votung of ; and yg i t it in 1M Â¥i ware OM ~>whing 1@re to urice the \4O ; of 8 hble e y it | #€L4 wen* on aotaim C N ® 1 mog tam O Miagg againah .M:-' j xp Mo y trmen re o thi Terent tÂ¥ iB of the him (Hon. \Ut Nx l l 16 he (ranafer a, Mr tary C they l s #X1 16 10Â¥ Jut that they i to Of nent i ualy. | 16 ha‘s t & All buat did 4 be from 10% rotary anil "1¢ U was W dy U it J 11186 wb M 4 not that 1O t nt hak he 10 M hait | easiors nght be shou men the is imnt pwas im 1 » f for 0 ‘ d of uitnt o wet P e lcmersciatny 7 18 C & m0M iD UB&@L DALL ;.-'..E: of the discussicn | * u"a““â€,.. with ng I" to the We d“d the Bifl. tGov.|© F"fl be glad to have ffull and f ."â€. A He h\.'nd that the hon. I f n in ventilating their‘ private 1 gflm care not. to use any | ! agpesion that would throw “l{w :l»tmf- j in their ions which would i :\"nm West ; that they | iake ce that by nnvow'ux:‘wonls ‘ â€".blwtofthollomt y did .-’-‘ï¬on.d&lifnl of a high | and j ml., With regud :‘of boundary and the sizo the new Province, the Government . fully consider it, but ho considered te injudicious to have a\large 4 which would have eontrol over and might interfere with the genlerâ€" .“hoov::.nnt in opening up Ilm' to Pacific, besides tho d legislation of the l‘ruvinvou might be to " ion,. All that vast E should ‘be E purposes o:"r“m- --d-oneu.nl.nmhnhobomin legulature.. : Anothor consideration was that l’m the control of these hnds would be able to obtain me«ns hy which they would be in a position to obâ€" -npyuudthodhbmnl of the £%X).(0X) for the purch:se and of the ex penditure which they might be hereafter to. 'l‘hnm'ould be defrayed ru means of being charged .'-.mptol the Provinces of Un twrio, Quebec, Nova Seotia and New Brunsâ€" wick ::;r‘); That could b‘ohdon« howâ€" aver, m out t "policy of keeping the control of the hur-oot"tbo _k'.iulhy'hddom-ind to Gorermment thought it was a &‘ the limits of the. Province hould not bd too large. These consideraâ€" b:\fll iake wn»e the w wound wnded and without * "PF"" _ â€"wide un ument being provided 1 m was provided would be BPe h 15 fink, --flfl.‘.’:‘.m“ M‘M '“\‘“Lru‘ on aoth P on judgment discreticn | handr m~n the second rewling. prosse Â¥. STIRTON asked if the Minister of | . ; . Jutice had any authomty for the stateâ€" I :ummuoc Portage la Praire | Rivet t be left out of the new Province ? | ante | Hon Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD said wa t "" them un Mon Sir JOHN A Bhl.-lml}l giy tunai permissiOn. . n t all las WO J0 reserved and Retatern Mr, 'M“ 4 pro um Province "*use of the 1\ h‘mo woul: Â¥ 198 of dxting t didh the Doua x mt “':ï¬nlm .m r‘mâ€"- asked if the Dominion Gov retain the right to appoit Red River, oq"ouH tha to the Local Government. ; JOUN A. MACDONALD sai ible at the time the addres i for the acdmission of. K: to know what representatio * "“ in the pomimon Parli a" th '.M. ho had Pul it i 2 "C® " " PS O®" y [ 11 20804 to place under the control .~ Province, was net for the purpose vise," Although weats nz‘n| Out the full blooded Indians and | *40 was «o much respected b their titles. There wore Inducd glad to «:0 that the Gove L Indians remaining in the | appolated so good an oflger. .‘\.m as there wore they & a‘h Dominion ucv.“;..;, ‘l“‘h.o Frazer‘s Magnootic Finid cures ‘Woflh ofiginal tribes _____.__.-â€"-â€" Â¥their descendants, the hail breeds, | Use Frasct‘s Maguptio Fluld UV 1, and lerf all m‘w‘. C length the act! rth Lanark in lespatches and $ . hon. gentlieman Inw * S JOUNX h‘ï¬:‘.n “m †ERHA y"' UV C mww "'lâ€â€˜â€œ'b‘ 4 for in Mpm;m 'BN. to expect thas 1 eoâ€" mu mp;d to Canada onistion in the Canadian JUUN A,. MACDON\_LD amid ition of 1,200,000 acrtes which rive it tomorrow if he Jletermin« r. Mence the in that Bill. io discussi.n c pruc«odul in of the the North subsequent a of, Huâ€" esentation ion Parliaâ€" put it in epresentaâ€" esxent Bill. uk that | and the hbest way of dealing with them was the «ame as United #mpice loyalists had been d.alt with, namely gving «m I grants | of land for them and theis children. That | was tho answer be had to give to his bou. t table for 1869, (Mear.) | Mr. MILLA asked if any lon hud Zun nnule to the Government Wld any person or parsons on 4 losses sustained by him or them from the destruction oleoMy by the insurgents in the North W est. | Hon. Siz JOMN A. MACDO® awid there had been no formal applieations, but they lhul heand statements of such Mr. BOWMAN askad why postage rates on pnxon to Germany had w from sOoQo.leom‘.l.“ had buqmluut.anl' hoe it the inâ€" tention of the (GGovernment to t this anomaly ? Hon, Mr. LANGEVIN said arriangeâ€" ment rested the Governâ€" ment. C , however, was still in abe § lion. Sir FRANCIS HINC ve noticd of a lution relating to of th Wourn seecing, the grand display of Millinâ€" ery Pt Muantles, and the crowds of people admiring the Spring Fashlong at Garland, Mutochmor & Co. Â¥imer of this seasou‘s Lettage, Radish«s. Rhubarb, &c., &o., at J B. Buys & 00@ 21 Ridâ€"an street. [ w Nonrumuan â€" Tnrazsroutamo®s . Lix®z. â€"The Agoncy of this company, here, in held in the I1 Houss block, Spacke at. Mr. Corcoran z‘:....u, will always be pregured to give all necessary information to partics intonding in co Woatward. P Tus Baxo Yearenoar.â€"The band ot the G60th p‘aycd splendidly yeaterday to acveral hundrod . idmirera, . Many regrets were ¢xâ€" pressed that a part of these well trained mu., alclans sbould be taken away to the Red River. It must also be a maiter of annoy» ante to Sigzor Raineri ; but duty before all. The House then adjourned a 11:55 p Cmoret Cuce. ~At the anamal meeting of the Ottawa Cricket Club held on Monday Wm, MeK. Wright, Exq , was gamed as Prealâ€" dent, and Capt. Miacks as \Viceâ€"Preaident. Mr. F. I. Bonjamia was clected Sseretary and Treasurer. ‘The Committeo appolnted | are @. P. Buker, C. 8. Seott, C. F. C. 8. Cuanliag» ham, and the R.v. T. D. Phillippe. Acowaswut.â€"â€"The long P #@ Sabouria‘s bridge, and the bridge,"* in Templeton have ly injured. . A a«pan of hore \mfr named Sohart, fell t and a horee attached to a. Cavamry.â€"On Saturday & poor or orer= laden with fat, was driven by some butcher‘s boys down Rideauâ€"st. He fell from exhaus» tion near O‘Meara‘s smloon, â€" One of the drivers most cruclly drove a pleos of wood up the animal‘s nostrils, cau«sing them to bleed profusely. We only wish «ome ot our police hwi been present to bring the tellows to juse= (lee. 5 f ; OM ‘XL NEWS JOI the Tus Qosen‘s Mm.-â€"bl' veniog coâ€"temporary bas associated the zame of Mr Hartney with the appointment of a new Queen‘s Printer. Aunother, and equally as eficient, and woithy a member of society, rumor says, is spoken of in connection with the same responsble oficeâ€"â€"Mr. Haydon of the Pos: OlMce Deputment. The printing te= sponsivilitics of these gantiomen, so well at. tended to, equally rocommend them. Han Massaty‘a Tusaras â€"A fair audience grevted Matshall‘s Company last‘night. The pleces were well performed, and the audience were duly sutisied. Lindlâ€"y, the Misscs Woebstâ€"r and Nâ€"lzon wore appreciated by the people im front as they should have been: Lindley as *®Toodica" and Mise 1;&- io his better half, were very amusing. Toâ€"uizht Marshall takes a beneft. We hops the house will be AllLd, a*« no manager ever deserved betier fro m an Oftawa public. | d time toâ€" « I Mr. llu\\'mhhl on the table irt of Father Thibault! a & TX A. MACDONALD l=ldl on the Brigade Quart rmsester from, this Digtrict, 6. Armatrong bas been, fort some timg past, Quartermaster to the Garrison Artillery Durâ€" ing thois teram of service at Presoott, in 1803, and afterward whils the artillery were in camp, whers he gained for himselt the good aninion of the officers aud the regpect of the MUr. Armstrong is now going to ie ko a very | Roasite: responsible position, but we are quite sure for ue the very able manner he has always done bis f daty that ho will make one of the most com* Ota petont Quarteor masters in the volunteor sor, | Ota®s vico. Although wears sorry to part with one uim who was «0 wmuchk reupected by all, we are O goob Indeed giad to «00 that the Government have Kempt A. MACDONALD l=ldl on the wort of the Postmmstet General ‘vimplâ€"ton bave both been serious. A span of horses belonging to .A d Schart, full through the former, attached to a._cart was awept of mlson By Com a«all thoit goods 11 whun l‘{ 110Â¥ t ¢ in Wear® | ~aer w@, t t‘ll\ll-‘. M VBA | 1 mos Lr“hl toc Nouralgia qm OMles!+ 0. P, Oramâ€"eond*s C schange Of+ Bue, AD Apazke #410044 KCatest bp Weleoraph. w;vm-r'.u. Migo., May %4.â€"News in received from F o G utry lup to the 100b Apty, tegeeâ€" tirg that the zx lndiane ate B â€"«oming Â¥oiy swknr woublssome. They hadt appeared at the lUnes of the Hudion Bay Company‘s trading post, at White Horme Flains, anad after procuring supplies, â€" sald trey wore goling to Aght the Amorl:ans is the setth mout and cloar them out, .They were prevailed upon t» return pesseably, which they did, saying, howover, they would scome back again, and cause the American sottiora trouble before loog. Loito:s from Pembina of the 11th, the Amorlcans aro very anxlous fur the muut of a gwriâ€"on thore to protest thom, should the Sloux on the British side begin the wartu o. The Mudson Bay Company bave :-l business, on comtition of recognaising and his Provistonal Gov.rament, and advancing Rio! a loan of £3,000, and in case the Cana~â€" dian Government refuses to accept the torws offered them, to Incresse it to £5000,. The an t everything quist 1 _____ Quezse, Way 3. _: Acvivale trom sea,â€"Ships Quern o/ (e Clyd, @#th coul from Glasgow ; Ancesior, general cargo, for Montmal ; Amelis, general cargo, tur Montreal ; Adriatc, couls ; Louis, from wo--.t.uu-uh-wbm 9 8hip launch.s;:â€"One from Y ons from Dinnings, one from Mackey and ‘War» ..u.u‘mmm-m Captain Connell of the lost steamer ©City ot Quebec * was presoented with am a«ignrd : by the passengers per said j » lm his gallant conduct in saging the passengers, and remaining on board till all haud been sescued. * The * City of Quebec " wes Insured for tem Yerterday the old memburs of the Corporation . took . possession (of the City Hail, and resisted the entry of the newly clectd members The City Clok, Mr. prevent his acting officially. ‘They are act« ing under the advice of Okill Stuart. The now members were declared elected trom the steps of th» @gity Wul, by R.corder Cremasis, and then procedud :o the bouse of Councilior Bouse, and sla.t d Ait. Garneass Mayor. Quebec is now governed by the Mayors and a double set of members. Both hold meetiogs to.aight. The steward Levesque, was also rememâ€"« ben d in the same straio. Actions are to be taken out by Meâ€"sts, Allans, Kae & Co., and the Guall Ports Bteamâ€"» ship Company and freightors. old Councilliors. _ The police have been placed by the Board of Commissioners under the control of the newly appointed Mayor Garneanâ€" . _ _ Possersion is to be taken of the City Hall this cvening by the newly elected Mayor and vounciliors, and Liree will be sesorted to If necessary . Hioting is probable, and mugh unessiness i# telt as to the existing state of municipal Sramo Fussnuer.â€"Tus Larssr Disastsns â€" The Ottaws and its tributaries are dolng the mischlof with the lambering interest. Two bridges on the Madawaska have been carth d offâ€"one at Bammar‘s Island, and another which had lately been srected at serious cost. 1.;. "",“...'....., though very stroog, had to bear the pressure of myriaias of pleces of timber agaiast a strong curreat. It is to Te Wapoc thyeie mmggonhs, .. _ . P _ _ . .. uL o Arcud ddrmdie.t adunn es >A *4 " The watee at the Chaudiere, bere, in its mad course boils up against the Suspension umflwy“hbnh‘.m ham, bridges have been aswept away or mat«r. Ially damaged. _ , uies The City Hall is still in possession of the ï¬;"m. who. swallowed poison is @rand u.a:u.-m,;su to WM. J. MAR« RUHUA Manager of the uo:u..ï¬.d’ m, ander the dAant and Oficets J the ’i ..’m HU** MAJESTT‘3 THUKATRAE, MARSH ALL® LONDOY COMEDY & BURLESQUE cowraxt, WEDNESDAT, Will be pressated Dion Drame, wiaeTHUs PH To coneclude with the pM NUR Â¥oUNXo uu-n.;l-s“‘ teate cawn -r" Doors open at T;. Parf at 8 sbarpâ€" MNANAGER (Mmm On and aiter the #nd MAX, three run duily (Jundays excepted) on 4 as followe : wellomeny UMEMEE..... s «un esnenencnn00000000000® C T0 0 3 ba sds #% m-fl-........._.............. a # 3 # 12 ul FHROAKHE «eccecevecuarces : RK A W NEA | . Pres0044 .......» l« I M IAB EHW Noâ€"eâ€"Trabas are ran Montreal Tims. & LUTIRELL, _mm R#CLIETY May %, 1s78 nE aÂ¥ By People‘s Lins. Geing Noerth Preseqitt KOR 08 T . ALTERATION QÂ¥F TINME. UKBKC LA WRBEKNCE AXD OTHAW A -An.A Â¥. was also rememâ€" Lfloo-.‘ ; Oullery, 23 a««= leadre Qrme & doa‘s NTOM . s «s old Ragiish MAY 4i%, W J MARSUALL 1383 # THE OTTAWA TIMES, MAY 4, 1870. to Otctawa. Rallaong) Elegant Hoasehold ture, tMl Pain Carpats, and a beaw Chaire, very exsel MM’.‘l the lakter eapulalts piese difering in «s _ A very Ame Moere | Oltawa, Apoil 30, 1870 KCONOXY LA Lanvicg OGDENSBURG _ every day, ra tdn'b M‘.n arrival of snoon tntu' A VERY LARGE ASS CHIOAGO, MILW AUKEK asd Intermediate PORTS, without chasge of Boat; and ewery 9 mm). tar CLEYVELANDD, DEIROILT, and Intermediate PORTS. Cg,oflu AND _ MA ¢hrough Titkets to Chicage w lt n« § eut Change, #1 00 "8A, Suitable for the comiag season, Pussengers und Fumilles movleg Wes can ambark with Ib:‘;::-. Htock, ::..;.“I.“ wm tbabo® of tra al their port of desiination, thas u.‘..bc great inscevenisnce ol the many chaneos, ays and sxpenses of cther rout 1 * BME Uhaan ommimare bat® large eabius and wtate rooms, a mply and aeatly furnished, for Orst slase passenger», and second cablins, with cook mummw-g lot pas their own provisions. 'lo:::-m:.?:ndu.:‘dmh the repetation w t apeot bes route. mMA" ask Nos Liqhata via Domkern Tramporta~ tieng Company‘s Steamers, the oaly American Lines leaving Ugdensbargh. k w 'mmw to cach Passenge. lm:hlld h to all points. Tiskets to all points in the Great :‘-.m 'm':dl‘ West, ehsaper than cheapest on a pplieation to * J T CORCORAN, Agent, At his ofice, Rume!l Housre Bloox, Bparks bireâ€"t, (the old establlâ€"ned Tusaet otfiee), whete all lntormation whl be theerfully gives; nmd:‘yu the Rallway Station es the â€" denartir® truius, where you can‘ purchase RKaT CAaATALOOUEK #ALK toekats from him. be «ure nefore parchasing claewhere, barlan‘. «M autenmuwr GARLAND, MUTCHMOR .& CO yravingy"*, L afrp Cutlery. Chins, W are, Hormws®, â€" Nieigh«, Bolwa, J lavite special attention to #WO DAaILY LIXES OF STEAMERS OREHNER® TRLAXAPDERTATIOY Co.*‘3 April 21, 1870 8 P RL N G By J Bâ€"rmagham, As In all colors, wihy* Cheapest an In the CARPET asd HOUSE FURSISHâ€" ING DEPARTMENT they are sthowing new and choice goods in great ailoty . _ Extrs good value is LACE CURTAINS. W Inspection lavited. .‘ Ottaws, April 19, 1870. 3 Lt # «DBnectriorn *#a!l¢*, Ottmwa to CHLORGD.â€"â€"ss=â€"â€"â€"~~~â€"*> Their stock is now complete in all depart~ LRPACCAS HKAiAWKD TRURK LRAILWAY: gBEaTt REDUCTIOX OF FARES. sfortable accommedations lyt pase tuniliâ€"s who may wish to furnish BLACK AXD COLORED = wl t lt Mc HLACK eugick sTock RES4 10004 SILKS, in great vaslety A ND 8 U M M ER a LaABO® #10CK, mwaterials and fashlonable A & A 0 TATLOR, Ape®‘t AND COLORED O# secived lastruction & Heqg., to sell at bis ol Wellinglon, on . _ihe Ith and #hb of ud see the Agent the Dominios. es thoir AH exire goodl ealue. 0OLw®. CONFPORT, USTRES, 1 M a --â€"’“ k: yoovyi®» Kn ouovks, A LA NEWEST AND MOST FASHIONâ€" ABLE DESIGNS. ty TBE READY.MADE R r~LOTHINXG perarrye£st ......Mnmumm.} 8 in s and customers that they have Just received and e gmer agh tos ‘ w.q.,u_&lull attention to our stock of read P oameles | °1 oobDs 1870. ENGLISH, Is also very complete, and will be found of the best materials and most fashilopable styles. Bpecial attention is oalled to a f LARGE AssoRTMEXT OF w«@PRING AND ©iUMMER a),VkRcoiats Buspendats, Searis, Ties, Coll! bhe, &o,. Toegather with a large MACEE & RUSSELL . Talloring Department under the superyiâ€"ion of a frst class cutter. Suits made to order in best and latest styles. Good At ensured or no sa ¢. A. DUFF. > O‘MEARA 4 CO. FK10 LET. Oitawa, A pril 1Â¥ib, The MONXTREAL COTTAGE, Daly of the prettiest rpots in the city. Re dpoty te :: _ _fwo BRICK TENXEMENTS on West end Theodore street, aLove the gaol, Rent moderate. Apply to e * peu s f il“,’ lilt. _ Fu be rented, Orst May, that frst class BRIOK DW ELLILNG intely erected on the corner of Hogh and Maria strects, at present occupled by Mrs. MeNab. It contains a Drawing Room, Dising Foom and Six Bed Rooms, Basement, ‘.k“,m.udnmmufl water on the prewises, good yard and . outballdings attached ; also a large gardes connected with the premises. Rent exceedingly moderate. A YERY LARGE ASSORTMEXT Ottawa, May %, 1870 The DWELLING at prosent occupled by J P MACPHERSON, Keq.. Vittoria street, in M’m‘h.‘“‘npflal all the madarh imbrovements, â€" Possession given 9th PRING AsD Oitaws, May 2, 1878, Or to D us an/ 11i14f € “ov.- To LET. To lat, a FRAME DW r tg‘-‘ Road, and kitehen. Good weil of Rent £43 a year. Apply ® â€"_““_â€";-â€"-â€"â€"-_â€" rl\o LET * Ahree Orst class DW ELLINGS in St. Alban s Terrace N,m;.h.!m“ohn DW EL _ LJ NC on Stewart streot. Rent moderate., Posâ€" wmerlon uamediately. . | Appy to W LET. FRENXCH, sPRIXOQ IMPORTATION®. _ O‘MEARA & CO. Oitawa, April 2%, 1874 watil noen on Â¥ull particulars as to conditions of tender, ®!!5 pesifications, will be supplied on application to the Secrstary of the Department. JORN CARLINXG, Com of Agriealtare and Public Works. Bboy artment of Public Works, JOntarie, April 19 _ s _ _ _ aus9e 162 187 3 0 LET. " & CHOICE LOT Dry â€" Goods. Or THUE NEWEST STYL "NK®XDEKR® wy~ DRY ~GOOVS. e D14 U vo post received 8coTCcH AND CANADIAN s MANUFACTURES his reason‘s Patteros Feor th s Bupply of wa~700 BEADSTEADS, es Apply to KRIXTED Hair Maitrasses and Pillows, and Straw .-.hmu-n.umum TUESDAY NE CA®*K a FRAME DWELLING on Vistoria chmond M“%uo rooms# * M‘nlc.l."rfl preomises. # ’. year. ArpU . Dkxis zoax, Ashburabam MHUL _ Apply to l’lls TED NUSLINB8 To Lets+ , Ties, Collars, Shirts, Gloves, ith a large and well assorted J P MACPHERSON, D GLaAHAM, E8Q.,, Collesior of Costoms, J J M#URPRBY, Eolicitor, Aumeond‘s Buildings. i 1316 6 IB TACKABELRRT, 1147 im a ‘all calours. MBR 8ADLER, Protestant Horpital. 1247 6 ~ LAPYV KB3 MR SADLER, Protestant Hospital. comprising i1870 Daly street, one . Rent moderate wWEEDBS, USLLX® 10th MAY, sccupled by J ES will be received Ei gin street, F Are now shewing a czlu.l.d assootment of NEW UvKksSs GQuDs 1ess Trmmings in all the leading Styles Materials. Alse About tour nfiles from the City «t Ota®s&ed | BEAUTIFUL BJI1LDPiNW ofAl+2 the Oitawa and Wlo cester Macadsmized Roead | North Half »ot Nb 4 of 3rd Consession, Rideau to 8 Front. comisiing pf 09 neres good arable land, of _ mm GIV kX) awWaAay "CAR whisn 80 are clesked and in bigh state ot aultivaâ€" § t .. the balancd being well timbered ana well | _‘ e@Hâ€" * watered ; good dffelling and outhouses attacbed. a Â¥ XEXT For jurtber pagticulats apply to J. HALL ral TBE THIRD â€"(:l‘_. MAY : i the premises, or k B TACKABLRRY, Austionser, HECTOP MoLKAN, Auctioneer, Sparks Street CMLAW ae 1334 30 h«â€"s reseired inetructions from R A BEKADLE Y, teg, to sell by PHoLLC aAUuPIOX. at the t > No *~~ | KuesslH®Oorner, on ThEk~DAY, ihe 3rd Jay ot ‘v KS l<‘.° May next, at the bour\of eleven o‘clock in the A forenoon. e e e t wE wyâ€"DRY : New Printed |Musline in great variety, from 11 ets per y4rd upwards. Now thawls lour. Casbhmere, Peisliey, Biack lodifgna and Biack Lace ; Now Jiantles|and Jackets in Black Suitara Bilk and V&veteoens + Bilk and V&veteoens * Now Wa t Cloaks, very cheap. New Pafasol d S8unshades New Flowers Keathers} New Straw G #, & large astortment New Mibbowns|in Silk, Satin and Velvet, an immense vjmety in all widths mnd colors Now Corsets, |a White and Gray, from 40 ots upweards New Hhoalery gud Gloves ihe new =h s New Crapes agd Arcophanes ‘ Now Linen $e§s, Collars and Cufs Now Rewed #dgts, Collars and Cofs Neow Lace Retth, Collars and Cufs Neow Laceand|Musiin Ties Now Laces Lace Falis Now Sowed EKdgings and Insertions rrashy kA Cdutes Patent Frillings and Emâ€" T Cele bntc‘.louï¬bluo K id Creasby & Cqaates l‘al Lreidercd THimmings New Grey and White Cottons, excelieni YAIRE New theotings Fillow Corttons New Irish L s and Linen Lawns New Linen and Diapers ’ New Grasse L4 1 and Brown Hollands New Table emse, Bleached and Unbleached Neow Tabile Coyers and Napkins , New Towels Tewellings Noew Window Holland, all widths in White, Buf# and G: ‘ New Tollet Quilts and Connterpanes New Printed Fancy Flannels Now Shirting Winceys New Sa xony Welsh Filannels in White and Coloared By 1. B. 'lrrnhmy, Auctioneer. ARM FPOR|SALEK. GENTS FPU. New Cotton New Cotton an Noew White Now Linen and New Linen and Now Ecarfs, ll New Wanite and A Splendid ase of dritish and ! atlemen M?l.ts would f a eall and exan ing elsowhere. PB W orl in Ottawa, April $0, 1870. “ Basset Ed Basion Mre M Bain Arch Bayliss Jno Beaumont Bro Birt Mrs D Blaks Miss M Black Miss M Botrell Jr â€" Brown Mre 8 Breppan M ln-bLG H_ Bracelin Catl Brady And â€" Brown J P Brainard J I Brown Geo Bridbham C Brooke Mrs Burrows Jas Burpott Jas Rurgess & C (c!m Lh c:flvoll W Carter Mre Christie A Caurch Ale Clark W Clairmont | Clements C Cline 8 gou'm .t C & P# . Cartfer Art Cunninghs Daly And 4A Dally Jas f Dent Jno Duune F L Donaldson Miss A Ellioct Geo Kiliott A _ Â¥Fen‘on J Findley J Fitagerald4 J W Fleming & Forbes Foster Bank W Garland u Gardener Geo Gaâ€"bor M Gammon Ann Gorman Mys Aun (Greene J Grant Moed M _ iireene Jn (Grant Jnoo Match The Hamilton Ha: worth Halbowell Hinds H Moâ€"mbaw G U Helen Jno Aollis Jno Hodder | Gitaws, May 2, 1810 Auttion Kalesâ€" Johnston Mss Anoa o is Keal Mary l.;u BLYTTH â€"4&â€" RUSSELL ( ‘.‘ Arcophanes is, Collars and Cuffs 1«, Collars and Cofe L Collars and Cafs Ds EMPORLU M. % Conr2IsIXG ‘hite Cottons, excellent value d Pillow Cortons ns and Linen Lawnse » NI8SHINXG DEPARTMENT Merino Underclothing Merino Sockse » 8 Iuru.’l Paper Collars in all Styles Paper C!‘l and Shirt Fronts !eh Ties and Gloves Coloured Marcellia Veosts rtment of CLOTH3 and TW EEDS anwdian manufacture. quiring BPRING and SUMMER ad it to their advantage to give us ine our STOCK, before purchasâ€" nsbip and all fts quaranteod. I-I.-E Miss 5 Meade D C Mitobell Mrs M Mortison Miss 8 myl no Myers Miss C O“M Pat W Brien Barah Miss M A O‘Connor Jao ©Q‘Connor Kate , Parish J W B , Palumter Miss ; Pearson HMy ; Peddiar Jos > Potter 8 D Power Miss B t 6 C ) rus P:Ju C Pritohard Mirs 6 Pudoahk Mre M Rendies Thos Relliy M J Reilly Jno Ritchie Robt r Ripley L K _ nd rs J «4 180 BLYTH & RUS8ELL. Malone W P Masson Jas Martin Jas . Reliiy Miss B Roberts E L RKose Jno Robortson J Redden W H Robinson Miss 8 :,u “J. ere Mre !:fll'»lfl * Beott W BHennett Miss A Bherwood Geo . Bigson Chist | Bmith And Smith Mre F L Bmith Miss E ; Bmith Mre Bmith J M Epelman Kd | _ ° an Stewart Miss M Btewart Frs Btreet A‘b Bulltvan Ges Taylor Thos Tardi#® Fred Teller J > '[honuJJu Thompson Jos 'ho.ull;'l'(, Thorne Miss L M Tiley Geo Tomiinson Miss J Tucker J H W arren Hy W ade Geo Â¥F MoCabe Pat McoCotters Miss M MoeCready Jane McDonald Geo McDonald Mrs A McGrath M Mclotosh Miss M A MeLean & Â¥ MceLeod D Mclean A ‘MeMorgan J as MeMoriow Miss M McePherson J Mequake Sarsh Mise J W att Jas Young Mr 0 P BAKER, «loves in BEAUTIFUL â€" BILDING SITES mï¬:::l} 200 choiss and beautifully eitu@ building sites in the Village of Goreborough the Township o1 Glousester. fa T F E LV s ie 44. ul en dndcctuss didd nslc tutait d There lou‘iu the porth side of the Ottawa and Montreal Mapadamized Road, known as the Montreal Road, just one mile trom the City of Ottawa, a great proportion of them being at T TE P oanoa e age Ni calghc iï¬ on t e t MJE Lslls. present under the highest state of garden cultare. Intending purphasers will de weil to imspect them before the day of sale. Partiés desiring to do so will plaase pbserve the toll wing\directions ; Having crossed the Rideau Bridge abthe toot of Rideau street, then follow the Montreasl KRoad to where a red A1g will be posted, a few feet east of the= Uns XKile Post," and hetween the Bret red hag and ome of a similar description further on lies the above property. N Pus Je dog c 0s 900 O aNcnms ons A bo-uutml':y executed plan ‘ of the above proâ€" perty and the City of Oitawa, sobhwing their rel aâ€" Tions with each other, and giving full particulars of situation, & , may be bad by .Jxlyin‘ to Mr. McLEAN, or to the proprietor, Mr. ADLEY, at his law offfce, Bangs‘ Block, Corner of Sparks and Klgzin streets, Ottawa. ; Terms of sale one quarter down, balance in three equal yearly pay wments, with interest at 7 per cent. per amnuim. 4 M Several of the choicest of the above lots will be distributed among the purchasers on the day ot sale, when full particulars will be made By M 4 KCV K MR A L A first class country residence, new, eoutuinis pine rooms; with one acre of lapd attached, beautifully wooded. to let or for sale in the same vicinity. Rent £49 .ur annum. Relling price $1,800 cash, or $2 as follows, viz., one third down, balance in two years at 7 per cent. N Bâ€"$100,000 tolead on city and country proâ€" perty in.small or large sums, and for long or sbort periods, at a low rate of interest and upon most advantageous terms. } ‘Pp"-t-o. m a mH W MlAtalbar Sral ~** *R A BRADLEY, Soliciter, &c. Bangs‘ Bloek, Corner of Sparks and Eigin btreets, vttawa, Oitawa, Apric 21, 1470 Apply to N* m@â€" R AIL W A Y LINE s Will call at Ay!mer for Passengers and Britannia for Freight only, until farther noiic®, | RS o%ssn.s. a td dn d §* President. 'l\lll OTTAW A RIV ER | NAVIGATION COY‘S STEAMERS. Has commenced her regular trips between Ottawa and Montreal, with Mails and Passengers, leaving Ottawa at 7 a m, deily, | UR SALEK. A splendid RACING SKIFF in good Will commence running her regular trips from Major‘s Wharf to Ottawa every Monday and Saturdsy leaving Major‘s at 5 a m, and Ottawa at Ottawa, April, 25, ll'lq 1 3838tf & ET The steamers of the Union Forwarding and Railway Company will commence their daily trips to Portage du Zort, on TUESDAY morning, %6th April, leaving Aylwer at 8,30. a m, It is erpected the line will be open to Des Joachim in two or three days. . + «Q@UEEN YICTO RIA," Ottawa, April 23, 187 NI' DARVG STORKEK. .. ALEXANDER CBRISTIE, Druggist and ‘Pharmacentical Chemist ‘ Sparks btreet, Centre Town. The subscriber begs to inform his triends and he public generally, that he has commenced business in the new building adjoiniug the Ontario Bank, Sparks street, with a perfectly now and complete stock of Genuine Drugs,; e es 134444 Kuropean and American The Popular Propriptary TICE. s \Medicines and Preparations, English, French u‘Lkr-n '“‘3.-70 English Brusheés and Tollet Articles, Dye Stuffs, Seeds, and all the Miscelianeous artiâ€" mands. The prescription department will 5* under the personal supervision of the proprietor, and particular attention will be paid to the quality of all materials employed. Pbysicians and country merchants supplied. ‘The subscriber has ample facilities for attend: wuï¬ovmdmum- cles usually sold by Druggists. ;I-nymdmll!ï¬ww will receive the attention their importance deâ€" 8e l s ALEXANDER CHRISTILE Atawa, February 17, 1570 1285.8 1 â€"Â¥rns Phors Flll’ Fon sLAE OR TO LET.â€"100 aor. aâ€"the north half of Lot No 11, in the 4th concession of the ww-_-h{rpgo.mlvnhag:o‘ THE UNION FORWARDING oTtcE. Is now onen to Joachim. M A RK ET 81E AMELX M MALL STEAMER| @rFAIRY «+ THELR STEAMER Carr. Bowi, Cart. Nicwous, =â€"A ND â€" 8 1sS 85 0 N" m« HECFOR McLEAN, Austioncor beautifully clt,u_m'd R W SHEPHERD. 1341tf RB CASSELS, President. 141 133910 Patent Medicines, , in order Look out for the RED COAL OIL BAnRE , and Gentral Stove lDepot, Sparks ~treet. «JP EMOY AL: & > The subscriber in ret=r«ing thanks for the very liberal patronage beswwed op n him daring the pest six ye«re by his m uy friends and the publhs gevera ly, beg lo«ve :o ansounc» that be w«1d heeafter keep bhs estâ€"»li nment (2) twe doors west otf dis old itand, 20 £0 Sparks sreet, the arge stone building lately oâ€"cuped by A G + AH AM as a Dry wo. ds «nd Cloh beiter knowa as Having enlarged and remoddled the store o as to fit it up or a & FIRST CLASs BUSINESS 20USE, Is new prepared to fll oraers en the shertest notice, and cheaper than ever seld yet for frst class goods, warranted to give satisfaction. He would call particu‘ar attention to bis now on hand. Tinware madeto order by com» petent meckanics. pM t TIVES AND ty Country merchants w do well to give a call. Also, d{flon in d\‘ 6 m»~ LAXNG‘S B3UILDING, s Of any gize or pattern, from different makers in th.o.‘ Dominion, ‘a full assortment constaatly on hand, _ | & and having purchased a very heavy stock, of the best makes, cheaper than ever old yet, will be sold at Montreal wholesale prices, Chantier Tea Dishes, _ Pork Dishes, Milk Pans, all sizes» BRASS, ENAMELLED aAXD OTHER P 'l'l ALBO ©N HAND, LAMPS, CUIMNIES, WICKS, BURNERS. COAL 0lb. COAL Olb. puver | ustaact ts L les $@y" Common and Best Refined Oils. "%ag Also, Oil Cans, of all sizes, manufactured on the premises, and an immense quantity of other goodsto numerous to mention. % & s )HE BRITISH LION HOTEL, _ Come one, Lome all, and see for yourselves be= fore lruroluh‘ elsowhere. All goods marked in plain figures at a small All goods marked in x::ll advance on cost, FOL CASH. Jobbing entrusted to him will be carefully attended to in ‘due time. Please leave your orders. s 1327 3m TOVEs, srovz's.\ sroug. v 1TOVES, @;TOVEd, @1TOVES, Baths, \ lron Hedsteads, Refrigerators, \ Four Minutes Ice Cream Freezrers; > Water Coolers, Rogers & Son‘s avd others, Fines Remember, Cutlery %, Handwich Plates, all sizes, Atraps, all sizes, Block Tin Tea and Coffee Pots, Britannia Metal Goods, Brass and Copper Goods, Tollet Chamber. Ware, Bread and Sugar Boxes, Tea and Coffee Canistera,* f Bird Cages, all sizes, Toys of every kind, Sponge Cake Meulids, all sizes, Cash Boxes, all sizes, 4 Lanterns, different sizes and shapes, Fishing Tackle, Buckets, Camp Kettles, all sizes, Lumbermen Bakers, Chantier Plates, D. ‘I‘. BROWNE &£CO, ON SPARKSST, AT 60 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA, O:tawa, May %, 1870 LUMBERMEN‘S GOODS tions, otf the anosual value of $1%5 . Tuowsox Exbivitions, value $125; t ALrKiXDER Seholarehip, value $120 Eexor®‘ Sebolmhiz, value $109 to jaxe Reprare Eaxbi itl on, value $1090 ; Bcbolarship, value $100. PW L ul M hests Nee sn GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, Application to be made to WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINXESS, 1OA L _ _A Orst class SERVANT GIRL wanted immeâ€" diately, _ Apply to E ROWSELL 1348 6 Kext Doorto Ta® hnlo.eo.i W 4 ho ue ds On and after the STXTH DAY OF MAY, instant, the rate ai which AMERICAN SILVER cow'lllbone-lvdbnul.u(ar «x porta~ tion on Government account, wil: be six per cent. DC L L Loke soÂ¥ll acniinne ou eX L T diun:t..‘ Until that time the rate will continue at fre one cansen, Atirattonst bcpminmes " * * ** fe T TW We ce ns 1348 i Go0P0 IXYESTMENT. Montreal, May 2, 1870 â€"_â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" G.u. Ho“..lfll'flwfm an1 Tuper, and m,u.w'unn. between Dalbousic . street and Odmberiand treet, Jitawa. 1332 3m (A BAXKRUPT STOCK), 1341 lawt4J TOVES, @;TOYES,~ a;TOVES, * s s PP SSRIOH, Proprister mERICAN sILVER COIN. TAaNTED. F OR 8 A LE On Liberal Terms a Stock of LEABE OF ‘8 T OR £, made up purposely for their trade Or â€" BALDWIN BRO3., OPPOSITE â€"ALSO,â€" Carried on by RED OIL BARREL, In Ottawa C. H. BALDWIN & CO., â€" of M:ntreal, at a vory low figure, _WCBAYNXES, B A, Fecretary MoeGull University. IL INXW ARE, O# the Ottawa. 1 MMTH | & & % P M in [3 Me. If sdily