q § *# Cw *4 pÂ¥: %#% i+ <&4 Fi #4 mn."’"'â€"&“;ii-_“"' of the most fasâ€" OBILINGS snd WALLA WHITENED and OLOURED in a superior style, on the most * easonable and at the shortest notice. Constantly on hand, and ‘at prices that defy VC JO8EPH HOWE, & SBecretary of State for the Provinces *# yueen & was in the usual eitisens of the Nominmon of Canada will celobrate the birth of their new and anid rising existence; but recovered invalids still feel that a public holjâ€" would be too short to celebrate all th virtues of that celebrated Indian Medicine, thegreat Suoâ€" swownses Reusort, now on sale by the respectable es ve muse ro enretl the geteiesr "Bata by ail dealors in medicines, at 15 cents a bag. * Evasrsoot Sats m- all who har af scts -t....l by others ; nl. ul.= mat « Dartey‘s C Powders and Arsbian druggists in your localitrv. Ee y e t l manleremage «ind ain spondlly hiod oun tacaily when taken in the carly stages of the disâ€" un.m“tu..n-gm * Brown‘s ease, recourse should at onee be had to " Brown‘s T/ e iimforante Uf thevking a cough. us #com» _m drst stage. M..ï¬â€˜ im the m o ai o pocm solds;thick wind, and all disonses which afes ues ueagerty thive in asthing to in nhich can io. o jure .:-uih:.“ or wellâ€"nor -'od:: fan the articie which all who own hores require, Emm V â€" mupted to at bï¬d“h ndl:hv“. any sucsess had been achioeved ustil Messrs. Brothers disovered the extraordinâ€" t Uinkier n at reornenmen io e onl thilk T2 tis Shice mepmmetann oo vigge an Cocson in the market. m.. sate aroms, and a rare consentration of the w o# nutrition, dd# the Coson above all cthers. homeâ€" 3 l n:ab e ldth. more or * -““dn!almr*-hnbmh mhudn“gzï¬u_ are of Hurd anda Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyâ€" Mï¬ummu # Gliobe" says :â€"** Varions importers and manuâ€" facturers have attempted to attain a reputationp -hmo-u.aulmu.m., and the affiicted, has passed into a In the United Stated, where these a Testice ntealiperttinirany ) thodonaad twenty years, until now the sales Average ovrer hnndred thousand bozes a year. â€" Eminent memâ€" Mitinet uy han‘e M n propataciee groae 2 smoh ‘beneficial results as these W afers, HJUSE PAINTINXG, MANGING PAPER, Which will enable him to execute all orders with Putty, Glass, Stained do. do., Obscured Piate, Amethinck 28 and 21 ounce, Diamond Star and Other Brands in Boxes, or Cut Supt. Genl; Lodian Affairs. Ottawa, Desember 24 1809. ~*** ~1340, 4lan His stook, w assortment of tatin and Plate Paper wihs Fiock and * e iramoremiones P.8.â€"â€"Mr. Baton has in f? the most exâ€" nert and experienced workmen, EPARTHMEXIT OFf MIgAlY or D BTATE FOR THE PROVINCES. Ottawa, Sth Decsember, 1889. Notice is hereby given that His Exoelliency the Q@overnor Gemerai in Council, has this day appointed the Secretary f State for the Provinces * Auperintendent General of Indian Afairs" with the management of all matters connscted with the Indian Tribes. ***Ficronn paake mascraviony, |â€" o [ auad., e e ie n neyt _‘ COreat Watch and Pail Factory of K. B. KDDY, â€" C**"wee | 5 | ~apmrorters it Saakcr; poore mints. wous. ted with despatch, nomlv : of the work guar .zu.u"'flul which will mg: MA sashes Primed and Glased for shipâ€" ment, and Blinds Painted Hangâ€" l_-g.vfli_o-"lod-q-fl,ï¬y“ Come and see, .mmm CGlazed can be m_ with losse risk of breakage han glass * boxes. B. EATONX, Store and OMce, Elginâ€"st., Opposite the Russel! COMMERCI AL. " IN PRICES oFr W ALL PAP ER 8 oPCawW. 1\s«<®prs R ZATON‘ S. â€" Freawvsa Tium | Jan‘y 38, 1670,. .3 D e 611 received and execuâ€" C"TA.I To _ll_"'_o EK xo. 37, in First Concession, Ottaws Front.Neâ€" pean, and Lots Nos. 26 and 28, in the samecenâ€" session, at present in the cccu o Wu.1. Ayien, L“N further apply to Joun and Tuouson, Nepean, and _ Lawis & Pusust, Barristers, Ottawa. JeÂ¥â€"141â€"4f ean not be equailled by any other, for several kinds of Soft Soap, without cither lyo or grease. Mara Soap, and some of them of a superior article. HORSE TRAINING INFORNMXATHON. The wildest andâ€"ugliest horss can be made to obey his master, and even to walk after him in the streets, roads or felds, without the slightest nhlhlcu. All accomplished in one day. eure forCORNS at acheap rate, without _ Oure for W ARTS on your hands or face. ‘1hey mumu-mummum Cure for lame oack dissases; Rhoumatism of he worst kinds can becured in less than a woek without taking say kind of medicine in the inside. Cures persons troubled with the Gravel. Cure tor Bunions. Cure for Piles. Cure for the Heart Disease, PROVINCE OF ONTARLO, fldm ; wu. By virtue ot a Writ of Fierl Facias, tssued out of Her Majesty‘s Court of Common Pleas, at Toronts, to me directed and delivered, agrinst the lands and tenements whick were of MICHAEL COPPS, deceased, ‘at the time of his death in the hands of MARY COPPS, executrix of the :ast will and testament, of the said MICHAEL COPPS, deceased, to be administered, at the suit of JOHN COPP», L have seised "and taken in execution, and will offer for sale at Public Auction, at my office, in the Court House, in the City of Ottawa, on MONDAY, the TWENTYâ€"NINTH day of MARCH, A D 1870, at tweive o‘slock, noon, all the estate, right, title, interest and equity of redempâ€" tion which were of MICHAEL COPPS, deceased, at the time of his death in the hands of the said MARKY CJPP3,° executrix as atoresaid, of, in, to and out of, all and singular that parcel of land being composed of the east twoâ€"thirds of lot numâ€" ber twentyâ€"two, in the cleventh consession of the Township ef Fitzroy, in the County of Carleton, containing one hundred and thirty three and oneâ€" third acres, be the same meore or less. WM P POWELL, Sherif, Br JAY BAILILFF, Depury Sherif. last of such notsees to the Private Bill} Cfice. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first three weeks of the Session. ALFAED TODD, Ch â€" Clerk Committoos asd Private Bills, Fonou.-.â€"n.wmfllnd Leot No. 37, in First Concession, Ottawa Front,.Noeâ€" Cure for nomomwum at any time in less than twenty hours, Also, by a emmon herb. Parties who are infloted with any such disâ€" a#o«». should make application to F. MARTIN, Hail, in the summer season, as the best time to ture all such discases. _ Parties desirous to be agents can make applica~ lon, as he has many other valuable powers for commercial mwâ€"' of 1 Qh‘“.‘h‘u:dun .4:..5 or property of other parties, are hereby no that ":9' are required by the Slist and followin, Rules :l-ud(h':.-"“mpb! lished in full in the Canada ), to give TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICEK of the application Mrfloï¬-‘- x h‘.:moh“: newsnaner nubli hed in myc Union of Parties intending to make qtntl-h enre k »st THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, A PIRSTâ€"CLASs ___â€" FAMILY . MAGAZINE, . Bpecially devoted to the =Somxcr or Max," his Location and Natural of the. with directions for and them ; and the relations between M and body described. i Pursioaxout, with all the ©Signs of Character munnâ€"atâ€";nwm Eruxonsoor, or the Natural History of Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in different Tribes and Nations, will be given. Pursioroot & Axstourâ€"The o:wl.. Structure and Functions of the Human ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Est ;dmln':.mhclabdi.nlln m†& ‘lg-n.hm'n-lywm ARsterencesâ€"The Rer. T, B, Jones, L. L. D., 8t. mibans; J. Thorburn Heq , M.A., Rector ot Gramâ€" -“-l. Apply at the Grammar, Sehool or at this Oflre 1190. im _ ShATD TWR 202 Tiin Jennar) Rumier: 1ate, a HEW is commenced. The fprim has been changed from a quarto to the -ntvdâ€" ent octavo, u‘mw have been ::“ It has o .-Whm.:d'z uever mire popular thas at présent, _ â€" â€"_ _ _ $2 each, and an extra copy G‘ï¬â€œ filke 00 5o h-'l:n'::.-:" r u:,l.o' :-‘:‘n.'m new ll‘-hl_ Poster M tm t ‘{I::" 8 R WELLS, Publisher, _ _ -t'ï¬c'd&m q--ihuhn.. A â€" azerts aso Tracuemsâ€" m educating :-lc as it rul n.:‘thpu:ll-:::-: r and and oo anet ai en Muck general and asetaul on leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts Restpsnonâ€"Yorkâ€"st., frst Brick House below the market â€" mluares, ts woll on oo ol Piotucint Pamtly CHIEF UNDERTAKER, : SPARKSâ€"5 T. | COPFPINS, HEARSES § CARRIAGES, POR OLD AÂ¥D TYOUXG PEOPLE. Bole agent for o Mouse of Ottaws, 13th Dec, 1869. 1331to8 Ottawa, December 22nd, A D 1863. S2td KFor Sale or to Let. WASHING COMPOUND, #*6 SALE OF LAND3. METALLLC COFRINS8, The Brain and its Functions ; the cents. Clubs of ten or more, 349 Broadway, New York. the first and amagi| N.: r such dis. | â€"â€"â€" it en 19 HZ mmnmmmmnmn mm DOI: J 'o'o""g““l“h‘m omr.naw.u.mmumam Ofice to Beli‘s Law Chambers, opposite VR Barristers, Advocates, &c. fices, Ay!â€" mer, Q., (Main Street), and Ottawa, (Elgia MMH‘ Patents for Inven:â€" tion, &0., especially attended to in Ottawa. Â¥. McLeoo, W. McK Wauest, R. 8. Lawsos. ancer, &o. Oiceâ€"LAl Kept by all the principal Uruggists and #rocers in â€" A. Â¥. F. GIANELLI, Sole Manufacturer and Proprictor for the Dominâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.B.â€"These celebrated Bitters are carefully prepared with the very best quality of Sherry Wine, and are especially adapted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate constitutions. ‘They are gently stimulant, and will be found infallible aids to digestion, s 0 n For directions see label round the neek of each MV o in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Bussezâ€" street. OfMce, Unia Buildings, Ottawa. b5y uongcl LAPIERRE, Attorneyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer and No. tary Public, Corner of Sussex and York stroets, Ottawa. Avepsrys Kegpm. Public, and Patent RightSolicitor. _ Oficeâ€"Im . mediately opposite Russell HBouse, Elginâ€"st. 43utf RO'AI. ITALIAX BITTERL. Prepared by special permission® from the original recipe of F. P. VERRI, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY. K“". & Kl Attornies _“ ‘_"l 'uu-â€"m;.â€" 366 _ Grones TM: hâ€"m“ or -Miiv.;uï¬ '~ “o m_â€" l. cqnl-gso'lt's.__ e L e 5A Jm _A GLIGIOOE, mADDLWGT manm anGGmEp & CC entEst of the Peace and County Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. Oflceâ€"In the Court House, L‘Orignal. * ‘ $4â€"6m {M Soffom.is. diece . York street, near the Market. The subscriber respectfully announces that he &# hnGting ths progie of ‘Piiews ant Tiemay M “.:&o ot a and for the extended, as well as the “mmmuflmhm eity. Heholds SALES EKVELKY DAY, (when not ctherwise either at his rooms or en the market. bmm confdence to all who have effects or real estate to him for sale bnnlly.ll.uhluumfl satisfaction as muin obtained, as well as prompt I-nh:‘::ll‘.od after He is ready to receive instructions from persuns mwmmw. or real to dispose of, and pledges that un-.vmuu.u-»u-uï¬nm-‘ faction in discharge of the trust to him. Consignments from a distance will meet with imâ€" mediate and careful attention. Cash advances made on furniture or other * Thaoes seaitanily sn head for hize: | h s The highest price paid for second hand pianos * PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLK. wenoremiine POwuelr, SorLies as, o8 ug, 96 SG and 1226d. Pancreatine Wine, bottles,38,568 and10s. N.B.â€"Pancreatine Wine is the best vehicle for , 6 lnuun.s TATUL A, Affords Immediate Relief, _ im s «e cases Qgï¬. ronchit‘s. =â€"â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" .:‘m-ï¬o.ml.m mmm kind, I have never known an instancse in relief was not obtained."â€"General Alewzander to Mon. B. Muart, ‘ In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 10s. â€" o‘h:mrmmmmu. MM%‘H&.‘:&&.&I& ld&lflL‘d.lz- Aosutsâ€"Mesers. Â¥. Cundill & Co., Montreal, &E‘ ms.-ruv effects the DIGESTION and ASS!MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the f1it eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, suâ€" TAM GLASSW ARE, of every description, a giaT THE VARLIETT HALL Ottawa, December 4. 1882. O 1213â€"6m Ormcaâ€"Post Odice Baildings, Eigio st: N Bâ€"â€"Money advanced on landed s o curity. F\ A,. MARA, Architect. "A@ Buildings, Rideaunâ€"st., C En TEâ€"â€"IGEETE» E+ €4 U‘l SEIVES, :___ And save 25 per cent. of coal, o ly 25 cent« None are genuine unless bearing the signature of e proprietor, _ a , 1033 â€" ‘A. K. F GILIANELLL. COMMERCIAL ‘SALE PR Roneat Lezs. 43utt _ Joax J. GmaunmuL. Â¥rancis H. Burton, Esq, M P _ James m’,‘q.ac. H.V. Nool, w!to: lnl. Ntitawa. His ishop of Kingston, -..m".s’.‘ii....‘.‘u. & MHon. H. L. Langevin, C B, and Sect‘y of State, Hoo. Alezx. Camy P M G, i-‘a’-t:-"‘g".fl’g 6 1CHOLAS SPARKS, Barrister and Attorâ€" EES & GENMMILL, SBarristers, Attort | Solicitors. Convevancers, &s. ouâ€"u.g TETREAU, lmz‘:.bllqï¬m Pro e vince of Quebes, , Bear gomhl DWARD T. DARTNELL, Barrister ITY AUVCTIONX XART, CLEOD, WRIGHT 4& LAWLOR, EEFER & KIMBER, Barruters and AMSETT P.. HILL, Attorney at L&W, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &¢. _ O8SGROVE & TAILLONX, Barruters, 1117 House, Land and General Agent. Me HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law O*CONNORNR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€" Seal Cans. 1NDIGESTIONâ€"â€"P A NCR E A«â€" sston Merchants. FOI ASTHM A~ aad Chronic Bronchitis for the Provinces ot , Sohcitors in Queen‘s Auctioneer, Rexz Epwarso Kizasts. M P P CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA, and ‘* i‘ Find on it the Expross charges are too high. ufltut.m“ï¬l‘fla ldrlo't a box of the of CHOLERA MLX Ul“ wwmmmh 1 with me here brought two ladies t raot mirmiale t mebleas is naw: tht alled a lnla’tindor. w&.dmuky.-v residing every family, is only r-dy used, and we have never kuown a single pwly.:db'd but on the e U ::’â€. $ on cdnx. are umumn‘-m lnlollx terms of its magical e€ects. 'orlï¬-q.huohtlh-m.m tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who ary suffering from any of the comp <ints for which it is .ecommended may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION. CaANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER Oprains, Cramps in the _Oldm.bnd’-q.lm ; #, flmu.u The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and whenever used is well liked, nover lula in a single instance to give permanent relief when TEADE M Chest, a::. Tt o) '2:’:5, dimm"-g: 11:3 genied phingn, enusing free tlpectoratice, and an pn-dmmhnhvh.' mwuu.m:mum luc(l-dhflcthnmï¬- Dealers are ; su to the universal nfl&hm j s The Canajian Pain Destroyer never fails to give mmediate rolie{. All Medicine Dealers keep i ‘&‘zï¬_;....,.c the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in dissases for which it is reâ€" commended, and its wonderful successin subduing A grand specific for derangement of the Digestive Orfn-,n‘ht obstructions and torpid action of the Liver and Bowels. colu’::.m.,d;.‘l"&ld Vinegar, Rose Denti‘ frice, for the Tooth and Gums,. Also constantly on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and fLollet Requiâ€" sites usually kept in a frstâ€"class osta . No, 41 Sussoxâ€"st., 0 m.-â€""w order and use l'.i and no family w it after onee tr7 ing it. . lOl'lIgP & LYMAN, _ Newsnstle, C. W Mortimer‘s V le Worm er houlylu.on-dw y that existe, Mbhh‘“: licious taste and amasing power, i A'mmmhw‘muml’b soveries stands the : huh.blohhvdlbndruuo(l-pdr W’ an excelient TONIC for persons * covering Winess. Foreale in quart bottle ; price one dollur. ' Garouza‘s Doursric eocull-nrv’n:lnn. many a n ‘bottles 25 cents P e inimaih snn ie â€"â€"it is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its ors in all parts of the Dominion. Gardener‘s First Priss Baking Powder, un: rivailled for purity o:;xnllnn. 'l'er ulo.by grocers everywhere, in 3 oz packets, 7 cents ; 6 os 10 cents ; 1 d , 25 conts ; siz Psn Sito. Weeksrer Sig budk the bort tot io mnDEAEIES an0 is uc use 457 Notre Dame street, TWENTYâ€"FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. This valuable medicine has the extraordinary 19 S fie: mistea oae e |~> vitl 3 s C ams Tor "rprwcie mmm and other Rifles, _ Also cutfltl‘u for Ballard the Spencer, and American Henry Repeating The " ELEY BOXER" are the m C omm og t onl hg»mï¬m (ompty) of all sizes, and for the 'znâ€"l dm.m Rifles, can be had or without the )%.ummuwmcmup XER CARTRIDGES of +450 bore tor R evol _ _ STEAM PLANING MILL, Queen street, Lo Breton‘s Flats, â€" rsi inform o the e rememniprone oi 'OIlud. irge stook dnnnlcuic'l“ MMl-n‘mW, ces * ag Pistols, used in her Mo. Nary. . _ â€" %nn RIM FIRE mfl of all sizes, for Bmith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pookst Revolvers. f PLNX CAKRTRIDGES for Lefauchouzx Revolvers mmut-..m n.bo-nm'm.:‘ es “lfloï¬.‘:.. n ie manns on gemam Cartridges, Felt Gun Waddings for Breech and artridges, Felt Gun Waddings for Breoch ues Foudene, ud eviey dupiciption pertudhcmed _ Wanted, Tinsmith, . moral Agonts for 0. W Bold by Geo. Murtimet; Jokn Seberts, W. M 'r_l'fllfl'lu. Solda in Bottles at 11. 3d. and 21. 6d. Each. NANADIAN PAIS DESTROYER : GARDENER‘S EPILEPTIC CURE. Price bottle ; siz bottles for $5. . on nDEAER. Onbmut RTIMER‘8 COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUS TAWA : §TIMES, JANUARY 28, 1870. [NFALLIBLE HAUDIERE FAÂ¥UMILY ‘ . QUININE »ayâ€" WINE BITTERS, : NoNE OTHER GENXUINZL. GRay‘s INN RoaAD, LoOS§Dpon. WHOLEAALE OXLY.: e 2 ‘ h J \ © _4'4? f ; " * 8 . P NR : g i(’:\ | & ‘-' > Bole Proprieter and Manufacturer. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. MORTIMERS o. 81 Bussoxâ€"st., Ottawa City. Beriin, l uies Btater"Bott LAW & JOHNSTON a lt Hair Vigor or the glaads atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent balguess. Free from those deleterious subBtances which make some pm (hn%ems and injurious to the hair, the Iitgox- can only benefit but not harm it. . If wanted merely for a h For restoring Gray Hair 1 its natural Vitality and Color \l' # L4 N reshness of youth. BE Li uns ls tiick. ened, falling hair checked, and baldâ€" mess often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambricd, and yet lasts , long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a gnug:ll perfume. medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent temedy for pulmonary complaints. 'rhronghslonf / har mm hepie nad To thetr eriinc men estimaâ€" tion, as it has become Mm:» Its uniform mn;dnso'a to cure the various affections of the throat, have made it known as a reâ€" liable w them, While adapted to milder forms of %fludfldm,uu gerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a proâ€" vision against sudden attacks of Crowup, it should hwumdhwc{oï¬az.mhbdunfl are sometimes subject and coughs, all Wmmm“mm o _ Aitnough settled Comsumption is thought inâ€" To4 y matlent resimed ty Tound Tomkl oy ns over the disorders of th ‘l,.mo'â€"'"" id ‘Throat, that ï¬c the 4 the â€nid MMM%&&.MP«- toral they subside and e« Mm is always relieved and often wholly Bronchitie is cured taking Mrmmflï¬n'.’-tm“f _ Bo mlly enerally are its virtues known that we need not the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully nï¬'&m-wa' ty Mmï¬ï¬‚‘m:ï¬â€˜. Zinc, any mineral ’olmu' bstance vhm‘o-'-. it in nowise y:u any p.d::t. The number and heuuhm-ï¬db tricts, are bagdmc.mdwe ieve aF Pride & pratned y the Sthuon inlaments e receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. J.W either resident b’:' or mgm the AGUE CURE daily. For ..mhgmwmlz of the Liver, it is an e t remedy, stim ““"’""m“."o.z..mb ant axniont Perandor® and h ter Complatnet. 1 -Q'hbiocnm.whoa:tbermafkheshx! fJIed.' PrAaACTICAL AXD Axaryrricar Curausts, Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, _ . _ Manoo, County of Hastings, Provimea t Gaterie won. ooo oo L ‘This is to certify that during the winter of 1886 I was taken with a weakness of the ancles, which : gradually, during the nprh‘c( 1867, extended to -yhou.ulonnpto-yh%u‘ I became so weak thit I could not walk, was confined to my chair. For abouttwo years, while this weakt ness was coming on me, and afterwards, I sough medical advice, o-mu different times three dostors, and w of different kinds prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I continuâ€" ed to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868, when I was induced toutry the Sho shonees Remedy by reading om%â€"d in a pamphilet. :z’m.u-ox had begun to teol the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost helpiess Ihnukumbo_moflh SBhoshohees Remedy ard two boxzes of the pills and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected toptw.htd-pl{u:fld the medicine as a sort of forlorn hope. case of mine was not .prlnhuo.bukmh.ll-yull‘hm and friends; and to any one affiicted as I was, I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy ; I an excellent remedy, producing many truly reâ€" ble cures, who:o :thern;l:ï¬clnu hn#:{l«l. aifd ' by Dr. J. C. Ara;t Co., ï¬(ifl;l; m nalytical Cm, Low Mass., and sol all round the world. & PRICE, $1.00 PER BOTTLE. Ottawa august17, 1869. j is have only to say the Shoshonees Kemedy ; 1 ulhnllwfllmt:’yu gwors to before me at Sindrs Svanty of Rnstings worn ore me his ninth day of February, 1869; *‘ maameat iss ve n mb.:i’ityhnh last fifteon years ; she is a woman of probity and truth. 1 have known her always attributed her recovery to the Shoshonees Rewedy.* Whatevrer may be the peculiar E:rn{-of this medicine, one thing is certain, hhw:‘muiumdd-utlmm porformance of a miracle. . h w otth “-AYWOOD.J'P. of arden of the Hasti Provineo Odub.ln.hlucmu‘o. an 4 before, during, and since hor iliness. I believe her certificate to be true in mm 1 know that while ill her caso was hope, " The QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, the Academy of Medicine, m‘g econtrary, a medicine of determined composition, rich in active principles, and on which the physiâ€" dnoo.drï¬m crn al vely. > Te QU RIUI,LABAle{lu rnclbod with â€" «at success for persons of weak constitu. tior {or those debilitated by various exhaustâ€" lbn’r « uu’zpldnhhun‘ I ; for youths M‘ud vo * : for y whose development &::':“m m,; for women in chili ; and for aged persons enfeobled by years or illness.â€"1t is the best preâ€" o Messrs. vu. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, s and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history of County of Lennox, Ontario, Canada ; HAIR DRESSING, Uttawa, August 7, 1869. KIVERSAL CZXHLBLITION OF 1855, First class Meda., & ALF LABARRAQUE & CO. â€" Ayer'g AIÂ¥ & S1uus, Conway P O, del *hos Fuller Alba Dr 3 A Grant: P., Cuawe«‘; Thos Reynolds, Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. $ »use, Ottawa city, C. W.. â€"> Dl. ROBILLARD, Physician and Sor.. geon. Spesial attention given~ to the treat ment of all Diseases ot the EYE and EAR. Goneral practice attended to also. _ Office uvurs from 9 a.m., until 4 p.m. Office & 'l\lll\‘. se QUKEN * REKSTAUszAST, . M. KAVANAGH, Propristor, Corner of Metcaife and Wollingtonâ€"streots, os: q:ln the main entrance to the Goyernment he "QUZEEN" coâ€"nprises sllchnw-m & frstâ€"class kostau ant. ‘Yhe House has reftted and ref. tnished mmt. The BAR contains the choicust Brands ir and Liqu wrs, and every delicacy of the seas. a wiil be found on thetable. The futat hi gaste se patronee 1 _ ) ! * * 18 e RM" Oysters,Game eto.. daily Ufice uvurs from 9 a.m., unll 4 &.n. Oliceo & Residence on the south side of Murray Streoet second house from corner of Dalhousie &rut- Ottawa, Nov. 5, 1869. 1197.7y Pestous Fiatsy Otraws, R.EAfll,‘l‘MdM;cM Picture Frames, &0., &o. Dealer in Paints, Oils, for Trust and Loan W. &. Taistus. ‘g’fl-u and P'Qg:'u; n g g’mï¬"n’&m and flcro;}w-m.g ~E. B. Kddy‘s Match BTok® aAnb OFFICEâ€"Eiginâ€"st., opposite the Russell House. _ _ _ _ _ _ R. 0. C. WOOD and D stutionr, puate Dt ces peate Fieu, wiive at on amgmies Ricie mhont Pouks Town. Caxoras Corto,without the use of the kaife, by a new, s‘.’.‘z".'.'.&i'u,'“';r..a"‘ dy, and almost painiess process. given to rrdu pue m.l.l.vm, um 17w1007y K ~ Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., Oy?motlocunfluu and Public Ofices, ST. CaATHARILNES, Ont. _ E. HOVGHTOH, l’rovrhtcf, (Late of toughton‘s Dining Baloon.) PMA spacious samp!sâ€"rvom for commercial travellors. 8597 'l\ul ONTARIO FARMEER. s BECOND YEAR OF PUBLIOA‘!IQI. This ably conducted popular and invaluable rural Journal, will, on and after J&nuary lst, 1870, be issued from the city of Hamilton, Ont. Messts. T. & R. White hvh‘rmuod-po- nristory interast in‘it. hacoma nuhiishare. in Glo. MAYES, COPPER PLATE PRINTER, | Bank strvct, Centre Town, t BETWEEN SPARKS & QUEEN STEEET Tllll'l'!.l & Coâ€", Land Surveyors, Land Agents, D aughtsmen, &o. Office. onposite Lflm ‘ interest in‘it, become its publishers, in that this region of country, second to no part of Canada in agricultural and horticulâ€" *« Commersial Warehouse," directly opy British BL“: élou.l; l'uo Tiues Pd:rn Lang‘s Biock, No. parkeâ€"st., Ottawa Ottawa, April 12, 1869. ‘ _ 1021 tural resources and progress, needs and will ably sustain, a periodical devoted specially to the interests d?‘f&l’- and garden. _ The Ostir:o Fazuer will contipue to be edited HALIFAX, NOVA ScoTIA, Established 1851. Permaunent and transient boardérs accommodaâ€" tod, and overy .M«;‘l;rlld to their comforts __ 960y _ JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. D-. &As As A, PHILION, Physician, Surâ€" MJ geon and Accoucheur, Duke street, Leâ€" W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, CORNER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS, OTTAW A. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. PLAII. SPECIPFICATIONS, &e., ’l‘“ UI‘IOI HQUII, EVERY DELICACY OF THESEASON. Good sublla‘.ndâ€":n-d.uold'o Hostler. by Rev.. W. ‘:.“ ?:m.’ who is universally acknow e ablest agricultaral writer hmm.u whose name, from its long eonnection with the rural press, has : become "tamiliar as a household word" among the tarmâ€" onndo;d.s; Dnnlgptho past year, Reverend Beecher, Professor ‘utlnl.l.. G;I'r.Alln.lr.W.'l‘dwulnni other eminent contributors have written for the Oxtazrio Faruenr, and no pains vrdl'?â€?au to mlho:-‘ tinued on agriculturists, nmm."uuan'v‘:flqm interest to â€'0‘- & BECKETT, Sur Dentist 7 Dental Rroms overâ€" A. Gfl.:s- & Co.‘s prise animals at the iato Provincial Exhibition, will. from time to time, appear in the Ontario Faruzr. These engravings will be executed by those incomparable stock artists, Messrs. Page and Carson, of. New York. Epecial attention will continue to be givren to the advancement of Emigration, the promotion of Arts and M«nutactures, and as during the past year, each number will contain a choico piece of secular or sacred music, . The attention of farm !nplc-o:t“ makers, seeds men, nursery men, dairy men others, is invited to the Ortanto Fazues, as a fLrstâ€"class +Communications intended for publication, !?El 3( Agricultural intelligence, &c., may be {{ Oawa, Decsember 28, 1869. ; CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and @ General Agent. Bole agont for Read‘s :gvhu MPMM}‘&O.D.'#J‘- Ales and Porter. Pork, Fiour, &0., for sale. Orrion: No. 5, Sparks Strect, near the Russell "*"*"*"""* Cir PHET D. FBLeT, Atsabesy‘" Immediately opposite the Grand Trunk Depot. E M A TROTTER, | Editor Ontario Farmer, Gueliph. Orders and Remiltances will be sent to T & &R WHITE, . Publishers Ontaric Farmer, Club of 6 Subscribers.................$ 5 00 Ciub of 10 _ _ 6 ............2.... 8 00 _ Club of 20 °* ersvescessccce... 165 00 And all over 20, at 75 cents per copy, free of The Bar always supplied with the CHOICEST LIQqUORS T. JAMES) HOTEL, Tt HK METROPOLITAN \ AUMOND‘s BLOCK, Rideau Streea Ottawa. 293( P. O‘MEARA, Prorawros. BILLINGS, Jr., Architect. ~ Officecâ€" e Boll‘s Block, Sappeors‘ Bridge. _ _ ICKWICK HOUSE, R. C. LEGGO, Ph an, Surgeon and Coovachous Uikeeâ€" Hastoa‘s BlockGparks R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oficeâ€" Bparksâ€"stroot, Central Ottawa. _ B4utf _ R. GEORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist. GENERAL CLUB RATES FOR 1870. . AVERLY HOUSE, YORK STREET, TORONXTO. Botcls anb Saloons. Moral Carbs. the coming year engraved And the table spread with Miscellancons. ; BAKRIXGTONâ€"STREET, keâ€"street, opposite l‘;s;o & 1021â€"167 1111.6m Vo yourequire stures and tos spipes, "yXB j 3 C. P. DO RILO NJ â€" _ 58 Sparks st, ~ ~ Opposite British Lion Hotel, and 62 Clarence Managqtoc Lower Town Mar rb.::.onlnu&mmuldlo"n Cookâ€" :tm.m_-bh.u lllllfll,lt,fl‘.“ purchasers. 1144.6m consurs, and will en to give it that Mdnmdygg‘IMI 200 STOVES, The Frenchâ€"spetiking inhabitants of Ottews 'in,duiuouly,h.::..“olun&usun- paper bearing the e title is about to u-uuboi:wnu.i‘ Avmoflhomm such a , in both languages spoken in Ottawa, mwthh will afford, every evening, the latest intelligence, I have not hesitated to underâ€" uoï¬mflh“-dï¬. Courier, and it shall be my in doing so to fully anticipate the Ottaya valley. * k&hï¬n of Uttawa is promising. ‘Trade is and there is evidence of present and future prosperity. Hermeans of communication to and from the city, and the facility of estabâ€" lishing additional factories, afforded by the unrivalled waterâ€"power at our very doors, will do much to rapidly increase the city of Ottawa. Wuhultnwhudï¬ondd-d commercial ties between the English and French zukh‘ inhabitants of the Dominion, and it all be the aim of the Courier to coment them lï¬ï¬‚mw.rï¬-‘. In the views measures of the existing government lh'onrvpdow of the Courier fully consurs, and endeavyour to give it that full 5,000 STOVEPIPES, be my aim in doing so to fully anticipate the Mnm@’m-'dï¬omuo{ï¬e Cheap for cask. 2,000 CELEBRATED Q K READ Gallo#s Pipe, Dumb Stoves, Damper Pipes, I Pipes, :‘pod supply at a low rate,.and a full upply of Lambermen‘s requisites. Remembeâ€" 1,600 STOVEPIPE ELBOW , HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWAKE. RTOVES, STOVES, COOKING, PARLOR & BOX STOVES, mm CHeEOEWIR “. mw offence to sucn n; may ï¬â€˜c us in opinion. We will cultivate a friendly towards the traditions of the past and the actualities of the Mh,mu..-um but not uncerâ€" tain course, eannot fail to be 8, the inhabitants of thntinm A young people should endeavour to raise themselves to the level of more advanced naâ€" o No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"8T., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin _ and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers the Courier will be vii:}?,inâ€"oioi"u local matters. The intelligence t‘obï¬rhnq JO8. KODGERS«& SON‘S CUTLERY _ AND DIXON & SON‘S Britannia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" ned Ware of all kinds, English Enâ€" f amelied Bird Cages just j emke e inlogreps wiil ‘bo es mads ue will be use of, and the latest news will be in every manner possible obtained. Iuood'.aflm the v::u{‘:l matter '\lelï¬.‘o Courier contain, employ in its management, the proprietor ZII_!-*_‘_- pates success and pledges himself to deserve it. The Courier 'Jlb.o“E.blhlod every evening st five o‘clock, and yearly subscription, payable in advance, is $4. _ _ â€" _ payable in advance, is 24. ‘lm will also be a weekly edition, the price of which will be $1 a year. NMAPOLEON BUREAV, Editor and Proprictor, P eeeiseel e Olee: 4 Shrlich Hign wss h * a. Prsbdent skporiense of sixteon years io the | EBTABLISHKMENT, 08 SPARKS STREET. '.t’::.m got your Painting, ::‘sl-n‘. Giasing W HiTE WASHING, done on short notice in a very satisfactory uunmufluhsnlzlmm. and on the most reasonable terms that can be Dpieal mnkes shabes mb teralt the ravious tnster nited States onables me to suit the various tastes and atisfy the wants of all my.customers, . 300 IMPROVED KEKBOWS, . _ OP THE _ OTTaAwWaA COURIEER. Politics, Literature, Commerte, Industry and Oltawa, November ©3, 1869. ere shall we go? m 0 _ _ _ _ A. W. Laxa, Â¥. B,â€"No Bonsine Coroa!. 7 REAT EXCITEMEXT, LYTH & KERR, Ktoves & BHardware. Agents Sor "NortKe®" Pam’c’fl_ Drum Heater ; and elso for Eaton‘s_Paent Venâ€" LANG PATENT PIPE an fopposite Lower Town Market, . HERE A SPECIALITY KLCFUS PAINTING LOOK â€" HERE ! STRANGERS ! CALL EARi1 __ _ And axfor yourseloes." assorted from different makers, INPORTERS OFf uN HAND, C P DORION, Sparks street, opposite B L Hotel, from ten cents up ffteen cents up, Is heroby given that made to the Putlc..da nada, at the next Session Incorporation for a Company 19 of a Railwoy from the y ® Province of Ontario, to Fort Gart Sottlement, on the Red River, lately under the control of the H For the construction of 2 Brma® s Railway from Fort Garty, A .‘w & comvenient point on the freaiist 4# States, with power to Build, > .. * *0oke Â¥uz nevigate Stoamers and cther Y@ 8TOo River Sagkatchewan and is Â¥ “‘ 8 YR taries, an{.upon Rivers and up a tricts to be . . erged by towil BW wanw: 2. Central Rallway . s pSSY "** s im jowd Â¥, the ist FEBRUARy, ue tw 1 Yev anal ¢tion of a Pierand Lign, cb-“‘hth lation of Bar, Lake Balot Francis, mm..n-:‘“ the construction of:a power to bondholdert, j n to ul at Point Claire Shom e..ll‘“M’ works M afe required | Ayer‘s C That the monstary e« AW" ** umuam ing of mortgages on adjoining such Rell#ays is ©** tions as the works proseed. A180, That Free Grants of the WBA &I--n'hâ€"k.“’ Grant Lansds wame,® **"*" the aferesaid mortgaged La24: __â€" NOSTEEAL, The said Act of £_ j in th6 name of the CANADIAY o# Mazizs an WAT nnl_Am:'r Marine L December 16, 1869. Jitewsa. tosh â€" every neighiberhood, and we naet a... "*lh A ndayred to all ages and condametti weuld iofor®m mJ S00 on they ..,‘mu.:.'.',aE.. wtock of Feet West e e aede m mh&muï¬mï¬m LATEST AND Bflt‘l Raâ€"A m'um% Ladics‘, Misses, C."W into hedï¬y.eï¬uâ€"m‘k and Boz. eaf . stomach, umdv-. and other as ussel chosen # i7 Uirrecting, whorever ns *“‘ï¬-‘;“m-“ 1 adad ments as gre the first origin of disagy, PEFCHEHO C062 " °o3 ~|zd. m‘“& Blood, This 5 4 % storer for the ‘Those who are p Ayer‘s they were painfully dnd?heo-tyu be informed of its virtues Scrofulous poison is one t-ntof‘z:m e and invites the attack 4 mâ€"â€"';i...--â€"' soses ht Pr. J. C. AYXYER 4& OO,H Practical and Anaiytiecs BOLD BY ALL DEUGGLS ® _Ottawa, August 7, 1808. the boz, Colic and Biliouns Feven, ty diciously taken for each case, to cop, action or remove the obstruction y For Dysentery o0r Disarrigy, 4+ Aeramatie: Geut46» sation of the Meart, Po ho oo e e e e L and r uï¬uuu.ws"“’ â€" Ottewn,!August 7,1809, . _ > M | An cccasionsl dose stimulates tke _ 1, into actien t :y 4 mm where no -ï¬.h p o anaics tive .pplnc-.. affect .'.; DR J. C. AYER & €0., K & ents as gre the urst origh of dany," *$0R8 DFE" * /‘ / ambertmen‘t Minute directions are given in gr,_i taege supp!y O L**** and ."" _ eee eenk Pablic notice is . reby$*A" i Marine and Fisheries up inme ConPAXT, and from thenceto the SsALE P R EP ARED 41 % aKD GINâ€" -J’lb Kuyper‘s and H po~â€" ol â€" AIK .““'* to a C EKEEPERS, GR STOREs axp !.:"_';: my 4 I have pow is AL 300T taken L IEB, OLD RYE, 1 WHISKEY, [und Aavor, at extrom und Stewart‘ Beotch e e ie ts in wood and bottle, RIDEAU ST VOL O PRARDREE 4 ENC and other brands. to WHELAN¢ d hrakahes of 0Â¥ Mazims asp F 0!.....- or bar ains K, BAVED Â¥1 at TWTXTY. TORK STREET. all sorts of tree to any aAÂ¥