5 H 1b l- i «BJ 4. "! s# *4 t6‘; / At t <H 1# 6 i+ th suriruoa®~[his accidental infucton called uy the Frongn coup de seleil, is suppesed to ccour mere (requenutly as the counirty is ohol? but 1ueh indesa is ~ast the ease. in the) same wanper . waoy . suppese _ that crimb is en the taoroate a6 tUhe ceuulry besultes tlde®, bat useatre Roemedy" is sqperior o anything of the tind beretoiore o# umnmmu:r selis, thick wond, and all dissuses which adeot the wind of noress. As a conduion medicine it spring lrom the incremsed lagi\iiies m‘:...w , of pinoxaimuas wors a TS oamon, @hich, iike Las greal dAuidON MANKDY | Flussrop Warbor, Atuprios, P â€"* segeu ui pliva, loweil ie the wake of ruinstion Paubroke, in in w â€"Bas eGoaip of @ yaa‘s Pulmonie Wafers in | Orawsa River Works eting Joughs, Jebis, and ail Bromchial affeotiurs | l a““’oo-n-‘ To aBucted, hk Ratkes trte. 4 | _ Pormroftender Agd ang proverb in the Uuites Simes, where these | may be obtained at the Dop cuealtvel. ous *uol:.-;:o kovewa, lhey ‘::a duwn>\ Works, wl 10% tOu abl rhvabry ; domand soder andorsed * hm“bu ad.';.uo-m loo the last I...1.'._-- e w w wealy ’0-..!‘6 Bu®¥® lLe smies aÂ¥or®,0090; r the Department wils not b sugael tususaue boxes a your. . Emment mm "g.m..., tender. bere of the mediont projessmen Wiaout quaber | By order, adamit that Uhe y wdu'n'fluh.rnu 1 »ng such, senedciai resuile as thasese wheue, | When tazen in seams o they efect a permanen . ware. â€" sold by every aruggist and must of tas Department of Publie W orks, wmwp.u.om....ub Ottews, Maroh. 1470. sents por buk. % domntintmedeetieti en carcnenemen UvsaÂ¥swut* 3aÂ¥s 39.â€"IThaiw all whe har P ther used the article themssives or witnessed its affects ‘when used by therse, «llsuch, and they | \ are enly At to judye, are anammous in the upluiuh | Mat * Durtey‘s Coudision Powders aad Arabian Imbmmrds aduitizes." ‘Supericeds aaving proves Nh. ved “unm witeon aot spssdily u’dâ€nv- tmuiy when taken in she carly stagenof the diusâ€" .n.oqu;l“l‘“h.t.“.l“.ml&- i jure a buorse whothersmick or weilâ€"uor used the wumn- «orking «kile asing it ; it is past the which ais who own borses require, | , ! -ununm,..â€"nnnw,nm""“ Relnomber the asme, and see that the aigunature of | * Hurd «ns Co. is on encb package Northrop & Lyâ€" i‘i t, (roâ€"a sounterfeit and imitaton. â€"Uadina, man, Newsustie. Ont.. urouwrietorefor Canads. _ The supreme Vourl ol the Mmeu New Â¥ bhave issuee .mw-flofll‘ and Jonkios for suanterlyiting Ayor‘s Cathartic Puils, boiding them respousiois sur the orucl imâ€" position in woaat they have done «ad rescraining them trom fuither like impury to the public. it any class of our povuple more than saothor ncods the interpusition of :aw to shisld thom from im pouture, is is th> sisk aam suf@ering who are unable to proteot themselves A remeiy so universally "employed as Ayers Plllis by ail tlusases, boonto cure and prov= ot iissase, should as it dues, have every secusity ahe iaw can aford east . secourse shoula at onse be had to «* Brown‘s Bronshin) Pruches," or Losenges. Fow are awate of the \mportance of ohooking a sengh, or * com» mwun sold," in its tras c:p. That 'Ihlum the would a wmild romedy, je haolmirne8 cttacks the tage. * Prowp‘s Prck: shinal Procbkes," ur Cough Losenges, alley \rritaâ€" tion which induses coughing, having a diasor in Quense on the afeoted parts. As there are imitaâ€" lous, be sure 10 ustal® the genusms Sold by all dealors in medicines. at 16 sents a box. New and Sessnd MHand Cooking Stoves at the i ‘* Varisty Uall, New and Aesood Waed PDouble Stoves at the Vartety Hail, #Hiu is aito decseptive _ Enescat,. it butk iilusions New and Sesoend Hand Box Stoves at the Variety | sees in the follo#hay alseuges: _ _ == _ _ _ M Hall. Ab & uw.n in a glass o Ladies why do pogn bmwufll....nlfl-ï¬‚ï¬ in a bottle : out stove @«Wen you can take t and LuNCBHITIS j a litle sash and geot a Orst | CaATARRH QF THE BLADDER slase Stuove at the t V arie y I:o. ‘ CuLDS Abl .-:-oos-u i th:# establisament guar OBsSTINA Ts ¢ i4 GHS &Biveo to | tOln m®®F . I % * be .‘!:'â€_,m.;“'“. ::“““..t IRRITATIVK OF 1 1» CHEST uit 16 # y +abl, U *n o Ti o mds y ron ced td seonae. ad an wool e nagim Ced 4 ROYb«H ' DS~EAsES8 uF TH® TYROAT â€"veueral Agont; PULMONARY CoNsUMPIIOS Alax ar | EemuscÂ¥ Uk ralik Sh Ab a Lotiwnâ€"Purs or dilauted with a |ittle water nuawve,. Jaonmy 18, 1479, ___ Acsoets far the latlowing selebrated Plance: QOHICK EKL®:3, | eroib m Guble«r and Halma Punbos, Mason d Hamlin‘s Orwans, . Prinve awt CO#% Uelo++.â€"os and Organe Artange menatse can be mai. to exchangé new 10¢ Ad Pianose on liberal terms. ~Also, oug of every bird, the neigh of a horse, the bray persons indebted to sald estate are requested of an ase, the ::‘:""' “"““‘“;uum.fldhmlmbi smakes are Mo‘mn 1e | gred by Dan Briant, Charley Wi ail the ndersigned. llpau':-ud e .‘Vw ean be | f NENRY TtoMkixs, upen receipt of 2b souts ; three for 50 cents ; $1.25 | C u:'u.:: per dosen. | 1"“-'!!!}’ | BVlings* Bridge, PO, . Son H2,Jerney Ong, X.J. _ 1Kh Mamb, 1078. 1308212 8% demplied exptesely lor the Orvcawva Tiua | Ayion, Keg. n'u-u"uï¬.n"' afÂ¥ appiy to J‘o’-un-'. Tnrowusox, Nepean, and x.'."‘f. & Prwuar . Barvisters, Ottawa. Ja%â€"141â€"*# E° No. 37, in First Consession, Ottaws Pront, Ne and Lots Nos. 18 and 18, in the samsson ;-._upn!.p the cccnpation of * m. 1. â€"__ The Prairie Whiutle a0d Animal Imitator can be used by a child. It is wade to imitate the Ottawns, Jannary 11 18te. 1284 2m six rooms ma rovins and kilchen, on GWlioucestar<st, Ashâ€" burnuham iL There isa nandrome Gewer and vegsetable garden; goud ceuthouses and well atâ€" I;\OI SALK.=â€"â€"The Wosrerly oneâ€"third otf Lot No. 37, in First Consession, Ottawna Pront Naâ€" ul““ C oo wVom eqeunely TunoFk "_~*â€" ./ ITKNO® FOK ) wstew hase. e«pesially to. absorbeat pro vhuove No o‘d.wv .-::- at l’-w'â€'m mlmw. owes As we hate NO AGKNT in Ouaws, partios U s eaninog Infurmation whil please address ‘ c‘ eGaney n-d-h, M‘ A & a XO@ORODHEIUVER, + é Torvnto C ALRTDaT A4ta No, %, de Inpspested......... # 0# Ns 3, do t «oo i U Wreen Haw Bides..........â€"» TOVEA, HROYVE#, ATOY EKS. ‘a-n. Apply to W . H. BULLKN, on the promâ€" (ttaws, April 26 10338¢ OTTAGOE TO LEXT, V cz A naed omely sitaated COTT AOER, IARTEKX TO TuK MUCKI®#G HAD & *%. NOROMAKIONMKA, TORON £0, OTTAawWwA MALKLETS ©@OMmMERC I| AL, For #Xute or to ~FEINK A T8, © Times Ofes, (taws, Mach 31, 870. wUNBA Â¥ 0P ' SEALED TENDERS Addressed to the undersgned, will be received at | this offce antil > | Thursday, the 31st day of March, inst. ;u-.hnhnâ€l.dm- aad perior manee . of Blackemiths® wotk at Point Rortune, Oita®wa m Uarbor, Ms w~'~~ | Pamubroke, in consection with repaire of uht â€" Ottawa Ruver Works _ Porms of tender and any turther tnformamion | may be obtained at the Department ot Public | Works. The sucsess of this most deliaioas .‘.‘hw- ied sondiment havin« cassed certain to «py iy the aame of * Worsestershire Sauc«e * to the./ own Inferiss snmpounds, the pablle J« hereby informed that the only way to secoure the ‘“0 game A_'._‘...- o whul i en P NPa wA Phi W and to see that thatr names are upon the wro per labets, a~pper aad bittie. ie of the forsigh markats having been supâ€" plhed with a «pamout W aroesterahire 3 suos, upon the wrapper and labels of which the names wf r.. &# Perrins Ionboam L and P give aotive tbat ther have fw the‘r correspendents with power of «ttorngy to take wistant proceediag« rmm.u ccmiore of wach, or #87 wl by which their mght map be M Quyot has susgesded in Iving tar of its Insapport a ble sdurness u“"m" aad in it nq:uuo. Proking by this + propares a cuncentrated ’ of tar, ‘.“ns amail volume contains B IAF.0 ative & s is her Pindnen nid e B acnane ar | ordinery tar watar without any of \ts drawoaoks. | &A gines of excetlent tar water wl hout aay Meâ€" ’Mh.o.qhot y ont ained by pouring a teasyoonful & glass of water | any oue can thus propare his‘ylass of tar water '.~.-u he requires h...l:umh‘.‘ mnuae, lacthtating obviating w.‘.’:";:t«w * "s or im Tanociyy prtvave in ‘the trostment at m«te or less 1 ptizaoe in treatment of eulde, broachitis, cougne sad catarrhs. dugove tat is employee with the groatest 100« Wholesale and for K« the tork Wersestars ; Crosse ur'.l!?ol-dm-. ko, ao; and by Grocers and Q:1. men univer pare Th a 38y1010 taw CIry oOr O‘rm\u AND ‘LOWNâ€" sHILIP NEPEAN. l“nw"“lnwinï¬ Into sum *ed 1e COuy of ntaw«, and in the m-. Nevean, '\a,l-bo efered tor sa‘e on stthe o-i" "".....1"".{’ ns Tork mrosk, ourerk art, YVork streoet, wllUIT‘l.M J BERAiNGHAM, AVCâ€" Tlorms ot paymentâ€"(OJue tenth of the purshase mucu.on‘.h.duu.ullu balance in nioe equal «anual lastslments, with «x per sent interest on unpald balances. Fusther conditions will be made known at the time of saie. Plans can be seen at the ce of the Auctronser, or at the urduance Laads OMoe. whlblo.'ullonnluhdlo-m opposite Prinoe of W uiss‘ Terrace, Uppar Tawn bu-u&dmllunh-. bubâ€"lots No# 1 to 21, ofâ€" Lot 35, Con A, Rideas Fromt, Nepoean, average size of each lot 10 acros. | Approved by the Imperial Academy of Medicine [ the 37th Deceraber, 18 19. . Doder shominty of daxta. WILLILAM P. COFFIN, v wqm-l_hn M Ougot‘s tar hus ssen tried with the & Loume ies the p-ha: b spitais of 7:"- O pra a aad dpabm vearlence bas proves +# #e the mast Ay glenls drink in hoe @wemaer and U as o 4podenions. Dessilods lastruâ€"t.onr asâ€" Apriat s« on bottlke. tr1eral depot in Paris: L FREARE, 1# rus Tenders to be andorsed * Tender for Itow â€" onL 4001 Te® k wWoORrCESTERSHIRE sAUCE Desiared by Cennoments _ > All persons having slaims against the sstate ot the late PETEKR TOMKINS, ot Gloncsster, Require, are heroby raquested to send in stateâ€" ments of the same to the andersignoed, and awi porvons Indebted to sald estate are requested to meke payment of the same immediataly to the anders i gned. lonwl-.g-.-l-lm Charsgal is taken before or na-ul.htbom POWDER or LOZEKNQ In the majority of eases its benedoiml edecte are falt atter the Otst bex of powder and box of losenges. A8K FOR LEA & PERRINX® SAT VUNCENTRATED PROOF LIQUEUK. KA & PEKARRINXE* N UYOT‘*s TAm, OTICER. RDNANCE 1LANXD#®, ciaUTIo8 AgAalNX®T FRAU vnare, l6th Â¥eornary, 1870. _ 1Mitew$A tor LEA & PERRINY Bance and soe Name on Wrapper, Label, Boitle aml 3to, per. *XL@UTOR*s NOTICE ©LLOC*I CHARCOAL, TUEK ONLY G0oO0D saUCE AEFECTVINS UF TUE sKIX ITCHINGS DISEASES OF THE SCALP. o‘n'numu Ys3PEPSLA PYRuUsSiIS ACIOITY . DIFFICULT DiGE8STIONS CRAMPS IN THE sSTOMACg CON8TIPATION ® COoLICs ditatiiy 0 OLERINE. Â¥ BRAUN, dev retary 1203 4 10 For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. to eriginal color * M the glos» and of h. 4\ bair is ml- ened, falliog bair ely , and buldâ€" neses often, though always, eured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the folli are destroved, or: the glaads atroph and decayed. Bup sauch as remain be saved for naetulnces by this + loo, â€" lastead of foulinog the hair with a pasty sediâ€" ment, it will keep it clean and vigorows. Ii4 occasional use will prevent the hair trgm turninog gray or falliog of, and copsequently prevent | baiduesss Free from those deleteriouns substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the the YVigor can y benefit but not it. (At wanted ly for a [ * td B}sâ€"wo< A pra Anorpact Bc Artcga Arag sA z"u-â€n-fl-n wif -.2-. u-bou:tli::c rcs oo tew, ::.E-"- [ f xt toa oi in wear e e de ns is on on T the likais anil throak, harg miadle it kaoen in a reâ€" Pmacticas 1a%p Axaiarecar Caummts, aurable, still great numbers of where the clis ib.m While adapted to mumdz%ncm. 18. in at the saime time the most aï¬ywru be given for the amâ€" rm“da and lungs. Asa proâ€" mo-w-.“ cl:::.p u.u-u.:“: W“~ ® .Lvdun 3..---â€"5 aud coughs, al Ayer‘s Oherry Pectoral For DMissases of the Throat and Lungs, plimin the # s us meure the paiile ie is qualitles ate Talls o o cb og A~â€"~ t e a ts mantery it ianys nsmz e hen aothâ€" "Foume io fmirar " etams is always reored en oage on and often wholly qused by it. which san aot be by any other, for making several kinds of Spft Soap, without elther or graase. Hara and some of them of a =ol8l TRAINING IXFORXATIOX, The wildest and uglie® horss san be made to osey his master, and to walk after him is the streets, roads or without the slightest flnum h?hdhmhy. eure for CORNE ay acheap rate, without / Unaccelimated persons .ï¬ reaklont im, @# gnflhll lwo, will be pro eted by taking the A4GOR CHERE dule. _ As lhe w Cure . and does nok nor any uww , & in nowlse any pativnt. The Uta cures in the agwe dis ta, are bew awcount, amt we belwve m in the of Agne mesicthe. prule is gratified by ackhnow lmlgments we e of the ruheal : edected in obstinate avs, and where other des had wholly Cuied | For® F isee Wl of the Liver, it in reme _ Sure eure for CORNE ap awcheap rate, without ï¬bm | # h'nun hands or taee. " They .:nzb.o::“. e« Cure for lame sack Rhoamation of ho woret kinds san be in loss than a week «ithout taking say kind in the inside. Cursese persons troubled the Gravel Curse tor Ausions. I Cure ter Plles. I Cure for the Heart Digeane, the Liver int â€" P 1 . For Whogs Complaint», it 1: excellont ‘Lm re riak!s e where 1 fuilest | Frepared : pu. J. C| AreE® & C# Pracstwns and Analvtical Chemist« , Mase.. amei «ols The woret kind of be cured at any time in less than hours, Also, by a ammon harb. Parties who are with any such din «w««. sbould make to Â¥. MARTINX, Uuil, in sbe summer the best time to rure all such duenases. + Partise desirous to be m.‘:nor wa,. as ho bas many valuable to all ruuncd the world. | PRICK,. #100 F.l. BOTTL B Chtaws, Augast 1, 4 W: Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., K Donl:fl.'db. to inform the pablic ll': Ar® exsoute orders "::'-" I.-:..mï¬:. 3-‘-. fl::-.u l h.A â€"AAeg: EApor * »Aiveain Pnb nn 4 Ottawa, An.’m-:l“ HAIR DRESSING, uxk Hiunekfn, "hithine , win : } _ Puncreatine Powder, bottles, 3o, bo #4, to 64 YINCH OPF XEK BRUXSWICK, 1'32“--‘- 'hfl""t:":"“: 'w a t * . tmwking Liver OU. The Port of M‘. xt u-e;‘-lnn.l. k. " W 8 LKE, l;'â€"\-nii.i on sLAk OR TO LET.â€"100 1107 ® Clatk Privy Counncilt. | E* aer aoâ€"the north baull of Lot Ne 11, in the #&th RCIPER UATDIEAR & 8STEAM . PLANING _MILL, Queen streot, Le Proton‘s Flate. WABAKHING GOMPOUNXD, Temeitr, tth day ol Mareb, 1870, Ay er‘s â€"â€"â€"‘*-â€"-‘ mm comemmmmmmmcmmccoen ’ Pectoral, i e i on Oherry | 11 miltmen atnanitin 4n Ufencie Consumption is thought in dressinog which is at once zncnblo. Te y, and effectual m 1 r.u.',n'? it is soonm rtstored rEby-lh.ho ra we need 1gor, bubmes froum tor remedy, stimn PC A W A THE â€"OTTAW A ttw * | 14 sotisiters, Conreyancers, &s, OBesâ€" | Coust MHouse, Ottawa. 5 “CL“.' WRIGUT & LAWLOR, Barristers, Adrssates, Ac. OBoeces, AJ)â€" :-'u?.' (Maun Strenw), and Otaws, (Ego _ Parimamentary Prastlos and Patents for Laven: toa, &6 ,espamalily aiteaded to in Ottawa. i N. MoLawe, W, MCK Waserr, R. 8. Liwnes, te S3 Print a M e the amorea m Chaccet 4 Nouse, Elginn wilerieli in irrbe s esentiema ie ie iï¬ ue h e ll..'.fl P. WILL, Altorney sat La#®, soliciter in M:og. Convepanser, &¢, nemcnâ€"Pest OBe: Balldings, Higin strest, «C 0 t n N Bâ€"Moeney adraznced on lanaded s# curity. Kll'll & KIMBER, Darmaters and Aistorniss at Law, Sohsiters in Camacerp, Convepancers, &o, for the Provinces of otarie and Quebes. the" * 4 h . RFZ o in Uhanser3, Conveyancer, As , Busserâ€" unu.. o.n.vd-hnflu:..:uov; 857 Cott m o w Nn t w F.'AI. CÂ¥. BDARTKELL, Barrisat 4 Sulleiter, Attirasy and Sxtary huhbM of the Ponse and Cenanuty Attorney, for the United Cunnties of Prescott and Russell. OBeeâ€"In the Court House, L‘Orgqaal. 34 tm . _ | _ »* The amoke eauses ho aaasea. 't-&om kind, I havre neter known an instance in | rellef was not obtained."â€"General Alarander, is ‘.l...h‘. * Is Tine, 35 64, be and 104. _ f I y " ie '&A:.u.nbhoo'lsâ€"' | _Aownveâ€"â€"Messre. P. Cundiil & Co., Montreal. _ 'Fo- 1UDIOR®TIONXâ€"â€"P a 8C UR & A« | CE ts sompletely "effscts whe D20ser1O® â€" and ASM*MILATION of COD OIL, the â€" it enten at menls, &o. In digeotive activity, snâ€" ‘ lclot':l ls'-l .u.‘;_um- and Attor» & » hh » Lt# lettorâ€" CM'O h'.,' ...u:"u. 0...â€"u.£‘ Buildings,> wd- ppesite the Post OKee, 0 t l.o..::‘:t.:llt.l.-li Barrister, Attor» -u-z lm' Public, Corner ot Z’- and R UW. HA YCOCK, Acl-y-d-u" Boilâ€" # cltorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convepanser, Netary Public, and Patest Rigat Soliciher. OOBecâ€"Im mediaiely opposite Russell bouse, Kiginâ€"st $3ut 'l“.IO"I‘ & TAILLO®, l.z:“n. Rideauâ€"streot, ttawa. WuLltax Mosswore. _ 10 _ Queones Tarros Propared by spesial parmission from the original reaipe of ; P. P; YERRI, X. D., Professer of Chamistry in the Univarsity of PADUA, ITALY, % KLept by all the prinoupail Vrugguts and Vrocsers in A. Â¥. Â¥. GIANELLI, sole Manalactarer and Propristor (or the Dominâ€" en of Qanada and the United States N.B.â€"These selebrated Bitters mfl‘ prepared with the very best pnzdm Wine, and are estpesially adapted and recom: mended to persoas of delicate constitutions. They amm&uuuflt:umo alds to digestion, | For direstions see label round the of each Thorubsortber respestful‘y annoumess that be nerend ted tes rominms mt babee in thies a as nflmwl‘m z'q'u-u) fomuint hatetle Loatce Morind dn * 4* &4 madkience plased in u-mu:'umdhm. wiy. Mebold. AALEs 8Â¥ KnÂ¥ DAY, (when not «horwlee eagazeed), olther at his rooms or on the market. Iom sond lence to all who aave eatrusted affleots or real estate to wim Cor snle to certify that be has given full «Atisfuaotion as mvb the prices oblaines, a -:.l.u'n.p lmmediate settiement after He is to reselre lastructions from ready k '.'.o. wal estate to dispose of, and pledges mtu wthwog will be isd usdone by him to give satis« -u.um-l.o:an"rl&':-u: Coeaâ€"igamesnts from a distance meeot with mediate and careful sttentlon. ash advanses made on furnaitere or other 'cr\yn-hh-h. u‘hlm t en 2C Cere t s 3 aon pooy ar S "Hdoa. “m P: :..‘ C K. W . Soets, Keq, Â¥ P P 'an..n:\-x: t uri Puistikt‘ . '!.'“ «mss O‘Rislly '_..‘709_ neves. y &0‘.;!‘!“-_;. wl e P * s t porior to Pepaine. FAI.O Fun sLAK OR TO LET.â€"100 aor oâ€"‘.‘:.n-lfl wr:wlou.u the tth concension b'-l-;‘ Orgoode, with a good :..."“-.-,"‘ + Apr Kyomi y# acres & w ealtivetion. This is mtusted on the road, within Afween miles of Ottawa. Also he south hall of Lot No# in the Ord consession of Oegoode, containing 100 acres, 50 acres cleared, «ho resat weall woeodsd, -n-mtmnu and weall watered, and sltuated a quarter of a wile of the rallway station Titkes goot. For COitaws, Desember 4. 1843 QOMMERCOLIAL SAALB None are gonnine anioees bearing thp rignature of Whonâ€"â€"Post OMes RBulidiags, Eigin sweot, * As MAKA, Architeot. OMeeâ€"Asmond‘s 4#% Builldings, Rideanâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9017 loratt Roburt Lyon, E14, M P P UTEY AUV00TIO8 XiLt, Pastilies hl‘dï¬â€˜-&‘ BAVORY 'I‘o"o.l':.“ 1w Commiasiton Mercl PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLEK, OÂ¥ AL IFALLA®X H#ITTEKL KA, ____. #. BERMINGOHRAX, & 11y Nouse. Land and Heneral Ageot CTETRLEAC, lhl‘dhblhhth Pro vinee of Quaebet, 1, sear the Pos W, 08 80R , Arter aeyâ€" ast Law, dolisitorâ€" | ans Chronle Broachitis ]| DaTURA TATULA, | _ Aferide Immediate Hetict. E‘:A_@w:â€"wmm IEROIAL AALH |[ROOMS, Vork street, near the + Ctqal Cans. 7 76YN # J lemey in eases of Asthms and i. â€"â€"Dublin Jourstal Metical Sotâ€" NOR ANEHY Aâ€" 4Butt _ Jou»® J hanee L #. 1211482 TIMES, MARCH 31, 1870. , a®e. Lavalaable to lovalids and persoos of impair ; an exseliom TONLC for persons ag ‘h.- Winess. . Ferrale in quart boitle ene doll ur. t s f ut:u “h:u’?" hasits U thee, "dat 6 ot â€"a le n!o.‘ is well liked, never lulw a wmstance to give permanent relief whe: ased, and we bhave never known a s of dissatis{action where the directions are W;hu(ï¬ouflnx all are sd lte m und speak inthe A of its magical e€fects. orlfn-updmolulh-wc. wsted it thoroaghly, and therefore those who wifering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .ecanmended may depend upon its being a % eenoy of the Canadian l'.h ng diseases for which it is ire sommended, and its wonaderful successin subduing Back ana 4oad, Courhs, OColds, bore Thr -.hthl.tnh.. OCramps in the Storvach, \ _ Obolera Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel + the ;'2.-»::'. Dowremse | Cocen Rewror will sn many a nl::lo. night. In bottles 25 80 cents each. @Gnod for adulis and cbil in pleasant to the taste and harmless in jt m For sale by druggists and general 4 art in all parts of the Dom!sion. _ _ t Io.o‘lulutsoom:&: Dealers are ‘H*&.'N Medicine io all parts of th» (.W;afllu.n.‘“hodfy uzodnrul # aotion it gives The Canse tian Pain Destroyer never fails to giv» CGardemer‘s Firmt Priss Baking Powder, ;‘xl:‘ll«nmy amd exsellence. For sale by avary where, in 3 on packets, 7 cents ; 5 parketes, 10 cents ; | poundi packets, 25 conw ; gi1 nl‘t.'l 28, 'bo-nm want the best ap) ‘OAID‘III‘S and e no other. u’ Nutrs Darst -n lound.“. * lt JA soveries stands the OAaNaADLIAN PAIN DEsSTROYE Among the most importaniof moders Medica! D + » UHANBE®ELAI® & Bi11e, Conway P O #% of Lennox, Ontario, Canada : 3 M1v00, County of Hastin ‘ & Provinâ€"s of Ontario, Feb. #th, * is to certify that during the winter of 1888 ¢ takeo with a weakners clMJ.do, iob ally, during the Qfl.‘d 1867, d to my and on np to my bips, and I e so that 1 could not iwalk, but was to my chair. . For about two years, while this weakt sees was coming on me, and aifterwards, I sough medipal advice, o-plo‘ng. at different times three dostors, and m mnee of different kinds prescribed by trionds, but of on avail.> I nuâ€" «d to get worse and wores, until the sam of 1888, when I was indured to try the great Sho shonees Remedy by reading the cures pori in om. At this time I bad begus to tee! the h-IIM;h!utl-u almost belple:s | have taken two bottles of the ) s Remedy and two boxzes of the and L am ymta“lobu..lm:' to h.thnhq tried the medicine jas a sort hlfl'lbcnm llnuc:ud-how not & on®e, nown to .d{l re ‘&“ ;u‘umoa-fl:"lu was, 1 mpdiate rollief. All Medicine Denlers kee -m.ï¬ml.( and amily wi hsï¬ucu.-:'y~ t twentyâ€" d lolgfla:P !l:l‘ I General M’ fud a64 ; and to any one aflisted as I wihs, ! have lhu’tryuho bhoshonees ; 1 will curs you. ‘AIY ANNK DUG to before me at County of Hastings, his ‘nydhhurx. 1800. ® wWooD,J P, 1 eertify that I havre known Mrs. Mary Amns y tor the last Afteen years; shels a of and truth,. 1 have k ber ho« and since her ilinsss. I + v: Ip&buuuummï¬nn. know oq'vtfloluhtun'u ared k bave ; know that she has, since her % always attributed her recovery to the . : Whaterer may be the lar of this medicine, one thing is certain, at her case it bas acted almort like the pertotmance of a miracle. Tulin wiie ts heurth andizesy purden probug * tw and . » sbrubberie s :u rlaptations. g:n. ‘mb .. to sult om.o.l‘ ..c'luul.. t t::lh:lt':- lll}.luo- z.llvuc a By D wen Mionds, "Heaitationer bo tas r.‘.‘ EDW ARD HAYCOCK. Apply to B AYCOCK, Keg, Ottawi. 1273 Fer spe month only, commencing on the inst= c.., The wholo of my stook is offered to tom »« mt a very low Ogare as as to make tor the Noew Spring Goode: Iwould call s the attention of customers to my heary READY MADE CcLOTHING Which will be sold withoct Reserse at a low ; All goods marked in plain 6gures. L""‘.“.?."’"" r‘on BALB.â€"The #o be | _ @ARDENER‘3 EPILEPTIC CHARE +“' 1 bottle bottles for $5. at PÂ¥ J G‘A:‘Dl!lll. Chemiet, adge for youarself. 1 ons e Ee o o Alinge Protint ANMADIANX PATFS DEETROYER : }I ATF CLEARING BALE, BELLIXGO AT COOST PRICE UE APEST qUININE wiyâ€" WINXE BITTHRS, s General A for € by Ges. Mortimer, Jobn ‘::u. W , M. Â¥. MoeCarthy, J. Bkipretr, & ‘ag paine of Cnesmatism. and in ur.. A’!@h_--whe-.!.'::'_":;l- «bs STOVES INX TOWN. CAEH PURCHASERs, ue w4 oi itab. Ar RESMOXDE BRO A F WOOD, J P. my ow VA L s it [ A »A* whos a singh | CA are # # l\l B Cor r, w <i illy s of A I,. As RECKETT, Surgeon Dentist â€HM over A. Graham & Co.‘s = Comme Warchouse," directly opposite the Britis! Tion Hotel, late Tixts Printing Ofice Lang‘s sis.«, No. 60, sparkeâ€"st., Ottawa City, Qitawa, April 12, 1889. 1021â€"167y !GoLDp sSILYEK SNELL AND STEEL &"% General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s yivh'. andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes* Laâ€" ne Ales and Porter. Pork, ‘lur, &o., for sale. Orricn: No. 5, Sparks Hureet, near the Russol! n muse, Ottawa city, C. W. This ably conducted popular and invainable rural Jouraal, will, on a r January 1st, 1870, be fssued from the city Hamilton, Ont. Meesrs. T. & R. White having parshased a proâ€" prlout( interest in it, become its publishers, in the belief that this region of sountry, second to no part of Canada io agricultural and horticulâ€" tural resoursces and progress, needs and will ably sustain, a period:cal devoted specially to the interests of the farm and garden, The Ortar:o Fasures wiil contivue to be edited by Rev. W. F. Ularke, who is universally acknowledged to be the ablest agricultaral writer in the Do.ï¬ln. and whose name, from its long ennnection with the rural press, has become "tamiliar as a househola word" among the tarmâ€" ora of Cadada. Dlnurtho past ‘:r. Reverend llo? W ard Beecker, Professor kland, Hon G, W,. Allen, Mr. W. EKdwards and other eminent contributors have written for the Oxtarso Farwes, «nd no pains will be spared to recure the conâ€" tinued cw.operation of lnodl:&n‘rmuurhu, and :flluh-:a. in adding variety and interest tc contepts ' 'I.o C,. LK6G0, Plli{noln. Burgeon and HRF Accouchear, O#ceâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" Russell‘s. EVRRY CONVENTENCE AND COMFORT FoR THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. the choioust Brandsir Winesand Liqn rs, and every of the seas.a wiil be found on thetablo. The yï¬hflo(m will be directed to he comâ€" of his guests ana petrons. BM" Oystars,Game eto.. dally HALIFAX, NOVA ScOTIA, Established 1851, d‘end every atientivn paid to thete comfort:"" to i * Siky *‘ JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. The"QUZEEN" co.mprises all the requisitesfor a COrstâ€"class hostau ant. hoflmlr:o‘bounlaod uand ref. tnished throughout The BAR contain: "I\llll'l'l.: & Co+â€", Land Burveyors, lol‘ Agents, B aughtsmen, &s. Ofice, o 1e the Ontaric Bank, gE»rk---L Ottawa, v.f.'fz'.g. for Trust and Loan Co. © * UBeo Bell‘s B‘ock, Sappeors" Briags. Rereaexors.â€"â€"H ASime, loz;:.onuu. PI lolslll 6 Thos Fuller, EKeq, itect, Alba Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawas ; Thos KReyrolds, Meanaging Director 0. & St. L. R. R. 1 tethe Court House and Public Ofices, 8ST. lkge 3 / en » » P , . , (Late of tloughton‘s 'l:l:l;‘ Saloon.) . "A # ous sam â€"TVOUR commercia wavetiecs,"*‘ Sihe 8597 And the table spread with EVERY DELICACY OFKF THESEASOX. Dering the coming year ved E-tnlu of prise animals at the late Pmflaltl bibstion, w.ll, from time to time, appear in the Ortazs:o Fauuxs Thesoe engravings will be executed by those incomparable stock artists, Messrr. Page and Carson, of New York. W . &. Tararik. epesial attention will continue to be given to the adranceme»nt of Emigration, the prorotion of Arts and M«outactures, and as auring the past year, each number will contain a cholce prece of secular or sacred music, The attention of farm implement makers seeds men, pursery men, dairy men, and others, is lnvited to the Oxt.m10 Farwucer, as a L.stâ€"class .‘vonloin‘-odu-. Termsâ€"10 cents ror line, with liberal dircount for quarterly, hall yoarly and yearly advertisements,. _ _ in inlaa w Bubssription Price, free of Postage, $1.00 a yoear, able in advance. ‘ ‘tgd Large Uotavo Pages for One Dollar. W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, : JORNER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"8TsS 4 oTTAWA. . Rpecial Club Offerâ€"Fuarnisbhed to Acriculturâ€" al and Ho tivuitural socicties, in Clubs of any nember, at Seveniyâ€"Rive Cents each, free of posteoge* 4 ltems of Agricultural intelligence, a'o., may be W F CLAREE, Editor Ontario Farmer, Guciph. Orders and Remittances wil} be sent to T & & WuIlTE, Publishers Ontaric Farmer, LAZARUS, MORRISs â€" & Co., Prepared for biildings of desori b etmrlrnc. r%?fl. Amn‘:' ’ HLitt W ellingtonâ€"st. ‘ l\lll 6# QUEE® 9 RESTAURANT, M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metoaifo,and Wellingtonâ€"streets, oS‘ site the main entrance to the Government Buildâ€" »LANE, KPECIFICATIONS®, &e., Qawa, Desember 28, 1869. Communications: intended for publication, CHOICEST LIQUORS8, Cluab of â€" 6 Subscribers.................$ 5 00 Ciub of 10 %4 is satsspsscctessse .8 OD Club of 20 «4 Srserteprtsprecs 34 WB And all over 20, at 75 cents per copy, fri ounted in k ONTARIY FARNMER. SECONDIYEAK OF PUBLLCATION. K UKNION HoUSEK, PLRFECTEP <â€" SPECTACLES Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oflce Bparksâ€"streot, Contial Oftawa. BAutf R. GKORGE HUTCHISON, Dentist _OMcoâ€"Sparksâ€"street opposite Magos 4 I1CKWICK HOUSE, UK METROPOLITA®X AUMOND‘S BLOCK, Rideau Street Ottawa. 202( P. O‘MEARA, Proracron. PMA vpertect fit OUNG & RADFORD CHRISTIE, Commuission Merchant GENERAL CLUB RATES FOR 18#10. AVERLY HOUSK, BILLINGES, Jr., Architect. Apoicls and Saloons. The DBar always supplied with the KEWKW ASKORTHMENX 1 Slenxal Carbs. XMiscellancous, BARRING TONâ€"STREET, kÂ¥L GLASSEES, Have just reseived a YYUNG & RADFORD, No 35, Sparks treet, Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., ANÂ¥D Hamilton, Ontario. » AA.M, Philaâ€" Ottewa: â€" _ Oitews, Bossmhgy 3, 1869, b1i6y R. Lixg. # o_ * Taot gp*A" tut carax. BIRD CAGES!! BIRD CAGES:: ‘Our Spring Stéck jost received, elegant, cheap abd substantial Cages, including all sitnâ€"« and patterns. SroVEs AND TINXWARE AS UsUAL, MiLK PANS in4 MILK STRAINERS aT TNE Birds Nests, Round, Equare, Octagon, Specialliy devoted to the =Someson or Max," his improvement, by all the means indicated by Scrence. Wire Flower Barkets, very pretty patterns, Wire Egg Boilers, i Wire Dish Covers, * Wire Toast Forks and Racks, Wire Egg Boaters, W ire Skewers, @ W. Larding Needies, ® Egg Elices. Tlll 50th VOLUME : 1 EW SERIES!! NEW FORM ! THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL . JOURNAL, Puzarsxoroorâ€"The Brain and its Functions ; the Location and Natural L-:ga‘o of the Offlll, with dirsctions for cultiv ht! and restraini them ; and the relations subsisting between ll:a Etnsoroor or the Natural History of Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Modes of Life in different Pribes and Nations, will be given, _ _ Prrasoroor & Axarourâ€"Iue Organisation, Structure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What. w* should Eat ll:::i.l..... g‘o:’ v:“ MM 1d be Mol‘ and How to ve, Enn“ n a popaâ€" lar maunper, in accordance with Hygienic Prine!â€" and nody described. Pursisooxour, with all the ©Signs of Oharacter and How to Read them," is a special feature. ples. _ Portraits, Shetches, and lhgtphm‘ot the leading Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of life are special features. . Paxzxte axo Traon«rsâ€"As a guide ineducating and training Children, this fl‘quho has no superior, as it solu.lm all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern men‘ and classification not ocl{‘pudblo but casy . Muck generil and usetul information on the leading topics of the day is given, and no efforts are spared to make this the mort interesting and natructive, as well as the Best Pictorial Family "CAPITAL *‘ â€"STOVE . DEPOT, 85 SU3SEX STREET. aade. It has steadily increased in favor during the many years llt h‘:cbou published, and was never more ar than at present, ‘l‘lulâ€"mly, at $3 a year, in advance. wingle numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten er more, #2 each, and an extra copy to agent. _ ~ _ __ EKsrasursuxpâ€"The Journal has resched its 80th VO1,U MÂ¥E, and wich January Number, 1870, a NEW BEKIES s commencsed. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and many improvements have been SIECEMUCIT®, mS WO as TI6 Magazine, ever pablished. Bele Agents for !Nortks" Paten‘ed Drum Heater ; and also for Eaton‘s Paent Ven tilating Stoves. f UN HAND, JOS. RODGERS 4 SON‘s CUTLERY AND DIXON & SON‘s Db PFrateto Warr, t Britannia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" ned Ware of all kinds, English Enâ€" amelled Bird Cages just £ received, Ottawa, November :3, 1869. INPORTRRS OF HOUSE FUKNISHING HARDWARE, STOYES, STOVES, CooKiNa, PARLOR & BOX â€" STOYES, CGive us one order for a trial, and you will never regre! it, We are offering the most liberal premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Picterial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list o‘fro-lul. dress. B R WELLS, Pablishet, 449 Broadway, New York. The QUINIU M LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" y tonic aad tebrifuge wine, destined to replace all the other qnpsruiou of Peruviau bark. The bark wines usually o::loyd in medicine are pf?uod from harks which vary considerably in the degres to whick they possers the desired propert es. Besides, owirg to the mapner in which they are prepared, these wines contain _ scarceiy more than the traces of active principles and these always in variable _ The QUINIUM LABABM.QMWM by the Academy of Medicine, on the contrary, a medicine of determined composition, rich in ulfv;onpnndplu. and on which the phymâ€" clans and ents crnalways rely. The QUTINIUM LuAu‘AQ({I is prescribed Ing cuuses or past sickness ; for youths by too rapid" growth: for ycus‘ï¬m development takes m:hoo with 7; o women in chili birth ; and for aged perronm exffeebled by(on.normu.. It is the best pré servative ’I nst fevers. k In cases of chlorosis, anemia, w"râ€"hh- this wine is a mml auxilia the ferrugin eupnrru % InaT‘Ju-L for example with VALLET‘S PILLS, the rapidity or hamorke: is really marvellous. o with groat sucsess for persons of weak constituâ€" tion, or for those «bnm various exhaustâ€" Ull'.â€llo KXHILBITION OF 1856, First class Meda., ALF LABARRAQUE & Co. QUINIUM | LABARRAQUE, Approred by _ lmperial Acadomy of Medicine. Mess Pork, Chicage, and Ko,1 Flour at Ottews and Sand Point. No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"8T., Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Tin and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers NOR SALE. Haye your ‘Tinsmith‘s Work Done VERYBODY siys so, Jane14, 1869 PRAT Poxk ©COHICAGO MESS, XXX and No. 1 FLOUR, wWHITE BEANKS A CHAIN CABLE and ANCHOR, Ard what everybody says must be true, LYTH & KERR, Stoves & Hardware. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACEK BR SALK &A FIBSTâ€"CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE, Birds Baths, ESMONDE BROS Cottage and Breeding Bird Cages, in great variety Bird Swings, = 4 L3Qâ€" Th A T RSMOXDE BROS, f Sparks street. TO H MEADOWS & CO Bird Seed Cups, &c AQUE ur-a-hu offer #u8 ns of constitu» ;nnod af z'nnouuhut- eouched in ! !""w language. "lls L»+ it not rit‘h my; 10 | thas sany af _ for .‘O‘ m te s * » t orfr.-hh-' [ Pm erh ary of the ferrugins ‘ 8 CHRISTIE Ayer‘s THE TIMEB Q::to them i8 **" ;““:r‘ 'm = souched in modert® languagt _â€" J The Frenchâ€"spesking i will, doubtleskly, i::i paper bearing the & to meet their wants. Aws such a nowq,‘za. in both Ottawa, and which will «6 latest intelligence, I bare» take the publication of &# not, however, »® "" roauinnofll of the 1 full share of out atter cultivation of the sol ns much "":" particular object agriculturist, and #4 industries, and to information for ;l.l' CC PIB;Mâ€"-â€"..‘ my aim in requirements u‘ï¬d“ Ottawa valley. . ~ ; y The future of ~ ?fllk, u:P:im in | future pr ty, . B# to and ';rom the city, «h the lishing additional ï¬ unrivalled waterâ€"pont do much to rapidly “â€" they were p cared in sy, tion of the c be informed _ Confederation bu 6 commercial ties betwees speaking inbabitasts # themselves to the '# tionalities, and thit 6 made .ex:l“'. parts of the wodd kere we shall also urge suok tend to increase 9# wealth of the shall be the aim of M still more strongly * In the vie; l U government r concurs, and endonr® measure of suppo®t which render necessary , 68" offence to such &8 We will cultivate 4 traditions of :o':' resent, bo goln oomO."“‘â€"‘" by the inb abitants # FOR Ottawa. n& know that it C Wes wy and all know that whit t d â€"â€"that it never fails is oomronm We hin sands 0/ oerdll..db: following complaints, but l, RoS wacue arsl Loins, tht taken, as required, to ch the system. With suc disappear. xc AT, _ PCrBORS #fhicvca .mll mu-nu,m Llfll. Cure, t the mes 22 apmiz r w ocudls _Â¥ tried it, know Wakt omh qo C ". C C VCV ne o . Tlll-al .lnll...'o:.’;‘h fr"rri_sq" Mn,.. souds Bore Eyes, viemle flmu of ...‘_,h"" moreâ€"concealed .-""' MHeart Diszscase ’h,.‘ and the various h..- lar and nerv us #ystems â€" dose is generatty m For mfl But long r‘untmpq:" Â¥he complaint, l-¢.' Ulcerations, and ~ monly ;eoon relieved w A urifying and znv“‘ ‘;nnl for each case the plied gratis, \ cansed by acco in the blood, P,u Comrltunu, Mt'h on of the Léiver, a« they 0h do, &- the blood. This £ARk%4p Adapted to all ages and containing neither calome! or they mï¬'&*y sugar preserves them pleasant to take, while noï¬ammuï¬;fl&& cy operate internal viscera to purify the into healthy action â€" stomach, bowels, liver, ant body, restoring their by correcting, m=“ muum&hcflh Minute ‘directions are givesi %lt:o" for the following com y cure:= For mofl. ll'= ness, .T" and C should be taken w ach and nsmmfl tas, -‘-"!.‘;'--..ug toms, Jaundice or Greea Colic and RBilions Peres dicion«ly taken for each case,A aetion or remove the obstruct " For Rysentery or Ris® s47 aNC nervou®s . Syphilia or y eperith are cured hy ;l.m’. subduing m.-wow But lorg continued the complaint, J ".q Ulcerations , lm monly ;s00n mm * ‘ nunf_\'ing and ‘mrb‘~ ons for each case 1 plied gratis. Rheuma‘ storer for the Those who are dent, Sleepless, and prehensions 0t Feg symptomatic of Wes relief and convineing pow« upon trial, foliowing compiaints, by Crery neighborbsofang For Dropay and Brgj should be taken in large a duce the effect of a draste For Auppression a i# as it produces the desired 1 As a Dinmer PH, take mote digestion and reliere An occastoual dose «timal howels into healthy actiss and invigorates the vantageous where no One who feels of these Pills makes their cleansing and tive apparatus, C mr. 3. C, Amu.j M.‘h*' sOLD BY ALL DRUGGimH Ottewa, Au‘nhlul DBR. J. 0. AYEHR £ 00,8 LOWVELL XAb« Oltawa, August 1, 1000 1»t it not be Cofrespondents Politics, Ayer‘s tawa. A young people i rf For all the Medicine. «8 lor CTTAWA COU ch gveat number & oum.ry,m the &4 | Of l wipgy4, "© Poilk the strength ns PREPARFp e ap "2f6 @ of Weaknen "s"V0. m * R#â€" Henâ€" ooexa0 RaixDICS) Rensu‘t & O6, r‘s and other brands. / D GINâ€" purpose Kuypor‘s and Hoatmuans, B woed o Piygxr | . ,.-nr-‘"""‘a“' ted “ ‘M iquor® ""guu-.' E":‘“’*E and ther Y poT® sfore ®I Ti e y daame t Te ame s r s eP "oipee‘s, ) 1s M' “ ; 'ow"*‘ * #: vl‘"‘“â€â€œ' to ,,";;mgxï¬-‘.“ f | ‘..[ .l'." ol clarke o.l’m pIDEAU STT"T' prtaÂ¥ 4 sxiur N EB " _ cnh V 1 .nn ond Stand) rly eppout« /w PRICES a large ,‘V-'w Groceries, ,....-a.‘:fl:‘..n-q t ioh *Prokics, geurett rK, P C m‘é-niflwf__... go90T notice of my intention to -3 6 or e Amswise, TO U A TO > A OL "tMRREEE Wakks of u.. ;.‘ï¬;n- ; BILLLMÂ¥oR, fur, | "{ Ciakklst the Hous Gefiee ground ank reeced duily 08 e m fog alh 14 ‘1_.. on 8 vootoe and Maderia Wines Souterne L" bottle by o5 w1 . eRCOR 285 wEHISkEY, â€" _ avog, at extrambly low "“_"- Stewart‘ s hm orkehs." * lsg: <> / +A Vounty or h; ‘:‘-uw be *« n““fdluu S .. ¢t~ ‘""CI&Q t ', and the conâ€" ‘Coples) of ths first ond ~“4 Private Bin OKk, BiVEi» FROM FIRE aAT TWENTYâ€"FLIVE T BELOW ¢. brbur L4 _i i i AFUUP __* Euacaaed Jone s y M qhanmip t _ "C Whiskoy '-'. ""O. M the mucxxnu. e Salnir is _ _T." other articles hecossaty 40 408" Chapter LXVIL of the 'lmâ€"ufg-i- BAGCCT anj D C TAROMSONK, Treaâ€" & TtHO *# H DUKX. Ales. all grades. o all gradw ;."!‘.-Bn-ux; Ckpg o . _1 2 /° B the City of &“o &-,."“ which " y B Ttnlithed is the fre, NITICE of . .%“'.MM its &MM"M s | M #®roweuu. March 16, u87. MEROKANTs, Porter, pts and gts xD axp 408 610® srrEstâ€" Gongou, Lmpatisl Y0u08 is »EW it of is readily @n& ny ©x they iwill therefore ASBiZig Cogmty |, that gno£8 ennsot â€" fall to or «direct Boz & MURPEHY. f th : Ridenuy o. wa thereby other expenâ€" S lower toan Applicatioa 10t Private "hey ~ ure WA Whuikey and Bules Pork, &e .:-‘uma | uocm oâ€" Ammwediate Ports of fAne take 1 106y ® and KI81 Carleton, :rryou: astory trade my 114# 1105 â€" £18103 â€.u. wy gall w «l be sod the 219f £§TABâ€" O the Botice PBX 132 the th LIL wlt} twhe to ® tha Ord a 1 in BE Mi (Gi de las di el sY th aA oB lo