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Ottawa Times (1865), 20 May 1870, p. 4

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a 28. o j# t #i# % #4 1 + # ‘ 4 ! 44@ & in . ‘; M 4 F Ssd : t H " 1 ‘ f [ i i ow t ' AM : C 4 1. § +8 4 W t4 # i3 4 44 3Â¥ 4Â¥ it t 4 te IF h trom $1 to $2.09 ®. a veal sellog tm Ha; was pleaty, # to the quailty. Fi m Possk â€" Messâ€"per bartel..._....+> Jriume Mess per do....> vowgusr ama vellilst~ t -â€"'â€"“ alimate are 2"'_"'“'.'.‘:'_.."’_.. ho gmine sngmninp L4 mds inatcl t qb l â€"Aviter uin rantih Asthmatic afections. Experience having provs®® ..;.s..mnonhl“ul specdily and cer« tacaly when taken in the nrl!::r““““' eass, racourse should at onee be had to «* Brown‘s Bronshial Truches," or Losenges. Fow are aware of the importance of checking a cough, or * comâ€" .u“"“.“ “_ m '“"-l“ .."‘u"“ to & .‘“'“' a*g lected soon uum‘bolu'. «* Brows‘s Bronâ€" shial Troches," or Cough Losenges, allay irriteâ€" FCL C CCEOL C ligvwae tw »U t Bageâ€"â€"Rui! per 100 Ibs.. 3 924 «. Apeme ."* % 10 Oatmeaiâ€"â€"per 100 lbs.... 4 30 indiap Meakl * ... 3 30 * _ Rys..per bushe} 56 ibs. Hurloy * Wibs. # 00 Jnck wheat Viour 100ibs 1 15 . â€"Puilâ€"â€"per bushel, 60 Ibe.0 00 Spring . * * ym “-“ w.“.. ae e aemmee 0 8§ Voam * 00104.....,0000»» # 85 uie # BB BB sssesemees* & 3% SHKIE *4 MUKUMHcce. ceres 4 TB ) t what in Clz tm 7 ~ Nee is > @04( .on which inducss coughing, havring a di2807 in usnes on the affected parts. As there are limitaâ€" as, be sure To ostain the genuinse, Bold by all alora in medicines, at 16 cents a box. A Cc hok .-pllm:ld m ptoun â€"â€"A4 tA of ..-'mt--udlnfinl:-zym thoe ;.n..,-rwlyn'd My pophos= phites. U Johs, N 8. November ind. rq?.flmmnmdml‘“ Hronchial Tubss, or general detility, _ _ _ mmwum“dlwlul have issued a perpetual agalast Katon ;umuu..-b A.z:r;co&:-: \lla m'“" ® n m.a:m done and restrainin taom from furthor m-'rh'i':'“‘- na,rlmdofl"tm“ heed the interposition of to shisld them from im posture, it is th» sick and suffering who ate «nable to protect themseives. A remedy so universaily "employed as Apyor‘s Pills by all claases, both to sure and preveat disease, should ..n.u-.hmuwn.h'o-alud i. (rom counterfait imitation.â€" Jabsast, doieâ€" Momniay )a alive, by the dy ive, by the quarter 10 cente per 1b. Lambs , â€" CAPFE: to $150 each. Thore was a good sapply -oul.h«-‘'n.lpo.s Has commenced her r0g 1e pleaty, aud buyere were partionlaf ## | anqd Montreal, with Mal + .d'.(‘m.h“"“ f + M ARK ET «SKW%..c. sctcereccrccrrrcmne K O J "" btrong Bak®t® ......«= « 4 T5 U % : «. Cutk Ni in irter snn in oo pasits # hergad informed that the only way to securse the . amaine, sslderic, how busy the farmers atre al oa «* th yeak. Butter is geiling more , and a «h.ioo article selle t oniee at 25 : Is Thore was ao pork on the / marke! lombay last . Pheep sell trom §3 to $1 ‘The sussess of this moit delistons and anrival« umuq..-u“mb sumle the name af i Worenitaruhite Suas‘"‘ to and to see that their names are upon the wrapper, l-boh.n?--lb* Some the markete . Aaving besen supplied with a W orsestershire Sance, rumd“dnuhu-u ‘ Len & have been forged, L and P give notics that they have furnished their correspon» dents with power of sitormeay to take instant prossediags agaiast manafacturers and «wen burs C *TR TCO " C lLortlLo~â€" Tw which thaln right may be \nfringod. WI#U" Ask tor LÂ¥A & PERRINY Bunce and 18e #a lÂ¥ Wholssale and for W orsester ; Crosse i WORCESTERSHIRK SAUCE, Declured by Conaoissours commERrC\aL. CMA“nlm. A hand. situated COTTA@E, containing umm on loncestarâ€"st, Ashâ€" burnkame HUL There is a handsome dower and v® * CÂ¥ KA & PERRLXE* Pllwm'mmuu ret weean unu-mmmml-â€".& p&.‘hl‘fl-‘..h.ou.n.- Wmm session, at present in the cccupation of Wouw.L.| _ _ Ottaws, April 16 Aylom, 'nwr-l-u-m- ARM POR #ALM. Jo’uun:.m .p...uu-a‘F We Puawar, Barristers, Ottaw a. JeaBâ€"L41â€"4 One hundred and ten asres, Lot No 15, in the th «ommnmmnnmnnmmnnpmememmmnmemmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmemegemmemmgememmmemmemes | ©40,5884000 Of \he Township ol 1104008tef, Rides ul en cce | Yrout, with a pook u«ww houss, will Inished,, ate‘liganae:; ghy:s}991011l!§] WILL ARRIYE 48 800X AB NAVIGATION | _ orgss. Rejoice :L and Gentlomen at thehapp 7 "":'u_‘:"-“tl&i.&fi-ui-t-.m of Fhe Em e apemiche prooacn Wimenth, Repieerege ad :r:-m“ CÂ¥ ~~~ _‘ CÂ¥ C. ALLEN a C@, Aveystsa, Main®. _ Ottaews, April 27, 1870 1143 Im 18 im A8K FOR LEA & PERULNW LAUCHE, * h. $ I s W A MA 1p"0® «THE OXNLY GOOD S4UVUCE. CaUtION AGAINOT FPRAUD. o any vher imitations by which their FROZXA CON3STANTINOPLE, KFor Aate or to L¢61. Hess deg on ‘ater { | rgpuem org A wA REYVE! w asnvaiyâ€" Was very w@all aupâ€" NAV“;.\.T'ON cCoY 1y tor the Qrrawa Tima« by rought in at present. y w cevenceruccccue h U i: e UUM corrcrrrce ue U T U i4 0# cexirvemssurerts Â¥YK 1k k M BRHRHRRT! * 1 _ | l + per 100 Ibe.. 3 624 @ 1t |® e .¢ «@20 ® em M ar 100 lbe.... 4 30 @ 0 00 e itâ€" * m« kW K «mM 4 ushe} 86 Ibe. none. â€" _ dWibs. G00 0@ tm | O i Viour 106ibs 1 18 #@ 0 0# ® vushel, 60 Ibe.0 00 @ 1 10 « ¢ KW M |. Mblith couae U t t Eh Wcc cxccccce, C464 404 MUitkumrmmex UH U UHH < l _ _ _ _ CH K k T ""“” d outhouses and well anâ€" r\o‘ , . BULLAN, on the promâ€" if 0 &# 21 1t %# i & oo t of Will commence running NeF TSRh! Major‘s Whart to Oitawa aver Saturday learing Ma)orts at 5 a m, dntaws, April, DisooNTINUANCE O% PARLILAMENXIARY TRALN. Which ars ran for the conveniense of the pabli¢ during the sitting of Puriiament only, will be discontinued aiter 3A TU RDAY, the 15th inst. THo8 RÂ¥Y X0LD4, Managing Dirsctor. Sheuasca! Khuw WE Thik 147 % tÂ¥ Ottawa, May 18, 1870 The THRAINS leaving PRESCOTT AT %IX P?. M OQpening through from Windsor io Anmipt completing (he connerion between Halifex ‘ cdl..lyh- a ad after SATURDAY, the 1# DEâ€" uwd -.-:l~ * Trains lewve =h-' sonnsetion with the mdmm“%w’ .nuu--uuo‘s at Kentrille 4 4 P & Ristatly hseve ts esmm eiinin e "Jov ukled quave ‘Auniqaiia wite by steamer trows -J:i: [%‘u’.guflmum- 6.30, dt‘-‘“"&& i YEXNONX aMITR. W catmsilts. Tran &. 1008 1 10y Superictendect . "~~ _ ALEXANDER CHRISTIE, Druggist and Pharmacentical Chemist Sparks btreet, Contre Town. The subscriber bogs to inform his trisnds and ho sublis genetally, that he has commensed Dntario Bank, Sparks street, with a perfactly new WElCK. qar0pean and American Patent Medicines i Medicines and Preparations, Â¥reach and German _ , Tegin‘s Pertumery, *-fl:fllflh M“ Seeds, all the Misseliansouts .. . . Caln ageally seid 6y Draggiste. Family medicines and physicians‘ presertptions ......::..a-n-u t-.-:-.u- m m de. prescription _ department be under the personal supervision of the propristor, M ARKET @TEaiME® sgrÂ¥ AIRY e 7â€"'-"â€" â€"'â€"iâ€" ldke h' “rhl-“n be paid to the quality a.,dd-nl-u.y merohants supplieads subsoriber has ample facilities for atteadâ€" _b”"d&ifi_ S M ns KLeatvilia, Des 4, 1008. To share in the Diviscion of Prodts ol the past Are ‘yeass, to 30th April inst. C A N a D A s LIFE A8sURANCE COMRANY, ‘h-olb.-u-do“mn.?-m various Forms relating to their APPLICATION® loe lng m the Prafits above sefersed wo, all A which may be PERFRCOTED on or Cun be insluded in the Lists of the closing yoear x H HAYCOOCK, A0@ RAMSAY, Agoot in Oitawe. Manager NN A L ihe Ottaws and Prescom Rallwap) rd nee reguiar trps between Ottawa with Mails and Passengers, learing OTTAWA AZ TEHX 2. NCAE Y®. MALL SEKAMEKR Kib H. LEMANURE, Plane Teacher and CLO8EK| OF THE â€"LIsTS8 *Â¥ VICT OR 1 4A 18 tm %8, I=70 Cart. Bowi Ca.rr, N.onous, running hee regualar Hatlroads. KCESDAY, wme Ite MAY, Preseott to Ottaws, RATABLISUED 1817 ce &, 3 D)« English Chemoals, 3 sTEA MER® t raquilar tripse from aver â€" Monday and 4 a u. and Oltawa at , three traine wl ) on this Rallway Windsor to _ â€" OB _0 com usither calomel or any 4# cesc n nppsteverarsie ns h%"‘-‘-‘-‘,%fi h '_* “’,"_ o Mc n c it es meee. inu:" aguae aoil To MA | ..._.._._._ccoacemmaaws An h and rebtore i ym =.E:“ i te m x ’%! 'lo...". 4# is cine mrel‘ .hr.::dvnl- fl‘!@'}_‘!'"!'."..‘.'_g;.‘.“ Lâ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" howeln into bealthy n t the rudtey, thas e paige senscely mded is c eâ€"sâ€" We in\ hen the ditack of or haaad it seemé in w' the bedy aed »€ lars anst nervous «ystems. eucese reoseare o nene ertmasd 220 of this madicine will cure Exk t igy e %.‘T" 4 Reamios "Whh"a" ametiene %9 PREPARLED # Y Be. J, C. AYER & ©€0,, Laoasil, Wit» Corlng CC mmy CE Eo ues ln-.o-‘l'“ Provinee of Ontarie, Trob. Wh, J mn--q.u-m&.onâ€"'d L was iaken with a weaknsss r“ gradually, during the ot extended to my kasss, and on up to -l\h-u- '.:lul'rlu.':.. ~-I. m aas soming on me, and afterwards, I sough c in ic sn imns mins, P ced Nee w en vP y ts ~ i prescribed by thends, but of no arail, 1 contineâ€" a4to get wores and worss, unill the summer of 108, when I was induced to try the greaithe mmx*mm“ in s pamphist. Al this time I bad begus to leal “bq“;l“lu* helploas hare takon two boittles of the Remedy aid two bozes of the pllis and I am entirely restored to health. 1 anever expected '.:a':.':."'...-."._'._..‘."%.',_'-'-.-::--'-i Ar mands "Aed ie cay ons aitiennt as i wae, 1 DL LA â€"Jrapnambegendds WMAXLY A8XX DOUOKTYT Uworn io befors me at Madoo, County of Hastings, &flfldhfiuflrfimaw [E y ane Pnrprcs ky S y t grante e y td F':""‘;:"'""" a » woop, 1 P. _ Outurte, Dominionef Canaduas _________________ _ c-“bhuuhmm-- & that while IUl her case was hopt, ; und 1 know that she has, stnce her recorery, always sttrinated her recovery to the Shochonees Remedy. _ Whateres may be the posullar of this medicine, one thing is certa‘n, in her sase U bas asted almest Uke the -.‘T-'.â€"?c'-m LEYVILA81O0H _ Fer the Clty of Ottews, will boid He Arst sliting in the Clty Mail, in suld clty, on WEDNESDAY, the \hik DAY of MAY, 187%, At Two o‘clock p. m. pitawns, May 10, 1470 Prestioal and Amabytoal Chowbate: The andersigned \bege to latorm the public that alwaye on hand, in season, a large 'nm':u-uuu.:m aw.hmnh.ufi. lesurs. UHane® snam & tonie, Conway P O Connty of Leanes, Ontarte, Canada : Td M P BMis ki e & _ B8TEAM PLANINXG MILL, . Queen streqt, Le Rrestoow‘s Flats. m-n-wn?!figgmfi-!l s of probilty and wutk. 1 bave known bet -.: ~ muse ber Winess. 1 belliers !........:':....-m-u-. 1 ALL DEUCOGOGOI®NTS EYEXZT "e * aiones ichorson,"" amd y P VE s by i diferest mss <a4 beiviges of diflerent kinds Â¥ PLETT, Â¥HE OTIAWA TIMES, MAY 20, 1870. # 1 G B T B I B D I H 6 6. Mik deliihe fl..:h-vm”uw WHEKE. m extendied, as well as the â€"uusme~ * | eambd uit in him since bis arrival in this sity. Meboids SALES EKYEKY DAY, (when not thorw | se elther at his rooms or on the market. Re with conddence to all who lare , old effects or real estate to VE I 2E ACKL W W e esw M egrec« > | Th N J ., by beanach HAR80008.....»»»» â€"oâ€"â€" | se mooke, Papabia i4 Ourrency. thee mitht Lae Chembrrt, sppociie Rume be â€" «wwMORâ€"Vom Vuoe Siuarg) a" ~ *3 9 â€"Money adrazced on is nded s e curity h’ll'u & KARBENE, Sarral Attorates at Law, Bobhoiters is CJ C.â€"navepancets, &1, for the Provinsss ot and Quebe® Vhewâ€"Post JBee Delldlage, bigis AL* t i e e A ds 0 t o . Publis, and Pateat Rigat Soileitor. _ Oficeâ€"Im EKS & OEMXMILL, t t Wz Lmâ€".m'm" umt dack . ly . . s1 _ : C tan t t C Aceramm Kpgps, _____Ruxk Rowirp KiHQ: ‘ 1CWOLAS BPARKE, Barrister and Altor» R e &- WI 'l;.:::: t in tepuilthe Par uen Guaes C otey _ §3 A. MKAKA, Architest. Ofceâ€"Aumond‘s 4e Bulldings, Ridesaâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9037 E-'AII C . D:::lll.l..h :umn- duh-'.m m.hnb:‘bd.‘ Conntles of Presectt and OMceâ€"La the Qoart Hoase, L‘Orignal. J4â€"41m _ TA Solicfiens, a n.'llp IFALILAR BITTERL muwm om the original meatpe of Â¥. P. VERA!I, M. D., Professor of Chamistry in the Unicersity of FADUA, YTALY. Kept by all the priaoupal Uraggute and (Grocers in PRICEK $1.00 PER BOTTLE. * A. M. F. GIANXELLI, UColo Manufactaurer and Propristor for the Dominâ€" ion of Canada and the United States V.B.â€"Thams selebruted Bitiers are caretully popared with the very best quallty of Sherry Wise, and are sspecially adepted and recomâ€" meaded to persons of delioate constitutions. ‘They are geatly stimaiant, and will be foond infallible alds to digestion. _ Por directions see label round the noeok of each AMKET* P. WILL, Aorney st Law, snoilieiter in Chansery, Conveyancer, &¢. | | The subscriber respestfully announses that be l--n‘::-h-u:!-lmn‘;m merly kaown as Chamâ€" mâ€":'l-u-u mtq d.w..p*dm-u for tine extendied, as well as the cabdcence in him stnce bis arrival in this aity. MHebolids AALES EKYEKY DAY, (when not cthorw iae elther at his rooms or on the market. Re with conddenee to all who have effeots or real estate to Lim far snale to certify that be has given Pull him far snle to cartify thal he Aas given Juli satiefuetion the obtained, as d..‘SJ&“W wall as promupt and limmediaies auement aiInt He is ready to reseire instractions from persons :L.w:.‘”m sothing will be hw.“" *h“flp.d...-". DN‘:: mediate and carsful attention. Cuskh adveamses made on furnltaure or ther pu-hbnh. cvastamily oa hand for hire: The highest prive pald for second hand planoe OOMMERCOLIAL S8ALE ROOMS ;m*‘-mwa UHPY A0V0T108 LHiART, required by the Sist and following Rules of the =Onturie Gassita"), to give NOTICE of the | §K ~___________=_ y _ applicaties (clearty and distinctiy specifying Is | sELLING AT cost asture and ohjest) in the * Ontaric Gasette," and alss in a newspaper published is the Uounty or To Union of Counties affected ; such notice shall be cmtizmed in each ease for a period of at least CAsH PURCHA sisx weeks during the Interval of time between the slose of the next preseding Bession und the com» | > month commen dderation of the Putiticn. Coples ofthe Arst and h:::.“no'h:o"d stool T aek af Hhol Reotluat t herent bo the Private pioy | INCENE: ho Noh ~HL BH4 HHOD P oo timing‘s All «Witlens for Privaie Bllis must be presentâ€" ai within the FLROT THUREKE WEEKS of the Terents, March 15, 1878, 1309 td lawk. L. C . booit, Bna, M P P. * We ta n 6 , , ......""'.'z. P KWMA LINEK OP KAIJL EOTELAWMERS, AAILINXQ FROM NEW YORK EVERYT AArURDAY AXD ALTERNATE TUEDAYs. aaveg 0# Paghade bY yas 6. rCroiY Oreiwke. Firs Cabin, Papable in Goid. m. m. m-nm"“ ‘ grurkmi®aagkrinro wn wv. m'-:â€"- sessssssssctsces m T O Rric M Bs Mss Fatbad® wY En pouabat OTRiAXER T1 Ralirat P Oabia, Popable in Goid. vernsecol or m-â€"m-"'l. “, U iIty Roose. Laad and General A gont. _Johkha‘s, N.J., by braach steamer..â€"...» 30 0 an-u-llb-lo-zu.hdul. a0d moderate ralose _ _ . W AR D, of the late Arm of Lowin, & W ard, has removed his Chanoery Â¥ark «trest, weur the Roatrhet. KIMBEM, Barmuters and a#, Bobsitere is Caancery, tor the Provinses of untarle sston Merchanis. ‘u"j.'; Kig:s streot, OHARLES T GILLMOR, Clark of the House. A. K. P GLIANELLI Quebese Bank, Otta w a. and Beot‘y of Btate, N0 A Iif . at the Company r Lavaluable to lovalide and rnou of impair" 5 digestion ; an excelient TONIO for persont . , covering from |‘lness. Foreale in quart bottle ; price one doll u. Ganowrea‘s Dowrerro "32.'.".'.:%"5‘;'.-“ o:«-lunn "n.ll save on many a t. n botties cents {o‘ 80 c:uo uc: O:n for adults and obildren â€"it is pleasant to the taste and harmless in its nature. Fors:ale by druggists and general deal. ers in all parts of the Dominion. Gardener‘s First Prive Baking Powder, un: rivalled for purity and excellence. For sale by Mm-mt-lupuhu, 4 cents ; 5 os packets, 10 cents ; 1 pound packets, 25 conw ; siz :.a..l.“. 'mul- want the best ask UGARDENER‘8 and take no other. GaARDENER® EPLLEPTIC CURE. Price $1 bottle ; six for $5. i p®t J ONMMM. 447 Notre Dame street, A‘.’u.m-cuwam Medical Dis °_â€"__ An6 DaF arways sagprica@ witd ‘ne soveries stands the CANaADIAN PAIN pEsSTROYER |â€" CHOICEST: LIqU OR S8, tested it thoroughly, and therefore those who are | toed, and every attention paid to their comfort: safering from any d::.:‘o:p «ints for which it is | 969y JOflfi%lus, Proprietor. ."8. & .....,.,. mo...a' ® ... ; prc®®wion %‘3.‘.’.'?’ and King:ste., _ Pain | r James m.%dbs:: ::: which it is reâ€" Op?ibuo Court House and Public _Offices, 8t. oommended, and its wonderful successin subduing | CATHARLNES, Ont. _ _ | 5 pains of Rbeamatism. and in re leving E. HOUGHTON, Proprietor, Rerrin Agronte muneas t ons the | m a epalicar seapioiven for cogmneisl are % in from l‘:dduDuE‘::;flpmdm '1 travellers. | 859y feg o4 Aedceck gok» euch testlfyn8 . >| puooow n qUREN S RESTAURANT; to the universal '_“‘!';..""““ onlikyives _ ¢.. .. . ._ l & M. xA’uuuan. Progrider, l“o. 18DIGE®TIONâ€"â€"P a N C U & A= | TINE oo-r'lv efects the DIGEKSTION | 1nd AS!*MILATION of COD LIVER OIL, the | fit eaten at meals, &o. In digestive activity, su« perior to Pepsaine. Pancreatine Powder, bottles, %2s, 38 64, 62 64 | | and 1116d. Pancreatine Wine,bottles, 31 68 and10s. _ N.B.â€"Pancrestine Wine is the best vehicle for | making Cod Liver Oll. | _ Agawveâ€"â€"Mesers. Â¥. U i 14â€"A d â€"as dnnl »varly * ~»t vog ~vaw velerns DL Canse tian Pain Destroyer never falls to give .L“dhhnihl Ali Medicine Dealers i:‘rl w-m“‘-ht and no family will it after onse try ing it. mivo.tyolnnua.a,flh. _ NORTY P & LYMAN, 4 -M.c'.wé.' “d . # # #oid by Jee. W.Jchu‘m'.' M Massey, U. Â¥. MoeCarthy, J. Skinper, and J Rrows. in _ M# 3 ‘ANADIANX PALIX DESTROYER : Approved by _ 1mperial Academy of Medicine A H DNE A *8 The QUINIUVM LABARRAQUE is an eminentâ€" | y tonle aad tebriluge wine, destined to replace | all the other preparations of Peruvian bark. | The bark wines usually o‘-‘royod in medicine | cnpmm-“rn'l vary considerably | in the to which they. possers the desired | propert es. Berides, owirg to the mapner in which they are prepared, these wines soutain _ scarcely more than the traces of active principles and these always in variable KQUIIIUI uumw by the Academy of Medicine, on the contrary, a medicine of determined com position, rich in active ples, and on which the physâ€" se at TABARKAGQU® is prescribed 300 Woe for md." constitu gromi success = ing Av past '3- -hc.n(nm; eauses or slokness ; 7 by too ra s:tl for ycu’ m Uvdqr'“ ‘-‘hn with ; for women obil 4 ; and fit‘:‘d persons mmunnmuu. It 1¢ the best preâ€" servative not fevers. _ 490 QUININE ; war WINE â€"BITTERS, w UWtawa, May %, 1870 nvuwu-;i.fxuulfloloru | the Ontario Bank, 5 Â¥or ons month_only, commencing on the 20th Instant.: The whole of my stook is offered to ousâ€" tomers ata very low Agire so as to make room for the New Spring Goods. Iwould call specially the attention of pustomers to my heary stook | ALF LABARRAQUE & co. | "Anrenktnoresâ€"i AStan "ea, acdin QUINIUM LABARRAQUE 'wsnu&m-rzlw n!,'l'fl-;n'unt. Al * * » | Dr J A rnt.ll’..o.tu ; Thos Reyrolds i L | Managing Director O. a'L. L. R. R. “1% READY MADE CLOTHING Which will be sold without Reserse at a low price All geods marked in plain Afgures. _ GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, Part of the rear half of lot number eleven, in tns resond concession ol the Towaship of Nepean (Oitaws front), which said parce! of land is known as Village lot number six, Beli‘s Corners. â€"«There is a good log house clapboard which is at : esent occupled as a Tavern. Good stable a: â€" «u buildings on th»s lot, and a good well, wiil b: «old by ‘nuu suction on the premises, on 14 ESDAY, the 20th day of Beptember, A. D. 1870, at twelve o‘slock noon. If not disposed of by ,flw before that date. P given on the lat day of Norember following. ; Terms wade known at the time of sale. Apply io JOUNX D. OGRADY. adge for yoursel{. Application to be made to 0. U. BALL WELL ESTABLISHED REATFT CLEARING 8SAL OR ®%ALE. BROWKNE &C0, OB Bole Propristor and Manu{acturer LEKABE OÂ¥ 8TOR %, CAsH PURCHASERS, , Mey 13, 1879 Or Yirst class Moda., F OR 8A LE CarrleJ on by In Ottaws. BALDWIN Terms a Btock of _ «s the premises orto wh.:.unounr. March. " 1367 4 24 3 reons of impair® ; BUSINESS8, WIN & ©0., of Montreal, BROS., | PRICE €CPARKS.8T. my O An « o| 4P‘ s D*: Ottawa. 1 MTH W. ARMSTRONG, PROPRIETOR, | CORNXER OF QUEEN AND ELGINâ€"STS., OTTA W A. 4! EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT FOR & THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC. RJF Ofhceâ€"Spurkeâ€"street opposite M Russel!‘s. P ki 5;5;. 97 Argyle strect......... .. Halifax, 2 M. E. COCHRAN, PROPRIETOR This loc“o. (situated in the centre of the city) has been tecently enlarged, ftted witn ail the modérn improvements, and refarnished through. onut in Arst cla«s style. ’ “‘l'ho halls and apartments are epaciovs and ry. Meal Hoursâ€"Breakfast 8 a m ; Lunch 1 p m; Dinpner 6 p m ; Tesa 8 p m. 4 Dipner 6 p in ; lea 8 p m. I Terms ‘1 L0 per aay, * B Parties visiting Halifax will fnd at =" The Carleton,‘ good attentison, cleanliness und comâ€" FWINILE UKNION HOUSE, *A RLETON HOUSE, EVERY DELICACY OF THESEASO N. HALIFAX, NOYA suoOTIA, Established 1851. . Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" tod, and overy mu?rlls to their comfort: 969y JQ MANS, Proprietor. xs CHRISTTIE, Commussion Merchant and l © General Agent. Bole agent for Read‘s | ‘l.lfhvhu andProof Fhiskey hu“' Dawes‘ Laâ€" | ohine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0., for sale. | Orpmion: No. 8, Sparks Street, near the Russeli | 1 Juse, Ottawa city, C. W. The @QU ZEN" comprises‘:.u-mm & Arstâ€"class hestaun ant. |Yhe House has refitted and ref. Tnuished !Itm The BAR contains nvetportoestarce wl prFvane ratoelatls. Th 0 SeAA Aa on the . The mflma«u Mlnodw to" he comâ€" of his guests ano patrons. BM® Oysters Game wto. Aaily rl\uu 6 QUEEXKX ! RESTAUzANXT, M. KAVANAGH, Proprictor, Corner of Metoaife and Wellingtonâ€"streets, o:- posite the main entrance to the Government Baildâ€" Malifax, A pril 1, 1870. FYNHISTLE & Co., Land Burvreyors, Land R. C. LEGGO, Physigian, SBurgeon and Accouchour, Uleo-â€"lzl.m *s Block, Sparksâ€" W. &. Tarstux. in« GLIYEA MARTIN, Dentist. Oflceâ€" Bperksâ€"st. oet, Cent: al Ou&!s. A’,“g__ R. GKOKRGE: HUTCHISON, DQlltM. B ‘The largest and best assorted stosk of waÂ¥* ROOM PAPERS Te ever ofered to the citizens of Ottaws is now for sale at the store of WILLLAM McKAY, Rideau street, Mosgrove‘s Blook. The Stock now on hand is the LARGEST EVER RECEIVED IN THIS GOITY. _ Another lot is daily asxpected trom$kngland. way:5,000 ROLLSs OF ROOMX. PAPER To be solé at manutsciuring pricesâ€"Dominion duties excepted. All parties wishing to renovate "‘i’..‘.%‘.‘;"a‘.?f..“‘:':h mt ied ‘beuer oifi nmmedi. on m . The are of MR MeKAY‘3 :n"m%u.u are noutral, and give that repose which is sought aiter by‘u- of Good stabling and an Attentive Hostler. CLO8E OF THE LISTé To share in the division of profits of the past Pu‘ WETROPOLITAN, . AUMOND‘S BLOCK, n SV P. O‘:IARA. Proraimro®. ' for biildings of desori , b: preperbd smun‘. Im.mfi: * Y1Lef Wellingtonâ€"st. he©®QUEEN" comprises allthe requisitesfor a CA NAD Aa °[ * LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1847. * LA N8, SPECIFICATIONS, &¢â€", After which the The Lists for the 23rd Year will be Closed on 30th #of this month (April). Ajpoicls andb saloons. i_ulu' BARGAINS! GREAT BARGALIN3 ROOM PAPERS : Agentin Oitawa, ber. = _ |_ PacULTYOF MEDICINE ; The Ser:ion will be opened on Tuesday, 4th PACULTY OF ARTS : The SBession of this Faculty will commence on WEDNESDAY, September 14th, at which time here wiil be ofered for competition the following BIXTEIN'SCBOL‘:IB&?IH AND EXHIBI. vis :â€"Tew MoDoxarp lu:'nnu and Exbibiâ€" tons, ot the annual value of Orlloui; Two Tnowsox ubun.nbo $125 ; the Cuarurs Auskxaxper Bohol p, value $120; the Jorâ€" zeaxors‘ SBcholarship, value $100 to $120; the Jix® Reprars Illl&dfl.uln $100 ; the Taruor W"‘.!“.h,lg;“ uo cuAK LIP $K% Mss BILLINGES, Jr., Architect. Officeâ€" © Bell‘s Block, Sappors‘ Bridge.. _ _ Agents, B aughtsmen, &o. 0O Tmm ntario Bu:. Sparksâ€"st. oan:.“'v austors AVERLY HO UI*. BAXRING TONâ€"#TREET, Of these 4 will be ofered in each of the four Oollo'gyomhmu students and candidates entering. A Scholarship is tenable for two yoars. Uopies of the Calendar contsining all necessary information as to the examinations,/conditions of com petition, courses of study, &6, may be obtained on application to lhan‘oflfld. | W C BAYNXE3, B A, 131 lawtdJ â€" Eeoretary MoGill University. The Bar always supplied with the DIYIs ION OF â€"P ROFITS LAle ‘l"!‘llvl.l. !'0.13 uLl“â€"ac suabseriâ€" or w tzou of six acres prguv in Hull, on the Kiver Ottaws, opposite the Rideaun Falls, with two houses, and good garden &nul, shrubberies and plartations. lfln. ,000, snllo ot houses, #3,000 and $1,200), or wili imde it up to suit a party of FI'I;M Also, the best Steam Mill Site on the River vuiteows, luhdflm of storage on Brewery Inist. Prics, $1 ‘l‘n..â€"l-l.?-y on the ARD HAYCOCK. Apply to R‘B Â¥000L, Leq. OÂ¥awa. _ y:" _ 1373 2n PERCHIAL NOTICE. PAaCULTY: > OF _ IAW The Classes will reâ€"open on Tuesday, Zercal Carbs. eGILL UNIVERSITY, & ' _MONTREAL _ SEKSSION 1870â€"71. And the table spread with AND IN HULL FOR BALE â€"The subseriâ€" AMMliscellancous. R H HAYOOCK. fhve years, & G RAMSAY, 1328 1m R. Lixe. Bpecially ‘devoted to the «©Sor i Excr or Max," his ;mmou. by all the <means indicated by Purexorooryâ€"1be Brain and its Functions ; the Location and Natural Language of the Organs, with directrons for ec!tin.un, and rcun!nt:s them ; and the relations subsisting between Mi and body described. _ _ SWls * Et@xomoor, or the Natural History of Manâ€" Curtoms, Religions and Modes of Life in different Tribes and Natione, will be given, _ wA _ PetsioGxour, with All the ©Signs of Character and How to Read them," is a special feature. . Prrstoroor & Axatourâ€"Tue Organization, Structure and Functions of the Human Body ; the Laws of Life and Healthâ€"What we should Eat and Drink, How we should be Clothed, and How to Kxercise, Sleep and Live, presented in a Ppopn- lfuunr. in accordance with Hygienic Princi. ples. l‘ll& 50th VOLUME : FEW SERIES§!! NEW FORM ! j THE‘JI-C_TORIAL PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL, ECC Portraits, Shetches, and Biographers otf the leading Men and Wm;u-n of th?gotld in departâ€" ments of life are special features. _ _ _ Paxexts axo Tracuutrsâ€"As a Rfldo in educating and training Children, this Magazine has nc superior, as it Boim out all the peculiarities of Character and Disposition, and renders govern ment and classification not oal( possible bat easy. KJ..% on rknt seÂ¥ nestnt Informatian an the Muct general and usetul information on the leading topics ot the day is given, and no efforts are spared to make this the most interesting and nstructive, as well as the Bost Pictorial Family Magazine, ever pablished. _ _ 3 kstiscissrkpâ€"The Journal has reached its 50th VOLU ME, and with January Number, 1870, a NEW SERIES is commenced. The form has been changed from a quarto to the more conveniâ€" ent octavo, and nu'y improvements ‘have been made. It has steadily increased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was never more popular than at present, _ o _ Trsusâ€"Nonthly, at $3 a year, in advance. Single numbers, $0 cents. . Clubs of ten or.more, $2 each, and an extra copy to agent. _ _ We are offering the most liberal premiums. Inclose 15 cents for a sample number, with new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and a complete list of premtums. R 6 R WELLS, Publisher, _ _ THUE BOXER CAFTRIDGES tor Sniderâ€"Enfieid of ~577 bore, #5.2 and for the Henr .-m"luflni- Henry Rifies o(-{b. + Mmâ€"- § ed by Her Majesty‘s War Deâ€" Â¥ rm&, also of 500 for Miliâ€" :2 ary m“. a : -. WATERPROOF CENTRAL _ |% «2 â€" FIRE METALLIC CARTRIDâ€" |¢3 2 ulupdbbn‘n for 2 am botu,mornd y foreign avon-m o r _ converted ;’{[. assepot, Berdan, Remington, «t and other Rifles, _ Also Csufldlfu for Ballard the Epencer, and American Henry Repeating Rifies The " ELEY BOXER" are the cheapest carâ€" tridges known, carrying their own ignition, and being made wholly of metal, are waterproof and I-K:I'hsblo in any climate. above eutfilp cases (empty) of all sizes, and for the different systems of Breachâ€"loading Rifles, can be had vh.z or without the suitable Bullets and Machines for finishing the Cartridges E&i l-i-C_A:f‘i'â€"Iâ€"f;Ddluli ;i'â€"-KO'I;‘én tor Revol g Pistols, used in her s Navy. COPPER RIM FIRE &Y‘i‘nugu of all PE S LC TOL Mines, E COPPER RIM FIRE CAKTRLIDGES of all sizes, for Smith & WeZson‘s, Tranter‘s, and other Pockst Revolvers. PIN CAKTRIDGES for Lefaucheuzx Revolvers of i#â€"m., y.m,. and 7â€"m. bore. __® CEKNTKAL FiRE and PIN FIRE CARTâ€" RIDGES for allsizes and syscoms of Guns Rifcs, and Revolvers. Double W aterproof and E. B. Cape, Patent Wire cmmu Gun Waddings for Breech and Mussie , and every desoription of Sporting and Militar Ammunition. ELEY BROTHERS, GRAYX‘s IAX ROAD, LONDON. WHOLESALE OXLY. snosuo.l:u REMEDY. sTOP AND SEE! orietihefinen muption hat ie Bremice soc con a edi« cinal compound, yearned after for ages, is now accessible in the groat ‘The following remarks on testimonials of mos wondertul and extraordinary cures in Canada ‘by he Grzat Inviax Rewror. _ _ C es 'Y.:nwt:‘u;"nd.:nu“'d a Storms, tom, o.-n-pu-:: oruuofrmcv%m. ?(.irum-.on. o.--o.{ "00, .ofw‘nluntm« thudlonnm.dxmdm mmuunllybuuemnuluymhfi has now recovered the use of his limbs. Handbook, o.uhin:ouqmo certifâ€" cates on the great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills can be obtained at all drug stores. Price of the Remedy in large pints, $1. 137 «: The smoke causes no nauses. When the kind, I have never known an instance in 1 LEY*S AMMCUNITIO®N. AROWs AF . ABVTACT Ts In Tins, 2s 64, 5s and 108. Or(u-dhuclgmudmml& be, 8s and 161. P aitilles for Inhalation, Bores, 2s 64, 5s and 105. BAVORY & MOORE, Â¥43, New Bondâ€"st., London. Aaryrsâ€"Messrs. FP. Cundill & Co., Montreal. F.-.l PUK SLAK OR TO LET.â€"100 zer: sâ€"the north half of Lot No 11, in the &th M(;mlvitlsqo‘ good Spring Wel ew J( Fing. Buk i AhevvA "".m""‘ of the townshi ao.,..u.vm. House and lg-u‘.:&"'““‘“’"'}‘.r: Eenc en es e s e Well, Sfty acres cleared and in a Mmm”'-’umm This is situated on the road, within ffteen miles of Ottawa. Also he south half of Lot No 6 in the 3rd consession dwuuddul“m.“mm. the rest well wooied, vh'm hardwood and well watered, and situated a quarter of a mile of the railway station. Titles good. For further information sp{llu PATERICK HERBERT, #%.¢m Rideaun Hotel, Ottaws City . A FIRSTâ€"CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE, COUI'I' OF RKVISION. Notioe is hereby given that the COURT OF REVISLON for the Village of Richmond for the year, 1870, will be held in the Town Hall, is said Village, on SATURDAY, the J4th day ot May nert, at one o‘clock, pm. All those conâ€" May next, at one o‘clock, p cerned sre required to attend. Village of Richmond, 26th April, 1870, In Re G@. W, LESTER deceased. _ Purâ€" suant â€" to an order of the COURT of CHANCERY _ made in the matter ~of the estate of GEORGE WILLLAM LESTER, late of the City of Ottaws, in the County of Carleton, e on seey 4 i MATLTN® in defeult thereof wili be e Te from the benetit of the said ordet., Every treditér bolding any security is to produce the Otlaws, on the THiRTEFNTH DAY OFf JUNE the time for adjudication on the claims. Daied this ate day of 2 MA J w W WARD, _ W xM MATHESON, Piaintiff‘s Solicitor. Master at Ottawa. Oltawa, May 4, 1879 13608E Te sHOSHONEES REMEDY. NÂ¥ CHANCERY, DATURA TATUL A, _ Affords Immediate Relief. | oA apppes t aoust powee un eficacy in cases of Asthms and is . _â€"Dublin Journal Medical Sciâ€" 349 Broadway, New York OR ASTHMAâ€" aod Chronic Bronchitis THOMAS MILLER, Villago Clek» 1e County of Carleton, JOM‘A ©COLLLNS k [ ~ 3A drtabere __\ | than assure ® Ayer‘s Ague "alrgst all fi. poisons. * dn Hair Vigorl %’/\’,‘S; For restoring C its natural '\“m, ened, falling hair â€"chedy /R ness often, though no, q; "MHH â€" by its use. Nothing hair where the follidua De or the glaads ‘"Whld. But such as remain ~: £x18 usetulness by this applicetip of fouling the bair wig de .. ment, it will keep it h.flh' It« occasional use Â¥1NG fram turninme ....'i!_’.".f'l from turning gray .z: consequently prevest h. * from those MN‘ make some preparations N injurious to the h' the ouly benefit but not barm i. 3 merely for a * nothing else can in foud “' ""'.:;: Containing neither C Ur dn ; l not soil white cambric, I’ :‘““‘ long on :the bair, giv i‘-* * k lustre and a gnuflL """l,a I‘racticaL axp Ayer‘s Cherry hohfll never before in the whole -etm‘.c. -Md'fl""u!d femmedy for puimonary complaints. Trogp series of years, and .: mogt of the men it has risen higher fi tion, as it has become betier ts it agrentanmnemet y atoaten mage forms of and to 5+ £770h I0r mntipins guemane l es :::::' m«t:u‘ Auap betoc on Te e w ind en dlane :1 sometinmés fi'd should be provided with ts curable, still ..:a:.dfl.h.h on an restored cm-z?:d. Ro over disorders of the the most obstinate of them ing else could reach toral they subside and m Aingers and Public tection from it. + Asthma is always relorel wta w eured by it. Bronmchitis is genersly ous w uim 4 Prepared by Dr. 3. Ckriy For man tepk Cans We | (Pore, s aptesga cagmbitin | Pirn mme ui ro Asthme, "‘....'.’.'-'-"-\'-"':3 without a paral _V joe Presidentâ€"L#! ufi';‘:n'- c.uu‘i € aster, , 86 B =:|,.7A Trhlu-.'.‘_ Beg, J 6 Crocker, Bankerâ€"T an excellent remedj markable !flm Prepared by br. 3. C. Aver & €% and Anaiytical Cnemists, Lowel, Ma all round the world. PRICKE. $100 PER 20 Ottawa, August 1, 188. _ _ Je« ® m â€" M ‘‘‘The rates of the PROVINOR P o'aj'(:au: ure as low as its 1999 snn iartet meriee m lau'uro b.d’ settied, ptooss of its setiomstt 8# f:-uuuc:-mh""“:g _ Its Inspectors are alway #" HAIR 4M0° .-r""" o uk ‘ s imwortant low# « q4 x we -u!fim;!:"z Ottawa, August 7, 1889 {: has ““)-â€";"“ of the m';-hb“.:"â€" Vl‘ll- _A 4d cmeds ie‘ b . No. 36, KIDEAU *%‘ DUKE STREET, Alln® money Prâ€"â€" «iâ€"11+ Ba Liquort ; CansH" oud lyo.:“fnl",- Those not heving BM requested to call and your neighbours wh* f.'.;;‘.u'-'.'" All Goods® OF CHARGE within Ottams, Marth Pz x**"*" ‘” M eHiet tc’: Frase® GREAT rula th ree minutes. '...c. m 4*°@*" at tack, may be 08 Pll“"-fz a nd contains notn‘ .”“-"V"" ‘ it and you will 8# 57 Chemists asd DrSgh o en oreams Getroge e Conr49t, * Siggn CHURCH RoVINXCIAL INWH of Canada, Head Ofn, restoring Gray py, $ . Just ..aivh&:"â€"' ssortment of ..__= COMMISSION nE PEOPLEK® ThA B A 8 K E RYVILMM*" Wholesale and Roul 16 Ayers w'n‘â€": 5> » m ~| 99898 B, e CC f F OU and Consumption. ~" | | MeAPPDiLendcs P 1304 17 on hand DREsne ore for sale at d n\l““"‘ ines, L4°° *3 _ Soit y$ Md“ A uqo plore 1008 16#, #1 o onnse manes and Bit** , Liquor® ‘Saucet 6| Ce Alway* * Desembet #o, 186® * ul o “"‘DI L ~atrec, 30 {nearly 0I ":,."oa-r" A eeluable p IU. LKAÂ¥TON )t K we#" + e .'!’-"-4”. $ w T d y wiTE! siara®® mrertL. seA AC+ MISSION PORW A OPl "UDY by leties RLDEAU n, olobk» *‘ troah and Jaime, WWee, 19 Sma ""“lnl”. other DT Cbairman ; D. M.pag other Alos erant, 20 Z Rteowart ha BHG TB A pEALE® DIRECT aAUD D oTTA ED | 1shH» astusc@dt6 ipd e, Giat Puity, 4 ; @b Jobsa®®‘ mowr oTT. a all vERY H «C DEAL , &A s ) xE F will on by art

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