Yimy d !t‘h f hes 1t e will ; Proof of YA * wrome ces who BM of always s@g10N *<x" y *Maig K ERYVI 3TREET, FOrs he value of Atrophieq D rha The Ben Jobn w her Dr. J. 6 pablic sTREET, PLK*# he FRUV as low &# t i W t 18 to or * d J* and Jver BOÂ¥ Fuon\l stmg81, > \.m'!f“: :’r:: joo sale M Chmy, sompriti®$ .:g * â€""+ camdiÂ¥ ‘.4 yOL V',". re. wusLkA®s 'â€.fc Efl Rudel Little dussexâ€"#4 o iss s . Tantiewen avy Hardwarg. ""“,DISO- daame*: Towns, 0i VOawa, \hhakdm 1 Irom Rerrcns. i & W his Abdlity , 3 §~ W e T 5 Sn week as moderate to: ma. it situated in the immediate riiament Buildings ;-:‘*‘ 1 c FROM FILE @Â¥.ELYE :‘â€â€˜"’ qanges, Imparial 100 # Darwnsa>‘s sachange MERCHANTS, BosOWLIRE . 1 » =__â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" Ottawsa, March 1%, 1870. 4,1% a00 TM KATC.â€" uoi i papepege ns i /~~â€"â€"~~1 FAI- KOR #ALKL. wiik aommence on | Tomasbip of Â¥Viteroy, in the County of Ourleto®, being somposed of lot number twenty, in the > “Wdtumm in heraluy """:“‘_:"" offered for sale, This Parm is onty haif a mile 11486¢ trom the Village of Fliacogs It is all good arvrable ® land, about sixty acres of which are sleared with Te a never failing spring of water about the «sulre “"m of the Farm. 1t is timbered prino‘pally wwh to inform nis | Marda#ded, and contains a saficlent quantity of future, | Cedar «nd Pine timber for foncing and bulilding hipadapnpreeun‘ T CC 00 CR 0 '....ndh“) Parfai‘s UÂ¥ THE BLADDER u.'."a““ hal any of its drawbacke | lus water wlthout ang dl\4+ ; wa into a glass of en | # water. his glase of tar water | it, thas sconomisming «ad obvinting the tar. “.rl scveral %h no’u.odol and contarrha. with the graatest s08« ne. _ agu 00 4 P Ai; LXVI! of the rjw. ALcommiesro® aerxt, E 805 next (o the City Hotel, | . Uawva, k‘:.ml-unuo‘\ his long experi= | m“ mie while pnu.‘. _ *4 aBllity., | 0 taoaso N Na8 OF THE sKIN Iftcamros mortas scalr. Â¥ Wen wied with the Y"““ fls ts proved h &A# in hot n.m. sn 4 lnstractions #0â€" ,, pu and qi4 _ amd v aad im | "~~~ hie. | Prof is | A-h-wu SLLV EKA TAKEN AT PAR m‘“m t rou , OÂ¥TAW A w"l in a glass o4 16 & botlle : 2 a GHS cous@"""" THE THROAT CON8UYM PTION , with a little water PR0O08 LiyUsUEL. ~ | o Nunssris w ie apsos t Parlss L FREARR, 19 ras im dupriving tas of \ts & t6 cosTt wKo, 1356 Ay low 11046. Whukey a23 subscribor having “]’ between ie to inform Ais M ,ln future, ® prom ptly a month . w Auction U M. Raatow | nada . | . In OTTXN k. w. th«e OFRICEK F UC ~@IV_| on thinmoitol Toruke 4 * | PANY. Wï¬::msmm ““’"'. Ia MONTREAL, at the oNee of Messte. J. W.a‘monfl“d * & 0. ABBOTT, 3t. John Street. -u" . , «it in LWORIGNAL, at theotice of Mr.JUITICE | genere! M rere d "Ailled i« Aionlaage DANIKLA:®: ent will recstve everyp atte.tlion He need 180N, Trea not remiad uw trienuds of iz sapabiliny . of LiALut oftcs. * t llo'u.-.‘u-m-m'nu‘. mimneescotmnmamengmen: * wlopted by him in aadeceriecs‘ sales MURRAY, M. P. P., and P. WUITH _| af whous it -: l-.-n.- tug :-l‘dc. ANTO, In BM0OCKVILLE, at the OFFICE of the B ;w"""“““_. h ratgriants ...""M""'."".._ I e TTE L ootes o ammaly Adgak. Qitaw a a woed ork, &e. c moamg" the Cathe . Ridsan« TÂ¥by L0T Agenricgs. b’i'a’. raates,"___â€"__â€"__â€"| » « Azlonlo Reaver, Torouto Matual Fire and Live k © Insurance éo. (General Commission Ageni, Importers, Manufactures aond Mining Agont &.duâ€" .1-‘01 on hand . OfMce, corner and Sparks streets, over Maon Bro# NHardware Stora §ut hk warPOLAR nwmcm-uron.-| to a fow days as LIBE IN8URANCE CoOMPANY STOCK BOOK4 for the subscription of shases of stook in the CANADA CENTRAL RAILW aÂ¥Y COMPANY have beea opsned, and will ve umaku open for sush subscriptions at th® filowing places : es T. ym ob ooo amam L‘ se« HeRVME The books will be closed on the FIRST DAY of JUNE next, and immediately thereafter a BOARD MEETING will be heli.4or the purpose o# allottimg the stoook: in crdor that + general most» ing <f sharcholders may. be held as soon as pFace tioable thereafter. Ot awa, November 1, 1888. is Uuuï¬â€™cnnvnn. C alk w Ay. 4 x O T IC L. Subsoriptions of stook, wila cond may be Inserted in the Stook I subsoriptions will not be bi. ding seribers nor upon the Compan® 1 have been accepted by the Co.mpa be sonditions presedent they shail on the subscribers ustil they bars by the COMPROY : _ <yerm~~ Hurd#8ed, «ud contains & SEOMCISH® U"""" "A | _ Cedar and Plins timber for foncing and building purposes. Price twonty dollare par aofe, one haif of the money pald at the Ume of sale and the other hall secured by -n-.o payable in two quh-blm inlterce at. I mWQMQ-M above M'flplu-unnwll DONALD residing in Ritasrop Vullege who give all ths intormation nesessary at 10 sitnation ofthesald land. A Uberal dedustion will be made by paying all cash. For (urther partiou» ‘ hno"l,hyuuuu'umdvb the ander= y* d se a mWAUP Ge Aitmwia. CnunaRLBs APAAROY, 8r, Ota®wa, U LAPIERRS, doileitor, Otta®®, Or ALEX MoDONALL, Hamilton, Ontar10 Quaws, April 14, 1870. 1331 los 18 60. By order of the YOoUn TIRWORAK Ottaws, Apell 19, 1470 Store, Mast ond of Sn hourse from 9 a. m. to 4 p d0oK oUVT oR t4 s in immenso quantity of 1D" AND BUY X0 OTLE®, F..l Fun sLAK On TO LET.â€"100 .m...:qdmuvx':ow‘&hl?p: 'l‘."w' or nuxTL&Y mummu‘«uwm. ‘lltwdl;_ll foe the good i’vha'dl. Afty acres 0 sad in & m:m cultivation. â€" This is ntuated 09 the WHuniloy will hoid its frst sliting fo ho south half of Lot No# in the 3rd soncesson e MAY ‘mmwwfl.““d‘.ï¬ DAY, the In4 day of MAY next, at | vthe rest well wooded, -n'ï¬nm o‘olook in the ioueawon. well watered, and situate | within & of a JOnLX PX uid o ';n'i.".'.'ï¬;;;':uu:."m good. 4 t information ‘ P?!IICI m. | 19. im Rideans Hoete!l, Ottaws Olty EsMONDE‘8. % AÂ¥ 10® t AGENCY OF THE 1INDIA 1 . ROBLLLARD, Phrsista®, % A:othuv. Mlces in Mr. &.:.:m Kust snd of Supper‘s Bildzs. OMee & DiL1lE FILT E8, [EAY AND COL FLES & T H PONE AT FT® w :;:;l'lâ€"l:' have been periormed JoUN G. R1ICMARDSON, with conditions attached | .......... n Stook Books, but such bi. ding upon the sab | J on Oe * i «P 4 , for sale Onane®e *** C j O o accnstts in is f LAND, situate in the | piaced hlhn-th“n-râ€"l.u! Tok iirey aPoument | Wns ereaveretiet in 144 n t t number twenty, in the ) said Townselip bm‘: HALERS AT PRLLVATE RESIDENCEKH. Farm is ouly half a ® in this oys | It is all good artuble &wq“w. of which are cleared with the future as in the past, it h&m of watee about the «snlte ;flhflh-â€"dfllh':r id timbsred princtpally w#h mm:m a sontinuanc* ot thak ins a saficlent quantity of u.o' 1o liberaily bestowed apon ar for foncing and bulldiog | MB _ _ ~___ .. __0 gupes atthe Mart will comâ€" WORSLET, E3 Â¥OX DK‘3 untlt they sball -'OI »amy, enc LC ihey it not be bnad19¢ | QBFICE Manager TLE Qecrstary . 1314 tm |_| On the lst Map saest, No 4. P.840% ) lgmw“mumummo l mngee‘: °_‘ _ _ #W*O LELTI * o be rented, Arst May, that Grst olms= BRILCK DW KLLING lntely erected on the of Mugh and Maria stre is, a4 present -E hy Mrs. MeNabâ€" It contailns a Drawlng & Dining Room and Sizx Bed Reoms, Basemert, K'i'tbcn.My.-ldnlovd.lull walet on the prewlngs, good yard aod outbail dlng + attached ; also a large garden connseted with the petmiasse. Rent exceedingly moderates _ , . Apply to (Mtawa, May 3. 1870 TT LET. _ _ The DW ELLING at present ccoupled by J P MACPUERSON, EKaq.. Vittoria strest, in thorough repair and fited ap wih all| the modern improvements, . Possession given h Mhag. | HK10 LKT, ()ilice and Salvsroom, Rideau Stmet, No. 1, . â€" Eust End, Sappors B.bigo. The asuhsoriber in nfll:lï¬o sighth ANNUAL UIRCV LA K, would remind his trieads, to whom Ne returee thanks for past fuvours, that ho 00â€" thnwes to ""."â€"‘!‘“W"““ ot every geseription of goods and proparty son» L-‘me i .:. Im:’u ‘:::.-Nm ..r!;..mm---lfl"-: o-uuu-..-ï¬amumm’:’ .nmn-»--u-omh.a-lt-d tirniture, by auction, he would be glad io hare an early intimation in order that sallatactor® may be completes for the ap~ mmuumnmu ’ % Acoount sales hare been :-m rend .duu-.-n:'.-ao w # "':' :.......smm. always accompanied with “M‘.M. IMC LKE Kss uk u' the prosseds in dash. n To +uzssuters and Wdh&le Oficial and other Assignoss, and public corper® | in tie vien, this mode of selling property forms a «pmedy, legitimate and eMsent way of clusing fetates ® m“.u‘monfl amount of w“.m’_.__g_ o cedtccaus. smaalsarec ut Aguin sollmtleg you! depegnod ventures to ho snse of yoeare ln w may be resonably expes promises. Ottawa, Murch 1, 18470. Or to liant OrRFICE AND |SALE n090Miâ€"â€"City Auctle mwatt, Â¥ stroet, near the Markoi. m.-m.jhuâ€u&mm ':5:’“".-.-‘ ..n.:.:-n:-: ....!:J:n:!:,-:-':,m' a legal forms are ascessary in such cases. :Mflvm-fl Aguin solloiting your business fuvors, the anâ€" Mn‘nvumpuuu“zd as of yeare lns sume guataniss ina 1y be resonably expected to earry out what he o ramghcunt + ~Shaik 1106 t OmE commende, 0."*-‘ dales will soon ..m..-....'.'.‘fl--.w wad Harâ€" hess to dispose of, will do wail to sead them to the Mast as soon as possible, "trade Sales of Mershandise, Varm StooX, Kea! u....uu-h-.'-udm.w-fl wel. as conaignments, from a dustance, will mest wich best attention, and be condusted on Yafy moderâ€" ato torme. reaetred hour durldg the "'r m .E second folook . 0. ‘ vanses made -‘1.-3-. '\“.’- ~lb «P 4 cmpr in P PA CV V csw mence Lmimediatelby , Ni hk Wmlnllhdblnfl'fl“-' mense iminedistely, and from time to time will be duly anmounced. ko'flw'%fl"" Uorses, Caitle, &0, &0, outhe Markst, aotloe of which will be given, The large aumber of Morses and Cuttle sold by him during th* past year, is sutlsiont guarantes that his sbil}? 19 MMM‘WN in apprson» moue amt e pouktras vunces made «n Purniture, Pianos, of d{M0F doods reat in for Saie, or may be porchased is if required. ua.“.'_....wmw and about the largest in the city, being #0 * 18. vamn‘m"‘m solleited. Houses in the on hands for sale Reveral JM.._‘.. LOWKE QENXERAL AV JTIONXKLER Ottawa, March 1870 Apply to which san not be equalled ..mmu-aau& iys or groamse. Mara Soap, COMMyISSION MERCUANT ANNUAL CIRCULAR, OTtawWA, MARCH Lt 1#to The wildest and 6008 8999 09 0/ plg tg io obey bis .uu.dl“""‘."".‘ m" mm the streets, roads or Aelds, d r o the horse. _ Altnccomplishedinoneda7, “fl...., tor CORNY at a shosap tae, wa as on an o ooo o4 A NB , t .'l!q @OENERKAL AUCTIONEEKL . gud Bee, 1600 HORSEK * The Court of Revision for the Towashig Uuniioy will hoid its first sltting for the curtent Cure tor Township Clerk‘s OMce, Muntley, 1st Apeil, 1470. RCIPER 16 wWaAsHING COMPOUND, To Lttâ€" J P MACPUKRIJON D ARAHAM, E#Q , Collester of Customs JNO R ARXOLOLI, Dept Public Works, or at No 4, Prines‘s Te ««= & N D« TRAINING INFORMATION, IB TACKABERRT, 1347 tm reauce sold ijor account s, on fur â€" assuch of con in wind by mershanis more eapecially as 0#¢+ doomanine es Cire, promquy madas | EP U iRaBise aot Cunisan :?n'uq‘sl-bl , dinse, Varm Stoo*, Kea) IM.w-."' stance, will mest wlbh| ____. noted on vaery moder= l'\lhwfl to T ofalook pa Ad | ure, Pianos, or that |w~Mh lighood venillaied, nm.:‘hl‘""-‘ "“M : s o qo ul No Mess ced B KLJ gin atreat, aagsome of them of a JOLN FEXTON, Township Clerk. l geality, P. vage‘s | G'unn t CO**% m Rive l Calebrated Dublin Porter, put up t order j WNANADA PORTEH and ALEB, . _ Towaship, on MONâ€" ast. at the hour of 10 OTrawaAa. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1870 !"-A i‘au. cï¬ enieerronmmt iiiritiieninfprnene mm anmmincemaen PINCCT â€" IwproRnTAaATiONs. Ex Ships Nero from O orto, Even Stur from Spuin, G selle from C+ nuc. Lark #From Kot rdam, ante e en trater "Juphts wod arsens 1e fremt nnlv.n‘.q-.m phuu‘qu‘..‘ sullo ANO UEÂ¥RUP®S, all th»e did. seat y smnmbers and binds. ol t it l)onw WICE, Â¥ine obd 1t N ww “r 'IILD‘! K# us Â¥D uw h:-.::t‘ the mamafacte ref, “F":nu-nuuuuhuunuu- sity. 1t has a reat un by @. A wil house la the ol 7 t B..l'. POoWDER®, M...“W.'“m A groat samag» The asove *.fl."lfl‘â€â€œ-“ “whb this city, and are well wortb beate 'zl..“n‘om.-h-o- A taw tmais will prove thair superiority over comeâ€" mon goods. A sull soligited. Â¥or amle . Tinds. PATTERSON, No 10, Ritean stect, Ottawas wHany Wiu® . _ __ Verp Bals, Olbd Wiee. K Wizn, ‘<OFPFEE, ictony Cukks®, * _ A very superies quailty, cheap, U AYOYX , * Puss sad rallable olt and very mlld LD RY %. Proof Whistep azl Wogawtas, PICHK*, _ PBurs and uns talterated. Al kinds * LWV 18D1 A KKasonhs CHuulEK=®r, Qussn‘s Arme and LAVOURI®NQ KXTRACTH, All ulmds of nighest screagth HLEEY GnArPEKE Lemons, C.afled Pesis and fresh truits *UE FOLLOWtAG G0OO004; lâ€";'.:;',m'""".i.i..‘ e besxade; be besk. ROsa® & HL A CK WELL MA Q0OOD8 , ‘ A tull assortemeal. \#% a® UadDduke, W.-â€".lmu HA & PEARLX #A0CCK, ® P ETK Kiccto, Ts Ks BiCce0os, Fine old stook, * Vintage 1841,"* JAs De K440* Beg is intimate to their castomer® «ad th generaily, bat they will ksop soustanil . tIIÂ¥ â€" GOVERNXOR g A way BEKEF To be ha vrcuskas to DLA LLXE JUICE CHAMRFAGIE, 2 «CHUELL BRQo, Roasted and wround, on the preâ€" #ROLLLED BEEF FPOR PARTIES, Jules Cordia® and ; naw, verp “wï¬z Armse awni Stlites. The oulr wh ut bas thoue thas e#asoe. FKESII KILLED TUusIn CELESRATED BY WARKAJXALXZET. n â€" doabile Laorkâ€" 4. Erst TUOEIR STALLA, APFALLâ€"3 14 a al _ #10°98, ND MUTTONX. % Â¥a. 6 and 1+ 119 Dawses muks ‘SALT ROUND, \ A. D waeFEETC WARrk m aAt TUEK CaPIIAL BOOT & sHOE STORE, L wvfl‘u“ na‘-“fm and BUM am pow L * WMEHR STOCK which -t,o found complete to all h-q-w Mirses, and Callirens Kis, Gout amd a, 18 Burtosed Balmoral« -lm“w."m‘h:’pnd Taose .............".‘.."..":u-, Book "aili please call and leave their onders, @hitch will be sttended to at the shortest antioe. aAll work gone 'nu clauss Workmes in my establishment, 1 haeve been particular in shoosing and manufaoâ€" wrvisemable waure for the Â¥Farming and ‘ community by whom 1 am «* large‘y und at prices as usual detying comâ€" "RENCH and Kaglish Millimery s Beg to anvounse :o their HOUY® spmerous castomers and the public generally that their mm BPFRING and EUNXMER TOCK «u4 BOOTS and #bhtr K A. RUORS is now pearly com â€" plots in every department. . ko L E4T i ks 0. W, LR3TKLA deceased. _ Parâ€" mant to as order of the OURT â€" of UHANCERY _ made is the matier of the -hudn‘wul WILLIAM Llli;‘llamd the Cliy of Qunrawes, 18 t llI-A.!A oou.l;‘i 1331 Jm «PECLAL Rhow _ some cxscedingly LAYEET _ stylllb goods amorg their ® NEW STLCK of LAVIES Frannella ar* KiGd Butips, #Â¥FYLE, Congren: avd Lace Boots sarpsasing in style and finisn anything bihorse brocght Arta the city. * vane NoR p C mWV PW gontiomas, :.od. JOUANNA COLLILNX3 against J A M EKS LOULS ORMK, the ereditors of ‘3 ummvmw.m ded in or | sbout the mouth March, ‘#%%, are, on of before the TK®TH M!O’JUI&I“D&.‘U, poet mbl. w . wW. W , Require, Pialntids LKEX ANDLE!A Kid Gloves, aed deseription, the full partiouiars of thei Te fack ree y« .'!.."l.‘!?’_‘f.“:."'.'.‘.." “.:.l. #C Y1CBR. _ 8U0ks. rn.?'&'m‘('u‘;u;,mnm; wt iniiheerned sueut m ho | o caAf K Aatarcs. an Uhk '.?‘m‘f d {J_.’_ &E l OHIERLY and OLOYEK®, mtaws, «s the THL LACK & W. ANXOU# ex, Apoif 44. U ___L__.. PRLIXO AXD SUMMELZ STOCK HEVHNatouaes for oï¬ gtuinies me e atain" U6 me. MA 7‘ ,~<\upe “-;’ï¬..l':'fllwl * C Pammtn‘s Sotteitor. . Master at Ottairs. (Ktiawa, May 4, 1810 & W. AsDGCUA U KOK Geods,. n & W+ AROU®, aT CUNXXIXOHAYX & LIXD8AY‘8 AaT CUXXIXONAM & LIXDSAY‘8, Approved by AT The QUINIUM LABARKRAQUE is an eminent» &u asd tobrifuge 'Q: destined to replace Ntat mak dett h city eniQraged in mndicl aee c#mmened from berkA ®# vary %..uji bbovirâ€" &# Ahbhoes, AaT CUXNINXGHAX & LIXD3AY8 AT AT development Iast! '.nh."‘"*“ pex M’-ï¬."’ in casee ‘\-"ï¬â€˜ slube w io â€" lt & -v Lf" with V ALLET 3 PTLL is really marvelious. qeeemmmneeaeent .3' '.-760 .c:-“v teoss of weeak constituâ€" , them, ar Por those “a‘i'nn‘--buw * i mad" n tk : for ,...,"“" x_~ Tenpenied by yeare or Winets. 1t 1 the best preâ€" «wrvative tavers. l h:;%unl& nJu-utuu. slube w io â€" lt & wAx the ferruginâ€" ous . I® .qm. for example, with °V ALLET‘3 PILLS, the rapidity of its action is really marvellious. NIVERAAL KXUIBITIOX OF 1855, Furst clase Moda,, Mvflclb‘lvuwa Z NE eE en Cony Classes will be heid at MR. gGowax‘s MUSLC HALL, Bparks Btrsst, on : Menday, Woednestay «ad Priday, on «24 after Monday, the 20th April -mmfldflmth-dsuuuuuuuo undamental principles of music, especially as ap~ .muumdufluonns-n the directionof Mr .B. FRIPPconductor of the Ottu~ nWl-m.h-dyuguh of the Church of the Holy Triaty, Cathedral Charch of tr, Jamen‘, Muammm.n. Â¥ee for course of 20 lessons, two dollars and a esn C C 36. smadhs to Yint GOWAAG ALF LABARRAQUE & 00. QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, CUNXINXGNHAM & LXOSA ¥‘8 Cox®xTXaluay & LLxDpsay‘s naif. Application to be math S NC u“.“fl-“"‘â€w' UUNXNINGHANX & LixpsAaY m 'h.u’lnl CThread Laces, Directery for 1819.° To bw from _ s s um vercae TUITIO® FOR BEO:»> ut Toâ€"DAY. Uibbens and Parassols, 14, Rideas street Have mush plessure io oalâ€" ling attention to the above, A. & W. A. boing the largest lwp rters in this cit; of really Arst clase BJOTY and BUORS. Ladies will And the best assortment to seleot Kom, and at the most româ€" niruraalie EHIHDUEG | _‘ ... ...<ccucse W bholesale and Retail BOOT. wai SHOE Desilors, No. 15 busses Street. I lmperial Academy of Medicine. new materials, Parliamentary Calendar aRoRos MURÂ¥auyY, M I.ilt:la late of arleton, uuia COOLLINX® MK, the ereditors of ter, who dled in or LOPE & 00;, aal JOKES & HOLLAXD, NXER8, a | serAj;N x o U N 0 E M EN T 8. @a FiaKCY D&RY The estabtishment is NOW| OPEX, subscribers lnrite attentien fo the Câ€"mnItC OoProslTEe THE t I Ontaewn, April T, 1870 KEeerything#*kaowa uader maâ€"Go0D9s ARE CHEAP! wa} NO. 14 SPARKS BREET,! LADIES OUTFITTING TERMS ETRICTLY CABH.] cnu‘on PHICE, WMARKED JX PL PMW o respecially and examins our Btock. RES3 . AND LA DIES The entire 8STOC. io new test of value is as well as Price, cus» tomers will be that our} ; Â¥ Manufectured en GooOps ESTABLISHMEXT tBABY &LINEN,§@ Having secured[he services of MISS MAYNARD Sl““’m obinson‘‘s, West End, Fng > land), we can + say that will b ) UNXDERQLOTHING "ATL LL HOUSE. gonoral terg . R L JAMES 4 00. PLAIN FIGURES ~ M AKING. uAlK THE LARK. BIRD CAGES!! BIRD CAGES!! Round, Bquare, Octagon, Birds Nests, Wire Flower Barkets, very pretty patterns, Wire Egg Bollers, Wire Dish Covars, * _ Wire Toast Forks and Racks, Wire Egg Boaters, BTOV E3 « CAPITAL®" _ STOVE . 85 SUSEEX STREET. $ IfD 1 ! IXPORTERS OFf a H0OUSE Rï¬umsmim HARDV 4 i. OoVvVEs, sToVEsSs, COOoKING Ktoves & MHardware. JO8. RC Wire Skewers, Larding Acedles, * Rgg Blices. VYE3 AND TINWARE AS USUAL MILK PANS and MILK BTRAINERS | A AaTt 14E Britanw LYTH & KEKLRR, | Ex St. David. From Argyle Distillery, Glongil Oitaw a, February 26, 1370. Birds Baths, wbers, Gas and Steam #rtters, 1 and Copper Smiths, Bell Hangers o..'i‘ November Heat ]A’. sCOTCH WRISKEY. b.w.;o and Brecding Bird Cages, in great variety. mits for “Koflh'l"' Paten‘ed I)ril\ ; and also for Eaton‘s Paent Ven uN HAND, ODGERS & soN‘s CUTLERY ND DIXON & SON‘S P(.lt‘l'lb Ware, C ia Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" ajre of all kinds, English Enâ€" Bird Cages just ‘a. November ©3, 1869. f 2§He £&e% £S* , PARLOR & Bird Swings, «= A LAQâ€" )istillery, Glengilp, Lochgilphead,| A Genuine Article. $ JAS BUCHANAXN, §imot a11 W s iington Strsxtt E_ LRX 3 #0 464 No. 25 X1DEAUâ€"8T., H MEADOWS & CO. Bird Seed Cups, &s ro m . {PRICEâ€"3 CENTS. \Dominion Parliament. SsTOVES Mr. MACKEXN then? [Great lan Mon. Sir FRA never.mind, I‘ll an )rtrawa, May 5, 1870. . Mr. MACKENZIkâ€"â€" Why change it then? fGreat langhter}. * Hon. Sir FRANCIS HINCKSâ€" Well, never,.mind, I‘ll angwer the* presently. The proposition of tljie hon..gentleman was anwarranted, and |n attempt to obtain a voted against the proposed tariff by a side wind. f Mr. BLANCHET was a freeâ€"trader, but supp rted the t«riff as an expgrithent, and in the hope that Reciprocity would be obâ€" tained thereby â€"If this was not done during the year, héhoped the Gove: »ment would recorkider the question, He should yote against the amendment. £ Hon. Mr. IRVINE did not believe that this so called National policy would obtain Reciprocity. Me had opposed the imposiâ€" tion of several dutics, but he could not support the amen{iment because he did not approve of thq principles involved in it. * . A division was thkenâ€"Ycas 55, Nays 86. ¥®asâ€"Messrs. Bechand, Benoit, Bodwell, Bolton, Bourass2, Rowman, Burpee, Caldwell, Cartwright, â€" Chgval, |.Connell, Coupal, Dorion, Dufresn Fortier, Galt, (i;m(?ot, Godin, Hagar, Holton, Hutchinson, Joly, Kempt, [Kierzkowski, Macdonald (Glengâ€" arry }, Mactarlane, Mackenzie, Magill, Masson, [Soulanges}, M:t‘{rlhy. e!o(_‘o'nkey, Mcl‘?u- SugbG omm <.. ic . w / t hh lt t gall [l.an:urk], McDougall [Renfrew], Mc.â€" Monics, Metcalfe, Mills, Merrison {Victorâ€" ia, Ont.], PIquet, Pelletier, Pickard,. Pinâ€" sonneault, Pozer, Redford, Ross (Wellingâ€" ton, Ryin {Montreal West], Ryma{ Seatcherd, Snider, _ Stirton, Thompson \“nmriu]. Tremblay, _ Wallace, _ Wells, Norkman, Wright (York Ontario}, and Youngâ€"55. 3 o sn Naysâ€"â€"Messrs. Archambault, Ault, Beauâ€" bien, Bellerose, Benoit, Blanchet, Bowell, Bown, Brousseau, Brown, Burton, Cameron &llnron], Cameron [Peel}, (‘:m‘xrbell, Carâ€" : ing, Cartier, SirG. E., Casault, Cayley, Chamberlin, Chauveau, Cimon, Colby, Cosâ€" tigar, â€" Crawford [Brockville}, â€" Currier, Daoust, Dobbie, Drew, Dufresne, Ferguâ€" son, Fortier, Gaucher, Gibbs, Giray, Grover, Harrison, Heath, Hincks, Sir: F., Howe, Huot, Hurdon, Irvine, Jackson, Jones Ebeodn), Keeler. Kirkpatrick, _ Lacerte, wangevin, Langlois, Lawson, Le Vesconte, Macdonald Sir J. A., McDonaldâ€" [Lunenâ€" burg], â€" McDonald ([Middlesex], Masson [T«rrebom'\e), McCallum, â€" McDougall [Three Rivers], McMillan, Merritt, Morris, Morrisen, [Niagara), Munroc, (U‘Conmor, Oliver, Perry, Pope, Pouliot, Ray, Read, ‘R â€"naud, Robitaille, Ross [Dundas], Ross, [Prince Edward), Ross: (Victoria N.. 8.3 \ Scriver, Shanly, Simard, Stephenson, Tilley, | Walsh, Webb, White, Whitehead, Wilson, | Wright [Ottawa Co., }â€"86. se anfnmiraFr s M Lo omad‘ that tho FHH ha WO e O T O Cns e Sare Ti 00L Mr. WORKMAN moved that.the Bill be not now read, but that it be resolved © that it is not in the public interestâ€" to impuse taxes on coal, coke, four and wheat, inasmuch as the said taxation will fall with peculiar and exceptional severity on the coaling sections of the Dominion.‘"> The Finance Minister, the other dn'y, in anâ€" nouncing his 3 o‘clock policy, had said that the whole of the Ministers, without exâ€". ception, were against such taxation,. and he hoped that they would accept the amendment. A division was at once takenâ€"Yeas, 66 ; nays, 10. + Â¥i:asâ€"Bechard, Benoit, Bodwell, Bolton, Bourassa, _ Bowman, Brousseau, . Burpee, Caldwell, Cartwright, Casault, Cheval, Conâ€" pell, Coupal, Currier, Dorion, Dufresne, Fortier, Nir A. T. Galt, Gaudet, Gendron, Godin, Hagar, Holton, Hutchinson, Irvine, Joly, Kempt, Kierzkowski, Langlois, Macâ€" \donald (Glon)r.rry), Macfarlane, Mackenâ€" ‘zie, Magill, Masson (Soulanges), Masson \(Terrebonne), McCarthy, McConkey, Mcoâ€" pougall (Lanark), McDougall W'). MeDo: (Three Rivers), McMonies, ‘Metcalf, Mills, Morrison (Victoria), Paquet, Peleti®® Pickard, Pinsonneault, Pouliot, Pozer, Redford, Ross (Wellmgton)ï¬ Ryan, Rym-il Scatcherd, Snider, Stirton, E use‘ Yov e is K NTE 7 12946( son Macd Hon. Mr. HULLIUN .ROpBG, KA VINN 1" (hnvou{'the hon. gentleman would reâ€" vert to the imposition 6fâ€" Tuesday week (\nal;w). The mines yielded, they said, to ° pressure of the opinion of the House on their .conduct, and after their vote he thought the might â€"fairly accept ‘thoopinion oftbol.{omenhein‘m favour of their position in withdrawing those pr?ouitionl. 4 he second reading was then carried on a division, and the Bill at ohice read a third time and passed. The debate on the Bill for the Governâ€" ment of the Province of Manitoba was then resumed. Hon. Col. GRAY was glad t3 hear that the policy of the Bill was peace to .111,: ties concerned in the insurrection. y ought to look at the Bill in the light ot future and not in the light of the present irritating circumstances, and he should supâ€" L port it. kA L2 en rninans © .A N $ al nnmmnactnbrare mu N HUUSE F COMMOXs put® * t Mr. YOUNG said theiquestion should be considered with moderation, but the issues were too important i future of the Doâ€" minion was so deeply involved, that it would be criminal to remain silent. . He was not astonished at the feeling in Onâ€" tario, for the people not only felt that the country had been humiliated by the in â€"surrection, and that a loyal Canadian had> been murdered, but that the future of the magnificent Northâ€" West Territories . was tremb‘li:g in the balance. The Govermâ€" ment blundered in not consulting the Red River people, in pushing through # Billonhoclo-eoflnt session to govern them by * Lieutenantâ€"Governor and Orâ€" ders in Council. This provoked an odious « comparison with the neighbouring Amerâ€" ican territories, and the action of the offiâ€" cials sent there had increased the jealousy | and alarm of the people. To cap the climax the Secretary of State for the Proâ€" vinces arrived on tho.ounch:dtholay alists looked anxiously to im to dispel their doubts by stating the real intentions of the Canadian Government ; but that * | gentleman remained silent at a time when silence was to betray his country‘s cause, fnd if the hon. member for North Lanark was to be believed, the l:on. pndm § Can‘â€" &0 03 nnt n t il, Scatcherd, Snider, Sturton, Ihompâ€" (Ont.), Tremblay, ‘Wallace Wells, 4/ Workman, Wright (York, Ont.), n LE m T ce 00 110 0 ce actually encouraged the discontente} . 10 *esist the transfer to Canada, and to ime* in obtaining what he called their rights (hear, hear). Those were grave charges, and if true the hon. gentleman should 204 longer hold a position in the Councils CJ t albs CO PROVINXCE OF MANITOBA TXTZD. 14 cheapy . the city. »QLBON, / &8 P1 \| <i> & | t/ &4