13 #I 44 4 suUnBtmuke â€"â€"Ome accidgenial Indiouwen, calles "N’m“r"“- it WAppdsed to «g0u» more (recueuily as the counify is cleateod bus sao~ Andesa "le» n the oase. . i4 _ (hes AGuid Inso supreme OL the Muss wl AGW Yofk have isuee & pefpetual iujunotion eg budl Ralob Lot aad Jenkiee for cuunterimtlng Ayoerms Ceathatlio Puis, buidiag respousidl« for the opuel in , puition in #ust they qsre duge and Mes.faluing At~ Uinaius e € uke mparsy to the pubiie Li 4 8 > Wiky «© »sm «& uns mote thab ansthef duods At Uhe 1hie: pueltioe| 0@ @# Lo sBisld thow Lrowm ie« | +40 w posture, b is mok aud sudering who ate ubhsable iw thouuselÂ¥ves _A femeAiy sw auiversally esd as Aport‘s Pilis by anl Ott Ciassos, O 4 to aad proveut distease, should mesman o ih d sow, tÂ¥ y seousity the ia«@ oun adurd t ftom and unication. â€" Vuoinet, Joie: | '.m! CY eatio0t &Ay. â€"Inat is all wao. dat , @9\ s wSAhor used the Inemseives or W@itsessed its [ 2A \A s .‘ afeots when by «thers;, allsuch, and they ‘\â€" ,,'ï¬ are ouly bt to are unamimons in the opluiuh hip sA & / " s M“’&d\o’ RPowdets s8d Alabian «i9 o 4 *or 3 ueave Romedy" us supsmor io anyluing «l the @ *« «log geretotore ut preseqat in use luf omm [ + | solds, thiok ~.“,~M wiioly auuss | wind of Aw # 10b â€" aesbboiue i : av oi ad , i oothing ra it which o« !. o-flihlcli LAND®. j M W / fâ€"GORF uns (iay e C oF «y laine weataep css <a~men, in / CIEY OF OTTAWA AND TOWHX. n-uud\uh':‘lfl wit @as wwe guilds ceqnit®, sUIP OF NEPEAN. «00 @hivh they sbould fhaÂ¥e Joastaully on hawd | [ * «es m*"-ï¬â€˜â€œ""'““m"“‘“‘ Nomese w h yiven that the undermentioned lurd_abs Yu. is on easd ypaskage A vp & 4J* | lows situated in Cuy of (itews, and in the man, Newoustie, Unt., uruptisiutsiul «anada Tewmhip ot Nepean, wil be ofered for sa‘e on Goughs« and â€" Colde,.â€"oudden ~840408 | | | 1UKIuAY, 5th Mnll.r.ulnlmd“ altwate are sources of Puimomary Hrondhial 400 | u; ohe City Austion Mart, York strost, uttaws Ammimatie aff suons wmm&wm LtM by J BERKRAiNGHAM, AUOâ€" that smny |®re soures often sor speedily sud 005| plojauR. ; tmaiy wu a «.keu in the ma--“““ _ L#» Now, 1 to 10, on the north stde ot Rear street sas0, (0dvuce: shuulg at onds be b'mi’wmn-m-t?qb' Kerruce, Uppat Town Bronshin! Urivones," or Lossenges . FAW ate a#wal® . trouiage of each lot 18 fest. of the ii@puftauce of ohsoking a cough, or " comâ€" | nbhuluoufl.u‘r 13. Con A, Ridess u““hhu:“a:.. Ehat uu.'m the | Front, Nepean, average s dou:l:'uâ€"n- y would a wild commedy, U negâ€" loome of meutâ€"â€"()ue tenth purchase x.‘ ..‘.ll‘il‘ "M".'.1-)nlt::,u and plâ€"se of saie, and the shinl Croohes," ur Cough Lossenges, slley iPtite: . nulance in .-~.$m anoual rastâ€"l moots, wih * tios @Bick induces cuughing, BAYILG 4 OILKOT iD | por cent lutersat on unp=ld bulances. Futber Quense on the adsoted parts. . As there are \mitaâ€" | consitions wul ne m«do «nown «t the mme of aabe logs, 0« sure tu »Brtai® the yeaurne Bold by abs | Prans oon ho «on arnthe M o of the Auctionser doaloerain cedisines. at 12 sents a bor or .mï¬..%l.wl- Oe®,. In dualÂ¥#® Wour®n Havind tâ€"â€"I it in protect By order, * h «lt is a ) wel as «asry coak 4e Â¥1150¢, dusd in | | t ‘â€:"Al!:t“ ¢ m & asct mun p.riwularly at this seases Uran«nee Lapas Agent * otth :y as, p Opl ato vo Py apk to taks Gu UVopartmwent ol the »ecvetary of "tate, w 0 gud » houe aty thigst, 0Uyb®, spHt ky 106 t @ w Pb !oomu;. iafu. 1 WTiawd A @1 bmowwd and puabmoney : wamplatnte gaoue Bably, | ~~~~ rrsg ‘ i e t w don W BoA «B gaest b»@edist 1y lead tw ’ »â€" logs cunâ€"equ ues‘ Fog> question asltes uu'â€.' WA M 4 [ w sdob n thâ€" quimlk at amt mmoek «Bo tuskh | 7. y C « I aly? _ Hepak '“L oi Ackh UNVUKENIRTED PROOR LIQUEUR. in on » HOG <Utne poublis Iwonly yoatrs, Gn=# f & ing have abwâ€"y® ahÂ¥eu .pu' wb, amtiet \.N.:-,. o in tie :':::!“:o:. nvn« ‘:Gmun.“'.:‘_‘l. RHesll is & ; wob an « Hmany «on W RAY C«s+ *« as dM ut & C ny 6 , ansd uts '.ll“‘ll ctth‘ y as, p Oopl ate vo Py w O gaid » Loo ao ie thigst @1 bmoawwd and pabmeonery ow w don W Bo4 «B gaet io »â€" logs cumâ€"equ uces‘ E. walcb w thâ€" qunak at «/ t awdy ¢ _ Byyaw‘s Rubw b on »40¢ â€"the puble for have abeoys aivou paok o i taftaims «O «4 p cmenemw oo t# opeslh â€" Bariee any hb uns s v»O0tf; twno~ 4«»4 i\ p in v»URUf; lw#s gu00 a $ th ougueut thse ETW mao , M 1b «ents yat in K4 _ WMareavilie . 1 eguse â€"â€" Pas Ureakjant â€" The BHodse‘ io a0%~~ Varmuse bayp Mete â€"ad ant lasurets har®e sibempted ty altaln a rqpulates t Beibs prepares Yususs, dut we doubt whetu~r any Wofâ€"Uga *4 iwte Bui besn «ol »#one e bal M sete Cevior @r »Ber, ensovered taoe eKiraorain «#}, yast was ob + qaraÂ¥tille VOuus, AdspUbg Yh® : porle0b system® O provafution 10 tais buswes of a.1 «spomes of tme Cbsutswus they bure pro« dusud «e «ctiole whith supeteaies @Â¥eLJ ciltet g1« in the markct . antire sdubslity, a deblâ€" varl Rl0OWk, AL0 a PAfSe Jundenitratiue of e . urest elemnsmie of ausritlion, distiâ€"guish the Usraville Cosus abore all AGmtk PQf 10M paths Aud InÂ¥vailde we oould uot recow .ond a more agrecable or valuable beverage " Som tm md‘u.:umdom .b-:.,.h- ty thers, «@PAqlam . Homeuvathis Ussen and Soluble Unhosolate. Steam Milis=â€" Brisk Lane, London, Kag 4 SAisk hm Lowin ns . . c / > | 7| . CVOLD3 compeemmennnpmemnmmmm n OO en iinanmmmmmmmmmmemepnnmngens oBsmNArE C A uus." . h IRRITATION OF 1. {» CH y *‘ vatth utrwmu couce e o ioi oi n o " _ DisEAsEs OPF THE THROAT Mn Hiath ruuumt CoNsU YPTION New and Besend Hand PDouble Stoves: at T4 , _ ag 4 Logropâ€"BRurs ordilnted with a Uttie water ,Complied express‘y 71\1 the Now and Besoad Uand Der®Atoves at the Variety Ladies why do you ho twroubled with an old worn t Brovs when you onn take it and * litle cush and get a Orst Ottawn, Janumy 18, 1878, Cabler and Halnew Planoe, Mason _ d Hamlia‘s Orwans, Prines and Owe Melodeons and Organs Atrmnogements can: be made to exchanye new tor old Planos on Hberal terms, A~> PLAN0®# FOR HIRE, °. With privilege of purchase, / Varleoy Mail. _ All now Btoves doid at thes establishment guarâ€" aniosd to the parcohaser. Pasties in quess of second haad dowves will Aud & good assormment at the Varlsty whail, woods of allwinds purshased sad exohany od as ___ Agents for the fallowing selebrated Plancs qwrCKEmmo, _ _ Ottawn, Aaunugry 13, 18798. 1 lt tm | As weo lhaw ealring Infes : & 8. NORDHMEIMERA, TORON 10, COmMERC| AL. OTTA w A: MA ME b 13 iB @4 p cmanelmi utiee #in u L.n®@ tumer uy #bh eswb â€"doub i4 «4 ng« goug al p th â€"ougbeut the P1 '“... TELNW AYA, A & 3 XORDHEIUMER, Nmas OMos, (Mta® March 14. : i€ voue ces 6* 7 “ . . 3* Yye J BOYDEN, Weneral Agont. a%a Tiwas LUNH A W () wa, partion O The sucsess oft}|s most dal tad condiment bhakine cassed apy |y the Aaimn* < @# Worgses the.: own Inlerig compoun hereby informed {hat the on‘ â€â€œâ€œl“ tO N W ; of Lot 31, Com 3, W ouRu . W of Lot| 30, Cu: woJ‘;‘l agreoa. L W oeate: niuont of L/ a0PFv® p 0t 3+, Con € IM > Wort of Lot $8, clom ~} 46 Con 4 0 «¥64 | "® & of to 30, Com C 1 L t iÂ¥ ‘ om 3, A a#rew Â¥ rmuu.in.u ow 2 aÂ¥ aeros _ | > llkflh Lot 17, C n 2, $ 10re4. and to 16# phad with a ; the wrapper :’:d :V‘ & Poermia« have bean io that ther bhave fural with power wf QW' on t -aâ€"n'm-w;’m ut. .-tl.lioll " ; Nomoes is hereby given that the undermentioned lots avtuated s...L Cuy of (itews, and in the Tewmhip ot Nepenn, wil be ofered for sn‘e on L&w« Now, 1 to 10, on the north side oft Rear street opposite Â¥rince 1:;0-‘ Terruce, Uppat Tows truntage of cach loot. zul lots No« i ts #1. of Lot 35. Con ‘A,. Rideas Wholesale and for Export by the Propristors Worsesters; Crgsse ans Biackwell, lm ze, &o; and by Grosers and O)1men Ask fo atr W (Juyot bas AQrewdas on depricing tar of | + Imâ€"@«pport «@le «â€"prasss ind Initerness, aAd in d hP hn gp 14 gohaime. PWred log by this aâ€"ppJy dAlsourery, be prepates a aâ€"ncent rated lT.u'ull«. «hob in v «wmall volume gontsims * laf ® propuntio®k of artive priguiples. _ i nAoie., at WILLIAM 6 JuFFIN, Ubrdmâ€"noe L A gent «6Â¥ s partuweni ol the »#ore '::Qvo. ht . m‘.:;.’lm i.i.'.m-uaruu N W portion of Lot 12 10 actes. K gheA c Potiic d wuluoa‘s tart possusoes all the ady ataget of tdhhery Lat Wel@r with ut any of we drawoaoks A gime of exoet tot: w@ater w\ hout «y &4« #y fosable tasto upay b6 indlabbagsously untained by poutlng * wlut wmtua glas> of water Aly 0 0 tan thus« propare ns _ lase of tat wates at the momment DN# teqpi/te iL. thus edondimimay allbÂ¥ ©bolt, . banarnd id d t B 4ih p obviating the oT o why @# nd‘n No Uuyst‘s tat Inogs «dvuaul igounely severa) w to or en« hnf-vo plitans & lae Loemiment 0t a lds bronchuls, coughe «Bd catac 44 duye: « tat is @0 y+ wliv she« greatest u0 .:.mthlw« n’uu«o.:w it « & Duux- Lomad pob a gluase WatuP, Of 1We badle apovnbube t t bublle 1 Ortaws, Faeby +, 1870, Ihe on hyw‘owh‘t“mm*w Nee ind i s roae t aneers 4 lb 0M Te 0 e -“uuamflï¬ab&'m U weo of & po Detailed inatâ€"aâ€"tonse asâ€" mp«+ ay on ob hus. ':Ozcnld in Puris;, L FREARE, i# us 0 Js':-.’-u' .I.‘.L'?w cnxoun. .-J"‘ r o.l::y | bt in M resom mended WOR BAsTALD, Lot 17, C n ?, J sores Lot 30, Ca 2, 23 noree > A#WTiH CRO#3BNY. ; At Chalfoy‘s Stmtion. â€" Part of Lot 17, Con “Ql.l-oc Approved wal Acodemy of Medicins ?ho‘.‘?"?l'bn-\u, l.‘d Moon or Kyriovun . â€" usilas‘s L'Dw tak a befor» on after each meal, io the a PO Â¥uua oc LOZXN@6*+ in the .o).‘: k & is benedolai edeote are mt atiw the o an _ Datauileds instrustions accom J #4# ASK P KA & PERRINXA* ¢N)of powrder ad box of toseng * RONANCE L aND#8, RIDEAU CaANAL. @eaAUTION| AGgAIN® MHâ€"NCHITES CATAIIL rTHE BLADDEX â€" 3 Al"mll oF THE SKIN £WIM % MAKANES OF THE SCALEL, m is PP rCESTERSHIRE sAVCE GA8TRALAIA | DYsAPEPSLA * | PYNRUSI® ACLIOITT t ‘DIFPICULT big CRAMS® IN THE sTV weey es MARKLOGX** | DYVSEKNTERY \ CHOL@RWINE â€" ‘â€" nnqw v er m:w- re fordig® R l;fA L# PERRIXY siAUVCE, it their names are upon the w rapper oNiLÂ¥ Goop:siavec£k.] ated by Connoumsours *# C MA RCO A L4 lined p cces and parsels of laad: 1o %8% U K. 'Allns i. 0;;0 «h 2 w in on t n 0 onl t l.v\l} beenp sup» N arcestoranire mu.lm + of which the naum=s of rged, L and P give notive abed their correspondsnt» i~ take instant proceediag* un d cendors of such, or any which their rght may be #% ialigioas and eartval« ad sertain demlers to §3y11306 law «hire Sanse" to . ihe public is in* 10 mm FRAU For| restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. $ with th4 : glosa and M ‘_’:‘:ï¬ of â€" youth, i it is thick» Mq .n‘“ hb I.‘ h!c‘- ness dilen, though 90 ays*, cured by ital use,. Nothing restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or th¢ glaads atrophied and decayed. Hutr h as remain can be nv'«l ,t'z neetu this application. laste of fodjling .t{o hair with a pasty #ediâ€" ment,lit will keep it cl¢ean and vigorows, Its octasional use will prevent the hair from purning gray or log of#f, and consequently prevent balduess. Â¥ree from those deloterious ances which make preparations rous and only but not harm it. It wanted merely for a Ayer‘s Ague Cure. PFae 1 of the d Lungs, vi00 as Coughs, uigh, and Probal br before in the histsey ow ie tave vthing won 10 w Amvil so cdee pl upon the of mankind, ap this exe«clon Aemedy fifr pulmonary complaints. rough is lon, serice of m the raree of men i6 pPhadk then ie o« thimkan tion, as ) has become bettat ts uniform -S'nbmh + affuc on ::: theoum. o-t:...l,': milder difeme and s Chikdrens is i ::-‘“ -:~-ul “n:c.u of the A Te n amteraetmnes fam :wfl‘w. a* mb | coughs, al e is thonelk in _ Adth settled . € "bu-cb meplesttrencmny oo C men have cured, :‘.-l.o m:b hy â€"~ by the aver .d.o? Throat, that : of theue y too chl-uro:‘b ' = ocdeg t Apr es rair 3 h > 4e Avensn "'_" "'TMâ€"M"* Ond groat pro ‘_bdnnlflnl often wholly cienmaviettes Amema) oo at kess s oi n stt meat hi y n Io oct than acepire ns:'- es are Pulb nothing else can be «o desirable. ; I ; C Ther oil i mes | uc::sc. bl'lll?l. Anorssyatila® not soil white cambric, kgy«mmmwuo-m?:-‘:-. long op the bair, giving it‘a zich glossy ‘ P s .... oï¬ feinfrnforman o faesenemrnite _ i Instre pad a gratetul perfume. ! L OHCONKORM, Attouneyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solfeiior & t «tnated COOTTAOR, contalnlia » Amh J .é.‘lch-‘.:o.m:‘c:.â€â€œ w pardan: gook snthouree snd uol n Practicat 1xp Axas) LOWELL, PRICE % Avyoe 1, 10 0 Ayert‘s Chorry FPae of the ‘I‘® vi0d as Coughe, Col ugh, Bronchiti and Consun mven ie tave by'flh.m..u upon the wf wnan tvmedy fifr pulmonary compl hew i hak rizes, higher mod mene i0 hag rieen 1 fecm l het becen foan geroims affections of the throal by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practicat axp Amtflq:. Cusosts, LOWELL, ITA _ PBRICB 11.00. * Ayer‘s Chorry Ppctors. «un t h t stt M i in m b-l“.“ .l.. hn d -v...bwlllu.:nn-n-’ tw '-'!'â€"‘.w“ The Nn b.o::;.t wiliat ooo tor lame cack Rhoamatiom © e iffoo ko tor Hunaione. tor Pliae. | tor the Heart Dissase. / P who are inflated with any such dz aw».| abould make applisation to Â¥. MARTI* Nuil, in the asnmmer season, at the best tme t l aele e tane rmaly poure: Ahon ip Qm diALE OF Li&NDA, K bewte rmq OF ONTARAO, -m.-ud-n-‘u::a. '\.:om 3 ‘“ i .:':.‘.."“!‘-O-d Alagennier is vistne ot n Wortk of Hhack Psn es | t on on oL L2 in wut of Mare Majesty‘s Court of Commen Plsas, = o‘.::‘.:n&»ummn to me dirested and delivered, gualas the 4 Innde hnd tenements which were of MICUARL M.'%.&E:m dessased, at the timeof hbis death in tho â€" 10, Hew Boeads., nnuom-:n.mu--o Auswreâ€"Messte. F. Cundill & Co . Mestreal. . and of the ourd Cgorre l;\o-“'T‘ mr.ué‘ilg to be administored, at the sult of JO U* m~ N‘g{tn CoPP§.I hare setred sad in axseution | mA U meals, &e. In dignative activity, ow .-':‘..-“-M‘*.â€"w 1 «hoe, in the Court Mouse, in the City of Oma®e, . Powdar, bouties, 3o, Bo #4, ts 64 eoa MONDaY, the TWENTYâ€"EINTH day « -:rwmml: MA.lflumM-‘un.““‘m wekicls [u-.musu-uq-ucnu-',. Amawrmâ€"â€"Messte Â¥. > ! * gn.tlo M.:.Q“.uvm ton whisch wate of MIVHAEL CQOPPE, dessases, | w therlme of his death in the hanads of the ould MARY CJPRE, exsoutrin as atorssant, of, in, to nud out of, all and singular that parsel of lans being somposed ol the sast twoâ€"thirds of iot anmâ€" ber tweniy .iwa, in the slavenith md.n, Township ot Fltwog., in the Conaty of Curietwn, sonataigiag one bundred and three and ons | “““..“.'.I..;.am | l_ _1 __ HÂ¥IJAG KAILIFE, Depws Hhalk | at be equallaed «ther, ftw :-dludfl.ï¬'.-“o h un NHare Sdoap. of them of artioble. & TRAININO INXBRORÂ¥XATIOX. amkignt and agliest hotrs be mat Nom.alunnbd::-lnl n Amadibarmnriny , +m mugt the workt. 6 4 I1CK,. #100 PFER BOYVTL K# wa, Augast T. 1800 | Por ®ule or to L41. WABHUHING COMPOUND AIR DRESSING, ir Vigor, Ayer‘s Desember Wad, &A D N0 _ ind A dressing whiuch is at ouce agreeable, ::h!o Mo‘«tu:: ing 1 hair.; zld or gray hair is swon peal ovead to ite original color FaÂ¥. 1 41 4* 1i ; THE OTTAWA TIMES, MARCH 15, ;21870. Weueatherocintngeaketeeaeeatiene esn o 1 Te en t t 100C l !'Fl Carbs. e L J woue ie = â€" 5 n l anemime n et t nc *L CLEkO HUF & LAWLOKR, M Canntim agrenes, at. . Mc M Q, (Mus Sttesi), and Ottawa, (Bg .."'r"'.'m*.....m Pragties and Pateots for Laven» Nouse, Elginâ€"st. K..'.. & â€"KIMXBEH, mo.:u Atlornues at : La#, Uurl 1a Casacery, Câ€"uveyancers, &¢, br the t ungarie «id Quebes. * o:x’.“-“ Otkes Bulldiags, Kigin sitest, " $ Avarerte Keerge. |____ Bsz BEowiso Kixars. Vlcaounr LKB, Harrister aad Attorâ€" PNnhe fancdane eetings e i «nser, &6. We â€\ A.‘ M A M A, Arghitedi.. OMBeseâ€"Aumond‘ 144 Bulldings, Hifteanâ€"st., Otita®wa. _ #017 Lept by allthe progmpal Vragguite and «Jrocers in is Domwlaion, ’ Prepared l leup b'.o'-m?m trowe the ériginal Â¥. P. YERRI, M. D., WJT' in the University o . PABUA, ITALY, t.“l. Â¥. uus:x.u.m ~le Puipristor the -mpomm- N B.â€"Thase celtbrated Blmers are caretally aspured with the very best quailty of Sherry Â¥ize, and ars ally adupted an! recomâ€" scaded to persooad ol deliouts cvastitutions, They t0 gouily stimalant, and will be townd lnfalll ble «lie to digeation. _ Bor dirastions se label round the nesck of saoh Winita® MotgG®aote, u OHCOONNOR, Ation aepâ€"atâ€" Law, Solleiter « in Chanserg, Coureymeer, &n , Bunttk® areot. Otee, Unicn Buelliings, Aawa, | 33) Aum# are goadiazs anlesms beariag thbe signatare ol as propristor, & loratt 4. K. Â¥ GLAXEKLLL R «. MA YCOOCK, Auoraspâ€"aiâ€"La®w, doL| a siterâ€"inâ€"Vb«ccery, Conrepancer, Notar) ‘ublle, and Putest Rigat Aplicher, _ @Boeeâ€"lm aediaiely opposite mussell boure, Biginâ€"st 43u: 1 KES & GK ll.l-.lmd..ho& 1A soileitor®, #e, OBesâ€"â€"lIn Count Howse, Ulte® a‘-ml.lwuk ‘_0- | Jomm J. Cb ue @1 is Eowan- FÂ¥. DARTNKXELL, Bartiste: ( M&mm.\m"i‘:.b.onn A uns Ponce Atoracgy, for r. leuatiee of '-::dlu.u 0%.»â€"In th lsart House, L/vreagnal 3« 4& tI _** O€ q aMusey in easese of Asthms and “m.-,â€"mmud“ .:hu-tud-u-iu.n. '\.uom tzlunum kaoÂ¥ve as rastasce in wase ant obteulned."â€"Oemral Alementa to xtawa, Desesiber 4. 1844. hl‘.tfl.:-fl \ Ow. Or famed tase and caraities, Doeaee, P uies it 1j ~%~&hnfl& ia, &o , eapacaily atteaded to in Uitawal =| Â¥. MoLase, W . lfl Wusstr, K. & Lawuons! fuiztes Heacantmort HBKK. 1218 6m [17 COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMB, _ _ #noe Prairle and Animal Imitator can be used bWy a cbllé. }t in wade to imitate the md-zmmm-dsm..m, of an ase. the prumtpol s bog, birds, beasts and &.inlholflw. Charley Wike and all the Winstwreols and W Ventriloquism can be Inarped in thrwe doys by ts all. tent anywhere apaem recsipt of U conte ; three tor 14 cents ; §1.13 par doma. | % !"A_‘l'fli Puasx HH, Jeaey Oig, Â¥J. + . e a wiUh cont teare toall wh w «hests or real antalt t «» lor sale to y Uhat moe bas given fub M.a&‘o .oz\c- obt â€"jmes, a all as procape baméSiste sciGement aho the io ready io reapaire \astructions trom persons ww bag W‘m.hnâ€".um« -d-n--h'-ul..u'h.ru w tmeg «lll bs ioh aeedont by tbo give gatus <tioe in dleomarge of ts trunm -.n&uu. Fav â€" bagf on otpan uze a datzace wib meet with im wl ate am4 ctieatlog. * laat edeâ€"moee mude on furalture or thew "â€"Y:'.’.:.".Ea' band for bire. #@ the lur mmeooad band “ï¬m 4 pxid \.“‘. thoee . 4 in, C B, as e Aos eegt d n n * Walter Shanly, l" Wak. W , N P P PRrancle . mll James O Wislly M UTY iA00tIi08 ®xint, Commiaxton Merchants. Ule Lordship the Biskep of K ingrtse, thee. Bif Jofa & Mardioaid. U.Y . Roal, Iuof Qooebss Baak, Miawa Rebwri MQ.H P. ) ..lnmn‘un. . Hity E umnd und SHeneral Ages PRIOE #1090 PEH BOTULEK. OVAL IFTALMAX HTTERXLL S O8GRLONVK & TA K Th Miinucos #4.Pes Afivegrores bal hogs nuâ€"streot, Othatie. . * ; w Mosozore _ M# â€" Groxos Tamrio® WTEKX To TuUE HMocuLise mas TETREAU, » W. W ARO, of the lase Arm of LA®\#, "z..'.“-;i.‘ï¬'mu’ Wis Chanoery Law Chambers, opposite Hastell .. aat Chromle Bronabbtis DATURA TATUL A, dfveds |romaedusia Reolst! * A reshedy of great power and OB A®CiiM a. Serkat®~ ue _ Public for the Pro all, sear the Pos wuou. _| 61¢e, Sach ana «lea#, Coupbhs, Colds, bore Throm | . Gttawa, Nov, 5, 1869 the | Sprains, Bn‘l‘-u. L‘u;’pflltho?m. soemnse ~ se on iiimaiguteatiee: mecmemmcmmn { w# : _ 1 Chulera Morbe » A 5 R ul oiA | | Grea mt of Lawis, rost Bites, &0., &o. ratens Plim Olct Ihancery | ---â€"-â€"~=,._,==" b MJI The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been | â€"~~~~~~ beforse the public far a lepgth of time, and .â€lnio A«â€" BECI muummtem | #4406%8; used is well liked, never tailing in a Dostal Rooms « at ;,..,lml. instance to give permanent mnzm * Commercial W arehor #*. tUmely used, and waenave never known a single ]| British Lion Hotel, 1: ; street, | onse of dissatis{faction where the directions are proâ€" Lang‘s Block, No. 60, x poriy followed ; Nuubounruz all are del Ottawa, April 12, 1869 rlty . ad with its rnk-. and spealk i athe hi nrethenen i iater thrrg urn P *) _ | carime of its virtnes and magical e€ects. __|] ;t ©. L®K9o00 CANADLAN PAIN DEsTROYER W e speak from experience in this matter, havin weted it thoroughly, and therefore those who ar «afering from any of the comp sints for which it is .mw may depend upon its being a Soveâ€" .,:o uu.t’nlu aBloncy of the Canadian Paib Destroyer, in cu!udmuu for which it 18 reâ€" sommendea, and u:‘-r:‘nm nuh.ll:nb:lu. thetortur‘ag pains eamatispu, and in re leyi Nervous ao«hu.mm it to a bigh rank in ‘:f list of Remediestor MD‘C:.M. Dealers ars soming in from Medicine io all parts of the sountry for terther c.u.rplla. and each testifying to the uriroreal eatisfaction it gives The Cans dian Pain Dastroyer never fails to #iv« awmediate relel. Als Medicine Denlors ioor i Chysiclans order and ml.t and no family will Ju( it after onee try ing is. ; Pricetwentyâ€"Are cents por bottle. _ (! â€"cvenannt Agemts Top 0. w or C. Bold by Geo. Murtimer, Jmm. W M Mascey, H. F. MeCarthy, J. Skinper, ans J ib7 Notre Dame 1vo'-t moutre«1l, P Bole and Vanufasture © Mesere, unmaantB1aI®" & Biirs, Conn#ay PIO County of lensoos, Onotario, Canada: Mav0¢, County of H Provin:s of Ontario, Feb. #th, This ts to certify that during the winter of 1 1 wastaken with a weakness of the ancies, w gradually, durine the qflo‘d 18671, to «y knees, and on wp to my hips, and 1 #o weuk that 1 could aot walk, but was 10 my shair. For abouttwo year., while this weikt ons was coming on mwe, and alter=ards, 1 madioal advice, Q'l?u.. «t diferent t three dostors, und medisines of diferent kinds uresoribed by tmeade, but of no avail, I contigueâ€" 1:.-‘ woree and wores, until the sam of 1 when I was induced to try the great * sbanecs MM by n“l-.:ltoumpfl A & & â€" AlUhis time I bas begus to 1 .u-'.‘.-'-.m-(s.u.; in faot 1 was «imost belpless: 1 have taken two bottles of <«bomboness Remedy aid two boxes of the pllis L am entirely restored to health. 1 pever n.uu.u.huu'l{.mummldn & %m hâ€.“ % in uo:"d wine was a on®, pown to amy nlfh ::fl’n:a; -‘u:::.o aMisted as { we only to say try Aboshonees Remedy belleve it will care you. NARY AXX DaUG BUwore to before me at Madoc, County of Hastines, m‘.’ d'..‘."olï¬t__ ols LAZARUS®, â€" MORRIs iA I hereby certify that 1 have known Mrs. M mn-’uymmuun-uâ€m;ch & #m»man of nrobity and truth. 1 have known before, during, and since her iliness. I bel! wmmunbouulcmmu 1 know that while il1 ber ouse was I:ou-llmadnhbu.do-mw .q‘-u recovery to s M -y',bo the of this medscine, one thing is in lu:‘uo U bhas soted almort Hke m a miracle. A P wWAdb, J P. Warden of the Connty otf Hawings Provi Autaria, Dominion of Canade GOLD BILYEKL SHELL AXD Price $1 per bottle ; sin bott‘es for $5. uks ,'. JOhoxuu Chem{i= * HK A PEAT eanted in ANADMILAN PAIS b&sznovr® 1 PLRFECTED *SPEOTACL & N DNKE R tS OUNO & RabÂ¥FouDb DA worknch B4 wanramitned. ***F3uN0 & Aabronp, f No 4. Bparks is« qUIxIxXE myâ€" WINXE BITTERS®, m Le mort m of modera Modioal Dis mm the ) => 0. .. > 8 EW° A8s8s0ORTkEX F STOVES IX ° TOWX. M# P KYL GLASSES, Noave Just reseived a Ave cents [or bottie. NORYUKOP & LYMAN, ChLEBDKA TE® Ar ERSMONDE BRO% A F WOOD,J P, &s. » | Ciu! '| Aund a um- I.‘ Comm l {l“i.( \ addreas J % 1‘ _,‘; Order lag m, the no part of Janada in agricultural aod borticulâ€" tural resources and progress, needs and will ubly sustain, a period.cal devoted specially to the interests of the farm «od g«rden. The Onrtano Faâ€"wzer wi 1 continue to be edited | by Rev. W,. E. (larke, who is aniversally acknowledged to be the ablest agricuitural writer | in the l)o-ï¬tu. and whose name, from its long | eâ€"mpection wih the rural press, has becsome @Iamiliar as a bousshola word" among the tarmâ€" I ers of Oadada _ Dursing the past ‘o:r. Reverend | llu? W ard Beecker, Professor Buckland Hon i UG, . Ailin Mr. W Edwards and other eminent | contribator« have written for the Oxtazo Fagx«z, i and no pains will be spared to reoure the conâ€" tinued "Tl::.m" of ms::, agricultauriâ€"ts, and bortioultu in adding variety and interest to its De:urm . 4 « ring the coming year engraved raits of prize ammale at the into Provincial mlbodon. w.ll, from time to time, appear in the Oxstamo Fauwen These engravings will be executed by those incomparable stook artists, Messre. Page | and Carson, of New York. Rpecial Club Offerâ€"Furnished to Acricalturâ€" al and Hoâ€"tivuitural societies, io Clubs of any namber, ut Seventyâ€"Five Conts each, free of | postage® is P34 â€"۩ The »QUEEN"comprises allthe requinitesfor a aretâ€"claes bestav ant â€" Yhe House u':q'\.u- reftted «nd cef ruishes nroughout The BAR contain: the choiogst Brandsir W incsand Ligu ws, and every 1elioney ofthe sous.s will be found on the table. The mn.-r‘ohuolm will be directed to be comâ€" ‘ort of bis gyests ano patrons. wat" OVqu.llu': ato .dauy o.mn M K IROPULITA*, AUMOND‘s BLOCK, , Kudenm Strea (Ottawa, 20( P. *MKAMA, Puorui®to® MK # QUKES 4 HAESDAU®ANT, ‘ M, KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corper of Metoaile and Welrngronâ€"streets, op pusite the ain entrance to the Government Build iD ® . s . 3 Loh old m cl'lll“l‘l.lc & &v>., Land Survreyore, Land Agents, B aaghtwmen, &o. Ofice, orpollu the Ontaris Baok, sp=rksâ€"st. Ottawa,. Valaators l&t Prust and Loan Co.° . * ~&. Pursrus. K. Liaxs. ‘ WILLILNG®, JIr., Arohiteot. ~ Officeâ€" ® Â¥a Boli‘s B‘ock, Suppors‘ Briage. ~)|;?ma the Court House and Public Ofices, ST. CaTHARLNES, nt. k. HUVGHTON, Proprietor, (Late of oughton‘s Dining Salcon.) LA A spaciong sampleâ€"reom for commercial travellors 8597 ‘ CHMIWEPIEK, Commussmon Merchant and * *# Geoneral ‘Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s &&-lou andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Porter. . Pork, ‘ 1our, &¢., for sale. Orricn: No. 8, Sparks sitest, nour the Russe!! 1 Jase, Ottawa city, C. W . RMFgeon,. Spocial attontion givon to the treat ment of all Discases ot the EYE:â€" and EAR. tleseral practice attended to also. Rurkazxoxzs.+â€" H ASime, , Aschitect, Philaâ€" ‘olshh Thos Fuller, mmnm. Albany ; Dr J A 6:»&.' P,, Ouawa ; Thos Reyrolds, l’nq Managing Virector 0.& 8: L. }, R. T40t Jtive a »urs from 9 a.m., anil d&.-. Office ‘& Resisonss on tos south side of Marray stroet second house from corner of Dalhousie Street. HALIFAX, NOVA 80OTIA, .__ Established 1851.. |‘ Permanent and transient boardors m modeâ€" ued, and every "'"“W'“ to u.m#:ron. valy : JVUUN KJMANS, Proprietor. W. ARMSTRONXG, PROPRIETOR, <â€" , COoRNER OF QUEENX AaAXND ELGINâ€"ST8 L "OTTAW 4. â€.. As Ase &A . PHILION, Phymncian, Surâ€" b‘“rn Aud Accoucheur, Duke street, Leâ€" Vlats, Ottawa, 1111.6m i’.v‘o Aâ€" BECKETT, Blr{on Dentist Doskal Rooms over A. Graham & Co.‘s « Commercial Warehouse," diroctly q‘rpuiu the British Lion Hotel, late Trwues Printing Ofce This ably conducted popular and invaluable rural Jouraal,. will, on aod after Jaouary 1st, 1870, be lssned from the city ol Hamilton, Ont, Mesers. T. & K. White having purchased a proâ€" L'mu it, become its publishert, in mul I that this region of sountry, second to 1 Lang‘s Block, No. 60, xparkeâ€"st., Ottawa City. Ottawa, April 12, 186v. 1921â€"167 The attention of farm implement makers seeds men, pursory -u.;nln wen, and others, io ins itad to the Ort .z10 Fasuee, as a fostâ€"class adve. the ...‘-uu-. Termsâ€" +0 oo-t:lr' line, with : boral dirsount for quarteriy, hall yearly and yearly advertisements. â€" _ _‘ ic EVERYV DELLICACY OE THESEASON. »pesial attention will con inue to be given to the advancementof Emigration, the promotion of Arts and M«nultactures, and a« quring the past year, each oumber will contain a choice prece of secular or sacred music, k EYVERY CONVENIENCE AXD COMFORT KOR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. BNubsoription Price, free of Postage, $1.00 a yoear, d.“. in advance. * ; A Large Ustavo Pages for One Dollar. To be sold 80 acres of the South half of Lot Ne 24, on broken Rideau Frent, Townskip of Gloucesâ€" ter, 30 acres cleared, being mituate on the bank of the River Ridesu, near Long Istand Looks. The woll is good clay. A good Log Barn and Stables on the premises. .J""""" be sold to guit parchasers. Title Fot rnuulm at the ofice of MESSRS wWO8 +ROVE & 3A'.ߤn. Barristers, &e, Kideau streat, City of Oftawa _ A Orst class TEACHER wanted for Bohool Bestion No 1, Teorbolton, Apply to e L4 .+ 8STEAM _ PLANING MILL, Queen street, Lo Breton‘s Flats, --2'-3‘E- rrr‘:'"Ԡto -!-_:'ulm"&' neÂ¥y ®re pow prepared to eÂ¥ecute orders planed Lomber, shingles, Frating Timber D* â€u. C+ LEKGGO, Physclan, ‘Surgeon anmd , Accouchsar. oï¬oo-txum'. Block, sparksâ€" Commanicoations “M for .p-tlluun.“ ltems of ral intelligence, &As., ma ms‘ M f _‘ 6G/~. mFEChAMK® â€" WV ZICK WICK HOUSK, Oawa, Decseimber 28, 1889. KLAN®, SPECIFICATIONXS, &+6â€", On hand a Torbolten, 1bth January, 1870, Ottawn, January 20, 1870, Aund all over 20, at 76 Editor Ontario Furmer, Guelph. Orders and Remiitances will be sent to T & R WHiAITE, h# Publishers Ontaric Farmer, Hamilton, Ontario. CHQOICEST â€" LIQU ORS, *4E ONTARIQ FAXRMER *E UXNIOX HOUSE, UHOOL NOTICE. Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler. HATDIER E& K. ROBILLARD, Pbysician ARM POR SALE BECOND YEAXK OF PUBLICATION. Club of 6 Subscribers Ciub of 10 #+ . Club of 20 «4 GENERAL CLUB RATES FOR 1810. AVEHL YX HOUUSK, The Bar always snpplied with the A)otcls andb Saloons. And the table spread wich Atiscrilancous. Sehical Cards ‘ prepared to execute orders far JOSEPH HOWE, ‘ _ prepared to execute orders for . Shingles, Frating Timber, &6, Beerstary of Btate for the Proviness E"Br:‘{.‘."'n'fn."“'“"‘d‘*l Bupt. Gunl; Indian Afaire. â€" LAW & JORNSTON‘ _ Ouewa, Besomber 24 1867, ï¬' BAKALLNGTONâ€"STRELET, Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., JOUN SMITH, asrszzcuss 1 W per copy, fr $ 5 00 1111.6m 197. y 6 8m" 4 4 The future of Uttawa is promising. Trade is brisk, and thore is evidence of present . and future prosperity, Hermeans of communication to and from the city, and the facility of estabâ€" lishing additional factories, afferded by the unrivalled waterâ€"power at our very doors, will do much to rapidly increase the city of Ottawa, Opposite British Lion Hotel, and 62 Clarence street dlmz’oppouu Lower Town Market at the Stove Depot. The above named stoves are as follows : Cookâ€" lnf. Parlour, Double, Box all sises, curim to guit purchasers, 1144.6m Confederation has omnfthhnd the social and commercial ties between English and French speaking inhabitants of the Dominion, and it |K:II be the aim of the Courier to cement them still more strongly togethber. WO etitics, Literature, Cormerce, Industry and â€" Agriculture, WThe Frenchâ€"speaking inhabitants of Ottawa will, doubtless}y, be muod to learn that a newsâ€" paper bearing the above title is about to appesr to meot their wants. Aware of the necessity for sguch a newspaper, in both languages spoken in Ottawa, andpwgi:h will afford, every ovo'::l‘,m latest intelligence, I have not besitated to underâ€" take the rublicnbl of the Courier, and it shall be my aim in dving so to fully anticipate the requirements and wishes of the inhabitants of the Ottawas valley. . In the views and menasures of the existing government the rropriowr of the Courier fully goncurs, and will endeavour to gire it that full measure of support which circumstances may render necessary, carefully avoiding unnecessary offence to sucn as may differ from us in opinion, We will cultivate a friendly bearing towards the traditions of the past and the actualities of the nt, hoping to take a middle but not uncerâ€" m- course, which cannot fail to be appreciated by the inhabitants of the entire vsq of the Ottawa. 5,000 STOVEPIPES 2,000 CELEBRATED Q K READ Galloas Pipe, Dumb Stoves, Damper Pipes, T Pipes, a good supply at s low rate, and s full ‘upply of Lumbermen‘s requisites. EFPARTMEXT OFP oF D*" SE Fon the Phoviness Ottawa, Sth December, 18869,. Notice is heroby given that His Exoelieney the: Gorernor General in Council, has this day appointed the Seoretary f State for the Provinces *Buper:ntendent General of Indian Afairs" with the management of all matters connected with the Lnadian Tribes. N All communications, therefore, relating to. Endian Afairs are, in future, to be addressed to * Honourable, the Secrstary of State for wae Previnces. ‘ 200 sTOVE® Remawheâ€" A young people should endemvour to raisse themselves to the level of more adranced naâ€" tionalities, and this the} can ofll do by being made acquainted with what is done in other parts of &o world. ‘This shall be our task, and we shall also urge such improvements as may tend to increase the means of trafic and the wealth of the community. Our attention shall not, however, be confined to city wants, The uirements of the busbandman will receive a m share of our attention, knowing that on the cultivation of the soil the merchant and artisan very much depend. It shall, in a word, be our particular object to protect and encourage the agriculturist, and at the same time assist other industries, and to :midc agreeable and useful information for both, in leisure hours. * Correspondents will always find our colemns open u't{om in which to express their wants or 0 offer suggestions, provided the opinions exâ€" pressed are consistent ~with morality and souched in moderate, though it may be earnest language. _ ‘Rs Po yoursqaire stores aa 4 Cheap jor onsb IMPORTERAS OP HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. STOVES, STOVES, Let it not be supposed, however, by anythi that may have been said, that the .’u.n{iols the Courier will be wholly devoted to local matters. The inull"x:m of the hour from every quarter of the gi will find its way into our columns, the telograph will be freely made use of, and the latest news will be in every manner possible obtained. 5 __Indeed, from the variety of matter which t:‘o Courier will contain, and the e employ in its management, the ptminmy anticiâ€" pates succoss and pledges himself to deservre it. _ The Courier will h'ruiuhod every evening at fire o‘clock, and the yearly subscription, payable in advance, is $4. _ _| _ _ _ = _ **There will also be a weekly ed ‘ntles ere w & w i the of which will be &1 a year. ze sditiem KAPOLEONX BUREAT, Editor and Propricter. l) ROSPECTU®s 1,000 STOVEPIPE ELBOW No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"BT., lumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers 300 IM PROYVED ®EBOW®S 1REAT EXOITEKMKE®IT, lere thall wa goT LYTH & KEKLR, Stoves & BHardaware. PATENT PIPE CTTAWA COURIEL. C. P. DQ RIGQ.N, LOOK â€" MELE C P DORJOSN, Sparks mreot, <pposite B L u““. ,Ooppwite Lower Town Market, Cluarevce stroot, CALL EARkzi STRANGELS : assorted from differen: 568 Sparks st, And se for yourseloes. tot sp‘pes, { Afteen cents up, itom ten cents up Jane!4, 1849. R SALK # “Mm.‘" yut and Sand Point. . «it Ottawa, December 3, 1899 THE TIMES is prate® Ayer‘s Bpecially devoted to the «Scmnos ?pmo-ofl. by all the .menne ind C1ence, Prarxoroorâ€"1be Brain and its Puss Lmeation ahd Katural L t with directions for “W:E.‘ we them,; and the relations sw bare upd »68y deseribed. . eP Pribes and N «tioke, will be gives Puramomoor & Axarourâ€"Ix hare jas; Qtrusture and Functions of the Bs# Lawe of Life and M_flg;‘"‘_ A_ XEw Purstooxour, with all the © 8ign o and How to Road them," i a special * & Etuxomroor, or *he Netural Aktay@ Customs, n.u.::‘u Modes of e# â€" CAPLq Pribes and N« , will be gives. _ d and Drink, How we should be §# U‘ to Exercise, S1 d Live, * * lar manper, klm-n'ï¬â€œ' ;.._, Lace6 6 h. oanc t atainadt KNone $ f e need apply gl l"&é _ Paakt»re axo Tracuers s g@@a®" and treining omum.'h% superier, as it rnuod al} the Charnoter and Disposition, and 1940, mmm&lm-‘f wilies Aem ied lt gre momwoflh’ï¬o‘â€" astructive, as well as the Best Practs) lngflo.mpw yist 50Gk TOLUNE: and win Joam 5 ko , aB a NEW SERIES s u-:ï¬ï¬‚". ::c-n, a l;; ‘;.‘â€"- n thade. . It bassteadily incressebiti®" the many years it h;:.h:r never more Tnnâ€"m at $3 a !"'": Single numbers, 30 cents Ciubs of 1# $2 each, and an extrs copy to age®â€" We are offering the -‘"“ Inclose 15 cents for bn-ï¬"".. list of hm.“ e * XIiew."" 6L WEA rANN _ ‘The undersigned uux.um-nnr:::l: . Portraiis, Bhotohes, 1fl leading Men and W omen & & ments of life are special fesier®t "‘0 REXT. into ons or other "'Ji.'ï¬u.."""-i surface or amonk the yirde â€" i ut m CCC Oome, _ "6 B _ en traaren nie om , 7 ve taformed af is m-:::,"::’: "~"B (o@piTAD enombies of on reens U $ie OI the es , tenant of the organiam UB46rmans * . amd iny hes the Stinck of onjeey, u* it ... â€" dn edPs c M c * 9 coud 38 wÂ¥ ***" sed by accumulations of »* fe sute t YCERX S Cprisin {rmm’ma.’mmaw & :fl_"n".‘.o.ul. i sn nfld».d:h;ldnr.nd' Winet, W .â€â€˜..'_ Pickies. "": + (Myt;&c;ndn,ï¬ï¬- the Ԥp.pe, Suac4s. “MD‘." A blaod. a umumm I tes, 00859 **" . >~ sher Vintg‘ im o tnrmnn nsc lllit 644C ® dent . Kleepless, an mvflï¬.‘ 1.‘ > AKLED : prehenstons or Fears, or in ¢ o -yqqmrnc of Weaknees, Â¥J 6. relief an< r;»n\'iaem‘ eridence ¢ ; 'l CS ""f“"v.â€"‘* ;mmm«“; theo on u-nbnnz.!“a Into oma ar Athar af ie v powoer unon trial hoart, eumers s “l“‘ F ’hhhv'l presen on the ie t 3 cewï¬m l"il Pocm ontore n complaint. (Aravem hasn gee â€" Aeees ms_St Lterratians, and F Phisy m’ gIs morly soon nm# a gavixg 96 mmf hone or cach case are foand Cn Te in qppossie the d 8 plied gratis, â€" Rhesmation i+ *Â¥ 4‘ ow PBR ind P R BP ARED 3: Br. 4. C. AYXZXB & 06.L .VR (Repayable by 1ndet® The best snd choupest in tht #*** , 1100.3.40.2m s psr..T..â€"â€"‘/ :gm CABLT asi 18008 Poxk »ou10a0o MB¥‘ LXXX and Ne. 1. FLOUR C f ros PURTEEEXG Yiby vieable, cven when no‘smre appear, Persona affiirted w the complaint. L ied l | l 'lu not kxl:‘t’vv ï¬:t it e&ï¬m d * avrmercanrteemmet on Rs romrociï¬on. .'!ll wâ€" :ulnl::;: certificates of O » 3 en t â€" & 0 8 wn&n“%fl.- thoy mhy he thken with safety by anyee Colic and Rilions Forers, hy on dlm’ou.slr uko.n"!d’.zd M.â€&'i SOLD BY ALL p&voorers _ drE! Oitewa, Augost 7, 186$. ".m Â¥ **. ':t-a“".““ us where no serious 1 m to! ofen ut of theae Pills mgmï¬m their cleansing and reaorating ‘-q tive apparaius. DBR. J. C,. AYEAR & CO., Praciva® | LOW BLL. MASK., U. 4+ â€"_ Ottawa, August 7, 1869 l‘lll soon Vow.l': HEEW SERIES!! XEW POH THS PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL 3J00%K A FIRSTâ€"CLASs FAMILY MACGAZINL Ayer‘s Cathartic! â€" q ew°8*, For all the o ar, Piperta m Purposes of .. ... messy, Piper‘s a8 For Dropey and RDropsical wHITE BEAKS ONEYT TC LOAX, 'm'm l“h formed in e e & o Tome â€"zemtg inb ... .. 1 wointt ictomn oace it does . BR o purposes of ; icon af i6 9t t $89 Brosdwst }mm'dï¬â€™ #.“ avor, ut eEEE SHJ CCIOre C L t l adopiel , Burgundy, Souterne all classe, but . effses wnoryks OLD RY orld b.‘“ pous other artiches a co. plete s100kâ€" raNEA®â€" k: a% "oheap. nbuen, chie fram and cbeupâ€" B; _ Oâ€"gxa0 PRA "" nessy, Piper?s and other orapdsâ€" OLLAKD G1K~ #4 0e Kuppor‘s ans 0 “rlllltâ€"' f â€" Sberries o all grade 1 would c ay, 608 in Praremes ts 4 Capoines the 4 complet® wert E!.“ <A1TEST A® (‘:.dsl“ we; 6 B FOOTE A THOMSON, T DEUNMNWHOND, Manager. > give up P Derwwok»‘s | DIRECTORS : AJVSEPU, Chairmas;, D C THOMS with them on o . so BI o;AU 8 BSLOX® STOAES AXD OTHE I herehy j u-::-m lctm.gnmnu JÂ¥A +O KR*ORUP, As. wholesale The increoase of trade doring the in «J aufisis those 1«r.* me 1 JiÂ¥Es %H:nh a Merchant, wredl, (HWiak s Ne 1, Post Ottawa. Pinkle muftht Lr he promise®. Take Notie) N9 tom bet been syu WuseA® .‘q"':tr the a2, . "W! find sopers o--";' A h-é"fl‘ M 40b it a 3 ! aund Loodon Porter, pts und other Ales. _ _ goOT® Arxll U Wt io a . Sharries o all grafo‘, LABK mtlllflNGl VOL in wood and bottie,! I8, OLD RYE, | WHIESEKEEY . | Ortawa 8 B next . B‘hï¬.u« * and mportast Tart is inttry on the baok of AEADO w TELBLGOAAPH 0O py~/Atovedpze 200T ASP d *E surif *Ag oduPETITI 0 * 70 oomean‘ks i C« * Wesk a, puasking, dsty ang weell fuli 4) per ce 0K, S17E)+ aT TWEnTty. T BELOVW cus T * to., :“--ukcu BWarbers Weatres 14 ".’“ ‘M © Kll, ap WB MV o on of M‘ 4 all sorts of ® PA weox@E iJ ®«rm in chaâ€"ch # #@we daring th UWurth rug, s» yo ‘vred hâ€".h 8tovyr all graces. [ Ahink, A* mfl‘ Bud of Little =h .u'.. «* me «ith leaale and 1 (Wia®a, 0+ ‘ OF «t And for Congou, 1 ains ow PR sompric)® , OTTA mode od in Bail like go «tber TREK} rooms *ay