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Ottawa Times (1865), 20 May 1870, p. 1

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i 8 KBR y %04 1J T 188 the i y 1sg10® 14» j gh bourt mtf o8 6 ks 9 i uy DK M+ uo wil d 94 ither a100, thef H Dr, @T s id 18 at to P¢ 208 :"galo _ auam a MWP & Y * Lo uisWMENT _ _‘ eper T al® ab '.' a ues uoo eprfrarys aed Paney nfl"'}.‘ arse 1nd Proe Sal negon d '. M‘ Ligk HER«INGS (er artioles necessary !o e (QL â€"OorfawA opexto ais > gaaks sSTREET -.A(" â€"_Q-" Derumono‘s Eachange Wike, 19 Oparks stroot. Chairman ; ah will UMMOâ€" l o ma is mederais terms, . vKALLR walee Chapter L«\ " 40 Inted Statutes of Canada g MERCHANPS® ARDKR®A WWAumerannow, sr, Ottewa, .w. (CB C m tÂ¥ t @h-mn.m w 1331 lus 18 Om REC ToUs heavy Mardwar AT AND D&Â¥O & TMRNT. Anean; D O THOMSON, Treaâ€" | . is LWOR s A THOMSON, T H DUSN. | DANIELS .‘-"4â€"â€"».'.3.‘.'_‘..â€" In RKN “. on «td aftor th of n Wthe P1 KB. rrip Bosiety , ~“ Trink N&h wame of 19 |, tw be belnmatec s . Mlour, Oatutai, Pork, &¢â€" | the pooks will be closed on the FIRST DAY of oTrrAW A, JUNE next, and immediately thereafter a BOARD w# eonit alloting the bm ¢ 3 ':hm'“ ing of shareholders may be hold as soon as prac« fenshrithe... R. M. £4808 | |; yabte thereafter. * aa wen .. Subsoriptions of stock, with conditions attached w‘te situated in the \mmediate &- Buildings and the grouad and at MK, GOWaANX‘3 MUSIC vifaring Btewe Birest, on Mondar, Wednesiay uN HAND, i " ull‘dflhlh‘ N ‘ IEKPMPEncodueter sttee one.| _ _ M@T FratE . W . Normerty organiat ofthe | Britannis Metal, Block | , l'ou:.mmu Church of | _ ned Ware of all kinds, . Christ Church, Ottaws . | Hed & % “. two w-.“'.l | '“. a it be made to Mr¢ @OW AX., | received. W twoeight puplic, _ 13301¢ _ Ottaws, November 28, 1008. savEk»» FROM FIRE TWExtY.FIVE BELOW CO8T. alp grades, Ports of Aanse and luo-.‘t: W ino# mproved by a apouis,iaproved by age. sad Moutman 6. e im ____ CE : _ zon aPit 0o# P a Y Chanter LAVI! o# tA¢ KG.â€"The subsoriber havring Nis time equaily between would bog to inform his that he hopes, in future, for tuning more promptly tislt Ottawsonce a m omtlk. Â¥ Â¥, Beormingham a Auction k e Store. azo. N. BENEDLIOT (ongo#, k having ma.e arrangements ~.~ teacher, announcdes Clauises will commence on id instant. m may be obta med on appliâ€" L Stewart, Wilbrod street. yer Uth, 1860 114866 w r es thmbes 1X & OO»4 toma Uitio® rou sgkoixx®®s, Romxission aAoRNT, K nexst to the City bote! UOttaw a. -Nmudm‘ ad rooms. (bentleowst «ew mtÂ¥ Imperial Young OvTA WA recsted laily on itk ® 3. of the Lamber Mershants aad qts 1236.t 16, (){haw a Wa‘ter Amith, K+q. RW Cruics, Ksqâ€" otthe Cathe 2106 Ty long expertâ€" | HOUSE FUKNISHING HARDWARLK, w#®â€"POLAR â€"REFRIGERATOR, mz A gont for the Beaver, Toronto Matuoal Firs and Live stock (nsurance Co, wenersal Commirsion Ar.t.l-p-nn. ‘-flu&to and Mimag Agont Mining cslamms constaat‘y on bans. Ofles, sornar Metoals and Sparks stroots, over Maun Bros Hardware stora ; I¢ In a fow dayse at LIFE mwmgn UoOMraANY \_ OPF MAIN R. LE _ 5 We n B mc L lon,. . Aillegal matters fllI!O | 14 PEMBROKE, at the ofices of Mesart | MNURRAY, M. P. P., and P. WuIBE | In BROCKVILLE, at theOFFICE of the UTOCK BOOKY for the ubseription of shares of atook in the CANADA CK®TRAL RAILW aÂ¥ COMPANY have bee.s opened, and will remain open for such subscriptions at the lollownag yhuaums.:::â€"* ou â€" Eenc meminien t sW S TiE * T. . MIGGAN®, _In OTTAWA, aa the OFFICE of rANY. in MONTREAL, at the ofce of & C. ABBOTT, 8t. John btrest. In LORLIGONAL, at the oflce of WÂ¥r In REKNFREYW, at oflice. ubsoriptions will not be binding upon the sub o nce . w i M o wG ORA w , t have been accepted by the Company, and if they GENERAL AUCTIONEER] on the they P | mart, York street, near the Market.| / by the Company . otic ie | By order of the Board, ‘ no-uulh-hhnh.mouom- LamÂ¥ & RICHARDSON. lar, begs to return uis best thaaks to his friend ds Prskic ues umt t Ot awa, November 1, TCME KEDILDE FIL + A N A 1P & Ottaws, March 18. 1870. Ottaws, April 19, 1870 hours from 0 a. m. to 4 p. m N. l.â€"fi-dmiv-umw of alseases of the KY & and EAK At aighe san be seen at his residence, Murray street. A-oow'l DIVORCEKI legally obtained in New York, Indiana, Minoi# aad other LOOK OoUVT ROoR TtTU E® 0 YOUR TIAWORK WERLOAN ALLYVER TAKEX aTt PAR Otta wa, Vebruary 20, An immense quantity of 1 | ___ STOYEs, SToOYE8, Qure for Consam COOKING, PARLOR &) BOX | STOYES3, uqu:':h.n-nqu... in groat variety. .l:!l.-.o::..“ '.lo.:.’ Sole Agents for * NortWs* Patenied Drum =&:=-â€"-..-.u~u Meater; and also for Katon‘s Paent Vn Partes desirous to Nra..d . tilating Stoves. l:'..uu':;..fl valua ble f uN HAND, _ . U Pane n n n pnmmenamenine n oeirafetirnsmntiom JO8. RODGERS & sox‘s cutLk®y | €9""* Toâ€"DA Y . | AND DIXON & gsoNx‘s Tik ro®a L104 0000 ioi it sn ces C ve t "<pe TRAY AND COFFEES Mn enk Aoatiant prices, ud hate aÂ¥t Â¥W# 0. _ o BÂ¥ ‘râ€"-m&w AGENnCcy oP THE INDIA SALES AT PRIVATE RE3IDES â€"â€"430â€"â€" } ith s ULNA TEA Co 4 PAX Y, * n‘huflw& ca the future as in the past, it will be his BANGS. BLOCK, care to stady the interest of his patrons krarm aragert. | i Sirhaes nakt i3 t hev AND BUY NO OTUEH, ptions of stock, with conditions attached inserted in the Stook Books, but such '‘.“” . ROBILLARD, Phgsisian, Ascouchear, OMce in Mr. He E#S) + sutoctent cau80 ; WEw e n Ei NE uks &dm m- W"“mum'«bdu&&“- wiak s _| No. 18 NassauBurest, New Â¥York Oity Ne in P M oGHUELL BR Second hand Furniture will be se T _,__._â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-,h-m&ou‘:&:‘h'“p S C vanses made on Pranog, other 1 WA iA 6. Goods rent in for Sule, or may be pershased is “ omm *\ toto, bf required. I I.b.'l‘llm"lfl'“"”m “"““‘m':m...o“ mpre .""'"""“""""'""“‘ Tour lavodrs and patronage 1# gyorcaras ro 8 CURIAT q Beveral Houssse in the hands for sale. ra, April &, 1870, nE . Fovivace Mn U ... ... .1 ... [ NAT me axouscamer LYUU & KELRLLK, I gencries,. B A CBNTRAL RAILWAY, wiy* Â¥1iiate» _ WALs M tanni s Metal, Block Tin and Japanâ€" ned Ware of all kinds, English En N O T IC E MONDE‘8. DON® at T 1 8, s JOULN 0. RICHUARDSON, Se0ant *43 Mr. WM. UALPENNY‘® . K. WORSLEY, B. K. CORWLN, Managers. OFKICK of the COMâ€" K3 M0N DKA %% RIDKAUâ€"8T., h As* mignas Sem | .. ) streek. 'm’-= mepmoms izp : ated. legaily obtained | * Ourri Minois and OB#F | and the tate ot UDGURUY» | neese to ‘unkentesd, 000°" | e Ma no @O ut x *A MA ~Siig > PMEA l.'flm \nolfl! sV 34T1ICE &ri Belt Hangers | tttam«, May i PSX ...........«smmmecrmmien 'i:o LkÂ¥. uie f The DW ELLINGQ at prosent o trcaly repair =# modegn 1mprovements, . Possession gl May . C be rented, Arst Mayr, that Arst clam DRIE K DW KLLINGQ intely erected on the of Uugh and Muria stre to, at proson by Mis. MoNab. lt contains a Urawing Rowin., Phaingy Room and Aix Bed Roomes, #t, Kuvhen, Pantryp and also hard and soft wgter on 0-\0 I..l‘. the prewises, good yarae and attached ; also a large garden connseted the promises. Noent excesdiogly mederate. _ Apply to _ On the Ist May nest, No % Terrace, Rear streat, Cacing on the Rive Apply to 20â€" Oflce uu--:-lh-"" uuwm’* subsoriber in mameg bis cighth ANNUAL mm\,u.. would ...s= hi« trieads, to whom he returns thanks for past {avours, thatlhe con» tinuesto give his personal attendance sale ot ecrery aesaription of goods and on Asded to his management. Wie meat hetrancforitnes io e manktaman .’~ rmiluce uumwml'n_" with allthe dee tatly of Arrangement, bapediious delitesy, &0., of arrangement, expeditious &0 . woulu lead him again to solieit further u.l.h this line trom thowe sontemplating the of turniture, by auction, he would be glad to hare uon sarly intumation in order that & adtory .,u..“ may be coin pietou for #ge e t .« . Thr ty Feinaventaing snanensac ced procnation of damaged goods and produce sold lof of whom it may consern, or for® breach of conâ€" | wraee"* should be borne in mind by mershants .."f.‘,,.ume ~ ‘.... lorms are ascessary in such c aad valuatione made l s«ollaiting your business fuvors, the uB mh‘n”‘..l““.” fl | anoe "of yoare 14 â€" #u0@ ib »# mbet hi | may be resonably expestad to carty out w t | promises. A ROW #. sd and statements made out in a |vonsins businessâ€"like manner, always a0cou, with ‘“Amb “,'. L4 C kick. oo sW Makute eanr pesugea T T To | xecutors und Administrators of | Estate, | OMctal ana other Assigness, and pabilc M | oum“dmrwfli""" * legitimate and efic.ent way of clusing Lecusies. ko . and semoves a Â¥amt a ot «â€" Fligk Mn?o Males of grocermies, genersl merchandise went will receite #% Ottawa, March 1, O# to 13 tatt y e S s O mederate charges, to merit a continuange ol LR ‘m....m- liberaily i-""r-l" Spring Furniture Sales at the Mart beradt mence immediately, and from time to time #111 B# y snnounced. Me will hold weeak)y 04 :-.mnu-?“m of which will be given. large l HMorses and Caitle sold by him during the past mt El 0T0X pastantes viuk his whit io is suifeienat guaraniee LDAL Wi4 feak: mum anctlonseriog is R .""‘o.“' Cules soon ..ndlopnd.tlllb'dlhndl o the Mait as soon as possibls Trade Saies of Merchandise, Farm Keal Eutate, Librauries, Works of Ast, #o., &0., as wotl ..Mm.m-m whil mm.un..“u-m ato loru®. up to T o‘ wout e e _ _1-3-‘ m’ other WOW KE SEKNKRAL AVIJTLON ’ll. L&YF, Apply to comytssION MERCHANT ANNUAL CIRCULAR OTrtaAwWA, WARCH The wildest and ugliest horsee can made | to obey his master, and evena to walk huw in ..".1.“-“ without the .g... horse. _ Allascomplished dn3 . curs for CORNS at wohseap rate, without oo negone for W ARTS on your hands or The® | eun be cured in a short time without to the ' Cure for lame sack dizeasess of | he woret kinds csan be cured in leas a week without taking say kind of medicine in the inside. bupum.ufldvilm Sure for the Heart Discase. ’ Mz ‘ at any time in less than twenty hours. by * ammon herb. . , M Parties who are Infleted with any suoh diaâ€" A '““Wfl“'- ARTLINX,! Hail, in the summer season, as the begt thms “; billty HORSE TRAINING INFORÂ¥ATION saules have boeen promptly guadet @" groceries, hardware, ic atchandise conudded to bismtanage n-avon-yuu-msgnd ns friends of bis y aa Directory for 189. To be obtained (rom + J P MACPHERSON amadian â€" Parliamentary Calendar D ORAHAM, E8Q . § Collector of JNO KR ARNXOLDL, Dept Public W or at No 4, Prines‘s Fesrase can 4& N D«» 1#70 1 8 1“‘6.::1 L6# . ..;,.:.._ a, ama t that eraily upon ib the Mart eoth + en thime yo thame \ll be hold weekly 04 .. ze large aumber of .‘. “'.'0 nors 4300.. aad JONES & HOLLAND. BE 4 No. 1 s UTrawWAaA. ERIDAY. MAY 20, 1810 _ @L _â€"_â€"â€"! _ _ g@ RI IP, _DIRCCT â€" I®PORTATIONS, ‘ a*A» PORTEH and ALK#, i Dawes ! wWwYr*" ""ohkke jurce Cuanral | WNWW _ Thuee coriimr and 8y En Ships Nero from O orto, Eveni &{ok. to ulafi-“:'z noe. Lark fram Ro* »+rdoam, ()l-. ga ality , PE Fuas ors samaies, "Pure," the mamalaotarcer, o w om amner m whwend / T.n. Majesty . Preserves the Tosth, Blacks, are really One, selroted with §FÂ¥9M4 | sys fragrance to the breath ; aurs for the trade, J snd Qresas, in whiteness and w..l-n-a: ”“m)m“ * C 'r.“mo R.llol-. CHUEKEKA®E, Qusen‘ts Arms and Stiltes. 1\0‘11 house in the sly that has them thas sea00u. | C K A PEA Lemons, Condiad Posis asd fresh truits vam bak, l‘\l.lh. MADDIE®, Oysters, Sardincs, daimen and Potted Meals. | NKailyÂ¥ WINXK, _ _ > Nery Pais, Old Wine. M Mise, B.-l” rPOWUEAR®, Hag‘s as | = Heqg Po# "g,q.'.! aots aomes cmet ter graad savmag» ied heveght wie ks Ti es take l stods | l o aprges i x aoe beong 6 br tamilies requiring them for use. A PLREFKCTED â€"SPEOTACLKES, faw triais will prove their‘ saperiority over com» | mon goode. A sall sobaired. | # nmg& «M PATTERSON, | Ne 16, Rideans stest, Ottawa. _ | Brd Des. 1 849. I + _ Wrash, Roasted and wround, on the proâ€" ~O ”m-uummu a aslty. 1t bas a reat tun #y #. A will ?Am.‘ CUCKEIE, . A very snperior quailty, chsap, LRANDY , _ BRBurs and rellable old and rery mild, . YR CVr®, LB RY®, * Proof Walbstey and Miagh@tnes, Arst UdARE AND EYARAUPE ‘ sumbers and binde. .‘Ll'“.ll. CKXTHL ACT#, All kinde of ighest surseagth U A#N A N8 MADDILE®, vInn- a COs | Renders the iiluns'-:' ..i-m'..-‘.u Eie & , pat up to ‘!‘wig- Ak for Gabriel‘s Oclebrated Dental KA & PERLRILZ #A00H, } A m.unqdululno. hb.t-; «ROS#K & BLACK WELLE QOOD8, ; y A tall assortment, | WÂ¥ WINEK, Vine oihd stook, * Vintage 1431 ,."* PLCKA, Purs and anaxdulterated. All kisde war TUEKE FOLLOIWILAY G0008 ; Beyg io intimate to their castomere wad th generally, bat they will keop constant! . w»â€" BEEF AND MUTTON. @ Raiatas an l Carrants . Onest whnt. o &A SPICAEV 1P â€" GOVKRNOR . GPNERAL| 1: To be bew «oOHELL BRo, ROLLEKD BEEF POR PARTIRS FRESH KILLED BYFWARD XARXE! THEILKR STALLA, ATALL»â€"»b mit a all _ astm+st, Nes 4 and T; , all th» 414. .wnt f | ferms of Tendar ohtrinet at the oflte of She onult. wWL 4 QoOwWan, l-‘.. "l atreat, Ottaws, between the bouse or 10 RBRLATED | . . and 3 p. m. on and afer THUXBDAY, the | PME P TeE s memrgance on whe tore be fl‘.'-d J q Clork to sALT “Omw.!mc match aves ca TU RBDAY, the 14th | duy of Jusne nexl, addressed to LRA MORGAN, t«, . Warden, County of Carlston, and endorsed aP ® â€"vmâ€"-â€"-a-â€""â€"-l e C IWJ ‘":’ (il.llll.'l UKLEBRATED PREPARAâ€" TLION® wOR CLEAX®I®Xu, BEAUTIFYI®XG, ANV PREsERVING TAE TEETL Nold by Chemists and Perfamers:, and by the Masofacturers. MES3IIS,. GABRLILEL, \-o oldâ€"establisbed Dentists, ‘!l.lolll-'. wWHiTEe guUTra PEnCcu4A E ENXAMEL, for Hopping Decayed Tests. uh':ulll.'l OI"I:‘O IIAIII'.I‘I'OPPII: kep white, u":‘lc-n the lsoth iwelf. %‘Io beautiful preparation restores Frost Testh and m deen} . Bumsienat for Stopping six Teoth. GA.IIBI.'I OORALITE TOOTH PASTK, tor cleansing and improving the Teetb, and t.paouuodn‘a-hmp-;vlm the without lear\ between them Aans trusws of . powdet, “d:m brillianey to the Messrs. Gabricl‘s Pamphict on Artificial Teoth ond FPaisless Dentistery on receipt of postage. ‘ *,* All letters to be addresed to 64 LUDGATIE HILL, LONXDON, 13133 Livta lawktn GA.IIII.'I ODosTtaALGIQUE ELILXIN, a woutkh wash uortvalled for its agresable vroperties io cleansing the mouth and cn-u-::’ the breathb; is is lovaluable to emoker,, At Pllflu AaAP a Diâ€"TAaANCE REqUIRING ARTIFICIAL TEETH may bave them m im partial .".-'ld‘. m.ot{-un; now i+yHe®M, send aF® 6 Mnu-hsnmdo’-ahu.vln the apparates for taking a mogel of the mouth wl} um.uu.mmmmmu-. Mesurs. Gabriel will undertake to Remodel or l:muuud Toath made by other Dentists, § do not prove satlsfactory}, al moderale LAZARUS, _ MORRIS OR c NK T ELKETH.! GoLD SILYEK 3MELL AaAND sTEEL -.‘ 'lgllflh R iDFORR. 7JA'LW"?'_H.QM' ) 34 | a charm . musesmeses mm aemmenmemmmes : e sccmeccmmemmmmnccam bae. J lP..lw&:rmm-S‘ New York, says : = It bas tout + as not been ‘:.'“"" 2‘“‘"' ‘o;’.tg.::’r."' found n-n.t. Its astonishing cures of Infamâ€" m. '.""‘:. k m ition of the Lungs and Croup and the wonderfal 'n """"“"“"'“ ‘:‘ gams ; whileD! | pyosess in nwm&o ufinflu,otufl Rheu â€" P yowaet, ue ghves onihane t hn | MR EP EUE ENAE howetien Tof hss + % r re m mall 11. 64. sompl abnts.* !1‘ ’1 umssc o cmmmmmces c n c aeamens uee e e Dau. A. W. Baerotso, of Knoowlesville, New York ABRIFKL* ROYAL TOOTA POWDER | says; = 1 have used it in sovers I cases of al mflwflfl"""" Irritatiy®s and tor the \worest cures of Pilas, and k the Testh, and imparts a deliâ€" | sundry other compi«ints, and find 1t a su . s n Oc encb sotk s aond w44 ®s M Ladegsts Hill, London, ad at LIVERPOOL and BRIGHT OXNX. feall Is hersby gives, that the Lower OMawa W':.l.";- â€"â€"-v-.-.- Ee‘ P P Cmemes Crown Timber Agesey, formerly under the .3., returning on Tuesday. charge of 0 E BELLE, Eq., hus been fim\.“"‘,,:.“‘u,“‘““““""““" pussenger und thatthe territory comprising said Agency is The |nternational Company‘s runping in coanection with the Grand Rail attached to the Upper Oitaws Crown TimbeT !j.aye Portiand every MONDAY THURS Agreney, under the charge of A J RUSSELL Es | DAY Crown limber Ageot at Ottawa, by whom permits ,,."‘""...... through at the y‘s princ 1 shipment for Qhebes will be rogk: wre ':’: IM u-..mumrmouo. Sta 8 RICHARDS, 899500 0 . SEYDG . ; s#10 ® Commissioner of Crown Lends, m. M-bu,-l“O. | New and Becond Haad ariet New and Becond Hand 1 Ladies do you be troubled with an oid wore : vet brove) when you can take it and 1 litle cash and get a Arst l elass Btove at the Varlety Hall. | ied ols pndenan it o ' b8 Foos of second hand Stoves will fod .l.l.l-xup'.d”m L mdmmw“‘“wdfl ;d“lfl‘mmam | Ottaws, Jusssiy 18, 1876. uns in P Z7 mnmmenmmccme omm 'l\' BUILDERS ANu CoNTRAcCroRs, : ® ue Gerperation of me Oonnty of Cortetos ;m’mn‘ recaeive Tenders for the erection of a COURT HOUSE BUILDING und OFFICKS ‘, *8 Coovred by bre. The Drawilngs, Bpecifections | of y VUOURE EZU7"" C _ 13 Baath Vionkk. Th !uuwfl:d&“”lm.wy “‘ id.‘demhmu‘ dpâ€"A s wiuriAE ©COWAN, oo\ ts A a ‘.mmmuâ€"-u b-n' ho 1 . and 3 m. on and after THUNBDAY, the ‘m‘& 4 i in ascordunce with the form i 8 Nn Un C M conchies m-tl“’ | 4 vOPUsRG LADZVYE = Tenmder for Court House," The contracter will hare to And surseties to enter into a joint and several boad in a som to un 2 C . us the Corporation, for the dus C‘EW As8s%0kTYVE® r TOYKA, BFOYVES, RTOY KS. ve agreed upos by the Corporaiion, â€"-““‘g.‘ k : > Fumey Work, either at the pupile residence ; of Awp< w 199 im Deraatwerr or Cznow® I.uui Torento, April 20th, 1810 HLLC NOTICE HAIRD, M L a OW University, TOUKG LADY Uave just reselved a KkKYÂ¥k GQ1388B, YuUNG & RADFORR, No 38, Aparks treot, Nome Genulsse withoot it. Varlety Hall, ;';lm" 6k Vftrnv “.0 tlon do uot bind themesives 1o +0 o any Tender. 4 IRA MORO AN, W arden Cooumy of Carleton. gives the Tecth a | article, and well worthy the notice of all * | ols the enamel. h::.nhnn M‘ d‘h .“.d.“ n:t l::{l. : ‘% )i and see that w or d# s t ce -a‘.“uuf'l MAGNETIO OINTMENT ‘ are IQUE ELIXIH, ..lofli : a Newoustle, C. W M al in Ti ertetentag | Ajents tn the Useadet: Sold is Otteratey wil h and asweetenlo® | 75 _(a, and hy medicine dealers everywhere. Moves at the Varlety J BLOYDEN, Otta w a O Dr. A. Trask‘*s -.‘I‘).“‘ Oin tmen t Emo | ruv or Hatiles.â€"Dzs. Bixouax, of Ution, | New Youk, says: @1 bhave used Dr. A. Trask‘s | Magnetic intment in my practice a number of | years, and can say -un.pllt:.un 1 ‘daalt one :‘f the discover uge ; for the cure l.‘mu-.dud the :n'. l-’.--uln of the Bowels, Infammatory Rbeumatism, and in Obleâ€" | bed Fever, 1t operates with p.:f_o&_ sucsess, 1% l Mothers 1 mouners . Mothersiâ€"Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a ‘nht onud suflering and orying ‘with the exoruciâ€" | ating palo o outting teoth T . Lf «0, go at once and | get a bottle of afrs. WINSLOW‘8 sooTULNG SYRUP. It will relieve th poor little sufferer ' immediatelyâ€"depend upon it : there is m-m‘r | about it. There is not a mother on earth who ba ; aver used it, who will not tell you at oncethat it wili regulate the bowels, and ive rest to the mother, and relue! and health to the child, operaâ€" Unz Uke magio. It is pertectly safe to use in al maes, ‘and pleasant to thr taste, and is the preâ€" ‘ufln‘.ud.odmd“u‘bub-&m- mels*~ #nd aurses in the United States. oe 28 ‘ euts _ â€" _ everywhere. Be sure to for "MRS wWINSLOW‘8 S0O0OTHING SYRUP." | Having the facâ€"sumsle of « Cartis & Porkins" on | the outside wrapper. All others are base imitaâ€" New Style. AEmportant Change, & REKAL EAIR RESTOEEZ AND DEEsSING â€" _ _____. Cembined in One Bottle. ‘ MRS. S. A. ALLEN®| ». MAIR RESTORER ‘ Will Hestore Gray MHair to its | Natural Life, Color and BRenuty. ; It is a most delightfo) Hair Dressing. | It wili 5‘-“ luxuriant growth. FALLING HAJR is immediately checked. . | "lln 8. A "l'.l.m :vw::u.:llg-. another +p a r atuom ¢ # anspar ont, -u'..‘-nal-ul. hfi::yu'rfi)b and often produces mwomderrel reswlte. Its groat Mm as a Hair Dressing over high cost Frouch Lus ape. The Restorer and 7Zylobairamum should met be used ons wt4 the other. ROLD UY aLL Drvosiets. Propwtore » R NVan Dur+ & C .. W holessle Druggists, \(uuun TRUKK RAILWAY COM+ A PaNY OF CAaANiaDa. | 1969.) WINTER RBRANGEAMENTS. (1870 | _ trates now leare BONAVENTURE STATIOb ‘ as follows : bey ts ‘.%ouo west.. m w ‘ .’imtvmo., l'-Emmm:. in bulfai k $ Joderich, Bufalo, Detroit, Chicago, | _ _ _ _ and a!l points West, #t. .............. 30 8 I ,1l|¢ll io @44 â€" io do _ do 1;30 ; ® | Accommodation Train for Corewall * | and Intermediate Stations at........ b:10 a ® | Acscommodation Train for Kingston and | _ > Intermediate Stations, at..... ....... K:i18b sw l'ln a‘ns for Lachise at ..........8:00a m, 7;:00 an | 9 a m, 1% noon, 1;30 pm, 4;40 p 4j m and 6:30 p m. \ The 1.30 pm train runs through to Provine j @Gorx@ soUTH AND E£ | Ascommodation Train tor Island Pond _ _ es of Buros, Wrutses, Frosen Limbs, it acts like Erpress {u fi.:“‘... 0 br Express for New Yor Bostonat...... u Hxprete To Rew York sn4â€" Be : ow via Plattsburgh, Lake Cham Burlington & Rutland at......0 & ©, 440 pm Erpress for Island Pond, at............... %:00 jm Night Express for Quebes, Lsland Pond Gorham and Pauw“ be}; > tween Montreal and lsland Pond a! bt. Hilaire, Bt. Myscinthe, Richmond, Sherbrooke, W 7i Smaticg ban oi sil Night Topine, . Page pg:ml. steamer Carlta leaves Portliand over; SATULVAY AFTERNOON (after the arrival o train from Montreal on Friday , for Hali lu‘..!..i..nunhc on Tuesday. as excellent accommodation passengeor u;“tnli(hl. nternational Company‘s running in coapection with the Grand T i.u':‘ leave Portland every MONDAY THAU DAY at 6 p m, for Bt.John, N.B., &6 _ Piokets lssued through at the y‘s prino* } pal siations. ‘Por furtherinformation and time of arrival and L VUHLLCI & Sfi use ‘defrins 1 Hun : $i wed 4° Park Piace. Newâ€"York BroOKvID®, . BC EEGECC N ETTE | 1 T tunw-.(wm. Brantford it ver Foderich, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, in a 24 | and al} poIDtS WOBt, 8t. ..»s»sssss»e»= $:30 A & ueur of tar, w i *ao~ "do â€" do â€" do do f;30 3 w | « laree proporti¢ mmodation Train ‘for Corewall Quyot‘s tar p< abd Intermediate Stations at........ 6:10 a _ | OFA/DATY tar wat mmodation Train for Kingston and | _: A giass of excell Intermediate Stations, at..... ....... [:1b sw agreeable taste n ns for Lachine at ._,.i....‘.bafl a m, 7;:00 am=® n":‘:.: “': 9 a m, 1% noon, 1;30 pm, 4;40 p 4j m “&. 6 1 LKAYE BROCKYILLE. 4 159. M.*â€"â€"TRAINS will leay $ Brockville daily at 4.15 p m, T4 1 m, arriving at Sandpoint at 1K€0K p m, _ } ’-- LEAYE® SANDPOINT. > 6 OOA. NM.»â€"â€"Â¥PRAINGR will leave $4JPQ0P sandpoint at 6.00 a m and 2.3 1/ Orta®a 6 35 P,. M.â€"â€"TRAINS {will lears ‘ Porth at Ll‘t- und 906 a m arriving at Bmith‘s Falle at ”’-.rd..“ LEAVE SMITHS ALLA. 10m5 A.M.â€"â€"TRAINA will leave Bmith‘s Falls at 10,06 a m and 6.35 p m, arriving at Porth at 1045 a w and 1.3% w#. ® All with trains to and from Perth. lolmlm..aot Trains are due (rom the cast and wess. No % h.ol-l.otvulflnl-uu.oam idf?nhllulhudndvc‘. 1. ABBOTT, sPECIAL XOTICK®. BE hemcge amp t MRS. FOLEY bas jost opened a PRIVATE BOARDIEG HOUVSE is MKS. HEARN‘S House, Duke street, LeBreton‘s Fints, Chandiers, where the is prepared to sccommodate any number of boarders vith comfortable lodging, and excellent board at reasonable rates. (Hawae, May 13, 1870 * 1387 3 h. stt lak." 4 M% K. arriving at Brockville at 1215 p m,8.3¢ oarDING HOUSE, CHAUDIERE: Mmmt§ PERTH BRANCH. LEAYE PERTH MAIN LINE. BEAUTIPCUCL HAIR, / Naturg‘s Crown. : You Must Caltivate it | York street, :II"U'" A & A H TAYUOR, Ag ont, NOXEY ORDER®. On Money Order Offices throughout the Domiâ€" nion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundâ€" land and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this Ofice. Also, Postage and Bill Stampe. f rOBTt OPFICOE BAVINXGB BAXK. pB* Dorulu will be receilved at this Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four rr cent. per annum, and deposits can be withdrawn at imy time. Five per cent. will be allowed on ;poel:} deposits in sums of ($100, for the withâ€" rawal of which 3 months‘ notice will be reâ€" “lrod. â€", we in ogy l ce is m uw Post Orric®, ‘ Ottawa, 16th May, 1870. Depart................. 8.10 a m, ! 00 p m, 10 00 pm AFFiY® ................. 4.50p m, 11.90 a m, 9.00 ‘.- The above trains connect at Prescott Junction with Grand Trunk Railway for «ll points south east and west. | (Yr1aw1i Orriceâ€"York street, corner o Eussex "6‘1':;;(6-';“!!-\'“& street street. oo dn U at the moment he requires it, thus econo®i®‘"% time, facilitating carriage, and obviating the disagreeable necessicy of havdiing tar. Guyot‘s tar “l:rllou t‘vuurdy several more orâ€"lers 1 ve ;t:h.. in treatment of 3 mu\‘:“:l oi yith the groatest uyot‘s em w re sudâ€" n:.{o t:)olollo'h“‘znuâ€": l l: i RaAUOBTâ€" mss ol -n-r,‘m iwa ublo-o.m : Ml: :‘ rost OrFIC®, OTTAwWA. _ As a Daavoesrâ€"A water, or two tableâ€"s7 l'“l dw. Guyot‘s tar hus veen triea with the g:uu u ces in the pd.flrl bhospitals of noe ol giom and Bpain. Experience “..t:'“ 4t be the most bygionis drink in hot we r and lima of epidemics, Detailed instruâ€"tions asâ€" time of epidemics. mpany each bottle. General depot in I 6n:u Hours rrou 8 i.x. to T P.4. G. P. BAKER, i â€"â€" Postmaster. RONCBITIS CATARRH OF THE BLADDER CoLDs OBSTINATE: C 1.GHS IRRITATION OF 1 .6. gHEST HOOPING CQ DISEASES OF THE AT PULMONARY CON ON As a Lortonâ€"Pure or dilated with a little water . AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN ITCHINGS DISEASEs OF THE ggll‘l’. His Excellency the Governor General in On tne recommendation of the Honourable the . Minister of Inlard Revenue and upder the proâ€" . visions of the 58th Section of the Aot 31 Vie. Cap 1 1%, intitaled ; * An Act respecting the Public W orks of * Canada,"‘" His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that a way rate of toll be established on the Weliand Canal betgeen Dunnvilie and Thorold, and that such rate shall be and is hereby Sred mt five tighth‘s of the im.uuu..t twelre and a half cents per ton, ‘ WM i LEE, His Excellency the Governor General Council. ~' Minister of Costoms, and under and in virtue of the Sth Bection of the Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6intituled © An Act raspecting the Customs." His Excelâ€" lency ‘has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered that *thannopviile, in the Province of Ontario, shall be, and the samo is hereby deâ€" clared to be, an Oat Port of Entry, under the Sarâ€" vey of the Port of Bolleville. TRAVELLER _ GUIDK. ovERKmMENT HOUSE OTTAW A, Tuesday, 19th day of April, 1870. LAWRENOE AND OTTAWA RAILM AY 1355 3 ovensxeExr 10U8k, OTTAW A, Tuesday, 26th day of April, 1870. BRITISH MAILA CLOR®E in Paris: L FRERE, 19# PRESENT, H TAYLOR, Agents. PRESENXT, Clerk Privy Council, WM HLEE Clerk Priry Council, 1PRICSYâ€"3 CiENTS. Communications from Dept. of Agriculâ€" ture relative â€"to immigration, from Toronto Eye and Ear Dispensary, showing terms of admission to that institution, also from Dept. of Public Works, relative to drainage The‘Council met. and â€" Messrs. Mo‘hr ton. f o? Hooded, wet and marsh lands in the Township of Fitzroy, were presented and read. . 1 3 . present« _ Petitions from Aléxander McFayden and Richard Monforte for tavern licenses were Moved by ‘"Mr. Mohr seconded by Mr. Fetherston that this Council grant the sum of eight dollary to defray the expense of bringing Mrs. Hogan from Hospital, as her case comes under the class incurable and that the. Reeve give the bearer an order for the same.â€"Carried, Moved by Mr. Elliott seconded by Mr. Fetherston that the Reeve give Mr. Monâ€" forte an order on the Treasurer for one dollar for removing dirt off bridge known as Hubbeil‘s Bridge.â€"Carried, . Moved by Mr. Elliott seconded by Mr. Mohr that the Reeve give Augustus Marâ€" shall an order on the Treasurer for thirtyâ€" five dollars, for the stringers on the bridge known as JJubbell‘s Bridge.â€"Carried, g’loved by Mr. Mohr and seconded by . Fetherston that the statute labour of lot NXo.,9, in the 7th concession beallowed to William Anderson, in consideration of his keeping the ditch on the East side of the concession line and thence to the Creek in good order for carrying off the ‘v!:'er, for a period of three years.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Mr. Mohr and seconded by Mr. Fetherston that this Council do now ul'{:bu:n for ohe hour.â€"Awrried. Council resumed ; the same memâ€" bers present. & |‘ p Moved: by .Mr. Mohr and seconded by Mr. Elliott that. the Anspectorgof lacenses be directed to inspect t{w houses and pre mises of Alexander McFayden and Kichâ€" ard Monforte. _ Innâ€"keepers.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Mohr and seconmded by Mr. Elliott that R. Harris be heard at the har of this Council mncemiu% school seeâ€" tions Nos. 2 and 3, in the Township of Fitzroy.â€"Carried. k The Corporation of the Township of HitTrOy. Moved by Mr. .Mohr, and seconded by Mr. Elliot that© the Clerk he direc ed to give notice that all parties who have caused obstructions to the Carp and Missâ€" issippi, and other streams â€"and water courses in the Township must remove the same, prior to the first day of April next, or they will be prosecuted as the law directs.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Mohr and seconded by Mr. Fetherston that the question arrising beâ€" tween S. N. Nos. 2 and 3 be laid over un il the next sitting of this Council, to enable the members of this Councal to ge:. some further information concerning the matter. â€"Carried. ¢ Moved by Mr. Mohr and zeconded by Mr. Fetherston tha: the Treasurer dispose of the Township funds in silver, now in his hands, in fiu(“\ manner as he may dlecm most to the interest of the corporation ; provided it can be done at a discountâ€" no. exceeding five per cent.â€"Carried, s Moved by Mr. Fethers:.on and second by Mr. Elliott that the Treasurrer pay Mr. A. Riddel one dollar and fifty cents for plank luog()‘plied for the Missi<sippi Bridge.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Mr. Mohr and seconded Py Mr. Fetherston that this Council accomâ€" panied by Mr. John Forbes (appointed by the County Council for the Kurpooe) do now inspect the Hubbell‘s Fal ~Bridge on the Mississippi.â€"Carried. _ * _ Moved by Mr. Fetherston and seconded: by Mr. Elliott that this corporation having in conjuction with Mr.. John Forbes, inâ€" .paok-{ the Mississippi Bridge, at Hubâ€" bell‘s Falls, and the same Laving been completed in a satisfactory manner ;. the Reeve give an order on the Treasurer for the sum of one bundred and forty dollars for balance for work | thereto.â€"Car: ried Moved by Mr. Elliott and seconded by Mr. Fetherston that . this Council do now adjourn until the seventh day of May next. Signed, ALLAN FRASER, _ Reeve. * w. P. TAYLOR, Township Clerk. "th May, 1870. The Council: met pursuant to adjournâ€" ment. . k Present :â€"The Reeve, and Messre. Mohr, Elliott, lhcl‘re:* and Fetherston. _ _The Minutes of last Session were read. A petition from John Copps and others relative to changing the site of the Carp lBridge at Fitzroy HMarbor was presented and read. read first, second and third time and passâ€" ed, :n% rule to the contrary notwithstandâ€" ing.â€"Carried. Byâ€"law No. 200 reawd first second and third time and passed accordingly. Moved by Mr. Mohr and seconded by ;g. Fetherston u::d this bnmcd do "hm ward Bishop to ‘orm his statute an the sixth line of Fitzroy.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Elliott and seconded by Mr. Fetherston that Edward Lunny be heard at the Bar of this Council _ in referâ€" ence to 8. 8. Nos. two and: three in the Township of Fitzroy.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Fetherston and seconded z Mr. Mohr that John and James Donâ€" be allowed to perform their statute labor on the sixth line between lots No. 11 in Fitzroy.â€"Carried. t | Moved by Mr. Elliott and seconded by Mr. Fetherston that this Council do now llitfl the Revision Court, and that Mr MacLaren be Chairman of the said Court. MixrTes « by Mr. Mohr and seconded by MixrTes or Corxe Mr. Mohr and seconded by m that this Council do apâ€" tors to axamine the Bridge Corrt or Reyis1o® 2nd March, 1870. â€" . esent :â€"The } eerve lliott and Fethereâ€" MCNCH and seconded itHL t;t‘; & #| 4 } |f

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