jn the aame of the t "" wat AuD Naviga® _ December 16, 1098 § . mimianniit " M Railway 8 Parhamens ot the D+# session for ** Ack ie leerrersy =A posier to bond powes of 06 _ That the be exionded ing of mortg adjoining #« Railway trists to D# THE TIMEO !* _ Tus QrriÂ¥) mOtflfl Centze *Y" For the ons Railway from ~onvenient po tnates, wich ps navigate Stem Cb hb Mess Pork, OhicaG® .fll‘““ o a Rallwey Province »( On! Seitiement, on atoly aeder |b Inoorporation for Ayer‘s Je Atttue Cl t W t ‘~0 apparaing PH.J >b i. BOLD BY wluvas bi a. ;wo-ul-b 1 onAlX 0 Sotk * OH ev were Junel 4. ! 9 <on $1b6 * OF1ICEâ€" tation of Ruck ard Ayor‘s 20d to s tamieu it ouly in sine or 4aa8 w UIT OPIC ® a heveny to the P sald Ast e ho Peee im c the effeapert wiininegr wneadt t t W t »rrecting. gr y 1| a0tio# \# C. AYERX 4 o0 LOWELLE 4 U*, | Augost 1. 144 tor the wam o C um ..b- Mn N vap sction N , 09 Jast pat up a NEW â€" WaARM all FURNACEK Aad it Works loo(.'l-, + / und ven reter to ceverat ce arontt And E‘“fl:flumm Thess ate the """"""'u"’“""" Em.n“ l e wle by Instalments,) ‘,‘T 2c amat in .o-:-.p-: HU. MEADOWS & CO,, or ras PITAL $T°OÂ¥R DEPOT, these who may faror me with thair orders 1Rs. !“nhh-b and Retail F weile WINES, OLD RYE, PROOR AND WHISKEY , ppoof and Auror, at extrumely low rices. ma‘s and Stewart‘ Sootsh Whuker and Sherries o all grades, Ports «l Ane , Burguady, Souterne and Maderia W inss rlees, in wood and bottle, Laproved by age. m on the hearth 9 i not bw'-.tnm this more~> To were as warm during the service as bees sltting in front of our Partor Gâ€"ate MKAKKE a : a lot leat of taking solid. for the seaton me that -.&mom-, PROY1L N @#TOREks ANXD OTHERS â€" © ere ned wteee uiuaee =C 0 * O* 44 | t Adblagnimatiens wiity LA ND G1%â€" m De Kuppoer‘s and Moutmans, a wood | _ Of atea, November !, 1888, uld wnform my cusioment " ral that I am now _ receir! inter Stook of Feet Woeat * omplete in every department, Autmerous other articles nssessary 1o con« KA P 3 Te kâ€m“h_bupud.. i weapows & Prerh Cofee ground and reested duily 6% Japan Gongon, Imparial, Y oung -.::: cheap. al that I am now â€" receiving my , Pail hier Smok of Fetk Wesi. stleh i1l be mpleto in every department, representing ATE3ST AND BE8T 8TYLES ram‘ _ Miases, Children‘s, Men‘s 39 RIDEAU STREKET, QPPrAW 4A ‘ 1Gq oPENED H!8 NEW ESTABâ€" LI@AMENT (meaply opposite the (Nd Stand,) m aaule at VERY LOW PRLICORA a large i selected stook, comprising Qroceries, y-r Toebacoeo I"fl"’ aud Fanoy ,m‘:ï¬-“ Aiso. Bordeauz and ther Vinegars. and nol'o W ear. r."... ..:3 “Mpu:.‘m DEFYINQ o&';"lflon. C o sapply of Lambermen‘s Woear alwage Ottawa, 28tly January, 1840. sed discount on American Involow er notlos: 18 per cent. & 8. 4. BOCCHETTE, Commissioner of Castoms o dEKPARATSRET, making Ratiities Tnce tiaak Linive my} MIS8ION MERCHANTE wmken for all sorts of work, Only the mapiak : .. . .. nn. c snn en &# in | they will theretore a e with say umported. her and @By@tant (aot is thas being Park urest, taws, or dirett Doz v Iriskh Whiskey . Ewm r_m,. pto and qie POKK, #â€"CKLED SALMON, LABK. HERAINGS8, . 1@® give anties of my \ntention to + wtued or cnammwice, TCO MA TO 8 A T# AND SHOEKS8 I have now is undonbtedly ihe WUKLAN, s of wade duringthe jast four yoart manulacstory [ * make n Tiikmens wake iJ VOLV. NO. 1284 FORW ARDERA it To CBRâ€"O@O P Davuwonn‘s Rushange so, 10 Apark® atroot . DIREKCTORS : miurmas; D 0 THOMAON, Tram TE A THOMAON, T 4 DUXX. . Manacer. 110 , Flour, Ontmeni, Pork, &6. OTTaAWA, . | ader LXVII of the flwcfmd THLKOR a PMH COM P a®Y aAT TWENTY.EKIYVE WB BELOW AOWT CK, AAVE)» FROM FIRE »}OT AND sHOK $TORE, mn ,m. ‘. DEAL URA i# LOAN, End of Little Mussexâ€"st " arek / e * in BACMHER waunted for Sebhoo! ToORK aTA®ET all grades. onÂ¥ â€"";..‘.!....'...‘. .:.-' We b4 on the bank of th Ritean JOUN amitu, AROROER MURPWY 10 por centlower a any expense J O BWAL mitable for town or conntry une. ALAIQUPORS hdMn‘ & guneral assortment Pdas Cooderham & Wort‘s U Wines, Old &ro and Proof kept constantly on hand, and sold at rery desive o ankounce .IO.:;:OE: .-.n‘.- .m.:":-“.-...a A.-'d::lh-:- "amp «hhout any t by pouring a h:."uhl Imto a glass of wates. Ao&.oo..uml:†of tas water :s moment he requires hon--h;.. @GROCERS a COMMI8SSION MERCHANXTs, No. 386 Rideawst. and Dukost. hi.-â€"z tor sale at very b',lou. § lnrge lot of Contes AALT, ton bg‘lo“.dlb'dm. heak . «& ‘prnp apsntitp of No._t (Marrings. Dry Cot T egere me in epliged wily the Zreatest se moikn oo Thor nanile movaid i io Wadom af r“ :“:‘M“\†and &! Produce bought for sash. Ahees + ue tatke dhroamiinly t othue water, or two a bottle : PIAIO TUNLNG.â€"The subscriber having §"‘p-:-'no-n. ';luum.uu-n. than heretofore. “MM.‘...::. OQrders ressived at & Bermingham s Auction Roomse, and at K. Miles® Music Htore. i T o OKn, X. BENEDICT _ Bmak strust, Contre Town, BETWEEN APARK® & QCOEE® afHr&t mvuou. ACADBEMYX . Mr. GUBTAVE #MITH, olthe Cathe . of the foe nfomimas t aene ‘oake (Mtaws, June ad t with anm accomplished lady teacher, announces that her Duncing Classes will sommence on W ednesday, the #2nd instant. & Purther partioulars may be obtaimed on appi eation to Mre Robert dtowart, Wilbrod street. Mtawna Heptember Wh, 1909 1 1 Aof M.l. DUIGOKANR*%8, BRARK®S BTRERT, ortaw i. summmqame sith reudnndettona" 1000 0e arommatated whedbs the Capital wilt a uit 0h w "3':'..‘.\'.'.“" -:.-..:3:5.... house sltmated in Imanodiate wioinity of the Parliament Buildings and the Suyot‘s tas hus ssean trisd with the amosess in the N: l.’“-bdm T the moke Aihent» ioi noo realher nad to be the most bygienis driak in hot and In tme of epmdemics. Detailed instrustions aoâ€" -lwu CGOOD TINaMITHE Wanted at _A ‘IJ‘JIWII.T‘H Mt, Jobhn, N. & _‘ â€ialfdâ€â€™b\- 1 have mu-q h-h-tw the Receiver 1D in Canada â€""vm"tm“‘:wtm onldl.hflm&..flp U. 8. Bonads, 6o of ‘%i The Hon. w hrmy . l.'.,.:.. ..: ‘Ww tor the Dom lom» “wwmhu‘ a ioease to rransaot the business of Lite Lnsurans N« 34 The UNLON M ANCE COMRFAN Y , of M ~<dup Limkwauh Deposlt in U: & de of ‘61 ~480,000. B, K. CORWIN, General Agont, 8t. John, N. B No. 104. Special attention gven to the purshasing on Commission and of Couls, ll..llnln‘..lnmuu.u. wWiltrit , y108 @uroar â€"|~ «sw T lor the Bawrer ie Muteal hw‘zï¬ Insurance d-.'.l.:nu ï¬x m olaiong o-:-:-»,.n:‘ o.oo.“.:: m“ Bparks streots, over Maon Bros P“'lloi.f. 1980R a % 0. ® LIbE _ IN8U RANOg‘ COMPANY OPF MAL im TAR, TED PROOF LIQUEUR 3 par L3â€"4%, < smommae _ | wilhe . "rohnnenond udkecll > HON MALCOLM CAMERON has remored C ALTERATIOX OF Tiuz. New Airie. 'J"'"‘" enange. his Office Building between CEXTRAL Oftiwa * smmmmntous \ [ &A REAL KAIR RESTOREZ AND DXEssING mlul.::.vl':;mol.. .,.:'.,: Sss 4 ' Additional Train sach way, dalily, during the Combined n One Bottie, ‘ l-\'-‘u-munh&.c-:-a-uu»- A large and varied _ mentes Wast of Engâ€" | 0n ans from the 1hk FEBRULRYT, 174, esnt D'RS.S.A.A_LIJEN sance, and 1s suthorised to grant recetpts, ° Innd Broadelothe, Cussimeres, Beotoh and C42% | tho sloes of e Sumicn @ Puriszest : | D on A TBR RESTORERâ€" _ .“m’:‘“"";' dian T weeds, of the tnest quaiitine mmml-u.-u-ma-p amsepted) un this Will Kestore Gray H to its or 13, 1h6v. 1dugeg "__. | Wlater @elty and country trade." "‘""’. k Fertk Framten t ‘Otices. . . | MENRERE hies, Corey and is cauty, ELtX camanay,. * °*L ht boh oo Atkk x e T ~ k It in a most delightfur Hair Dressing. M aantah procrom dn ong rave nigunnhondy i hoa mevenn t Prmmes Snd S ( y 4 &9â€"1 P 40â€" ,F-«‘!'n‘u’m powth * ® COMMIS8ION. MERCHANT Famin charh Theie UnDegq. | Presso® Jesste............ 1 4oT 4 & 15| PALLING HALK is immediately checked. c PORKVARBDER® c _ uin Apinan mm ge ym > Airiacitirinne, T imatnnantillh _3 l . _ As a Lorionâ€"Purs or dlluted with a liitle water ho* mire, | coPPER PLATH PRINTEER nere se ocls i. e tawe toe on f NEBLIX Cansnay,. _ clothing manufactured COMMIS8ION . MERCHANT en chath vi POR WARDER,.* . SWiILts phawens, ENERAL AGBNT, &o., &o.. ::-::::“ No. %, 81. Poterâ€" P f ;uulc. C out stook betore parsha W M M A 34 , ron tu® * PEOPLE‘S TEA sTORE: « RONCBHITI3 . CATARRH OF THE BLADDER ‘ _ COLPS) UOB8TINATE Gbvode IRRITATION 0P THE cn&at ARCINAGO aAnD bk&roRt®®ar. .__ HooPING covuen DISEA8SES OF THE TuRoat PULMONARY CONS8SUXPTIUN AFFECTION®3 OF THE SKIX s ITCRBINGS3 DISEASKS OF THE SCaLP. 8UOARSX T. K. Muoixes, P. BASKERVILLE & BR0., WHOLAAALE AND LHF iL G ROCE R L E a Bdutationat. Finason Duramruanwnr, Otitawa, lith Ostober, 146kh. in RPursin: L «IAgencres. FTORACCOS, that they ane seceiving a we referred to him. L. A. coawtsx, and Dukest, FRERK, 19 us glase of TVDt and to sae that their names are apon the wropper labels, aopper aaid boitie. h-.ncub.o wrun b.‘in.n'- mwlflwd“zmd.m & Parvine have been forged, L and P givs amtive Wulh:,mlyhm W ornentare ; COrosse MWastwell, Loeadon, hn;n‘hmfltl:“ aabiy . MBy1430 baw Ask too LRA & @CKRRINXWY Bunceand we Name on Wiapper, Label, Bustle and 8top por. P warrant the direstoers in boliding ont the prosp ast whaln o to tnke rnstant proc Afpunht meniynamrcen mad tm oC snoa. on eay «on tw m-su theis nmght may be To Ammres sow joining the Company. Rates Lower than any other OMee. f -'v...h- c.zl;-..:.-.:d“ disputed or sanselied uen Cirmigs to poinp Sioint whick in apy y the name of = Worsestaershize dunse®* to tha.s own inferies . the pablle is muwm_z;mnmm gonuine, is i LIFE ASSURANCE â€" COMPANXY, thorelur tor the year 1M0, ase q to mbm.a.-w.‘-‘.‘-in the 10th tnstacot. The astlioe should @xteownser‘s m.n-nsub.‘d* ud P O addrenn, s«hould tuily: dessribe the lansd for '“u“bhï¬â€œl..uld Asssssment Aot of 1809. | Frarge 4 “hd‘j' l « 1 Belle Cormera, January *, 1870. l‘url * * CATH L YOoCK. ‘The amosese of this most delisions anduartral> led sondiment having cassed sestain dealeors to EWe . * mpry n Persons owning UNOOCU PIED lands of Nepsean, aod h+ Toweship of Nepeas, and desiring to be aseessa Talloring and Cuning Kitablishment where gouâ€" temen and youth‘s clothing can se made on the d-u-mahobmqb..m, and a good Ot ensured. A Complate Btock of Drese Goods, sonâ€" Inting of Merinos, Freach Haps, Lustres, W inceys, Now opeh for Sale and Inspection at , QO‘M EARA & CO‘sS. oygether with a large lot of Funey ’h‘.: Kersops, Tloklogs, Oreyp and ‘White Cottons, 35,000 5.000 COnnadian and Kuglish masatuscture, of all sizes and quailties, at prices lower than ever betors ofered in this oliy. PL 1,000© es $3 fH ssaaar from b0¢ to T0¢ per yard. &A LAROE BUPPLY of Weolsn Seoks an Mirte, Deerskin Mitts and Mocssassine ~memeamp iuf snaniy ‘l EPUROE ... > 40200« «»« PANTS, COATS, YESTS, unuem | Saooe ied UNILRTY DRAWERS, 4s. &s. to we lavite | O% of4......... .. ... whe attention of the LUMBERINq COMNXUNL. | Keastniia......... TY who will dad it to thetr l--a-hol eP ud im 1,000 l.uu. in "Wa a PERRLEE* wWoRCESTERSHIRE saUCE | Deslared by Connoussours | A8K FOR LKA & PERRIN®W aaUCK, LARGE 3URPLUS Â¥FUND3 OK=â€"RERIDENT LAND#, CAaUTIOX AOAINXWT Â¥FRALt rHE ONLY GooD savok.1 with sonad managemen aad altimais C A NX A D A aKixLksa naos, FALRA BLALK Er3, LINKEN #A08, oary cshsop, &A O RAMBAY, Share of Profta WPMEARA & co LAO/FTULING UTTAWA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, is;o SATOL VAT AFTERSOO ® (sher the artivel s NATYOL val A wÂ¥ (uftes the artivale -:'b: l-ul: Fridey aight», tor Uab A«M.â€"â€"Â¥H AINEH will tewvs 'lâ€i“:‘ Soaith‘s Fails ugo.u.-.- 'O.lp-.mumu WOb amw and * .38 p ®. f ‘ | _ All trwblas an Mabn Line comnect at #mith‘s Pall: | with truins to and from Porth, | _ Ne 1 leares Brockville after OT Trains ure due trom the oast and wen. No 1 is due in Brockville in tims to conmnecs with O T Trates tor the east and wast. * N MAIN LINE, LEAYE HROCKYVJLLE. }4:16’-'....""...."-'.‘&‘,': L1 p =. 4 ::o_ arriving at Sundpoint at !ou p ®, 1 _â€"_ . SEAYE SAXDPOINXT. Assommedatioe Train tor Lstand '.l. and Latesmediate Mations st........ 108. 48 ie ooR Tat ied ie + t6 3" pagg rer h on ie :A Rupress too Nee tork ani Boston tie Plaettghargh, Laks l-ha:‘l--du_..a!-.u-.- CRuprene (or PIGA, Kh..»» ..»»om« #WO8 t w jaseager and vvth‘.u'-‘i:†t Traine loare Winadsor -= mdmmm% l'.-..l; ::t::.-..‘.l.“:“. -.‘.“‘-. a 18 » .: p @*, ..A-.‘- P rentan ie ne oi Prife wse us o hegâ€"~ -n;huo nm-u L"l‘!"“{‘.‘_m.l“- On and aAer lAWlDAI’.‘eo ° T URMBKR, 1404, this Railway wil be open tor N TV \4 an Ouremuay, Liverpeo! or Quessstowa . n # w::-n-uvï¬ï¬‚-u m“m""â€â€˜â€œâ€˜*““:: ..&‘\Mi;:;-\:nfl’:: «6 t Liverpool 6t Qn##BH0HHK...»»» »»â€"»umse some :: Mtv..m&‘%‘u. Peasts sold to acd from % an0¢ _ Cuntinent.at moderate ratese â€" _ Opeming tArough Windior | io Arszap *m:& h-....w.. WKAX LINROP MAaiLl ATRANERL, 4AJLIDQ AND aALÂ¥ERXXATHR TOEmDits. S there at 8 a m, amd U Kentrills & Â¥ linistmataipinnnely, .. i1 )* Kentrllls, Does &, 100%. 1 i7 a"***"mv 0s ic‘ ©©** 1008.) WINTER ARKANOEMENTS. pueto .â€.-m lllm OTATIOs on ioz _ C0INCG WwEHSEt Wign â€" & & 4e 4e 4e TB y @ To a as tor Laskiss «t ......_...1001m, 1#8 as t 1u, 1t anen, l"..“' a, 1p a and #:30 p a. " _ MelDUpe twain rame through to Provime Day Rupreas tor O | OUtatrs 5:35.!.’..'.“.‘:}.'; aetiving at Bmith‘s Fallseat 6 ~» esm@®F Venle «k l.'l- and #.03 aetiving at Bmith‘s Fulleat 6 33 ard #.44 _â€"â€"__ SEAYE SXÂ¥ITH®s '&-LI. G:00: TIME TABLE, No. ?. ' Commencing on MOXDAY, SDV. 1s, 1869 assccnsns: cessccmucsmes 4Â¥ AB ©3 # 1# H fuenett Jitaion ... â€" U 6 418 17 a FHBOML.ssucnannanccencenceeccecscesee 44 B 4 13 1 W . 8. DETLWO uuâ€ï¬‚u 1 Xv1.08 bup % Wartaging *Hrea=g5 reiph, Loadon, Braatfard waul #2B pDDRLE W HLL, H6. .»»=sssemme> l.o.vu.l-.'o '01»1". K A Â¥L» AÂ¥. E dOLNO JOUTH AXD EKASTt PERTH BRAXCH, LEAYE PERTH CHANGE OF TNE Train for K ingston and LAWBRRNCE a®D Oreaw a M ALL W A Â¥. Lu?-‘-i‘i»‘.-'tfl Ba W.e* FRAINE will bemwve M.eâ€"â€"PRHRAINER wHll Lamve eakuille at J}1.14p #, U, ABBOYPtT, 1000 W t ‘vt passen oer T -.-!I†# #» ..â€. bold0 a a % a% f » O# A.Tmt'oln.““.tq’o.ltum' s t 3 i taarees "raoe aet in a siag 88 11 40 ak, mmye: «1 hare . A. Traok‘s & % Magnetio Distment In my pracsuiee anumber of ) 16 +3 on | years, and oug say with pleasure 1 deni it one of 1 & 129 3» | the gremies alsopreries of the =«e; for the curs of t 10 13 a$ | infummation of the Langs, Infemmation of the 4 11 1 awp | Douris, Infammatery Rhoumatiem, and in Caliaâ€" Maltfan N. 8, and 8t. John, N. B., after the Wth instant. t Communications to be addressedâ€" Deraxtuext or Manixe axo Fuuemums, also forms of Tenders, with other particu Charters to run during the season from Ist April to Ist November. ‘The under, agned reserves the option of renewing any charter for the following year. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, : > Tenders may be for one, or more than one vessel. ; [ Bpecifications in blank to be filled up with 1ihe descriptron of each vessel, and lars, can be obtaimed on application to this about sixty to one hundred and thirty Lons, registered tonnage, with two suitaâ€" ble boats to each vessel, to be well founa and thoroughly fastened, and not exccedâ€" ing six years old; for Marine Police purâ€" poses, on the sea coasts of Canada. â€" The erews will be provided and the vessels provisioned at the expense of the Govâ€" ermment. Vessels to be at the risk of the mimmpus uas n armists Venrplloguism can be loarred in three doys spy where ;-..pc--.:'.:.:‘i-:':-m.a ‘I'Vu."tllt Box H2,Jervey Oug, K.4 . Plana, SpeciAcations and Exiimates for the awe Ooart l-n.hhmty’::o of the Coonty otf Cariston, will be di’..-!rdflflflabt!.ho FIKRST day of MARCH nest, 1878, at tweive c‘viock, nova. lbb.r-t-.“ ure to hare. a motto aitaocbed, and to be accompaniled by a sealed ?fl‘&.fl. mame and address of salected are io become the d.u:“Od“uu*m'a reie rnes to the «wbhwiiting the same. * Tre will pay a preminm of one hesdred m.oiu‘an.u‘chu- dm-nhnund % lastractions as to site, cost and acscomme “-Mnnbch:‘-l-?u ce Oark‘s OMes, amy seobâ€" m. are not in ascordance said sastructions will aot be enterts med. IKA MORGAXNK, ( _ _ . @airmas Beliding Committes, Deranatwext or Manix® axo FieuEurs, . Ottawa, Tth January, 1870. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Mvfllhmb’&fo underâ€" «igned to the Ist of March next for the charter of SIX SWIFT SAILIXG FORE AND AFT SCHOONERS, measuring from «ult _ ~ everywhers Be surse to oull for "MK8 @IMBLOW® S00THIN® : sYÂ¥RUP." Maving the Jaeâ€"mmele of #Cartie & Perkins® on the ontslde wrapper, All others are base umitaâ€" wother, and reliet and health to the child, operaâ€" «ing like magie. It is pertectly safe to use in all mess, and pleasent to thr taste, and is the preâ€" *dmdmdl-uuhuuuom. male *# +1.4 aurees in the United Etates, Price 25 bud Fever, i operates with perfect shocses, in ’c -d.un..m.h-u-h,k-ullh a charm; ie J P. Kanuaepr of Ohittenango, New York. ’np--uwmummmum land 'ï¬ lis astonishing curst‘of Infamâ€" mation of the Langs and Croup and the wonderiul “h-m.‘;‘ou‘n"md Wheu â€" watisum, and Nervous Affsctions, entitle luooup!ui Net of remedies for these i Da. A. W. lun.dlmlnffl. aaye; @1 hare used it io severe i cases of special venety sthar bruatatats: ahd Sut o 6 reprctine w # auw artisle, and weil worthy the notioe of all * P-..‘-.n shoold be -t:“ndr l:;.bl. B. Trask l-fdo'lâ€"ul #646 words "A. TRA*K‘S MAgaEIIO oumrnr * are -l‘.-.n" a Newolntie, C. W., General ..........'7::‘3... Bold io Ottaws by all aragaists and hy medicine dealors every where. _ Mothers 1 mMmosners locbon;â€"Anyu disturbed at night and broken d.yo%:utby 4 siok ohild eufering and orying with excruclâ€" wting pale of cutting testh 1 If so, go at once and get a bottle of mrme. WIN8LOW‘*3 sOuTHING SYRUP. It will relleve th poor Hitlse suferer immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is no mistak about it. There is not a mother on sarth who ba avar used it, who will not teil you at onee that it will reguints the bowels, and ive rest to the Otaws, Fuab tth, 1#TO. Amd markedâ€"** Tenders for Veeacls" erevation Tor Te TpM ::-%'m“'“""' boumdits . :’».:m lc’-uv’a;wba-l*m «ht ~.{’1:!,’rw.~ï¬Â«9-.~,&~ï¬u.! ie Th z..m"" -'-t-,)&h-‘ itk be mand ant wath the ather. BRoud #Y NOTICE TO ARCHITECTsS WTKE TO THE MOCKISG BHIRD, UNTY OP CiaRL®&tro®s. tam 4 R. VÂ¥ae Dorer & C%., wie 1» 16 5.t & ut U Prtk Fian en Fald ;â€"â€";â€"â€"-â€"â€"-, EEROARERWeWSE, GNVo 16 CBNnG+ % «w likkn m #2 6c0ee . Burae, :h.. Frossn LAimbke. it ants ni: Minister of Marine and Fisherics. 1960 bauwt 1 M _ GRAY Hilk is a certain indication of desay at the roots. BEAUCTIPCL HAalR, Nature‘s Crown. You Mast Caltivate it alLL Dnuveeuwre. 127744 a %Â¥ [ * | «â€"For Oolde, Cougbhs, Bronchitis, Consump. ton, and all Diseases of the Thromt, Chest and Longs, Uit. J. Briggs Throat and Lung Henler is a certmin and reliable Remedy. Bold made public that Heury P‘ettibone died, io a h Mgm;ï¬n‘ hell in Kast Broadway. â€" 1. For twenty years be had been a constant habitue of| faro binks. When be comâ€" menced was doing a good bu‘inm, had a happy wife, and was in a fair way to fortune} anod when be died he was a vagraot and â€" outcast ; his wife died of broken long ago ; his childreo had :ro'n up in misery and vice; and he ad not a friend in the whole great city, where once he had bundreds of them. The coroner was notified, an inquest was held, and a verdict. rendered that he, too had died of heart disease; but no effort was made to conceal the fact of where he beld. He hadâ€" no wealthy friends or influential politicisns <to " see‘" â€" the vorover the press, and fix things. No m;:: hurmed | by the fact being OUf course, immediately all was excite~ ment and confusion around the ta during which "Uncle John" (quietly raked in the «" checks‘"‘ and closed the " bank," theroby saving himself $6000 whuch the dead man had won: On the ineide of the ring was engraved the dead man‘s name. He was a young man of good tamily, and was to have bt married the next week. His friends w notified and took his body away, and lit wus given out that he hog died suddenly of heart disease while reading a paper at home. Far distant from tï¬il was the ease of dwroor devil who died in a gambling in East Broadway a short time after. He was one of the regulars. The nmtbor of persons who have died sguddenly is gambling hbouses in this city during the past year has been remarkable. At No. 17 Anu street is a gambling hell kept by a<man generally known among the fr-unityu " Uncle John,." One night about six months since, a youn man d in the height of fashion, 'itg gold watch) and diamond pin and rings entered and began to gamble, He was unlucky abd rapidly lost his money ; then he staked his watch, and that too, followed his money. His dismond pin was next tisked, sand still fortune was against him. ‘Then he took from his finger a (ring=â€"â€"a beautiful solitaire diamondâ€"and for which he was allowed $100. ~And now he won. Fortune. seemed to }}vo changed and was smiling upon® him, _ Every bet he â€" made he won | until his "stack‘"‘ . of *" cheoka‘‘ was larger ©‘ than that beld by the " bank.‘" Suddenly his head dropped‘ forward on the table, and bo was dead. 1 EP TTT i drat AnniiicetoGodiieiiie riies Ruristson® BBtmiass isdi ’ot that b¢ died in his own house ; another that he fgll and expired in the street, &c The truth respecting this man‘s death has been m}ixllv excluded from the papers, but notwithstanding this the facts are well known here. . He was an invetâ€" :nt;p bler, and at th;lllmo ofrril eath was enguaged in gambling in a faro bank on (Broadway. fle was‘ playi beavily |and had : lost a :%5 deil of |:money. He hbad . just laid a large amount on a certiin card to win on the last turn, or, |in gawbliog lance, had . "called the turn""â€"â€"and won. ‘The dealer ask‘d him to take up his "checks," and then it was discpvered that be was dead Standing with one hand resting upon the shoulder pf a friend, also engaged |in p.l.?iug, d the other full of * cheeks," and bis eye# fixed on the "nine spot" of heartyâ€"on which.he had made his last‘ betâ€"death came upoo him and vidbï¬ a struggle or even a sigh he died.‘ . sudden add so noiseless was his dm that no onp was aware ofit until attenti was attr to hiim by the faet of bhis not picking up his checks when he had won. f ET Duriog the past week there died sudâ€" denly in ithis sity a prominent politician and ell known sporting man. He has n\ ther now in the State Senate, and he bimself beld a lucrative positxon under the city government. The papers all publi obituaries of him, giving the particulars of bis death, &c., but, strange tp say, none of the accounts) as to the of his death agreed. © One said that |while visiting a friend he was suddonoly istruck down and died ; anothâ€" _ Reath in GQambling Hells, x) New "'"’Q‘!""".‘.'S..“..!‘ the Platisburg Reâ€" VÂ¥ear *c.‘ Discord in the Russian _ Importal Family, Cimts in the rear of the train. When the enâ€" gineer would stop his train and sond some one to l=arn why the sign«] to stop was made, the messengerâ€"would be greatâ€" ly surprised to see the light vanish ‘Inâ€" vestigation has proved that no persou was therewith a lantero, and the brakes man ard conductor concur, also, in havâ€" ing beheld the pbenomon, which, so far as is known, is without visible cause. Bome l« borers living on <the line of the «bove stution Stute that a féew morpings since they were coming down the road on a handâ€"car, when they suddeoly heard the upproach of the enogine and train, und knowing that no train: was due in the vicinity ut that bour, they became greatly frightencd, and, jumping out of the car, threw it off the uwt to await the train which they thought was coming at a rapid pace upon them, but which, it is neediess to say, did not come. The superstitious regard the affair as a fore~ warning ‘of some disaster, while the spiritâ€" ualists have the ready tlleor{“thlt it is the spirit of a man who was killed there some two years ago. + telegraphic system of K un control of tlu’ government, has‘ been an enormus increase in the use of this modâ€" ero substitute for‘ the dov-& letter system. Indeed, so great was the flood of messages requiriog to be sent that the service was oommy overwhelmed, and umdhuLMn had to be restored to in order to meet occasion. We are entirely in favourof the assumption of the telegraphic wires in Canads by the m-nt; the increase of existing ilties of communication ; and the reduction of the charge ;;r ordinary messages to ten.cents, as a | beginning. Who would submit to the pJ'n'u delay , the uncertainties of letter correspondence and the suspense natural to long deterred replies, who could quick transit make by a wide peoetrating flash? As developâ€" ment and sensible reform istobe the rder of the day in Canada may we hope that the telegraphic system will.be incladed in the programme ? Rowaxtic TErui®aTio® or A= Enorexext,.â€"Last week an elopement took place, disturbing the ordinary quiet of the town of Llanfyllin. â€" As the story goes, the escapade had quite a romantic and,to the parties most deeply interested, a very provoking termination. â€" The marâ€" riage service was rundug in a chureh ct.ilva-pool, ad the knot bad been al nost tred, when the friends of the young open Fie: at a Piaxo. Warsugocrss.â€" At 2 1. .x. on Sunday, a fire occurred at Collard & Collard‘s t{e great piano forte makers, u:gont'l Park. The official reâ€" gort says that in a circular building of ve floors, and about 210 feet in circumâ€" ference, about oneâ€"third of the roof was destroved, and the workshop on the lNl floor and its contents severely damaged by fire and heat. ‘The roto!tbo buildâ€" ing and its contents were damaged by water, &c , and the front door was broken + The engineer of the freight train on the Boston and Lowell railroad, which leaves Boston about 3 o‘clock in the worning, bas on several occasions disâ€" covered a red light swinging at a furious rate at the Woburn gtation, where the train stops for water. ~The light would sometinses be in the front and ‘sometimes we have no knowledgeâ€"could bri about the very wonderful effects whig were most unmistakably observable for miles along the south and southâ€"east shore of Lake 8t. Clair. For our own part we don‘t pretend to be posted on these intricate and debatable matters, and do not feel disposed at present to discuss them. We preter to leave their investig«. tion and erncidu‘inn to others who have more time on their hands and whose mind naturally leads them to find causes for astonishing and hitherto unexplained effects. We profess to be preâ€"eiminently pr..ctical, The Boston papers : publish the folâ€" lowing as a strange but well authenticat Nor, what could possibly have caused this wonderful freak of the elements ? We cannot tell., Perhaps some of our savants can @xplain. Could it have been any volcapic action beneath the waters? Could it have been produced by the atâ€" mospheric elements above ? (r could it possibly result from a flood of ice making its way down the Detroit River and beâ€" coming checked in its onward course to Lake Krie? ut it seems most extraâ€" ordinary that this \last circumstanceâ€" supposing it ever did occur, but of which trees, and logs were absolutely piled in a jumbled mass nve@ feet in height along the shore for a "Wstance of several miles, but was most obsérvable on the south and southâ€"east quarter. At the mouth of the River Thames the waters fell to their natural level in less than two days ; but in the vicinity of the River liuscom it was full a week before they blt!' retired to their ordinary boundary. ~â€" in the vicinity of the mouth of the River Thames and along the south shore of the Lake; to and beyond the River Ruscom. Parties resident on the lake shore inform us jthat at first two loud reports. were heard, resembling the reports of canuons fired at a distance, after which was ex. perienced a sensation as from a gentle nw:ling to and fro, as though an earth quake had been awakened from a centuâ€" ry‘s repose. Upon. visiting the water line, it was discovered that the ice had been suddenly shoved upon the shores and piled up geveral feet in beight, curryâ€" ing with"it trunks of trees and logs, which had for a quarter of a century lhin embed: ded in the sand of the beach. At the mouth of | the River Thames aad vicinity the ice was thrown to the hoiï¬-t of two or three feet. while at the River KRuscom, it was raisedâ€"at least four feet above its ordinary level. As was intimated before, so sudden was the rise of water in the luke, that the ice and We are credibly informed by an eye witâ€" nessâ€"indeed yesterday we saw ourselves tangible evidence of the truth of what is mldg usâ€"that on Thursday the 13th of January last, a most extraordinary and sudden rise of the waters of St. Clair occurred and was particularly observable Ix'tM..ry Phenomenon on Lake Bt. Clair From the Triâ€"weekly Chatham Planet. Ghostly signals at Woburn, Telegraphic Reform. {PRICE â€" 3 OK: Cortocs ADVIERTISENXENT.â€"The Sherb wrne Journal publishes the flo:n curious advertisementâ€"probably wi out knowing that a penalty of £50 was duced by restored circulation. after the haud hu{ been ‘asleep,‘ortwhen we carelessâ€" ly meddleâ€"with the poles of a magnetic battery." authorities quite in opposition to â€"The gentlemen who walked into the shop of Mr.â€"â€"â€".jeweller, of Sherborne, on Monday eveniog, and carried> ofâ€" doubtlessly by mistakeâ€"an abtique watch of no possible value to him, not being gold, a pair of brass earâ€"rings and a brass chain, is hereby informed that if be will kindly return the articles, 108 worth of nnnn:hll be sent to any ad~ “‘l': he e may like to name, and no ques+ out knowing that a penalty of £50 was thereby incurred :â€"*"To kflo-uuu. â€"â€"The centlemen who walked into the revoiutions minute. Btandiog °in front.of and m' the belt, m the extended fingers within six inches of it, the expsrimenter will observe a multitude of white rays, which start from the belt and project themselves in the direction of the fiog rs. For the frst hree inches the rays form a sheet of white light, its buse extending across the band. It then breaks up into pepcils of rays, each pencil converging to a deliâ€" cately . fine point. ‘The poiots of the white rays approximate at the tips of the fingers, but vever touch thew. On the contrary, the ends of the ht-‘ aro illa= minuted with little jets of bright yellow fiame, which dart out to mret the white rays. The :’iuh l:dmel .:d l-n‘ll:_ont. conâ€" tinuous an ilâ€"shaped. ~ are not &s vivid ul;ent.ru electric q:r.f’, but sufficiently bright to be visible b daylight.. if a person, holding hbis rï¬l& hand near the belt, touch any one in reach with his left hudlnwillcmi-n a sedsible shock. _ The fingers, _oxâ€" A letter in the Ottawa (I.) Republiâ€" can gives the following account of an elâ€" ectrical phenomengn :â€" °. _ _ been wasted. Upon examining the s in the morning,â€" however, tbo“gudenm†found a considecrable qumti;y of bloo‘d the trampled grass, an of it m:ne distance from the houum Roon after the sod of a graveyard near the house was found to hare Leo’dinnrbd. as though in preparation for the removal of a body, and the neighbors resolved the attempted burglary into the wanderâ€" ings . of . a . couple _ of would. be * bodg-on-tchen,"'bom the alarmed householder had frighu{ned and grazed by his random shot. . Upon this supposiâ€" tiZn the excitement gns::lly mm i1to a tale for the Winter fireside, and was quoted only by garrulous old dames and imavinative nurses. But time and death have at last brought the true . soâ€" lution of the mrury, Ml? the dying confession of a: man recently de. ceased in the village. . Athough tgc son of a well known citizen, and of good general repute himself, he, in company with a scapegrace comrade, had actually attempted to prepetrate the robbery, and the shot fired had inflicted© a mortal wound upon the comrade. ‘The dyi man added that be had borne hinuie? ing comrade to a p‘ne of â€" concealment, kept him there while he lived, and then buried him by night in that part of the graveyard 'Ln the disturbance of the soil had been noticed. It was their first and last attempt at crime, and had been terribly expiated b{ the speedy death of the one and the life long remorse of the other. y "In the engine=room of the Peru Plough Factory there is a leather belt from eight to ten inches wide. ‘This belt u§nwn over two drums, one of which is iron, and the other ;I think, is wood. These drums make about ihy revolutions per minute. Standiog ~in erimenting with the belt, have a prick= fg eatsanngo, mot unlike the Juclag pprocw STRANGE BOLUTIOX OF A FPAKILTYT MYSTERY. From the New York World. ‘_A pa published at Burlington, New JerEee;, affirmé that the followicg is a true story, and can be'nbuntmby persons now living in that town. Some time ago a gentleman of ‘considorable wealth in that vicivity, and who was supposed to keep a large sum of money in his desk was aroused from.sleep at midnight by the sound of some one forcing open one of the lower doors of his house. | Arising quictly from his bed, and taking a loaded gun in his‘ hand he softly raised a sash over the door from which the noise proceeded, ‘and on ooking out could distinguish the forms loftwo persons in the thick darkness of the night. _ To level his werpon and fire was the work of a moment ; but &s both figures fled the shot seemed to hare lady appeared on the put a to t aiche in | {ti 2c unmarried, to her home. â€" There is many a slip ‘twirt the cup and the lip.â€" Oswestry Advertiser. Watrer on Stoves. A Shot in the Dark. 4