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Ottawa Times (1865), 31 Jan 1870, p. 1

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«A "..‘M LO"&L- C & 2. en PVAF Pvem from Port Gart], ‘ stockhalders under to suthorise the ©08 that it cures the ~w that what it s of the Dog OB@® ; an Act to extond the completion of the enactment of # | fer the parposes {rom thence to December 3 1989â€" _ Chicage, sad Hoâ€"* in aid of P B E P 4A iW ies to _ bottle. : tvuuâ€" dflu:'‘h.h'nn‘byn'. 1GHWINES, OLD RYE, PROOF AND _ WHISKEY,) ~ Ingh proof and GQuror, at extremely low rices. Thorme‘s and M e “w h“l'hnbflfl ifi-ld-n:.-.".‘“” Just pat up a . NEW WABX AIR FURNACE, And it Works to a Charm. ToRk STREET. Lewould inform -!-:""""‘:' Fall n general that I ind Winter Stock M Fer wess waich ':'."'- r.‘”'l* * * LATEST AND BEST STYLES n Ladies‘, Misses, Chitdren‘s, Men‘s .‘n‘z’.Wfl. WUCC es sstisfuction, and at L1 . M s cactien i 9 ad is warranted "&" o ns RICES ml“ ’.’lflo,- A large supply of Lambermen‘s we -i:! c ‘Orders takem for all sorts of work. sst work men employed. wentdiw MT POntTtANÂ¥T To EL LEEPERS, GROCERS, PROYVH SION SIQR2ES. AXD OTHERS. notiev of intention to e neniee e n in e nE *APITAL 1QvoRs$sâ€" Ines, Liquors, FPMU® 20 00 , "neush68, 3...-â€"".‘:&--. ‘Aiso. s( * Bordeauzaad ther Vinegers. ESS PORK, P CKLED SALMON, OPFEEâ€" ®above works are required to be comâ€" 4 by the 1st day of MAY next, in accor~ * with plans and specificasions to be 4# the Lachine Canal office, montreal, Wthis Department on and after the 19th __ Cuoewac Raaxows; Renault & Co, Henâ€" , Piper‘s and other brands. OLLAXD G1Â¥â€" _ De Kupper‘s asand Hontmans, a wood )ERS FOR LIGHT HOUSES aBOYVE NONTREAL â€" ~ e anruest or Mamue asp Frmums, Marine Branch, Uttawa, 1 2th Jancary, 1870. ) SDERS will be recerved at the Departâ€" of Marine and Fisheries up to noon o DAY, the Ist FEBRUARY, 1870, fo» matruction of a Plerand Lignt Aouse at wter Bar, Lake Saint Frmacis, . > # fot the conélfuction of a Pi«r 14 «Hougâ€" at Point Claire Shoal, Lake St *Department does not bind itselt to “'lnuloi.yh.ln. Mets will be receired for one, or both of b.'-g._ WaOPFICRâ€"G ? Decumono‘s Exchacg YÂ¥ee, 19 Sparks stroet. w DIRECTORS: AEPFY, hurman;, D C THOMSON, Tres «8B00T8E a THOMSOSX, Tt H DUKX. UEARâ€" Japan, Congou, Imporial, Young n.“tmu i rated under J# a 4} ¢ dn nidrine Shapaie of ynaige"" * . .\ _ __| O Teaponsible partiés, willing to Â¥I®G OPENXED HIS _ NAW LoilADâ€" LISHMENXT (nearly opposite the Old Stand,) nmm-mmmcnu.... well -ud_-‘c'-fld-c:‘m'.:: '."â€"""' v~~NVS, WHnug ‘heuselves to the faithful performance of ** apoautn ‘ul performance of ~_" LABR. HBRK&INGS, â€" the anmerous other articles necessary to conâ€" to a com plere stook. \wiketime or bar alns 1104 Ex13 WHELA®X, or ns * . C ITAL STOVR~ DEPOT, men the hearth mug, so you need not Triis ies ie e eefiics H. MEADOWS & CO., °_ LLING AT TWENXTY.FIN ERCENT BELOW CoOST. b_z_ -:’: several &o, delivered free to any part of the H MEADO®s & co, Frosh CoGse ground and roasted daily on _ voL V. No. 39 RIDEAU STREXT, orTAFA a OPENED HIS SEW ESTAL Minister of Marine and Fisheries . 1206.4 hhw » ghtfully warm in church this wore as warm during the ser Bo0OTS AND §H0E8 Boots & Sho0Hâ€" _ _ ;. STOCK, SAVYEL FROM FIRE PELEGOR APHU COXP AXY aDOT AND $HCE STORE, @GEOROE Â¥URPHY. W ear alwags sod Fancy 1270. TOBACCOS®, _ . _ LIQqUORS ef all deseriptins, ond a geonersl assortment of «witable for town or country use. ‘ bo k untly for sale at rery low prices, _ Awhrpmm cam“ '.’ul?‘!rt::.'u' to the ton, dl':r‘ oerder. 810,000 of goods arriving. PW Remember " our motto"â€"Quick Sales and lttv Produce bought for n‘-l. GROCERS & CUMMISsION MERCHANTs, Goodetham & Wort‘s H. Wines, Old R&ve and hPl':dhql“y-hn‘.u‘ sold at very Pi & 3A > y w Pef rindidipent ig < m t Avce Wednesday, the 12nd instant. "f"" M&m-oy be cbtained o8 af adl.ulqnlnb-tlm Wilbrod stroet. Mrs Robort Stewart having mase arrang with an sscomplished lady teacher, ann ')IA” PUNIXG.â€"The subscriber l-vh.% decided to divide his time. equally between Octaws and Ogdessburgh, would beg to inform his -houpu-nu‘on.mlbhn..hh-n. io attend to their orders for taning more promptly er it very soluble. . M“"':.;"..; heppy , ho prepares a concent immh.‘-s -.:luv:h-.m':: .ifim Jflo’ .'5;. onmn:&;f.mmamc.u a Graduvate BB w 0 Paris. I-u.:...!_l‘:! 1 Singing. Rideans es oo opight UditOr. m:‘:"wfi‘:mu’nl‘“;m” arse in om to undlhllmé:”,m) U. 8. Bonds, 6e of 81 The Hon. 'Jcl;:l. Gray, l.:‘..:u beet appointed Counsel to Domig ion. uwm%,m c edere papamn M-.TUQMBQ;&'Mâ€"'-'. ts reteived at Bermingham s Auction Rooms, and at E. Miles® Music Store. allcense to in Canada ; / HOOP‘NG COUGH . DISEASES OF THE THROAT _PULMONARY CONSUMPTION As a Lottonâ€"Pure or diluted with a little water AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN ITCBINGS | | DISEASES OF THE SCALP. Guyot‘s tar has been tried with the ateost success in the prhdflmudg.nuo. Belgiam and Spain. perience has proved it to be the most bygionis drink in hot weather and in time of eprdemics. Detailed instructions: asâ€" company each bottle. . C _ weneral depot in Paris; L FRERE, 19 rue No: 10. _ MALCOLM CamERoX, ay !3, 1469. _ 1s0at _ _ permtsr cansaar,. « coMmaitssion‘ mercHant * FORWARDER, _ G ENE R A L AGENT, &o., &c., s No. 3, St. Peterâ€"s1, § qUEsEc. Special attention cl: to the purchasing on Commission and Forwarding of Coals, MMM@Qu.M‘% fs‘t Pig “ USICAL AC1aDE4Y. Mionetur ane Werviors."(Ventetioqatom can ‘e learved in three days by its ail. Sent anywhere -;-.::lptdl-.;hulu“o-;sl.u pos Somte ) T W VALENTIEE, _ Box 372, Jessey Clty, N.J. Ullon HUTUVAL LIbEâ€" INStU‘RA M”. DUIGXAX, used by Dan | __ The Prairie Whistle and Animal Imitator can be used by a alu....n b-"ado ul-:uout:o soug ot every bird, neigh of a horse, the of an ass, the grunt of a hog, birds, beasts and HON MALCoLM CAMERON has removed hiÂ¥ Ofiice to the Kew Building between the n lllhl.lnubol’m o.....'".l A -l'.'._“ll.'m aot for Mr. Cameron in his abâ€" SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Afew more gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortabie board and rooms. Gentliemen vhinimg the Capital will‘ fnd accommoâ€" Mb&n:uynflu?“ N Bâ€"This house is situated in the immediate m of the Parliament Buildings and the }"fl'l TAaR, CONCENTRATED PROOP LIQUEUR. M Guyot kas succeeded in depriving tar of its f‘.'.'..‘g‘.__""!."' C goae ol Fittand Ottawn September 9th, 1869> â€" _ ;1 19f Ot awa, November 7, 1868 ANCING a10 DErORTXEXT. Xo. 36 PEOPLE‘3 TEA sTORE! RONCRITIS â€" CAaATARRH OF THE BLADDER ISTE&® To Ttus MOCKISG BIRD. 1 OBSTINATE COUGHS IRRITATION OF THE CHEST ° SUGOARS. P. BASKERVILLE & BRO,, WHOLESALE axpd a®Tri% 0 announce that they sre receiving s G R OCE R IE s IN8URANCE CoMPAXY ] _ OP MAINL _ & Derazaryaut, ditare. Miek Doibbar, 1900, 6 m'i;u-â€"‘.‘.- p sroots, over Maon Bros Chaudiere, the businees of @#KO, N. BENEPDICT B. K. CcoRwI®, has received Wholesale and for Export by the P Worsesters; Crosso and Blactweoll,, &o, &o; and by Grocers and O:« tabels, strpper aad bottle. _ _ _| _ _ B b-.--uro.l:v‘u'--unp’ having been sapâ€" plied with a spurions Woreestersbsire 3 sues, -c: the wrapper and labeis of which the names of & Porrin« unh'-:'m L and P give notice that they have the‘r correspondests with power of «ttorney to take instant proceesdiag~ ww“u‘*d-ol.u any vae by which cheir right may be Ask for LEA & rERRINXS‘ Sauceand see °* Name on Wrapper, Label, Boitle . The snccess of this most delicioss and anrivalâ€" led condiment having caused cortain dealers to ap; iy the name of " Worsestershire Sance" to the.: own inferios compound:, the pablls is hereby informed that the on‘y way to secare the gounvine, is w * ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS®®‘ SAUCK, and to see that thoir names are upon the wrapper :“thmh.dfiom & 6 Highly Satisfactory Share of Profits +_] . CaAN AD A LIFE . ASSURANCE â€" COMPANY, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES > piz: +A ;~ >( + n linmaists udn aanennd BUSS & CO‘8, 21 Rmzav Â¥razsr, Ole Citison Building, pnoear Litte Sussex st. Rates Lower thain any other Office. Its POLIC1ES are raRE from mnhm&% or verattous conditions. such as admit of th bcing disputed or cancelled at any time. â€" _ â€" rery advaniage to po‘licy holders which is _ LOBSTERS AND FISH always on hand at lowast prices in the city. All descriptions of 'Fm‘r. FROST, FROST. â€" BUSS & CO‘S OYSTERS Are free from frost, and aiways frosh, received Agent in Ottawa, in addition we nave, as usual, a Orst class Tailoring and Cuatting Establishment where genâ€" thmen and youth‘s clothing can ve made on the shortest possible notice in every style and quality, and a good 6t ensured. &o, &e. A Complete Stock of Dress Goode, sonâ€" sisting of Merinos, French Reps, Lustres, W inceys, together with a large lot of Fancy Flannels, Kerseys, Tickings, Grey and White Cottons, 35,000 #0,000 Canadian and English imanufactare, of ull sises and qualities, at prices lower than ever betore ofered in this city. 1,000 A LARGE SUPPLY of Woolen Sooks Mitts, Deerskin Mitts and Moccassine PANTS, COATs, VESTS, SHIRT3, USXDERâ€" SHIRT3 DRAWERS, 46. &e, to which we invite the attention ‘of the LUMBER/Nq COMMUN L. TY who will And it to their interest to examine our stock betore purchasing their winter supplies. dian T weeds, of the Anest qualities for the fail and winter "city and country trade." ( We have now on hand a large supply o Mh.mmmmm U Faried West of Eng. fand Brondeloth®, Cassimeres, Becich ns Onn â€" 1,000 T4 WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, A large and varied LARGE SURPLUS FUNDS3 KA & PEARRIES* October 6, 1869. To Assurers now joining the Company. CcaUTIONX AGAINXST FRAU Now open for Sale and Inspection at ‘ M EARA & GCO‘@ THE OKLY GOOD S1UCE. sHORTLY BE DIVIDED, from 50¢ to 70¢ per yerd, R H HAYJOCK. SEAXLESS BAQs, PLIECKS BTOFFES and SATL NETTES, PALIRS BLANKETS, LIXEN $A0G3, very cheap,. A G RAMSAY, OoTTiaWw aA. O‘MEARA & CO. Opening through from Windsor to Annapolus I’ completing the connezion between Halifaz ~ and 8t. John. On and aff@ir SATURDAY, the 18th NE Olllll.-lr.. fil:n..ldlny-"l‘ll' be open for passenger vfi J 8 5 \Trains leave Windsor (in connection with the trains of the Nova Seotia Railway from Halifax) uta.;s.-.uc.u&-. mlvng at Kentrille sat 11 45 a. m.$ and 8 45 p. m:, and at Annapolis at 1230 p m, connecting there with steamers UITAWA, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1870 w:.lluhn’ or traimg, _ . â€"~ _ ”:*" "§*! ors 2â€"Trains south mus z'n.. m:.m..s‘fi;l-mrh orders Dl.fllgm auvre runaing of the Branch Train. T. 8. DETLOR, _ THOMA3 REYNOLDS, â€" The Unternational Company‘s raanin in connection with the Grand Trunk ion'u lease Portland every MONDAY and THUFPE DAY ubz:..:u!thu.l.l..u * Tickets through at the Company‘s prinel» pal ssations, For further information and time of arriva1and Geparture of all trains .sat terminal and way sta tions, apply at the Ticket Office, Bonarenture Sta as o lowst ON an: AFTER TUESDAT, Tru DRCEMBER, 1869, and until further notice, TRAINS will ro: Neopoon Janaary 0, 1910. Emperor or Empres for St John, N B. _ _ Hearnine: "oe iine loure Annapoits 21 amer irom Ln-'vh‘tlmutn..’nd arrive at Kentville at leaving there at 8 a m, and arrivenat 5.30, Wrintsor at 6.40 and Haiifey a $ _ The steamer Cariâ€"¢ta leoaves Portiand ever;y SATULl vAY AFTERNOON (after the arrival o train from Montreal on Friday night), for Uai: tas, N. 3., mu Tussday. _She has e secommodation for puasony or: . _: _ Pirs Cabin, Payable on Goids _ _ Liverpool or M....A.:.............fl“ & Liverpool or Queenstown. .............. ersocc». 86 O PASBAGE BT TAs TURODAT OTRANER TI SALIPAZ 80 _ First Uabin, Payable in Goid. _ _ _ and all points West, sat. ............... 830 a m Night _ do . do _ do _ do _ do 1;30 ; r Accommeodation Train for Cornwail and Intermediate Stations at........ 5:10 a n Accommodation Train for Kingston and Intermediate Stsations, at..... ........ T:18 ssm Tinins for Lachine st ...........5:00 s m, 7:00 am 9 am, 13 noon, 1;:30 pm,4;40 p m, 6p m and 6:30 p m. The 1.3 pm train runs through to Provines w. f s 9 GoING soOUTH AND EAST. Acscommeodation Train tor Island Pond x and Intermediate Stations ut......... T:00 an Express for Boston at.......................... 840 a©® Bapress tor NewYork and Bostonat...... 4:30 pu via Vermont Central. 9 hyr:: for New York and Boston _ _ Burlington & Rutiand at......s a m, 440 p a Day Express for Ottawa, Brockville, 1 .mmw and all points West, st. ............... Night _ do do _ do do _ do Accommedation Train for Cornwail and Intermediate Stations at........ Accommodation Train for Kineston and IIE s COHKLAR WANTED for 6 8 N l l:lo.hcunuidl-. A.:l:.m 1869.] WINXTER ARRANGEMENTS, f1s70. ‘Trains now leave BONAVEUTURE STATIOD as follows : . uic _ @oINGQ wWEST, + No 1 loaves Brockville after G T Trains are due trom the caâ€"t and wess. No2 is due ia Brockville in time to connect with O T Trains for the east and weost. : B. ABBOTT, ‘ Managing Lnretor. 10;:0 s A.M.â€"â€"TRAIKSS will leave OP Smith‘s Fails at 10.05 r m and 8.35 pim, arriving at Porth at 10:35 a m and ".2! We ® All trains on Main Line comnect at $Smith‘s Palls with trains to and from Pertb; 5 35 P,. M.eâ€"â€"+â€"TRAINS will leave , @P Porth at e,u:- and 9.05 a m arriving at Smith‘s Falls at Aulr-..-d 9.53 > LEAYE SMITH‘s FPALL®. ® rentmtethihcadinic.s as .4 4.4 1 A 4 s 8 00A. M.â€"@â€"THRAINS will Slearve $ Sandpoint at 6.00 a m and 336 pm, arriving at lr:oelvlllo at 12.15 p m,8.20 mo was "Ste M@O® Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, 7.4 am, arriving at Sandpoint at 10 0t p m, p=. y 5s _ =,__ LEAYE SANDPOINT. . 4;185"% grocevmcse a orrawa ram way. TLME TABLE, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, SOV. 24, 1869 * . Cmm s > MAIN LINE. ; ~LEAYE BROCKVILLE. mno.-u'A. A-:::.m m 4. M. a. m. Mixzed, 1.15 p. m. 4.30p. m ° LRAYEPRERSCOTT. ARRIVE 1Â¥ OP9AW4A, Express, 3.00 p.m. 4.35 p. m. Iu&él'.“ a. m. 11.10s. m. COnossize Brtariousâ€"Nos ) and 4 cross at Kentvilie, Des 8, 1869. AATES OF PASBAGE BY THE SATUROAY OTRAXRR: LN LINE OPF MAIL STEAMERS, SAILINQ PROM NEW YORK EVERY SsATURDAY AWD ALTERNATE TUEsDAYs. |= R LIVERPOOL & QUEEESTQW»® j 4 : UA zn N + § > f' e â€" # )# # 4 4 + a * «4 rtnDp(do > P h s i e c{§.' Th . s f .,4*‘ :/?’ s M s /+ o 6 1 + | »f@ orhs es > / .". â€" . . tetie tA 7 KE TiA "oo44f )/ \o sn Oe h. * n<f> 2 ts f’!’l\ ,‘ 24 ‘- 5‘.’ A, ‘/,\\?’\:v, \"|"- thea ; ze t KRr€ Brariousâ€"Nos ! and 4 cross at _ Nose 3 and 3 st Kemptville. Nos 3 and 4 will have right of track ) _ TRUSK RAaiuway counâ€" PAXY OP CANADA. PERTH BRANCH LEaAYE PERTH M.â€"â€"TRAINS | wit} teae VEEKNONX SMITH. 11307 Pealpa L‘ A2 1t p 9@ Lict. I"? i' Uoeee // & V94 2 $ 21 _ ~The Commissioners appointed to construct the Intercolofiial Railway givre Public Notice that they are prepared to receive Tenders for the following Rolling Stock : ~ 4 \ 40 Locomotive Engines and Tenders ; k â€" _ 250 Box Freight Cars; 150 Pistform Cars. ' ~ Printed Specifications according to which these Engines and Cars are to be constructed can be _hurvnd geoneral plans of the* different vehicles can be seen, at the Office of the Chief Engineer, in Ottawa, on and after the 17th January, 1870. Bealod Tenders, addressed to the Commisâ€" sioners of "the Intercolonialâ€" Railway, marked "‘Tenders," will ‘be received at their Office in | Ottaws up t* 7 o‘clock, P. M., the 17th March, l".a * ‘ > Charters to run during the season from lst April to lst November. The ‘under} signed reserves the option of renewing any charter for the following year. The Department does not bind itself to asocept the lowest or any tender. Tenders may be for one, or more than one vessel. | tL ~ Specifications in blank be filled up with the description of each vessel, and also forms of Tenders, with other particuâ€" lars, can be obtained on application to this Department, or its agencies at Quebec, Halifax, N. 8., and St. John, N. B., after the 20th instant. | j Communiications to be addressedâ€" Derartuexr or Marixs axo Fisueermes, 1 Fisherics Branch, C â€" Ottawa, 7th January, 1870. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Tenders will be received by the underâ€" signed to" the Ist of March next for the charter of SIX SWIFT SAILING FOREâ€" ANDâ€"AFT SCHOONERS, measuring from about sixty. to ome hundred and thirty tons, registered tonnage, with two suitaâ€" ble boats to each vessel, to be well found anA thoroughly fastened, and not exceedâ€" ing six years old; for Marine Police purâ€" poses, on the sea coasts of Canada. â€" The crews will be provided and tho vessels provisioned at the expense of the Govâ€" ernment. . Vessels to be at the risk of the We will pay Agonts a salary of $30 week and M allow a large commin bnllarthv:dou. Addre * » M WAGNER & C0., ho sv09 TINSMITHS Wanted at m mother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" ting like magic. It is pertectly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the taste, and :s the preâ€" seription of one of tna oldest and best fomale phyâ€" nols*® end nurses in the United States. Price 25 onts everywhere. Be sure to call for «MRS wWINSLOW‘S8 SOOTHING SYRUP." Maving the Jacâ€"eumele of =" Oartis & Porkins" on “lh‘o_m'um All others are base unitaâ€" Moethers ; Motners Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and orying with the excruciâ€" ating pain of cutting teoth 1 If so, go at once and got a bottle of airs. WINSLOW‘S sO0THING BYRUP. It will relieve th poor little suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. ‘There is not a mother on earth who ba ever ased it, who will nct tell you at once that it will reguiate the bowels, and ive rest to the Derartuext or onses of Butus, Bruises, Frosen Limbe, it acts like a charm; + Da. J. P. Krxxzot‘ ,of Chittenango, New York, says : " It has stoud thetest trial, and has not been found 'lullt Its astonishing cures of Infamâ€" mation of the Lungs and Croup and the wonderiul sucsess in subsiding the torturing pains ot Kheou â€" matism, and ulhfln& Nervous Al’oeflom. entitle it to a bigh rank _ the list of remedies for these ecomplaints.* ' De. A. W. Brun1so, of Knowlesvilie, New York, says ; "I have used it in severr l cases of Special Irritation and tor the worst crres of Piles, and sundry other compiuints, and find :* * superiore article, and well wortby the notice of all ‘* P-,.hnu should be '":nd and u.k lo;:fir. :‘ Trask llrldc Mntment, see that the wor @A. TRASK‘8 MAGNETIC OINTMENT ‘ are on .llo 'nprr C ¢.w.:a I erthrop & ewenstle, C. W., Geners A“hnhom Bold in Ottews by all druggists and by medicine deaiers every where. 2_" O~PRveR! Giscoveries of the uge; for the cure of Inflarmmation of the Lungs, luiul-u!u of the Mhoumazism, and in Chilaâ€" s with perfect suctess. in onses of , Bruises, Frosen Limbs, it acts like §or. Aâ€"Trask‘s Magnetic Ointment Cares Croup or Hattles.â€"Dr. Bixouax, of Utica, New fiuk. say«: "Ihave used Dr. A. Trask‘s Magnetic Vint»â€"ent in my practice a number of years, and ean say with pleasure I deem it one of the greatest discoveries‘of the -so; for the cure of l_l.‘,l.“‘.“ the Lungs, Inffammation of the Ottawa, 14th January, 1870. 1257.8 Wl Iestore Gray Hair to its Natural Life, Color and Beauty. It is a most delightfu! Hair Dressing. _ it wili promote laxuriang growth. / ® FALLING HAIR is immediately checked. forticy M i nAAA T durticr ootes ininnt. i; in hors h uind wies Pradanns NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. New.Btyic. Important Change. _ A REAL HAIR RESTOREZR AHD DRESSING â€" Combined in Ohe Bottle, © MRS. 8. A. A}"LEN'S BHAIR RESTORER ___ 46 Barcley St. and 49 Purk Plare, Newâ€"York Mutud ay, =~, *Â¥ . thibth, ARBON OIL . As clear as pure water, 60 conts per gallon at G@GBETS LEAD THLS! Numlcr of Marine and Fisheries. â€" 135%.fsvut 1M â€"* Tenders for Vessels." Fisheries Branch, 0,1869. : > w5l im | «ESMONDE BRO A. WALSH, . ED. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN, You Must Caltivate it > arat nan 1s a certain indication "of dezay at the roots. BEAUVTIFUL HAIR, imace;,., â€" _ _ | great pleasure to have introduced myself "‘lt. to your notice if the circumstances that "talck L compelied me had been of gr‘ agreeable T e nature, especially lfiel’?"'.ifld Gottsâ€" L.,*",,*"..:,::“,:; chalk had so often spokerf of you as his best xd «ften produces | and most estcemed friend. After informing id p,_‘"f"','z you that I am a partner in the piano and a«VJOâ€" 1 % y 400,000 inhabitants is about the deplorâ€" able loss. On the‘last night Gottschalk dictated a document, witnessed by Dr. Severiano and a Mr. Moreau, which may prove of great importance.: and is in and know how he treasured him. The personal effects are in the hands of the American Viceâ€"Consul, Henry E. Milford one who appears to be a very trustworth man, and pwho will do alleg' can for u:i benefit of those interested. It ought to be known whether his family, or perbaps New York, will claim Gottschalk‘s reâ€" mains, cither of which will «doubtless be the‘ case, and for that reason the body was embalmed by his friends. Should it prove otherwise, however, his friends will build a mausoleum in the church. no man 'Fodnoed so much lamentation as that of the notâ€"toâ€"be~excelled artist, though weshowed constant proofs, never dreamed that he was so lovef::l honored abscess broke, alflording some relief,. bus he had become so weak that on the morâ€" ning of the 18th, at 4 o‘clock with all his senses intact, he yielded up the ghost ! On the same day his remains were brought back to the city by forder of the Pidniâ€" armoanica, of which society he was an ordinary member, and deposited in their hall, w{ere, on the 25th November, he touched a key for the last time. Atthe society‘s expense the body was embaimâ€" ed on the evening of gin death. On Sunday, the 19th, at 4:30 r. x., we deposited the remains in a temporary resting place, to which we carried them at least halfâ€"way. I can assure you that I never witnessed so impressive a funeral. Not only were there thousands of women and chi{dnn bathed in tears, but it was truly heartâ€"rending to‘see the tears and hear the apbs of strong men. More than a bundred amnfes ufio*d the cortege. In all the years I have lived in Rio, be he foreigner or countryman,the desath of bere ; and even toâ€"day, the sizth after Firmin‘s possession. If it be necessary to say a good word in Firmin‘s behaif, it is tendered here, with the best conscience in the world. I saw Gottschalk daily. abscess broke, affording _lonio relief,. bus â€"uaturally, ef course, to recuperate, but also to give a fe certs for which he was pledged. On ber 11th he had ‘again returned to Kio, inued his concerts, and among others gave those (on the evening of October 5, 8 an at which sixtcen pianos were used ; afte which he began the work of the festival. During these hercglean labors he gave three charity concerts (on the 12th, 15th and 18th of’ November,) and on the 14th gave the first festival, with six hundred and fifty musicians. ‘The house had been completely brought up at double rates, and everything succeededâ€"to a charm. On the morning of the 25th, the second concert was . advertised to ~take place on the following evening, ut the usual prices. â€" The seats on this occassion were all sold on the day of the announcement, and quite a number of â€"boxes engc‘ged at the same time for the third annual festival boncert. But on the 26th he was taken seriously ill, and remained abed. Not wishing to ‘disappoint the public, when evening had come, it took Ais iron will to order a ~carriage to take him to the theatre; but when there, he was comâ€" relled to notify the audience of his inabiâ€" ity to proceed with the concert after the pzrpomance of a comedictta. Arrived eat home, be was put in the care of one of our best physicians, who proved himsel{ a dcvote(f friend. Gomcgalk complained of terrible pains in the abdomen, and his screams were often such that they attract{i ed the notice of the people in the streets On the3rd of December, at his own request, a second '(rhysicim was called in, but, notwithstanding the best nursing anrd most skiful medical #id, the remedies applied effected no relief. On December 8th he was induced to have himself conâ€" veyed to ‘Vijuca, a plateau two 0 three mi{u distant, where the change of air promised much ; and there. really seemed to be a reasan of hope when we got him thither. On the 14th inst., an internal ment to the jury. rd of Rio. On the day of the funeral gnon de Vargean Alegre, into whose family 1 had the pleasure of introducing Gottechalk, and at whose country seat whole days of his ‘time were . plexsantly spent, placed at the disposal of those baving the funcral in (charge the family buria!l vault for the \bpontion' of the rchlb:i‘;n;:tthe laws of our ool;thry forbade the acceptanice of this hospitality to the dead, so well shown‘to the living and so the remains lie in the chapel of the church until some .decision shall be arrived at as to where the final resti place will be. Yours most @M?; â€"â€"A nesrsifi:od and absentminded Mrine lawyer lately excited a f)od deal of merriment in a court room, by pulling sMthgfi_h:rnL-,-- ked "Pure Rock Salt," â€"and repeatedly flourishing the same during a long arguâ€"‘ chose me to attend to all his busines« affairs, I have to inform you that since the 18th instant we have been deprived of a dear friend.© Gottschalk died on that morning, of a serionse ttmess, that prostrated h:im since the 25th of Novemâ€" ber. As you are aware, Gottschalk has been here since May 10ibh. Oa the 3rd of June he was taken sick for the first time, but performed on that evening and held himself responsible to the public until the 5th of August, when he was compelled to take ito his bed with an attack of, yellow fever. After. fourteen days he had so far recovered as to be able to make shert trips into the interior Deax Sin: It would have been a great pleasure to have introduced myself to your notice if the circumstanges that compelied me had been of g" agreeable nature, especially afiel}w(r:nd Gottsâ€" chalk had so often spokerf of you as his best and most estcemed friend. After informi you that I am a partner in the piam music buaineg with my brother, Victor Prealle, and that here, in Rio, I believe myself to have been his friend, as he The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin . is indebted to Mr. COharles Vezin, Consul of the North German Confederation in Philadelphia, for the following particulars concerning poor Gottschalk: _ * RIO DE JANEIRO, December 24, 1869. Mr. Charles Vezin, Consul of the North German Union, Philadelphia : > HIS ILLNESS AXD DEATH AT Gottschalk‘s Last Hours. the only talk of this city of nllm PBEALLE. | ber, 11th be | pleases for a o Kio l"imed hi: $ l un : y terms in blac g others gave those | on a metal fls Dctober 5, 8 an read in the d nos were used ; afterkgark, This , o or ht dn Ne y s This kind of writi asses in the United States for &?flb&fl bolidness and independenceâ€"to most people it will sonnd, however, like the slang of ruffians and bisckguards In attending church on Sqtl_d:y’at Washington Prince exploit in the way of imbecility is the prohbibition of all hirings of cabs except upon public standings. Now we admit the evil of creeping Hansoms; they imâ€" gede the traffic, ITWII they do hbot lock it up. There is not a cabâ€"stand in Fleetâ€"street, and there caunot be one. Between St. Clement Danes and Farringdonâ€"street it is impossible to get a cab, except it be one of these crawlers, and the n-o_my__lgemdof â€"many other parts of town. We have often seen colleagues of Mr. Bruce hail a eab in the streets ; and w#are b.‘m that if the whilst Parliament was sitting it would have been violated over and over mgain by our legislators on the first night of its cominy into force. The whole order fré in cabs, asif there could â€"be frée trade in cabs or in any other artigle the production of which depends upon the good pleasure of the police, who are constructed by Mr. Bruce absolute judges as to the right of a wouldâ€" ~be driver of a cab to exercise his proâ€" fession. But the curious part of the Prince Arthur di:lfltbe'AhigMy the hounor to attend church yesterday, â€" with a couple of dozen; funkâ€"â€"â€"attaches from the British embassy at his heels. He drew a good house.â€"American Exzâ€" Sundsy no matter where he may be. That a crowd gathered at the church to stare at him only proves that Yankee Republicaos are more thorough funkies Gbum‘fiohmfi::.d:vo in countries where Kings an flxm are unknown. The sole ground for the inâ€" Exreaviagasos or rus Aos.â€"Forty thou~ sand dollars‘ worth of French mirror plates hnhuodcnd'bythulndw their new Union Hotel at lfl other appointments of the now are said to be on a similar scale of magnificence,â€" New York Tyibune, Jan. 19th. 1200 Arthur simply did what he does went to church as he ought to have done, and Republican toadies came together to stare at him as they ought not to have dove, â€"Hamilton Times. L a cab business is, that whilst Mr. Bruce authorizes the cab proprietors to charge as much as they like, he will not allow them to charge less than a shilling for a journey. If a cab proprietorâ€" proposed ul)‘ cons&lt the public oou:;t:noa and the public pocket by going : journeys at kl:w famp?:ne mfnf b:g prevented 2{ Mr. Brice, who says, " Charge as muc as you like, but I forbid you "to take a poor nervous lady across a ‘street, or a poor man a few"hundred yards,. for sizâ€" A word of caution this New Year‘sâ€" day to our London‘readers! Unless you an inexhaustible fund :fi, temper, do not send for a cab: without giving the servant elaborate mâ€"'fi do not call one from the standâ€" must not call one in ::ahel- m-m{: ithout \ puat. ting on your spe _and studying a "metal flag" affized on :the top of the vehicle, upon which the p?ndor has set the Ir.noo of his services. Yesterday, if ye had a few shillings in mt:keu.:u could all ride in peace. We knew that any cabman we might call would perforce be content:â€" with his fare at sixpence per ~mile, and that if we gave him the benefit of the doubt, and an extra sixpence. we should get a touch of the hat and a cheery "thankee.‘" Those of us to whom ltxpe:fi«.? are an object could count the cost of‘their venture, balance pieces of silver against loss oftime. or the physical and mental deterioration caused by that perpetual drip which marked the last day, as so many previous days,of the old year, and boldly stop a cab in the slreet and cry out‘"‘cab"‘ as we neared a stand: Mf‘l Austin Bruce has changed a!l that. Miuu smuggled through Parliament éssion, by which the whol: regulation of â€"the cabs of London was left to the pleasureâ€"in.. the last resortâ€"of the, Home _ Secreâ€" tary, and the right hon. gentleman has completely â€" revolutionized our whole vehicular system, informing the public of it the very day before his new rules came into (Iontion. From this day forth a cabman, or rather a cab pros prictor, may charge as much as he pleases for a fare, if he only ‘paints his terms in black letters on a white ground,. on a metal flag, which few will be able to read in the daylight, and not a soul after dark. This _c{;rgg has been heralded as But the Home Absurdities of the New Cab Leaw. Standard, Jau. 1. to complain of the Bearefiry’s crowning of imbecility is the irings of cabs except ngs. Now we admit Hanaams : thevy ‘imâ€"e ~proprietor â€"‘ proposed | under the Presi blic convenience and | Napoleon. In by going short journeys | claimed to be ar mlg be Wted z‘ was three times ys, "Charge as much | Commons, in w! forbid you "to take a years altogether {PRICEKâ€"3 CENTS. put Mister onto hissname." | _ â€"â€"A young man in Indiana worked all last summer to clear an eightyâ€"acre tract ‘of land belonging to a young woman who um_wmny’bi-. W hen, just as the weather began to get cold, he went to claim his reward, she married another fellow who looked on to see the victim work al} Summer. â€"â€"A mysterious deaf girl has been agiâ€" tating San Francisco. A reporter went to inferview her, and while taking "Aown ~â€"â€"A Trenton J that fam bet this "‘deieloney was sapplicd t gih?h from a number of the guests." â€"The fat men of Springfield. Tllinois. # skating carnival;" . Saturday wiljght at the Rink in th':tkeit > m-z and thin persons who eodz not swit were warned off the ice, 4 & â€"â€"The Association for the Preventioh of(hmblhg in New York city last year expended $18,150. The number of as ag + thoe o s i sfi i was to administer, brandy at briefâ€" interâ€" vals. The friend took the brandy himself, and the sick man gecovered . â€"â€"John P. Maenny, ‘Whe reaper manuâ€" facturer, has rhu!ro-‘:u position to another, uu’l‘bo is now ':?h -llkum of dollars, and is h‘-fi ckâ€" ford, Illinois, Base Bail Club. . â€"Thomas Carlyle, having been asked :z‘lct&er 'bethe:f h&N ever investigaâ€" omena odern Sprrityalism, rephl:le: follows : " By volotin, or exâ€" cept passively, or by accidi., I never did; nor have the least intention of ever doing. â€"fi B‘?d locomotive on cd:'h‘ l’;- & & on track, urriodm-’-.h and deâ€" livered it in Steubenville unbhurt. â€"»The Bey of Tunis has imprisoned nll'flnjevelle’rlofb'u capital and closed their stores, because they refused to give him any more credit. places closed through the instrumentalit pf the Association was 230. 7 â€"â€"A friend sat up with a sick man at Fond ""“'“":L' night, to whom he â€"Boston claims to have cast the first bronse statue‘cast in this country. The Statue represented Nathaniel Bowditch. It was cast in May, 1847. â€"In New Orleans thereisa man of whom the papers say : " He commencâ€" od‘hhm:n_s pir:te 102 years ago, postoihce ‘noenfl i there was a letter for Chester Pillsdury, and while the clerk was looking for M’Luer, the little fellow thinking m him in his search, said: "He is ied now, and J #‘pose they â€"Bar keepers in New York dress better than any other class of men, â€"The Maine Legislature has voted to attend the Peabody funeral. | _ â€"A Welish postess is to lecture to Cincinnati in her native tongue. â€"Amozoh,dooo d'i;;onl cross N'“ among r a recent New York bail, tg" of the bar in New Orleans, died last week, aged eightyâ€"four years. + â€"A little boy in?lired at the Agusta postoffice ‘recently if there was a letter fi_moul election in July, 1865. Dering is military career he served with eight divisions of the army and was present at no fewer than fifteen great: battles in Asia, Europe and America _ 4 and now, at the age of 118, he is a dock rat and a river thief." s was subsequent] appointed _ to lmdtbemcil :f Generals of the allied armies, held at Paris in 1856, under the Presi of the â€" Engum_ Napoleon. _ In hmtiu. CGen. Evans claimed to be an advanced Lsiberal. Ile { was three times returned to the House of _ ~ Commons, in which he sat for thirty years altogether, ‘retiving â€"finally at the Ino, where he had two horses shot under him. In 1845, he was appointed comâ€" mander of the auxiliary corps of 10,000 men raised England to support the claims of Queen Isabella against the pretensions of Don Carlos, and which was known as the Foreign Legion. _ At the head of this force he rendered the most valuble services to the: cause of the Queen, defeating the Carlists in several‘battles, and capturing a number of their strou&; holds. At the commencement of Crimean war he was appointed to the command of the Second f)ivision of the English army. He fought in the battle of the Alma with his usual gillantry. _ In repulsing the Russian attak upon ‘the English lines before mebastopol, he again distinguished himself ; and he left his sick bedw‘gmhimlelhtthe head of bis troops on bloody field of ‘nker. maon, where, altbough unable to do much his counsels proved of invaluable servic to the Enflisg. On his return home he received the thanks of Parliament, and. in 1787. He entered the army at an early age, and after serving with disâ€" tinction in India, .in 1810 joined the British forces in the Peninsuala under Wellington. In 1814 he" was ordered on active service to North America, in order to take an active part in . the war against the United States. He fought in the battle of Bladensburg, where his horse was killed under him. â€" He was t at the capture of Washington, m& leader of the body of infantry that forced the Congress l{lll. He aiso took part in the attack upon Baltimore, and ‘was severly wounded at the memorâ€" able battle of glcw Orleans, fmÂ¥ht in January, 1815. _ Me returned to ‘urope immediately afterethe battle of New OQrleans, and having by the time he reached England, sufficiently recoverd from his wounds to be fit for active service, he joined the army in Belgium as aideâ€" to General l'onmb{. and was engaged at Quatre I}ras and Waterâ€" Sn Ds Lacr Evaxs.â€"Sir George Lacy Evans died in London on the 9th inst., at the advanced age of 83 years. Like many of the other renowed warâ€" rion'hubnvu-yhuhdhdnlp. the British arms during the pest + the Green Isle claims his nativity. E was the son of Mr, John Evans, of Millâ€" town, in Ireland, where he was born â€"Bilk has been made in Arkansas. Â¥ 99 the cldest member

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