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Ottawa Times (1865), 18 May 1870, p. 1

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«re the glands AIBR *# by this ':u:{. liai medt vyer‘s T ® No Bke ? no rates of )‘ NMPANY @ # M ." «172000 Its 1048 ; has g *4 fye ‘v CBH yisid " and 0 ay teum TV by | RIA mog tte *AE CUQ ho id 146 eg od io » A 0 K ANXD ite youf A No. A sALL YOL pHA, tLABH C UEAL KRE 1 !30. K. C. hh'm‘“- Pork, &¢. | The bookswill be closed on the FIRST DAY of _> _ Ooffawa, lwn...-.-‘lmwoMID 0 . _â€"_ Sad of Little Sussoxâ€"st. ; MEEKTIN@ will be . helt tor the paurpose of .-gmm mtm‘mumhcm\m.pfld“ enmek. ing :( sharcholders may be held as soon as pracâ€" "" Ns K. M. BASTO® | .izapie thbroafter. | WiakLaA®s An6 MIUKâ€"G P Derwmono‘s Exchangs Yiee, 19 Aparke streot. Awoay‘ "* mbay 40, 1088 RIDEAL a, DC THOMSON, Treaâ€" a tTHOM30X, T U DUXN. 41if RAA#TON & OOeqp . h u." Mardware NK BUILOINO, . :" Upper To«». ‘0 *T .- '.-, 3 ts Â¥# m wc. Iain®, ty â€" *T P‘ . _ gubsor ptions of stock, with conditions attached | wiay be inserted in the Stook Books, but such ‘,E"?fl“" subscriptions will not be binding wnon the sub | #e astcommeodateg | roribers nor 4pon the Company untli they abhall 5” (leatlomen have been acgepted by the Company, and if they supemior accommoâ€" | be conditions procedent they shalil not be hiadivg m::::‘m on the subsoribers until they bave been pervogmed , Pariizment Buildings and the | DJ the Company. ' | f g19uf By order of the Board, _ _ I Cofies grouad and sader Ch: LXYXYVI} of the ... ux mail 4 Arbr h SgI0N MERCIIANTS, PUEWARDER® f Cducaltonoat. DIRECTORS » on nar alns. 1103 l sthememvinitniioninims reuron a eil JY PAÂ¥ Y ANBD 0K vyo A PM C UT. «ner artoles aecessary 10 00N aher orabds. 0d give)» FROM FIRE ‘ ew es PY.KIVE BELON 208T. C cfi’ sALMON, x) .’ m) Puity. extramely low riees, Udotab Whuker and y all grade, Ne nstimiainy or pur g or purshasing the it will pisase cull on JOHUN MO+ Ming in Puareg Village who will Information nesessary as to tho Maiklaed. Adliberal dedustion will r Bor turmber partionâ€" *""et e#petsonally to the andsrâ€"~ i having majoarcango ments ed lady m-". aanounces umes will commense on al} grades. may be obtamed on appliâ€" tewart, Wilbrod strost. ) tth, 1800. 11 a8uf Aeâ€"fThe subscriber having Mintime equally between would beg to inform Ais he hopes, in future, more Mt“'m » # Auction Rorter, pte and qts Yourg LIRE TN8URANCE COMPANY Geage«, Luparial TOUNE 1 ‘* _ OP MAINE. 1r0#, t gTREET, M. 3r, Ottawa, BRE, Suticiter, Otta v=. r‘ Hamilton, Jutarpo 1331 hm 18 6m W# abiiity Wihe py rv N AGRNT, to the City rHlotel, Uitaw a; Hontwan #, O ades, Ports of Ane and Waderia Wines is lmproved by age. Whe made to Mri @uW As. Aied to sight paplic, _ r#tare Rops. Oil, of the Lamber Merchania + Prom his long experi~ thhis services in ongag\ng it raults while passing Â¥RUOER AND reesied Aally 1 POR B&GiNNERA, Waiter Smith, Esq R W Cruice, Keq. ~oO. ; 1361. & Co, Hea ottha Cathe â€" &vw, @ Rideaaâ€" 1938 .4 I DUSN. ‘usuw inavat ln RENFREW, at Mr. WM. HALPENNY‘ Qitawe a 1iy h STOCK BOOK4 for the sabseription of shures of atooX in the JANADA CH®TRAL RAILW aY ‘ colna: have beas openedl, aod will remain | open for ambscriptions at the fullowing | places : s on s wrPOLAR REFuiG@RATOR, % , «â€"« * Rimanon Daeraatuent, * Ottaws. | ith Ostober, 1808 .?l‘:.u;l-'-. lacurance has recelved a lioease to transactthe m-lâ€"-.- in Canada : In a fow days at _ Agent for the Beaver, Toronto Mateal Fire Live N‘unl Insurance éo. 0.-.::0 A &., ‘"vere, Meâ€"mulactures lt'::q :I:.o copstaatiy on hand . corger Matomla and Sparks strosts, over a Bios Hardware Stora. % | "- KX YuUR TIAWORKL La m:n&lu.. at the oftee of Mesera,. J. & 0. ABBOTT, at. John street. In LORLG TAL, at theofice of Mr.JUSTICE _ In OTTAWA, as the OFFICEK of the COMâ€" PANY.! = In PEUBROKXE, at the: oftese of uvdRaY, M. P. P., and 2. WHOitu. I 0 Ottawas, March 18, 1870. 1 T. R, MIGGOLNS, Ottaws, April 19, 1870, ".. ROBILLARO, Parsionan, Surgaon, Assou.choeur, â€"ONBce in Mr, l--‘o:. SYiore, Wanm ons of dupper‘s Brides. Offce hours from P a m. to 4 p. m B C _ N, 0 â€"4pecral strontion wiven to the treatment af alssases of the CY C and CAK At aight can ho s0â€"0 at his residence, Muarray strest. T ME K EDGLIE PILT E8, Ottawe, April 4, 1870, » . Re 3. Duvid. From Argyle Distillery, (Giengilp, Loohgilphead, Ottea wa, Februaryp 306, 1470, HOUSEK FUKNISHUING HARDWARL, @TOYVE8, 8TOYES, : "lumbers, Gas and Steam Pliters, Tin and Gopper Smiths, Bell Hangers COOKING, PARLOR 4 BUX #TOYES, Sole Agenis for @NortWNs* Patenied Drum Wiutl, in tae sumaae qeanang o se Py AEmin â€" _ Meaterg:and also for Eston‘s Paest Vew "m‘““‘“"f."uq-muum tilating Stoves. lon, as he bas many other raluable as #Hee t *<sbilo | N HAND, i uied rrmormange fnenecnnienee msninamerinscmiremmere e utvi n Aeie in JO%, RODGERSé S0N‘s CUTLERY 0" TOâ€"DaA Y . & ‘ AND DIXON & SON‘sS j * us wiae kiatus Waiarr, We Canadian Parliamentary Calendar Britannia .'“d. Block Tin and k’“' A®® # ‘ amelled Bird Cages just To beobtained from _ â€" MNEKERLCAN SILVER TAKEX® aT PAR UROCKVILLE, at the OFFICH of the B 4 L YTNH & .-”' LO00K OU0T KOoL T4E AGENxCY o# THE INDIA e W e .. KAL 300 00N W intsK CY Ounwa, November 28. 1989 An immense quaatity of HINA TEA cox ?aX Y,"% BANG‘3 BLOCK, ‘ KLOIN STREET. THAS AND COFFEEES AND BUY NO OIHER, KS MONDEK‘8. «Agencres. A Geonmine Article DON® aÂ¥ JJUN 0. RLCHARDSON, W. K. WORSLET, in groat variety, MPORTERE OPf AÂ¥ TW# _~@BDL No. 10 RMDEAUâ€"AT., JAY BUCHANAN, K3 Â¥0n DK 1314 tm | YWt | _ o be rented, fOrst May, that Arst olame BRI K DW ELLILNQ intely erected on the corner of HWugh and Maria stre ts, at present cccupled by Mrs. MoNab. Its contains a Drawing Room, Dining Room and Bizx Bed Rooms, Basement, ,lwb‘..mmunlud.lufl waler on | the prewises, good‘ yara and . outbaildinw* attached ; also a large gardea connscetes with the ‘pa-hu. Ren: excesdingly moderate. [ * Apply w | Ortawa, May . 1870 127 ‘m | We Lo K6 . The DW ELLING at prosent scoupled by J P MACWEKnzmw@N, Kâ€"q.. Vimoria srest, in thorough repar and Atted up wih ail the modern 1mprovements, . Possession given Wh May. 4 l Uaies of groseries, bhardware, erockory and gener=l morchandise coofded to Rismanag*+ | mont will recoure erey‘ sttestion He nsed at remiad aos frieags of bis cuapabtiity ot o.h-h‘n-luhnm- it i un io snbnodng cnemmartare male wlopted by alm in auuereriters‘ alo® of damaged yoods and proguce suld it account of whom lt mAy somsmrta. or tfor* areuch of con irao" snuuls be borne in mind by mer. hants «trpport aud qunsig=â€"ets, more expesially as garâ€" mia legal fome are anceâ€"saty in «u.h cases. | A"nh-bntnbum.“o Mmuw.wnunnu.-l ange O jouts 14â€" tw@* ,@+p«niee that Bu maey be resumably expested to carry out waat he PyIQ LEKT, _ _ On the Ist May next, No #, Poince‘ Ferrage, Hear strost, ( :cing on the Ortawa Kive Apply to o ky dowdthe: ... _ =___ .: f C‘ % f Acssuunt sawles have boeen promptly rendetâ€" Raizsine a«4"Durraats for cooking otf «d and itatuments made out in & . ©000088 | mablzuse, Anest alrd. busiges=â€"like maauer, slways adoompatled with i hk qesns _ _ . * =_, . .. _ 1. 5 uidns l ? t 100 1 iene en Lare OMloial and other Assiygness, «ad puniio corfe (% | ti=o, tate mo to of selling 'n'-:‘ bgitimue and eMaeut way of. slusing Astaie® Legaotes, &o , and removes a vast amouut of drtaws, March 1, 1970â€" OFRFICE AND @4148 A0OM+iâ€"Ciiy °. mait, York street, near the Mackes The subsoriber in lssuing this his bpring Cireaâ€" ..‘..mmdm.uucm.u weil as his manay somsignore at = distance, for the | very hberal bestowed on, and soud« aence hm «lnce his advent as . Auctionser of this o ty, and to aâ€"sure them that mms:‘q-bom::u.hw sontinuance of the sap patronage Uberaly onts nded u-.'.' i _ Me can reter with pleasure to the want . # mmumr Ne lo.ndlnpthmhub-‘ business be @ould respecuuily intimate, that. Â¥ the future as in the past, it will be uis unseasing sare to stady the intereat of als patrons ; and that by carsful attentiou, prom, t cash uhn:ut muderate charges, to n.orit a continuance tin at m-â€"pmnm bestowed apen Spring Furniture Saless atthe Mart will com mum.flru-bn.-flh duly announced. me will hold samiee of Uorses, Caitle, «#0, &0, on the n.'-'-'-."L-o- of which will be gizen. The large sumber of Morses snd Curtle sol4 by him during the past z'.bm yuaraates that hi abluly io eriiecal breanch of auctlionsering is apprec» Ouvhp-dka:‘h'fi.-m anad those who aave Curtingss, and Mat« abes to dispys® of -mg;‘-‘d tw sead ihem to procesda in Casal. REKy GRLAFEE .h . kevuters and Administrators ‘Mi‘i‘ Lanons, Cantiadl Posts aned frooh t: Or to 134 ut sn not be equailed by *4 “wmm*“,,..:.'.m grease y W“md‘-d. .'.,,h~m All «0001 pli®n®d Te uit CTF s .-oo-:.hwu.d « choap rate, withowt mb \ Mh'flu-’-“-“ Thoy .....:.:......a...--m-h-, ® Qure lfor lame ««ok dizeases. Rheumatism of he wore! Kinds can be cured io lessthan a week Mulqmlfid.“h..“ Qures persons troubled with the G@ravel Qure ior duatone. Qure ler Piles. ::h.o“m ' hfi-n The woret kind of WN-OO «t asny time in less than twenty hours, Also, by a emimeoa herb. Parties who are infleted with any such d‘vâ€" as~. should make appiisation to Â¥. MARTLN, Uuil, us the summer samson, as the best tme 1o !'-o.lloulm“ Rarties desisous to be agents can make lon. as ha has many other ralumble um The wildest and agliest borss to eney bis muster, add eveale *4 c KR MixGu aAs , UGENERAL AUVCTIONKER. HORSE SALES AT PRIVATE REK31LD®ACE4, ROWERE ARNERAL AUVCTIONEER Apply to cowyIssto® s#ERCcH4AsT Â¥a, March 1870 RCiP® ANNUAL CIRCULAR WASHING COMPOUND, J P MACPHERSON, D ORAIAM, K»Q , Collectâ€"r ot Customs, To L¢et,â€" TRAINING INFORXATION, JNO R ARNOLDLI, Dopt Pubile Works, or at No «, Â¥rines‘s Tecrace «= & % D==~ your business fuvors, the un v bope that «n actbve sxperi bw@* . ,uapantes that du ipesied to carry out wast bw WEniHY Wil® 1 B rAcKA!!I_"- ! s Voary r.u.ou'vm. M Misa, e 6 sAd oven to walk after hm o All sccompliabed in one da y NOPE £4100., and JONB a HOYAKD. R) gin sireet, A ROW#. 1190 ts KK . â€"L > "..'.‘..".‘..":}r .."""o-'-:ui e ke,‘~ o mere | & ul L To e | q poss!, that l «UTTawWaAa, wEKDNESDAY, MAY 18 180 DMRCKCT _ I1®PORTATIONS, K Ships Nero from «) orto, Evenig Star from .4-6-. G& selle from C nae, Lork frrn R#+ ~rdam, | W *** I‘; '...,Mudon-u.u.opo-l ‘ %m-uumu«-’u- _OF FHER XEWEST STYLES. the elty 1t has a reat run #y d&. A will recommend wee/ Buspenders, Soarts, Ties, Coilars, Shirts, Goves, A%4 &o, &o. Toegether with a large and well assorted 'l'.‘".l sdlected groat stock of l_h..n-:.."l‘”fl.n-'..:-m. ww DRY G0OOVS®. e POI" WINE, Fine old stook, * Vintage 1831 qge ality , “’ -..'..o.).:\n Cordiar and lym.. wy Ihovom., l---ml-c~ new, very due, Just from 'now. C1 T eidin tedurnpuatied ies priges and qiriblly, nlman CHKES®K, rni Armse ant $Hites. The house in the ob p th at h as them this se izen. Q'.AI. AND AYRUPS, all th» dig..sat tho nam bere and biads. 'l". aCCO®, in the snm Pute and anrtulterated. All kinds war pak bad, L 1P â€" GOVERNOR GBNERAL .“m.' CHEKEEE, , A very supertor quailty, cheap, AMADA PC UTEKHR and ALEK#®, Oo°TCOu WUnkEy, _ _ Jobn Beyg‘s, Loohingat Beg ‘s intimate to their customers ard th generaily, bat theyâ€"will keep comsantl HLANDY, Purse and rellable old and rery mild LO RY ®, Proof Whlistep ank Uoghwimss, brst LA VOURI*%e CKXTRAOCTH, All uin 4s of al guens svrength f { ° PRESENXT, wâ€" BKEF AND MUTTON. "W4 | Hi» Excellency the Goi c I in NKE & Ca*te ® Celebrate® Dublin Porter, put up to crder 8PICaÂ¥ anv SALT ROUNXD * RWUT I8D1A To be biaw . Urd Baes, 1408 o A TUEK FOLLOWIAd GOOD8; Juhn De Kaypar‘s doable berried, Orst Mine Old Jamaiea, * Pore," tROLLED BLEZF POR PAARPFIES TCBB!‘L BRO“ a H4. LLME JUICK CHANXPAGNE, BYWiARD XARKE!. THELR CELEBRATED FREKSII KILLED . PATTERRON, No 10, Midean stect, Ottawe. Â¥HEIR STALLA, KTALLâ€"LB m1* Nas. & and T; a al _ atment, Dawes: makse is also very camplete, ant will pe found of the best materiale and mort Casbionable atylos. Bpasial attention i« called to a | K. | Roand, Square, Octagon, Beg most respestfully to intimate to their friends and customers that they have Just received and bave ready orinspes lon j Su‘tanle for the coming searon, comprining ENXOGLISH, PgeTHE K. 1 DY.4ADE Talloring Depertment under the superrision of a Oret class cutter. Buits made to order lo beet and latest styles. Good O ensured or no *a 6. s 1870. A, DUFF Our 8 Suook ob ut lrrnliee Tagie lertning ad roe aod XEWEFST ANDPD MOST FASHTIOXâ€" ggan« ts AA®l. BIKLD CAGES8S!! BIRD CAGES!! Wire Flower BRarskets, very proity patterns, Ins BRe Q. Â¥, LEKTER decseased. Parâ€" | woant to an order of the COuURT~ ot CHANCKRY midge in the mastuer of the estate of GCOR 4E WILLLAM LESTER, late ot | tmse Cuy of ua«ws, 18 the 0â€"&; of Curleson, | gentlbman, dessmwed, J ‘HANNA oou.uul egainst J aA Mas LOULS 0“!:. Nhe ereditors 14 the sald deorge Wilham . wheo dled is or | «bout the mouth March, 189. ars, on or befure | the TE ~TH DAY OF JUNK, 1870, to sead by poit ; mbl. W. W. WARLD, Require, Pistasi®» e opmaniater n tmpagen rttrrein are the it olmiome ..m--- tbeir accounts, the nature of the securities (U ary; beld 4y them ; or 'ud-lul.u-:zvl& h“cu--nll #K slug=d from the wl the aald orger . ‘n_ry Hia K the 6 General, in !IM overnor 3 erediter beiding any security is to c‘uul'c cmandt *ud.‘ Chambers, at ong of WWtaws, on the THUHLRTE:â€" NPU DAY OR JUNE nass at KLEVHN o‘cleck in the forenson, being .on.oxh-ltcv);“udu.m dlailms. Dated #ik day of May, 1870. J W W * ARD, W M MaTUEAOR, PMalorif s Solleitor. Master at ttawa. (Wawa, May 4, 1870 )3 Aef .__ On the recommendation of the Honours ble, the | __ | Mumster ot Costems. and under and in virtueo | €" | the Sth Secticn of the Act 31 Vis. Cap. 6intiteled | _ #An Ast respecting the Customs." His Exoelâ€" | |\ imaey has been pleased to order, uu;u!‘ wmoucsmuuhmm; f uatarie, shall be, and rh heraby doâ€" | alured to be, an Oot Port of , under the Burâ€" | *vep of the Port of Bolieviile. | e t e y i Ggualuvllcouutl TooTH PASTE, PRING AKD UMMER aA%VE&RcoArs | UX for cieansing and improving the Teeth, and 8 CHARCKR Y, *LOTHIXNX O A YERY LARGE A8RSORTMXENXT fv Ottaws, May 8, 18790. Authortsed discount on Amertsan Lnvolces until ‘a-n-uumuru- Â¥ W M BOUCHETTE, _ | _ stablished on the Welinnd Canal between Dussvills and Thorol4, and that such rate wh i bo and is hereby Ared at Ore csightht of the throogh rate, or twalre and a hall couts per ton, KMtorvexs & Hardware, FRLENXCH O THs AND OVERAXXEI®T noUSsK, OTTAYW A, Tessday, Otth day of April, 1872 arPAIxXO iMPORTAiTION®. W MEARA & CO. LARGE ASSORTMEXNT OF OÂ¥ERXEE®CT UOUsE OTTAW A, . Sussday, lhik day of April, 1870 UKTOMK®K DEPARTNEXT, R.OTCH AND CANADLANX MAXL FACTU RES ABLE DESIGN®*. Cottage and Brecding Bird Cages, Or Tus FPRESENT, OÂ¥ Council Oonmmissioner of | U MEKADOWS & CO. Bird Reed Cups, 4A¢ Eee WwM HLEE lerk Privy Oonunell, WMNEARA & CO kKPARTMENT 1870. WEEDS8, Gliu'lvl ROYAL: TOOTA POWDER ‘:u‘ot-d from a recips as used by Hher Majesty. Preserves the Teoth, and 1mparts a deli clous fragrance “i.. breath ; gives the Teeth a m-m.“ wh ani protests the enamel 1s, 64. | .)iuivu:‘o AP A Di TANCE KEQUIRING ’ AKTIFICIAL TEETH m»y bare thew | asupplied, in panial or complete sets, on Mesatr. | G .triel‘s new 0”'0..“2‘“-00. _partionlare . f | their oases, with a r: my â€"e 01 One Guinea,»h a ‘b@s apparates for taking a mogel of the mo tb | «iJ be forwarded, rith alkpscersary instructi. ns. !lu-u. Gabriel will undertake to Kemugdel o | nepair Artifelal Tooth made by other Dentists, I [ which do not prove satisiactory], at moserate ‘."..' w a kull k . XML _ cb det us sik “ ABRIEKY8 WHITE GUTTA PERCHA K FNaMYME._, tor mopping Deâ€"ayed Teeth Renders the tootb sound aad usefal, and Fanw Toothache no matter how iar decayed sloe is 64 per bx. Ask for tabriel‘s Celebrated Dental Preparations ; Impartiog a nu?’l redness to the gums ; whitens the tooth wi leoari between them any traces of }ro'nq and :m briilianoy to the enamel. Pricels. 64. ‘\ ABRIRL!E& CEKLEBRATED PREPARAâ€" K tiuNs â€"O0R CLEANSLN@, BEAUTIRFYINO, _â€" £ ANVU PRea=~KAVING THUE TEETL Bold by Ch anad Perfamers, and by the Manufacturers. | MES3SNMS. GABRLIEL, The cldâ€"established Dentists, ‘ 1 AaABNIEL*S® OB TEOQ EXAMEL STOPPING K !«Pmunj Rroot Teeth. Warraated to keep whits, and as EOrm as the tooth iwelf. Th« behutiful prepuaration restores Frout Testh and V""s“ deea;, Satm«lent for Stopping six Teoth rid 3%, < _ Meâ€"wrs Gubriel‘s Pamphist on Artifsial Teotb and V aizless Uenthetery on receipt of postage. _nmese G:bme‘s nameâ€"None Genuine withoot it Price b+. " f ,* A‘l letters :o he nadreâ€"sed to 64 LUDGJATE UILL, L1ONLON, 13243 1.utao 1â€"wkhm GoLDd sILYE® sH A perfect | BMA po Yfi!fi ‘"OK ~TH ET EET H.! \ Variety Hall, 'luulm Hard PDouble Stoves at the u\-z“lu. | New and Becond Hand Btoves at the Variety Is hereby given, that the Lower Ottaws Crown Timber Agency, formerly under the sharge of C E BELLE E q., hus been abolished, and thatihe territory comprising said Ageney is attached to the Upper Oitawa Crown Timber Ageney, under the charge of A J RUSSELL, Es COrown‘limber Agent at Oitaws, by whom permits for shipment and clearances for Quebes will be gpo*â€"* NOTIcEk Is hereby given, t granted New and Second Hand Cooking Stoves at the cunted in Ladies why do you be troubled with an oid worn u‘m.Mynouuhnud R t eash and get a Arst P olass Btove at the Varley Haii. _ZAll new Stoves Sold «t this establishment guarâ€" anteed to the puronaser. Paities in quest of sedond hand stuves will fiad a good assorument at the Varisty «all. _ ____ Ditaws, Janusaty 18, 1870. I‘I.RPRCTBP SPEOTACLES, woods of all kinds purchased end exchang od as J BOYDEN, | General Agont. 64 Ludeste Hill, London, Anod at LEVBRPOOL and B#@I9 4T )N. «w MESS#$ CABRIEL. /J Dentists . /x WILL, LONDON. OUNQ & RADRUVHML -,nlolo'ulpnyh“t‘ A'OUIC LADY Wili give instrustions : in Music and Â¥ancy Work, elther at the pupils residence ; or apply at Mres. Hamilton‘s, corner of V‘Connor ana * a ©UF ME TIRD TOYKA, ACOVES, 8TOYVEKS. »ealed 6 RIOHARD®S, 1350 3 Commigsioner of Crown I.-odl. "Pu T A A TR AT} imitrs BUILbKms aNv CONTRACTORS, 9 R I D Ap 1 29, 1870. Corporation of the County of Carleton red to receive Tenders for the erestion Uave jast recelved a IYJ GLASSES, SHELL AND STPEEL _ _ JRA MORY iN, W arden County of Carleton. 0 & RaADFORD, No35, Bparks tri 1359 m BRITISH MAILS CLOSE Per Canadian Steamer from Portland every Friday a: 11.30 A.M. _ | Unregistered _ lettors ‘snb aid by Stamp will be receired until 12. !‘.f(. xt Per direct Parketfrom New York, every Monday at 12.00 noon. $2 * j Dorofltq will be recelved at this Office. [nterest allowed at: the rate of Four rr cent. per annum, and deposits can be withdrawn at y time.â€" Firse per cent. will be allowed on ?oehl deposits in sums of $100, for the, withâ€" rawal of which 3 months‘ notiee will be reâ€" quired. | Poest Orric®, M Ottawa, 16th May, 1870. Depart................ 8.10 a m., 1.0v p w, :0 (0 pm ATTiY® ...........s.... 4. 80pm, 11.# a ®, 9. ou ‘.. Che above traius conneâ€"t at Prescott Junction with draai Cruoxk Reitway (or all points sowh east and west. | x Or Money Order Offices throughout the Domiâ€" nion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundâ€" land and Prinee Edward Island, can be sbtained at this Oflce. Also, Postege and Bill Stamps. s _ Orâ€"awa Upriczâ€"â€"Â¥ork itreat, corper o streot. Lfi 162. The Ontrrio Tu:f ClnbBpring R e w 11 come of oe. the Whitby Co râ€"a n * Tuesday, Wedoosiay and *‘ harsday, May 24t:, 25 h, and #26th, 1870, 1870. Queen‘s Plate of 50 Guiness Te gift of Her Moet Gr»cious Mejesty, Qa &â€" Victorin, opes to all bors»» b ed, owned a. d trained in the Province of Onterio, that ne: e won pub. lic money, T. «. W. A of 2 miles. Entrance free. k\ " §2253â€"Whitby Purseâ€"Op n to llla“?o miniup.umd norses allowed 7 lb .. a ot 2 miles. First horse, $150 ; se ond, $50 ; and $25 to the third, if mure than thre« siart $125â€"Troiting Purseâ€"=Open toâ€" all horses brod, owned and trained i6 the P ovince, that nev@r beat 245 on any trac , Fiurst &-, $100 ; sicond, $25. Mite beats, t arecâ€"laâ€"five to harnese; weights, 145 lbe, sECOND DAY, $250â€"Turf Club Purseâ€"Open to all horses. KFirst horse, $200 ; sâ€"cond, m Dominionâ€" bred horses allowed 7 Ib«, . Twoâ€"mile heats, $125 â€"Province Parseâ€"Open to all Domi nionâ€"bred horses,. â€"Firet borse, $100 ; second, $25, BPueh of 1} miles, T. «. W. Wioner unce, 5 lbs, ; twice, 10 lis ; three times, 11 lbe, $125â€"â€"Trotting Purse=â€"â€"Open to all borses br. d, inised and owned in this Province, that never beat 3 mionut«s on aoy track; mile beate, threesinâ€"fiv«. First borse, $100 , sscond, $25, weights, 145 lvs. THIRD DaAaY. $100â€"â€"A Hurdle Raceâ€"A dash of 2 miles over elght burules, 3 feet 6 inches high, First hors»e $150, second $50 ; weights 1560 Ibs. _ _ #150â€"Province Ha«ndicapâ€"OUpen to all hoises bred, raised ans owued in this Province, $15 +ach, $150 add«¢ ; second horse to reocive 350 out ut stakes, A dash of Two milea. R _ $200â€"Trotting Purseâ€"â€"Open to all; mile heats, threeâ€"in five, _ First borse, $150 ; second $50 ; werghts, 145 lbs, to bLarness. _ _ $50â€"Cousolation Purseâ€"â€"Of $5 «ach, with §40 add.d, for b.aten bhorkes only, ‘ A dash of one mile 1 Entrance for all borseâ€"s, 10 per cent, 2 Fuu« or more bhorses to make a fâ€"ld not lers thau three 10 st«rt, . ,> 3, Riders to app:ar in full Jockey costume ; colurs to be named .l‘ the time of eutry. Auy Jockey presentivg Limseâ€"]t to weigh, im * erly Creseed, shall be flJ‘ 5. * °P 4 Decision of the Ju@ges to be final, 5 All â€"utries to be made in writing ; such entry to specity the age, uame, colour, § x, sire and dam of the boree, with thâ€" bone fAde uwner‘s uam+ ; such entry to be enclosed in # seale! envelope with éutrance monâ€"y, also mem bership, adsiressed to the Becretary . \ 6 Membersiip $5. *%. EKnmâ€"ies for the Queen‘s Plate and Proâ€" vince H«naicap, t» closâ€" on the lst ot May ; al} othâ€" ts on the 20th May. 8. Races will coummence each day at 1 w louk y GRHAXD TRUNXK ARRANGEKENXTs FOG THE kACEsâ€"A sapecial train wili leave Toronto lor Whit y, at 10 o‘clo k a. m , on the Quâ€"en‘s Birthd:y. Return Ticket will be issued «t »!1 the Btations bet=ee Guelph and Bellâ€"ville, iuclpeivâ€", at asngle firetâ€"clâ€"ss fae, on the 24b, 25th and 26b Mav, valid for r: turp up to. the 27ch. Mâ€"~sars. QUIMBY ana PAGE will sell Pools during the meeting the is prepared to accommodate & : number of boarders vith comftomable l.dg.1g, and ex¢ellent board,at reasonable rates, Ouswva, May 13, 1870 1257 3 â€"_ WMRS FNLEY bas jost opened a PRIVATE BOARDIN@ HOUSE in "Mus. HFAKN‘® House Daure street, Lebrecon‘» Fists, < ha »Jiere, where Orricz Hours rmox 8 a.x., to 7 r.x. G. P. BAKER, | Postmaster. PosTt OFFICE, OrTAWA. h©LTBL RacK:. oarDixoe HoUsE, CHAUDIERE:; TH a V K LL CR GUIOK. LAWRENCH AXD OTTAWA RAILFAY, 1362* RULES ANXDN HEKGULATION® PQ8T OFFICEK BAVINGS BAXK. MONEY ORDERS. FIR:v DiY H TAYLOR, Agents. THOvAS HUsSTON, 8 crâ€"1ary an 4 Trâ€"asurer 1870 IPRICE â€" 3 K N K. _ By Srerurs MceStocax. I love‘the st&atecd Praitic‘®@ balmy breath ; I love the golden sunâ€"light, sifted down, In glistening. showors, on meadow, bluff â€"and stream ; * I love the smoky drapery that floats At evening, round the basement of the dome Built on the horizon‘s rim, and gemm‘d with stars, 4 ' I love the dark mould of the fraitfual earth ;° The sveculent corn, upsho.ting rank and tall To play its silken tassels in the breere ; The golden fields of yellow whisker‘d wheat ; The rustling of the barley‘s million spears, , As silken dresses fondled by the breoze ; The coated turnip, roundinz out its paupch And little weights that multiply the cost ; And ‘ronl_lmlei bills that, turn travellers pale : Aristocrats that once lived in " dugâ€"outs"! And deathlyâ€"rushing streams« to devil drives, Along the quicksands. shifting bettomless ! And the slow Fever of the secthing Flats, And the mosquitoes of the seething Flats, Qutnumbering the sandâ€"grains of the River ; And the dread rattlesbake that darts his bitr, And the dread Indian, filthy, lazy, ferce ; And the wide wayes of wind that roll and rush Down the long _v'ullk,u from their 'mouuléiu As silken dresses fondled by the breeze ; y The coated turnip, rounding out its paugch Like belly of a beerâ€"filled Aliderman ; Ilove the tapering root that bore‘s ti s earth ; . The carrot, and the parsnip, and the beet ; I love the fowers that toss their cups of scent Into the toilet of blushing i10r1 ; I loveâ€"to soe the prairic i.cken start, ‘Whirr‘ through the air, and vanish frowm my sight : Â¥ I lov« to steal along the river brink, Or by the rushy margia of ihe lake, And fusi‘ade the unoficnding duck, Or wary goose, disporting on the ware : I love, when Night has quench‘d the fery Day To stroll the rural Broadways of the town, Its seattered lights twinkling like lonely star« Over a space ambitions to be great ; The steam horse snorting on his iron path : The white moon shimmering in a sea of blue The night wind laden with the fumes of rest All this I love, and this is «/ I love In all this endless prarie wilderness. The little " dugouts," miles from ‘Ti‘h face ; | And litile cabins, let at fab‘lous rents ; And‘little corner lots t:at«an‘t he bought And litus jealousies thit rend the town ; And little boys and girls ‘that won‘t be c And little needsathat cost a ruinous price home, | A pdideron. house,crushing avalanche, Upropting earth, and whirling hats aloft ; The fhashâ€"like changes, too, fyom hot to cold As if the Northern Bear had ris‘n tn wrath, And dash‘d an iceâ€"berg on the fAaming sun! The feverish speculation of thetown, That stalks the anxious streets, gaunt, famine like, * Eyes hungering for the freshâ€"imported prey, Producing in a year, more pecks of liss, Than all Nebraska can produce of wheat,â€"â€" All this I hate with an immortal Latred. & SINGULAR HRALROAD aCCIDKNT. A shocking eccidâ€"nt occurred on the Lon. d4ou and Bâ€"izbton Railway avout thr e w eks go, by which a youbr lady loet her life by falling wut of a cafriage. The usto tou ate â€"ceowur noe pr yed »p â€"»uch on tw mi d of the guard «bo bad charge of th trsin that ho t twards committ 0 »â€"moiste, Th« deâ€"ena»d was named Mariin bDembritrge, and was the dnughtr <f M«jar Damb id«~, of the Bengal tuff corps. Bhe #as Uetween «+lâ€"ven and twelve yrars. A frigns t moiflâ€"d that he ac.~ companuied the det â€"d4 and hortwo »isters to the Brigbton tâ€"rming:«, and s«w thâ€"m into a first clas «arriaue, (tnoy h«ving b oked to Ch lsa, wh re they w râ€" :o be m t by ar la+ tive _ Witness ®â€" int » the currleg«e with tbem,and findiog it rather warm,he let the win . dow down on the off »â€"ide. ‘Th:â€"r«e was no one then in the carriage" but & gentl« man, and as they had no cmnuez.ulm at Cl+pham June. tion, witness a«ked him to see them out «f the carriag» at that station, and he promired to do M H so. Witneâ€"s left the st«tion thâ€"n, and he aid not notice whether the cariage door was fastened when the train «t=rmed _ Ar, Parper, of Marylebone (the gentieman who took bis seat in the cariag:), deposed that when the train »tarted he pat the window up, in cons quâ€"nce of} the dJdrauget, Nothing occurred until the train had paâ€"s d tve Hasâ€" sock‘s gate station. Witoers w«s then sitâ€" timg in the middle of the cariaze, with his bauck to the epwine, reading a newepAper, Deceased was then at the «# side window, the two othâ€"r young ladi s at the other window. Apout two wmizsutes after h« had taken up the paper he h«o,d4 a voice cxclaim, " Ob, my sister; my poor sister." Wituess looked up and eaw ths cuarriâ€"ge door open, and deceased falling out Wiiness w»s too Iste to save her, and he chouted out to iry aod stop the train, ‘but without «vail, it 4M not stop until it came to Hayward‘s heath, when be informed the oflicials what ‘has occurred, Waliter Gabic, a platelager, s«d4 that on the day of the accitent hbe wauy at work about two miles fom Hassock‘s gite. When the train parses the door fdew open an" the youog lady fell out. . He :au to ber and found tnot she was dead. Mr. A. R Watts, surzeon0, said he was called to see the deceased, and foundtâ€" her quite dead. The injary to ber head was suffi i nt to cause deitb. The jary rsturned a veriist of # Accidental Detb," «n4 added that the socidâ€" nt was caured by the neglâ€"cot of the a rvaut of the railway company in not secur. ing the door on the ufl side of the carringe locked. Letters bave been r=cuived in reply to iovi« tations to H. R. H Priinceâ€".Arthur, Hi#Exod. lency the Governor General, Lieut. Govermor Howland, Hon. Bir George E. Cartier, Bart,, Hou. 6 r Joun A, M«ctionald, Hon, J 8 Macâ€" donald, Hon, John Simps m, C. J. Brydg*#, Kâ€"q , and uther distinguisbed noblâ€"mâ€"n and geudaâ€"a throughout the Dominsion We «re much gratif. d to be lo & poâ€"ition to ®‘ate, that «li the inrit.tions bav» b«ep graciou«ly accepted, and that all, (including H. R B ) bave exjressâ€"d their dâ€"sire to be pref nt at the races Auticripatiog so distinguiâ€"h d a gathering a apecial siaod is now in «0u:8e of copstructuion for thâ€"ir convenieâ€"nce. It is to bâ€" fitteJ up in mâ€"guific ot style, »ofa«, reats, tibl 8, &+., from some of the choic st of ine sUupert furniture »t ck of our town«man, Mr. ; The grat‘st intâ€"reâ€"t appears to be mavif ste! in the fombhcow n« rac «. Aund no «anoer=â€"â€"for who has eorâ€"r hberâ€"tof re seen in this Dominion a f Id of tweut.â€"hre horkes wat in oue race ?° Te »peciacie wili be truly a gra~d and exciting oneâ€"on of ha 1t «ufficient to est.blisna the Wuitb) Races the Derby of the Dominion. Adsito=nal horees 1 r the various puges are daily miking tweir appeasaace in ovu and for traiuing and «x »FG« on the track, which is in the vâ€"ry bext condition. â€" Those baving the control f the meetiog in chaye are leaving noth» g undooe to râ€"mder the races 11 the Quae u‘s Pliste in Whitby a memoable Gccaâ€"lonâ€" Chronicle A Distinguished Gathering to be Present. BUBSEQUEXT £CICID® â€" Is Heaure Worin Haviac ?â€"â€"If » is protect 1 â€"â€"li is a jowel as rasily lost As Yi10¢, «u0 it wany cases as dfi ult to recsove: Ia1 this ciâ€"msite, and more p«rticularly at tlis season â€"A th: yâ€"ar, pople are very apt toaakâ€" cold and sufler from sure throst, cougbs, â€" :1 blood and pulmoaary complaints _0 » rally «hich it not cbâ€"cked jwimedi«t Iv+ lead to wrious consequ nces. The quâ€"stion anses which is the quickest and most effe.tual remedy ? WHITEY RACKS. Kebraska. a ruinous price rend the town ; , that won‘t be curb‘d Â¥ THE CoXKDUCTOR from n'ighbour'c 11}} (€ 1| T4 H 14 HJ $} t

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