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Ottawa Times (1865), 28 Feb 1870, p. 2

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«@A t tm + & 4 4 4 houses, and gaols are lull 10 overflowing. Crime may and does exist. where there is no want. â€" There is in man a aatural deprarity, controlled and checked by moraiand religiâ€" ous principle, but which is nevertheleass ever ready to manifest. Meel! under very painful eireumetanges. . Ctunses hare been comâ€" mitted by men, apparently beyoud the reach of temptation, and tar removed from posiâ€" tive want. . The respectabilities as well as the vices of socicty have been productive of erime, but there is nothing which more imâ€" medintely leads to violations of the moral lawâ€"to offences agamast society =â€"to robbery and murderâ€"so much as a grinding poverty aud a compulsory idleness.. There is beâ€" yond question such a thing as honest poverty. Honesty may be masntained in spite of povâ€" erty, but it 1 asoretrial on human anture io place starvation within the reach of plenty and expect honesty to be preserved. Ignoâ€" rance is no worse Mhnhb-u.‘ the â€" ableâ€"bodied 1t _ not ignorance 'm orlmâ€" loaul. _ Criminals | of the present age are refned by sducation and yet infringe upon all 1mwe, humaa and divine, only that they do so with greater delieascy and refnement thas the wholly ignorant do. Want sharpâ€" ens the intellect: A man who onte turns his attention to swaling, whether he be learned or unlearned, is the ordimary accepâ€" tion of these terma, will soon acquire the art of stea‘ing to pertection. He will be, accord ing to cirtumstarces, a 3ir John Dean Pan!, or a Luke Jones. Poverty must be fed in some shape or other, and the saying of the abandonedâ€""the world owes me a living"â€"is not altogether without forse. It is not safe then to tempt honest poverty too much. It is sot safe to keep idle, bungry, and, therelore, dissontented â€" people too long in sight. ot wealth which they camâ€" not share, and of a splendour which they cannot reach. It in the Orst duty of: a atae to Aad full employment for all classes ot the people, and it is not well that this employâ€" ment should only be open as a matter of right to the oriminal classes. The employâ€" ment for honest poverty can only be effected by that wise legisiation, which, makin‘g trade prosperous. emables one class of people to employ the other with profit, and both, diâ€" rectly and indirectly, contribute more to the public revenue, than can be the case when business is dull, ‘The direst employment o working people by Government could not, in any country be . successiully atâ€" tempted to a very great extent. But permanent relief might be aforded to great numbers of unemploged, or only partially employed by assisting them to go where a meane of hvelihood, through personal exerâ€" undertaken, together with thousmada of acres of land wuiting for the axe, and open to all comers, offer inducements to the laboring . classes in England for acquiring a personal independence, which they could not by any possibihty attain at home. . The drawback is that the honest poverty * of England cannot leave «*home" tor want of means, and, too frequently, having left home, are, for the same reason, compelled to linger about tuh'fi-duhmm lnto wh they have thrust themselres, adding c:. wikeries to their owo. The awarine miserables, which were thrust uppon Caoa a in 1847, brought disease along with them,. : This error need not be reâ€" peated now, Emigration socictues in Eogâ€" land, concert with the Immigration yrgnal n ‘.l velieve. the largely o our t â€"hddizflfih sending _ hither" healthy _ people== for Ableâ€"boded poverty is lamentably on the increase m England: Men, who would be in the full enmjoyment of moral ‘ynd phymcal health, 1t they ouly had employment, and the somilprte which employment brings, are tion, is possible. Emigration is the best possible reliet to ptevent poverty, and will diminish crime by removing the temptabion to it. New countrice alwafgs need the manual labourer, while, proportionally, they stamd less in need thas older countrics If suMicient inducement is ofered it will be tranalated and published in Fronch. of the inteligemal .laborer, or skilled mechanic. Ilo thie country the great num ber of public workse going on, or about to be Also, to insure sompastress, as in the on the English model, all superduous words and repetitions will be left out. This will bring the volume within portwble size, and ensure its réadability . * & minion will be duly attended to, awmd the usual wadse discount allowed. The publisher has secured the services of a gentleman of very long experionce to adit the proposed DOMINION REPORTS. It is the Inteation of Mea. Jau®a Cortox, the Managing Director of " TWME TIMES PRIXTâ€" ING AND W‘m COMPANY," to pub lish, during the present Session, after the mode! of HWANSARD, a volume entitled DOMINION REPORTY of Debates in the Canadian Parliaâ€" ChcOttawae Cimes Exportation oi Siver Coinâ€"W . Woir. 104 Brace h t L ontâ€"â€"John Leali¢,. Cottage For #al â€"H,., Ral Seotch Whiskeyâ€"James Buchanan. Boardiog Hoossâ€" \ire. F. Hamilton,. Ottawa <Music Hallâ€"â€"Herhdon & Lealis‘s Upera Troupe. Lightbouse Service â€" . Mitchel! Rules Prescribedâ€"John Langton Prociamationâ€"J. C. Aikina., DOMINION REPORTS * _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTs Wer â€" Majesty‘6® Thratreâ€"Amatour Theatrical The basie of the proposed volume will be very \ reports prepared by a staf of the best reâ€" ‘ting talent in the eduntry . \~â€" Lnswre a perfeotly authoniic record, the nhors, as in the Euglish model, will be reâ€" eeted to make cortections of any errors that i o For imieresting wowahing Maller sos LORK FOR HONEST POYVERTY., h MONDAY, FEBRUARY 218, i8te sted to make correstions of any errors that ; happon to ereep Into the reporter‘s noios, hut hing will be inserted not spokon in Parlinâ€" E 8¢® s and the poor= ory of Canadas‘ martyred statesman, the late The Hon. Mr. Mitchell has introduced an Importanat Bill with regard to:the consting twade of Caoada,. Up to the present, legininâ€" tion on such matturs has beeu in the hands of the imperial Parliament, but that body last youar past an act giving gower to the legialn 1ure of any Britinh possession to rrgulate the ouasting trade of that possession, subject to Orttain conditions. Prâ€"vious to the Customs Qonsolidation Act of 1853, was an absolute probibition againat toreign vessels partic ~h|bo’nvtlo'nolmmmim any lhitish depeniency in Asts, Africe or America: Theo power thus vested in the Parliament of the Dominion, Mt. Mitchell Low proposes in hla own Bill to exercise, but not in any way at varinhce with the tormer law on Abe subject, The ~BHi provides that, alter proclamation by the Govâ€" camor General signifying Her vwalisty‘s plea» sure that this Aot shail come into operation in C.nade, no goods or passengers shall be our> Mbyw.n’fn-ou:n of Canads to .o.nnfl-bémvpl Britigh ship«, or t-.:::rid anuda to another on any of the Inakes on rivers of the â€"Dominion except in British ships or ahips regiatered unâ€" der any Aot of the Province of Canadea or of &D-.l‘lhn. enyaged in such comsting trade, the master thereof aball forfeit m:- of $400, and goods so carried: shall be twited as amagg!â€" «iâ€"â€"the vessel being liable to detention as uum{‘hl the «payment ot sutch r‘h‘ Power is reserved to the Governot=â€"Goneral Uounellto exempt from the operation of this Aot the abips of any forelga country in which British vessels aro admitted to tho consting bade of such country. . All British sabips, in« eluding those of any , British possesslion, are to be treated in exactly the same manner unâ€" der this aot as Canadian ships ; and where the 'm.ofmmunlwommflbr treaty to the ships .otf any forsign country, auch privileges will continue to be enjoged.â€"â€" Momslton Kvre. Pimes. To the Editer of THRE TIMES. Drwan Sin :â€"I would take the liberty of sug» gesting that subscriptions bo raited for the ereotion of a suitable monaument to the mem. The Editor of the Citisen should sleep over 32‘::‘.“' perhaps, be may hit Hon, T. D. McGee, and while the meombers of both Houses arse hore, there would, if the mat~ ter werse taken» in hand by some of themâ€" selves, be a large amount raised notonly here but from all parts of the Dominion, This monument would be a tribate to a great man, held in reapect by the people of The memory of departed worth is a kind of compensation for the loss wo sustain. Aftur all, the Editer may only have been thinking of his claret cup at the Htate Bail, and may be, being unaconstomed to such -: oo:m. t:-puo * apmptoms bimswit, wheo Wwbnmmam I will not take up more of your aspae, but hope an abler pen will do so, Yours, very traly, t claims all those who m'“nfl! are all :ld Hadus." t a Duan bin,â€"â€"1 am sorely pussled to know what the learned Editor of the Ciltsen means in his Saturday‘s paper, by "purpurcal* inâ€" me italicises the word, too, and is evidently very proud of it (as he ought to be, Sir) | I know what " scariot lover" is, and 1 ve heard of the © blauck vomit," and I‘m just thinking that be * purpureal * insanity be *}Mu‘hdm“m’ »* Mr. Wun, oy an advertinnment in another columa, informs the public that American sil= ver in hall and"quarter dollars, in even sums, will bo received at three. of the bank offices in this city, at 5 per cent, dlacount, until further We ate glud to we, for his own smke, tor the wike of the Empire, that the Prinee of Wales has bad the manliness to come lorward and promptly repel the scandalous 1 divected againat him, in cannee with the seleobratemt case of Lady M The w’bu-ommu.dn-tu moment Pensance, the Judge Ordinkry, informâ€"= ed the Prines that * no witness was bound to make any anawer which would admit that he had been guilty of adultery,"* and this the Prince fust as squarely met by solemaily as» serting that "thore had never been any im« proper or oritminal relations between bimaelf and Lady Mordaunt." _ Letters undoubtediy passed between theim, but in view of the * in. dignation" of the Judgeâ€"â€"a man whose character procindes any muvz:lnz: for the mere sake of royalty=â€"at their publiâ€" eation in the London papers, we can sately, M‘*twwmbu tions of the Prines, acting in tho capasity of an amanuenale lor his slck -lh.‘;ul-l. Lady Mordaunt appears, from Prines‘s mhn bud very intimate rela tions. QGasette. To the Editor of THE TLME#* The English acmy estimates announes the wtucotion of 1,230 men, 11. 12. 13. 14. 184 16. 11. 18. garry). r 3, Qalopâ€"Miss wrawlord, (Toronto. 4. um-._u{ lldu‘ald. C L. Walits â€"Misse Tilley, & and 7,.â€"(Supper with Lady Macéonald), 8. Waitsâ€"â€"Mis, Albert J. Smith, (Dorchester, R :: lu-lrl).r e *‘ > fr Qalopâ€" Morrison, (Toronto). 10, Lancersâ€"â€"Mre: _ Boiton, Stephen, + New -i..wn.(“" Sevenas Communications have reached us in which‘ol is male that in the lhat of names published, as having been preâ€" senteul at the Levee, and Reception of their Extellencies Sir John, and Laly Young, the writers names are omitted. WÂ¥ e have reason to know that there were many similar omis= slone, and shall reotily the matler by pabâ€" haming a complete list as soon as possible. It seemed to us prudent to withhold the pabâ€" Nextion of any list of the correcing=s of which we were aot assured, inaemuch an ommesions aAre the source of great annoyance to the vieâ€" timized. The following is acorrect lt o the ladies with whom His Royal Highnesse Prince Arthur danced,‘ Lady Macdonald had the honor of being led to supper by the Prince ; i8 1. Quadrilio= Young. %. Wdh-lhlo‘_"lm Macdopald (Glenâ€" whom employ ment might be provided _ on the instant | of their armval. The: _ backwoods Canada eould absorb alwost any ay of voung people, and, indeal, the "'r%"“ the Northwest might be constracted by the people Intended to colonize it. The valley ol the Ot.a wa affurde room tor thounsands», where Iabour would create wealth, and build the foads and bridges to seod it to a market. Of thie, the Government of the Dominion|i« not ignorant, and every moans will, u.iua by the apeeth from the throne, be |\ w encourâ€" age a healithy and much neeted immigras 20th Feb., onk, . L. .+ Pntum I date my letter hrom Kiyaaâ€" log« ue Pammprns, C buphend dn ty ‘ Quadrilicâ€"â€"Mre, K. A. lnn(hu 'm.â€".lv‘o. l;:-tn. § ® Lancersâ€"Mre. T. W. A-(‘::. Walits.â€"Miss Abbott, (Montrem)). Miss Hamiiton, (Kingston). «se c mm @ ~Grnc nhouabaings +A 4 oo ALMI0ON® ..‘t W‘.~ ".c ". l ”o RICHARD WRIGHT Government offer the building to public tooder to any person giving toe the enare and restoration at the snd ot torum. The resolution was lalid on the toe fus ture consideration. » It was probably intended to the adâ€" vertinement of the Post OMece 1 wale » Ing for tenders to rent a building tir the Post C Bovans, arreated for a woma® hmuh--mmdl- _ Bbr. Joun‘s, K.Â¥ ., #4. Un ‘Thursday last in the House, We Winâ€" tom presented a petition from H. aad John Woods, KRays., againat the retun of F. B.‘T. Carter, ., lute Attormey General, and Edward ie, Esq., tor the dlatrict of Burin. _ | He gave notive that he would on , Feb. fith, move for a Committse to engquire into the cireumataaces of the Toâ€"day a call of the House being aot twonty members were present. | Two of the majority were absont Mn ness, and tho> Confederates @1 them» sclves purposely. Nitice was then given for a call of the Mouse on Thursday, aod, and the Sergeanatâ€"atâ€"Armse is wd to see that all mombers are in their soate & 4 p.m. on that day . , \WCatest by Oeleor MWanmwax, %4. ln, the Assembiy, this afternson, M:. Becâ€" retary Vail submitted a ciroular ho had adâ€" dressed to the members during aak img their opinion as to whether the Provia«â€" wlal _ Building should be tw the Dominion Goretament on pring b“wnldur, , 1007, Ne did not give the anawors. Mr. Hunders, of Aunapoli«a, mored that the Lonnon, February 24 â€"The has an editorial on the subject of the deciainn by the Aupreme Court of the U States In the mattor of the legal tendora, asgerting that Qeunec, Fab. A young man named Gefferd, in the employ of Mesara, Bertrand and Co., % toe the Intercolonial Railway, while on way down to the works at Matepedia, suicide by cutting his throat. The body is now on its way up. dence in Americap justice." Lonpon, February 2%.â€"â€"The bas an editorial regarding the troubles of Atlam â€" to. and Great W»stern Railroad. 1t predicts that the organisation femed in York under tdo leadurship of GQeneral MeLellian to :&:.o htn-bd.:““ will go v-tth ol The Morduuat divoree case wan concluded .:q‘"n'u':y'm e ult "‘Tue Conrention of "the English Chamber on In the House of Commons : PFame, February %4.â€"â€"The againet Qustave Flourens for bavring in the h':m-dl"o‘*h. tormioated aot t % to an. To U enet! "the Phrmntedund ho wanee years imprisoament. Many bangusts arse being tmiay in honor of the anaiversary of the of a republic in 1848, . _ R which will be beld on Monday evening nuxt, promiws to las excel ot the kind yet attemmpted. The probabilitie of the of :..W- Washingâ€" are K Te in t Te To me Dabe of Imanes contiouese, ‘The amount on bpâ€"diay 14 0,800,000 france greator than wauk , MHorse and saleigh both passed m?-. Inâ€" lused but will mecover. . The Alexandria smow shoe m.rofl this afternoon. Mmoc‘hnu Tulllories last ovening. C A woats amobne the great crowd of people The Freach Atliantic Com pany uMh:::’duh-l. e wf 1 ; :-t.orl}y tor business the 10h of Kingswood, the party in the whbuery of wholesale stores, was +0 to= day, No sitting of the Police woe thiet nothing Las yet been doase in the . ‘A'i.u. 10..':3::-1 18, 1870, the dht l u&b At -:::M The Loader asserts that Mr. Browa has gone to Ottaws on a mluslon, object of which is to patch up a Coalition between Musers firown, BandAoeld Galt, and the dimontented C Aeld Mausdonald4 to be Promiber, Blakeo to aucoesed bim bete. . _ j Mowrnaar, Â¥ 26. In the municipal clections ho#'-. ver® dull, Rleotions closes toâ€"aight, At the altilgy of the Board ol Agpouiture, yesterday, the President read a btkor from Mr. Carling, Commissioner of Agtoultnre, proposing to ainalgamate the of the assqulation with that ot bile departsjent, and to have lts oflices removed to the tary buildings. MHe thought tha, those means, the expenses would be mad ammmhm: these aaviogs the soviety‘s hall, valued al $20,000, eould be sold or reated. zhe at Jns medintely rose and said be bad Ived a lettor, a low minmutes proviously, «l to attack it and Mr. Carling in toorme, The wheme was ons to the amsociation, or make it a eagine. Noveral members censured this , aamil a resoiution was carrled. to have proâ€" posal considered at the n=at 4uBâ€"Nto, 2bth bieb} 18.0. l -w:z were, NTY HORâ€"comipnmcuel unpere Honds ot the T“q‘()uy 1 Bruge :." the ofigers of tie Naral Acad Ruilwayse are bemg largely taken up, the Cutsmae 'o-‘- * irm of Goodetham and Worts, Lak« a Mava®a, ":: 28 â€"The Colopel ing up boads tq the extent of one bugyred and | Utacia, with oficers soldiea, iwenty â€"Ave The ereht of fpy oo fiottuand veruntully to.d4y und took the pany i# ~sablisbedâ€"and #eood to The 1# €Clty dfin’n‘-fl ao other in C A deputation trom the | _ New Yo?. Fub. 16 â€" t\.hhd.: :l to vdl..l‘um -mm:‘- tm;vo" o h::. All~= .:a next week | â€"equin«t which a disabled .fid-h OMes+ Q. r.aâ€".'..m.bu;f... Wt# ABoo, 10 Rparike atreet. No news of the City of Roston A woman was knoocked down in the street CABLE NEWR. S8T,. JONM‘8, N. F, mOnRTERE A L. COREAT PRITATX, HALIFA X . QuEBEC. TORON ¢ W lpatival of our city Aremen, v Feopla‘s Lisas aph,.! AMERICAN NEWsS THE OTTAWA TIMES, FEBRUCARY 28, 18 e Cuban Kews, * k« | _ Mavransa, Â¥Feb. 21 â€"The Colopel y | Jracia, with Are oflcers soldiesa, . : p urreadurcd votaatarily and took the But what do we And * ."*.'"" lot of them are h\h'm to seine r‘u.‘bm The brother h.‘ daye "e n‘.v=~.- the some pave -quud::-m He has N-Mbqnnu-rqu‘ «verything, If be can but post ing Abe busgry GOrite loato . J 1858, we all semember Onomse â€" Bio®s hbimâ€" u:h-‘::lb'al Tb‘ll,- l::‘. w # m‘ ‘* mummmmauuo.. p‘.bhn.ld-ucunhbun- monds and Laberges and and Leâ€" miouse (mmve the mark!) O the House. ‘.*.h.m. be secured, ao uit M-muummouflud&mm Macdonnald and Wit e mh‘ been approached . buit has been beld out nu-n-uumunu control in ‘mn&. Chancery ol the Orits, ’!\qmll.’u'w bis lesd in the ‘ln-odc-..-.Jflhz:.bop‘- as this, MnndAeld Macdonald4, the leater of the * Pateat Combination," who has been deciared anworthy to loat in Ontario, to be ralsed to ’hpfldh‘-vnm We believe this Hitle game has not worked so well a was anticipated, Thens, there is the member ofllge and honors would nstutally lead peoâ€" ple to suppose that the -:onuu Cealred no greater glory than m the buttles of their country in to the " corrapt" men who ate pow, and bare been, for years past, controlling its destinics, torogeusous the material & toget they can but mllo.m..h-“ to anseat goverament mM allorte will Utterly unâ€" ovdl..m.:::&--)b‘hn twkeno place in the ue ...: ot material goveramenat e eng ut it nieds io ho t xtl waterial Tus insincority of the Buows Opposltionâ€" Isis has been made W dur~ Ing the past ton dauys in The grout neontedues"ol Mr.Gaonss Baow®‘s miad at beâ€" log subjected to cxciusion from Pariiamedot and will produce a budget which will make it o”cdlh.-.b.o;-:tullhm Wa are indebted to our old friend, Th Vodunteer Review, tot the %Mflo headed gompliment : "if * The following very PC"J w-flndh of the of The Valumizer ww in copled trom Fhe Voluntrer, in London, Kogland : * “mwm Carrol Ryas, :'n-bthld-.h-ul ypouar‘s immme that : clover and wellâ€"knowa . Mt. Byan has found a whies Aeld g the abllity he bus shewn in conductiog thowe ‘tagr@rd" in " price Aghting. ‘ in mang m alties, for alding wuch fAghtwas seconds or aurgeoss. Unite! Wistes Courts aeto take vogaisance of the ofences, â€" . The Opposition is despetate, ;’-fibfll in pertectly w-::m lor Bhetrbrooke. Who would suppese A recoent "W jron despatch to the Bos. ton Adverti .m..&....,,.,... gives ~.;ll-|q detailsof the Montana It is well that the pablic of Ontarto shouald know something of the charscter of the intriâ€" the Review * â€"Evening Mail veuls ber eetimamelind prof Â¥aa s ‘moret t to d tor its action : § .. tonget Mr. HRevel was comlected to the front of the Opankers dusk and took ths oath, he then enteswd uponâ€"Ahis duties. â€" . . ind o us sn atteen oo mare mih are “ ® # Cianborries, #€., _ Sfutk ':mgoo.s. 'mu:ll‘l... M.a ruduced provent rb .Jnau'-ao-uul u” 'o'ua-n: Pigron lodian village Fâ€"n- 3 January «Of 1P3 Lilled only 35 were Agbtiog meu. Thets wets 90 killed, â€" 86 tbodug wers wcubved .:.‘.. sdian bareau aver 40 yoeurse of age, remaining 35 were between 12 and 40 Thete were ucultnn‘nlm , and many O them wers in ams. The up. monster Vickats spake: apaeinst bisadâ€" miusion, denaping bils citizedably. : Heontor Mtuckton diaclamed against Mt. HRevei on asâ€" the Repablican from | fhnaticiim, and ailogized the recoortrustion polloy, At 4140 a vote was taken. _ _Upon Renator: Htooktonws m to refer M¢. Huwveles Mhopycn. mittees, the vubo stooud peas 49 ; nayse 4. monithse past from emall pos, some bhall a A bhorrible rallrond acuident is mported to have occurred yesterday shernoon, on the Misaleaippl Contral ldh.d,:.fl.“ of Ortord, vznmm trulna thrown treck , a lurge .niln.. o ltes. At hammtw had been taken from the w * Bympathyâ€"â€"Post ponnuses ut 81. Pare, Fob. 24. â€"The Minccsots Legis w lndedaitly (postponet the on preswing with the Cuteee Tha the Wikntpig, fouieprotin wnd GGon. LAamizta and Podro Regp are the leaders in this new movement. | o Mummqm» Axxarouut, I Febsuary (20 â€"An excurâ€" slon party ln.?&qt- vialt the Momâ€" on in en ves s bMuson and members of the Cablnast. The Moners» will procowt a tow hluh-u- W aman‘e It br. Lovis, Feb. 24 â€"The Committee â€"u Cotatitaiingat 44 will report in mmwor of Woman‘s Saftrege Reonats Commâ€" wiittze will do the #xm». $ ® % lunnqr-huy:-&mfl- vh:'nluolhl.”& u'hm on the 5th, declared u:a:-.nbo pondonce of the North W States. #1 Rhisan stre0k. The Hon. Mr. HOWE said that he never ordered the fiag to be taken down. _ Mr. MAGILL said ho was glad to hear the hom. mlh-n m-o, but he unâ€" derstood to say the reverse. Howâ€" oter, be said that if be diad notado: it hn:ow.ot have allowod to it down (hear, hear). | and without contribution &‘:‘"bm these &.vmeu bo concluded that there was no ‘that enjpyed a anount of smy cetreps of this Ot no country With re position, in relation the Government, he said .that ho wb:‘\:l o '.bo e the o; ce w on metr aporburn o if they thiled, in his judgment, in fye,7* spoot, he would endesarour to replt.Ohzaitl byotbonwhomldmm:\lmhm-tbe moflhdrpod and the reâ€" ocuo.;flhohllon. member for Hants was not such as he could approve, judging from the aimimions made by the hon. gentleâ€" . MeDougall on -or.‘ J“m‘vbh‘ him as to ?‘flnubm- m eraamalin e oo un as o pronann en i taken down which had beon i antichimtion '?n...u.d:hmu tratead, not a CUanadian Minster, htby-n&d"hy our Government with important duties in that country. The hon. member found them i:‘.u -&._Lwdham;hhtb Us wkwl why he not address :po’h.hadorl&.mfiohz unjust opinions en Nfldbunhm’olmu: m.â€"-«mumwu zh:gdn harmony among Wow&l&uh.flc&om&yd not only maintaining an army, anddt:i‘\;h"”b' + pa? every m»es (cheers) â€"â€" We sbhould also. be wbliged : to send _ ambassadors . to the various _ foreign Mâ€"dm r These â€" servicdés how performed by the Mother Country on arng w enprane roomeg (inpromd, / Shiw ce tove The Local Legisiatuors meets toâ€"mortor The ciroumstances unier which they m“b-tmdw-nm We Auke it for grant+d that we will h:d ao anpexation policy, no repeal policy, no ofâ€" Lnalre policy townards Canaida~ possibly no :lkyndl. llhdlt.tfl,utho'{oh better for the Local Leylsinture not to have any policy ; and to devote itselt instend “mw :dl-bu-;‘h“:h. and aad db.w.l‘l-',lthohw.ll.loo. 1t is not posslble to say what things will come i-bu!hllu.lhh-lu;huhhlg wk and the Anostomy Bill, and others lust wession will occupy some time. The coal trade, it« increase during the %, umuuh&omzr:l that trade will, we bope, take up some time, and be considered with great care. | The cordial coâ€"operstion of the Local Gorvâ€" ernment in an effort to obtain protection for oar coal, in fallure of a“:'::.'d; in= would , thets aA which it must be aoodofbssed by the most chariâ€" ta bl e table thet they hare fallen. We troust also that the coal a00 Wins © rings" will be .b-)uu.'tm‘dlbo_lnynfldclm‘; and we also truat that messures will be taken :”v‘lumu‘luu mmu-d MWW aad Rell This is a grerlous wrong, for it M-:c ment by rablog the: land, and then strikes at the trook ef the good object of -uuth-ldlczmalmbbhm. The Question of damiem! of Mr, Rand U in possible for us to feel proad â€"that of Heing aitled to Oreat Bringh. . Ts «h poom omical point of view it would be undesirable. millions of hhfln-z' A w'fi the s«trongy &dwnth the * manifest destiny dootrino" is «i absurd. H muuub-:.mddm; Iindepandence in the soense referred to, he m‘t:. .:ldk‘hncg'::: 3 AT which be could only characterize as dis. loyalty, and which if successful would terâ€" B â€"maof the New York lawyers considet that the~ uay have a "morally insans" individual in 10e person of l,ulfi the murderer. The * morally inmmae "dodge was introduced Into New York conurts by the lnto James T. s 1 be a thing If all law. mbuwhc."':. could be conâ€" Aned in lunatic asylums, whirre they could .cl-Mchq-.-th‘qm ought to be hanged. ] y & iullfngdo less, The a«lvoented by the honourable reâ€" #Rbwtred to would be the most j alavery,(hear, hoar), to suppose that a counâ€" minatse in annexation to the United States â€"and strip us of the highest glory of which will also no dpubt occupy some time The Royal Rifles art to be diés w-m. dumensions, could discharge their dargoos in our lake m yiously breaking bulk. In re to the question of + _1 ence which had been freely spoken ‘of on &thtoflhhllmbyo.oortw'm‘- make. ll’:"’ i ::3:.‘.' to & & \mentiâ€" -huchnmhud ch:illuvo beon uttered on the fHoor of a Canmdlian Parliament. The propagation of such wintiments tendad to make the disâ€" vontuntel. , We of lhmnmmhnud, w tutlns aro by representatives .of T ctle of ht grostecl Mugpire Tooon greatost | u earth, as much so as London, or M and as much entitled to the powoerful I-dthl-'a:.lnuhu( $ bear). Those think we would be e great by such a change would find out we by breaking down all the barriers of proâ€" tection for our own people, and throwing our markets open as a to be mlhmmmtny suit their convenience who by hostile tarifis hwu'l";lo’ “ot Mn markets. m.ut our * Soent chain of muhm deserving of the most serious congideraâ€" th,.fiwu-.muhu enâ€" lhirging the St. Lawrence and Camals, «o that Reaâ€"going Ships of large Mr. MAGILL smid that the awid<« was thaiy for what i did. There were subâ€" joots of great importance to which noreforâ€" once wa mudle, the impmflnfllrof our NR,.. MAGILL/8 SPEEKCH APDRER From the Halliax Beening Erpron like ours. with its extanded The Local Legtslatuse tÂ¥X her, who will up their childrent to love ber, and who will gladden themselves in the brightness of glory more tkan in all the light of trople akies. But that they may be able to do this, must have her own quict and stainless glory for them to be proud of, and the Kag! who is to be mistress of half the earth remain hersel{a hbeap of cinders, trampled by contending and mis+« rmable crowds, e must yet again becume the England she once, and in all beautiâ€" (ul waye happy, so secluded, and so pureâ€" that in aky, polluted by no unbholy cloud, she may able to apell rightly of «very star that heaven doth show ; and in ber Aelds, ordered wide, and fair, of: every berb that sips dew ; and under the green avenues of her e ited garden, a sacred themeelves hised from their uative laod than sailorg of her deets do, because they Aost on wraves, Bo that, Hterally, these colonics to be fastoned floets, and every man of t‘.am is to be under authority of captains and 'h-mco--ud is to be over and instead ofsbips of the line ; and England, in these her motionless paries, or, in the true and mightiest sense, motionliess churches, raled by pllots on the Gallilean lake of _ all r“. wald,.ni:'“to expect every man to s Iz» log that duty is indeed po-m no less in peace than war, and that if we can find men for little pay to themseives against canâ€" non mouths for lpve of KEogland, we may find men also who will plough and sow for hber, who will bebavea kindly and righteously for on ; and there those her colonists that their chiif yirtue is to be Adelity to their country, and their Arst aim is to advance the power of E. by land and sea, and that though live on a distant plot of Olmoâ€"“u:: of .Cr' ouâ€"::: mast guide aman gather divine knpowledge of nations, transformed from sw manbhood, and redeemed from dnar into " * Lapmes, Bewars‘\â€"How astonished some of our fasbionable would be if a certuin law passed in 1770, just a century z‘ were reâ€"snacted ! * A person who 1, by memans of rouge or of blanc, of perfumes, of essebces, of art 1 teoth, of false hair, of coton Espagno!"â€"â€"Whatever that may beâ€"â€"" of steel stays, of hoop»s"â€"=the crinuline of 1770â€" Mr, Forster‘s words woere sufllciently emâ€" phatic. Addressing his constituents he said, *#I cannot sit Hown without stating that while I d with much that has been suld by the re ntative colonies yet I reâ€" jJulce that the question has been brought forâ€" ward, inasmudh hs it has made it clear to me that nelther in 1 nor in the colonies do we intend the Emp‘re shalÂ¥be broken ap." Words of \a similar purport apgeared in the Times, by the cory of "God forbid tqut we shpuld abandon the colonies," wad it requires very deep nsight to trace the connection between the attitude of the Minister and theitone of the * Thunderer." ‘Thus speaks the polluci‘u, uoloxclduu the newspaper embofiitaent of Boglish nlon. Herewith another phuse of ogclhh thought, the sentimental and postical view of the bi# relations of the Mother CQountry a colonj}es, as recently deâ€" by that exponent of its inner Jobn Ruskis, and held. by millions " at home" and in the ‘colonies. It formed the peroration of Rgskin‘s inaugura!l lecture: at Oxford on the #th inst., as Blade, Professor of Fine Arts, R -hlio as stately and as tender as an idyl!, nebly defines the bounâ€" duries of a ki m which may yet encircle and o‘ctehadow the earth :â€" * This is what Englanod must either do or perish ; she must found colonles as fast ‘and -ht::‘ohh formed of her most enerâ€" men, solsing overy fruitâ€" :ld;hopo_( ground she can set her foot We cannot, at this particular crisis, this mpmentous of a discussionâ€"some of w to w are endeavoring to de. the pablic |with the reiterated assertion that England is jrilling, anxious, to throw off the colon often repeat the quits teont coutrary rtion of Mr. Forster, Viceâ€" Presigent of thyg Education branch of the Privy Council, a |gentlieman who bas always been noted forthis Radicalism, and has ever aoted in unison with John Bright and the Other great.lights of the Manchester school :y.tho party, @bove all other«, which has falgely acoused of desirang the disruption of the EKmpire. * | 4 The announcement of a ministerial crisis in France comes like a clap ofthnuder trom a glear sky. M. Olivier‘s progress since he assumed offlice on the 4th of January bhas been so talumphant, and he seemed to be so Armly intreached in . that a Â¥ote in the chamâ€" ber adverse to bis policy is startlingâ€" Loast of all‘ was it to be ¢xpected that the impertal~ :nddm Ymfiow to his suppor esterday in the Corps Legisliatif® he -.d‘i the anpouncemrent that Di the Goversment. |"In sccordance with the liberal course it bad marked out, was pot:)wt to abandon wholly the systam of placing in the Bay Company.| This sale establishes | the value of the difidrent skins of fur for the curâ€" rent year, principally that of mink, martin, fox and bear, Â¥Frot the Montreal Herald. ® Now that acquisition of the North Weset Terrizory is ap nearly completed, the long= ing «y.« of fur Jdealers tarn eagerly in the direction of that land of promise, so long the Eldorado of :the Hudson‘s Bay Companay. bea From the Montroal Gazette, The Fur Trade. 70. to so are all the capabilitiee ot soil, without means otf land or river transport. _ Roads of some sort are matlters of the very first necesâ€" sity, in a +ocial and political sense. The more easily they can be travelled over, the greater burdens they can bear, the shorter the time occupied in going over them, the more they enhance the value of.the producing country. All the natural highways of this country are settJed. The extensive waterâ€"ways of this contivent quickly eettled the banks of all the great rivers from the Gulf of 8t. Lawrence to the Delta of the Mississippi. â€" The great Oitawa enticed Father Marquette to Lake , Superior, and induced Father Henoapin to ]vi-u Winpepeg, Fort Cumberland, ascend the Rocky Mountains, descend the Fraser River, and wandering porthwards, coastwise, walk across the stepping stones between Alaska in America to Kamschatka in Asia. Above all things roade are necessities in a military, a commercial, and a political sense. The 8t. Lawrence gave Canuda to France, and the St. Lawrence with the superior ‘oceanâ€"ro!ling stock of Eogland at that time, coupled with one or two particular circumâ€" stances, in which the roads were none of the best, led the army of Wolie to encounter successtully the army of hbis brave and able adversary Montcalm. The want of roads has long kept Ottawa in the back ground. The only road to Ottawa, that by the river, could not . compete with the canals ard railroads of the 8St.. Lawrence, upon which all military necessimes were concentruted. The Rideaun Caual was not deep enough, nor direct enough as a commercial chanoe! to attract much trade, and the growth of Ortawa was n#«cessarily slow. Circumstances have coniributed to give Gttawa, however, & population, and military, conmercial, and polhitical pecessity must place her in epeedy communication with the rest of the world. It will not do for Ottawa to be altogether deâ€" pebdent for an, outlet merely upon a single railroad and a river and canal. She must becoine a commercial and a political centre. That can only be doue by adetermination on the part ‘of those who are themselves interâ€" ested in ber progress to take such steps as will pave . the way for her advancement. Ortawa is no longer a city in the woods. The woods bave so much receded, that they can only be seen in the distance with the ard ol a telescope. Every swamp has been dried up. A city existe were a village stood ten years ago,. Eoterprize, energy, ekill, and capital are all now to be found in the city of Oitawa, and theee partially the result of railroads. These are more than ever wanted. They are needed beside the riverâ€"tributaries ol the Qitawa themselresa : they are wanted everywhere where speedy travel is a boon, and a commercial advantage. . Railronads are cheap at any cost. | They pay~themselves a hundred told by the facilities which they afâ€" ford to the merchant for going to market. They pay in inducing travel and conâ€" sequently in circulating money. They pay in carrying speedily very bulky commodiâ€" tiea at the lowest possible figure. . s From the Ottawa Courier, There are two »newspapers in Canadaâ€" the @Wamilton Specfator anvd the Quebec Mercuryâ€"exercised, because Dr. Vancourtâ€" land, the Coroner, before whom the investiâ€" gation was had into the death of the boy Jordan, possoncd by the inadvertence of a physician, had not caused a post mortem examination of the body to be held. The Spectator epeaks of the matter sensationally; under the heading, " Only a Child," and the Mercury alludes to the denial of a post morâ€" tem examination by the Coroner, legally. These two organs of opinion, in the east and in the west, look sat this rery grievous maiter, to all partiee ‘concerned, in two «different lights. They agree in whe point that â€" there has been © a denial of justice... Without avny attempt to shield Dr. VanCortland from the wrath of the Spectator and the Mercury, we may be permitted in justice to the Coroner to state that he did everything, which, under the circumstances, cither law or justice reâ€" quired. There was no doubt as to th¢ cause. Of death. The child was poisoned, and it was known from what source the poison came. ‘The physician, who, by mistake, bhad substituted ‘acetate of morpbine for sulâ€" phate otf quinine, and caused the geath of the boy Jordan, frankly, but re‘mfully‘ admitted the fact. The only questio legally or in any way to be considered, was whetherâ€" the killing was‘a criminal or ‘man _ accidental hownicide. The manâ€" slaughter was indiéputable, It wa» not for a moment denied or doubted. It was patent to the public, as well as to the coroner and jurors that the child Jordan was poisoned and died from no other cause. This being so there was no need for a post mortem examination. The law does not reâ€" quire ope, and the jury had only to inquire loto the cireumstances connected with the |poisoning to determine upon the criminality or the absence of criminality of the pbysiâ€" ‘cian from whose hands the patent messenger ‘of destruction came. â€" The jury bheard all the lacts and . came to the determingtion that _death was purely the result of accident. After this verdict it was not considered even ‘probable that further steps against the offendâ€" ‘immg physician would. be taken, and when subsequent proceedings were taken, part of ‘the evidence supplied at the @oromer‘s inâ€" From the Ottawa Courier. _ Railroade, Mr. Keefer tells us, are a miliâ€" tary, political, and commercial necessity of Jhe present day. | They are assuredly all that. In the time of the Romans good roads were eufficient for such necessities. There wete land and water romds. . Roads were always necessary for the transport of troops and military stores, Without these, conquest or even retention was impossible. With them came not only conquest, but that comâ€" merce, which forms the ground work of politics; which, indeed, both creat»s and maintains armies, . Without ‘roads of some kipd, natural or ‘artificial, there can be no wealth, The mines of California would be valueless without the means of bringing the auriferous products of that region to a marâ€" ket, All the fruits of the earth would ‘have no value, except to the lsfe of those within reach of where they grew, without the méans of carrying them to other lands, All the spices of the Indies would be valueless to manokind without ships and the ocean, and day upholding the system of official candida ture, An excited discussion engued, followed by a division, and the Ministry was defeated by a vote of 187 against 56. The Left voted with Olivier, Great agitation has been caused in Paris by the result, the prevailing feeling being that the vote is equivalent toa want otf confidence in the Ministry. M. Oliveir‘s resigâ€" nation may not be impossible therefore. The Value of Raiiroads. Until further notice AMERICAXLA UOIN will be received for exportalia®# ernment account at the effices is OMW#! the Bank of Montreal, the Bank of BMW America and ‘heâ€"Quebec Bank, at ANR@® discount, For the present only W ® QUARTER dollar pieces will be ressisedi® sums of from fifty to one thousand dollam Sussex and W ellingtos frm Ottawa, February 26, 1870. > 1%¢ . â€" nemnstigec mm m« â€"Aâ€"~aate Emeiae _ TT Ee m mm Et e goo® se '.‘,"""Mt-m to Ainest COTTAGHK, suitable for .“d t ‘esidence or hatel, with THREE sow which brou iy of the ocomâ€" land, situate en Rideaun Caral, ons wile m . h- the « M orty limits. For particalars, apply t# L M o T LEAMN, Auctioneer, Eparks strest, * p i J. M. DONNELLY on Ike promises .. 8+ m gores lllefi:d quest could not be a to be regretted, | l"l'lm'e is no intenti | due conrse of jus ilrum the omiss:on | which the accused [ SE to deny. Oitaewa, February 24, 1870 __ Atthe ball, a large colored GOLD overâ€"reached, "The lost his everâ€" LET, with a row of pearis on the ip aod P Fs ts finder will be suitably rewardad by leatag would z uffier, John Leslic‘s, jeweller, Sparks street. &?finfl. Ottawa, February 26,1870. _ UAF MMBE Sram Bumm Gangr~â€"Heg, Reineri‘s Private Boarding House, Maria Stret, corner of Bank Strest, Centre Town, M Well furnished rooms, with or withot # Charges moderate. 1Â¥ fln KAJESTY‘s THEATREL GRAXD AyATEUE PE8FORMAS By kind Wermirsion of OcR J. .‘me‘flh “bfi ernmor Generai, the Amateut Theairical , the 60th Roya!l Rifles will appest ®® > ». Just receved T "~ 1Â¥Fin * * Cler en o i opbad AL AEW #. w % + Â¥rc From Argyle Distilery, Glengilp, â€"The show was pretty A Genvine Articl. * m‘*mu.’h week. "ee ooR Heoge! ~RIRCE wR Epge® ©C 00 W TRURSDAY, 3rd MABCK, #%. MX N.h':- Was lntely passed The thrilling drams, by J. Morto®, i * trom j the . purpose of pre.. s@â€"THE MIDNIGHT WAE tts . â€" T themy, : â€". 7 "ntled 0 Sirth appearance of Medliey Dance...... ...« â€"~****** To conclude with the screaming ! Grand Comic Eeene. ... Shylook....DZP® " 8 bell we KAFOOZALIWUK, slnog The B AND of the Battation will 984 . *".’ of #; Commence at 8. See Swall Willk ... t Miss 1 Tickets may be had at J. L. Orest * C N female Music Store. o4 _ als some ve Ottawa, February 28, 1810. in Hamlinp , J0 Cenit y CC -..-Er..q.....da-- Orme & Son‘s Masiec Store» Sizth appearance 0f HERXNDON & LESM®® s@r0PERA HOUSE comPA Monday Enninâ€"gTF‘!’.'-j‘ This Star Stock Company will be** s presenting Sheridan Know!#" * play, enticled a seâ€"THE HUNCHBACE â€"â€"ln the articlein the xm- gave rise to the prosecution of N‘ attacked the Bonaf@rte family & o which " murder and ambush, are and customary." * For Cighteep : added, " France bas ‘bsen in the hends of theso cutâ€"throats, "\-‘ tented with sbootiug du., ‘ with grapeâ€"shot in the street, h. into filthy snares, anvd 1286876 in bome. French people, have you uy enough of this "" For this e w uy of offâ€"nce against the pomndfi~ and of provocation to civil war, hfi lative Body, of which be is % ue hbavring, by 226 to 34, authorized W secution, the case was bron‘mw Correctional Tribunal, where he d appear in persono.. The In y maintained P(ehe charge wiw”:‘q‘ ation, urging the Court to infliq & a ment as light as possible, Th «ea was. imprisonment t:ur tz .MI fine of 3,000 francs, but without ap vation of civil rights, M L‘ published in the Murser//zys» ap articl pressing grcat indignation that he by been condernned to twebly years hard ly and denominating the tria; 4 farce. forehand, be bad charged the Goverm with a purpose to prosecute him in ord get rid of un obnoxicus Deputy , > Balunsr.-!-:pu'. CO00aâ€" â€" CJwrorting.â€"The very Agm;dmi this preparation has rendced & a poom) favourite.. The Civin Sn tm 1. marks :â€"* The singular Buccesn Ni .. Epps attained byhis h omoopathic of cocoa has neyyr been surpeased by q experimentalist. ‘{Sy «m thorough of the natoral laws which govern the tions of digestion and nutition, ant carefal application of the fine wellâ€"selected cocom, Mr. Epps bu wur breakfast tables with a delicately ed beverage which may save o â€" doctors‘ bills." Made simply with water or milk. Sold by the tmde lb and 11b tinâ€"lined prckets, lawrs Errs & Co., Homcopathic London Enyland. 11 T CC mm rine Suesl ed practical tests of pem,lt:.t:“h.. daily for three months, at Guspy t'."“ mill with four run of !lf)ue.' and n". tillery wore worlkedâ€" .unmmm"-dm other engine. The TECEDt gpare, 489. furnace for such fue! at wm. identical with that used at gqrewt m tented in Canada, T wo years ago y *3 in the British Nary fror, x, 5 n potes. It was in all respect; $oter Guelph Flour Mills, CXvept ag b? petition with firewsod at go 14 in would bare been used for l«.m..: Great Western Railweay hag the * Director and the Patentses ...h The latter desired to :mfl'flnd ang e secresy, & condition \r, Swinyarg . 28 gccept. Some private reasops led m porary disuse at Guelph, t.-.u.~ of cost, or scientific ellic‘.ency' ~ submitted to Mr. Sowervij}« ,:‘ character of atbitrator, He does & at libeity to disclose what these affirms that the Caouda lq.'\ force, covers all such Appli@Dces of for fdel as the furuace and a to be newly invented at \\'uu.,“ hinted at by _“ "T" in this Caf‘8 im P L EA 3 iX T e io Purousn 4o &lexander Montreal, Feb TTAWA MUSIC HALLâ€" XPORTATION OF SILVER OOX oOs T: R#. P. HAMLLTON‘8 KAL,BCOTCH WHLSKET THE MERRY And the highly m" ) raARIs AND BACK PP Will be performed. . . Prummzt Pbasmen 4 li Petrolewm as p.._. Somerville stat x BJG JAS BUCHAKAR Ww Cover.â€"Joun Mctutyte; for detain â€" 0 n M’ 'iu} & ‘ | .t‘tl 'uflid ‘fll Fteamer fl “l .I : ‘ Ill E s id '.’ l“.’ will h receive Rine " 4 nert f n uÂ¥ ORDERS. io W 8# Pue 8 Crgmm 1994 3 CE AZtTHO® a Ourrerâ€"â€"On Fridey, H. tried his hand at this tavorite game curling rink, in & manner very satisâ€" J to the veterans of the game who we:e Treovusex Cor.â€"This oup was won at »w Shoe race, at Montreal, on Saturday , Harper, who left his four contestants hes, discharged on payment of costs: betweenâ€" Helliwell & Mullin boys, on payment of oosts..= : £ B Mte -"':" Ottaws R. R | the p . l‘.‘:"!h-u 'f‘»."’&'.'., T00 A.M. , in the basement of the Episcopal st Church, York‘Wtreet. Chair taken 88 i1E Snsly drilled ; OP m “â€"... ® ll: H.â€"Prince ‘_‘lh the Manigingâ€"Director M by spod:l‘ Orrionâ€"York street, corner of Bussex A & A HÂ¥TAYLOR, Agonts. "aus Brivsin and Indland, Newfoundâ€" ‘Great Britain and Newfoundâ€" and Prince Edward Island, can be ned at this Office. Alto, Postage and I-f_:%?;a::zi;;ggss] -ii%t‘*[g%, s 5 E+ : 5 ij! t€ [re| '5»‘!:{5.3!;: £5| rogt OPPICE SiYIXOR"RBAXL. ‘which & months‘ notive. will M 400 Hamiio “:ln ro to th ’hl‘ was o ."h-unu..a ie ast m Hio and ef m-mbr‘u,uo-a. owed at the ghz“ and deposits can be withdrawn at Fire pnuu.villhdlnt‘ on mits in sumse of $100, for the withâ€" ‘ £$§ .. Houks raou 8. ax, 10 T r.4»~ $ #. P. BAKER, f Postmaster. 8# this bay e 00 0c MERUT. _ . cecaa ta ment ; 6 .I’NGJM + fipy id Arilfe bimmanes...... 'm' u.~|' Nfi roles of L.“m, “' to the illness of Mrs. BBSibilities of the After pleoe. t fi #esterday, the ';"‘ cutter, found on nhz..M- The ““MM Sictectives OHeill and Davis 4 peeie‘s Cl Wolsciey, ~"""' car trom the Og. u2e (e Purpose of bringing g,, â€" N0 gentlomen to the 10 1904.the pi1; BLLER*® ~GUIDPE. on axp ortawi Minwar, . 810 a=, 199 pm, 10.00 * CRamLnl m 10 in i %] orpron 01A * _ 2s Matts+ Steamer from Portliand ever 9“ “‘ otfrom Now Â¥ork, overy Mends3 sonseqt at Pressott Junpstion Railway for allâ€"points south u. #y _« ; effect that fige ‘ and to NONEY ORDERS **~~ â€"~_ A .=c 4 w #&: " ie girt, _In the some very fine points. s [ "__ *=CmLOd m’ all were greoted by a <d since their arrival. of "EÂ¥vadnc" was Miss Leslic was very Russel!, Mrg Upled "‘b?flm. Becupled by Mr. and {£: ixt o * B. R., placed Prinpe‘s disposal. _by Col. Elpbin. £sq, Â¥.C., Lieut, D. C. / Mrs. How. corne practised | ‘bmm] were i E: 3 554 35E 34 ut this Office. expected &mith toree 1878 CH to 1 Celi kin« Citi Is din To | he | and To By Fet unti Cl ray abha Ha '.‘n tlo bel Fit Ma all all Mo El

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