ty #4 4 who #1 \F 6# it i #% m “ ‘ ufl seeuteqeec0000 ---uuu--.on-o-nm s i tth..] sem aaiza, &o.â€"â€"Potatoos......â€" “'â€"h “u«-m-"““‘ Â¥ we UTHRaWâ€"POL 100.....mzsesessucceees & 30 Woonâ€" ®sroord (sable moensure & 00 * Mised Wood.....«.s,.s:. B 380 whâ€w'< Kvazrsoot Surs 80.4â€"Thatis all who hay nh“*ufl%.“b effects when used by othere; allsuch, and they “wmm-mqflu tat ® w‘m_‘? "â€™â€œï¬ solds, thick wind, and all dissases which afeot the wind of horses. As a sondiiion medisine it u.uqulnhnuu‘lh.hu'lulmn- M.mmu-“ med the --um:n- “.:'m asing it; it is jast the which all own horses require, aad which they should wave soastantly on hand. Rethember the aame, and «o0 that the ai gnature of Hurd ana Co. is on sach pmokage. Northrop & Lyâ€" man, Newocastle, Ont.. propristors for Canada. Muaravilla . Coconmn â€"+ For â€" dreakjas â€" The + Giobe®" says :â€"â€"** Varions importers and maouâ€" fncturers have attempted to attain a reputation luMMo-n:hhlw“ whe ther any u-t“ been achleoved unklil Messra. Tay ‘-'MWNM ary quabties of + maravilia‘ Cosen,. their perfect system of preparation bm:: of all species‘ of the Thepbroma, they have proâ€" duced an artiscle which supersaies every ctheor "nans in the market â€"Mntire solubility, a deliâ€" _‘ K. John, N B, November 2nd. m‘_‘o-.'-v: T ;"."“"' Pn en old Sain t 2 td ts m (tuent tefad sosh attachs the tange. "= Brows‘s Bros: shial Trookes," or Cough Losenges, allag irtitaâ€" tion which induces coughing, having a diasot in h.onlbo%†As there are \mitaâ€" lons, be sure vo ontdiz the genusne. Bold by all dealors in medicines, at 206 sente a boxk. he Latest and Most Improved Auyle in Gold, .......n...r...umo‘-.n«nu Assorted Norders to mateh in sndiess variet y Cull and Examine for Yoursclocs. 'Jâ€"h.hhlshlh?flo“- pert and experiensed workmen, DEOORATING ROOMS, Which will enable him:to exeoute all orders with rqnhwdunh& «ad WALLA WHITENED and wb & -:h' MAyle, on the most easonable and at the shortest notioe, W u.-h.o'uuq Puity, (Mase, Stained do. -Io-h-n..-::a &MWU&MM Mhlu: Brands in Boxes, or Out w eviee «k d ""®. saror®, Beil‘s Dlook, opposite Russel\ House. UJU8K PAINTING, MANGINGQ PAPEL, #A8H, BLIND, DOOL MOULDING AND Oitawa, Decemner 14 1004. 1100, 4 lawk sae Proviness. Dl"l’lw OK _ @RCRETARY OÂ¥ OTATE POR TME PROVINC En. OtKtawa, h Dessember, 1 809. Notice is hereoby given that Mis Eusellieney the @overnor General in Counsall, hae this duy appornted the Beoretary [( State for the Provinces " Juperiatendent General of Iadian Afairs" with the management of all matters counsoted with the Ladiaa Tribes. |.5.|~=Moummum anteed, and uw'va‘l wilh m'yb- duce custom. DK Nasives P vimad aad Glased tor shipâ€" wieonr aoiom, ooo setiefored i ind th ‘0.0.;0.“-" ‘.‘ e ‘, C Indian Afuire are, in Puture, to be addressed to Uis stook, elogant . i# wm tr _ M sashon Primed and Qlased san be m"n less tisk of breakage wea@n/mt!â€" s narus Store and OMce, Elginâ€"si, Opposite the Russell NMRENOR aAdLDUOTION _PICTURE FRAME MANUFAUVTORY, _ malie .-..'l*g" ts d. & the N“fll‘_mdlm.b Beal per 100 Ibe Vuitonâ€"per |b . Poaltryâ€"Per pairt Boft WO04....««»»»»4»»» COmMERC I AL. Look Cearstary of Btate for the Provincess _ ziï¬ soupt G onl; Lndian Adaire. Mouse Decoratink> Ix PRIoEHS OF Â¥ A L L PAP E8E LR 8 *A TON*‘s seescsces cessechnessess essess ane ene neguesn* . mow on sale by the resapectable & £ATON®‘S. essssebecceceses ces snegeseesss JOGRPA NOWYE sep csee0 an clegant assortment of in ase lor 0094 Fow arse aware C(oaiere T E° No. 1!, in Puust »vous, me® | . 1,%00 m..:dlr-h=.lfl. .om‘ k is in K > . W BiL, CVRZ/ up.:-no dw.;.t. Oritawas, Desember 4. 14040. 1873â€"0% _ | ( A)“ turther 3 I " ( «cesmm Jows u. Tnowso®, â€â€œ & n.-m . MWILL, Avornay “.h'.t -â€"â€".t.-uâ€"m Jetâ€"1M4t | * “.'_'_.:.:‘.m""'"‘; mmmg which san not be by aay other, for .“‘:vndlm.up. without either iys or grease. Mara Soap, and some of them of a .m."-“â€"...mn-n t uon n o t w i M P # The wildest and ugliiest horss can be made to obey his master, and evento walk after him in the streets, romds or dolde, without the alightest -flhbm All accomplished in one dagy . sure for CORNS at a choeup raie, without ‘ï¬?‘o‘;flfl-â€" or inss They imh“u.“lflm‘\fl"’“" F# #ALKE.â€"«The Wasterly oneâ€"third of LoA No. 17, in First Gongsssion, Otiawa Froat, N# us won kisgr one beuret ‘n en en a Tok | pu osonov® & he woret can t mmaywd.flwumm; ‘“..n.::":’ : m:u--hummom. ’Mm Qure for Plles. hy '___.__._..â€" M:uum mmuanwum N.,’..."‘m:." «t any time in less than twenty hours. Also, DJ * | fige, o o e nori nc 4‘yatrls: | a Konaom carn Gere â€" « » OR aACK LA P NHuil, in the -.uwï¬owmu’“uw-m %m..uwoq-lo .::' * uubmm‘nm.ml To e ns ons Aemmemenmemeze #er t * sblio C _ _ _1Â¥ AIHCONNKONR, Pnd n Wimen m, cgese are,, hany i ra mm There is a handsome ln:. ;: toak Aertst : 64 SULLES, on tne promâ€" Parties injending to make flufl. to Mmumu‘.tub. ou-:' granting exolusive privileges, or comfecring o:n‘pnu mhmfldufl-w or for doing anything teading to * the or y of other partioe, horoby as that are tequired by the 4 aad lollowing Rules of the House of Commonse (whish arse pabâ€" ebject), in the Cunade (Warste, and also in wonilee Athoind. Tinting teptpartd the in and lust of such nwotioes to the Private BUY OMes _ lshed in full in the Cunade @asste), 10 | TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the -’ir"": TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the :mu (olearty and distiactly specifying \G natur All Potitions for Prtvate Bills must be presented within the first three weeks« of the Seasion. ALFAKD TODD, COh _ Clerk Committeos anud Private Bills, House of Commons, Oitaws, 1ith Des, 140%. 1231108 %&1 o® oxtaRiO, By virtue ota Writ of Frert Faeins, ssued out of Her Majasty‘s Court of Commen Pleas, at Toronto, to me dirscted and delivered, against the lunds and tenements whick werse of MICHAKL COPPE, decssased, at the timeof his death in the hands of MARY COPPY, excoutria of the last will and testament of the said MICHAKL COPPS, deceased, to be administered, at the sulit of JOHN COPP», I have seised and taken in exseution, and will offer tor sale at Public Austion, & mp oflce, in the Court House, in the City of Oua#ws, on MONDAY, the TWENTYâ€"NLNTH day of IMADMQMM“UIN estate, right, title, Interest and equity of redemp~ tion which were of MIUHAEL COPPS, decsased, at the time of his death in the hands of the sald MARKY CJPPY, exssutrin as atorssucd, of, in, to aud out of, all and slnguiar that parsel of land being composed ol the east twoâ€"thirds of lot numâ€" ber tweniyâ€"two, in the sievenih concession ol the Township of Fitzroy, in the Qounty of Cariston, containing one hundred and thirty three and opeâ€" third acres, be the same mere or loss, WM P POWELL, Sherif, B JAB BAILIF®E, Depary SheriK. P.IVA“ ".ll-l-lo_ HORSE TRAINING INFORNATION Sherif‘s OMes, Ottawa, Desember ##nd, A D 1803. _ 12304 'l‘l S0th VOLUNME 1 4 NEKW AERIEA!! NEW FORM |! o THE PICTORMIAL _ > PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, A FIR8STâ€"CLAS® FAMILY MAGAZINE, Runrosnonk Vorkâ€"st., Arst Brisk hbalow the market WF k. OHIEF UNDERTAKER, SPARKSâ€"st. COPPINS, HEARSES ; CARKRIAGES, Opsesially devoted to the «@ Roramone or Man,"* ho wn all the meanse lndloated by Puagwor00râ€"Ihe Brainâ€"and its Punstions ; the with directionse for cultiv ; ami n‘tlm Mnflmm&qm aad bedy deseribed. Putsmogoronrt, with all the © Oigns of Charaster Bole agent for FIGK‘d METALLIC COFPINE, o ooniae or Tuilitailnt‘ 164 Teasralet n‘lb-nlc“‘.i'u.q-imm Rrunxomnoor or thea Naturmi n.-rlluâ€" ou-.u:p-ul-‘-du. diferent Tribes and Natione, will be givem. _ C bick _ Pursmaoot & Araroutâ€"~Iue Aon®, mmmdtrlqu;m Lawse of Life and Healthâ€"â€"What #* Kac ;ï¬u ln':.rquhclubd.u‘ln & Tt manttnn, is aioonfents silh ‘Rygrende Piidkt A V MR is e nâ€ucm ee l in aieeAedered The Resmes Fifty ounts par lessom. _ _ ARsterencesâ€"The Roew T, D. Jones, L. L. D. Bt. mibans; J. Thorbura Reg., M.A., Rester ot Qramâ€" Revammmaenpâ€"The Jouraal has seached \to “VW“MW.M :::.'xdh-“l ...ho â€"n:: quarto more omt and mprovemenis have been m ade. llhu&h-nndum hru.' the many years it has been published, and was | asver more popular than at prosent, 5 | ;-Onl.ld'c.:.o' rm‘.' -.ï¬oflï¬b-e-v-flm',' w Passwt ano Taacuanaâ€"As e«ducating omand mank on domamone a ..-...a.l'.'.‘.n.-...;“..-»u “p-:: ::nâ€d-:a u-;’o. loading Â¥ !v:. no efforts -.-: I-Iulb \ntereat: m ::-ulu:-du m"&nr\a-udh-ry ‘l-“l)*uflinu.h advance. Wiogie numbers, 30 sents. Clube of tenm or more, 42 sach, and an extra sopy to 'opn*h..o“mlp--s Inslose 15 senis lor a sample anmber, with aew mdl.-u‘m-.-..b Tlhkek *\ U it WELLG, Pubtisher. NHERAFEL*8 JALK OÂ¥ LANDS, Kor KHalt or to 1AAL1. WASHUMING COMPOUND K. W. CARTEX, FPOR OLD AND TOUNG FHOPLE. M9 Broadway, New York. 1083¢f be la:.: «ompmmmmnmemenses ommc ie Mn es : cce «s ry * A M K UMu N‘c.:‘l.‘.:.. & hn | Sepraie the Pon Dter: 0 h m innatnindiventvaial e ho ts [ DL ,, for AEAAH Aol kn ) 100. hn re and J W . W L "AlD.rï¬thn:‘-O"‘"& “m WRIGWT & LAWLOR, 4 Barristars, Advosstes, &o. OBeet, AFlâ€" mer, Q, (Muin Stree), sand OUta®a (Wgin NL.‘U, Prastics and Pateats tor lanven« ton, &0., sspemally attended to in ttawa. ~Â¥. MoLaons, W, MoK Wusesr, L. A Lavie®. Qumemnâ€"â€"Post des 1 Ottaere. N Bâ€"â€"Money advanced Ntc..u. U#P ARK®, Darrister and Abtor» .-.n‘:vl.n. Soilsitorâ€"inâ€" Chancery , MI Ipinie s P dn Funes. ="*~ _ aaly _ EO 3‘.»:::‘-&-»‘. Ottaws. _ 4037 Kllâ€u. KIWHKEKH, Dartiters and M\.um.mmosm Conveyancers, &o, for the Provinses of uk Qiaibek. .L __ : _ .. .. l Avecares Kiggpn Wuiiix Mosazove. _ 1010 _ Quenes Tamio® n O#CONNOR , Attorneyâ€" at Law, dolleitor= e in Chancery, Conveyanser, . Aosa Busserâ€" street. Ofcse, Unim Bulldings, Atawe. 83y “0.‘0. LA PIKERAE, Astorneyâ€"at Law, Solisitorâ€" inâ€" Chansery, Convreyanser and No mmry Public, Corner ot Busses and Inin_u!m n W. HWA YCOOCK, Aitorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Soilâ€" a slitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Comvreyancer, Netary Bublic, and Putent Rigat dolistor. OBce+â€"iIm mediately opposite Russell House, Eginâ€"st 4I3ut! L _" J E-'AI. U. BDARTNELL, Barristet Holleitor, Attorney and Netary Public, Clerk of the Pense and County ‘Attorney, for the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. OBeo+â€"â€"ln the Court House, L‘Ormagaai. 34 Ora ® OKMNMILL, Darristers, Abtornags, L.-:.d:l,m &o, OMBeeâ€"ln ths Professor of Chamistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, Kept by all the princtpal Druggists and (Grocers in the Dominion, P _ PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEL. RO'AI.HAI.IAI MTTERL. Prepared by spesial pgrmission from the origlaal A. Â¥, F. GLIANBLLI, Sole Manufacturer and Propristor (or the Domia» ion of Canada and the United States. , N.B.â€"â€"These celabrated Bitters ane carstully prepared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wins, and are sspesially adupted and recomâ€" mended to persons of delicate sonstitutions. They are genily stimalant, and will be townd lafallible alde to digestion. For dirastions see label round the neok of sach None are gonuine aniless bearing the signature of ihe propristor, York sreet, near the Kotkeh. The sunsortber respestiully announses that be mw&-uâ€"n'-.mn-flufl mud-:l--h this epportunaity es t the W «stended, as well as the conidence bm alase his arrival in this alty. Mebholds AALES EÂ¥ERY DAY, (when aot otbore en sither at his reoms or »n the “'".:..'.'?l...:"...."“""""'""“ FHraoralGcE â€"ra reyp. satiafaction a# r the M‘M as wall as prompt Immediate scipement after mml"l & TAILLON®, Barmatats, Solieiwre, &#o, OMoenâ€"Moegrore‘s Duildings, naming Enonbichds Pefuithee, hateel, reatihgeriee amiung will be \isd asadone by im s h‘.hh..lnp‘dï¬&m.;un Consignments from a distanse will most with \nâ€" mediate and carsful atteation. o mb it w cum ts COMMBERCOIAL SALE ROOMS, n‘-"llflm;l :'G C ® aA« 'n:.l mdheoom O’E.' eaten at memis, wm.' P eeraniihe Forder, hettint 1. it 14 #a and 11s6d. Panoreatine Wine, botties, Jn Js N .B.â€"Punsrseatine Wihe is the beat rehisin for en mm memigeccommns commmmnm nnemmmngememes omm m mss @â€"â€" o ge ce mm cmp rmm m -‘..‘.oflnmdnll. a by 3b sents KBNXONDE®E®. Hmfl,' hand for hire. The nln;:nhml-l'l.u ToX Lardehly tha Dishep of Kingston, Hon. U. L. Langertna, C B, and Boot‘y of State PeVY AUVOTIOX HART, CRETHEAU, Notary Public for the Pro A BLB OLAABYW ARK, Post â€" OMee Bulldiags, EKlgia wesss Ctql Canls. io dnspose of, and pledges bWimseil that imton »Werchant1. 2. Comvey 20007 , l:‘-m‘.l e mt T Oe -;â€"-‘ -_.“_. roum time bat af t l .“’.’nau.'m:.-nm-n i on laaded s e curlity. in the U abled States : cuun, ussmazes â€"=. | sea Wetreatine Eagmrameatmeets, ies Nh WWK, Daceisters and +â€"~A ,‘."U,m a ...“.".x:_. -:.“#“’J the Provinses of Mkk * ntaths tith me bete brfeaght tho ladias of every desortption, A, K. P QGIANELLL Raws Kowase Kizame *» i aA LL OTTAWA ‘MMES, PEBRUARY 17, 1870. CHOLERA, DLARRBEKA, and BOW EL I ronad from round from qecigel SEqnune nsteciaatiy allle ch td Auct u..‘flo“b..-‘b-“m.‘. sommencel| with diarrhoos, with dpsentery, and tnes vommnlting. The oneat Berhauwas reey had, _1 gure her three doses of the Cholers Mizâ€" mre, the third of which stopped the romiting The nuut day she was All right. or adarliy 1o. She was svary Camily, is enly CANADLILANX COUGH EMVULSION. qroparty af immediately TFLADEK M ARK the Lover and Bowels, A grand speside lor derangement of the Dignstive Orghas, and for obstrustions and torpld astion of Mortimer‘s V le Worm p Pe mig mmrarfanay het oher memniaing on‘ lolons taste aod amasing power. whes usually bept in a Or % notlrul'th d-t.h-n‘-. ollet , Roess Dontl â€" triee, for the Testh and O-r'hb constantly on hand Perfumes ot all kinds, and r-u:‘- sites nsueally bent in a Orstâ€"slass d‘i'lua' :m.r%‘lo h:â€"-‘. l mhâ€"uuâ€". For rale in quart bottle ; price one dollue. . nsmaen‘s Dewrwrne Mhl-v':-u ' \ lnd 30 caote rach." Geod tor aduite and shtigren â€"U is plansunt to the taste and barmlaws in ts nature. Fereale by droggists and general doalâ€" «e in all parts of the Doml CGaurdenaer‘s Finst 'a:-& '.'.:L- rhvralled tor perity and PÂ¥ore by packets, 10 cents 'w 'Ic-‘.: poands, $1. 28. Jh-- n-.ohJfl tor GARDKNXER‘3 and «her. ; _ eanbmskzws EpiL8etic CURZ Price ‘ bottle ; «in tee on y oo 1 d caue, CWEXTYâ€"FTIYE CEXTH a BOTTLL. w 1 hauve now ouly a iitle isft."® : exselleat misture, which should be in 447 Nowse Dame strect, NORTIMER®S COMPOUXNXD ANTIBILILOUS This ralnable medicine has the UANADLANX PAIX DESTROYNYEE A'-.-o-um-:-mu The Cunadian Parin Daestroper has wnow beses nefere the public for a leogth of time, and @honever ased :o:'d’.lfl.“lzho hmely used, and we have mever known a single resalle moistasss to the skin. § Sola in Bottles at 11. 34. and 21. 84. Back. same of 4 periy followed ; but c-flol mbï¬:m llzï¬ ":'.ru" from axpertense in this matier, harte nmsted .-flr..lmn-‘hu mirhing trme G9 o e 4P ons ber whies ho cecommended may depend apen its being a dore ‘xo.%‘.qd the Canadian Pabe Guntruper, in saring disssape for which it is re ...-mla-â€".u‘hnlufl Nervous evititle it to a bigh rank io «h n-dl-luh.-w Doalors are coming \a from Medisine io all parts of the mhm‘“m .f.;MuMD;- falls to ns ver Teb pia in n mc h o *\ mmh‘. y & l'% Ueneral Agents for C. U . SRTIK Z£R*‘s ';- :l.-l:b. .:b’- h‘g‘ 8ATEAX _ PLANINXG MILL, Queen street, La Beston‘s Fints, .'?.“ nwee ï¬. ~. *% (laned Lomber, h Pramwing Timber, £a rm "LAKADILANX PAIEC DEATROYER ! INFALLIBLE â€"REMKDY Uoldt by Oee. Mortimar, A M ED w KBR +t On hand a FAMILY APERIENXT PILLA, qUIXINXE f wiyâ€" WINXE BITTKRS,. w UK A PEEAT NONK OTHEL GEXVUINXE ae, MAQenity of Breathing, Tightness is y " M : diesotiring sTtTOVESs TX TOWXKX, o6 â€"A /Q'F _4"',\‘ & (GaNN * 5 e P}.) x o No & .‘7 No. 41 Aunpeg>â€"st.. Ataws Clty. A dressing | is at once agre COMPLALNTS. . | :::’“"'"‘.:‘: 4 ‘ hair. â€" Fadeds ue Metine s to ite original m f M io cliy, new l‘..c‘ M ‘:i’fl.“lh gloss tee reshneas nargneure too high, To Te "is Ar RAHKONXDE UR08; LAW & JOUK®to® Hair Vigor, For sestoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing vï¬i;h is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair, Faded‘or gray k hair is swon restored injurious to the hair, the Vli’N can ouly benefit but not harm it. wanted merely for a 4 t | > HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing peither oil nor dye, it does 'u':.â€â€œ he bair vh‘ '“ngglouym on t ir, gi it a ri hnnndo.ruzlpchu. Pracrticar axp Axarr~:1ca1. Caumusts, W.m in the whole Ristory of meaticine , has an ything won so widely and so deeply upon the of mankind, as this excellent Rmedy for m‘%‘.-fluou’ fldy-.-‘..:-nof.ome-u -Ihon-'z in Ceir estimaâ€" won, as & has becer Its uniform “.ldsnhmh affection s of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a roâ€" Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, io maninnn ie Aai n on ie nnl.q“m t m-rmwuwm Asthma in always relleved and often wholly w-m by taking the Inbbon‘ without a paralle! in the history of medicine, Our -ï¬â€˜m %‘h we 5 and where other vâ€".%y &h:'l; %E eeeieaaes moke dsn :’: -‘.I is an excellent remedy, nmu % m-vc“mm it 4s an remely, producing many truly reâ€" ait Patioasl Cttuiins, towel hss), and sold all round world. . PRICE, Olr PEHKR BOTTLE. OQitkuws nupuner?, HBB®.. _| * i . â€" _ M.m&“dlw.“‘u y aad on up to my hips, and I became 20 'omlud::u':n.tmmu my chair. For abouttwo yoars, while this woakt -'ufl-uflml?‘tï¬ medical advice, ereat times mmmamuu Â¥Vor Diseases of the Throsat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping muum-“m;m; ts wngter ot jan8 I was taken with a woeakness of the ancles, 't“‘ preseribed by tmends, but of ap avail.: I continaâ€" dhpma‘mhmmd l‘Mlmhï¬n‘b.C:ymmï¬o ho& 3-“..1 bad begun to teel ibe io my hands ; in faot I was getting n-nu,u-.{»nu-mbmdm Chochonees Remedy and two boxres of the pllis and I am entirely restored to health. I never erpected ::W.H%Whm.o. dhbnb‘r -.a:nd*.'uu & one,. known to « Pripuie se« Â¥ei knowe is »il my netghvoun "Sunial BopX is Pars: 1 PRERE, 19, ree J nagh : s 191 lavk® have to the Shochonees Remedy ; I *flflâ€)fl- * .-u*-n‘l‘n:'é'&nz?l‘“s bis ninth of &1 f w Iul lx‘!véoo.n.ui weo known Mre. ...‘.':',L‘,".‘.!’...........,...,....:‘Z woman of probity and truth. 1 have known hber bulore, during, and since her ilinsss. 1 believe h-“bhu-hmmu. 1 know that while UUl her case was bope, less ; and I know that she has, sinee her recovery, always attributed her recovery to the Shoshoness of this medsicine, thing is certain, mr.mn‘:‘.m like the m a mionabe. w dtke -Arvoon.n. i Mm.m this wine is a Semiicpesie l uhn "plase she Silecty‘ "Ter development with ; tor twake asd tebriluge wine, destined to T n the sthet propardtiont of Patarign hark trom harks which vary considerabiy h-.‘;_.!“ they ,:g‘lhom qpulain _ seatosly â€" more than the traces of astive prineiples and these always in variable QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, > Approved by _ 1mperial Academy of Medicine. a-ocmun.mmwm Iy toulse and teobriluge wine, destined to replace o Messre, vaaxnunca® & Bii1s, Copnay P 0O Uttews, Augusr 7, 1809 The bark wines usually employed in medioone muty of Lesnox, Out ummd® c _ ___ Mape0, County of Hastings, Â¥YBRERAAL KXHLRITION OP 1855, ALF LABARRAQUE &4 ©O o rublie Thet is Tanillet are Tully Ayer‘s nimal color gloss and of youth. nrale DB. ROBILLARD, Physician and Bar.. geon. Spesial mitention giren to the treat ment of all Diseases ot the EYE and EAK. General practice attended to also. J« OMlcs hours trom Y a.m., until Cï¬l. se & Residense on the gouth side of Murray Street second houss from er of Dalhousie Stt Citawa, Nov, 5, 1869, 11Â¥9".y l’lc‘. A RECKETT, lnraou Dentist Dental Rooms over A. Grabham & Co.‘s # Commersial Warehouse,/‘ directly :quiu the mw .t:::‘ ;loul. late Tiuze g‘:i‘ .‘0 u(,)!oo # 0. ®# keâ€"st W & * ave Aprifis, fan. * * * _ Tihi.rer T Thyy Anf Aropuohonr, Duke whrort bxt Vints, Ottawa. _ * %If1im | Dl.vo. C. WOOD, Poysician, Surgeon an Accoucheur, wa. Day ofice oprll the Te OMes, Jwbâ€"ouvm.. Centre Town . Night oflce at his residence, Mariaâ€"streot, Centre Town. Caxcotus Cout», without the use of the kaife, by a nuw, but certain, :r“y. and almost eas . References given to sug« ioi en e o n Porives Russel!‘s. W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, CORNER OF QUVUEEN AXD ELGINâ€"8T§, * TTAW A. | EYERY CONVENXIENCE AXD COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. !’l. _ jA . 0M s B 1" lf- Burgeon s Bloc k.spu.: T-l 6 QUEEN 9 REKERTAU®RAKT, F4# M. 5:‘\!:!:‘?0!. Propricor, Corper II““’M the main ance to the Government Bmi.s: [ Eï¬o--qux " comprises allthe requisitesfor a Srstâ€"class hertag ant. holunh’:l‘to‘m and ref. out. The BAR contains the choicsst B: Wâ€".flu‘um.u‘m delicacy of the 11il be found on the table. The proprietor‘s best aforts will be directed to be comâ€" And the table spread with § EVERY DELIGACY OF THE SEASON. HALIFAX, NOVA ScOTIA, . Esetablished 1851. > | Permanent ud[:' ansient boarders accommodaâ€" ted, and every ath lurfld to their conifort; 969y | JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. KR _ Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., o,gnmn Court House and Public Offices, 8T. CaTHARINES, Ont. * E. HOUGHTON, Pro?rluor. # (Lateof stoughton‘s Dining Salcon.) BMA spacious sampleâ€"reom for commercial travellers. | 850y Tlll‘l‘l.: ...“ Coâ€", Land s-orgoym, Land h tsmen, &c. 0e, opposite ;: Ou.fl‘.‘?l .SE:rnâ€"ot.. Ottawa., Vnru‘-'- Trust and i * W. £&. Tarstuz.‘ R. Lixe. deiphia ; Thos rilln. KReq, Architect, Al Dlï¬&u& P., Otta Thos Reyt Managing Diregtor 0. a'&'x.. K&, R» d‘:?‘ :lrvhu oc fllhhyh'dn.bsvu' Laâ€" ne Ales and . Pork, Fiour, &0., for sale. Ormon: No. 8, Bparks Street, near the Russel! 1 7088, Ottawa city, C. W . m EANI, Manpufacturer of Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Looking Giasses, Picture Frames, &¢., &o. Dealer in Paints, Olls, Varnishes, Pa lncll.;.‘ ko., &o. Sashes Primed and Giared; and Blinds Paited and ,r'Amé?“ ing K. B. Eddy‘s Matth STuRE ANDUFFIORâ€"Eiginâ€"st., opposite ‘the Russell House. T s Immediately opr-lu the Grand Trunk Depot. M A TROTTER,~ â€" ort of his guests and patrons. MM" Oysters,Game eto.. dally This ably conduacted popalar and invalasble rural Journal, rlll. on and after January ‘lst, 1878, be from the city otf Hamilton, Ont. Mesers. T. & R.| White nvh"rnhuo‘ lflt m in it, become publishers, that region of sountry, second to no part of C in agricultural and hortioul« Toly sestadn, /% partediont® derored spesially" is & 'M_"-".'“ of the farm and garden,. _ ’ $ “ lll.l.léï¬l, Jr» # Bell‘s Block, Sapp Rurezzxous.â€"â€"H ASims, l)l.All. SPECIFICATIONS, &46,, mm-»r---:nh-..-u edited by Rer. W. Â¥, Clarke, who is universally be the ablest agrioultaral writer in the und whose name, from its long ennnection the rural press, has become @lamiliar as a hou I word" among the tarmâ€" | the past ers of Cadada. | During the of Cadgada. | the , Reverend .I"v'mfmmc*l‘ G, W. Allan, Mr. W. Kdwards and other eminent :-‘mhu-uu 17'.?" rutu“o:vnuaun. mo pains wi spared to recure the conâ€" u-du-q-n&udlu&:m“‘ horticonulturists, in adding v its contents. _ | The of farm implement makers, seeds men, pu mwen, dairy men, and others, is lavited to Qrrtauro Farwute, as a Aostâ€"class M in mheat snn rroun, Pail yoarl t » w . ption Price, free of Postage, $1.00 a "'."o&"-ii'ii' II o e piec yoear ow .:;‘;-‘uh sm piece of Special Offerâ€"Furnisbed to Agriculturâ€" al and ral Bocisties, in Clabs of any number, at Five Conts each, free of postage* “:l !I';l EY g.‘lKA". M‘l , Oawn, T. JAMEKS* HOTEL, ,.o‘o As+ P HOLCEBT * L1TQqU ORS, CMHRLETIE, Commission Merchant and © W‘li‘«-‘- . Bole agent for Read‘s Good Stabling fua an Aitentive Hostler Club of 6 Bubscribers................ $ 5 0# Cinb of 1 «* us snsssensnseyeme ~ & OB , > * Club of # sessssssscesees~ 14 00 And all 20, at T5 cents per copy,: free of ME UNXLIONX HOUVSE, NHE ONTARIO FARMERE. ~ SECONXD YEAKR OF PUBLICATION. R,. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oflceâ€" ‘s_p_.m-unu. Cont: al Ou..cvs; â€"itgt_l_ K. GKONRGEK HUTCHISON, Dentist. _ OMlceâ€"Eparksâ€"streot opposite Mages & ICKWICK HOUSE, HK METHROPOLITAN 4 " aUumox»s sLock, I Ridoou Strea (Ottawa, Lt eeeeofueyrs e tpaepe ie pakey s AVEHLLY HOUSEK, yYORK STREET, TOROXTO GENKERAL CLUB RATES POR 1810. The DBar always supplied with the #otcls anb Saloons. BILLINXGS®, Jr., Architect, Oficeâ€" Bell‘s Block, Sappors‘ Bridge. _ _ _ Boial Carbs, ble in advance. ESE Latge Octaro FPages for One Dollar. BAXRINGTONâ€"STREET, A,. PHILION, Phynician, Burâ€" Editor Ontario Farmer, Guelp Remiitances will be sent to T & R WuITH, Publishers Ontaric Farmer, isctllaneous. P. G‘MEARA, Prorawron. V.m.m 67 to Uo yourequire stwres and tos spipes, 200 STOVES, 5,000 STOVEPLPES, Cheap tor cash. 2,000 CELEBRATED Gallo#s Pipe, Dumb Stoves, Damper Pipes, T Pipes, ‘f:‘ supply at a low rate, and a full upply of Lumbermen‘s requisites. Remambe» 1,600 STOVEPIPE ELBOW , Opposite British Lion Hotel, and 62 Clarence __ " street, directly opposite Lower Town Market HOUSE ° FURNISHING HARDWARK STOVES, STOVES, COOKING, PARLOR & BOX STOYVES, in great variety. Bole Agents for @*Norths" Patenied Drum Heatti ; and also for Eaton‘s Paent Venâ€" â€" tilating Stoves. * UN HAND, f JO8. RODGERS & SON‘S CUTLERY AND DIXON & SON‘S â€" m PFcate» Wire, WA _ Britannia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" ned Ware of all kinds, English Enâ€" â€" amelled Bird ‘Cages just . i received. aAms Oltawa, November 23; 1869. 4 l,IO'PlC’I'('l â€"â€"The future of Uttawais promising. Trade is brisk, and there is evidencée of present and future progperity. Hermeans of communication to and from the city, and the facility of estabâ€" lishing additional factories, ol'orzd by the unrivalled waterâ€"power at our very doore, will do much to rapidly increase the city of Ottawa. The Frenchâ€"speaking inbhabitants of Ottawas will, doubtlessly, be E:md to learn that a newsâ€" rpr bearing the above title is about to appear “‘:oot their wants. Aware of the necessity ï¬;r a newspaper, in both languages spoken in Ottawa#&, .nv.l’ -fs:s will afford, mnge".':::" the t:nl-ï¬llzvno. I have not hesitated to underâ€" e the publication of the Courier, and it shall be my aim in doing #o to fully anticipate the requirements and wishes of the inhabitants of the Ottaws valley. | % N kn Â¥s) No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"S8T., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin _ and Gopper Smiths, Bell Hangers Confederation has tmn&tbned the social and commercial ties between the English and French aking inhabitants of the Dominion, and it :t:ubo the aim of the Courier to cement them still more strongly together. t ire 4 In the views and measures of the existing government the rm’ï¬ow of the Courier fully concurs, and will endesvour to give it that full measure of ‘support which circumstances may render necessary, carefully avoiding unnecessary offence to such as may differ from us in opinion. We will cultivate a friendly bearing towards the traditions of the past and the actualities of the nt, lo'hf to take a middle but not uncerâ€" m.mm. which cannot fail to be :Kpmhud by the inhabitants of the entire valley of the Ottawa. . A young people should endemvour to raise themselves to the level of more advanced naâ€" tionalities, and this they can only do by being made n&-nhudvithvhu is done in other parts of the world. . This shall be our task, and we shall also urge such improvements as may tend to intrease the moans of trafic and the wenlth of the community.. Our attention shall not, however, be confned to city wants. The ninho.ow of the husbandman will receive a full share of our attention, knowing that on the cultivation of the soil the merchant and artisan very much depend. It shall, in a word, be our particular object to protect andâ€" encourage the agriculturist, and at the same time assist other industries, and to provide agreeable and usefal information for In:‘;n leisure hours. _ Let it not be supposed, howerer, by anything that may have been said, that the s,mm.iu of the (Courier will be wholly devoted to local matters. The intell of the hour from every quarter of the flr:ill find its way into our columans, the telegraph will _bo .lnoly made use 300 IMPROVED KEBOW 8, of, and the latest pews will be in every manner porsible obtained C!M from th v::i;ty“f matter which the Courier will © employed in its the pn’rio::‘glly r'nuei- pates success and pledges himself to deserve it. _ The Courier will be published every evening at Bre o‘clock, and the yearly subscription, ""Thare wikl 200005 Weskly séition, the pri ere w a w ition, the price of which will be $1 a year. > : KAPOLEON BUREATU, Editcrand Proprictor. You san Painting, Graimag, Gissing r»:-n-::gâ€l.m and is made of Sign Painting.. A stylish sign can be W HITE WAaSHINK G, done on short notice in a satisfactory manner, and on the most ,....m. terms that can be 5 % Practionl experience years A of sixtsoon i6 the Um'“d towns und cities of Canada and the Btates enables me to suit the various tastes and atisfty the wants of all my oustomers. The above named Stoves are as follows: Cookâ€" ig, Parlour, Double, Box all sitze§, at prices to Politics, Literature, Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, 4 ere shall we got REAT EKXCITEMXEXT, parchasers. N, i--" Beprine Coroal street, direct! p LYTH & KERLR, Mtoves & Hardware. LANG PATENT PIPE C.! P. ; DPDO K IQ B, OTTAWA COURIER. an |epposite Lower Town Market, Clarence stroet, LOUJUK â€" HERE ! PATINTINOG STRANGERS ! E8TABLISHMENT, 82 SPARLKS iï¬nlts M CALL EARu: assorted from different makers, 58 Sparks st, IMPORTE2S OP C P DORION, Sparks street, vpposite B L Hotel, And see for yourseloes. oP THE SPECIALITY from ten cents up Lfteen cents up, ¢ READ Ayer‘s duce the effect of a drastic purge P«»rhmz as it produces the b As a Dinner Pill,‘take one o mote digestion and relieve the s lAnlo:oc‘:douldo.qui’nnh. mowel to healthy action, rest and invigorates the system. H vuummwbuvnodouh One w toohlolenbth'onoh of these Pills makes him feel dec their cleansing and renovating tive apparatus. 6 That Free Grants of the WH MWBM“M Native Settlers on their perfertif ment duties to be agreed $# Grants to be in regular altem#! the line of the said Railways #@" Lands atoresaid, and the said#* Grant Lunds to differ, so far # # Act, only in size or quantity frm! the aforesaid mortgaged Landés The said Act of Incorporstion®# in the name of the CA N ADLAXP WAÂ¥ AnD NAVIGATIOX 00M December 16, 1889. â€" â€" MA â€"â€" that it never fails through any ... *# is wu:ro-mon. We have m" sands muu.m: following complaints, but such cary, cvery naghborbood.ud'e..‘.w Adapted to all ages ndea-..-'l r-mwmumeumu.' & they may be taken with ‘“h rugar coating preserves them them pleasant to take, while no harm can arise from their use y «*) Pills rapidly cure:=» _ PM **" > + amberimen‘ $ " *~* :::r nlï¬m" or snof; Loss C { work nesas. » should be taken moderately ..‘ saken 1+ all sorts 0 ach and restore its healthy tone .’u’" akoro® MUY For KAiver Complaint ant is » toms, Bilious Meadache, _ z 16 d .o‘r“... Fev Ns c an WHELA ds:munly taken for each cue.,:h t action or remove the 0bstructiony ’[DEAU sTREET, For Dysentery or 230 es Ainewmatiine Hout orrawA f savtian af the Feart w apeXED HIS8 XEW tation of the K. Buack ard Loins, taken, as squired, to the system, With s disappear. ud @ ving wÂ¥ #*" | Higs nahuing mroverca en n enllitelt tae t ao Sm sicer ‘eniel etube | they may be taken safety by u4 « . ie reasan o en mamies dich M P Jnb veprerans | :::mmcanmnho-u... a .MM‘BSSTS ' ESH“'S : They operate by their p&“‘ p ASD r m.’ j internal viscers to purify the bloog . ’ Momach, bowelse iven ant o t, Misses, WOSC: â€"â€" _lat pare, | c stomach, bowels, liver, Other i + n body, mmringlhdrhq.:~ l a e 1 * s m‘“mm‘:“ sare y f"m alwage . mg(“:u‘u: directions are given in the "0 Up a ce as hï¬ the box, for the ro!lovnl‘ 'l!" y Pills rapidly cure:= _ _ ° _ UC of Lumbermen _ They operate b M}Tmâ€"' inm’;l nmtgwly..udi into healthy action â€" rémove the op stomach, bowels, liver, and o%, DK J. C. AYER & GO0., Prad , LOWELL. MASS., T. Ottawa, August, 7, 1869, » Is heroby given ts sppiane made to the Parliament of ie D# nads, at the next Session thermd is TIncorporation for a Company fot W# 1 of a Railwsy from the City of us Province of Ontaric, to Fort Garry,lt! _ For Dre and Drope srho?l‘l'd_ N'ZS.{ in large and they were painfully afffieting, cured in such great numbers in tion of the country , that the p o be informed of its virtmes or use Scrofulous poison is one of the (â€" enemies of our race. Often, 0 tenant of the organism und ot ";g::mctih..“d im * without ex & of its prog itaecmnoh% 0e then, on some favorable o0 D into one or other of its hideous $ P Puablic notice is _ reby § Mnl.lou'oy "fl‘ Pariiament of the Dop 2108 session for an Act to extend them for the completion of authorize the enactment of a power to bondbolders, and power of stockholders undef ces, and to authorise the «uP82 purchase, any railwsy « 19 mfl.hlohï¬bollfl“.‘w Norlcn um.‘:‘u-uddd-‘f:'" F “"’_'b 10 & Charm! ing of mortgages on the W "ilk adjoining such Reliways in *4# b‘.-“m' ast tons as the works procecd. B we have heated _ Thess Norlcs. Settlement, on the Red Wiret, it lately under the control of the Had surface or the vit l be cles n:'y ..flldyi its presence by eruptions dent, Sleepless, taries, and upon Rivers seï¬ 6 tricts to be â€" erseed "N‘* symptomatic of Weakness For the constraction o Railway from Fort m- sonvement poOrae wM TmI T100 t States, with power to Build, Les#® N. , navigate Bteamers and other Ferek A ;m“ & CO River Saskatohowan dhfh % ,?‘ as they often do, from the : mized or otnerwise, TO MATO ® A ï¬o?a'.’fm& sA rSaPAk e rouy r, oo on e , storer for Qm tr durin ut Those who are Languid and upelled toc o ohiaffe myâ€"manufad pg;.nl from thence to the Columbia. * F** SALEâ€" A CHAILN CABI Aurso Pokk « CHICA XXX and No. 1 ) wHITE BEARE THE TIMES is ‘l‘nOflu.g 1wa Company, at 484 Mess Pork, Chicags, ! and Sand Point. €¥ P R &E P A R EKV Pr. J. C. AYEE & C610 BOLD BY ALL DRUGGIFA Ottawa, August 7, 1808 That the monetary eredit of the Ottawa, December : U Junel4, 1869 ce or m:x ng the vitals, D L;-o.l’y:“'l m!. Centre _ Town, OM dunaging DhA Rheumatiom w on the froater 4# s1 0d ons Coorao Baixvoim; Resw=‘t & Co, 1e ns 7‘s and other brands. ‘a ND GINâ€" CeLu ‘De Kuyper‘s and Moulasns, ® FEEKâ€" ‘ 8 stt 9 0 0/ EPU, Cheirmen; DC TROMSON, Treaâ€" BFOOTE~ a THOMSOLX, T a DUXK. A OPFICEâ€"G P Devamo#e‘s Excharge ‘ Gee, 19 Sparks str06k.. | AL BO00T PokK, i CKLED SALMON, LABit HERxINGS, > ::â€'.Jnu 10W _ PRICBES KKA * comnfiking 6 -â€"-'-â€"'“‘ ad to make the whelemic trade my pose. en 2000 Prostred 4¢ aby abpoacs K 4ns the best;. they will ’m :?uh. with nz n;:‘-ud ‘mantfactored hM’ packing, duty ana other expen: PH up a BOOT® erries o all grade:, Ports of fine v,’m»‘w'm wood and bottle, Improved by age. ?, OLP RYE, #ROOF AND _ _ WHISKEY, | . R und Savor, at extremely low â€"rices. vVOL Biow x SB8IOX MERCHAXTS : + Forwarp » the ande Chapter LYTVI! of WaRx _ {Nfl FURXACE Erish Pottees. ""t on ameérican Invoic«s ; 18 .:o k. | Comm _Eflun. e ‘and Fine Salt. or tar alns | ~~ 1105 Whiskey Flour, as, Pork; &¢. oTTaAw aA, of Busserâ€"st. ‘& tor imme. # in all cnses. DEAF F20 19 BTREET, oOrTawa T TWEATAâ€"FIVE P BELOYN COST. secomneoâ€" Tt wook at moderits terms. yoORk $TEE®*"* C â€"* _‘__ and the pobli¢ Statutes of Canada Ales. all grades 8TroVE pEPOT, s o T 4 ®T, i# #itusted in the immediate SiVE!Yr FROM FIRE iT TH» Porter, pte and qts Axp s40E8 * Beeatsh Whiukey and Congou, Imperiel, Young ther Vinegors P &RA €" 0000 bermen‘s We4r alw age aEorGE MURPHY,_ Â¥ * > _ d comprising Groceries, "Launpdry and Fancy this mornâ€" the serrice as Sf our Parlor Grate l.-y- need not mekst summer, . & Sold, for the sexton PH CONP A xX Y to kg» part of the Japuary, ; KEW ESTALâ€" Broomi, ussox street. we can offer K. M, Eanrog No. 12 1198y 'm_ 7“’ # Rull | his a 1 Nr LA Ha Mi Li