[t\. . 84 4) #H «+ * 6# Â¥4 frat $Â¥ 1J 14 1 T U U K | 1 t:w paid to theig presentations L } ‘ «Hon. Sir JOIIN A. MACDONALD reito presented. The Government were endes vouring t restore peace and order ; and they would do right if they were not subâ€" 3mwmm-b. Me did not wish to provoke i r discussion until the Bill wus presented to the House for its consi de raton Mr. BELLEROSE said that he was ready to believe I)r. Lynch was a truthful man, until he found that he bad told a great thlsefBod in his letter. He stated that Fatherâ€"Richot was present at the murder of Sceott, when it had been «worn that he was not there at the Court Mr. WillTsHEAD wil he had known Pr. Lynch for years, and ho was an honourâ€" able amd truthful man (hear). Hon. Mr. MeDOUGALL said ho knew something of thy matter, and would say, in contirmation of the statemâ€"nt of Dr Lynch and other parties, that Father Richot was one of the atrongest wupporters andâ€" prinâ€" cipal advisers otf Riel, and the o"uhm-o produced in the Police Court in Canade not being sutficient to conviet hm was no n"‘)' th:t he was not ‘mh{ of the charge. whot had‘described Riel as an Abgel s ut from Hauven to free the Country. (SNlumg), _ He had raad in the newspapers tnat the Minister of Militia had been «en walking arm in arm with Richot, whose h inds were red with the blood of a loyal & anadian (Cheers). Buch an act was & cis l ,_mwsboolllry,uullbhoa. tleâ€" uind mopriew ‘of the stutio c andd y station whis occupied (hear, heua). * Hon, Sir GEORGE E. CARTIER sail he hid no il\ feeling w hon. â€" mea» ber who had felt ted, for that disappointment was s«hared by the whole Government. â€" But be did not think that the hon. geptleman would resort in deâ€" bate to the use of an article from a newsâ€" pw-nwhobod'dh his own priâ€" -nuâ€".cndwhib it. â€" Me was ready to confess he had had the company of the delegates at his house, and he would not levey himself to the hon. t:‘lm He woukl not siy anything about him, but would leare the matter to the House **M“â€"- ol B S ts ues | ds u‘.‘i,; HOWE askec honourable _ to treat with when His Excellency the when at Pembina, bad wri M and inf.mous le to meet him on the sly. “)._‘______ e o ]..'.'w»llo..lr. HOLTON. Lion. Nir F. HINCKSsauid M&pm tary w-.uu’nhblyh | Jown tomorrow. MESSAGE FROM THEGOVERNORâ€"GENERALâ€" .. BUPERANNUATION. A Mosmage was from the Govâ€" ernorâ€"General respecting the Superannuaâ€" h% Hon, Sir F. HINCK® the House into Committee on the Resolutiona. The Committee, with the Hon. Mr. Gray -.;.M,p-d(hwm out amenâ€"tment, and will receive the reâ€" port to. morrow. : | w Q:..l.h of U ."(: nad uu.col!)lAYhibChr Hon. Mr. HOLTON asked if the Govebinâ€" intended .to appoint one or more Co ione s to act in the matter. Hom. Sir F. HINCKSsaid that what could not be done by the Department could be i uh Sature of a Commbmoner, with a in the nature of a C , with a milury, was not thought of by the Mr. DORION repeated his ohjecâ€" it 29 the hill "The principle of the W..-o objectionable. 4 l;""‘""" ' esn i tm :1., public uction {nteduaoty. *_‘ slâ€" FRANCIS HINCKS said he sould not give afloot. > The clauses of the Bill were %'.l the Committee rose a rewling to morrow. 1N mittee V 1 t Mr. MACKENZLE saut with regard to the amendment proposed it was quite clear that Gov. rument were not prepared to run the risk of a voug on it. Me regretted th.t more time had not been given to dis. Mm...n;.‘ w aouk oo Aawes dXE W We â€" Wise d A Bill to amend the tion amt management of sevenue, audit ; i puubmu-'dl'u llity of 'ub nocountints, â€" pased through Com SUBPLEMENTARY EsSTIMATES mfu.h‘lm said it was only a por tionm I.OOII:\O- He was very anzious to speak on it, but did not hve an opâ€" portunity, and if the Government wished to have the opinions of the Mouse fully, t subject then dropped. PUBLIC REKVENXUE AND AUDT s. MOWE asked if it was dis a to treat with those people, Excellency the Lieut Governor embina, had written a sneaking, and inf. mous letter, asking Ricl im on the sly. (UGreat exciteâ€" BANK OF CUPPER CANADA, TUSZ KLEKCTION BILL ANCIS MINCKS said he a distinect pledge to that reson taliOons t maepecting col agreed Is reporten & Rhomn. to ibei# to & € se the only measgures of im nce now on prome C Court and Suppleâ€" mentary m‘a‘ o thflcï¬ Atb: House would be glul to a2e some prospec of bringing the ‘:‘.u'un t a close (hear Hon. Mr. HOALTONâ€"What about renoy Resolutions? Subige .. â€". Hon. mur J will tell you to night. From to day, American sileer wi accepted in 7».:4»&-“):@. gal rates of 4) cents for the haly an M*"“:’W«.\’..m tw : NOoTICE TOWEEKLY SUBSC ro THE DAILY TIXH paid instead of silee On and., after this date Sileer will be only »eceived at ‘rdud'*b'q-lfct-‘ counts due to this Office on April 18th. vFis¢ Opening New Establiahm atâ€"C. D. Dorion Ner m,@ Thea‘reâ€"Marshail‘s Lood scA 4* pos: Buy your Carpots, Floor Ol| Cioths, Curtains and Corni ces from Comedy and Burlesque Troape. Otiawa Cu;t‘non Reil way Compranyâ€"R 12364 CheO®ttawe Cimes kp» For interesting wmewaing Matter st MM;MMMM*M The item of $200,000 in the Supplemenâ€" mry Estimates, on account of Fenianism, lad to some remarks in the House of Commons on Woednsésday evening last, in reference to the expenses incurred, to guard against, or to prevent the incur sions into Canad: of this most detestalle of all organizations. 1t was justly supâ€" posed that if the movement of a few thouâ€" sands of men should have caused so large ‘-mum*mw ture of a Fenian army of invasion must be: considerable, and that the feints of the Feal ns -uuh-:-m,b thems, if in« convenient to us, as) to be one grand means of ing and ultimately destroying the orgahi Two or three mote © scares,"! while only a costly annoyance to this i would asâ€" suredly have the of completely extingushing the Kenians themselves. No more hloodiess of exierminating The House then adjourned Uttawa, April 16, 1870 than repgated raide, | or pretended â€"raide rathor, against All the money, which an interestod of the comâ€" quering and Angloâ€"Saxon, could produce by the most| powerlul appoals to prejudice, will not be| sufficient to mainâ€" in the cthiefs of the in anything like always on moveament sive, is not lost to the sountry. The chief is emong the people. 1t is an outlay by the Govern contribute to pay it. There was some | doubt manifested some memkers of | . the HMouse of «s to the intem| ,, tions of the F with regard to this | 4 country. 1t was impossible | to convince these gentlemen | ,, that Fenianisoy been crazy enough| p even to meditite incursion into Canada, . The seemed to be | t that our & bhad bece ® uponâ€"that there no design to in« | p vwile this country, gither on the 15th of | « April or the lst that they had neither arms, men, money sutficient | 5 LW attempt a ral that ‘the 10 |, tion of the 6 t had been the | 1 resule of false 'I\-hi.: the Government |at: once repudiated. | , They alwagye everything that was | . going | on. They| were: thoroughly ac | | quainted even with the secrvts of the orâ€" | / ganization. ‘They me ns of ascertaig | "“"Ԡev w“&"hl .u.“.‘m ~mt, acting in good | | faith, | had them of an intended ; | malversnent of Lo adventurers, under . | the aumpices of Fegianiana. Even the im :,.mu Gover t «hul notified the 'Umomld Pominion of what was , | to be expected. in taet, but the i | knowledge that wlas was prepared and : | determined to repel the invaders had preâ€" t"g‘mhm They could have @ "“q‘w':mm-nwl. at the + | vigk of blame their own people, the hb | invasion to take place. There every | :W t allowing blood be! w | which every one could have seen and : | understood, but by their ions, | "o’ody-h.\hy@ldï¬' magâ€" b“l-’dmd- outrageous ergiug@i t remain at home, instead of Surtees Tiuks rnl’nlq ANY PUBLI8sitI®NG CcouxurPa® Y only U BR FRIDAY, MAY 6, 18%0 RENCY RESOLUTION® IDHNX A. MACDONALE[Iâ€"We tw morrow alter our FENIAN FEINT® doilar &v., but to oberalt as le any iuconvenience that may American sileer will only be nent of subscriptions at the le: ents for the haly and 4) cents doltar &e.. but to obeiatt as of DYEA&ATISXME N MAGEE & ROM§ELL ; means of repelling them of however expenâ€" r auller the leaders of by uk «* as much liberties rlu" chooss They may wwatk. w4 o rave, and boast, and l' P, , and anathermatise thd itry, gither on the 15th of 1st that they had W#D, mm‘ that ‘ tho a#0 hul! been the J ) RIBER®S Council . on | British and extol everything green or grey | _ PABLIAMEXTARY SUMMARY. Bill, | in Ireland to the very skies. They may suf | > _ ":; ter them to whine over decessed patriote ._ _ Ortawa, May 5th, 1870. pect and defunct heroes, and to rejoice over The Srui«ese took the Chair at 340 p.m. . A l ear,‘| a disorder, destroying the land which serriy. they pretend to love, but it is thhd‘ The House went into Committes of Supâ€" noss of the Gorernment of the United | ply, Hon. Col. GxaÂ¥r in the Chair. R States to prevent the departure of A0y> | . }Jon. Sir Fraxcm Hrscrs referred to the ur | thing in the shape of a military 9598 | jpey, of §12,146.41 for printing, binding and y | from their soil to act with bostile in distributing, and said that the reason why mei] | tent upon cither the or any other #0iâ€" | ; was larger this year than last, was beâ€" with the Government of which they * # | cause last year there was noestimate made pm. | at peace, lluy;NMi’.uM. for distributing. ERS ::..'“‘.WM;CM’ Mr. Macearyn® said nevertholess this was us they moy as claims by Ca0204| 4 uzy gum for distributing, and he would agrinst the people of the United St5168 | u,1, hare a detailed stitement of acâ€" y 14| become very dissgrecable to that pEOP!®: | count which this estimate wis designed to ks who are not so much blinded with #Y!9° | soyep, * cents !“h!"fl' lvdl::f'; wl :"::h: Hox. Six Fraxcs Hrise«s said «uch a te as :'L' l P lities of those, who increase | * statement would bom_\-mittodpt}n may | while they pretend to lessen the wrongs House when the items came up again. | wher, | of which they are eternally complaining. 41:..““1 PR °' ';";:"m“’;:ll:’)"m‘;: ;t: lllfl;l l?' .1'.' ugm wm.‘or AMERICA by mon Tacu®, -.b‘ ®e. Bonaktm®, ln:,h-ldnun-n»o reach 1 1y Cart. D. K.Caxan0%, W psal Astillery. L Jous Lovens, Montreal, 1870. * The deep Interest which now atiaches 10 \everything counected with the North West Territorics, laduces tho. m to :_". From Me«ss*, Durie & Bon, btatoner®, Sparks« atrct, we have treceired a copy of this Intereatin« and valuable publication, of which ig...n.u tranalator thu« spgaks :â€" that this «ork F public. Â¥eÂ¥@, it ang h Few, if any Share had so good opportunities Wshop Tache for obtaining information rilng the country his Lordahip describes ; although be may not be so saoazuilne as many oth rs aro about the capâ€"bilities and future of the North Wert, the facts, which Lis Lordahip‘s long maidence there enabls bim Pfln“ prsoual experionce, «hrw cons clusively, that the climate, soll aod win. m1 }mod the country are .uch as must render it bighty attractive to the emigtant."" The maynitad«. of the country«â€"only "the Northern Department"â€"its full extentâ€"â€"ls given by hbis Londship, the Bishop of 8t Bonlface, in a breath ; it is 1,200 miles broad from we«t to cast, and 1,500 miles long from north to south, with an area ot 1,800,000 miles. Hisbhop Tuche divides the country into = de> ."u. “Mo. and @ forest.* The frst torw an aroa of €0,000 square wiles, and noâ€" mmm‘hiflw.“m““’ zravel can be seon between each stalk and yet so nourishlug that horses fatten upon it ina few diuys. There is also game to b« tluund. But * the wearled oye seoks in valn tor a shore to this ocean of short bay." TBe #eakoned travellor sighe io vain for a stream Uf & .,....--M to queach bis thisst Fhe hewrtens, dty us the «arth, Lardly ®¥cHF | uoi be deper 104 on mt alil, mnu ao 77° 977C I , muh“n‘»&um‘l‘h think that rotation system should be | Jryu s« of the atmosphere alds the afiâ€"ity 0# | continued, as many would have to wait mo soll ; some places of which the ge0i0g! | until they could get a culler in whom conâ€" al ¢ ormâ€"tion would appear to |favor Y*R* # | Glence could be placed. tion, produce uo more than the naturallÂ¥ | _ The itom whe pused. I storile ground, _ One travele across this denst | _ 4 discussion arose on the item of $230,« tue days d weeks -MM':uan\m-. * «t shrub . The onuly fuet procusable . travelice or hanter is buffalo dong, whi b ‘:"."::“""w"“: ‘“:“"â€â€œâ€˜hm': our Malfâ€"brecds call * boin de pr2lt® " (PMTY | jju, Gy ponses, asit was merely transferming wo dy. Then this dsert bas is witkt* |;, ) ooo ono Dominion GOÂ¥ o -naohï¬.n.-flvh:-u-m.'-:nb- thi # “Ml ts k + hag l wwr C» gaale * yaes * '.h.:ï¬m.tmn?.uh::y-lmm The item of $6,(0#) required during the ol the Bouthern Divisisnâ€"»a shadow clooding current year, on sccount of money order the brlllinâ€"t plerure of the Far West Th -dwa..um.uwau #Prable® n abous <# lurg» as the @deâ€"crs" included in estimale was carried without 0 a ..l“flw.‘bl.wwï¬ï¬‚.‘.dm » d ex eautay to the wouded countyâ€"Bitil«, | _ The itâ€"m of $6,480.00 for rent paid the with a great coal Aold, aod ri.h in wineral as Welland Cunil Lean Company for leise of as vegutable deposite, water powerbeing under consideration, This is the empire of the bufialo buster.| Mr. Tnowrsow wished to know if there to is bis om,im, Seee in the 42#®f | would be any compensation allowed to the priirie is really besuilful, ft t | people residing along the Wellind for verdur>â€"covored ground is quite enameli¢d | jamage done by the water being raised in with difforent colours. 1t is a sich ntpet C | one Canal, -&b&-“fl-:.:m:"‘" Hon. Sir Joux A. Macooxarnâ€"No. moged by the band of an ; Lb a 148, ¢ which, on the least broath, Godulstes its ’Tb‘tunl "l “I‘“'Ix;m‘: ""Iu'f | sgâ€"nted waves, The plain, sometimes #o Th the the n&-.-b‘-'uwmul"l--lwfl point that horizon, suddenly changes tuto rolling preirie, Oonn-n:t‘-u as responsible for aociâ€" borizon, suddenly changes into mlling protie. lis beauty the n increas«s; a thousand little hills now tlse themesives ber» and thet« , and by their almost mwgular varlety give the kiea of waree of the ocean in the mides of the ...“.:' yragh 5 Sitre ts 5. Wtc« * We " guch is the style of Bishop Tache. The translation is admirable. j LaUBRIE®S NEW Map OF TIE NORTH | WEST TERRITORY, ‘ This map appears at a time when much | needeg. Râ€"sides containing the corrected -‘nd“m-nbh-h“ kunmdm corners a map of the Sel. ick %. tth m nt, which, beiog an «xact tran» [-ovm of the map used in consection with E...“".' Company‘s Land Register, m y be looked upon as cotrect. This map shows the difomnt Eoeglish and Â¥ ue | pariabe«s, the <«bhucher, town, forts, &¢. _ The general cormetness of this may is at. twat d by tho tollowing lattwr of Dr, Schaits, which we publish at the m»quest of th« com« 'lludboâ€ln.o.a.-uunu-df -'.lu.ou-ohlh-mh'm: n Rusesus Hoce®, Ortawa, May 4, 1870,. _ Uzr, Coon, Ortia®a twm,â€"â€"lna compliance with your mwoqu at, 1 have examined the map which accom panied your nute, and in reywd to those portkb n« â€"# she country with which 1 am Leamblias, 1 have no besitation in stating that thâ€"7 ar iabd down in your ..r Woge coufrtmectly thas in any other map that 1 bave «xamined. The parste 1 am mot rsomiline with I havre rferred to s Monkman, and bo attosts to the geâ€"gâ€"rms «guaraey of the poutione «hiwh be bs tavell d over, and JAus «ith me in the }= â€" U 1 that your .‘..n:rnm th»e lotord. ing immiyrant, aud to all «ho .eaire accurnls informati~a, tavaluable, _ f MUr. Kirpatrick paired last night with Nr. Butrand. Mr. Kirkpatrick voting with the Governmenk Hon Bir, Jonn A. Macdusald, last mie stated tw tthe Rod Riter Expedition wos > commanded by a distinguish«d imper oficer ; and that the mioimeum strmogth the force would be 1000 men, the whoi~ for being rewtered a mguiar fome acting * preatiy» of the Imp»rial authority . Bueosa*t Urâ€"â€"The signs of disbandment ol the K. C. Hite Reyumens are dally becoml & more numerous, and regretiul. Ona Seturda :, atts t tho n«ndsome presentation, to Mr Car: ¢. Ba«ndmaster, the band of the Corps marched out to the coutre of the Tote de Post Bur â€"* Kquare, where it played its lwt pioe» the traditioual pasting air, * Auld Lany ®â€"ne. The exptemiun ot a aumbr of speciat i8 wa ome of auncers mgrot at the Jiabandso n# + the splendit boiy, and it is cortain 0 tmws» of thom will ovor wmeosber tdx.u «uaums, sand this last episode ln is 1y . Nâ€"arty all the tnstruments have b> 8 pa : haâ€" dt.nlbo-odlbola.-m- wili be Wrwarded to Montmal, but wo ans glat to hear that a portion of shem has been «oo «4 by Lt Xol. Hamiltos, ftor the benedt, i is r. U the 4Tih Froutesss Hattal m. Bugle Majort« ated, a Â¥â€"ty handmwimse s 14, wask. purtchasud : m A. ‘h.wk.' Â¥. P., Major the mme corpe â€"Ly umA commes smm tyA may not be unacceptable to arth, bardly over #ip JURX SCHULTZ attaches to wl & | expedition. . f * # w,. aiket | ty expedit o. tht thought +4 L’::'- ; w< t +*! tha reme th € ma ap the i oo | the, udn T4‘ fr Tien to the & _ wi]; | expenses : of Cover. Hox. Six Fraxcs Hrise«s said «uch a a statement would be submitted to the House when the items came up again. | erv service in nilario, $1,021 ; ine us®nelZ in Novia Sotia $5,340 ; and the tish@ry service in New Brunswick $1,532, were @r Theitems of #:A),(®») for the protect of the fisheries (Marine policy) ; the fishâ€" arv service in Ontario, $1,891 ; the riel Hon. Mr. Woon said that with regard to the item,as small a one as it was, $96,61 to pay the Board of Trade of Montreal, for expenses incurred in the appo.ntment of official assignees in connsetion w.th Insolvent Act fof 1869, if it was every city in the Dominion would | be looking for compensation for ex; inâ€" ecurred in the same mainner. Mr. Harzsos hoped the Gov t would drop this item. The amount a «mail one it was true, but it beo establishing a bad precedent to pass i Hon. Sir Fraxcom Hixce«s said it had suggested to him by some of the Mon members that it would be well to withâ€" draw the item. He : would, there move to havre it struck from the pstiâ€" MmaLo®s Hon. Mr. Hourox said the hon. Minister of Finance had acted wisely in wi w â€" ing the item. It should never hare placed in the estimates. Un the item of $10,000 for cullers, Mr. Craxiss said be thought the tion system of éulling should be done away with. He thought six cullers would be sutficient to do the work of thirtyâ€"tive or forty cullers that were employed. ‘ Hox. Mz. Irvixs thought ‘ th.t the culling ought .to be s«lf supporting, and that the itemought to be struck out alâ€" a.gether.. _ Ma. Waour could not see why there should be any deliciency in that estimate atall as there were a great mapy cullers who could not be depended on &t all, and he did not think that rotation system should be continued, as many would have to wailt until they could get a culler in whom conâ€" Llence could be placed. | The item whe pusedi. Adu.-hunmoulpiu-dm- UD for Custome. wiy, was Cartica on uo poink Liak vili Government was as responsible for acci dents on their railways as a ‘private com * qaxtioms, umy knowik i mui® aif wl same responsibilities as carriors. . se ce at tm in t d et Nova * 507 00 of graiuity to Ellen and Catharine v® of '.'d' (unon, relatives of an engine driver killed on the Nova Sootia 1. K., were also OTTaAwWA TIMES, MAY 68, 1§70. ioi Gu i S T The item of $8,000 for repairs on Eastern Extension K. K. was carried. Hon. Mr. Hourox thought that this esti mate was merely to help to cover the ex mdh‘.lhuyupdmu to Re ner they would find the couniry would stand to their back. Hon. Mr. Domox said this vote was .llu,ul)-nnuuthlntw. \ cover ax military expeâ€" &&-um'fl. Me wubhsed to ::uvhttbondumwo&ld.: opening up communication wi Hiver, and the Hon. Minister of Finane« o..htnho'-uthmcdudnm municaten would be, and he thought i would be only doing justice to the :::..ndv:lh&th-bm. exâ€" im n meea w sal estimates. 1t would be just as well to run the rest of the estimates into one item as he thought it was due the H.use to know what the estimate of the hon. Minister of Finance was for both ot those iteme. g CECET -.â€"â€"-~ C h‘ h t i8 & .l.l.\ mw- to mo. and :o‘ Wl&w power img the whole amount to It, and if q-“ more to come to Parliament for it. And when the House is voting for :::.., Mdhow_t&y'mvoan.fu up communica flï¬l.m the cost :’m itry ox Mn:ï¬wm.mm"’; expenses of the expedition is calculated on, is that Canada plfll three fourths of the cost and the Home Government the other onefourth of the whole, but he believed that at an early day they -o.hih.“hvbboflhdhy would be peaceably cleared upat the Red on o2 0t cAAA + audhe satithace AOncmiatiy emadhaaer sb uae‘s. i RPOOX Pereardra T nxpenses of the expedition is calculated Ontario more stern than upon this quesâ€" »n, is that Canada pK' three fourths of‘uon. feeling that the uZ.lnd Lon he cost and the mG«mthWMW!‘ proceed. the other one fourth of the whole, | ings at Red River. The jexcitement wras out he believed that at an early day they | dangerous, inasmuch as & was calculated u.umubmuzu.ih.n, ;o.wupnlsow There was so -uumw upat the Red | much involved in the tion that it River, and be rather the further con. | would be criminal to silent. He s«kleration of this item would be postponed | looked upon the of Boott as a and as long as the Govearnment acted would find the country would than that happy prospect of peace be marred. _ Mr. Horrox said the Hon. Min Justice did not show that the ap :i:n did not come wlorfu:‘m t any una unds at of the year lm'k into th of the (lovernmenti and hbe thou .pnoprhuon should be reduced, r. Jaxgs (Leeds) thought the priation was «mall enough, and any emaller after the expenses of t dition were paid, there would be ve 1 ft to open up communication. W that the British Government had to give them every nui-u‘nco. L. 10 wo e n o e nds lTon. Sr A. T. Gair thought that the House had every right to have ful explaâ€" nation of the arrangments of the perial Government with regard to this xpediâ€" tion, and before the npprom:tion put to a vote full explanation should . made. The House did not know on what ground on, and LerQt to a vote full e The House did threeâ€";uarters expedition . s nwuda, and 0 iro ps; . the _ Mr. Mac«kexzis thought that it traondinary the amount that was the «ame manner before, and the now, it woubl be a large sum ol He thought the troops would find the amount of money expended or roads in that country there had m little improvement. _ 1j Mr. D. A. McDoxarn thought |1 miking of a road to Fort Garry sh done by tender, as it was always and better than the Governmen men by the day. $ s. Mr. Missox thought it was to offâ€"r the Olive branch, and & h{onot at the same time. Me think that uny of his country thised with Riel in the murder but he thought tbofGov:‘mmnt ing a constitution for the ,\l'l:dh West, and then oemï¬zoï¬p 1 diton to force it on. them, . He that the land of the North We :;t this Government tl‘())f per scre were in possessson of it. ){r. Frzorsox said he was glad Mr Masson for himself and on th his countrymen, say that the sympath.se with Riel, but it di like it when he ..:dfml to vote priation to an oxrodi 1 ‘g:ntht, to get rid of a se bonds. C T The House rose and reported, loave to sit again. AFTER RECESS, Hon. Sir Fraxcis Hixoss second reading of thke Bill toms and Inland Revenue. _ hoist, or rather until an ingw made with a view of averting taxation on coal and breadstufts. make this motion with the i throwing out the Bill altoge ply to set it aside till an enq io made. Ho referred to t formâ€"r years and to the addi n..nnnj' . Mo was, however, taxos on theâ€" mecessaries thought that;on inquiry into t LDepurtments it would be was room for considerable re The incresse «of ordimary im the Departments _ shown to be, withm : a Hon. Mr. Dowiox moved the six months‘ w0i<t, or rather until an inqui could be naude with a view of averting increased axation on coal and breadstufts, Hedid not nake this motion with the iiftention oi hrowing out the Bill altoge , but simâ€" ply to set it aside till an enq iry should o maude, He referred to delicits of [ormer {o-u and to the additjonal taxes roquired. HMe was, however, posed to. taxkes on theâ€" mecessaries life. and thought that;on inquiry into 1 different LDepurtments it would be that thers was room for considerable re ent The incresse of ordinary ¢xpenditure in â€" the Departments > been shown to be, withm . a few| years pist. upwanda of . thirty doilars. Mr. Macarxzmm would su 1 the moâ€" tion. HMe vutx[:uul to the jextravagant proclivities of honoural.lp gentieman and uis .-oeb«oâ€"‘nodivi ief which have alarmingly increase 1 our obli & unne câ€"esarily, and have moulLd to increased taxati.n. Me, however, intention of mpying‘!he time of the House, whick hud Leen «o long already occkpied. ___ sâ€"ssarily, and have MLd to increased taxati.n. Me, however, intention o(oawpyh“tln time of the House, whick hud Leen «o long already pred. Hon. Nir F. Hixcus. believell that during the present session he had unneces sarily occupied the time of the House. Me h‘;l always been bl:of. }(o iolu'oclod . to opposition to the tari ng placed on the ground of economy. In course of his political career, which extended over a great number of y he had all ways found this question of Â¥) which was, in fact n&lhm&.olu The H dopted sy® uy Feae f 19¢ por ow r con ’vnuo 3»1.4':@. & pce Government to go astore m, which were out to thâ€" of the officers who _ em round, !::.m ‘ He did :uc were same objectionable ite such as the duty on coal, the member Afor )ldnm-: protested. Any attem; the matter of tL tarifl, ® adopted on the braad eationty Thear; kidar}. "" hear, hear, but the t4o t took their ounlondut_-‘round and| would either stind or fall by it. | It was|absolutely neâ€" ecssary with a view to revenue to establish such a taritf as had done. Hox. Mz. Braxouzt did got approve of protection, but would gupport the pollz of the Governingnt. | f Hox. Mu. Invix® did not L what heslledouï¬omlorol,.uellookul u the imposition of du on coal and .m as a mistake. HMe not mpuod to vote fpr the resolution of hon. member for Hochelaga, be did_not ac cuse the Government of wakteful expendiâ€" ture and would vote ag the motion. The motion was lost, Y 15 n«ys, 86. Mr. Wourx.ax moved in ndment that it is not expedient to im taxes on coal, ook», wheat, &o. He said tax on these matters was most injari to the whole «;‘rryhg trade o:a:l.l. counthy. gnr large t was principally carrying these articles, I Y eus 66 ; nays 75. Hon. Mr. Hourox said it was quite manifest that the sense of the House apart from their own votes was against the imâ€" mï¬ï¬ouoftho tax. Me ed to the (pï¬:( his honourable ffriend and saw by his longing f1ce that would gladly |atoent the opportunity df amchorating i Bi® Hon. sirGzso. E. C1 the deduction of the from the vote, and then would «tand. The Bill was then read a â€" The House resumed the nouonfwcho.:ooud s ) id ment of the Province of M The Bill was then read a! time. 1 . ‘The House resumed the |debate on the motion for the second of the Bill to establish and previde the Governâ€" ment of the Province of itoba. Hon. Col. GraÂ¥ alluded fo the establish. ment of Governments by |the effusion of blood, but hoped that in «tion of this eril all irritation of f4 arising out of such efusion would be |set aside, and that a measure not in to be only for the benefit of xs,uu? o,bu;:flnmn generati might be a judiciâ€" ouly cmorelih MHe ad a tbejecub- 1. muent of two Cham £ * _ Mr, Yorxe alluded excitement throughout the connu;\ this subject, and never knew the Province of wacel should |p prL , Ghowing t the end ll{ hands oucht the that there in the tarii® inst which ery strongly t economy . in. h had been nd of intent y might ery t took their would either absolutely neâ€" revenue to had done. t approve of gupport s, he had all ooo(:t which but clapâ€"trap. m of econany he officers of and yet the attempted to ofb.ck and reâ€" proportion of the Crown whole . year ery out about against such stor of approâ€" ( made e expeâ€" y hhttle thougt a right mperial ve the «o. He of Jusâ€" on Yul ed what a would n. Minâ€" ell the p_ com iill be e what be left recommended osition ledders e how matters «ympa Bcott, or Boot hat the uld be cheaper paying was CXâ€" pent in FJM,(IX) money. oved the ting Cusâ€" of the expeâ€" thought t would before st right hat for making de very nd asked to rl:eu; Sl‘d ngt t:t look an aApâ€" head of did not to the of vaga hlumlor;‘tlhich was worse thin a crime. He asse that the officials who had been . w nt out as Surveyors had contributed to the @liffi¢ulty, and the cappmli of the clinax w\ the presence of the, 1 onorable Secr. tary of State for the Provinces on the scene. _ e accused that Minister of inâ€" citing < the insurgents 0o â€" resist, and thought he ought no longer to hold the position of an wlviser â€"of the Crown and CUolony. |He believed that since the expulâ€" sion of Governor McDoug l the Governâ€" ment hbad . neither showar wisdlom nor pagfiousm * Mon. Nir Fraxcis Hrxorsâ€"W hat SHBOU!! J 4 they have done ? 5 ){r. Y ousaâ€"They should have paid the purchase nioney ; ‘had the money been | ‘ paid the Territ ry would not have cgeased | © to have Leen British Territory. â€" He looked upon the refux.l to pay OÂ¥er the money | j as a breich _of faith He i mught | | that it ough:i to have been male to appear was as quickly punishable as if it had been ; committ. d on the banks of the St.] Lâ€"wâ€" | rence. | Ho believed, howerer, i the | | necessity of establshing ;the Provulce of | ; Manitobh. * ‘ Mr. Cousy alluded to the withboldt‘ of the payrhent of the £300,000 as one of the |â€" greatest blunders that coul d be committed. He remarked that he hid hoard the astuteâ€" | . ne«s of the Minister of Justice as being | [tlnrh‘.unl towards maintaining his J»lm, but .n this inst:nce he believed it hid been directe | in saving the country. © The nonâ€" [ payment of the mon y had had the effect of making the Imperial Government, reâ€" s{:niil:‘ie for the. restoration of order. in the Torpitory, â€" 1e condemned those who associated with RMiel, and ac¢used them of the crime of murder. | He approved of the dimon.l-I:m of the new Province, which might hereafter be ezteml«l. He belieyâ€" «i that those who were most to be deâ€" pended upon were the French Catholic population, and that their religion g:ve the stropggst guarantee of loyalty. He thought that the Erench people placed in the avenue to| the new territory . would be f@ithfully guarded by the French clement. He approved of two chambers. He was not uu}nllyytho apologist «i this Governâ€" | ment and ohli gave them an independent | suppors, but he now 'oonl‘ul'l{ approved of this policy in ths matter. he Dominion ) was oompo;:d of a mixed people and the‘r ‘| measures must be those of compromise. . | â€" Mx. Cartwaour did not approve of any . | course calculated to embarrass the Gorâ€" | ernmept on this matter. The Governâ€" â€"A ment had not been fAittered with any : | charge of having exercised foresight ; it .1 had imerely been pleaded for them that t | the difficulties had unexpectedly come 1 u}non them. He considered the acqusition : | of the Red River Territory essential to Doâ€" minion progress. He saw no Eeooaity for ® | subjecting to severe criticism the m?uum 5 t 5 S 12 0s IIE w lie & o n o s P e s " of the Government. He â€"was willing to make. less concessions to satisfy the pn»‘j;:- dices of these Eooplo, and he thought the Government had gone to an extreme lenght in doing so. â€" He scarcely approved of the large representation to be accordse i to them. | He thought one half, would have been suftiient, The Government could mot be held responsitle for the murder of Scott. But they had not exerâ€" cised a wise discretion in the agents they hid sent there. He thought the expedi tion would do much towards developing the countrty. e en e i y mtc 14. Livo OGMIIEIY + Mr, MoCariux having complained of the Seâ€"retary of State for the Provinces at having warned the incoming Governor of the insurrection, Mon. l.rRou read frm the report to show that Mr. Howe had really given such information. s 3 i Nr. Mdfr'u‘wl-â€"flawenr that might be, did not (give the : Government credit. for foresght, but wasf.yourable to the oxp:‘:litio‘&l. He blamed~Col. Dennis for making a «pontancous war upon e halfw-'.†Bs °_ My. MeDoveare thought it would have heen in betier taste had Mr. McCaildn not addlud d | 4o the,difficulties between himsel{ and Col. Derinis, on the 0ceas.on of a certain. fight. Col. Dennis had been wqumo} in full of all the charges made against h m, and he thought it unfair to ‘ttick a gentleman who could not defend himself. | x 12. 4 The B.‘l after some further remarks, was read a second time, . |â€" _ _ cal i4 Eie o Oopemene CCE Mr. Maickexzs wanted to know if this Bill would be the first Government order of the d g toâ€"morrow. _ , | Hon. Sir Jou® A. Macvoxaun answered Mon. Sir Jou® . in the inmï¬tiu 01 M L 24 ds . ced cmd td Hon. Mr. Laxoryix moved the second reading g( the Bill re«pecting certain works un the River Ottawa. T: After ‘a conversational debate the Bill was reid a second time. _ â€" _ _ . )_ The House then resolred itself into a Committee of Supply. | Mr. Maokexme imquired about the apâ€" ï¬intmom of a new officer in the Library. The chief Librarian nad received an extra salary of $400 at the instance of the Senate out of their cont.ngencies, to give them some control over that officer. He thought this was wrong and a rather expensive way of doing business. He thought the oflz»n of this House ought to be without such remuneration, amenable for their conduct to the members of both Houses. 1. It. Fans OA ~. finniwilD> said it Hon. Sir Joux A. Maopoxaun said it would be well that theLibrariin should have been app.inted a joint officer of both Houses, â€" but as be hiad not been so, . he .thou‘g:t there was. no harm‘<_ in & course _ pursued. HJé believed that Mr. Toddfulfilled his duties sitisfactorily, and that even with the addition from the Senate his salary was not t.o large. He was not aware that he had got the additional salary,‘ . Hon. Mr. Hourox condemned the whole system of pluralism, but spoke complimenâ€" tarily of Mr. Todd. He gbjected, however, to the invasion ‘of the privileges of this House by the increase of Mr. Todd‘s salary, when, in respect of other offisers, a reducâ€" tion had taken place. He thought the acâ€" tion of the Senate bad policy. HMon Sir Jou® A. Macvoxarn could not \ im:fcre with the acti.n of the ‘S:nsto. everal items of supply were n passed and the House rose. 96 uf you. Fince our frst conversation 1 hbare pain d six times under the fire of a Bonap atâ€" ist) public ministry. I hare come out sa‘e .n}l sound in reepect of bonor, I defy youâ€" 1, to pars unde«r the fire of a public minâ€" iâ€"try of a Republican, Orleanist, or Legitimist Jorernment, or, in a word, any bouvest Government â€" whatever, without being dameg»d ; 2, to hold a weapon before me in the pr. sence of tour maitres darmes, I engagâ€" ing to allow you to aim at me for alx minutes without attacking you ; that time expird I undâ€"rtak« to wipo you out (nettoyer) on the spot I will indicate secretly to my se onds. 4 only make one condition that we abail fcxbt in Belgtuaw." M. Paol Cassagoat replied that he would not fight with M. Lul» liâ€"r, who had insulted him without the pre» tâ€"xt ol a peisonal grievance ora party motive, mnd concludâ€"d bis letter thus : " As for threats, 1 defy |them,. The day when my Uberty as a clt:z;'h imperilled another knife and fork may be prepared for bell, as Viâ€"tor Koir will bave company to supper," The Murscillaise continues to be sold on the Boulcvards, though it teems with the foulest 'nbun of everybody and everything whch is not irreconcilable, â€"‘The greatest adinirers of fre.dom of the press mu‘t admit, that the koveroment, after a perfectiy unprejudiced tilal w4 Tours, would be justifed in proceedâ€" ing to the utmos«t averity of the law against this fâ€"ul mouthed, libellous little paper, which bas ceased to be well written even in its own style.* Firt Eirers â€"The f rce political passi Â¥ Frazsct‘s Magunet:c Fluid curce 1ooth«chbe. worss thin a crime What should Ofbce} G. P. OPrummond‘s F rchange MAce, 10 Wparks street. } Tomoxto, May 5, 1870 @Accordibg to the a«sâ€"ssment returns whi k w.re bandpd in yesterdsy by the city assessor, the total amount of real and pereonal propâ€"râ€" ty is $27,232,704 being a decrem«e cf $1,315,â€" 915 as compared with 1869. The populstion numbers 49 328 which girs an incrée&se during the y.ar of 3 309. Latest bo Ocleotaph. The anniversary m eting of the C.uwh‘ Bible Society was beldlast evening in Knox Cburch, Honu. G. M. Alian. presiding. The report showed receipts from the rales to be $2.653, contributions and sabscription ; $!1,â€" 524, Lalance now in the Treasure.‘s hanods $5,153, issues during the year 35, showing & decreass of | $261.397. ‘Hon, G. M. Allan | was re«clected Pressseat, Hon. Mr. Mc Master Treasurer ; G. Hodings, G o. Haguae and Ror John Gembley, srcretariâ€"8. Aidresses were delivered by the Râ€"r. Thos. Waidrops, Rev. A. W. Munro, Rov. M. M. Punshon, MRov, Dr. "Daylor,; &c.~ _* > Beven car loads of emigrants arrived here yestâ€"rday, one hundred remaiaing in Canada. _ The seowm{jâ€"aonual meeting ot the Bink of" Upper Canada shareholders was "hsid yester» . day, Nothing was done. a Seventy rolunteers enlistel at Kingston, under the command of Brigads Major Phil=â€" lips, arrivr«1 here yesterday per Sparian They were bearracked at the Crpstal Palas», whete thâ€"ce ar» now about 200 mea. Recruiting bhere goss on, but slowly, on account of numerous rejections by medical examiners. 18 imen are required1 to complet®o the quota from this district. ns . The schooner Pandona, lade barrels of pork, 40,000 feet of 1: open borts, lefs this port 14st route for Thunder Bay. The schooser Orion will start the same quantity of lamber, the ber of boa‘ts, and oth + maerial 4 MNoaTrsAaL, § May 5. Of the 137 Zourves who I<ft this city the 19th July, 1868, ninty.wo retarned the 16:h April last, mud. 18 yexterday, making in ell 110 returned. â€"The remasinding 27 bave, it in reported, reâ€"enlisted for an edditional gix month*. v Yesterday g, grand picâ€"nic of the school O} the Congregational punnery was given at Mcpklands. H. R. A. Prince Arthur, also the Mayor, alopg with Ladies Northcots, Cattier and> Lafontaine and others were pre» sent. * Yesterday evening the Rev. R. F. Barns, who for three years bas Leen the pastor ol the fiust Bcotch Presbyterian corgregation of this city, preach d Lis Is:ewell se:mon to a large and sorrowful audience. The â€"water in the iiÂ¥et a poition of the wharres Quesso, May 5. A bosemaker of St. Roch‘s, nnmeed Giguere, dropped dead in the street yesterday. A society bas been formed to elleviate disâ€" tress during next winter, called the ©Btâ€" Patrick‘s Ledics" Charitable Spciety ." f Capt, Storey writes in toâ€"day‘s Chronicle, criticising very severely the conduct of the officers on board the 8.8 . Germany towards the passengers taken from the 6. 8. Cug J Qu. bee. Twenrty more recruits for Red River left last night in charge of Col, De Salaberry. > Mr. Heory -l'ry lectured this evâ€"ning in the hall of the Morin College, on the Life of Sir Robert Hall. f Au Alderman of the old.Councll this moroâ€" ing broke into the City Hall,. He was arrested and was bailed out.: > ‘The body of the late Thomas Cooke, Lord | Bisbop, of the Roman Catholic Cburch in this city, was yesterCcay remored from the Episcopal palace, to the Cathedral. The part of Notre dame and Bouvaveuture, streets through which the cortege passed, was hbung in black and white drapâ€"ries, and {. stooned. The body was placed near the altarâ€" in the Catbedral, snd the GCifferent ieligious and Civil Sogisties, and ,Yoluntcers pessed the cortegs, and a lergs number of chizens folâ€" low d. Every place of business in the city being closed. This morning the burial ser Â¥v‘ces took place at ten o‘clock, the Cathedral being crowd.d to suffocation.â€" The Arh Bishop of Quebec, Bishop McClusky and Bisbep Lerocque from St. Hyacist e with one bundred and thirtyâ€"elght priests were sated within the chancel railings. It is cor» widered to Lo the grandest funeral service tha; has ever taken place it this city. s o % The body is to be buri«d is a yiult under the Cathedral. Bunting is fying at balf mast from the different public buildings, botels, Consu‘aies, and private residencies in this city, every place of business being again closed this morning during the service. : The late Bishop was 78 years old, and had been 56 years a priest, and was highly te. spected by all. . He was a native of the Diocese, and was ordained in 1814. He whs consectrated Bishop of Three Rivers in 1852. Riszhon Lafiâ€"che. at present in Rome, and Bishop Lafiâ€"cbe, at present in Rome, and Coadjutor to the late Bishop, will succeed B Bishop ot Three hivers, : Grand Vicar Olivier Caron, Administrator of the Diocese here, conducted the services. Loxpox.â€"It is reported that the Lordon Sun, an evening paper, liberal in politics and advocating free trade, has been purchased by the Marquis . of Bute, and will hereaiter be isâ€" sued as a daily Cstholic Organ. The Times of this morning says the most remarkable thing about that the plot again«t the Emperor is its opportuneness for official eiectioneâ€"ring. â€" j There is much in redulity here in regards to the last conspiracy discovered by the French By People‘s Line. TOROX TO. CABLE NEWS. MOoNTR EKAL® THAEE RIYKRS. f GBEAT BRITALIX. QUKBEC. picâ€"nic of the school of punnery was given at )n4, h'icn with 500 feet of lumber and 9 ort 14st erening â€" en Tunss Riress, May 5. is still overfowing start toâ€"day with . the sams numâ€" Ofe of The Pieis ce on the o0 of the Times cites M%u} doubts which, prevali, In the Hoa«« of Co & C male anfrege, moret the hiq the Bilt removiog th, ‘i“‘“‘m\ n menhtly teannt wAs Nld}" 3, there would be ~|l ~' to nine MAE â€"Gling Â¥oL, "ug). Mr. Sykes «as the movers wer vAve CE CTC were in .'I-‘ " &:('flf"‘ Imoved the 4 He saw there was no 'I demaad the privilege cray, heard any vali¢ Fhere could ba women who had thron«, The Ottawa Spring 5‘% <% were opened at the Cit, M"‘t Ron. Viccâ€"Chancellor ‘~~h causes set dunq wete as hm ut s e m- OW# u_\ &0 #+ O‘D 'ghtfly-l e â€'u'l"“" “u 'I‘ The case wul)mtudâ€xru; "'“gwh“:- the VJ Smith v«, *Â¥ â€" * Kennuedy &C?uilï¬e&:‘:"u’:. @ nf"':d.. Fenian®s Engiish & Foster 80 ictary t H“ The .‘me Olivier D'uï¬etâ€"flmh‘.. R "'u:‘l'_"__..-â€" & meut of Smith since (hhg,‘-.,‘ ‘w som« 39 years, and lâ€lflh‘.!~-‘~ -w s old Dytown the boats have boenkept rrgn..l\" deoinent the ing the eummer season, 1:.4~.: gall .*mu’ wb{ Ajpril till the iss closes + Suit ... S * __ LlMar Lye borals have beeukept i‘glgy, ing the eummer season, n.,‘u Ajpril till the iss cluses ; Suig many Boats as the people wiam . boats ; the beats run every top giuning at hallâ€"past 5, or 4 if a p. m.; they are all the time g had boats last year, ouly part c J. WÂ¥. Pm!-llllt'l«ti Department. I know that leu--p: issued to Mr. Smith, The the city of Ottews gransmitted to ox & list of tariff charges. No action ino taken in the matter. m,»pqu Ti reccired on the 7th Augoast, 18%.â€" control of ferries is under the Cusion A decree was granted for the plainti costs, Griffith +s Grifithâ€"E P. Remov‘tor | tif, Morris & Radenburst fot D4endant Holmes vs. Holmesâ€"Lâ€"es & Plaintiff, . P. Hill, Mr. Fitzges & Christie for Detendast, T withdrawa. Coauniogham vs Ryan â€"L=s & Geun!! Plaiotiff, Lâ€"wis & Piobey fr Dig Adjowned to next to. 1in re Sallivan â€"Keone‘y and Plaintiff, lr.nmu:v- m Torouto. â€" ‘the Canada Central will tske te Ts: Poues vorerâ€"Thr. 0 a t.om Ottawa city. dismissod. The Biockville and,Ottews Rulewn MM-“ dran} nver its lin= ©70 mithons tos, bad a fin« impos d on the Capaia Central ir comper, 4 ar one w»ok in grol. â€" A 200,000 millions more out, but be promise It is proposed to carry the 1# amount, and was p«! from Uitawa city to Utica. Th y gontliemen :â€" Mr. Jobhn Taomw, Prd“‘* Biack River Reilway. . m Mr. Graham, Vicr-rï¬â€œâ€œ _Mr. Neiler, Mr. M‘d tors ; also * ‘ Mr. Bearup, President d.“, and Morsistown Railwey. ~â€" > Mt. King, Viceâ€"Pr tors. ® The delâ€"gation reacb® :. speciel train at 12. Afer® they emba:ked on the M at Brittania, and at 0“‘&__‘ 2 th oc inncmamtcnn Rrcindadis siindbits Fow persons that have tinad is# where lumber is ples, .: ustonishment of these :’ w lumber is ;i':':mb?:-a, for M": of immense wealth is 49# lumber. _ ~ wl Toe Mayor of Ottews, Hos ®*" Brouson and some of #* ‘.: bhave ao interest io Jumber, #**" at Britronia, and we ‘d.i gud taken.care of with siat DA uc reputation and bosof "‘ Flon, Sir #ohn A. MakiiHC tickets for the m""‘:.. Houses of Parlism B4 and # lLarly strack wish 344 ment Houses. 1t '-._’ This delez tion consistel of EOuYt REVIRWCCY CC gratification to them 4# u; the Ministry and o. . s they hare no 0"*_“ t 2 tm w tione of difion of 19 m‘fll ‘"l †& Nâ€"s0lected sablee with 4 ::' *"" o6 wif F pur breaki®®""". . ed beverage ioh on gige doctors‘ bills" e h water or milk. kA jib and ib wlfl“ _ Saves grrs & O05 Or adhongr jJaxes Kers # t London, Engle»4 th "®", from pes, . " *T9p Ikepu«g.,‘. & mson, ".“NG: Cl.w;NH(. mh .--'~~,‘ in every "N| t ',w‘lf“" ,N"m ‘u\ am acclerk in the _ thi P 6tigy, loaded a\ i OMR q4 mm of larceoy was ad slsent ; «t ® _ ___* ~ThuredaJ$ gÂ¥ancerâ€" a ’ buy iD€ »'..‘ " gyx, cnick 0t l r!"‘""f:::: pissants â€"TDS t 1 xk ingba® it "‘r,..- s ‘.d w state. © W dout HP 2. aiÂ¥c® a &# ty on Eit ‘..‘W(" ifuose ase the * . ‘l""'i‘.’*â€movln of the constable® ED. """â€" 1’#‘ C o CCE lerge nu large nu C ow u. ’?mlrs' ’,‘_ m‘ “oï¬ Â° sxC+ he gpring xC yz _ __ ""~# Â¥ith the 1.“’ They state ths '!’u“fl Iro **! am [ Aflmnt, ue ... * wil w wil "‘-:l.m.. _ ;s UJ any “hhv-lhou Po00d Uy 6 public 5 fï¬o~~w sote lesson to Mr. X but eympathize w hy The 3 the delendant magt e s " ty 1 to enjoy the «atie! wmn&' te beochâ€" They C on ajouree Wig, betlucioation was men robbieg hbim, k adventage of the i fellow to the gnol by i the Cowt of ue My es . b“(lf € ‘ _ _, $pose" Dewsen to come at 4 , NC in umed Jobn D« ) pmiterday for p bout «1x 0‘ «x pi0s8 bc h.*-‘ st a gang of m bim, It was â€" and be was loc "~tabs. the supposed driven in a â€"â€"A bout the ‘lflfl Who the 4 cle} *‘ N by d4 into tto the &*, cro®‘ th a pity who the ol in p€ t¢ M 1w OFI ODe We is hA \aÂ¥