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Ottawa Times (1865), 18 May 1870, p. 4

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Wt db t# i3 WK #4 ) d Mt Â¥4 iÂ¥ 4 4 t § 8 & F" & 8 df| { 4 sagas aww6 veids.â€"dadden shang*s &.m sourses of Puimenary Rronshial a8 Ashmatic a€ections. Bxperionce having prov®e wunthn.'“‘-“l spesdily and cerâ€" tmaly when taken in the ufl)m‘""“ aare, recourse should at once be had to * Brown‘s Bronshia} Troobes," or Losenages, Faw are awate of the lwportance of cbooking a “0. ** @oih» won cold," in its Im“u.o.“m whiok .;.Ilo naipg would pield to a 1d , if neg» m...‘. staocks the lungs. ~m'o Bromâ€" shial Troobes," or Cough Losenges, allag irrita» on M.“mm"- usencee on the afected parts. "As are lanit a as, be #ure o o8taI® the genusne, Solid by all alorsin medicines. at 25 cents a box, Fmuow®‘ C Mls.n" or .l:m. _[....",wny aÂ¥e A0t & .'_ of lmum-bmldfl-zm since taking your Compound Syrup of Mypophosâ€" phites. . & PEANX, Ut. Joho, N B.Movember fnd. . |Mm¢m-d‘wh pound Sy ru ot y pophosphites to all who suffer in «ny "‘,!,..‘ “umdllol". Hrounâ€"Per 100 Tos No. 1, Insp 6 50 No. 3, do Inspested......... 6 0# The yupreme Court_of the Sixl® of DW EU hars sued a perpetual injunction agalost Baton an i Joakine for Mm: tfo Cathartio P\ 1, hoidiag them responsible the erwal im 19 dtioe in wonst u-& have dons sad resuralnin th «in ccoum ducther Uke tqpary to the pu blio. a4¢, class of our people more sn‘. aved th : interposition of «aw to «h them from im y--un.uullvmiud who are * ""uls to nrfotect themselves | A remeiy so vawole to proteot meaumtue | m ue d C uaiversally eaploged as Aports Pllle by all casses, bou ato cure and m‘:“m 2s it does. have every secusity the law can ad ord i. fro a sounaterfeit and imitation|â€"Cubiact, Joks keataidiy 2 Bron jomaplies olp _ Tthes, of this most delic|ous and untival« «iamtiuint nvu.g ow deoalers to apply the name of «W m their own taferior sompounds, tye pabile is her® 57 informed that the only way to sepurce the und to see that their names are upon tae wrappar, Iuboin, s€opger un boruin ____ | _ _ . __.__ Leam prooi IR""" . rtral uw uet 5" micn, or any vher imitations by which their y\pnth..-‘ KK Ask tor LKA & PRRALNY‘ Sauce and sse Rtoppor. Wholesales and for Export by the Proptistors Urdon Raw Hides 1rea c rer i. $ i. BOCBA, on the prem cm.o- To LENXT. A hamd o-.d‘-nu\d QOTTAGH, containing aly rooms aad kitcshen, on lonssstsr 44., Askhâ€" baraham UiL There iss handsome Gower and woORrCEsTERSHIRS SAUCE, l.‘.l 8 ALB.*â€"â€"The '.â€"%:.&‘d Lor No. 37, in PFirst Consession, Front, No pesn, and Lots Nos. 16 and 18, in thesameson seasion, at present in the o Wa. 1. Aylea, I.‘ Bor turther apply w Juw and Wuw. Tnowsox, Nepenn, and Lewin & P:.swur, Barristers, Ottewa. JeaBâ€"141â€"0f " Trtawa MAlkkrs. pitené .\,r.«u,.l;-m Qinmw. Tima | Deslaced by Conaoispoars T TWE WORKINO CL ASA.. We are now p o eack o ‘ igh an‘t prodiable. . wâ€" ' .w"-w‘&"“tnn:‘ --ul:c“-::.;m dl-hu'. w *H’u‘!‘fl.‘ aot -"i for the wen bie of writing. -u_o.h w ill do to %}fi‘ C analy areipapers pabtaned h met fe wr:gss950010!05 To PUEB WOURRRINCT 7 O amaldoment a6 hot dn on i Un es taraiente. Ruanemgen. | and x':d'-o‘“ & ros of ® M-u'h. t oy a amd af wely P ercpaeran s ecocil ~m--"==':¢.°'-“ Publ _t"' faab \mg 3 iA will do to o # of ti'!? thiable soue ® . ALLEN a CC l Oitawa, April 37, 1870. 14113 im 18 Jm F eoperimemenmmmnmmennsneacaaeaee en ienss Kar Kate or to LG1, WILL ARRIVE 18 a00N AJ NAYVIGATION orEN8, Ladies and at l“... Fun sLAK OR TO LET.â€"100 sot sâ€"â€"the north balf of Lot No (1, in the 4ib soncession of the House asd l;n..“u‘ uh“...:‘ u.d & % acrea oleared & .?:‘d m umvms. This is mtuated on the ‘mfll road, within Aiveen miles of Ortawa. Also “::4:.“ .‘d::"l.o: + ..n.:nuhad wb 1 ComE actos, » the reat well wooled, -nnw and well watered, and situated a quarter of a mile of the railway «tation. Titles good. For (arther information nflb pATXICK WERAERT, 99. 4w Ridesy Hote!, Oewe_ Cidy ) Ottawa, April 27, Aipoae 1 /+ rvanpngeprm ue P OO\ t hial Tubes, 0f #10°UF! wo”.’ll.-. commERCo i tawe, Aprit 26 ASK FOR LEA & PER@L» FHE ONLt GOOD SiUCKE. CaUITIONX AaAGgALN@T FRAUD. FRoA CONSTANTINOPLE, & PERARRLINXE* For Kale or to by "\. | Â¥ May We are now propared io NY aAVUCK, Mimen _ uniÂ¥etâ€" 4271238 lar 10331( U# commqneed her reguiar trips between Otta®s -‘mflm.l:t.”bm Orutaws as 1 a m. delly. * #" U A KK #t #4t &A M K & wiyeÂ¥ AIR Y a Will commense running her regular trips from Major‘s Whart to Oitaws ever . Monday and Gurarday leariog Majorts at 4 a m, and Oitawa at #pm. ~ . (Ortaws, April, 48, 1870 'l-.". LAWBRERKNCE AND OTFAW A K A UL W A Â¥. ALTERATION OF TIME On and after the #nd MAY, rua daily (Sundays excepted) (Formerty the Otta®wa as Iollows : UCGeing North Pressatt to Qtiawa, uq¢ Nfllcl. . DIsCONTINUANCE OF PARLLAMa«NXTARY Which are run for the conveniense of the pabl.t during the sitting ot Pariament only, will be dissontinued atter BA LURD + Y . the 15th lnst, } THOs ReaeYN 1LD4, Managing Dirs ctor, Aitamwa Maw T% 19470 117 Ottawa, May 13, 1870 Opening through from Windsot to Anmapobn *wâ€"-â€"mm and 3t. JoAn. On and after BATURDAY, the 1#th Dh URMBER, 1809, this Railway will be open for sesemmpar and goods tramle, as anders â€"_â€" _ _ _ The TRAINAjsaving . PRESOOTT AT MX P.X, N.' .A... dtoREL. Engiish, Freach and German Pertumer] English Brushes and Tollst Articles, Dys buaf., deeds, and all the Mussiiansous _*" _ __ gise usmaily sold by Douggiste. Family medicines and physicians‘ preseriptions will -â€":: the atteation their \mportance ds m anode. preseription . department wilt be z-.'.-fl supervision of the propristor, J-â€"h“dupuuhwfiv of “-m Physictans aod merchants supplied. Tus subsoriber has ample faciiimes for atteadâ€" u....n.dib-!â€"_-:t‘ io k ALEXANDER .CRRISTLIL qmawa, Febmmary 11, 1208 104.A v To share in the Division of Prodts ol the past Ore years, to JD0th Apel! last. . ::‘ C LK 4 P k LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, To enable persons at a distance to complate the rarious ‘- mm APPLICATION® lor Sharing in the above relerred to, al Applisations which may be PEAFKCIERD on or __|_ ALEXANDER CHRISTIE, ruggist aad Pharmacentical Chemist Oparks btruet, Contre Town. The subscriber begs to inform his trienle and s qpnblle geasrally, that he has commencsed TUKSDAY, us iTre MAYC, Can be imeluded in the Lists <f the closing yeur & U HAYCOCK, A0 RAMAAY, â€" . The andersigned lege to intorm the publc ihat he has alwaye on hand, in season,. a large maummwn.‘:‘:‘.&.’.,. uesP " Uuikas N1CHOLSON, * _ Nutle® in heraby given that the COURT OF REVISIUN ror the Village of Rishmond for the year, 18780, will be held in the Town Mall, in said VUlage, on BATURDAY, the Hith day ot May next, at one o‘slook, pm. All those conâ€" eatued are required to altendi _ _ _ Village of Richmond, 26th April, 1870, UNUKAL â€"awiticms. 10484 “I?I. GAMK, POULTART 1nd #ROIT. Agsoa in Ouawe. dURE OP RXKYVialo® CLO8K OF THE LISTS Kut, U. LEMAITRE, Plano Teacher and Tumner, and Repaires, Bi. Anudre® strest, OTtiAWia aAt TEX 2. M., MWALL ATRAMER Gart. Down, Harlraads. Carr, Nicuous, xÂ¥ YICTPTO AR®! EATABLISAED 1817. w4 3Dâ€"â€"â€" Medicines and Preparations, K W aUKPNUILRD 13 hi ef SH0OMAY MILLER, Villoge Clack, three traies will on this Rallway No 85 Ridean Railway) ~â€"__ 1 Ayor‘s Oathartic riw! it, know I% o smynaty iy w ~» t --....u-_:-:â€" hn e meren ies 223...‘.'.‘1-.-. “‘:"":".‘"'l AMMETI® P. HILi af 1 * °~."'&. .m, | l' solisiter in Chansery, | :.‘.,m.‘ m..c'l.uu | _ awmiteâ€"â€"Puost Ves Bal *%My‘*:m*‘h. .:.I.-;Ivfl’ advasced on MMM 1, LEFEKR & MIHNH C old aadiedoe Iyi J wett wey may be takee with h Thosh add enaker thim vittanth tothkeo, o purely regetaile To m w esn fa any mantity cir woituls of taih infuence on‘ (M+ M Ag ree . fee/ m.‘w luto healthy acthng â€"â€" ranove the obstructions of th* d n in v is by correcthng. w. caint, enc doran ze ”'.“..: ‘.r,.‘:‘ are .n:‘h‘r «w@ me _ _ . for ..."‘:.‘...... o-oh-l-m Pille rapully cur® : = Â¥ore M ae " ® es 4o ie â€" tw t id ;;L.".;'.'.’c rembv®e ‘uotm 'il-b:‘ e .’m (We * fose is v roqmircc. For mfls- Lous, Grare! oi e mp potaP . AOwelMuge ts *Tor buppreomian s larks fore should be taken ho t Denace Pull; take vee ar prs Palls to Mieeanen efi en iileme the v wer® =.-' vewn MWmm P curec in ##e in almost every se«« mon of the . that the publlic scarcely need to tw liafurmed of its virtues or uses. scrofulons powon is one of the most destructive vvucmivs of our race. Often, this unseecn and unfel enant of the orgnnaiam undermines the constitution , wihe : ;::G“Fv:t;:-de-â€"“;'; tatal iscases , inon auntenter aminas ind inte 'o= e wf e r '-z on the T mas va l hn .-' =" C w heart, n’-nvo m‘. or mii ite presenace by eruptions on the skin, or fuul uleerâ€" T PSPPETE CCCE C Fr"C e visable, even when no active "zqii- ne of Alscase Poersone zld with the foDowing n: tlais genersiiy Aad immediase rebef, and, *! more concealed forms, as ® zP bewese Pus" aplepes Neeralons: M es igle oagh t org thme is reaaired tor cce r ced 3A Ey o â€" {faxy [ ste mw.-‘.lm.':--c& a«s they oftén do, from the _ln rh.- tm blood. '1'\&.!4..4'21!. ‘&m Thoos wh art Lanawiit fi%.m m&‘-â€" are found in our A)manac, +up pliw! gratie, Rheumationm sad Gout, wher prehensions ofr Fears, or any of the afections irare i nreintnens rersson i’m' %* PREPBARLED # % Rr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lousll, Man, | Prasttoal audt Anabytionul Chownizsts; WOLD BY ALL DRPOGWTs EyERTWHERZ. sn af tee Meaees eain in in aod amen tm Ohe ®. ols ans & be coniianoualy . a* expmvenil, to the discaeed action of :\ -‘:mu. W ikkh u:ml thuse complaints ® Mesacs. OHaza®t LiX & Siilis, Coarey T V e-qdu.-.MO:r‘M mdMMfl.&A nuu-.â€"mmou-&umd I was taken with a wenaknsess of the ansies, which gradually, during the dlfl“" my knees, and on ap to my and L became weak that 1 sould ast walk, was comdaed to my shair. Â¥or abouttwo years, while this woakt neses was coming on me, and afterwards, 1 sough Mm-m‘ different times three dostocs, and of diGerent kinds preseribed by tmends, but of yo arail. 1 contineâ€" dbpmdmh.“‘-" lfl.vhln“bfl*"“l in a pamphiet xllbu-o?.lu*hi.l the weakness in my bhands ; io fast 1 was geotting almost helpless ( have taken two bottles of the ......J'._u,' medy ad two bozes of the pills as d L am entirely restored to health. 1 aever expected to get better, but tied the medicine as a -::lmh:q&nud.bwn .m“hi-nbnl.'?""" aad frieads; and to any one aisted as | was, 1 m.znmqoowuâ€"q.l nelleve it will curs you. MAXY AXX DOUVOUTY Uworn to before me at Madoo, County of Hastings, lbflmdlotnux.lfl. Â¥ wOO0D,J P, 48. 1 mullmm-fim Ansa tor the last AOfteen yoars; shels a m.'tflfl.‘ 1 havre known ber belore, uad sinee her UWinsss. 1 beliere ...muuuuumm:‘-ln. 1 know that while U\ her case was bop®, lasse ; and 1 know that she has, slnce her recover;, always attributed her recovery to the Shochoness Rewsdy. _ Whaterer may be the pecullar K:-‘.dummmnhm--. 1 in ber sase it bhas asted almoest Hke the Mbn:u.:uu-l.-uuuu m & mole. A Â¥ WOOD, J P. Warden of the County of Hasting»: Proviaes of Ontarie, Dominiono( Canada. -'n.ofl, dm-muuu;':hfl VHUARLB®S i YiLLMYVRN, altting in the Clty Mall, in euld elty, on _: $st Clork ot the House,. Feranto, March 15, 1878, 13090 td Lawk. pHaws, May 10, 1070 Sutters, Carp, Qutarts. Aeconshant, &* bey amn» aow ney are suw w eaequin souale 198 Eomm in icdline. Amtataficmndiihetentatante L4 ;l.’ul Ib.l..% Frawing M.u"uv-pa.m......... yerrsrmarcens BQ Hh On band a l-z of Viooring und C â€"pâ€"! FuIHREK...«« sseeemmsonnes sensessess cnessessscmeses. 18 O boards, vhingle No l and Kxtrus. _Jokn‘s, N.#., by branch steamer........ 30 0 43,Aum LiW a JOUnyto® Rtomets sold to acd from Ragiand, Lrelani, and WEDNESDAY, the tith DAY of MAY, 1878 NHK COUVRTOR REYÂ¥iLR1IO® 8TEAM PLANINXG MILL "*"*"*** Airst Cabin, Papable in G Queen stroet, Lo Breton‘s Flate. _ I =mx.-._.....:::%ul The andersigned bog to inform the pablic that | §1, Jobn‘s, N.Â¥., by branch steamer........ "HUBDIEA & HAiIRLD, N D, CH, Oradeste o Hoâ€" a Ollh University, Montreal, Physisian, durâ€" n ot Pn Aetiene iess | $51% duiidings, Rldeni at., Ouans e aml Loess of Apporite, thoy . 1% Dulldings, Midendâ€"#4,, VUa®wa buaxat a1u8 & truss, Comnay P O At Two o‘clock p. m. atleting, have been radieally Â¥ PLETT, thosue wiho has CLGKfr. ARA LKb &X THE OPLIAWA TIMES, MAY 1g$, 1870. in the 1e E.'AID C» n:::n:u;.:‘.:w * Solicitor stary Clerk . of the Mm Attorney, for the United | Countles of Prescott und Russell. OMcpâ€"â€"In the 4 | Court House, L/‘Orgaal. 34 Om t ll“"” I, WALA, Attiog | selisitor in (}l;\. |â€" «Wii@kâ€"â€"Post UBese Boaildu g*, Of Mcmo. 'iaut & _ LA WLOR, Barristers, &¢. VBec3, Ay}â€" :'. Q, (Mus Streot), and A4Htawa, (Pigis w ) » t | P.n’u.uw) l’u:m and I'Acm for lavea> tia, &o , enpamaily to in (tta®wa. Â¥. MolAum, W,. MCK Watsar, & & L.awios. J W » We Q‘Ano‘tc the late : + "n‘ Ward, rewore d O: Nce to ‘s Law Cammber+, opp Uoase, Kigin=st. \ ICHOLA®R AP aA Wi®, Barrisies and Abcs . 0 sspâ€"at Law, doticotorâ€"inâ€"UAancer;, Coure)» 1arer, 44. olnoâ€"ufiuxu-.g., Eig .aa eppsette the Post Obes, Uitawas 489y Ak Ar recipe of Prepared by spesial permission + â€".|| . P. VRKAL, M. D. Professor of Chemistry in the Univsersity of PBADUA, ITALY. Kept by all the prinoupal Uruggute and (rocers in PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. A. M, Â¥. GIANXELL1I, Sole Manufacturer and Propristor for the Domwnâ€" lon of Canada and the United States. N.Bâ€"â€"Thess selebrated Bitrers are carelully prepated with the very best quallty of Sherry Wine, and are espesqally adapted and recom mended to persons of delicate consiitutions. The» are geatly stimalant, and will be toond infallible alds to digestion. L a _ Feor directions see label round the neok of each ‘ Pll'l" I“-I-'-_ COMMERCIAL SALER ROOMS, Vork street, mear the Harket. ooo on nc ie raver tod ie w To haise frreme d wart the teparvenity eofthanaktiag the people ot Ortawa and ricinity for lhltbo: «ge extended, as well as the coalieace in bim slnse bis armval in this aity. Mebolid, JALEKs KÂ¥EKnÂ¥ DAY, (when not therwise engaged), slther at his rooms or on the market. Io-':m sond donce to all who have eatrusted hoid effecm or real estate to him for sauls to certify that ho has given full satisfacotion as zu‘o the prices obtainest, as :up.p immediate settiement after Ne is ready to reseire instractions from persons m:l.â€"-“ w sal hfiqnnd.a‘yl“.uh.ofiu wthing will be is esadons by bim ug:vu.m- wstine in disoharge of the trust to bim. Conmigaments from a distance wili mest with imâ€" mediate and carefu) attentioc. Guaskh advaenmses made on furniture or other * Theude senitenily on hand for hirs. on The highest price pald for second hand planos sétuw.: od:u' Seot‘y of State, «kxA '.'gip. carthnly kV t > \ 1| _â€"___ Pm Oubin, Payablarn Goid. ' Mc .-l.........:........... g100 6 ...-.,....q..:.'-;""" o1% rexommnonm.. i P tiatkad® EY ThE rouaDaYl OTRAXE® T! Hallvax \ Piru Oabin, Papable in Gold. _____ _ Aitornte® at evancers, &¢ WKEUKH & HIMBHBEKH, Dartuists and None are grenuine anless bearing the signaiare of required by the bist and followling Rules of the Legisiative Assembly,(which are published is the =Onturie Gamette"), to give NOTICE of the upplication (slearly and distinetly specifylog is usture and object) in the * Oatario Gasetwe," and also in a newrpaper published in the County or Unlon ot Counties «Ket«+* +~* notisce shall be swatlumed in a*~* t . 1 of at loast ue weeks during «h» Inmierval of time between the alose of the next presediag Sesmon and the conâ€" dderation of the Petition. Coples of the arst and last of such notioes to be seat to the Private Bill OBes. wa, Dosembet noue Katpa® OROMROYNK & CALLLONX, Darruters All stitions for Private Bills must be presentâ€" ad withis the FLIRAT TUREKEE WEEKS of the INWANX LINK OF MAL ATEAMXERA, 111182 # FRON XNEW YORK EVEZY siTURDAY _ AND ALTERKXATE TUERDAYs. Bolleiwers, &o. OBeeâ€"Moegrove‘s Duiliings Laterpool or .-â€"in..'...:............... §100 6. l ufi'-dnm ..._.“.“.-...;.. 331 U# | tamkade aV vas roranay OTRACE® T1 Halliax Piru Uabin, Popable in Gold. l mw,...............m: : N.Â¥ ., by branck steamer......... 45 00 | .0‘*'%* Papable in Ourrenty, ul P nrtiihe n en ons eoaocls: 1 3 Jahn*s. N.P.. by branch steamer........ 30 0 «PEY AUVCTIO0N8 X#iART, FO. YEA RPOOL &4 QUEKEEXITOWE® Commitaxton Merchants. OYÂ¥AL IFALIAX BHITTER L )-.“â€"-â€"0â€"“' n ® » o‘bo l'.“.%l.-‘.f'm.flml-u e it e s*ty N Couryan AM, Queen‘s Auctionser, UNity NHoose,. Land and Qeneral) A gont, Max. W . a ba ifl.uv.l--‘ Publics for the Pro vinee of Quebes, Hauil, sear the Pos Aaves 0# Pidnadk it ves ,.u‘uu‘mun es CPBOMOK Aa ORDOUBTUE Juaw es Usiiatags 4. 184 al moderate rates *EFHEE®CHS, the I‘ro® dp* ONMARLES T GILLNOR, &. KÂ¥ OGLANELLL is % lod # # curit Â¥ N P P to make3 application Ostarie for Private KnÂ¥ .3D in (w®EB omm the original bGâ€" A u m on d at the Company‘s streal @I y Laraluable to lavalids and rflm of inmpalr * ligestiocs ; an excelient TO t! fer persons *bvering from ‘lners, Forsalein quart bottle ; price one dollar. zs davoawan‘s Dowwrio® Cove® Rewusoy will sare you many & nl»ruu night. In botiles 28 ;m" wat in Arel elassetple, t M 2.“0 corts each _ @ood fer Rdulte and childgren | The hall« and apartments ere spacigcs and U is pleasmnt io the taste Aand nt-btfl‘. its | alry. f $ :*>> sature, KForeale by draggists and geworal ealâ€" Meal Hoursâ€"Breakfas ® a m ; Lasch 1 pm, «r» in all parts of the Dom:clon. Dinser 6 p m ; Tea ® p m. 4 _ Gardenver‘s Firet Pra Iing Powder, an Tol‘-"l $0 per day, §o rivailed for pority acnd excellence. For sals by. BRA Varties visiting Balifax will find «t = The grovare everywhere, in 3 on , T eenta ; 5 on | Carieten,‘ geed attenties, eleaniinwes und comâ€" "xalat«! iA nantss I mound #5 cenm: alx | lert. C grovers everywhere, in 3 on packets, 7 centa ; 8 on parkets, 10 cents ; 1 pound , 4b cenmw ; alx vounds, $ .25 '“.ovm want| the bost ask t U ARDENER‘8 and take go other. 187 Notre Dame mmul. R Bole P. and Manofacturer. thetorturiag pains of and in re leving Nervons Jm,m!unmrmu «b» list of Remedies for th :um. Denlers are soming in from Medicine in all parts of the mluma:puu and each testifying to the universal satisfactio it gives _ , to 1B® SENvOrp®t PRRIEY "q*CC® The Canse dian Pain ormuuo‘nvo amediate roliof. Ali Dealers ho? 1 m:-m‘uufl. and no family wil} : it after onse try ing Ut. * Price twontyâ€"Lve conts bottle. NORY P & LYMAN, amediate roliof. Ali Dealers IO? 4 Cormer of Motoaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, op m;-m.unfi. and no family wil} : Ssite the main entrance to the Government Build fermanlyseve Souke her bettle: ('fi "QUEEN Price twontyâ€"Lre conts # * N "compmsres allthe requisitesfor a NORY P & LYMAN, | Orstâ€"class hestan n.l.F':'ho House ir::lhonnm Newoenstle, C. W., _ / apd ref rnished mrarou The BAR contain: @ m“ 6: M, | thecbolowst Brandsir Winerand Lign ws, and ever; So‘d by Geo. Murtimer, John » W _M | gelicaey ofthesous.a wiil be found on thetable. Th« Massey, H. F. MoeQ IJ. Skinwer, and J 1 Wobmolmvmbodimud to be com Browsn. in _ i#t l on c eriraah mtc of his guests ano patrors. o ie i e ie ons as P T endliinnl J oc is mvestec s on .o unc OB oo eand ce com Â¥ » m 4# * hoR menufionu D LIVER OIL, the 'l\un n-cflcA»Lg:;:)xélbx_é\':;.WK '“m;:m...' x |‘-"'.“u'u"”.' s }'.:Ln".§~. b‘-c perior to t FA be u Pencreative vowder, boities, 31, 3« 64, 6264 | __22%4 _ P. OREARA Proraimon, «nd 1288 Eanormans Wiae bvaloeae n ind fes 33 promve N.B.â€"Pancreatine t . taking Cod Liver Gil. femmmnemen it .. Etf}_!l_{fl_l&___ Aousxtaâ€"Mesers. F. | 4 | #RBMAHISTLE & Co...Land Survevers. Land UARDENER‘3 EPILEPTIO CURKE. Price §1 per bottle ; six for $5. J GARDENERK, Chemlet, Approved by _ 1mperial My of Medicine. The QUINIL M LABARRKAQUEis an eminent y tonle asd tobrifuge winp, destined to replace all the other preparations of Perevian bark. _ _ The bark wines usu«lly t:r-yu in wedicine are pvm from Serkaw vary considerably in the *to which « possers the desired propert os. EBeâ€"ides, owikz to the maunner im which they are pared, these _ wines ooâ€"taim â€" scarcely than the _ trages of active principles and there always in variable °_ The QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, approved by | the Academy of ‘Medici sopstitutes, on the contrary, a mesicine of d n-p-uuu.‘ vich in active principles, on which the physi clans and rum ernaiways *oly. l Tne QUINIUM LABA l’l':o.rcurlw with groas success for ot constitu . | thion, or for those debili by varous exbaust | ing causes or past sick ; for youtbs uflrod | by too rapld growth> f\ y-s ‘irh whose development ‘takes &Iuo with difieulty; (u‘ women in chili birtb; and for, aged persons | «nfeecbled by years or iliness. 1t is the best pre . servative against fevers. One bundred and ten aores, Lot No 18, in the 4h con wesion of the Township of wloucester, Kide: o Fro a, with :Jnu wew house, well fnished, bars, shode, other out baildings, an4 also a,norflmobud and 18 a good of gusitivation, well fenced and waterâ€" «4. nuufl.uv-num- UOttawa on the Macadamised Road, lading to Meto«slfe. Engâ€" lisbh Church and Sebool House at the corner of lot ; Methodist Chursh baif a mile; Rowan Catholis ‘borch one wmile aod a bait distant; Ra.Iway Etation 2 miles. There is also a 9 mile ro«g, runping along side of the lot. on BB 1A NADIAN PAIN DEATROYHR : wlewie is povertal "nestiner? oftee tormmain‘ w & erruginâ€" ous p?crum tuZo for cu-.;.lo. with V ALLETS PILLS, the rapiclty of its action is really marvelious _ Time will be given for part of the purchase F ;fmu' apply to the Or AIB 0 % 15 (m * "wW BHaLpEx®ny. ‘ ‘ READY MAUE CLOTHING Which will be sold withoct Reserse at a low price I-wfin_n. l:xlutflol OF 1855, First class Meda,, D. ‘F BROWXE & ¢c0, OX sPARKS.ST. qUTCIX® ‘ wae WIXR BITTBR®*, @% Atawa, May %, 1818 For ore month only, commencing on the 20th in »at, The whole of my stock is offered to cusâ€" tb ~om at a very low Pgure so as to make room 1 : the New Spring Goods, Iwould call specially the attention of customers to my heavy stock udge for yourself. r ALF LABARRAQUE & Co. QUINIUM LABARRAQUE, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, Application to be made to <RM POH SALK, WELL ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, gll.n‘-wu::ipm. Please come and Iine my 80vu0 1XYEKaTMENT. U KAT CLEARING SALL. SELLING AT COST PRICE To all On Literal Termsa Stook of LEABK OFf sTOR %, Catl! PURCHASER®, Or F OR 8A LE Togcther with the Carrie d on by In Ottaws. C.U. BALDWIN 4 06., of Mcntreal, «â€"A3D A~â€" BALDWIK BR98., sns of Impalr OQttawa. 1 M7H 1Bb 5T Argylestrest......... ... Maiifax, N. 8. " W. K. COCNRAK, PROPRIBTOR ! W. ARMETROX®, FR*OPRIBTOR, CORXER OF QUEEN AXD ELGINâ€"STS, ‘ * 0TTAW i. ! EYERT CONWYZENIBNCE AND COMPORT FOR TRB TRAVELLING PUBLIC. This hbears, (sttroated 18 the centre of the elty) bas beea ressently enmlarged, fiited with all the mudern 1mprovements, andi refernished through, wat in Aret class atyle. £+**f k " EVRRFDELICACY 02 THESEASON HALUIFAXZ, NOVA sc0OTIA, Eetablished 1851. ced . Permanent and transient boarders accommeda ted, and every attention paid to their comfort. 9697 JUMXNC RYMANS, Proprietor. , K. HOUVGHTON, Pro?flmr. |_â€"_ (Late of coughton‘s Dining Saloon.) BB"A spacioas samp!leâ€"room»m for commercia) travellers. R5%y LA RLERO®X MOUSE, the i To be solk at manutacluring pricssâ€"Domision duties excepted. All partios wishing to renovate their nouses, and ho wish to have the eye pleas=d on entering their homes, had better n{l 1mmed1â€" mtely, The paper hangings are of MH MeK AY‘s own selesiion. The tists are neutral, and give that repose which is sought after by all persons of caste. 1$30¢ ‘* CHRISTIHIE, Commisson Moerghant anc **®e General Agent. Sole agent for Read‘ :.tfhvinu andProof «‘hiskey ; also, Dawes‘ La ne Ales and Porter. . Pork, Fiour, &3,, for sale Orpion: No. 5, Sparks surset, near the Russel u. Juse, Ottaw a city, C. \T . ( s BILLINXG®, Jr., Architeot.. Office~â€" .‘o Beli‘s D‘ock, Sappers‘ Bridge. Rereazscces.~â€" H ASits, E2q, Aa.chitect, Phils blshu' Thos Fuller, E#q, Architect, Mbt?; Or J A 1’lnnt.fl P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Esc Managing Virsctor 0. & Et. L. R. K. T401 Mahilax, April 1, 1470. The largert and bort assorted stosk of ever ofered to the citizen«s of Oltawa is now for sale at the store of WILLLAM McKAY, Rideau street, Mosgrove‘s Block. | (+ @°2:5,000 RoLLs OoF RooX PAPER The m. wiut Y #R MARTIN, D"w-'t.'()i.veo bpsrasâ€"siiest, Cential Ottawa. ! _ 3inw To share in the disision of profts of the past hre yoars, R. GEORGE HUTCHIRSONX, Dentist. _ Oflcsâ€"iSparkeâ€"strect opposite Magzes & ME CX1IO® HOUSF, R. C. LKEGGO, m‘:{mun. Burgeon and Accsoucheor. Oflceâ€"Hunton‘s Block, Sparksâ€" QHOLICEST LIQUORS, C A N A D A a LIFE ASSUI{ANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1847. _ After which the Perions desirous 0 sharing in these profits will obtain Form:»> of applicamon andâ€"all intormaâ€" ting at the Head Ofice or at any of the Agencies in the various places througbout the Domiaion, & G RAMs3SAY, mss ® Manager, The Lisis for the 22rd Vear will be Closed on 801h ‘‘of this month (April). | Wil! be proseoded with as quickly as practicable. Prepared Agentin Oritawa, ber _ ~©~ _RPa0ULTY OP MEDICINE : The Eession will be opened on Teesday, 4th October ;\ e Eie BR METHROROLLEA *, . AUMOND‘S ULOUOK, â€"â€" Itwleau Strea Oiawa. 20 P. O‘MEARA. Paoraron. Tho Ression ol tais Faculty will commence on WEDNXESDAY, September isth at which time bere wi l be of%ered for competition the following B # QUFEX 9 RERTAURKANT, _\ _ * M, KAVANAGIH, Propristor, _ Of these 4 will be oflered in each of the four College years in Asts to students and candiduies entering. A penolarship is ten«ble for 1wo yoars. Unples ef the Calendar cont»ining all necessary Intm'--uu as to the examinations, conditions of com petition, courres of stydy, #0, mey be obtained on application to the unoouybod. + W C BAYNE3, B A, Anpther lot is daily «x pected trom‘Engiavd |’ AED IN HULL FOR SALB.â€"E"IC subsoriâ€" 4 ber will di;gou of six acres of his pro?mty in Huil, on the Kive: Ottawa, opposite the Rideau Falls, with two houses, and good garden ground, sbrubberies and riartatuidnhs, Price, ©8,000, sulu ot houses, #2,000 and £1,200), or will ivmde it up to suit a party of purshasors. Also, the bes Sieam Mill Rite on the River tteows, including the right of storage on Brewery Iniet. Price, $10,000. Tm;â€"toflm, on the peund. EDWARD HAYOOCK. Avply to R‘H Cboed btablicg and an Attentive Hostler. 1 REATBARGAINSIGREAT GAR FALN3 1CK WICK HOUSE, DIY Ts ION UF P ROFITS PaACULTY | OF _ ILAW ; The Classes wiil reâ€"open on Tuesday, 4th Osto Motcls and Saloons. Yllu LAX®, SPECPPICATION®, &c. PEKCOIAL NAOTICEK, A TCOOCK, Reg, @Otars. 1343 lawi4J AÂ¥YERLLY AOURE, The Bar always anpplieod with the eG@LLL UNLVERsITY, RECEIVED IX THLIS G1TY. wa* LOOXY rarEns "Tg And the table apread with 2 CLOsE OF THE LI8STS R HI HAYCNCK. RAPRINETONâ€"8TrREET, r n ildings of ovsrv.descii(-tifll. by BIDNEY B. FPL2P, Architect, W eningtonâ€"st MONTREAL. _ BESSION 1870571 PACULTY OF ART® Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., urt House and Public Offices, ST. RCOM PAPERS! on han t is the LARGEST EVEA ecrotary McGill University 132 8 1 m &4 11 toa" _ Asoretfsâ€" sw‘.“’ devoted to the ©Scom®en or Max," his improvement, by all the means indicated by Neience. < Puretocoor & Axarouyrâ€"Iuze Organization, Structure ana Eerctions on the Human Body ; the Laws of and Healthâ€"W hat we shourd Fat & rink, How we should be Clotred; and How to Exerciss, Sleop and Live, presented in a pop»â€" Jarmanper, in accordance with Mygienic Princiâ€" n i t en poiasreeraaaiae on ‘ PurexoroGrâ€"1be Brain and its Functions ; the Location and Netural Li=nguage of the Organs, with directrons for cultivating and restraining them; and the relations suvsisting between Mind and rody gescribed. > * Prysiooxory, with all the © Bigns of Cha«acter apd How to Read them,‘ :s a epecial feature. * Etwsxuomoor orthe Naturai Histor Curt»ms, Religions and Modes of Ldf5 Tribes and N tions, will veagifen, _ THE PICTORIAL: € PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, _ Portrails, Bhetches, and Biograpbhers ot the loading Men and Women of the World in departâ€" ments of lite are special fealares. _ _ Paxexts axp Tracnu «+z®8sâ€"As a guide ineducating and training Children, this Magazine bas nc auperior, as it Bolnm out all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern ment and classification not Ocly possible bet ensy. Muct general and useial information on the leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts are sparea to make this the must interesting and natructive, as wellas the Best Pictcrial Family Magazrine, ever published. _ _ baraBLisg®pâ€"The Journal has reached its 50tb VuUmU MK, and wich January Number 1870, s NEW SSKIEs s commenced. The form has been cbanged from a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octaro, and mang .mprovements Have been made. â€" It has stéadily increased in tavor during the many year, it bas been published, and was never more popular than at present, ‘ Tmusâ€"‘lonthly, at $3 a year, in adrance singie numbers, 00 cents. Cubs of ten er more $2 each, and an ¢xtra copy to agent. â€" o We arse uffering the moet :i beral premiums Inclose J§ cents for a «sample number, with new Pictoria) Poster and Proepestus, and a complete list of premtums=. AE:--. 6 . W ELLS, Publisher, Where was there ever such a core as that of Wileon Storms, of Brighton. O:+, of Consuwmption, o. that of Peter C V Milser, of Erastows, Unt, of Corsumption, or that of Ambroâ€"s Waod, of Conseâ€" m.i.o{ Dyspepsia and Liver Compiaint, or thuat of Johr Hsocy, of Napan+â€"e, of Hheumatiem, who had actually been or. crutehes for years, but has now recovered the use of his limbe. The following remarke od testineniale of mos wonderiul and extreordioary cures in Canade by be Grcat Lsota®s Rétwrȴy. They are ftern unuentable facts, soffcient to convince the most sceptical that the great » e4iâ€" cinal compound, yearned after For ages, is ®o® accersible in the great $ KK llv:boot. contairing unquestipmable certifi. amtes on the great Shoâ€"tonces Romedy anl Pils can be obcained at all drug stores. _ As WATERPROOF CENTRALâ€" Bz FIRE METALLIC CARTRILDâ€" [#3 GES, with eplarged base > for asmall bores, agopted by foreign & ~Z governments . tor converted Chassepot, Derdan, Remington, and other Rifies, _ Also Curtridges fer Ballard c:lo ."Spol.fl'. and American lienry Repeating UENTEKAL FiRE and PIN FIRE CARTâ€"+ BIDGES for allsizes andsyccems of Guns Rifcs, and hevolvers. ‘Double W aterproof and K. B. Caps, Patent Wire Cartridges, Felt Gun Waddings for Brooch and Muzric Loaders, and every doscription of Sporting and Militar Ammunition. « ELEY BLOTHERS, GRAY‘s I\NNX ROAD, LONDOXN. PLN CAxTRIDGBS for Lefaucheux Revolrert of i2â€"m., yâ€"m,. and 7â€"m. bore. s The * ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproo! and imperishable in any climate. BOXER CARTRILDGES of 450 bore tor Revol ving Pistols, usedin bher Majesty‘s Navy. _ _ _ sizes, for Smith & We$son‘s, Tranter‘s, and othe! Pookst Revulvers. The above cartridge cases (empty) of all sizes, and for the different systems ot Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had vit{ or without the suitabse Buljets and Machines for finisbing the Cartridges YALUABLE IMPROVED FARM By virtse of a Power of Sale contained: in a certain mortgage which wili be produced at che On Friday, the 6th day ‘of May, 1870 at 12 o‘clock, noon, at the UNION HOUSE HOTEL, City Hall Equare, in the City of Ottaws. LOT 1. f All and singular, thoso certain parcels of land and premis s situate iying »nd boiq"h the P »3 «hip of Urgo»de, in the County of Carleton, and Provipce ot Ur:ario, and being composeq of the W est Hall ot Lot No. 't-ou{ Nive, and the whole of Lot No Thirty, in the Ninth Conceesion ofthe sar1d Township of Osgoode, ccotaining »#00 meres wt land, more or less; »lso that portion of the North Weâ€"t Quarter of Lot No. Thirty Oneo, in the said Ninth Concession, of the said Townsbip of Usgoode, describved as tollows ;:â€"Commencing birteen Sh«ins on the North Side Line from the North West ~Corner, where a poâ€"t is ‘planted thence Ten Chbhins South is a parailel with the Cuncession Line to a post plant;d. thence Kast to ihe cen‘re of the River, Twenty Five Chains to a st. the plase of begining, contai %1 of ie en en g es Ne ent bouth nihe d htks The soil is of good Hality: The land is water ed by the Caste hiver running throu,h most 0 it PM"150 acres are cleared ‘and under eulti vation: There is a Iwo Story Frame Dwelling House lined with Bsick 24 by 2, with Kitchen thereto, 4 feet square, on the farmm, alro a F:ame Buarn 36 by 52. Carriage House 36 by 26, and Uattie thed 88 feet long, btuble :6 ny 36. The land is wel! fensed with superior cedar log fences It is in a fine neigh ourhvod well situated as to roads and market, being 3 miles from Metcalfe Village, and 23 wiles ftrom Ottaw« City [ sofuiness.â€"â€"BDr. W. Parker. _ _ _ _ «* Of gou effcacy in cases of Asthma and Chromic Bronchitis. _â€"â€"Dublin Journal Medical Seiâ€" Toronto, Z1st March, 1870, «« The smoke causes no nauges, WDCD *DF nfm kind, I have never known an instance in which relief was not ominod."â€"Gml Alexander to Hon. B. Stuart. In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 1 0s. Or formed into Cigars and Cizarettes, Boxes, 31, bs, 8s and 151. Pastilles for Inhalsation, Boxes, 2s 64, 5s and 105. BAVURY & IOO&‘ 143, New Bondâ€"st., F A aversâ€"Merrrre, P. Ouandill & Cs., Montroa{. _ Termsâ€"One tenth of the purchasemoney to be paid down on the day of s«lo; dor balance, terms 'l;l be made known uhtrt.ho rale. or turther pertiou apply to ~JUNAS AP?O.\'ES, Eeq , y Bolicitor. Masonic Hali, Toronto. NLEY*8 AMMUNITIO®. CuPPaR RIM FIRE CAKTRIDGES of »l HOSHOXEKEES REMEDY IN THE TOWXSHAIP OF 08SGOOPE, FAMILY â€"MAGAZIN] UCOTION SALE L0th sHOSHUNEESs > RKEYEDY. for Eniderâ€" Enfeld of â€"â€"$77 bore, and for the Hieary, and Martiniâ€" Henry Riffes 0f+450 bore, -dr[»{fi- ed by lier Majesty‘s War Deâ€" partment, also of 500 for Miliâ€" tuty Milfens. ; _ 0. .0. 55 STOP TUE BOXCR CALETRIDGES A FILSTâ€"CLASS WHOLERALE ONXLY Couuty of Carleton, 6 } W ELLS, Publisher, 319 Broadway, New Y ork DATUVRA TATUL A, Affords Immediate Relie‘. A remedy of great power apd AND SEEH OR ASTHMA. 1X THE aod Chronic Bronchitis OPF A When the right _ Hair y; 13y For restoring (rgy, its naturat Vital; 20 Milty gryy of fouling the h"â€"r"“ ment, it will kq-‘ h..‘ Its occasional use wil e from turning grey of : consequently prevent is n P r- nothing clse carp tound un do: ; t’ug‘ll“{ Containing neitke P rg % ‘ not soil white Cttiric, 0d uy «tner artioles long on the hair‘fi i une lustre and a Mh [ * / J o snlnads, For Diseases of the Throst ui such as Coughs, Colds, Whom i . Astiom, K i “fidm 00L -vhh::,N'ho anything ;uhn.v";?* t it “ confdence mu Pracmcat axp Axavmny LOWELL, Ng Ayer‘s Cherry '0( F ”*i: rebrn hn wl\ men it has tieeh hightr mad rwh f tion, as it has become better ds chwtalluovih'l various a "I,-"ww throat, have uade it imow, nnder(or-ndzd (a given for incipient consumpton geml“‘*d“‘ vision against suddes aftacks of bekrpwnflhfl“u,u are sometimes subject to colls and oy eured by T c::wufifi in r.= not prvleh the certifice than as=ure the public maintained. should be provided with this antides Although settied io the curable, fl“# eare seemed “.-.- and the patient M.m C Pectoral. 80 ns mm disorders of the ;" the most obstinate of them ‘ ing eise could reach toral they subside and . Singers and Public ‘ tection from it. Asthms is adoap whoowte whatever, & in nowise r number and im ‘ tricts, are 1 “q without a in the history € . Our pridé 4e gratified by the ack»# receive of the radical sures efe4 ra(.'u. and Mfluâ€"uflai‘ mnnmww tected by taking the A4GUE CUM For Liver Complaints, arsDZ cnslsufir. it is an excefient reas the Liver into hoalthy activity.> _ V jco Presidentâ€"Lor Ot her Dirgstor:â€"C Mai :â€"oim Cameron, Â¥ MeM aster. Keg, U 8 W l:-g. A T Fulson, £8q, J B Crocker, Erg. Bankerâ€"The Caanadi For Bilious Disorders and Livrer C an exccllent remedy, producia® I markable cures, where other meliel Prepared uy Dar. 4. C Arcu 4 anad Anslâ€"Gea) Chemets, Lowell, 3 «l round he workd. » rRICE, $1% PER B Ottawas. Augurt 1, KÂ¥ . _ sokk" The rates of the PRBOY COMPANY are as low 4 she@n to be profitable. . she@n to be LilabI®. h The cest or'l:o value of not when t:: premioms &9 losges are being settied, rl’on.p:.nm ” its sctdewett 9# neurance Cumhq Its Inspectors are Â¥sJ imx'-ofl&m lass % t has no adjusied ft mpoettuljnv solicits a sham 44 of the insuring public ol 048®® . _ Prepared iby Dr. 3. 6 hy es : !(o.'.ll"‘ DUKE â€" sTREET & P. BASKERYVLIIM® $ Wholesale and â€" & Liquors ; also, CSDD"""" oid Kkye ..':‘hdd*' Those uot heving reques ed to call and our ww {A uors, All G#ood®! «u? CH ARGE withis th® intepsenses O° M "t‘.“l." “d'-â€"' Plni::’d-"-'d“ apd .% .;m-m., Try nu‘!""‘ by Chemists -‘”fl' ___ Are you afficted eliet from 1'1 oxu‘r' l'ulâ€" three minutes face, is distinguishe® Jast recei i AMM n those M l k ke «ome preparations h‘ irious to the hair, the { y bcnefitbmuh.‘ i rely for a Proâ€" «1i~â€"1ke Do 8 rHEE TIMES !* Tas Orta®s mwe CouPra8!, Oitawa, Aagust 7, 1889 sich Iness cam«.éa STREET, “ COMMISSION ROVINCIAL INXSH of Canada, Hoead OBn,! e oc of is m# h enoes ol Ha,le t e 208tf 1304 17 as remaip by this a A for Ots the hair, ¢, | «ui t atrophied t us pain 898 LIMS® " 4 24 the OB® mcdt OCH so RIDBAU sT PPAÂ¥ A4 yOL oPEXED Corn, Flour, Oat: . MTAW A, ‘ w *Ba _â€"m,'!v‘t‘f DIRECTOR® : 6 hestese: D OTI ":*"": 1 go, 1008â€" kEp HI!f (1SBMENT BELOW nat aims. gA Y E)*

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