gaearly opporite tht 4 l‘:ekcn.a‘: '*l“{{"'& to rh& sale at VERY LOW 1 system. W stock, 0~| dl"_'_llfl'flf-u -sid _"‘ J AMM LauD _ For Dre a «‘ hes. Tiquors, Tobascco, 18 should b° taken in laige en amihitighnden upicas. Prck1et: du'r_'t the effect of a drastic wndies, Coarse and Fine l‘l-‘ AS il“;lmnmw tha d.-&‘.‘% Bo'm“‘ 0 ‘M its presence by eruptions ont ror buppression a large dy, as A“ produces the dc-j&. -M:?h",-‘:::.'.-a _'.n? ~.l FREAY ie ~veundp .. i .: ?lcm C ion and relieve ~PORKK, < o soramoen oned «ole2 0088 I 8 ABR. HERKL howels into healthy &Ction, reston, articles 1 and ln"“:m ‘hiom Hew W“fl vantageou 'be‘!: -h M“| . who feels to| , %(‘To"“_h m&ï¬ï¬% ofl' Congou, clean renovating ~ _ Japan, cheap. :rvcrlpplf::: quite frosh DHR. J. C. AYER 4 00., h EKâ€" and LOWELL m:hv% Goies 5 â€" Ottewa, August 7, 1889, â€" » : Auso ‘ G ‘ Aa s maa no t P100% wHILTE BEANS p A CHAIS CABLAi# oTICK. December 16, 1869. Ww w24 en moderately 1 of the be e of this Aafety 00.-.. 12th J4 KDERS will Inn.a'“ of Marine and Figheria« *4 by the 1st day of MA Y # with plang and speci +M the Lachine Canal ¢ t this Depértment on at ARTMEET op thâ€" of two reunonuthi. SoCMSelves to the faits ERS FoR Llogr T KONTREAL, Department does not the lowest or any ""mbnulndlu LASD LK â€" De Kuypor‘s and f P. M â€" Minister of Marine « 1206.4 Jaw LLIEG AT Tw T®T PERCENKNT BELOW © the time or bar alns. W WaBK _ aA1 And # Works to a 39 RIDEAU ST : oTTAW A, G OPENXED HIS_ jumerous other articles complete stock . P . apan Congou, rite t'm,“" r-._ resh Coffee ground and ses. â€" D sTOOK, SAVELp ‘s Irish Whiskey . and other Ales. â€"MEADOWs & NASH: Wianas? |,|l"“.“m Old [rish Potteon. and London Porter, WHELAN, is the best; they ;0 . PRARDIEE , AUSH and other brands. OLD RYE, WHISKEY, TORK STEREET. STOVR 1t TBE