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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 May 1870, p. 4

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C % # $#3 a 4# QM@ t )4 «8 M §\ J PyÂ¥ #f *# t %4 t 11 1 +4 # o i #) 4, +4 1 | FL00Râ€" i8 0 * © W« Â¥ :424 .21 40, &o.â€"â€" Potnto# 2b A Nâ€" E; Muiura Wours Havixe t»â€"If it is protect in a jowel as «asily lost &A# virtae, and 1t cass as dificult to recover. In this wl ,aad more partioularly at this season ulltho year, poople are wery apt to take cold aud suitur from «owe throst, coughe, spitiing vtblood and whw complaints general| y which it not oh¢ brwmediately lead to serione Mflwm‘ ‘The question ariges ~EEF 1. W â€" m -l-““.hw BUNSTROK®.~â€" LRIE MOUTT ay the Fronsa coup ue soles more (requently a4 the 09 wobh indeods i# the unaner . msay pgor® a0 the lacraa+s a% ou vat this is also desopitda _ Ens spring from the | € catiosy, whish, hke the g60 Per 100 Tbe No. 1, Insp 6 80 "‘ do Woncn;o 8 00 No ‘ do oo seeese® + & 10 ie Wns Wikkut * !« U M w ut #â€"â€" hv;-m- ‘uo-d(nlh-.fl': :: e C rer L BMUMME O cuemenenn s +++* uy Bobt WO ... on ons % whickh .\ romeody ? C th & W .Conplied expressiy The sussess of this most delisious and anrivalâ€" t sondiment having caused certain dealets to appy the ..-.:dniuo.::i”:“:“r'; tas, infi Jompoundt is hore m.uunn.m-.m..:-u anulae, h-dmmx-wlm having bae8® aupplied with a »pw W or sestarshire Aauce :’-&nwu‘ labels of walch the «ame» Len & Pertius huve been forged, L and P glve .........,nnmmm donts with power of u'.nq to bi.' instamt l...._m amdi ven uts poootl MFLae Lher imitations y which thoir and to see that their names ars upon the wrappef, Iulols Hrppur whk hoii _ . . . __. _ ... right may be infringedâ€" â€"« B Ask for LÂ¥A & PERRINY ‘Sauce and see Name on Wrapper, Label, Botile and Wholesales and for the Propriators W orsester Mmfl-m“- n.'.“ \y Urosers : and Ollmen _ uaiverâ€" C 83y 1136 law sally Ureen Raw Wides. C / _< | eepspaiteD _ WoORroksMERSHIRS SAUCE, by Conaolimewnt® The oldâ€"sstablished Dontists, gayysy5§5§§55!$} Cold by Chemists aad Perfumers, and by the M rsqu€fadturers. MKYIRMS. GABRLEL, i PORK Omll‘flyllAU'l"ll 4, AND PREsHRVING TUBR TEETHU ‘;Alflll‘;’o WULTE QUTtAi PERCYA EXAY tor Htopping Desuped Testh. Ke nders the tooth sound and useful, and rmu Toothache, no matter how far decayed. Price is A4 per box. Ask for (bubriel‘s Celebrated Dental CFParat* FOXK THE TEETH C1 Li & PERRiNA Proparations. GA‘.IM N8CERO ENAMEL STOPPING tor Preserving Froat Tesath. Warranted to Ksep white, and as Arm as the tooth itsoll. Th« benmutiful ation restores Froant Testh and provents dnz Suimsieat for Stopping aix Teoth. t # 4 oh. )0 4Ob (ihll!ll-'l ROTAL, TTE PVNT UVER ated from a recips as used by Her ldcsf"m the Testh, and mr\o a dell« cate fragrance to the breath ; gives the Teoth a n:«&.o whiteness and protects the enamel. No W econn e arnnnnienfedecammominint hss aBRIEL*A ODONTALOIQUE ELIXINX, a mouth ‘wash anrtralled for 4# agresa blo propertion hd«-h..o-uuu‘n“.: the breath ; is is lavaluable to smonerts, 0. InX ndommandad io mafteras flmm Ti Oita«s, April #7, 1870. _ 1343 Jn i8 in "a enE ‘.’a , l . m:,cbnd'o nameâ€" @enuine without it. Prh‘e b4. “M lawkOm . rtrong Bakers “ ‘ummu ces 34 (1 00830 y‘.@yyâ€"â€"Per pa WWON® . .. cxxsec0«* Chotse Labi#...« NOs+ t ““o'no‘ A8K FOR LEA & PERALNY JAUCE, Vultb® @*@f Turkey»® in tho quiokent OPLa®w commEenrnC!aL. ABREIKL*O® CELEBRATED PREPARA ' 64 Ladgate Hill, Loadon, Aod at LUVERRPOUL and B&IG@T )N. THEK O%Lt GOOD saUCK CaUTIOn» AGAINST FRAUD. ABRFKL* ROYAL TOOTA POWdER TlwNs i i 5 mm scelidental inthotion, called ; coup uho sodert, \% flr."’“" C itly ag the country sleawred, but 1* the csase. la the same ay that erime, | i# ie as the oo 1ntry becomes older, bat sepitde. _ Eneicatha is both illusione ho bi tasilities for comman} . uie i tds graat nosmos 640 Ramusov ; Aveng lia the wake of ebstthestions tr owlh ) 9 R I L ouLY @Y. # &3 PR EPA RED # Y i. I. C. ANKR & CO,, Lowusall, Mam, Practical and Analytical Chomists. it th WY ALL DRUOOOWTs EÂ¥ERTYHEIZE, tried it, know that it fi”: wore who Nare .a?vunum asighbore and friemls, know that what it does once it does alway ; unnvhh'?“.yhm-*m} “uwdmmmdlh following complaints, but such cures are known in Een o l ons gind spadinans ho sn tore. ce neithor or any ‘_fi the mhen with safoty by vody. “.'.," praservos ”m& ancd makes i alplornait to io. n n ty in cagen n ‘They operate by their cwfl \mâ€"n l m‘ inlo (aily snlion *"*ahove the cheiractions of tha woonci contrela, ivor, and other organs of the metmct thebr un A haemlilith, and %W‘f:‘.}‘&.m dile rsctions io Sn in the wrapger «n rg..uc::l-flno-fl-h the en "Arigpeffate ot Fndiigestton, Kintloas« C C eP e Tsd .“'"‘ ‘"*.‘ ‘m m'Em to stimulate the stook -suqmn--.'!'z!'rnfiz'f?-. onl Ayer‘s Cathartic PW3, -;‘.;"" ._;;.‘:; pbuatang mc \he manrtosis eyom Oid Hinimeiseftitwole, dich HMeadache CETTTY l C C S s p & N 3 o Wreen Rickhneoss, Ritlouws £© wl -ru Kevers, thay should ho i diiqualy taken for each case, to coprect the disesased adtion or remove the obstractions which canmse it. | do ard Loine, they shou ioh ts id omafie m _ * ... .. . hoii o tierh in larte And hquant doses io po duo® *! “h! drastlic purge. w .h's-?n“lbhln «* Â¥ hro Pile o a Dinmor s one or two to proee reliove the stomach. dose stimulates the «tomach and a "'.......a"" y '.E.....'...."m t 0 of ""':' 'fiw.w.m M“‘clo"rfi. Uvg apparmbli®. P * DK. J. C. AYEAL & CO., Prastioal Choniath LOWELLE. MAXK.. V. 4. Aâ€" _/ Is hereby directwd following ..a:unur:v:-;cmb posting Registration rer * of Births, Desths and IL. The cccupler of the house and tenement in which a death shall take place, or If the cccsuâ€" piat be the person who shall have died, then «mus ons of the ersons residin io the house in which the death took plaoe, or, \f such death shal} it have taken plase within a house, then any person present at the death, or havin any know!â€" 64 o of the ciroumatances attending the same, or the soroner who may have aitended any inguest he d on such erson, shail, betore the interment of the boay, or wih in ten duys after, supply t» the WPvision Registrar «i the Aviamaln which such zn-.l place, according to h« or ber know or bellet, ait the partionlare required tob r::.““nohb-p ‘ auym.h“d.h.m. | olergyman, paysician or other person or persons Far all the purposes ffidij““ to report births, Matriages deathe, retusss or wllnuily negisme to do a ”*0.0h..“wolo&h sach and every offence, and pay a 10m ........ .....‘ ;:h‘:‘o.d':'flho of the presid: o Wuhn-luul.ouuunulan;uz .,‘.uu.uu.‘mccm Division Registrat to to make the ired repos ts. r4iunng w M P LETT _ TTA T In the Cvuy ’M Chty Hail, Ottawa, March 21, 1870. 1313.0wiawk PUBLIC NOTICE i hn-b‘ &tn- that the xnmulodunlhllr AN, on lot 38 to a, and on Rear Street, in the Clity otf itawa, advertised to take place on the ith A PKIL next, 3‘-‘.‘-“ ustil FXIDAY, |ith MAY, at the 1PÂ¥ AUO‘"U‘ MARET, York Surest, whes thore will be tu efered for sale, the follow> Ing wub lotw in lots 34 ani 43, Con B, Nepsan, anad lot letter N, Rideau Front, Nepoean, vi% On lot letter N, Ridesa Frooutâ€"Sub lots ! and 1. .‘:flu 38, Con B, Ridean Frontâ€"Bub lots 3, 4 Un lot 34, Con B, Ridean Froatâ€"Sub lot 1, 8, & 0.';!. |:.'n. u..a. 16, 14. aas of these logs with the plans dm-smuu:o-a.oun‘n Wirect, in Otvawa, will be on view up to the day ano b mt & Room J, lm:.m. York Btreet, Ottawa, By Order, * *bodzacce Lagas proven . { RuVNANCK LAXDa. ClTy oFf OTTAWA ANXD NEPEAN Â¥OtICE,. s Sarsaparilla, many ol wiuh ase ui\ marvellows, . Invebermts cames sevofulomws dut+ vaad,. w whe aystn seemed . saturated w‘ corruption, have bees and cured by t awffee thowe ane which woere t m: by the seroiw cou teamination wnts img, bave been radticall ore in ahnost every #0v & PARENT, U“ov‘â€"mv‘c'l‘:‘ 'm" "'QA‘ PWR TY Pil. ‘Yhe obvtiou®s 1k z:.“monnn» amd far more affecâ€" wmal sunaedy than an other. Those who h-! i them : those who bare ahons lit of a 1MA*uit® with go hk d 0 0 iÂ¥ 1 JÂ¥B KK ie ¢*e /A« ZL LAKIAEEA NE _ Y ea« AMWNRKWICY P. WILL, Abtorney at Lia®, I o ® .Al- 'B.T'.-g. itk u .d:h:‘h Q..mmw. #&c¢, C ive | WIHHL Mestore Gray wir to Us FiCRâ€" (Qtee Kigin street *4 | Natural Life, Coter and Beauty, | #2*®* m _ N Bâ€"â€"Money advanced on landed se curity. TY EL Leabrey in rg 4) on â€"-.-;;;:‘:‘-T-‘ia:.â€"'” srmarr se ®, || 1t wili promote lusuriant g10Â¥ [ # wac h Attornies at Law, Sohoiturs in C | *3 | wubLING HAIK is immediately checked. . | C opyascers, &At, o thr Provicows a ‘Unintle +| MRS. 8. A. ALLEN®\ â€" â€") + maie resrores | |HJ «d w d New Aiyls. Pmportan: Changse. & REAL KAIXR R®STORXA AXD puzssING Combined in Oue Bottles _ _ _ ue Et Da: J. P. l-mflah-::lnhfl. says : * It has stoud thotest trial, and has aot been hod'unnt. is astoniabing curse of ladamâ€" mation ot the Langs and Croup and the woadertal whwmw‘unb“‘-' .“.“W-‘g.w lone, qotitle ...m?‘. hat ol romedies lor these "" ME 1 CC OW c c c kc cncttths. Whune Wuale b: A. W. Buroina, of Kaowleariile, New York amgie i @1 have used it in severr | cases of Special munm-:::anâ€".u sundry other complalate, it a sn partore afticle, and welil worthy the aotice of all * 'n:.lll.-d‘n -:dndu:‘i:'h.l Traak lroo sae wor de @A. TRA ‘!lhulflfl dLNXTMELXT * ase d.‘-oqr. Nerthrop WO.U..M Agsenies for the C Roid in Ott=awa by all mlflh“mwwvws MWoatherse 1 Mesmeres . Metheralâ€"Ate j Usturbed ataight and broken of your rest by a tok ohild suffering and erying with the exeractâ€" «ting pailn o culting teoth ? Lt ao, go at ense and gat a boitle of Mre. wWIXaLOW‘® saooTtULNXG IXRUB. It wilh rellews th pooe Hitlesaferet mmediatelyâ€"dejsad apon it | there is ao mistak a«bout it There is not a mother on earth who bae wvar used it, who will not tail you at eneethat it will reguiate the bowels, aad Ivs reat to the mother, and roluat and bealth to the child, opers dug ie magle. Lt is portsothy sate to use in al muese, and pleasant to the tuste, and is the pro seaription of one ol tha oldest and best fowale payâ€" male ~# #ud qurses in the United States. Price#® auie _ ~ everywheres Be sute io call fo "MHS @WINSLOW% 0OTUING SYRUP* Uaving the amuie ol «OCurtie & Teckine"* on 'l-. mus‘ m-uo-u-..-u buy theur teas of the THE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY K6 bhcowypciicl wh . is mir ons W * Ous Teas, ufter the most suveare tests by the beset mslhoal autborities aod jpudges of Toea, have bese ponounsed to be quite pure, aad trse m an4# -.-_-‘-'-l'i-f' n ':“":"J.!!!m E’M lo# N;:m-n o-n.m un devalubng theos. 7--"7:3â€"-'-"-*" :‘“omfi. to the consumer of |b¢e to r-lb. Qur Teas are patup in 4, 13, 14, 20 and tb 1 mu‘va:cn‘huh- poisonous on bstanses. CGrder» lor four 5 |b boase, ww lllbu-.-u.ofl.-ulbinnum«s ‘ree to Ra:â€"way Wintion bo Cunada. Tee w huv:-‘n sw:.n-mam:n» t â€" o-uuh‘.-q.u san be collect ad on delivery by c-" thore afe x--.-n. In sonading orders below the amoun| 0, to anve expenselt will be betier to sens money with the order, Where a 14 ib bor wouls nu.-l.hoh*oufluw-fll aud lor lour b \b bowes, ortws 1141b boase W essnd choun to ome address carriage pald, and mark each son plainiy, as that cach party get their own Toea. We warrant a the Tes weo sell to.give entite sutlefuotion. Af they are aot an.lafee rythey ons be returmad ah out expenit. _ _ _ dving general m, as out of Smouseformarded. #e pare only bad soension to sturn one bow which, we understan â€" was 1e04 to through a mistake. # CuUEXEKY, a Tapar n aen ach, m ‘: As exceilent Mized Tes luld he rentfer 600 and 100; yery guod lor sommen parposes, b0s. DA YGwwnrse oA pudlacs aak tamnate unng out same, or ofming our Pase in amail packages Mh.l.-g:ou_-ogll. C f â€" County of Leanox, ”'MM‘ & mao-u.' M-.&'.i '\hhllbmndflzflomdi 1 was taken with a weakness of the ancles, which gradually, durtag the t 1041, extended to y knees, and on ap to wy ‘.'w. n‘:.l:“d l':.l‘ul walk, ".‘r“ y k about two while kt neses was coming --o.m'ut.lflfi medical advice, employing, at diferent times .,.n‘.'u‘.”r-.:m "'.'.."...1,..: soutluned in each qgase for a period of at least ~.u$=.“% sou 4b ats weeks during the Interval of time between the medioal "m Herenat times | close of the next pFeseding Sesmon and the conâ€" "',,..,"M""".,"h‘::....,,.:',&""‘l it MICS® | ideration of the Petition. .Coples of the Arst +nd ad to get worese and wores, untll the sammer of las of sach notiess to be sent to the Private Bill 1208, whew 1 nouhnlb.:y mm‘: (Ooe shonses Remedy by reading the cures perform= in a pamphiet. B.....................- All Petitions for Private Bills must be presestâ€" ‘“‘ in faot I wase gettiog «d withis the FIRAT THUREKE WEEKS of the almost helpleas l;v‘ohl-m‘b‘:-cl: Beasicon. Shoshonvees Remedy aid two borss pllis * 1 am reatored to health. 1 nover io To uts CHARLES T GILLMOR, I am entively restored to health. 1 never expected Clark ot the Houkt: &?w.’ifi“w.‘“uo .:uo l-thn.l.on“ becduer 00#, "‘f“'"‘ wu“.ndnmmnfl:-’lu was, I nn-duyumwlrychwl-lq;l seliove it will curs "‘fuuulmom ruufi:::dld:;t.k"‘w e dkgl ':"'X'rwcion.n.u 1 heraby sertify hauve known Mrs. Mary n.v"l,hnhlul&n”-fl*“. woman _and truth. 1 hare known her ..*.._..“....*":.:1.*":"“"" Ary twuse in every know 'Mlollll‘tnnumo. less ; and 1 know that she has, atnce her recovery, always aitribated her recovery to the Shochoness Rewedy, Whaterer may be the pecullar ::a'-dub.“o.-o.b‘hm hl-:tmll.uh‘ullhl& m a miracle. % «ctkk .A"ND.JP. «t Ostario, Dominion of Canada. J BHAal=D, D, CM, Oradusts of Meâ€" aP a Gill University, Mentrea‘, Physician, Burâ€" -% SE C = Asconshear, "a0., At. . I m,--, talâ€"st., Montreal Ageat too Octaw#, a Mesnnee. CHaÂ¥BtRLA® & tams, Comnay P TEA COMPANY. EPECIAL NOTICEKA. UKAUIIFCL RAIZ, Satareh Crowa You Wust Cultivate i4 _ CUERAY HAIK In a certain iadication of docuy at the roots. 1ns Dparks street. tion, &o., especially aitenaded to in Ottawa. _ Â¥. MoLeop, W, MOKX Wuest, K. 8. Lawios. Oitaws, Desember 4, 1800. 1233â€"4m J w.'..w'slt..:mlm:-dm L1 K..'.. & KIMBKRH, Barristers and Attornies at Law, Sohoitwrs in Caancery . Convepancers, &o, for the Proviness ol uniarie saq Qquebes. UtMceâ€"Post OMee RBulldings, Hlgin sires, C n t t Aavacaree Keoges, Raxe Kowaso K iwars. ‘wwuoorcnm Harrmimer asd Aliorsâ€" 1W anepâ€"st Law, gotisisorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" sacer, &o. OBcseâ€"Lang‘t Bulldings, EKlgipâ€"st. oppaite the Post Ofhce, Uita®a. a8Â¥y ..\ &A. MAMA, Architec:. ONceâ€"Aumend‘ F e Balldings, Hidesa #., Oitawa. _ Â¥027 'l“.l": 4 7‘;!.!.0!. I.:rJM 4 solieiwr». QBeeâ€"Morngrore‘s mng» Rideae â€"streot, ie# m Wuritax Mosomore. _ IM0H4 _ Quoses Taimao® e e meamemmmny TETRLEAU, N Pablic for the Pro DN a k "of Gyucese, Hail, sear the Por Thiiee â€"â€" * °0o '.og,.o., WRIGNT & LAWLOR, NHarristers, Advosates, &Ao. OBecs, AJ!â€" ar, Q, (Mausn Strew), and Ottaws, (Egio o amentary Prastice and Patents for Iavenâ€" saser amd Notury PubLe, Corper ol DBussex and l-_vi___-un..u?-m__ & llas l8y ” O*CON NOR , Atin aeyâ€"alâ€"Law, Solleltor «in Chasserp, Convrepancer, &Ao , Busse®â€" streot. Obee, Unin DBelliings, Mia®a. 88y ii * in« UA Â¥UOCK, Astorney â€"stâ€"Law, Soil a , elterâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Conveyancer , icun Public, and Putest Rigat Soiicisor. _ ONceeâ€"LIm Conrt Homse, Ottawa. uonnc. LAPIERKAEK, Barrister, Attor aey at Law, *clicitorâ€"inâ€"Chascery, Convey l.v.w.n- CÂ¥. BDARTNELL, Barrisar ‘s golietter, Attermey and Nxtury m“bM of the Poase and Conw‘*y m’.hm alusd Conniies of Pressott and OMeeâ€"In the u.'u. n.&u‘l_ MTTERL Prepared by special permlssion . om the orl ginal restpe of * Â¥. P. VERRI, M. D., Profemor of Chemistry in the Unisersity oJ PADUA, ITALY,. Kept by all the priampal Uraggute and irocers in PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. Â¥, Â¥. GIAXELLI, dole Manafactuarer and Proprister for the Dominâ€" ion of Qanada and the United States. N.B.â€"â€"Thsms ealabcuted Bimers are carstally propared with the very best quailty of Sherry Winse, and are sspemally adapted and recom: mended to persons of delieste constitations. They are goatly stimalact, and will be toand lafallible alds to digection. For direcations see iabel round the neck of each EKEA & OENHILL , Barr A Oolisttors, Convrepancers, &A+ York «rost, nour the Moathet. L’nu-ww-, snsounses that be -n‘:-u-n:'-lmu‘&m ccoapy\ng merly kaown as Chamâ€" mu-:.bmu epportunity d.m.opqhdo.aa.uw’lu the m'c‘.‘d.u well as the oofi Aamiae in him sinse his arroval in this mwabktence placed in bim since bis arrival in this sity. Mebold» BALES CÂ¥EnÂ¥ DAY, (when not «onl Inar n 1 w alther at bis rooms or on the market. Re with centienace toall who nave eatrusted efflests or real estate to him for saule to certify that be has given full satleafaotion 4# sflt n‘o“:h. obtsined, as :um lmme scitiement after Ne is ready io reseive lastructions from persons ow For ut ; bimeel that smm s io dispoese of, and pledges that withong will be iesd andone by him to give satinâ€" *hwdmm'm.d&?‘h::. Copsigqgnments from a distance meoet w * madiate and careful atteatioc. Cask advamses made on furniture or ther m“hfi-h. and furamere. -%-“"“.w =|-.'=|..u-‘.nh.0l..umadm K. W . Boeots, , M# ; ‘ ieassast!, MMI?IP James O‘Rielly , 0, tv.Mfif'WMMn e t ts s3 i on YTYORAM, Queen‘s Auctionser, Uity Nouse, Land and General Agent COOMMERCIAL S8ALE ROOMS, None are qromine unless bearing the signature of Bllls are hersby acided that they are mquired by the bist and fillowleg Rules of the Legisiative Amsembiy,(which are published | . the =duturile Gasrtt«="), to give NTICEK of the «pplisation (slearly an i distinctly specifying I‘s nature and objesi) in the * Ontario Gazette," and also in a newipaper published in the Uounty or Union of Counties afested ; wach noticse shall be C wonls, March 13, 1810, 1300 td lawbk INWNAN LINE OF MAL ETEANMXERA, AAILINQ FRONX WNEW YORK EÂ¥VERY AATURDAY AaKD aLTERNAaTE TUEDATS AaÂ¥vH0 OF FPARRaGK UV vw® A1 HCROAY OTRiÂ¥EE: # PFru Cubin, Payable in Goid. Hitt i Laverpool or it Fretthenternmens .mu Ourreney, _ _ _ _ Commitasion Mertchanis. Liverpool 0f QBBERHORKE. ...»ss=ssssssesssseces 3B PAIEAGOE UY THB PosnbaYt OTRACE® T1 KalLirax «tUUTY A0CTION XART, Liverp00] 0OF QUOBDRRMONR..»»»»ss» ssssssessecss: P 0P ul BLK...» sevenensscess sesssponee sensnenscmmnnees 14 0 fnne id tored ow Haplents Insiont, sns Continent, at moderate w wao For turther information, apply at the Company» haet. 30 e OR LIVERRPOOL & QUEKEEXITOWX® OTraAwWA TIMES. MAY 7, 1870 T dan, â€" | |____ """*_ ! 1. RIVATE BILLA AaA**t # _ Intrading to make$ application uture of Ontarie for Private tburt _ Jou® J. OSEA _ _ 18 Broadguwa1, New Â¥ nuo:omnx‘ Jitaw *EFRRE®ORS, , COcrper of Bussex and A4A. Â¥. Â¥ GIAXKLLI JON is the \ ‘Qurdener‘s First Prise Baking Pow rivalled for pority and exseilence. For grosers everywhere, in 3 on packets, 1 parkets, 10 cents ; 1 pound packete, 28 pound*, $1.28. 'uuvfll:- want the t GOARDKNEKR‘s and take no other. °_ GARDEXER‘s EPILEPTIC CUR Lavalaable to lovalids and persons of im digeâ€"tion ; an excelient TONLIC for covering from Wlosss. Foreale in quart price one doll ur. o us e i Garunaru‘s Dowrermo Cocon Rewroy wil save you many a .l::lou :qbt. In potties 26 cents and 50 come #haod for aduite and childre: â€"it in pleasaunt to the taâ€"te and barmlesp in 1t» nature Forseale by druggists and deal ers io all parts of t.bo_'D..‘.zla.Z As 147 Notre Dame ;'miv. Montreal, Bole Pr and Manufa aAmorg the most mmwo( modern 1 Dis sove stands the QANADiAN PALIN DEsTRQYER dlde, Back ana cload, Coupbs, Colds, borp Throa _ Sprains, Eruises, Cramps in the Obolera Morbus, Dysentery, Bo ‘ °'I£lddl. Burns ,Pcalds, ost Bites. &o., &6. The Canadian Parin Vestroyer bhas ubw boer vefore the public for a length of and «henever used is ';:l liked, never t (l:.c dngle instance to give permapent a Amely ened, and we have noever a single Ferly followsd ; ut o '.:"‘.....3‘“ ail :':;c’" } on che t ad with its and I n “dlqm_-o‘b;l’.o‘(_m.u l s _ We ;'ru_ from experience in this mattep, havin ssted it thoroughly, and therefore those who an «afering from any of the comp «ints for which it is .scommended may depend upon its a Sove iess Ay Pe\val Geop ie T wantry for turther suppli«, and eanh tost w the enivereal nu-r:"'nou‘\m Ase The Canse than Pain Destroyer never falle to g11 armsediate reliel. Als Maticine Dealore ht'rl Aysicla ns order and ase | t and oo famUy will &uuw-::,q A» Price iwentyâ€" coute bottle. IOITIB'P &# LYMAK, _The "‘"“fi"- eBoacy of the Pak Destrayer, in ng divenses for which t is re amimended, ind n:.uuoml uuufl.l b‘d:::: betorturiag pains Lncumatism. and in to lo Nervous aod-.uduo it to a bigh r m T int of Remedias for thmcslfla. ts are soming in from Medicine Dealersin all patt» of th« is : y~*~/ s YÂ¥ Price $1 per bottle ; sit bottles for $5. J GARDENERK, Chem!i» Nowoustle, C. General f Rold by Jee. Murtimar, Johs Wassey. . H. Â¥. MceCaertby, J. Skinrer Urown. in _ 1=* LAZARUS®, MORRIS ‘ANADIAN PALIX DESTROYE A NDXE HR* GoLD ‘lL'Bn SUELL AKD 8 Addressed to und ere|} will be r ustil soon on ols Â¥ull particul ars as to epnditions of tend pesifcations, will be asupplied on applic the Secretary of the Department. With Hair Maitrasres and Pillows, and Palll«ses, for the Toronto and London One bundred and tes asres, Lot No 15, 1 consession of the Township of wloucester, Fromt, with n‘:oo‘ uew house, '.ll1 bare, thads, and other out buildinge, ..uw_..n,.u._tflur"..olo_o:‘d _JOBN CARLL Com of Agr‘onliure and Public V Department of Public Works, Untario, A i1870 1339 6 QUIXINXE nar WINE BITTERS, @ . advir Gud Subres _2 p mss‘ welt c good state of custivarton, well fenced anfl‘water ed4. This is mtamted 7 milés from Oitawh on th Macadamisod Koa#, leading to â€"Meto«lfé. Eng I\sh Charch and Sobool Houseat the of lot Metbodist Church balf a mue; Roman|COsthols Jborch one mile and a bait dostant ; (Reiiwa Station 2 miles. There is also a 9 road, waning along side of the lot. 5 | *OUNXO & HRabrFoRn Lb _ Tine wili be given for of the purch .-;oy. i nq-!ul..’ '.M luter “t or particulars apply to the. | 19 ¢m \vmwtur. | _A hand omely situated COTTAGE, 00 ux rooms and kitchen, on â€"Gloucester huh: m.n:.‘“rsmunm dc * & $ quses and ind "4onY to "AL. BOLLES, on t Ffll 8 A LK.«=«The Wosteriy oneâ€"thi No. 27, in First Concession, Ottawa pear, and Lots Nos. 26 and %8, in the session, at present in the occu Aylon, lo$ Por further wre Jour and Wu. Trowsox, Kepean, and Prxuer, Barristers, Ottawa . J«2 FROZXA CONSTANTINOP WILL ARRIVE A8 sO0N% A8 !AVJ oPENE. Rejolee Ladies nl_â€" Gentlemen at th ntelligance. ui pgEEreie 18B PERFECTED {SPECTACL "ARM POR SALE Ottawa, April 26 OTTAGEK TO LENXT. PH* leet At gaaranteod. * 4 tullfl) & RADFORD, ' No 85, Aparks t:: EXDERS mayâ€"700 BEADSTEADS, ®@ K EW A880LTXE N F TUESDAY THE 10th NMAY, For ®Xute or to L+¢ Uave jast secelved a EYB CGLASSES, For th s Sapply of & «y turer. r 0. Â¥ and J S, €C©O, ind in a| DIYTIS ION OF P ROFITS (Mide n nlabed) 6 W t itaining wer and well aiâ€" e premâ€" (EEL d of Lot ront, Neâ€" Â¥ me conâ€" 33tf pply to Lewin & 141 â€"tf Etraw ceived Mhoig‘h ATION hap py 15.". A« RECKETT, Surgeon Dentist Dâ€"sital Moomse over A. Graham & Co.‘s + Jommer dal Warehouse," directly cxpodu the Britisn on Hotel, late Tixts Prin nt Oflice hn{l Block, N o. 80, aparke.â€"st., Ottawa City, Uttawa, April 12, 1869. 1021â€"16y l'l. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofllceâ€"â€" Sparkeâ€"st: oct, Cont:al Ottawa. ____ B4utf _ ‘Dl- UKOonGEK HUTCHISON, Dentist UOflceâ€"Sparkeâ€"streot opposite Muzes & Huspel!‘s. . L167 57 Argyle stree u.. bouse, (situated in the centro ofthe ciy) nas been resont‘y emlarged, Ctted witn all the im »dern 1mprovewents, and refurnished through. autlin Aret Cla«e »ty1s. f fo t eal Hoursâ€"Breakfgs: 8 am ; Lunch 1 p m; Dipper 6 p m ; Tea b p m. erums %4 w per aay, Parties visiting Halifax will Eind at * Tb Carleton,‘ good attention, Cleaniimess urd com ,fltll{\' CO?’KNIENCE AND COMFORT FOR + THE TRAVELLLNG PUBLIC. EVERY DELICACY Ok THESEASON / NMoital Cans. NA RLLEKETO® A410USKE, po. neu e © W,. ARMSTRONXG, PROPRIETOR, â€" RNXER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS 8. 5> OTTA W 4. 8 3p?onflfio Court House and Public Ofices, ST ATHARINKES, Ont. | K. MOVGHTON, Rroprietor; | (Late of «oughton‘s Dicing Raloon.) PMA #pacious sampleâ€"rwom for .commercia) {raveliers. . ~| 8097 |\ The w»@qUKEN" comprises allthe reqataites for : iretâ€"class hestan ant . Che House hu%«n raftte: wad ref ruisbes uroughour The BAR contain he chologst Brandsir W inesand Lagu «rs, and ever, jeliongy ol the seam a will be tound on thetable. Th mn*flmum will bedirectod to be com of bis guests ano patrons . |_M#" Oystors, Game ete .davy ‘ HK 4 QURES® 9 RESTAU®AaXT, | M. KAVAN AGL, Proprictor, | Corper of Motcalfe and Welinngtonâ€"streets, op jusite the main outrance to the Government Baild V * | "lllll‘l.k. K â€"COrp l.-t surveyores, Land | Agent», 8 aught=«men, & tce, mw-lu ‘no Ont aric B «ak, sp=rkeâ€"st; : Ottawa. Vala«tors or Prust and Loan Co. | W. & Turens. 4 K. L.aX%® Mahifax, A pril 1,1870, | | The Corporation of the County of Carleton , | are pripared to recorve Tender« for the »rection | ‘ qu(.OU‘i)Rl' HoUSE BUILDING and OFFICES t | on or npeartbe site of the old Court Hoase, recenisy | destrosed by fre. The Vrawiogs, =pecifications § | and conditions of contrart can be seen, and i forms oféoudu ubtaine? at the offéice of the :‘Onnnl{ erk, ‘WILLiAMA COWaN, El1.' â€" | Nocholas street, Ottawa, botween the bouse or 10 t | a. m, and Slp m. oo and after THUXKSDAY, the l 3rd day o. May next. realed Tenders in ascordsance with the form * wv“\.‘ to bs delivered to the County Clerk | ore 12 o‘clock noon on TUESDAY, the 14th it | day of June next, addressed to IRA MOnKGAN, ;â€" | Erq , Warden, County of Carleton, $nd endorsad ;» | " tender for Court Hou*e," $ fl CHRISTIEK, Commussmon Merchant anc * %e Genersal Agent. Sole agont for Read‘s (liflflm andProof Whiskey , also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" sahine Alos and Porter. Pork, hut. &o., for aale. Orrice: No. 8, Sparks Surest, near the Russel 1, Juse, Ottawa city, C. W. _ » â€" BILLING®, Jr., Arobitect, Oflice~â€" "o Beli‘s B‘ock, Sappors‘ Bridge. Rereagsxo®s.â€"â€"BH A Sime, loz A.enitect, Phils ulghu & Thos Fuller, Keq, Architect, . Albudy.; Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottewa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esc Managing Virector O. & 8t. L. R. R. : Taot R. C. LEKGGO, Physcian, Surgeon and Accouchour . OIuâ€"fi:m'c Block, Sparksâ€" ever offered to the citizens of Oftawa is now for sale at the store of WILLLAM MeKAY, Rideau streoet, Morgrove‘s Block. The largest and best assorted stock of | w@yâ€" ROOM PaPERS; @a CHQICEST LIQqU OR S, UE UNIOX HUUSK, The Stock now on hand is the LARGEST EV ER To be sold at manutacturing pricssâ€" inton duties excepted. All partios wishing to ate their nouses, and ho wish to have the :{0 eased on entering their homes, had better call 1@®mediâ€" atoly. The paper hangings are of MK MeK aY‘s own selesiiun. Thetints are neutral, aol give that repose which is sought aiter by l:l of tarte. wa@y*25,000 ROoLLs oF ROooX PaAP pLCK W ICK HOUSEK, M. E. COCBRAX, PROPRMIE1OL To share in the division of profts of the past five years, C A NA A‘D A eA ‘% LIFE AssURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1847. 1 After which the Wil‘ be proseoded with as quickly as practicable. Persons desirous 0+ sharing in these profi‘s will ubtain Forms of appli¢amon and all istorm=â€" tion at the Head Ofice. or at any of the Agencies io the various places throughovut the Dominion, The Lists for the 23rd Vearwill be Closed on 30th of this month (April), *joicls: and salcons. Good Agentin Or:awa, *bA is ’ITKCDP(’LI'I‘NI. y ; AUMOND‘s BLOCK, f M dtrea (Itawa,. 2# P. MEANA. Prorarcro®. BLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, &4., The contractor will bhave to fin} sursties to enter into a joint :ud\nmsl bond "‘!“s ‘;-.-"u be agreed u y the Corporation,‘ e parformance ‘of the cont aoh .. _ [J . _ _ The °C lon do not hind themselros to seâ€" cept the lmuw any Tender. ip 4 IRA MORGAN, _ Warden County of Carletoa. K.4 ber will dispose of six acres of his prt?ofly in Hull, on the Kive: Ottawa, opposite the Kidean Falls, with two houses, and good garden ground, shrubberies and riactations. Price, $8,000, Suho ot houses, #3,000 and £$1,200), or wili imide it up to suit a party of purshasers. Also, tbo‘bw l(u-i‘rtll'llu on the .BI-Q «Atowa, including the right of storage on Brewery Lniet. Price, $10,000.‘ Taresâ€"haifpenny on the lolll‘. EDWARD HAYCOCK. Apply to R H AYOOCK, Eeq, Otams. KA °1173 in RECEIVED IN THIS GITY. Anothor lot is daily arpected from Engla }li“l‘ BARGALINS!GREAT BARGAINS ROOMXM PAPERS! * PECIAL NOTICEK. HA The Bar always supplied with the ills. abd spartments aroe. spacious and M BULLDPERS ANv CONTRACTORsS, AND IN HULL FOR SALE.â€"The subsoriâ€" EHRLY HOUSK, IFAX,, NOVA ScoTIA, Established 1851. nt and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ery attention puid to their comfort. tabling and an Attentive Hostler. And the table eproad with Apil! 29, 1870 HMiscollanious BALRINGTONâ€"8TREET, CLOSE OF THE LIST3 & !I HAYCOCK. JULULN RKuMANS, Proprietor. Corner James and Kingâ€"ste., . lalifax, 4A G RAMsAY, M'm‘fl’. 1324 1m 1316 a Specially devoted to the ©Scmexor or Max," his improvement, by all the means indicated by Nceience. i ; FneexoLoorâ€"1hbe Brain and its Functions ; the Location an4 Natural Linguage of the Organt, with directions for ccltivating and ratufmn“ them ; and the relations supsisting MI’I Mind and +ody deseribed. * Parsiopxourt, with all the ©Signe of Character and How|to Kead them," i« a epecial feature. EtuxoLo6Y orthe Nsturai History of Manâ€" Customs, Religions and Moderâ€"of Life in different Tribes and N tions, will ve given, _ â€" _ _ .. Pursiqonpoor & Axatouyâ€"fue Organization, Structurs ans Functions o1 the Humw an Body ; thg Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we shoud Eat and Drink, How we »boulid be Clothed, and tiow to «xercis®, Sleep and Live, presented in a popaâ€" lar manper, in wccordance with Hygienic Princi. ypwees:: 1: ¢ > :A olA e ie o _ rortraits, Shetches, and Biographers of the leading Mien and Women ot the W orld in departâ€" ments oflite are specral features. _ _ _ _ ~= l\nl 50th VOLUME : EW SERIES!! NEW FORYM:! ; THE PICTORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL ~JOURNAL, Paxexits a»p TEaC# <®8â€"As a guide ineducating and traming Children, this Magatrinre bas nc mp"inl“ it points out all the peculiarities of Character and Dispoâ€"ition, and renders govern ment and classification n«t ocly porsible but easy. Muct| general and usetul information on the leading|topics otf che day is given, and no efforts are spared to make this the most interesting and nstructive, as well as the Best Pictcrial Family Magazine, ever pablished. _ W s. herasimesrpâ€"The Journal has zeached its 50th VOLUXE, and wi hb January Number, 1870, a NEW SSKIE® s commenced. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more conveni. ent octavo, and many improvements have been made. | It bas steadily increased in tavor during the many yeare it has been published, and wus never more popular than at present. C â€"TrEaxsâ€"Monthly, at $3 a yeer, in advance. Singie numbers, 30 cents. Ciubs of ten or more, $2 each, and an extra copy to agent. . i We are offering the most l:iberal premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Pictoria) Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list of premiuarms. t Ardnu. 8 R WELLS, Publisher, | The following remnarks on testimonials of mos woudertul and extra»rdiwary cures in Canada by be Gusat Isouar RewEov. P .. They are stern unueniable facts, sufficient to convince the most rceptical that the greoat ediâ€" sinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the groat " Where was there ever such a cure as that of Wilâ€"on Storms, of Brighton, Ont, of Consuwmption, o. that of Peter C V Milser, of Ernetows, U‘nt, of Jovsum,tion, or that of Ambroâ€"e Wood, of Copseâ€" son, Ont, of . Dy spepria and Liver Complaint, or that of Jobs Heâ€"ey, of Napanee, of Kheam=tism, 'uom mctually been on crurehes for years, but has recovered the use of his limbs. Hangbook, com aising unquest.onable certif. entes on the great Shoâ€"bosees Remedy and Pilss can be ob ained at all drag stores , Price of the Râ€"medy in large pints, $1. 13y CuPPeR RLIM FIRE CAKTRIDGES of all sizes, for Smith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pookst Revolvers. PIN CA«TRIDGES for Lefaucheux Revolvert _CEKNKTKAL FiRE ant PIN FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for allsizes and syscems of Guns Rifes, and hevolvers. ib( C C cce Double W aterproof and K. B. Caps, Patent Wire Cartridges, Felt Gun Waddings for Breech and Muzzle Loaders, and every description of Sporting and Militar Ammunition. . _ The «« ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" Mdsa known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and imperishable in any climate. of i2â€"m., Â¥â€"m, and 7â€"m. bore. W ATERPROOF CEXNTRALâ€" }5« a FIREMELALLIC CARTRIDâ€" |2%$ GES, with enlarged base for asmall bores, agopted ty foreign gnrn-cuu t o r _ converted } assepot, Berdan, Remington, and other KRifles, _ Also Cufl.rldlfn for Ballard the Spencer, and American Henry Repesting _ BOXER CARTRIDGES of 450 bore tor Revo! ving Pistols, usedin ber Majesty‘s Navy. _._ _ The above cartridge cases (ompty) of all sizes, and for the different :{.‘.l ot Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had with or without the suitabse Rifles Buliets and Machines for finisbing the Cartridges VALUABLE IMPROVED FARM IN THE TOWXSHIP OF O8GOODE, Ts 1s TH® Couuty of Carleton. By virtue of a Power of Sale containsdlin a certain mortgage which wili be produced at «ke saile, at 12 o‘clock, noon, at the UNION HOUsE HOTEL, City Hall Square, in the City of Ottaw«. LOT 1. * 4 All an | singular, those certain is of land and premis s situate iying »nd uf;?:m T wa ship of Usgoode, in the County of Carleton, and Province of Ur:ario, and being composeqa of the W est H«lf ot Lot No. 'l"ut( Nive, and the whole of Lot No Thirty, in the Ninth Concession ofthe #ard Township of Osgoo#te, containing #00 acres ot land, more or less; also that portion of the North We t Quarterâ€"of Lot No. Thirty Ono, in the said Ninth Concession, of the said Township of Urgoode, descrived as tollo@ws ;â€"Commencing biteen ‘h«ins on the North Side Line from the North West Corner, where a poâ€"t is planted. thence Ten Chains South in a parailel with the Cuncession Line to a post plantâ€"d. thence East to the centre of the River Twenty Five Chains to a HOSHONXEES REMEDY. BTOP AND SEE! it. BAM"150 acres are cleared and under eulti vation There is a Iwo Story Frame Dwelling House lined with Bsick 24 b{ 23, with Kitchen thereto, 24 feet equare, on the farmm, also a Frame Barn 36 by 52, Carriage House 36 by 26, and Uattle Shed 88 feet long, Stable :6 ry 36. The land is well fensed with superior cedar Tng fences It is in a fine neigh ourhood well situated as to roads and market, being 3 miles from Metcaife Village, an i 23 miles ftrom Ottawsa City . r-og the plave of begining, containing 21 aores of and, more or less. _The soil is of good quality: The land is water ed by the Caste kiver rupning throu,h most o _ Termsâ€"Oneâ€"tenth of the purchasemoney to be paid down on the day of sale; for balance, terms '“!l be made known ll:'l.he sale. ‘or turther partica » to JUN AS A:?(')le. Eeq., ; * Bolicitor Masonic Hall, Toronto. Notise is hereby given that the COURT OF REVISLON ror the Village of Richmond for the year, 1870, will be held in the Town Hall, in said Village, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of May next, at one o‘clock, pm,. All those conâ€" cerned are required to attend. < Toronto, 21st March, 1870, Villege of Richmond, 26th April, 1870, DR. C. :" MARTLIN, p-u‘«, more sommodious .F.M. a opposite " The Tes ot," Sussox # &A FIRSTâ€"CLASSâ€" FAMILY MAGAZINE, LEY!S AMMUCNITIO®. NOURT OF REVISIOX. veTION siALE SHOâ€"HUNEES REMEDOY. _ ELEY BROTHERS, GRAY‘3 IAXN ROAD, LONXDON. WHOLESALE ONLY. [ Friday, the Cth day of May, 187", EMOV AL THE BOXERCAFTRIDGES for Sniderâ€" Enfieid of 577 bore, and for the Heory, and Martiniâ€" MHenry Kifles ot â€"4450 m,u«m‘- ed by lier Majesty‘s War rsnmnt, also otf 500 for Miliâ€" ary Rifles. sadncharh ff o ocp t 4. H. LEMAITRE, Piano Teacher and Funer, and Repairer, 6t. Andrew street, n _ Dalbousie street and Camberland m". ‘m ‘. 3:975;052!};&, New York OP A " Sussox stroot . 13502 THROMAS MILLER, Village Clerk. tist, has removed to , in w;h' B'”ko 18td V. ind //VQL : 1 2 Vibm' u* omm Hair For restofin' &:" its natural Vi\aliiy ~z by its nse. Nothing m "I hair where the fi;llui::\ or the glaads atrophied s But such as remaip ~:~ usefulness by this M~ of fouling the hair wiq / * moent, it will keep it cleay .« Its‘occasional use wil} Pflu‘ from turning gray of “-.:' ~consequently prevent h&: from those deleterions ‘ miaike some preparation injurious to the ha, the T:! ounly benefit bmuh-‘ i merely for a ® nothing clse Containin# 1 not soil white ¢ long on the hair, lustre and a erat Prepared by Dr. J C.W PraAcTICAL axp Ax“,m‘ PRICE $1.00, e enoe i Esn ""'"iâ€"'fi"‘ Probably mever before in the whole Loadon P« medicine, has anything won so widely and and kles. upon the confidence of mankind, as this and other ail temedy for pulmonary complainte. Thrige, and Byraps, )\ series of years, and among 10# of & py, .“'b men it has rsen higher and Higher is thee 81 tion, as it has become betier E#Â¥k jj o. um characier anpower to cure the vatey at~ -u” AT p «f the lungs and throat, have made it known » , CEXT BE liable protector against them. Whike â€" ~PER milder forms of disease and to young dikine P the time or bar at the unrm'!&!.l“ w be given for inclpient consumption, and t TKLELG gcrf:u.l m«'l:‘mdfifin-‘d:ux râ€" vision against sndden aftacks of Croup, C bekqnunha“imwm under Ch are sometimes subjet to and con t Stat should be provided with this untibote for te â€"® Ks Ayer‘s Cherry Pocr Although seitled Wrfiâ€"â€" curable, still great numbers ..5: ease seemed settlied, have bem a and the patient Mb-fi. Chorry Pectorda. 80 @800 1t u over the disorders of hlfld‘n ‘(.'!:; u;ost dmdh*fl Tre else could reach Ti Chewy toral they "":‘1';..‘.;'}_., _ Asthima is always relievel uhterd sthmae wl?d w)‘.‘i‘u io cuned by tm ( HaC Chr':ry Mfid& 8o generally are its virtues knov tew not publish the certifcates of them bes. i i than assure the public that is quite a Ayer‘s AAM DE EPAE CAAECTE _7 te catlcs m s â€"oautalia ngdlh . aicizcst and indeed all the affection Prompt retarns from malarious, mank, @ poisons. As its name implics, it does Our. A N f;il. Containing ncither Arsenic, Mte ‘inc, nor any other usineral or s whatever, it in nowise r" ant STREE!] number and importance of its eares 2:+ w tricte, are lnr'nm' bevond account, e without a paraile} in the history of board . un Our pride i= gratified by the tal will h6 receive of the radical sures effecte 6 day cases, and where other remodies had e _“‘"h“_h"_ _ Unarclimated persons, either travelling mJ'â€""-'-"-*W tected by tiking the 4G6UFK CU ® ForDb.ndthonlvfl: stt For Liver Complaint®, | of the Liver, it is an excelien the Liver into bealthy activits For Rifous Disorders and I _ For Billous Disorders and 1/ an excelent remedy, produr Bl;l rkabb”‘m.' *" ‘.Q “ e "repa 7 4 n and Amwhm all round the wodd. 1298f * for TE‘E FPEOPLEN® *B4 * BAE Gayo tas No. 35, KIDEAU SMM it s DUKE â€" STREEL Pirbrcnad, Singers and Public Apoaken higy and cow ains EOTETAT ”‘ f system either by B ‘.1 Try it and you will 89 _ / Ottawa, March 31, 1674 three minutes _ "*%, T face, is distinguithAbly, y iw of its fl «ttack, mey be w”‘ Fiuid us composed aad contains nothing hJ #y SLOM ©*200" °9 oo , by Chemists and ? y i T PRASEE ge _ _\ mm Fol sALEL ummw""‘ and Sand Point ' A _ . _ _4 ere Are you aicted wit elist from }%fi GR&AT PALS COUM‘ 3 1 HATIR Ottawa, Aogust 7, 1889 Pr 1tâ€" Ite J pRoVvl ®< _ of Canad CHBURCH $TREET, PRICE $100 PEX BOT Ottawa, August 1, 189%. _ CoOMMIssION m Ni Weager ie )...| * * :l the lnir.givq'“.: and a grateful perigy B A 8 K E R VILM! is. A DK BR+ Wholesale and "" Ayer"- ta it DUt DOt haee 5 ; 2 "Wrheek porx, ® CR IR Bm LABI‘. HER § n cttler H.‘ 4 complot® m d‘.'fi.xl.. 40 .-;.‘d'c:q‘ and Consumption. _ @iPAmamer trim Whitke" 3 vcLaL 1XsUxAXOE 0 anada, Head Office, Tom Kam, i rmg keepgd‘..w il use will pr m 3 €ray or fal., / UF CUKH cure! i um uie y e ren ; 1t ns o s§ar div® P* ® "hoar glos, 0®*" {nearly OPF for eale ®t ® «el\ "“f_.‘fi '. C m *A ._.‘ 11eay pypy® 5T0 ** â€"> Tim 10 30 TS l :::.2“.‘.'.‘.»- TeR se mt \ selected 1,\quore .. €BPOOTE ATV m.y.\.“* K. KASTONX 4 M 4 oTray opExED. _8 _ S en se Corn, Flour, C OTTAW Alway* RLDEAU 'fllc' Teime, dteauz 8A â€" Wihce, 19 DIREC Chairman ; Bducas 8 aAKD DE PEALERA FORW A Ra, XDIEE: 1e, Gis®* pory, 4*# LJsHME pposite th vEERY L fJeary Tobac®® .'..,M s10ck, » all £" | 86# Upp® and 8AV yan® M &Y BUT

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