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Ottawa Times (1865), 20 May 1870, p. 2

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) | ‘p a] § t Fie 17 e | ®3 h 4} t +4 U 6t 1 *w ty The love of mischiof is partigalacly remakâ€" uble in some poeople. 1t is a propensity as much innate to the lndivridual as the postic Iremay. ‘There is at every publicq school some @‘Jumpy Jobson" of a littls wretch, who pesters all the big:Bovrs and is a soutrsce of tortot in addition to anpoyance to all the ’ amailer boys, The "Jumpy Jousona" ki0w up and sometimes obtain by that foree of imâ€" pudeace, which bad grown withâ€"their growth, a degres of influencs which nvither ibebr talent, energy, or attainments Justity. The UWlobe in assuredly possossed by a * Jumpy Jobson." Continually brawling and over in mischlief for the mere logs of It, ho guthore round bim every sow and thon an adoniring mowd, The creature bes redcoming qualitiea too. He twkese generous dis, and that which would pa s edin a quist unobtrusive mfimyfimmhqflm la him Coubly good. The OGlube created alt the mischiof at Red River by its assaults on bie former colleague and politica; associate Mrâ€" lolnmll‘.lvubwbo& Kiel & Co, stoutly maintained that tho set= thnuldlhumrumuhdowqu constitutlon, and insisted that ~the Gov. ermment bed committed a foul wrong wyoa both Euglish and French s«ttiors alike by sending ogt such a Governor as McDougal} and suckh a stafâ€"of officials as ho‘ bad about him, to take positions, which should have been accorded to the natives. Well, the reâ€" sault of all this was, that the Fronch settiers took a * scunmer " at MeDougall, and the 4 w-floq'vhndtovhh.u”u. , lng that everything was fair, and right, and | proper stood with folded arms, with the ex+ | i ception of a very fow, who. cxhibited a do, | gree of seal, which made them odious at Red |* i iÂ¥uB, without obtainine fat thkoun |cAnmubdaes. Wa have no doubt this obo-;.x noews wil be received with that pleasur;, which it aftords to usta giving 1t. _ Thete is a decided improvement in the state of Sir John A. Macdonaid‘s health,. He passed a very good day yesterday, and, fos the drat time since his recent attack, ho fools some degree of returning strength. ChcOttawaCimes pening New Establishmentâ€"C, P; Dorion. Valuable Building Lotwâ€"A Rowe Canada Lite Assurance Companyâ€"A @ RamsaJ Thres Grand Rxoursions on the Queen‘s Birthday Buy your Carpets, Filoor ofl Cioths, Curtains and Corn| ces from 12364 NS A EL0E L. UhCuaÂ¥ew w > *Ct wh it t tmen * rtmns. â€" B sir c ces 4 HOTDAA% € John Moran (Island), Charles Muarâ€" m e i in ts d mt Chee Givem under the hand ofth&_llnvo and seal of the Corporation of the ownship of Fitzroy, this seventh clv nlxm. D. 1st( (Signed) ALLAN FRA: [L. %.] Aurner, Wiulinm Fulfopd, W Gormon, tieorgeo Styles, William : James Richey, Henry Poole, Joniph| Halpenny, Andrew Hawley, Jr., Thomus Fraser, 8r., Thomas Bahen, Harry J. Fri g.amm Craig, John Mudson, . _A geau, Francis Horrick, Martin Johnston, Patrick Lynch, John bwlt’.oh\:dinm' Cavanagh, Clark, John Moran (Island), Charlos Muar. Ed ,_ Joseph Halpenny, James %Dfl. (.'.l&‘flnm,w John Hanna, Robert Arms & Moorhouse, William Wilson, m tiinley, Arthur Pigott, James Sil Patrick Gormon. Byâ€"law to i rtai Township dm.“ °C The corporation of the T: roy enacts as follows ; A MIICHIEVOUS LovaLuist Moved by Mr. Elliott amt » led by Â¥r. Fetherston that tho. Keevo give Mr. Rahen an order on the Treasurer for twelve doilars for performing the duties of tavern Inspector.â€"Carried, Moved by Mr. Molhr and: se dz Mr. Elliott that this Council do ‘jt‘mn until the fourth day of Jung next.= P. Tarsor &A statement of funds At theoie at their next Session.~â€"Carries. The report of the Inspectors a to examine the bruigo built hy J Me orthy was presented and read. Moved by !r Mohr and so b 3" ; F’m‘m '):'" oc a» '"i one humdired ani twent l:nlhn on account of bui th, bridge to the Island, the the grant for the same, to be paid on the com pletion of the bndgo as reported by In spectorea.â€"Carriec . i by this sumacl BR JOHNN A, MACDONALD Moved by Mr. Mohr nmt seq Elliott that the Clotk be dire tho'l'nuo.' ':fl:: :: 3, t engaging to the occu im the nd Con., and lot v', tfrom liabil ty to contribute on of a new sghool House in this corporation will annex EW ADVERTISEMENTS. '?mm! by Mr: Molie and gr MacLoren that the K Neil Kay. an order.on the \f ny to ToFholton and aljoming soâ€"tipns, to 0 left in charge of Mr. ) FRIDAY, MNAY 2, isto noe Fiaters Aicorge Wil M TYownship Clork MAGEE & RUSsELL, By 11w s & I & quist unobtrusive ib attention, and sceme ie Qlube created alt the by it# assaults on bis Â¥rench scttiors alike vernor as McDougall is as he‘ bad about which should have tives. Well, the re» the Fronch settiers MeDougall, sud the th L4 son, William Mc James Sillis and th andl % dora n Micoeym for the M, | J MO# O by uit pay and twenty» w the N the hn Jof. Craig, Owwens, John wclect t\ € Fits tamotre, aot onl $ unsightly obstruction Fhitnodc-w”blhmm also give to the mtepapers of Victoria Ward the ”.*:;'z‘“’-‘“ asked for, benedt of a pt B‘ie . N % rrag un rorer roage m P# varâ€" m > af coutse, iwa question with which the I‘a‘:w‘,utww‘. are more particulariy WiMtureste«, but it cannot be denied that if the ealsting lacilitics in the elty wore utlliesd, l“t..“.m.-n.“m... mu.:o-u- ‘: repairing the presenat, and some tow additional wells, a ramedied. a In conclusion, sit, these fow hints are given in the hope that something might be done to hn :«â€"If it in anything derogatory to the u!flflfly'flvnbnna“ Mb&o“.‘vflndh“ payers of the city, I should Uke to knaow it. Karly last full, it will be romembered that, at a groat oxpense, a well was commenced ““‘"Wfimnm-.. taldence of E. McQillivray, K+q. This weil was then represented by the members of Yic» ""-'“--m"'â€"‘!.nd.o that could not be dispensed withâ€"one that the people of the neighborhood could not do without. Would you betieve, sir, that aiter dllho.myhfl“»“.ww,‘ lot water," in that locality, said well is stil Wy‘mu.-mm to public, an obstruction to the street, and md-mh.-'u %‘ ol the members representing Victoria btrenuous efforts are now, and hare lor some time past, making to saddle this wer fop Toâ€"night, is positively the last ot the drawâ€" ‘llm-muul&-m od artistes, and we are quite convinced the house will be a bumper one, full to overfiow. inmg,. Those who intend to go without pre» engaging seats should go ewly, To the Editor of THU® TiX®S Otk sw«If Ik lm anuthine a tain De Boots", and last, but not least, the +« Bootw‘ of the 1an, Mr. Cases* Cernival of Venics*" on the violin, was a masterplece in execution and 'Mudbbmmhuw and otherwiss, much the best of any that we have ever heard upon that Aas lnstrument. uoadqubted satistaction of all present, She was quite au fuit in her different â€"â€" and they were, indeed, very diferontâ€"impersonsâ€" toad, Hor # Girt ot the Period" was a gom in l‘u":llo“'h“"“ dexterousiy personiGied ; and Mr. Reores, with his plagay collar and admirable tenor noten, created quite a sensation, as 444 * Capâ€" tain De Boots", and last, but not least the «d ler l Lot then the clatms for acknowledgment and compensation be drawn out and presented, || and let the voive of the public prociaim unâ€" equivocally M.llcu‘.:.hl.‘ abhall aot r' trowted gither with neg or cuntempt the children of baiftâ€"brecds up at Red River, «nd the hallf breadse themesivcs, ars to bo ac» knowledged and providud for simply because they hate boen bora and are tathers + we Mum&uumm-nn suflered soverely bocanas they have been faithâ€" Inl _ to Canada and â€" Cuosdian â€"instâ€" tations would not have to mm.b ‘ch-bmudé“ O a JGorâ€" vrament and a Mm No donabt Nover» have besn Iy samindftal dilo-:r:sol-nnfimd the luses of everpâ€" thing Tar their s=kes, an4 their ingraiitaode has often boun somâ€"thing absolutely wonader. tul. No doubt mino fr«e peoples have often atrmogely forgotten, in their hour of suceens, the hoo%.-nyn and " vindleatorse of their Cause. motse necessaty, bowoerr, thut Canada should aot add asnother illustration of this too prevalent twadepery, but should show to the world that she knows bothb bow to punish her enemies and to recognuins and 1e« compense the friends and adherenats who hars auffered, and done, and dared, not a littie on ber bohait" ¢# the that the <wt may be obtainm d without| *periliing the integrity of the Doâ€" minion.]" @Jumpy‘"ien porfectly csauy. He in delighterd] to bear that there in to be ame !bflp bling in New Branswick and theo hopes that the intrgrity of the Domlaion may be importlled. Now this is badt o in the general mischiet lHine ; but whatwill be thought of the very intest of the notlions. 1t is stmpily that the *Logal vs of Red River must be taken sare of by the Gov: rument." There is no cu.‘ who would, in any measure, object to loyalty being rownrded. ‘The (lobe knows this, and ho requites it to be said on behall of the Gor. eernament thatso Just a sauggestlion cannot or «in be chtertained. Here lisa sample of the insidious reasoning of "Jumpy." ®a " Junpy" mds anotber jnmmp and 4+ o Jawpe d voly that ho nover la) any such intention,jbut that the r»bellion miust be pat down, a« $ mwan had been Allled, and matters bhad be a d much lurther than he cither desttcd of anticilpatedt. There woetse othet tion A very al >« kind of a 4# . onlty was lewated untll an» t ore wer» carmied a llitle tooKar.when h & o)« baw! & aofâ€"<u ally for ppace, amd wouw‘d have & «pat â€"hod & vory gwaAt army, cattylog Ore and desolnâ€" hon Intbo the atl mont, to cteate prace and "o= in vilttoria Btreot, usear the Fere “uh'u“‘- This well to @nted by the members of Yic» sad a absoluts necessity, and ons H hm““ 19 you * neighborhood could not do Th a you beliove, sir, that atter | rivpr this aft H%»mm.:‘r very at , amld wall Melwes u) Mb Tell 1t 250 | only in small hts to maintals, The never bien deaied,Zund e wall, or will go to the munuded claime upon the ptor compensation. ‘The sots in a just cause, at t the manner of * Jutmpy Jubson 4 wae 4 Wat â€" _ bering o usation being maide that to «4 the two taces b¢y the vars, &o en 20088 I mod Thover mefad y 3 Red | River® volus able tenor & F "..:.;“.:!:%f-"f-’-‘-'-' Good ‘Bb+ pherds tor th " on .-,..3-..::&. k ,MMMMM «& Domlaion | |"* %*2*4 1maust, therefuore Domtaton Mbdb'.a.c.mbl :..: weritte m were p tntess of| it thought mecessuy to de that the duction. Colon:] bario be takey | iD# boat and returned to the communicatud the resalt to i ) _i _ 8 marrrum mm vring Arompawd wA us & . #y aceva 4 Br. Jous, X. B., May 18 L"‘""'l"-flv-vam Jan J Of loyallate at 6t. Jobhn, rulutes wore #â€"4 .nM-.-Il-vb-rhdyal Nute in this clty, : whast, and when passing close to the Prrsbonne, a man jamped tfrom the to the latter boat, but missed is and lwll into the river and w His amome is Charles Brodour, j¢ 19 years, employed at the Boowcoun ‘ ho-hplnmmhpu nver this afternoon tor the body. very dull Prices unchanged. #4)â€"# in amail parteis for the local trade. ‘ advices very unfarombie bought at 13} to 1#} dinson 1,‘ sold at 13. Sliver bought at 4}, and s id vamin«t Gunge: has just astived this with 100 passeagers, and was delayed in Qa on acoount otf aemail por tbeing & girllof the bighly n spectable family ‘%"fll‘.h Retormatory of ths Good Bbepherds tor three years. thermogmeter a 0 o‘viock this moraiog -:nu.uh‘-. ul oi mm public mestiog last night in the Temperance Hall, when addres «a were delivered by Mr. J. A. McLeod Chan. 4 ’l-v-n.,lcr 19, lhw minutes past one o‘clock, toâ€"day, +s A fuatival. was orgunised by the clty lodges last night, in bouot ot the Grand that it was contrary to the policy we hare Npflnw“ An order was at onee nent from Wushington to the suthorâ€" Wies of the state of Michignn directing them te allow all British vemels to pass through the as usual, provided they were not with troops, or munitions of waâ€". T%â€"-uunm-u had not Sualt Ste Maris on the 17th inst when PHHDIHE WIK Whntadh s uiscc .. _ | _ _ __ 17 Te ® mihigan directing them | ment, to ‘“m.nw Te the as usual, provided they were | !°C 4* notloaded with troops, or munitions of waâ€". | mgly: It in that the abore order had not Tbe Sualt Ste l-b-n.amu,l-'-t when the Chicore was refused a passage. Cerani at Washipgton in that docnment. Our Gov. erament that they bad no lnteation of lakinog or was material through the --l.lrnu Chicore was loaded with an ardinary | cargo of stores, and that no rease! should be prevented from pasiage through the the of munitions of war, and that they «m ply to use the canal as the Amer, ted with the Americaun aathorities uod showed 707 . neoomaereeone Nok Monday eveaing. It bas been duBuiteiy de» «lded to the ruuté from the Lake of the W to Fort Garry, and follow, insterd, e siwr lnto the Winnipeg Lake, and then Up the river to Fort Garry, hovg route is adopted in order to twll' route, which would be dlewitrous to the health of the MM“&IU«Q’-. The Priegraph saye the Cunsdian Governâ€" “W on lheraing of the trat t 2 wroned Prrommmenans Arenimimmact Th samk i > lu.‘lb.o difference «{ . c‘;‘-"::,‘ Inso to allow the Chicors to pass througb, No | amount Â¥*e amouds per ton, by 1 were produced «wale of messurement. ; writtem .:'- hol“lnyu“y,bwnefi ,hw wy to demand t pros eomplaint from British emigrapt: at ( duction. Colonsl baring retind got into Nebraka, They set forth the miarrepr tl‘toby::‘lohlhynulumwlm r resalt Lean, | country, Mate they areâ€"wnable to ' :th .é'*.' ::..: was | *Wploypment ‘sko{ to p:\'h’u lw' M-u-b lnte}y, | *Dxiter far thems«ives and their fawilt, lnafracte d start bhome imane< ** 1 / The coutrotersy on the discovery The canal ..l.moo,'n::( & }:m qualities of ether 1Is uc farted whole malter restiog the | quite warm, hands ::r-u Cook. The result was as | _ A writer in the Tim» y# :=â€"Chlo «hd the boat ut once was admiaistered to the Quseern, at the M”’r‘w“- 89 | og Prince Alfred, in August 1846 . two :-- leit the whast fur Colling#c0d | betore Dr. Motton‘s diw overy . 5 welock. & _ ‘\'m-mh-m..hv. pliee of Ot ald in anÂ¥ wae i _ 1t bad determined to boat on the American but owing to the rumours that U would be l'.-um. 1t fib.l.SM Chicors might be made on some prete®st or other. iw."“ him 2# to the inteations of | M with regurd to the Chirors The mply of Cook was: My tnstruc> tions are | anthing «bhateover conm otâ€" the canal. 1 thereture, ab olutely reâ€" h.“*cfllmbpw No wrltts a ?m produred nor was it thought wy to demand their proâ€" duction. Colon«l haring retimed got into the boat and) returned to the wharf, where he communicated the resalt to Ne and the Capthin being under his orders, ‘22, tide* P EPW OR butctcmediis, it... s d 4. 4. 4 --w-.t m mm wote inculttd for h.nmn-;:ud Ciy taie Mertioy, | [988 ‘};“‘ ':':“‘“.‘. * '.’," ® AW&’-“MM”‘M".;“M mee whick bnat to winds wype : =«The C\ amin d here at bellâ€"past wemthaad the Sppphe urd r Bencbo: tn, after a Rldernt © Fag». The thea pe ' B twwoes there and St Cuth: tiges sh ate all well. Tioy at on e diremback. d iged patrearggess T bey 5) ind Iucder the Chisore and m roh d to the Hudeon B y no.‘.:l. Ouun'-o to u.:‘:::'u“ Fort, atont a bn.‘ohll.-lhv“hp completing the fnmt side .( triang whory thoy La encerms pa d * SNupphe tr un “M fore | _ Batit Sre Manie, May 17. o weviels thiy on ima floubling ," Tuls wtoue oxieck, Colomt Bertâ€" | {ud d The matk steame? oat" t too, by Cuptain Wikeos, us Cembris in tow, as the drifted with : toms Ofeer, crous to the Am«rican :‘:w;mumvr.u:azma: * â€" Tue 1 the weat :.n:.u procseded t> the headquar u°. 144 So e oiieie & + the wourk «~»e iieetk teported, aRsept the Majot | ##0L4 Auppho and twe Kugliah yacos: (., and two aul. % innd I-..-:.uuom,n:.“......’". '..'. «Companies D and C of the 61th | uns d a wich,. The evening edblon of t x0 ':‘0 M# | T.mer has the following detai‘s of the con1 proveed dage uies e .ooo.!lktl pahia were lbsouimnâ€"s4 tfor a h‘.nm.- O CBy tain Mortly. ’::" \}'lic ':‘:.&u ¥‘* the tw & _ Mtqaiint to: the Wlebe from Buult Hte Uathk,® of ino tace abp, .N A*,_ I"*U!" t Thers ars a, complete the Tetu and Hoa» Bus!+ O. #, Katest bp Celeoraph. _ CABLE NEWS with the object of agitating c of the Dunkin Aoek 1t i All oler ra UC,. J0UK, 4. u. ine and Captaln Foumt, of the " volunteers, left by boat My. He _/ imasodinte} C | Â¥ w d P NOC m H a L. wfi t lt« "an auingftitiks hars tefused s18pâ€" , or ald in any way to the expeâ€" artived at T cItKRT â€" % houdn ~ _ Tiww, on Nouday neut, © NTOROXTo 7 _ The Hooett ot 1t »*e, ltb s & I mmene h ue das ud to 1Â¥ ts > to.â€" Jjud, Tomowure, Mayp 10. , Euitc ud Capt KE te, of Homtbay . want~d cightyâ€"fre im u to | Valoable stâ€"tuety in C rist 0 Buttallon. | Licatensate | i; * * * teut y r mour d cur and bit.k iuto bmwe The q: w ‘..HMQ'M!"‘;.JI.I tht petpetts0 &A the o« By Presplia‘s Loae râ€"oâ€"--{ W w t in ow o+ !OMu-:.c. "a ;.,. sary already report: d on the romd to St. Qurnee, May 19. | MUIll contlow « Collingweod on Muphy, and | tien ¢4 13. NoeiOeoik, for $95,000,000 addi. tiee U.h mm“uu fot the ,m‘.: “,O“,:'..d (tr.:..zg,.‘ boads and $40,000,000 of greenbac viding a fice banking systom on a gold h:;: Hoouse a bili " C _ "RT* aFfveg QIEEMEOTNE Cubs and &rin from Liverpoot. " AW*MM(&.â€" boon on the Delaware Lockawans and Western Hailwar, neat Mouds Basin. A con. mm-punm&-hunulo work over the Pogonae Biver when the timber gave and procipitated the train Into the vlm.'%o care ':'n‘:.m and several employoes company were aor. my.hhnd. Two ars reposmd to have been killod. A serice of tatal accidents have occarred on this bridge sizce the commecorment ofit, conitraction. 'a-n_-:‘â€"_‘l_’y Banking and Corrency vodersiking . Â¥adin®rv« Gsnt inendiic / &.....J and of 1871. ‘The bridge wili bs conpnected with all the ”"':{:I on both slies of the Niageara River and be of great benedt to mmhfl.mmmu-mm annot full to be a Â¥etp remunerative but ic ws Â¥Ye es . 22 | , C7rem® meeting of the stock holders of the American ans (,:lo-hl lnternations} Com wes held at the Masonic m.fihm. this p.m., for the purpose of the stook of both compant & The wes harmonious and the Buf. talo Rallway « Company was faliy orâ€" mby the selection of C, J.ld?-o( President sod the Hon. E. 0, Spauidiog of Bufalo, Vice President. 'hohup'ulunnqdml by law, The contract was cuncluded with >+C. 8. Lowaki =~Oo, k:‘lbo.:omud the bridge. work is to by complet 4 the -‘d!ln. The bridge 'lll:'cou:-'chd Gen» Rars®aâ€"â€"Captain General Do Rodas has l his late order compeliing persons going to the United #tat: s t» yive security 10 the amount of $300 that they will not ens "'_‘_‘_‘_:‘“’""!.du the Spanish Gov» & & i fament. 3 vote with practical unanimity acains: A Democtatic manifesto has been lesaed lfldn'-:by-umuz:.:‘aum- stath. arges conciliat nationaities and various liberal refooms in laws and ad wlaistration . Â¥umwaâ€"It is reported that B«ron Yan l-t.m.olunndA-uu, and Count ‘“lmm,hnwu torbid the puablMMcation of any decres ol the Kcumenical Councit, declaring the infallib:}â€" hy of the Pop», k \ .'.‘.‘-M“uo Austrina Rishane THE OITAWA ‘TIMEFS, MAY 20, 1870. AMERICAN NEWsS â€" Berram»â€"â€"A meeting of the 44 â€"â€"-""-'n & Mr. Jules Limen approached the tribude fudcu.nn‘tr-nu some obserrations. but the Chamber refused to hear bim. Mr, Simon then submitted an Wteorpeliation on the manner in which the chceilon bad bâ€"ep conducted, and took bis wat, TIn~ Cham ber aepatated with renewed cries of Yive L Em poreur from the -julx.‘ The last auober of Marsciliasne scized sanounced* that 1t wili reappest on the #th of Jaly, and that Rochefort will em. the interval of two mouths in writing a %dbmm ofthe editors and directors Reveil have been condemaed sach to lmprisonment for thm-.-uu,o-lpm ot one thousand hanes Ane, ‘hodu-nludlmtmoflhkqplhn also been Aaed one thousand francs cach. : Paxs.«â€"The Corps iegisiatitm«t to proveedcd to count and verlly the vo plebiscitum. Whens the result was all the members received the ADbOt with sbouts of Â¥ire 1/Emneranr bare been commitied at Xapivs lalaod of Burdiaoa, Brigands are c these crimes, but it is probable t; lnctions -.whwv, York has arvrived. A coroner‘s jury has four Millsr guilty of the murder Holin Loch« lsea. _ â€" 4. 3. 10. 0_‘VC #HB# 42 ;:«=«â€"Chloroform was administered to the Quern, at the bir h Of Prince Alfred, in August 1844 ; two Yeare betore Dr, Morton‘s dix overy . Lospox ~»The House of Common»s was <aâ€" kaged bfim.“dq ‘local billsâ€"one protocting arulogs of marrled women was read twico, © Another lostituting «equity of jurls Hction in sach cases was loat, tou. C. F. Villiets bus boen ‘ miute Chairâ€" man of the MM:‘:. ol the House of Commons, appolated to vestigate the proâ€" party tonurmes ul Monastic Institution«, 1 -:‘m Juty bhes foond a man named & s . actite. Eo 8 ky 55. °7. _ _ @2 P7°~° Y t Un The Poll Mell Gasette, allading to the cans ol C&p, Eyre, of steamer “-ky.u‘q.. with tlme Pimes on the propriety of hi condempa M“ *M that the '*'.mgd‘ a most antarour sble : atimate of his con u. t The eveniaog jouraa‘s concerie the vidtory of ~~“ M. ....l' '(’IM‘ d ‘“"‘- asi rtlons awards the race to the Cambria, on ~M“~Mhnlll‘d sWE Lo Lambtces in tow, as the drilteod a A good reese provalled tof the Unb lo#, Tuo struggle + r the wes mcmuu.ouu.-. log prevailed during a greoat pait vAfkigg /1 5 , "G, [t mPrÂ¥ HUcomwively, in »aming alobg the island in short ho ris hous 5t &u-n.-o :‘. fln‘ me rk uu;rv. woe plapt the & «C% le, he .fifyto;'“- lfll:fln l.-_ahd‘l-’- sds t 4 The thor i pacht ras: bet#m u the A stoht Auppho an d twe Kugliah yacot #i#% OB LÂ¥ Ih# HOtWCL, #% winstei in LC _ TT w#anxjng mCIm pestenday agreed to twport to the | providing for $95,000,000 adci. #Â¥% § N . m «â€"â€"Atrived Steamers C«L» and orrd Ihe Cambria doubling t ie mark ie alwad. Her Ibterest in tas moe The merk steamet biai to take tho mepoosible for their perpstiation. :'93 Meamer Angle from HNow AUVRE R IA. TA77"° ~Tâ€"ass, ud #1 ’N.'Ohlj om British emiyrant: at Omahe, th they in reInduced to leave their OUR A. OBRRAYF wuiri‘s â€"The wuk a6Â¥ ths 1 PRARCKE, no wak ® 1op 1) id l Wofih h. TS 9l JBBORs was <aâ€" resideriug ‘local billsâ€"one uiogs of marrled women Another instituting ranite Brigands are charged with v'"“â€""' appruached the tribude ake some obserrations. Aastriaa Bishops ."ll-lty againet alatof nc t .o.‘.,.'“d atily the vote on the Pesult was d.cland, 1 the anvouncement dhiftad with the ti 0 in olliged to allow L â€"ths «ize, to the pet ton, bg Ackens vaable to procure of the Rev. Mr he Arst score of weather position MeBL. _A deuse it of the time, th foreâ€"temched sn t I®enty _ miles «indward and to take the bont r.ce 14 political t ry of the brcomlaz xi and is a river the laziest ::mhwuhnm , Lord Bury‘s motion of the © tion,‘ was, bowever, cartied a droppd. 4 Â¥ * «To syHiem was ons of free and 'm;; swuatact, The -u:uum of thh'vh' was tho best, and, ndeed, the on y means of iadefinitely prolooging the possibility of se paration ." O h th terted the withdrawal ; the colony ample time and they iwtend,,for t leavÂ¥ve a regiment in the Ned t it e Crai nieidictcs &2 th i & . ru-l of their own ; and a sly‘s Government are not make any such agreemen plat»d by Lord Carnarvon, i uy " | â€" " CCC y eone HHedroUk of this country ; but I mast obserre, in conâ€" clusion, ‘that alithough the memorialist s cheerfclly acknowledge their obligation to contributs to the common defince, the occa. lia for withdnwing the troops was, in fact, the omission of ths Colonial L?hlnnro either to accept a prop sal to that eff»ct made Dy LtE COHKGAEYOR, OL ts makaans 21 _ |aHe Lz _ _ _ _ o O Amee enecee UE tha oolony,is only d+sirous that the Govern«s ment, whether responsible or not, should be edective. ~And I must add that the memo. rialist»‘ account of the present s‘ats of the naâ€" tive population, and the absence 1 any maâ€" botial native diflicuities, sufltciently show that whatever ob) «ctions may exist, in as Imperia} point of view, to the pist «policy ot the British Gov.rument (incloding the acquisi. tion of Biiuish K ifrarmm) the Cape Colony.'u least has no right 10 complaia of it." e YA o s o " 1 do not think it â€" those arguments which " Un the thirs point J hare airsady in lomst you that the Home Gonn-.g tar from being desirous of retaining its t gontcul over the internal or external .2.'.'.‘!. # Bat this is scarcsly a good reason for shif, Iog all forther expenses on the inhabitants of Great Britain, who already pay 158. a head for their owna dâ€"fence, independently of police, and whose condition is such that, in the judg~ ment of the memorialists, large classes of Englishmen wili better themsclves by proâ€" geedipg to the Cape, af detence, including ; zbkt, 1 the whole were or giD, w % T esn un the Snances of the co can hoar .‘ | " Downing street, Apiil 7, "Bx,«â€"â€"]1 have to acknowledge the mc:ipt of your despatch No 17, of February 3, enâ€" closiag a metmorial trom p:orsaovs resliding joa tue castero Provioce of the Cape of Goog Hopt, who are Ues‘rous that military protecâ€" nou mey b« continued to them at the txpense S this conntry ® " The grousds of their request atrs that some 5,000 settliets were sent over to that provinee 50 years ago ; that the colony, which alteady pays more | than It oan aft rd for its police and other defensivs force, 1s uuable to give that effectual protection which is Deceg» sary for the development of the resources of the district aud the security of the inhabi« lants; that the Coloniai Legisinture does not reguiate the policy of government in regard to the natives, for the vcousequences of waich therefore, the Home Goverament are respoo. «ible; and that Brirish Kafrarta has recently been added to the colony,. They allego vari« ous other copaijerations to show that the con» touance of milltary protection is required by the intâ€"rest of this country, and »dd that they cherr/ully acknowledge their obli. gativn to T contribute to â€" the common defence, __* On u.oflmoluazumdhn&oob. serve that the introdaction of 5,000 settlers was, io fact, not a diminution, but an Increage of the d fousive power of the colony, and that any claim ta further advanthges which the volony or the im migt anto* represontatives might found on this beneft as against the Imperial Government has been far more than satinficd by the defâ€"nce of the cvlony for the | last 50 youre, ‘ " On the second point, I do not doubt that the effectual ‘nu‘eouoh of lite and property is | | essential to pcmollhnlony. 1 ob« | _ a«rve, however, that the memoriatists estimate | the :niu population at 200,000, and the cost | _ mig ie trcast! Tpes cce ul . Lf t4 & i«A some coirespondence relating to the «slablishment of Râ€"«ponsible Government at the Cape of Good Mops, there appeats the lullowing deepatch from Lord Granville to the Uovrerbor of the Cans Tnlane ~KL. m l Woodbouse no grounds for the belicf t ganization is belog tormed i thritish soil. He will do\s prevent a breach of the prac Olber parties from this sige &4 niuvionary congresswan has been turned over !zo the Court for trial. The revolution in nearly «ndod. The foltowers of Pedrts Mar. tines About 500 strong, recently abandoned lim, aod surrendered to the Government, Banditl Bravo is stlil in the Aâ€"ld with 600 followers, Parrensox N. J.â€"â€"The accident on the Deleware Lockawauns and Western Rail Hoad at Meads basin Sresulted in the jojury of 8 persons besides the desth of two. â€" Sr. Pave, Mixx.â€"Nciioa, Deputy Commisâ€" sloner of Costoms at Pembinga, bhas artived bere. (He iit Péembina on the 8th, on the Interngr:onz!, on which were several Canadians, who were leaviog the Red River. T wo mpu: * of U. 8, infantry were ®@ .route from Abercrombisc to Pembina, where they would arrive about May 15. s _ _When the announcement ol the arrest of Bceott and Richot reached Fort Gatry, there was much comment in Nch' places, Riel, Â¥Donolue, and Others, were indignant, and ‘denounced Caosdians, Ricl tied up the In. ternational, but on receiving dater Rews to the eflct that Scott and. Richot were relonsed, and would have an interview with the Gov. crament, tho steamer was relensed, and the excitement cooled dow., f it General Hancock investigated reports Fevians concentrating at Duailutbh, aod finds no grounds for the belicf that an armed orâ€" ' fuuuu«. is beinog tormed for the fuvasion of | Beist 4o cos% a% TY 1 L a regiment in that colopy,." k * I have, &¢ , evoUu and lichot reached Fort Gmy,'vlvi;t; was much comment in bigh places, Rie!l, W Donolue, and" others, were indignant, and __ The petition of the American Cable Co. for Government ald bas been presented in both Hous s of Congrers, and ref rred to the Comâ€" witto on Fotcign affairs This compan y proposes to lay a cable to the Azores,thence a brauch to Lisbon and anotbher to London, Havte, Amster ‘am or Haguâ€". Upon the sssmance of Mini ter Thoraton that the expedition to the Red Hiver country was ol a friendiy chargcter, President Grant has given permission to send supplics through the Sauilt Ste Marle cansal. 4 Cirr or Mrxicoâ€"Trinidad Garcen the rev~ olationary congressan has been turned over to the Court for trial The revolution in nearly «ndod. The foltowers of Pedrs Mar. tines About 500 strong, recently abandoned LiH. wif HHHFeltHintial bn Whaw Abacisi l e la some co "'rl in is precisely the same as *** bill origin~ ally regout d by Gâ€" n ral G rield. |_ AH amendments of r d were votâ€"d down | to pimvent the nsticou} banks trom dim@uiisu> i.uu vithout withdsawing their clhea‘stong, . and at the game time recive interest hom the 06 vâ€"mmert on th5 bonds d« posited as secur. tums wiul prevent hbanks from surinp; tbe Into #! and av0o dipg thâ€" tax, &c. in th Sounte & Bil} wes rno uced by Mr Cart ity to fo biitate thye muw-l:&:l Awaiic, Australian and European to and across the tervitory of the United States and tot other purposes, gus EKngland and Hey 11 a #Klton Gare bu rm I tion aud f ‘u. n ts a THR Conoxtes. T _ o u_ now preopared o agreement sds that contein. e Colonial Legiststure pc#al ‘to that eff»ct made t 1» make any other proâ€" and aithough Her Ma l;u_c Cape Colony, Sir P.‘E ivon, they bave #> do. ) to supply their place, he present at least, to g and Curn noy Commiitee bave achta blll to too House giving dare Iu #which to «i hdraw their Lt (mon t â€" the ir #suy, and at wl that tiume to discoutinue the necessary to enter on relate to the interosts must obserre, in conâ€" h the imemorialists , therefore supported "# GRANVILLE» wung in Creaâ€" aeen out of its dovall in his power to prace by Fenians, and Colountes previous quesâ€" ud the matter tning its present e«xternal t:-m of Queryâ€"Will the " license to carry > fireâ€" arms"" have to be taken out by those goodâ€"natured lads who carry Militiamen‘s rifles for . them as they are returning to their billets ? As good as a feastâ€"Jones says that an :fghquiu sufficient for any meal, as it is ways «un oeuf (enough). RKReverend Father Marie Joseph Royer, of the City ot Ottawa. ~ By command of His Excellency the Governor General. K P. ROBERTSONR RO8S, . Colonel. Adjutaut General of Militic, To be Ohaplains to the two Battalions of Riflemen organized for service in the North Weat :; s Reverend R. Steward Pattersop, of Strath. roy, in the County of Middlesex. RKReverend Father Marie Joseph Royer, of the MibW at Pikka wl Heiar Quarteus, Ortawa, 17Tth May, 1810 Gexernar Oros3, (19). The Hoooubl; Kdward fz:uy,s member of the Queen‘s PrivyCounci Canada, and :‘d-hlu;bq Ot the Gonn;.cu of Pro. nce of Nova Sootia, to be his Deputy for the signing of Marriage Iicenses in aaid Province. The Honorable Edward Kenay, a member of the Queen‘s Privy Council for Canseds, to be Administrator of the Government of the Province of Nova Bootle, and to execute the Office and Functions of Lieutenant Governor daring the absence of Lieutenant General Sir Charles Hastings Doyle, the Lieutenant Govâ€" ernor of the said Province. or Srare or Canapa, Ottaws, 13th May, 1870. } His Excellency the Governor General has be :n pleased to make the following appoint~ ments, vis : Denied the rich comforts of the farmâ€" Can ouly warm their sheets with lear You and the other lu:b saleep togetherâ€" Two,.in a bed and the betweenâ€" That, I suppose, my m}. is what you mean *" * Na, noa, my lady,â€"‘od ye‘re jokin‘ nooâ€" «We sieep ther, that is very true~ But nockht between us ; we lis_upon the couf." ** W ell, Il, my girl1 I am surprised to hear Buch customsâ€"Effie, you may go; All«wlfi.flya.h&â€"m DOâ€" . Ha, Ha ! nightâ€"excuse me if I laughâ€" I,d rathet be without % pig and calf. On the return of Lady Delacour, She wrote a book about her northern tour, Wherin the facts are graphically told, ( That Scotch gudofolfi when nights are « Take into bed fat pigs to keep them warmâ€" While common folks who share thoir bed 6 halvresâ€" " But EMieâ€"that‘s your t I think you saidâ€"â€" Do yourself, now take a ig o bed t" "Eh! nae mem, pigs only for the great, Wha lis on feather be $ and sit up late, Feathers and pigs are no for puirrif rafâ€" Me and my neibor lassie lie on cauff. *‘Whaut‘s thatâ€"a onlf! | If I vour kenke ohn 10e ; â€" I"ll fotch yo up a fne, warm, eosy pig ; L4 mak‘ ye so comf. and trig, Wi‘ coortains, biankets, overy kine o‘ hap, And warrant ye to sleep as sound‘s a tap. As for the fylin‘ o‘ the tâ€"â€"dear me, The pig‘s as clean ou as a pig can be, A weelâ€"closed mouth‘s enough for ither folk," But if you like, 111 put it%in a poke." *Fie, he, ‘twouldidirty m,Sand if I keep In fear of that, I know I could not sleep." "Ye‘ll sleep far better, mem. Take my advi The night blaws snell s shoets as aauld "Burely, my lady,"and itherware, PlJease, mem, . yeU find! it do the maist there." | e 5008 "I‘ve seen strange * beats Their rudest makoshifts Suppose, my girl, I shoul« You would not put ‘the P ‘,0b, quite ascustom wi‘ the genties, m Wi, gontlo ladies, ay and gentiemenâ€" And, throth, if single, would sairly Their het ‘pig on a uwl nicht like th “.Oh‘ And yet I see no insult i your face : It is a custom in your co ntry, then For ladies to have pigs in bed wi‘ the *"My mistress, mem, I di In sooth it was hersel‘ th Nase insalt ment ; we tho On this cold night, to ha "Etay, girlâ€"your} wofd *Me impident! no, memâ€"â€"I mean nse harm, But just the groy beard to keep ye warm." * Insolent hussy, to comfort me so! This very instant shall yourZmistress know, The hbellâ€"thore‘s none, courseâ€"go send ber " This night is cauld, my 14 y,% To hae a pig i‘ the bod to warm " A pig in bed to tease! MWhat You are impeortinentâ€"away, aw The head inn of a The chambermaid, Before withdrawine One A Aame‘s a fowe ; a bridge | named a brig, And a piece of crockery w ey call a pig S”Ikill‘ of pigs, when Lady Delaconr W as Hare yet a Scotch meaning of their own. To prig‘s to pleaded, beat down a thing in cost ; To coft‘s to purchase, and qeo-gh'n a hoet ; To crack is to converse ; th life‘s. the sky ; And drains are said to t when children cry, Wheu lost, folk never ask the way they want The epier the gate, and when they yawn they y warm their sheots with Jean, cheap calves.â€"Liverppool Mercury. And they have words that Johnston apell, As umph‘m which meansâ€"a ything While some though purely Englis They thele when they endnré]. ecart when they seratch, + /] Aud when they give a sample it‘s a swatct, Beolding is fytin‘, and a long palarer ‘ & Is nothing but a blether or a AFI«. > * This room they oall the butt, and that the len, And when they do not they dinne ken, s On keen cold days they say the wind blaws eneli And when they wipe their q'ou they ditkt their Good lasses dainty Their bread not cut in alices, but in skeices ; Their armpite are their orters ; paims are (wi/+, Their men are chiedds ; their timid fools are curfs ; Their lads are oallants, aud their women {imâ€" Militia General gather, BY RORFRT LEIGBto®. The* «peak in riddles north beyond the Tweed, The piain, pure English they can deftiy read ; Yet when without the book they come to speak, Their lingo sooems half English and half Greck: Their jaws are chafts! their: hands when closet . __ AFre neites ; Derarntwerr or res Secasraat place king of pigs, when Lady Delacour on her cetebrated ish tour, hore night, she #4 (“'o'.'-o \ambermaid, â€" in lighting her to bed, withdrawing, curtegied low and saidâ€"â€" APPOI8THXENXTs. known, bike werq inn of a woll-kfim sountry town scotou wonrps, Miuaitia. words are atrangely out of made *or quarters at the my lady, wad ye please yueans; unpd bad ones {limâ€" ‘RSâ€"arything you like, purely English and welU triesâ€"but this surely t a warning pan. d adopt your pian, ; between the sheots." â€" â€" Take my advice; shooets as cauld as ha need no fear ; bade me spier ; ht ye wad be glad a pig i‘ the bed." arm yer teas * hat‘s that you say ? # ."’n-", your them ?° eould not gude en, began to M. de Zohn‘s head and chest with it, . that time G:atchet was pull. ing the leather round M.deZohn‘s neck with all bis and Maxime Ivranof was holding his and prescribed to the others what they were to do. Meantime, Alexandra Ardeief played lon the piano and sang, in order to deaden M. de Zohn‘s crics, should be be ableâ€" to do so. Tourtine was at the drawing room door, took no pert in the murder. She fainted, then tried to run asway, but was prevent from leaving. Alexander Bemeof and Hejena Dimtrief were asleep. D1 or THu® ©oor, " After the had mede sxro that M. de Zohn was fead, they stripped him and washed out marks of blood ; then they carried the co into the bedroom and shut it in, 1 * The nest day Maxims Ivanoft and Alexâ€"}|/ ander Ivanol sdld the garments of M. do Zoba ! * M, de Zobn, who was drunk, sat on the divan withoot taking off his fur cont. Maxime Ivanof ran to the kitchen, said that it was not any longer possible to allow M. de Zohn to go out, and with xandra Ardeief‘s assistance he poured into a copper mug some cyanide of potassium d ved in a glass bottle, Alex. andra Ardeief :presented that mug to M. de Zohn and told him to drink out of it ; but he refused, saying there was poison in it. Ther Alexandria Arficief took a draught from ber own mug, and ,‘Whtchm!Polm,a you say? LookK how I drink mysel{.. Then she offered to 1 . de Zobn the mug containing the poison. ~Hp had but drank & gulp when kbe fell on the| divan, murmuriog, ‘Mazime Ivanof, you have poisoned me ?" ‘Then Maxitme Ivanot ran agsin to the kitchen, and eqid, ‘It is ended ; my children you can come.‘ Alezsandrie Ivanof, Anthony Gratchef, and John Fodorof entered the draw â€" ing room ; M me Ivanof poured poison inâ€" to a small wingâ€"glass, and introduced a small dose of it into M. de Zohn‘s mouth, which Alexandria Ardelof beld open forcibly. Then Maxime Iranof criered John Federof to pass rounod M. de Zohn‘s neck a leather strap pn-! pared for the ogcasion, a1d pull it with all bis Strepgth. Zohn sink on the carpet, but tried to get up, meantime looking most strangely at gil his murdersrs,. Mazrime Ivanof said tolhim, ‘Sleep, refresh yourself sir‘ At the vey moment Alexandrisa Iranof| threw & woolen‘lp d upon his head, and Jobn | Federof, who brought an iron from the kitchâ€" |â€" i is o o O 2t ced No mt ever, he came again a fow winutes afterwards on finding that be bad been robbed, and re= quested Mazime Ivanof to return the money to him willingly, menacing him that in case of refusal be would fetch the police and make scandal. Maxime Ivanof answered that the money was rafeâ€"thst it was a lark, and inâ€" vited him to drink as a token ot reconcilia. Sss iomeGnr rmpatis ul evar mm 00 4. sn ud rred ‘to leave the bhouse, Then Marime vanhof proposed to Alexander Ivanbof, An» thony Gratchet, and John Federof to murder M. de Zohn ; but Daria Tourbine anewered that it was enough baving robbed him of his "When the party was drinking, Mazxime Ivanbof went several times to the kitch: l,“l said to Alexander Ivanhof, Antony Gratches and Jobn Federof ‘that De Zohn ought to be polisoined ; then he called Alexsndrs Ardclef aud ordered her to ascertain 1if De Zobn bad auy money with bim,. A few minutes after that woman entered the drawingâ€"room aad uutbul.domuu-ouy,m that he could not pay Helena Dimtriet De Zohn asserted the contrary, proposed a bet, and took out his mosey from his pocket. He reckoned fifly roubles ; as to the remainder he bad with him heâ€"did not reckou it, and he went into a bedâ€"room with Alexandra Ardclef and went to bed. At that moment Alexandra Ardelef took the money M. ds Zohn bad in his trousers, left the bedâ€"room, and gave it to Maxime Ivanhof, M. de Zobn, vpon perceiving that Alexandra Ardelef had not returned, pre« ns dn " ols e c 1 1c uiC apg in wl 2 Helena Dimtrief P Pilith." CAE UL Crts rlatiizasccs.cs s 4 4 WhieP UEA Svttnintatitriy Wiicss isnn ts all, including Helena Dimtricf, sat down in | CAltness, and ssid they the :I:lwin‘-mon round a table, and drank | J4stice of the verdict. brandy‘and wine which Antbhony Gratchet had memmemnmm mmmmnommemnatligy & lt bought with the money l.doZobnhd‘inn Captured by 1 to Alexandra A;d:‘lcl. Alexandras Semenof, Yius who was druuk, le and went to sleep in the ' kitchen. Maxime Ivanbof tried to inebriate| ... C****POP4eno¢ of the P anul serl l _ . 1, _9 "emmy m he trequented. On account of Alexandra Seâ€" menof, Mazime Ivanbof told M. de Zobhn that he had at his place a young virgin, Helena Dimtrief, and offered to give her to him for 30 roubl.s. M. de Zohn accepted the proâ€" posa‘!.~ Then all of them went to Maxime Ivanbof‘s ; firstly, lnxl::slmlof, to let the people know who remai at his place how matters stood, and also to Helena ; then Alexandra Arielef and de Zobn, lastly Daria Tob:bine , and Alexandra Semenof, M. J Lohn was nearly tipsy, At Maxime Ivanhot‘s Wik, P sudadind 0t raints Wririnmnintiieis: .1 " From the declaration of the abovre prisonâ€" ers, it appears that in November, 1869, all of them togetber with <Alexandra Bemenof, the daughter of a non«commissioned officer, were living in the lodgings of Maxrime I vanhof, where Helens Dimtrief, a native of Veliki~ Louky, used to come occasionslly. Daria Tourbice pes the mistress of Maxime Ivanot. Alezandra Ardenlef, surnamed the Tall Sacha and Alexandra Semenoff, surnamed the little Eache, were living upon prostitution, Maxime Ivanhof provided everything for them, and in exchange they gave to him the produce of their sbameful calling, ‘The .other persons were followiag no regular occupation, Maxime Ivanbof on several occasions expressed a wish to poison and then rob some of the men who were visiting his place with prostitutes. Moreover, be made experiment on cats and doge by poisoning them with solutions of pnitrate of si‘ver and cyanide of potassium . A TERRIDLE Bargai®. * On the 7th of November Maxime Ivanâ€" hof, Daria Tourbine, Alexandra Ardelef, and Alexan‘ra Semenof, went to the Eldorado, where they met with M. de RBobn, who was acquainted w‘i‘th kmn Ivanhof, whose place hh Snoritimmbs sihkki css ie 2. * P Meantime M, ds‘ Zohn left the p‘ace How o1 and the woman Alegandre Ardeicf, a native of Cronstadt, acknowledged baving taken a part in the M. de Zobn‘s murder, while Darisa Tourbine, the daughter of m solâ€" dier, svowed baving concealed that crime, | 7/A ) Pemmer: yap v l cars, 7. & l ‘ M. de Zoha‘s corpse had been put ina trunk, and sent to Moscow by rail on the &th of November,. _ " Atelegram from Moscow cocfirmed that at the station of the Nicholas Railway there was a trunk which had pot besn claimed by anybody, and which had arrived on the &th of November. That trunk baring been opened,. the corpse of a man was tound in it. During . the inquiries set about upon that crime, Alex. undefinnof, an artisan of 8t. Petersburg, the peasants Anttony Fratchie!, and John Fedor» O nud: the soman _ Albrandics" 112035 | ,_®‘ * "* L‘mpse af the prisoncts. The Presi. dent exhorted the jorymen to dispel every ‘ preconceived idea, and to give their verdict merely on the evidence adduced to the trial, Then the chief clerk read the act of accusation, whicts I translate verbatim â€" « On the evening of the 19th of November, 1869, the superannuated court councillor, Nicholas de Zohn, went to the Nobility Ciub; which be left by ten o‘clock. Since that time he was miesed, in spite of the: most active searches of the police. On the ist of January of the present year an ‘artisan of St. Peters. burg, Al:xander Ivanof, called at the office of the detective police, and declared that M. de Zobhn bad been killed in his presence during the night of the 7th or the 8th of November, in the house belonging to Tour, situated in the Sparsky Perevulok, and in the lodgings of Maxime Ivanof, a burgess of St. Pmubnur:; it was Matime Ivanof who had committed the crime, wilh the assistance of ;;o;o-;lâ€"li';;;g .l'n his lodgings. + ) _ ror maby year« the capital of Rusâ€"is bas " Dot been the sC u» of a ciim. 8v huwrible aâ€" : the one perpetrat d at the rrd of last year in | the Bpar ky P revulock _ Tuut case, wihicht has ben watched at 8t. Pâ€"ters wig and in th . whot» of the isu«sian Empirâ€" with an ut x | R&upled motbid anxi ty, bas juâ€"t boen jusgges ‘ | by the Criminal Courtâ€"of St. Peterpbuty «w it. I | the &sistance 0: juym n _ The uew cTIQ@itia proceduts in Russia resembles Â¥ery much the I one used in France. On the very first day of the trial a compact crowd besierged the apâ€" proaches o! the Court, Aithough no special ’ ticket of admission bead bâ€"en distributed, all the available places in the court were occuâ€" â€"pied es soor as eight o‘clock in the morning, and an enormovs crowd was stationed outside to get a glim‘pse at the prisoncers. The Presi. & cx* >R EJS ' A Rhamciess Life and T rag Body Packed in a Por: Murderers !rn'le-g}d to with Convict Labor. 0n DREADFCL MCRORR 0o NUBLE Â¥ ax. THE POISONING AWXD MCepen ROBBING THE NOBLEMAYX THE BODY Ix a Tecsk tenced to Imprisonmen: Labor, or & xile, Tragic Death Portmantern â€"â€" Tefsou‘g and in th | > pire with as unex | 1 s juâ€"t boer jusges } w St. P‘?l“’bfl" "ifl‘ I + The uew crimina: | & down in | Calmues ad dmnlmfiooo tchet had % had giren zlltho Cam To Mazime Thessaly, h: 8, 806 | uninteres Gratchesr | _â€" ht to be | BYO ® *b A RUselax~| not puid. . Therat M not pai lirasâ€"1,000 Tra ho. ? se brothe the Pricccerl jA 00 Py informed the brotbem® $ Sey# thmuniu""“ fi‘ their prisoner if they 404 * their walking ; 9*" _4 treated, with the id throats‘ that the bith they would carry 445 / abode. ThetF""", a® night and day, but®"* P y VOmer iEMIR CADCCT daily fare, and in B# their robber “â€" themselves Yed abode. _ The 9P# | m ce w w made their igh bourhood, aÂ¥ thei fight. night e I more days they During this h:::* the rocky ‘ ;or:n the frflfi_‘w‘ y â€"sC ty for other â€" brigands «i9 Â¥9%, mountains in f‘ '“ inrmees as which the roasted bY i J :;her fruit, milk, t’ dred. The PP" 'fl" mountainous retret which u;eyn-ulw ; other fruit, ‘!‘ &:my fare, and i® ‘:‘ "‘ eir robber 20086 thomselves vfl_‘fâ€"H his ears. ot being satisfied 1 not being satisiet M i# the family very M " was taken prisoner by * been thus duped 4P" / â€", y so much money, and #mAAL T he 451 CHBO OOAE CUPOEE CC PPR OO We _ m i art of the vilagem, wh## Potition bd. by brigands In tohl td o q gae ** escape, as, being about O 4 in the village, he fewel MAl, gfffi) ; __ A loat or s oner, he fed to the 198 4 ° ,M. and was there shot by ## "‘“N&' neverthfl:dfi"g _ Mikgou rof) , the brot M at the time‘:_.'u Hbl ‘h“‘ years after this event Abe been thus W‘,‘m * ?‘“1 they held in their hands l-lll\"l victims should miss fire, C cient for their deadly wot sistance be made. h:: it was unro-Ht, A6 thers a revolver, “" with ‘shot instead oftall forthwith despoiled them they had in their priuonenof:‘d’,‘ est brother, would be able to walk the K conipanion of the Wo#6 ye?l;mmtou.-dz incheamnyail:dl' in thus falling uuh,, in the church of K4# " i# Having lately had a visit Greek, just ascaped from fi the brigands in â€" the 1n0f Thessaly, 1 think it will uninteresting ~to your . ré give a short account of his ‘Livity,undmp.o'lleh' thers, possessors of coasting inhabitants of Kariza, a the foot of Mount Ussa. It two of his brothers and of Kariza werenfir:’ to from the seaâ€"coust a They had got about half reached a spot T_h ude and abomk‘ wh;n they were elg t bri fmmthem'u arow wetbâ€"thhweflri being literally a t carried their swords betwess roeady for action, in ce t & When the jodgment was pro ime Ivanof was yery pale anf other prisoners heard Abeit | calmness, and said they ati The court,; after aving dedibeis two hours, pronounced thir joigna ime and Atexunder Irand, iob 1 4 Alexandra Ardelet, were sentenced i all their civil rights ; woreore‘, Naty nof was sentenced t todnm pm labor in fortresws; Alessads ims Jubn Federof to four yeus of lt the mines ; Aleaander Ardcidl Wh to the most distent region d thony Gratchef to three anud Daris Tourbine to cight Moreover, the ju,m_ e % stmnces in fevor Alesusty “'~ & John Federol ; their apinion way thony G.olcholum“ p ledge, on account of WB UGt,mabe $ Alexandra Arlci, Autoy i Daris Tourbine, all of .* t were induced t» commit ‘the ctime in n palll > son of age. The jury amend § upon the question of soliatm b ‘I tion . The delence was brought tn . 1_ the evening. .1\.:";.",,“-"“'" tummiog up. At miduight the jpr tolellhm.o.m‘”a h tam by the court._ They alar l lndu morning. NNQ.‘ vanofl was the princips! der. with inta,., "_ _ D4 2000 of th, crime ; they found that Daria Tess ilt baving " ow der, with intent to tob the vices s * premeditation ; they .flfi Anthony Gmtepr aoe o ob Tok apg o /. . * ". o Th Wete nocomplite & E’ I"v râ€"-':“-. nreg T on _ s« struck Georg® 1 1J °+ "k e "< Layrepasaeert Alexandra Amuf-'sfiwfi f "'_m:“' 7 ’ foulness o!(becn-'e hg“ Inf another 4 Iuno!vuthom’.‘ bim ""Mw Spassovitch found in the inimagf .. Cl aes a Lifclcss the inbabitants of _ pnother A Toor hom:‘vm P"'ll.i:: is “‘..‘,:mwe tender age Marime Vupy R ” the prooftbdllfl.ol'-..‘ -H for "‘ gator of the crime, ‘h-lN wab py two con eketched with a telling dogugngd house al! Alszandre Ardcief lld“"\ leave (ondiuadh lost ".\. 3 7 t er I i because 80 h.. * * t ::u .A"lenn. Ardcie! wy, t pended hit a + her moral condition, whic}, bad «ginket Py absointely passivre and (... * buatsica ds ... mmuq: Ivanof was the pr t Spassovitch found in the = h Te verrach.d the bery . 4* Tour bouses were T al M. Orsenief, f ters of the 8t‘ m‘“ ‘ ime 1vanot. in a 197 58 tried to show u.,,,:':lu :.;tbct 'Pfl.:‘lm Were Sinatted :l. at his door. foring t 98 ty M. Smu,‘. :h'o Bt. Pehnbu’ bus, -‘N exandra Ardeiet: ‘p." 1# uy f'oulneu of (hocfl.e;h-_*i | 1 & produ‘;. ‘ WB CiÂ¥lueq The triat, ""“_m....“ criminal annals of '~.. : to & conclu“. * M . i“uofl and Cross T DCBSCS. **4mip, ... € "& “ "ECEEECS 10 Jthn FQ Tok “ the corpse to M, .CO:"‘;‘:\. J s a0} war. in the "{.i! :. + cunhlhlug the cor i to the station of (r‘a\ ’,“ !-.;dcrol ‘cwmp. a the \ he WwAs fu“o.“ b’ i I ander Ivanof, 1} ‘lh... assumed Dame of KO‘M"N T ime Ivanof came back “b.‘ M ceipt ofl the railway" Tt: Maxime vanof [# with a Jof of . Tebt 4 th, 3 "® t Pbics 30 go, Mexiu:.]¢ roubles to the COI pBe ady way, containing wt 1) fur C COst very much THs Yeapicy A p with e th y a far cap . 200§Ot to & aamip en Fheti the Prep a m:- M miduignt un hi P wot e in ou: UEX CR OUakhiong g ‘dh tsk = eerel mm $ “u that 1Â¥ a hand on bim ; '_‘wm“'“"fl!‘h‘ ‘fl.l hes not ; Sher Sound mo prlice are out lookia Wims.. fAX m ang j," uK ae<1" Te % I.m and |frrespout, AXD saxresy mrarng 7 2 ie + Rmwovi#in. â€"1t _ NWoll of the 0. B. « G7, with 5o Propering to; 2t tiding Iitm Patked t\ jnst., &HC *" ... â€" Amily with whom ! â€" Rurgains in drees airutisement in ¢ on the corney Orrawa _ Onst noveltics Aemmer from Rng! and kuesoll‘s. Demare Mare Nepnard at R&. 1. J L Charges mode be prepar A at “w; they 5 lfl“"”' ger, : On NWM -.Ow'dq 'd.‘.mswfll jug wpsble go oatch 1i . S Coas 0 oi N IJ“.".‘“ ...,,.m-ch“"" Al‘-h #* "" scund! Ufl:)wd LC 1 +einMne‘ aull rew "* Chom they 4¢" J# "_. the P" ~‘.. time The umichd man | “"‘ towr whice waland him id be will bare a M n early ho Korth a men (ai the bands rJaAL .. the Wyom they 480.° n h bn "olo where be arrived) â€" and "fl"‘.;..blu "a of %o Ralita x jubn then pick es â€" . a _ jgys with tho= e one night ipe than *" y and «\eP" 2. * m not CX *J of the muste &b mURDEKR t ol his r at US fmend he J y ~w» of lms ep M‘ made YILL mad goral me

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