a Wt i4 % | 14 45 s t PA *A w‘ 4 # 6 i 4 * 1 V# «t 1% 4 4 3 4 } U i NÂ¥ $o€ \# \\t Sn Ottawa, Aportt 27, The sugsese of this most delloions ano S""" f . led sondiment baviag esosed cortaim bJ-l" appy the name of « Woreâ€"stershire M 1200"* ° t tb'!hmhhhu,u*'ï¬l?““'m’ informed that the only way to seou:e tae geouuine. and to see that their names are apon th . wrappaor, M‘:fldb@b supplied with a spo W orasestershire Aance PP"""" 7 use zud tabsis of waich the â€"am6 supplied with a aparions "Â¥ OrSarl ru"*“ lnbels of wa I‘lM".."‘.'km notice tnst they hare furalshed t dAuasts with power of attorasy W o on +0 mt oiuirr e uies oomaryon. notise tnust they ....'?.‘.'h..u their correry 0n« omtediees Zewa‘e m atranniers an t ren on an see A of inon, 0t wher imitations by which their w":b-" & U# kak tor L.+A & PERRINY *Aunce and 16e °_ COmMEnC! aL. WORCESMERsSHIR® SAU yiygsgs5sss9s} ‘il.nllll." WUiTe auUuTtta PERCH a SNaA4R.,, W# mopping Desuyed Testh l“hn'lon-una‘uduohl.u‘rwm To shache no matter ho# lar decsayed ow 1 Od per bx. Ask for tabsiel‘s Celebrated Dental Proparations FOR THME TEETH G\â€l'.‘uo UKLRBRATED PREPARA a» Â¥usa OLEANAL%u, BRAUTIFTTINA, _ AND PREâ€"~ERVING TAE TEETu ï¬ by Chemiats aad Perfumers, and by the o0%. GA.'C IKLI8 N8 FERQ ENAUXEL sToPPING tae Proserving FPront Teoth. Wartruated to keep whits, and as Orm as the moth iuselt . Th beaut.â€"ful proparation restores Frost Testh and provants deea;. Suimslont for Stopping six Teab MES3SRS, GABRLECL, The eldâ€"establuwhed Wentists, HA & PEARLRL*E* m“tw. Souw Un 3 ___h. oys oo Impartiog a satural tbra es ctmu. & o enaumel. in. 84 Gt:ulll.'. .“OOlAl.l'll l'f:t.i.!g 'M:‘.l‘. cleagelog aproving eailh Imparting a aatural reduaess to the gums ; whitens me weth withom loar} between them an» trases of powder, gd:no bmuillanoy to the GA.Q'I‘I.’:..IOIM. rooruo;o:n 9 a rsips as or nq.:;.'r.mu. Peeth, and l.soh.ï¬n- onts Iragrancse to the breath ; gives Teoth a nourlâ€"lMke whitensss and protosts the snamel. LBRIKi!s% ODONTALAIQUE ELiXIX, Gn mouth wash «artralied tor ts agresable the bremh; is in lnawalzaabie to smokets, rssommended o suflecers hrom Tis, g.&: @Genuine withoot it, tee I’-“: Driee $o. lavin lavkin Rtopper »e w a buil Iau t I bnal a + J C P mand 0 LA CO A8K FOR LEA & PERQIN® 8A00CE, e is |; 64 Lod gate Hill, London Aad at LEIVERROOL and #a19#T N. CaUTION AaAGALNST PRAUD. nassas of this most deltsions and * e D s aned by O snaolsseuats oxLt a@oop0 siavck. 2 R I L PAR AT} MK $§$#4#~" CABRIEL, Bentists. LUVUDGCATE WiLL, LONDON. W rapper, JaLkB8 .tAD 4 td 0. 1148 Jm 18 3m JCE, 1s69.) WINTER AaARRANGEMENTs. (1270 ‘w lsave BONAVENTURE sTATIO. t wotxo weat.‘* Day Rxpreas lor Irg. UA#E, '\-novm.. f , Brantford , Deweit, Chicage, und all pobnts Wost. 44. ...~.~~~~~.~ BW & = Vight . do do . do do _ do 1;30 ; ® Ascommedation Train for Cornwall _ _ w of stations at....... di10 4 # Train (or Kingatoa and U4441008, 44..., ....... TilB ## tre us for 4# «««»»..000 a mn, 1100 * # am, 13 sason, 1130 pu, 440 p a, 4p ® and pa®. The 1.3U pm train runs through to Provine tb . alu «0UTH AaAND EAST. Train tor Istand Ponad aad C Stations ut.......â€"â€" 1100 #= ;.nh N “-.‘l*..- 3 a m veur ut ® Micerces # ie Y Contral, ® Cxpress (or New vork and Boston wha 1 rgh, Laes Champlain, Wur & Rutland at......> a 1, 440 p ® <upress for Tutkhth, Hhoccrrerremmrersâ€" TAE L dighe lor Quenes, laland Pood. \Woer na o Postiand, dopping beâ€" tween «¥d lalaad FPonad a* #W#. i. Wrasinthe, Aston, Sherbrooks, W auterville _ _ _Phe steamer: Cursota leavrese Portliand ever., «AIUL uaÂ¥ APTRRNOON (after the acrivel » rain from on Friday aight», for Uab un oprtient uaitaiies in an the (ater® Vompany‘s steamers, fABRAiA & -%“ the raad Prusk Rallwa) aave awary WONDaAaY and TUV K IAY st 8 pas, for it John, N 8. &0 Pc- through at the Company‘s priges wohl ce Fos vaformation and thme of arriva) an m:‘m at remminal and way «) ';â€"O\E“?“u and time of arriva) a0 imparture of all traine at reruminal and way «t lous, apply at the Tleket Mese, donaventure Ita â€" MMB TABLL, No. 23, Commencing on MONDAY, NOY. 18, 409 LEKAYBE SROCKVILLE ‘ 15'. M.â€"â€"PRALNR . will leaw . $ Brookrille daily at 413 p m, 14 1a, arriving at duadpoin at |006 p m, p aa» | LEAVE 4AXDPOINT. A. M.â€"â€"PRAINE will Leave 6:;00irnipein‘ a LW a m knd 13 ':.'M';“'ih s 1200 p -.q LEAYE PERTH. | P, M.â€"â€"« FHAINER will ‘*sn 5'35'-!.& l.bl m and #.0 o"' arriving at Emith‘s Fails at 6 25 p m and Â¥.58 ruu BSMITHW» ’Al.l.s ' l0ws &A M.â€"â€"THAIN® will lemwws @#P Amith‘s Puile at 10.00 ¢ -1 4,30b p m, arriving at Porth at 10.408 aw and *.4 W# ® All trains on Main Line connect at Ymith‘s Bail with traius to and from Porth. etapnaime | 1t BRLYDOERA, Managing Uirsostor _-%“u-h-. \B6v. Oetawa Orricuâ€"York strset, sorner of Oussen â€" No 1 lgaves Brookville after O T Traine age due trom the cat and woss, _ * _ No 1 in due in Brockviits in time to connset d Tt h&o tor the sast and west 5 N. ABBOTT, On sad after RATURDAY, the 1@th UKMBLR, (804, this Rallw<â€"yp will be opan qasâ€"angar anad gâ€"odetea®e. as anders _ .. | _ heturningâ€"â€"the tratas .leavre n-u'-n:'u *. sto â€"imer (row r: .’muzt:â€™ï¬ :nvnol Koatebiie nmut&u«l Halllas at 9 p u. YEXNuUuN aÂ¥iTH Kenieiite, Dos #, 1800 b+30y ~ | PUBLIC NOTHOER 1 given that &mmumunm‘u on lot 34 A, and on Rear Street, in the Clity of tht advertined to take place on the Jth APRIL nos nru.-u ubtli FnlDAaY, iith MAaY, as the OLPY AUUJTIOS MAKT, York Strest, w there wiil be turtiher ofered for sale, the Ing sub lots in lots s4 ant 38, Con B, uad logletter N, Ridean Kronat, Neye+n, vis tnl.w* RKndean Frontâ€"s: b lots | and .’?l‘ ..0-5. Rigsean Fromtâ€"aub lots 3, On 16t 34, Con B, Rideau Frontâ€"Sub lots T, 8, & 10, +1, 18, 13 u..f.. 16, 14. ‘? Plans of these sub lot» togather with ‘the plant d.o-bh-uub.hn.-unt-o Wtreat, in Otawa, will be on miew up to the of sale Ihllt‘l)vï¬otl.nd “M.a ML-â€"A this Vepartment, and at Ausction Reom of J, Bermingham, Austmoasst, shescoked througb PDepartment of the Recretary of state, Ordnancee Lanads Braach, . . Qitaws, Marsh 31, 1878, York Atrest, Ortawa, |noo§flul '.‘ 'o:nmwA lulâ€"1 RDNABDCEK LAasda. OLTY oÂ¥ OTTiAWaA AND NEr®a~ NO lcCE. Matlroads. CHANGOE OF TIME. PERTH BRANCH, 6 ky Wqrcems. â€" camow «M Qarse on all Might Traine. Pa4gâ€" MKAIN LINE, A & A U TAYLOR, Agents & raARENT, huou-inu-‘dh WiLkLAM FP,00ORFIN, ___ Oranance bas d Agent, Mamaysey UiFeAOF .. | Now Airyles. APmpoessant Changse, rnnnnumnumm | Combined in One Botilin _ ______ Wilt IWestore Geny Mair to MB | _ .aane t in a most delightfur Hair Dreising. M &« 1 wil r-u lnururiant growth. “.4 FALLING HAIKR is immediately checked. Ph a MRS. 8. A. ALLEN®| _ » UWAIR RESTOREER _ ,JJ | Dr. A. Trask‘s Maguetie Oiatment Cares ...." ar W@artrstss. â€"Da Brsumix, of Ublce, Mayuetio intment io my pracuce a ammber of ,mn‘mnv.ï¬zmnlwmfl he gromeai alsouvreries of the i eare l .udammativn of the uo'.l;:-“dll' W.Mmu.a‘ucw uad Fever, it opatales #Wh partact qmecsges . s see of Uucus, irtiees, Frossn Linbse, it aote .. * t Th l O . # me m mmegecmee cesc e ettt be. J P. Kanzzpr of Chittenange, New Yor* ' w a «it bA'lll_.‘. Barrimer, Awor says | *# 1t has stou. thedes mal, aud Jas ast bee.. I d‘ .â€'m'“mwz_.o:..,. mm-.watlum.nodl-‘o.l“.‘m Publ.s, Corser otf au mation of the Loage aad Croup and the -;unw 1....:‘0...._ 9y eosse l0 submding the tortwry Ahow woâ€"_ eenemnntimn ns nemenmmemmarmenmmmmnns ontmentuen ccon:>â€"mecos gom wweuhin,, sellers ....w:....w. UWHON NO M , Abice sopâ€" atâ€" La#, solleitor «Chon:::snl .\‘Q’I:d cqmedies (ur these I .’Ob Chancery . o-n;:.v, &o., Bdussex C steaat â€" Was. Usive Bulldines. «iGawas. §51 Us A. W. Bumoimwae, of Kaowlsarilie, New York ape; @1 have use it bo aavere i eases of apecial .EWeablunm and tor the worset eases of Pules, and amdiry other comp»s wote, «ad Ond «+ supation wittele, amd webl wortky the aotioe of all * _ "bsï¬lmwï¬mu‘:‘l’.ï¬- ® raak and see that the words c uk ho MAGAELID UIZIMALNXT * s .p.....,.‘" *h Lyman, Newsnstie, C. W., Generai & * *# goute lor the Umâ€". soid in Ytt=ews by all \bugpglate and mt mediolne dealere every ehere MWorthers 1 Mesmers . Metheraslâ€"Ate poe usturped al alght and brokbn of pour rest by + se anile andering and erping with the exorust tlng pale of entting teeth 1 If 1o, go at ence sns 1 a botle of attes. WINELOW‘D uOuTHiSu NRUK, It w reliere th . poor UitiesaRere: aimediately â€"depead upen it | there is no mistai nows in. â€" There in not a mother on carth who i« wor used it, who will not tail pou at onee that wl rmpuinte the bowels, and ire rest io the 0ther, and roluet and health to the child, opers Ing Uike megie. 1t is perteotiy safe to use in ab wes, and pressunt w ib taste, and is the pro inrptive of ons on ina oldest and best (omalis phy «wle* # «:4 aurses in the United States. Price 4: emte everypwhers Be surse to ceull (o ‘«%Ubs @IN@LOW% 30OOTUILNG SÂ¥LKUVP!‘ bawuug the Jucsmmale ot =Ourtie & Perkine® on ae oumaidle Wraeppet. All othere arse buse umite war Ts as, after the must swvrere tests by the be» mdaoal euthurities abd ppdyes of les, bare bee muanoud to be quite pute, asd frse & a2s Muuh-n’apm on bet anoee 10 oiles sad to bimptuve 6 passanae of 1en. They an weeqmanl ow ho u-:l and Ausour. Thep bats sen obuees lof their \ntrinaeie woith, keepingy) mu.fl.mmottMC'm a driunlting thouw. @0 sobs for the smailest pasibls rodus, edecting a saving to the consumer of 13¢ i u.rnb. Our [uase are patup in 4, +3, 1o, 40 «4s w» b mmmom“:no‘lhflm mevniue +a betabves . Urdefte lour 3 1b bugss «o 13 ib bumes, ur wnd 10, or +0 Ib bos seut warr} mee to amny Wailwey dtatiee io Canatea Te -5' a lore arded iimivediately on reduipt of theorder b; a \Doomtab . w Othe ® be cullee 3 n dativer) 4J ‘aeprens man, ahare mare on sg.-u.-o. In seading crders beloe the aw0un I L10, to save eApenreu will be beties to «40. he wholso Dominion saould bay their teas of th linporters, noein o one address cartiage pald, and mark eaol wa plainiy, so that cach party get their «wu Tos Â¥a warrant a the Tes we sell 1o.give satlm athafnotion. Ifthep are nos su.lsfaee rythey on se returned ab ont expenie. _ . somey with the ordes, A bete a 44ib how wouls nmuol.hul.*..ï¬wâ€"b snd lor tour 5 Ub boxes, ersiwe | 41b buaee W essne UK MONIREAL TEA COMPAXNX) Nhb t â€" MEADN OE M K A 4 Twanka) ® Maessre. UBRazb®RLai® & Bimnis, Conwar P O . . ue Cariey of thuak . Provincs of Onturte, m':-."&-i This tnto certity that duriag the wiater of | i fmaliy Farine the tpring at 1007« reteaden is 4# J. * bo .yl.n.al-o'umao 1 became 10 woeeal that 1 _ coubd walk, uut was contned 1o ay abutr. For abauttwe pear,, while thes weâ€"kt nou--o:.‘un.s-uabnovt.lnfl medioal whoe, w0 w diferent mes < ns H-n.oo‘m.dm kinds mflwb’nn:.l-ld.-o'.:.. 1 svatinuâ€" ad to w in o t woree, aatll semames of -l.:'.ulosw.vyh.nu‘u| shoness Remedy by reading the cures partormed in a pampbiet. zubu.ol had beguse to tool -uwmu-‘h“.hMl-uM‘ «lmost hoipleas . | have taken two bortles of the <hoobhoaces Remedy aid two bogses of the pilis and "-"‘""2:""“"“.:"*""'“ +o get cetier, tried medicine as a .zlhï¬ul:.‘o.w‘&u.ndd-wu a private on®e, wows teo # *â€" .:M.mnm.o‘:'lu «wae, 1 have ~aly to the ~hochonwss Remedy setiave it witl cure pou! o Uworn to before d.l‘-:'-.::g:"l.nbp. wne bis aluth of , 100% . ; t "::"vau.u. a n-.qnluuohu&-mnhh- woman of neabity and wuth. 1 hare knowsn Let ,M "4 nm- Wt ds _ A lhat in hber case i bas pertormance of a miracie. "";".“M.." 'n‘vkd pe Hastiage> HAalnD, M D, C M. Orâ€"duats of Moâ€" Jo flnm.’ï¬.g‘m Burâ€" TEA COMPANY. > sPRCIAL NOTICEK. D4 btowgprzmh w . Mwoatroont. WWe t aad @ Putk Paus, Now To4 HLAUK TEA _ CHKAT HAJK le a certain indication of dmwur at the 10044 Nature‘s Crowan. Yonu Kust Caltivate 4 tou d #¢ «14 Deavnaesirte UERAUYIECL RalL. b H MoLRKAX, 18 Aparkse streat. â€o" ‘lt&nsa..'tu... Badtinmel abd ALWL+ & ?h'. tnlioeteorâ€"inâ€"Uhascer3, Cooveyâ€" dn ,, JBMesâ€"Lang‘ht Bulidings, EKlginaâ€"si. w ie taw Poue sn uts _ _ 44000 A,. MHAKA, Arschitess. OMBoseâ€"Aumond‘s u. Bs ildiags, Kideks st., Ottawa. :u, 'l“OQOVO & HAILLAON, Barristers, & Sudicuwrs, #o. OQtesâ€"Meegrove‘s Duil Lings, i damn â€"elrvwat, (Xl 4# &. | Wuzrita® Mosusore. _ MM6H _ OQuones Taumios j:-;.’w..-‘..o.-uuhnn wt J s P a wha hn macred n cronn ksu.u & MAMRBRunm, Darmaats and Asturutes at Law, dobsitcte is Camacery, Comvepancers, &o, for the Provinoss ol Uniatio (C000 n t t avaus on K erpee,. th .. WH OS NO M , Abice copâ€" atâ€" La®, solleitorâ€" «in Chanceryp, Uourepapscer, As., Busse®â€" streat. Ofese, Uaive Bulldings, Ata®a. bby ‘{ UW. UA X COUCK, Altrneyâ€"atâ€"lAw, Aull« a sltorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Comrepancer, Noetary »while, and Patent Rigat Solither. _ O%ceâ€"1m mediâ€":sly opposiie Russell + oure, EKiginâ€"st 43ut! ":"m Rrasties and Patents for lavenâ€" Llu t ORHNULLA MA.-‘-‘C Suilaiters, Convrepancers, &o, OBoeeâ€"1n Court Nouse, Ottawa. Romamt LAGK Mutt _ Jou® J. Oeaama. ..‘D'AID Â¥,. DARTEKELL, Barrisier 4 Sulleiter, Attormey aed Nutary Public, Clerk dmhru‘m Attormey, for the Uniied Cunnthes & Pressot: and Ransall ORBceâ€"â€"In the Court Houm,. Vurngessi®~ ‘ _ _ MBme _ ia, &# ,egpemally atteaded to io viawa. VÂ¥. Molawe, W , MOX WÂ¥usesr, L. 4. Lâ€"Â¥1o®. Ortawa, Dessember 4. 184Â¥ Rovn. IFTALMAK EUTerERLER,."" Prepared by spesial permission . om the original reoupe of #. P. YVEALAKL, M "., Profzor of Chemistry in the University of PADUA, ITALY, N diâ€"â€"Money advazced on landed se curity withowâ€"Post JMee Belldings, Eigin swoe4, Lept by all the priampal Uruggute and (irocers in 1ae of Cunada and the United Stabes A *bma-z Cs.teyancet, 40. in#Â¥0%â€"â€"Pust Otee Bâ€"lliings, Hiogie sreot, k A U. F. GLAXELLL, some ManefuAturer and Proprister for the Domipâ€" NÂ¥ D.â€"Thasms ealaebretes Bliumers are carelolly w»mepared with the sery bem quallly of Sherry Wine. a«ad are sspemaily adapted and recomâ€" nended to persoos ol delisate cvastitutions. They «rs gantly scmmalant, and will be mwond lnfallible alde to dgestion . ' Â¥or direstious we label rownd the neok of each York street, mear the Korket. The sunsertber respeciiual y announses that be ..-"h(..m:'w“ u-:“;m as Cham ar‘s Austion Roomse,. Hetakes this opportunity M;:hoâ€uom.mv-mva the in mqp astended, as well as the nadiesace in himw «lnoe bls atrâ€"val in this t# 4# CLEKOD, WHRHIGUT & LAWLOR, Harristers, Adroostes, &o. Jhoos, Ay!â€" COMMERCIAL S8ALE ROOMSB, AMCSKI* P. HILL, Aborasy None are granine anaiess bearing thesignature of to the Legisisture of Ontame for Private Bllls are bharoby usifed tast they are required by ihe d at and Polowing Â¥ule: of the Leogisistive Amembly, which are published | . the @Untarie Gasette"), to give NoFLK of tnw appileatinns (slearty and dlati=oily specifyleg 1+ asture and onjer ) in the *# Ousarlo «tamâ€"tte," and aleo in a an@@paper pablished in the Jonusty or Unioa ot Countses afested ; suon notice shall b« Wublused in sach ease for a perios of at lowst sn weeks during the Interval of sime betpoen the alose of the nesxt pressiling Resmon and the con Whersting of the Putstion. COoples of he «rst and I m of augh antices to be sent to the Private Bil\ Guese | iovzget Reroute, March 15, 1870, 1309 td lawk C owmemitamion «»Werechants AFY AUVCTIOL XAaART, All PetAtions for Private Bils must he preseatâ€" ad whhin the FiXaT TURCE WEEKI of the INHAN K OF KMAil STREAXERA, AAILI®X® N WEW YORK EÂ¥VERYT siTURDAY AaA%D aLTEe&®aTR TURDAYTsS FAbBabA UV THR t. fGabaY OTRiaKKL, PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTILEK. L W. tows, Heg. 4 P P '%.::H:tro ".::*.! m-".i'..' J -â€"-'vï¬ a # Rs ;°r°. € ’;ï¬d.%'w Bank, Ottaw» Lo id n 5* M (VliTYGUANM, TRTHRRAU, 8 Public for the Pro en oo erure. Hel, mt the Pur WK LiV KARPOUL &A QUKKAITOW NR 1 "Iy , Reese. L.and and Aeneral Agen RIVATE BHILLA. Partws inteading to mak+ -"llauo; oTTaAwaA TIMES, MAY 5, Te tnk. _ _ |____ _ w| â€" MKKISK 4 OROMBILE ouee Ts \AA *% COHARLES T OTLLNOR, Clark at the Hoasse. & M Â¥ G1laANELLLI Rass Kow.po Kiwaes. 1111482 at La®, \Bgw Laralaable to lovalids and persons of im “("“"’ «s exsebenat TINLIC for parsons scovering tro n Wloass.: Foreale in quart ; price one doll r. e f® o "5;;:-;‘;'6-“-.‘0@"' Rewuror #ill «4ve you many a ale« bt. In botties 25 & u‘umu«t‘.‘u-:lmu-u-mmu â€"I4 is pleasant to the taste and barmless in ite neture â€" For sale by druggists and general » ars 16 all part» of the Domw slon. _ . _ Uamdeper‘s First Pris Baking Powder, &n rivalled for pority and exssilence For a«le Iby mmowry.b-n In 3 on packets, : cents ; 5 on 0 cents ; I paons packets, 25 cenuw; pix pound», §\ .25 ‘u-’ovol::u want the best 8k sor GARDLNXER‘3 and take ow other. _ | 457 Notre Dame tre«t, Moutresl, [ .. Bole Proprieter and Manufasturep. Among the most important of r20dernp Medioal soveries stands the CANADLIAN PALIN uS€sTROYRER Ulde, Back ana sload, Coupns, Colds, bore Spraine, Erviess, Cramps in the sto: uach, Cholers Morbus, Dysentery, Bowe! 0'7hllu. Burns ,»calds, rost Bites &o., 46. The Cagadian Parn Jestrogyer has now nelure the public for a lenpgth of time, and «henevwer used is well liked, ooever tailing & magle «astance to give permanent relie! t Umely ased, abd wenare aever kuown a sikhgle smse of dissatisfaction where the directious are proâ€" perly followed , h_uuhnunx all are deligght al with its mâ€"- and spe«k i athe erms of its rirtues and magical a€ects. _ |_ W e from experience in tbis matter, B an‘\r“wl’.u‘ therefore those whoar «afering from any of the comp aints for which) it .+ .soommumended may depend aponits being a Sove -g' eBonoy of the Canadians Palir mm divenses for which it 14 reâ€" sommendes, and its worder(u} .ucossein subdking uounu‘a.uud Lnecumatmen. and in re i Servous Affections, eutitle it to a high rank 1g «b» list of Remedia« tor thesecomotaints, Dealerd are amming io "rom Medicine Desiersis all part» d the sountry for terther o:;phoo. and encb testify to the anivereal satisfaction it givee The Canse tlan Pain Destroyer aever falls to give amediate roliel _ Als Meticine Dealors t Physiclane order and use i t and oo fawmily wili v‘..nl «fter onse try ing it. ; m“m-iw%m NORT P & LYMAN, Be»@n 8 T Sowoustle, Oi: s deneral + Rold by Geo. Mortimer, J.u.m. Massey, H. Â¥F. MoCartby, J. Skinr«r, Price $1 per bottle ; «it bottles for $5. J GARDENEX, Cbemlst, «* HWf at amMe amt:“h # sn y 1 t t . » The amoke causes no nausea,. . When th «ind, | have sever known an instance in â€"sief war nut sbtained."â€"«enerai Alrzar '.‘0. 1SDIG E8THONe«â€"P aA ® C TINXE o--q‘l--h efect» the Di# «ad A8"" UILATION â€"f OubD LUIVER 0 (it eaten at meals, &o. In digestive acti »arior to Poyâ€"ipe es Prncreatine Jowder, bottles, %8, 31 and I is4d. Fanoreatine Wine, boutbes,38.4* N B.â€"anorestine Wine is the best vebh! wmwking Cod. Liver Oll. 4Ga®TRâ€"Mersre Â¥. 14 i ‘AKADIAN PAINX DEKSTROYER : Ghef patura Taru iX 1 Afords Immedisate | +«A remedy of great In FTins, %» #4, as «nd 108. Or fw med ipso Cigars and Clgarettes , Bs 1n0 +3%, Pustilles for Lnabalation , Boxes, 28 44 , + a siV R\+ OOR ®. 14~, yew Bongâ€"s1,, Lon Aoxwxvea~Mesere. £. COundil) & Co , Mont UoLD s1LYEK SHELL AND 81 ,* ZARUS, »#MORRIS, & QUINXINE vayâ€" WINE BITTERS, w * ounted in A hand omely «ituated COTTAGE, sontsining Mx roome and kitoben, on iloncester st., Ashâ€" burshamw Hill, There is a handrome 004 and GaARDEX ER‘3 lP}I.IP‘l‘lO CURE. OUNG & RADRORL PEREECTED SPECTACL] (itawa, Aprii 26 08 lor Aate or to Let. 0O P TAGE ‘TO RESXT. A pertect At gaarantsed. e !UU:‘U & RaDÂ¥YORD, No35, Apark» tree Rejolao Ladies and W._t.t‘b.o.\ N E W®* ‘As8s 0O RTM ENX F *®4, | «*A remedy otf great pow 157. w. "Swked * * * ut aBcney in cases of Asthm w# ® Have just recelved a EKYLkL GLAS®SE* OL A®T OM A+ ¢ °OBLEERATEP _ Dublin Journal Medic 604 Chronis Bronchiti t. A, ir and nd 1 0s. sle for eal TION L, the ty , am> _ and d Sotâ€" cce go. EEL ‘.ll. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oficeâ€"â€" D 789@-“ eet, Conti al Ottawa. BAutf _ l,lo .“IUKOI lll"l‘CllllOl.. Dontil‘t‘ Offliceâ€"dparkeâ€"strést 0 ite oe Kussell‘s. _S% Pp® O;Sy 57 Argyle street......... *. . Halifax, N. S. M. E. ©COCHBAN, PROPRIE}OR, â€" This house, (situated .o the centre of the ciiy) bhas been receuty emlarged, fued wiltu all the m »dern improvemwents, and refurnisbed through. our io tret Claes aty io. The halls and «partments are spacious and wiry. _ Iisbmapreacp eï¬ 400 Meal Hoorsâ€"Breakfast 8 a m ; Lanch 1 p m; Lipper 6 p m ; Tea & p m. Tnu‘l u) per asy, gpoo Vartien visiing Halifax will find at * The Carieton,‘ govd mttention, cleaniiness and »comâ€" 10t MHalifax, A pril 1, 1872. 1328 1m ‘ W, ARMSTRONG, PROPRILETOR, | CORNEE OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS, // s _ Orrawi.> f EYERY CONVENIENCE AND COMEORT FOR TUE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. EVERY DELICAUY 0O# THESEASON. HALIFAX, NOVA 8ScoTIA Jarq 89. Establisbed 1851. Permanent and transient boarders accommeodaâ€" ted, and every m-uw;w to their comfort, 969y Ju Ru MANsS, Prupfloqn. M ATA Ay K Li 4 oo P O LA T 4 o ; 'l‘““ e AUIOI}‘D‘S LOC 1A LLKETON HOURK, -. HISTL®E & Co., Land survreyors, Land Agent:, B «.aght=men, &o., O)fice, opposite the Ont «ri B .ak, sp~rksâ€"st. Ottaws. V:ruum for Prust and Loan Co. W. & Tumnis. « ‘R Liaxe. BILLAING®*, Jr., Architect. Officeâ€" t$&) Ball‘s B‘ook. Sa ppers‘ Bridge. . Rereasrsors.â€" B aAdime, Es84, a.chiteot, Philsâ€" dols.hu Thos Fuller, Eeq, Architect, \lbo?; Dr J A bnu. Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Keq Managing Virector O. & 8t L. R.R. ~140! - CHRISTIE, Commissmon Merchant anc *"*@ General Agent Sole agont for Read‘: Highwine: andProof #hiskey , also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" shine Aler and Porter. _ Pork, Fioutr, &c., for baie. Orricn: No. 8, Sparks Sureet, near the Russeli u, Jase, Ottawa city, C. W. The largest and best assorted stosk of wy" ROO:ZL PAPERS "g ever offered to the citizens of Ottawa is now for sale at the store of #WILLLAM MeKAY, Rideau street, Moegrove‘s Block. R. C. LKGGOY, Phyncian, Surgeon and Accouchour . ofloo-lzum’a Biock, Sparksâ€" K UNALONX HOUSK, CHQICEST LIQUORS, The Stock now on hand is the LARGEST EV ER RECEIVED IN THIS @ITY. Another lot is daily «rpected from England. Rayr‘25,000 ROLLS OF ROOMX PAPER To be sold at manutactgring pricssâ€"Domision duties excepted _ all parties wunhing to renovate their nouses, and bo «1â€"h to have the eye pleasad on entering their homes, had better call immedl. ate‘y. The paper hangings are of M# MeKAXY‘s own selestion. The tists are neutral, and give that repose which is sought aiter by al! =e,.sone of taste. 13394 pAUCK W 1CBR MOUVS, To share in the division of profits of the past fre years, MI" ()yster., t4ame ote dat‘y C A N A D A s LIFE ASSURANCE â€" COM?ANXY EsTABLISHED 1841 After which the o‘ou--r dewrou: o sharing in thoas prof s will uotais Form,. of «ppileamon and all inforth «â€" tion at the Heâ€"d Othce or at any of the Agenties in the various places througtout the Dominionp, | A 0 KaMsAY, _ â€" * Manager, Wil‘ be proseoded with as quick!y as practicabl« . The Laists for the 23rd Year will be Closed on 301h | of this month (April), 11 * Agent in Ortawa, Prepared for biildings of e The Corporation of the County of Carleton are pr. pared to recouve Tenders for the =r ction of a OuURCHOUsE BUILVING and uFFILCEKs on or pear the rite of the old Cou:t House recent y deatro, ed by Gre,. The Vrawings, »pecifiestions and condions of contrart can be seea, and forms of Tenderâ€"wbtaio*© it the cBhâ€"e of th Oounty Clerk, WILL.a 4 COWAN, Ee N cholas st oâ€"t, ttawa, vetween the house or ‘0 a i. and 3 p. m onmnd afrer THURK&SUVAY, the Br8 d +Â¥ o. Mar next Good Stabling and an Attentive Hostior. NO BuiLDKR®S aANu CoNIRAQTORS, w»eaaled Tender«s in accordance with the form provided to b« delivered to the County Clerk betore 12 o‘clock noun on TUESDAY, the 14th day of June next, addressed to IRA MOnGAN, Erq , Warden, County of Carleton, an4 endoreqi # render for Court Houâ€"e." The co tractor wiil h«ve to fini sursties to enter into a j«int and sevoral bord ina sum to be agreed upon by the Corporation, for the dus perfurmance of the cont aot, _ C l AFKD IN HULL FOR SALE â€"Thse subsor:â€" A ber will dlro of aix acres of his ptoron.y in Rull, on the Kiver Otta«a, opposite the Kideau Falls. with two houses, ans good {n‘u ground, shrubberies . and rlacrtations. Price, #8,000, S"h. ot houses, $3,000 and $1,200), or wili iwide it up to suit a party of purshasers. Also, the best Steam -u.lfnu on the River sittows, including the right storage on Brewery Lnist. lmo..h‘u.on Taresâ€"haifpenny on the rut EDWARD HAYCOCK. Apply to R H A WAAAE ol As c . E_ HE _ The Corporation do not bind themselves to roâ€" sept the lowest or any Tender. _ _ _ bLAN®, BPEKCIFICATIONS, &¢â€", }lll‘l‘ BARGAINS | GREAT BARGALNs ROOM PAPERS! 4 ! aAVERLY HOUSRKE, Ajoicls and waloons. HH DIYIsION QF PROFITS PEKCIAL NOTICEK. The Bar always supplied with the Â¥00CK, Bsg, Ottawa. _ *‘ 1173 i2 Mebical Carbs. And the table spread with Apil 49, 170 tlisccllanzous BALRLLNG TONâ€"8TREET, CLOsEB OFf THE LIsT3 KR H HAaYONnCK 8SIDNEY B. FPIL2P, Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., P. YMEAKA. Puora;ero® # IRA MORY iN, Warden County of Carieton. W eliingtonâ€"st 10M , by Our Spring Stock just recervel, elegant, cheap and substuantial Cages, including ail sizes and paite: ns. * '.Alx THK Puuc. ll BIKD CAGES!! BIRD CAGES:!! Round, Square, Octagon, Birds Nests, Wire Flower Barkets, very preity patterns, Wire } g§ Boilurs, * Wire Dish Covers, #f Wire Toast Forks and Racks, c « Wire Egg Boaters, â€" Ms Wire Skewers, ; Larding Needlies, Egg blices. STOYVE3 AND TINXWARE. A8 UsSUAL, MILK PANS and MILK sSTRAINERS AaT TWE it *CAPLITAL " § STOVE â€" DEPOT, 135 SUSSEX STREET. â€" HOUSE Plumbers, and COOKING « _ LYTH iB â€" in great variety. Sole Agenls for "Norths" Paten‘ed Drum Heatek; and also for Eaton‘s Paent® Venâ€" tilating Stoves. uN HAND, J08. RODGERs & SOXN‘s CUTLERY ; AND DIXON & SON‘S B@~ Fiiteo Ware, ~@A _ Britanviq Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" _ ned Ware of all kinds. English Enâ€" a Bird Cages just * received. Ottawa, November .3, 1869.. _ shaineâ€" Specially devoted to the ©Sormexos or Max," hbis im »rovemept, by all the means indicated by Science " PgRzxoubgrâ€"1be Brain and its Functions ; the Location aÂ¥i Natur«l L:nguage of the O:fuu. with aireâ€"Gous for onltivu.h‘ and restraining thein ; and the relations sunsisting between Mind and ~d, dFesâ€"ribed. Prysin@§¥%our, with all the « Signs of Character and How to Keac them,‘ is a »epecial feature. °: F18suou06Y or the Nsturai Hirtory of YÂ¥anâ€" Custome. Kel:gions and Modes of Life in different Tribes «nd N tions, wili e given. PursiowGt . Axatrouyâ€"fue Organisation, Structur « Functions of the Bu-n%; the Laws 0t Life and Healttâ€"What we shourd Est and D. ink| H w we »boutd be Clotred, ana How to +xercius@, Sleep and Live, {t:“.““ in a pop«aâ€" l.'v manver, in accordance w Hygienic Prineiâ€" ples. P Ts y ob ag i _ Portraits, Shetches, and Blognrion otft the lending Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of lite «10 special features. ________ _ P .utxts aap T&aC# usâ€"Ar a guideineducating and traming Cbildren, this Magazine bhas ac superior, a¢ it Evinu «ut a&ll the peculiarities of Character and D»>poâ€"ition, and renders govern men‘ and ofâ€"=ifcation nâ€"t ocly possible b=t ensy. serammewepâ€"The Journal has reached its 50th VouLU Â¥ K. and wi hb January Number 1870, s NEW SKkIEs® s commenced. The form bas been changed from a quarto jto the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and many imp! ments have been made. It has steadily in in tavor during the many yznn it bas published, and was never more lar thap at present. [ Muct general and usetu! information on the leading ropics of the day is given, and no efforts are spgreu to make this the most interesting and netruct:ive, as well as thso Best Pictorial Family Magazine, 6ve: pablished. . _ w _"ri;;o;r:im'thly. at $3 a yerr, in advance. Ningie numbers, 30 cents. Clubs of ten er more, $2 each, and an ex‘ra copy to agent. . s _ We are xlorh‘ the most 1: beral~ premiums. Inclose 15 ornts for a sample number, with new ll;l'ct:ffls! mad Prospectus, and a complete t y » Afdmo. B R WELLS, Publischer, _ _ which can not be equalled by any other, for making several kinds of Soft Soap, without either iys or grease. Hara Soap, and some of them of a superior article. f HORSEâ€" TRAINING INXFORMATION. PHRE}» The wildest and ugliest horss can be made to obey his master, and evento walk after him in the streets, romds 6rf fGelds, without the slightest imjury to the horse.: All a«ccomplisbhed in one day. * EEW Uure for W ARTS on your hands or face. They can be cured in a »hort time.without injury to the person in the slightest. _ y % y Sure cure for CUORNS ai a cheap rate, without injury to the person. Mess n wet _ Cure for lame ~«ck dissases, Rhoumatism of he worsi kinds can be cured in lessthan a week without taking any kind of medicine in the inside. Cures persons troubled with the Gravel. Cure tor Bunions. . Cure fcr Piles. P Cure for the Heart Dissase, Oure for Consamptiun, The worst kins of Bowel Complaintsean be cured at any time in less than twenty hours, Also, by a ommâ€"n berb. Parties who are inflicted with any such disâ€" me~. s«hould m«ke appiuication to F. MARTIN, Hull, in th¢e summer season, as the best time to *‘ure all sueh ‘mbo Parties desirous to be agents can make a lon, as he bas imany other valuable nnm #Gert â€" _ *+=blic Ktoves & Hardware. New and Second Hand Cooking Stoves sat the | Variety Hall, New and Becood Hard Double Stoves at the ariety Had, New and Second Hand Box Stoves at the Variety Ladies why do you be troubled with an oid worn out Stove when you can take it and a litle cash and got a first class Btove at the Variey Hall. s ZAll new Stoves Eold »t this establishment guarâ€" anteed tothe purchaser. Parties in quest of second hand stuves will fad a good assortment at‘the Varisty Hall. [ . oods of all kinds purchased and exchangod as * . J BOYDEN, Ottawa, Januaiy 18, 1870, For ozre month only, commencing or the 2th instant. ‘The whole of my stock is ofered to cusâ€" tomers at a very low fgure so as to make room for the New Spring Gocdé. Iwould call specially the attention of customers to my heary stock $ READY MADE CLOTHING Which will be sold without Reserse at a low price All gcods marked in plain figures. udge for yourself, Haw* Birds Baths, TOV K#, 8TOVE!, STOVES. ECIPE REAT CLEARING SALE, SELLING AT COST PRICE _ To all Â¥ | THE PICTORIAL ENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, | A FIRSTâ€"CL488 s FAMILY MAGAZINE, WASHING COMPOUND, Cottage and Bresding Bird Cages, & KELRERq No. 25 RIDEAUâ€"8T., Gas and Steam Futters, Tin &opper Smiths, Bell Hangers CASH PURCHASERS, Lm voLUM K : ERIES!! NEW FORM ! "UrNISHING HARDWARKE. TOVES, SsTOVEs, PARLOR & BUX STOYVES, Bird Swings, IMPORTERS OF 349 Broadway, New York U MEADOWS & CO. Bird Seed Cups, &o * RAJOTTE Ayers , s 0 f // Hair Vim.|'¢ voL V. # ~\o *4 For restoring Gn, ig its natural Vitality 2nd ¢ ounly Lenefit but not Q: merely for a # L 3~=%% nothiag clse can be H‘H Containing ncither d.-kih not soil white cambric, "h long on the hair, giving it a2,, lustre and a grateful m‘-. PracTICLL axp Axatrrca (\ LOWELL, MAss Ayer‘s Cherry Pecton Mlmwmhmm\n Old Trishk Potteon . Ator: 0 medicine, has anything won so widely and so dage _ sed Loadon rcn-:. pt upon the confidence of mankind, as this it Ales. n iesd *Ai~c ie mnmmmw.-m «t refiners‘ prioeg. v’“ f tion, as it has become betier known it mi.» §A oo character and to cure the varoustBecincy ouD “u"f TW ENT ofmelnulmbu-h‘_l:-.“ SELLING 4 BELOW © ® € them. *'.0 :::}:r fmï¬:d‘:-::lhm“:: lll-m: Tee sine:: I?c'::ven for incipient consumption, and the s GHAPH goerous affections of the throst and lungs. Asiy, TEKLK vision against *“dh,nh 1 Erenpreumes santectvedl t nemaet BRheatet unter ‘Ohapter 7 Should be provided With tiis mntioow to fig _ Alth settied it the ouraine, Ti great numone of oi case seemed settled, been ow and the patient J. ax,‘. Cherry Pectoral. â€" 8o complei n uae over the disorders of the lfld\._.' the :oot obclgmd them wk Traxg se cou osal tucy subsidt and dimppes., * Ayer‘s ‘As its name implies, it does Oure i fail. Contfln\:s:lmmfl.fl Zinc, nor any . atineral or poisonont whatever, it in nowise 3--1 sumber and h:xomm its cures in tricts, are lite ,3 bevond account, and1 without a paralle! in &mda Our pride is gratifed by the receive of the radical sures effected in eases, and where other remedies had wh 91 £ % V joe Presidentâ€"Leris Mofa®, by, ATAN Ot her Dirertorsâ€"C J C‘w Ki Mai oim Cameron, W T N * on MeM ofl;r'}loq. H 8 Howland, :h * Keg, A ulson, » A“u w J.g(!roeler. Lu:.q huudl Bankerâ€"The Canadian Bask & s Agents for Ottewsâ€"Mesiné 1341 NOCK. o ARK® OTRpp _ The rates of the PROVIXCIAL 06IPANY are as low as its loagt skewn to be profitable. _ _ _ _ _ Ungcclimated persons, either resid® trarelling through missmatic localities, tected by taking the 4GUE J('[__l{'__ _ For Liver Complaints, a1®D :{' ml:i Liver, it :&mm onl ver into , For Ri;iou- oi-*nn“fd \{f\" an â€"excelient remedy, produ markable cunes, where other '_"E The rest ol the value o% inssm®* _ bot when the premums are w loages are boi’ gettied, and, he m-;ucuc its nd-fl.-. urapce Com is recond h‘lv- ln,-oetm:ui alway saut to wl# ~ortant loss directiy it oâ€"08Mâ€" I: has no adjustes {:-ll due and vorth I+ respocttully sol:cit» a shatt «t te 9 of the insuring public of Of®®L _ _/ se Prepared by and Analytical all round the w Prepared by Dr. J C. Ayer ky ts nannrln ArAmmm _ o m‘ Tun PEOPLES 184 .‘*ll ledy Ko. 36, k1DEAU ME ts * instant DUKE 8TREET, s L5 VY Neer bes Â¥For Diseas‘s of the Throst and Laxg W-:.“Mun.., Assortment of Grace~® â€"""__ pf -U:.uu; aleo, Canadi&# "“‘.1 id nyo ana‘er ot of sbe 405 5o k Those uot having bet * S s reques ed to call und ja68® 4 5) y your pneighbour» who “"': L'}'m. All goods «arrented OF CH ARKGE withim the C _ _ B «uts mt . «> Fresh Huros, Bamer, VB*" _ _ stanly on band. ¢ f ’Rou-flâ€"-@“‘w P. IA)‘. PL Jtawa, March 3*, 1878. Chill Fever, Remittent P®, 8 Ague, Po:l‘:&lul or Biiow Prs, and indeed all the affecotion ww# from malsrious, marsh, C BM Bronci Pr ertâ€"Tbe Eon Join Bs HAIR Oitews, August 7 CHURCH STREET, COMMIsSION repared by Dr. J.C. AYTER 4 042 Analytical CWemiste, Lowell, Mas. an oun : the world. PRICE, $100 PEER BOTLE Ottawa, August T, 187%. li)leclAI INSUKANCE 0 of Canads, Hoead Ofice, Towm B A S K E R VI LLJ 4* k A DK H+ Wholesale and M’ x _ 1:,:?"‘;â€"" â€"'â€""‘__J y ol. "horru Danthe G ur TX B8." _..-" 1 DRESSe rmatic localit1®6, TVE CURLE nte, arising from elient remedy, «td cthvite . fl“?d Liver (‘m'u. ncing many .';m m:'\iru-hl C. Aver & &, A ste , L.owell, Mass.. 48 » the J AkTROB BAE uc gar 108 l 5es POMS o ponrad L..c-!“" (.nrll ; for aale * well geleot e, J.\quort â€" Sauces, l KA*~ Alway$s "* bor 20, 186# quite frosh aod ‘tre cheup. rs '.‘L"O 89 BIDEAU.ST rTrTay 4 ig OPEXEP o LISHME®T oLD $POOK, SAY$)+ _ ELLING _ AT TW E8 T PERCEXT BELOW © txthetime orpar ainx. _ "euk‘ts PECLKG K A P 44 Jap®® pEEâ€" es Coftee ground a=4 '::':;'p..nn wd.ut""“'; i+ wik%p etX~ _ _A Hou lvDB® Loarse UEMU U " ag â€" i Luype" unk 4t ( k the questi m ut "qn is «B a o n & A « K is the Ibest; they rekble comparison with : give notice of my inte: wigzed or otaerwise, TO | LENGUP, &o. wholes: -dul‘m‘:u peiied me to ealarge m y ‘ *~“V 08 © .':!"'Mug w Un+ Cagite) win tns Cugited win PPIORâ€"G P Derm Whee, 19 6parks ® i:;‘wfl re soted qame, e Pn dsz and the day ay 1KAAC» 5n smat teges spices ol“*‘ DIRECTOR® : mtrman; D C TH the L4 _ .. UCo ©0u; l’_M“-t opposite the ; YERY 1 28â€" The , ditide his time AC1DEx y 1e, C128E pPouy, 4*# Tobacc® Otlawa AMTAW A, Heary 1 CKLE& HERKL #10€ "eee Lo Uttaws. L thisk, on the utolies. pe Salt. _ 1 ther V+ C Ottawa Pickle &b in duty would , 1869 Qi