1 & t 1Abl ¢! PWu 31 M i p % it 1 tP p) i# ) | 1g by w Ai} + W 9 §4 Zl-*.'on-u a whit more advanced in the arts and sciences, than the Riuux, the Crees, the Ojibbeway«, the Troquois, the Murons, or the Algonquins. Thy were, equally savages, patrincchal, cattle Hfting, Nimrodian, dirty and lasy ur.thes, deck.d out in frathers, porcupine quills, leggings, and lola cloths of as many colours as was Joseph‘s cont. Good roads and intercourse with a 8. andinavian or Pictisah race of men soon made the rude high= lacdors an sactive, proud, ambitious, usetul, energetle, civilizat people, out of their own {astnesies, and eren, *at bome,"* the bighâ€"« lant+ muadâ€"huat bgan to resemble more the lowlanders tidy "but and ben," than it had done in the time of the Hob Roy haltâ€"breed kinsman of Baille Nicol Jarsi»:,. With ouly dog conâ€" veyanc s, bringing Rurspean goods from James" Bay, and a kind of basters Shetlana pony carrying geocs from Canade, at long Imervals, the Red River Settlement and Ruperi‘s Land might be in the virtual occuâ€" pation ol claes of miscrable dirty creatures living on carp and pike, bolled â€"with red hot stones, fung into a bag rather than a pot, made of birch bark, atuck together, by being Ailed with cold water, hung upon a triped of aticks after the fashion of the * Gipsien ;" a Mitaraimitic clues of people, who, like the Jows, have kept themssives to themaelres, sloce the time of a few of them being lost and acattered, having escaped the des‘raction of the buik of Pharach‘s asmy in the mad freak of crossing the bed of a part of the, Red Sea when the tide was out, during the; prevalence of a strong cast wind, for ages to come. That of ‘course must continue. To make the «country habitable for a land cultivating manulac: u:ing, trading people, there must be all the accessories of civilizsation in the land There must be roads and roadside Juns, fer= 2les, steambpats, steam carclages, ordiâ€" nary -m ploughs, _ steam _ 10ow= lng â€" mace Hteam _ r<aping . machines, NHour mills, saw millis, nail factories, chair lictories, dryâ€"goods merchants, shoomakers, tailors, and gardeners. ‘There must be apple trpes and goowklerry bushes. _ Without these muwlwummu all coal, and lead, and sllver, and gold, and nutritions prairie grasses, and black cattle, and begre, and beavers, and salmon, and sturgeon will be of little account. There must by a way of things speedily to the sea aad from wa, to muke the Red River Territory of use to mankind, and take from Manitoba that isolation which the continued «zistenice of 1t," @"prairie," and "forest," without path lor carriages wm.‘ mllnq.,bmw-‘nhdmhl of the wily Winnipeggers As the North Wast is now Canadian, there must be a8s unk run of caravans trom Collingâ€" woud to E. Gary, in the fArst place, aad a g eanal, on the North shore of Ste. â€" Mariecs Sanit, in the second. That is most easential to Red River progres A cuthedral itself in Rupert‘s Land would not be in any seuse, more . useful than the church of 86. Magnus at Kirkwall, in the Orknegs without romds, The troops going to the capital of Red River will help to make tho main or king‘s hbighway to that place but in addition to the Arst trunk ~road tlwre -ukb.oh\dlmbmbw able farming to be proceeded with off. ctuaily in spite of the weevil and the grasshopper. Ailter this oract war in over, the construction Ot q# t nedy. Cow Loat.â€" Ut *arent TbcOttawaCines Buy you: Carpets, Floor O|| Cioths, C urtains and.Corni ces from ® 1236 1 Uâ€"neral Cope began bis military road, some~ where in the vicinity of 1nverness, the Mac Mmmmmr_-m..um of roads will ano doubt be the Arst care of the Local Government ; but in the meanwhile, until everything is settled, the Federal Govâ€" erament will, v<+ry posâ€"lbly, see to the conâ€" struetion of a mpid and casy approach from this quarter to the capital otf Manitoba. Tie Prowles passed a much casier day yestr ‘ay, th an an y heretofore since his iliness , ut although somewhat better, he is still wuto unable to move from extreme weakâ€" IndiajutaÂ¥ly, there must be speedy means of communication between KFort Garry and Ottaws. A cuuntry without roads is quite valustess to civilisation. Without roads the Mighiands of Scotiand were only habitabl« by a cluss of people not a whit more advanced in <ivilisatibon than the American ladian, Before A new publication,*devoted to the intereats of the iamily cirele, independent on all sub, jocts, and nentral upon non«" bas been stait «d in Montreal,intitaled * Fho Monireal MeartAs stone** 1t in something alfter the design of the: New York Ledger, with a bealthies desotip« on ot Mtwoary pabulum., To some extent it is Miustrated, asd it is edited with a cousider> able degres of abllity. it is published by Musers, Nortbrup & Co. No. 10 bt, Franyois Xavier street, weekly, for the insonsidurable avim of $2.50 a year, and promiaa to be a use= tul, an excesdingly oum rtainiog, and a pogpâ€" wlas medium of instruction. We copy from it the following articie:â€" * yening "hese hunogry e wretobes, who alt in the | Y* HOR iL is in a rebus (in Lrebus), mmnmumu». Why do they never make twelve o‘clock treas uring their words, spying their weeknose, | at the right time on board a manâ€"ofwar? miâ€"ir tor preting the innocent liabilitics of the Because they always strike the bell sight h w« hold, and then rup from house to house (the bell late). HON. STR JOHN FHE APPROACHES To MANITOBA @ THE MONTREAL HEARTHSrONE.® NEW ADVERTISEMENTX THU RSDAY, MAY y New Establishmentâ€"C. P. Dorion Literary and Serentidic Socletyâ€"@ K MWAGLGEE & RUNSELL Tittles=Tattie, MACDONALD, 19, 1870 !-m their shameless news, aro 'c.-i polsongérs of welle or burnors of houses They | poison the twith of mwan in mwan. Make no torms with such pmople. Tals bearers bhavre | no rvights, Tiiy ars common enemles of . good men. . Musnt, harry and. hound them out | of -ut!y. They awe the worst of posts wave ons, and that is the lintener to the tale bearer. ‘Therecould to no tat. U ing it there were no ons to hoar, 1t takes an car and a tougne to make a scanadul. Urseâ€" dy Natuning is as disbhonoutrable as nimble tatiling, ‘The car is the open warket, where the tonguo sclia its i\ gotten wans. Some there wrse that will not 1« peut again what they hear, but they ars willing to listen to it. They will not trado in contraband goods, but they will buy enough‘\t the amuygler for lamily uas, ‘Thens mwapectable listeners ate the patrone of tattlo ra. 11 in the ready marâ€" ket that keeps taio beariog brisk, 1t is a shame to leten to ill .cyo--a.na Christinn benevolence demands that you not loge ULnows, A clean beart and a true honout mwjoice in kindly things. 1t shoold be a pain and sorrow to kaoow of anything that degrade» your nelghbor in your eyes, even W be is your enemy ; and how much wore if he is your triend * The Roripturs saye :â€"* Thoen sbait not go up and down as a tals bear«r among thy peoâ€" .f':- U A tals, beares revualeth secrots ; but he that is of a taithiul (honorable) spirit con> ovaicth the matter." @The words otf the tals benrer atro as wounds that go down into the Innermost parts of tha belly." The Hebrsws thought thas mwu their seat in the bowels ; and phrise, * go down Into the innermost part of th« belly," they «ignify bow sharp amd »rxa«porating to the duepest Lollnge of our narus« ars the crael oficcs of a common tattler, * Whers ao woud is in the tits gooth unt : «o whers thete Ltno Ioy in the » tiulle.â€"ef soclety arising trom U that wers curâ€"d4, there would bardiy be any cause of quarmt lett. Commend us to that religion which makes a man Lumase with his tongue_and houerable with his ear. The yourg Prince took bis wat whilst the mtudents were exâ€"cuting the G:and March, charadteriatle of Oskormne, on several planos, harmoniums, barps and : quitar», «hich had been ably artanged tor thess instruments y the ditectrix of the muilc.4 bawh 4 the estab li» hanent. We observed among the invited :â€"M. the Administrator of the Doces, M. Chano‘ne lmmarche, the lflï¬.â€:l Lndr, Lesage, Lacan, Marechal, % and C, Besublen ; and ..0-1 the «uite of the Prince Ladg COmtliic an! the Mimes Cartier, Lady Nothâ€" eote, Ladgy Lafontaine, Madame Gauthler, wite ol the vonsul General of France ; Mrs, and "hamifaity Cofenct "Riginatome, Lt Fickane, € P #, ard, His =mh' the ‘Mayor, Hon. Auty..Gen. Oulmet and Lady, Hon. J. Young hz, Dr. Beaubien and Lady, Mr. G. Clook, M. the Chevaller Lerocque, C. A. Leblane, C. R, and ludy, Las, Benudry, Lady and Misa, H Co‘te and Lady, C. J. w Lady, M. Urgurte, Consul of spain ; '0: Les. Mason and Lady, Epbrem Mudon Lady, Colonel Orsonnens and , Mia. A Ht};m&‘.- w D".uuy ' w 'u . MUr. MeDonald and Lady, dm F On desconding from the carriage Hiu Migh= nees was macuived by the Administrater of the Dincese of Montmal. Alter the introduc» toos, during which the Prince, as usual, dA monstrated bis exquisite and <harmwny gracefulneus, the ladies, tor the most past lormer studâ€"nts of the cu.upibo‘ wute condugted into the grand reception reom. The apartment was handsomely decorated with ga. lands of roses and tastefally artanoged on rereons, and the students, rudlant with joy, occupled the souts otf a vaâ€"t amphithoatrs over which was the following deovise :=â€" Tlhe honer of presenting the address to His Boyal Highamn a wil to the of Mise Chanâ€" veau. llbuflbu;â€"z‘ll please your narmed uce mt iy ons Anrenatenienggs counlerred upon her by our Boversign in your visls »moong us The City of Monâ€" tmwal is justly proud tor having been chosen um’hnmn“nu lby a son of Our Gracious So versign. <a sls The followilog account of the Prince‘s visit to the above institution is translated from the the Nowssa» #Atond : & YNentwrday all was lilv, light and feastinog at the beautiftul conv<ent of Villaâ€"Mariaâ€"Prince Arthus and bis suite were expected. At # Wrlock all the friends and patrons of the inâ€" stitation bud assembled, and from the dome of the convent Hoated the Aage of Epgland and France. *# Welcome to Mis L. M. and God a«re our Gracious Queen." may this leabie tribute be agreeable to our buolovad Buversign ; she who has the glory of younrmming the most poworlul of Lkingdums, and to aAt the same time, in the bearts dutmn}u‘-â€"d bher virtu«®s. l.’l..'.::.&u:d a of Notre Dame. The OrJer was tw durâ€" Ing tho reign of Louis XIV, who eatended to iA his protwetion, Durwg ihmd&:t' mm'-fl‘.rhm immorial Reomory, whce to «come and hbolp at ime work of chvilization in the eduen ton of young witia ‘The works of ts good woman bLave borne their iruit, and aow of thie Urda# thore are slatyâ€"Rin« catablishments in vabsds and other parts of Am«rice, baving undert th. it ditoctiwn 18,000 stunents, Tho ptout Interest «hich your K. U, bese matilost=d towaslls this lnstitution will be considered by all tos childrâ€"a of the beotk Maryi» fite Bourgools, and by the studs ute o+ this institurion in pattiswlar, as a lavour which wilt never bo forgoto a, and which the anmale of Villaâ€"Marmia wili tranamit with prite to lulure general.us." f h Mies Mighbness sesponded in Fromch, and o%, nan d himeel! charmed with all which Bo togh and beand. MHe duped, with the @rave of wol, lor the continuation of the prusparity of the iIinstitution BuÂ¥ural songs woere then sung, with the aoâ€" ccmpaniment of musical instrumenta, and the wm.a;r.. with *UOud baÂ¥te tho Q 00 m .4 Prinee having obtained a prund conge lot the students, be gare bis arm to Lady uatties, and, baving tsken a walk throvgn the sevoral apmwitm nts of the estab~ hahment, of which ho ur‘-d bimsoif in erme of acmiration, is Mighaeoss and dz Uuguished suibte left ab 4 o‘vios k, is PRINCE ARTHUKS VIJAMUT To VILLA® M a RJ A . ‘Thore ato Ane grounds for the pupile to tauke thois diversions. A beautitul grove shades a «heot of water 380 fout in leagth and Lhom 80 to 0Q Loot in breadth. _ Bume smail pleasure craltt in at the dispaesal of the students. lu this Insuitution there are, at present, 156 stmideunt . The leagth of the conmvent, counting the wings, in 370 h ot. t When is a bad not out of place ? W han ‘u}-g-nb:-(h EKrebus). To the members :( the Ot Li 1ary and Beloutifiq Nowlety The Gouncil in rwaigaing the trust repoced ;"M" the Buckty, on thp 14i6 duy of Juguary, bhave to conyratuisty the u» mbore s'l“ ime successtul working, 10 iw, «4 the â€"palgamated somletices. Tue scomat doem ;uw In this plage t mevunt the muysements waich mwaulud in the -..-1 of * Tuo UUe#se Mechanics® lostiuts ansd nmun * and * The Utiawa Natuwoml! uï¬:; b"‘!.‘u‘wunq&-h’dlwm tiwn was pussed and touk <«He} on the 2ith Doecomber, 1809 ; tuat the Qost goneral moetâ€" log under the Aut ouuu:&uma Janâ€" | tury last, whwn a cuds of byâ€"lw=s wes adopt» As so0a as practicable after my election as Limarizan, 1 caused those books which were oomhlh..-duhfldub be 1 then procesded to czamine and arange the books according to their sizes on the sheives, at the same time coatsring the title of cach work hounl“c'- and assigning to sach rolume Its consecatire mn‘mu:i:dm.«andm ving on which an art ..........m......,l:::...m amd replasing of books, but which wiil be ubhmn‘“mn-y become to cxamine the library bereâ€" ufter. The cortesponding sumber to thoss entered in the catalogue bare also been inâ€" wribed on the label of cach volume. Thw Inbor has just been complet:d and the library now contalins #71 volumes arallable tor imâ€" mediate © cirenlation ; 63 volumes rmquiring w be rebound ~before rettreance;, #0 vol amese of in complete works, to bedibposed of as the Counsil may dizect ; 130 irreguias vol umes. FIRAT ARPORT op 1.mc1-v-onu" LITKRARY 1%b «cupÂ¥nrw %. ‘Dol:m Meport of the Librarian of Literary and Sulentife Hoclety Oataws. : * As roquired by the 22nd gq'.lh-.m_b_-.x:m trom the formaion of the Seciety to the presâ€" snt date. The Libraury which the Bociety now possesâ€" wa ie almost exclusirely compon 4 of the books which Lermerly belonged to the Mocohaâ€" ub‘s lostitute and Atbeswamn. It is imposmible as yat tor the Council to a«tate the exac: number of the members of the «oulsty. The number of those who hare +0 lar sigand the new roll of membersbip is 121. lh-:'md .::l.k: since the More dutailed infrmation will be foound in the various reports of the trvasurer, Horarian, cyonud um%m hope that the mlflMl-dn-qmd the Dominion capital. All of which in respectfully submitted. (Higned), â€" _ m Report, respeuting the Libruy, for the period Thy Council would ao.:. to the suyggeation -*h?- ‘s report, as to the avcemlity taking J eRksUres eone of the Parioes Sijrcts tuligeted" in To ment of the objecta in the mussum. Usedouabwdl; such a on and artanguinent are absoliutely mary to tout r the mossum at all what it to be, but the Cunncil have been det= trom unâ€" dertaking the work from a wt the debt abmudy incurred. some meamse could be devised by which saficiest tuods could be raised for this parpgs«, without twuching on the erMnauy reveguss of the «d, and that on the 180th Jaouk y lullo®wing, the preseut council wook oBuw. ino o tust time there bas been bubd a x tmgular meetidgs ul the tuctuty, at tho last thurweo! whhb, paâ€" pats ot Lo.uble #yte roud as luflu®e . in the lith March, bj". UW,. Le*®>me0t, F»4, +8 * The gnmalest vrinmw of the Agh ; on the 2544 Much, oy Mr. Kingatos, o4 (v .£., on * Tus Voppert Uuinage ot Engâ€"awd .‘ awd on the "th Apil 1y J U Howas, Kâ€"4, C, £, on * The thrork Â¥yrmmmi.. * £ lmmesiatsiy u, on taking ©Bloe the Counsil cane d a ch@ular, a vopy ol which a0â€"mpani+ 6 thise is post, to bu printed and wulely cheouâ€" lntuod thivugbout the cit;y, with a tw to bloging theoclaims of the Bucisty prowinent> Iy haward lolote the pablic. Tue mepoure to this appeal had not been what the council Apectesd it would have been, but they are uot wi hout bopes that the frult yot appont. Iim y also sot aboutkre palsing twArting the womus now ocouped by the loty, which bud proviousiz â€" been by the Mochanica® lostitute, with a tiew torend«râ€" yenerally. . Although mz done on the wost economic yet they in cusmmily incurred a con geobt, to -lfludn,mly. h not a wanithe «munt of money in treasuret‘s lande. They woukt muygest to thoir ayccomers to consider #hether some apecial ed@oite should oot be to wl uut this indenteddmss U lc repairs were neeh d, a lecture twoom hbas on protided, the de vAtwd to the museum has been ; cases and aboives have been provi led for the +pecimâ€"ns of Neturml Mistor3y, and the buim se and attractivences of the rmeoms y h «e buen much increased by theil: ; w it would be a pity wete the to be onp. plaud for any leogih of time by 4 debt #» reaâ€" sonably inureased. The iboarian, as will bu seon port, has deveted a groat deal of tims examination of the coodiuon of| the and its thorough . Kightyâ€"sorn volsw lajured and andt for -‘; u:l-u.u nl.-..‘ uucle t rnnky it 4 mnhiiet! ond nibrarthss sharacter, Mistory and general literature ars not ao well mpresented. If the Hbooury i to bo made a source of benscdit to the mombers ingmaiind tf the sduitien 1t new aos, movet moon n:lohnll.:tfl.‘.“ % have oodt pebs en potication" say crsioge? chadlars according to subjects, as that can be more appropriantely done alter the Anances of the BHocivty perimit of the additions which 1 hars .Y.l buing made to the preswani stock. tutleg the yores which hit yort Coverm vis »» FProm E. A I_-u“,w LL&L&BD , Tuade and Nuvigation Retures tw 18409 ; Pusâ€" o Acuounts of Caunada for 1408, 1 coples ; Mon, Jobn .E u-“ “.d i the â€dmh tmh. ol Jntarle t«t 18408, (Digoed,) DiaÂ¥ID MATHEKAON , To the Council of the Literary and sbeieniiie Bustoty, (AMtawa : The Curatur has the bonor to report as lolâ€" M " 8 Un the amaigamation of the two sncieties and his appolntment ss Cutstor, he caus d all the specimens ol aataral history and othor objpete of u-ul.-n-Tbnu. Natural Wistory Boclety, to mmored to tl-n.o.u.h‘&“-g awilaoty, and had them plased in the cases propamd lot their reception, without any aitempt at clasâ€" widuation or spstematie armogement, a twk thet could only be p‘vly partormed by a aatorallet. Uo a view to this uudestaken with as liitle delngy as be entered into communication witih Uouper, the uaturalls, and Las sabmitted for the consideration of the cous: i|, & ltloa from that geatioman to clesn«, oz.-d--p.o metemam of t o 10â€" elsty . "n-)du wock of the amaigamated nâ€"tleties, has furnished a r<rgy valuable and large collection of specimens of natural b s. tory, geology, lndian antiquities, colns, &¢., state are slmply dizcreditable, Mansy of the apecimen®, H ut““u.dlib,’-.mu hrotilovabiy leat, whilst their bigglidy 1 cundition it L wae /w i -u.-.: Ample and commodious cases bare been c.-l,uo“nflo sont, tor their »ale piag, and it is but rmasonaable to sopp 1 that the object of their commtruction «e to make the maseum a credit to the Rocisty, and use ful to the community at The Uure e of \u:: this mne necessity eagage scrious consideration at an carly day. which in tasis dizosderiy and unclessihed | Ortiwa, Aprell 20, 1970 Atawe, 10th Apell, 1870 moltl MEUTE 430 WAidALILNRE A. Maenzwoorn, Preskdes t, :1 Kaexasor, Boorctary . M e o ce Cl e OeC en y it thtwe ul whh b, pa« Z t u-u-.‘ Â¥, MB , F4 , im nsu:;"'uu-:u- y d, eg jt.K., on * Tue | 4 aid ," and on the sth | U Keâ€"q , C £, on * The C LIGGI B LK P _ THE OTTAWA TIMES, MAY 19, 1870. Librarizan bhis reâ€" to the library , as to a Parisian oucrieeâ€"being that the :flny‘m:‘dxchpdwnquimonodny mental strains or excitements, ;&h&'-ldud the mind on the and ‘wuec, ‘mays our comrerpondent, io a spectacle in the French tal, and Th“h'ghmmhh:?oamq.y to reat. t & proverblal Amerikan impetuosity, Now, shout at bad % use physically »peaking, of & am & 180, mm-mumu#:‘m- ale is very simple, and, one cannot but think, applies as well to a New York clerk From the New York Worli, I Tb\rlnnulmc:uovonho ’{ï¬:. year with the Sunday questionâ€"the supâ€" porters of the opposition ticket favour. u‘h.&-dnymnuduw adhcrents of ticket, comprising among them m’?:-tdunn elder meâ€"mbers byv:mï¬omh-bou foste ts present: fourishing proâ€" position. :A« it appears it does not reside with the Mercantile Library Assoâ€" clation Board of Directors, but with the managers of Clinton Hall, to say whether purposes on the the success of the opposition ticket can hardly avail much. It is true, in the event of such success the :‘-:htha'uldbputh th.:timo vuh.m op.ln'z; & & could not be more potent in premises :ns_m r to the managers of there are, perhaps, some m.ww this effect would meet an unfavourable response. ‘ Much, MW question of ing our city oa&uuhyhu' mï¬hhoum-w tht‘ the friends lhtmmhhl{ sucâ€" reasons T a«bould not mfsod' k ‘l\ophym-'mMJhu. ay of :.M it hlmhhqwtl:nuy“h:n a argument that no r Mnmb‘h‘?-.m to labour is so sutable to our physical requirements as The Cur:t w has only to report one donaâ€" tion to the nuluusm b‘« toim of office, viz : hom Mre: W a plegs of woul lrom thâ€" ship which brooght Genâ€"r1l Woife to this cu t t let them devote tz.n'n-th day to exâ€" or C Thiny, paitmopey, ‘amil 16 in and how wm system stand that strain ? aro uk‘tobomn, foe Mum conâ€" ï¬ï¬b&. mhm r«ph:-‘:: :Lv..tbnlbh. the best attenâ€" The New York Tribune, speaking of the stoppage of the Chicore, «1ys : "A Canadian vessel has been refused m-htop-w the Sault Nte. t‘:.l. We are not told that the vessel loaded with military supplies, or that she was in any sense -“;:'n of.thlo expedition sent to ‘a rebelâ€" lion, but the refusal .:F::-c\um ofticer to allow her to continue the voyage could have been properly based on no other grounds. We are, therefore, leit to infer that the Umtéd States Government proâ€" poses to maintain a strict neutrality in the allair. _ At the same time there is no longer a doubt that armed bands of Feniins are moving through Minnesota to join Kiel in Winnipeg or Manitoba, What will the tiovernmment do with these* Un Friday the United ;:lum House of Representatires passed a Bill appropriating $125,000 in gold to be paid to the British tiovermment under the award of the Comâ€" lshl:a-llonuhthchiuroltlnllud~ m Com| and the Puget Nound A’k‘{t-d’.,lh’.yl The award being m of $6%),000 in two annual the first being due on the 1U0th of September next. Some objections, of course, were made on the score of the Alahoma claims, but were overâ€"ruled. terday bung at Rewtling‘ P1., for the murder of wmuo.u-‘h-uâ€".â€". in the same Bluite The mud s wa commitâ€" ted in a drunken hensy, and the murderer was -awrdm-wuâ€" in prison. theretore a Hitle sur Mh‘lflp‘q:flhcl&m the certminty of immediately going bm&-l nndnoamn- als unllormly profess to teel in a like postâ€" tona. Me remarked to his conlessor tat bhe did not tear death nor the devil, but that be Old loar Qod, Most murdetets profem t> be on the most fumiliar terms with the Doitg, and prociaim in their dpying moments that they have received from rowm bim a special! revelationa n-.'::dpd- u;.:l happy lmmortality, poor wretch in the Arst murderer of whom we bare lately heard who bad the gract to confess that he feured the jJudgment of a Jusit God.â€"New VYork 1 knsow nothing in Action wilder or more omantic than the lite of Richud Brinsley Wheridan. The son of an lIrish actor, endorâ€" ed with the most brilliznat aud varied gifts of nature, high apisit, a noble pressnce imaginâ€" ation, wit and cloquence, a‘l those quallties nu:hmm-c-mmu«. Chom yit without a shilling in the Nflhflamm-lhfldlw recommendations which (farm the passport to the higbest cireles of English socliety bigh birth and univerity howorsâ€"the author of the ,Aehool for Bcandal®" rose by the mere trce of his genulus, and row almost at a Mbï¬rmuchumd rdd.l-l Wis, at a pertod when poâ€" lItical and social lis in Englaod was talot d by the narrowest and most exclusive spirit that has over distingnuished the ariâ€"tocracy of Uhet country. He beld that position, and beld it with colst, all throogn a long life, the mtral of wits like Colomen ard Horne Tooke ; of «raters and statmwmen Hke Pitt and Fo:r, awt Burke; and of men of genlos Uke B ra and Bâ€"ott _ He dled almost in the armse of a -'::-:'- n blood for all but 1 of pallâ€" Uâ€"q& ©puichre of great kings and Watesmen. 1t wase a borlliant but sad career, Iull of staurtling contrustr, marked by many bumiliations and many victories by groat lInllums and greal succemes; and pyot now, wh a ons aske what mmains of all this sncooss U in not enay to trame an anawer, A spsech or two, which no ons now thinks of reading, unn-bnh-g io Ue mwo vieid colors, what ho _+ the false taste of the age in cloâ€" quegsce and wit; the O. oling recollesiion of a t P and dbon mais ; awd two or three contributloos t> the lMtermtare of the drame, are ball that remain to mark the goulus of the wman who hr thirty yours was the * pride of the palsce, the bower and the ;"‘..‘S!Tm w oo called Poan suert. A% ï¬ when Av-puu:u--u', -mmn-m’-n trothache, Wtawna, Moey Lachariach Byduet, alls a John Deal, was you. Open Libraries on Sunday. Hrilliant and Bad Carser, (Nigne!), THOS, WILY, t C css @ mm smcs A‘uratot i Â¥est rday afternoon the steamer Interna= thona! arrived from Fort Garry, bringing with lnm fine furs to the value of $200,000, the property ef the Hudson‘s; Bay Company, | which, with another lot from Fort Ellis makes | an aggregate of $216,000, which they have | aucceeded in bringinog safely out of the country,. lt is expectd that Governor Mcâ€" | Tavish, Dr. Cowan and other Hudson‘s Bay olfcers will leave the settlement by the | above steamer in her next trip. + The Indians in the Hettlement and about it are troublesome and restless, The Crees, Chippewas, Rioux and others ate united in the dislike of tha Provisional Government, as trade does not thrive under its rule, and they are threatened with starvation. . Besides this a great Indian outbregk is feared along the north â€"west fronth r of Minnesota and Decotah. The Provisional Government is unpopular eveu with its former supporterd. It comâ€" mands only . the support of| the half breed population, and they are impationt of anyâ€" thing like discipline or military: restraint. Not more than hbalf the settiers profess to believe that Bcott was killed, and it is deemed tr.ason to mention it. O‘Donohue in still more general execrated than Ricl, as he is deemed, if possible, more ahame‘ess. His lest explioit was to steal money from a letter acdressed to Mrs, Mair, who is Still in the a:ttlement,. He also wears Mrsâ€" Bchuits‘s gold watchb, The general impressi»n is strong that Riel will not fre # gus at the troops, Lut get out of danger, He threatens to harrass the troops on their way into the settlement, but even now he dare not ventprs in that direction for foar of the Todians. : , Montarar, May 18. We regret to learn of the sudden death last night of Hogh Brudie, at his residence at the Tanm ries west, He returnoed to rest at hbis usual hour, and about an hour afterwards, his wife discorr d that he was alling, and alâ€" though assistance was immediately at hand be dled a fow â€"minut.s afterwards, of heart disease, to which be had been subject. assâ€"ts $117,000, revised assets $14,171. The meeting adjourned until toâ€"day, to receive an offer of compromise from the insolvents, The chief engineer of the fire d+partments annual report shows that 48 fires occurred doring the year involving a Joss $151,763 which was in=ured to the amoont of $111,022. | The exbumation of bones on Bt. James street, still continues, A wan named Brissett fell into an open cellar, on 8t, Lawrence Strect, last night, but recebved hittle injury. OMce$ G. P, draummond‘s Kiachange Of« . Rese, 10 Bparcke streot. + Toroxto, April 18. A mesting ‘of the creditors on the estate of Smith Brothers, was beld yerterday,. Jobhn W. Masson was appoloted permanent assignee The report showed fresh liabilities $149,887, Nloce the conclusion of the agreement be= tween Riel and the Company the Provisional Government have stolen from the Company 30 horees,{558 bushels of barley, 1,000 buskels ol whent, the Government bolding the keys of the storehouses fora hnnodred days,. Riel has less then ffty men under arms, and seems (o be making no preparations tor a summer campaign. Hoe and bis party keeps Abemselves closely housed in Fort Garry, and ars seldom seen out of doors, and then only when accompanied by three or four guards, Many think that Riel intends to slip out of the trritory and be gone a week before he is missed. Father Richot left this morning for Oitawa. He leaves, on his return to the North West, on Tuesday mxt, and will take along with him several young gentlemen beloaging to the liberal professions,. A special to the Globe, vom Ueorgetown May 10th «4 8t. Cloud, Mion,, May 15th, sys‘ ~The people from Red River «xpress cohnsiderable indignation at the idea of Canada sottling with the rebels, and granting the Bill of rights while Riel is still unpunished. Loyal men are leaving the Settlement in all direction«. UOreenbacks bought at 13} and sold at 13. Bilver bought at 84 and sold at 6 per cent diss Prince Arthur will most likely be invest.d by Hir John Young with the order «4 G.C.M.C. wa the 28th instant. ] On Monday, Payettes Ketreat was boreft of 10 lunatics. Bmauport now hol is thex., Floor market dall, and about 5 cents lower Htrong avpers coptlouye to sell readily. Mr. Brydges is at Bufalo toâ€"day to assist in laying the corner stone of the International Mcesesse. Archibald, McDonald, and Miller loft toâ€"day for Halitax . Launch yesterday from Larose‘s yards the lurge vesse!l England 1,965 tons. Latest bp Welcotaph. Lowxporsâ€"â€"A theatrical fund diloner was given at 8t. James Hail, last evening. The Prince of Wales presided, Among the gaests wete the Duke of Butheriland, Lord ‘Cariogâ€" twn, Lord Lennox, the Nabob of Bengal,; and Othors, dt was understood that Charles DMckense was to be the orator of the evening, but he was obliged to be absent. The Prince ol Wales pald a high tribute to the theatrical profession, and closed by urging the claims of the charitwble object of the meeting. The Poor Law Board rules that women canâ€" not lawfully act as parish guardians, and that conaâ€"quenatly Miss Burdett Coutts is ineligible to that ofice in the Parish of Bethoal Green. Toe Prussian Government dod it cecessary to repudiate the intention alttributed to it of part of the coast of Transvail is tor a sbipping station, The Bill w questrating beneficles to pay the debts of their incumbents provoked a sharp diacuasion, and was Anally referred to a select aâ€" mittee, I ae House then adjourned. Ube Pail Mall Gazeite, alloding to the torthâ€" um ‘ng races, predicts that the Derby and the Ouke will be «qually uninteresting. Not as wany borees as usaal will run at cither race. At the State Concert given at Buckingbam Palace toâ€"night, the Queen will be repres:nted by the P:incess Alexandria, â€" _ > sloner from the Colonists of New Zealand, who waited, on the Goveroment here, were refuspd 1 request, that troops be retained in the y, but obtained authority to borâ€" ow £150,000 anmually, for Arve years ; to be used to promote _Hn aod improve intorual communication. A debate arose on the composition of the ladia Council, and ovoupled the remainder of the ««sslon. 1« the Houw«â€"e of Lords many petitions were recrlr:d in favor of the repes! of the law, forbld ming marrliage with a deceased wife‘s alater. Lospos â€"»Ina ths« House of Commons toâ€" A number of veasele b Â¥vs arived from scoa. CABLE NEWS. OREAT BRITAIX, By People‘s Line MoONT ME A L. TOROXTO qQUKEEC. Biraâ€" Mr, Wood addrersed ihe House. He corâ€" rected what be characterized es a popular error, that the foreign commerce of the Upited Ntatese was on a decline. It was not the for. elgn commerce of the country that was de. caying, it was our navigation interests that were on the decline. The mistake was to contound commerce with navigation, Bo far a8 toreign commerce was conc@rned as shewn Ly the‘value efimports and exports and by their relative proportions, it was lo a safe avud satisfactory condition . g The bill went over till to.morrow. Kew Yorx.â€"A crowded audience of ladies arsembled this morning in the Apollo Hal!, to hear an awddress by Mrs. Stanton upon the case of McFarland, She said his trial not only involved the question of his guilt as a murderer, Lut als> those of marrisge and divorce, which were rubjects under|ying the whole social, political and religious fabric. Mrs. Richardson, she said, reâ€"called to ber mind ‘the fogitive slave, Anibony : Barnes, who was remanded back to . slavery afur asking the sweeis of freedom. ‘The trial of McFarland, Mr«. Stanten cons:dered, was a seri. s of bideous jusults to the womankind of the nation, for in deciaring McFariland not ‘ ï¬:lty, the Court virtually declared that Mrs. -ouulthoogh married to anotber, was «till his wife and bis property. Tlnlp-kcr‘ urged that the women of the Btate should petition the Legislature for a modification of the divor.e laws, that divora«cs might be more readily obtained. She also urged woman suffrage as the chief meavns« of obtain. m::““ for her sex. lutions were isclaiming the right of merried persons to congid.r each other as propatl®,. :: _..si.. «3 ip eb Un #& Ulm“ nxmonge VC PMC AWLIT EVEYT T Uricaâ€"A scrious break in the Erie C*nl voocurred this morning, at the Dry Dock, gae mile above Whitsboro. Onge boat was car« ried through the tow«path, Above 100 foet of the trauck of the New York Central ail. way was carrled away, and no trains can pars uptil the damage is repaired. o t Wasnmiseroxâ€"The House of Assembly reâ€" sum«d consideration of the bill reported by Mr. Lynch to revive the American commerce and pavigation. Mr. Lynch gave notics that he would cali for a vote next Thursd1y. Bir Satford Northcote, accompanied by Lady Northcote and 4 sons, left by the Krie Railroad, this evening, for Wiagara Falls, en route to Winnipeg. Bir Btafford go«s thence on a Ciplomatic message to the Red River, _ _â€"The Cortes has passed & bill authorizing civil marriage by a vote of 142 yeas to 34 Day # ty s at l wb d The press continue to urge. the settlement of the que«tion of the throne, and the anziety in political circles for the termination â€"of the status daily incr:ased. k * ITALY. Rousâ€"The canonization <of (Chrtistopher Colombus is contemplated. _ . _ e m Mr. Wulh-;‘“u American engineer, and Gurray, Commissioner for the Govommon: have gone to Tepuanbepes to survey the lan _ The new Oabinct is viewed abie astouisbmeut aad no lit tivn. . > _ Feormnczâ€"The entire reduction and subâ€" mission of the Neapolitran irsurgents is nâ€" portud to the war oflice this morning, PRUSSIA. . ï¬ Beuuizxâ€"The Reichstag, bas passed to the third readiog of the bill carrying into effect the provisions of the postal convention conâ€" cluded between the United States and the North German Confederation. A rupture has taken place between the Government and Legislature of Jolisco. A “ldl-b.l’ of highway men have been ¢x« ecul ingbam for some Fenians r: ported to be con: crales there, and eupposed to bo connected with the paity arrest.d in this city on Suaâ€" Mr. Shaw L«f.Â¥vro stated in the House QComia ..> lart bi ht that an inquiry was progives isto s hemes for improvement communic»t.on across the chanuel. > \ The &A ary=|c=Boue ard surrey elevens oon. clod.d a game of crick=t yestâ€"rday, which was won by the tormer by 100 runs. . FRAACK. j Parmisâ€"The party of the Leit Centre, to which belong:d three Ministers who bave just reeigned, is to be immediat ly reconstructed. â€" Ihbe French Government bas ofticially notiâ€" fHed Greece th.t if Brigands captured Fren bâ€" men Greece shall pay the ransom .. _ A pative of Belgium discovered, during the election, among the voters at one polling place, was arrerted, and bas since been sent out of the country. The Emperor and Em press of France will be God parents of the expectud child of the Princess Mettcraich. _ Paris.â€"It is reported that Prince de la Tour de Auvergoe, will be nominated Minisâ€" ter to Vienns, . § 0C â€"Toâ€"morrow there will be a public meeting of the Corps Legislatit to count votes, _ The Marseillaise bas been condemned for an offence egaiust the Emperor, and exciting batred anod contempt for Government. ‘The author of the article specified, has been senâ€" tenced to six monthbs imprisonment and a tine of 5,000 france; and the managing editor to imprisonment tor one year, and a fine of 1,000 france. _ _The tribunal also decreed the suspension of the publication of the Marseillafs»*for two montbe. . Mapaipâ€"Esperatero bas written a letler to Marsball Prim, declining the candidacy for the crown on account of his great ago. _ _ Oswroo.â€"â€"The famous breach of promise case, Armanda Craig ors. Sprague, which was tried about a year since, is to be repeated The Supreme Court having remandâ€"d the case for a new trial. A miuisterial journal contradicts the report | symptoms that a 7e Deum will be sung and a grande d‘cie | wards bis with illuminations will be given on the occaâ€" | of an evi‘ ; sion of the declaration of the plebiscitum, but ' stronger, & they say a solemn assemblage will be convok« | every time C - L has Lt 009 2N 8 c AP se HUAL Heviw The constitutional semiâ€"official organ deâ€" mands that the laws be applied in their rigor to all who attacked the Constitution, and that full pena‘ties be visited on the members of the International â€" Working Men‘s Socicty, convicted of creating disorders. s __Gen. Chas, Marie Auguste Goyne, Senator, died toâ€"day, in his 68th year. ed, at which the Emperor will receive an ofâ€" t lal announcement of the national vote, in presence of the great bodies of the state, * â€"_The police continue the search for, and ar«â€" rests of, the porties connected with the late LOonapitagy. . [ .}â€". . _ [ § Nomwrougk.â€"â€"The entire business part of Henderson, M.C. was d»stroyed by fire this morniog. The fire was first discovered in a store on Main street. It spread very rapidly and soon consumed every building on both sides of the street, for a distance of 200 yards, Every businâ€"ss bouse in the town was destroyâ€" vd. The fire is believed to have been the work of an itrcendiary, _ C General Cadena aftert again organizing a mumerous band attacked the town of Triche~ hils and was repulsed. Th« insurgents have been defeated and afterwar is moved into the b‘ate of Pucble; Naw Yorr.â€"The Tribune sayse the legal vote of the city was about half polied yester= day, but the illegal was out in all its glory. The Sun says Republicanism was the order of the day . + There has been a snow storm/in the State of Nevada yesterday. _ A colony of miners bave left Permosilio for the newly discovered place. _ _ 4 Nasuvites Tenn.â€"1la the town legisiature yesterday, the Senate passed a Bill on its first reading probibiting interâ€"marriege : between White and Colored persons. * The decoration ot the graves of the confed~ erate dead at Mount Ollive, and city cemeter. les took place yesterday, several thousand perâ€" sons were present expecting demenstrations. Br. Loursâ€"The Coroners jary yesterday afternoon rendered a verdict that the collision mear Eureka last Thureday was all cansed by disobedience of orders and culpable negliâ€" gence of William Odore conductor and Joseph Tracy engineer of the extra freigh wain, in ruovning at least 15 â€" miles â€" over the time given them through orders of the rain despaich «rs, _ Orders have bsen issusd or the arrest of Tracy, but so far he has uis Fia m “ srops in Bax Frarxcco.â€"Reports the grope this State are untavourabie. Havaxa â€"Mexican advices to May 10, have been reveived. The weather is frosty on mountains and hot on the plains. | AMERICAN NEWS. SPAIN. lewed with consider= no little diseatisfac= in of a m«re private brawl, which the magistrate decides uponâ€"it is more than that, and there. fore it comes within my pfovince, It involves great fundamental principles ; it imyolves the practical application of the Christian religion. And so I say to you the case bas been simply idealized ; individuals haye been put aside, and what the public thought dtermined they should representâ€"this, and this alone has been made prominent. In the first place, then,l waut to say that forsome years back,p â€"r« haps a gooiscore ot years, a change has come over the whole American community concertâ€" ijog this question of guilt. Some time ago the then nove} plea of insanity, of temporary aberation of the mind, was made very effecâ€" tively. The prisoner at the bar, after having committd a crime which made the whole world shudder, was tegarded as a man not asccountable tor his acts, because he did that deed in a moment of frenzy. The novel plea ot twenty years ago has lost its novelty,. Now ev« r{/cdnm.l is ingane, until the whole com» munity shudder at the frequency and at the impunity of criminality, Why, rogues snap their fingers in your t1ce, and laugh to scorn what you us d to call * justice." And there is a reason for all this. Every fact is built on some principle ; and It is the fact: that in the criminal rmcurds of Amcrica, in late years, a very remarkable change hbas taken place. To be sure, every man is insane who commits a great crime. The fact has fever been doubted since judges sat upon the bench fllm-: prisoners were arraigned at the bar. o doubts, in this assembly, that the pirate who roams the sea, meditatiog murders, is seared in heart, and sou!, and body, by the miserable, sad experiences of his early life,. Per. haps he was born of an infamons mother ; r‘- rhaps the father‘s drunk.n ‘ soul is in that )ody, Who doubts that the shadow of his cradleâ€"#w cradle that was rocked by crime and guilt â€"is over all his life ? He has not a sane mind in a sane body. Strong muscles, a mighty force, a determined will, a soul that would better befit a devil than a manâ€"you can see it in the downcast lock .of 11s eyeâ€" you can see itjagain in the fiery flash ofhis eye as he rushes into the thick of the fight and stabs his best friend for gold. He is not sacre â€"aud yet you hoid him not guiltless for the crimes be commits.. The highw:ymen, who waits till friâ€"ndly night con g«ls Lim, and then stops the courierâ€"bearing ‘treasure, who fights for money, and at last kills for goldâ€"he is notrans. ‘The very moment that he gets into the struggle he is in a frenzy ; andâ€"two bours ago when he meditated the struge}e, and deterrained to take the risk, he was not quite himseltâ€"hbe was suffering l'rom a disease ot the mind. He was standing in exactly the the wrong relation to everything. His stand. point was so wrong that he could not see things as they are. Bo he turned bhimsel! back on God almost without a twinge of remarse. Ho he let out the lifeâ€"blood â€"of a fellow= creature, and scarcely turned to look on the deadi body with a pitying eye. The man who commits a crime in the Five Points, in a druoken brawl, is not bimself, scarcely ac. countable for his acts, He is under the impuls: of a tremendous force,a high degres or pressurs of st: am aund caloric ; that is generated not na«â€" turally, but through the stimulus he has taken, And any man, in any part of the world, who commits aoy one of the graver offencesâ€"those offences which compel society to contfine him, to abridge his freedom or his lifeâ€"is acting under an abnormal stimulus, s1 d is not, as the time he commits the decd, and for bours before, to be held accountable f or what he has done. It is a disâ€"ase of the brainâ€"a disease of the mind. Now, friends, you and I have wondered in the last five years at the inofrequenpy with which a jury has pronounced the word " guilty" upon such menâ€"at the fact that our tellow»â€"citizens are unwilling to take the awful responsibility of pronouncing the sentence of destb, They scarcely ever bring in a verdict of murder in the first degree ; and for the very best of r&sous, that the whole communityâ€" } under tbhe influaences | of ~Christisvity, under the benigna reign of our school houses, our churches, and our public opinionâ€"is rapidly tgrowing the barbarism, the wic of capital punishment, Thecre is not a man willingly takes upon hbimself the bility of putting the rope about the murderer‘s peck, and laurching him into the everlasting sea of the uncertainties of the future. No matter what his crime may beâ€"â€" no matter Eow black with guilt his soul may it be damned with inky spoteâ€" yet you and I hesitate, | Kt is too much for us. It is too heavy a burden to put on our shoul« dersâ€"â€"to utter that d-pL. single, but porten= tious and ul word which is to destroy a living , â€" I believe it is greatly for this reason justice is not done. I believe it is largely dug to the fact that twelve men tgken at random, and so educated by the Christian influences of home, and by the general life they nave in the wor}d at large that they can» not and will not pronounce that fatal word. It is not since every bome in New York shuddered shivered as the news came that poor Bemldl was dead â€"a half fool to begin with, a with no mother and no father ; a man with ’ï¬u ot those hallowed influences to which and I are indebted for that horâ€" ror we felt at his crime. A man with nothing in his bo:ï¬w unbridied and uncheckei passion, ing rampant and runnviog away with hi as a wild bhorse runs up the avenue when the reins are loosened. When yon and I heard becausohe he had killed a manfwe killed him (thus showing that we were up to the Mosaic standard of "an eye for an eye," but that we had no possible conception of the quality of ty), every man bung his head. Is this our community? Is this the ninctoenth century in which we live? _ Are If tried by modern theories of crime, Cain | #b»t 1 would undoubtedly bave been pronounced to 18 the be laboring uuder «n iab rration of mind ; ana | 49 th then fare to be undccpuntable to any human ‘ stroug or divine law for hig acts. You see all the | What symptoms of insanity. He is frenzied to. | CUme, wards bis brotker. It is the irresistible frenzy | PrDalt af an evi‘ nussginn..o inassinn that has omwn | abd it there _ sc around us to which we send our boys and girls? And is our philo= sophy so , so leat, so lank, that we act accordiug to the policy of five thousand years agoâ€"that | becauuse a man strikes you, you must strike bim ; and when somebody kills you, somebody else must kill bim in returna? When Jesus came He put his foot upon that doctrine ag upon the head of a suake. The last of the Lord was, "Little childâ€" rep, love another." And you can bear the words ringing through the empyrean, and thos» w are the forndation of your Chris R From the New Yerk World,> The Rev. Mr. Hepworth preached yosterday morning at the Church « f the Messiah, Thirty» fourth street, uj oo 6 lrsavity ard (rme.‘ There was a crowd d congregarion to h ar the discourse. _ Mr. Hepwo th took hbis text f‘om Gâ€"nesis, 4th chapter, verse 5 : "Aod Cain was viry wruth ; and his countenance fell." He said : C Rev, Mr,. Hepworth Preaches McFarlandâ€" iamâ€"** The Man *ho Dares to Step Beâ€" tween Man and "lff. Let Him Die the Death**â€"The Verdict of the Commuaity . POLPIT IE’IATIUIAEI'M. Under God‘s throne for . s uts 1 ReRet CC in with the uttempt “t::.’r im # The f that relation. Let thoss two perion; ; mose and pime tC the question as bost they may ; bat sen, the fre runs yuuunhy.u'm[..m.“. +« of for one else (as father, mother, sist ; . keopt y » , it l,“‘ “# j right to put their two bands betwees by will be and wife and do that (Waking. % wotg P.M of Reparetion) Ask God‘s birssing, uy d ppring thelt 1e0008â€" to draw them closer by any means, wiealii . ciroumstances, put the * okr; and bhit the 'e::g '\u';::: : hi Moutreal and C man who splits the uwee of * Beamor W' sight of God, and in the ,,.""", a loaded with i must die ! That is the werdict o the ] . munity , and it is a i * the whole oo-\lmlil‘;"hu:'\,:l :: e aem Atice yur stand the uttsrance. Let us abip way Srom mendous decision, No#w, t t ug, Pm Ceroline stacte for you must allow me to probe i ' depths)â€"the dificulty coumy@i »Ofn M another lJost of ture of Americao saciety, Tht ue , root of the whole strikes ahe & w "**** C opinion is sometim«s infeltdy ty wo cases on the lict certain questions, In the dn pas, p the church and the femily you butal of some of the jpart of poly.theories that hure stenioent sense ol justice, that bure “'3 sense of etercal thogp, ts and , 1 plaot th:â€"ir foot in some: en f the for tion, . and wii h when* pas w D Llovd are sufficient to polws t â€"te ie _| CS | This Aoctrine of #aMuites‘ t PR ® . _ .. . . 1| every where is an arraut bumby 1 «k is ‘® the excuse of bad men and «mas Fe~e ‘ l outrageous bodies, It is 1 s 8 as I honestly believeâ€"the mate tra of t sion. If you are wretched u* all« as a husband, you know P 6 r‘ tiod is to bear the bardenw « C make the best of It; and aoy wÂ¥ : teaches you to hunt around yat triends to fiod your afiaity, is C in the dev.l bimsell~yes, bora, Fumers tail, Now, brethren, you fad » theories are spresding all through $ tom: did munity ; they spread theme«ly# â€" i black cloud, and there is nothi ag wil *' but lightnings and fire. And no#, " criticised those who are outside of t : allow me to <r titise those who ae m Sile fal feel that the marriage ceremony _â€"_â€"_â€" most solemn right of the Church, Ratket 6 senot admini tered, simply fos! y chicanery a 11 falsehood. A Â¥ ubould be d rect ; it should be S# . above all it should hares hk 1 gense in It. There is noawis ‘ Potat awear bâ€"fore U »4 whnt abhe know yes t can perform ; and there is 10 wÂ¥ luti man solemuiy eswear be wl /o wht ol body knows he â€"will s« do Hy» e ie O with a falsehood on yos lig#yM u ents before the altar before marnaze Â¥het 9# pull expect of the moral tome of th Chibt to ask There is something wrong b#*, vel sooner we confâ€"ss it and amend it tw# lot wike , * Thewomusndtboul‘â€. rhigehs. m the purity and beauty of their firs 10® ‘fl stand before the churoh, befow tht ®*4" COnaese e before Almighty God as equs. HRq® e equal it is falss marringe ; for t# slave or a aâ€"rvaut or an interiork WÂ¥ <vâ€"nlog, wer z of any noble man. Tm" . x addresses to a woman a marrying her, under the comv icties t mose, * j is his inferior, hos not obe > Py a l« soul that is worth having, e : pulse that is maoly. OfsuA nothuc ‘“‘ i% can come. And so when the t re ““'m';«- gether bfors the alter the won# . _ U © You solemuly ewest to 9m } i obey this man ?" nod she #*#" " 2M T never does i(-aodmufll * pl, be very wrong indeed “"“_ r -z service is a mere form anf 4 t“' m think of celebrating * =“ t rotten ritual that had no ult * a think of connecting 0'01-7 t y such a way as that. tols , that your own woman‘s betft tas h# M‘ oin manly beart of the man who | ie > rose above this thing, it ho t a 8 withering blight to you, = A ‘ solemnly swears that be ty wit with all his worldly go* CS . tends to do it. | It min s 14â€" never expected that a m#s y â€" The whole world would be i 5 Tim l done. Now it does 2#A °8 * ",g@ e C ty lc such a holy thing 4# “‘I"' & â€" M l ulouttobebo.d;""â€" " s‘ a dare to tell the truth then, ® * * «yÂ¥ t tlanity the again. When two PoP""" _ of their youth, in ï¬'w‘ the halcyon days love i# bearts, Lo# can thef 'ï¬g neither expects the othe * 4 do think that a part of £# public opinion, which bHa* quences as we m“g such things as those “,.,n! What we need in ord! * y, / a crusbing blow, in % «s our courts, in order 4 * _ jgel 1 ‘ne very basis of your social weal, that jm ‘CB date t BUCB Gay our courts, in orde? ® " _ ugq ï¬abmâ€"ï¬â€ .: community require t seakt direct and bonest, 5# "‘. religion. | Not a 10400 5l $p the world is going orer #*60 moy "____ ~~ Oe hok -|~‘ Such cas 5. J N'lh, & t hogos them tiat us 4n YUQG hee {q/f" PR You 4% Licua ds actubuitizne s e 00 strip off the gowB, m‘ need be, and, lik® 8 0 °j g e it ‘aupy e Mn ity wi Bookt » 1o their hoath * 59 o popular with the ,.‘;.: Bioy wa the beuch n3 u'jiry" power, +vâ€"n though “’!;t ekact jJustice. And ao Ue i are the skillfel $ lied people, they, "% D the have callcd never 53 14 *# enactivents ; ;-:-Y h acci€ents my% sac work may be W'W Gey community mey }, Gog own d.ngcf' mad .Tï¬. the necessity i 4 ~. ind y it o At is the verdiey Vigu beart of Avctig o.‘ * O of . mamiage, .1 .N e , friends, that we have h.' & COUsideration af ti. _ 4 4. Americs, p,f f mik 1@ America. But now, under moment, we hneh..& motto, " ‘The man that N rican flag, shoot him on the quct INAD Whanmes Lo s _ L * C Cilintzes cot sideration d“-.: falss than an earthquake viig our fect could bave hu‘.~| upon this matter, W4 alor q h‘“(n"’ and protty much «4 America. But now, *~ ment, we f1 oi( i ie Pave changock, rocal pey [ 0°° thikg pul a man Lo , & ‘E' & \ ty you can “‘l& \m ds a m' 10gicg) ‘ is no pn%h \ us o do oA nesegeht iits a e.“’.“».~\ ominits \a -"‘n' epu ‘ bavg him ; bat 1 n v, D0 matter bow puy ble : to CORtro| ~~ ar with the rep 5 e beuch mor m)â€â€™.‘ . *Â¥eck “'M“'yhn. justice. ‘.‘No. e ulullfnl_ fugers Ar €, lhe’. '“ ..w callâ€"a never §3 h-, s ments |% jast 4. ents may o may be perfertq Mt uvity may h TOlmed +. " a l kE e the COPRersitops ~*= two people aed i# CCE Ang §# hg.' ltug | â€" | pt mpNE*" bolted into the #*05005 & e ®""" .u‘-""“ frag . 'f. W“" uf“"“" mm pext Wioe mas of the ©000 5C have bet Gats ons berer 4996 °* m‘eol""'_f/“l i ons _1 y un ***_.â€" m ,%AY }. foundr?, wee ® 02. ‘r ‘..._A_.‘ if *A Ju l« L. 6. * ‘%::..ulnl »gemae ~ © , of ahit sz Y AECE " ud ® m it wh Jfl"‘" . giou Piod 1t " . 1a is ame a B * w =* 9 . e m U Engient OP°"" Ks L. “â€"“““" is the awount of 1p8 Ea*Y1~ b“‘-h‘? | mrder®a®> es auan C ud oy| 6* tGree are ragin *Iim n feari luave if the